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Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) Honors Dr. Nowhera Shaik for Women Empowerment Efforts{Sep-17-2022}
On the auspicious occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 72nd birthday, the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) bestowed a prestigious "Award of Honour" upon Aalima Dr. Nowhera Shaik, the National President of the All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP). This recognition highlights Dr. Shaik's remarkable contributions to women empowerment and social services in India.
About the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS)
The Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) is an organization dedicated to researching and promoting the policies and vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It serves as a hub for academic discourse on Modi's governance model and its impact on India's development. The CNMS regularly organizes events and initiatives to foster public engagement with the Prime Minister's ideas and programs.
The Award Ceremony
The award ceremony took place on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at the Multipurpose Hall of the India International Centre in New Delhi. The event was attended by distinguished guests, including government officials, social activists, and members of various women's organizations. The Chairman of the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies presented the award to Dr. Nowhera Shaik, recognizing her outstanding efforts in the field of women empowerment and social services.
Dr. Nowhera Shaik: A Champion for Women Empowerment
Dr. Nowhera Shaik, an Aalima (Islamic scholar) and the National President of the All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP), has been a tireless advocate for women's rights and empowerment in India. Her work spans across various domains, including:
Education: Promoting girls' education and adult literacy programs
Economic empowerment: Supporting women entrepreneurs and skill development initiatives
Political participation: Encouraging women to take active roles in politics and governance
Social reform: Advocating for women's rights and fighting against gender-based discrimination
Dr. Shaik's efforts have touched the lives of countless women across India, helping them achieve financial independence, social equality, and political representation.
The Significance of the Award
The "Award of Honour" presented by the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies carries immense significance for several reasons:
Recognition of grassroots efforts: It acknowledges the impact of Dr. Shaik's work at the ground level in empowering women across India.
Alignment with national goals: The award highlights how Dr. Shaik's initiatives align with Prime Minister Modi's vision for women empowerment.
Inspiration for others: This recognition serves as motivation for other individuals and organizations working towards similar goals.
Spotlight on women's issues: The award ceremony brings attention to the ongoing challenges faced by women in India and the importance of addressing them.
Prime Minister Modi's Vision for Women Empowerment
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has consistently emphasized the importance of women empowerment in India's development journey. Some key aspects of his vision include:
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: A campaign to save and educate the girl child
Ujjwala Yojana: Providing LPG connections to women from below poverty line families
Mudra Yojana: Offering loans to women entrepreneurs
Mahila Shakti Kendra: Empowering rural women through community participation
The Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) plays a crucial role in promoting and studying these initiatives, ensuring their effective implementation and impact assessment.
The Role of All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP)
The All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP), under the leadership of Dr. Nowhera Shaik, has been instrumental in advancing the cause of women empowerment in India. The party's key focus areas include:
Political representation: Encouraging women to participate in the electoral process and contest elections
Policy advocacy: Pushing for women-friendly policies and legislation at various levels of government
Capacity building: Organizing workshops and training programs to enhance women's skills and leadership abilities
Awareness campaigns: Educating the public about women's rights and gender equality
Through these efforts, AIMEP has contributed significantly to the broader national agenda of women empowerment, complementing the government's initiatives in this domain.
The recognition of Dr. Nowhera Shaik by the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) on Prime Minister Modi's 72nd birthday serves as a testament to the growing focus on women empowerment in India. It highlights the importance of collaborative efforts between government institutions, civil society organizations, and political parties in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.
As we celebrate this achievement, it is crucial to continue supporting and amplifying the voices of women leaders like Dr. Shaik, who are working tirelessly to create a more equitable society. The "Award of Honour" not only recognizes past accomplishments but also sets the stage for future endeavors in the realm of women empowerment and social services in India.
To learn more about the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies and its initiatives, visit their official website. For information on the All India Mahila Empowerment Party and its work, check out the AIMEP website.
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Makan Malam yang Aneh
Seharian aku sangat lambat dan kurang produktif. Maka di malam hari aku memutuskan makan di warung sup kaki kambing favorit. Salah satu makanan favorit, tapi aku nggak bisa sering-sering ke mampir, karena satu porsinya seharga tiga kali lipat jatah makanku.
Ketika baru mulai makan, aku menengok pelanggan di sebelah. Bapak-ibu muda dengan satu anak. Masing-masing memegang hp. Setelah selesai makan sang Ibu menghisap rokok. Sambil fokus pada hp masing-masing. Nyaris tanpa kata.
"Aneh sekali," batinku.
Tapi aku memilih pura-pura nggak peduli. Lalu memalingkan pandangan pada makananku. Sekaligus membuka hp dan menyimak linimasa yang sedang ramai karena Indonesia akhirnya mendapat medali emas pertama di Olimpiade 2024.
"Ironis sekali, aku juga aneh, makan sambil buka hp. Nggak peduli dengan keadaan sekitar," kataku dalam hati seolah melawan kata batin yang sebelumnya.
Setelah makananku tandas, aku segera menghabiskan jeruk hangat yang tersisa setengah gelas. Lalu beranjak, dan ternyata pelanggan di sampingku telah berubah.
Kali ini sama-sama 3 orang, bapak-ibu muda dengan satu anak. Tapi sang ibu nggak merokok. Mereka bertiga juga nggak sibuk dengan hp masing-masing. Satu hal yang menarik perhatianku, mereka makan dengan 3 piring nasi, tetapi hanya satu mangkuk sup dimakan bersamaan.
Sederhana tapi sangat menyentuh. Pemandangan yang kontras dibanding 15 menit sebelumnya. Juga jadi makan malam yang aneh buatku.
Menutup Hari yang Aneh
Makan malam yang aneh ini seakan mewakili hari yang nggak kalah aneh. Semalam aku capek sekali, sampai rumah langsung tidur, lalu bangun di waktu subuh.
Nggak lama kemudian tidur lagi. Bangun kesiangan lalu tubuh seperti sangat malas untuk olahraga pagi. Walhasil aku lanjutkan tidurku.
Setelah zuhur baru aku mulai beranjak. Siap-siap memulai hari. Jam dua siang barulah hariku resmi dimulai. Banyak urusan tertinggal tapi kebanyakan bisa dikejar. Walaupun tetap mengantuk karena terlalu banyak tidur pagi-siang hari.
Siang selesai mengurus perekrutan staf media MPI. Lalu buku yang aku garap sejak Juni, hari ini selesai. Tinggal menunggu kurasi.
Sore hari, sesi online AIMEP sudah menanti. Harus fokus karena full bahasa Inggris. Selesai tepat jam 6 sore, dan saat itu aku baru bisa membatalkan puasa sekaligus memikirkan mau makan apa.
Malam hari aku menyambut teman-teman magang via Zoom. Lalu ingin segera pulang ternyata masih ada satu pengajuan kerja sama yang tanggung kalau nggak diselesaikan malam ini. Maka aku menuju kafe teman di dekat ringroad barat Jogja.
Menyelesaikan kerjaan setengah serius, dan kebetulan bertemu beberapa teman SMA yang lama sekali nggak jumpa. Di sela-sela waktu ngafe yang juga aneh ini, aku membaca beberapa halaman buku Brianna & Bottomwise-nya Andrea Hirata.
Hari yang sungguh aneh. Dimulai dengan lambat, dilengkapi dengan makan malam yang aneh.
Aku kira jadi hari yang buruk. Tapi ternyata banyak juga daftar kerjaan yang bisa aku lakukan.
Cerita di tulisan kali ini nggak ada hikmahnya. Tapi aku senang aja, karena siang hari aku merasa gagal dan nggak punya semangat hidup. Tapi kemudian malam hari perasaanku cukup baik.
Siap menyambut Jumat yang semoga diiringi berkah dan kelancaran. Semoga pembaca tulisan ini hari-nya yang menyenangkan.
Sutopadan, 00.12
9 Agustus 2024 - Setelah hari yang lambat dan aneh
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AIMEP: Adhering to true faith in the constitution.
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Want to be a grassroots or primary member of AIMEP? Here is the process.
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Nowhera Shaik is a very passionate and caring woman who is aware of the importance of standing up for her honour. The popularity of Dr. Nowhera Shaik spread to other countries, and so far, she has received favourable feedback. A young girl was pursuing her goals with all of her passion, taking on obstacles head-on, and succeeding. Dr. Nowhera Shaik has always believed in tackling problems head-on.
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Heera Group was a booming enterprise in the business world; that dealt with multiple services starting from building resources to even textiles and kinds of stuff like that. The arrest of their Managing Director, as well as founder Nowhera Shaik, made the company suffer losses for a while. The raid by Central Crime Station Police in their Hyderabad based Banjara Hills head office had made them; pay a huge price in terms of damage to software and other assets held by the company. The price paid by the company had reflected in their performance and thus the company had to go through a period of dormancy for a while.
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Open Letter from Heera Group. After the announcement of the Supreme Court on the 24th of March, the Heera Group is having a relief.
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Crowded affair: Business magnate from Hyderabad to contest 224 seats in Karnataka polls
The Karnataka Assembly Elections 2018 will not just be a hotly contested battle, but would be a crowded affair too. The latest outfit in the fray is the All India Mahila Empowerment Party.
The National President of the party, Dr Nowhera Shaik says that her party will contest the elections and would play a major role in the formation of the government. She says that she would field candidates in…
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“Empowering Women: The Achievements of All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP)”
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Nowhera Shaik “Woman with integrity and Purpose.”
Nowhera Shaik, an entrepreneur and a successful businesswoman from Hyderabad, she is a woman not confined in the limits drawn by the patriarchal society and has always been very prompt in activities and statements against repressive belief and taboos. Recently she launched a political party in 2017 as ‘All India Mahila Empowerment Party’ under the banner of ‘Justice for humanity’ which aims at empowering Indian women irrespective of her caste identity, the religion she practices or her place of residence.
Dr Nowhera Shaik besides being a world-renowned entrepreneur is also a crusader for human rights and the saviour of women, children and even men in distress and in need. She is the CEO and Managing Director of ‘Heera Group of Companies’ a consortium of twenty companies engaged in diversified fields of business which also includes two charitable educational institutions operated by the ‘Heera Group’.
The ‘Mahila Empowerment Party, was launched by her with a purpose to encourage the women political participation more particularly in electoral politics. She has always been vocal on issues regarding a woman. She has declared that her party will provide 50 per cent reservation for women candidates in electoral politics because she believes that an increased political participation by women can ensure a social change. She also demands that the parliament should pass the ‘Women Reservation Bill’ that would enable women for political participation by providing 50 per cent reservation in parliament and state legislative assembly.
She also expressed her concern over the crime against the woman and wants stringent laws to curb crime against women, she also takes up on the controversial issues like ‘triple talaq’ and claims that Muslim women are still being divorced under triple talaq system.
Development is the next big issue in AIMEP agenda after women, Dr Nowhera
Shaik maintains that the taxpaying citizens of India should get back the benefit of the government schemes in return. On the vote bank politics, Dr.Nowhera Shaik said that her party will remain different from other regional parties like AIMIM as it only raises issues concerning Muslim, AIMEP, on the other hand, will remain a secular party in its ideology and it will work for the people to ensure justice to all.
Nowhera Shaik who hails from Hyderabad has also made some big enemies in politics, because of her activities and statements. Nowhera Shaik in a very short span of time has made a big fan following and it is increasing day by day. It is a big achievement for a new entrant in politics, which brings applauses and appreciation but at the same time apprehension in her rivals’ groups. Political pundits in India considers politics as a Male-Dominated domain, but Nowhera Shaik has proved it wrong and became a formidable opponent for her male counterparts, who dominated the minority politics till now, in Andhra Pradesh.
However, the social media hatemongers’ and rumourmongers’ have launched a virtual warfare to tarnish the image of Nowhera Shaik. She adds that “There is a hate campaign on the social media because the patriarchal mindset of the rival group can’t see a successful businesswoman. She is also targeted for being a woman.” She claims that the hate campaigners don’t have a single evidence against her.”
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Being a women’s activist, Nowhera Shaik gives primary importance to girls’ education in the country. Heera group, run by Dr. Nowhera Shaik, owns various educational institutions, and around twenty thousand students were studying in Heera Educational institutions. Along with these institutions, the company was also providing scholarships and sponsorships for many needy children.Along with the Heera foundation under the leadership of Dr. Nowhera Shaik, AIMEP introduced many free educational institutions for girls across the country. The party is still working for the women and girl children of the country.The sole aim of AIMEP is to develop a society with zero discrimination and save the country’s women from the hands of patriarchal policies.
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Why does AIMEP start contesting in the elections? https://india24.live/national/why-does-aimep-started-contesting-in-the-elections/
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Why is AIMEP unique among other parties? Check now: https://hydnews24.com/politics/why-is-aimep-unique-among-other-parties/
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Ngobrolin MINDFULNESS: MENGELOLA STRESS AGAR TETAP FOKUS bersama Uni Ria Oktarina Seorang ASN, Ketua AIMI SumBar, dan Relawan Keluarga Kita. 10 Mei 2020 Dalam kelas online ber#tumbuhbareng bersama Grow to Give, Uni Ria menjelaskan bahwa Mindfulness bisa kita lakukan untuk mengelola emosi kita ataupun stress. Mindfulness bisa dilakukan dengan cara singkat diawal mula, seperti menyadari akan tarikan dan hembusan nafas kita, menyadari akan hadir kita disini kini. Mindfulness yang dimaksud disini ialah "Perhatian Penuh" bukan pikiran penuh. Ohya, Uni Ria belajar dan memahami Mindfulness atau Sadar Penuh Hadir Utuh ini juga dari seorang praktisi Mindfulness di Indonesia, beliau ialah mas Adjie Santosoputro. Buat kawan-kawan yang ingin tahu lebih dalam tetang Mindfulness bisa cek IG nya mas Adjie juga yaa... Ohya, Uni awak ko sangat aktif dan menginspirasi... Beliau juga merupakan alumni AIMEP lho.... Mantap laaa... Sehat slalu dan sukses Uni... Rindu bercerita sebelum tidur, meskipun singkat waktu kita sekamar saat YSEALI U-Theory Camp kala itu... Pokoknya musti diingat juga ya kawan, untuk sering bersyukur. Bersyukur atas nafas dan berterimakasih pada diri sendiri. Ingat! Allah SWT. selalu bersama ummat-Nya. _______________________________ https://www.instagram.com/p/CAh2YCgBTQA/?igshid=j5xgv0j9rpoj
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Nowhera Shaik Latest News. Dr Nowhera Shaik, the CEO and creator of the Heera Group of enterprises, has been wrongly accused of fraud in connection with the Heera Group’s main gold investment scheme. Foul play in the whole ordeal of filing FIRs, Dr Shaik’s arrest and her eventual police custody is very evident. But after all the turmoil of almost three years, how is she doing at the present?
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