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gravechocada · 2 years ago
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chaos and moon dust is what she's made of.
Talvez por essa ninguém esperava mas sim, Makayla Landon foi convidada! A criatura que movimentou o mundo dos famosos nos últimos dois anos, o terror daqueles que estão presentes no evento, a fofoqueira de plantão... realmente veio. Suas vestes representam a deusa grega da noite, Nyx. Um vestido azul marinho bem escuro com estrelas, constelações e algumas luas todas bordadas em dourado, a capa transparente em seus ombros, o cabelo com alguns enfeites seguindo o tema e sua maquiagem com a mesma vibe. Sua primeira vez no MET Gala, ansiosa por curtir a noite e, quem sabe, conseguir conteúdo para uma nova matéria.
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parkersloths · 2 years ago
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I've been struggling with art a lot for the last... idk how many months anymore X'D
At this point I guess I have a full on artblock and can't properly finish anything. But anyway, this was one of the most successful attempts I've made in that time so yeah ;u;
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themosskid · 1 year ago
What if at the beginning when the Xianle trio was young Feng Xin noticed that Mu Qing startled and pulled away whenever they touched. Like when their hands would brush together when passing each other something. And Feng Xin assumed that Mu Qing just hated him so much that even the thought of having Feng Xin touch him disgusted Mu Qing.
So Feng Xin spent 800 years thinking that Mu Qing couldn’t stand him at all. The only time Feng Xin was permitted any physical contact with Mu Qing was when they were exchanging blows. Feng Xin resigned himself to the fact that fighting was the only way he’d ever be close to Mu Qing.
At least he’d get to be close to Mu Qing in some capacity.
When the truth finally came out (maybe Mu Qing was injured and when Feng Xin went to help him, Feng Xin made an offhand comment about how he knew Mu Qing couldn’t stand his touch but that it was unavoidable so Mu Qing would just have to deal with it) Mu Qing was shocked. He didn’t have the strength to let the words onto his tongue that he had never hated Feng Xin.
That all those times he had pulled away whenever they touched was because Mu Qing wanted so much more.
And that had frightened him.
So he had pushed Feng Xin away, clinging to the terms of his cultivation as an excuse- or maybe as a punishment- for those secret desires.
Looking at Feng Xin, Mu Qing couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
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starryowlfella · 4 months ago
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🦌 a deer from space, call it a starsbuck- *(gets obliterated)*
[ID: An image of a deer edited to match the Collector's color pallette. It's mostly yellow, with purple patches on its face, back and legs. END ID]
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magicalnicole · 7 months ago
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Magnus and Ian celebrating their team (WR Chess Team) winning the Blitz portion of the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Team Championship (they came in 3rd for the Rapid portion)! 🥇🥉
August 5, 2024
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putergenius · 1 year ago
my semesters over, I passed all my finals and I don’t have to go back to work until january…amen
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maiteo · 8 months ago
olympic surfing brings out different nerves csm
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yooniesim · 1 year ago
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To no surprise to anyone! 🤣
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desert-belrose · 1 year ago
I'm not 30 til the end of this year, and I have a kid! It's not that strange, I don't think?
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ravween · 2 years ago
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› Tinha 8 anos quando começou a se perguntar de onde Gothel tirou esse nome para si. Jabez. um nome tão estranho e diferente. Seu primeiro pensamento foi que a mãe queria um nome singular e especial para si, que fosse apenas seu, e por um tempo acreditou nisso.
› Aos 12, compreendeu que tinha se iludido. Jabez significava literalmente "Aquele que traz dor e sofrimento". Quando questionada se sabia sobre isso, Gothel riu e concordou. Claro que sabia, foi por isso que colocou esse nome nele já que teve uma gravidez complicada, difícil. Dores e sofrimento por sete meses foi o que enfrentou para lhe trazer para esse mundo.
› Depois de descobrir o significado, percebeu que sua mãe sempre usava seu nome com um certo desgosto no tom. Havia uma irritação sempre presente, um desânimo e às vezes até um ódio mal disfarçado. Aprendeu a odiar quando alguém usava então.
› Entrar na academia e perceber mais dor e sofrimento estava por vir com o mau presságio do seu ovo de dragão virando pedra, decidiu que não queria mais ser um Jabez. Não queria mais trazer dor e sofrimento para as pessoas.
› Raven foi o nome que escolheu. Significa o sábio, o inteligente. Tentar dessasociar seu nome de algo ruim para algo bom a melhor escolha. Tirou um peso de seus ombros. Raven agora não se encolhe ou estremece quando alguém chama seu nome, Raven agora não tem mais o medo constante de ser uma decepção. Raven tem apenas um desejo, ser livre. Mudar de nome não o livrou de Gothel, não o livrou de anos sendo desprezado e sem conhecer o amor; mudar de nome apenas lhe deu um empurrão para tentar construir sua própria história.
› Agora prefere ser apenas Raven. Apenas Gothel lhe chama assim ainda pois ela não tem intenções de respeitar suas escolhas, apenas quer lhe lembrar quem ele é. Alguém que sempre trará dor e sofrimento para quem estiver perto.
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briars-and-friends · 2 years ago
The address of the homeless shelter that was sent to Fin leads her to the outskirts of Downtown Los Angeles, to a building by the name of Robin Heights, which stands maybe five or six storeys tall. The shelter itself sits on the ground floor, to the rear of the building, accessed through a little alleyway that runs along one side, between Robin Heights and its neighbor.
The alley has been brightly lit with portable floodlights, presumably in response to the recent trouble. It eventually gives way to a small courtyard to the rear of the building, which is decorated with string lights and picnic benches and portable heaters. Much of the furniture has been overturned and damaged, and following the trail of destruction, Fin finds that the front windows of the shelter itself have been put out, and stray shards of broken glass litter the courtyard, though it seems that the majority of it has by now been swept up.
Wooden boards have been placed across the frames of the broken windows, but the front door stands ajar, and the gentle glow of light and murmur of conversation drifting out from inside suggest that the place is, in fact, still open.
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scionshtola · 1 year ago
i think starting bg3 over might be my best hope of finishing
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elssbethtascioni · 2 years ago
i’m bad at listening to audiobooks bc i can’t do anything else or i just don’t hear anything
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briars-by-any-other-name · 2 years ago
Forgot to add an "other" option on good penguin but just like reblog it and tell me in the tags if you wanna do a write in vote, cos I can't be assed to redo the whole thing to fix it.
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putergenius · 1 year ago
ofc my professor would be having all these issues when I was so ready to skip todays class but showed up anyway🧍🏽‍♀️
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maiteo · 1 year ago
I hope the coyg sessions return bc EYE for one have missed them❤️😚
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