hellothereimaloser · 1 year
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veryy choppy first try animation for SIRENNN AAAA ahsash
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lycanstonebutch · 1 year
also ive returned im back i will be more active again AHSASH how has my mutuals been doing ,,,
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
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Tate Langdon
> Ghost, Lives at the Murder House
>  Born in 1977 Tate is one of perhaps four children of Constance and Hugo Langdon. Unlike his other siblings, he seems normal enough. Except for that he's mentally ill/disturbed. Tate grew up to become hateful of the world around him, mostly do to the lies his mother fed him from a young age. This hatred eventually manifested itself into the form of him committing a mass shooting that ultimately killed 15 of his fellow students, in 1994.  After that he quickly made his way home, to the Murder House at the time, where he was eventually gunned down by a S.W.A.T. Team, for not surrendering when ordered to. After these events Tate became a ghost, along with the others, inside of the murder house. Where he stayed until the Harmon's came along. During that time he bonded with the Harmon’s teenage daughter, Violet. Until she killed herself, along with the other events that soon followed after. Tate had even impregnated Vivian, Violets mother, with what could be considered the antichrist. After the events at the Murder House with the Harmon family ends on a sour note, with the entire Harmon family being dead and trapped in the house along with the other ghost, Tate tries to get with Violet,still. Violet however no longer cares about him, unable to forgive him for what he did and Tate is told to move on. Originally Tate ignores this advice because he still hopes that Violet will come around and forgive him. But as the years went on he eventually decided to find others to entertain him while he waits for Violet. Maybe he really doesn't need her in the end anyway.
> Grungy, Charismatic, Attractive, Manipulative, Likeable, Dark, Abused, Temperamental, Hateful, Liar,
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Setirasuri Pharos
> Patient, Medium
>  Seti was born to Egyptian born Weaponry family. His father had been the sole heir to the company and his mother was a house maker and an architect. Seti was born the fourth child and youngest of his family. Though in total he is the ninth out of twelve children, the others being miscarriages, of course. Seti grew up a relatively normal life. So when he was about four years old and began to wake up many nights in a row complaining of someone being in his room at night, or of hearing voices of people who weren’t there. His parents had begun to worry. Someone suggested he go to see a therapist, perhaps there had been something that had been stressing him out, they suggested. So Seti’s parents did that. But nothing came of it in the end, the therapist had only suggested that he was perhaps hyper sensitive and that they were going to prescribe him something to help with the anxiety. And so Seti had grown up still hearing voices, still thinking there were people in rooms that weren’t actually there. And at times, seeing people who would disappear, or things that weren’t even people at all. This all continued on, slowly depriving Seti of sleep and sanity the older he got. Until one day, he had cracked under the pressure. It had been at school. He was in eleventh grade, the voices of the ghosts at the school had become too loud, and too hard for him to ignore any longer.  After his meltdown in class he was ordered to go to therapy. And for the next years of his life that was all Seti had ever done.
> Anxious, Sensitive, is often very down to earth and easy to get along with when he’s not having panic attacks.
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Asher Delkari
> Patient, MMA Fighter
>  Asher was born into an abusive family where, after his mother abandoned the family his siblings would often beat up on the infant/toddler along with his father. During those days Asher was often seen to be malnourished and sickly, almost dying on several occasion and covered in marks and bruises from being hit and such. After some time a neighbor had caught the beaten and neglected Asher playing near a storm drain when his father came out and began to drag him back into the home. It was after that that the neighbor finally decided to break their silence and have someone sent to the house to check on the children. All seven of the kids living at the home were eventually removed from his fathers care and separated. Asher, being young and quite adorable was quickly adopted by a family. With this family the toddler grew up to become a happy  child over all. But during his teenage years mental illnesses began to disrupt these happier days. Thought with therapy Asher was able to keep himself stable and sane enough to continue functioning as normal. Asher still attends therapy even if these days he doesn’t need any, so much.
>Quick Tempered, Childish, Ambitious
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Abunai Galilei
>  Shay’s new best friend, Detective
> Abunai was born to an Japanese father who taught martial arts and a German mother who grew up to become a crime scene investigator at the local police department. It was from them that she learned how to be a total and complete badass. When people ask if her father is her real father, it often bothers her, because obviously she doesn’t look that much like him at all. But he most certainly is. From him Abunai learned many effective moves that she applies in her practice of being a detective. After some strange cases of disappearances and murders happening at the local ‘murder house’ Abunai heard a family had recently moved in. Being the snoop that she is she has decided that now would be a good time to make a friend, and find out what’s going on in that house.
> Stern, Quick-thinking, Curious
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Flavius Delacroix
> Musician
>  Born in an extremely wealthy family Flavius didn’t have to want for anything in life and grew up to be able to do whatever he had wanted. So when he told his parents that he wanted to sing for a band and play guitar, he wasn’t exactly taken seriously. A lot because, at the time, he had only been five years old. But as he grew older and this didn’t seem to change, his parents grew concerned. However they had grown to know Flavius as someone that you could not tell what to do. When he was thirteen Flavius ran away from home and joined a local band that used his natural born talents to their advantage before eventually abandoning him for someone they thought had been better. Ever since Flavius had spent the next few years of his life moping around playing for a new band, hoping to eventually land a job that would make him famous. Until then he stuck in some place where one of the most famous things around is a place called a Murder House. Which he had seen get some attention later after a family recently moved into it.
>  Stubborn, Moody, Oddball
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Malakai La De Vander Louch Vegamere Pierce
> College Student, Ghost
> Malakai was born during an unknown date, to unknown parents in an unknown part of the world. It’s far to say that other than his name, no one ever knew much about him anyway. He just came, he saw, he died. Mostly because he became too curious with the ghost filled house that some of the people in town spoke of, while he was staying to finish up his remaining years in college. So with some friends he decided that, some years before the current family came along to live in it, and after the Harmon’s, that he would stay the night. It was more of a test of bravery, his college friends would say as they all broke into the creepy Murder House. Whoever could last the entire night would get some sort of respect. Not that Malakai cared about that, but he did want to see what all the hype was about. And too bad for him and several of his friends, they would all die that night, of their own stupidity.
> Trickster, Easily annoyed, Charismatic
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erloeser-a · 3 years
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okay, i’ve sent out all of the thingies from the nsfw inbox prompt --- time for a short break 
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taiyohima · 3 years
Sending you another ask cuz i missed a few days! I have a present 🎁 for you:) open it! Your present: ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟 btw what’s your zodiac? I’m a Pisces ♓️
AAAHHHH Thank you!! (sorry for the late reply, this was queued haha) Thank you for all the love!!! (>//w//<) Also, i’m a Taurus! 
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swatid45 · 3 years
do dil mily to pyaar or do pathar mily to aag ..... bs faark etaa h ki aag dard ka ahsash kho kr milta  h,,,,, or pyaar dard ka ahsash paakr
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
I refuse to believe felix has the smallest dick no nope never
sorry to break it to ya AHSASH IM JOKING 
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drop-zone-homefront · 5 years
oh god i’ve spent like the last 3 hours liking old yj artwork aslkjjsa and like 99% of it is birdflash aHSASH I CANT
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
[9:40 AM] Karma:
Tate laughs at Darius when the other told him there had been no reason for him to be cruel. Tate would have begged to differ from that. There were plenty of reasons to be cruel. And there were also reasons to be cruel to pretty little preppy boys like Asher who seemed to be an adrenaline junky. Yes, Tate had, in his mind, already figured out just the kind of person Asher was. An MMA fighter, must have been a jock in school. Must have thought he was hot shit. Tate smirked a bit as he looked down toward Asher “ The kind of people he is don’t deserve anything but cruelty brought to them. And it’s very cruel to have the soul suffer, trapped in purgatory.” His eyes widened a little bit as he continued to stare down at Asher then be looked toward Darius “Death would be too easy for someone like this. Not that I really care about how he is to die. I have got a much better service for him.” However, when Darius did start to talk he narrowed his eyes “Tatey boy? Don’t fucking call me that!” Tate lashed out.
Then he took a step closer to the other “ Don’t talk about my mother! And- and you know what! I may seem evil to you. But It’s all about perspective. I didn’t have to rip my way out of my mothers womb. I was born with purpose. That purpose…cleaning this filthy world of those who would only serve to add to the mess. I am not a demon, Darius, get it right. If I were a demon, I wouldn’t have fucking had myself killed by the police. Because I clearly wouldn’t have died then, idiot.” Tate shot back, tilting a hand out in front of him as he gestured to Darius “ Now if you will stop assuming fucking bullshit about me. ” Tate gave a fake smile suddenly then as he watched Darius with Asher “ You don’t want to piss me off Darius. So if I were you, keeping my mouth shut would be my number one fucking priority, understand, cum dumpster?”
[9:40 AM] Karma:
As Darius threw a fist at him he shook his head and turned away “ You are an idiot. –And no, clearly we cannot, not really.” Tate had walked over to Asher then before kicking him in the side of the head again “ Take care of my pretty little meat bag and stay in line, got it?” Looking toward the door then he made move toward it, staring down the hallway a moment later before watching a figure of Violet move away “ Violet! Come back!” Leaving the room then Tate chased after the figment for a moment before stopping in his tracks “ Fuck!” Narrowing his eyes after the image he leaned against the banister of the stairs, staring down toward the bottom, seeing nothing there as he thought of a better way to get Violet to just, listen to him. Though of course, the reality was, Tate had done all those horrible things and no amount of retconning was ever going to change that. For a moment he stayed there, staring down toward the bottom floor, letting the anger inside of him build up before letting out an emotional scream, and disappearing in the next second.
Malakai gave Sara a look as she had called him a precious child “ Hm? No. I’m– I’m a bad child! Yeah! I came into a house illegally! So bad, oooo!” He then blinked a few times in surprise as the woman said she could be his mother “ My mother? I haven’t seen her in some time. I wonder…Does she know? Do you think that a mother would know their own child is dead, without it actually being confirmed? I hear that some mothers can, they just know… Some mothers get super strength as well, when the child is in danger in front of them. Do you get that with your children? Do you get powers, feelings, when they are in danger?” Malakai had asked her then before shrugging it off as she was being pulled away “ I don’t need a mom though. I am old enough to take care of myself, you got that?”
[9:41 AM] Karma:
When Sean called him a coward and that he believed in malevolent spirits Malakai laughed a little before stepping toward the other, leaning toward Sean’s ear “ Malevolent, sure. But do we have a choice? Not really. It hurts, it hurts…please… They are hurting me! It’s hurting, I can’t breath! It’s too dark! Please, help..help me! …I-i…I am so cold…I’m just so cold…I don’t know where I am…I’m lost…Help, please help. The house…They’re everywhere in this house.” Pulling back Malakai took in a ghostly breath before shaking his head, then slapped Sean upside the head.  Looking at the phone as Sean was typing those words he laughed and appeared to the other, snatching the phone from Sean’s hand and tossing it out of the door “ Whoa now, why would you want to do something as foolish as that. You don’t want him to know what you are up to, now do you? You won’t like how that turns out.” Not that he had ever seen anyone do such a thing, personally.
[9:41 AM] Karma:
He couldn’t figure out why he had felt like he was falling all of a sudden. One moment he was in a bathroom then the next he felt a cold jolt hit his chest before being consumed in darkness. Following that had been the terrifying feeling of falling, but he couldn’t react. His body had felt stiff even as it fell through the darkness. One that had seemed to go on without end. Asher figured maybe he had slipped and knocked himself out and everything else had only been a dream. And how embarrassing would that be to have done something so stupid at a strangers house. He wasn’t sure he would be able to go back and face anyone after that. But as time had passed the darkness seemed to change, there had been waves, and a noise, a noise that had possibly been voices but they were hard to distinguish as voices, aside from the few things he could just barely make out. The ripples in the darkness had continued to become more intense as time went on. Then he could hear it, a voice that he thought he had long forgotten. No, one that he had definitely forgotten, but he knew it, right away upon hearing it again.
[9:42 AM] Karma:
The darkness suddenly gave, and he felt like he had landed on a solid surface finally, Asher could still hear the voice, joined by another and several other voices, tiny and almost as defenseless sounding. Suddenly the feeling of terror had grown, spreading over him. Closing his eyes he had the sudden urge to cry. Though he had kept himself from doing something so demeaning, he couldn’t cry. Then the voice had shouted that now they had made the baby cry. Though Asher couldn’t hear this ‘baby’ among all the other voices he was hearing. And for the longest time he could hear these voices going back and forth, constantly arguing, things crashing and breaking all around him. He could say how much time had passed that he had been stuck listening to that. But he was tired of it very soon after it had started, becoming anxious and panicked each time another round of the screaming and loud noises started again and again, and continued on, and on. Eventually he had regained movement in his arms and lifted them up letting out a scream as he covered his ears, telling the voices in the darkness to 'shut up’ as loud as he could.
[9:42 AM] Karma:
But as soon as he had done this the darkness around him had shattered, breaking apart around him revealing and old room he didn’t recognize but had seemed very familiar to him. Though he didn’t have much time to look around as a man had grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him up to his feet, it was then when Asher had realized that he wasn’t a fully grown adult anymore. But he was a child of about three years old. The man shook him a few times before slapping him so hard he felt to the floor sobbing as they shouted at him about being a noisy brat. And that if he screamed one more time he was going to lock him in the basement and give him something real to scream about, after he got beat. Asher sniffled before he moved to slowly push himself up from the floor, watching as the man had left the room then, leaving him their quietly crying on the floor, a red mark forming on the side of his face. But still, he knew it wasn’t real, not at the moment. None of this had been real, it felt like some strange dream. Though, one he couldn’t exactly control himself with. The pain had seemed real, the frustration and the jumping when the man spoke to him had all felt real. But he knew it wasn’t. But he didn’t know what was going on…He didn’t know he was just reliving memories from his past, as his body had remained completely still, aside from his breathing, back in reality. Though a few tears had managed to ebb over, spilling out over his apparent, sleeping, face, and dripping onto the attic floor.
[9:07 AM] Soup:
“Someone like what, Tate? He never did anything to you, he didn't bully you, he didn't take your extra bag of chips at lunch. You really are a monster” Who was Darius kidding? He knew Tate was a monster. Cruel. His mother's spoiled little golden child. “Not everyone deserves to suffer the way that you do.” The point was, there wasn't anything Tate could do to Darius – he was already dead, and perhaps that was why he was narrowing in on Asher – because it was the only way to hurt HIM. But Tate, unfortunately, had made his point quite clear, dark eyes rolling at the little nickname Tate had thrown his way. “Cum Dumpster? Original. Not only are you an asshole, you are a bigot too.” Still, he couldn't help cringing when Tate kicked Asher in the head. Darius had caught the glimpse of Violet, walking in at just the right time, she had been the saving grace – moving Tate's attention away from Asher long enough for Darius to attend to him. --- ghosts who could hurt you. Sean growled underneath his breath as the phone was slapped away from his hand. He had known Malakai's little plea wasn't a cry for help, he had known that it was all just a taunt. Sean had stormed out of the bathroom, and then out of the house, not bothering to tell his parents where he was going. The point of the matter was, he wasn't dead.... yet, and while he was still living he was going to get answers.  It had taken him about a hour but he had found himself in the public library – straight at the occult section. Piles of books beside him as he sat at the empty table. Books on spirits, hauntings, a note book off to the side with notes being made feverishly. He might be the only one, able to save his family.
[9:07 AM] Soup:
“---Asher,” Darius had been in the room, crunched down when Asher finally woke up. “I'm sorry.” What else could he say? “I'll try to get someone to get you out of here.” He couldn't very well go to the parents, they would be a lot hard to convince, at first he thought he would go to Sean but as he left the room Sean had left the house. The only one left had been the teenage girl. Shay had still been in her room, listening to music, letting out a yelp that had her headphones flying to the ground when Darius phased through the wall and ended up at her bedside. “---fuck!Who the hell --- how?!” She could hardly deny what she had just seen, Darius holding a finger to his lips as he closed the distance between them. “I don't have time to explain, you need to come with now to the attic. I need you to get Asher out of here before Tate kills him. You are the only one that can do it--” Shay, as expected, was hesitant, but against her better judgment she had  followed Darius up to the attic. It hadn't taken her long to see Asher crying on the floor. ”Jesus --!” She was at his side in an instant, Darius behind her, telling her she had to hurry, telling her that she had to get him out of the house. She had reached out of him, trying to help him up, wrapping one of her arms around her waist and the other around her shoulder as she started to help him toward stairs heading back down to the main floor. --- all she could hope to do now, was get him out of the house before Tate could stop her.
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