thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Seti smirks a bit, tilting his head slightly "What parents are, Sean?" Especially first time parents, and apparently only for this one. They had one shot. Seti shifted a little in his seat, considering the rest of what Sean had said then, before saying "No. It's certainly not fair. But a lot of things in life aren't." Lifting his head, let out a short breathe "But you can choose to make some things fair. That's in your hands."
Glancing away, he swallowed, considering what more to say before shrugging "You have to figure all that out mostly on your own. But, I am here, if I can, to help. I'm here to take care of my family. Even help them to become more responsible." Seti joked lightly. Running his finger he tapped onto the table in a circle, he stares at Sean before the other moved to him, planting their lips against his own. For a moment his heart stilled as he pressed a kiss gently back against Sean.
Exhaling as the other had pulled away from him in the next, his left hand moved up to giving the other an assuring caress against the side of their face, smiling gently while Sean sat back down, his hand drifting down to rest along the others arm and then wrist. Seti listen to the other's ramble for the moment, nodding his head at his husband, taking in what they were telling him. Going back to his home world, after so long, sounded troublesome, he was imagining.
A more modern version of a world he already barely understood already "Huh." Seti started, pulling his hand from Sean's arm as he was quietly thinking for a moment "Do you? Modern earth?" He questioned, wanting to be absolutely sure he had not misheard "I don't know what these High School's you or the others are so fascinated with are." He insisted Julian have at home lesson's, but had found it difficult to remove Julian from things that were going to be his home, Wonderland.
Toying with a band on his wrist, he nodded "Of course, but we have already spent most his life, here, Sean, this is what he knows. It might exacerbate his issues more if we were to suddenly uproot him from his home." Seti explained gently "We can try. But the moment there is any issue, we'll have to do what's best for him." He sat forward, reaching his right hand out to grab Sean's, then, gently toying his fingers over the other's palm "You'll stay a little more, to know him?"
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“Why in the fuck would it be in my attic? I’m was raised fucking Catholic you monkey brain!” Chase shouted, seemingly slightly paranoid then crossed his arms over his chest “ Says the one calling me the prick, while waving around a cursed fucking game. Bitch, don’t make me step on your face.” Chase commented before looking down at where the game had hit the floor and frowning when he noticed the planchette standing up on the tip “See, now look what you did. You pissed off a ghost. I bet that’s what that means.”
Thought he rolled his eyes then and kicked the planchette across the room before stepping on the board, smashing his foot into it and breaking it under his weight “ Fuck that thing anyway. Probably just a cheap trick.” He narrowed his eyes then “I’m going to dress up as something alright. Just you wait, rabbit brain.” Chase twist then and walked off toward his bedroom. Slamming the door behind him as he entered it and started putting on his costume before pausing “ Wait… I don’t get trick or treaters. My house is hidden…”
He blinks then and looks over his shoulder toward the door before then shrugging “ Whatever. This is fine. It’s a Halloween thread. What’s the worst that’s going to happen. Besides probably the worst thing that could happen.” He muttered to himself before suddenly bursting out into manic laughter. Cutting off his laughter he finished putting on his costume and moved to leave his room. Stepping out into the hallway then he yawns “ What do you think? Spooky?!” He smirked and waited for the other to comment on his costume.
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“I’m a douchebag. I wanted to get something similar to what you wear, douchebag.”
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rosschasemd · 8 years
Cheating Heart
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Honestly, Sean didn’t know how he got here. It was only six month ago when he met the man he was currently dating. The two really didn’t have anything in common other than a rather high and unusual sexual lust for one another. Sean had been covered for a friend as a cater waiter at this black tie charity event, and somehow, he ended up in the backroom, bent over a crate, getting pounded by this older gorgeous professional daddy type. Who knew a whirlwind romance would follow for this young college freshman.
Flash forward to today and Sean was in the bathroom getting ready. He hadn’t heard from his boyfriend as to why their evening together was starting so late. Having a high-powered career, Sean understood why their time together was often always on the other’s schedule and not on his. Still, a man like that, Sean always thought, in the back of his mind, that something could be happening behind his back, but he couldn’t prove it. Even his friends thought he was crazy. He then heard his phone ring.
He thought to himself as he made his way to his phone, and picking it up.
“Babe... is that you? Where are you?”
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Seeing that other had been stunned into silence about what he had just said he reached out as Sean spoke "And I will, always." Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead to Sean's before lifting his head back up, caressing the others face in his hand then, the metal bracelets sliding down his arm. Gently brushing his lips against the other before giving a gentle attack of kisses, only to break from it a moment later "It's great to have you back, my love." He whispered.
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Sasha nods, he could absolutely understand that. After what happened when he was a teenager at an orphanage, with his friends, he had his entire life change one day. Swallowing, he turned his head away "I don't think most of us do, at first. But I guess what really matters is, you know, adapting, even if it takes time…" He was sure he reacted the most poorly to change, and that brought him a lot more guilt then he had imagined back then, losing his friends, sure, because life got busy. But the fact that they, let someone who was abducted, remain hostage to evil, simply because they were all scared to pursue the 'quest' further "I'm not sure I made the right decisions when it came to some changes in my life when I was younger."
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thornstocutyouwith · 2 years
Original post here. @ofwondersandhares
Making a face, he looked over toward Shay, looking a little more than confused at the others comment "Sean, we are married, and have a child." He grinned "I think she knows by now." He pulls away from the other then, shrugging slightly "Sometimes I am always a little drunk." Tossing his right hand up, the golden bracelets making an almost lovely chiming sound as they moved down his raised arm. He certainly wished he were drinking at the moment, too.
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thornstocutyouwith · 13 days
Reply here for @ofwondersandhares
"Unfuckingfortunately." Julian muttered under his breath. But it also upset him more. The seeming implication that Seti, of either of them, was sleeping around. Julian rolled his eyes. Sean was insufferable. And unfortunately his father, 'repairing a long done wrong'. Julian shook his head "You're pathetic." He commented sourly. But after a moment he had cooled down. Sage's words reminding him, circling around in his head still. He sighed, hoping she could wait for him. As Sean spoke up again Julian looked over "What the fuck ever." Julian commented. Not believing in such a thing. Let alone with the hatter attached.
"Blah blah blah. I doubt that. Asher lost part of his kingdom. He's hollow." Smirking, then, he looked a Sean, angry "All it takes is one wrong move, and I think he'll die. Sage will have won." He pulled away, amused by this thought. Sage's fight against all that was wrong was started with needing Asher dead. The others were weaker without that diamonds shithead getting in the way of their plans. But then there was his father, who was the next problem. Whatever he did to stop Sage. Send her off to another dimension. He was going to learn how to undo it! Julian promised himself this. Staring at Sean, he listened when the other went on.
Looking away again, he lift his head up "You can start by not implying I'm a bastard, and that your husband, who you also abandoned, cheated on you, creating me." He said. Tapping a foot, he let the silence spread between them, then. Then laughed, hollow, he shook his head at Sean's next comment "And what about it? What if it doesn't work? What will you do to me then? Lock me up? Leave?" Julian narrowed his gaze, sure it was one, if not both of those. Sean would choose, probably want that, in the ending. He was sure. As Sean spoke about his hare bloodline, he glared. Of course he knew all of this! Julian laughed "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"
Julian moved in close to Sean, cold, angry eyes locking onto the other "Maybe that's all just you! Huh? You leave, you coward, my aunt didn't. Seti didn't. Just you! You're the one that leaves. You choose to leave. So why don't you stay fucked off, hm? You hitting your retirement arc don't fucking impress me you old piece of shit. How many other families do you plan to abandon? Lost loves that you didn't have a desire to come back to? I needed you! And I got fucking this! And you tell me I'll be the same?! Fuck you! I'll never be like you. I'll stay!" He shoved Sean away then, "Because that's what you do when you love someone. You stay!"
He was tired of these apparent excuses, it wasn't really an apology, now was it? Calming down again, he closed his eyes, Sage's voice in his head even more before he could control himself. He had to focus on right here and now. Because, even if he was mad at Sean, for all the shit he hadn't done. He wanted a connection with his father. But he was still so angry his father waited his entire life, to decide to start one. Feeling cold, empty, Julian followed Sean. Staring at the mirrors, he listened to Sean speak of them. His eyes lingering on the covered one for a time. A sense, suddenly hit him. Sage's words coming back 'It's a trap'. She warned.
Julian pauses, his gaze following his fathers movements, paying attention to Sean's words, he squint a bit. Was Sean telling him a truth right now? Julian frowns, not sure "No." He then said before raising a hand, a force coming out of it, the mirror cracked before splintering apart. "I won't let you manipulate me against her!"
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thornstocutyouwith · 4 years
@ofwondersandhares​ replied here
As Sean had walked away from him he glanced toward the other a moment longer before returning his gaze to the other sires, chatting away for a moment with them as he also listened in on Sean's talk with the other fledglings at the snack table. Sean was still young, even in his vampire rebirth. Tristan had known that, but there was still things he had to keep upheld in the presence of other clans and branches. It was not that he didn't want to listen to the others complaints or unease about the situation. There was indeed much to be worried about, even. But at that moment they just needed to get through the formalities of this evening. Sean's tendency to become erratic had to be put down before he caused any more embarrassment to him. Not that the elder vampire had cared so much about all of that. But he still had a lot of pride. He wanted to appear more powerful than he would eternally look for the rest of his life.
Tristan continued conversing with the other sires, it had all mostly been meaningless chit chat about the modern world and how some sires had eyes on new fledglings to turn. Absolute boring stuff really. At some point he walked off with a group of sires to join them somewhere else, letting Sean out of his sights at that moment. Perhaps, he had figured, the other might start feeling a little more at ease if he weren't around. Though even for him something definitely didn't feel right. The unease had grown the farther he got from Sean, even. Something was calling to him in that room. Sweat had started forming in a thin layer over his skin. There was something here, something strange and unfamiliar and connected to him. Letting out a small gasp as a wave of pleasure struck him he paused, getting an odd look from his fellow sires before they asked about if he was alright. Lifting his drink up he rushed to finish it and nod "I-I am..uh. I'm great."
Another faint wave hit him and he uneasily put the glass down on a nearby table. As pain suddenly followed, erupting in his gut and spreading over his body. Holding in a gasp of pain he brought a hand up to his stomach as bile rose into his neck, half making him gag. Though he managed to keep his composure for the most part. Looking around a little frantically as he continued to listen to the other sires chatter on about something he couldn't care about. A voice then entered his head telling him to 'go to the bathroom'. Before yet again another, more intense wave of pleasure hit his body "I---I-i have to-- I have to...Just one moment, I'll be right back!" He squeaked out before turning and leaving, practically rushing into the bathroom that had been up the stairs and down another corridor entirely. Throwing the door open he rushed inside, sitting on the sink in the bathroom had been a fairly beautiful woman. She had smirked down at him before sliding off from the counter.
Moving along toward the door she brushed the tips of her fingers on her left hand over the top of his head and made her way toward the door, closing it and locking it. Trapping him inside with her. The woman watched him for a moment before, in an amused tone demanded that she look at him. His eyes were forced open and he was made to look at her. Her lips twitched in amusement, the smirk on her face remaining as she commented on even now having so much control over him. Moving then toward the bathroom counter she sat on it, crossing her legs and lazily leaning forward toward him. Another wave of pain struck him, blood spilling from his mouth, splattering onto the fancy tile of the bathroom floor "What...what are you...How are you doing this..." Tristan managed to gasp, getting a chuckle from her before her right foot rose and she was lifting his head up with the tip of her high heeled shoe, forcing him to look at her, right in the eyes.
A flood of memories hit him, and more pain. Causing him to collapse a little, his hands bracing him before he could fall completely onto the floor. Thick dark blue veins had bulged from his neck and around his eyes and forehead, then he had coughed up more blood, feeling weaker the more reserves he was losing in blood. Though what had his attention more than that something was causing him to cough up his meals onto the floor, was the images flashing in his head. One of a man overpowering him before biting into his neck, tearing at his flesh and draining him of his blood. As he lay dying on the ancient battlefield. His fellow viking battling all around him, their shouts muted, one voice was clear. The man who had bit him, causing him to bleed out on the ground, alone. Towered over him before crouching down and whispering into their ear about how they always wanted a 'little thing' like him to have around for his pleasure. As the man in this memory reached for him Tristan fought with what little dying strength he had left to keep them from him, before finally everything went black, he died then.
Returning to the current situation Tristan let out a small screaming before getting kicked in the side of the face, by the woman who had jumped onto him as he fell to the side and then back on his right elbow. She then commented that they never got to finish what they had started, before calling him her 'Petit juane'. Dropping down toward him then she shoved him back, forcing him against the wall. Tristan could have easily stopped the human, but just as he had the thought of moving his thoughts were fragmented and a searing pain erupted throughout his skull. Another scream threatened to escape before another force had made him swallow it down. Scrambling away for a moment his back pressed to the back of the bathroom wall. More memories began to flood him, this time not his own. But of a baby being born, then growing up into the woman before him. Holding his head he winces, his nose curling and eyes clenching tightly shut as the realization dawned on him. Only a little to late however.
Blood started trickling from his eyes then, the woman moved closer, soon straddling him between her legs and rocking her hips against him, spreading little kisses along his neck as pure pleasure was taking over his body. Then everything in his mind washed out, he felt like he had lost control of everything in his body. Or maybe that it had been being flooded by someone else entirely. His body moved on it's own, welcoming the strange woman as she pressed her privates to his covered body. The world had started pulling in on itself as his own conscious was shrinking away. Again a voice hand entered his mind as he was shrinking into the recesses of his mind. When she moved to kiss him he his body reacted on it's own, returning the kiss. A couple of moments later he had her pinned to the bathroom counter, arms secure against the large mirror, fucking her.
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thornstocutyouwith · 4 years
@ofwondersandhares​ response here
Hearing Sean's reply to him his eyes opened a bit for a moment. Nodding slowly at what the other male had to say he shift a bit "Okay. I won't sleep." He had no idea what a coma was. To be honest he didn't really understand concussion's either. Probably way before his time, ...maybe. Moving to push himself up a bit before again dropping back down. The color in his face drained as moving made him feel suddenly disorientated an light headed. Again Seti winced before moving to lay against Sean. His body had felt entirely off since getting attacked. It had felt too light, in his opinion. Though that could definitely have been because of his having been hit in the head. Everything should have naturally been feeling kind of off.
Seti lift his head up a little then "Who are? I didn't see them." He muttered confusedly to Sean's comment about his attackers. Hissing a bit as his head throbbed momentarily, then. Lifting his hand up to the side of his forehead he curled slightly, gripping onto the side of his head "It hurts. I'm...so tired..." Despite the protesting he managed to stand up with Sean after the mirror was summoned. Though after a moment slumped back down to the floor, the blood that drizzled down from the wound in the back of his head. Twisting around his left arm and dropping off his elbow onto the floor below. Seti caught himself on the floor, bloodied left hand smearing red along the floor he caught himself on.
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thornstocutyouwith · 4 years
Original Post Here
"Is that so?" Seti asked sweetly. Then leaned in a bit closer, his fingers curling in slightly as the tips of them continued to pet along the other males ear. When there lips connected he gave a small smile, leaning into the kiss. As Sean broke from it to speak he blinked and offered a warm, cute smile toward his husband " You have no idea, Sean. Lives not as colorful when you are gone for so long." Seti leaned in once more, his left hand cupping the others head before slipping his fingers along the hare's jawline as he pressed into another kiss against Sean's lips.
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Original Post Here
Asher gave Sean a look up and down as the other spoke "It's always something to do with Darius, when my things don't go as planned, Sean." At least he wouldn't need to worry about it anymore. Asher tilt his head, looking curiously away then, thinking quietly for a moment "Because he's desperate to prove he can do it without me. That's why we are no longer communicating. Him and I. You should do the same. He told me himself he doesn't want to be involved with anyone. Give him what he wants, Sean." Asher gave an amused huff " But you're an adult. I'm sure you are more than capable of doing whatever you think would be best." Not that he was concerned. The emotion selling business  had been plummeting long before Sean quit. Most of the Diamond and Club Kingdom's were dry countries.
The people were thriving just fine without the substances offered by Sean or Darius.  Moving away then he goes to sit down " No. I don't want to talk about it. It's done. I'm moving on with my life. Sage is safe living in the Club Kingdom. I visit her several days a week." Asher smiled lightly " There's really nothing to talk about. My life, has continued on as it always has been. See, Sean. That's what happens when you are content. I'm very much content with this arrangement between Darius and I. He requested to be alone. And I suppose if that would make him happier. I gifted him this thing he seeks. Why do you presume that I am not happy? If Darius is doing what he wants to do, and doing what ever it is that he would like to do with his life. Then, I am happy for him. Honestly."
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Original Post Here
Seti let out a breath then before walking over and placing his hand on the lever " I guess I am. Sean, why so aggressive. Not all triggers that are pulled belong to guns, you dork." Seti gave a bit of a grin before narrowing his eyes toward an open sarcophagus where something wrapped up almost like a mummy, with words scrawled all over the top of the layer that had covered the wriggling body. Seti looked then toward Sean " This will make our lives easier." He slammed a hand onto the trigger mechanism.
As it activated the sarcophagus shut over the wriggling body inside, the words on the outside of the sarcophagus suddenly began to glow before the sarcophagus was suddenly dropped into what looked like quicksand underneath. In moments the earth had swallowed up the sarcophagus " He is no longer a problem." Seti spread his fingers over the button, breaking the entire thing. A stone slab covering over the quicksand hole, hiding the grave under it " Now...Only the two of us know what happened to him. He'll just be forgotten."
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Original Post Here
"Wonderland isn't a fucking planet you absolute fucking nutsack." Chase rolled his eyes, irritated by the other now. As Sean spoke on he stares at the other, an eyebrow rising as the other had to question why they were an asshole "I don't know. Maybe because you think my hunger for power and ability to outright murder anyone who inconveniences me in the slightest, is paramount to my also ever having been good in my life. Or the fact that I don't sit here murdering everyone and my lust after power is due to addiction that I can't control. I'd say using my power trip of mine as an excuse to mistreat or assume absolutes about me, makes you an asshole. Also, I didn't come up to you, saying weird shit. So, have you come here for attention? Negative attention, apparently, since you're trying to start shit with me."
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Original Post Here
Seti gave Sean an even more confused look as Sean tried to explain "Oysters..." He blinked at this then continued to listen to the others explaining what he meant "Oh. Sorcerers." He commented then, still not too sure why Sean would want to fiddle around with such a thing " I don't imagine all humans with powers are considered ...Witches, though." He focused on more of what the other said then " What is a Sabrina the Teenage Witch?" Giving a small amused look toward Sean he nodded " Well, perhaps in another life you'll be allowed to."
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Original Post Here
Seti had sat up at Sean's question. As if being able to tell the other might have been confused " Pulling away? Hm. No. I'm not pulling away, Sean." Of course, the cookie cutter life was very mundane when prolonged for an excessive amount of time. It was even maddening, to an extent. Seti hadn't felt himself pulling away. He at the very least was kept busy, far more busy than he would have been being an exiled Egyptian prince, or a pharaoh of a kingdom. He had Julian to keep him from drifting too far into that mundane.
However, he didn't imagine so with Sean. Which could seem to be the problem with the forces that be that drove Sean. They could trap themselves in the mundane, and then become bored by their own cage. Sean, a hare, could never stand a cage. The mundane life was often enclosing, almost exactly cage like. As Sean had been talking he glances to one side "You've been having dreams like that, Sean? Perhaps we should give you less mundane things to keep you from having such dreams."  Of course, Seti could never understand 'being in the emotions', so he really just let Sean talk of it "DO you want to be in those emotions?"
A moment of silence coming between them, Seti shifted slightly before placing his hands on the other males hands " It's okay. Sean. Do what you need to do. I love you. Fuck a bitch, kill a king. Get in your emotions." Seti teased at the end before pinching Sean's nose " I'm here, because I love you, no matter what you are, who you are." Of course, he figured Sean's talk of a darkness and danger to him had surely been something he would be distant from if it got too out of control and in his business. Then again, Seti also knew how to put Sean in his place. Waving a hand the Egyptian grins " Release your tension."
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
A purposeful smirk had formed over Tristan's lips as Sean's cry of pain and dropping of his head into the pillow had suddenly came and was muffled in a moment. Though he could still hear the others faint crying even through the silencing pillows under them. His hand opened for a moment, grabbing up more hair a moment later as he pulled it closed ones more, giving Sean's head a tug. Sean would definitely know by the end of the night would it was like to fuck a viking. Though of course, he could have also been gentle about it. There had been such concepts of a thing in ancient times. Female Vikings were just as rough but as much beloved as any other member could possibly have been. At least in some circles.
Though Tristan had a sneaking suspicion that Sean would like it rough. He hadn't even been paying attention to how much noise they were causing in that moment as he pound into Sean. Though he also didn't care, if he had heard it. It wasn't like he had anything to worry about. This was his fledgling, and he could do whatever he wanted to the other, under those circumstances. More, he and Sean had a very deep connection. Tilting his head a bit as he could feel Sean's thoughts processing through his fledgling mind. His hips thrusting hard into the other still, roughly slamming against Sean in a almost too perfectly timed motion. Tristan had watched as the headboard started to break, only to let out a snicker before his eyes shift to one side, a moment passing where he seemed to be taking notice of something coming along.
When Shay had entered the room so unceremoniously Tristan had only tilt his head back a little and looked toward her before grinning "Oh, hey there Shay. Are you still lingering around. I thought Sean got rid of you somewhere?" He said, so casually as he continued thrusting roughly into Sean. A laugh leaving his slightly parted lips then. Though as Sean spoke and Shay took that cue to finally leave he lift up a hand from Sean's backside and made a shooing motion " Shut the door behind you, fledgling." 
Turning his attention back to Sean then he shook his head " I swear, you have to teach her some manners, such as knocking." Tristan teased, dragging his fingernails along Sean's back as the other spoke of cumming " Yes, yes. That's very nice to know Sean. I don't nee you to announce it to me." By the time Sean had finished cumming Tristan giggled lightly and pulled out, reaching a hand up to pat it on the top of Sean's sweat soaked head " Don't you look so warn and beaten, that I could just eat you up." Leaning in, warm dark brown eyes looked over Sean's face before he shift to one side and drug his tongue slowly up the side of Sean's face then turned and moved toward the edge of the bed, zipping himself back up " That was really fun. We'll have to do it again another time."
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