madame-mongoose · 19 days
Drew you Sucking his flat ass fanart for on my phone
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suntimeswolliw · 1 year
i just realized some things i thought were normal are Very Not Normal and uh. gshdgdhfhgj i need a new brain
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snaillamp · 1 year
JOD - Day 19 - Stay with Me
We had fluff on day 18, so day 19 is the complete opposite. >:)
Day 19: “I’m not going anywhere” | Wound cleaning | Guilt | Chair |
Right-hand limped out of the forest, pulling someone behind them. Slung over their shoulder was the arm of Leader, who was barely able to walk. Right-hand  whimpered as they sank to the ground, Leader heavily dropping to the ground next to them.
Right-hand was breathing heavily as they rolled onto their back, staring up at the stars, they were still heading in the right direction. ‘We are so close to the bunker… we have to be. We have to keep going.’ they thought.
In the darkness, they looked over at Leader, who was lying still. They turned and shook them, “Leader?” waiting anxiously as they felt Leader’s chest rise and fall, barely. They felt cold. 

Right-hand pushed themself to their feet, pulling Leader’s arm back over their shoulder. Leader groaned, lifting their head slightly. “Right-hand?” “I’m right here Leader. Stay with me, we’re nearly there.” 
They adjusted their grip on Leader’s arm before continuing. Leader spoke again, their voice ragged, “What happened?” Right-hand felt gooebumps erupt over their skin, Leader sounded terrible. “I got us out of there. We’re-” Right-hand’s sentence was cut off as pain ripped through their leg. “We’re nearly there.” They panted, practically dragging their leg behind them. Leader moaned quietly, before slumping against them, sending them both staggering off course. Right-hand righted themself before grunting, pulling the arm of the unconscious Leader over their shoulder a little more, trying to carry their dead weight.
The trees sighed as they broke into the clearing, Right-hand collapsing again. They looked up at the sky, now clouded over, the light of the stars no longer a comfort to them. At least they didn’t need them to navigate anymore.
Leaning Leader against a tree, they limped out into the small clearing, uncovering the bunker door, hidden in the dirt and leaves, pulling it open. They hobbled back to Leader, picking them up under their arms and dragging them along the ground. Slowly, they managed to get them both down the bunker entrance, one agonising step at a time, before slamming the door shut behind them, plunging them into darkness.
They felt the cold, brick wall, pressing the light switch when their fingers brushed it. A dull yellow light flickered on, buzzing as Right-hand looked around. There were many bunkers scattered around the country for teams like them, secret places to remain safe until they were picked up by an evacuation team, a team that couldn’t come soon enough.
Right-hand felt the blood begin dripping down their leg again, swearing as they noticed. They lay Leader on the ground, before stumbling to a shelf and fumbling through the supplies. Finding what they needed, they bandaged their wound tightly, hoping it would be enough to keep them going. They popped out a couple of pills from a box and forced themself to swallow them, gagging at the taste of the chalky tablets.
Turning to Leader, they knelt down and checked them over. There was a large wound on their head and dried blood was all through their hair and down their face. Feeling their chest for breathing, Right-hand could tell that Leader had some badly broken ribs and their breathing was shallow as they took quiet, uneven breaths.
Right-hand grabbed more bandages, wrapping a large stab wound on Leader’s arm and a long gash on their stomach. Leader suddenly woke, hissing in pain as Right-hand brushed their hand against the raw skin accidentally. They let out a cry, scraping their fingernails along the concrete floor as Right-hand quickly tried to wrap the rest of the bandage. “Leader, I gotta fix you up, then we can sort your pain out.” Securing the bandage, Right-hand managed to lift Leader from the floor and move them to a small, low camping stretcher. They were both soaked in blood, not all their own, as Right-hand lowered Leader onto it.
Leader gripped their stomach, fighting back tears in their eyes as waves of pain and nausea washed over them.

Right-hand grabbed a wound cleaning kit and sat by their side, before leaning back and resting their head beside Leader’s shaking shoulders. Opening the kit they swore, trust the people who kept these stocked to cheap out and buy shit antiseptic. They pulled up their sleeves, giving their own wounds a clean until Leader’s shaking subsided. The antiseptic burned as they winced through clenched teeth.
When Leader’s breath became calmer, Right-hand began to clean their wounds. This caused Leader’s body to spasm and they bit back scream as Right-hand cleaned a particularly deep wound. Their eyes grew slightly distant as they gasped in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Stay with me.” Right-hand was concentrating on causing the least amount of pain as their leader writhed in the stretcher.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Leader grunted through gritted teeth, trying to keep a scream back unsuccessfully when Right-hand dabbed a cut. Right-hand stopped as Leader’s breathing grew faster, their body drenched in sweat. Leader looked up at them, eyes unfocused, “They aren’t coming… Are they?” shaking their head Right-hand kept dabbing, “They will. They have to.” They had to right? Surely they would be found and get out of here?
Right-hand used some more antiseptic to wipe the dried blood off their bodies. The scent was overpowering, smelling like fake pine trees. Leader coughed as they accidentally breathed it in. “Don’t do that.” Right-hand smiled gently, removing the small gauze pad they were using to clean. “The fumes will make you drunk.” Leader let out a pained laugh, “Honestly, wouldn’t mind that right now. Better than this.” They shuddered in pain again.
Nausea ripped through Leader’s body, making them feel like they were on a ship in a storm. They felt the cool sensation of the antiseptic drying on their arm as Right-hand wiped a new gauze pad all over it. “I’d rather you be sober for this one.” Right-hand’s voice sounded slightly muffled. Another wave of nausea washed over Leader, making them groan as the room began to swirl around them, as a jolt of pain ripped through their body, white hot and agonising. Leader’s body arched as the pain ripped through their entire being, before their eyes rolled back and they landed heavily on the stretcher. “Leader?”Right-hand cried out, shaking them to no avail.
Right-hand felt their mind beginning to swirl too. They must have been exposed to the toxin at the facility they infiltrated. That was the whole mission, to blow up a lab that they had received intel on. It was supposed to be manufacturing a new, fast acting, painful toxin that could be used by anyone to interrogate any information out of them, without causing them too much physical harm. No physical injuries? No suspicion. Absolute agony.
Pain began to rip through Right-hand’s body too, soon enough. They were on the lying ground, writhing in pain when they heard a weak voice through the fog… “Right-hand… Stay with me.” Scared, Right-hand flailed towards the sound, “Lie down… You’re with me… I’m not going anywhere.” Right-hand’s mouth was dry, “Neither.” they found their hand being weakly squeezed by another cold, shaky one.
They lay together, sprawled on the ground, drifting in and out until a light broke through the darkness and brain fog. Muffled sounds echoed around them ad the barely conscious Right-hand felt themself being lifted up. The cold, limp hand of Leader dropped from their grip and they groaned, reaching for it again. They promised they wouldn’t leave them alone.
“It’s alright, Right-hand.” The sound of the extrication team around them began to become clear. “Leader…” They mumbled, reaching for them again. “Leader’s right here, they’re fine.” The disembodied voice comforted them. “We got here just in time. A signal went off saying that the bunker had been opened and it’s a good thing it did. You’re both quite lucky.” Right-hand couldn’t make words form in their head as they were carried to a large, black helicopter.
Leader was already being loaded in, wrapped up on a stretcher. Right-hand realised they were lying on one too, as they admired the soft, warm colours of the rising sun.
Once on the chopper, their hand fell from the edge of the stretcher, brushing Leader’s, who’s eyes opened slowly. They looked at each other, too tired and in pain to move, but they weakly smiled. They would get through this together, they weren’t going anywhere.
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queenharumiura · 5 months
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"Oh... this is an area that Haru doesn't like the fact we're matching."
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"What does it mean to be soft? Whichever the case, I hide it well... but you..."
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"Hahi! Please be quiet!"
[dash comm]
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
I just had. The worst/best idea for an Ambessa fic.
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jomnki · 1 year
have you ever felt so alone at other people's happiness because you know you're too fundamentally wrong to ever achieve something like that
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@geistxhund whispered: [ HANDS ] : our muses’ hands touch. (anything from grazing past or the hand holding content we all deserve.)
{ ♪ } -- They'd been spending quite a bit of time together. Working together to do all sorts of menial daily tasks meant that these little touches were common...
So why had this brush of their fingers sent her heart into overdrive?!
Bella bit back an anguished whine as she attempted to puzzle that out. They were in the kitchen, working to make something as a treat for them both. That should have been plenty to calm her soul. Cooking was her escape, after all. Alongside piano, that was the only way she really knew how to escape her feelings.
In the middle of her mental soliloquy, she felt him take her hand in his and give her fingers a squeeze.
Her heart leaped into her throat.
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"If you're trying to calm me down, you're achieving quite the opposite effect..."
Despite her mumbled words perhaps not reaching him, she knew he'd get a good idea of what she'd said based on the fact that her ears and neck had achieved a bright cherry hue.
Oh, no...
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4709j047 · 2 months
kombinim guzel oldu gunum harika geciyo ahahahhahaa
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moonspirit · 2 months
when u said levi owned a tea shop it got me thinking.. what would his tea shop be like if it was in modern times? well, i came up with a few headcanons of my own..
first off, how the tea shop came to be:
picture this.. an illegal immigrant that randomly popped up in the US. no one, not even himself, knows where he came from or how he ended up in america. said illegal immigrant then ends up in the bad part of town, huddled over a dumpster fire for warmth with a meth addict he met some time ago. (hes keeping his distance.. he’s disgusted by the man) he’s boiling tea over the dumpster and offers some to the meth addict..
Addict: man u should start sellin this stuff! it’s like crack! i should know
immigrant: selling it… hmmm.. 🤔 
that illegal immigrant was levi! and that’s how he came up with the idea. now for his employees.. he can’t afford to hire anyone with self respect so he drove around in a beat up white van looking for someone who looks desperate enough, and then he finds his saving grace.. two little kids trying to look tough, gabi and falco! he is under the impression that child labor is legal so he rolls down his window and offers them 1.50$/hour to work for him. they’re kids with no idea what the value of money is and agree thinking they’re gonna be rich.
gabi: 1.50$?! say on SKIBIDI dawg
levi (old asf): ?? what
falco agreed because he thought about all the v-bucks he could buy.. i have no idea where onyankopon came from but he definitely works there! he also informs levi how illegal it is to have gabi and falco work for him.
.. i’m pretty much just gonna dump my aot headcanons on u if u don’t mind 🙏
Levi: wat
One criminal with a taste for good tea + two (mildly, on varying degrees) criminal children = Best tea shop in town. You won't choose another once you've had a cup here. What? Oh no, don't bother about that rifle sticking out from that shelf, pointed at the door. It's okay. Calm down and drink your fucking tea.
I'm all for Papa Levi running a business with his two (one) uncontrollable children (child) and Onyankopon interfering from time to time to tell them how their crimes are maybe, probably, definitely illegal.
And sure! Bring your headcanons, let the people see them!
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madame-mongoose · 7 months
i finidhed the art but ooooh. on no oh i cant fucking post this ooooooh no
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cyberkiss2uu · 6 months
ok ill keep the brainrotting to a minimum but someone pleaaaase ask me ab these guys im so normal ab themm ahahahhahaa
theyre twins the boy is Xueshe and the girl is Puzui… they r Liyue characters :3 specifically illuminated beasts!
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they r so tragic i think ive talked ab them a bit before but buddy ive written a like 4000+ word Ongoing masterdoc of their lore and design analysis. with several playlists. im not fucking around with these guys
basically they were. mitosis’d by Cloud Retainer and fought in the archon war and the cataclysm and ended up being Khaenri’ah sympathizers so Celestia astrally projected them into the Abyss for 500 years until they both nearly went insane and the Puzui DID go insane and lose all her memories and they break free during the upcomimg lantern rite so 😜 cant wait to see 4.4 play out and alter their lives
Xueshe’s design is waaay less thought out than Puzuis tbh i dont feel that he looks like a genshin character and i know i could do more to achieve that but. ykw xiao can have all the visual complexity in their relationship idc. um he kinda maybe has a hanfu shirt. his shirt could be tied up like hes doing archery but hes. a sword character. also hes supposed to have the same glove that Xiao does to hold their visions because i loove when matching/swapping/sharing items is used as a visual representation of a relationship idk. and he has a little fox friend named Nezha because hes a protection deity
Puzui’s has a lot of choices based on forget me nots (also called scorpion grass which influenced her hair) and me genuinely referencing hanfu and qipao.. altho ive come to the conclusion her qipao looks way more like an ao dai with the pants LOL um also her Huadian (forehead makeup) is supposed to be a forget me not and the dots on her brow and dimples are called Huadian or MianYe :3
the pibo (the silk behind Puzui) and the lingzhi (Xueshe’s headpiece) are used in folklore art and opera respectively but i thought that they would be a really interesting way to call back on how theyre like from a diff time period yk. even tho just their outfits do that but WTVRRR also the lingzhi is used for good looking generals in opera and ykw. he IS a good looking general.
theyre also classing pyro and cryo siblings yaaay overall theyre just designed to be opposites yet very similar you know how it is. when your sibling is your narrative foil when you and your sibling are doomed by the narrative
um their illuminated beast forms were also deisgned with chinese mythological creatures in mind… Puzui’s is loosely based on the Fuzhu and Xueshe’s is even more loosely based on the Tianma.. i just wanted a clydesdale ill be honest
YEAA thats def not their entire story ill circle back when 4.4 drops im just queuing a bunch of stuff rn in december. hi future people waoww
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kasey-writes-stuff · 1 year
Munchy crew hide n seek BBH’s turn
Bad was currently hidden in the dream team house pantry. His foot tapped softly with anticipation and he started thinking this wasn’t a good enough spot. He began to open the door to go find another but only got it about a quarter of a ways open before freezing. His free hand slapped to his mouth as he already felt giggles bubbling up upon hearing sapnap very near by.
His eyes were closed shut as he silently muttered to himself in his head if he was still and quiet enough he would be fine. He however was very wrong though, jumping a foot in the air when he suddenly heard someone clearing their throat next to him. His eyes shot open and he immediately began begging.
“Sapnap no! Please! Give me another chance! You totally cheated that was way too fast of a count!”
Sapnap snickered shaking his head side to side.
“No no second chance, you’re the one that tried to move spots so now you pay for it. And no I did not count too fast. Maybe it just felt that way cause you’re sooooo excited for your tickles!”
Bad now profusely shook his head in denial hands raised defensively his cheeks alrwady pink.
“Okay yes I tried to move but come on this spot was such a bad one! No! That is not at all true you know I don’t even like being t-tickled!”
Sapnap rolls his eyes.
“Yea yes I know we all know you said it a million times as you refused to play this but then when we all said okay and were gonna just let you sit out or be a second seeker you said you didn’t wanna be left out and that you didn’t wanna be a seeker cause you’re not good at it.”
Bad’s cheeks turn pinker at his words and he huffs softly.
“Okay well I mean well… yea but I’m really not a good one so I had no choice but to do this! Cause I really really didn’t wanna be left out”
Sapnap softly chuckles.
“It’s alright okay I won’t go hard on you here let’s maybe get you out of the pantry and onto the floor here if you’re comfortable with that.”
Bad shrugs nodding softly as sapnap steps aside and he slowly exits the pantry and lies on the floor a few feet away.
“Yea this is fine, see I always knew you were such a sweet boy.”
Sapnap can’t help but roll his eyes again.
“Yea yea whatever you say, so is there anywhere specifically you like really really don’t want tickled?”
Bad thinks for a moment before looking at sapnap softly
“My feet and armpits are all I think.”
Sapnap nods as he sits down beside bad and thinks for a moment deciding where to go first. It doesn’t take long before he settles for his tummy, scribbling at it gently.
Bad bursts into giggles squirming and fighting to keep his hands from pushing at Sapnaps hands.
“Nohoohoho! Ahahahhahaa!”
Sapnap smiles brightly at his giggles.
“Well this is a giggle spot isn’t it?”
Bad’s cheeks turn a bright pink and he shrugs.
“Ihihi dohohonnttt knohohowwww thihissss dohohehehssnnttt hahhappehehennn tohoho mehhee muhuhucchh!”
Sapnap nods and goes a little quicker and rougher.
“Okay that makes sense, hmm we should find a death spot though if this isn’t one.”
BBH’s giggles pick up some but never get higher than giggles and his eyes widen at sapnaps words.
“Whahahahhattt nohohoho nononohohoho wehehee dohohonnttt!”
Sapnap smirks at him shaking his head and stops the tickling.
“Sorry bad but everyone is having at least one death spot tickled! I’m not gonna bother asking you where one is I’m just gonna take a guess and hope I get it right okay?”
Bad giggles residually his cheeks turning red at sapnaps words but he nods softly in agreement.
“Yeehahaha ohohkahahayyy.”
Sapnap smiles softly as he looks over bad trying to decide what spot would be best to try. It takes a few moments but then he finally settles on testing his ribs, he curiously pokes at his lowest ribs and his smile widens.
Bad squeaks loudly immediately jolting at the pokes and bursting into small bouts of loud laughter!
Sapnap smiles brightly and happily as he pauses the pokes.
“Okay yea I would definitely say this is a death spot I’m barely doing anything, you think you’d be okay with some scribbles?”
Bad thinks for a moment and decides what the heck sapnaps been really nice he knows he’ll stop the second he starts to ask so he nods.
“Yehehaha juhusttt nohohottt fohorr lohohonngg.”
Sapnap nods feeling super happy that bad trusts him enough to let him do this.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll be quick just a quick scribble across all of them and the second you start saying the safe word I’ll be done.”
Bad nods softly and slightly shyly.
“Thank you for being so nice about this it uh kinda makes it not totally unejoyable.”
Sapnap feels like he could absolutely melt on the spot but he quickly regains himself and begins gently scribbling bad’s lower set of ribs.
“Of course tickling is supposed to be fun and even though you really don’t like it I still wanted to try and make it at least somewhat enjoyable so I’m glad I managed to do that.”
Bad squeaks and then bursts into loud laughter squirming back and forth inbetween sapnaps hands.
Sapnap smirks as he moves his hands up to his middle ribs.
“What’s worse now here or your lower ribs?”
Bad’s laughter increases in pitch and he shakes his head.
Sapnap nods still smirking softly as he moves to bad’s upper ribs.
“Okay now what’s worse here or your middle ribs!”
Bad shrieks his laughter getting it’s loudest yet and it’s only moments before he gives in!
The second sapnap hears the r coming out of bad’s mouth he stops the tickles and he begins to firmly rub bad’s ribs to rid of the ghost tingles.
“You okay? I stopped in time right?”
Bad giggles residually for most of his speaking and nods at sapnap.
“Dohohonnttt wohohorryyy muhuhufihihinn hehehahadddd ihihimmm fihihinehehe yoouuu stohoppped before I even got the whole world out.”
Sapnap nods as he stands up.
“Okay good I’m glad that wasn’t totally terrible for you it won’t be a constant thing I’m sure but maybe eventually it could be a little more common if you want but if not it’s totally cool.”
Bad chuckles softly and waves off sapnap.
“Yea yea muffin head I don’t know about that just go ahead and go get more of your tickle monster out on someone else okay?”
Sapnap nods again.
“You got it!”
And so with that sapnap was off to find his next target
The end
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itadorey · 7 months
I saw this on Twitter and thought I should share it with you
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LILITH AHAHAHHAHAA I HAD TO TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO LAUGH AND CALM DOWN please all i get are tiktoks of this edit omg thank you so much for sharing 😭😭
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reminiscentreader · 3 days
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pixiecapsalt · 19 days
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having a flare up and i have no meds left ahahahhahaa hahah .
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radishearts · 1 year
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Changing artstyle midway couldn’t be me ahahahhahaa
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