#AG!Peter x reader
toothfa-1-ry · 6 months
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And that's all it took to wipe out half of humanity,
Snap, lesser than even 5 seconds and yet Pietro Maximoff could swear that it was all the time it took for his entire world to screech to a sudden stop
And so he ran, he ran to you and in a blur, no less than 5 seconds there he was right next to you, eyes widened and frantically holding you, looking at you
"are you alright- are you fine are you feeling okay"
Pietro was many things but not the idiot he usually pretended to be, he wasn't the idiot you and his sister would call him though neither of you would believe that he was
He knew that something was wrong with the air suddenly.
Wakanda was a beautiful place even amidst the ongoing war but something was wrong, something was wrong in the universe the minute Thanos snapped his fingers and Pietro knew it, and he knew that you and everyone around him could feel it too.
"dragâ mea- look at me hey- look at me" Pietro commanded, his voice filled with urgency as he spoke to you
"he snapped his fingers didn't he?" You muttered "something really bad is happening Pietro- i- I don't think thanos was bluffing about wiping off half of humanity"
"no- your fine. We are both fine- we're okay" Pietro gripped your hands enclosing them with his, the both of you were going to be fine, he thought, the both of you had to be fine-
You could hear shouts from afar, surprise, shocked, and full of grief. You knew, whatever Thanos had planned had already started
"P- Pietro I don't- I" you began shaking, you felt weird, you felt as if though you might just turn into dust and fade away
"no no no- no your going to be fine no you can't-" Pietro firmly refused to believe that something would happen to you "let me go check- nothing bads going to happen to you or me princesta- nothing bad"
You could hear his accent thicken even more as he began rambling. You knew he was worried despite the words he was saying, despite what he told you he believed
Pietro turned "nothing bads happening, we both know Thanos was just bluffing he was lying- he was trying to scare us he would never- let me go check princesta I swear I'll be right back"
He began talking really fast, desperate to prove to you that it was a lie, desperate to prove to himself that it was all a lie. Thanos's plan, everything. He was going to prove it
"no wait Pietro!" You suddenly shouted out just before he sped away
"dragâ please- y/n? Y/n!"
You look down at yourself and then at Pietro who stared at you in pure disbelief
He shook his head furiously and blinked as fast as he could to hide his tears
"no- no! No your not going- I'm not going to let you go too" his arms enclosed your body as he hugged you tightly as if though that would prevent your body from being faded away
"Pietro- don't.. don't-" you choke back your words "Pietro look at me, please look at me"
Pietro stubbornly refused to let go despite you pleads, he refused to answer back to opting to hold you even closer
"I can't let you go- don't ask me to do such things you know I can't" his voice trembled as he spoke, his voice never trembled like that before
"Pietro" you spoke again, your shaky voice trying very hard to appear calm but miserably failing
"please y/n please" he begged
"Pietro!" You shouted, shaking away from his hold, leaving space between the both of you, you look into his red teary eyes and he looks into yours
You hands clasp his face gently as he shakes his head softly murmuring no repeatedly,
"oh Pietro-" your forhead touches his and you can hear his sobs
"please don't go-" his voice cracks "you can't go my love"
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm always going to be with you- "
Pietro shook his head
"look at me, my sweet sweet boy, please look at me"
His blue eyes looked straight into yours and you felt the air inside of you vanishing
"I'll be back before you even know it"
You manage to mutter out before you too along with half of humanity vanished away. Away from the life you had half lived, away from the dreams you had half dreamt and away from the people you had truly fully loved with all your heart.
You couldn't hear Pietro's cries after that, his screams, his grief. You couldn't hear his agony and his pleads because you didn't exist, atleast not anymore, maybe now, solely on his memories.
He ran, like he always used to
Except this time, he seemed to forget to stop. He forgot to sleep, to eat, he would survive of course, he was bred to survive, to never stop,
So that's what he did, he never stopped running
The world still needed saving. Just this time not from robots and aliens but rather saving from it's own self agony, it's own crippling depression.
And Pietro was still a part of the quote un quote Avengers, whether he wanted to or not so he always found himself running to help people and forgetting that he too needs help
He has seen the look in people's faces, he has seen the very same in Nat's and the same face would stare at him everytime he faced a mirror
A face of regret, guilt and perhaps even self hatred. Pietro was disgusted at himself
He hadn't shaved for a while, his roots were outgrown and his eyes that you once described as a tsunami of emotions now remained still like a frozen lake during winter
But even so, he never stopped running, except he didn't know what he was running towards or rather, what he was running from.
He stopped calling himself a part of the Avengers, even though Nat and Steve still did, it made no sense, the Avengers had broken down years ago and half of the members no longer existed.
Tony was tired and done. Pietro knew he had all the right to be, he saw the state he was in when he came back from space,
Barton was-
Barton couldn't care less, Pietro didn't cared either. They both lost everything, but sometimes Pietro wished that atleast the both of them could have held on to one another but it was no use now, after all he didn't even try to stop Barton when he came to give him a final goodbye
The world had darken. He thought the world was a cruel and evil place before but now it was nothing, it was just a huge shadow and every where he went he was reminded of his failure, a failure as a hero, a friend and a failure towards you.
He was running when he got a call from Natasha
"Pietro- where are you?"
"running" a short reply came on one end
".. something came up" Natasha paused and Pietro could hear the hitch on her breath
"Pietro" she repeated his name again "I think- sorry" she corrected "we think we can bring them back"
Pietro finally stopped
"Nat.. don't do this to me, please- don't I cannot- I cannot do it, not anymore" the sokovian boy said
The other line remained silent, after all what could Natasha even say
"do you really believe that we can bring them back?" Pietro asked
"it's..it's almost impossible but.. I believe in it Pietro- it's a crazy dysfunctional idea but I believe in it and so does Steve"
Pietro wanted to run away
"the question is do you?"
He really wanted to run away
"I want to believe in it too" he whispered back
Pietro already lost his parents once and he swore that he won't lose his sister, but he ended up losing everyone he loved
"Bruce is on it and Tony-"
Natasha paused at his name and Pietro held his breath
Mr Stark
"Tony is still deciding" Natasha carefully placing her words
" we'll be waiting for you in the tower. You know where" Natasha said
"okay, hey Pietro?"
"I seriously believe in this okay?"
Pietro doesnt reply back, he doesn't need to, he knows it has to work, he had to see you again.
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raven-dor · 26 days
I saw your recent Edmund fic and I’m obsessed!
Could you do one where Edmund gets super jealous/overprotective with reader? I love possessive Edmund!
mine all mine
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the four times in which edmund discovers that he is overprotective of his wife, and the one time she proves to him she can take care of herself
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x wife!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, overprotective nature, sword fighting, typical Narnia violence, fluff ending
AN: This is set during the Golden Age, so all of them are adults!! also your title is fair, as in an adjective for just, not at all a description of what the reader looks like!!
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He hadn’t meant to listen in to his wife’s meeting, really. But when he noticed Lord Eluna raising his voice, he couldn’t help but linger outside of the door, his hand on his sword's hilt. Y/N’s constantly calm voice interrupted the seething lord. “While I understand the importance of this situation, it does not warrant you to act poorly towards your queen, Lord Eluna.” 
The man scoffed. “By marriage. A marriage which could be easily annulled, seeing as you have not produced his grace any heirs.” 
Y/N laughed, seemingly not phased by his comment. “We are not in desperate need of any heirs, my lord. If you haven’t noticed, we have a plethora of rulers. Unless you are planning something that would warrant the need of heirs.” She paused, and Edmund could only assume the look on her face, the one she typically made when she was proving him wrong. "Are you?"  
“How dare you insinuate-” 
Edmund forced down a laugh, barging into the room. “My lords.” 
The table of twelve men stood, bowing to their superior. Half hearted ‘Your Grace’s’ were thrown Edmund’s way, but he could not care less. He looked at the man who was still glaring daggers at his wife. “Lord Eluna.” 
“Your Grace.” He tore his eyes from the young queen. “We were just-”
“Yes.” Edmund raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I heard. And while I appreciate your obviously kind and thoughtful concern, my wife and I do not need your advice on that particular matter.” 
Y/N turned bright red, widening her eyes when all the lord's jaws dropped. “Edmund-” 
“I’m sure whatever you were meeting about can be postponed.” Edmund looked around the table, waiting for an answer. “Well?” The lords clambered, nodding quickly in agreement. He smirked and walked over to his wife, holding out his arm for her to hold. “My love.” 
She rolled her eyes but still hooked her arm through his. “You are quite dramatic.” 
He laughed, ignoring the prying eyes around them. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean.” The couple walked out the doors, giggling when they knew the lords could no longer hear them. Edmund frowned, rubbing her arm comfortingly. “Do they always treat you so horribly?” 
“You cannot keep doing this, Ed.” She sighed.
“What am I do-” 
She glared at him. “You know what you’re doing. They will never learn to respect me if you keep coming to my defense.” 
“It’s been two years. They should have respected you the minute I married you. Actually-” He scoffed. “They should respect you because it’s the right thing to do.” 
They walked into their chambers, collapsing onto the bed. Edmund wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in as she traced shapes into his chest. “You're a gallant and honorable man, Edmund, much more than your lords. But you know as well as I that those old malcontents will never respect me until I give them a reason to.” 
“I wish it wasn’t so.” He leaned down, kissing her temple. “You are a much better leader than me.” 
She scoffed, leaning into his touch. “Not true.”
“Yes.” He nodded, staring at the ceiling. “You are.” 
“If I am..." She appeased him. "It is only because I’ve watched you and your siblings rule with kindness and justice for so long. Please do not put yourself down for my sake.” She stretched up, kissing him gently. “Never put yourself down; you are too perfect for that.” 
“If you insist.” He smiled, feeling lovesick. How could he not? The most beautiful woman in all of Narnia, or, more accurately, the universe, lay beside him.
Of course, he felt lovesick.
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“Happy Birthday, my love.” Y/N smiled mischievously at her husband. “How old are you now? Eighty?” 
He glared, kissing her cheek softly. “What a charmer you are.” 
She nodded and took a deep breath, straightening her dress as they prepared to enter the ballroom. “Well, you didn’t marry me for my baking skills.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Your baking skills are perfectly adequate.” 
She scoffed, looking up at him once more. “Don’t lie to me, Edmund Pevensie.” She fought the smile that threatened to break her act. “You flatter me too much, I think.”
He felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her senselessly. He had that urge constantly, but it was especially difficult at that moment. “You are a true beauty. Have I told you?”
She blushed, turning her face back towards the grand doors. “Behave.” 
He nodded, still looking at her in awe, enjoying the way her flushed cheeks complemented her dress. He had always loved her in the color blue. “Yes, ma’am.” 
The ushers opened the doors, and they stepped forward. “King Edmund the Just, and Queen Y/N the Fair.” 
The room exploded into applause for the Just King, and the pair descended the stairs, focusing on not falling in front of all their subjects. Peter, Susan, and Lucy sat on their thrones at the bottom, smiling brightly. Lucy gestured toward the Maestro, and Edmund led his wife to the middle of the ballroom. “I do wonder what they'll play.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?” 
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
Y/N's smile grew as their wedding waltz’s familiar intro echoed through the hall. “This isn’t fair.” 
He laughed at the irony. “Why not, my love?” 
“It is your birthday, not our anniversary.” 
He spun her around the room, whispering. “I happen to like this song.” 
“Edmund…” She blushed again. “You should have chosen a song that you love.” 
“I did.” The waltz ended, and he bowed. “It reminds me of you; why wouldn’t I love it?” 
Her eyes were watering, and he suddenly felt horrible, his stomach twisting. “I’m sorry, did I-” 
She leaped up, kissing him soundly. The crowd gasped, but Edmund didn’t care. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. She leaned back, their foreheads touching. “I don’t deserve you.” 
His heart felt full. “Quite the opposite, really.” He kissed her once more, nuzzling his nose with hers. “I love you.” 
Lucy clapped her hands, pulling the crowd's attention away from the happy couple. “Thank you all so much for attending my brother’s 24th birthday ball!” The room erupted into cheers. Lucy smiled. “Help yourselves to the buffet, or take to the dance floor. Happy Birthday, dear brother.”
The crowd dispersed, and the pair walked up to the thrones, sitting beside each other, still holding hands. Peter muttered, smirking. “Couldn’t have waited until later?” 
Edmund rolled his eyes. “Just because you don’t have a love li-” 
Y/N scolded her husband. “Ed.” 
Peter glared playfully at his brother. “My love life is none of your business, thank you very much.” 
Susan laughed. “How is she?” 
Peter blushed. “She has a name.” He straightened his posture, looking out into the crowd for who Y/N could only assume they were talking about. “As perfect as ever.” 
Lucy giggled. “Have you tried talking to her?” 
Peter closed his eyes, leaning his head back against his throne. “I am getting attacked from all sides, it seems.” 
Y/N smiled. “I think it’s sweet. You seem very in love.” He smiled back, looking longingly at the buffet table, where a gorgeous maid stood handing out desserts. Y/N nudged him lightly. “You could ask her to dance.” 
He laughed, and when he realized his sister in law was not laughing, stopped. “I fear she would not like the fuss.” 
“Ah.” Y/N looked over at the girl again. “I will be right back.” 
Edmund whined. “Where are you off to?” 
“None of your business, Edmund.” She kissed his cheek quickly. “Do have fun at your own birthday party.” 
He sighed as she walked away. “How can I when you’re leaving?” 
The fair queen glided across the floor with the intention of making conversation with the girl the High King was infatuated with. She had almost reached Peter's love when a hand wrapped around her waist. She gasped, pulling herself out of the stranger’s hold. The visibly drunk lord bowed teasingly. “My Lady, would you care-” A hiccup interrupted his question. “Would you care to dance?” 
She smiled politely. “I’m afraid my card is full for the night. But thank you for the offer.” 
The man tried to speak again, but she turned around, walking back towards the maid. 
Edmund had seen the entire interaction, gripping the handles of his throne tight enough to break the solid stone. Peter whispered. “Edmund, don’t do anything rash-” 
“He just-” 
Peter gave him the stare, that older brother stare that he tried to reserve for hard moments. “He will be dealt with, trust me, but you need to be subtle-” 
Edmund stood up, stalking over to the drunken lord. Peter sighed once more. "He will be the first to give me gray hairs.” 
Susan rolled her eyes. “You are twenty-seven, Peter. You’re not graying anytime soon.” 
Edmund grabbed the lord’s arm, dragging him out to the balcony. “A nice night, isn’t it?” 
The lord was in shock, nodding. “Yes, Your Grace.” He grinned. “It is truly an honor to have been invited to your-” 
“It was a nice night.” The young king smiled condescendingly. “Until you harassed my wife.” 
“I-” The old man stuttered. “I meant no disrespect.” 
“Don’t lie to your king.” Edmund seethed. “If you ever do that again, I will rue the day, believe me.” He took a deep breath. “You will apologize to my wife, and after that, you will leave immediately. You are fortunate that I don’t ensure you are barred from the castle grounds.” 
The lord looked upset. Good, Edmund thought, serves him right. “But Your Grace-” 
“Do I make myself clear?” 
“Yes.” The old man nodded. “Yes, Your Grace.” He stumbled back into the ballroom, making a beeline for Y/N. Edmund watched from afar, smiling as she smiled, actually genuinely smiled. Then he frowned when she let him kiss her hand. Oh, how he wanted to have him banished. 
Y/N made her way to the balcony, shaking her head at her proud husband. “What have you done?” 
“Nothing. Why do you assume-” 
“Edmund.” She crossed her arms. “You must stop.” 
“What?” He laughed. “Stop protecting you?” 
“Yes!” She yelled, exasperated from his constant watching eye. “I had it handled.” 
“He harassed you.” 
“Thank you Edmund.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, something Edmund did not appreciate at the moment. “I wasn’t aware.” 
“My love.” He stepped forward, taking her hands in his. “As long as there is air in my lungs, I will protect you. It pains me to see you go through these things.” 
She smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. “You are a good man, Edmund.” 
He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that.” 
“You’re right, I shouldn’t. But if we make a fuss about every lord who gets handsy while they’re drunk, the ballroom will be empty.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Good. Get rid of the whole lot of them. I would rather it just be you and I anyhow.” 
Y/N gasped, smacking his chest lightly. “Edmund!” 
“No one should have to deal with that.” 
“Well, I agree. But you can’t-” 
“Good.” He nodded, ignoring the fact that he just interrupted her. “Who were you talking to after that incident?” 
“Peter’s love.” She smiled. “That girl is quite kind. Spirited, too.” 
Edmund laughed, pulling Y/N in. “Perfect for Peter then.” 
She hummed, leaning her head on his chest as they looked back into the ballroom. “Perfect for Peter.” 
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It had been Edmund’s idea to go on an afternoon ride. Y/N had reminded him of the recent attacks that they were investigating, but he’d ignored her. Their horses galloped through the fall woods, leaves falling as they flew through. Phillip muttered. “Her horse is much younger than me, no wonder she keeps beating me.” 
Y/N’s horse, Vilja, laughed. “Perhaps you are simply slow, Phillip.” 
Y/N fought against the laugh that threatened to spill out. “Now Vilja, play nice. Remember, Phillip has to hold Edmund and his ego.” 
Edmund scoffed, shoving his wife playfully as they slowed. “What happened to playing nice?” 
They tied the horses beside each other, walking through the woods leisurely. “It is perfect outside, is it not?” 
Y/N nodded, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. “It is.” She smiled as the lantern came into view. “It’s been too long.” 
Edmund hummed. “We’re happy here.” He looked down, his heart beating fast. “You would tell me if you weren't happy, I hope.” 
“Of course, Edmund.” She smiled. “I'm very happy here. I only meant we’ve been here for a long time. After all, it has been thirteen years.” She looked back at the lantern, pulling Edmund along with her. “I wonder how long it’s been there.” 
He laughed, kissing her temple gently. “Who cares?” 
“Edmund…” She leaned into his touch. Feeling mischievous, she pulled out of his hold, sprinting further into the woods. 
Edmund groaned, chasing after her. “This was funnier the first time.” 
The nymphs giggled as they watched the couple run through the woods. Edmund spun in the clearing, squinting as he tried to find his wife. “Y/N, you know I’ll find-” A piercing scream broke the joyful nature of their fun, and his heart sank. “Y/N?” He waited for her response, another scream echoing through the forest. He ran towards her, unsheathing his sword. “Y/N!” He broke through the woods, finding his wife backed against a tree, a wolf growling in front of her. Edmund stood in between them, pointing the sword at the wolf’s head. “We don’t want to harm you.” 
The wolf simply growled. Odd. Edmund whispered. “Stay still, my love.” He stepped forward, addressing the wolf once more. “You have one more chance to leave us. We won’t harm you if you do so, you have my word.”
The wolf leaned back, lunging at Edmund, and he slashed his sword, killing the animal in a single blow. Y/N stood silent behind him, staring at the ground. “I thought all animals spoke in Narnia.” 
“So did I.” Edmund knelt beside it, checking for any witchcraft of any sort. 
Y/N smiled sympathetically, kneeling beside him. “She’s gone.” 
“He was wild. There had to have been-” Edmund was silenced by a gentle kiss. He blushed. “What was that-” She kissed him once more, smiling. 
“Edmund, she is gone. For good. And you saved me.” She mumbled. “Even though I could have reached for my sword-” 
He rolled his eyes, standing up and extending his hand. “Let me guess? You had it handled?” 
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She was radiant in that blue dress, Edmund observed from afar. After he had expressed his love of her in the color, she had ensured that almost all her dresses were that light blue. The rest of her dresses were her favorite color, which Edmund loved on her almost as much. 
Unfortunately, others enjoyed looking at his wife as well. Lately, in Edmund’s opinion, her sworn guard had been looking at her for much too long. He was a conventionally attractive man, Edmund could admit, but he didn’t like that the young knight was looking at his wife the way Edmund himself looked at her. 
He hadn’t brought it up to Y/N, not wanting to be called overprotective for the hundredth time. So he watched from afar, making sure that the knight didn’t make any untoward actions towards her. 
They were currently in the garden, and Y/N was smelling the flowers, laughing and making polite conversation with Ser Ellington. The young man laughed back, reaching out to stable her when she stumbled over a root. Edmund clenched his jaw, forcing himself to remain calm. 
It was his job after all, to make sure his queen was safe.
But when he reached out and grabbed a flower, extending it to the kind woman, Edmund snapped. That was not his job. He practically stalked forward, interrupting whatever conversation the two had been having. “My love.” He called out. “You look radiant.” 
She blushed. “Edmund, I thought you had your meeting.” 
He nodded. “I did, but we finished early, I thought I would accompany you for the rest of the day.” 
“Of course.” She looked over Edmund’s shoulder at Ser Ellington. “You are excused for the day. Thank you, Ser.” 
The knight bowed. “My Queen. Your Grace.” 
Edmund watched suspiciously as the young knight walked away, only turning back to his wife when he turned the corner. Y/N smirked, tilting her head just so. “You have no need to be jealous, my love.” She turned back to the flowers, smelling them. 
Edmund smiled guiltily, following after her like a puppy. “Can you blame me? Ser Ellington is not exactly unappealing.” 
She nodded, still not looking back at him. “He is. But I am not married to him, nor do I sleep in the same bed as him every night.” Edmund turned bright red. “Am I wrong?” 
“You are not, but you have to understand. You’re a beautiful woman, I can’t help but worry that someone will steal you away.” 
She rolled her eyes, turning around. “Do you really think I would hurt you so?” 
“What have I done to make you assume so? I love you; I made a vow to you.” She crossed her arms. “Am I just a prize to you that you desperately need to cling to?” 
“Of course not.” He grabbed her hands in his. “I’m madly in love with you, and the thought of you leaving me, the simple thought…” He pulled her closer, whispering. “Drives me mad.” 
“Edmund.” She glared, pulling out of his hold. “You are exaggerating.” 
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her gently back to him. “Do you really think I do not love you?” 
“I never said that.” 
He laughed. “You act as if we were not a love match. Like we didn’t discover Narnia together. I love you; I think I have since we were young.” He kissed the back of her hand delicately. “I know that I am too overprotective, and I am sorry for that…” 
She smirked with satisfaction. “Good.” 
“But can you blame me? You are a treasure, surely any other man would act that same way.” 
Y/N nodded. “Perhaps. But you are not any other man. You are Edmund Pevensie, and I know you know deep down that I can handle myself. I do not need you to watch over me like a mother hen.” She raised an eyebrow. “I also fought the White Witch, I also helped you form peace treaties, I also-”
Y/N stopped, becoming more irritable by the second when she realized Edmund wasn’t listening. He stared at her so lovingly it made her sick, and she scoffed. “I am going to the library.” 
He nodded, following after. “I shall accompany you.” 
She shook her head. “I would like to go alone.” 
He frowned. “Are you-” 
“Edmund, please.” She sighed. “I love you, but I need to be alone with my thoughts.” Without a second glance, she walked out of the garden, leaving Edmund helplessly staring at her. 
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the time she proved him wrong
They had been gone for too long, Y/N thought as she stared at the woods. They had been gone for hours longer than they said they would. She should have gone with them; who knows where they were, where Edmund was. 
She tried to calm herself down and reminded herself that neither Edmund nor his siblings would leave her in Narnia alone, but it was difficult when all of the hunt’s participants were speaking to her at once. 
“Where are they?” Lord Eluna’s voice sounded over the rest. She tried not to glare at him; she could tell the man was enjoying the sight of her under pressure. 
“I understand everyone’s worries; I have them myself, but we all know that the Kings and Queens would never leave their subjects so suddenly. Have no doubt that they will return. I am certain High King Peter and King Edmund dragged their sisters along a trail of the deer’s tracks.” Light laughter echoed through the crowd, relieving her stress slightly. Her stomach fluttered, and she pressed a hand to it, rubbing it slightly. “Does anyone else have any immediate causes for concern?” 
The crowd erupted into chaos once more, and she took a deep breath, clearing her throat. “I will take meetings with all of you individually in the main tent.” 
Edmund sighed, staring at his older brother as he tried to convince himself the deer was nearby. “Peter, we’ve been gone for hours. If we haven’t found the deer by now, who’s to say we’ll find it later?” He practically pleaded. “We should return to camp.” 
Peter rolled his eyes. “Just because you want to get back to your wife-” 
“Peter, Edmund’s right.” Susan interrupted. “This deer isn’t important, and Y/N is there alone with the entirety of the court.” She frowned. “If it were me, I would be rather overwhelmed.” 
Edmund fell into his thoughts, staring at the ground. Lucy whispered, nudging her brother lightly. “Edmund, don’t-” 
Edmund tightened the reigns on Phillip, racing back towards the camp. Peter sighed, riding not far behind him. The dark-haired king didn’t look back; his only thought was that he had left Y/N alone with the egotistical lords of the realm. Phillip slowed, and Edmund jumped off, running towards camp. 
Everything was fine, almost too fine. It was quiet, with a slight buzz of chatter but no worried voices. He stalked toward the main tent, whipping it open. 
There sat his radiant wife, talking calmly with Lord Dolitmov. The older man saw Edmund and immediately stood, bowing. “Your Grace.” He looked back to Y/N, kissing the back of the queen’s hand gently. “Your Grace.” 
Y/N smiled, waving as he walked out of the tent. Edmund tilted his head, smiling. “What happened?” 
She laughed. "The better question would be, what happened with you?” She hugged herself, rubbing her stomach once more. Edmund made a mental note to address that later. “You were gone for so long I assumed you had returned home.” 
He shook his head, frowning as he realized how stressed she had been. “I’m sorry for the worry we caused you; I fear Peter was too fixated on finding the white steed.” 
She nodded. “I wondered.” 
He took her hand in his, rubbing the back with his thumb. “I’m sorry that I worried you. But I must say, it is rather calm here.” 
She smirked. “I told you I can handle myself.” 
He laughed. “I believe you. Truly I do.” he brought her hand to his mouth, kissing the back gently. “I love you.” 
“And I you.” She walked into his arms, burying her head in his chest. “I would have died from heartbreak if you had left me.” 
“I would never.” He kissed her temple. “You know that.” 
She nodded. “I know you would never leave us.” 
He nodded back. “Correct. I would never leave-” He paused, tilting his head. “Us?” 
Y/N looked up sheepishly. “I-” Her eyes started to water. “I’m pregnant, Edmund.” 
“What?” Edmund grinned, staring at his wife in disbelief. “Really?” 
She nodded, and Edmund grabbed her waist, spinning her around the room. Y/N cackled, smacking his shoulder. “Put me down; you’re going to hurt the babe.” 
“I’m sorry.” He smiled. “I can’t help it.” 
She laughed, kissing his lips softly. “I love you.” 
Edmund leaned down, kissing her soundly. “And I you.” 
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taglist: @beebeechaos
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humorously-yours · 1 month
Sexiest Man Alive for a reason 😌
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angelyuji · 26 days
Hi Izzi! I really like the stepcest thing
Maybe you can write about slightly dark step... brother(? Peter Parker? Him always looking at the reader and getting too close to her, reader's dad not realizing something's wrong cause he's still in the "honeymoon phase" part of the relationship with May
Peter being love-struck always wanting to smell your hair/touch you in some way/spend time with you
step bro!peter x gn!reader
tw // implied noncon (under the cut), stepcest, manipulation, gaslighting, semi-public sex (also under the cut), shitty actual father so... yeah
you knew of peter, but you guys never really crossed paths before in high school. your dad had been dating some mystery woman, but told you that he wasn’t ready for her to meet you. and before long, you leave for college and come back in the summer to find out your dad’s mystery gf is now his fiancé who is peter parker’s aunt/guardian??? you’re completely blindsided when you get home and find out that, not only did may and peter MOVE IN, but you’re sharing a room with peter 😭😭 (since you're gone for most of the year and peter commutes from home, they thought it would be better for you both to share) (they also just wanted to convert the spare bedroom into an office for may.... so you see where your father's priorities lie)
your dad is sooo in love that when you complain about it, he tells you “please, kiddo, your old man is so happy. can you try to make it work?” and gives a sad old man look to make you fold.
step-bro peter def steals your clothes while you’re taking a shower, so you’re forced to come into the room in a towel or ask for his help. he def just steals ur clothes too. he’s the type to be super touchy when you’re near him, smelling you, holding your hand, and “accidentally” grazing your chest or ass. don’t bother telling ur dad tho cuz he’ll just say that peter’s making the effort to be family and you’re being rude.
i have a couple thoughts/scenerios….
one) its movie night and ur sitting at the end of the couch and peter sits next to you. the two of u are sharing a blanket. (may and dad next to him) you’re starting to fall asleep, eyes fluttering closed, when you feel a hand on your thigh. you look down to see peter’s hand on ur thigh, but when you look at him, he’s staring straight ahead at the movie. you try to move ur thigh, but he pinches your skin, stopping your movement. “what the hell do you think you’re doing.” you whisper.
peter puts a finger to his lips, before whispering back, “i’m just making sure you feel good.” he sees you look at your dad, “you don’t want them to see, do you?” peter moves your leg on to his lap, spreading your legs. you try to close your legs and call your dad when you see him, with may’s head on his shoulder. you close your mouth. he’d just get mad at you for ruining movie night.
two) this whole thing with peter touching you, invading your privacy, stealing your things, etc has been going on for a long time. with how happy may and ur dad have been, you kept quiet. you didn’t want your dad to be upset and you can deal with peter until you graduate. the only time you get a break is when you left for the fall semester, but its right back to business as usual when you’re back for break.
may and ur dad decide to get married summer of your sophomore year. so thanks to wedding stuff, you had gotten a break from peter…. until the day of the wedding. everything goes smoothly, of course, and you make ur speeches with tears in your eyes. thanking may for making your father so happy. peter comes up to the mic, thanking your father for making may happy “and for giving me (y/n), the best sibling i could ever ask for.” he smiles at you, raising his glass to you as everyone applauds peter. you force a smile back.
when everyones dancing and drinking, peter drags you away to a quiet room in the banquet hall. “(y/n), i’ve been waiting a long time for this.” he has you cornered against the wall and before you could look for a way out, he’s kissing you, trapping you between his body and the wall.
“peter, i-i need to go out there. our parents are going to look for us.” you try to move, but peter moves you back to where you were. he pulls you into him and kisses along your shoulder.
“they’re drunk and happy, (y/n). don’t ruin it for them.” peter bites into your shoulder. “now, baby, turn around and bend over.”
icky step bro peter plsss come into my room at night and feel me up becuz ur a depraved virgin PLEASEEEPLEASE
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itsmarsss · 8 months
what the fuck? [Reggie Peters x fem!Reader] (Julie & The Phantoms)
(~from the vault~)
You and Reggie have been secretly dating for a while now, and Luke seems to have caught on to that. Who would have taken Luke Patterson for such an observant guy?
Word count: 2,244
Warnings: a few paragraphs of making out I think that’s it
"What a shame your parents don't use their cool-as-hell pool," you pointed out, looking at the sky through your shades.
"Their loss. But you know. There’s kinda no one around," he smirked, a mischievous look in his eyes to accompany whatever implications that came with his comment.
"Huh. That's true. Funny," you kept on, feighing obliviousness.
He flashed that smile that made all the Sunset Curve fangirls melt and swam to you, your faces now inches from each other.
"You’re so stupid," you let out a laugh before closing the space between you, entrailing your arms around his neck before kissing him.
You didn't get to keep on at that for any long before you could hear Reggie's name being called from outside, instinctively making you jerk away from each other. The voice you heard was undoubtedly Luke's.
You all really did have this habit of just randomly showing up at each other’s places.
"Luke?" Reggie yelled back.
"Dude we called you like three times!"
"We're in the pool!"
"Oh sweet!" Luke exclaimed, and you heard the back porch being unlocked. In a few seconds, Luke (and Alex, apparently) were standing above you by the edge of the pool.
"Y/n?" Alex asked, brows furrowed together.
"Uh why are you here?" Luke asked bluntly.
"Okay rude? I just came by and we decided to go for a swim."
Luke didn't seem to be buying it. "You just came by. For no reason."
"Did you not just do the same thing?"
"She has a point," Alex pointed out.
"Whatever. We’re going in!" With that, Luke took his shirt off in one swift motion, throwing it somewhere behind him on the floor, not caring about where it landed, and jumped into the pool. Alex went for a softer approach, taking his shirt off slowly and putting it on the floor with a safe distance from the pool, so it wouldn't get wet, before stepping in. The difference between them was so loud it was almost comical. 
You smiled to yourself as you watched them interact.
. . .
"Okay, you gotta tell me what’s going on." Luke had cornered you on your way to get changed after a few hours by the pool.
"What do you mean?"
"This was a date right?"
"Uh. This?" You motioned between you and him. "I'm sorry to break it to you, loverboy-"
He rolled his eyes at you. "Stop being funny. You and Reggie dumbass!"
You let out a nervous laugh. "What? No! I just came by! Don't be ridiculous."
"What so you just came by because you were bored or something?"
"And you didn't invite me and Alex because?"
"Oh is that what you're on about, Patterson? Are you sad we didn't invite you to hang out earlier? You and Alex get to hang out just the two of you all the time!"
"Yeah but that's a little different don't you think?"
"Okay well yes I am a little upset about that but I get it, you know, like I'm not hurt about it."
"So why are you being so annoying about it then?" You questioned, half-joking.
"Why are you wearing Reggie's shirt then?"
"Because I didn’t come here planning on swimming! That's all!"
"Uh-huh. I don’t buy it."
"Well okay." You pushed him aside and walked up to Reggie's guest room, where you'd left your clothes.
. . .
"Bye Reggie!" Alex exclaimed, the last one to bid him goodbye.
Reggie waved in return, smiling.
"Oh wait!" Luke stopped walking, turning back around. "We should do something tomorrow."
"Okay," you agreed.
"Like what?" Alex asked.
"I mean we could go to the movies maybe," Reggie suggested.
You let out a laugh. "Not when I am this broke."
"What? I'll pay."
"For all of us?" Luke inquired, confused.
Reggie went visibly flustered. "No, I don't think I got the money for that."
"We could just go to the beach," Alex offered.
Not a bad idea. "I mean yeah. It’s pretty hot outside."
Luke looked at you with a quirked brow, and you knew it was about you having your arms crossed against your chest because of the night breeze.
You rolled your eyes at him. "You're insufferable you know that? It's hot outside when the sun is out!"
"Fine by me," Reggie shrugged, agreeing.
"Okay. Eight?" Alex asked.
"What? I'm not waking up at eight on a saturday!” You exclaimed in response.
"Why not?"
"That's too early! It’s gotta be at least ten!"
"Oh but that's no fun! We don’t wanna catch the 12AM sun, I don't wanna go home looking like fucking shrimp or something," Luke intervened.
"Fine. But I hate you. You should know that."
He blew you a kiss. "Love you too." 
Alex turned back to you, signaling he wanted to get going. "Okay. Eight AM tomorrow then. Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
"Bye Reggie!"
. . .
"You're really not gonna talk?"
"Ohmygod why are you so persistent about this? I already told you there’s nothing going on!"
"Okay did I miss something?" Right. Alex didn’t know what was going on.
"Well she is hiding something from us And I think it has something to do with Reggie."
"Oh," was all Alex said in return. He looked like he was thinking about something. You didn't ask.
"Well I know there's something and I'm gonna find out what it is."
"Well Sherlock Holmes, be my guest."
"Oh actually can I? Fought with my dad this morning."
"Can’t you go to Alex's?"
"Don’t think Alex wants any more trouble having to do with me."
You frowned in confusion. "They almost catch you together again? I mean if you still want me to pretend to be your-"
"No! I'm just trying to keep things cool. I think uh- I think I'm gonna tell them about it. Soon."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yeah. Just trying to make some money first in case they kick me out."
"They're not gonna kick you out," Luke got himself into the conversation again.
"Can’t really know."
"If they do kick you out, we'll find a way alright?"
Alex grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, nodding.
You went back to Luke. "Okay. Fine. But you gotta get in through the window cause my mom's at home tonight."
"Can we eat something? I'm starving."
"Yeah yeah okay, when she's asleep."
. . .
"Are you really not gonna tell me?" You and Luke were both sat on the kitchen counter now eating sandwiches, your mom long gone asleep.
This was getting annoying. Since when did Luke Patterson become so observant?
"Oh my fucking god! I forgot how annoying you can be when you want to."
"Please? I can see the way you look at each other!"
"And how do we look at each other?"
"Like you're in love or something!"
"Are you officially going crazy? Are you doing okay?" You put you hand over his forehand, pretending to take his temperature.
"Just tell me!"
"This isn't a slumber party, Patterson, we’re not braiding each other’s hair and talking about boys."
"We could!"
"Tell me about Alex then!"
"Well what do you wanna know?"
It was pretty obvious he'd thought talking about his own boyfriend would maybe get you to admit there was something going on between you and Reggie, or maybe even just that you had a mere crush on him.
Luke went to bed very annoyed at the fact that talking about his own stuff got him nowhere with you on that topic.
. . .
“You sleep in my room, you eat my food, you annoy the fuck out of me and now you want me to paint your nails?”
“I thought you were my best friend!”
“We’re going to the beach! No one at the beach is gonna care if your nails are painted or not!”
“Ugh, fine! But you’ll paint them when we get back?” Luke pleaded, and you rolled your eyes, making sure he saw it. 
“Fine. But you’re annoying.”
“Gotta have something in my favor.”
You were done packing for the beach day pretty soon, getting on your way to meet by Reggie’s place. Alex was already there when you arrived. 
“It’s almost 9!” Alex exclaimed, and Luke walked up to him, draping an arm around his neck, and you knew him enough to know he was trying to distract him from the fact that he'd been late. Poor Alex, someday the three of you would cause him a heart attack.
“Well Y/N here wouldn’t wake up.”
“Fucking liar? He literally bugged me for twenty minutes about painting his nails and ended up with non-painted nails anyway. Why would you willingly date him?”
Alex laughed. “Trust me that’s something I ask myself everyday.” Luke pinched his cheeks, knowing he was joking. 
“You love me.”
"Yeah, yeah," Alex smiled, blushing.
“Could you guys be cheesy somewhere else?” Reggie asked, only having heard the last part of the whole conversation as he was just now walking outside, eyes promptly squinting because of the sunlight. He went inside the house and came back quickly with shades on.
“You’re just mad you’re single.”
“I’m not s- mad. I’m not mad. Just uh- annoyed.”
Alex looked at Reggie weird. Luke looked at you weird. Neither said anything about any of it, nor about the fact that Reggie, with his already very pale skin, was read all around now, from his cheeks to his ears and all the way to his chest, visible underneath the white tank top he was wearing.
Now, Reggie lived right by the beach, so the way there was really just crossing the street.
You settled yourselves down and stayed there, in silence, as you took the view in for a bit. And then obviously enough time passed so that Luke couldn’t take staying still anymore, sunbathing clearly being too calm of an activity, and he dragged you all to the water.
The water, which was stupidly fucking cold, which got all three of you yelling at him for, to which he just laughed in response.
You all stayed in there for a while, not really doing anything but talking and occasionally starting water fights against each other (with an honorable mention to the one game of chicken that was held also), until it was about 11. By then, you were all really hungry, so you decided to just leave.
Reggie’s parent’s were on a trip, leaving the house to yourselves, and you comfortably got to making lunch. Everyone wanted something different, so you just ended up making everything at once, which got you weird combinations like ramen noodles and tomato soup. Who the fuck eats tomato soup for lunch on a summer day anyway?
When you were done, none of you really had the energy to change, just letting your clothes air-dry as you still wore them. It was a really hot day, to be fair, so it didn’t take long. 
The tiredness of the morning at the beach mixed with being full and the summer heat got all of you to act like you'd just ran a marathon, too lazy to do almost anything.
“You guys wanna write something?” Alex asked, and everyone groaned in protest.
“If we can stand,” Luke pointed out. 
“Come on we haven’t written in days!” Alex said, getting up right away. You didn’t feel like it, but he was right, so you reluctantly did so as well.
“Come on you babies.” You called, as if you weren't gathering every ounce of energy you could to even stand. "Where's the bass?" Reggie lazily pointed to the guest room, and you nodded before getting on your way to grab it.
“Dude.” Luke suddenly sat up as soon as you were gone.
“What?” Reggie asked in return.
“She seems pretty comfortable around here huh?"
“What? So do you.”
“Why are you guys making this so hard? Just say you’re into each other and go out!”
“You are into her, aren't you?”
“Here! Okay no drums but I do think you brought the drumsticks?” Alex confirmed with a nod. “That’s good enough.”
. . .
“Well what did you expect you baby?”
It was the day after you went to the beach, and Luke, who had insisted on staying in the water longer than everyone else, had a cold. Like it always happened.
“Not this?”
Alex rolled his eyes at the weak answer, but couldn’t contain a smile. You couldn’t contain one yourself.
“Whatever. Bobby should be back by now, we should go get him.”
“In this state?” Alex questioned, as if not believing him.
“I’m not that terrible!”
Reggie laughed, patting him on the shoulder as he walked past him on his way to sit by you on the couch. “Yeah man sure.”
“I’m offended!” He grabbed Alex by the wrist, forcing him to stand up from the chair by the dining table. “We’re going.”
“But-” You protested, about to suggest calling Bobby instead of going over.
“You can stay,” Luke said, a smirk forming on his face. 
“What do you mean?”
“We’ll be right back! And you two will talk it out!"
"Talk what out you psycho?"
"You know what!"
With that, they left in a second, leaving you and Reggie puzzled, with the house to yourselves for at least a little while.
Well, Luke had left a lot to interpretation, right?
. . .
“What?” You asked in the midst of your laughter. Whenever you made out with him, you felt was this weird feeling of being completely alone, which sometimes had led you to rather unfortunate events in which you forgot his parents would be coming back home, or that the boys were waiting on you for something and you'd had to make up excuses or find some way to hide in some situations, even, but it's not like you would trade it for anything else.
Right now he was staring at you as you tried to kiss him, and you weren’t getting it.
“You’re just pretty.” You were sitting on the couch, your back pressed to the side of it, your faces inches from each other, your bodies flushed against one another. He had both his hands on your jaw and you had yours around his neck, and this was perfect.
You could feel your cheeks burn. It wasn’t fair, you know? The way he knew just how to do that. And how aware he was of it, too! You could see it on his face, he was very clearly proud of himself for having that kind of effect on you. Who would’ve believed you if you told them, Reggie Peters, sweetest guy you knew, had a thing for getting you flustered. “Shut up.”
He smiled that dumb smile of his. “You know, I think we should tell them.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. They seem to be pretty supportive. And insistent," he added.
You laughed at the last part. “I guess. Fine. When?”
He shrugged. “Soon. Today? When they’re back? I don't know, I don't think it has to be a big deal, right?
You thought about it. “Sure.”
He nodded excitedly in approval before leaning in again.
Kissing Reggie was always sweet, no matter what. You could be making out at full speed, like the world was ending, and you would still feel appreciated. When everything had started you'd wondered if things would start to feel different with him- too different.
But after a while, you supposed it was still the same Reggie, after all.
And right now he was very obviously eager. It usually happened when he got excited about something, like a new riff he wrote and was proud of himself for, or some cool clothes he found, or, well, like right now, you supposed because you’d decided to finally tell your friends you were dating. 
You couldn’t keep yourself from commenting about it.
“You’re eager.”
“You’re hot.” You were always taken aback when he said things like that. Sure, Reggie wasn’t just that sweet innocent childish boy everyone insisted on seeing him as, but it was always odd seeing him get like that. In a good way, obviously. 
He resumed to kissing you, his hand descending to your waist, pulling you even closer. Suddenly, your back was pressed against the couch seat, and he was on top of you, but he was really careful as to not press his full weight on you, as he always was.
You were certain this boy would be the death of you.
You laced your hand to the hair on the back of his head, deepening the kiss even more, and he grabbed your other wrist with his own, pinning it right beside your face before intertwining your fingers with his. It was intimate in its own way with him, and it was hot and it was sweet at the same time and your head felt like it was buzzing, unable to think of anything else, really. Then you could feel his hand move down your waist to one of your thighs and he had the nerve to smirk against your lips when you involuntarily let out a sigh and-
“Okay what the fuck ?”
You were startled by Bobby’s voice, immediately jumping away from each other, ending up at opposite ends of the sofa, both panting, not having realized how out of breath you’d been until you pulled away. At the entrance of the living room stood Luke, Alex and Bobby, who, well- apparently had gotten back from his trip- all looking flustered at the scene they’d just witnessed.
Bobby and Alex were looking anywhere but at you, but Luke was wide-eyed, making direct eye contact with you specifically.
“So you were hiding something from me!”
“Huh. Surprise?” Shit, you were never gonna live this one down, were you?
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requests - WIPs - about me - tag list - emojis - other blogs
minors must NOT interact with anything that has a ♥︎ as a warning. if i see an ageless blog doing so, i'll block you. thank you so much for respecting this boundary :)
on this blog i'll post writings for multiple fandoms depending on what mood I'm in lol (currently Marauders (james potter) and anything ATJ related lmao) or what inspires me! I'll also post recommendations for characters because it's super important to support other writers on here!
because this has happened, i want to say please do NOT repost my work on any other platforms without my permission! thank you.
- MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERS - including Conrad Fisher (tsitp) and Kaz Brekker (shadow and bone)
- JAMES POTTER MASTERLIST - Harry Potter/Marauders era
(here are some James Potter/Marauders Era writers I really recommend = @moonstruckme, @ellecdc, and @ddejavvu)
- POLY MARAUDERS MASTERLIST - Harry Potter/Marauders era
(here are some of my absolute favorite Tangerine/Bullet Train writers = @little-miss-dilf-lover and @nocturnest! They're amazing!)
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ps: aesthetic pictures on moodboards DO NOT reflect y/n's descriptions! no physical descriptions of y/n are given at any point unless stated in the warnings! i always want to make sure my y/n's can be of any race/ethnicity/size as we humans are all beautifully different and amazing!!
pss: none of the aesthetic pictures i use for my blog are mine! i find them all on pinterest and if any of them are copyrighted, let me know!
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angelfic · 7 months
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looking for a new read in a fic rec post or the searches and spotting your own fic
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softspace-fics · 25 days
hey I’m sick and I was wondering if you could make one of either Steve Rogers or spiderman (Tom holland) taking care of a sick little
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Masterlist - All my work!
A/N - I know this is kind of a short one, I had to have dental work done today and I've also just been super busy today and in alot of pain but I hope that this helps you feel even a little bit better. I know you said one or the other, but I had an idea and could include both! Hope you like it!
Warnings⚠️: Sick little, PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STEVE, PETER AND YOU, mainly fluff!!
Peter got worried when he heard your little coughs throughout the night. He had the room right next to your room, and had been doing some work on his suit when he first heard it. This meant that he had stayed up the whole night incase you woke up and needed a caregiver.
When you came out as a little, you had first been getting taken care of by Steve, seeing as he was the person who helped you to tell the rest of the team and was the first to find out. Soon after Steve started going on missions again, Peter helped to take care of you. It started more as he was a babysitter, but after a fe years, he’s taken on being a second caregiver.
When Steve got back from his 5am run, he was met by a worried peter sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for the elder. 
“Steve they’ve been coughing all night. I think I heard them sneeze like 10 times too. I’m worried.” Peter stands up abruptly, almost starling Steve.
Steve looks at Peter concerned before quickly but quietly going over to your room and softly opening the door. He walks over to the edge of your bed before softly feeling your forehead. His eyes widen and he turns around to look at Peter who's standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets and anxiety written all over his face.
“They're like a furnace. Can you go get them a damp cloth and some meds? I'm gonna wake them up and see if I can get them into some cooler clothes.” Steve calmly whispers to Peter, who then speeds off to go collect the items requested.
Steve wakes you up gently,kissing your forehead and trying to softly help you out of dreamland. You softly whine, rubbing your eyes until Steve gently takes your hand from your face. 
“Hey sweetheart how're you feeling?” He asks gently.
All he can get out of you is a whine, you curl into him, feeling absolutely awful.
He softly coos before he gently picks you up and helps you to get more comfortable.
Peter comes back in the room a few minutes later with the items that steve sent him on a quest to find, and sees you laying with a thinner blanket stolen from his room, and one of steve's shirt on you. 
The rest of the day is spent with Steve and Peter each taking their time with you, getting you water, meds when you need them, and just ultimately making sure your comfortable and safe. That's the most important thing to them. 
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Unleash your inner Avenger Masterlist
- On-going series -
Summary: This is how I see the MCU going if Reader was in it.
Warnings: MCU spoilers. Language. Mentions of death, fighting and use of firearms. My poor attempts at being funny. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Part 2 | Part 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Black Panther
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evvyyypeters-fics · 1 month
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Dragon Prince! Evan Peters Headcanons + ( x gn!reader)
Warnings! Mentions of violence, fluff, little angst, lots of rambling and dragon lore stuff, not rlly proofread
Disclaimer! This is obviously not an accurate representation of Evan Peters as a person. This is a characterized/ fictionalized idea/ concept. Do not take this as fact. It is entirely fiction and based on my own opinions, thoughts and conception.
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Good lord this photo does things to me. Eye contact with Evan has me melting
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Requested by @jazz-berry (as usual) and inspired by @lemoniiiiiii
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Y/N is definitely a self made boss, bounty hunter/ hunter/ pirate/ archer, etc. and Evan is extremely protective over them, it’s in his nature, but he knows how they feel about him being overbearing or getting in the way of them having their independence. So he kind of steps to the side, while keeping a big eye on Y/N. And if they’re ever in immediate danger and he’s around, you know he’s going to be the one to come save their ass instantly. He’ll be dramatic about it too, he has a stoic face where he acts like he isn’t super worried, but he’ll pick Y/N up even if they aren’t injured bridal style and carry them to a log or some sort of chair, bench or bed to sit down and heal.
“Y/N” He shouts, his voice louder than anything you had heard before, it was passionate and almost frantic. And yet, it almost sounded like a roar with the anger that was built up inside.
He rushed towards the dragon that had trapped me at the edge of a forest, its leaves barbed by rows of thorn bushes. To enter them would not only seal my fate, but also be a painful journey. And Evan was allowing neither. His cape bellowed, flickering before my eyes before I could clear the blood dripping from my head and traveling down my eye, his stance confident before the tall beast. He drew his long sword, sheathing it and wielding the heavy weapon between both hands.
I knew that Evan was the ‘dragon prince’ (even though I truly didn’t fully understand what that meant yet), but it still amazed me each time that just the mere look inside of his eyes and the gleam of his large sword made the firey creature cower, picking up its heavy wings, floating above the large scape of land. The grass shuddering beneath each audible flap, Evan’s gaze following the dragon as it rose in the air and turned away, disappearing behind the icy capped mountains in the distant lands. Evan instantly pivoted on his heels towards me, sheathing his sword back into its halter. I could hear the jingle of the chainmail on his armor and the buckle of his boots as he hurried towards me, lowering himself to my wounded position in the grass. He places a leathery, comforting hand on my cheek as he eyes the wound that to his relief, quickly crusted.
“Come on, let's get you out of here.” He says in that same cold tone he always uses. But there’s something oddly sweet with the way he scoops me up from under my knees, forcing my arms to flail around his shoulders, holding him tight as he carries me back to the kingdom like his bride.
“Is this truly necessary?” I ask, flustered. He only hums in response, not letting go. In fact, I swear I could feel his grip get tighter for a moment, adjusting me more comfortably in his arms. My eyes focused on his stubbly chin, his cape flickering behind him in the corner of my eye.
- He’s a dragon prince, so I think he would actually have some sort of DNA connection with the dragons/ spiritual one. His main defense mechanism against them being his ability to communicate with them, more in a telepathic sense. His eyes may glow yellow or have a more “dragon-like” appearance when he uses that part of himself
- He has a sword specifically made to pierce the tough scales of a dragon and is derived from special materials that are toxic to dragons
- Anyone can train a dragon in this world, but he has an easier time due to his communication ability, being able to tame them easier. He has lots of dragons who he is allied with who help me slay the other territories.
- There are multiple kingdoms made of dragons, and they go to war with each other, and humans can get crossed in this mix which is where he comes into the picture
- He’s sort of a hybrid mitigator for dragon-human wars, and even helps the dragon allies with their own turf wars
- His main duty is as a guard/ knight for the kingdom, he keeps watch for dragon attacks as well as humans. He used often as a weapon against dragons by the kingdom
- The royal family of the kingdom doesn’t recognize being a “dragon prince” as a real royal standing, so while he’s technically royalty and is part of a rare bloodline, he is not considered so by many. The highest ranking he has is being close to a commander/ knight, but only in the ordeal of dealing with dragons during war/ an attack
- He has his limits when it comes to slaying dragons. He will only slay dragons that are an active threat to the kingdom or someone he loves. He will never slay a dragon without a valid reason, and will negotiate with them before making any attacks
- He’s part of a royal bloodline, mixed between dragon and human, they’ve existed for thousands of years but were feared by many and slowly died out/ got colonized/ executed. He was abandoned/ his family was massacred when he was young and was found by a blacksmith of the kingdom when he was young. So he didn’t know he was part of the rare bloodline until he came in contact with a dragon when he was 13 and learned of his ability. His father then told him the truth of his origins and he began training as a knight to become a guard in the kingdom, thanks to the help of his adoptive father.
- He sometimes gets visions of the future, of course pertaining to things that involve dragons, but also premonitions of things that could lead to the end of the world. Dragons and humans are interlinked from ancient history, so certain clashes have almost led to the destruction of the world. There were a few ice ages and purges of life, but they eventually came back. Evan can get dreams/ spontaneous visions of these events due to his connection to both human and dragon and it’s essentially his job to keep order.
- There are others like him in the world, but because the bloodline has died out so much, they are rare to come by and most that are aware of what they are have hidden away in fear of being sought after and murdered for their powers.
- The kingdom where Evan lives needs his powers to survive in the kingdom because they live right on the edge of a mountain range where on the other side all the other dragon kingdoms reside, so they are more likely to get attacked or hit in a crossfire. Evan living there gets automatic protection, so he hasn’t left and is given fairly decent hospitality. He also has lived there his entire life and hasn’t put much thought into the outside world. Too focused on the job he has in his home to consider exploring or finding others
(relationship to Y/N)
- Y/N and Evan have known each other since they were kids. Around 6-7. They didn’t always get along, having a more frenemies relationship where they would pick on each other.
- As they got older they both became closer and better friends, relating on the fact that the other teens and children of the kingdom found them weird and they were both slowly isolating to each other
- They spent a lot of time together by the creek/ river, playing in the woods and skipping rocks
- They would both stay out together as long as they could, avoiding their own homes because not only did they not want the fun to end, but they both didn’t want to go back to their homes where their lives didn’t feel perfect or less lonely
- They found solace in their friendship together
- They each had their own separate dreams, Y/N wanted to explore the world outside the kingdom whereas Evan wanted to stay in the kingdom forever and become a knight. This caused them to start fighting again occasionally when the topic was brought up, and as they got even older, they began to distance themselves
- Y/N was the first to know about Evan’s connection to the dragons, having been there when they were playing by the edge of the woods and a dragon came and landed in front of them. Evan, being naturally protective, got in front of Y/N and found he could speak with the dragon and have an understanding. But Y/N, not having any such power just saw the two standing before each other for a few tense minutes before the dragon flew away
- They were both freaked by the incident at the time, and as they talked more about, became slightly excited. Evan already knew he wanted to use his talent to protect the kingdom, but Y/N believed he could do more with it. Like bringing peace between the humans and dragons for millenium.
- Eventually they both turned 18, and Y/N fled the kingdom and began traveling while Evan stayed and became a knight
- They spent at least a decade apart until Y/N came back to the kingdom with a group of thieves, helping them steal money from the townsfolk and hoping to steal the riches from the kingdom. They had their own reasons for doing so, mainly just trying to keep themselves alive and look out for themselves.
- Evan hears about the group of thieves that have entered the kingdom and is tasked with keeping them out of the castle. He catches one of them during a small ambush, realizing it’s Y/N he is confused, angry and distraught. They explain their reasoning for being a part of the group and the pair are still on rocky terms
- In return for not sending Y/N to jail, they come to an agreement/ deal that they will help him track down the rest of the thieves and imprison them
- They slowly reunite and warm back up to each other, remembering the old days as they spend time together getting into fights across the kingdom to find the thieves and catch them before they get to the castle, rekindling their once broken friendship
- They bond over their individual memories, Y/N telling Evan stories of the outside world and what they were doing, and Evan talking about his adventures as a knight and mitigating for the dragons and the kingdom
“You know, when we were kids, I had a huge crush on you.” I laughed as my stomach tickled, feeling the warm flames of the fire flickering, licking and trying to reach me from its cage of rocks and sticks, only getting a small tickle of warmth through the cold night air.
The stars were heavy above, twinkling like the ripples of water from the ocean. I could see Evan’s stoic face, outlined sharply by the yellow flames dancing across it. His cape draped over the back of the thick log he was perched upon. Despite the blank expression on his face, I swear I saw a twinkle in his eyes of surprise and that’s when I felt the air around us get thickly uncomfortable. The silence becomes stale and quieter, practically deafening if it weren't for the chirp of the crickets–which I call the birds of the night. It’s almost as if he can sense that his reaction has made things more awkward, because he lowers his gaze to the fire and says something I truly didn’t expect.
“Yeah, so did I.” His voice is soft, almost romantic in a way. I feel as if the wind has been knocked from my lungs. All this time, the boy–the man, who had been in the back of my mind all of these years. The one who got away, the one who I had never thought in a million years would ever love someone like me. He just admitted he had a crush on me? I could hardly fathom it, let alone hear it. I almost believed I was dreaming.
“Is it that surprising?” He asks curiously, as if I gave him an offended look, realizing that my eyes were probably blown into saucers after what he said because I feel him practically snap me out of a daze with those words, forcing my face to relax. I can almost see a smile stretch at the corner of his mouth after my expression softens, his gaze finally lifted back to me fully and searching my eyes.
“N-No I uh, I mean I just–I didn’t expect that. Really.” I said, my words tripping over themselves. There was that silence again, the loud ambience of the night filling my ears back up like cotton balls.
“You know…” I said slowly, breaking the silence, my eyes flickering around. Trying not to land my gaze back into his eyes as I feel my heartbeat begin to quicken, squeezing inside of my chest. “I still think you’re kind of handsome…” I almost hoped he hadn’t heard me, too flustered by the admittance. My feelings hadn’t changed for Evan since the day I left him, if anything they had gotten worse the moment I saw that it was him who had caught me that day. The way he was so strong, perfectly groomed, the chubby look on his face I had always pictured of him was gone and in return left with the most perfect frame. His light curls thick and fluffy against his head, the length I had remembered that always covered his eyes having been cut to a charming length revealing the deep black pits that were his irises. A color that could only be matched to the obsidian with the way it shimmered and yet there was no light inside of them, as if it was soaked up inside of them.
I gain the courage to look at him again and I’m shocked to see that a rosy tint has spread across the apples of his cheeks and spread to the tips of his ears. His eyes wide, the obsidian black irises stark against his sclera, like a pebble. I cover my lips as I catch an escaped giggle at his expression and he quickly softens it, realizing how stupid his reaction must have been. Now he’s the one who can barely look me in the eye.
There was something different about the rest of that night, in the way that we looked at one another. More attentive, more passionate, something lingering in the distance. Words unspoken and yet so many told. I don’t think I would have traded it for anything.
May do a part two if this is popular. You can request a fic about this concept if you want ♡
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@fear-is-truth @xkaisxjazzxsingerx @lemoniiiiiii @jazz-berry @marchsfreakshow @colinzabelswife @dearlizzies @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re
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fandoms--fluff · 9 months
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Mama reader x Peter Parker
Summary: Peter goes into little space after a long day
Warnings: mentions of boobs?, that's all
Your in the bathroom doing your skincare routine when you hear someone come into your room after closing the door.
"Pete?" You asked, making sure it was just him cause you only had a bra and tiny shorts on.
He came into the bathroom with just his boxer briefs on.
"Yeah Mama?" He asked, tired.
During your relationship you guys found out your liking to dom/sub and age play throughout experimenting with different things.
"Just making sure it's you Baby" you said softly and went up to him, kissing him on the forehead.
Peter leaned into the forehead kiss. "'ired Mama" Peter said rubbing his eye with his fisted hand.
You softly smiled and gently took his hand, leading him towards the bed. Once both of you were lying down, Peter nuzzled his head into the valley of your exposed breasts.
"You're such a good boy, Pete" You whispered into his ear as you ran your hand through his hair.
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raven-dor · 1 month
Could you do a cute fluffy Edmund Pensive, where like he’s been busy with his duties and reader gets lonely and he makes it up with like a cute dinner under the stars and maybe ends in nsfw if you write that
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In which king edmund the just cannot seem to find a moment alone with his lover
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x reader, lucy pevensie x PLATONIC!reader, peter pevensie x PLATONIC!reader, susan pevensie x PLATONIC!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, young love, horrible timing
AN: This is set during the Golden Age, meaning Edmund is 21, Lucy is 18, Susan is 23, and Peter is 24!! I don't write NSFW, sorry!!
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The nymphs played among the trees, floating wherever the wind took them. She sighed. Last time she’d been in the woods Edmund had brought her to the most exquisite waterfall, and they’d- She blushed. 
Aslan, she missed him. 
“Y/N! Are you listening?” Susan sighed, tapping her lady-in-waiting’s shoulder. “Y/N?” 
The girl shook her head, curtsying quickly. “My lady, I apologize.” What was she supposed the say; that she’d been daydreaming about her brother, wishing that she was in his arms rather than this boring conversation. Not that Susan was boring, quite the opposite, but talking about what shade of blue she wanted for a dress was not the highlight of her day. 
The gentle queen smiled, laughing at her friend. “It is alright; I was only talking about what dress I’d like to wear.” 
“May I assume you will wear the gold again?” She raised an eyebrow, teasing the queen. “It is your favorite.” 
“You’d be correct.” Y/N walked over to the wardrobe, pulling out the dress for later that evening. “Perhaps you could do that hairstyle with the flowers…” 
“Whatever you wish, my lady.” 
Susan sat down at her desk, glancing over the stack of papers. “Will you be in attendance?” 
“I would not miss it for the world. Queen Lucy’s birthday has always been the most anticipated event of the season. She has the most exquisite taste.” 
Susan nodded, humming. “And what will you be wearing?” 
Y/N smiled. “I suppose this will do.” 
The dark-haired girl looked up, shaking her head. “Go in the wardrobe, find a dress you like.” 
“Are you quite serious?” 
“Of course.” She looked back down, waving her away. “Now go on.” 
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Susan kindly gave her the rest of the day off, stating that she would be too wrapped up in responding to all the letters to make use of her time. Y/N knew Susan could tell she was anxious for some time to herself and wished she could thank her for reading her so well. 
She supposed that was what happened when you were around someone for 8 years. 
Often, when Susan let her go and do as she pleased, she found herself in the library. It was large, larger than any library she’d ever seen before. There were ladders for each shelf, every one leading to the second floor. On the second floor, there was a corner that had the perfect view overlooking the town. 
That is where Y/N relaxed every day she could manage. Filled with too much excitement at the prospect of seeing Edmund, she could not find it in her to read, and so she simply stared at the people below, smiling at how peaceful Cair Paravel looked. 
A cough broke the silence. “My lady.” 
Y/N grinned, jumping to her feet. “Your Grace.” 
The young king smiled back. “You look-” 
She ran to him, pressing her lips to his. “Aslan, I missed you.” 
He sighed, pulling her close. “I missed you much more.” 
“Not possible.” 
He sighed, leaning his forehead against hers. “How has your day been, my love?” 
“Your sister let me pick a dress for Lucy’s birthday ball.” She smirked. “I believe you will like it.” 
His cheeks grew red. “Will I?” 
“Most certainly.” She walked out of his hold, sitting down on the couch once more. “Care to join me?” 
He winced. “I would love to, it’s just-” 
She forced herself not to glare at him. “I understand.” She shooed him away. “You have duties. I will see you later this evening.” 
He nodded but looked unsure. “I can stay-” 
“Edmund, I will be fine.” She smiled. “Really.” 
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Guests piled into the ballroom, extravagant gowns making it hard to walk through the crowd. Y/N greeted each guest personally, thanking them for coming to the occasion. Lucy’s lady-in-waiting had spearheaded the occasion but was insistent on putting the finishing touches on the young Queen’s hair, so the task fell to Y/N. 
“My lady.” King Peter stood in front of her, a bright grin adorning his face. “Do tell Maria she did excellent work.” 
She nodded. “Of course, Your Majesty.” 
Peter’s wife laughed, teasing him. “Or you could just tell her yourself, my dear.” 
He nodded. “What would I do without you?” 
“Most likely go mad.” She smirked. “Amongst other things.” 
Y/N smiled. She’d remembered their wedding well. It had been a grand occasion, with lords and ladies from all over Narnia visiting. Aslan himself had made an appearance, but what really stood out to her that night was that Edmund had asked her to dance. 
Where was Edmund? 
She scanned the room, locking eyes with him. She blushed, waving, but he did not wave back. Instead, he went back to his conversation with some Telmarine lord. She tried to brush it off, but Peter noticed instantly. He always noticed everything; it was rather annoying at times. “I’m sure he’ll be done soon enough. It’s his sister’s birthday, after all. He can’t work forever.” 
Y/N smiled. “I believe he would work forever if the option was available.” 
“Yes, well…” He sighed. “Perhaps I have been too hard on him. Maybe if-” The horns blared, signaling that Lucy was approaching. The crowd turned towards the two great doors, murmurs echoing. Lucy appeared at the top of the stairs, the picture of beauty in her pink gown. Her hair was long, flowing past her waist, with gems thrown in every so often. Her crown sat perfectly atop her head, and her smile radiated warmth. 
“Queen Lucy the Valiant.” 
Thunderous applause rang throughout the hall. Peter might have been the loudest of all, besides his wife, who had always had a soft spot for the younger girl. She smiled, clapping politely when something tapped her shoulder. She turned, rolling her eyes at Edmund. “So now you have time for me?” 
He tilted his head. “Sorry?” 
She hissed. “I waved at you. Did you not see me?” 
He stepped closer, smiling as he whispered so the nosy noblemen didn’t think something was amiss. “I’m sorry, I was making an arrangement with Lord Sopespian.” 
“I wasn’t aware there was any tension between us and Telmar recently.” 
“There aren’t.” 
She looked at his curiously. “Then what were you-”
“Edmund!” Y/N gasped, sinking into a deep curtsy. “Your Grace. Happy Birthday.” 
Lucy smiled. “Please stand Y/N. You know I hate it when you do that.” 
“Yes, Your Grace.”  
The young girl looked in between the two. “Did I interrupt something?” 
Y/N shook her head. “Not at all Your Grace. I was just leaving.” She turned to Edmund, barely curtsying. “My King.” 
He sighed. “Y/N, please-” 
She walked away, leaving the siblings in silence. Lucy smirked. “What have you done now?” 
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The halls of Cair Paravel were bustling, servants, nobles, and the likes walking through. Y/N was on the way to the kitchens to fetch Susan some afternoon tea when she spied Edmund’s black hair in the crowd. She dropped her head, trying to avoid the uncomfortable conversation that was sure to follow. 
She’d almost gotten past him too, but he’d stopped, tilting his head at the sight. “My lady.” 
She kept walking. Edmund tried not to groan. “Y/N.” 
To that she responded, whipping around, her eyes wide. “Your Grace, it is highly inappropriate to-”
He raised an eyebrow. “Follow me, please.” 
“I am meant to be getting your sister tea, Your Grace.” She glared. “If-” 
“It will only take a moment.” He crossed his arms. “Come.” 
“If you insist.” She murmured, following after.
Edmund chose to ignore that, rounding the corner and opening the door to his office. “After you.” 
“People will-” 
“Nothing you haven’t done before.” He waited, and she groaned, walking in.
“What is it that you need Your Grace?” 
“You were right.” 
Y/N tilted her head. “And this is regarding?” 
“Your dress. It was exquisite. You looked like a queen.” 
She fought the blush forming on her cheeks. “Is that all, Your Grace?”
“Stop calling me Your Grace. I understand that my duties have been…” He tried to find the right word. Y/N murmured, staring at the ground. “Interferring.” “Yes, interferring with our plans, but you must understand.” He walked over, grabbing her hands. “It is not of my choosing. I am not purposefully ignoring you.” 
“I never said-” 
“No you did not.” He smiled. “But I feel after two years, I know what you look like when you are upset. My love…” He kissed the back of her hands. “I am sorry. Truly, I am.”
“It’s alright Edmund. I’m sorry for losing my temper, I just-” She sighed. “I enjoy your company. I can’t help but miss spending time with you.” 
He nodded. “Would a midnight dinner under the stars interest you?” 
She grinned. “Edmund, I don’t want you to fuss over me.” 
“You say that, but you’re smiling. Besides, that is my favorite activity.” He smirked. “Would you really deny your king the pleasure of your company?” He leaned in, their lips inches apart. “Please say yes.” 
“Yes.” She whispered, heart beating. “Kiss me.” 
“As you wish.” 
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“Edmund?” Y/N called out, waiting where he’d asked her to. “Darling?” 
“Over here.” She followed his voice, gasping. “Oh my-” Her eyes watered. “Edmund, this is too much.” 
“Is it?” He looked at his work, shaking his head. “I think it’s perfect, you deserve all this and more.” 
The blanket was laid out with candles surrounding, rose petals throw haphazardly. The stars shined brightly above them, and he had two baskets of food. She grinned. “Is that-” 
“Honey cake?” He nodded. “Made them myself.” 
She laughed. “I can tell.” She pointed to his cheek. “May I?”
“Please.” She stood on her tiptoes, brushing off the flour he’d forgotten. 
“This is so kind of you.” 
He laughed. “Nonsense. Shall we?” He handed her a honey cake, grinning when she rolled her eyes. “Good?” 
“Peter pulled me aside today.” 
Y/N tilted her head. “Really?” 
“Something about prioritizing myself over work. Said he noticed I was neglecting my personal aspirations, whatever that means.” He raised an eyebrow. “That wouldn’t be your doing, would it?” 
She shook her head. “No, but he’s not wrong.” She put her hand over his. “You work too hard my love.” 
“Is it so bad that I want to ensure Narnia is safe?” 
“No, but to what end? You need to sleep. Don’t act like you do, I know you’ve been staying up lately. It does Narnia no good if you work yourself to death. What will we do then? Do you expect your brother or sisters to take up your role?” 
“Spoken like a true queen.” 
She sighed. “Edmund…” 
“I suppose you’re right.” 
“When am I not?” 
He glared playfully. “You’re rather chipper.” 
“I can’t help it.” She leaned over, kissing his cheek lightly. “You make me happy.” 
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beah388love · 5 months
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Marvel Masterlist
🧡= Little!Reader Fics
💛= My Fav Fics
* = Smut/Nsfw
Bucky Barnes
< Emotional >
- summary: Your emotional because of your period and Bucky comforts you
< Night hallucinations > 💛
- Summary: Bucky’s little wakes up alone and has a night hallucination whilst buckys in a meeting
< Hide and seek >
- Summary: Bucky has a mission so Tony looks after you and he loses you…
< Silent Treatment >
- Summary: You give Bucky the Silent Treatment…
< So soft… >
- Summary: your thighs are buckys weakness
< No More Pain? >
- summary: you have healing powers…
< Insecurities >
- summary: you’re insecure and Bucky reminds you how beautiful you are.
< Beach day took a turn >
- summary: Beach day took a turn and you got hurt…
Steve Rogers
< Language! >
- summary: Sam and buck accidentally teach you some new words…
< Promise? >
- summary: Steve accidentally scares you
< Never scare me like that again >
- summary: Steve’s been accidentally ignoring you
Tony Stark
< Meanie >
- Summary: One of Tony’s men is mean to you
Thor Odinson
< Too quiet…? >
- summary: someone says you’re too quiet for Thor and too different to be together
< Concussion >
- summary:
Loki Laufeyson
< Bad Daddy… >
- Summary: you have a bad nightmare about loki…
< You get Lost… >
- summary: you get lost…
< Night Terrors >
- summary:
Peter Parker
< Arachnophobia >
- summary: you have arachnophobia…
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
< Green Daddy? >
- summary: Bruce turns into hulk….
Peter Quill
< Teething >
- summary: you are teething…
< I don’t feel good… >
- summary: you get stung by an unknown plant
< Bird-Fairy! >
- summary: you make Sam fairy wings!
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marvelouttakes · 1 year
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166 notes · View notes
pahtoosh · 1 year
pete pete
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[image ID: a behind the scenes gif of chris evans as captain america giving the camera a goofy smile. by tumblr user SoftEvanStan. /.end ID]
wc: ~400 words
warnings: dada thinks you peed🫣(you didn’t), steve picks you up
a/n: based on a silly little thought i had hehe🤭
pairing: steve rogers x gn!little!reader (i imagine this as part of my stucky x little!reader collection but bucky isn’t mentioned so you can read it either way😁)
summary: steve embarrasses you during a playdate with peter
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“I’ll be in the kitchen making sandwiches for lunch, okay? You two play nice.” Steve kissed the top of your head before getting up.
“We will, captain!” Peter said.
Somewhat distracted, you looked up from your Legos when you noticed Steve walking away. “Dada?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You go?”
Steve laughed. “I’m making sandwiches, my love.”
“Oh!” You bounced excitedly. “Can I have cheese in mine?”
Steve came back and gave you another kiss as if he couldn’t help himself. “Yes, you can have all the cheese in the world.”
Steve grinned to himself as you did your little happy dance and continued playing with Peter.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
The next few minutes were peacefully quiet. The occasional rustle came from the kitchen as did the clicking of plastic toys from the living room.
Peter was looking back and forth between the fighter jet he was building and your pile of untouched Lego pieces. “Can I have your circle piece?” he asked.
“Ya. Can I have your blue one?”
“This? Sure.”
“Dank you, Pete Pete.”
Steve poked his head in from the kitchen. “What was that, sweetheart? You went peepee?” He quickly washed his hands and rushed over to you.
“Wha? Nooo.”
“It’s okay baby, Dada’s gotcha.” Steve picked you up and quickly ran into your room. Had he been more focused, he would’ve noticed that your bottom was totally dry.
“Dada. I not peepee!”
“Nothing to be embarrassed of, baby. It happens to all of us.” He placed you on the changing table and ran around, grabbing new clothes and changing supplies.
You were a little embarrassed, but not for the reasons that Steve was thinking. Not to mention how upset you were that he interrupted your playtime. “I not peepee!”
“Then why’d you say peepee? You know we don’t make potty jokes.”
“Pete. Pete.” You made sure to say the “t’s” this time.
Peter appeared in your doorway, hand covering his eyes. “Um, Mister Rogers? I think they were just saying my name.”
Steve set down the things he was holding and nodded in understanding. “Pete Pete.” He sighed. “You can look, Peter. Nothing happened here.” Dada helped you off the table and gave you a light pat on the butt before you and Peter ran off to play again.
Steve put his hands on his hips and sighed again, shaking his head. “Pete Pete. Sam’s gonna riot when he hears this one.”
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bambieyedoll · 1 month
⊹ ⋆ ꒰ఎ゚MOODBOARD ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
peter pevensie⠀⠀ ﹝〝⠀golden age⠀!⠀⠀╱︎⠀⠀high king, the magnificent .⠀﹞ the chronicles of narnia .
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