djbetodiass · 1 year
SET LIST 01 – Bolier – Best Friend (Never Let Me Down) (Extended Mix)[SPINNIN RECORDS]02 – James Mac & Vall feat. Rosalie – The Boy Is Mine (Extended Mix)[SWEAT IT OUT]03 – Apexape – You Dont Know (Extended Mix)[GOOD COMPANY RECORDS]04 – Rules – Saturday Morning (Extended Mix)[ANOTHER RHYTHM]05 – Dan Aux – Keep It Movin’ (Original Mix) [DISRUPTIVE DANCE]06 – Shermanology – Sometimes [DEFECTED…
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pepprs · 2 years
anyways i stepped away from my switch for a couple hours to go be insane and i was outside so kk is still here and im just sitting in the plaza alone in the gusting wind while he gives me a little concert that i can’t interrupt / request things during and im applauding every time he finishes a song and i can’t tell if it’s making me feel better but it’s nice
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converterworm · 2 years
Ok alot has happened in the last 24 hrs byt notbto me specifically but now ibhave a physics test everyone hype me up rigjt now
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bimboalexisloves · 1 month
soooo, i don domme all th tym (in fact im mor ov a servic subbb), but I had @rorabird undr my thmb tnnn.
Firsttt i told her tu lemme cuntrol her lovense vibbbeee, and i told her tha we were gun do a dungie in ffxiv. I told her tha if she didn't cum by th end of the dungie, she wasn't allowd tu tnite at all.
So, we strted thru the dungie. Our fren (who waz in th call) ponted out tht rora waz th tank, and culd slo down to giv her more tym to cum, so i strted plling for her whnever she slowed down
I'd tez her, an turn the vibe all th way up b4 droppin it bak 2 50%. She strted beggin me tu turn it upps, so i tuld her to say 'Mommy, if it plzes u, culd u pls turn up the vibeee'. She said 'I need mor', so i tuyrnd th vibe dwn.
She begged n pleded for me tu turn it up, bu styll wazn't bein respecful bout it, so i kept turnin ity down. At that point i tuld hr if the vibe strngth gets down tu 0, i'm not turning it on agan (whch means she duzn't cum). She rlnted an askd thu way i tuld hr too, so i turned it up for a bit.
Aftr a few mins, I tuned it bak dwn to 50%. She beggd 'I need mor I need mor' so I turnd it dwn mor. I rminded her how gud grls asked fr things, and she asks prperly an i turned it all th wayz up, and kept tht goin till th end of th dungie.
she dinnt cum in tym so shez styll denieddd
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le-dormeur-du-val · 1 month
pookie save me... i got classes in a few hrs... serenade me to sleep (yap to me, i <3 walls of text)
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mwah ok dear EHEEEMMM
OKAY SO JS RESALISING SMT i was explaining stormbringer to my cousin who i got into bsd (teehee) bcus they had questions
during this explaination i realised smt sould shattering
professor n's name n stands for nakahra
nakahara chuuya
obviously i knew that chuuyas name was like named aftr n but what i js realised is EVRY DAY HOUR MINNUTE SECOND OF HIS LIFE
chuuya is practically chained to the man who stole his humanity and childhood and he has no escape and even if he does change his name his original will always resonate with him becaus it was there.
also eod (empire of dirt) fic by @arkastadt on ao3 it haunts me every day every second capital h capital HHHHHHHH
i love it so much i wont ever reread it because itll kill me like i wont survive
good moment? eod.
happy ending story? eod.
eod. eod.
i lov it so much but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
also funfact the inside of a ppenguins mouth looks like this
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the spikey thingys are (i think dont count me n this) arent sharp but more like grips to hold their food in their mouch to catch like fish
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close up btw
funfact penguin poop is apparentl red
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kristalpepsi · 10 months
From one alter that might be swapping species to another, how did that feel?? How did you cope? How did you know?? - stressed in recent bunnification
Hllooo ^_^ oh gsh, i nvr thght i wld b askd thise :^0
THIS GOT VRY LONG SO I PUT THE RST IN A READ MOR,,, but TLDR: It felt WEIRD, n i was embrrssd. I kind of ddint lke it @ 1st b NOW i am in lov ^_^ i coped by tkng stps 2 accpt myslf: i may b cring b i am free mentlty! bc tht is the road to accptnce. As strssfl n mayb evn scry as it is nw, it wll b ok! u wll b ok! :^)
The whole thng belw
hrm,, wll, 2 gt str8 2 the pnt, i rlly,,,, i knd of wsnt sre if i lked it @ 1st! it ws dfntly RLLY EMBRRSNG. BC nw all of a sddn i hd a tl (tail) tht ws lke a wlkng callout!! b hnstly the bggst prt ws enjyng pets n scritchs n rubs ^_^ ik tht probbly snds weird b u gtta rmmbr tht im a catby nw, so im nt humn anymr!
How did it strt?? (How dd I kno) Well, I was designing a fursona 4 fn! SPCFCLLY A Catsona. I've desgns a fursna b4 (a possum) b my boyfrnd suggstd i mke a catboy sona 4 fun! Wht hppnd ws, aftr i finshd desgnng it, i suddnl notcd tht som hrs aftr tht, i hd a tail,,, thn i blnkd n BAM, CATBOY. it hppnd so fst, n i rlly ddnt lke it @ 1st! I ws scrd n embrrsd bc gsh i ws even in a VC !!!
BUT. bc of the ppl arnd me bein vry accptng (my boyfrnd is also a catby :^D he ws 1 b4 i ws) i hnstly lrnd tht i LOVD BEIN A CATBY!!! Or mayb- i jst lrnd 2 accpt it ^_^ @ 1 pnt, i cld swtch between human vs catboy, b hnstly over tme, i nvr wnt bck 2 bein humn again!
but nowdys, i associ8 bein human w TRAUMA, so mayb a lt tht i mite be telln u 2dy is smth i need 2 psychonlyze myslf abt 🤨 so whnvr i trn humn, im probbly havng a big trma momnt ^_^ its fnny hw bein awy frm smth 4 so lng,, knd of chngs ur perspctve on it frm hw it usd 2 b. i wrte abt my feelngs w thise discnnct here, n i drew abt it artstclly here!
I endd up feelng ,,,, lke ther were 2 sdes of me (not litrlly, b yk!) the humn prt of me stck in the pst, nt eh Prsnt prt of me tht lovs Fun n stff ^_^ i stll gt trma momnts AS a catby, its STILL me, but i notcd tht as i accpt bein nonhumn, its lke ive strtd associa8ng bein HUMN w HURT n PAIN. so its lke thise, sde of me thts still trying 2 procss trma (THT IM KND OF RUNNG AWY FRM ^_^) is begging me nt 2 leave him behnd
so mayb as i liv life as now a nonhumn, i DO hav 2 try n fnd the best of bth wrlds. bc,, jst bc i chnge nw dsnt mean i shld thro awy my pst. its lke my brain is usng thise chnge as an excse 2 run awy,,,
so anywy! While u go thru ur chngs, dnt b lke me! love ur past n b knd 2 it b also lov urslf 2dy!
HOW DID I COPE?? wll, a lt of the tme whn ANY1 trns in2 n ANIML (I am not the 1st 4 thise 2 hppn! Chara (DO NT TLL THNM I SD THIOSE) somtms gts a tail n H8S IT) we gt EMBRRSD! i smply encrge u 2 indulg urslf! indulge ur animl side! embrssmnt coms frm Shme n insecrty. sooo, instd of thnkng of urslf as cringe, try 2 OWN ur animlific8ion! How u do tht is up 2 u- mayb eat mor veggies? get stuff tht hlps w the new body dysphoria u mite gt? allw urslf 2 b bunny lke! build ur own sfe spce (tht my or my not inclde ppl u trst!) wher u cn jst b,,, urslf!
we also kno a lt of othr systm mmbrs in othr systms who get furrified (somtms its mostly permmnt, somtms they get triggrd (NOT trma triggrd, i mean the genrl DEFINTION of the wrd!!) in2 bein an animl, n we notc tht jst mkng the stps 2 accpt ur animl sde rlly hlps.
Rmmbr tht ys, u mite feel cringe, b wldnt u rthr b free!!
ALSO,, if u r an INTROJECT,,, bein a furry is VRY COOL bc u can drw urslf in public n ppl wnt even realze ur a fictive (SOMTMS, dpndng on wht u look lke)!!!! i rmmbr 1 of the 1st realiz8ions i hd whn i got fully furrified in2 a catby ws "oh,, wow,, woah, WOA!! ppl wnt be abl 2 tll im KRIS DREEMURR frm DELTRNE!!" the rsn y tht ws LOWKY importnt 2 me is bc ever sinc i splt, i grew up w the aggrssve sde of the UTDR fndm bein very afrd of ppl who do not use they/them on the humns (WHCH IS FAIR n i am nt syng they shldnt b upset whn ppl misgender thm!!) b i am NONBINARY!! we are trans so it it flt lke i cldnt exst w/o ppl accsng me of bein trnsphbc jst bc i use he/him as a trans n nonbnry prsn! so nw tht i am nonhumn, i am less recognzble n i cn b FREE!!!
anywy, i hope tht knd of inspires u! Im srry its vry lng ^_^" if u snd me an ask askng me ANYTHNG rel8d 2 my opinion, i wll eithr answr shrtly, OR VRY LNG!!!
jst rmmbr, u r sfe, nothng is wrng w u, n u will b ok! ppl wll stll lov u 4 who u r :^) if u ever need anythng els or need a fll "species swappd" prsn 2 tlk 2, i am hre ^_^
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letters-to-tension · 1 year
Dier Tenshun,
Aftr ye snt yer scroll on tae me, I went an mat tha prncs o yers. Fr sme rezon, hr gards trd t stp me bt I wnt past em an she sed she ws gnna pey me f I hlp.
Pieright lad ye menshuned in our tawks ws thre two. Thot he wud b talr. n ye dint tel me he wuz a coppr.
Dint met Fetver or Sfetlana, but we got cmpny frm a pgsus cald Torndo Trblnce n a younicrn cald Sharight.
Selesdia wasne very impresd wif us, bud she sed she wans us t go t grifonya wish is wer grifns com frm.
She sed tha th grifn empror wans t fite sum ponys who liv nex t th grifns, an she wans us t stp tht.
She also sed tha th buk ye fund on yer kwest wif Pieright ws stolen an tkn t grifonya by sum cltists wh liv ther. Sed dey r de mane grup.
Prntl sum unded kilt al de grifn kngdoms dere wen Selesdia faught hr sista n dey mai hab bin sent by dat clt.
Ekwus Mlus mae b bak.
Da clt xsts cuz Tennybrigh dint liek dat Stahswurl da breaded ws bettr dan hm.
Stahswurl assembled da Pillahs f Ekwestrya n dey evntly fund Selesdia n hr sistah. Tennybrigh an Stahswurl bof wntd t tiech da sistahs, bud Stahswurl bekem th tiechr an rgnt. Tennybrigh wus a soar loosah.
We saw hm kll too gards bt Selesdia dint do a fing. I fink we saw sumfing liek a memry. Siems he wsnt skared f th pillahs He cld bekom smok. Stahswurl n th pillahs trighd t prtct th prnceses bt wsnt abl t stp hm.
Tennybrigh hd a fncy nklase he cld th alikorn amlet he sed he maed.
Stahswurl n th pillahs n Tennybrigh wear fitin in sum kinda sndy plaes.
Stahswurl n th pillahs shod Tennybrigh wif a ranebow n he ws blstd awae. Stijyan ws hrt an Stahswurl dint liek tht.
Tennybrigh bekam Ekwus Mlus.
n now hes bak n raisin an armee. Selesdia gaev us a pies f papr t git wht we wanned, and Torn an Pieright ran of sumwear befour comin bak. Pieright brogt us t th gard hous n dey gav us sum healin potion Thy tuk us to a crt plld by sum gards n they flew awae wif us. We arived at a town kald Tal tael, an intradu intractio we tol each ofer our naems n wo we r. Sharight hs t do sum fings cuz o her rligin. We wer sposed tae met sumun cald Ruff Sees
We askd th pones arond twn were t fnd em We fund th hippcmps n Ruff Sees. Th hippcmps is a ship. No onna thm wooly uns, onna thm big wood fings wht ponys use t travl the sees.
We wnt on th ship an we wnt of t se th wurld.
Yer mate,
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djbetodiass · 2 years
SET LIST 01 – Pig & Dan – Better Than The Love I Know (Extended Mix)[DFTD] 02 – Vintage Culture & Sonny Fodera feat. SHELLS – Nightjar (Extended Mix)[DEFECTED] 03 – Crush Club feat. Amazonian Rockstar – Bohanna (Just Kiddin Extended Edit) [SOME OTHER RECORDS] 04 – Pansil – My High (Extended)[JANGO MUSIC] 05 – Nick Jay & Jean Luc – Silence (Mind Electric Remix Bootleg)[WHITE LABEL] 06 – Tensnake…
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introvertualy1111 · 1 year
12 Aug 2023.. mrng I woke up around 6 6.30 am.. saw dad.. I said hudmrng daddy.. then went right into my room.. then got ready later.. I n teju went to fair for doing hair.. we waited soo much time... aftr 5 hrs they called us... when started, got call from mom saying dad isn't responding... we rushed to home.. n saw, dad was not responding n as per our understanding, he was no more... he left the world..
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
i hav a bad habit of drinking so much water aftr coming home from being dehydrated outside for Hrs tht i quite literally hav 2 steel myself lest i vomit up all the water i just gulped down like a maniac. funniest part is even during tht time, i still will sometimes take sips of the water or want 2 drink more despite literally feeling sick from drinking so much already lol
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thedjclo · 2 years
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One day at a time! To the top!!! Tonight: rockin! inside @sugardaddysyn Friday: 1st @starletssofnyc & 2nd stop Aftr Hrs (hit me up for details) | Saturday: Live broadcast on Hot97 & 2nd we closing out @doncoqui.nyc 10yr Anniversary Party!! Sunday: We Celebrate @mister_mambo bday waiting on the flyer 🤣… !! Mondays 12a #Hot97 @flytrapradio let’s goooo! (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJk1KIOZFx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
Not exciting dinners anymore hmuh
Ohno bad endings
My heart is in my foot, my head is in my foot,
Hm nvl so less pressure n js part n uh, can section b not poet prsr, bc wt is novelist, less hmuh hmkhmuh uh js movies uh khm, they can help hm uh bc movies nt say wt poet is
Uh,hullible gp
Hm, fam conflict, m nt acc grp lv, ws it lv, b she bad w him, sth w her fth n pol nuuh, yh nt sep n , distant ok uh n sth
Rsrch lvs of js rsch
Uh ed, fantasy, stake, hm uh.
Notes, musivian, org, uh
Is ed a game. I ok w being poured to or was? Good. Then ignore like a hollywooder. Okuh
Can you abuse or be bad or unclear w alcohol without addiction ir even much alcohol , just bad when do even if little?
All ed n bigr music, uhkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh
Tv voices, y u being a hardass,
Hmuh, no asks, n uh. Sth.
Fmly n hw lrn, b idk, nd rspc? Hm lf, hmkhm,uh, y notes nt help to take or read, hm,uh,hm, unless unclear, b then y use source, then need translation/second text
Fmly ha
Wt uh, encour to x? Uh kick out,uh,hm,uh,no, js want ltrs be around, feel less b hv sth, hmuhkhmuh,uh
Dark n nt w u
Hm teen vc? Can stay? Hmm, uro awk w penis ha, primary q? Dr abuse uh
Y kids nt like them n suck ish more uh
Adults say dmb sh nt gd mssgs, they are all jones, uh, toomch uh,
Tech, if it's about senses n not body utopia idk,hm,uh,long,uh, benefit of wuick sense? B others wring so, they want hollywood pitch, uh,
No, mus,hm,uh,hm
Ohno, hindsight pop, hindsight not 20,uh, is there hindsight, n can look ahead w 20, foresight, or never 20 even present, no 20. Okuh, Dimitri ish, okhmuh,uh
No the advisey, hand, older,uh tones,uh,parenty, uh, hw tlk to kids or yngr
Im nt adult bc you cant handle older child. Broad n movey not make dilettante flaneur, that's trivia n fun n curious n wanttoknow n facts. Dont be smart be cutty , or shit n knife. Uh. Serious about emotional life not ignoring and noble about shits. Ok he hlp, ignoring, psy. Uh. Freu. Hm. Uh. UH ,hm, psyan too uh,hm,uh,hm,uh, website ug,uh,mntcl,uh,hm
N sth, geo weather am
Sth, wt, uh, ears? Face, developmentz ok, bye
An end. Smwr. Uh,ok,uh,mybe
Hmkuh, trying be student ir studenty, n looking, hh,hm,fme,ok,no,uh. Saying suck nw,uh. Fd n nt want tch,okhm,int,y,hm,uh,y look, pornish or wt,hm,uh,hm,uh,ok,gracious? Hm,uh,no,uh,gentlemany not gd? Uh,hm,uh, dont hit anyone y wmn, big egos on topics,ok
Can fo without being given, directly or indirectly js pockets e ambience, influence here there, b hm, uh. Music, psy, ed,uh,
No hmteen no uh hm uh ,no. Hv ur perspectv but your clientele is a demographic, divers nt in opinion. Dont be shamey toney
Ambivalence n efficiency, hm,uh,fght or turbulence uh,hm,uh big euphemisms uh
Hm, child n sense, n schl nt same or mean commtd,uh. Nt abt rsns? Aftr hr them?
Is lov gd if perosn w lv nt gd fr you or them n what they want nt gd fr you or them n they cant acc or respect wants n cant chng , so do wrds or feeling help. I cant feel it. Feels anxious like shy 10+ yr old, hmuhkhmuhhmuhhmuh
Hm, hm,hm, travel n where history is,hmkuhhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,no,hw dif,hmkhmuh,hm. Slow hmkhmuh,hm,uh,parts of no self? Hmkhmuh, hm,uh, nt smart , or intelligence not helpful n found for ed,hmkuhhmuh, nt do theory? Not consult, js everywhere. Hmkuh,hm,uh,hm. Do theories help nonorgs, hmkuhhmuh,hm,uh
Hm. Work for nar spply? Hmkhmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh hmuh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,hm
Persoanlity, embarassing n hm,uh, fooled
Ok vengey uh ww hm oe, read soon? Uhkhmuh
Hmk, y talk tru, hate okuhhmuhhmuh,idk,uh
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet LIveblog! Part 7! I think!
W ar still at war with my E ky. I haveee takeen down five gyms, three titans, and three bases.
I am in Montenevra. I am in Zapapico. I got th Auspicious Armor. I am back in Montenevra. Oh man th battle court here is so cool.
Into th gym! Jacq is here! I may not know MY treasure, but Fani sure knows hers! awww jacq.
mayb after th gym i'll go back and grab a surskit. i need to had south anyway. my kingdom for a functional e key oh my god i hope this isn't too illegible.
oh snap I'm opening for the MC of RIP hrself?! oh...wait it's just battling? oh. oh, double battles....eh. man this gym tst is a li'l dull huh. ?! LANI?! DO I HAVE A DOPPELGANGER?!
You doppelganger! You pale companion! Why do you mimic my lovesickness that tormented me here so long ago?!
.....or something I don't remember the old P2IS opening off the top of my head, it's been a minutee
oh yah Sotero is a permanent team member now
....WAIT. MC SLEDGE. AS IN *MC HAMMER*. i cannot-- i can't. i just can't.
(can't touch this, I mean)
sir that would have been slightly harder if you hadn't blow'd up your own pokemon
i feel like Ryme is going to decide I'm her daughter now
wish I could hear the concert :c OH WAIT. OH SHIT HELLO. oh this is fun oh my gosh!
OH MY GOD i can challeng her to a rap battle?! I WANNA MAKE HER WORK
aww :c and so this is a doubl battl too.
honstly i love Ryme. her rhythm could use work, but this is profssional pokemon - I was never gonna get BDG. I love that she's an older woman who raps, though? you break those norms!
i actually stratted that a little, despite the main strat being brute fucking force.
hi hassel- oh my gosh. hi. you should do that more often. Okay lt's go gt that Surskit! After a picnic with a confusing sandwich involving...cram cheese, potato salad, chrry tomato, cucumber, and pinapple....but i think i want bug ncounter powr so hmmm. mor sandwichs until I mak it work. goddammit i keep gtting catching powr: bug. I don't ned that. ugh mayb i'll mak a rcip, if i hav on.
FOUND ONE THAT DOES IT oh i still get to build the sammich...well I found a Ralts, I need on of those. Gooble. FOUND ONE. Urlai!
Okay now we can had south to Tulip. I have gotten distractd and oncee again fallen off a cliff. theere is a cav here, I wondr where it will takee me...most of the cavees I've been through haven't been good caves. gonna xplore.
HOLY SHIT DRAGONAIR lectic tera...wait since whn is Daya "Daya the Reliable Partner"?! Dragonair will b Savne. Bonus, Stabby th Qwilfish and Hoona th Finneon and Chapiesk th Luvdisc. Keku the Tynamo. Duchae the Skrelp.
found a guy trying to dlivr a pizza....poor man. Oh there's another stake in this cave! yoink. OKay whre the fuck am I now? The orchard?
map says thr's wild eevee here so time to encounter power normal....maks sense the basic bitch sammich would make for basic bitch pokemon. let's home it works. ....scrw it i hav objctives to complte.
Okay this cav gos to Alfornada but I won't mak it on foot...? thr's also a dtour down th cliff. Ther's also Deino! Named Compky now. Oh this is a decent cavee!
doodeedoo exploring Balto is finally evolving into Corviknight, so tim to swap out for Surskit. ...Oh I found my way to that beach. Man where do I find Veluza? Hembo is finally volving so I can mov on.
Mildly concernd that this town's name sounds like "all for nada"...and who the hell decideeed to found a town in such a difficult to reach place??? Wll, I made it!
The fuck ar you? OH w good I bet Capsakid bcoms you. aaaa nw POkmon hr. Urlai volvd so I can swap out for...Jigglypuff, i hav moon stones, and it'll b kirlia and ralts aftr this.
i think this is it for tonight though i nd to b at work in...ight hours and twnty minuts
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kristalpepsi · 2 years
2 the anon frm a long tme ago tht tld me 2 gt screend 4 ADHD, im doin it <3
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aftrhrswav · 4 years
What we doin...
aren’t you tired?
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jadedadultritsu · 4 years
it’s my first time to do freelancing. why is this so f difficult?????? 😥😓
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