#ACOTAR thoughts
elainsgirl · 21 hours
One of the biggest reasons I know Gwynriel has a very unlikely chance of happening is that:
Gwyn hasn’t met Feyre.
Feyre Archeron who is the main character of the triology - who was the main character in the books that laid the groundwork for the spin-offs, hasn’t met Gwyn.
If Gwyn was a potential love interest or a character who would later serve and change the acotar universe as we know it, Sjm would have definitely had Gwyn and Feyre meet. Yet she doesn’t do so, why? Bcs outside of being Nesta’s friend, Gwyn doesn’t serve a greater purpose.
Sjm uses Feyre as a narrative voice- a way to convey her plans, foreshadowing and thoughts to readers through Feyre’s thoughts.
Feyre who observed Nessian; their banter, chemistry, tender moments- Nessian became endgame.
She then observed Elucien: their reluctance, awkwardness and how uncomfortable seeing them interact was - and guess what? That doesn’t change in acosf. Those same feelings are noticed by other characters when it comes to Elucien.
Feyre then goes on to think about Vassa and Lucien - going as far as to notice how Lucien blushed when talking about Vassa and giving them a couples’ imagery. Lord of Fire and Bird of Flame.
Finally, she noticed elriel. Their ease, understanding of each other and how easily they existed in each others’ presence - to the point she wondered why they weren’t mates. Every potential couple has some connection to Feyre except from Gwynriel. Common sense says its bcs - Gwynriel were never planned to become a couple. Gwyn was never intended as an alternate Love interest for Azriel. Hypothetically speaking, even if Mass had changed her mind from elriel to gwynriel in acosf - she then would have found a way for Feyre to meet Gwyn yet once more, she doesn’t.
Gwynriel is truly a fanon ship.
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1800naveen · 23 days
Stop saying Tamlin is boring because he's a vanilla type of guy (in a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 way)
First of all, him and Feyre banged in the grass after he proposed to her. Many times I believe.
Second of all, he's good at playing the fiddle, meaning he's good with his fingers. And Feyre tells us so (acomaf, chapter 2).
Third of all, he's a nature guy. He could use vines to tie you up or some shit. Nature shibari.
Fourth of all, he's got a beast form. There are some monster fuckers out there so yeah... Do what you will with that.
Fifth of all, he can shapeshift. Himself and others. If you want to experiment, he's down. If you wanted to be shapeshifted into a man, he'll shapeshift into a woman and y'all can go to TOWN. Pull his hair, those luscious locks.
Sixth of all, he's got nice, sharp nails. He'll drag it down your back. Feyre mentions it in Acowar when he drags his nails and Tam smiled. HE A FREAKY GAL.
Seventh of all, he eats pussy like it's his last day on earth. He will make you see heaven again and again and again. AFTER HE BUSTED A NUT IN FEYRE, HE WENT DOWN ON HER. HE ON FREAKY TIME.
Anyways, take care✌🏾
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deathbealady · 3 months
to be clear: I hate Mor because she’s not a girl’s girl (though she loves to pretend she is)
I might have considered hating her less if it turned out she was so cruel to Nesta because she was wildly attracted to her and was jealous because she could see how Nesta and Cassian had a thing between them, but she’s clearly just upset at losing the attention of one of the toys she’s had fawning over her for 500 years
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If SJM has it revealed that Rhysand was always the villain he was in the beginning and Feyre has a realization of how much he used/abused her I may have to admit that she’s a much better writer than I give her credit for.
The bad guy who pretends to be the soulful sweetheart was putting on an act plot twist I would love to see.
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lainalit · 3 months
RIP Rhys you would have loved making street interview videos where you ask women what they think about feminism
RIP Cassian you would have loved going to the gym and filming a bunch of homoerotic tiktoks with your gym bros
RIP Azriel you would have loved Sims 2 emo machinimas with my Immortal playing in the background
RIP Tamlin you would have loved going to Anime conventions and walk behind cosplayers while playing the theme songs on your violin
RIP Eris you would have loved going to dog parks and instigate drama between dog owners
RIP Lucien you would have loved fishing with a bunch of middle-aged dads and trying to make them laugh with dad jokes
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I still can’t get over how Mor’s POV in ACOFAS was just collectively forgotten…
Like, she was in the woods and there was a powerful dark entity STALKING HER
And then we get no further information and it’s been like six years
I’ve never heard any one even mention it
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wingsdippedingold · 2 months
ACOTAR realistically cannot become a movie or tv series without it being heavily changed, and censored unless they want it to be TV-MA, which I doubt since the reading audience it’s marketed towards is a lot younger
Because the amount of abuse and vile acts that get ignored, swept under the rug, or justified in canon will not fly when put into visual media. It’s a lot easier to move past it or pretend it’s not as bad when it’s in text form, but when it becomes something visual it will not be able to be as defended. The material will have to be severely modified to be able to be aired like that
That doesn’t even begin to mention the casting nightmare it would be. Making the batboys white would be erasing the “representation” (that’s not even actually rep but wtv), but making them poc will raise many racist implications that people choose to ignore in the books.
And I guarantee that the people casted will get viciously bullied because they’re not “perfect” enough. This fandom is so toxic that I could not imagine the effects it would have on actors of characters like Tamlin or Nesta
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extremely-judgemental · 3 months
Rhys isn't good guy playing bad. He did bad things and sometimes felt bad about it.
Eris technically doesn't do anything wrong. People believe he did. He doesn't deny the rumours and plays along.
Eris is the real good guy playing bad.
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jinxdancer08 · 22 days
I can’t wait for Gwyn and Az to exchange friendship bracelets.
That’s it. That’s the post.
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bright-side20 · 4 months
Koschei's Sleeping Beauty retelling 🌹
I've found Koschei's sleeping beauty details so here it is
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_In the tale, it is said that once Koschei focuses his gaze on the chosen princess, he is capable of exerting a powerful influence over her. He recites ancient, arcane words, and the maiden collapses gracefully, falling into a deep, unbreakable sleep, immune to the passage of time.
_ Koschei was described to be surrounded by shadows and swirling mist. He then takes the princess to his grand hall with a bone throne, where she waits for the hero who can break the spell.
*In SF:
The being that stood atop the lake was a shadow. It must be a reflection, Cassian thought. Smoke and mirrors. "Where is Briallyn?" Azriel demanded, Siphons flaring like cobalt flame. “I spend so many months preparing for you,” Koschei crooned, “and you don’t even wish to speak to me?”
*Koschei in the book is described as a shadow being as in the tale. Plus he could be trying to lure Azriel to the lake because once he can fix his gaze on him he'll be able to manipulate him with his power and enchant him with unbreakable sleep.
What I think is that Koschei could have been trapped in the lake using the Starsword, so he needs the TT to undo it. That's why he wants Az because he owns the dagger, so he could curse him with eternal sleep and try to make Elain free him from the lake in exchange for breaking Azriel's curse.
_In the tale, the only way to break the enchantment is through an instrument called the gusli which is very similar to the harp.
Gusli. Harp.
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_The strings of the gusli are made of pure silver and inbued with encient magic, when played correctly they emit a powerful, harmonic resonance that can break the spell and awaken the princess.
*In SF, the harp has ancient magic in its strings, and they are also made of silver:
The golden Harp, covered in intricate embossing, set with silver strings.
The small strings are for games—light movement and leaping—but the longer, the final ones … Such deep wonders and horrors we could strum into being.
_In the tale, for the Gusli's magic to work, it should be played by a hero who is pure of heart and noble intent.
*We know that Elain can use the harp because she's a cauldron made, and we also know that she has a different kind of strength:
“Elain had always been gentle and sweet—and I had considered it a different kind of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had always been so full of light.”
She is someone pure of heart, and her love for Azriel will definitely be strong and pure, so I think that could be another reason why she's the one who can break his curse 🥰
My theory about the harp is that, since in Hofas it was said that it can transfer one's power to the soul of another. Therefore, Elain may be able to give a portion of her life power to Az's soul through the harp to awaken him.
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highqueenofnarnia · 5 months
Just thinking about Nesta Archeron, Lady Death, the one who the Dread Trove answers to, who regularly pisses off Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, and how even after the power she sacrificed to save Feyre (and by extension, Rhys) and Nyx, she’s still a character who’s generally regarded as possessing untapped power.
Thinking about the eight-pointed star and the comparison made explicitly by Bryce in HOFAS.
Thinking about all the times Nesta has been referred to as a “Queen” and how in ACOSF, so much of her memories revolved around her mother and how Nesta was raised to be royalty and a Queen.
Thinking about how there hasn’t been a High King in a long time amongst the courts.
Thinking about how canonically, the Inner Circle all possess a healthy caution/fear of Nesta, even Amren.
Thinking about how, even as Nesta grows and changes as a person, she will not bow to Rhys just because she lives in his court. How she unapologetically questions him and defies him in a way that infuriates him.
Thinking about how Nesta’s story can’t possibly be over yet because wtf, her story should not end with a man (no hate to Cassian, love him).
Thinking about the fact that in HOFAS, before Nesta and Cassian are together, Rhys starts putting Cassian in more diplomatic roles.
Yes, hello, welcome to my crack theory about how Nesta will become High Queen and Cassian her king. In this essay I will—
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kopfkino-o · 7 days
it's been a minute since i did some theory rambling and i've got a long train ride ahead of me so let's get at it! this is more of a general elain post but there is some pro elriel thinking sprinkled in. thanks for reading!!
was Elain blessed by the Mother so she might cure the corrupted Cauldron? are there two primordial forces warring within it? does Elain have the power of Life? bear with me while i ramble about all this.
warning: the following thoughts probably aren't cohesive lol.
okay but does anyone else think that there's a small part of the Mother, the original creator, left within the Cauldron and that's what recognized and loved Elain? Like a part of me thinks that some aspect of the Mother remains locked away or maybe weakened by what the Asteri did to the Cauldron that recognized the inherent goodness in Elain and that's why she was "blessed."
What if the last lingering ember of the Mother's will recognized Elain's gentle heart, her brave soul, and gifted her with the power to break the corruption and restore the order of things?
"Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn’t let herself dwell on why she’d felt the need to set the rose there." - ACOSF, as told from Nesta's point of view.
We know that Elain is associated with roses from the description of her drawer, her love of gardening, from Feyre telling us that Elain would trim the roses without gloves and get thorns in her hands, amongst other associations. Nesta placing a symbol associated with Elain next to this primordial goddess figurine, PERHAPS EVEN THE MOTHER HERSELF, feels just so...prophetic. It's like Nesta is almost passing the mantle of being the storyteller or the FMC on to Elain. And maybe even hinting at what's to come.
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Okay. So back to the Cauldron, the Mother, all that. We know Nesta took something from the Cauldron (but this is a post for another day) and that Elain was given something. We know that Elain is a seer, blessed with the gift of foresight and clairvoyance, though we don't exactly know what the innerworkings of this sort of magic are.
But what if Sight wasn't the only gift Elain was given?
My theory is that Elain was given the gift of Life by the remaining aspect of the Mother to counter/compliment the power of Death Nesta stole from the corrupted aspect of the Cauldron--or the power of the Asteri, which I think might also be the power of Deanna from the Throne of Glass World (but again, that's a post for another day). And I can't help but think that, for the gentler grower of things, this theorized "Life magic" would manifest in the form of earth/soil/plant manipulation. We saw this in HOFAS with the official introduction of earth based magic and it has me thinking!!
And with that thinking, I'm wondering if the lingering essence of the Mother might have blessed Elain with these powers in the hopes that she would be able to master them, in the same way the Nesta mastered the power she claimed, and help finally banish the corruption from the force of the Cauldron. I've got a little headcanon that all three sisters will have some role in this but it needs to stew a bit more lol. And what if Elain's bond has some roll in all of this?
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I don't want to speak for everyone, but to me there's something off about Lucien and Elain's bond. He is able to live far away from her with seemingly no issue. She shrinks into herself when he's around. Lucien just seems...sad whenever the bond is mentioned. Could this be the result of the same awkward/push-pull tension that we saw between Nessian and Feysand? Maybe.
But what if it's because SJM Is using them to show us what a "Cauldron-given bond" looks like? Rhys theorizes about the bonds in ACOWAR and brings up a very interesting comment:
"There is choice. And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.” A smile at me—at the rareness, perhaps, of what we had. “Even so,” Rhys went on, “there will always be a … tug. For the females, it is usually easier to ignore, but the males … It can drive them mad. It is their burden to fight through, but some believe they are entitled to the female. Even after the bond is rejected, they see her as belonging to them. Sometimes they return to challenge the male she chooses for herself. Sometimes it ends in death. It is savage, and it is ugly, and it mercifully does not happen often, but … Many mated pairs will try to make it work, believing the Cauldron selected them for a reason. Only years later will they realize that perhaps the pairing was not ideal in spirit.”
Sometimes the bond picks poorly! She gives us TWO examples of this with Rhys's and Tam's parents. Two bonds that I think were CAULDRON GIVEN bonds. Then, as a foil to this, she gives us Nessian and Feysand. Vivienne and Kallias. Three bonds gifted by the Mother--the primordial being, the gentle creator of things. Could this be Silba from the TOG world? Kythona from Crescent City? Is she Wyrd? And could the Mother have given both Elain and Lucien other bonds--blessed bonds--that are currently being surpressed by the corrupted bonds bestowed on them by the Cauldron?
Personally (and especially after HOFAS) I think the Cauldron's corruption needs to be addressed. And I think Elain is the one to do it. Her entire character is steeped in themes of choice, fate vs freewill, destiny vs self-actualization, and gods, the set up for an AMAZING story is right there.
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I can't say what SJM will do in the end. But I can theorize based on the last few books and the foreshadowing she's lain. And for me, I see the angsty, unprecedented chosen love story she's building between Elain and Azriel with a rejected mating bond incorporated into the heart of their love story. Could she change the direction of her books and abandon this? Absolutely. But I think the story would be so much worse for it. The crumbs for something amazing are there. The crumbs for something that has the potential to be genre-defying is there. And based on what Sarah commented to the Times, I can't help but she's knows this and can't help but write it.
ok bye thanks for reading!! i'd love to talk more about this to anyone else who is down to yap! dms are always open.
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redbleedingrose · 6 months
Cassian x Reader Masterlist
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NSFW Alphabet
Cassian loves Chubby Girls
Cassian x Chubby!Reader Blurb
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Desperate Cassian
Showering with Cass
“You look like a mess and I love it, because I’m the one who made you like this”
Cass smackin ass!
Pre-Girl Dad!Cassian Headcanons
Girl Dad!Cassian Headcanons
Cassian man titty thots
Smutty Cass thots
Gym Bro Cass with his chubby lady
A/N: The long awaited Cassian x Reader Masterlist, fully updated for you all! These include some blurbs, headcanons, and full oneshots for you guys! I really hope you enjoy. I have been working through my official masterlist to update that as well. So far, the cassian stuff and Always have been updated. A couple of the new drabbles I wrote have also been added towards the end. I will be making a seprate masterlist for each character just to make things easier while I organize my whole main masterlist. For the time being, this should be good enough hopefully. Please let me know your guy's thoughts, comments, asks, and reblogs are DEEPLY appreciated. The mean the entire world to me.
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deathbealady · 3 months
This is going to be a sort of incomplete bunch of thoughts, but:
I know that the 500+ year age gap between Feyre and Rhysand is like, Not Good, but I think a huge factor in why Feysand manages to work is because despite his big age, Rhysand’s mental/emotional maturity is not much more evolved than Feyre. (The whole IC is kind of like this, in fact, but I’m not going to get into that rn)
Ultimately, I think Feyre and Tamlin couldn’t have worked out in the long run, because for all of his own faults and shortcomings, Tamlin as an individual was/is already much more mature than Feyre, and that’s a gap that’s hard to bridge.
As it is, Feyre has a gigantic chip on her shoulder as the youngest sister who lacked the education of her sisters, so I think there’s a lot to be said about the weird feelings of inferiority she likely had around Tamlin. Like, I think it’s part of why Feyre wouldn’t accept Tamlin’s offers to help her learn to read, but she accepted the lessons with Rhysand; it’s like she perceived Tamlin’s higher level of maturity as placing him above her, therefore his default state meant he was “looking down on her” even if that wasn’t the case. It’s similar to how she said Nesta as her older sister wouldn’t have deigned to help her learn to read. It’s also arguably part of why people see a lot more initial chemistry between Feyre and Lucien in ACOTAR. Feyre warmed up to Lucien faster because he was being snarky and a dick, and that was easier for her to navigate than the quiet brooding of Tamlin
Anyway, like Lucien in ACOTAR, Rhysand’s offers to help in ACOMAF were similarly snarky and kind of immature in a way that essentially was disarming for Feyre, so she was more inclined to accept his help. In this sense, Rhysand and Feyre are definitely equals, just perhaps not the way that SJM intended
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fourteentrout · 3 months
God the scene during the high lords meeting where Kallias is confronting Rhys about the murdered Winter children is so impactful to me because I always see it as like...this is the same shit Rhys went through with Tamlin.
Rhys says he tried and Kallias says something along the lines of "Tell that to the families of the children that were slaughtered. That you tried."
And I always think of Tamlin and rhys probably having a moment at some point where Tamlin says he tried with Rhys' mom and sister, and Rhys says that's not fucking enough, because they're still dead, and you're still a traitor.
And now he's tasked with getting a guy on his side who feels the same way he does, but this time it's about him.
And he has to deal with the weight of the question that, if he can urge Kallias to let go, why can't he?
It's a very speculative lens to look at the scene through but that's what I think of whenever I revisit it.
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lainalit · 6 months
I don't understand why Rhysand is the most popular Male character in the series then Lucien " If I offer you the moon on the string, will you kiss me too?" and Tarquin "I will fight for equality between all faeries" exist
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