#ABOUT ;; Baelfire
rumbelle-scream · 5 months
imagine swanfire was our endgame and we arrived at gideon's plotline where he's supposed to kill emma, his sister-in-law. 🤣
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daisdu · 5 months
I actually so so love the trope where a character is so in love with a woman who they cannot be with that they feel a parental connection to her child by someone else, oftentimes a child they’ve never even met
I find it delightful both when the man is generally allied with the child like Hook and Baelfire in OUAT, but also when that relationship inexplicably makes them enemies, like Vlad and Danny in Danny Phantom
I just finished Nona the Ninth and people might disagree with me on this one, but I was getting a little bit of it from Pyrrha about Gideon
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his-lost-one · 8 months
honestly it’s so frustrating trying to figure out how old pan actually was. my current guess is roughly 250 bc hook once said that he was in neverland for about 200 years and rumple was probably a little over 50 when he killed milah and hook decided to go to neverland and yeah idk. almost feels like too short of a timespan but idk idk. to an extent, any guesses like that are irrelevant because ✨time doesn’t pass in neverland✨ except it kinda does??? like what does it even mean for time not to pass except for that not aging thing???
like it makes so little sense actually. because the dreamshade poison was able to travel through david’s body, so it’s obviously not completely static in terms of bodily functions and metabolism. but also that cut devin got from henry never healed like at all as far as we saw in the show, so it’s obviously not on the same level as in other realms (but then we also only saw devin in one episode so he’s not exactly a good example)
so like my theory is that some type of time has to exist in neverland, otherwise everything would’ve had to have been more static, but the time in neverland is slower or at least seems slower than normal time.
another example for this is imo when wendy spent that one night in neverland the first time and was surprised that she had only been gone for a day bc she thought it was longer.
another question i have here is how old rumple is by the time the neverland arc happens bc he was never really in a situation where time was altered after his first time being on neverland and being in storybrooke (although that’s debatable bc time did still pass there but more in a soft groundhog’s day kinda way and again without aging and everything). bc if we figured out rumple’s age we could also figure out hook’s, baelfire’s, and pan’s ages with at least rough but grounded estimates.
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stars-and-galaxys · 16 days
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3x15//2x22//Mirror Traps - Hera Lindsay Bird//2x22//Uneven Odds - Sleeping at Last//Isle of the Dogs - Wes Anderson//2x14//5x11//2x22//Bring Him Home - Les Miserables//3x15
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zangetsusundelion · 10 months
The great thing about being a fanfiction writer is that you can spend a horrifying amount of time on, say, the Once Upon a Time wiki, and say it's for research and have that somewhat be the truth.
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reolf · 4 months
Just casually thinking of some of my favourite characters losing their children.
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Rumplestilskin and Baelfire/ Neal
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Rhaenyra and Lucerys
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Neteyam and Neytiri and Jake
( not to mention the parallels between Neteyam’s death and Lucerys’ brother Jacaerys. Both dying at sea protecting their siblings.)
I am not okay.
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wastingstarsss · 1 year
Just had a whole realisation about rumple and dust and idk if the writers MEANT for it to have a significant impact on his character YET HERE I AM.
So we all know the infamous “I will truly, truly become dust” line about Bae being drafted in the war. And what happens? He loses Bae. Now bear in mind- this is ultimately because of magic and what has magic done to rumple? Made him the dark one- and you could argue his skin looks like dust.
Moving forward to Belle who Rumple brings to the castle cause “the place was filthy”, a lousy excuse for company but it’s probably true in that all his relics collected dust cause why would rumple spend his time cleaning them? He had thousands. So belle was his maid, and with the castle she cleaned him too. She kissed him, the dust cleared away and he started to become ‘a man’ again. But then he pushes her away and the mask of the monster- that dust- is back. AND THEN when Weaver kills the dark one, the dark one literally becomes dust!!! And AND think of the implications of dust. It’s just dead stuff. Rumple views himself as a dead thing without Belle and Baelfire.
And of course we can’t forget the implications of pixie dust- fairy magic which does *not* work with what Rumple is. He could’ve been good dust- light magic. A saviour. But instead due to twisted fate he became the dark one. The dead thing he thought he was.
Plus also his whole thing with Cora who becomes the queen of hearts. And what does she do? Collect hearts, yes, but the whole thing about hearts in the show is crushing them to dust. Her dynamic with Rumple was just another link to dark dust, And in teaching Regina, her breakthrough with dark magic is crushing hearts to dust
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All magic comes with a price indeed, you turned yourself into the very thing you had convinced yourself you were.
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sassyandclassy94 · 5 months
Mist Haven!Emma headcanon
Emma, unbeknownst to her mother, knows the words to too many bawdy tavern songs and, when under the guise of a peasant woman, joins along when they’re being sung and of course, Baelfire finds it both funny, and endearing
Her parents however, would die if they knew the shenanigans their daughter is up to when not performing her royal duties.
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Belle finds a scroll that maps out a meteor shower that she wants to see. She asks Rumplestiltskin to join her, but he dismisses her, and the idea. It's not until Jefferson tells Rumple that Belle was asking him out that Rumple entertains the thought of watching the meteor shower with her.
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enchantedxhearts · 6 months
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Happy boop day, everyone 🥲
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anurarana · 9 months
I'm actually so happy they took once upon a time off of netfix bc I was about to give in and rewatch it and I do not need that rn
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Swanfire Month Day 16 | What Would Neal’s Job Be/Have Been?
Okay, so I think there’s a few ways I can answer this. In cannon, I’m pretty sure it’s heavily alluded to that Neal’s job is to drive the horse-drawn-carriages.
However, I think in fannon, we fire-thieves have a pretty strong idea that he would at least end up going into something like art or photography (as those are his interests). In one of my fanfictions, he starts off as a horse-and-cart driver and then makes the transition into photography.
This one is probably just me personally, but I can also see him being a chef or a cook. This has no basis off of anything we learn about him in cannon, it’s just my own gut feeling that he would enjoy a job like this (maybe not so much the hours, but the actual job itself).
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ahbutimavillain · 2 years
while i generally vibe w/rum being the perpetual villain, ngl it does at some point just become bad writing/characterization for him to continue being fucking horrible and risking/sacrificing his children/being a bad parent after baelfire dies. 
i mean. when emma (i think??) apologizes about neal (this may be in neverland????) he says something like ‘u didn’t kill me son, i did’. and the fact that they just threw away that growth irritates tf out of me and i reject it. 
so basically, yes, for the most part, rum mellows out after bae’s death. is he a good guy? no. he just stops meddling a bit and retreats into himself a lot. basically like ‘i won’t get worse but i won’t get better either’ kinda deal.
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
I hope you accept curious anons - why did you decide to make an AU female version of Bae? I'm not against it, just curious.
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Oh yes, I accept curious anons. I knew others might be curious and ask questions as to why to I made an AU Female!Baelfire, so I don't mind it at all.
While I love Baelfire/Neal Cassidy (he's honestly my second fave character besides Rumple), I didn't like what they did to him in Season 3. I also didn't like the storyline with Tamara. But I ESPECIALLY DESPISE what the writers did in having Bae absorbed by Rumple and of course, Bae's death. Hence...why I made my own AU Female!Baelfire.
Now granted, I was originally just going to make a Canon Divergent Baelfire that doesn't follow the mess of Zelena and lives on, but I also got curious and wanted to make a Female!Baelfire--- (I know, rule 63 of the internet. I've had others pick on me for it before.) But as I started thinking about her and her male counterpart, I realized that while she would share the same backstory with Main Baelfire when it comes to the Enchanted Forest, her time with the Darling's, and Neverland, everything after that would be different because Henry wouldn't exist. Hence why she ended up becoming an AU Female!Baelfire.
I also figured since I remember OUAT going into parallels worlds or different things, why couldn't there be a world where Baelfire was a girl instead of a boy?
But I am tempted to add the Main Verse Baelfire on here too. However, if I do, he would be canon divergent like his Papa for the same reasons.
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🐺– aesthetic
🐺– wardrobe
🐺– musings
🐺– about
🐺– hook
🐺– baelfire
🐺– pinocchio
🐺– graham
🐺– victor frakenstien
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
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“I love you. And I probably always will.”
Because I miss SwanFire very, very much
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