#A to Z Folk Songs
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the stunning sequel
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penroseparticle · 4 months
irreplaceable rant? to the left to the left
My irreplaceable rant is essentially:
When Beyonce wrote Irreplaceable it was like a giant stepping on an ant. Even in 06 she was shaping up to be a Juggernaut. B'Day launched at number 1 I believe? She was blowing up. Well established, producing bop after bop after banger after banger. And We bought Irreplaceable because we, fully, were on board. Beyonce COULD have another you in a minute. The mythos of Beyonce was taking shape. She was Beyonce, you were some guy. To the left.
When she wrote Lemonade it was like. Oh there are stakes now because whether you think Jay Z is great or not or a garbage dude or whatever, he's at least closer to her level than just "some guy".
Like. Of course she could have another you in a minute if you were some dude. But could she have another Jay Z in a minute? No, categorically she could not, and to say otherwise is to tell yourself fun lies because you hate cheaters or men or whatever. I am a firm believer that Beyonce is one of a kind and cannot be replicated in our lifetime as a cultural phenomenon, artist, creator, singer, you name it she is. incredible. But I'm also not going to pretend Jay Z wasn't in some ways just as singularly, powerfully monolithic with popculture just because most of this website understands rap less.
She writes the Sistine Chapel about him because like it or not, she wants to. She looks at him and sees things you could only dream of creating and I for one am just happy to be here, and could care less what you think about Beyonce's specialist boy who is the catalyst of some of the best music I've heard in the past decade, and also someone who MADE some of the best music I've heard in the past 20 years as well.
Beyonce's first solo recording was 03 Bonnie and Clyde, btw. As in, she was a feature on a Jay Z song before even releasing Dangerously in Love. Which. Also prominently has a Jay Z feature. In the lead single. That arguably launched Beyonce's career. Why would she ever write songs about the man who helped her launch her career that she has been married to for 16 years. A damn mystery.
And for the record, if she wanted to make the most beautiful art in the world about literal garbage, so the fuck what. We hate Duchamps The Fountain on this website now? Irving Penn spent years taking extremely detailed, well composed photos... of actual trash. Like Mud Glove. His photos were hanging in the Smithsonian a few years ago. Turns out beautiful art that says something, even something about trash? Still beautiful.
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nobbykun · 1 year
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Artist - 吉田拓郎 (Yoshida, Takuro) Song - 明日に向って走れ (Asu Ni Mukatte Hashire) [Eng. "Run For Tomorrow"] Release Date - March 1976
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My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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babblingeccentric · 1 year
Watched the One Piece Film Z dub and here are my thoughts
It is SO disorienting as an American to hear people say "z" as "zed" the whole movie
Zed's voice actor was fantastic I loved the vaguely southern accent he had
Kuzan was SOOOO sexy in this one it may just be my personal bias cause I LOVE a guy that left the service that he committed terrible things in and is now adrift trying to find his way in the world and do the right thing. Such a shame he ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛(redacted for manga spoilers)⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛
"Ocean Guide" is the best one piece song and the way it was incorporated throughout the movie was fantastic
The whole strawhat crew (except chopper) was kinda just an add on to this one I wasn't particularly interested in their antics. The cherry blossom party outfits were cute though
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bogkeep · 2 years
trying to find a way to explain how Weird my music taste was throughout my entire childhood/teen years only to realize it's Weird in Norway Specifically, but actually perfectly normal and acceptable in the czech republic. it turns out i am Like This because i've been listening to folk music + blackmore's night every time my mom drove me anywhere, and because some family friends gave me copies of The Best Of Enya and Mike Oldfield's Millenium Bell at a formative age that i promptly absorbed into my soul. i'll be like "huh nobody in norway seems to have any clue who mike oldfield is????" and then i'll hear moonlight shadow play on the radio at the hair salon in brno and i'll be like OHHHH OKAY I SEE. i am not at all in touch with contemporary czech culture and i have no idea if my mom's friend circle were the cool kids or not but i guess that's the music culture i inherited!!!!
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minglana · 2 years
songs in minority languages truly are a hit or miss imo (not talking about folk songs thats a whole other story)
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artist- Field Medic
album- Floral Prince
release- 2020
vibe- freak folk/emo folk/indie folk
“Traded my creative whim
For a level head and a phantom limb
You know chamomile is
Sweeter when the sky is blushing too
Tell me have you ever thought
Of leaving your boys behind?
I've got no concept of a savior
There's nothing I could do
There's nothing I could do”
day 32- 12/21/23
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mortiferumbra · 1 year
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ugasaya · 1 year
Runika - Egzorcysta z Wojsławic
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ponett · 10 months
there have definitely been a lot of nerd boys who missed that you aren't supposed to want to be like scott pilgrim, but i don't really see where the claim that there are specifically droves of incels who see scott as a role model came from
if anything, i see a lot of hatred for the series - and particularly the movie - from incels. their prevailing meme is "scott pilgrim vs. the world ruined an entire generation of women." they HAAAAAAAATE ramona. of course they do. she literally has blue hair and pronouns. many of them have convinced themselves that all the left wing women they hate who dye their hair and listen to indie music have literally modeled their entire lives after ramona. they believe that this apparent mass brainwashing of millennial and gen z women by ramona flowers is why they can't find a date
i would explain more but some loser literally wrote a whole fucking "incelcore" song about this
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they also seem to hate scott, particularly as portrayed by michael cera in the movie. they think he's a lame, scrawny nerd who's constantly emasculated next to ramona's bigger, stronger, more conventionally handsome exes. they do not want to be like scott. they think he's a soyboy. they think he's gay. they think that in real life ramona would choose a "chad" like lucas or todd over scott, because that's their understanding of how relationships work
i would say more but some of the comments i've seen are truly heinous so i'll spare y'all
really i think folks have just forgotten that "incel" describes a type of guy with a very specific, very extreme, very hateful ideology. it is not interchangeable with your typical "tfw no gf" type nerd guy who just really liked all the video game references and writes in his tinder bio that he's looking for his ramona
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
why is spotify discover weekly suddenly recommending me a bunch of anti vietnam war protest songs
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nobbykun · 1 year
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Artist - 吉田拓郎 (Yoshida, Takuro) Song - 唇をかみしめて (Kuchibiru O Kamishimete) [Eng. "Biting My Lip"] Release Date - March 1982
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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inthisuproar · 2 years
Was going to write this as a reply to something but realized it needed its own post.
The tl;dr is that, from the looks of it, Automattic absolutely has every intention of turning Tumblr into a marketing media platform.
I work for a marketing company. I build websites.
Specifically, I build websites on Wordpress.org, which is operated by the Wordpress Foundation.
The Wordpress Foundation is the non-profit counterpart to the for-profit company Automattic.
Automattic, as we know, is the company that currently owns Tumblr.
Now, the thing about Wordpress.org (not to be confused with Wordpress.com) is that it's very, VERY popular amongst small businesses. Not only can you build a fully-customizable website with relative ease, you can also add an online shop using another Automattic product: Woocommerce.
Not too long ago, I noticed a new feature was added to Woocommerce: A button next to each Woocommerce product which allows you to Blaze them to Tumblr right from the comfort of your dashboard:
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This is what I get when I click that little "Blaze" button...
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As someone who understands these tools, I understand the potential implications of these features:
The Blaze feature is basically an up-and-coming ad campaign system that's directly integrated with Woocommerce websites, which I think is the first ad marketing system of its kind. You don't have to log into a social media account to advertise your products, use a second-party integration, or even pay another service to manage your social media ads. It's all baked right into your business's website.
THIS is their planned money-maker, folks, not the rainbow checkmarks or crab armies. And the reason why Automattic would do this kind of thing is simple: Businesses are wealthier than individuals. By implementing a B2B service, Automattic can make more money off of Tumblr than user subscriptions and shoelaces will ever provide.
It's all the same song and dance. Businesses can now shove more ads into your face in a new, convenient fashion. It'll be ads that don't look like ads disguised amongst ads that do look like ads, just like it is with Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and literally every other marketing media service that calls itself a "social" media.
(Tumblr's new video feature? My guess is that it's there to prepare for video-format Blaze campaigns. Influencer-style videos are the only kind of ad format Gen-Z is receptive to, which is why you're suddenly seeing videos on every platform.)
All they really gotta do now is make Tumblr look appealing to the normies so they can draw in a userbase that isn't trying to escape the onslaught of commercialism that plagues other sites.
Tumblr is one of the last true social medias we have; a place where content is made purely for the sake of talking about it. But given the writing on the wall...I doubt it'll stay that way.
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WIBTA for reporting my sister’s teacher to the school admin?
Alright folks strap in this one’s a doozy. TLDR at the end.
My (19M) sister (17F) is a senior in high school and this year she’s taking AP English Literature and Composition (hereby abbreviated as ap lit). For my non American buddies, this is essentially the highest level English class in most public high schools. This is a notoriously difficult exam and my sister’s extremely nervous for it. However, her teacher (23F) is. Well. To put it bluntly, the most gen z #relatable tiktoker in the world. This is the first English class AND the first AP class she’s ever taught. The only other high school class she’s taught was physics (not even honors). Her only qualification to teach the class is that she got a 5 on the exam when she took it in high school.
She is demonstrably bad at her job. Her motivation to teach English this year was, quote: “Taylor Swift is SUCH a poet she’s one of the main reasons I wanted to be an English teacher” if that gives you the vibes. And yes, she spent two class periods making students analyze a Taylor Swift song.
To list some other offenses, she: encouraged the propagation of the Hellen Keller was fake conspiracy, recommended using Harry Potter as a resource for the AP lit exam (citing that it’s one of her favorite book series of all time), telling students she will not help them with college applications (despite this being a very common and expected thing for senior English teachers to do here), and telling students to watch the movie adaptations of recommended novels WITHOUT reading them, and then to use the Wikipedia summary to compare and contrast the two. She also regularly misspells things in class which is great for a language teacher.
And I wasn’t kidding about the tiktoker thing. That’s her main passion, posting outfit/makeup tiktoks. This includes doing it in her class about all her teachercore fits.
My sister complains about her constantly, and as someone who’s has to deal with seriously traumatic harassment from teachers in the past, my first reaction was that she should report her. However, the problem is, last time she caught a student complaining about her, she punished the whole class by making them take a ridiculously hard pop quiz because “her feelings were hurt”. A very responsible and adult reaction /s. So, my sister is worried that if I confront her or the administration, the class will be punished.
While I understand my sister’s fear, I just don’t think the teacher should be allowed to get away with her behavior. I understand that the teacher is young (she’s barely 4 years older than me!) and should be allowed to make mistakes, but starting off her English teaching career at the highest high school level of English classes. My sister is now having to seek additional tutoring because the class is massively under preparing her for the exam.
TLDR: My sister’s English teacher is really bad at her job and underpreparing her for a difficult national test. I want to tell the school about this behavior but my sister is worried that she’ll punish the class.
So, WIBTA if I reported her to the administration? And if so, people of tumblr do you have other ideas because I’ve hit a wall.
What are these acronyms?
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microficmay · 6 months
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Microfic May 2024
We are back, folks! Join us for our best and biggest year of microfics ever!! Microfic May is an open daily prompt challenge in which participants write a microfic a day in May. Here's the scoop for 2024!
We define microfics as works of fiction that are 50 words or less. However, this limit is merely a suggestion. We accept all lengths!
Open to all HP characters, ships, ratings, topics, and genres (as long as works are tagged and spoilered appropriately).
Participants must be age 18+ and follow DLDR, SALS, and YKINMKATO. (What does this mean?)
All prompts are optional, can be skipped, switched around, or combined. Just have fun and write!
For an extra challenge, try one of our optional ‘Weekly Challenges’ along with the day’s prompt.
To submit a work, add it to our collection on AO3 Microfic May 2024 or mention us on Tumblr @microficmay AND tag #microficmay2024.
Check the Info and FAQ pages for more info! (if the links aren’t working on mobile, try here)
🫶 Prompt list in plain text under the cut! 🫶
Prompts List 2024
Day 1: Create Day 2: Resplendent Day 3: Horizon Day 4: Decision Day 5: Dreams & Reality Day 6: Flare Day 7: Innocuous Day 8: Will Day 9: Agony Day 10: Rise & Fall Day 11: Curse Day 12: Vivid Day 13: Talisman Day 14: Humility Day 15: Nothing & Everything Day 16: Squabble Day 17: Worthy Day 18: Healing Day 19: Impatience Day 20: Push & Pull Day 21: Unhand Day 22: Precious Day 23: Mistake Day 24: Elation Day 25: Day & Night Day 26: Vex Day 27: Dandy Day 28: Fetching Day 29: Thrall Day 30: First & Last Day 31: Fulfilment
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1: Evolve Alt 2: Superfluous Alt 3: Idle Alt 4: Warmth Alt 5: Life & Death
Weekly Challenges (Optional)
Week 1: POV Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using 1st or 2nd person point of view.
Week 2: ‘A/An’ Challenge ↳ Don't use the articles 'a' or 'an' in your microfic.
Week 3: Format Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using a non-traditional format. Examples: epistolary, text fic, dialogue only, poetry, song lyrics, script, etc.
Week 4: Alphabet Challenge ↳ Include all the letters A-Z in your microfic.
BONUS CHALLENGE ↳ To be announced!
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astriiformes · 2 months
Okay, fun question time. One of the various multimedia elements of the LotR Road Trip AU story is that I am planning on making playlists for each member of the Fellowship, the idea being that they're supposed to be snapshots into everyone's music libraries for when they have the aux cord in the car.
My music taste is pretty all over the place, which helps with a project like this, but I can't claim it's as broad as I would like when trying to represent the music tastes of nine different people. So I would love to solicit some ideas from people--genres, artists, even specific songs. You name it.
Here's generally the vibes I've been curating so far, though I'm not entirely married to all of them:
Frodo -- Indie, acoustic, folk? Probably some instrumentals. Chill beats to carry a cursed artifact to.
Sam -- Generally pretty upbeat. For sure some really traditional folk influences but also like. Folk rock. Should be an extremely feel-good playlist.
Merry -- Nerd music, to put it simply. Folk and filk, as well as some of the found-filk folks out there like Hank Green, probably.
Pippin -- Pop music! He's here to have a good time. Would especially love some input from the Gen Z crowd here since my pop knowledge is a little dated for the youngest member of the Fellowship. What Chappell Roan song would be his favorite.
Boromir -- He is puzzling me. I am keeping in mind that he should have some like. Elder millennial vibes. Currently have Green Day, etc on there but I'm trying to decide if that works.
Aragorn -- Dad rock, plus some modern rock. Think about your dad's road trip playlist (I know mine has several) and you're getting the right picture.
Legolas -- Pop and some indie/acoustic songs. Also a little musical theater. I'll be honest I'm making his eclectic on purpose. Definitely a little cheesy, aro/ace jams encouraged.
Gimli -- Metal, industrial, classical. There is no bigger Trans-Siberian Orchestra fan. Possibly also some labor songs, though I'm thinking more like metal/rock covers.
Gandalf -- Prog rock and other wizard music. I am doing something very dumb and silly and putting classic rock songs with meta references to LotR on his (ex: Led Zeppelin's Misty Mountain Hop), but other suggestions are good too.
Please feel free to totally contradict some of these vibes though. Ideally some of these playlists with be a little more all over the place than I would usually lean towards, since the idea is to represent someone's music taste, not make a true character playlist.
So! Help me out here. What do you all think each Fellowship member would listen to?
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