#A song og GF and BB
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Nya and Kepa
One of Visenya known habits was walking into rooms and silently taking a seat in one of her parents’ laps. Something she had seen her muña do with her kepa and something mumuña Rhaenys did with kepāzma Corlys, though the adults usually did it in theprivacy of the family livingrooms.
Being told no, was not something that happened often to Princess Visenya. It had started when she was very young, due to her being sick, but it was also because she very rarely asked for outrageous things, nor things her family wouldn’t do for her.
After her classes ended, Visenya wandered through the hallways of The Red Keep. Her classes had ended earlier than usually and none of her nannies or carers had known, which allowed the princess a rare moment to herself, but Visenya wasn’t very fond of being on her own. Visenya was often seen with her mandia Rhaena, following her around like a shadow or reading to her hāedar Aemma, when she wasn’t with her parents.
Her steps led her the familiar route to her kepa’s office. The door was ajar and Visenya paused, listening for activity inside. She could hear someone talking, though it wasn’t her kepa, sounded like one of the guards. Visenya looked inside and spotted her kepa in his seat by his ornate desk.
Without a word, Visenya pushed the door open wide enough to slip through. The guard paused, briefly, and bowed to her, before he continued talking. Visenya climbed into her kepa’s lap with practised movements and leaned against him. She knew not to repeat words she heard in private meetings, though truly she rarely paid attention, but simply enjoyed the proximity to her parents or grandparents.
Only when the guard left did Visenya speak. “Kepa? Will you tell me about when you were little? About you and mumuña Rhaenys and your Lēkia Viserys?” She asked, toying with a button on his waistcoat.
A closed starter for: @the-lord-confessor
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#the-lord-confessor
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An Evening on the Balcony
The sun was already setting when Rhaenys made her way from the Velaryon chambers towards the east-facing balcony. While she would normally enjoy the sunset to the west, tonight she was longing for the sea. Longing for anything that reminded her of home. It had been a rough day. Corlys had been gone for a fortnight now and his absence felt heavy within Rhaenys. Nyssie, their young daughter, was teething and it had been hard to settle her all day. Now she was finally fast asleep and Rhaenys had left her with a maid to get a few moments to herself.
“Ser Darklyn,” she said in greeting upon reaching the balcony and finding it already occupied. Ser Steffon Darklyn was a cousin of hers, a distant one, but family, nonetheless. “Steffon,” she added allowing informality between them. “Mind if I join you?”
Rhaenys waited in the archway for his answer. There was no need to force her company on anyone, and from here she could already smell the salt from the sea. She lifted her eyes from Steffon and let them rest on the darkening horizon, where the sunset blurred the line between ocean and sky. “I wonder if the winter will be harsh enough to freeze the seas,” she mused quietly.
A closed starter for: @sersteffondarklyn
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#sersteffondarklyn
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Adored by the Realm: Day 6
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 15th day of the 12th moon 129AC The sixth day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
The Third Tourney
The sun already stood high in the sky when Corlys woke up. He reached out, only to find the rest of the bed empty, no sign of Rhaenys. Perplexed he sat up, rubbing his face. There had been too much good wine and later fine spirits during the wedding feast. The sun had peaked up over the horizon by the time he had gotten back to bed. Rhaenys had left the party earlier, urging him to stay and enjoy himself.
“Princess?” He called out and swung his legs out. The mason stones felt icy against his feet. There was no fire going in the fireplace. How late was it?
“The tourney is about to start, my lord,” his steward said upon entering with fresh clothes and a tray of food. “The Princess Rhaenys has gone down to look at the agricultural competitions.”
“When did she leave?” Corlys asked as he grabbed a roll and took a bite.
“She was up quite early. I believe she had breakfast with the children in the dining hall.”
Corlys raised his brows and took off his night shirt, letting his steward help him get dressed as he ate some food.
“There you are,” Rhaenys said with a smile as Corlys stepped into the royal loge. “Good morrow.”
“Good morrow, my princess,” Corlys said and greeted her with a tender kiss, stroking her cheek before he looked around and bowed his head to the rest of the people gathered in the royal loge. “Why didn’t you wake me when you left? How did you get down here?”
“Because you had barely slept, when I got up. The hippocamp woke me up early. And I rode down here in a carriage, I did not exert myself.”
Corlys nodded and reached out taking her hand, entwining their fingers as the final tourneys begun.
Their grandsons had fared well, Corlys knew Daemon had been training them. It was paying off. Especially young Joffrey showed great talent in the jousting, steering his horse with skilled ease.
As the final joust ended Corlys got up and reached out towards his wife.
“Won’t you escort Rhaenyra? I’d like a word with Daemon.” Corlys raised his brows at her but nodded.
Dining and Dancing in The Royal Gardens
After a much-needed rest Rhaenys shifted and peppered Corlys’ nose with kisses. “Wake up, lord husband. There’s another feast and more dancing to attend,” she whispered. Rhaenys slowly got out of bed, wincing as her stomach tightened once more. She closed her eyes and focussed on her breathing. This wasn’t real labour, that much she could tell. But real labour was getting closer by the day.
Valaena helped her get dressed. Light fabrics that clung to her curves and a warmer shawl for when the sun set. There were rumours of fireworks, which Rhaenys was excited to see were true. She adored fireworks, but it was a rare treat, even for a princess.
Naturally Corlys finished getting ready before her, sitting beside her as Valaena began to twist her hair our of her face. “Tomorrow we can rest, the evening garden party will conclude the wedding celebrations.”
“And then we must plan the trip home. You and the hippocamp have been busy, you need rest more than I do.”
Rhaenys chuckled, catching Valaena’s eyes in the mirror. They both knew Corlys was still feeling the effects of last night’s spirits. “Yes, of course,” she said.
Corlys placed a new necklace around her neck.
“What’s this?”
“A Daenaera creation, princess.”
Rhaenys beamed as she got up and took Corlys’ arm.
“Stop…” Rhaenys said as they reached the bottom of the last flight of stairs. She turned enough to bury her head against Corlys’ shoulders, allowing the tears to fall against his clothes. Her back ached; her hips felt like they were dislocating at each step. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but Corlys was patient and Rhaenys relaxed as his hand traced patterns against her back.
When they made it to the party, Rhaenys sat down after greeting the family. Curtsying Rhaenyra had almost caused her to fall over and make a scene. Corlys fussed over her as she sat, crouching beside her.
“I’m fine. I just need to sit for a moment,” she whispered softly. “Maybe for the night,” she reasoned after a moment. “Now get up, people are staring.”
Corlys took a seat beside her and Rhaenys reached out and took his hand. They remained seated throughout the dinner, even though sitting only did little to ease the pain. The sun was still setting as Rhaenys leaned in and whispered. “Help me back to our rooms?”
Corlys nodded and rose. As she mentally readied herself to the painful walk back, Corlys made sure to say their good nights to the family, albeit earlier than expected.
Tears were streaming freely down her face, as Rhaenys reached the bed and sat down. Corlys moved swiftly around her, helping her undress and helped her lift her legs up on the bed so she could lay down.
“Don’t cry, my princess.” His words were warm and tender, easing the sadness she felt about missing out. “Look,” he said and gestured to the windows, “I believe we will be able to see the fireworks from here.”
“You’re too kind,” Rhaenys said softly.
As the sky darkened Rhaenys settled on her side with her head on Corlys’ chest. Her pain had eased, and they had coupled gently. Rhaenys hadn’t realised how much she had missed being that close to Corlys.
A loud bang caused them both to jerk, followed by chuckles as bright colours filled the night sky outside their window.
“Braavosi fireworks. Lord Greyjoy procured them, I’ve been told. “
“Darling Lord Dalton. You better watch out, lord husband, he’s quite the sailor.”
Honourable mention: @rogueprincedaemontarg, @black-queen-rising, @thedadkraken, @princejoffreyvelaryon, @littlevelaryon
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#Adoredbytherealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 6#arc ii
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Ravens between King's Landing and Dragonstone

Dearest Helaena,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. I know it’s been a while since we last corresponded, but I feel fortunate that it does not mean that we have not been in touch. Last court season brought so many happy gatherings.
Winter has been announced and preparations around the castle and surrounding homes have been in effect for the last few moons. I feel fortunate that my position in court and my friendship with you allows me to prepare before many other low-borns are even aware of the hardships that seem to be approaching. I’ve gathered old wool and furs from the storages and is slowly helping the young royals build a proper winter wardrobe. Next will be preparing my own children.
Meredyth continuously asks of tales about the friendship between you and I. She does not quite believe that my childhood friend is Princess Helaena. Nor does she believe that I’ve visited Dragonstone in any other capacity, than as the then-princess Rhaenyra’s lady in waiting. I hope my tales will eventually persuade her.
How is young Jaehaera doing? Last we spoke you were ever so worried about her. And last I saw her she looked paler and wearier than I ever remember her looking. I do hope you’ve found the reason for her discomfort and have been able to help. As mothers it’s heartbreaking to feel helpless when it comes to our children, I vividly remember how hard it was when Ysabel struggled with nightmares of fire and death.
I wish there was a way for you to see the flowers Simon brought me the other day, in a celebration of Jack’s nameday. I’ve never seen flowers so rich in colours. They remind me of the butterflies you and I enjoy to watch in the summertime around the gardens of King’s Landing. Their scent reminds me of the sweet summer wine from Dorne.
I hope the winter won’t force us to stay apart longer than we are used to. I already miss your company in the capital, as does your family and my family. I pray that The Seven watches over you and your family and that we may soon embrace each other once more.
All my love
A closed starter for: @helaenasdreamfyres
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#helaenasdreamfyres
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While Visenya was usually an eager student, the history lesson with Maester Wyllis was her least favorite. He had yet to teach her anything new. From the point where Visenya had learned how to read she had read the genealogy of the Targaryen family, including all the houses that had married into the family. The recent wedding celebration between her brother and sister had reignited the interest and the House of Baratheon was one of the ones she had read up on, since her mumuña Rhaenys’ mother was of Baratheon descent.
Visenya’s eyes wandered away from the board and the scrolls, only to find kepus Aemond looking through the gap in the door. When he put his finger to her lips she nodded and turned her attention back to Maester Wyllis answering his questions with ease.
Visenya lifted her book to hide the grin that formed on her lips. If kepus Aemond had truly asked her muña for permission to interrupt her lesson, she’d be surprised. Not that her muña wouldn’t allow it, she too knew Visenya was ahead of her studies, especially in history lessons.
“How may I aid you kepus?” Visneya asked sweetly as she put her book away and stood. If he needed her help, had her muña’s permission (or not) it would surely be more enjoyable than another hour of lessons about the major houses of Westeros. Maybe he’d take her to the dragon pit. Or show her some new weapon or armor, things no other showed her, always being careful with her.
“Good day Maester Wyllis, Lady Becca,” she said in greeting before she walked up to Aemond. “Yes?”
Little Conqueror.

(for @thelittleprincesstargaryen)
Aemond did not miss having lessons. He enjoyed learning, but the memories of Maesters prattling on and on, in their humdrum monotone... The memory made him shudder in disgust. And if he knew Visenya, she would be in such a lesson today. It was likely history or geography, subjects he suspected his dear niece would not regret missing.
As Aemond heads into the Visenya's chambers, he can hear Maester Wyllis going on already. The history of the Baratheons of Storms End and their loyal service to House Targaryen. He suspected there would be an assessment, where Visenya was drilled on House Baratheon's words, its founders, its history prior to Aegon's Conquest. Aemond chuckles from the doorway, voice quiet as he listens into the lesson for a moment. Visenya did notice him, and he put a finger to his lips, giving her a sly wink. After a moment, when he felt the most dull part of the lesson was about to begin, Aemond straightens and steps into the room fully, drawing the Maester's attention to him. Even Visenya's governess bows her head in acknowledgement.
"Good morrow, Maester Wyllis, Lady Becca." He gives them both a nod, barely the slightest incline of his head. "Good morrow, Prince Aemond. We were just going over the history of several major houses of Westeros.." Maester Wyllis explains. "You are most welcome to join us, I know you are a student of history."
Aemond glances at Visenya again, giving her a smirk. "As enjoyable as that sounds, I actually have need of Princess Visenya. I've already spoken to Her Grace, and she has given her consent." Aemond lies smoothly, feigning regret that he would dare to pull the Princess from her studies.
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#aemond-of-house-targaryen
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I've been reading few post here and there and I feel like the sentiment regarding Top is kinda negative😅 Top is not someone who hates his fans did we (older) vips not watched bb fanmeetings or the way he organized a meeting after military service and how thankfull he was. Or I have seen posts on twitter where fans met him over the years and he was sweet to them. I don't think he is ungratefull but puts people in their place quickly when they cross his lines. (Especially when it came to bb comments) He is definetly not a lovely dovely idol or show fake love giving away things like yey my fans are only my love/gf type of person which is okay. I remember him saying in a vlive something like if you don't like the songs don't listen nobody forces you. His coments come as off rude cause he does them quite straight faced but overall at least he is kinda real(?) Someone just with clear lines who does his job on stage and if bothered with meaningless things he puts people in their place. I don't think he will ever change maybe on Tv appereances (which I think won't happen actually) less "savage" Overall I hope for the best in the upcomming years for him and want to see him in a dark movie or drama I think he will do good like an upgraded version of Iris. And for the other anon who lived apparently in korea and said people don't like him there I had a exchange with a korean on reddit and the person said that koreans (general public) didn't hate him but were neutral regarding the case. So everything is possible. Ofc the hate from other fandoms is always there
You're not the first to say its negative and you won't be the last. When did anyone specifically say he hated his fans? We've all sat there for years when we were kids and seen the best of him and the other guys in the group, even seungri - We've seen his sweet and endearing side with fans but we've seen him change into someone who would never have behaved the way he was doing up until a few years ago back during bbs early years and peak.
I respect all that you're saying but I really dislike when people read then slap a narrative onto everything and spoon feed back to me or anyone with similar views that in paraphrasing what we think.
Old fans and new fans have their love for him in common but all I'm going to say is I've seen nearly every facet of him and it was harder to stan when social media was not as abundant back then so a lot of ogs with critically statements used to be like you and have poured endless amounts of themselves, spare time and what littke they have now to go on with him into still supporting him.
He's a great guy but a complex guy.
Stanning him is like stanning michael jackson after he had the trial for the child issue and hanging in there when nearly everyone gave up and hes at his weirdest but lets say he didnt die and released a fucking banger then new fans come in only wanting to see or acknowledge he was not broken with his career on life support before said banger.
Also some of the recent posts have been very positive. I won't get ropped into this cycle where someone plants the seed for a debate and fight. I fouvht hard to keep this up when top don't have shit going for himself for a while before space x and squid game.
It's rainbows for a lot of people who dont blissfully dont know or have a different approach to wanting to stan and thats ok. What if top pulled a seungri shockingly and had a sexual assault scandal or was found to be involved in something you never thought possible? Yall would be bitchihg at anyone who stood their ground to stand by him.
Yall (not you but the general populace) enounced seungri and indirectly force a narrative that anyone who acknowledges seungri positively aside from burning sun is a piece of shit or problematic. I get anons pushing OT4 or side eying me for usinf a Ri gif.
If top ever fucks up then everyone will have egg on their face. I love bigbang and care for top but seungri should've taughr us these a GROWN MEN with wealth in an entertainment industry thats booming more than ever now, none of the members are safe from being monsters or clean.
I'm very happy we can be cheetful and spread the love but I need you to think about what I'm saying- yall would bury top in the dirt and look foolish for all the years wasted IF he had a seungri like scandal next.
I will always love him but I cant ge the flowerboy uwu love yall want cause if we gotta hate seungri then we next to hate top if he ever gets exposed for something. Inagine how the RI fans coped when they found out who they were stanning?!
And no, me discussing this isnt me making light of burning sun but that operations is common. Seungri slipped up. He isnt the last who will be exposed for such things.
I just thought of all of this and now that its a thought, its troubling how we would have to denounce him so fast and it wouldnt even be a shock or rage worthy to me cause seungri was relatively on a good path and not difficult like too.
Jusf saying. I think maybe you should consider the fact its not malice or some people being mean but the fact some anons and myself included remember and have endured the ups & downs of being there. But thank you for this and you reminded us of all the good times.
#choi seunghyun#t.o.p#bigbang#bigbang kpop#korean pop#k-pop#kpop#yg#yg entertainment#bingu top#kpop idol
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okok i did the playlists...i hope it sends bc i know tumblr gets weird with links
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUljoUDIIcPQogdOE124yj6sGb2WzrvSX&si=bQWn-xASUqMr6oJZ (video essay playlist, it hasnt been updated in a bit besides the couple i added on just now, but it's the ones ive watched more than once. ill definitely be adding onto it over time!!)
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ZoTzZJYiXF3UwDmPEQnGO?si=Og-Yhho6SE2NUIxeWJt-MA&pi=u-GGePLzyXQOe6 (playlist !!!!!! it was only gonna be a couple but. now it's eight hours...)
im very normal and not thinking about your lap still (it's been plaguing me for days), and i also did Not (i did) consider that you'd look rlly hot smoking while i was there 😔 ive never smoked before but i kinda wanna try it with you 🫣 id rather try edibles though first bc of those thc(?) nerds ropes!!!! they were my favorite candy growing up :3333
weeee okok ill try to catch up with dnp....thank you for the suggestion :3
my faaaavorite musical is falsettos (and in trousers which is like the prequel to it!), and i also really love ride the cyclone!!!!! the character jane doe is my favorite :] if you ever have the time i recommend ride the cyclone, it's an hour long (compared to falsettos being two hours long...) n really fun !! you can find it on youtube :3 (i also like bmc, i like to reenact bits and pieces of it as michael when im bored !!!!)
hereditary !!!!!!!!!! i absolutely love hereditary ive only seen it once but aaaaugh....peter is my favorite character n i care about him a lot :[ i tried watching saw but i got sad bc i was worried adam was gonna die and i immediately got attached to him lol, but i wanna try again !!!!! everyone talks about it so much i gottaaaaa, ill be brave 😤😤
i hope you're doing good today :33333 sending you all my love and good vibes for your cornflakes !!!!!!!!
- 🫀🦷
hey sugar! it's so lovely to hear from you again <3
fuck yeah! i gave it a look through and ive seen a couple and some are new to me! im definitely gonna watch some tonight while me and my gf have the house to ourselves <3
ooooooh thanks cutie!!! im very excited to give this a listen as well! you have good taste pup i like lots of these songs <3
sweet thing <3 i want you in my lap more than anything, wanna cuddle you and kiss you and hold you while you try and be good for me <3 id love to smoke with you! that would be a lot of fun, we can start you with little joints and blunts and then build up to pipes and bongs :p i bet youd look gorgeous hitting a bong and getting all stoned <3
hell yeah! i rly hope you enjoy their videos, they're so good <3
oh yes ive heard of that! very good taste bb! ill try and check them both out this week, i have lots of time to myself! god ur really fucking adorable sugar id love to watch you sing your lil heart out
yippee!!! i have two hereditary tattoos; charlie's pigeon drawing in her notebook, and the little sigil that pops up everywhere (like on the grandma's necklace) <3 peter is my fave he's such a good relatable character! awww sugar thats so real of you, i wish i could watch it with you so i could hold you and keep you safe! maybe watch it with your partner and they can snuggle you while you watch it and keep u cozy and safe! its a really really good movie i think youll enjoy it!! adam is the scrunkly
my day was pretty good! busy as hell but im almost done for the day, just need to order dinner and eat <3 thank u sugar im sending good vibes right back and kisses and hugs <3
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Adored by the Realm: Day 6
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 15th day of the 12th moon 129AC The sixth day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
The Third Tourney
The sun already stood high in the sky when Corlys woke up. He reached out, only to find the rest of the bed empty, no sign of Rhaenys. Perplexed he sat up, rubbing his face. There had been too much good wine and later fine spirits during the wedding feast. The sun had peaked up over the horizon by the time he had gotten back to bed. Rhaenys had left the party earlier, urging him to stay and enjoy himself.
“Princess?” He called out and swung his legs out. The mason stones felt icy against his feet. There was no fire going in the fireplace. How late was it?
“The tourney is about to start, my lord,” his steward said upon entering with fresh clothes and a tray of food. “The Princess Rhaenys has gone down to look at the agricultural competitions.”
“When did she leave?” Corlys asked as he grabbed a roll and took a bite.
“She was up quite early. I believe she had breakfast with the children in the dining hall.”
Corlys raised his brows and took off his night shirt, letting his steward help him get dressed as he ate some food.
“There you are,” Rhaenys said with a smile as Corlys stepped into the royal loge. “Good morrow.”
“Good morrow, my princess,” Corlys said and greeted her with a tender kiss, stroking her cheek before he looked around and bowed his head to the rest of the people gathered in the royal loge. “Why didn’t you wake me when you left? How did you get down here?”
“Because you had barely slept, when I got up. The hippocamp woke me up early. And I rode down here in a carriage, I did not exert myself.”
Corlys nodded and reached out taking her hand, entwining their fingers as the final tourneys begun.
Their grandsons had fared well, Corlys knew Daemon had been training them. It was paying off. Especially young Joffrey showed great talent in the jousting, steering his horse with skilled ease.
As the final joust ended Corlys got up and reached out towards his wife.
“Won’t you escort Rhaenyra? I’d like a word with Daemon.” Corlys raised his brows at her but nodded.
Dining and Dancing in The Royal Gardens
After a much-needed rest Rhaenys shifted and peppered Corlys’ nose with kisses. “Wake up, lord husband. There’s another feast and more dancing to attend,” she whispered. Rhaenys slowly got out of bed, wincing as her stomach tightened once more. She closed her eyes and focussed on her breathing. This wasn’t real labour, that much she could tell. But real labour was getting closer by the day.
Valaena helped her get dressed. Light fabrics that clung to her curves and a warmer shawl for when the sun set. There were rumours of fireworks, which Rhaenys was excited to see were true. She adored fireworks, but it was a rare treat, even for a princess.
Naturally Corlys finished getting ready before her, sitting beside her as Valaena began to twist her hair our of her face. “Tomorrow we can rest, the evening garden party will conclude the wedding celebrations.”
“And then we must plan the trip home. You and the hippocamp have been busy, you need rest more than I do.”
Rhaenys chuckled, catching Valaena’s eyes in the mirror. They both knew Corlys was still feeling the effects of last night’s spirits. “Yes, of course,” she said.
Corlys placed a new necklace around her neck.
“What’s this?”
“A Daenaera creation, princess.”
Rhaenys beamed as she got up and took Corlys’ arm.
“Stop…” Rhaenys said as they reached the bottom of the last flight of stairs. She turned enough to bury her head against Corlys’ shoulders, allowing the tears to fall against his clothes. Her back ached; her hips felt like they were dislocating at each step. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but Corlys was patient and Rhaenys relaxed as his hand traced patterns against her back.
When they made it to the party, Rhaenys sat down after greeting the family. Curtsying Rhaenyra had almost caused her to fall over and make a scene. Corlys fussed over her as she sat, crouching beside her.
“I’m fine. I just need to sit for a moment,” she whispered softly. “Maybe for the night,” she reasoned after a moment. “Now get up, people are staring.”
Corlys took a seat beside her and Rhaenys reached out and took his hand. They remained seated throughout the dinner, even though sitting only did little to ease the pain. The sun was still setting as Rhaenys leaned in and whispered. “Help me back to our rooms?”
Corlys nodded and rose. As she mentally readied herself to the painful walk back, Corlys made sure to say their good nights to the family, albeit earlier than expected.
Tears were streaming freely down her face, as Rhaenys reached the bed and sat down. Corlys moved swiftly around her, helping her undress and helped her lift her legs up on the bed so she could lay down.
“Don’t cry, my princess.” His words were warm and tender, easing the sadness she felt about missing out. “Look,” he said and gestured to the windows, “I believe we will be able to see the fireworks from here.”
“You’re too kind,” Rhaenys said softly.
As the sky darkened Rhaenys settled on her side with her head on Corlys’ chest. Her pain had eased, and they had coupled gently. Rhaenys hadn’t realised how much she had missed being that close to Corlys.
A loud bang caused them both to jerk, followed by chuckles as bright colours filled the night sky outside their window.
“Braavosi fireworks. Lord Greyjoy procured them, I’ve been told. “
“Darling Lord Dalton. You better watch out, lord husband, he’s quite the sailor.”
Honourable mention: @rogueprincedaemontarg, @black-queen-rising, @thedadkraken, @princejoffreyvelaryon, @littlevelaryon
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#Adoredbytherealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 6#arcII#arc II
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Rhaenys had always treasured family time. It might be one of the only virtues she had inherited from her mother, though her muñazma The Good Queen continued to influence her being. Spending time with the Velaryon side of the family was even more rare than family time with the Targaryen side of the family. It had been complicated between Corlys and Vaemond for years, before Vaemond’s death. A complication that had led to unwanted estrangement from Vaemond’s family.
It had taken years, but trust had been rebuilt, family ties were rewoven and Rhaenys and Corlys enjoyed spending time with Vaemond’s children and grandchildren. As with many other young in the family, they called Rhaenys and Corlys their grandparents. It wasn’t the true explanation, but it often explained the relations without too many questions asked.
When Daenaera had approached Rhaenys asking for new braids, Rhaenys had readily agreed. And once Little Nyssie had settled for her long afternoon nap, they began the process. Rhaenys liked the monotony of dividing the hair and doing the actual braids. But she adored the company and the conversations that often came forth when two people had a long task ahead of them that required little movement.
Rhaenys looked up from her work, as prompted. “It’s beautiful, Daenaera. If it does not match, we shall have a dress made to match the necklace.” She praised with ease. She had a few of Daenaera’s creations in her jewelry collection and used them in rotation with her other jewelry.
Her fingers continued their work, uninterrupted until the question came to that of dragons. Rhaenys finished the braid and tied it off, before she let her hands rest in her lap as she pondered her answer.
“Which dragon would you claim?” She started curiously. There were few wild and unclaimed dragons now. But with luck Meley’s new clutch would hatch and new dragons would be added to the realm. “Velaryons have never been known to be dragon riders. That trait has followed Targaryens I’m afraid. Of course there have been dragon riders with Velaryon as their name, but not without very close bonds to Targaryens. Like my Laena and Laenor. Corlys has never made an attempt to or seemed interested in claiming a dragon. He has his ships and his trades. Claiming a dragon is a dangerous task, many have been burned or lost their lives if they could not read the dragon’s signals well enough and pushed beyond the dragon’s boundaries.”

starter for @rideroftheredqueen
Daenaera sat in the chambers of Princess Rhaenys, as her dress sprawled out across the floor. It had been some time since she had gotten her hair braided… and there was only one person who she allowed anyone to do her hair.
The little Velaryon sat on the floors as her hands fiddled with the small beads in her hands as she started to string the thread.
She started to bead a new necklace for herself… as she had her own box already premade jewelry. She focused on the already in the box as she wanted to having a matching set.
The fourteen year old looked up at her grandmother. “Do you think these match..? especially with the new dress, that father bought me?” she brought up the the new piece of jewelry and showing it to the princess.
As she felt the hands and brush, and going through her hair… she suddenly had a curious thought. Her eyes widened…. as she realized something.
Her hands stopped at the beads that were going through her thread. “Do you think… I could claim a dragon…?” she gently scooted up making a distance, from Rhaenys. as she looked up the Princess’ eyes.
“I have Velaryon blood… what would stop me from claiming a dragon…” The little girl asked.
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#littlevelaryon
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Adored by the Realm: Day 1
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 10th day of the 12th moon 129AC Crown Prince Jacaerys’ 21st name day, the last day of Mother’s Day Celebrations, the first day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
Mother’s Day Celebration
“Next Mother’s Day Celebrations we will have an almost one-year-old,” Corlys said as he pressed a tender kiss to Rhaenys’ bump. The weeks spent in King’s Landing had been good for them. He could tell Rhaenys was soothed by the presence of family and though she was still visibly uncomfortable most of the time, her smiles came easier and seemed more sincere.
The Mother’s Day Celebrations had been a challenging celebration for years. Corlys wondered how Rhaenys had fared in the early years after losing both their children. Even as he returned to her, the Mother’s Day Celebrations had been sombre and quiet. He had watched Rhaenys put on a brave face, celebrating with Rhaenyra and the grandchildren, but he had also seen her tears once they were alone, heard her sobs when she thought no one would hear her. It had gotten better each year, fewer tears and softer smiles.
Corlys leaned up and kissed Rhaenys’ lips, before he procured a present from his pocket and placed it in her hand. “It’s just a small thing,” he said as she sat back on the bed and watched her unwrap the present.
“Corlys…” Rhaenys’ eyes brightened, her smile widening as Corlys watched her pull out the string of blue-toned pearls. “These are incredibly rare; how did you get so many of them?”
“There are one-and-twenty of them. I’ve been collecting them since Jacaerys’ birth, with the intention of gifting them to you on the day he came of age.” Corlys explained with ease. Rhaenys’ look of disbelief had him chuckle and he leaned in, kissing her again. “I wasn’t sure what sort of jewellery I should have them incorporated into, so I’ll let you help design something special.”
“Thank you Corlys. They are beautiful, I’m sure we can come up with something special,” Rhaenys said with a bright smile.
“Are you ready for the parade?” Corlys asked as he got up and extended his hand to Rhaenys. As she took it, he helped her stand.
Grand Royal Parade
Corlys helped her into the carriage and Rhaenys shifted the pillow behind her, so they would provide the support she needed. Corlys seated himself beside her and made sure that her legs were covered with warm blankets.
“Thank you,” Rhaenys said as she leaned back, just in time for their carriage to take off. Rhaenys saw many familiar faces in the crowd, she waved and smiled, just as her mother had once taught her. Some she had known since her own childhood, walking through King’s Landing with her muñazma, sitting with her muñazma listening to the women of King’s Landing – or rather all of Westeros – coming to her, bringing their concerns to Women’s Court. Her muñazma had raised her to rule, knowledge she had since passed onto Rhaenyra, but also used as the Mistress of Driftmark.
There were young faces in the crowd, children making their way to the front to see the royal family in their regalia. The first event of the wedding celebrations. Rhaenys was equal measures of nervous and excited. Her and Corlys had chosen black and gold for their outfits tonight, reminiscent of the robes they had worn at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s opening feast.
Corlys’ hand found her thigh as they paused by the Sept. Rhaenys nodded encouragingly. “Go, put in our donations and then return to me, I’ll be fine,” she said with a smile. She couldn’t help but to grin as Corlys kissed her, before he stepped down and walked towards the Sept with most of the royal family.
Rhaenys turned to the other side, smiling as she spotted a very familiar face. “Violet!” Rhaenys had met Violet when they were both young children. She had spent hours in Violet’s family’s candle making shop, which her muñazma had encouraged, believing building a good relationship with the small folk, was vital for a good ruler. “I haven’t seen you in … “
“It’s been years, Princess. Are you with child?”
Rhaenys waved the guards off, as she noticed them closing in on them. “Violet’s a friend,” she said, before returning her attention to Violet. She took Violet’s outstretched hand and pressed it against her bump. “I am. And I am due within this moon.” She said with a grin.
“But this wedding is for your grandchildren, yes?”
“Oh, don’t remind me,” Rhaenys chided playfully. “Do you still prove candles to the Sept?”
“No, they picked another vendor when my father died. I took over but…”
“But they prefer to do their trades with a man,” Rhaenys reasoned easily. “What about the castle?”
“The Queen, back when she was hand of the King, renewed the agreement when I took over. So I have my hands full. My sons and their wives work with me. And my grandchildren. I have seven now.”
“I’ll make sure to come by soon, I want some of your candles at High Tide.”
“I’ll look forward to it, Princess.”
Rhaenys waved at her friend, just as Corlys’ return made the carriage sway.
“Who was that?”
“Violet, the candlemaker,” Rhaenys explained, wincing as the carriage set off again.
The Opening Feast
“Lord Corlys Velaryon, Master of Driftmark, Lord of the Tide and his wife The Princess Rhaenys, Mistress of Driftmark, Lady of the Tides. Grandparents of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and Lady Baela Targaryen.”
Corlys kept one arm around Rhaenys’ waist, holding her hand with the other as he guided her down the stairs, entering the great hall in time for the opening feast. Light bounced off the gilded threads in their outfits and Corlys was proud to walk beside Rhaenys, who masked her pain and discomfort with practised ease.
As they reached the main table, Corlys bowed, as Rhaenys dipped into a respectful curtsy. Corlys felt her grip on his hand tightened and he was quick to help her up, before anyone would notice.
Being the grandparents of both bride and groom had given them some logistic challenges with the seating arrangement. Corlys walked with Rhaenys to the bride’s side and helped her to sit. He kissed her temple, before he seated himself at the groom’s side of the table.
As the meal concluded and the music began, Corlys and Rhaenys reunited on the dance floor. Normally they’d spent the night in the middle of the room, but tonight they stayed on the edge of the crowd, taking it slow. Any sound of people falling or raised voices made Rhaenys jump in his arms, memories of the son’s wedding causing old wounds to rise to the surface.
Long before the end of the night, Corlys and Rhaenys sought out Jacaerys and presented him with a Velaryon signet ring. “This was… This was Laenor’s,” Corlys explained quietly. “Or parts of it was. I found when we were looking for our formal robes. Laenor and Vaemond’s. I had them melted down and rings made for you, Lucerys and Joffrey. Something to remember your roots by when you become a Targaryen king.”
They made it back to their room, still able to hear the music from the feast. Corlys knelt down as he removed Rhaenys’ shoes and stockings. He moved swiftly removing her garments as tears ran down her face. “I’ll get the tincture for you,” he said as he helped her into her nightgown and kissed her forehead. “Valaena will help you take down your hair.” When Corlys returned Rhaenys was in bed, under the covers, but her bright eyes shone in the candlelight. “It’s a thick mixture,” he said as he brought the cup to her lips. She drank without question and when Corlys settled down beside her, she was already asleep. He reached out and stroked her bump gently, until he too drifted off to sleep.
Honourable mentioning: @notatargaryenbastard, @black-queen-rising, @moondancer-rp, @rideroftheredqueen
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#AdoredByTheRealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 1#rideroftheredqueen#arc ii
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Adored by the Realm: Day 1
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 10th day of the 12th moon 129AC Crown Prince Jacaerys’ 21st name day, the last day of Mother’s Day Celebrations, the first day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
Mother’s Day Celebration
“Next Mother’s Day Celebrations we will have an almost one-year-old,” Corlys said as he pressed a tender kiss to Rhaenys’ bump. The weeks spent in King’s Landing had been good for them. He could tell Rhaenys was soothed by the presence of family and though she was still visibly uncomfortable most of the time, her smiles came easier and seemed more sincere.
The Mother’s Day Celebrations had been a challenging celebration for years. Corlys wondered how Rhaenys had fared in the early years after losing both their children. Even as he returned to her, the Mother’s Day Celebrations had been sombre and quiet. He had watched Rhaenys put on a brave face, celebrating with Rhaenyra and the grandchildren, but he had also seen her tears once they were alone, heard her sobs when she thought no one would hear her. It had gotten better each year, fewer tears and softer smiles.
Corlys leaned up and kissed Rhaenys’ lips, before he procured a present from his pocket and placed it in her hand. “It’s just a small thing,” he said as she sat back on the bed and watched her unwrap the present.
“Corlys…” Rhaenys’ eyes brightened, her smile widening as Corlys watched her pull out the string of blue-toned pearls. “These are incredibly rare; how did you get so many of them?”
“There are one-and-twenty of them. I’ve been collecting them since Jacaerys’ birth, with the intention of gifting them to you on the day he came of age.” Corlys explained with ease. Rhaenys’ look of disbelief had him chuckle and he leaned in, kissing her again. “I wasn’t sure what sort of jewellery I should have them incorporated into, so I’ll let you help design something special.”
“Thank you Corlys. They are beautiful, I’m sure we can come up with something special,” Rhaenys said with a bright smile.
“Are you ready for the parade?” Corlys asked as he got up and extended his hand to Rhaenys. As she took it, he helped her stand.
Grand Royal Parade
Corlys helped her into the carriage and Rhaenys shifted the pillow behind her, so they would provide the support she needed. Corlys seated himself beside her and made sure that her legs were covered with warm blankets.
“Thank you,” Rhaenys said as she leaned back, just in time for their carriage to take off. Rhaenys saw many familiar faces in the crowd, she waved and smiled, just as her mother had once taught her. Some she had known since her own childhood, walking through King’s Landing with her muñazma, sitting with her muñazma listening to the women of King’s Landing – or rather all of Westeros – coming to her, bringing their concerns to Women’s Court. Her muñazma had raised her to rule, knowledge she had since passed onto Rhaenyra, but also used as the Mistress of Driftmark.
There were young faces in the crowd, children making their way to the front to see the royal family in their regalia. The first event of the wedding celebrations. Rhaenys was equal measures of nervous and excited. Her and Corlys had chosen black and gold for their outfits tonight, reminiscent of the robes they had worn at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s opening feast.
Corlys’ hand found her thigh as they paused by the Sept. Rhaenys nodded encouragingly. “Go, put in our donations and then return to me, I’ll be fine,” she said with a smile. She couldn’t help but to grin as Corlys kissed her, before he stepped down and walked towards the Sept with most of the royal family.
Rhaenys turned to the other side, smiling as she spotted a very familiar face. “Violet!” Rhaenys had met Violet when they were both young children. She had spent hours in Violet’s family’s candle making shop, which her muñazma had encouraged, believing building a good relationship with the small folk, was vital for a good ruler. “I haven’t seen you in … “
“It’s been years, Princess. Are you with child?”
Rhaenys waved the guards off, as she noticed them closing in on them. “Violet’s a friend,” she said, before returning her attention to Violet. She took Violet’s outstretched hand and pressed it against her bump. “I am. And I am due within this moon.” She said with a grin.
“But this wedding is for your grandchildren, yes?”
“Oh, don’t remind me,” Rhaenys chided playfully. “Do you still prove candles to the Sept?”
“No, they picked another vendor when my father died. I took over but…”
“But they prefer to do their trades with a man,” Rhaenys reasoned easily. “What about the castle?”
“The Queen, back when she was hand of the King, renewed the agreement when I took over. So I have my hands full. My sons and their wives work with me. And my grandchildren. I have seven now.”
“I’ll make sure to come by soon, I want some of your candles at High Tide.”
“I’ll look forward to it, Princess.”
Rhaenys waved at her friend, just as Corlys’ return made the carriage sway.
“Who was that?”
“Violet, the candlemaker,” Rhaenys explained, wincing as the carriage set off again.
The Opening Feast
“Lord Corlys Velaryon, Master of Driftmark, Lord of the Tide and his wife The Princess Rhaenys, Mistress of Driftmark, Lady of the Tides. Grandparents of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and Lady Baela Targaryen.”
Corlys kept one arm around Rhaenys’ waist, holding her hand with the other as he guided her down the stairs, entering the great hall in time for the opening feast. Light bounced off the gilded threads in their outfits and Corlys was proud to walk beside Rhaenys, who masked her pain and discomfort with practised ease.
As they reached the main table, Corlys bowed, as Rhaenys dipped into a respectful curtsy. Corlys felt her grip on his hand tightened and he was quick to help her up, before anyone would notice.
Being the grandparents of both bride and groom had given them some logistic challenges with the seating arrangement. Corlys walked with Rhaenys to the bride’s side and helped her to sit. He kissed her temple, before he seated himself at the groom’s side of the table.
As the meal concluded and the music began, Corlys and Rhaenys reunited on the dance floor. Normally they’d spent the night in the middle of the room, but tonight they stayed on the edge of the crowd, taking it slow. Any sound of people falling or raised voices made Rhaenys jump in his arms, memories of the son’s wedding causing old wounds to rise to the surface.
Long before the end of the night, Corlys and Rhaenys sought out Jacaerys and presented him with a Velaryon signet ring. “This was… This was Laenor’s,” Corlys explained quietly. “Or parts of it was. I found when we were looking for our formal robes. Laenor and Vaemond’s. I had them melted down and rings made for you, Lucerys and Joffrey. Something to remember your roots by when you become a Targaryen king.”
They made it back to their room, still able to hear the music from the feast. Corlys knelt down as he removed Rhaenys’ shoes and stockings. He moved swiftly removing her garments as tears ran down her face. “I’ll get the tincture for you,” he said as he helped her into her nightgown and kissed her forehead. “Valaena will help you take down your hair.” When Corlys returned Rhaenys was in bed, under the covers, but her bright eyes shone in the candlelight. “It’s a thick mixture,” he said as he brought the cup to her lips. She drank without question and when Corlys settled down beside her, she was already asleep. He reached out and stroked her bump gently, until he too drifted off to sleep.
Honourable mentioning: @notatargaryenbastard, @black-queen-rising, @moondancer-rp, @lordhusband
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#AdoredByTheRealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#day 1#Lord Husband#arcII#arc II
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Muña & Tala: A Royal Pause
A well-deserved reprieve after moons of official engagements
Rhaenys had spent more time at King’s Landing than she would normally have preferred. Between council meetings, public appearances, Women’s Court and the family celebrations, Rhaenys believed she had almost divided her time between King’s Landing and Driftmark almost evenly. Now Corlys had left with a fleet for Essos to gather supplies and restock for the coming winter. No one could predict how long nor how harsh the winter would be, but Rhaenys would do her best to protect her people.
The thought of her people always made her smile. While she was not queen, that title was Rhaenyra’s, she often felt like the queen of Driftmark, at least their protector. She had called the island home for four decades and hated seeing harm to it. In the four decades she had lived there, poverty, crime and starvation had been almost eradicated. She was not about to let a season of winter ruin that. Hence why she had agreed to let Corlys leave to gather supplies. Supplies for Driftmark, for Dragonstone and for The Red Keep.
While Corlys was away Rhaenys and Rhaenyra had decided to meet up. In informal settings. While Rhaenys felt nothing but pride when she watched Rhaenyra as The Queen, she longed for the quiet times the two women had shared since Rhaenyra was a young girl. Rhaenys flew to King’s Landing, but rather than letting Meleys settle in the dragon pit below, the dragon took off, back towards Driftmark. Rhaenys wasn’t surprised, not with her most recent discovery in the dragon pit of Driftmark.
Little Nyssie always fell asleep when they flew, the dragon had a calming effect on the youngest Velaryon, something Rhaenys recognized from her own childhood. Then it had been her father’s dragon Caraxes who had brought her similar warmth, protection and peace. Rhaenys greeted Valaena – one of her ladies in waiting – in the Velaryon apartments. Valaena often stayed at King’s Landing, as her family seemed to gather in the capital. It meant Rhaenys had a trusted friend close by. Rhaenys carefully lowered Nyssie into the crib before greeting Valaena with a hug. She changed out of her riding leathers and let her hair down, losing the battle against the tendrils that came loose during the flight.
While Rhaenys loved most parts of The Red Keep – honestly all parts except the lower grounds that weren’t the dragon pit – she preferred the various private apartments. Rhaenyra and Daemon’s were no exception. She lifted her hand and knocked the door softly, before she pushed it open, revealing the sitting room in front of her. “Tala?” She called out softly, assured that the news of her arrival would have been delivered to Rhaenyra.
A closed starter for @black-queen-rising
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#black-queen-rising
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Elinda had volunteered to bring fresh linens up to Prince Viserys’ rooms. She had noticed the stacks of clean linens growing taller and taller in the depth of the castle, only to learn that the washing staff was lacking due to illness. Elinda grabbed the pile for Prince Viserys, promising to return for more of the linens for the young princes and princesses, before she made her way up the stairs to the prince’s room.
“My prince sorry for the interr-“ Elinda stopped in her tracks, half curtsying as she noticed what she had just walked into. “My sweet prince! What are you doing?” She asked in worry and quickly put the pile of linens down before approaching Viserys, undeterred by the scowl or the small knife in his hand.
She looked up and down, from the knife to the tangled mess of the prince’s hair, only then spotting the ornate bee the prince favored. “Viserys,” she said quietly and reached out, placing her hand delicately on his shoulder.
“Sit, let me help you? Either by combing out your clip or by fetching my scissors for a proper cut, rather than what mess your knife might leave you with?” She asked with a soft smile. “And please tell me, how this happened in the first place? You’re usually so adept at placing your clip. It’s been a while since you’ve needed any help with your hair or haircare.”

Hair carried memories
Starter with @elindamassey
Viserys stood before his mirror, his pale silver-gold hair cascading a little past his neck. But today, even his hair had betrayed him. His favorite bee-shaped clip, a tiny golden thing with inlaid amber wings, had twisted itself into a tangled snare. No matter how he tugged or smoothed, the strands refused to let go, knotted tight around the delicate metalwork.
He tugged, fingers clumsy and impatient, wincing as the tangles pulled at his scalp. Servants would fix it, he knew. His mother would scold him, tell him to sit still, let the maids work the knots free with gentle hands and perfumed oils. But Viserys did not feel like waiting. He did not feel like patience today.
With a last frustrated huff, he yanked at the strands again, but they only tightened further. His scalp ached, his patience frayed, and in a burst of childish fury, he seized a small dagger from his bedside. It was a name day present– a beautiful thing bejeweled with rubies, not truly weaponlike and more decorative but still sharp enough for this.
Just for a second, Vis hesitated, holding the dagger to the side of his pale hair, and a second was enough for him to be interrupted by the sound of his chamber door opening. He turned his head, scowling at the interrupter.
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arc III#Arc III: Alight in the dark#Alight in the dark#princeviserystargaryen00
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Adored by the Realm: Day 7
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 16th day of the 12th moon 129AC The seventh and final day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
Garden Party
Corlys kept a close eye on Rhaenys as they made their way down to the final day of the wedding celebrations. He was glad to see that she seemed to be doing better than she had in days. He paused as she winched, but as she shook her head they carried on.
As the young royals quickly surrounded Rhaenys, Corlys took his leave to inspect their surroundings. Warm lights, fresh foods and a calm atmosphere. It seemed almost like any other family meal, though there was excitement in the air. Corlys didn’t know what the cause of the excitement was, but it felt good. The last party for a wedding tended to be a quiet affair, full of farewells families prepared to be apart again for a long time.
By chance he and Rhaenys were not seated together, princess Visenya had taken the seat meant for him. Corlys grinned and gave both princesses a kiss on the cheek, before he took the seat meant for the little princess.
Excitement seemed to grow as the sun set. Corlys found Rhaenys in the crowd and wrapped his arm around her waist. Only then did he understand the reason for the excitement. Prince Aemond proposing to Rhaena. Rhaenys was crying once more, luckily from happiness as she leaned against him.
Corlys noticed her stance changing and he shifted enough to look at her. However, Rhaenys was not looking at him, she was looking towards Rhaenyra and Daemon. Corlys followed her gaze, unsure what was happening. “Princess?” He asked as she seemed to relax again.
“My labour has begun. I’ve made arrangements for Daemon to fly me home on Caraxes. You are to follow by sea on The Sea Snake, quickly, but safely. I’ll be waiting for you by the Driftwood Throne. Don’t be late.”
Corlys could hardly keep up with the things that her words set into motion. Valaena brought down her things. Daemon left the party. Soon Corlys stood in the dragon pit, watching his wife and her cousin mount a dragon, preparing to take off without him. “Rhaenys…!”
“Hurry, Corlys.”
High Tide, Driftmark, Winter Solstice 21st day of the 12th moon 129 AC
Labouring by The Driftwood Throne
“Princess you should be in your chambers, in bed.”
Rhaenys remained quiet as the surge moved through her. She needed quietness around her. Kezmya’s constant talking at each surge was beginning to annoy her. She had done this twice before, and even though this pregnancy had been different, labour felt no different that it had when she was eight-and-ten or twenty. Even at six-and-fifty her body knew what to do. The surge came to an end and Rhaenys began walking around the Hall of Nines once more.
“No, I will remain here. Velaryons are born by The Driftwood Throne. Laena was born at Low Tide, Laenor was born right here. And for the love of The Seven, stop talking when a surge is happening or get out!” Rhaenys hissed as she turned to her lady-in-waiting and the acting Maester of Driftmark.
Kezmya had not experienced her pregnant or in labour before. Valaena Darklyn née Velaryon, Corlys’ cousin and one of her closest friends, had been there in the early stages of labour with Laena and Alyssa Penrose née Baratheon, her own cousin, had been there in the early stages of labour with Laenor. In the final stages it just been her and Corlys, as Rhaenys had wanted it.
It had been five days since she had left Corlys in King’s Landing at the final celebration of Jacaerys and Baela’s wedding. The waters were rough at this time of the year, but Rhaenys hoped he would make it in time. Her surges had been on an off for days, but since noon they had been increasingly regular and came more often.
“Princess you should be resting.”
“Kezmya, no.” Rhaenys said as she stood, rocking her hips from side to side to alleviate the ache that had been persistent for almost half a year now. Almost since the pregnancy was discovered. “That might be best from your experience. But I know how to do this. Once Corlys returns the babe will make its entrance to this world.”
“With Lord Corlys in the room?”
“Yes, Kezmya. With my lord husband holding me up, I will deliver this babe into the world by The Driftwood Throne. And only then I might need some aid. For now, I need your company and distraction, between the surges.”
“Kezmya, they’re asking for you down by the harbour, a young boy got a nasty cut. I will stay with the princess,” Alyssa said as she came through the spiral hallway entering the Hall of Nines. “Hello Princess, The Sea Snake has been spotted,” she said as she walked up to Rhaenys.
Rhaenys nodded, glad that Corlys’ ship had been spotted, and waited for Kezmya to leave. “Hello Alyssa. That is good news. The surges are coming close now.” Rhaenys sighed as Alyssa put her hands on her shoulders and pressed her thumbs against the tight muscles. “Oh…” Rhaenys gritted her teeth as another surge took over. She was thankful that Alyssa pulled back her hands but remained close. Close and quiet. It hurt more than the last one, and Rhaenys whimpered softly as it came to its end, leaving her panting. “How close was The Sea Snake?”
“Quite close.”
“Corlys!” Rhaenys turned as she heard her husband’s voice. They met in the middle of the room and Rhaenys leaned into his embrace, inhaling deeply, letting the scent of salt and sea calm her.
“I got you, Princess. Thank you Alyssa.”
“May The Seven bless you, cousins.”
“Corlys…” Rhaenys said as another surge came on. ��She turned in Corlys’ arms and leaned against him, as his palms came to rest on her swollen stomach, lifting it gently. Rhaenys smiled slightly as she breathed through the pain.
“Did your waters break yet?” Corlys asked as the surge came to an end, but he didn’t let go. Rhaenys had told him many times, that when he lifted like this, it relieved much of the pain. He had done the same when she had laboured with Laena and Laenor.
Rhaenys shook her head slightly, before leaning her head back against his shoulder. “Not yet.”
Soon the surges became almost unbearable and Rhaenys whimpered in pain, leaning heavily against her husband. “Daor….” She hissed, digging her fingers into Corlys’ clothes.
When her waters broke there was a moment of relief and Rhaenys lessened her hold on Corlys’ clothes.
“The babe will be here soon,” Corlys said running his hand gently over Rhaenys’ stomach, lifting her long petticoat up little by little. Rhaenys was thankful for the help of getting out of the sweaty and now wet clothes. She followed Corlys as he guided her closer to The Driftwood Throne. “Both Laena and Laenor was born at the break of dawn, this little one might be born in the dark of the darkest night of the year.”
Rhaenys smiled softly. Corlys was right. She could feel the shift inside. The babe would be there soon. “Can you do this?” She asked quietly. Corlys was hardly young anymore, often needing a cane nowadays.
“Of course I can.” He reassured her and wrapped his arms around her from behind once more. “Planning to set a record about the length of your labour?” He teased her lovingly and placed a kiss against her temple.
“Only if by record you mean the fastest and I believe that’s already been too late,” Rhaenys said softly and placed her hands over Corlys’. “I want this pregnancy to be over. I want to feel like myself again, ride my dragon and my lord husband. I want the ache to lessen and be able to move without pain.”
Five strong urges later and Rhaenys brought forth her and Corlys’ third child. She lifted the babe into her arms and cleared its nose gently, causing the little one to cry out. Cheers of joy could be heard outside the Hall of Nines and Rhaenys turned to her husband. “We have a daughter.”
After the afterbirth had been delivered, Rhaenys indulged in a quick hot bath, before putting on a clean nightgown. Once settled in bed, Corlys eased the girl into her arms and Rhaenys gently helped the babe to latch on to her nipple. “You can go and send the announcement now, lord husband.” Rhaenys returned the kiss, Corlys gave her, smiling happily as she watched his proud smile. Ravens were sent to Kings Landing, Dragon Stone and Storm’s End, ensuring their family would know their child had made it safely into the world.
It is with the greatest pleasure; I can inform you that The Princess Rhaenys has given birth tonight on Winter Solstice. A daughter called Alysanne Rhaenyra Targaryen Velaryon. We call her “Nyssie”. We are looking forward to introducing her to you. Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark.
Honourable mention: @aemond-one-eyed, @rhaenaspearls, @rogueprincedaemontarg, @black-queen-rising
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#Adoredbytherealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 7#arc ii
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Adored by the Realm: Day 7
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 16th day of the 12th moon 129AC The seventh and final day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
Garden Party
Corlys kept a close eye on Rhaenys as they made their way down to the final day of the wedding celebrations. He was glad to see that she seemed to be doing better than she had in days. He paused as she winched, but as she shook her head they carried on.
As the young royals quickly surrounded Rhaenys, Corlys took his leave to inspect their surroundings. Warm lights, fresh foods and a calm atmosphere. It seemed almost like any other family meal, though there was excitement in the air. Corlys didn’t know what the cause of the excitement was, but it felt good. The last party for a wedding tended to be a quiet affair, full of farewells families prepared to be apart again for a long time.
By chance he and Rhaenys were not seated together, princess Visenya had taken the seat meant for him. Corlys grinned and gave both princesses a kiss on the cheek, before he took the seat meant for the little princess.
Excitement seemed to grow as the sun set. Corlys found Rhaenys in the crowd and wrapped his arm around her waist. Only then did he understand the reason for the excitement. Prince Aemond proposing to Rhaena. Rhaenys was crying once more, luckily from happiness as she leaned against him.
Corlys noticed her stance changing and he shifted enough to look at her. However, Rhaenys was not looking at him, she was looking towards Rhaenyra and Daemon. Corlys followed her gaze, unsure what was happening. “Princess?” He asked as she seemed to relax again.
“My labour has begun. I’ve made arrangements for Daemon to fly me home on Caraxes. You are to follow by sea on The Sea Snake, quickly, but safely. I’ll be waiting for you by the Driftwood Throne. Don’t be late.”
Corlys could hardly keep up with the things that her words set into motion. Valaena brought down her things. Daemon left the party. Soon Corlys stood in the dragon pit, watching his wife and her cousin mount a dragon, preparing to take off without him. “Rhaenys…!”
“Hurry, Corlys.”
High Tide, Driftmark, Winter Solstice 21st day of the 12th moon 129 AC
Labouring by The Driftwood Throne
“Princess you should be in your chambers, in bed.”
Rhaenys remained quiet as the surge moved through her. She needed quietness around her. Kezmya’s constant talking at each surge was beginning to annoy her. She had done this twice before, and even though this pregnancy had been different, labour felt no different that it had when she was eight-and-ten or twenty. Even at six-and-fifty her body knew what to do.
The surge came to an end and Rhaenys began walking around the Hall of Nines once more. “No, I will remain here. Velaryons are born by The Driftwood Throne. Laena was born at Low Tide, Laenor was born right here. And for the love of The Seven, stop talking when a surge is happening or get out!” Rhaenys hissed as she turned to her lady-in-waiting and the acting Maester of Driftmark. Kezmya had not experienced her pregnant or in labour before. Valaena Darklyn née Velaryon, Corlys’ cousin and one of her closest friends, had been there in the early stages of labour with Laena and Alyssa Penrose née Baratheon, her own cousin, had been there in the early stages of labour with Laenor. In the final stages it just been her and Corlys, as Rhaenys had wanted it.
It had been five days since she had left Corlys in King’s Landing at the final celebration of Jacaerys and Baela’s wedding. The waters were rough at this time of the year, but Rhaenys hoped he would make it in time. Her surges had been on an off for days, but since noon they had been increasingly regular and came more often.
“Princess you should be resting.”
“Kezmya, no.” Rhaenys said as she stood, rocking her hips from side to side to alleviate the ache that had been persistent for almost half a year now. Almost since the pregnancy was discovered. “That might be best from your experience. But I know how to do this. Once Corlys returns the babe will make its entrance to this world.”
“With Lord Corlys in the room?”
“Yes, Kezmya. With my lord husband holding me up, I will deliver this babe into the world by The Driftwood Throne. And only then I might need some aid. For now, I need your company and distraction, between the surges.”
“Kezmya, they’re asking for you down by the harbour, a young boy got a nasty cut. I will stay with the princess,” Alyssa said as she came through the spiral hallway entering the Hall of Nines. “Hello Princess, The Sea Snake has been spotted,” she said as she walked up to Rhaenys.
Rhaenys nodded, glad that Corlys’ ship had been spotted, and waited for Kezmya to leave. “Hello Valaena. That is good news. The surges are coming close now.” Rhaenys sighed as Alyssa put her hands on her shoulders and pressed her thumbs against the tight muscles. “Oh…”
Rhaenys gritted her teeth as another surge took over. She was thankful that Alyssa pulled back her hands but remained close. Close and quiet. It hurt more than the last one, and Rhaenys whimpered softly as it came to its end, leaving her panting. “How close was The Sea Snake?”
“Quite close.”
“Corlys!” Rhaenys turned as she heard her husband’s voice. They met in the middle of the room and Rhaenys leaned into his embrace, inhaling deeply, letting the scent of salt and sea calm her.
“I got you, Princess. Thank you Alyssa.”
“May The Seven bless you, cousins.”
“Corlys…” Rhaenys said as another surge came on. She turned in Corlys’ arms and leaned against him, as his palms came to rest on her swollen stomach, lifting it gently. Rhaenys smiled slightly as she breathed through the pain.
“Did your waters break yet?” Corlys asked as the surge came to an end, but he didn’t let go. Rhaenys had told him many times, that when he lifted like this, it relieved much of the pain. He had done the same when she had laboured with Laena and Laenor.
Rhaenys shook her head slightly, before leaning her head back against his shoulder. “Not yet.”
Soon the surges became almost unbearable and Rhaenys whimpered in pain, leaning heavily against her husband. “Daor….” She hissed, digging her fingers into Corlys’ clothes. When her waters broke there was a moment of relief and Rhaenys lessened her hold on Corlys’ clothes.
“The babe will be here soon,” Corlys said running his hand gently over Rhaenys’ stomach, lifting her long petticoat up little by little. Rhaenys was thankful for the help of getting out of the sweaty and now wet clothes. She followed Corlys as he guided her closer to The Driftwood Throne. “Both Laena and Laenor was born at the break of dawn, this little one might be born in the dark of the darkest night of the year.”
Rhaenys smiled softly. Corlys was right. She could feel the shift inside. The babe would be there soon. “Can you do this?” She asked quietly. Corlys was hardly young anymore, often needing a cane nowadays.
“Of course I can.” He reassured her and wrapped his arms around her from behind once more. “Planning to set a record about the length of your labour?” He teased her lovingly and placed a kiss against her temple.
“Only if by record you mean the fastest and I believe that’s already been too late,” Rhaenys said softly and placed her hands over Corlys’. “I want this pregnancy to be over. I want to feel like myself again, ride my dragon and my lord husband. I want the ache to lessen and be able to move without pain.”
Five strong urges later and Rhaenys brought forth her and Corlys’ third child. She lifted the babe into her arms and cleared its nose gently, causing the little one to cry out.
Cheers of joy could be heard outside the Hall of Nines and Rhaenys turned to her husband. “We have a daughter.”
After the afterbirth had been delivered, Rhaenys indulged in a quick hot bath, before putting on a clean nightgown. Once settled in bed, Corlys eased the girl into her arms and Rhaenys gently helped the babe to latch on to her nipple. “You can go and send the announcement now, lord husband.”
Rhaenys returned the kiss, Corlys gave her, smiling happily as she watched his proud smile.
Ravens were sent to Kings Landing, Dragon Stone and Storm’s End, ensuring their family would know their child had made it safely into the world.
It is with the greatest pleasure; I can inform you that The Princess Rhaenys has given birth tonight on Winter Solstice. A daughter called Alysanne Rhaenyra Targaryen Velaryon. We call her “Nyssie”. We are looking forward to introducing her to you. Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark.
Honourable mention: @aemond-one-eyed, @rhaenaspearls, @rogueprincedaemontarg, @black-queen-rising
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#Adoredbytherealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 7#arcII#arc II
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Adored by the Realm: Day 5
The Red Keep, King’s Landing, Westeros, 14th day of the 12th moon 129AC The fifth day of wedding celebrations: Adored by the Realm.
The Wedding Ceremony
Corlys stood tall, representing the Velaryon family as vows were said in The Sept. Rhaenys was not by his side. He could barely see her from his place, but knew she stood representing Baela’s Targaryen heritage.
The Father – Clever Laenor ought to stand where he stood. He would have been so happy for Jacaerys and Baela. He would have loved the tourneys.
The Mother – Darling Laena ought to stand where Rhaenys stood. Glowing with pride at her daughter’s wedding vows.
The Maiden – Baela’s childhood was coming to an end with each passing vow. It felt final, Corlys found it strange that the little girl would truly be a woman.
The Crone – Corlys looked back towards his mother-in-law. How would he feel if he lived long enough to see great-grandchildren get married?
The Warrior – Jacaerys, the future of the realm. Laenor’s pride and joy, Corlys first born grandchild. He would forever hold a special place in his heart, even when he would no longer be Velaryon.
The Smith – Corlys smiled as Jacaerys placed the wedding robe over Baela’s shoulders. It had been made for his own wedding to Princess Rhaenys and truly displayed the close ties between the houses Targaryen and Velaryon.
The Stranger – Too many lives had been lost, people who ought to be here and celebrate with them. Corlys knew the future was unknown, but hoped and prayed that his grandchildren would experience fewer losses than his and their parents’ generations had.
Upon leaving the Sept Corlys reunited with his wife. She was a vision in sea blue and ocean green tulle, Velaryon colours, showing off her pregnancy proudly. She squeezed his hand tightly and he met her eyes. This time it wasn’t physical pain; this time she was emotional and Corlys could tell she had been fighting hard against the tears. Corlys leaned in close and whispered: “Now we get feast and dance.”
The Wedding Ball
The feast was magnificent. Perfection in every bite. The attention to detail made even the smallest gesture special and memorable. Rhaenys laughed and cried happily through the speeches, feeling at ease surrounded by family, sitting beside Corlys.
When the music began and Corlys asked her to dance, she accepted easily.
“How are you feeling, my princess?”
“Happy,” Rhaenys answered, before they followed the music. The song ended and Corlys bowed to her. Rhaenys nodded and watched as he went and asked Rhaenyra for the next dance. Rhaenys steered towards the edge of the dancefloor.
“Mumuña, can we dance?”
“Of course,” Rhaenys said delightedly as she took Princess Visenya’s hands and danced with her. After they danced, they took a seat on one of the settees, with a perfect view of the dancefloor. Visenya curled up against her side and Rhaenys smiled as her little hand stroked the curve of her belly tenderly. It was clear it was something The Little Princess had done before. Rhaenys lifted her eyes to see Corlys dance with the bride, darling brave Baela.
“It’s all right,” Rhaenys said as Visenya yawned. “Settle down, I’ll stay with you.”
“But I want to see when they leave for the bedding ceremony.”
“It’s not that interesting. They go through a door and the door is closed, while the rest of us continue to celebrate.” Rhaenys said soothingly as Visenya shifted and put her head in Rhaenys’ lap.
As Rhaenys watched Corlys dance with Daenaera, she traced patterns against Visenya’s shoulder and neck. She couldn’t help to be grateful on a day like this. Her family, united and celebrating the next generation. A grand wedding, which still felt like a family affair with all her favourite people.
“Muña, are you all right?” Rhaenyra asked as she paused by the settee. “I can have Nya …”
“… leave her be. I’ve got this,” Rhaenys said easily. “Dance, celebrate your children. Let me sit here and watch. I’m perfectly happy right here,” she added and waved her off.
Rhaena stopped by soon after, but Rhaenys waved her off too, only for Corlys to ask her for a dance. “Have fun,” Rhaenys urged happily.
Shortly before the bedding ceremony, Visenya was taken to bed. Rhaenys walked up to the bride and groom and gave them each a hug. “I’m so happy and proud of you,” she told them earnestly. “Laena and Laenor would be so proud,” she added before she pulled back.
Rhaenys stepped into Corlys’ arms and leaned against him, swaying gently to the music. “What do you think, will we be great-grandparents within the next year?”
“It’s possible,” Corlys replied with a chuckle against her ear.
Honourable mention: @black-queen-rising, @thelittleprincesstargaryen, @littlevelaryon, @moondancer-rp, @rhaenaspearls, @notatargaryenbastard, @lordhusband
#ASoIaF#ASoIaF RP#RP site#RP partner wanted#Tumblr rp#Literate rp#HotD AU#A song of golden fire and black bloog#A song og GF and BB#Asongofgoldenfireandblackblood#Asogfabb#Asogf&bb#Arch II#Arch II: Women’s wicked ways#Adoredbytherealm#Adored by the realm#Arch II: Adored by the realm#Day 5#arcII#arc II
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