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rideroftheredqueen ¡ 5 months ago
A visit to Dragonstone
Dragonstone, 25th day of the 10th moon 129AC
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Rhaenys had been delighted to receive a raven from Aegon and Helaena Targaryen on Dragonstone. The last time she had spoken to Aegon had been in the dragon pit and she had mentioned knowing a few secret passageways at Dragonstone, which she had discovered in her childhood. She had not been willing to give up all her secrets, but he had allured to her getting an invitation to visit.
By chance the invitation coincided with Corlys being called back to the Capital, less than a week before they had plans to relocate to the Capitel until the wedding of their grandchildren had concluded. Rhaenys wanted to be as included as possible, but her pregnancy meant travelling was uncomfortable and took its toll on her.
The Daenaera was not build for comfort, but for the short distance between Driftmark and Dragonstone it would do. Rhaenys disembarked, aided by Corlys. They said their farewells on the docks, as he was needed at court. Rhaenys did not wait to see him disappear into the horizon as she might have at other times. He would be back in a few days, so they could finish their preparations for leaving Driftmark for almost two full moon cycles.
Rhaenys followed the familiar path up to Dragonstone and easily found shelter from the spray of the water. It still amazed her how different the two neighbouring islands were. She had her maid send word to Aegon and Helaena that she had arrived but would need a bit of rest. Servants of Dragonstone had been expecting her and her maid and led them up to a prepared guest room.
In the hours between luncheon and dinner, Rhaenys made her way to the sitting room, the servants had said Helaena preferred. Upon entering Rhaenys couldn’t help but to be curious, as she saw the needlepoint projects. She knew Helaena was talented and had seen her work on several occasions. “Hello?” She called out softly.
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A starter for @helaenasdreamfyres
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elindamassey ¡ 17 days ago
Ravens between King's Landing and Dragonstone
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Dearest Helaena,
I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. I know it’s been a while since we last corresponded, but I feel fortunate that it does not mean that we have not been in touch. Last court season brought so many happy gatherings.
Winter has been announced and preparations around the castle and surrounding homes have been in effect for the last few moons. I feel fortunate that my position in court and my friendship with you allows me to prepare before many other low-borns are even aware of the hardships that seem to be approaching. I’ve gathered old wool and furs from the storages and is slowly helping the young royals build a proper winter wardrobe. Next will be preparing my own children.
Meredyth continuously asks of tales about the friendship between you and I. She does not quite believe that my childhood friend is Princess Helaena. Nor does she believe that I’ve visited Dragonstone in any other capacity, than as the then-princess Rhaenyra’s lady in waiting. I hope my tales will eventually persuade her.
How is young Jaehaera doing? Last we spoke you were ever so worried about her. And last I saw her she looked paler and wearier than I ever remember her looking. I do hope you’ve found the reason for her discomfort and have been able to help. As mothers it’s heartbreaking to feel helpless when it comes to our children, I vividly remember how hard it was when Ysabel struggled with nightmares of fire and death.
I wish there was a way for you to see the flowers Simon brought me the other day, in a celebration of Jack’s nameday. I���ve never seen flowers so rich in colours. They remind me of the butterflies you and I enjoy to watch in the summertime around the gardens of King’s Landing. Their scent reminds me of the sweet summer wine from Dorne.
I hope the winter won’t force us to stay apart longer than we are used to. I already miss your company in the capital, as does your family and my family. I pray that The Seven watches over you and your family and that we may soon embrace each other once more.
All my love
A closed starter for: @helaenasdreamfyres
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thelittleprincesstargaryen ¡ 7 months ago
The Curious Secret of the Cricket's Song
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Visenya had been on the hunt for insects to show Helaena. She adored when muĂąa Helaena visited from Dragonstone and would happily spend hours sitting still, listening to her talk about her pets. Visenya especially liked the crickets and their song and had tried to mimic their songs in her music but had yet to find the perfect instrument to do so.
Because of muña Helaena’s teaching Visenya knew exactly where to go in the gardens to watch the butterflies and the bees. Visenya made her way to her favourite corner of the garden where the summer lilacs stood in full bloom. The lilac flowers were buzzing with life and Visenya took a seat on a nearby bench.
Within minutes she had counted a handful of different butterflies, several types of bees and even spotted a great green grasshopper, which paused briefly on the bench beside her. Visenya grinned as it leaped away, seemingly missing it’s target and tumbling in the grass. She watched, making sure it was all right, before she turned her attention back to the summer lilacs.
Why were they called summer lilacs? She wondered as she looked over the bushes. Some of them were almost magenta in colours, other white and there were even two with bright yellow flowers. She had seen lilacs and loved their scent; summer lilacs didn’t have the same scent. But the petals were alike.
A bell tolled in the distance and Visenya got up. Muña Helaena was due to arrive from Dragonstone along with Visenya’s uncle and cousins. Visenya loved when the family gathered, even if she did think they sometimes became rather loud. However, when that happened she knew she could cuddle up to her muña Helaena.
Visenya wasn’t one to run. She knew by now that it wouldn’t be prudent for a princess and that her breathing would suffer for long after. It was not worth it. But Visenya hurried to the best of her abilities to the music room, hoping to find or be found by muña Helaena.
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Starter for @helaenasdreamfyres
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lordhusband ¡ 9 days ago
While Corlys was eager to return home to his wife and young daughter, he had made promises to Rhaenys to also procure supplies for Dragonstone. And as Dragonstone was closer to Essos than Driftmark, he made port at Dragonstone first.
During his years married to a dragon rider, Corlys had become quite adept at recognizing the dragons even when soaring high above them. He had no doubt that he had just spotted Princess Helaena atop of Dreamfyre as he made port.
Upon securing the ship and making sure the right supplies were being offloaded Corlys began the treck up to the main entrance of the Dragonstone fortress. By the last stairs he was leaning heavily on his cane, as his knee ache always seemed to flare up when walking up stairs or hills.
“Princess Helaena,” he said in greeting and dipped into a low respectful bow. Straightening up again he noticed her windswept look, which reminded him of his dearest wife. Targaryens and their dragons. A love bond no man could ever come truly between.
“My apologies for not announcing my arrival earlier. I did not mean to cause any worries,” he began kindly. While he did not have a close bond to Princess Helaena he had always thought of her as a cute girl – now a woman, but she still held a youthfulness to her being. “I come with supplies. I have been scouring Essos for wax, wool and furs. Along with various preserved foods for the approaching winter. The Princess Rhaenys made me swear to gather supplies for Dragonstone and the Capital as well as for Driftmark,” he explained kindly.
He dismissed her worries about her appearance with a wave of her hand. “No need to apologize, sweet girl,” he said with ease. “I’ve been married to a dragon rider for four decades.” Corlys leaned his cane against the railing and reached into the satchel he had over his shoulder. “I was hoping you’d be at home,” he begun as he pulled out a small leatherbound book. “I don’t often come across books in High Valyrian during my travels and I even rarely come across books about insects in High Valyrian. It reminded me of you, and I’d like to present it to you as a present. I also saw several mounted insects, but I was not sure whether you would have liked that?”
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Family On Dragonstone
( a part of @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood )
Starter with @lordhusband
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Helaena was atop Dreamfyre, flying over Dragonstone and ready to land soon when she saw Lord Corlys ship arrive. She couldn’t remember if this was a planned arrival, or perhaps this was something urgent that he needed from Aegon and her, so she quickly landed and ran to greet him.
She did not wait for Aegon to arrive, and did not even stop to check if she herself was presentable before she showed up at the main entrance of Dragonstone. When Corlys came into view, she took a deep breath.
“Lord Corlys! It’s surely a surprise to see you. A joyous one, of course…” She fiddled with the seams of her embroidered yellow dress, feeling slightly at a loss of words. Corlys was family, his wife Rhaenys a close relative to Helaena, but he and Helaena themselves had never had much of a relationship besides kind words exchanged at family gatherings. She had only positive feelings towards him, yet still she felt she did not know him despite their familial ties.
She smiled, “to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” Her attention suddenly turned to her hair in her face, and she quickly brushed it aside. She suddenly realized her hair was extremely messy, not braided and messed up from the wind. “Oh! I am not presentable in the slightest, I am sorry, you caught me while I was riding Dreamfyre…” Her eyes went to the floor as her cheeks warmed, feeling utterly embarrassed. She could not even properly greet a guest, no less a family member, without Aegon next to her. It’s pathetic, she thought to herself.
“Perhaps I will go find Aegon, and he can take care of these matters? So sorry, once again…”
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asongofgoldenfireandblackblood ¡ 2 months ago
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Hello, hello, we're wishing everyone in our lovely, incredible, spectacular court a wonderful mid-week check in! There have been some changes in the line up of our court so here are all the latest updates 💜
New members have joined our court! Please give them a warm welcome and follow:
@lavender-cupbearer @lady-samantha-of-hightower *Blog for Prince Lucerys TBD @thejacaerys
The following roles and faceclaims are now taken:
Lady Violet Vance (Youngest daughter of Lord Triston and Lady Roslin, betrothed of Prince Viserys II) Lady Samantha "Sam" Hightower (Lady of Oldtown) Prince Lucerys Velaryon (Second eldest child of Queen Rhaenyra and Heir to Driftmark) Prince Jacaerys Velaryon-Targaryen (Eldest child of Queen Rhaenyra and heir to the Iron Throne)
McKenzie Foy Hannah Dodd Timothee Chalamet Harry Colette
Due to player choice, inactivity, or other unforseen circumstances please wish farewell and unfollow:
@moondancer-rp @thedadkraken @ladyvypren @theredripper @myrielle-of-goldengrove
@theladyrohanne @goldenclarice @little-griffin-jocie-connington @thedaringprince @notatargaryenbastard
The following roles and faceclaims are now open:
Princess Baela Targaryen ( Dalton Greyjoy (Lord of House Greyjoy and Lord Paramount of the Iron Islands) Sabitha Frey (Lady of The Twins and Lady-Wife of Lord Forrest Frey) Toron Greyjoy (Eldest son and heir of Lord Dalton) Rylene Rowan (Second youngest daughter of Lord Cedric and Lady Selyse Rowan and The Pearl of The Reach)
Lady Lucinda Lannister-Greyjoy (Third Salt-Wife of Lord Dalton and mother of his heir, Toron) Lady-Regent Alla Tyrell (Widow of the late-Lord Tyrell and regent to their son, Lord Lyonel) Lady Jocelyn "Jocie" Connington (Younger child of the late-Ser Hugh and Lady Daisy Connington and companion of Princess Visenya) Prince Daeron Targaryen (Youngest son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent and twin of Princess Rhaenya) *The Role of Prince Jacaerys has already been claimed by one of our current active players
Abbie Hern Clive Standen Wang Laoji Avan Jogia Kaitlyn Dever
Medalion Rahimi Matilda De Angelis Robyn Betterbridge Patrick Gibson Douglas Booth
It seems the court has been corrected on its previous perceptions so please take note that:
The role of Lord Gunthor Darklyn with the faceclaim Rege Jean-Page is on reserve from 1/8 through 1/15
The site's most wanted list is now updated
Several pages on our site directory are currently in various stages of remodeling, if you have questions about writing for a specific house on the site please feel free to send an ask, our message box is always open, and we'd love nothing more than to chat about the AU more over on our OOC-Discord!
Full member list under the cut!
~ With Love, Mod Ivory 💜💜
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@black-queen-rising - Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen @rogueprincedaemontarg - King-Consort Daemon Targaryen @aegontheyoungprince - Prince Aegon III Targaryen @princeviserystargaryen00 - Prince Viserys II Targaryen @thelittleprincesstargaryen - Princess Visenya Targaryen
@alicenthightowerrp - Dowager-Queen Alicent Hightower @goldaegontargaryen - Prince Aegon Targaryen of Dragonstone @helaenasdreamfyres - Princess Helaena Targaryen of Dragonstone @shrykosjaehaerys - Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen of Dragonstone @jaeheratargaryen - Princess Jaehaera Targaryen of Dragonstone
@thejacaerys - Crown-Prince Jacaerys Targaryen *Blog for Lucerys TBD - Prince Lucerys Velaryon @rhaenaspearls - Princess Rhaena Targaryen @princejoffreyvelaryon - Prince Joffrey Velaryon @aemond-one-eyed - Prince Aemond Targaryen @thefallenprincesss - Princess Rhaenya Targaryen
@rideroftheredqueen - Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon @lordhusband - Lord Corlys Velaryon @littlevelaryon - Lady Daenaera Velaryon @calla-celtigar - Lady Calla Celtigar @sersteffondarklyn - Lord-Commander Steffon Darklyn
@lord-kermit-of-riverrun - Lord Kermit Tully @oscartullyofriverrun - Ser Oscar Tully @abby-the-writer - Lady Abby Tully
@roslinstrong - Lady Roslin Vance @vvilliamvance - Ser William Vance @ladylaceyvance - Lady Lacey Vance @tonameestbelle - Lady Jyanna Vance @lavender-cupbearer - Lady Violet Vance
@lady-samantha-of-hightower - Lady Samantha "Sam" Hightower @garmundhightower - Ser Garmund Hightower @ladyoflongtable - Lady Bethany Merryweather
@cool-aunt-amarys - Lady Amarys Greyjoy @sirenalannysgreyjoy - Lady Alannys Greyjoy @rightfvl-lysa - Ruling-Lady Lysa Farman @thefairheiroffairisle - Rodrik Greyjoy-Farman @gysellablacktyde - Lady Gysella Blacktyde
@josswesterling - Joss Westerling @cerellelannister2 - Lady Cerelle Lannister @tyshara-the-lioness - Lady Tyshara Lannister @sharp-lioness - Lady Cerissa Lannister
@ladyjocelynbaratheon - Lady Jocelyn Baratheon-Targaryen @cassandra-of-baratheon - Lady Cassandra Baratheon @thecleverestorm - Lady Maris Baratheon @lady-ellyn-of-the-storm - Lady Ellyn Baratheon @thefourthstormfloris - Lady Floris Baratheon
@jeynearrynvale - Lady-Paramount Jeyne Arryn @cissy-grafton - Lady Cissy Grafton @robingrafton - Ser Robin Grafton @teoragrafton - Lady Teora Grafton
@creganstarkrp - Lord Cregan Stark @lyarra-of-house-stark - Lady Lyarra Stark @benjen-mormont - Lord Benjen Mormont @lyannanotmormont - Lady Lyanna Mormont @lady-of-knives - Lady Berena Bolton
@theprincessofd0rne - Ruling-Princess Aliandra Martell @princesscoryofsunspear - Princess Coryanne Martell @doranyronwood - Lord Doran Yronwood @mahiraofdorne - Ruling-Lady Mahira Dayne @davos-allyrion - Lord Davos Allyrion
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goldaegontargaryen ¡ 7 months ago
Wanted Character Connection
Jaehaerys Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen is searching for his son Jaehaerys Targaryen for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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The eldest child of Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena, Jaehaerys is 10 years old, the twin of Jaehaera, and a prince of the realm. As Prince Aegon's heir, now expected to inherit Dragonstone, his upbringing is under close scrutiny by the court, and indeed all of Westeros. Jaehaerys is bonded to the dragon Shrykos, who hatched in his cradle, though his mount is not large enough to ride yet. He is known for his shy nature and intelligence, but has a tendency to become rude and emotional in stressful situations.
(Suggested faceclaim is Dean Charles-Chapman in Game of Thrones)
Jaehaerys is also wanted by @helaenasdreamfyres
His twin Jaehaera Targaryen is also open to apply for as well!
To learn more about the Targaryens of Dragonstone, click here!
We are a No-Dance!AU and politics, family, and court-drama focused RP. To join, check out our main site, DM us with any questions, then send us a raven app, and join our Discord!
Feel free to DM this blog if you have any additional questions or if you want to talk about the RP!
Note: Character traits, and faceclaim are suggestions and can be reworked to a certain extent if discussed with the current members of the RP!
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black-queen-rising ¡ 10 months ago
House of Memories
(Closed starter for @helaenasdreamfyres)
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The hours that sat between dusk and true night hung long in the transition from spring to summer where the seasons had been sitting for nigh on half a year. Helaena, Aegon, the rest of Rhaenyra's younger half siblings, and their whole household arrived back at the Red Keep the day before; returned to King's Landing for the first time since they were officially named Prince and Princess of Dragonstone by the Princess-Hand's own decree. The latest, and largest, show of good faith in the long string of promises, compromises, and peace offerings she'd orchestrated in the hopes her efforts would sate those who wished to go against her father's will and seat Aegon on the throne no matter the cost to The Realm.
It was no secret Rhaenyra missed Helaena most when their family split apart once more after all sharing a roof for nearly a decade since their father made her hand, not to either of them, the rest of their house, or anyone in the court not too distracted by spreading rumors about how they must loathe each other behind the scenes; because of course, isn't that what all women do? Rhaenyra let out a quiet laugh at the thought, contemplating how much she truly had missed her sister in their time away, and now they're here, and all she had to do was wait for Helaena to see her own children off to bed before they'd have a chance to speak freely with one another—as the pair had agreed earlier that day—her patience for waiting has seemed to vanish into thin air.
If the new Targaryens of Dragonstone had only returned to the Red Keep for some celebration or event, to celebrate Queen Alicent's name day, Jacaerys' wedding, perhaps even another babe she's all too aware her siblings were unlikely to have—but hoped they may have decided to pursue after all, as the comfort of their family island had inspired in her what now felt like half a life time ago—the only thing testing her patience would be the giddy nerves that catalyzed her whenever events and visitors descended upon King's Landing. However, the circumstances of their father's rapidly deteriorating health, what it meant for the realm, and the swarms of nobles all crowding into the capital expected to mourn the fall of a King and celebrate the rise of a Queen in equal parts have created countless more complicated emotions to eat at the Rhaenyra's resolve.
Persistent, pounding, perpetual worry for their father, their family, Helaena as much, and perhaps more than all the rest, was the fruit of the tree grown by all those inarticulable, awful feelings; Rhaenyra would never hesitate sing her sister's praises, but she was never good with handling stress, even less so at negative emotions, and though she'd never admit such to her, the older Princess had lost sleep in the past few days caught up in the anxiety of knowing grief was not a pain her sister could be protected from any longer, no matter how hard she wished it.
A knock on the door finally roused the Rhaenyra from her worrying. "Sweet sister!" Rhaenyra stands as soon as the guard stationed outside her chambers announces the younger Princess' arrival. She wrapped her arms around her sister gently before she'd barely crossed the threshold, before lead her back towards the sitting area with a gentle smile she hoped would at least conceal her nerves to ensure Helaena wasn't sent scurrying away by her own anxieties. "How are you faring, my love, and the children? I wish you were all returning under happier circumstances but I...I am happy to see you."
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jaehaera-targaryen11 ¡ 9 months ago
A little escapade, with: @helaenasdreamfyres
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JAEHAERA TARGARYEN wasn't fond of numbers, really. Her tutor had been on and on about math, he hadn't shut up during the last three hours even though Jaehaera had even fallen asleep during the last twenty minutes. The Targaryen princess looked relieved when the tutor left the room, Jaehaera got up and left. Jaehaera began walking towards the halls, she took slow steps and tried to be as discreet as she could.
Some of the nobles that walked past her bowed and made a courtesy, Jaehaera only nodded and continued to walk.
Jaehaera had memorized which corridors were more movimented and which ones were not. Jaehaera's purple eyes catched a glimpse of an exquisite yellow gown and long silver locks, almost identical as to Jaehaera's silver treads. Jaehaera decided that she had nothing better to do and, probably, at this hour the guards were probably searching for her. She quickly hid into her bedchambers, grabbed a brown wool cloak. She tugged some of her silver hair onto the fabric, hiding most of her length and put the hood on. Jaehaera then waited about half an hour, after knowing that the guards didn't seem to be searching for her, she left.
Jaehaera followed the hall the maids usually walked in, no one noticed her presence yet, even though her pink dress combined with that simple wool probably seemed odd to anyone.
Were they just letting her pretend?
Perhaps, she would get away with it. Besides her father had done a lot of his mischief during his youth, the maids always giggled as they recalled his past. Although, Jaehaera didn't understand why that would be funny.
The sun rays touched softly her face covered with small freckles. Certainly, with the heath her freckles would become more pronounced. As it was the usual during the winter. Jaehaera finally spotted her mother in the royal gardens, and she immediately began to walk after her.
It was just an innocent walk in the gardens. What could go wrong?
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jaeheratargaryen ¡ 5 months ago
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starter with @helaenasdreamfyres
tw: mention of blood
Jaehaera had believed that moving to the Red Keep would put an end to her sleepwalking. But instead, it continued.
That night, however, something different happened. Normally, Jaehaera would return to her bed and wake up in the morning with only faint signs of her nocturnal adventure.
But this time, she woke up in the middle of a corridor, perhaps because the unfamiliar noises and sensations of the Red Keep had brought her back to consciousness.
As she awoke, her heart was racing, and her breath came in quick gasps, as if she had just been startled. In truth, it was her anxiety surging from being jolted out of sleepwalking.
She looked around, but there was no one there to help her. Almost instinctively, she touched her nose. When she pulled her hand away, her fingers were covered in blood.
Panic began to rise in her small body. Her hands trembled, her eyes widened as she frantically checked to make sure no one had seen her in this state.
She decided to seek help from her mother. She knew her mother would understand and not judge her. In her moment of greatest panic, all she could think about was finding her.
Jaehaera started running, her long silver hair bouncing behind her as tears began to fall from her face. When she finally reached the doors to her mother’s chambers, she paused for a moment to catch her breath, briefly wondering if she should disturb her mother during her rest.
With her heart pounding, Jaehaera knocked softly. "Mother?" she called, slowly opening the door. "Mama?"
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alyofraventree ¡ 10 months ago
Dreamer & Lady - A Starter with @helaenasdreamfyres
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Alysanne had arrived at the royal court with a mix of trepidation and excitement, her eyes and ears taking in every sight and sound as she walked the halls of the Red Keep. She knew that this was not going to be her permanent residence, as she was soon going to head off with the Hightower branch of Targaryens to Dragonstone, but she figured it was good to take in what she could while she was here. 
She was already a little late to her planned meeting with the Princess, but she had been distracted by her personal quest to visit the Godswood and its Weirwood tree. Back in Raventree Hall she liked to visit the Weirwood at least once a day, to pray and listen to the cawing of the ravens that filled its branches. She may not be planning to be in King’s Landing for long, but she would continue her habit of visiting the weirwood and leaving offerings of seed or shiny pebbles for the raven’s of the tree. 
Her visit to the hearttree definitely made her more calm and centered, but had also made her late, which was why she was not quick walking the halls as fast as she could while staying in the realm of acceptable lady behavior. If she was in Raventree her skirt would be hiked and she would be full running at this point, but the look on her brother’s face before he left kept her skirts in place. She was sure that her brother would get a letter about her behavior at some point, but perhase not her first day she arrives. 
As she turned another corner she saw an ornate door with two knights cloaked all in white standing at attention. Alysanne paused her rushing feet into a more respectable walk and changed her face to one of worry into her ‘good lady face.’ She approached the door with an introduction, the knight on the left smirking only a little after clearly seeing her sudden change of  to the Kingsgurad before being let in. 
The guard pushed the door open and Alysanne stepped into the chamber, her gaze immediately drawn to the woman seated by the window. Princess Helaena was bathed in teh soft glower of the afternood sun, adding an extra layor of warmth to the woman already dressed in yellow like a welcoming sun. The princess did not seem to notice her entrance, focused as she was on the embroidery in her hands. 
“Your Grace,” Alysanne dipped into a curtsy, her voice steady, “I am Lady Alysanne of House Blackwood, it's an honor to serve you.” She stayed low, waiting for a word, command, or acknowledging hum, but head nod. Eventually, Alys looked up from the floor to see the princesses’ eyes on her, filled with kindness and wonder. 
“Ummm,” At the continued silence, Alysanne rose and held her hands together to stop any awkward fiddling. She had never been a Lady in Waiting, and Raventree Hall had not had a Lady in Waiting since her mother’s passing, so she was not quite sure what she should or should not be doing. “Is there anything I should do Your Grace?”
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A Roleplay Blog within @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
Main • Message • Plot • Questions & Answers
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jaeheratargaryen ¡ 16 hours ago
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Queen Helaena and her daughter Princess Jaehaera
Commission for @DaTeamGreen on twitter
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theprincessofd0rne ¡ 5 months ago
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Flora and Fauna
Starter with @helaenasdreamfyres
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Aliandra strolled a little further into the gardens; she has to admit to herself that nature is gorgeous regardless of what kingdom it hails from, she was especially fond of riverland lilies and dragon's breath that grew in the godswood.
She continued admiring an evening star reaching out and touching its pale yellow petals with her hands. Plants in Dorne were not as delicate as the ones here. The desert plants and flowers of her kingdom had learned to thrive in even the most extreme conditions, much like their ruler, she thought with a slight smirk.
Aliandra almost jumped out of her skin as she saw an insect. She sucked in a sharp breath and drew away her hand. She looked closely. It seemed to be some sort of locust or a cicadas, mostly dark but with hints of gold and little black spots. She shook her head slightly she was not particularly fond of insects and decided to leave it be, as Aliandra tried to walk away, she found a Targaryen princess blocking her path. 
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asongofgoldenfireandblackblood ¡ 2 months ago
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🕸️ Helaena Targaryen 🕸️
Princess of Dragonstone, Beloved of The Realm @helaenasdreamfyres - A Part of A Song of Golden Fire and Black Blood RP A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD HQ is Tumblr's Premier Fire and Blood & House of the Dragon No Dance!AU RP, focused on exploring the potential of all the scheming and intrigue that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling in a peace time setting. Old and dangerous tensions simmer just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom still faces a volatile path on the journey towards a brighter future. Home — Navigate — Wanted — Plot — Houses — Apply — Discord
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goldaegontargaryen ¡ 5 months ago
Heaven is a place on earth with you: with @helaenasdreamfyres
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The past six months on Dragonstone had been some of the best of Aegon’s life.  Now that Rhaenyra had officially been crowned Queen, it was like a weight he’d been unaware he’d been carrying had been lifted off his shoulders.  He had a home with his family on Dragonstone and more often than not, he was surrounded by friends who he adored.  After taking in Jeyne Wylde and her children along with a few other people who had somehow ended up taking refuge in Dragonstone’s walls, the dreary and misty island had never felt more full of life.  
Dalton Greyjoy had also followed Aegon to Dragonstone, something that made him feel honored considering how much he knew Dalton hated the weather.  On the days where the weather cooperated, he and Dalton often went out sailing together, fighting the wind and the waves to travel wherever they wished.  Dalton made Aegon pull his own weight when they sailed, which was difficult but rewarding.  Aegon hadn’t been used to doing any kind of physical labor and whenever he returned from his trips sailing with Dalton, he would show Helaena the rope burns on his palms with a proud smile.
After a few months, Aegon had decided to have a ship of his own built.  Dalton had been speaking about sailing away from Dragonstone to get a break from the weather and Aegon felt decently confident he would be able to take short trips around Dragonstone alone.  He also wanted to have a ship of his own for Maelor and little Jack Wylde who had become inseparable best friends who both loved to sail.  Well, Jack enjoyed actually doing the work of sailing while Maelor enjoyed getting to watch the waves and spot animals from the bow, but he still wanted both boys to be able to sail with him while Dalton was away.  Once the ship was completed, Aegon hadn’t given much thought to naming it.  He had supposed the right name would come to him eventually, which had been a horrible mistake.  
When he was a toddler, Maelor had become extremely attached to a blue and gold dragon egg that he would hardly let out of his sight.  Once he’d become older and the egg still hadn’t hatched, Aegon had suggested maybe picking out a different egg or even waiting to try and claim Seasmoke or Vermithor when he was older.  Maelor had refused, insisting the egg was his dragon.  Ever since, Aegon had respected his wishes and Maelor took his adored dragon egg with him everywhere.
Aegon could only imagine it was his love for the egg and Maelor overhearing the nickname people sometimes used for Aegon that had ended up with both Maelor and Jack deciding to name his ship The Egg.  Aegon had insisted on the ship’s full name at least being The Dragon Egg, but either way, it was hardly a name that inspired terror, especially when both boys ran down to the dock chanting, “Egg!  Egg!  Egg!”
Still, Aegon loved The Egg and he enjoyed that he could sail it by himself.  Secretly, it made him proud to have something besides dragon riding he was finally actually good at.  Soon after Aegon and his family had arrived once again in King’s Landing, he’d had an idea.  Helaena hadn’t taken to sailing like he had, but it had never been only them on the boat before.  In the early days, Dalton had always been there to make sure Aegon didn’t crash them directly into the rocks around Dragonstone.  Now though, Aegon was confident he could sail him and Helaena through the relatively calm Blackwater Bay with no problem.  
Aegon glanced over to his wife, already smiling at the idea of spending the afternoon in Helaena’s company and he hoped he might impress her with his newfound skill.  He wasn’t like either Aemond and Daeron who excelled at swordplay and the other traditionally masculine activities men were supposed to be good at, but now he finally had something at least somewhat impressive that was all his own.  “Helaena?  Would you want to go sailing with me on The Egg?  Dalton and I planned a short sailing trip soon and I should probably practice beforehand.  We could pack some food and wine and have a picnic out on the deck.  I think it could be fun?”  Aegon understood if Helaena said no, but he couldn't deny that he was desperately hoping she would agree.
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yuionyx ¡ 10 months ago
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Helaena Targaryen
From what I gather from the show and the wiki's Helaena is one of the characters that fate just loves to sucker punch. My understanding is that she is sort of like a Cassandra parallel. Gifted with some prophecy, doomed in that all her warnings are ignored. So I feel for her quite a bit and wanted to capture that.... "madness" in futility? in her costume design. Her gown closely matches the style of her mother, but the colors are all washed out and almost sickly-looking. Her hair is unbound and unadorned. I suppose she should feel almost like a living ghost, or a Crimson Peak reference.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
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asongofgoldenfireandblackblood ¡ 4 months ago
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Greetings and a very happy weekend to everyone in our stellar, amazing, fantastic court! There have been some changes in the line up of our court so here are all our latest updates 💜
Due to player choice, inactivity, or other unforseen circumstances please wish farewell and unfollow:
The following roles and faceclaims are now open:
Characters from House Mallery of The Crownlands
Bailey Bass
New members have joined our court! Please give them a warm welcome and follow:
@myrielle-of-goldengrove @robingrafton @ladyjoyhightower
@cassandra-of-baratheon @thefairheiroffairisle @tyshara-the-lioness
The following roles and faceclaims are now taken:
Myrielle Rowan - (Closest younger sister of Lady Regent-Clarice Tyrell and eleventh child overall of Lord Cedric and Lady Selyse Rowan) Robin Grafton - (Eldest son of Lord Jasper and Lady Cissy, the heir to Gulltown) Joy Hightower - (Eldest daughter of Lord Ormund and Lady Sam Hightower)
Cassandra Baratheon (Eldest child of Lord Borros and Lady Elinda, the presumptive-heir of Storm's End) Rodrik Greyjoy-Farman (Eldest child of Lord Dalton Greyjoy and Ruling-Lady Lysa Farman, the heir to Fair Isle) Tyshara Lannister (Second eldest child of Lord Jason and Lady Johanna)
Kaitlyn Dever Kawk Dong-Yeon McKenzie Foy
Natalie Dormer Nicholas Galitzine Pâmela TomÊ
It seems the court has been corrected on its previous perceptions so please take note that:
Lady Cerissa Lannister is on reserve from 11/15 through 11/22 Prince Jaehaerys of Dragonstone is on reserve from 11/15 through 11/22 Lady Cissy Grafton is on reserve from 11/16 through 11/23
The site's Most Wanted page has been updated
Full member list under the cut!
~ With Love, Mod Ivory 💜💜
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@black-queen-rising - Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen @rogueprincedaemontarg - King-Consort Daemon Targaryen @aegontheyoungprince - Prince Aegon III Targaryen @princeviserystargaryen00 - Prince Viserys II Targaryen @thelittleprincesstargaryen - Princess Visenya Targaryen
@alicenthightowerrp - Dowager-Queen Alicent Hightower @goldaegontargaryen - Prince Aegon Targaryen of Dragonstone @helaenasdreamfyres - Princess Helaena Targaryen of Dragonstone @jaeheratargaryen - Princess Jaehaera Targaryen of Dragonstone
@notatargaryenbastard - Crown-Prince Jacaerys Velaryon @moondancer-rp - Princess Baela Targaryen @rhaenaspearls - Princess Rhaena Targaryen @princeluce - Prince Lucerys Velaryon @princejoffreyvelaryon - Prince Joffrey Velaryon
@aemond-one-eyed - Prince Aemond Targaryen @thefallenprincesss - Princess Rhaenya Targaryen @thedaringprince - Prince Daeron Targaryen
@rideroftheredqueen - Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon @lordhusband - Lord Corlys Velaryon @littlevelaryon - Lady Daenaera Velaryon
@ladyjocelynbaratheon - Lady Jocelyn Baratheon-Targaryen @calla-celtigar - Lady Calla Celtigar @sersteffondarklyn - Lord-Commander Steffon Darklyn
@roslinstrong - Lady Roslin Vance @vvilliamvance - Ser William Vance @ladylaceyvance - Lady Lacey Vance @tonameestbelle - Lady Jyanna Vance @ladyvioletvance - Lady Violet Vance
@lord-kermit-of-riverrun - Ser Kermit Tully @lady-of-ladies - Lady Sabitha Frey @oscartullyofriverrun - Ser Oscar Tully @alyofraventree - Lady Alysanne "Aly" Blackwood
@goldenclarice - Lady-Regent Clarice Tyrell @myrielle-of-goldengrove - Lady Myrielle Rowan
@lovelylordlyonel - Lord Lyonel Hightower @stunningladysam - Lady Samantha "Sam" Hightower @ladyjoyhightower - Lady Joy Hightower @garmundhightower - Ser Garmund Hightower @ladyoflongtable - Lady Bethany Merryweather
@thedadkraken - Lord Dalton Greyjoy @cool-aunt-amarys - Lady Amarys Greyjoy @theredripper - Toron Greyjoy
@sirenalannysgreyjoy - Alannys Greyjoy @gysellablacktyde - Gysella Blacktyde @payapreciouspenny - Penny Greyjoy
@rightfvl-lysa - Ruling-Lady Lysa Farman @thefairheiroffairisle - Rodrik Greyjoy-Farman @cerellelannister2 - Lady Cerelle Lannister @tyshara-the-lioness - Lady Tyshara Lannister @josswesterling - Joss Westerling
@cassandra-of-baratheon - Lady Cassandra Baratheon @thecleverestorm - Lady Maris Baratheon @lady-ellyn-of-the-storm - Lady Ellyn Baratheon @thefourthstormfloris - Lady Floris Baratheon
@jonswann - Ser Jon Swann @little-griffin-jocie-connington - Lady Jocelyn "Jocie" Connington
@jeynearrynvale - Lady-Paramount Jeyne Arryn @robingrafton - Ser Robin Grafton @teoragrafton - Lady Teora Grafton
@creganstarkrp - Lord Cregan Stark @lyarra-of-house-stark -Lady Lyarra Stark @benjen-mormont - Benjen Mormont @lady-of-knives - Lady Berena Bolton
@torrhen-manderly - Torrhen Manderly @manderlypearl - Lady Erena Manderly
@theprincessofd0rne - Ruling-Princess Aliandra Martell @mahiraofdorne - Ruling-Lady Mahira Dayne
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