#A hug to all my versions in the multiverse
k-martins · 11 months
Just a daydream, but… If the multiverse theory is real, it means that in some universe each of my fanfics is canon. Each of the works I read, each of the fanarts I saved, is canonical. What I mean is that, even that stupid idea you have festering in your head or hidden in drafts, somewhere that story is canonical and loved by everyone. So it's kind of your responsibility to bring her into our universe :) That's a kind of happy thought.
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sdr2lovemail · 7 months
Hi there!
I finally got around to request something for Bill ^⁠_⁠^
Could I get some Bill Cipher x reader headcanons during weirdmageddon? How would it look like being by his side as his s/o? I love this yellow triangle so much-
Have a nice day / night! <3
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Being Bill Cipher's partner during Weirdmageddon! (GN Reader)
Notes: I'm surprised in all my time of being in the gravity falls fandom I've never written anything for it. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Unhealthy relationships
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It’s all reliant on if we’re talking about canon Bill or a more fanon version where he’s capable of love. So I’ll write both!
Canon Bill would keep you around more as a plaything than a partner. A trophy, if you will. He’s taken over the world, the Pines were out of his hair, and all he needed now was a prize! And that little prize would be you! 
He will poke, push, and prod every one of your buttons until you give him a reaction. Getting angry towards him won’t do anything for you. It’ll just bring him to provoke you more.
Bill would give his henchmaniacs free rein to torment you as long as no fatal harm comes to your body.
Any privacy you thought you had is nonexistent. There are eyes everywhere. Literally!
Now, there’s another side I could imagine. It's a side that’s nicer but still nowhere near friendly. If you were a possible disciple of his, wanting to help him start the end of the world, you’d be treated slightly better. 
You’d be more like a servant than a trophy. He would give you more freedom in a way. Like sending you to do tasks that he can’t be bothered to do.
“Hey, disciple. Go run to the never ending forest dimension and send Mother Nature a message. She still owes me something.” There wouldn’t even be time for you to respond before he whisks you away with a snap of his fingers.
Now, moving on to a more romantic version of Bill!
Having been betrothed to the strongest being in the universe, you’ll be absolutely spoiled. Anything across the multiverse is yours. Bill can make it happen!
While he doesn’t need to sleep, he’ll set up a room just for you in the Fearamid. Ever seen a triangle-shaped bed? Well, now you have! The room would be decorated in the gaudiest decorations a demon could think of. I hope you like the color gold, you’ll be seeing it in your nightmares. The room would be soundproof as well. The party isn’t stopping just because Bill’s human needs some rest.
Affection with Bill won’t be typical by human standards. Rather than hugs and gentle touches, he’s a lot more aggressive. Punches on the arm, slaps on the back, and heavy-handed head rubs are more his style. But maybe if you beg, he’ll let you kiss one of his surfaces.
Trips to another dimension are always a fun date idea! You’ll be introduced to species and lands beyond your mortal comprehension. See anything you like here, go ahead and take it back to the Fearamid. What you want is yours to take!
Bill likes to go all out and party. He’s throwing the biggest and most chaotic wedding you’ll ever attend. Any guest that doesn’t bring a nice enough gift is either getting thrown into the worst dimension possible or turned to stone.
Good luck taking that ring off your finger, you’re bound to him for all of eternity!
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sun-snatcher · 1 month
Wish. If u give me a Part 2 of your Gambit fic with ❛ we'll just have to make do.  ❜ where they both make it out of the Void together I will kiss u on the mouth rn I PROMISE u. Or a hug. Whichever works. PLS I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM🙏🏼😫
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summ. The TVA extends an olive branch. Wade’s Universe becomes home. Above all, you’re just thankful you’re not alone in this Multiversal mess. pairing. Void!Gambit x f!Anomaly!reader (established in #WELUCKYFEW) w.count. 1.6k a/n. Shirtless Channing + romantic hand tension. That's it. That's the tweet. ( Continuation of this imagine! )
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That’s the first surprise.
The second? 
The Time Variance Authority want to help, now. 
( Granted, it’d mostly been Wade who did the gruntwork of sending Elektra and Blade back to their Universes, but he had hit a wall when it came to you and Gambit considering you two were— according to him: “A coked up version of being homeless. Universe-less.” )
So here you are, a stray of the Multiverse, standing on the platform of a mid-century aestheticised monitor room somewhere outside the constraints of time, trying not to double over from the vertiginous aftermath of being thrown through Wade’s weird orange warbling door of space. 
TemPad, he’d called the device. Or… something. You’re half-sure you have a concussion, to be honest.
Alioth had done a number on you. 
Remy’s concerned.
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Wade says, mask rolled up to his nose. (There’s a spoon and plate of key lime pie in his hands. You’re not even sure where he got it from.) “Where did Gambit come from? How come he just spawned into the MCU’s metaphysical Backrooms?”
“Candidly, he is a unique case.” 
Remy pulls his gaze from you to Hunter B-15.
“You, Mr. LeBeau, are the prime example of a Variant that’s borne from a timeline decaying just as quickly as it was formed. A rare type that fades instantly without unnatural interference, because an Anchor failed to develop.”
One of the CRT screens zip to a retro rubber-hose animated diagram: rapidly branching roots, ominous red flashing, and then an immediate blink into nothing. Talk about dramatic effect.
“Your Universe falls in the rare category of those that never managed to come into fruition; but sometimes— incredibly rarely— remnants just like you manage to slip through, and instead of ceasing to exist… Well, you automatically end up getting spit into the Void.”
A pause.
Then, from behind, Wade bursts into a cackle.
“Ha! Wow, she basically called you a discontinued fucking nobody,” he wheezes. “You’re quite literally the equivalent of a failed movie pitch that’s been forgotten on the floor of Feige’s writers’ room.”
Screens flicker. 
Your breath hitches. 
Versions of different Gambit’s play out in the monitor-wall, all alike and yet different in their individual realities. Some have black eyes. Some have top-hats (“Ah, that’s 2009 Origins,” Wade muses. “Do all Variants of you just have a beautiful face? I mean, it’s kinda unfair—”). 
Some look like identical copies.
It’s… your timeline. 
Your friends in the Mutant war. Your Remy whose cards are scattered on the floor, blood in his hands, with you crumbling as you reach ou—
The Nine of Hearts in your pocket is impossibly heavy. You turn away to steel yourself. 
( “Yeah, okay, enough lore recap. Jesus, you guys are more of a dick than I am; Read the room and turn that shit off,” Wade chides a passing agent. He gets it. He’d lost Vanessa once, too, and he’s not quite sure even he can relive that pain. )
“Mais non, y’not makin’ no sense t’me,” Remy says, confused, “I’ve got memories; means I’ve got history jus’ like my Variants. How y’gon’ explain that?”
“Gaps of memories you have— knowledge of places, people, events— that comes from fixed synchronicities shared in your Temporal Aura across all your Multiversal Variants.” 
She’s met with slow, owlish blinks. Wade waves his hand in lazy dismissal.
“Forgive them. They didn’t watch Loki Season One or Two. Not that it matters, anyway. People barely understood what was going on.”
A sigh. “There’s no way to put this gently, Mr LeBeau,” B-15 concludes, tone dipping into something sympathetic. “But what I’m trying to say is that: you don’t have a Universe to go back to, because it never existed.”
She purses her lips as she catches his torn gaze. “I’m sorry.”
And that— That pisses you off.
“I’m… sorry?” you parrot, stepping forward. “That’s all you can say after everything that’s happened to us? His existence began with the Void, and my Universe was pruned by your agents. Innocent lives gone because your people decided they wanted to play God once upon a damn time—!” 
“Pump the hate breaks, you stray,” Wade calls. "Why'd you think I brought the both of you here?"
You reluctantly withdraw.
“I can’t bring you home,” B-15 supplies, matter-of-fact. “But I can find a compatible timeline for you. For both of you. A safe do-over, if you will.”
Wade’s smile is coy.
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The ‘Merc with a mouth’ has a home surprisingly… cozy.
Albeit a little tumbledown and messy with its wallpaper-torn brick walls and creaking hardwood floors— but, it’s charming. Lived in. He has a life here in this rickety two-bedroom apartment; framed photographs of friends and snatches of livelihood sit across dressers and are pasted against his magnet-crowded refrigerator.
Reminds you abit of your home, too.
“Listen,” chirps Wade’s voice, somewhere down the short hall to his room. “My advice? Save yourself the identity crisis and brain aneurysm. All this multiversal horse-crap was created just so that Marvel can write themselves out of any corner. Just sit there and be sexy for the readers, okay, Magic Mike?”
You’re halfway towards them when the doorbell rings. 
“Ooh! That must be the pizza I ordered. Or Blind Al. Or Logan.” Wade pops out to sidle past you with a wink and a whispered: “Who knows, really? This is just the part of the story where I conveniently disappear so you and Cajun Tatum here can share a moment.”
You don’t quite understand— but you’ve learned to not bother attempting when it comes to him.
Your knock is soft against the doorframe. 
Beside a lone corner of the bed, Remy turns to look over his shoulder. 
He’s fresh out the shower— faded towel tied around his waist, brown hair still damp and dripping water down his bare chest. His old clothes have been draped over a desk chair. 
You try not to stare, but—
He’s handsome. Devilishly so, with the bruises sweeping across the flex of all his stupidly lean, corded muscles.
You always had a thing for roguish-looking men.
“Hi,” he says, knowingly. ( It’s a dulcet croon, if anything. Cheeky bastard. ) “Y’okay? Got y’self cleaned up.”
Remy watches you gather yourself with a quick clear of your throat, pull at the sleeves of the scratchy hoodie you’re now wearing that’s practically swallowing you whole. 
You look rested. At ease. 
“Yeah. Showered. We don’t smell like ass anymore, that’s for sure,” you say, making a face.
And then you’re nodding over to the black-and-blue contusions blooming over his skin. “You know, I’m sure there’s something frozen in the icebox for that.”
You smile. “Yeah, that’s what you guys call it in Louisiana, right?”
“That we do, chèr,” he laughs. But it’s ducked down, quiet. Thin. “ ‘Least, I think so.”
You follow his downcast eyes to a small stack of folders— TVA files he easily thieved (unsurprisingly) from under their noses the moment he stepped foot into the room. 
He’d skimmed the manila dossiers: Absolute Points. Anchor Beings. Variant Anomalies. Some names he’d recognised and some he didn’t, most stamped or blacklisted. 
Pietro Maximoff. Edward Brock. Loki Laufeyson. 
Remy LeBeau.
Some part of you crumples. It’s one thing to not be able to return to a Universe, and another to not have even had one. 
“S’funny,” he chuckles dryly, picking his casefile up with a distant look, “My memories… I thought I’d done gon’ left a whole life behind me the entire time I been stuck in the Void— Friends. Family. An’ turns out the Void’s all I had.”
“Feels like…” he shrugs. Tries to piece his unmoored thoughts into something more cohesive. He’s never felt so horrifically adrift his entire life— whatever ‘entire life’ could mean for him now, anyway— not even when he'd been marooned in the barren wastelands of the Void.
 “Feels like I ain’t real. Hell, I don’t know what is real, anymore, chèr. I don’t— I just don’t know. I don't know anythin'."
You shake your head in disagreement nigh instantly. 
“No, no.” Pushing off the doorway, you cross the threshold with gentle admonishment lanced over your features. “You’re here. You are real.” 
The room is small. The distance you share is… close. Just enough that you catch the scent of peppermint toothpaste and coconut shampoo; Just enough that you can slide the documents out of his hands.
His fingers brush against yours. 
He wonders if you’d felt the kinetic trill of energy run through him at the contact.
“Can I be honest, Remy?”
You look up at him. 
“Mais oui, chèr. Y’can always be honest wit’ Gambit.”
You wave your hand at the TVA files. “I’m scared as shit being in a new Universe,” you blurt, truthfully. “This second chance means… a new life. New path. New everything. I don’t know what that’s like either and frankly, I am not prepared for this at all.”
You pause for a breath. “But for what it’s worth? I’m glad that you’re here. That’s… That’s about the only thing that I know.”
Then, as if dwarfed by the sheer vulnerability in your words, you take an awkward step back as you shrug. “And if you don’t feel the same, well. You and I, we’ll just have to make do, regardless.”
The sudden retreat is painfully endearing. Has him letting out a bright laugh that warms something nestled deep in your ribs.
“I’m glad I got you too, chèr,” he grins. 
“Yeah?” You flash a smile, having found your way back to the door.
Remy’s eyes fall to your face— tarrying. He follows the flutter of your lashes, the slope of your cheek, the curl of your lips. 
Your idling, fond gaze sears him like a low-grade fever. 
The thrum buzzes in hands, again.
Your Gambit really was blind, he thinks, just as you slip away and disappear around the corner.
His palm flexes open, and shut.
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improbable-outset · 5 months
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📄 𝐈’𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
↳📄 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈: 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟎𝟎𝟒 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚
{{Part 1}}
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.8k
𝐀𝐎𝟑 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 | 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Angst, Pre-break up argument flashbacks, both you and Miguel being pretty hostile to each other lol, pregnancy scare, established relationship with your new man that Miguel hates :(
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s been over a year since you split up, but unfortunately for Miguel, things are still taking a toll. Even after going your separate ways, you still have to see each other everyday and it was affecting his performance. Meanwhile, your dual life as a loyal lover and as Spider-Woman is putting a lingering strain on your new relationship. The ripple effect of your breakup is coming back to bite you in the ass in the most unexpected way possible.
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1 year ago…
It felt like you had been going back and forth for hours but it had only been less than 30 minutes. It might be because you have been holding this grudge for so long and you were finally voicing it out to him.
Though, your argument has been going around in circles with no conclusion or resolution to be found. The room echoed with your voices along with the subtle hum of the monitors around you.
“None of this matters. It never did, it doesn’t matter what we feel and what he want,” Miguel said, back was facing you as he spoke, not fully engaged in the conversation or paying full attention to you right now. This argument seemed to serve no importance to him.
“Are you saying that our relationship means nothing to you,” you quipped.
He sighed, seemingly exhausted from hearing the same thing over and over again. “What I’m saying is…it’s a distraction that I can’t afford to have,” he glanced over at you before his gaze fell back on the monitors— reluctant to maintain eye contact with you. “You are a liability,”
“Liability?!” Your voice almost came out as a screech.
“Yes, a liability. I can’t get comfortable when the responsibility of the multiverse is on my shoulders, I can’t let my guard down…and our relationship is only getting in the way,”
“We’re supposed to make each other be the best version of ourselves, with or without the multiverse. Not be cooped up in one room all day,”
“Right, I keep forgetting that you’re incapable of understanding the magnitude of the situation. This requires undivided attention and I need to keep my head in the game. Not…this. Us,” He snapped back. The last word came out as a snarl, like it was venomous.
At one point in your relationship, hearing that word made you feel like you had a special connection you both shared.
Now the word lost its meaning and it felt heavy, like being with you felt like a chore.
“Why did you agree to this relationship if this is all you’re gonna do,”
“That was a mistake, a lapse of judgment in my part for believing this would be a good idea,”
It was hard to believe that this was the same man that opened up to you about his insecurities and leaned on you for emotional support.
He always made you feel reliable, but now given the situation you were in, it was all fickle. All those special moments were thrown back in your face.
Was it all just a rose-tinted illusion just to make you believe that he did value you and your relationship?
“You can’t just leave HQ just for one night?” You left the question hanging even if you already knew the answer. His lack of response was enough to speak volume anyways.
Your line of sight landed on one of the footage of him and Gabriella after her soccer practice. You watched as it displayed Miguel picking up Gabriella, a huge grin flashed on his face, before giving her a hug.
It was hard to believe Miguel even harbored that paternal instinct in him when all you’ve witnessed was his stoic attitude. Even if he did display his vulnerability, it was rare and those moments felt like catching smoke with your bare hands.
After a long moment of silence, you finally remarked, “I don’t think watching Gabriella’s file is healthy,”
There was a micro shift in his demeanor that was so subtle, but you still managed to pick it up. His muscles tenses like he had just been pricked by a thorn.
“Don’t even think about bringing her up,” his voice came out cold and sinister, a warning to prevent you from going deeper. “You don’t know the whole story”
“I know enough,” That was enough for him to finally turn around to look at you, unleashing his inferno of fury in full glory.
“No, you don’t! You don’t know anything about her. You’ve read her reports. You’ve seen the surveillance videos. But that isn’t the whole story,”
“Maybe not but I know it’s the main reason why you’re so driven by guilt, you can barely see what’s in front of you,”
“Oh I see everything that’s in front of me. Everything that matters," he scoffed before continuing on,"I’m doing what I have to do, and here you have the gall to get upset over me not paying attention to you?”
At that moment, your mind reeled back to the night you were experiencing a panic attack because you had a pregnancy scare. You still vividly remembered the taste of bile climbing into your throat from the fear.
It didn’t help that you were alone in that situation. You were in the HQ bathroom because you thought it would be easier for Miguel to be there for you if you were in his dimension, but you were only met with disappointment when he was on another mission.
You remembered gripping onto the pregnancy test tightly, you felt the sweat from your palms while struggling to breathe. For a long while, you were reluctant to take the test, too anxious to see the results.
Thankfully, the test came out negative. The relief that followed was like cool water over your heated body. You didn’t want to imagine how things would’ve unfolded if it was positive— more importantly, you didn’t want to see Miguel’s reaction if you were pregnant with his child.
“I’m not talking about me anymore, I’m talking about a bigger picture,”
By bigger picture, you were talking about the far future and what potential it could hold. Despite being aware of the importance of keeping the Multiverse in balance, you still wanted Miguel to have a fulfilling life— one that wasn’t so heavily influenced by the Spider Society.
But that was practically impossible if he kept himself in his office. It was counterproductive when it came to healing from his grief and guilt by replaying Gabriella’s footage over and over again.
Surely this was going to take a toll soon and you didn’t want to witness him tearing himself apart and let his guilt dictate his life.
“There is no bigger picture than this. This is the picture,” He gestured at the monitors behind him. “This is where my attention should be, everything else is secondary.”
“I’m starting to feel like you’re having tunnel vision,”
“Tunnel vision?!” His voice escalated in pitch and came out harsh, like blade cutting through the mounted tension in the room. “I’m the one who sees more than you ever will!”
His words, even if they were hurtful to hear, were starting to have some weight on them and it made your arguments pale in comparison.
Everything you said seemed to be thrown right back at you in the most ruthless way and you were starting to feel like this was getting pointless.
There’s nothing you could say that could change his mind and you were beginning to accept that.
“You know what, you’re right. It’s not like you’ll ever share with me what you see,” It was time to throw in the towel, this was not going anywhere now.
“What do you mean?”
“That’s not important. But like you said, I’m a liability and in your way so I’ll see myself out,” Your turned your heels and hopped off the platform before you made your way to the exit. “This relationship was a waste of time and effort,”
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It was past noon when you heard a soft knock on your door. With a frown, you swung open your door to see that it was Albie in his usual work attire.
“Hey…uhm shouldn’t you be at work?” You asked, surprise evident in your tone.
“I’m on my lunch break,” he replied, holding up a plastic bag and mirroring your smile.
“But you always have lunch in your office,” Even if you were happy to see him during work hours, this change in his routine wasn’t like him. But what added to your confusion was the newfound sparkle in his eyes as he spoke.
“I know but I wanted to see you. Plus, I went to the bodega and picked up your favourites,” It was an odd change seeing him come over to your place to eat. You knew he preferred having his lunch at work so he could maintain the professional atmosphere without any distractions.
Nevertheless, you stepped aside to let him in. You both padded to the living room and he placed the bag on the coffee table. Albie always took pride in his looks, keeping his hair well-groomed that went hand in hand with his sharp attire. The early afternoon sunlight casted over the room through the balcony doors, giving a warm glow.
You couldn’t help but pick up the slight energy in his step as he walked and the grin that was plastered on his face, despite the long hours he spent at work. You watched him take out your sandwich and handed it to you.
The familiar aroma of fresh bread and deli meat immediately overwhelmed you and reminded you how hungry you were. You took the first bite and was immediately filled with the cocktail of flavours and spices from the meat.
“You seem excited,” you pointed out before you took another bite from the sandwich. You haven’t seen him look this ecstatic since the night you confessed that you loved him back.
He rubbed his neck, trying to conceal his enthusiasm. “Heh, am I that obvious?”
You nodded. “Like reading a book. Is there something you want to share?”
He put his hands up in mocking surrender before he said “Okay, okay you got me. Yes, I do have some pretty exciting news. That’s why I came to see you,”
You arched your brow mid-chewing and listening attentively to what he had to say. His lips twitched up, enjoying the suspense of the moment.
“Do you remember how I’ve been working on that project with the major corporation for the past few months?” He asked.
You nodded, still remembering the long hours and the late night calls he got. Albie worked as a cyber security consultant for a reputable firm. He specialised in helping organisations protect their systems and data from cyber threats.
Albie was good at what he did and you can tell he took pride in his work. He would always share news about his career and keep you in the loop as much as possible.
His wide grin from earlier returned as he continued. “Well it’s still in the working progress and so far things are looking pretty promising. But once this project is completed, there’s been talk about a potential promotion. A senior consultant role,”
Your brows raise in pleasant surprise as you were taking in everything he was saying.
“That’s amazing!” You exclaimed, you found yourself leaning forward, eager to hear more.
“Thank you, babe. I’m not there yet but I’m hopeful. There are a lot of perks to this promotion like the salary increase which will give us a stability for a better future, but there’s something else too,”
“What’s that?”
“Well one of the benefit packages comes with a Health and Wellness program which include gym memberships. If I get this promotion, I thought we could maybe start hitting the gyms together after work and make it our thing,”
The moisture in your mouth instantly dried as you tried to swallow another mouthful of your sandwich. Ever since you’ve joined the Spider Society, you’ve only been using the gym back in HQ rather than in your dimension.
You still remember the day Miguel gave you a tour of the gym and how he managed to convince you to use it regularly instead of the gyms back at home because they were not catered for spider people like you.
You knew he just said that just so you would work out with him. But now, you would go there alone and you would much prefer it that way. It felt more comfortable being surrounded by people like you.
But you couldn’t tell Albie that. He wasn’t aware about your secret identity as Spidera-Woman and it should be kept that way. You managed to mask your internal conflict with an encouraging smile.
“Yeah definitely, I just need to check my schedule to see if I can make time fit.” You said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as you could and match his high spirit. You didn’t want to ruin his happiness by being doubtful, this was a huge opportunity for him.
“Great. We can even try out some of the gym fitness classes they offer too. At least then we can spend more time together.” He went on, rambling. It made your stomach flutter knowing that he really wanted to share the benefits with you. “This will be amazing,”
“Yeah…let’s not get too ahead of ourselves though. You still haven’t got the promotion yet,” you tried to reason with him before he made any unattainable plans.
Albie had the tendency to be overly hopeful about things and as much as you appreciated his enthusiasm and his support, he can go overboard without realising it.
“You’re right, speaking of which I’m gonna have to leave for 1. How’s the sandwich?”
You swallowed the mouthful before you answered, “Perfect,”
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Later in the evening, you were alone again in your living room. The only source of light came from the screen in front of you, casting a soft glow that illuminated the room.
The only noise that could be heard was the TV in the background. Otherwise, the apartment was quiet enough to hear the low bliss of the traffic outside. Even if you didn’t have company for the night, it was still peaceful.
Amidst the serenity, you couldn’t help but subconsciously reminisce about the stark difference between your evenings with Albie compared to those spent with Miguel.
When he was not working a late shift, nights with Albie would be filled with tranquility and quality moments together. You would often find yourself curled up on the couch while nestled onto his chest.
A stark contrast to the time spent with Miguel, where moments together were rare occurrences. His duties as Spider-man and leader of the Spider Society left little room for personal connections. The fact that he was not from your home dimension added another layer of complexity to your relationship. You’d be lucky if he even left his own dimension just to be with you.
But, you didn’t want to mull over it and open the door to any unnecessary longing of ‘what could’ve been’ and ‘what if’s’ tonight. You had Albie now and every moment left like a treasure trove of warmth and comfort.
Your dinner that you made fresh was sitting on the coffee table in front of you, waiting to be eaten. Just as you were about to pick up your plate to start on your food, you heard a sharp whisper in your ear that sent a chill down your spine.
You flinched.
That was not something you wanted to hear when you were home alone. You quickly cupped your ear instinctively before you saw a marigold hologram glitch in front of you that was followed by Lyla’s figure.
“Hey girl,” she greeted, fluttering her fingers in a wave.
“Lyla—! Jeez don’t scare me like that,” You exclaimed before signing in both relief and annoyance.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt your night with a grand entrance,” You didn’t want to admit that she already did just that. She glitched around you, disappearing and reappearing in different directions around you as she spoke. “By the way, Miguel needs you back in HQ,”
“Right now? Can’t he get someone else? I’m supposed to be on my day off,” you protested.
“Actually your days off are on Mondays and Thursdays,” she reminded you. You quickly glanced at your calendar and saw that she was right. You sighed again. So much for enjoying the evening to yourself.
“Alright…tell him I’ll be there in 10,”
“Copy that,” she saluted before she glitched away, leaving alone with the food in front of you.
You watch the steam waltz into the air from your hot meal, almost teasing you. It wouldn’t taste the same when you reheat it in the microwave. Yet, a part of you was glad that you didn’t start eating yet. Dimension traveling on a full stomach always ended in motion sickness.
You took the plate and made your way to the kitchen and covered it with a foil sheet. You then headed to your room to change into your suit and tapped on your watch, activating a colourful whirlwind portal for you to step into.
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Hold onto Albie for me 🥹🤞🏼 he’s a stable man (for now)
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @femaholicc @keepitreal001 @risararelywrites @jadeloverxd @cl3stevu
@scaleniusrm @smartyren @homewreckingwreck @indecisive-capricorn @toyfortoji
Lmk if you wanna be tagged for this series (i didn’t know who to tag here so I tagged whoever commented on part 1)
Part 3…data loading ⏳
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exhaslo · 4 months
Hello~~! I saw your request open, this is my first time trying to request a fic, I thank you in advance and apologize if some sentences of my request might confuse you👉👈🥺 Miguel has a girlfriend who's mischievous and playful, but she always charms him (she knows he's Spidey). One day, he comes home to this thing on his bed.
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He felt good that his beautiful girlfriend bought it. It made him feel that she always wanted to be with him. But when it was time to sleep, she slept with her back to him and would hug that Spidey doll even though he was sleeping next to her! He optimistically thought that she was just a fan of something new, so he hugged her from behind. Over a week later she was still hugging it so he asked her to turn around and hug him. She laughed softly and they hugged each other but 2 minutes later she hugged the doll again. Later, Miguel wanted to have an intimate moment while they were having sex. She hugged the doll, burying her face and sweet moans. He threw the doll away with force. When they're done, Miguel might complain to her about the doll, but in the end she'll reveal that she just wanted to tease him and that her apologies won't stop him from being angry at her. However, the next day she couldn't find the Spidey doll.
This is the picture that gave me this idea.
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Thank you again🥹
So, I actually have that Miguel doll. I ordered it on Amazon, and it's really goofy, not like the pic at all....But It's Miguel so I love it.
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, jealously, slight teasing
The doll.
Miguel had grumbled to himself all day and night as he watched you nuzzle and sleep against the doll that looked like him. Everything seemed harmless at first. It was adorable how you got a doll of his Spider persona to have.
Hell, Miguel got a rise out of it.
But now it was going too far. It had been a week since you bought the doll and Miguel grew tired of seeing your back. He wanted to see your face at night. He wanted to be the one who hold you. He wanted you to nuzzle him and not the doll!
After another long day of saving the multiverse, Miguel entered his home to find you cooking dinner. A smile formed against his lips as he webbed your shirt, pulling you into his embrace. You laughed and gave Miguel a hug.
"Welcome home," You cooed. Miguel kissed your neck,
"How has my lovely wife been?"
"Great. Go shower, I'll set dinner on the table." You pecked his lips before returning to the kitchen.
Miguel hummed as he hurried in the shower to eat beside you. Dinner was quick and the two of you finally had some private time. Miguel watched you with hungry eyes as you made your way to the bedroom.
"(Y/n)" Miguel called out, entering the room.
"Care to join me?" You asked, wearing your sexy pajamas, aka Miguel's shirt, while holding the doll.
Miguel felt his eye twitch as he watched the small doll pressed against your chest. Your smile as radiant as before as you crawled into the bed, snuggling into the miniature version of him. Miguel inhaled deeply as he tried to ignore it,
"Isn't it a little early for bed?"
"Perchance. I'm just going to take a small nap." You chirped. Miguel glanced at the time,
"A nap?" He chuckled lowly, crawling over you, "I can think of something else to pass the time."
"Awe, but I'm tired, Miggy."
Miguel inhaled sharply as you called him by his nickname. You always knew how to get a rise out of him. As Miguel went to kiss you, he was met with the doll. A low growl escaped his lips as he moved your hands down along with the doll to kiss you.
Why was this doll always in the way. Miguel grew slightly aggravated as he left kisses all over your neck. Your clothes were quick to remove as Miguel had to work around the fucking doll.
"Mpm~" You moaned sweetly.
Miguel felt his eye twitch as you started to muffle your moans into the doll. His temper slowly growing as he grew more rough with his kisses and bites. Marks being left in ever part of your body as Miguel grew jealous of an inanimate object.
It was hard for Miguel to see your face. He loved the way your eyes glossed over as you moaned to each of his movements. His touch sending you to cloud nine always made Miguel feel proud, but now? Miguel couldn't see that look he loved so much.
"Aye, amor, let go of the doll," Miguel hissed as his fingers started to pump inside you while his thumb played with your clit.
You were arching your back and moaning to his touch. Your body growing hotter and wetter as Miguel toyed with you. Pressing the cute Spider-Man doll to your face, you cried out your moans inside of it.
"I wanna see your face," Miguel grunted.
Miguel withheld a hiss as you cam against his fingers. With a quick lick, Miguel positioned himself in front of you. If you were going to pay more attention to the doll than him, then Miguel had no reason to let you go easy.
"Ah~ Hah~ M-Miggy~" You whined, squirming slightly.
"Que? (What?) Thought you cared more bout the doll than me." Miguel grumbled as his cock cozied up inside your gummy walls, "I wonder who you think your husband is."
"Hehe," You muttered, glancing at Miguel slightly, "Are you...mhpm~ j-jealous?"
Miguel clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he kept thrusting roughly inside you. Not giving you time to ask him that question again. All Miguel wanted to hear were your sweet moans for him and only him.
"Mhm~ Miguel~~" You cried out into the doll.
Unable to stand it much longer, Miguel snatched the doll and tossed it across the room. His hands back on your waist as he slapped into your poor cunt without remorse. The sloppy wet sounds of both of your bodies filling the room.
Your moans grew louder as Miguel webbed your hands to the bed frame. His attention solely on you. Those tears in your eyes that begged for more; begged for him to make a mess out of you. Ah, that was the look Miguel missed.
"There's my girl," Miguel said with a low groan as he placed you in mating position, "Keep your eyes on me,"
"Hn~ Mhm~"
Miguel captured your lips in a kiss as you felt your core burn hotter. Your cunt squeezing against Miguel's cock, begging for him to paint your walls white.
You knew teasing him was going to get you punished, but you were loving it. Crying out as you cam once more, you tried to form words to have Miguel slow down. Tried. You couldn't focus on anything aside from Miguel's dick bullying you.
"Doll can't do this, can it?" Miguel said with a low chuckle as he bottomed out inside you.
"N-No~" You cooed, panting heavily from the intense fuck.
"Awe, is my baby tired? Well, I'm not done teaching you a lesson. My beautiful wife can handle it, right?"
"Mhm~" You titled your head, whimpering lowly as Miguel's thrusts began once more, "Yesh~ Yesh~"
"Good girl,"
"You did all that....just to make me jealous?" Miguel questioned with a low grunt. You just giggled against his chest,
"It worked, right?"
"Tch," Miguel refused to answer as he held you in his arms in the bath, "You're not allowed to get another one."
"Anot-" You turned your head to find your doll ripped to shreds, "Miguel! I paid for that to be custom made!!"
"I'll make it up to you."
"By getting me another doll?" You asked with a whine. Miguel gave you a playful glare,
"The only way you're getting another doll is when we have a baby."
You felt your cheeks burn red as Miguel smirked towards you. Unable to hide your pout, you rested your head against Miguel's chest.
"Then we better make one soon."
"You and that damn doll,"
Hope you enjoyed~
Now writing this makes me wanna reorganize my Miguel shelf~
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leclercloml · 1 year
Enchanted to meet you | CL16
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Part 1
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x singer!reader
Summary: after your relationship almost became very obvious you did a hard launch and obviously because everyone's favourite couple (little plot twist at the end)
Genre: SMAU
warnings: google translated french, grammar mistakes, incorrect time line to match the story line
Author's note; as I said before I'm still new to this and will probably do a part 3 🫶🏻
fc: Gracie Abrams
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📍camp nou
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 56,72,362 others
yourinstagram visca barça and forza ferrari till I die 💙❤️
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carlossainz55 hala madrid 🤍💛💪🏼!
⤷yourinstagram have fun in my block list 😙👋
username mother is a football fan!!
fcbarcelona hope you enjoyed 💙❤️
⤷yourinstagram it's a childhood dream come true, Visca el BARÇA 💙❤️
scuderiaferrari red (y/n version)
⤷yourinstagram the only W you guys taking this year
⤷username lmaaao tell em queen
pablogavi cantante favorito ❤️ (favourite singer)
⤷yourinstagram gracias gavira 🤍
⤷username MY multiverse of madness
⤷username ship ship ship
⤷username GIRL STFU she can have friends plus she have a boyfriend
landonorris istg I'm tired of yours and Carlos's very own el clasico it's so annoying
⤷yourinstagram ikr it's so annoying like what's the point barca is clearly better
⤷carlossainz55 🧢🧢🧢 14>>5
⤷yourinstagram argue with me when your team wins a treble.
⤷alex_albon what have you done
📍 camp nou
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liked by yourinstagram, carlossainz55 and 43,86,529 others
charles_leclerc what a match, força barça 💙❤️
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carlossainz55 the betrayal is insane...
⤷yourinstagram nah he just have ball knowledge
username you all Y/N is literally the biggest barca fan ever
⤷username they went together no one can tell me otherwise
⤷username no shit Sherlock
username are they trying to soft launch? 💀
⤷username shhhh let them have their fun
maxverstappen1 barca 🔛🔝
⤷yourinstagram only a true champion can recognise the another champion 🐐
⤷carlossainz55 i have won a gp...
⤷username we already have our iconic duo y'all
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liked by charles_leclerc , lilymhe and 45,265,236 others
yourinstagram soft launch is overrated anyways
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charles_leclerc ma belle fille ❤️💙🧡💚🍀💕
⤷yourinstagram my beautiful boy ❤️🩵🩷
landonorris there are kids on this app
⤷charles_leclerc yeah...like you.
⤷carlossainz55 Lando go to sleep it's past your bedtime
⤷alex_albon I'm reporting your id only 13+ are allowed on this app
⤷landonorris blocked ALL OF YOU
⤷username this is already soooo fun 😭😭
charles_leclerc I was enchanté to meet you
⤷yourinstagram is it mother tay or danny ric reference?
⤷charles_leclerc whatever helps you sleep at night 😙☝🏼
⤷yourinstagram so mother tay it is.
⤷danielricciardo I'm deeply offended.
⤷yourinstagram you're still my fav tho (after Seb)
⤷danielricciardo okay I'll let it slide this time
username the comments from the drivers are just 😭😭☝🏼☝🏼
charles_leclerc Mon amour, ma vie, mon tout 💙 (my love, my life, my everything)
⤷yourinstagram I don't speak french but je t'aime à la folie (I love you to the moon and back)
⤷username the highway looking extra cozy today
charles_leclerc the girl on second slide single?
⤷yourusername nah she have a boyfriend who snores while he sleeps and burn the pot while cooking his iconic pasta pesto
⤷carlossainz55 you do.
⤷pierregasly you do.
⤷alex_albon you do.
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liked by yourinstagram, sabrinacarpenter and 34,562,361 others
charles_leclerc Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close. 🌊💙
view comments
yourinstagram sway me more 🩷
⤷carlossainz55 tf?
⤷yourinstagram it's a lyrics to song estúpido
⤷landonorris what else can you expect from a guy who says "mAriAh cAreY"
⤷carlossainz55 in Spain it's Maria Carey!
⤷username carlos, lando and y/n a trio we didn't know we needed.
⤷username nah because y/n and Lando just bully carlos and it's hilarious 😭
yourinstagram my beautiful beautiful boy ❤️
⤷charles_leclerc yours only 🩷🩷
⤷landonorris you both make me wanna unalive myself
⤷username "unalive" lmaaoo 😭😭
yourinstagram I told the stars about you ☝🏼
⤷charles_leclerc yeah? What did they say?
⤷yourinstagram it's a secret.
lilymhe my girl is so beautiful
⤷yourinstagram my lady is more beautiful
⤷lilymhe nahh you are.
⤷yourinstagram nahh you.
⤷landonorris neither of you is, I am.
⤷username HELP
Username i love them your honour.
yourinstagram just in case you foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you 🩵.
⤷charles_leclerc just in case you foolishly forget; you're all mine and I'm not sharing you (yeah not even to Lily or Kika)
⤷lilymhe am I the only one who smells.... jealousy?
⤷francisca.cgomes me too girl, me too.
⤷username my fav wags uniting.
username IT couple.
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PS: ahhh I just wanted to make a plot twist 😭 I'll do a part 3 as soon as I can!
part 3!!
Tag: @justdreamersdream
743 notes · View notes
necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
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@profandomhopper i was going to reblog the original post this comment was left on but i felt it divorced itself from the original topic so much, you get your own post for giving me delightful permission to ramble about this. buckle in people this is long.
so, DC is a big fandom that expanses a lot of different types of content, and like anything, is subject to crossovers. the obvious ones like Marvel are for the reason of being a similar and equally popular superhero world, so it's easy to transpose the worlds onto each other and overlap the characters. both of these worlds deal with multiverses and endless, endless heroes. it makes sense and there's no real stretch to think Batman and Spider-Man could co-exist. i mean, there have been canon crossover comics. and even some more random crossovers like White Collar have pretty easy to trace origins, being an actor in WC was a popular Dick fancast back in the day so there was some bleeding over that led to a well-loved niche crossover space.
but Danny Phantom and Miraculous Ladybug are where it gets interesting. because at a surface, MLB sort of makes sense. it's a superhero world, you're following a teen girl superhero and sure the mechanics are pretty contained, but the crossover should make sense. but when you compare it to the crossover numbers of other superhero media like say My Hero Academia, Ladybug takes the *crown* with such a bizarre popularity. and of course, DP feels like it makes even less sense. sure, you *could* lump it into at the very least, superhero-adjacent media, but it's not a true hero world like MLB or DC is.
but, the thing to always understand about DC, *especially* the Batfamily (which is where the crossover content propagates the most) is this: a *very* good chunk of fans don't interact with the comics. i would venture to say even most Batfamily fans don't read the comics and actively talk about it. we've all read a very fandom big Batfam fanfic where the author's note mentions the writer has never touched a comic in their life. typically, these fans are either cobbling together their understanding from fandom content, or by frankensteining unrelated DC adaptations to understand each character. you take Bruce from Batman: TAS, you take Dick from the animated Young Justice, you take Jason from Batman: Under The Red Hood animated movie, you take Damian from the DCAMU Batman vs Robin, and you read some fandom metas to fill in the rest and well, you've got some sort of an understanding of these characters. read enough incorrect quotes, some genfic, a couple of character metas, and boom, you understand the Batfamily fandom enough to start creating your own content. and of course now. now you have Wayne Family Adventures so it's even *easier*. a pretty easy to pick up webtoon that's filling in all the gaps for you. but i've been in this fandom long enough to remember before we had WFA and even then, this was still a common, if not the most popular way, to ween yourself into the DC fandom space. you cherry-picked the canon you liked and then plunged into the depths of fanon.
i'm not here to make in depth commentary on if i think this is a good or bad thing. trust me i have that commentary in my head, but that would need it's own post. i'm very split on it and my feelings are complicated. my feelings on WFA are even *more* complicated. because oftentimes, the attitude expressed by these fans who are frankensteining this version of the Batfamily/DC world they have in their head is they don't *want* to read the comics. the comics don't contain the content they're after. and to an extent, i understand that. if you're looking for light-hearted vibes of the Batfamily all getting along and having the occasional hurt/comfort moments but in the end, they hug and make up, you're right. largely, you won't find that in canon. of course there are so many comics to recommend for Batfamily interactions, but you have to get specific. you'll find them interacting in small groups, Tim and Dick bonding here, Duke and Cass bonding there, but largely, the comics don't care to balance the ridiculously large cast they've given themselves. but fandom does. it's easy to toss them all in a blender and ignore the parts you don't like. the default argument to ignoring the comics or writing something OOC is always "well the comics are OOC and inconsistent too" which, while a flawed argument that massively misunderstand how comics work as a medium, isn't an entirely incorrect one. you could serve on a silver platter to these fans, an easy and accessible way to get into comics and they wouldn't be interested. it's not what they're here for. fandom is always character-driven above all else. it's driven by character relationships and dynamics. if someone wants to consume content where Tim idolized and stalked Jason as 'his Robin' and now is trying to help him rehabilitate and they're super complicated but have this long epic forgiveness arc, why *would* they read the comics? because they're sure as shit not going to find that dynamic in the comics. it's laughably OOC and not canon at all, but that doesn't matter. what matters is the sandbox. most Batfamily fans care *far* more about the sandbox canon gives them than the actual canon itself. feel how you feel about that, this really isn't being negative toward that attitude, but it is a common attitude.
so, you have Batfamily fans playing in the sandbox and building their own narrative. common fandom headcanons are so common, you could practically write a guide on how the fanon Batfamily works with how consistent people are about it. or you could just read WFA, which is practically the new manifesto of it. even now, with this sudden spike in people talking about canon accuracy and "actually this happening in the comics", they don't actually care about the comics, just what they can cherry-pick for fodder. (even if they rob it of so much context they're just as OOC as they were before. see specifically: the recent phenomena with Tim Drake going from the woobified weakest member of the Batfam who everyone needs to save constantly and he's the smart boy but he's also the one with a sad tragic neglectful past who gets overlooked being the way Batfamily fandom played with Tim for years. but recently, people seem to be pushing this idea of a ridiculously badass Tim, Tim who *totally* has a kill count because of his actions in RR (2009) if you take them completely out of context, Tim who bested Ra's and is even more badass than Jason and he's the 17 yr old CEO of Wayne Industries being cool and flawless it becoming the new fandom zeitgeist. neither of these versions of Tim are canon, and the second fundamentally misunderstands his arc in RR (2009) but the shift has undeniably happened and it's been fascinating to watch. the same thing happened with people suddenly deciding Jason isn't the "angry violent Robin", he was a sunshine sweet boy who was perfect as Robin. neither of these are true, but the second feels more transgressive and new to fandom from cherry-picked panels.) the point is largely, Batfamily fans would rather build their own canon than play with the actual canon.
and then, you have Danny Phantom. i'm not into DP and have no interest to get into it, but what i know about it via fandom osmosis is this: DP fans sort of also don't give a fuck about canon. once again, the canon of DP is a sandbox, not a rulebook. the concepts and the characters are the draw, not the plot itself. i've seen DP posts explaining characters who are essentially OCs, but have become so dominant in the fandom via fandom osmosis. there are concepts and ideas about how Danny's powers work and potential concepts with his ghost nature that either aren't in canon or only happened once in canon and fans decided to expand on that and doesn't care about it's own in-universe logic. i've seen a lot of DP fans also express they haven't seen the show and they don't have plans to see the show. because the show is just some children's cartoon with some inconsistencies and a simple plot, as you'd expect from CN. the show isn't the point. no one cares about it's plot, they care about it's characters. they care about pushing the concept of half ghost boy to a logical extreme and seeing what you can get out of that. can you make it weird and fucked up. how much can you highlight on his trauma and body horror. what identity crisis can you give him and how can you build his interactions with other characters in his world around that and also make those characters fun and unique on their own. sure, the skeleton of canon is there, but the meat lies all in the fanon.
Miraculous Ladybug also exists in this similar vein. the characters, the concepts, those hold intrigue. and not even mentioning the fact the original concept for this show was supposed to be aimed to an older audience, so you can see the bones of something a bit more mature and nuanced under this typical, villain of the week magical girl transformation show. the show itself is a bit shallow and that's not a *bad* thing, it's just the medium it exists within being aimed towards children. but the concepts of a teen girl who's basically a sort of chosen one, a boy who doesn't know his father is the big bad of the show, and their weird identity porn love... square thing. those dynamics are *so* complicated and such a fun sandbox to play in with character-driven fandom.
so, at the core, you have three fandoms that care more about the culturally accepted fanon than the canon, with a good chunk of people often not even consuming the original canon content. and well, DC is an *easy* world to transpose just about anything onto. a boy who's half ghost and fighting supernatural threats? that makes sense, DC has ghost heroes like Deadman already. a girl who has this magical item that gives her animal themed superpowers? i mean that's practically the same thing as Vixen's Totem so that one makes sense too. they fit in pretty easy, no needing to change the world to accommodate them. and of course, if you're a fan of *one* fandom where you don't care for the canon content and only like the fandom sandbox, chances are, you'll get drawn in pretty easily to another fandom with similar mechanics. if you can teach yourself the DP fandom rules/concepts, you can teach yourself the Batfamily fandom rules/concepts. and well, since there's so much crossover in fandom members, why not write the fanfiction? crossover fics will always exist, but with such a shared member base, you have a really big boom.
it's why the characters you see DP interact with in DC are *always* characters who are far more driven by fanon than canon. Danny and John Constantine is a *massive* concept. for people who don't read Hellblazer comics. my poor partner, @divine-dominion has lamented to me pretty often about finding DP content in the Hellblazer tag that is essentially turning Constantine into an OC. because whatever version of Constantine is being written about isn't one bit comics accurate, and really, isn't trying to be. and the same thing happens with Shazam. you watch Young Justice and understand him well enough, you get drawn in by the character concept that you just run with it. people put their favorite blorbos in the same place because hey, wouldn't ghost boy be pretty cool in a city like *Gotham*. how would Batman even react to him. and then, the shipping. because ages for the Batfamily can be easily hand-waved and moved around based on where you plop Danny into the timeline, you have your pick of the litter with him, and same with Ladybug. of course there are the most popular ships but largely, the world is your oyster.
i don't think this is the worst thing in the world for either fandom. it's not hard to filter out the crossover tags and scroll past content i don't like. and sure, i see the appeal of making your blorbos from two different places meet. i've got my drafts *full* of DC/MHA crossover ideas because well, i like them both and think that would be cool. i think my only gripe with it is when DP or MLB crossover content seeps it's way into the wrong tags. using the above example, if you're writing about Danny and Constantine but there's zero content of the actual Hellblazer comics, i don't think you need the Hellblazer tag, just the Constantine character tag. tbh i wish this extended onto Ao3 and people utilized fandom tags better. if you're writing Batfamily fanfiction that is very clearly and obviously WFA driven in characterization and concepts, i would far prefer those fics be tagged with the WFA fandom tag rather than the Batman (comics) fandom tag. because well, you're not writing about the Batman comics. and there's nothing wrong with that, but it helps if you don't confuse yourself for content striving to interact with canon more. (this especially extends to Young Justice, by the way. if you're writing for the Young Justice tv show please, please stop using the Young Justice (comics) fandom tag. i'm at my wit's end- /lh)
the whole thing is fascinating. i've got zero interest in entering DP or MLB as fandoms because that's not my speed, but witnessing it as an outsider is my favorite pastime. i see a *lot* of posts going around the DC x DP space that are helping explain to people who's who, what's what, and understanding the canon/fanon of both of these properties so others can better enter the space. which is not something you'd need in a fandom driven only by it's canon content, but it is sweet watching others try to help newbies enter the space. it's a very inviting fandom space, i think, whether you lament it's existence or not. they're just sitting in their corner with their blorbos, and i gotta respect that. the posts explaining the Batfamily to DP fans are always fun for me to read, even if i disagree with some of the characterizations in them because it helps shine a light on what the fans of this crossover regard as "important" enough about each fandom to be worth including those sorts of primers. very fascinating stuff.
#necrotic festerings#dc x dp#dc x dp crossover#dc x mlb#danny phantom#miraculous ladybug#batfamily#dc comics#fandom meta#fandom analysis#but i can totally write more of these analysis type posts bc i *love* this shit#it's like fandom anthropology#fan studies#love that shit and i have *so* many case studies i could write about cultural phenomena in the batfamily fandom space#bc you can tell by my. everything i'm a comics purist#but i'm not totally negative to fanon#i roll my eyes. I cringe. I send long rants to my loved ones.#but i live and let live and i'm not going to jump down a fanon post for being painfully incorrect. it's just mean and not how we behave.#like there's a difference that and between correcting ppl who say 'in the comics-' when they haven't read the comics#but most ppl aren't claiming their content is based on the comics. and i can respect that honesty#like you're just rawdogging it#i understand the appeal of it. seriously no shade it's a fun sandbox if you just want cool blorbos.#it's *not* how I do fandom but to each their own#and ofc i want comic accurate fanfic but i can find that on my own. it's not hard to do#some comic purists act like there's *no* comic fandom content and come on now.#it's pretty easy to tell the difference when you're scrolling ao3. let's not be unkind to content not made for us.#but i'm serious please do stay out of comic tags if you're not writing comic content. it's my only gripe with this whole thing.#besides that be gay be free.#be cringe. it's freeing i promise.#i jest about being sick of that green ghost boy and that ladybug girl in fandom but it's all silly. i really don't mind.
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cutielights · 7 months
Hey pookie!! I luv ur work sm and I was wondering if u could do a rottmnt boys x spider woman reader ab them reacting to her stopping a collider like miles did? Idek if u watched into the spider verse but maybe something like that if not u could wing it if you'd like tysm hope u have a good day/night! ❤️
>>:] yes. For the purposes of writing, im going to act as if you were a spider person for at least a year before this. Not supposed to be Miles’ story, but pretty similar (if that makes sense)
i waNT THE THIRD MOVIE. Frikin dying of miles morales deprivation over here, hand over the sunflower boy with in tact parents
That Really Big Earthquake
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“Heyyyy, I haven’t seen you in twenty four hours which truly is a record for us, I missed you, did you miss me? I bet you did right? Go on tell me aaaalllll about it.”
“So, I was just kinda minding my own business, y’know, thwipping and thwapping and going about being an awesome hero when I bumped into myself? Kinda. They looked like me, but they were different, and didn’t look like me, but, I knew they were me! Because my spider sense went off and they could do stuff I could do, but also some different stuff! And then we freaked out for a little bit before I went to auntie May to show her and she showed me four more other me’s who were hiding out in her basement and then we tried getting them home and we had to sneak about in this fancy restaurant wearing bow ties, and we cried and they went into this collider thing, also it turns out my favourite cousin was working for the evil genius corporation and he’s dead now and it feels like my fault, I’m so totally fine don’t worry about me. Howwasyourday?”
“Haha, what.”
“Stopped the collapsing of the multiverse.”
“Oh it sounds so simple when you put it like that.” Yeah okay sarcasm queen
Made you some tea after that, let’s just, take a breath for a minute, m’kay?
He has decided it’s a self care day now, at least he did after thoroughly checking you for injuries
How you do not have a concussion will always escape him, not one broken bone? Seriously? After all that?
Please remind him you’re an actual super hero and not a pane of glass
“Wait what was that about your cousin?”
“Hey! How was your weekend?”
“Crazier than yours.”
“Okay, Bet.”
One explanation later sponge bob narrator voice
“Wait, so you’re telling Raph, that huge earthquake that happened, happened because of you and five alternate versions of yourself?
“That’s excluding a lot of things I just told you but, I am telling Raph that, yes.”
Huge bone crushing hugs are in order, according to him at least. And I mean, is he wrong?
Not letting you out of his sight for ages, please, Raph, let them go home
“Why are you so worried? I did it, I won!”
“It’s more the fact that it happened and less the fact that you’re mostly fine.”
Othello Von Ryan: Stay home, S.H.E.L.LD.O.N has picked up on some strange (possibly universal fabric destroying) activity. Also there has been some earthquake activity in the area you were in yesterday, not that I have a tracker on you. Because I don’t.
Only Two Legs: I handled it don’t worry :D
Othello Von Ryan: ?
Othello Von Ryan: Traverse to My Lab.
“Heyyy Deee.”
“Stop. Explain. This better be your attempt at humor.”
There was silence for a long while after you had messily glued together words to describe the past 24 hours, before he took a deep breath.
“First, How dare you stop the multiverse from collapsing without me that’s incredible rude. Second, therapy. Third, that earthquake and power surge destroyed My Lab, thankfully I have backup backups to my backups, but I couldn’t use the internet for an hour straight.”
“Y- You’re more concerned about the internet?”
“Not what I said. Now let me check you for a concussion.”
“Hey they took down those art displays.”
“The what?”
“Oh you weren’t here, BUT there was these reaaaallllyyyyy cool art statues along this street! Look, hey, look, I took pics!”
“Oh cooollluuuhhh that’s not an art display that’s five different fire hydrants merged into each other.”
“Haha yeah it does kinda look like that doesn’t it? I thought it was supposed to be a dog.”
“Mikey, no-“ You pulled him aside into an empty alleyway, trying to explain what had happened over the past twenty four hours.
It was an interesting experience, but you got there eventually.
Best believe this boy is giving you the biggest hug ever, and then buying pizza.
Oh, and Dr Feelings is going to be paying you a visit. Multiple. You can’t escape him.
“So they weren’t art displays?”
Speedily bulk writing and scheduling rn bc im going on a holiday with zero internet.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i just had this funny idea where reader purposely does a baby voice around miguel whenever he’s grumpy to comfort him like how an owner would talk to their cat (we all know shes just being a menace tbh) 💀😭
AWWWWWW i would do that tbh ... i love this so much EEEEEEE
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
psp, psp, psssssp... — grumpy!miguel o'hara x reader
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"what now, miggy?" you asked him as you filmed on your watch's camera miguel's hunched over posture; his bulging arms folded over his chest as his eyebrows are furrowed together, his pouty frown becoming more and more obvious and stretched out on both corners. his lower lip stuck out involuntarily, making his lips seem more pouty and moody than usual. you smiled, thinking that miguel looked like an extremely grumpy kitty right now; you could picture the droopy ears and curved tail on a kitten version of miguel that just made you giggle aloud thinking about it. "you dare laugh at me?" he asks you with a scoff as he narrows his eyes at you. you chuckled and soon tried to stifle it. "no, no, mig—i mean, you're just so..." you trailed off, smiling as you gently pat his head, making him perk up immediately in surprise like a cat. "so... what?" he asked, prompting you to continue speaking.
you stroked his hair gently, like stroking the in-between of a cat's ears to calm it down, and cooed to miguel that he was just the cutest, grumpiest little thing. "...'little'?" "well then, you're just the cutest, grumpiest big guy i know." you teased him again as miguel grumbled and tried looking away from your face that neared his cheek. you pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek and lightly scratched and gently caressed his jawline; like tending to a kitten you loved dearly. "here, miggy, miggy, miggy..." you teased, making miguel remind you with a huff that he was not a cat. "you sure act like one, though. it's super cute, actually." "for the last time, i am not—" he was going to say how he was not at all cute, but you cut him off with a gentle kiss on his supple lips and pulled away, smiling. "you're not what, miggy?" you asked him as his face got all flustered, his grumpiness melting away, but his pride taking over; not wanting you to know how bashful and shy you made him.
he sighed and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, carrying you and placing you on his lap. he hugged you closely and mumbled, "quiet teasing me." "how can i not, mig? you're just so cute..." "i'm not cute... i'm so much more than just 'cute', querida." he breathed in a low whisper as he brought his lips to yours, bringing you in for a loving kiss; wanting to be the tease this time, but knowing full well that you would be the one teasing him all night long—talking to him like he's some grumpy little kitten you have to take care of, which in a way, he is; just not so little or furry, and more of... your big boy that needs your attention and care more than anything and anyone in the multiverse.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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froggoon · 7 days
I’ll love you in every multiverse: First Dates and First Loves Pt. 3 I Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Post Apocalypse Au! WC: 2.58k Pt. 1 Pt.2
Summary: You're Five's wife from another universe and he's trying really hard to help you back home, unfortunately, it's been weeks and you're losing hope and he's gaining feelings.
It's been 4 weeks of research, quality time, sexual tension, and awkwardness, and it was starting to get to you. You knew you shouldn't have feelings for this Five, but this version feels new, like when your relationship has begun again. It was the tender touches and the sense of leaving each other wanting. It felt good but it was torturous.
Today was Friday, every Friday you and Five ordered food and watched a movie to convey some type of normalcy. It started when you guys had been reading and making equations for 11 hours when you had had enough. -------------------------- 3 weeks ago --------------------------------- The two of you sat in Five's room surrounded by a ginormous load of reading material. "Okay, I can't do this right now I'm actually going to explode." You pushed all the papers in front of you aside. Five sighed and leaned back in his chair, a few buttons of his shirt undone from the summer heat. You watched as he flicked his hair back with his hand then rubbed his wrist from the pain of writing so long. "What are you looking at?" He questioned. "Nothing, just thought I saw something." Oh, you saw something all right. Something that made your pulse quicken. But now wasn't the time to think about how hot he was you shook your head "Look we've been at this straight for 4 days I think we need a little pick me up." You started typing away on your phone for the closest pizza place and best movies streaming now. Five furrowed his brows at you before dusting his pants and standing up, "Okay while you do that I'm going to take a shower." Pointing to him you replied, "Fine but you better be back for this prime-time fun." He waved you off but nodded. You had managed to find a pizza store nearby that delivered and ordered half pepperoni, half cheese, with a diet Coke. Plopping on Five's bed you opened his laptop that Viktor had gifted him. Plain. Looking fresh from the store with the mediocre sky background screen saver. You turned your head to the door waiting to see if you had enough time before opening the camera app and taking a photo on his computer and changing it to the background, the perfect prank. You then began typing away looking for free movies online. Normally it would take you forever to find a movie with your Five, the both of you were pretty picky in wanting to find just the right movie. But right now you just wanted to let some steam off. Reaching over you pulled out a side table to rest the laptop on and sat on the edge of Five bed leaning your back against the wall. You grabbed one of his pillows to hug against your chest, subtly inhaling the smell.
You heard Five come in the room and opened your eyes. "You weren't sleeping during our fun Friday right?" He laughed. You smiled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, and I've already picked out a movie!" He walked in pizza in one hand, plates and napkins in another. You scooted over to make space for him and leaned over to play the movie. "The hunger games? Is this a movie about starving people? Because I prefer thrillers." You laughed loudly, partially because he wasn't wrong. He rolled his eyes before grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza and putting it on a plate. "Here," he moved it closer, "for you." You grabbed the slice, "What a gentleman."
The two of you sat in silence, munching on your pizza while watching Katniss Everdeen volunteer as tribute. “Me and my husband loved these movies, he was team Gale, initially.” The two of you watched Gale and Katniss say goodbye for the first time. Five hummed “Gale does look more suitable for Katniss. But I won’t judge for now.”
The two of you were halfway into the movie and had 2 slices left of the pie. Sleep was beginning to overcome you as your eyes fluttered open and shut. Five looked at you from the side of his eyes. You looked so cute like that. Like a child trying to stay up past their bedtime. Hesitantly he spoke up in a soft voice, “ You…you can lean on me if you’re tired.” You yawned, confirming that you were indeed sleepy. Slowly your head fell to his shoulder as you shimmied closer to get comfortable. Five prayed you couldn’t hear his heart as he leaned his cheek on the top of your head. He closed his eyes and hoped this moment would last forever, he inhaled deeply trying to remember everything he had experienced with you so far.
Your breaths slowed down, indicating you were fast asleep. Five didn't want to interrupt your peaceful slumber so he carefully scooped his arm under your neck and legs to lay you down. He reached for the laptop closed the movie and saw the little present you left as his screen saver. He laughed, you were cute. Your pearly white smile was wide and your eyes were shut. He'd definitely keep it this way. He shut the laptop and began cleaning up the remnants of dinner before bringing them downstairs.
You stirred in your sleep, twisting and groaning as if you were having a bad dream. Five crept back into the room hearing your discomfort. He approached you and placed a hand in yours, perhaps thinking that the comfort would help you sleep. But your turned and pulled him toward you hugging his arm, face pressed against his palm. He wanted to leave, not in a bad way, but he didn't want to take advantage of you. Although, you had looked so much calmer with his hand in yours. He carefully laid above the covers making sure to not disrupt you. Five stared up at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through his mind. He genuinely enjoyed your presence and thought less and less about Delores. It was no surprise to him why almost every variation of himself was in love with you, and it scared him to admit that he was one of them. He closed his eyes, wishing to silence the thought, and eventually drifted off.
You cheek was smushed up against something hard and your hand against something warm, the smell of cologne and books welcomed your nose. Well whatever it was, it was breathing. You looked upward and saw your husband, you reached your hand to trace his jawline before pressing a kiss to his neck and snuggling deep into his side for a bit extra shut-eye. Unknown to you, Five was awake and felt everything, he knew you must've confused him for your Five but he pretended to sleep. You woke up again but this time Five was gone. You stretched out your arms and let out a groan before getting up and wandering downstairs. You saw Five nose-deep in a newspaper with a fresh pot of coffee. "Morning! Five, how did you like the movie last night. Sorry, I fell asleep I was exhausted." The boy put down his mug before responding "No worries, I kinda got into it and finished while you were asleep." He paused, thinking about his next words, "It was really fun just kind of relaxing." You jumped up and smiled, "I'm glad! We should do these movie nights often." You zipped around the counter to pour yourself a glass, unaware of green eyes following you, memorizing your figure.
--------------------------- Present Day ----------------------------------
Ever since then Friday nights became a regular thing for you and Five. You would order in fast-food and pick a movie. It almost always ended with you falling alseep first and the Five, but the two of you never acknowledged that.
There was a knock on the academy door. "I'll get it." Five said he was able to get there the fastest after all. "Viktor?" he said skeptically, "Come in, what are you doing here?" He moved away to let his brother in. "I'm here just checking in on you and our uh new visitor. You two kinda disappeared for a while. Luther and Ally had to catch up on work, Diego and Lila had plans, I don't know about Klaus but we wanted to know what was up." Viktor took a good look at Five. Although he still retained those dark eyebags under his green eyes, they seemed lighter. He even looked like he put on a healthier weight. "They're all busy with their own things, seems reasonable I'm busy with mine. But for you and our sibling's information, I'm doing just fine. I've been helping (y/n) try to get back home for a while. It's been...tough. But we're slowly making progress." Viktor nodded understanding that they, including him, as of late have not been the most invested in Five.
You came walking from behind Five, "Hello Viktor! Nice to see you again." Viktor waved awkwardly. It was funny seeing someone you'd known for years but here you'd only just met. "You know Viktor back in my universe we hung out a lot. I went to every one of your concerts." You paused, "I missed that." Viktor smiled, you were so nice, he kinda wished you were apart of this universe and this family. "Well, I have a concert tomorrow if you wanted to come? I know you two are probably busy with the machine but..." Five and you spoke simultaneously "I'd love to." "Yeah we are." You turned to look at Five with a harsh look before responding, "What time is it and were?" "its a 7pm at the mainstreet theater." You grabbed his arm excitedly, "We'll be there!"
When Viktor left Five looked at you with one eyebrow raised, "Don't we have work to do?" As much as he wanted to support Viktor, the two of you were busy, and there was no end in sight to when you would be able to go back home. Weren't you worried? At times he thought you to be too carefree, unbeknownst to the seriousness of your own situation sometimes. "Yes, but it's good to be there for Viktor, it's important to him." You had similar talks with your Five, growing up in an emotional student house, vying for the affections of their stoic father, you could tell that it was hard for the family at times to understand certain things. "Sometimes, it helps to be the first one to reach out, it shows that you care and you want to prioritize them." You nudged him on the arm. "Now...weren't we about to commit to our weekly movie night?" And that's how the two of you ended up in his bed once again burger wrappers in hand while The Conjuring played in the back. You pulled the covers over your eyes and gripped Five's sleeve. "Why did you have to pick a scary movie. Five.. she's right behind Lorainne!" You jumped up and buried your face in his side. "I can't watch!" You cried. Five only chuckled and pulled you closer. "Shh, It's okay it's almost over." His voice soothed you. You peeked through your fingers for the ending. "I didn't take you to be a scared cat." He chuckled. "Me and my Five used to go on movie dates often. I remember the first day he took me too was at the movies and it was Insidious. I had no idea what it was and didn't research beforehand. But I had a feeling he did it on purpose because I was so terrified I was almost in his lap." You remembered your first day fondly. "Anyways I was so scared after the movie and after he drove me home that I had called him that night to talk and refused to hang up, just in case the monster got me. So he stayed up all night talking to me. I swear we talked until 5 am, about everything." It pained Five to know that these were memories of him, but not. He had risked everything for his family and given up so much of his life due to one mistake. Didn't he deserve this? You continued, "You want to know when I fell in love with you?" Five nodded. "We had 3 dates so far, not too fancy just dinner and the occasional movie. But the day I fell in love wasn't even planned"
----------------------October 15 2018-----------------------------------
You had just the shittiest day at work ever. Absolute garbage. You worked at Lancroft Banking, one of the world's biggest banks, so there was constant pressure and work. Today your boss had made snarky comments at you all day about how you messed up the calculation in the data that was supposed to go to their international team. It was a small era just due to the outdated information you received. But someone must've shat in his coffee that day because nonstop was he giving you backhanded comments. You cried your whole lunch break and texted Five that you were going to quit because of your shit boss ( just a bluff though).
After work, you were getting ready to head to the train when a bouquet of tulips infiltrated your view. Your eyes looked up to the giver of the beautiful flowers. "I heard my favorite girl had a hard day at work." You blushed at his words. "You were having a bad day, so I'm here to distract you. I've already picked up Thai from Mai Thai and got (your favorite dish). I have vanilla ice cream in my fridge and the entire (favorite movie) collection waiting for us at my place." You were shell-shocked. No one had ever taken the time to care for you like this. And it wasn't till you were driving in his car, ranting to him about your job when it hit you like a soft wave crashing in. You started to notice how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the little flash of a dimple on his cheek. His responses faded into the background when a warm hand grabbed yours. The moment felt perfect, he felt perfect, not a flaw in your eyes. You had been in what you thought was love in high school. But this was different. No one had cared for you like this. I mean there was Diego who looked out for you in the police academy but Five? Five had taken the time to understand you, listen to you, talk to you. You thought to yourself, "I think...this is what love is."
-------------------------------Present ------------------------------------
"We dated for 2 years before you proposed." You said while admiring your ring. "This ring you had custom-made for me." You pushed your hand out to show off the diamond ring surrounded by two small emeralds. A thick silence came across the two of you. It was undeniable the attraction the two of you had for each other, but neither wanted to push the boundaries. They feared the consequences. You eventually had to go back home and Five eventually would have to move on. It was complicated. "Well, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to head to bed now. Good night (y/n) I'll see you tomorrow." Five lifted the covers, letting a cool breeze hit your legs before packing up the food and his laptop and retreating to the door. "Good night Five, sleep well." You responded. Your body ached for his closeness again, the feeling of comfort and solitude in a single person. Instead of calling out you just laid back in bed and closed your eyes replaying the last moments again and again you had before you fell through the portal. This was a mistake.
Author's note: I know there are still a lot of unanswered questions but I'm just getting started! be on the lookout for pt 4!
I also just want to say I finally realized messages and inboxes are two different things so I was able to read some of your comments! Thank you so much to everyone who has written something nice, your comments make me want to keep writing and be better.
I will get around to some of the requests!
Masterlist 🖊️
Taglist : @cialovesklopp , @lovehatekill, @rosekeu , @iifrui
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dianagj-art · 10 days
Is there Oneion facts we can know about?
(the baby boy in question is ten years older than me)
I'm gonna go canon stuff first, then some fun crossover stuff:
The version that I'm using is 35-ish years old (a few years before the movie events), he's been the leader of the resistance for around a decade
He still has all his brothers and loves them very much, would kill and die for them
Way more chill than One is right now, still a beast on combat
One can manipulate vines only using the seeds Draxum makes, Oneion can summon them at will from the ground with little issue
In the story he mostly goes by Leo now, very few people call him One (but lets keep calling him Oneion to avoid confusion)
The protesis he uses is an old one from Raph, but he outgrew it and gave it to Oneion when he lost his arm. It was a bit ridiculously big for him at the time, it's still a *little* too big for Oneion, but by the time he's 40-something (movie events) its gonna fit right in
The scarf he has is not the same One has, but as One's it was a gift from Draxum, he has carry the same scarf the whole apocalypse
Still has a lot of gold accents on his clothes
He's still the best fighter out of the four turtles
He loves being around kids but doesn't, he's afraid of hurting them. He knows he didn't had a normal childhood but is not 100% aware of what part was normal and ok and what part is not, and he rathers not take a chance and do something wrong.
He ends up enjoying teaching martial arts, tho he doesn't like being called sensei, and he wont spar with anyone bellow his level (again, being afraid of hurting them)
Casey Jr becomes the exception to these
Crossover stuff!
he can and will beat the shit out of One, he knows how much One can take so he's not really worried about that
when the apocalypse started he basically lost contact with the multiverse, so no fun crossovers for him. Until by the power of "@intotheelliwoods started doing fanart of Oneion before I even had finished his design" he had access to the multiverse again!
First of his "old frieds" he saw was Poptart and Sprout (2al huggy leos) and first thing he did was to hug Sprout<3 (well, he first kinda yelled at him but I'll draw that some day)
I don't think he has met again with the rest of the separated council? I don't remember if I've stick him in any crossover situations
he loves hugging Poptart, he's teddy bear size<3 and he'll never get tired of calling him his friend and loving him "the way he deserves" because he still hasn't forgive himself for the shitty way he treated Poptart (dont worry about it)
he fucking destroyed the attempt of a slau/2al crossover time line
he says he's fine by it but he keeps bringing up the "jawbreaker" incident, I dont think he got over it, actually
he hangs out with Sprout a lot
something something, being with Sprout makes him feel like a kid again, and it makes Sprout feel like a kid again because Oneion reminds him of Big Leo
Sprout and Oneion have a spa day, they deserve it<3 they also go shopping together. Also, they are not exactly good at cooking but they try and they love working together on the kitchen
Oneion got the "Oneion" nickname by Sprout and Poptart
he stronk. he can lift Sprout with no problem, and even Toast
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if you wanna have a good time scroll down the besties tag on ell's blog or mine (2)
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Pink Pastels Pt 16
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Description: Miguel and Gabi have a much needed talk.
Part 17
Miguel and Gabi walk you back next door. He watches as you give her a tight hug, whispering platitudes in her ear before you let go. You then brush your lips across her forehead and giving him a small smile, then the door to your apartment is closed and Gabi starts to cry once more.
Miguel scoops her up, cradling her to his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck, her tears wetting his shirt as she sobs. He misses holding her like this, when she was a baby she clung to him constantly, crying if he put her down for even a second. Then she grew older and became so curious about everything, she wanted to be on the ground, have the freedom to run and play and explore the world around her.
He’s proud of her for being so courageous, so adventurous it reminds him of a younger him, before he became Spiderman, before he lost his original universe and searched the multiverse desperately for a new one. But he’s forgotten that courage takes a lot of strength, and obviously Gabi has been running on empty for a while.
“Gabi, Mija, I’m sorry.” He says, settling on their couch and squeezing her tightly.
“Why are you sorry?” She asks, looking up at him with those big round eyes.
He can’t explain how much he loves his daughter; he’s tried a million times to verbalize the depth of his emotions and finds he always comes up short. So he’s come to the conclusion that it’s simple. He loves her beyond words.
“I didn’t notice you heard my call with your mother, and then I continued to fail to see how it hurt you, and I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to feel all that sadness on your own.” He shifts her, so she’s facing him, and brushes back the hair from her face, it’s like his mother’s hair. He’ll have to call her, ask her how she’s doing, if she wants to see him and Gabi sometime soon.
She snuggles into him, her tears slowly drying. “It’s okay, Papá, I’m strong.”
He swallows hard, tears pricking at the back of his eyes.
“Mijo you shouldn’t have done that, you know your father; he gets angry.”
“But Mamá it’s not fair he shouldn’t treat you like that.”
“It’s better me than you or Gabriel, I’m strong Miguel, I can take it.”
He fears he’s going to wretch, and he takes a deep breath counting ten things he can see, he can feel, hear, smell, until his heart rate has slowed, and the nausea is gone.
“You are strong, but you are also little—”
She goes to protest, and he stops her with a playfully stern look that makes her giggle.
“You are my baby girl, my daughter, you are not alone, you will never be alone, you don’t have to be strong all by yourself, especially not when you’re sad.”
Gabi mulls over his words, fidgeting with the little watch he made for her. “But I want to be strong like you.”
“Mija, I am strong because of you. Because I love you so very much, and I want to make sure the world is safe for you.” He tells her, praying that she understands how earnestly he’s speaking.
She nods and wraps her arms around as much of his torso as she can. “I love you, Papá, and I promise I’ll tell you next time I’m sad.”
He returns her hug, resting his chin on the crown of her head. “I love you more than you can imagine, Mija.”
He makes a mental note to make sure Lyla saves this video file, adding it to the hundreds upon hundreds of clips he has saved of Gabi. He’ll never have enough, never get enough time with her, but here in this moment he feels like everything he’s done, everything he’s been through and suffered was worth it.
“I think Ms. Y/N saw my superpowers.” Gabi says hesitantly, her voice muffled by his chest.
He pulls back, scanning her face. “What?”
“I got mad, and I threw my doll, and now the wall is broken.” She says as she leads him into her room.
Miguel’s mind is turning, churning, roiling. You know he’s Spiderman, as of last night, but he hasn’t been able to go through it with you to explain what happened, or to tell you how Gabi might have developed a lesser version of his abilities and was just now coming into her powers.
He inspects the wall. It’s a small dent, but clearly in the shape of a doll. He can fix it, he’s picked up a number of skills during his time in the multiverse, but he isn’t sure how you’re going to react to the truth.
“What did Ms. Y/N say when this happened?” He asks carefully, running calculations in his head of how much damage control he was going to have to do. You’re a reader, he knows this. Maybe he’ll hack into your laptop and see what kind of books you like. Buy you a first edition of your favorite book, or see if there’s any erotica, you’re fond of that he can read and put to good use to distract you.
Gabi’s brushing her doll Carmen’s hair in rapid jerky strokes, something she did when she was nervous. “Nothing, she just kept playing with me. Well…she seemed a little…tomada por sorpresa.” Trsl: take/taken by surprise.
He smiled at her lapse into Spanish. Gabi spoke both languages fluently, but he noticed a year or so ago that she’d picked up a quirk from him. They both tended to fall back on his first language whenever they were nervous or overwhelmed with emotions.
“Ah, well, Ms. Y/N just found out I was Spiderman last night.” He’s taking a gamble, telling her this. He knows Gabi can keep a secret, she’s been keeping theirs since she was little, but now that you’re involved, he isn’t sure how she’s going to react.
Gabi nods. “Well, that’s okay because you’re going to get married, and married people have to keep each other’s secrets, that’s what Auntie Monica said.”
His half-sister would say something like that…
“She is right, married people do keep each other’s secrets, but Gabi, Ms. Y/N have only known each other for a little while now, not even half a year. Most people like to know each other for at least a year before they get married.”
Gabi sets down her doll and her lips tick to one side in thought. “Yeah, I guess you should wait until the year is done, because if you marry her, then they might move me out of her class. Kids don’t get to be in their mom’s classes, apparently, it’s called a conflict of interest, but I just think it’s because then they’ll be the favorite. But I’m already Ms. Y/N’s favorite, so I don’t think it’ll be any different.”
Miguel laughs, he doesn’t mean to, but that’s his daughter, thinking three steps ahead while still attempting to get what she wants.
“It’s true!” Gabi pouts. “She’s still wearing the necklace we gave her!”
Yes, you are, and he is so thankful for that fact.
“You’re right, Mija, she is.”
She gives him a smug, satisfied ‘I told you so’ smile and begins to clean up her toys. “I bet if you asked her on a date, she’d say yes.”
“I think Ms. Y/N would say yes, but her job is very important to her, so she wouldn’t agree to go out with me until the year was finished.”
“So, you’ll just have to go on secret dates like in the telenovelas, me and Tia Margo watch.” Gabi says, nodding her head knowingly, as if this had been his plan all along, and she was just now catching on.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, a half exasperated, half amused smile on his face. “No more telenovelas for you, they’re giving you too many crazy ideas.”
Gabi throws herself into his lap dramatically. “No Papá, but I need them to live, they’re the only thing keeping my secret half-sister maybe actually my cousin alive.”
He laughs again and shakes his head, scooping her up and holding her above his head, making her giggle. “But I do not, for I am the evil tio and I want your half-sister maybe cousin gone, so I can steal her inheritance.”
“¡Monstruo!” Gabi gasps, her face an exaggerated look of horror and surprise. Trsl: You monster!
“Yes, I am an evil monster who says now it is time to go to bed, so you can wake up and have a good day at school tomorrow.”
Gabi wrinkles her nose, but nods, and he sets her back down. She throws her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. “I love you, Papá.”
He hugs her back. “I love you too, Mija.”
If you haven't seen my answer to an ask, I will be going on vacay for 10 daysss, but I'll be back and will be picking this fic up once I return, so don't worry! I'm not abandoning it!!!!
Tag list: @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7, @justrandomlolidk, @chimpkinnuggies, @alicefallsintotherabbithole, @loser-alert, @wwwellacom, @ryantryan6969, @lollipopin, @blakeaha, @youcantseem3, @a-cult-leader, @verexi, @purpleskiesandroses, @they2luv1naia, @sophiaj650, @idolautism, @rheannajrs, @merakiq, @rexs-wife, @sukaretto-n, @twilight-loveer, @f1shb0nez, @callsign-blue, @marcelineormars
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My You-niverse: Marc Spector & Steven Grant
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
A/N: the last chapter is finally here! thanks to all of you who enjoyed this series!
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When you wake up, you're at the Sanctum. You know from how the room is decorated. Your body feels heavy, like it's made of lead. You wiggle your fingers and toes, trying to bring some circulation back. With a groan, you're slowly pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
You look to your left and see Marc resting his head on the bed. You're sure his neck and back are probably hurting from the position. His snores make you smile and you decide not to wake him.
Slowly and cautiously, you drag yourself out of bed. You stagger a bit, nearly falling to your knees, but you catch yourself on the bed.
The movement of the mattress wakes Marc up. His head shooting up and his eyes rapidly blinking. When he looks at the empty bed and then you standing beside it, he's on his feet.
"Shit, baby, what're you doin' outta bed?" he rushes around the bed to your side, holding you up at the waist.
You shake your head, "Marc, I'm fine. I-I need to use the bathroom."
"Could've woken me," he mumbles in disapproval as he guides you to the attached bathroom.
"Didn't wanna wake you. Seemed like you needed the sleep. Speaking of, how long have I been out."
"About a week."
"What?!" You look at him in shock.
"Strange says all of the multiverse hopping took a toll on you mentally and physically. We've been keeping an eye out on you. Strange has been a lot of help."
"And America? How is she?"
"She's been visiting you every day after her lessons with Wong. Other than that, she's still doing her thing."
You nod in approval, "Good. I'm glad she's moving on."
Marc proceeds to stay in the bathroom with you as you do your business. He keeps a careful eye on you, leaning against the sink, arms crossed over his chest, with a stern look on his face.
When you finish up and begin washing your hands, arms wrap around your waste and Steven's voice fills your ears, "How are you doing, lovey?"
You softly smile at him through the mirror's reflection, "I'm good." you dry your hands and turn to him, "How are you?"
"I've been worried sick for the entire week, but I'm glad to see you're okay," he cups your face and places a gentle kiss to your lips, "Do you remember anything?"
Blue. Laurent. Nathan. Bud. Santi. Richard. Leto. Poe.
You nod, "Yeah. I remember everything. I remember them all."
"Is that a good thing?" Steven asks, pure curiosity on his face.
"I-I'm not sure. I-I feel kind of...sad? I feel like I've lost someone and I have this sense of yearning but...but they're not mine to yearn for."
Steven looks at you in a way that you know he understands what you mean and yet he's not mad at you, "It's okay, Y/N. You're here. And those versions of us, they have you too. We're all okay, lovey. We'll all be okay." he pulls you into a hug, a hand cradling your head as it rests against him.
You let out a deep breath of relief as you let yourself melt into Steven's warmth.
"Y/N!" America cries out as she throws herself at you and you catch her in your arms, "I'm so glad you're awake!"
You chuckle at the young teen, "Hey, America. How are you?"
"I've been good. Definitely getting better at honing in on my powers! Wanna see?"
Marc steps in, "I think it's too soon for that, kid."
"Right. Got it. Sorry." she looks at you guiltily and deflates a bit.
"Next time. I'll be at full strength and fully ready to take on the multiverse this time." you nudge her and give her a smirk, letting her know that you two were okay.
It's been two days since you've woken up. Each day, a bit of your strength comes back. Eventually, you'll be good as new. Marc and Steven has been great at helping you get back to it. You see the love and devotion in their eyes, and you're forever grateful that, whether it's in this universe or the next, you'll always be loved by some version of them.
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st4rymoon · 9 months
Can you do a Miguel Ohara imagine where you were the multiverse doppelgänger of his wife that died (since he had a daughter we can assume he had a wife). You fell through a rip in your universe, sending Miguel and his team on a mission to return you to your universe. When Miguel sees Y/N, at first he thinks it’s not real (there’s only two versions of his wife, and y/n was the other). When you first meet, y/n could tell that something is wrong with Miguel. He is distant, won’t hold eye contact…etc. Eventually he snaps and confesses and he is emotional and conflicted (cause he just wants to hug and kiss y/n)
OMGGG 😭 this is 💔💔💔
𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ・Miguel O'Hara x Fem Reader
- MAJOR angst, fluff, sad Miguel :( , no use of y/n, hugging, mentions of Miguel in a diff universe, mentions of Dr. strange, reader give Miguel a kiss on the cheek, crying
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Miguel and Jessica rushed through the streets of Nueva York the second they noticed an intrusion. They both hope it isn’t anything too bizarre or catastrophic, they weren’t in the mood for any of it.
Jessica looked at her wrist, watching for any unusual movements. You, on the other hand, were confused and scared. One second you were cooking dinner and the next you were inside a completely different world.
Everything was darker than your world, the style was similar but had obvious contrasts. “I think I found it or rather her” Jessica radioed through the earpiece.
Miguel sighed in relief “a hostile?”
“Definitely not”
You wondered around the streets, unaware of the eyes on you. Miguel let out an audible gasp as he noticed you, his eyes widened in shock and admiration.
“I- Jessica you take care of th- this” he shakily muttered. Jessica was surprised by his response, never in her life had she seen Miguel so pale. “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” Jessica softly spoke.
Miguel started at you, mouth wide open as he took in what he lost not so long ago. He couldn’t believe it. “I- th- that’s my- or was my wife… I didn’t know others existed” his tone was shaky and full of sorrow. He didn’t sound like himself.
His heart was beating out of his chest, he was sweating profusely, his mind went foggy at the sudden shock. “Oh” Jessica couldn’t believe it either, what a coincidence that the thing to split through the universe was you.
“I know this is a lot but she’s scared, I think if I went up to her it would only do worse. I- I think we should both go down and talk to her. Maybe if she sees a familiar face she won’t freak out” Jessica tried her best to convince him.
He was stiff as a board, not moving or talking as his eyes followed your form.
Miguel knew he should’ve said no for his own well being but he couldn’t let this moment slip. He needed to see you up close, he needed a hug, a kiss, or anything you’d give him.
Both Miguel and Jessica swooped down behind you “Excuse me?” Jessica softly spoke. You turned around with precaution, the fear in your eyes disappearing as you saw your husband, Miguel.
“Miguel! Oh my god, what the hell is happening? One second I was cooking for you and Gabriella and then I’m here!” You babbled on as you sighed in relief.
Miguel’s eyes were watering at your voice, he thought he’d never hear it again. He watched as your soft lips moved with every word. Jessica cringed at your words, she knew that would hurt.
“Um miss?” Jessica spoke “Ms. O’Hara” you winked teasingly as you hugged Miguel.
He was silent, he didn’t even know if he was breathing. “As insane as it may seem this isn’t your universe, I think you can tell from the change in scenery” Jessica continued, causing you to pull back from Miguel.
“Oh, that stuff is real? I thought that Dr. Strange Guy was just making it all up” you chuckled “So… you’re my husband? In a different universe?” You asked confusingly while turning back to Miguel.
“No…” Miguel faintly spoke. “I lost gabby, I lost you”
It was silent. You stared at him with confusion “Lost us? As in-“ you were cut off before you could finish “Yes! As in dead! Now let’s just send you back to your universe so I don’t need to relieve this hell” Miguel snapped.
You understood his pain. Even if he wasn’t with you in this universe, you knew he loved you and Gabriella. You couldn’t imagine losing any of them back in your universe.
“You’re just like my Miguel back at home” You smiled as you cupped his cheeks “Such a temper” you chuckled. Miguel leaned into your palm, sighing in relief “I know it must be hard to lose something you loved but just know, I’ll love you in every universe. I bet you were an amazing dad to Gabby and a wonderful husband to me in this universe. Just like you are in mine”
“So whatever happened to us, don’t let it get the best of you. You deserve to be happy Miguel, you deserve everything in this damn world” You smiled “And what if what I want is you and Gabby?” Tears began to fall down his cheeks, he didn’t know how to explain the emotions he was feeling.
He was still amazed that you were just as good at keeping your composure and somehow dealt with things like it was an everyday occurrence. You fell through your universe and landed in a different one, comforting your doppelgänger husband.
Only you would be able to do that.
“Then you will, you’ll start a beautiful family again. Just because you lost us doesn’t mean you can’t fall in love with someone new” you hummed. “That’s what you deserve, all the love in the world”
Miguel felt like he was in a dream, this was so surreal. You felt his tears stream down his face as he finally wrapped his arms around you. You could feel your heartbeat at the sound of his sobs, he was shaking in your arms.
“I know it’s hard but don’t let me and Gabby hold you back ok?” You gently spoke “estas escuchando?” You scolded teasingly.
Miguel let out a soft chuckle “si”
You pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek before you let go “We are both here, me and Gabby aren’t gone. Don’t feel guilty about anything ok?”
Miguel said nothing as he buried himself in your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. His arms wrapped around you tighter as you ran your arm up and down his back.
Jessica cleared her throat “I think it’s time for you to get back to your universe” She patted Miguel on the back, giving him the sign that you couldn’t be in here for too long.
“Take care of him for me” You smiled at Jessica as she opened a portal for you “I sure will.” Miguel stood with sorrow in his eyes as you gave him his last goodbye “Don’t let this ruin your perception of love hun, neither me nor Gabby in any universe would want that for you” You smiled as you let go of his hand.
He nodded in agreement knowing you were right. He couldn’t get you back, but he could try to rebuild what he once had.
He wish he could say I love you as you walked through the portal and back to what he wishes was his.
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lunarmoves · 1 month
Hello its me again and once more I hope you're having a wonderful day/night!
I was wondering if you could give us some DCA fanfic recommendations! I'm very new to ao3 so finding good ones are hard for me :(
- (^⁠_⁠^) anon
nonnie i would LOVE to!! /cracks knuckles/ i have a hoard of them bookmarked in ao3 and im always sniffing for more! since you're new to ao3, ill tell you that when i go hunting for a fic, i usually type something like "dca/reader" in the little search bar and then click the "Daycare Attendant (FNAF)/Reader" tag on the first fic i see. then i go to filters and change the "date updated" to "word count" to sort it. i prefer long fics above all else haha
ANYWAYS. fic rec list under the cut! (all of these are dca/reader btw)
any of bamsara's DCA fics, including Celestial Omens (that really like Fishsticks) (mer au), Solar Lunacy and its affiliated one shots. probably The DCA Fic of All Time for me. it was my introduction to the fandom and i have not been the same since, esp with all the author's art!!
An Eye for an Eye by icedmetaltea. probably discontinued but i saw amazing art for this fic and consumed all 20k of it! definitely worth the read (aquarium/mer eclipse au btw!) also Occupational Hazards is an scp one shot that was v v good and I Watched You Become a Stranger (another mer one shot)
Coiled Around the Fine Line Between Love and Fear by crazedauthor. naga sun and moon! very very very good fic, probably my fav naga au on ao3! it begins on such a good hook and keeps you enthralled!
anything by muzzlemouths! i particularly loveee dreameater moon (we dance in synchronous rotation). all their one shots are SOOO goood and fluffy (mostly. im still hurt by a few of them </3)
Pisces Caelestis by S_V. SUCH a good mer au!! juicy cultural miscommunications and i just lovee moon in this LMAOO. sun is also a ball of sunshine!
Fish Out of Water by imagine_darksiders. a leviathan au that changed everything for me, i think. it was the first fic i read that had masssiveee mer sunmoon and i ate it up!
also literally anything by naffeclipse LMFAOO like, she has 42 fics on ao3, trust me when i say they are all bangers. the first fic i read was In Deep Dreams Between the Waves (leviathan eclipse) and i remember losing it over a certain scene at 4am shdkfsdf. Cryptid Sightings is also an absolute fav. id link more fics but it would be all 42 lmao
copper cogs rusted through by borashore. a post-fire au that i consumed in one sitting a long time ago. i dont remember much, but i know moon made me want to throttle him then hug him LMAO
Dealer's Choice by certified_handler. a club au fic that hooked me in from the START!! i love sun in this, he is written sooooo well and there's a lot of murdery business goin on >:) iirc the sequel is out and posting but im not caught up yet LOL
Weal and Woe by pure_plum. a fantasy/dnd kind of au with amazing descriptions!!! such a gorgeously written fic and sun/moon/eclipse are all sooooo touch starved <3 i need to know what eclipse's deal is!!
Celestial Sundown by pillowspace. THE god au of all time oh my god i cant express how obsessed i am with this fic!! and the art from the author?? phewww i think about sun so often, the designs are lush
The Hermit's Guide to Merfolk by esuerc. another mer fic, ofc, that i dont remember much of bc it's been a minute, but i remember one scene with eclipse that was so vividly described that it took my breath away!! also Supernova which i also dont remember much of, but i know sun was very unhinged in it!
My Baby by xmimi89er. an alien au where sun and moon are literally sooo adorable and angsty and they make u want to wrap them in bubble wrap and protect them forever. good fic for when you want to be the one protecting them. also the author's art is SOOO pretty
Ghost in the Machine by qwille. a multiverse type of fic with numerous versions of the dca! so very well written with good plot, lore, and characters. i'm sure you've probably seen character art drifting around on tumblr, either by the author or from fans. very very good designs, im partial to sol myself
(love is) a seed that grows by starboundpix, a farmer help au that's sooo cute!! very stardew vibes!! i always think about the descriptor that sun and moon have little flower/vine designs on their arms!! it's not too long, but def worth the read!
(In Their) Astral Orbit by rinzydings. my god this is SUCHHHH a good fic like!! it definitely deserves way more kudos than it currently has!! i could gush on and on about this fic, sun and moon are characterized so well and it's literally everything i have wanted in a dca fic
There Are Many Benefits (To Rethinking This Career Path) by moonliched (mer au). the worldbuilding in this is so good and the plot is LUSH!! love the dynamics between sun moon and reader!! constantly thinking about this fic ngl
Star-Crossed by cytokiine. a fae au that honestly had me hooked right from the start! there are a couple of plot twists in here that i truly did not expect. truly i hated moon at first, then i grew to love him within like, one chapter lmao
He's a Little Confused but he's got the Spirit by midnight_mourning. my god i think this fic actually gave me a conniption /pos. sun is written soooo well he is such a conniving little shit!! obsessed with him and it's really interesting seeing engineering details in the fic!
Love, Death and Rollerskates by spadillelicious, an 80s roller rink au with a sun and moon who are so very unhinged!! the interactions with them and reader are very very good. lots of tense moments, sun is definitely scary as hell sometimes LMFAO. lots of fanart floating around for it + drawings from the author, the designs are top tier!
Pluck my Heartstrings by pluck-heartstrings. a medieval times au post pizzaplex that honestly has a dynamic im so obsessed with?? there is so much miscommunication and sun is definitely a teeny tiny bit insane, i love him and moon <3 lots of art from the author!
As long as we are loved by shiracheshire. a living doll au that i just recently caught up on and it is sooo beautifully written! very heartbreaking at times, but i loved reading the progression of sun and moon's relationship with reader!
and that's all i've got so far lmao. i'll probably come back and update this as i read more fic, but!! hopefully this is a good start!
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAu - A Step Forwards
I am back! And After some thinking I have decided how I wanted this drabble to go :3
We are back with a Dream centered one <3 Boy is going through a lot.
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No beta or edits <3
@spotaus welcome back :3
Dream wants to cry again as he looks around the very empty and abandoned living room.
So many things just.. left behind.
Cabinets full of movies and games and all kinds of different game consoles, some very exclusive versions from other universes.
Dream rubs another tear away as he looks around. The pictures on the walls also hurt. They are all of the gang and a few of them has Nightmare in the background. Looking confused with his skull slightly tilted. Killer is often the one who clearly took the picture selfie style.
Dream pauses at another picture. It is Nightmare but he is reading. Clearly distracted. He is sitting on a large chair, tentacles just laying all over the surface of the chair. Nightmare fully distracted as he reads a book while sitting cross legged on it.
Dream remembers that Ngihtmare would always sit cross legged. Spine in a curve as the read.
He had once asked how that could be comfortable. Nightmare had just said it felt nice...
One day he stopped sitting with his spine curved and instead would lean heavily against their mother.
Dream slowly removes the picture from the wall and hugs it close. How could he not have seen that his brother was still there? Just within reach? But Dream had once again not seen it...
A hand on his shoulder shakes him out of it and Blue looks worried at him "Dream?"
Dream leans against Blue "How can I just... not notice? Be so blind and stupid and..."
Blue frowns at him "Dream..."
Dream stares at him "Why didn't I just listen?" No wonder Nightmare left as soon as he could... With them no longer being gods of balance... Nightmare is actually free to do whatever he wants... Why did Dream think Nightmare would still want to be near him after everything?
Blue frowns at him "Becuase you believed it was the right thing to do."
Dream glares down "That is the problem isn't it? That is always what happens. I thought heloing the villagers was the right thing to do but ti wasn't. I thought spreading positivity was the right thing to do but it wasn't. I thought that Nightmare needed help and changing him was the right thing to do. And guess what?! IT wasn't!"
Blue just keeps looking at him "You were a child."
Drema shoots him a glare but Blue continues "You were a child. A child who had a mother who was, I am gonna be honest here, not a good person."
Drema feels bad as he shakes his skull but Blue holds up a hand "Dream. I read that book. I can see the clear favouritism a mile away. But that? That isn't your fault. The way the villagers acted? Wasn't your fault. You were a child. A child who trusted his mother. Who trusted those who were nice to him because why wouldn't you? Why would you think someone would hurt your brother? That idea probably hadn't even come to mind as even a possibility."
Dream glares at the ground and hugs the picture closer "And what about me making the disbalance worse? Me acting as if i knew better when i didn't know anything? When i didn't even realise what my actual title was?"
Blue tilts his skull "Well... who taught you those things?"
Dream opens his mouth "That woman who broke me out of stone and lied- ... oh..."
Blue just smiles sadly "You were surrounded by people who used you for their own needs and wishes Dream... People who hated your brother for no real reason... I am not surprised those some people would tell you lies and poison your ideas on how stuff works."
Dream shakes as he leans against his friend, his best friend. Maybe his one true friend in the multiverse. Mostly as he doubts Nightmare ever wants to be friends again.
Blue rubs his shoulder "She raised you right?"
Dream gives a slow nod "broke out of stone the same way i was when i went in... She got me out and... well... raised me... made sure i trained and would keep repeating how nightmare had caused all the pain adn that they had always known it would happen..." That Dream shoudl ahve stopped Nightmare sooner. that Dream's lack of worry and saying that Nightmare wasn't that bad caused the pain. That it made Nightmare able to destroy their home.
... okay Dream is starting to think Blue may have a point on this.
Blue looks at him "What now?"
Dream stares at him "What?"
Blue gives him a look "You need to make a choice Dream. Because from the looks of this?" he waves around "The gang has moved ages ago. THe fact we haven't heard about any raids or any sus things? They are probably doing something else. Nightmare must have figured out he was successfull in rebalancing the balance and decided to leave it behind."
It only stings a little to hear that. But Blue is right. It had been Nightmare who rebalanced everything. They had seen his office. Files upon files and reports upon reports and so many schedules... all to keep track of the tiny shifts in balance.
Drema had just been running around the Omega universe and doing chores to help people...
Blue continues looking at him "What do you want to do now? Do you want to continue looking for Nightmare?"
Dream does want to continue looking for Nightmare but... He looks around again. Sees the home that had been made... A home for his brother... a home he hadn't been welcome in.
Dream looks at Blue and thinks "I want... I want to see him again... But I don't think he wants to see me..." he looks at the many pictures. and then to the crown they had found tugged away in a drawer "I don't... I don't think he even knows I love him... And that is on me... Even if other stuff isn't completely my fault that is my fault." his failing as a brother. As older twin.
Blue puts an arm tighter around him.
Dream looks at the picture in his hands. the one he is already planning on stealing and keeping for himself "I made a mess of so many things... And when he tried to explain I let lies others told me get to me instead of being brave and trying to understand... I made everything so much harder." he looks at Blue "I want to fix that first..."
Blue frowns "You mean...."
Dream nods "I am going to tell the council. Explain that I had been wrong."
Blue stares at him before smiling brightly "I will be there with you! I am so proud of you Dream!"
Dream smiles as he looks around the cold room. They will do one more search around this place. Look for anythings that Dream can keep save in case Nightmare wants them back... and maybe, like this picture and the crown, a few things that Dream wants to keep.
Dream set up the council to enable more universes to talk and interact. To help each other and to spread messages in case of emergancies.
Turns out that hadn't been the best idea.
At elast this way this should spread quickly!
Dream waits nervously before shooting Blue a look. Blue sees him look and smiles as he gives him the thumbs up.
Dream takes one more look around the table and is happy to note that Error and Ink are both here as well. This is good! Their truce will help set everything to be calm!
Dream rises to his feet and the group quiets. It is okay. He practised this. He smiles brightly "Hello everyone. Thank you for coming this quickly. I know it was shot notice."
Some mutters and someone asked if Nightmare did something again. Error huffs but remains quiet. Ink shoots him a curious look but Error jsut flips him off. Clearly a familiar interaction between them.
Dream takes a deap breath before speaking up "It is connected to my brother yes. Mostly. The balance has been restored."
Silence and Error actually sits upright.
Some mutters and someone congradulates him for his hard work.
Dream shakes his skull "You misunderstand. There is a balance between everything. including emotions. I may hav ebeen spreading positive emotions but All I was doing was unbalancing things. I was making the problem worse. For this I am sorry and we are very lucky my brother did know what he was doing and fixed my mess."
Silence before someone asks how him bringing happiness could be a bad thing.
Dream shoots them an annoyed look "Go you want to laugh and cheer the next time your human kills your brother?"
A long silence.
Dream huffs "That is the start what a multiverse without negativity would cause. I did not realise before I was making it worse and I apologise."
Some uneasiness around them as someone asks the question that most are not asking. If that means that what the gang had been doing had actually been helping the multiverse at large.
Dream nods "It was. And now we are talking about it. I was never a god of positivity. I was a god of balance who very much misunderstood his job." then lastly "Not that it matters anymore. With the balance restored I am no longer a god of balance. I will eventually get, pick or find a new calling but it won't be emotions again." fuck he hopes it isn't emotions again.
Some people keep trying to ask if they really need negativity and can't just get like a negative corner or the bare minimum.
Error grows annoyed and speaks up "This si why this shit is useless. It is like destruction and creation. Like life and death. YOu want your world to get overpopulated until you can't make enough food and everyone will starve? That is a world wihtout natural death. You want the multiverse to get so full with half finished and glitching universes? That is what happens when ou want destroy stuff and do clean up. You want to laugh manically when someone you love dies? That is what happens when you don't have negativity. It isn't that hard to understand." Error sees that everyone heard and lays back down.
Dream shoots him a smile but Error jsut continues to glare at him. Right. Error nad Nightmare had been friends. Dream turns back to the group "Error is right. THis is bigger than one of two universes. This is bigger than all of our worlds combined. But foremost it is important that everyone knows that my brother was never the villain."
Some people try to go against it but Dream just keeps repeating the same message. His brother is the reason things are stable and everyone can still feel normally. He is the reason the balance is fixed. He wasn't the villain.
And he will repeat it as many times as needed until the message sticks.
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