#A hug from someone who genuinely loves and cares about him could probably make him reconsider half his actions
these-detestable-hands · 10 months
Everyone in dear emperor is aroace unless I specifically say otherwise. Lewis is straight ace. Every other goober in this story is aroace
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How they’d react to you not kissing/hugging him before leaving for a mission…
Dick acts as though you told him his ass isn’t that fat in his spandex suit-
He’s insulted.
You always, always remember to kiss his cheek before he leaves. His ‘good luck, be safe and kick ass’ cheek kiss!
It’s your thing as a couple! Do you want to see him cry because he fucking will! He’ll do it!
Dick will pout, huff and whine loud as possible in hopes that you’d realise your error and rectify it tenfold. He won’t tell you what’s wrong. No, he wants and expects you to figure it out for yourself, which doesn’t get him anywhere when you’re looking at him confused and lost as to what he was whining about; Literally.
His mood will be down for the entirety of the day and you’ll no doubt have texts from his teammates and family members asking what was wrong with Dick to look so down.
You’re just as confused as them seeing as how Dick didn’t disclose his innermost thoughts and feelings to you despite being his partner, so you were at a loss on how to help them with something even you weren’t privy to knowing…it’s probably one of your biggest issues as a couple but that’s for another time.
Dick will do that pathetic thing where he looks back at you expectantly the closer he gets towards the door, even going so far as to walk extremely slow when he was within reaching distance of the door handle as to buy you enough time to notice before he genuinely had to leave.
When you don’t however, Dick acts like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day and will proceed to exaggerate to anyone with ears about how his lover was restricting him of his affection.
On the other hand, If you do manage to remember to give him a good luck kiss, planting an extra one on his other cheek for extra, extra luck. Dick will have a permanent smile on his face that will not go the fuck away, even when he’s beating someone’s ass, the smile remains glued on his face as though with gorilla glue.
Seeing Dick brutally beat someone’s ass with a smile was horrifying for anyone to witness but it’s okay bc he’s happy that you remembered to kiss him good luck.
Jason will immediately call you out on your bullshit.
And by that I mean cross his arms over his chest and stare at you saying. ‘Well?’
And you’re like: ‘well what?’
And he’s like: ‘where’s my good luck kiss that you owe me? Roy is waiting on me and here I am waiting on my kiss, so give me my kiss chipmunk.’
Jason doesn’t piss about and gets to the meat of the issue at hand. He wants his good luck kisses and he wants them now and he will not leave the apartment until he gets them.
You’d raise a brow at his not so subtle neediness for your affection and decided to tease him. ‘I thought you didn’t need my good luck kisses remember? You’re a big boy who can fight with or without my good luck kisses.’
Jason groans, not expecting you to pull that out. ‘I said that one time. One time and I was being a dick back then too because all you wanted to do was show me that you cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.’
You smiled and got up from the couch and walked over to him, resting your hands on his biceps. ‘So now that you admit that you were a dick and the way that you acted was wrong…’ you trailed off as you pressed a kiss to his lips once, twice, three times because you loved to kiss Jason whenever possible and will try to plant as many kisses as you could.
‘Thanks chipmunk.’ Jason murmurs against your lips, feeling everything has gone back to being right again. ‘Now I better be off or Roy will tease me for lingering too long-‘
‘Too late.’ Roy said from the doorway and Jason closed his eyes and silently curse while you smiled and waved at Roy. ‘Hi Roy!’ You said. ‘Hi y/n, mind letting Jason come out to play?’ Roy joked. You played along by making a thoughtful face as Jason mutters under his breath; ‘are you being serious right now?’
You snapped your fingers. ‘As long as you make sure Jason doesn’t get into trouble then yes, he may go out and play.’
‘I hate you both.’ Jason groaned as he walked past you and playfully shoved Roy aside to leave the apartment. Roy then cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted after him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want your goodbye kisses?’ You and Roy laugh together upon hearing Jason cursing him out from a distance.
Damian acts indifferent about it.
He doesn’t need a good luck hug, hell! he doesn’t need luck at all!
He’s skilled enough to win any fight without relying on something silly as Luck. Luck was just probability under a different name and definition. (A/n: Don’t quote me on that.)
So when you forget to give him a hug before a mission, Damian doesn’t think anything of it but it will linger in his mind unnecessarily much to his annoyance.
Why was he so hung up on not getting something a silly as a hug? Or was he instead more upset over the fact that you, his closest friend/partner, completely forgot about it as though it wasn’t anything worth remembering.
Either way he was conflicted and didn’t know how to go about saying any of this to you without getting frustrated over his apparent loss for words. He was a man of action more then anything so when he finally catches up to you, he will stride towards you and stop just a couple of inches and silently stare at you with his resting bitch face.
‘Damian?’ You asked. ‘Are you okay?’
Damian doesn’t say anything because he couldn’t think of anything to say in that moment and instead stays silent as to save himself from further embarrassment.
‘Damian?’ You asked again, getting worried over his unusual silence. ‘I can’t help you if you don’t tell me-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Damian had lunged towards you and brought you into a very tight hug. You smile softly and gladly hugged Damian back, not saying a single word other then;
‘You don’t need me to say it but I’ll reaffirm it anyway, you’ll do great out there Dami. I know you will.’
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cheapshrimpysheep · 11 months
Meaningful Kiss
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SUMMARY: Would they make Public Displays of Affection? If not, are they protective instead? And how do they show you how much they truly love you through their kisses?
CHARACTERS: OB students (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia & Malleus)
TAGS: Bullet Points; Fluff; GN Reader; Established Relationship, Kissing, Flirting, Slightly Suggestive(?)
WORD COUNT: An average of 300 words per character.
COMMENTS: This has been a WIP for so long that I don't even remember how I got the idea to write it. And in my case, being a WIP for a long time means that I wrote one part and then went on to write something else and ended up forgetting about this one for a long time. 😅 But now I've finished it.
I hope you enjoy 💋
Meaningful Kiss 2 (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek)
Meaningful Kiss 3 (Ruggie, Jade, Kalim, Silver, Lilia)
Meaningful Kiss 4 (Cater, Trey, Floyd, Rook)
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CONTEXT: You two are in an established relationship already.
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Riddle is not really the PDA type. The most he would do with you in public could be walk arm in arm like you were royalty. In terms of kisses, a kiss on the back of your hand or, at the most, on your cheek.
When the two of you are alone on a normal day, he will probably be working on his student and Housewarden duties. But whenever you tell him he should take a break, he'll get up, sit next to you and hug you, like you're a charger.
If you're relaxing together, he’ll be reading a book with one arm around you. Either around your shoulders or around your waist, which you told him you like the most. He’ll also laying his head on your shoulder.
The most meaningful kisses are, of course, the kisses on your lips. He's not the type to kiss you on the lips just like a "good morning" thing. These kisses are always sweet and lovely. His hands would be on your cheeks to caress them.
He needs you, but his kisses aren't needy. They are the caring type. You are his precious rose. In contrast to his strict self, the way he shows you that he loves you is through soft affection and care.
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A relationship with Leona Kingscholar comes with your rights and duties. Some of your rights: He will buy you things; you’re allowed to pet his ears; he will be your protector and you can sleep with him in his comfy bed and have breakfast in bed (he ordered someone to bring it to you two)
Some of your duties: let him use you as a pillow (be it your thighs in the greenhouse or your chest in bed.); don't be too annoying to him; dealing with his “smugness” on a daily basis and being his and his alone, the same way he's yours.
He's kinda into PDA, but more in the sense of telling anyone who might look at you with interest that you're his. Or anyone who looks down on you that if they do the slightest thing against you they will have to suffer at his claws. If the other person is a friend of yours, he'll let it go.
He has at least two types of kisses. The first is the “make out” kisses. When you're alone and he wants you (if you want him at the time too of course), he would give you deep kisses, kiss your neck and run his hands over you. Either he would make you sit on his lap our make you lie down with him.
His real meaningful kisses are the second ones. The "lazy" kisses. The first ones are linked to his pride. These second ones are much more affectionate. Usually happen when he's still sleepy, like when he just woke up from a good nap. He may lazily put his arms around you and kiss your cheek, neck, or shoulder gently. This is perhaps the most vulnerable state he will let you see. And so it will only happen in private.
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Azul is also not very adept at PDA, but he is still capable of putting an arm around you and kissing your cheek to show how well he takes care of you.
He's already quite charming and pleasant with his potential clients, so with you it's not much different in public. The only difference is that with you it's genuine.
Do I need to say that dating him is like dating a Mafia Boss? AKA: Nobody disrespects my loved ones, unless they want a certain head in their beds when they wake up. (reference to The Godfather)
Being alone with him on a normal day would probably be being with him in his VIP room at Mostro Lounge. You're sitting on one of the couches while he's dealing with his paperwork. He’s probably the type that likes to be teased a little. So, when you see that he is no longer that attentive to the papers, go up to him, play with his hair, kiss his cheek, that will put him in the mood for you.
He’s the opposite of Leona. The kisses he usually gives you are sweet and charming like him. Because that's the side of him he want to show you the most. He'll kiss your cheek and lips affectionately. Let you sit on his lap. The side he most wants to show you is the confident and caring side. The one who shows you that you can trust him and that he will take care of you.
His most meaningful kiss is the opposite. The one related to his needy side. He shows you his most vulnerable side when he is the one who needs you. And that's what everything he does shows you. His kisses, his hugs, his begging look, all screaming “I need you! Please don’t leave me.”
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Jamil is completely against PDA! He doesn't like to stand out or draw attention and PDA always do that to the people involved. He won't hold your hand or kiss you. To the point where no one knows if you're even dating or not.
The only way he would show his affection for you in public is if that is a way to protect you. If someone looks down on you and he feels that that persons can be a threat to you, he will show that he is an even greater threat to them. In these moments, his protective side is stronger. He is Kalim's protector by obligation, but yours by free will.
It's when you're alone that he'll make up for his lack of affection of the day. On a normal day, you would be alone in the kitchen. He would probably be cooking for Kalim, but making something for you two as well. He’ll let you taste things as he cooks. He feels more relaxed when he's with you and even more so when you hug him.
When you're relaxing together, he would spoil you. Give you soft and sweet kisses. Pet your head and play with your hair. Give you massages and feed you things like grapes or small snacks. Or even taking the first mouthful of food he made for you to your mouth and seeing your delighted face.
The most meaningful gestures of affection he shows you are related to his most lustful side (lust for power) when you are the one spoiling him. The one moment in his life where he is no longer the servant, but the master. This time, he kisses your lips, your neck and everything he's entitled to. He tends not to show his feelings but with you he will show how much he loves you and how much he wants you.
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In reality, Vil neither likes nor dislikes PDA. He's kind of indifferent to it. The only reason he doesn't do it with you is because it would have bad consequences for both of you for his work as an actor and model. The most he can do is walk hand in hand with you.
Even though he doesn't show it much in public, everyone will know that you two are dating. He'll make sure of it, even if it's just information on the internet or him straight out saying it. On the one hand to protect you, because only an idiot would try to mess with Vil Schoenheit's partner. On the other hand to discourage anyone who has the slightest interest in you. “Honey, they’re with me. Do you really think you can even get to my heels? So, don't bother them.”
The only possible problem for you is that he's going to be more strict now that you're dating. From the outside it looks like he can be mean and demanding with you. But the truth is, he wants you to look your best so people know why he fell in love with you. He wants others to see on the outside how beautiful you are on the inside.
But of course, sometimes it's too much and you'll challenge him. Be stubborn and carefree. The best part? He's so into it! Your way of teasing each other.
He kisses you every now and then when you're alone. But when you put him on this mood, all his affection mix with boldness intensifies. Oh, of course, you wanted him to remind you what the reward is for listening to him. The answer is: appreciating you with the rest of his senses, sensual kisses on your lips, jaw, neck and shoulders; his hands running over your body, him delighting in your wearing the perfume he made for you. He'll show you how beautiful you are to him.
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PDA is not even an option! There is no way! Na-a! Listen, Idia loves you, really, he promises BUT going with you to places where couples usually go is already a lot and holding hands is the absolute most he can do. IF that even happens.
He wouldn’t be the jealous type. If someone shows an interest in you, at least they have good taste. But if someone looks down on you or goes so far as to disrespect you, then he goes from 0 to 100. Do these worms know he can hack them? exposing things that can completely ruin their lives until the day they pass through the gates of the underworld? Ortho can help protect you in the meantime.
Since he is a 0 to 100 guy, his kisses are the same. His "0" kisses are lazy. Mainly light, on your shoulder and neck, because you would be sitting on his lap, chest to chest, while he plays on his PC and you on your phone on his back. He also gives you casual "hi" and "bye" kisses on the lips.
Then there is his "100" kisses. Those are the real meaningful kisses, the "I love you" kisses. They are passionate but kind. Because loving you is different for loving a game, it's like he found his balance. they are not needy, but appreciative, the real embodiment of "OMG, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" He also becomes bolder as he feels comfortable with you. He loves to tease you until he makes you shut him up with a kiss. The stronger your relationship is, the more daring and smug he will be.
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Malleus is quite indifferent to PDA. However, he is not the type to initiate the exchange of affection, but he is the type to reciprocate it. He won't kiss or hug you out of nowhere. But if you kiss or hug him, he will definitely reciprocate.
And he's going to be extremely casual about it. I mean, it's two lovers interacting with each other. As young humans would say: What's the big deal? However, he still distinguishes between the affection he gives you in public and the affection he gives you in private.
In public, his hugs are polite, and his kisses are light but loving.
In private, what he wants most is simply to be with you. He loves it when you sit on his lap and he cuddles you, and he likes it even more when you cuddle him back. He maintains his composure quite well, but you know that just your kisses on his checks already melt him inside.
His regular kisses in privet are sweet, loving, showing you that you are the most precious thing in his life. And very recurrent. He may not be the type to initiate the exchange of affection in public, but he certainly is in private.
All his kisses are meaningful, but the most meaningful of all are the one he gives you on your lips while smiling. The kind of kiss he can't stop himself from giving you. You may not even notice when they happen, because you are simply being yourself.
He feels the need to kiss you passionately when you do something that reminds him of why he fell in love with you. The moments when you do something that may seem simple, but for him it is something extraordinary. And if you don't realize at first how incredible that small gesture can be for him, it only makes you more charming.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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felixknow · 3 months
Bang Chan: Worshipper
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sorry, I had to repost this. the last one wasn't showing up in search results.
Smut!!! MDNI, NSFW!!!!! Established relationship w/ plus size c!sfem reader; body image issues and breakdown; d@ddy k!nk, bbygirl said a lot, praise during intimacy, Chris being a soft dom basically <3
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Chris opens the door and frowns.
“Babygirl, what’s wrong?”
“How do you know something’s wrong?” you ask quietly, dropping your bag from your shoulder.
“Don’t even get me started. You’re not looking at me for one, and you knocked on my door. Since when do you knock?”
You shrug halfheartedly, kicking your feet a little, nervously shuffling back and forth.
“Can I come in, or…?”
“Well, yeah,” he says, opening the door wider and taking your hand as you step inside. You take off your shoes and sit your purse down, then pass him, letting go of his hand. He stares at you, dumbfounded.
You shuffle into the living room and drop down onto the couch, curling into yourself against the arm, resting your cheek against the backrest.
“What happened, baby?” Chris asks, sitting behind you and gently trying to pull you toward him. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you mumble, letting him turn you at least a little so you’re sitting facing forward. “I’m just… pathetic,” you whine, turning your face away from him so he can’t see the heavy tears welling up in your eyes.
“Baby, no you’re not.” He tries to pull you in for a hug, but you panic and thrash, throwing his arms away from you. His mouth falls open in shock, his eyes looking betrayed and hurt, and finally the dam inside of you bursts.
“I’m upset because I saw this beautiful, skinny girl and I saw her beautiful, skinny friends and I just started to feel so disgusting and huge and it didn’t matter how much progress I’ve made loving myself lately because when I saw them I just wanted to cry. I feel so disgusting, Chris. I don’t understand why you’d want to be with someone so huge and blobby. You should be with someone hot and pretty and skinny and beautiful like those girls.”
You can’t meet his eyes.
“I’m disgusting,” you mumble.
You can barely move out of an irrational fear that he’ll suddenly see you as terribly as you suddenly began to see yourself.
“You shouldn’t be with me,” you whimper.
You just want so desperately to shrivel up and disappear.
“Why would you say that?” Chris asks, hurt and empathy dripping from his voice. “Babygirl, you are beautiful. Do you hear me?” He holds your arm and tries yet again to turn you toward him, but you shake your head and keep your head turned away.
“Y/N, I don’t care what other girls look like. ‘Thin’ doesn’t mean ‘beautiful,’ the same way ‘fat’ doesn’t mean ‘ugly.’ It’s okay to have bad days, but you can’t genuinely think that those girls were better or more attractive than you just because something bad happened in your head. This isn’t my baby. Where’s my baby?”
He tries again to turn you toward him, and finally you let him, but you snap.
“This is your baby. Your huge, fat girlfriend who’s twice your size and probably is so fucking ugly when you try to lay her down to make love--”
Your voice cracks.
“How could you even want me? I’m disgusting.”
Finally you break, sobbing and letting him pull you into his open and waiting arms. He holds you tightly, shushing you and rubbing his hands up and down your back.
“No, no, no, don’t ever say that. Don’t do that, Y/N. I love every single bit of you. I think you’re beautiful. I love your body. I love your mind. I love the way you look, in your clothes and out of them. I don’t want a different girl. I want you and all your lovely curves and rolls. Don’t cringe right now, don’t you do that,” he says, scolding you when you flinch at his words. “You say all the time that I looove your curves and your rolls, and you’re right. But for some reason you can’t say it today, so I’m saying it for you. It’s not a bad thing to be big, Y/N. I love you.”
Your cries subside slowly as Chris talks, and finally you settle down to lip wobbles and quiet sniffles.
“I love you,” he says again, kissing the top of your head.
“I love you,” you say quietly.
“Can I see that pretty smile?” He pokes your side, making you turn away from him slightly. You know the barrage of tickles is coming before he even starts.
“Noo,” you whine, trying to scoot away from him, but he locks one arm around you and starts his tickle attack with the other, targeting your sides and your belly. Your laughs come loud and hard. Your lungs are sore almost immediately, and he doesn’t stop despite your desperate gasps of his name amongst your giggles and squeals as you squirm and push against his strong arms.
“You need Daddy to show you how perfect you are, huh?” he asks through gritted teeth despite his smile. His voice is a mix of teasing and stern, ready to slip into his dom role with you at your signal. You can’t respond properly through your laughter despite the slowing of his prodding fingers into your sensitive side.
“I think you need me to worship this beautiful body of yours, yeah?” he asks, urging you to respond. He finally stops tickling you and instead grabs onto one of your thick thighs with one hand while his other hand finds its way around the bottom of your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Answer me, Princess, or Daddy’s gonna answer for ya.”
Words still won’t come out between your panting breaths and still-negative thoughts swirling in your head. So you moan in response, staring into Chris’s eyes with your mouth held shut by his grip.
He raises his eyebrows and smirks.
“That’s how it is, eh?” He lets go of your face and leg at the same time and climbs to his feet. “I know just what you need, then. Come with me.” He takes your hands and pulls you up and along behind him, down the hall and into his bedroom. He makes a point of dramatically locking the door behind the two of you before turning toward you with a serious look on his face.
“You’re gonna take what I give you, understand?” he asks before pulling his shirt over his head and discarding it on the floor, leaving his impeccably sculpted torso on display for you.
“Yes, Daddy,” you say softly, nodding.
“Good girl. Now I want you to take everything off.” Your face falls. “Ah, ah, don’t argue with me. I said everything.”
Tears involuntarily spring to the corner of your eyes.
“But, Chris--”
“Do as I say. Now.”
“But I’d be more comfortable if we went slow…” Your fingers play with the hem of your shirt nervously.
“I said you’re going to take what I give you, Princess,” he says dangerously and slowly. “Did you misunderstand? I’m not asking. Take it all off. Now. I won’t tell you again.”
You have no choice but to comply. With shaking hands you take off your shirt and bra, then your pants, underwear, and socks until you’re standing in your boyfriend’s room wearing nothing but your own embarrassment.
Chris either doesn't notice or doesn’t care. He hisses as he palms himself and groans when your last shred of clothing hits the floor.
“Fuck. You’re so beautiful, you know that?” You shake your head slightly and cross your arms, holding yourself tightly, trying to cover yourself. “Mm, obviously you don’t or we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Chris crosses the empty space between you and grabs your arms, forcing them down to your sides. He shamelessly pets and squeezes your arms, your chest, your belly, your sides, your back, your hips-- everything he can get his hands on despite your wriggling and whining as you try to turn away from him.
“I love this body,” he mumbles against your neck as he holds your body against his with his hands grabbing two handfuls of your ass. “I love your soft arms and your big stomach and your cute little rolls. You’re so warm and sweet, I could just eat you up.” His lips brush up and down your neck, presses kisses between his praise of you, sucks love bites into the column of your throat.
“I’m gonna fuck the sense back into you,” he says, voice dipping lower, growing closer to a growl. His grip tightens almost painfully on your ass before he massages the force of his grip back out. That’s the kind of night it’s going to be. He’s going to make you take it no matter how hard he gives it, but he’ll always be sure to make it better once he’s satisfied.
“There’s no reason my girl should be doubting me, or herself.” He holds your face in place again, making you look him in the eye. His other hand sweetly pulls your hair to one side and brushes it out neatly before grabbing it in a tight grip. “You think I want a skinny girlfriend? You think I want someone who doesn’t look like you?”
You nod slightly, but his stern look and annoyed tilt of his head makes you quickly correct and shake your head.
“No, no,” you say, trying to correct yourself. “You want me.”
“That’s right,” he says, holding your hair tighter. “If I wanted a skinny girl I’d be with a skinny girl, wouldn’t I? As if I even care about someone’s size. You know, it’s not nice to try to put words into my mouth. Who I ‘should’ date, who I’d ‘look better’ with. It’s insulting, Princess. Are you gonna say sorry for insulting me?”
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, trying your best to pout.
“How sorry?” he lets go of your face but not your hair.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy. I shouldn’t have said those stupid things. I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“You gonna be a good girl now and apologize properly?”
You nod frantically.
“Yes. Yes, Daddy. Whatever you want.”
“Lay down on the edge of the bed and let me fuck your throat then.” He finally lets go of your hair and almost shoves you toward the bed by the force of his hand leaving you. Reflexively his other hand catches you and makes sure you’re steady before you get into position.
Rough but sweet.
You climb onto his bed and lay on your back, scooting up until your head and hair hangs off the edge. Chris takes his time removing his pants and underwear, watching you spread yourself out for him despite your deep instinct to cover yourself and hide.
“Good girl,” he praises when you part your lips and hold your mouth open and waiting for him. He sighs and bites back a moan as he strokes himself, slowly shuffling closer and closer to you until he can prod his tip against your lip. You stick your tongue out and try to get a taste of him, but he steps back.
“Ah, ah, ah. I didn’t tell you to do that, did I?”
“No,” you say quietly.
“So behave.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Chris comes closer again and rubs his tip against your lips, tracing them and circling them until he finally decides to push into your mouth. He moans and greedily keeps pushing and pushing until his cock is buried to the hilt and your throat is full of him.
“That’s my good girl,” he says in a low groan. “Ahh, yeah. Such a good fucking girl, hmm?” He slowly pulls back and starts rocking forward again, and all you can do is hum around him to agree and try your best not to gag.
“Fuck. Yeahh,” he hisses, thrusting faster as he reaches out to grab and squeeze your tits. Tears start to roll down your cheeks just from the pressure and the half-gags you have to keep choking down. 
“Mmm, my pretty girl. So good for me. Yeahh, just for me, baby. Such a good girl. I love the way you look like this. I love seeing your whole body while I fuck that pretty face.”
He babbles on, praising you while leaning forward to touch your body. He plays with your breasts, pinching and rolling your nipples between his fingers. He runs his hands across your stomach, grabbing the rolls at your sides and sweetly rubbing his thumbs against them. His hands wander higher, petting your arms and your chest and finally he caresses your face and notices the tears streaming out of your eyes.
“Oh, babygirl,” he coos, backing up and taking his cock out of your mouth.
“No,” you whine as soon as your mouth is free. “Daddy, noo, come back. Don’t stop, please.”
“Why are you crying, Princess?” he asks, kneeling down and kissing one of the tear trails on the side of your face.
“Just because I was gagging. I’m not crying anymore.”
“You’re not? You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Good girl.” He once again grips your chin and turns your head to him. He kisses you deeply, giving a long pause for this gentle intimacy before he gets back to his ultimate goal: fucking every single shred of self-doubt out of you.
“You know I hate when you cry, babygirl,” he says, kneeling on the bed and sitting in the middle. “Come here.”
You take his hands for support and he helps you sit up. He guides you closer and closer, and finally has you sit straddling his lap. He places your arms around his neck, then his hands wander, slowly caressing your arms, your shoulders, down your back and every inch of your sides and hips. He pets your thighs and brushes the back of his fingers against your stomach and across your breasts before he finally palms them and squeezes gently.
“You’re so beautiful to me. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,” he says softly. “I’ve never once looked at you and thought you were anything less than stunning. I’ve never thought you were any of the negative things you’ve thought about yourself.”
“Really?” you ask breathily, trying to focus on three things at once-- stopping yourself from crying again, hesitating to put your full weight on his lap, and the way his touching your body and now your chest is making you as flustered as the first time you had sex with him when every touch he gifted you felt feather-light and exciting.
“Really,” he insists, leaning in to brush his lips against your neck where he already left love bites. His hands move again, reaching down to your hips and your thighs once again. “I’ll sit here and tell you over and over and over again until you believe me.” One hand stills on your hip but the other caresses closer to your inner thigh. “I’ll tell you a million times how attractive you are and how addicted I am to your body.” You involuntarily jump, just slightly, when his gentle fingers brush against your cunt. “And if it doesn’t make you feel any better, I’ll tell you a million more.”
“I’d like that,” you say softly, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He lifts his head again and meets your eyes.
“Look at me,” he whispers as his fingers spread your lips and slip against your skin thanks to the wetness he’s already caused.
“My sweet girl.” He traces your labia lazily for a few seconds, staring deep into your eyes. You squirm in his lap and your hips involuntarily buck down against his hand when his finger swipes across your clit.
“My pretty girl,” he says, circling your clit slowly. “Don’t you agree? You’re my pretty girl.”
“Yes,” you sigh out.
His hand stops.
“Say it.”
“I’m your pretty girl.”
His fingers start moving again, a little faster than before.
“Good girl. My beautiful girl.”
You moan and roll your head back, but Chris immediately stops his hand.
“Baby,” he warns. “Eyes on me.”
You tilt your head back up slowly and make eye contact again, no doubt with lust-clouded eyes. Chris’s eyes are dark but shiny and playful as always, and he looks at you in a way that makes your head spin. His gaze is a mix of stern command and lovelorn fawning.
“Repeat what I said,” he says after a moment of silence, flicking a finger across your clit, making you hiss and suck in a breath. 
“I-I,” you stutter, unable to remember what he even said ten seconds ago. “I'm sorry, I don't remember.”
“You don't remember? My fingers make you lose your head that much? I haven't even let you ride them yet.”
You whine and roll your hips as if you were riding them already.
“I want to,” you whine, but he tsks.
“You're so beautiful, babygirl. I want to make you feel good because you're the most beautiful when you're cumming because of me, but I need you to love yourself again before the end of this. My beautiful girl.”
He slides his middle finger into you, lazily curling the end of it so you can feel him press against your walls. Your instinct tells you to close your eyes or look away, but you know by now that if you take your eyes off him he'll stop. 
“Your beautiful girl,” you force out, trying to keep your breathing steady despite the way your heart pounds in your chest. There's something so overwhelming about this intimacy-- not just the sex, not his finger inside you, but the combination of his eyes locked on yours while doing it and making you say his possessive affirmations…
“It's too much,” you whine. “I’m overwhelmed,” you mumble, looking away from him and putting on your best pout so maybe he won’t punish you too harshly.
His finger slides out of you and he tilts his head to try to look at you.
“Too much? You don’t know what too much is. I haven’t given you enough yet.” He puts two of his wet fingers against your clit and starts frantically rubbing, letting your sensitive bud bounce between the cleft of his two slippery fingers. You immediately jump and whine, squirming and moaning, hips rolling and twitching.
“Ahhhh, mmm, Chris, ahhh!”
His fingers stop abruptly.
“Look at me while I make you cum,” he demands, moving his two fingers in their frantic rhythm again. Your head doesn’t move, so he grabs you by the throat, squeezing at the outer edges just slightly. You gasp and grab his wrist with both hands, finally looking at him again.
You can’t make out any words, only gradually louder whines and pathetic moans as he works you closer and closer to your climax. No one has ever been able to make you cum so quickly from their fingers alone, but Chris has always had a special way of winding you up so tightly that you feel like you’ll burst before he even gets his hands on you.
Now he’s got you on the brink, one hand on your throat while the other works your clit. He lavishes you with his words.
“Yeah, that’s my good girl. I love your body. I know every inch of this beautiful, big body. Wouldn’t change it for the world, you know that? Wouldn’t change a thing about your body, Princess. I love you.”
“I love you,” you gasp out. The way you’re sitting on his lap won’t let you close your legs, but your thighs tremble and try to work shut anyway. The cocky smile on Chris’s mouth while he waits for you to reach your climax is too good. He knows you too well. He knows.
“I love youuu,” he says again, sickeningly sweet, right as it finally hits you. You throw your head back as much as you’re able with his hand holding your throat in place. You grind down on his hand, groaning and moaning, incoherently trying to call out his name in a desperate attempt to connect to him further.
“My sexy girl,” he chuckles. “God, I love the way you look when you cum.” He releases your neck and tilts your head forward to press your lips against his. While he kisses you, his fingers gradually stop and finally still, then his damp hand rests against your waist. 
He kisses you languidly, swallowing the rest of your whimpers as the overwhelming warmth and pleasure works its way through your system and you slowly calm down.
Finally when you’ve been quiet for a few moments, he pulls away.
“I should have done that in front of a mirror--” he says in a low voice. “--or recorded it. You need to see how pretty you are when you cum.”
“Maybe next time…?”
“That’s a wonderful idea, babygirl. Next time. But for now…” He reaches down and pulls on your calf, making you swing your leg to the side and then wrap it around him. He guides you to do the same on the other side until you’re no longer sitting on your knees straddling his lap. Instead you’re sitting in his lap properly with your legs locked behind him.
“Now I need to fuck that pretty pussy, and we’re gonna do it together, yeah?” Chris takes your hand and wraps it around his cock, guiding you to start stroking him. “You’re gonna-- ahh-- You’re gonna ride me and I’m gonna fuck you, and you have to keep looking at me, got it?”
You nod quickly but don’t verbally respond. You really wanna look down at his cock, especially as he helps you tilt it toward your cunt while pulling you forward until you’re close enough to feel the tip hitting heavily against your clit.
But you can’t look away from his soft eyes.
His persona is slipping. The bite has been falling out of his voice. The intimacy of having you in his lap, reacting so strongly to every little touch he gives you, has filled him with love more than pride; confidence in your relationship, more than smugness for his ego.
And you can see it all betrayed in his eyes.
“Closer,” he mumbles, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist. He holds you impossibly close to his body, your stomach squishing against his toned abs and your soft breasts flattening against his chest. The soft love-struck look in his eyes never falters, not even as you shift to the side a little so you can still help guide his dick into you despite your stomach being in the way.
He moans happily when you finally start sinking down on him, and you moan right back, whining needily as he fills you.
“Oh, fuck,” you whine, briefly tilting your head down as if you’re gonna lay it on his shoulder, but you remember his one rule and sit back up.
“This pussy always takes me so well,” Chris sighs happily. “I love this fucking body. I love it,” he groans, bucking up into you while his second arm joins his first locked around your waist.
“I love you,” you gasp, grinding down against him.
“I love you. I need you to love yourself like I love you.”
“I’ll try,” you stutter, nodding. “I’ll try.”
You move your hips together continuously, Chris bucking upward and you grinding down. You have more freedom of movement being on top, so you take it upon yourself to circle or slide your hips back and forth depending on what feels best.
Chris’s hands grip your squishy hips and love handles tightly when you move in a way that feels really good for him, and when you get him really worked up he can’t help but to reel you in by a gentle hand on the back of your head. He moans into your mouth and kisses you with more tongue than lip, trying to lick every moan and whine out of our mouth before it can fall.
Your moans grow more frantic once one of his hands reaches down to rub his thumb against your clit lazily while you continue to fuck each other. Chris swallows all your sounds down, refusing to let you break the kiss to warn him that you’re so so so close.
He can tell, though. Of course he can. He knows your body and its reactions better than you know it yourself.
He keeps working you from both angles-- his hips bucking up and his thumb brushing your already-oversensitive clit, until you break.
Your body shakes, starting in your legs and working all the way up as a delicious orgasm rolls through your entire body. You chant his name against his mouth, and he smirks and almost chuckles at first, until the fluttering of your walls as you keep riding through your orgasm sends him hurtling past the point of no return as well.
He cums hot, silky shots into your pussy with no concern for the consequences.
“Oh, fuck,” he barks when the sudden orgasm takes him, having turned his head away from you just quick enough to not shout in your face. 
“Daddy,” you sigh blissfully, running your hand through his sweat-dampened hair. “Chris. That was… That was so much.”
He chuckles softly and pecks small kisses across your cheek and jaw.
“I’m at a loss for words as well,” he says quietly. Both of you are still now, no more bucking hips and rolling waves. You’re left with only the heaving of your chests as your breathing steadies in tandem.
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
“I don’t expect this to have made everything better,” he admits, once again meeting your eye. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and traces his finger down the edge of your face. “Sometimes I’m just so baffled that you can’t see how beautiful you are. To me you’re like a goddess-- literally, like those Greek statues. I’m so in love with you and how you look. I wanted you to feel that.”
“I did. I really did, I promise.”
“Good. Though I’m not opposed to showing you again if you need me to,” he says cheekily, and you giggle, shaking your head.
“I’ll keep your offer in mind for the future, but I understand you perfectly tonight.”
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moonstruckme · 1 month
hi! i was wondering if you could make some more bartender!sirius x reader stories! anything works really! i love love love your writing 💞
Thanks for requesting ml!
cw: attempted sa, police are called (but don't worry, everything is fine)
bartender!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Sirius isn’t ashamed to say he’s had his eye on you tonight. You’re a sweet-looking thing, with sparkly eyes and a big, genuine smile that you’d beamed right at him as you ordered your drink. You got your first couple from Marlene, but most recently you came up to him. You’d leaned your elbows on the bar, looked at him with those lovely eyes, and said all the pleases and thank yous and may Is that always make Sirius want to climb over the counter and hug the customers who use them. He'd have comped your drink if you weren’t clearly here with someone else. 
And that someone else seems to be infatuated with you. Appropriately so, Sirius thinks. He takes your hand to lead you over to a couch along the wall, and he nods so eagerly while you speak that it looks like his head is on a spring, and when you turn to look at something he’s pointed out he reaches over and—
Several heads turn at Sirius’ shout, but the important part is that yours does. Not before your lips close around the straw of your drink, though. Sirius doesn’t have to work to convey urgency in his expression—that comes quite naturally. He waves his hand to beckon you back to the bar.
You obey, not looking upset but rather tentative as you make your way through the crowd. Your date stands with you, but something in Sirius’ face must tip him off. He disappears towards the exit. Sirius wants to go after him and strangle the bloke with his own two hands, but he’ll have to worry about that later. 
“Don’t drink that,” he says once he thinks you’re within earshot. 
You’re not, evidently. “What?” 
“Give it here.” Sirius leans across the bar, reaching for your drink. It’s only the caution in your expression that reminds him to say, “Please.” 
You hand it over, eyebrows raising when he brings it behind the bar and immediately pours it into the sink. 
“Erm…am I going to be refunded for that?” 
Sirius shakes his head, but managing a breathless, frazzled, “Yeah.” 
He feels so far out of his depth. Nothing like this has ever happened during one of his shifts—at least, fuck, not that he knows of. Sirius isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. 
He starts by looking you in the eyes. “The bloke you were with put something in your drink.” 
Your lips part, brows twitching together. “What? No, he…” You turn your head, clearly expecting your date to be right behind you. Sirius watches your face change as you realize he’s nowhere to be seen. 
When you turn back to him, he can see the beginnings of fear in your gaze. His hand makes its way across the bar of its own accord, squeezing your wrist before tugging you gently towards the nearest barstool. 
“I saw it happen,” he says firmly. “Do you want to sit here with me for a bit?” 
“I don’t…yeah, please.” You look dazed. Understandably dazed, in Sirius’ opinion. You slide onto the stool and slouch to rest your elbows on the bar. “I don’t feel any different. I only had a sip.” 
“It might not be enough to do anything,” he agrees. “I’m not sure, honestly. But it’s probably a good idea for you not to be alone just in case, yeah?” 
You nod hesitantly. Sirius strokes a short line into the inside of your wrist, and when you look up at him those pretty eyes are wet. 
“I’m already drunk,” you say, quietly, your voice on the edge of breaking. “How am I s’posed to know if it’s working?” 
“I’m sure you’d know,” says Sirius, though honestly he’s not very sure of that himself. Guys don’t learn much about these things, not the way girls have to. “You’re alright, darling. We’ll take care of you up here, you’re totally safe. Do you mind if I phone the police?” 
Your eyes widen to glossy saucers, the true gravity of your situation seeming to sink in. 
“It’s just standard procedure,” he adds quickly. 
“Right.” You blink, sniffling. “Um, sure.” 
“Beautiful.” Sirius shoots you a smile. “Be right back. Marl,” he gets his coworker’s attention, “keep an eye on her, yeah?” 
Marlene looks confused and then intrigued as she spots you weeping at the other end of the bar, but she makes her way to you. 
Sirius’ call with the police is brief. They make him regret tossing out your drink before it could be tested, but they tell him to keep you at the bar and they’ll be there soon to question you. When he goes back inside, you look far better than he’d left you, face tearstained but dry and nursing what looks to be a plain coke topped by a mountain of cherries. 
“Blimey, did you ask for extra?” Sirius asks, taking his place in front of you. Marlene, helping a customer at the other end of the bar, shoots him a grimace that lets him know you’ve told her what happened. 
“I asked for a few,” you say, picking one of your cherries up by the stem and popping it in your mouth. “I think she feels bad for me.” 
Sirius laughs. “No, Marlene doesn’t feel bad for anyone. She probably just likes you.” 
“Yup. Almost as much as she hates our manager.” He winks at you. “Her latest plot is to rob him blind by way of bar napkins and maraschino cherries. But you didn’t hear that from me.” 
Your lips twitch into something dangerously close to a smile. You draw a line across them, pretending to zip them shut. 
“So,” you say, looking down to fish another cherry from your glass, “did you give the police my regards?”
Sirius smiles at your forehead. “I did. They said it’s been far too long, and they’d like to come here to chat with you themselves.” 
You huff a laugh. “That’s funny, you’d think they’d’ve gotten their fill of me when I was in the nick last week.” 
Sirius laughs, delighted. 
You look up with a wry smile. “Kidding,” you whisper. 
“Oh, I’m so disappointed.” He props his chin on his hand, letting his head loll to the side. “And here I was thinking you were a rebel outside the law.” 
You shrug, smile fading as the melancholy turn your night has taken seems to take you under again. “Sorry to lead you astray,” you say anyway. 
“No, don’t worry about it.” Sirius studies you. You look understandably worried, a tad wistful too, but still that same sweet girl who’d come up to order from him at the bar. “If you are concerned about the cops catching onto your jailbird alter-ego, I could always stay with you when they get here. If you want company.” 
Your expression melts into gratitude, the fretful line of your brow softening and your eyes filling with relief. They start to go shiny again. “That would be great,” you say. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry about it, doll.” Sirius reaches across the bar, giving your hand an awkward pat. “Just don’t cry again, please? It kills me a little bit.”
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uzurakis · 3 months
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featuring: gojo satoru. itadori yuuji. megumi fushiguro. nanami kento.
how they would comfort you after you’re rejected by your crush! (requested)
n. didn’t proofread n i wrote this at midnight cz i still hafta catch up on my reqs. i’m only a hooman guys!! so pls sorry for any typos or mistakes ajhauns and i specifically chose this manga panel 4 OBVIOUS reasons . .
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GOJO SATORU. “wanna know what i’m thinking?” he started, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, “it’s their loss! obviously, they don’t have great taste.”
you managed a weak smile, shaking your head. “thanks, satoru. but it still . . hurts.”
gojo leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and giving you a serious look that was rare for him. “look, i get it. rejection sucks. but honestly, you’re way out of their league.”
then you raised an eyebrow, unable to hold back a small laugh. “really? you think so?”
he nodded emphatically, his usual smirk returning. “duh, absolutely. i mean, who wouldn’t want to be with someone as amazing as you? they’re probably just too intimidated by your awesomeness.”
you rolled your eyes, but the humor in his words did frankly lift your spirits a bit. “you’re just saying that.”
“nope, i’m dead serious.” gojo straightened up, putting a hand over his heart. “in fact, i’m starting to think i should be worried. you’re gonna have a line of people trying to win you over, and i’ll have to fend them all off.”
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ITADORI YUUJI. “hey,” he said softly, nudging your shoulder with his. “c’mere, i feel you need a hug.”
you looked up at him, your eyes misty, and saw the genuine care in all over, very clear midst his expression. without a word, you leaned into him, and he wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close. the warmth of his embrace began to melt the icy sadness in your heart.
“i’m really sorry,” he whispered, voice gentle. then he pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “but you don’t have to go through this alone. let’s do something together to take your mind off things. how about a movie night?”
a small smile tugged at your lips despite the tears. “a movie night?”
“yeah!” he said, his pupils lighting up. “we can watch whatever you want. comedy, action, even those cheesy romance movies you love.”
you laughed a little at that, appreciating his attempt to lift your spirits. “hmm okay, that sounds good.”
“great!” he stood up, offering you his hand. “and don’t worry, i’ll bring all the snacks. we’ll have a proper movie marathon!”
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. “um, do you want to talk about what happened?” megumi asked softly, his voice steady and inviting. “it might help to get it off your chest.”
you sighed as you felt the sting of tears threatening to fall. “i don’t even know where to start,” mumbling the words above a murmur.
“that’s okay. just take your time. i’m here to listen.”
for a moment, the two of you sat in silence. it wasn’t uncomfortable, though. it was the kind of silence that felt like a warm embrace, giving you space to collect your thoughts. you glanced up at the sky, searching for the right words.
“they just . . didn’t feel the same way,” you finally said, voice cracking. “i thought there was something there, but i guess i was wrong.”
his gaze softened. “rejection is hard,” he then said quietly. “but it doesn’t define you. it doesn’t change who you are or your worth.”
finding comfort in his steady presence, you looked at him. “i just feel so stupid for thinking there was a chance.”
“you’re not stupid,” the guy replied firmly. “you took a chance, and that takes courage. it’s okay to feel hurt, but don’t let this make you doubt yourself.”
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NANAMI KENTO. after a moment, nanami broke the silence. “you deserve someone who sees how incredible you are. this just wasn’t the right person.”
you glanced up at him, but your eyes filled with tears. “but it felt like they were the right person,” you said, voice trembling. “how could i have been so wrong?”
in a moment, his face softened, nanami’s usual stoic demeanor giving way to concern. “it’s not about being wrong. sometimes, people just aren’t capable of seeing what’s right in front of them. you have so much to offer. one day, someone will see that and appreciate you for who you are.”
“it just hurts so much right now.”
he nodded, understanding. “it’s completely normal to feel this way. anyone would be upset. it’s a natural reaction to a difficult situation.”
you took a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. “i just don’t know what to do next.”
nanami leaned forward, his eyes earnest. “then take your time to heal. focus on yourself and what makes you happy. you’re strong, and you’ll get through this.”
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miguelschamp · 9 months
you are in love
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pairing: miguel diaz x fem!reader
summary: miguel gets tired of you avoiding him and finally confronts you
warnings: none
a/n: it’s wild that this is my first miguel imagine considering my username lmao 😭
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growing up, you always thought love was fake. your parents always pretended like they were this happy couple in front of others when in reality as soon as they got home, it went down the drain.
you associated love with constant fighting and never truly being happy. even when you were younger, you vowed to never fall in love.
so, when a boy makes his way into the valley and manages to make you fall head over heels, it scared you.
miguel was probably the most genuine person you’ve ever met. truly caring about the people around him and managing to put a smile on their faces. especially yours.
you noticed how you really felt after miguel’s accident. it sounds bad, you knew that, but it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
you knew before that you maybe had a small crush on the boy, but seeing him laying there after falling from the second floor quite literally almost killed you.
you were a wreck waiting for updates on him and if he was going to be okay. you ran straight to the hospital when his mother let you know that he was okay and was awake.
seeing him in the hospital bed with that same smile he always gave you made you realize just how hard you had fallen.
you tried sticking around for as long as you could. you managed to stay long enough to see him get out of the hospital and start “therapy” with johnny. you were there whenever he was finally able to stand. his eyes wide as he hugged you. you didn’t know how he couldn’t feel your heart beating against him, but hugged him back just as tight. but as the days went on, miguel realized you wouldn’t come around as much.
you would come up with random excuses whenever he asked to hang out. he would see you at school and call out for you, but you would rush off.
he couldn’t figure out what he had done or said to make you avoid him. his heart would drop whenever you ignored him like you didn’t even know who he was.
a couple of weeks had passed and a lot had happened. a huge fight at sam’s house between cobra kai and the other dojos. miguel harbored a few injuries, but would recover just fine.
he sat with his friends at a small pizza joint in town. his mind elsewhere and each other them noticed. they couldn’t take it anymore.
“dude, just talk to her.” hawk sighs. miguel looks up to notice all of their eyes on him.
“what ?”
“y/n.” demetri reiterates, “talk to her. you would think someone just ran over your dog by how you’re looking right now.”
“she won’t talk to me.” miguel shrugs, “i don’t know what i did wrong.”
“well, you’ll never know if you don’t talk to her.” hawk says, “she can’t avoid you forever.”
miguel looks down as he thinks over his friends words. what they said had some truth to it. he wouldn’t be to fix whatever was wrong if you don’t talk. and you couldn’t avoid him forever.
right ?
you had no idea who had just knocked on your door seeing as no one had planned to come over. both of your parents were at work leaving you alone.
you sigh as you unlock the door and swing it open. your eyes were wide and you could’ve sworn your heart stopped.
“miguel.” you mumble
“hey, y/n.” he tries giving a small smile, “look, i know i should’ve told you i was coming, but i didn’t want to you come up with an excuse to not see me.”
your heart sinks. you hadn’t realized that miguel noticed your absence. you clear your throat as you try coming with yet another excuse, “i wasn’t avoiding you. i was just-“
“you were ignoring me, y/n.” he says, “just admit it.”
you blink. you couldn’t lie anymore, “okay, fine. yeah, i- i was ignoring you.”
his eyes soften as a small frown takes over his face, “why ?” he asks softly, “did i do something ?”
“no.” you say quickly, “you didn’t do anything.”
“then did something happen ?”
“no.” you sigh. you step out onto the porch closing your door behind you, “i’ve been lying to you this whole time, so i’m just gonna come out and say it.”
miguel straightens up as you look around, “okay.”
“i like you. a lot.” you blurt, “i love you actually, but i can’t.”
miguel furrows his brows, “what do you mean ?”
“because love isn’t a good thing. i see my parents who are supposed to be married and in love and all they do is yell and scream at each other. if that’s love, i don’t want to experience that.”
“y/n.” he says stepping closer, “that’s not everyone’s experience and it doesn’t have to be yours. love is a beautiful thing when it’s done right.”
“well, i don’t know what that’s like.” you say, “i felt myself falling for you and i got scared. i pushed you away because i thought it would be easier.”
“i don’t want you to push me away.” he says softly. you look up at him and notice the look in his eyes. you’ve never seen it before.
which was unfortunate because it had been there the whole time.
“what am i supposed to do, miguel ?” you shrug, “just be in love with my best friend ?”
miguel smiles, “well, yeah because i’m in love with you, too.” he chuckles as your eyes grow wide, “what ?”
“you just assumed that i didn’t feel the same way about you.” he says
“i didn’t..” you trail off, “i’m sorry.”
“don’t be.” he says shaking his head. “maybe you can make it up to me.”
you nod, “yeah, absolutely. what is it ?”
you watch as he becomes nervous under your gaze. his next words so soft you almost don’t hear them, “let me kiss you.”
you blink rapidly as his words repeat in your head. you were going crazy. he didn’t just say that. did he ?
miguel takes your silence as a rejection. his cheeks growing hot as he stumbles over his words, “you don’t have to. i’m sorry.”
you finally snap out of it as you hear him apologize profusely. you lean up and kiss him. miguel stumbles back a little before catching himself and wrapping his arms around your waist.
your hands go to his cheeks as you let out a sigh. as you pull away, miguel looks down at you with nothing but pure love in his eyes.
if he always looked at you like this, maybe you could get used to being in love.
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kaciebello · 2 months
Mission love
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Ares! reader (implied, fem) Summary: Chris cannot stay still and tries to get his two besties together. Warning: no use of y/n, Luke is a total loser again, Chris POV author note: This took longer then it should have, but listen, i was lazy word count: 2,2k
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Chris liked to think of himself as the modern Cupid. Granted Eros probably would not be pleased about him stealing his job, but what can he do? He was really good at it. He felt he could do anything with recommendations from the aphrodites' kids.
However, right now he was struggling. Not only did he not have a next target, but the last couple he helped to get together was bickering all the time and coming to him like he could help. So he seeks out one of his closest friends.
There she stood, by the training grounds, watching whatever fight was going on. Chris could not care less, as he was here to complain and whine. He made his way to her, stopping by her side. She looked at him to acknowledge his existence before looking back at the fight.
“It’s been a week! A week! And I have nobody to bully into a relationship. It feels like I have no purpose at the moment.” He says kicking dirt that has accumulated on the soles of his shoes. The girl just answered with a hum. he knew she was paying some attention to him. He opened his mouth to speak again but the girl cut him off before he could.
“Why not Clarisse?” She asked as if it was a genuinely good idea. Chris would argue otherwise.
“ Bestie, I love you, but there is no way your sister would agree to any of my bugging. And, to be honest, I don't know anyone who likes her like that.” He answers looking for Clarisse in the crowd. Only to find her sharpening her spear. Chills ran down his back as they made eye contact.
“I do.”
“You do?”
“Know someone, not liking my sister that way.” She says finally turning to him as the fight in front of them concludes. He nods in acknowledgement before a questioning expression appears on his face. The girl smiled and pointed her finger at him.
Chris went red, not only did he not like being called out like that, but he had no idea he was that obvious that even another Aries kid noticed it. He wanted to argue back, but couldn't as another camper showed up and joined the conversation.
Luke jogged up to them, sweaty and breathing heavily as if he had just now won a fight.
“Well hello there.” He says. Chris gives him a brotherly hug and the girl just nods at him. Chris does not pay it too much attention, however, when he turns back to face the girl, he's met with someone that has almost the same colour as a tomato. His eyes narrowed at her as he tuned out the conversation.
He watched her action bashful every time Luke just looked her way. Her eyes twitched between him and Luke. And just as he put two and two together, it was like she saw the lightbulb going off above his head. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a shocked expression, she was shaking her head at him. Luke just stood there, confused, not aware of the silent conversation between the two friends.
“OH MY GOD!” Chris yelled, the girl shook her head hard as if that would make him forget.
“SHUT UP!” She managed to yelp out before turning and running away. Gods were the aries kids fast.
“What's going on?” asked Luke, who now looked like a very confused puppy. 
“Don’t worry about it, man.” Chris padded him on the back and they both made their way back to the hermie's cabin. Luke seems to be having a conversation with himself, as Chris only hums in answer. He just learned that his best friends like each other, and he can't focus on anything else.
Chris was watching her from his place at the Hermes table. She was chatting with Clarisse. Not even sparing him a glance. He made sure to watch her like a hawk, narrowed eyes and everything. A nudge of an elbow wakes him up from his trance. Looking back at the culprit, he sees Luke giving him a weird look.
“Dude, you have to stop looking at her like that,” Luke says as his eyes fall on the aries table.
“Ask- Wait what? I am not looking at Clarisse!” He defends himself. Luke just raises his eyebrows.  With nothing to argue with, he just drugs his shoulders and turns back to his food. Chris has returned to his bullshit, trying to burn holes into his best friend. Hoping she can feel it and turns to look at him as well.
He seems to have the gods' favour today, as her eyes fall on him. Her body freezing and her eyes going wide. Chris saw his chance, turning his body so that his back was facing Luke. Chris points to the girl, then to Luke, and then makes a finger heart. The girl insisted on shaking her head, while Chris kept nodding his. After a while, she just let out a sigh and looked away. Chris took it as a victory.
Luke was sitting there, watching them both, not knowing whether to leave them to their shenanigans or to be worried.
It has been a week since Chris has been on a self-given mission and a week of continuous fails in getting his friends together. He would have never guessed that getting his friends who like each other, to actually be together was so hard.
He was currently lying on the floor, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, listening to Silenas' ideas. He was toning the girl out. As much as he would actually like to listen to Aphrodite's kid, she was babbling about Charles and how they got together. Nothing that was actually helping him.
When he opened his eyes to tell Silena her ideas were okay-ish, he couldn't even find his voice as his gaze fell behind the girl. There they stood. The reason behind his headaches and his sleepless nights. Talking, together and exchanging knowing glances. 
Enghouh, Chris was not gonna let that slide. How dare they try to get together without his help. Not on his watch. 
Chris stood up and gave some excuse to Silena before making his way to his friends. Luke spotted his first, waving with a big ‘ hey man!’ coming from his mouth. The girl looked at him for a second before smirking and waving at him too.
“What are you guys doing?” He says, giving the girl a pointed look. She just smiles at him.
“Oh, we were talking about the meteor shower that's happening tomorrow. We heard some kids say that the cliff should be a good spot for it.” Says Luke.  This catches Chris’s attencion. A meteor shower? Very romantic.
“Like a date?” He asks. Luke goes red and looks like he's trying to find an excuse. The girl just shakes her head.
“Why? You wanna go on one?” She smirks at him. It was clear to him that she was playing some game.
“Why would I go watch Shooting Stars as a date? That's more of a you thing.” He fires back. Luke had stopped stumbling over his words and now was just watching the exchange between two friends. Although the blush has yet to leave his face.
The girl huffs at Chris's answer, crossing her arms on her chest.
“Well maybe you should go-”
“ Oh hey, Clarisse!” Luke yelps making the two stop. Chris's head snaps to the girl mentioned. Next to him, she stood, looking like she wanted to kill them all, or maybe just his and Luke since he wasn't so sure she would want to kill her own sibling.
Not greeting the very obviously nervous Luke back, her death stare turned to her sister. 
“I saw you waiving at me, what do you need?” Said Clarisse with the softest voice Chris ever heard from her. His friend smiled and nodded before engaging in the conversation with her sister and walking off. Not before sending a wink in their direction. Chris was not sure if it was meant for him or Luke.
His head snapped back to his oldest friend who was grinning from ear to ear watching the girl walk away. Chris raised an eyebrow at him when his friend looked down. Lukes face dropped.
“What?” he asks him. Chris just shook his head.
“Nothing mate.” He says before walking away. He was very much aware his friends were pinning for each other, but this was getting painful to watch. He can't let his dude look like a fool. He needs to find Silena fast. He has figured out the perfect date, he just needs help decorating.
His plan was going smoothly. Both of his friends have received an invitation to watch the meteor shower. He watches Silena personally deliver them from the bushes. They both run to the forest and find a bunch of kids already there. With a lame excuse, they were able to convince them to leave. So many people rather just leave when told that Mr. D is also gonna watch the starts. Finding a little excluded spot, they put down a blank and made everything look pretty. He has since sent the girl away on her own little date night with Charlie.
Luke was supposed to arrive 10 minutes before her so that Chris had time to explain what his happening and dip before she got there. Because he knew if she found him anywhere near. He might as well join the stars and fall from the cliff. 
Chris heard a snap and looked behind him. There stood Luke, a very confused face. Looking around the overtly put-up date.
“Bro what?” He asks him when his eyes finally fall on him. Chris has an evil smile on his face.
“I am doing this for you.” He says and gets to explaining. He has a whole script he wants Luke to follow. He can’t see his friend fumble and eat dirt at the only opportunity he's gonna get. As much as Luke is like the best hero of all time, he still believes his friend is a massive loser. In the middle of explaining his elaborate plan, he heard rustling of the bushes.
From them emerges his very own friend. Looked around similarly to Luke before standing next to the said boy, both of them gawking at Chris.
“Gee, you went all out.” She says.
“You're 5 minutes early,” Chris says, frowning at her. She nods and looks at the paper Luke is showing her.
“I am aware, thank you.” She says not looking up from the paper. Chris goes and snatches the script from her.
“ I was supposed to dip before that. Damn, okay. It can still work. well, get to the main finish like no problem Luke.” He says, ignoring the girl completely.
“You mean the one where me and Luke kiss?” She asks him. Chris gives a death glare. Luke glances at her before blushing. 
“I didn't read it that far.” He confesses before taking the script from his friend. The girl looked at him confused.
“Do you need to? There is a little chibi drawing of us kissing. Btw, good sport, you should try painting as a hobby, Chris. Would probably do more good than this whole matchmaking.” She fires at the boys. Luke was examining said drawing, while Chris wanted to throw her off the cliff now.
“Look,” he starts, “ it is painful watching you pine over each other. I just want you to date. So enjoy this date I prepared for you.” he motions to the blanket on the floor.
Luke looks up from the paper with a confused face. Carefully puts the drawing in his pocket.
“Dude, what do you mean? We've been dating for months-” A hand on his mouth stops him.
“Hi Clarisse!” the girl almost sings. Chris turns around and finds Clarisse standing there with a confused expression. Her hair was done and she wore a nice dress, although you could still see the biker shorts underneath. Chris's heart almost jumps from his body.
“ What are you all doing here? I thought it was gonna be just me and Chris.” She asks. Chris could see she was getting nervous and anxious. Her sister just smiled.
“Oh, we were just helping to set up, you know, for your guy's date. Chris is not really good at this stuff.” The girl says. Chris turns to look at his friends just standing there. Clarisse nods and smooths down her dress a little.
Now Chris was confused. What date? She and Luke were supposed to go on a date, not him and Clarrise.
“Well get going.” She says and drags Luke away. Her palm was still over his mouth. Luke was able to give him some thumbs up before they disappeared into the forest. Chris followed his own script. The date went as smoothly as it could have and he had a really good time. When he walked Clarisse back to her own cabin he goes on autopilot mode for a second. He can't believe he has been outsmarted by the two bafoons. How can cupids apprentice be outmatched is beyond him. 
“What are you thinking about.” She asks when she notices him spacing out.
“Huh? Oh nothing, I just. I was trying to get your sister and Luke together for ages. Tonight was a perfect opportunity for them to do so. It just didn't work out and now I have to come up with something new.”
“Wait, Luke and my sister? But they have been dating for months.”
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daydreamingyuta · 11 months
NCT as Husbands Series: Johnny Suh
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!johnny wc: 830 nct as husbands masterlist
Johnny is such husband material!! He's genuinely soo thoughtful and sweet! like I always think about jcc and how he picks things to do based on who's in the video with him and what they would enjoy doing. which is why I would say one of his love languages is for sure acts of service! like he would always do the little things for you, that you may not even notice.
Also really big on communication. Anytime there's conflict in your marriage he's sitting you down and talking through it until you find a good solution. which I think is also a way that he shows he loves you because usually he can just brush things off, but with you he makes sure you're both on the same page and fully understand everything from each other's perspectives.
Johnny as a husband is also just so much fun! like there's not a day that goes by where he doesn't flirt with you like crazy. You could be twenty-five years into your marriage and he's still making you blush. He also loves to travel with you. He's always loved traveling and having someone who he can experience the world with is soo precious to him!!
I also feel like he would be in a constant battle with himself on how to impress you more and more by his good husband skills. Like he became a husband and all of a sudden it’s his life mission to make you the single happiest wife on earth. Especially with making sure you're taken care of!
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Johnny enters the front door, too tired to even properly lift his feet causing them to drag. The combination of not getting enough sleep and dancing for hours straight was taking a toil on him. He knows immediately that you're not back from work yet, the atmosphere in an empty home just feels different somehow. He figures that you must be working late again. If he wasn't married, he would probably just go to bed right now without properly taking care of his needs, but he is married and he knows that you'll be hungry when you get home. He quickly checks in the kitchen to see if there's something easy to cook, but he doesn't find anything. He settles on taking out his phone and ordering takeout. He has a page on his notes app of all your favorite things to order from different restaurants just for situations like this. Yes, he could just ask you what you want, but sometimes being surprised with your favorite food just made it taste that much better. He places the order and then walks into the bathroom to wash his face, in hopes that it might wake him up a bit. However, once he flips on the light switch, he notices one of your face masks laying on the counter. "She must not have had enough time to do it last night." He thinks to himself, making a mental note of this as he brings his cupped hands full of cool water to his face. ⸻ It's not long after the food arrives that you come home, just as exhausted and hungry as Johnny figured you'd be. He gives you a sympathetic pout before he brings you into his embrace, letting you stay for as long as you want. It's two whole minutes into the hug before you finally notice the smell of your favorite takeout. You pull away from him and place your hands on his shoulders. "Did you buy me food?" "Maybee." He says, giving you his sweet smile. All your energy must have come back to you at the thought of food, because you rushed into the kitchen to grab a plate for the both of you. "Actually, I was thinking we could put on face masks together, sit on the couch, and eat while you tell me about your day." "Genuinely Johnny, I would love nothing more." You say, following him to the bathroom. "Actually, this is perfect because I was wanting to do one yesterday but got too tired." "Oh really?" He says, pretending like he hadn’t seen the face mask earlier.  You two put your sheet masks on in the bathroom and then go over to get your food. You sit on the couch in a criss-cross position as you tell Johnny all about your day. Actually, one of your coworkers recently had a very dramatic breakup with her boyfriend, so Johnny was all ears. "You know, It's actually so hard to eat with a sheet mask on, baby." Johnny says, adjusting his mask that started to slide down. "But it's worth it, it feels so nice," You say, setting down your food and helping him with his mask. You get it back into the right position and then kiss him on his temple which puts a proud grin on his face because he knows getting you food and doing face masks together made you happy. 
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koiiiji · 6 months
Hello! This is my first time asking a question and I don't know if that's how it's done, but if it's okay, could I do some HC's about Vinny as the older brother of a female reader who feels a certain attraction wooin? I'm sorry if you don't understand! English is not my first language TT
author note : firstly thank you for your request!! it is exactly how you doing it, just explaining your ideas and oh gosh saying hi/hello! also don’t worry, i understood everything, eng isn’t my first language either😭
secondly, wooin is literally drug dealer who approximately 23+(?) and if vinny (19) would have younger sister she probably same age or younger.. so i don’t want to be annoying person and reject your request so let’s just imagine that reader would be older sister or like twin and few minutes older🥹
pairing : wooin x vinny’s sis! reader
tws: sfw, friend’s sister, angst, wooin being cocky unserious
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✧ and first things said first vinny isn’t happy.
✧ he aware of what wooin doing and generally doesn’t count sabbath as his friends, he simply wants to win championships and prove to himself and to everyone that he is worth something.
✧ vinny feels high responsibility for you and your mom as he is a only man in family who should protect his girls. so he doesn’t count you as older one, even if you always joke about it. he also not really happy about your presence in any of his teams.. like woman, what are you even doing here, go to school and mind your own business (he is grumpy but in loving way, don’t get him wrong)
✧ so your attendance in sabbath crew isn’t welcome, at least by vinny. with everyone else it’s questionable - hyeok honestly doesn’t care, as long as you don’t cause any additional headache and loud, and he can have banana milk he is okay with you. hajun also usually doesn’t care about your presence, he find you nice girl, and may share small talk with you when you pet his puppy, but nothing serious, he is happy that he have boys as younger siblings, because he couldn’t stand company like sabbath for his sister.
✧ and here we go with wooin. boy has no boundaries in communication, he knows that you are old enough to make your own decisions, so dissatisfied looks from your brother won’t stop him.
✧ believe me - he knows about your attraction towards him, he isn’t stupid and he have eyes, he see with what kind of look you gave him each time.
✧ but does he share same emotions towards you? low possibility. same as joker he understands vinny’s feelings at some point, he wouldn’t be happy if his sister would hang out or even date someone like him, but he still is very cocky type of guy, and he doesn’t mind your company at all as long as you don’t bring up any serious topics.
✧ he likes attention, and especially he likes attention from pretty girls like you, so he would definitely joke around with you, flirt, having your contact under cute name, but it never something too serious, same with physical contact - as he gives vibe of really touch starved guy - yes, he may hug you, hold you under elbow, pat your head and touch your shoulders, he may buy you drinks or snacks time to time, but nothing more, like he wouldn’t let you go into his private life, he have his limits.
✧ for him it would be some kind of game, and he genuinely thought that you have same feelings like him - nothing serious, just sharing some flirting jokes, some unspoken tension, but he would never talk about it. he wouldn’t be happy if you bring up topic about feelings either. he expect you to just move on from it when you get bored by simple jokes, light hugs and no first steps from him.
✧ wooin doesn’t believe in friendship between girl and boy, if it only friendship with benefits, then it could work for him. but he would rather again start working with that white haired bitch sangho then have friendship with benefits with you, because wooin just knows that your brother will not just kill him, but make him suffer from what he did to you.
✧ so all in all if you okay to just some flirting time to time, every night thoughts “does he really likes me?or he just act that way”, instability in communication and generally some trauma from emotional swings you are in right place!!
✧ but don’t worry, you always have juwon who shows suspiciously more annoying attention☠️
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
author note : goshhhh sorry!! i didn’t expect to write this as angst, but it was very first thing that came up when i saw your request!! B-B-BUT, i still genuinely believe that as long as wooin would find someone who he really attracted to he would act differently!!
⊹ xo - xo ⊹
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thomatri · 1 month
Haikyuu males as love languages
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Synopsis- Haikyuu boys as love languages featuring aoba josai
Paring- Iwaizume Hajime, Hanamaki Takahiro, Oikawa Tōru, Matsukawa Issei, Kyōtani Kentarō
Iwaizume Hajime as acts of service
Iwaizume just a helpful guy what can I say. He does just about every kind of act of service you can think of that’s pg. though he loves helping you with your physical and mental health the most. For physical he’ll help you work out. Whether it be helping you find the motivation to work out of helping you on a exercise that’s particularly hard for you. And for mental health honestly he’ll do just about anything. For you giving him acts of service you help him with mental more than physical since he seems to have that down pact. You do give him massages from time to time which he adores and always looks forward to
Oikawa Tōru as physical touch
Of course he’s physical touch. Bro loves all types of physical touch his fav is probably hugs though. Iwaizume will yell at him for too much pda. When you guys go anywhere he’ll always keep your hand in his. Physical touch also calms him down. Mostly kisses on the cheek.
Matsukawa Issei as words of affirmation
Lokey He grew up a lil insecure because of his eyebrows. So I’m general he loves compliments. He knew as soon as you genuinely laughed and complimented his joke he fell inlove with you. Maki made sure to tell y’all the joke was never that funny but he could had cared less. You make sure you sprinkle compliments here and there. You know how much it means to him and he appreciates it greatly. Surprisingly he’s not big on physical touch at all except kisses.
Kyōtani Kentarō as quality time
Oikawa and Iwaizume are your childhood friends. They and by they I mean Oikawa asked if you could tutor Kyōtani so I guess you guys met through quality time. You were patient and tried your best to work with him which surprisingly worked. One study session he asked if you ever talk about anything other than school work, which your job is to tutor him not be his friend but you expressed your interest in music and you guys bonded over similar music taste. It brought out a side you both haven’t experience from each other drawing you both closer. He’s never really connected with someone like this before and soon platonic feelings became romantic. All Kyōtani wants to do is listen to music with you. Sadly stuff like studying exists but you guys make it work
Hanamaki Takahiro as gift giving/ gift receiving
Hanamaki gift to you is by far the most useful and amazing gift. And that’s memes. This guy seriously thinks memes are gifts and who are you to disagree. They make you happy and him happy so who’s to say otherwise. He’s not big on the other love languages though if it wasn’t gift giving I’d be physical touch he enjoys holding your hand. He’ll kiss you in public but god forbid you guys hold hands in public. He argues holding hands is way more romantic and personal and you just laugh and agree. Where he gets his logic who knows. He’ll also get you gifts in reference to memes as well. Like the minion plushie from the pupina meme. Needless to say your room looks a bit crazy with random meme references scattered around but you adore and love everyone single one. Actually you guys became friends because Matsukawa brought up getting a job at Burger King. And Maki started doing the Burger King fnaf dance and you bust out laughing. They both looked at you in shock but complimented your taste. Originally Matsukawa had a crush on you realized you and him were just friends but you and Maki on the other hand had another type of chemistry that was romantical.
Idk what to say
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Death of Me
It was official. You were going to murder your husband. How many times had you told him to be careful. To not put himself in harms way anymore than absolutely necessary. He’d always tell you not to worry while giving you that damn smile that had you believing every word he said. And now you were rushing to the hospital for the second time in the month because of a phone call letting you know that Jethro had been hurt.
Tim met you in the hospital lobby, bypassing the check in and you both entered the elevators.
“How bad is it Tim?”
“Well he’s recovered from worse but you’ll definitely need to keep him from overdoing it for a few days.”
You gave him a look before speaking. “Yeah. And I’ll teach him to speak Mandarin while I’m at it.”
Tim led you out of the elevators and down the hall to his room but stopped you before you headed in.
“Just a heads up. Since he came out of surgery, he’s been a little out of it. I think the Morphine is really kicking his ass.”
“Hm. Well better that than me. Thanks Tim.”
You gave him a grateful hug and walked into the dim hospital room. As soon as your eyes fell on him, all anger dissipated. He was asleep, shirtless and left shoulder bandaged up. His face was relaxed and breaths steady, letting you know he was genuinely getting some good rest.
Not wanting to wake him up, you quietly brought a chair over and settled in it before gently taking his hand in yours. Of course even a morphine induced nap couldn’t keep him from his hypersensitive senses as he stirred, eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room before his sapphire blue eyes fell on you and stared a second before chucking to himself.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, amused.
“My wife is gonna kill me.”
He might not have recognized you in his state of delirium but at least he knew he had a wife. You decided to play along, not seeing the hurt.
“Oh yeah? Because you’re in the hospital for the 2nd time this month due to your over brazen behavior?” you tried hinting, wondering if it would bring back some lucidity.
“Nope. Because you’re holding my hand. And she haaates when other women touch me.”
Now it was your turn to chuckle. “Well she probably just loves you too much to share you with anyone else.”
He nodded and let go of your hand, placing it on his chest while taking a deep breath.
“Yeah. She loves me. Even when I don’t deserve it..She’s great..I wish she was here..”
Your heart broke at his melancholy words, not wanting him to think you wouldn’t show up to visit and couldn’t help but reach out to touch his arm.
“Jethro. I’m your wife.”
“Right. And I’m the king of Shri Lanka,” he joked.
There wasn’t much you could do if he wasn’t coherent enough so you settled for just sitting there next to him. After a couple of minutes he fell back asleep and you took the opportunity to take his hand in yours again.
“Y/N?” someone spoke, waking you out of your nap. You picked your head up from the side of Jethro’s bed and saw him looking at you in slight confusion.
“Hey Gunny,” you greeted lovingly, sitting up and grimacing at the stiffness.
“Have you been here the whole time? What time is it?”
“It’s around 6pm. You’ve been asleep since about this afternoon. Surgery went really well, I’m sure you’ll be up and chasing more bad guys again in the next couple weeks.”
You got up to pour him a cup of water as he went to try and lift his bad arm, wincing immediately, making you roll your eyes at his stubbornness.
“I don’t care if I have to lock you in your basement for the next week Jethro but you’re going to let your shoulder heal properly,” you threatened, handing him the water.
“A week isn’t necessary-
You shut him down with a look that rivaled his own and he sighed in defeat.
“Oh by the way, do you remember talking with me earlier?” you asked curiously.
“No. What did I say?”
You laughed at the apprehension in his voice and took his empty cup to set it on the table.
“Well you had no idea who I was. And chastised me for touching you, saying your wife wouldn’t be happy about it.”
“Mm. I’d say that gets me a point in the honorable husband category,” he stated proudly.
You laughed and nodded. “You’re absolutely right. How about I make my famous Chicken Parm for us tonight?”
“I’ve got nothing else to do,” he responded with a small smile.
“Damn right you don’t.”
You gave him a well waited kiss and thanked the universe for the moment. You don’t know what you would do without him and you hope to never find out.
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months
⋆。˚ 「 Relationship Headcanons 」 ⋆。˚
Vash the Stampede
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Well, well, well, looks like the Humanoid Typhoon has swept up another unfortunate soul. Hope you’ve got some good cardio, because with the Vash, you’re almost always on the run.
Ever since you came into his life, keeping you safe has been Vash’s top priority. Frequently shoves you out of the way of any potential danger (and has definitely taken a bullet for you more than once). Because of his tendency to prioritize your safety (and the safety of others), Vash suffers many injuries, but always attempts to play them off as nothing.
Vash is incredibly insecure about his scars, so early in the relationship, it’s unlikely he’ll let you tend to his wounds. When he does eventually allow you to take care of him, Vash tries cracking jokes the whole time (most of them at his own expense). Be gentle and reassuring- he doesn’t trust just anyone with seeing him like this
Frequenting saloons is one of Vash’s favorite past-times. Just don’t try to keep up with him during drinking games. You will lose. Whether you’re his drinking buddy or designated sober companion, Vash just appreciates your company.
Vash is big on giving/receiving verbal and physical affection. Doesn’t need to be anything big either- ruffling his hair or a whispered “good job out there” is enough to fluster him beyond belief. On the flip side, Vash loves giving you hugs, or throwing an arm over your shoulders- he’s also very open in complimenting/praising you. He’s all about spreading the love, after all.
Bless his heart, Vash is so easily distracted. Be it someone in need, or something shiny, Vash is all over the place. Keeping up can be a struggle, but rest assured, he never leaves you behind.
Of course, his pacifist ideals, while noble, can cause tension- especially when he all-too-easily forgives someone who was just trying to hurt him or someone else. This will probably be the thing that causes the most friction in your relationship. Vash is always quick to apologize to clear the air, and does genuinely try to balance your safety with his ideals, but communication, especially in the beginning, may be a bit rocky, since he has the tendency to shut down in the face of negativity.
Vash is incredibly playful, and enjoys being able to joke around with you. In his opinon, having your own little inside jokes is top-tier intimacy. Seeing your smile and hearing your laughter are what keep Vash going most days.
Despite his cheerful demeanor, Vash's smiles are almost always hollow and.. Sad. You're one of the few able to discern his empty smiles from the genuine ones
With all the chaos and danger that follows him, Vash is painfully aware of how you could be taken from him at any moment. He makes sure to tell you every day how grateful he is that you’ve decided to stay in his life.
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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snowyh2o · 8 months
So, saw a video on YouTube that was analyzing if Alastor exhibited traits similar to someone diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. It was interesting, if a bit superficial and missing a lot of the smaller blink and you’ll miss it details (as well as for some reason omitting his past relationships and focusing only on his current ones), but it got me thinking about how much we know of who Alastor is.
And I think that we actually know a lot more about who he is as a person and what makes him tick than we think we do. What we don’t know is what his situation currently is, and that’s sort of conflated with not knowing or being sure of him and his motivations.
So to list what we do know of him in no specific order:
He claims he’s sponsoring the hotel because he wants to watch other people fail for his own entertainment, something that we know for sure now is not the case, or not the entire reason.
He was very desperate when making that deal with Charlie, this is something he was probably aiming for and has been waiting to do for a long time.
His disappearance is a sore spot that he doesn’t want others to be prying into.
He’s trapped in a deal that appears to be restricting either his actions, power, or both and he desperately wants to get out of the deal.
Related, the deal appears to be new, based off Husk’s comment and Alastor’s reaction/surprise at the comment.
Related, he HATES being reminded of his deal.
All his shown past friends are women. Conversely, he seems to get along well with women over men.
Related, he lets Mimzy, Nifty, and Rosie all touch or manhandle him around without showing discomfort or distaste. He also lets Husk poke him in the chest, and appears to have grown equally as comfortable around Charlie.
Related, he offers Charlie his microphone twice when she needed to do a big inspiring speech.
Related, his microphone appears directly linked to some of his powers, and could also be considered a weakness of his should it be broken.
He knows that Mimzy only ever comes to him when she needs something, and doesn’t care that he’s being manipulated and taken advantage of into taking care of her problems. In fact, Mimzy stated that he loves taking care of her (problems).
Related, the hotel is important enough that he can’t risk having that kind of behavior with Mimzy here, that he’s willing to shoo away one of his few friends he’s genuinely happy to see.
Rosie is his best friend, he’s the most comfortable with her and while in Cannibal town. It’s the only time we’ve seen him so cheerful and relaxed and smile like he means it. His smiles here are wide enough to show his gums, but his eyes and lips reveal its not just a well disguised snarl.
Related, he’s very excited to show off Cannibal town to Charlie when he brings her over.
Related, he hasn’t gone to see Rosie since the overlord meeting despite having had 5 months to do so after coming back from his hiatus.
Related, he doesn’t ask for Rosie to help during the battle, he specifically restates his favor to “well your cannibals help at least”. She’s seen sipping tea and listening to the news in the aftermath.
His beef with Lucifer started way before he ever met the guy. In his advertisement, he makes a note to say there’s no tacky circus decor at the hotel. When he sees the welcome sign he visibly sneers at it. When Lucifer finally shows up and hugs Charlie his eye is twitching.
Related, whatever beef he has with Lucifer is unrelated to Lucifer’s attitude towards him when they finally meet, though that certainly does not help.
Related, it’s also clearly not about being the most powerful person in the room because he doesn’t behave that way when speaking with Zestial, or during the overlords meeting.
Related, he’s bothered when Carmilla reveals she wasn’t curious about his absence (which fair. I’d hope my colleagues would ask where I’ve been if I went MIA for 7 years).
He offers Charlie advice on projecting confidence and control when she’s not, a tactic he employs every minute of every day.
He tends to be helpful but in a backhanded way. He helps Charlie get out of her funk by being mean about it and mocking her for accidentally landing the hotel in hot water. He summons an old fashioned mint condition camera for Vaggie at first before replacing it with a beat up and bandaged video camera. He helps Vaggie with the advertisement after watching her struggle. He does get rid of the eggs, but only for a day by taking them with him on his overlord meeting trip.
Related, more miscellaneous menial labor is usually done straightforwardly, like fixing the wall, for the umpteenth time and apparently unclogging the toilet when nifty gets stuck.
He likes listening to people vent about and struggle with their situation.
He does not like listening to people vent about and struggle with their love life.
Whatever he’s up to it appears as though he’s truly thrown his lot in with Charlie and the hotel, at least for now.
Apparently used to be friends or friendly with Vox. And will let people take a picture of him if it’s with an old fashioned camera.
After the battle, instead of returning to the others he drags himself to his radio tower, the one that fell down off a cliff after Adam destroys the hotel. This means he didn’t head there first when he retreated, and only went afterwards once the fight was over. He was probably staying close enough to see how the fight was going, evidenced by how he knew where to go to find his radio tower.
During his mental breakdown, he’s smiling harder than ever before, and only seems to regain some semblance of control when he’s restating his current goals.
Related, Alastor’s current objective is to free himself of the deal or find a loophole around it. He’s probably planning on using Charlie’s favor for that.
Related, Alastor could’ve also wanted a favor from Charlie as general insurance in the off off chance she ends up betraying him. He seems to let his guard down around her more after the deal, and even helpfully supplies her an army without any more prompting or deal making.
Alastor’s expression when talking about making soul deals in general.
Related, Alastor’s expression when talking about how Charlie still has her soul specifically.
Used to take out last overlords for slighting or doubting him, doesn’t do that anymore. There’s a chance he stopped doing that before his seven year absence.
Related, apparently Sir Pentious also didn’t know about what Alastor did to overlords back in the day??? And they’ve fought 20+ times??? Strengthens the assumption that Alastor stopped killing overlords after he’d established himself as a top dog. Deer. And before his disappearance.
Related, while Carmilla was surprised to see him at the meeting, she and the other overlords like Zestial weren’t scared of him and accepted his presence without complaint. If he were still actively hunting down overlords I doubt, as overlords themselves, they’d have been so comfortable in his presence.
Didn’t appear to have any plans in announcing his sudden return until Vox provoked him.
Related, his broadcasts might’ve been about overlord gossip, aside from the screaming.
Shared what he can do to help during the battle with the rest of the hotel. Specifically the shield he conjures.
Related, likely volunteered himself as the one to take on Adam, since he’s the most experienced and strongest fighter in the group (Charlie’s inexperience with using her power means she’s unsuited for the task).
He speaks fondly of the group as a whole when talking to Nifty when she speaks about how much she likes them (and can we keep them, please?).
Apparently he doesn’t just enjoy watching people’s suffering but also the bonds these wayward souls form with each other.
He does, still, enjoy kicking people when they’re down. Or rather kicking people when they try to challenge him and think they have a chance.
He really knows how to get under people’s skin.
Shark snacks go nom.
Additional points from the replies:
If Alastor was sent to the hotel against his will, then whoever sent him there also did not stipulate that he couldn’t make deals with the residents, which is a huge oversight. (Peppersnap79)
Husk and Nifty appeared to stay behind and help the hotel of their own free will, Alastor did not appear to order them to stay in any way. (Peppersnap79)
My Conclusions based on more things than just what I’ve listed out: he’s probably insecure about his status in hell after the seven year absence. Whatever happened during that time is also a sore point for him, something he doesn’t want others to know about or pry into.
His reputation as the Radio Demon is very important to him. He put a lot of effort into crafting the Radio Demon’s reputation and persona as someone to be feared and not to be fucked with. This is put at risk when he nearly dies protecting the hotel.
He smiles to put himself in control, to trick both others and himself into thinking that he’s got control of the situation or himself more than he actually does. He does not like being reminded that he is not in control of his life at the moment, and his current greatest desire is freedom from his deal. The more out of control he feels, he harder he tries to smile.
He is very soft and forgiving/tolerant with the few friends he has, and has grown visibly attached to or fond of the rest of the hotel. He also appears to be protective of them, in his own weird way. Constantly defending Mimzy against whatever trouble she brings and ultimately leaving Rosie out of the actual battle. This is counterproductive to his plans, and interferes in a way he hadn’t been expecting it to. Part of his breakdown is a direct result of this unexpected interference, that his own emotions had gotten him to risk his life defending the hotel (the group).
Restating his goals to eventually escape seems to reassure him and calm him/act as a grounding mechanism when he feels like he’s losing it. He’s using the Radio Demon persona like it’s a lifeline, because the Radio Demon is who he wants to be, needs to be, if he wants to get out. The Radio Demon’s always in control, he’s the one who holds all the cards, pulls all the strings. Nothing scares him, and nothing controls him.
He’s sadistic, calculative, intelligent, spontaneous, a showman, a softie, arrogant, egotistical, insecure and paranoid. He gets attached to things more easily than he’d care to admit, and lies to himself as much as he lies to everyone else. His Radio Demon persona is just as much a part of him as it is a mask to hide what’s going on underneath. What’s there to hide if he shows them what they want to see? The audience should only care for the play, not the actors behind the scene.
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skunkox-fics · 3 months
Until He Gets Tired Of Me Part 1
Edited version of this fic
“Until he gets tired of me.”
That was Darlin's answer anytime someone questioned their relationship with Sam. A piercing but deep pain would shoot through their chest every time they said it. But it was always said in a joking tone and a movement to distract the other person from their face. No one needed to see how that thought may have hurt them. They knew what they were getting into from the jump. 
Vampires don’t age. They don’t make a habit of keeping long connections with humans if any at all. Despite knowing this, Darlin' felt safe. Safer than they had felt in a long time. They found that safety in Sam and were grateful for it. Nothing is ever truly guaranteed, and to have had Sam in their life at all was a blessing and a mercy. He made a promise to stay by their side.The man was no liar and they loved him for that. Him staying was all they could ever hope for.
As much as they hated the thought of Sam ever leaving them, Darlin' could never blame him. They'd fucked up so many times in their life. People’s well being were tested and some had gotten hurt. His Progeny, their friend, and the countless others Quinn had gotten ahold of before his capturing by the Department. They were reckless. In being so, caused Sam to strain himself to care and worry for them.
There were day they wished Sam would just pack up and go. To rid himself of the headache being their presence. But whenever they woke, he was always right there, holding them close and tightly.
He'd never do that, though. It was obvious to anyone who actually bothered to see them together. The tenderness in his eyes. The gentleness of his touch. The vampire was beyond sprung for the wolf. He was happy. Like he was finally healing. Sam wouldn't be going anywhere. Sam learned that about himself very quickly after the first couple of meetings. 
Darlin' knew as well. A part of their brain screamed to believe otherwise. They hadn't done anything to deserve his grace. His patience. His love. Love that was promised to them until the end of their time.
"Do you think Count Yee-Haw will stay?"
The question had been asked once again. This time, by a young boy named Carlos. He had gotten attached to Darlin' as a toddler and was one of the few pack members that was genuinely happy to see them back.
Count Yee-Haw was the nickname the pack kids had given Sam. Only they could call him that, though. It was a name bestowed upon him after the collective decided to put his vamp strength to the test. The poor man was literally dog piled and left to hold and stumble around with a minimum of 8 kids hanging off his frame like ornaments. It was a title he was growing fond of.
"Probably. At least until he gets tired of me." Darlin gave the boy a half-hearted smile and pulled the hood of his jacket over his face. He didn’t need the soured expression on their face. 
Carlos struggled against Darlin’s had that was still on top of his head and growled playfully. Truth was, he knew Darlin’ better than he let on. He had picked up on their scent on the edge of wooded areas before David knew of their return to town. He would always be loyal to the pack, but if Darlin didn’t want to be seen, he wouldn’t rat them out. Not before they were ready.
"I heard some of the adults talking. They said that he wouldn't stay when you get older."  Carlos admitted, irritation all too clear on his voice. "It's stupid. He obviously loves you. And you're happy now. Isn't that enough?" His voice was just above a whisper
The words spoken came from a place of care. Carlos had missed his favorite rebel and defender of Asher's antics. Truth be told, he was worried Darlin' would become uneasy around the pack and got MIA again. They were more stable with the southern vamp at their side.
Darlin' was about ready to hug the kid in an attempt to soothe his nerves. He typically didn’t get openly upset. But a single thought ran through their head. Carlos was a sweet kid, but what he said was just nice? Too nice to come from a tween.
"Besides. I don't think you'll ever stop being weird. And he already talks like an old ma-." Darlin' cut him short with a smack to the back of his head.There it was. Darlin’ couldn't help but smile to themselves. It's not like he was lying. 
"If you think that, why even ask?" They pulled the hood from over his head and he turned to face them.
"Because I know you hear them too. And I don't want you guys to go anywhere."
Sam and Milo were coming back to the main hall. The casual conversation came to a halt when he heard his nickname. The following sentence fell from lips he was all too familiar with. Every vocal cue and tone. And today, it tugged heavy at his heart.
“Sam. Hey, you feelin’ alright? I didn’t think Vamps got sick, but uh…. You’re not lookin’ too hot.” Milo had caught the hurt across Sam’s face before he had the chance to sort himself. 
The vampire was brought back and forced himself to focus on the shifter next to him. He would have to talk with his Mate after they had gotten home. Sam forced a small smile and waved off Milo’s concern. Milo knew not to push too hard with Sam. He was recluse by nature and finally coming out of his shell to the pack. Pushing Sam could very well mean him closing up again. Not to mention that if he did, there was no reason to believe Darlin’ wouldn't either.
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