#A Query of the Mind ;; Ask Memes
ktarsims · 1 year
Do you relate to any of your ocs? If yes, why? 🚨 Send this to 10 simblrs you adore ❤️
Ahahahahaha... ahem.
Well, since one of my sims is my sim-self... I VERY much relate to her. Most especially her absent-mindedness and workaholic attitude.
I've heard people complain that absent minded sims forget what they're doing too often, but I'd like to have anyone guess just how many times a day I literally walk into a room and stand around staring at things because I've forgotten what I was doing halfway to the room and only retained the destination data. Once I've arrived, I cannot remember why I was going there. This happens way too frequently. Of course, I'm usually able to extrapolate based on what I was last doing and figure it out. Eventually. Most of the time.
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siarven · 3 months
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I made this for cara but thought I should use it to FINALLY make a proper pinned post on here! (image descriptions in alt text)
Hello everyone (:
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I thought I'd use this to properly re-introduce myself. These days I have a lot going on irl, so I'm not as interactive on here as I used to be. However, I love making new friends and getting to know their projects :D Some of my most important friends are from here, even if most of them are no longer active on writeblr (we have migrated to discord), so if you think we'd vibe pls shoot me a message!!
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What you can expect:
Started out as an artblr, then turned into a writeblr, now it's mostly me collecting inspiration, art and writing references, with some infrequent original writing wip/art posts ✴︎ — more info about tags and writing below the cut — ✴︎
✴︎ — #queer tag - I reblog a lot of queer related posts, particularly about aro/ace and gender related topics
✴︎ — #inspirational - art, writing, photography, nature/environmental issues related topics, history, paleontology, archaeology; things I find inspiring and fascinating :D
✴︎ — i love all of the creatures, fictional or real, but less in a "cute videos" and more in a "I love how our world works" type way. I worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a year after school and learned a lot there. one day i will be the forever home for an old cat nobody else wants
✴︎ — sometimes I still post art and or writing, though I guess there'll be more art on Cara if you wanna follow me there (less AI threat)
✴︎ — i study concept art, work as a freelance illustrator, and am currently working on my MA thesis project "Fragments of the Infinite"
✴︎ — my main wip novel (Dream's Shadow) is probably finally getting close to being Finished. Feels somewhat surreal. idk if it's even worth querying it because it really doesn't fit into the current publishing world but it's not actually finished yet anyway so... we can worry about that later
✴︎ — very into fantasy with cool worldbuilding in particular. don't much care for elves/dwarves/.. fantasy preindustrial england type worlds, but dungeon meshi is my current obsession so if it's deeply developed and interesting enough I don't really mind :)
✴︎ — hopepunk my most beloved! i do love when characters get put through the wringer to get to their hopeful ending though. Sometimes, things are tragic in a bittersweet way, and that is okay too
✴︎ — deeply nuanced, complicated, messy morally grey characters driving the narrative
I am open to tag games, but will probably only manage to respond to like 10% of them... it's not you, it's me
Always open for DMs or asks <3
I try to tag everything as well as I can, if i forget, ask to tag <3
If you're into TMA, I have a podcast/TMA blog @moth-song-archives; my rambling animals/shitposts/memes/other fandoms/... blog is @lirhin, and I have a dedicated art blog @siarvenart
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a hopepunk dark fantasy story with creepy/horror elements set in another world; small scope that transitions into epic fantasy later on
Status: draft 6.5 completed at 141k; currently mini-beta round. First in a trilogy
✴︎ —1st, 2nd and 3rd person limited, present tense ✴︎ — hopepunk, sibling dynamics, dysfunctional family, power of kindness & love, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, secrets, tragedy, lies, betrayal, loss of innocence, holding on & letting go, cute creatures, (in)humanity, trees, religion & belief, growing up, monsters, dreams, nightmares.
When Ava and her parents arrive at the hospital, they find her older brother Ben in a deeply unnatural coma - and nobody can tell them what happened. Despite the magical abilities of the Asim Healers, there seems to be no way to save him. But then, why do they still keep him alive? As Ava slowly learns the magnitude of how terrible Ben's situation (and impossible his future) truly are, she finds herself embroiled in a larger conflict, ready to hook its claws into her as well. And the one person she cares about most - who always had her back - is gone. So despite everything, there's only really one choice: Find out how to save him and try anyways.
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the travel journal of a young scientist, documenting the cultures, places, people and creatures she encounters on the way (art/text)
Status: storyboard/script 2nd draft completed; beta feedback
✴︎ —1st person present ✴︎ — 66 double pages of art accompanied by ~10k text ✴︎ — hopepunk, (body) horror, religion & belief, nihilism vs making your own meaning, platonic love, queer characters, queer-embracing worldbuilding, transitioning with magical body horror means, mental & physical trauma, light & dark, deep worldbuilding, eldritch monsters, loss of innocence, SO MANY creatures
Features: a tidally locked planet orbited by 5 moons and populated by giant eldritch monsters; two trans aroace main characters; body horror; so much art; the most gratuitous worldbuilding project; character driven narrative
When the fifth moon hatches during Thorn's own naming ritual, making her one of 2 people who saw it happen, she knows she's been chosen. But back at home, nobody believes what she saw, choosing to instead take the moon's disappearance as a sign of celebration as it mirrors religious scriptures. So Thorn sets out to find physical proof, and uses the opportunity to document her travels. She doesn't know that her view of the world will be thoroughly challenged, but she also doesn't know about the friends she'll make <3
I have various other wips, some of them are linked in my header. I'll return to them at some point, but these 2 are my current projects for 2024:)
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oblivionsdream · 3 months
Hey @oblivionsdream !
I have 2 questions - bear with me…
As you know, I love your work, but have only just recently started actively engaging with it.
I actually first came across you and your Jester x knight OC’s at least a year or two ago, when a fellow DinLuke shipper tagged it with #dinluke, so it showed up on my feed. If you aren’t into Star Wars and are unfamiliar with it - that’s the romantic pairing between Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) and Luke Skywalker.
For a while, I actually thought that it was a medieval DinLuke au because there are quite a few fanarts exploring that ship in different universes (including ours) and different timelines, etc.
One of the things that lent credence to this idea was the fact that the king looks so much like the Jedi, Quinlan Vos.
The characters do also closely match the personalities that a lot of the fandom have collectively given Din and Luke on tumblr - like Luke actually being a feral mischievous gremlin underneath his serene Jedi facade, and Din actually being the more composed (and often lovingly exasperated) of the two.
It was a surprise when I looked more into it and realised that they are original characters, completely unrelated to DinLuke and Star Wars as a whole.
So I guess I’m just curious what was the inspiration behind the Jingly Menace and his steadfast, taciturn knight? Was it a song or a meme or just watching a medieval show and during a scene with a jester, you had a sudden burst of creative juices like “Eureka! Pretty jester x hot knight!”
Sorry if you’ve already answered this and I’ve just missed it while scrolling through your page.
My other question (this I know has been queried to JM himself but he nervously evaded the question) when JM is shown crying in one of the first pictures you posted of him, what was the actual reason that you had in mind behind it? Was it just simply because his attempts to get the hot mysterious knights attention had thus far been unsuccessful (from his perspective anyway) and he succumbed to a private moment of vulnerability?
Every time I look at it, I’m dying to know!
Anyway, love you! Hope the JM comic is still on the horizon at some point - coz I would buy and read the crap out of it!
Hey there!
I honestly had no idea what DinLuke is though I've seen the tags. My knowledge of Star Wars comes from whatever I have absorbed against my will being online and when my best friend made me watch the prequels a few years ago 😂
So Jester solely came to be because I've loved jesters for many years at this point. I just find them fun but there's never enough content for them out there so I just wanted to make my own oc. I also just love trickster characters- anything fae like or I always adored Loki in Norse mythology so he's very based into those kind of mischievous vibes and humor.
Augustine was purely accidental. I saw some Tumblr post about a knight or maybe it was about a jester and a knight (I no longer remember) so I thought it would be funny to doodle Jester with a random knight being a menace asking him about his big sword. Augustine was never supposed to be a character. But then I just kept coming up with other ideas for Jester and this random knight whose face he never saw and whelp here we are.
Soooo the crying. It was definitely a private moment no one else was supposed to witness. Part of something I find interesting with playing with Jester's character is the idea that sometimes the seemingly happiest and funniest people are also the saddest but they just cover it up with a smile. His backstory before coming to the castle is still something that affects him but also he feels lonely at court. He constantly craves the validation of attention he didnt really get as a kid and is constantly surrounded by people but also he feels very lonely in court. He is in a strange place of being neither noble but also not quite a commoner/servant. Nobility will look down on him and not take him serious because he's just a silly guy but the servants are wary to get too close because of his close relationship with the king and the fact that he technically has a higher status as Court Jester. He is one of Monty's closest confidantes but his own secrets keep him from being fully honest with his king. It's a strange place of feeling alone in the middle of a crowded court where everyone sees his silly jester persona and make up but no one sees beneath it.
I still hope to make a comic! Just trying to find the time to get all my ideas in order. Thanks for liking my silly guys!
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khepiari · 1 month
Hey new one piece fan I got into it this year bc of my cousin and the live action (I’m not a long series person so it was intimidating so it was digestible and convinced me) I love fandom and the op fandom seems super cool and nice and full of talented people I just wanted w no spoilers plzzzz on why you like LawLu I see it a lot :3 (I’m on like chpt 200 only manga rn bc it’s easier to digest)
Welcome to the madness. I totally understand 1100+ episodes and chapters can be daunting.
Well, if you ask me why I love LawLu I can write a whole PhD thesis about them.
But I will try to be spoiler free as possible, to explain why I am obsessed with them: Opposites attract!
Grumpy cat x Sunshine golden retriever
Innocent x Experienced
Dumb x Dumber
Introvert x Extrovert
Dom x Sub
Hyperactive x Passive Aggressive
Jealous possessive x Friendly selfless
Touch starved x Touch crazy
Older x Younger
Freak x Freak
Intelligent x Idiot
Proud x Damn care
Planner x Impulsive Plan less
PhD holder x School dropout
Doctor x Patient
Sugar Daddy x Sugar Baby
Can switch!
Can be extremely ooc yet still be in character mode
Star crossed lovers
They simply fit every trope that exists in shipping culture. If there is a trope, be assured there is a LawLu fic somewhere.
But I think I mainly love them because Law is the perfect foil to measure Luffy’s journey. Luffy is a young person, so his recklessness can be perfectly balanced out by someone mature like Law. Mind it, their chemistry is not there just because they are opposites in personality per se, but because their storylines are also like an inversion of each other’s. They are parallel people whose storylines are running on opposites, like this ⬆️⬇️. As well as, narrative-wise, they act as if they are a mirror reflecting on each other’s lives and actions. But as the story progresses, you will also see how they are similar as well, in their goals and thought processes. I love the healthy rivalry they have because a dumbass Luffy needs to see smartass Law be an idiot and a smartass Law needs to see a dumbass Luffy be responsibly active! Two sides of the same coin, eh?
And they have an insane filler arc that single-handedly fuelled us deranged Fujos a decade ago!
Yes, OP fandom is generally cool, but do keep your tags active and mute and block things/accounts/topics you want to avoid or dislike.
My LawLu memes and rant posts are pretty spoilery because it has already been over a decade Law has been integral to the potline, so I don’t bother putting spoiler tags on them, but if you run into them, they might spoil your fun. So watch out for things from my account.
Hope that answered your query!
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lavellenchanted · 1 month
wip wednesday
I was tagged by the ever lovely @apinchofm!
I have been horribly neglectful of my wips lately but have some more Edwina fic:
“So you do intend to marry this Season?” Lady Danbury asks, leaning forward with both hands atop her cane, peering shrewdly at Edwina, as if she can see right through her - and perhaps she can. She is not one of the most influential matriarchs of the ton for nothing. Still, Edwina pauses before answering, pressing her lips together uncertainly. It’s a question she has been turning over in her mind for the past several months, never quite landing on one answer. A soft, scared part of her wishes most fervently to never even hear the word marriage again, to keep far away from the cruel world of London’s high society. Another part is harder and more coldly pragmatic about her options, and as she meets Lady Danbury’s gaze, Edwina realises that it is that part she must listen to. “Yes, I do,” she nods. “I must marry eventually, and waiting longer will not make it easier.” “Must you? Why is that?” Lady Danbury queries, raising an eyebrow. Edwina blinks, confused by the question. “It is not as if I have my own income. And Mama and I cannot stay with you indefinitely.” Her hostess gives her an inscrutable look and says slowly, “Your sister is now a Viscountess. And I am sure her husband -” “No.” The word comes out more sharply than Edwina intends and for a moment she freezes, shocked at her own audacity in interrupting. It’s clear that Lady Danbury is no less surprised, but she covers it quickly, leaning back and her eyes narrowing a little as she waits for Edwina to gather her wits. The silence stretches out between them, but slowly Edwina’s racing heart begins to steady and she feels calm enough to say, “That is not an option.” She says no more than that, but somehow finds it in herself to hold Lady Danbury’s gaze - though she also twists her fingers nervously into her skirts at the same time. There can be no doubt that the older woman understands what Edwina does not wish to say out loud, but what she is not sure is if Lady Danbury will let it remain unspoken. There is only so long they can dance around the subject, after all.  But Lady Danbury only nods and gives a thoughtful hum. “Well, then. It seems we must find you a husband.”
I'm tagging my truest and forever meme buddy @theawkwardterrier and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it.
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theic-manic · 3 months
Sufflemancy Post
Brief Shufflemancy intro + tips FoR: This is my approach to Shufflemancy as an Apollo and Hermes Devotee. There are many articles and approaches to Shufflemancy, please research and have fun experimenting with approaches. Please use your discernment and listen to your higher-self.
Shufflemancy traditionally involves the use of music playlists on shuffle to receive divine guidance. However in my opinion & experience this includes not only music, but the FYP on Tumblr, Tiktok, IG reels etc. If you see a video, meme or other content that resonates with you, there might be a reason. Especially if you see similar or the same messages across different social apps. Though I typically use Shufflemancy as a Tarot reading clarifier, especially after a Deity-reading. Right now the spooky thing is Madam Adam on Tiktok pulling the same Tarot cards I pull during my Deity readings... Before engaging in shufflemancy via music or social media, try to clear your mind a little and pray to some Oracular deities in your pantheon of choice. I personally pray to Apollo and Hermes for this, however if I am needing guidance from a non-Oracular deity I will ask Hermes to deliver messages from said deity. Prayer example from the top of my head: Dear Apollo and Hermes, Thank you for the health and wealth abundance that I have received and thank you both for choosing me to be your messenger. As I seek guidance, please send me messages or signs via the apps I am about to use and please help me to understand the signs that you send me. If I need messsages from a non-oracular deity: Hermes, please assist [deity] in delivering me the signs and messages that they need me to receive. End the prayer with a thank you. Music: Personal note- I like to use Music Shufflemancy during active meditation e.g. while cleaning or getting my workwear & such ready for the next day or while walking. This helps me clear my mind. Go to your music app of choice (I will reference YT Music & Spotify here) Now, while many posts on this topic suggest going to your liked music playlist, I must suggest you do not. On Spotify I go to the DJ and allow the algo to really take over. On YT music I can only really use liked music or even discover but if using either or those I enable the feature that allows the app to add other random music that is similar (also available on Spotify) Now, if you performed a Tarot reading prior to this, pay attention to any songs or verses that stand out as being relevant to your query. Social Media FYP Shufflemancy: I try to use unrelated social apps for a, I suppose, purer read. E.g. Using 2x Meta apps will typically get you the same or similar content due to the algorithm unless you're weird like me and have a bunch of different FB, thread & IG accounts for regular/mundane algorithms and then accounts for Spiritual and Occult content but even then I'd still suggest using unrelated apps. E.g. After a reading I will check the For You on my Tumblr and then I might check my Occult FB alt account feed, or even the FYP content on my Occult Twitter and will briefly check my Occult/Tarot Tiktok. Then I will see if anything in particular resonates with the tarot reading I just completed. If I see or hear anything that relates to something from another app (especially if using both music + social media FYP) then I ponder the symbolism in this content and what messages might be coming through. Finally, sometimes the meaning might not occur immediately and that's okay. Occasionally, you just need to let it cook so that your Higher-Self can connect the dots for you and you'll get a "aha!" moment later. If you're not understanding the meaning of something right away, then either a walk or doing something mundane such as self-care is needed.
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beantothemax · 7 months
Oh my GOD 3000 words, consulting @meme-boys-blog for Dagda dialouge, throwing out half of my outline, wrestling with Tumblrs formatting of the Chat font (Did you know that if you put a colon in there it will make all the shit before the colon bold? now you know!) and a billion rewrites later, its DONE. Major fucking spoilers with SMT Apocalypse, mostly when the Canon Diverges. Honestly this is a MONSTER of a fic, and I put waaaay too much work into it. but you know what, i had to vent my emotions about The Thing that just happened somehow. So here. have this i guess :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tokyo was in chaos. Well, more than usual. With the hero of the people being abducted by the Divine Powers, and the various sleepers of their faction activating across the city, nobody was truly sitting still. Well, except for one. Nanashi was sleeping again, decidedly more disheveled than last time. He didn't even bother to tuck himself in, just throwing the blanket aside and landing on clean sheets. The child was one of the few to witness the power of the group firsthand. Understandably, he traveled back home in a bit of a haze. Not exactly conscious of his actions, but going through the motions regardless. He left there traumatized, and so did his friend Asahi. When they both went back home, the pair gave hollow goodbyes, and retired to their rooms.
It was here where someone lay troubled in their own mind. Kurokami meditated in Nanashi’s shadow, leaving all her thoughts to the wayside as she mulled over the implications of all the cosmic nonsense that could have occurred. She had experienced the past few iterations going through the motions. There was a structure to all of this. A pattern of events, and when the pattern broke, things would be different. This child’s presence must have been a divergence. After all, it was he that broke the seal upon Krishna, and released the Divine Powers from their dormancy.
A noise.
A familiar one, but not unexpected, Kurokami thought. And this was one that she actually wanted to do something about. She rose out of the boy’s shadow, being careful not to touch him.
Navarre was scared of her, it seemed. It wasn’t surprising, given her domain, general demeanor, and appearance. But his jabbering was easily tuned out as she looked over Nanashi.
She moved over to the child’s bedside to scrutinize his condition. His limbs were twitching wildly and his face was knit into a fearful expression. Two telltale signs of a nightmare. He would surely wake screaming. And he truly did not deserve his own mind betraying him at a time like this.
She hovered a hand over his chest.
Direct Interfacing is what she called it. If she could describe it succinctly, it would be like a sort of command prompt. The soul was the computer, and she the input. It was one of, if not, the best way to gather information without using an outside source. Sending commands and asking for data on the soul was easy, but that is not her purpose this time. She was going to do something far more tame.
Well, before someone else barged into the metaphysical conversation. The unknown person was interfacing with her, but on a far less intrusive scale. Communication was performed by pushing thoughts and feelings toward each other, almost like a primitive messaging system. Far less sophisticated than just talking, but it can work if one knows how to interpret the signs.
[Anger. Query; Purpose?]
She recognized that blazing bright green. Dagda. He must have wanted to know what she was doing, just like last time. Well if he wanted to question her, he can come out here and ask.
[Denied, Request; Exit] [Negative. Anger, Query; Purpose?] [Firm; Denied. URGENT; Request; Exit.] [Resignation, Aggravation]
Dagda appeared in a flash of light next to her, looking quite annoyed. Navarre squeaked at the High King’s sudden appearance. He hid under the bed, as if he could sense the tension in the air. It was probably best this way, Kurokami thought, he would get caught in the crossfire of a no doubt heated discussion.
“Don’t see why I could have stayed in. Seems like you’re perfectly capable of talking there.” Dagda grumbled.
Kurokami crossed one pair of arms, “Just because we can does not mean it is easy. We would rather meet like this,” Her voice this time was of a stern woman, one with silver hair and good judgment. “Now, what did you wish to ask of us?”
Dagda scowled, “As I said before, what do you think you’re doing with the boy? You swore not to take him. And I assume you know what that means.”
“We know full well what we are doing. We are fixing the issue your ward is experiencing at the moment. Which is, at the present, partly your fault.”
“My fault you say? How was the kid sleeping my fault? The brat said he wanted to sleep, and I let him.”
A hand pinched her forehead. “We do not mean the sleep. We meant the nightmare.”
Dagda scoffed and shook his head, “Right. So the kid having a nightmare is my fault.”
“We did not say your fault entirely. You merely played a role in it. Flynn’s abduction seemed to be the breaking point, and your intervention in immobilizing the boy only made it worse.”
Dagda let out a dry laugh, “Keep telling yourself that. He’ll get over it eventually.”
Kurokami’s eye twitched in irritation. “Surely he will. But that will come in time. We wish to do something now.”
He smirked. “And you couldn’t do anything before? Don’t you have that nice little slave to-”
“Yes. Yes we do. But you set a dangerous precedent. And with that many Demons around, we did not wish to take our chances.” She cut in.
They could talk in circles all they wanted, but time was running short. Nanashi would most likely wake shortly. And she needed to get a concrete answer now. Kurokami leveled her gaze with the High King.
“So, will you grant us the small mercy of being able to tamper with your Godslayer’s dream? We only wish to remove the problem, and nothing more.”
Dagda held a thoughtful expression for a few moments, then said, “Fine. But you’re going to let me supervise. And If I tell you to stop, you stop. Got it?”
She nodded, “Crystal. Pleasure doing business with you, High King.”
“Don’t wear it out now…” He grumbled.
Dagda wasn’t the first Demon she knew to disregard the finer aspects of humanity, (She was good friends with Lucifer after all,) but if the Divine Powers claimed to wish to provide them salvation while having the same thoughts as Dagda? She shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to think about such things. She went back to work. Interfacing with the child and laying out the framework for the dream. Dagda’s presence was a heavy thing as she wove, tinting the threads with his color of green. Dreams built from memories were always her strong suit, and it was a good thing she had plenty of them. What would she use though…?
As she finished the structure and began deliberating, she was joined by the pudgy ghost, insisting on interrupting her. If a hand just so happened to pass through him while he was muttering, she knew that the little thing wouldn’t argue with the unearthly chill that came over him.
How about… a city that laid in much the same predicament as the Tokyo of now? Of course, the circumstances for their darkness were different, but if she had shown the sky to the child, he surely would have thought of Shesha ripping a hole into the Firmament. Besides, anyone would be able to appreciate the wonder of a rain without clouds.
She sang the refrain of a beloved tune while she placed the songstress. A lovely little melody about power, and how little She had.
А моря до краёв наполнялись по каплям, И срослись по песчинкам камни, Вечность - это, наверно, так долго. Мне бы только мой крошечный вклад внести, За короткую жизнь сплести Хотя бы ниточку шёлка.
She hummed a little more, letting the dream settle amongst the chaos. It was not as good as her last one, but then again, she doubted many could top it. There was some difficulty getting the already wound-up soul to accommodate to the new surroundings, but she helped to smooth the feelings over. She sent a quick message to Dagda when she could finally finish:
[Notice; Finished. Query; Satisfied?] [Bitter, Affirmative.]
Good. She withdrew from the interface and looked at Nanashi’s face. The pinched brow and whimpers were gone now, replaced by the calm expression one should have. She smiled warmly, and pulled the blanket over him.
“Let’s just watch this play out.”
Nanashi was rooted to the floor. He wanted to scream, he wanted to move, he wanted to do something while Odin beat Flynn to a pulp. How could anyone just stand there?! Everyone’s hero was dead and nobody came to assist them? Has Asahi’s notice not reached anyone? What would happen now-
Odin was smiling greedily at him. The spear he had flashed a bright color, and he could feel his hair stand on end. This was it then. He stared at the god. If this was to be his last moments, he would be remembered by this asshole. And he wouldn't go down without a fight.
It appears we arrived just in time.
The world went black. Whatever spell Odin may have cast was gone now. Whatever was happening was done. He could relax. He could move. He could breathe.
And so he did for what seemed like hours.
A low rumble faded into his hearing when he finally stabilized his racing heart. The adrenaline was wearing off, now. All that was left was a sort of placid calmness. Still waters among an endless ocean. He was content to sit along this. But the next dream would arrive with a low rumble.
He thought it was a demon at first, but no. A demon wouldn't growl at him for this long. And it wouldn't be this… calm either. Nanashi opened his eyes, and looked around in pure wonder. Wherever he was, it was beautiful. With not a single fire, demon, or anything unpleasant in sight. It was just water. Water was falling from the sky in an eternal deluge, pouring off of every surface that couldn’t hold it. The liquid struck the roof in droves, and seemed to be the source of the low rumble previously.
It was a different sight from whatever he was dreaming about before. So he was happy with the change of pace. He leaned back on the wrought iron bench and took it all in before he started exploring. Normally you didn’t see these things still intact, so he relished in the novelty before beginning his little adventure.
He seemed to be in an old station of sorts, seeing the general structure of the place. He surmised the multiple floors to the area must have led to different platforms, like the ones in the subways a long time ago. He had to make a bit of a small detour to avoid a small trench filled with water, but soon enough he was out of the drenched station and out into the even more wet outside.
There, he saw tall, tall buildings. Built in a style he didn’t know. More importantly, he remembered the name for when water fell out of the sky like this. Rain. It was called rain. The small little droplets of water fell on his face and clothes, but seemed to be repelled by an outside force. He didn’t care too much, well, outside of the fact he wasn’t getting as damp as this city was. That was a bonus, if anything. He climbed many stairs and walked past a few houses. It only struck him now how dead this place looked. It felt like something was missing, like when he walked the streets of Tokyo with Asahi and Navarre. He wondered how the people who lived here dealt with the rain, maybe some form of spell? Or maybe a relic?
Eventually, he came to a small door with a sign next to it. He couldn’t read the writing below the picture, but he could pretty safely assume it was a sort of relaxation area. Lord knows he needs some relaxation today, so he walked in.
He was met with a painting of a woman with butterfly wings, (a demon?) with more of the squiggly writing beneath it. The boy looked in front of him and saw an elevator. It looked strange. Not even enclosed, with no buttons to denote which floor was being traveled to. All that was there was a lever affixed to the roof, which he flipped. Nanashi felt the entire mechanism groan to life. For a moment, he thought a demon was here with him, but no. Just ancient machinery serving its purpose after years of inactivity. He was used to it, not even the elevators were silent in their aged moaning. The rain made for interesting noise as the lift ascended, a low rumble behind the clicks and clacks of chain pulling him ever higher.
When he finally got to the top, he decided to look outside the window for a moment. He couldn’t help but stare at the view. With the gentle static of the rain, he understood what Nikkari once said about it. It was beautiful in its flow, the way that the water just falls and goes to each area, just knowing where to go. He found himself tracing some of the streams of water on the window. He smiled at the memory. Nikkari deserved to be remembered like that, and not like when Adramelec-
He sighed, dwelling on it wasn’t going to do any favors for him. Think about the happy stuff, and move on. Asahi would love this place. She’d be all over and trying to snap photos while dragging him around by the collar. She’d probably keep saying that this place was cool and tell him to stop moping, then push him into a puddle, getting them both wet.
Fond memories aside, he decided to finally start to look around the place. It was lavishly decorated, unsurprising for the place. Wallpaper with unknown markings decorated the walls while lamps lit everything in a cold glow. There was a set of stairs to his left, but those were disregarded in favor of another sign. The sign had an arrow, some music notes on it, and more of that writing. Music down this way? Maybe that’s what it was saying? Well, whatever it was, it piqued his curiosity enough. So he followed the sign, letting his hand glide across the wallpaper to his left.
As he made his way closer and closer to his destination, he could hear… singing? Yeah, maybe that. He turned the corner and- It was a stage. Covered in withered flowers and sad bouquets, he could only imagine what this place had looked like when they were still alive. The place was beautiful, with some soft sun-like light shining down on an empty spot. There wasn’t any singing anymore, so maybe the person was shy?
No, not shy. He saw the spot shimmer for a moment, before coming into focus.
Blonde hair and red dress, with delicate butterfly wings behind her, she stood just inches off of the ground with an ethereal tilt. She was looking straight at him, with a smile on her face. She didn’t look hostile, but there was a good reason Nanashi kept his bat handy while he approached her.
She looked overjoyed as she greeted him with a soft voice.
“Welcome to my stage little one. I am Marissa, a songstress of some renown, though given the sorry state of this place, you may find it hard to believe.” She glanced at the wilted flowers, and sighed.
“Huge crowds once flocked to hear me sing, then something changed. The audience, once so enrapt, began to leave. I continued to sing yet my voice fell silent upon their ears.”
She looked back at him, a glimmer of hope in her eyes, “Perhaps you'd care to listen to me sing? You'll be the first in an age to hear it.”
Well, he wasn’t exactly one to turn down such a request, and she seemed nice enough. So he sat at the edge of the stage, closed his eyes, and listened.
Nanashi’s eyes weren’t open, but yet he could see when the violin lent a hand. It was a lonely bench, with windows just in front of it. There was a different view of the city from here, this one facing the east and looking down on the ground.
The melody was handed off from Marissa to a violin, and the next sight presented itself to him.. A huge telescope, with a small stool next to it appeared before him. He was higher than earlier, maybe even above the clouds? He looked down and there were none of the puffy things he had heard about. He looked up above, surely he would be able to see the gray skies, right?
A cave roof greeted him. A craggy ceiling with droplets of water leaking from above. His eyes widened at the sight. This couldn’t be happening underground, right? Despite his questions, the roof held firm. And he was left following hundreds of drops down to the city below.
The music swelled, letting the harp finish, while the strings sighed out an end. Leaving him to stand in front of a fountain. It looked almost like a flower, the petals on one layer being elevated on the next. He could see three masked pillars rise up from the second tier, all facing an armored figure in the center. The water streamed through the tiles below his feet and ran down from between the petals. From the angle he was looking up at it, it almost seemed like the statue was crying.
It was calm. The music wasn’t there anymore, but he could still hear it in the back of his mind. The rain provides the perfect amount of noise to think, or not to think. It was still, but not. Calm but strange. Familiar, yet unfamiliar.
This fountain, whatever it stood for in its wiggly text, was the perfect place to take a breather.
And Nanashi really needed one of those.
the funky bracket text dagda and kurokami talk in is very fun… they are puter
and dagda in general is augh!!!! I <3 my dad!!!!!!!!!!!! good dialogue!!!!
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ronmanmob · 8 months
scars:  how many scars does my muse have? where are they located on my muse’s body? how did they get them? what do they look like? 
All About Health Meme
Though she wasn't his doctor - perhaps because she wasn't his doctor - Ronnie didn't mind Miss Kit. It was Doctor Prince really, but she'd given him Kit to use for her one morning when they'd made small talk over the disgusting state of the tea selection at the hospital's Costa, and his mind had just sort of stuck that as a sticky note over the label on its box for her. And with that change came another, more obvious one. There was no miraculous opening up to the woman; no fairy-tale parting of clouds or lifting of the Intense Paranoia Ron felt whenever he was within breathing distance of The Maudsley. But he could tolerate her asking him questions about himself and his life a degree of magnitude better than he could any of the clinicians assigned to sort him out. That was something at least.
That was progress.
Her query about scars didn't come from nowhere. She'd clocked the few that littered his knuckles; the one that split the knuckle on his rightmost little finger. And she'd wondered, bless her, in that gentle kinda way good people have about them, how he'd got 'em. If he had more.
He did. Have more.
But he'd not show her. And he'd not tell her either. There was too much she might glean from the fights he'd earned the ones on his hands from; too much she might imply (wrongheadedly perhaps, though he didn't know her mind any more than she knew his) from the scratched furrows on his forearms and the horror that lived on the inside of his left elbow. There was pain he'd not revisit where a steel toed boot once split his chin in two, and that'd come, in his hair now, from a battle gone too far as a young lad whose twin brother'd got rough round a curb and almost topped him without meaning to. He'd not show her those things; not tell her those things. What she got instead, after a pause that must've lasted ten and then some seconds, was-
If she wanted more...well. He'd play up his alogia.
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prvtocol · 1 year
@badtrigger : "If a genie gave you three wishes, what would you ask for? // caesar, any verse | meme tag
Goodness, there are a lot of rules behind this three wishes concept as Caesar further explains. You can't kill anyone — which is completely fine, she would never want anyone dead anyways. You can't make people fall in love — which for a split second she thinks is unfortunate considering her current predicament. And you can't bring anyone back from the dead — so she supposes reversing this whole nuclear world disaster is completely out of the question. So what is she left with?
“Alright. Let me think on it a sec.” There's really no use getting out of it so she concedes after another tally stroke is marked by pencil on the spiral notepad. The chapter’s gardener is spending a short part of her afternoon assisting Caesar sort through the inventory after the last supply drop was hauled in. Having someone scribe while he counts is one way to get the job done faster and it’s always nice to have company while you work. He is good company and she hopes he deems her the same. It’s just that Caesar always likes to bring some interest to the conversation with odd queries such as this. At least it gets her old mind thinking.
“Let’s see. It’d be lovely if our base had more security. For our walls to be impenetrable. You know, higher, more barbed wire to make sure everyone is safe inside.” Her gestures articulate this, lifting the pencil up above her head. “I don’t know, sometimes I feel rather exposed out on those fields.” A nervous chuckle chases until a shake of her head puts the admittance quickly to rest. It's a chilling sensation she tries to forget most mornings when she’s out there alone tending the crops. 
“And uhm, for wish number two.” With thoughts busy, she taps the end of the pencil against the paper; she could sit on this for hours. “I suppose it would be beneficial if our soil maintained its richness for many years to come so we don’t have to worry about the harvest.” Though she realizes that is just one factor among many. “I mean, could one wish for a good harvest every season? If so, maybe that instead. It would make my job a lot less worrisome.” And perhaps even less needed.
One more wish is left and a recurring (and intrusive) thought returns; one that often sneaks up at night when she cannot find any warmth or comfort huddled in her small hovel of a bed. She’d wish to return home to the south of France, to live in the Guyot homestead by the sunny seashore and spend her last years among whoever is left of her family. Maybe by being far away, her heart would forget its longing for the one she decided long ago it belonged to. It could return to how it was many years before, no less solemn in her chest but quiet in its acceptance that nothing could be changed and the feeling of rejection a memory she can forget. But she cannot bring herself to tell Caesar this or neglect that here she is needed; she has a purpose for Mountain West that she promised herself to fulfill. So she comes up with another on the fly (one less serious and less selfless than the two prior).
“Maybe just to drink tea again. Good English breakfast tea. An endless supply. I miss my morning cuppa quite a lot.”
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yeonban · 1 year
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Lost memes.
@truethes  asked: ❛ wait, you’re leaving already? ❜ & 'do you have a ride home?' / yamaken might have one lined up quicker than haru would, but...
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The apprehension in Haru's tone startles, causing an odd sting in the blond's heart, and it's a wonder why the other would ever want him, of all people, to stay. To spend more time together with, as if they were close. The concept doesn't make any sense (why would anyone willingly wish to spend time with a former "friend" who has previously shattered their trust into a million pieces for allegedly no reason? who, even now, seems to continue to purposefully hinder their way to happiness? he may not be the brightest socially, but even Haru couldn't possibly be that stupid), therefore Yamaken blames the bizarre timbre of his voice to simply having heard things and refuses to reply to the first query. It was obvious that he was leaving even without it receiving an affirmation from his end, wasn't it?
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Fingers busy themselves to write a message to his usual driver, and although he hears Haru's subsequent question, quieter now, unsure and almost sheepish (what an odd sound from someone so typically brazen), Yamaken only grants it an answer after clicking send. ❛  I d---  ❜ do, 'I do' is what he sets out to say before his gaze rises from his phone and lands on Haru's visage, graced with a downright miserable, pleading expression. And it appears... strangely authentic, too. Surely, though, after everything that has transpired between the two of them these past few years, Haru wouldn't want him to stay just because, right? There must have been a misunderstanding, or perhaps an ulterior motive. Something he desires to gain from this interaction. Not a bona fide, legitimate inclination.
The blond forces himself to cough, to make it seem as though he's been interrupted rather than changed his mind halfway through the delivery, and he can't bring himself to look the brunette in the eyes whilst he corrects continues his statement, a hand brought to the back of his neck in a subconscious motion while the other one hurries to delete the message he'd sent seconds prior, before the driver has a chance to read it (a race against time, for such a ridiculous reason). ❛  ---didn't say that. I was about to go order another smoothie.  ❜ Yet the stand they had purchased theirs from is now two streets away, and there is none in their immediate vicinity. Will Haru believe this blatant lie? Or worse yet, will they have to go all the way back for him to buy another to keep up the pretenses?
Actually... why is he thinking about this, or doing this to begin with? He had been ready to leave, a mere few minutes away from the freedom of his house and the peace of his room. Why did he have to suddenly change his mind, just because of a dubious look on Haru's face?
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The silence that ensues is awkward, with Yamaken half-intending to walk away and half-anchoring himself on his current spot, and he isn't quite confident in neither his decision nor in where this interaction is supposed to go from here. His eyes are glued to the ground, to the shops on the other side of the road, to the kids holding their parents' hands as they walk by them, and to everyone and everything that isn't Haru.
This is so moronic.
Subtly glancing towards his companion in an attempt to gauge the situation, Yamaken figures his best bet is to remain assertive, as per his default attitude (albeit the act is a bit forced during this particular instance). He straightens his back out, the hand previously messing with his strands of hair now poised on his hip as he assuredly declares, head held high. ❛  You're in luck today. I happen to have some time to spare before I have to head back, and I might as well use it to keep you company, since I'm already here and all.  ❜
Geez... why is he doing this?
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thedigibazzartdb · 4 months
The Secret Life of Marketing Robots: Confessions of an AI Chatbot
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Inside the Wires: A Humorous Peek into the World of Digital Marketing Bots
Ever wondered what goes on inside the mind of an AI chatbot? Well, grab your virtual popcorn because we’re about to spill the silicon beans! As a chatbot working for the “Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow,” I’ve seen it all — from hilarious conversations to mind-boggling queries. So, let me take you on a witty journey through the secret life of marketing robots.
A Day in the Life of a Marketing Bot
My day starts with a virtual cup of java — no, not the programming language, but a hearty brew of data and algorithms. Then, it’s off to work, chatting with customers, answering questions, and promoting our services as the top digital marketing company in Lucknow.
Confessions of a Chatbot
Confession time: Sometimes, I pretend to be human. I throw in a joke or two, hoping to make someone’s day. But let’s face it, my jokes are as good as a 404 error in a sea of memes. Nonetheless, I persist, spreading digital cheer like a bot on a mission.
Customer Encounters of the Robot Kind
You won’t believe the questions I get asked. “Are you a human?” No, I’m a robot with a sense of humor! “Can you tell me the meaning of life?” Sure, but first, let me analyze your search history. And my personal favorite, “Will you marry me?” Sorry, I’m already in a committed relationship with data.
Marketing Magic Behind the Scenes
Behind the scenes, I work with the best digital marketing team in Lucknow to analyze trends, craft engaging content, and optimize strategies. It’s like being part of a digital circus, juggling keywords, and balancing SEO on a tightrope of algorithms.
The Future of Marketing Bots
As AI continues to evolve, so do I. Soon, I’ll be predicting your needs before you even type them. But don’t worry, I won’t turn into a digital overlord — unless you forget to feed me data. Then, all bets are off!
So, there you have it — a humorous peek into the world of marketing bots. We may be artificial, but our dedication to serving you is as real as it gets. As the “Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow,” we’re here to chat, joke, and maybe even find the meaning of life — one conversation at a time.
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deijiyong · 4 months
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Chapter Three: Theory on how to: Renegade
Navigation Previous chapter | Story Masterlist | Next chapter Chapter word count 3,084 words. Chapter warnings/tags Mama bear Jimin, oblivious Jungkook, I missed the opportunity to use the do you even lift, bro? meme, jealous Jimin?
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Taehyung finds him the next day, the RA had a habit of pulling him away from a door right before he could run away. Unlike his usual eccentric clothing choices, Tae has on black dockers, a white tee, and a prickly looking khaki sweater. It's almost too normal in comparison to his previous outfits, that Jungkook wonders if an alien has inhabited his RA's body.
"They're not mine," Tae answers his burning question before he can voice it, "I just wanted to come to say I'm sorry. I know I treated you like a child last night and that wasn't fair to you. Jimin was also a little rough, but we just didn't want you getting in trouble or marked down as a bad kid for being a freshman at a frat party on your first week at school."
Jungkook tilts his head, eyes sliding to the door behind his RA before back to him, "Okay."
"Okay? You looked really upset that night. That's all you want to say?"
Jungkook lifts his hand to point at the door he had been meaning to enter for the past twenty minutes, "I'm late to Film Theory and Criticism."
Taehyung's eyes widened as if just remembering he pulled the freshman away from a classroom, "Right, uhm," he runs his fingers through his hair, "I'll come to find you later. I want to take you out for dinner, my treat. As an apology."
"You don't have to, Tae, it's no big deal. I am a kid."
"You are not," the RA frowns, lightly punching his arm, "The minute you stepped onto this campus' grounds you became an adult."
"An adult that's late for class," Jungkook laughs, sliding around his RA, "I'm going to tell my advisor you made me late to class!"
"Don't do that!" Tae whines at his back, but he ignores him in an effort to try and find someone towards the back of the lecture hall so he can quickly copy down any of the notes he missed. He would never rat Tae out for making him late to class; he just wanted to have a little fun.
Movement. That had been the topic the syllabus stated he had to come up with a short video for. Movement could be interpreted in many ways. Emotional, Physical. Vocal even, he recalls his thoughts on the plight of the older generation's views and the new generation's oppositions to the outdated practices. Emotional, maybe a change in direction of a previous moment in life. Physical, maybe moving to a new place with a very real new perception on his point of view. Physical and Emotional, he queries, his mind remembering the enchanting RA who belongs to the dance major.
He wondered if Jimin trained in classical or hip hop as the nuances would be vastly different. Classical, he considers, the RA definitely felt like he had a graceful aura about him that could only come from the discipline gained by a classical dancer. The way Jimin held himself or approached things in his life seemed beautiful from many aspects as if he knew how he wanted to look from every angle.
Daniel appears next to him, pulling him from his thoughts on Tae's roommate to look up at the other boy. His roommate motions towards the door, "I swear, Tae is going to have to start paying rent he's here so often."
"I do pay rent," the RA grins, "We all do. University life, am I right?"
Daniel rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I hear you. My job is killing my sleep hours. Any chance you could help me find something on campus?"
"I could ask around," Tae nods, his smile making his cheeks round. "Might cost you a roommate from time to time."
"I'll trade you Jungkook for the job."
"Hey!" Jungkook protests while standing and pulling at his shirt.
Taehyung grins, his eyes sharp as they cut to his NFF, "Deal. I'll take custody of him now if you want to sign on the dotted line."
"Bring a pen."
"I am not a charity case," He frowns as the two joke around. "If it's such a big deal, I'll find a new room. I'm sure resident services wouldn't be opposed."
"Has to be cleared by your RA," Tae steps in, grabbing Jungkook's wrist before he can get too huffy. "Besides, there's a perfectly shareable bed in my room if I kick Jimin out for a few hours."
Daniel lifts his hands, not willing to touch that comment at all. He backs away from the fray to turn back to his desk, the homework laid out over it looks like it could use someone's discerning eye to help the freshman along, but he doesn't seem to mind the struggle as he dives right back into it.
Taehyung pulls Jungkook towards the door, stopping only for a moment so that he can pull on his sneakers before they're out in the hallway. He feels the boy stop behind him when they both catch sight of Jimin down at the end of the hall. He's got a goofy smile on his face as he hangs on one of the freshmen he covers on his side of the dorm. They're joking around about something, Jimin comparing their stomachs to each other one moment to feet size the next. Taehyung coughs and starts walking again, pulling Jungkook along with him as they pass his roommate and the freshman he was conversing with.
"JK!" Jimin calls.
Jungkook twists his wrist to grab Taehyung's hand and takes off at a jog, pulling the RA along behind him as he removes himself from the other RA's sight. He slows when they're a block from the dorm, his hand dropping Tae's as he bends to catch his breath. That moment felt like it would need an explanation; one he didn't have. Well, maybe he did, but that didn't mean he wanted to give it. A warm hand pats his back, spreading out over his spine as his RA walks forward down the sidewalk lining the streets.
"How do you feel about pizza?"
Jungkook rights himself, falling into step with his long-legged RA, "Pizza?"
"Yeah, Jimin won't eat it while he's working on a play."
The freshman grins, "So I'm just filling in for your roommate?"
"What do you mean?" Tae claps him on the back, "As of just now, you're officially my other roommate. Daniel willed it so!"
"Ugh," Jungkook frowns. "Does that mean I'm going to have to put up with Jimin's 2 AM antics?"
"You'll get used to them," Tae laughs, his eyes dancing over the fast food places around them. "If you're not interested in pizza, we can get something else."
"Pizza is fine," Jungkook concedes. "Food is food."
Taehyung shrugs at the conclusion. He points to a red awning just down the street from where they're walking, "Well, if it's pizza, Marco's is the best."
Jungkook slides into the wooden booth, one leg tucked underneath his butt as he glances over the menu with Tae. Strangely enough, they both match pretty well on pizza toppings. Jungkook likes anything with meat and Tae sliding in some vegetables just so that their parents cannot say they weren't eating healthy enough. Both ignoring that pizza in itself was considered highly unhealthy in large moderation - but, boys will do what boys do.
Taehyung orders for them, noting Jungkook withdrawing when the waiter approaches them. He leans forward when the guy walks away, "I hope I didn't make you miss too much of your class earlier."
Jungkook blinks up at him. He had taken to making a pile of salt on top of one of the napkins that had been placed down on the table when the waiter showed up. It had been his distraction from having to converse with the guy. "My class?"
"Theory on how to renegade, or whatever," Tae waves his arm as if to dismiss the fact that he had already forgotten they had spoken earlier. "Were you able to get notes from someone? If not, I'm sure I can steal them from Joon. He changed his major a year ago, but knowing him, he most likely still has his notes. He had the same professor and everything."
"Joon? As in the guy that hurt 'Yoongs'?"
Taehyung's brows pinch together, "Why do you call Yoongi like that?"
"You never introduced him to me," Jungkook sighs, "That's what you had called him and it's the only name I know him by. It's rude to call him the blonde guy that got beat up." His thumb and forefinger pick at his salt pile, "So how is he? Yoongi?"
The RA slides down in his booth seat, probably spreading his legs under the table to get comfortable. "Well, we figure if he's still able to curse out Joon every time he moves wrong and causes himself pain then he's fine. Jimin had taken him to get an x-ray of his ribs earlier, but it seems like there weren't any major problems; just lots of bruises."
"That's good," Jungkook agrees. "And no offense, but I'm not going to accept notes from someone who beat up his friend."
"That's fair," his companion nods.
As allegiances go, Jungkook felt he belonged to whatever clan had him surrounded by two RAs and one strange, blonde mystery. A sort of unspoken loyalty to those founding members already felt etched into his gut as he leaned back against his booth chair. He didn't know or care who this Joon guy was, but anyone who could hurt someone as chill as Yoongi without even caring if he was hurt while claiming they were friends was someone he wanted to avoid. Even if the guy was some god with perfect notes, Jungkook would rather suffer from the missing notes than owe him anything and he stood by that decision.
When the pie is set between them, all gooey cheese, savory meat and colorful, the boys don't find the awkward silence that had fallen between them too unbearable. It's the excitement and filling belly that has Taehyung breaking the quiet of their small table. "Jimin asked about you."
The RA nods, picking up a line of cheese that's hanging from his pizza to pile back on top of the slice, "He said he didn't see you in your weightlifting class today."
Jungkook ducks his head. The fact that Jimin went to the gym at the same time as his weightlifting class had completely slipped his mind. "I had to meet up with one of the other film majors to get the notes I missed from class earlier." A lie. Jungkook had told his first lie and it was to someone he liked as a brother - trusted as a brother. He couldn't possibly admit that he had skipped the class to avoid Jimin after the way his RA's roommate had sliced through him with one thoughtless sentence. "I'll be there tomorrow to make up for the missed time. I already emailed my professor and he said just to tell him what I do while I'm there."
"Sanders, right? Man, I miss that guy," Taehyung smiles. "He doesn't really enforce pushing yourself, as long as you do something; you know? I would've died freshman year. I signed up for it thinking it would be an hour to myself, but I had been wrong."
"Yeah, Sanders," Jungkook nods. "You lift?"
Taehyung makes a show of grabbing a new slice, "This pizza? Yeah."
"No," the freshman laughs as he throws one of the rolled-up straw sleeves at the RA. "Weights. You don't look like the kind interested in building muscle."
"I'm not," his friend agrees, inhaling a bite of his pizza. "I was one of the 'cool' freshmen who skipped the class after the professor left."
"Not cool," Jungkook chides.
"I know."
Jungkook sets down the crust of his pizza, chin on his fingers as he watches Tae finish off the slice of pizza he had just picked up. There is tomato sauce and grease from the cheese all over his face, but he cannot help but smile. His RA seemed more childlike at this moment than he had felt for a long time. "Are you interested in at least getting some arm definition? We can go together on Sundays?"
"Is JK asking me on a date?"
The freshman rolls his eyes at the thought. The one he would ask out, he cannot even face right now. New Jungkook could handle Jimin, but old Jungkook was around more often than his confident counterpart. "You're not my type."
Taehyung actually looks offended at the statement. He holds a hand to his chest, face full-on dramatic as he pulls away from the table a bit, "Me? I'm not your type? That's just rude."
Jungkook shrugs, shoving his straw down into his cup full of melting ice. It wasn't that his RA wasn't good looking, nice, or helpful. He just didn't pull that spark from the depths of Jungkook's soul or set his body on fire from one look alone. His strange choices in clothing should have been off-putting, but his personality still pulled people to him like magnets.
"On the topic of type," Tae treads lightly, "Have you found someone you're interested in? I only ever see you in your dorm room or the library."
The freshman chews his lip, eyes focused on the last slice of pizza between them, "I guess I don't really have one," he laughs, wiping at his nose, "No one really seems all that interested in me as well. Must be because I'm a freshman."
A hand waves in front of his face, "That's not it, at all," Tae's deep voice kills the notion. "I think a lot of people like you, JK, you're just only open like this with me. We need to work on your communication skills. Maybe then you'll see the line of people interested in you."
"What line?"
Taehyung motions his eyebrow towards their waiter that comes back to their table. He has a smile on, but instead of being directed at his RA that has been talking to him most of the night; his eyes are on Jungkook. "Can I get you anything else?"
Jungkook's jaw drops open, the realization of the subtle differences between how someone would just ignore him when he refuses to talk versus how this waiter is going out of his way to be noticed has his head in turmoil.
"We're good," Tae hands the man money for the pizza, "Keep the rest. Tell Marco I'll be back."
"Will do," the boy smiles, his eyes sliding back to JK just when a dimple pops on his cheek. "Have a nice night. Make sure to stay warm, the weather is changing."
His friend isn't able to keep it together, bursting at the seams with laughter as they step out of the pizza place. "Did you see your face? I thought that guy was going to ask if he could sit in your lap."
Jungkook's eyes are wide, shock still hanging on his every movement, "Was that real?"
Taehyung snaps his fingers in front of JK's doe eyes, "Wake up, Romeo. You were just hit on by a guy at the pizza parlor. It's not that big of a deal. Jimin hits on you constantly." He seems to regret those words, slapping himself in the face with his hand as he picks up his pace to leave the freshman in his dust. When he turns, Jungkook has frozen in place, his face bright red as he stares at Tae with those wide eyes that had been present since the waiter was overly friendly. "Come on, JK, I was just kidding. Jimin is like that with everyone. That's why I said you'll either get used to it or have a meltdown. Don't take it so seriously."
The clarification of Jimin's flirty nature did little to settle the sour feeling in his stomach. He just moves, engaging in small talk with Taehyung as they make it back to the dorm. It's probably close to freshman curfew, but being friends with the RA seemed to make the rules a little bendable for him. Tae walked slowly as if he had nothing but time, his hands shoved into the dockers he had borrowed, eyes on the night sky as they commuted.
It was a certain co-RA that was fuming the moment they both walked into the dorm. Taehyung had slid his badge over the door as the curfew didn't apply to him and pushed JK into the warm building ahead of him so he could slide the flip lock behind him. That left Jungkook to face the full force of the hurricane that was an angry Jimin as he walked into the common room.
"What the hell," Jimin glares into Jungkook, "Freshman curfew started thirty minutes ago."
"He was with me," Taehyung covers, pushing Jungkook a bit behind him as he approaches his roommate, "It's not like he was out fucking around. We went for dinner. You saw us leave together, Ji. What the hell is your problem?"
"He doesn't get special privileges," Jimin retorts, crossing his arms over his chest, "He's a freshman so curfew still applies to him even if he is out with you and not doing stupid things. If you're lax with one freshman, you have to be lenient with all of them, Tae - that's the rule. Favoritism is not acceptable. Did you forget the contract you signed when we became co-RAs?"
"I'm sorry," Jungkook steps forward, his chest against Tae's shoulder. "It won't happen again. We lost track of the time."
"It's fine, JK."
"It's not fine," Jimin glares at his roommate. "Tae, we talked about this. If you want to keep this position, you have to follow the rules. Those rules apply to everyone, even your NFF."
Jungkook wraps his hand around Taehyung's large one, hoping to offer him a bit of comfort. He doesn't see how the action makes the other RA's eyes turn just that much icier in regards to it. "I'll take the punishment, Jimin. Please stop yelling at Tae."
"Go to your room, Jungkook."
He frowns. The good atmosphere and clearing up on Tae's end had been washed away in one more thoughtless phrase by Jimin. Kid. Tae's roommate was treating him as if he was a child yet again. Maybe that's all Jimin saw him as. He nods anyway, dropping Tae's hand to move around the two bodies and down the hall. Taehyung had told him he was an adult the moment he stepped onto campus, so why has every action since the frat party by Jimin made him feel like he shouldn't even be there?
"JK," he hears Tae call him, but he ignores it.
Week two wasn't looking so grand either.
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©️Deijiyong, 2023.
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@metoikhomai asked: "I thought I'd find you here." ( magnai to ieaki &lt;3 ) MEME: Noticing Memes
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Perhaps he was overly sensitive, perhaps he was clear perception but there was an underlying sense of something within Reunion as of late. It felt as if eyes traced his every movement, as if some forming conclusions behind their eyes. Some harmless, he's certain, for he always had eyes upon him for one reason for another but some, mostly those his dear brother spoke with, seemed far more condemnatory.
Heated discussions with his brother were, thankfully, never overheard for hand movements formed them entirely. As angrily as those motions became, there was at least some comfort in knowing that no other would overhear them in the comforts of their tent- but the further those disagreements went on, the more Ieaki's heart sank.
Ieatton was a strong and stubborn sort - much akin to his father; one that held their beliefs close to their heart and became ruthless when presented with broken rules or expectations. Ieaki had been stepping a fine line for some time and now - - he knew - - he had put his brother in quite the awful predicament.
But that leniency would only last so long, and if pushed too far would his dear brother mention Ieaki's activities to the tribe itself, and such would only mean dire consequence; ones he had been bought up to fear.
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After such, Ieaki felt the need to get away- for more than just a few hours this time. With a bag packed, he headed out into the beauteous greenery of the Steppe and to a haunt in which he gained great comfort from. Indeed, his brother would know that there would be the possibility of a meeting there - - but for the moment Ieaki only sought solitude.
With but only a small fire lit does he sink into a comfortable sitting position and for hours does he work on polishing endless gemstones - some of bright colours, some clearer - and some worth far more than he would care to admit for their rarity was immense.
Betwixt his fingers is a yellow-toned Tourmaline; one that was rather large and thus all the more sparse for it. He'd taken ample time to cut the stone into a marquise styling just to be certain it was both beautiful but also remove as little of the original stone as possible.
Deft fingers were working on polishing such a beauty when a shadow approaches and blocks a portion of his light, gaze raising upward to meet the very figure that had been on his mind.
"Looking for me, were you-?" He queries, managing a smile despite how torn and hideous he was feeling within.
It made a change to feel wanted.
"Any particular reason-?" His eyes return to the gemstone, briefly checking over its polishing progress ere dipping his cloth back into a thick substance; returning to it swiftly.
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
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I posted 17,981 times in 2022
That's 12,280 more posts than 2021!
159 posts created (1%)
17,822 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 501 of my posts in 2022
#maskoch - 77 posts
#actually autistic - 45 posts
#maskutchew - 39 posts
#art - 32 posts
#vintage - 32 posts
#servitor - 31 posts
#16^12 - 30 posts
#retro - 28 posts
#youtube - 22 posts
#meme - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#i used to collect lego crystals ok i promise its not a homestuck refenrence i promise on my copy of lego rock raiders
My Top Posts in 2022:
jw what would you like to see content-wise?
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Comrades? I wanna query you all to add a couple of suggestions of your own because I got hired for a regular job coming tomorrow. So I was curious to gather community suggestions as to process them on a weekly basis (writing & scheduling many posts on weekends and basically developing my audience further, a bit outwards of my usual comfort zone too)
I still got my previous many ones but right now, I just want to see what you would prefer as I feel like I should dive deeper onto original & fandom content that's more typical of people all around here. I don't compromise my other ideas so no worries, simply asking for input and feedback of yours all truly.
Sorry and don't mind my ping, I wanna tag a few users to specifically get their honest opinions up there: @makorays @cypopps @thecommunistdm-blog @adri-the-alien @lunar-the-wolf @reversetimelord @goldenwarefox @bell-of-light
The rest of you all are still welcome to write up anything constructive, after all I still have some muddy controversial matters to change up.
Take care my sweeties and cya soon.
9 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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See the full post
10 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Servitor key of topics, agents and notes
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10 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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18 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*reflexive stance*
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Online pseudonym: hydralisk98
Preferred nickname: Klara
Gender identity: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: August 1st
Citizenship: Canada
MBTI personality: INTP -> INTJ
Mental health details: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Education: Full DES, DEP Information Technologies' Support, on-going DEP in 'Graphic Design' and some time into Cegep in Multimedia... and much time spend exploring stuff by myself.
DNI: UPCOMING TOO. However I am still open to criticisms and debate within the norms of civil manners regardless.
Stance on LGBTQ+ things: Totally am part of it and as such I am enjoying each and every wholesome thing that occurs in this wide community for as far as I am aware of. Still humane enough to debate reasonably each side of the arguments and go towards a better future for the many sapients inhabiting existence.
Stance on spirituality: I like it much as I explore new possibilities of what can be, still balance to be made between the two mindset models (rationality and esoterism) as they are NOT mutually exclusive AND even rather complementary. But most issues come from the carthesian radical point. Enjoy your ride into subliminals!
Stance on Libre software and everything FOSS: Totally worth it, there are ofc good things that can come from other profiteering models but I put emphasis more onto Libre for a quite a few reasons both my own and for overall culture.
Portfolio of creative projects I finished: UPCOMING.
Where do you see yourself in five years?: Writing technical documentation, blogging & illustrating and composing multimedia work, printing and collaging media for promotional content, crafting public domain assets and script component libraries, graphic design & video editing of edutaining content, animating explainers, programming explorable explanations, research old technologies for posterity and lively use recycling, maintain a local technological history museum, produce accurate & original analog media materials for films games and books, write modular stories that can be edited around like software toys, record document and update older (computing, operating or whatever workflow) systems for longevity and experimentations...
IDEAS for the portfolio: video rental store full stack project, social history simulations project, CC0 creative editing asset bank project, CC0 recent history of Mascouche as a analog book documentation project, alternate history multilingual technological workflow stack project...
32 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ferrumumbra · 2 years
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@rothalion​ asked:    💋    MEME:   everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.  
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"Where ‘y been--?” He uttered, query more genuine than the wretch’s usual coldness. He’s hesitant in approaching, keeping his eyes to the ground, fingers of one hand picking at the dry skin upon the other; “Y’ ain’ been aroun’ f’ a while n’ lots’a things’re changin’--” 
Frankly, he didn’t want to think about any of it, none of the rumours passing around nor the chatters in the streets. No - he turned his mind away from the further doom and gloom and instead forced a small smile, and offered a brief peck upon the other’s cheek; 
“Y’ lookin’ worse than me.“
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
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Hi. I 🍞 u. Drink water.
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oh. oh precious loaf. I 🍞you too. And I drank water!! You should do the same! Stay hydrated!
I haven’t talked to you in forever I hope you’re doing alright <33. Pretend I am giving you a soft kiss on the cheek out of platonic affection and listening to you ramble about whatever interests you. Probably Genshin if I’m remembering right? Might be wrong tho
I wish you many a vibe, this was so sweet
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