#A Man in Full
texaschainsawmascara · 5 months
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Sarah Jones at the premiere of her show, A Man in Full
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possibility221 · 5 months
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vintagewarhol · 5 months
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tv-moments · 2 months
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A Man in Full
“Push Comes to Shove”
Director: Regina King
DoP: Tobie Marier-Robitaille
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netflixia · 6 months
A Man in Full - Teaser
Coming May 2, 2024
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disarmluna · 5 months
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thekylemeredith · 2 months
"The great ones like John Prine, Jim Carrey, only they would do or say it like that."
Jeff Daniels joins Kyle Meredith to talk new music, his iconic film roles, American Rust, & A Man in Full
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liminalgoddessworld · 5 months
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All I'm saying is, justice for Raymond Peepgrass. He deserved to live happily ever after with Martha, I don't care.
That scene?! I'm not a fan of explicit scenes but that one was everything *chef's kiss
Also, Regina King did that!!!
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sab-teraa · 5 months
Do you mean caucus?
No I mean cactus … like all the pricks on the outside 😭😭😭😭
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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A Man in Full : Quotes
"- Joycie girl, did I invite you? (Charlie) - The memory is the first thing to go." (Joyce - Episode 1)
"- I'm not sure who the hell you think you're talking to. (Charlie Croker) - I'm talking to a man who owes this bank 800 million dollars. A man who owes six other banks another 400 million dollars. A person who is over a billion dollar in debt. I'm talking to a shithead." (Harry - Episode 1)
"- I think you know me well enough to know that I can appreciate that you appreciate that I need to be told something good." (Charlie - Episode 1)
"- Honey, I donate good money to not go to those types of things." (Charlie - Episode 1)
"- It's not how I do business, Wes. (Roger White) - Norman Bagovitch is the worst kind of racist. He will set this city.... (Wes Jordan) - This conversation's offensive. (Roger - Episode 1)
"- And I'm giving you an opportunity. It's a chance to make a difference. - I do not now, nor have I ever needed you to matter." (Episode 1)
"- Not the time for you to judge me. (Charlie) - I'm just pointing out the reality. The number of people unwilling to come to your rescue is growing." (Roger - Episode 2)
"- Charlie likes to cloak himself in decency to throw people off his vulgar scent. (Raymond) - Go at him. What bullies tend to do. (Harry) - Harry, you can trust I'll be coming after you." (Charlie - Episode 2)
"- Part of my duress is due to an emerging and compounding accounting crisis." (Episode 2)
"- Do you remember what you told me when you took that fuck-shit job? How is that working our for you? Because the only thing that Charlie Croker has built is Taj Mahal apartments and that eyesore Croker Concourse. That's your legacy, Roger. (Wes) - Don't you dare look down on me. (Roger) - I'm looking down on what you're asking." (Wes - Episode 3)
"- I don't know what that means! (Charlie) - It means you're fucked. My apologies. It's important he understands, so I'm speaking in his native tongue. (Harry - Episode 3)
"- We need to catch up some on old times. - Oh, honey. If only we had any." (Episode 3)
"- ... that you hold a special kind of contempt for him. (Charlie) - You heard wrong. I pride myself on being void of transactional emotion. (Joyce) - Well, as I said, emotion plays no part in my business decisions. (Charlie - Episode 4)
"- He has a way of making you feel like you don't matter. (Raymond - Episode 4) "- Am I talking too much? - No, you're talking just the right amount." (Episode 4)
"- He's looking for mercy. (Harry) - Do we extend it? (Raymond) - No, we need to hold down the fort. People like Croker, should he survive, you and me won't. We'd walk out of here as eunuchs. Our balls in the jar on his mantle underneath the mounted head of some poor elk who bled out while seeing that shithead fornicating in its bullet hole." (Harry - Episode 4)
"- Having a bit of trouble hearing you at this distance. Wanna crawl on over and whisper it in my ear?" (Harry - Episode 4)
"- I heard once a man reaches the point where he's over, that ain't the tragedy. Tragedy is he refuses to recognize it." (Harry - Episode 4)
"- Remove your hand, or I will stab it with my fork. (Joyce - Episode 4)
"- I'm not going to ask if you're okay, because I know you're not. I'm not going to pretend to have a solution, because I don't. Plus, you can see through my bullshit." (Charlie - Episode 5)
"- You are about to destroy Joyce and sell whatever crumbs remain of your soul. You think you're the only one who knows how to fight dirty? Just because you've never seen ugly in me doesn't mean it's not there. (Martha - Episode 6)
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possibility221 · 2 months
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Jon Michael Hill
Happy Birthday!
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midnightmoviereviews · 4 months
MIDNIGHT REVIEWS A Man in Full Episodes 4-6 Review
What starts off as an interesting premise quickly devolves into a bit of a wasted opportunity.
Where did it go wrong? Read this review of A Man in Full to find out.
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tv-moments · 1 month
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A Man in Full
“Judgment Day”
Director: Regina King
DoP: Tobie Marier-Robitaille
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reelvibes91 · 4 months
A Man in Full: A Melodrama without a Punch
An incredible ensemble can sometimes only do so much to carry a show. A Man in Full suffers from this very issue. It has a few notable names sprinkled into a sprawling narrative that should have been the perfect recipe for success.
Led by names such as Jeff Daniels, Diane Lane, and Lucy Liu, A Man in Full tries desperately to capture the eccentric side of business. It also adds in a few social justice issues and hot-button politics to no avail. While I did like the actors enough to watch all the way through the show, it has a few bright moments followed by very many head scratching moments.
Daniels stars as real estate mogul Charlie Croker who is in debt with several banks to the tune of a billion dollars. Charlie will do absolutely anything to hold onto his fortune. That sounds like a marketable premise and an easy to sell plot.
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What the show ends up giving us is over the top dialogue about dying alone. This show features about 10 prominent characters, and 8 of them are despicable human beings who have zero character devolopment through out. Croker is for lack of a better term an asshole who tries to masquerade as a better man than he is. Yet every action he takes shows absolutely no reason to want him to succeed or see him fail. There is no reason to care about what happens to Charlie because his fate is revealed in the firest 10 seconds of the series. Sorry if that seems like a spoiler but it absolutely is not. The show does not hide what is about to unfold.
The journey of the show was supposed to be Charlie and his descent into chaos and destruction. He was always like this, though, and the show has no backbone because this is just a douchey character doing douchey things.
The final 15 minutes of the final episode is absolute insanity and was just laughable in terms of how it played it. The idea was that people get what is coming to them, but yet that was not even what we ended up getting. This show lacked a direction. Most of the storylines, aside from one, had zero resolution. This was just a series where bad people did "shocking" things, yet none of them felt shocking at all.
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This was a series leading into viewing that I had very high hopes for. Daniels has proven to be compelling in the past. He is good here, but the writing inevitably fails his talents. It is a shame because there were elements to this story that could have made for amazing viewing. Yet this show chose the route it did, and here I stand, having watched all 6 episodes and felt very little. That is a shame.
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disarmluna · 5 months
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