#A Lord of Fortune (“We are better than simple mercenaries”)
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housedellamort · 2 months ago
Hey, I get why some people want Lucanis and Rook to have an easy time after the game's events, however Lucanis' life is, fundamentally, a telenovela.
Anyway what I'm trying to say is: tag all the reasons Caterina Dellamorte doesn't like your Rook and would disapprove of their relationship.
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the-dragons-knight · 3 years ago
FFXIV Write 2021
Prompt #14 - The Dragon Queen
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<Post-Heavensward MSQ, Post-Dragonsong War, Slight Spoilers ahead>
Commend - ‘to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence’
“That sounds like it must have been so scary, but also like an amazing journey,” Maelie smiled up at Katsum as she petted the small dragonet in her arms, “To have visited another world…it sounds so very strange, yet so fascinating!”
Katsum smiled back as she handed Midgardsormr, who sat on her shoulder, another piece of the cookie she had in her hands, “It was quite the adventure, there is no denying that for certain.”
Ever since the day the True Brothers began their attack on Ishgard and took the refugees of the burnings in the Brume as hostages, the same day that Maelie was dropped from the top of the Vault and Katsum jumped after her only for both of them to be saved by Vidofnir, they had been good friends ever since, especially as Maelie began to have a fascination with the Dravanians. And who better to answer any questions she might have than the ‘Queen of Dragons’ herself. Katsum grew fond of the young girl and told her as many stories and tales that she could remember in hopes to share the beauties she’d seen of the world to another who could scarcely even have dreamed of seeing such things not so long ago. Each time she came home to Ishgard from a journey, she would seek out Maelie or the young girl would find her and they would walk the city’s streets as they talked, waving hello to all they passed by and marveling at how bright and cheerful the city had become since the end of its long war. There was still much to be done to make the nation whole again, the progress so far was still so beautiful.
The dragonet in Maelie’s arms purred as it butted its head against her hand, as she scratched its scales, “You’ve seen so many amazing things, Katsum. I would love to see the Churning Mists one day, and the vast and endless seas of water, but I imagine not all things were so beautiful and good…”
Katsum chuckled softly, “You are a smart girl, Maelie. Always have been. Yes, it’s true, but,” She looked at her seriously, “Don’t let that stop you from going to find your adventures. There are far more precious and wonderful things out there to outweigh the bad.”
Maelie nodded, “Right!”
“And next time Vidofnir, you should ask her if she can show you the Mists, I am sure she would be happy to.”
“Really?! Oh yes, I certainly shall! Ah, I’m so excited just thinking about it!”
Katsum laughed at the giddiness of the young girl as it reminded her very much of her younger self which only made her smile more brightly. They soon made their way to the aetheryte plaza in Foundation, still talking and laughing as the snow fell softly around him. Katsum’s feline ear twitched at the sound of a very familiar voice speaking not far away and she turned her sapphire eyes to lock onto the royal blue regalia of the Lord Commander, and a warmth fluttered through her chest as she smiled brighter. Sure, she had seen Aymeric this morning and every morning since they were married, but that didn’t mean her heart ever stopped fluttering when she would see him. As they approached him and Lucia, who was standing behind him, she noticed that he was speaking to a Lalafellan man and young woman, who were both dressed in fine robes and furs of an Ul’dahian fashion. Curiosity swept over her as she and Maelie moved in closer.
“Ah, good morning Lord Aymeric and Lady Lucia,” Katsum mused sweetly as she smiled brightly at them, her tail swaying happily behind her.
Aymeric’s ice blue eyes warmly met hers as he too smiled, “Lady Katsum, there you are good morning. And a good morning to you as well Maelie, Midgardsormr.”
The little dragon just nodded slightly as he continued to munch on his piece of cookie while Maelie nodded her hello.”
The paladin woman turned her head in question a bit, “Were you looking for me? Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all, but I was about to search for you yes. You see—”
“I can explain myself from here, Lord Aymeric, if you’d like,” The Lalafellan man rudely interrupted her beloved as he stepped forward with a grinning smile on his muschasted face, making a sweeping bow before her, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Katsum. My name is Aguda Kesuguda, head of the stock and trade of Kesugu Industries of Ul’dah. Before I begin, I really must commend your undeniable strength and poweress on the battlefield. I’ve heard many tales, and while I have not seen them for myself, they never cease to send my heart aflutter to recall them, yes yes!”
The miqo’te narrowed her eyes slightly as her smile shrunk into a rather small and fake expression of kindness, shifting her posture into a more regal and defensive stance; the posture of a queen. This did not go unnoticed by Maelie as she took a step back and watched cautiously. Aymeric too noticed, yet he didn’t not say anything, only sighed at the interruption and eyed the noble.
“Yes, I believe I’ve heard your name mentioned before in brief passing. ‘Tis a pleasure, yes, yet what is it that you sought me out for?” She knew that pleasantries from a merchant of Ul’dah meant only one thing: they wanted something done for them. She had not the patience or care for such games either.
Aguda grinned and shrugged, “Ah yes, a woman of action, of course. Forgive me, it is but the habit of nobles to win over the other with flattery, but you and yours here I see are far too smart to play in such nonsense.” Katsum just stared at him and he cleared his throat, “…more so than I thought too. Ahem, I came to beseech you aid in a most urgent matter. I have a shipment of resources and supplies I am trying to transport to the warfront, and every time it begins to leave on its journey to Ala Mhigo, it has been attacked by bandits trying to steal its contents! It’s not been anything terribly dangerous of course, but I wondered if I could ask for your assistance in protecting it to its destination. Or rather, one of your dragons.”
The group stilled and Katsum’s eyebrows arched in confusion, “ I beg your pardon? And please do not repeat yourself, it is just an expression of my astonishment.”
The noble nodded, “Of course, of course. My reasoning for such a request is that while I could hire a group of mercenaries to protect the cargo, such beings can be unsavory themselves and cost right much gil you understand. But dragons are loyal and ask for nothing, with just a word from you and they fly to your beck and call. And what better way to show your power as a queen than having one of your subjects deliver rations and supplies to the soldiers and people of a wounded nation, hmm?”
There would have been a time that Katsum would have shouted at this man that he knew nothing of dragons and nothing of her throne, and to leave their city before she threw him out herself, but instead, she remained quiet and listened to his greedy words with that simple expression of thought on her face.
Aguda seemed to take that bait as a sign of winning her over as he continued, “So, what do you think? Could you spare a dragon to help out a poor old merchant deliver his wares to those in need?”
She saw Aymeric narrow his eyes, “Would they not appear to be supplies from Katsum herself then if a Dravanian were to be protecting them rather than from you yourself Lord Aguda?”
Aymeric had already caught on Katsum knew, and luckily he was laying out the road for Katsum to ride down as Aguda answered.
“I suppose they would, but I have little worry for that. As long as they get the resources they are due, yes? Plus, they would be packed in crates bearing my seal so a bit of publicity for everyone, hmm?”
It is a very interesting suggestion, my lord, but first I must ask,” Katsum clasped her hands in front of her as she asked, “Are these provisions truly yours?”
Aguda froze in that moment and her eyes sparkled silently; she had him, “Whatever do you mean by that, my lady?”
Katsum smiled to herself as she feigned a curious and oblivious expression, “Pray, forgive me for causing such upset, but I had heard the most awful rumor of stolen goods and provisions meant for refugees of Ul’dah recently, and even more unsettling takes of the people trying to take them back from the thieves only to be injured and then arrested on false charges. As some of those provisions were ones that Ishgard and Dravania both had traded with Ul’dah for such purposes of aiding those less fortunate, it seemed only right that the Sultana inform me of these most dreadful events. So again…I ask you,” Katsum’s expression narrowed and her eyes almost seemed to glow in her fury, “Are these provisions truly yours? And I would beseech you to speak the truth, good sir, for we shall know if you do not.”
The noble’s jaw dropped as she moved her first piece into the winning square. Indeed, she and Nanamo had been speaking on the subject just a day or so ago and how the Sultana was worried about how restless the people were getting at being wronged so, and Katsum had offered to keep an eye out. It had been her cargo originally anyway, and such fine Dravanian resources should not fall into hands they were not meant for.
Aguda finally got over his shock and glared at her then, “Uh! The audacity of such claims! I came to seek assistance, not to be blamed for such villainy!”
“Nay, you came here for a dragon —for a “free” guard as you said—that would discourage anyone wearing only tattered rags for clothing too afraid to step forward to take back what is rightfully theirs so that you could spread the name of influence into the city of Ala Mhigo, thus earning potential buyers for future trade. it was made plain the moment you spoke of dragons ‘asking for nothing’. Dragons are loyal to their kin and to those they have come to trust, yes, but if you truly believe they are so blind to follow mine or anyone else’s word and ask for nothing in return like a hound, you are far blinder than you believe them to be.” His jaw dropped again, yet she did not wait for him to answer as she pressed further, “Now, if that is all you wished to discuss, I suggest you take your leave of our city and see to the return of those goods to their rightful owners. Unless…you would like me to inform the Sultana of the information I have just come across and let her and the Brass Blades handle it..?”
Aguda’s face paled, and he tried to retain some of his noblistic confidence, “Why you—”
“Father, please!” Finally, the woman behind him spoke and stepped forward to stand in front of him with a deep look of concern on her face, “She offers you a way to fix it yourself, don’t throw it away with your shame of being caught! I told you you mustn’t do something like this and look where you’ve put us now!” His head dropped as the girl turned to Katsum and bowed her head, a look of sadness filling her eyes as she looked up at her, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that he had gone through such lengths as this. Please, forgive us, and I will see to it that the supplies are returned to Ul’dah and given out to the less fortunate personally. Please, my lady.”
Katsum stared at her for a moment, looking her over and her lilac colored garments and grey furs. Her eyes showed sincerity yes, but the eyes can be made to fool anyone who looked into them. She glanced at Midgardsormr, seeing he too was staring at her closely, taking in his assessment. With a breath, Katsum summoned Raihogg’s gaze as the dragon’s eye gem began to glow softly and his voice whispered through her mind.
“Her words are genuine as her heart is broken by her father’s deeds. You may believe her as she indeeds to do just as she says.”
The eye in her necklace fades back to its shining red and blue color as Katsum’s eyes softened and she asked the girl, “What is your name, my lady?”
“Kemoda. Kemoda Kesugada, m-my lady.” Her voice trembled as she answered.
Katsum smiled, “There is no reason to fear, Miss Kemoda. I thank you for your honesty and in your offer to right what has been wronged. In return for the good being returned to their rightful owners, I will only speak of the matter being closed with her Grace, nothing more. No names, no suspects. But I will be checking in to be sure our goods were returned as promised.”
Kemoda nodded furiously, bowing low as she breathed, “Oh thank you, my lady! Thank you! You have my word, I shall fix this right away!”
The miqo’te nodded and the lalafellan woman turned and glared softly at her father amidst her worried expression, “Come father, we have much to work on.” With that, she started on her way towards the gates of Ishgard with a determined step in her stride.
Aguda glanced back at her for a moment before looking up at Katsum again and glaring at her, hoping to get in one final word she guessed.
But Midgardsormr hissed first, “Go now, mortal, while I still allow it.”
The deep voice of the ancient dragon seemed to be enough to send the lalafellan man running after his daughter, any thoughts of sassy retorts dying on the squeak of his shout of terror. Midgardsormr chuckled at this before going back to snacking on his cookie and Katsum took a deep breath and shook her head.
“I will never get used to politics and the games you must play,” She sighed.
“No one ever does I’d imagine,” Aymeric mused, stepping up to. her and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead, “But I dare say you are getting better at playing them. Well done, my queen.”
Katsum blushed lightly as her ears fell back shyly, though her warm smile spoke of her happiness, “Not in front of the child, Aymeric, please.”
He chuckled, and they glanced over to both blink in shock at the wondrous look in Maelie’s eyes as she watched them and she hugged the dragonet tight. She blinked as they looked, “Sorry, I don’t mean to stare, you both are just like a fairytale come true. ‘Tis a love I hope I find one day too.”
Katsum blushed again as Aymeric did and they laughed lightly as Katsum nodded, “I never thought I would have it myself, but thank you, Maelie. That is very sweet of you.”
The girl nodded before Lucia stepped forward then, “Regretful as I am to cut this beautiful moment short, there are other matter that require attention, Lord Commander.”
Aymeric sighed and nodded, looking to Katsum as he drew her into a short yet loving kiss, “Thank you for your assistance, Queen of Dragons. I shall be sure to repay your kindness as soon as I can.”
Katsum grinned knowingly, “And I shall look forward to it. Until tonight, be safe, both of you. And farewell.”
The Lord Commander nodded warmly as he reluctantly pulled back from her and turned to follow the First Commander back to Congregation. katsum watched him go before she turned to Maelie with a grin, “Well, shall we continue our walk?”
“Yes! Or course! Oh, I wanted to ask. How did the Dravanians first come to this world? You mentioned they were from another star right?”
“They did indeed. We’ll be happy to tell you.”
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sellyoursoulforagoodfic · 5 years ago
Mercenary Chapter 7
Maul x reader
Word Count: 1849
Summary: So Qi’ra exists, and you’re not happy about it.
“Dryden Vos is coming tomorrow to introduce us to his new pet,” Maul informed you as soon as he came storming out of the room that housed his holocom.
Earlier that morning, it had been the incessant ringing of that exact holocom that woke the two of you from a peaceful slumber. It was housed in the room immediately next to your bedroom so no one would be able to eavesdrop without having to go through your private quarters. And no one would live through trying to do that. So already, neither of you was in a good mood.
“Why is his pet our problem?” you complained from your place still lounging on the (admittedly luxurious) bed. Making the bedroom as nice as possible was your top priority after security after returning to the fortress on Dathomir. You were not blind enough to miss the way Maul’s eyes trailed up your form, clearly liking the sight of you lying partially exposed on the blood red, satin sheets.
“Apparently, he sees a future for her. He’s been training her in combat, and she’s proven to be quite bloodthirsty.”
“She’s using him,” you deadpanned. “I know her type. She’ll use him for power until she gets the chance to get rid of him; then she’ll kill him.”
“Which is precisely what I said, but he argued that I haven’t met her so I couldn’t know that. According to him, she is a ‘dancer’ while fighting.”
You giggled a little at the way he rolled his eyes while quoting Dryden. “That doesn’t mean she’s not going to kill him one day.”
“If Dryden is that fooled by her, he deserves his fate. We do not have room in this organization for such idiotic behavior.”
“He wouldn’t be the first to have his brain sucked out through his dick by a woman.”
The zabrak raised a brow. “Are you trying to tell me something?”
“Yes, I’ve been fucking you for years just to take your place at the head of an organization that I helped you build.”
“Except you fell for my sparkling personality in the process, and hoped that I’d never find out about your original plan, right?”
“Oh, exactly,” you grinned. “Come here,” you demanded, reaching a hand out towards him.
Entertaining you, he offered one of his hands to you as he stepped forward. “Yes?”
“Tell me, did he realize that you were wearing a bathrobe?”
Maul snorted. “No, he believes that I wear dramatic cloaks like he does.”
“If I recall correctly, you used to wear things like that,” you teased.
“That was a long time ago.”
“So was the last time you laid with me.”
“Now, that is a lie considering that I left you less than twenty minutes ago.”
“See? Forever.”
The next day saw you and Maul in the central area of the fortress, dressed to impress while waiting for Dryden’s ridiculous ship to arrive. Maul was wearing his usual attire: black clothes fit for combat at any moment, lightsaber hanging from his belt. You were in full armor for the first time since you reclaimed the fortress two months prior. Beskar pieces decorated your right shoulder and left thigh--raided from a Mandalorian settlement long ago--while strong, flexible leathers guarded everywhere else. You prioritized mobility with your armor given your fighting style, so full metal like the Mandalorians wouldn’t do. A staff was strapped across your back along with a sniper rifle, a knife at your calf, and a blaster at your hip. This was to be a show of power to an extent; the object of the presentation showing Qi’ra who was truly in charge.
Every other guard was in standard armor derived from a mixture of old Nightbrother and Mandalorian in looks. The people that worked directly under Maul in the fortress were the most trusted in the entirety of Crimson Dawn, and they were sworn to secrecy about the nature of your relationship with him. Neither Dryden or Qi’ra would be seeing any sort of attachment that could be seen as a weakness today.
“Relax,” Maul muttered under his breath after you shifted for the too-many-ith time. “You’re a professional.”
“Yes, but she isn’t. I don’t like the idea of someone like her claiming the same position I hold; makes it seem less . . .” You couldn’t come up with the word.
“She is the bed-warmer and bodyguard to a figurehead. I would hardly call that the same as your position.”
“There are those that would disagree,” you grumbled.
Finally, the door opened, revealing Dryden Vos and an admittedly beautiful woman you assumed to be Qi’ra. She was dressed to impress, that was sure, in a simple yet stunning dark blue dress that looked completely impractical for any sort of combat. Apparently, she assumed that since they were going to visit Dryden’s boss, protection would be insured. Your eyes narrowed when you noticed how her dark eyes trailed over your lover’s frame.
Foolish. Never trust people you haven’t met, and then still don’t trust them.
“Dryden,” Maul greeted cooly, “and Qi’ra, I assume?”
“That she is, a true marvel wouldn’t you say?” Dryden grinned, clearly proud of his second-in-command.
“Beautiful, I’ll give her that,” you decided. You didn’t miss the way Dryden’s facial markings flushed with his anger, but even he wasn’t bold enough to speak out against you. “Matches the rest of your collection.”
“Excuse me, who are you?” You had to respect the level of control she displayed over her facial expressions. “I’m afraid I’ve heard nothing about either of you.”
“Such caution is the reason any of us are alive,” Maul spoke up, glancing at you over his shoulder. The warning in his gaze was clear: ‘calm down.’
“Darling, this is Lord Maul, the true head of Crimson Dawn. I run the face and keep everything clear with the other Syndicates; he provides the backing we need.” You gritted your teeth at Dryden’s overinflation of his job. “This is his bodyguard, Y/N. She’s been in the position for at least as long as I’ve known him. You’ll probably never see him without her.”
“That’s how bodyguards work,” you muttered.
“And she’s worked for me since the Clone Wars,” Maul informed both of the guests. “You’d do well to respect her, and better to get her to train you. Dryden has mentioned that you’ve been training with him.”
“That would be lovely,” Qi’ra said respectfully. “Perhaps while we are here?”
“That is unlikely,” Maul replied. “Your visit was so short-notice that we couldn’t adjust our schedule accordingly. We are leaving in the morning on a business venture.”
You resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. We don’t have any such plans . . .
“You will stay for dinner, rest here for the night, and be on your way shortly before us.”
“We would love to,” Dryden lied.
Truth be told he and Maul rarely saw eye-to-eye, and it showed at that dinner. While Maul enjoyed decadence in certain areas, Dryden was far too greedy to get along with the zabrak. Dinner was a far more simple affair than any of the parties you had seen on the First Light, you never attended, but you saw the footage for various reasons. The silence was tense. The long table was covered in just enough food for all four of you. You were at Maul’s left hand like always while he was at the head of the table; Dryden was on the end opposite with Qi’ra on his right side.
Telling, was all you could think. If he’s already that comfortable with her, he might be worse off than I thought . . .
Conversation was stilted, but you were hardly surprised. Maul was rarely conversational with other people, so Dryden and Qi’ra entertained themselves by flirting among themselves. As soon as the dinner was over, you and Maul retired to the training room for your nightly sparring session. Feeling particularly malicious, you invited them to watch. The better to show them proof of your prowess.
Once the fight started all thoughts of the onlookers went out the window. The fights were always all-out; neither of you pulled punches, never had. The only thing you were cognizant of was keeping the usual level of flirting through the floor. And based off the split-second glance of Qi’ra’s face you managed to catch while falling, she clearly didn’t expect the zabrak to pull such a cheap move as headbutting you with one of his horns. Dryden apparently wasn’t going full-tilt with her training . . .
By the time you ended the fight (you lost) and called it a night, you were both sporting bloody injuries in various places on top of new bruises. You and Maul escorted the other two to their separate rooms and left them for the night.
“I don’t trust her,” you muttered as you two walked to your rooms.
“You said as much to the idea of her, my dear,” he replied simply. “I didn’t expect you to change your opinion.”
“She’s a presumptuous little snake, and don’t think I missed the way she eyed you up the second she saw you.”
“She would not be stupid enough to try it yet.”
“Yet being the operative word.” You reached the bedroom door. “Goodnight, sir,” you said formally. 
Maul’s brows furrowed, but fortunately he was smart enough to catch on quickly. There’s someone watching, he realized. He now sensed Qi’ra’s presence in the Force far too closely to be her in her room. He was mildly impressed that you noticed when he did not; granted it wasn’t that surprising since he was generally distracted when you were around. “Goodnight. Be ready in the morning.”
Qi’ra frowned. She snuck out of her room as soon as your voices sounded like they’d rounded a corner, hoping to gain more information on the pair of you. Unfortunately, all she learned was your distaste for her was genuine and accurate. She lingered long enough to see if you would do anything after he retired, but you simply crossed your arms and waited. A hard life if she remains here all night. Her exhaustion may be my advantage, was what she thought as she slunk back to her room.
As soon as you heard her door shut in the quiet of the hallway, you snapped your fingers. Instantly, another guard took your place. “Keep an eye out for uninvited eyes,” you ordered quietly.
“Yes, ma’am.”
And then you could finally retire.
Upon entering the bedroom, you were greeted by the sight of your lover lying nude among the freshly changed, black silk sheets. Already, he was dozing, giving you ample time to enjoy the site of him relaxed and beautiful in a way he rarely was. As quietly as you could, you stripped down yourself and crawled onto the bed with him. He roused enough to share a sleepy kiss when you pulled the sheet over both of your bodies, but otherwise remained asleep. While you were not content with the whole guests situation, you were more than content with your position and quickly drifted off yourself.
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gigi-sinclair · 5 years ago
So @arcticelves is having a birthday today, and we have to celebrate! Thank you so much for all you’ve done for The Terror fandom, and for inspiring me personally. I started this a long time ago, based those images from The Transformers: The Last Knight and any picture of Matthew McNulty in period dress ever. It never went anywhere, and it’s definitely not complete, but here, for you: “For Honour and For Glory.” 
Edward notices the horse, a lovely chestnut mare, before he notices its rider.
His brother knights would laugh to know it. George would laugh, in any case. “No wonder your bed is always empty,” Edward can hear him saying. “When you'd rather stare at a pretty horse than a handsome man.” John would shift awkwardly in place, and try to ignore them.
George would be right about one thing, though. This stranger is handsome. His hair is thick and black, his beard just as dark. He wears burnished armour and a fox fur collar that draws even Edward's gaze, as disinterested as he is in fashion. Most remarkable are the man's eyes. They're a piercing light blue Edward can't recall ever seeing before.
“Sir Edward? Sir George? Sir John?” The man asks, as he brings his horse to a staggering halt before them.
George stands up. “Indeed.”
The man casts his beautiful eyes about. Edward feels at once self-conscious. Their camp is rustic, nothing more than three small tents and a cooking pot over the fire, but they are simple men, with simple needs. They made that decision long ago.
“I come from the court of Lord Crozier,” the man says. Edward knows of it. From what he's heard, that place is the opposite of simple. The man dismounts, stumbling a little as he puts his foot on the ground. Edward resists the urge to offer him a hand. “We are in need of help.”
“You are in need of mercenaries,” Edward assumes. It is their occupation, after all. The three of them are known for it, and they are good at it.
Crozier's man turns to look at him. “We are in need of you,” he replies, his gaze meeting Edward's. He holds it until Edward has to look away, his throat suddenly dry and palms suddenly damp. He lets George go through the pleasantries of telling the man where to tie his horse, of inviting him to sit by the fire, of offering him a slice of boiled boar meat from the pot. Edward concentrates on calming his hammering heart.
“We are besieged by a beast,” their visitor says, once they're all seated. He calls himself Thomas. He doesn't give a surname, nor does he call himself “sir” or “lord”, although he is dressed as a knight or a nobleman.
“A beast?” John repeats. “What type of beast?”
“Some believe it to be a bear, but it's unlike any bear I've ever seen. It's stealthier. Stronger. It brushes off our spears and arrows as if they were nothing. It was under the control of a warlock, it seems, but now the warlock is dead, and the creature has turned rogue.” 
Edward exchanges a glance with George. Clearly, it does not go unnoticed. Thomas draws himself up. “I am aware of how this sounds, gentlemen, but I promise you, we are being terrorized. The creature stalks us. There have been times we could not leave the castle for weeks on end.” With a dart of a quick pink tongue, Thomas wets his lips. Edward pretends not to have noticed. “The beast killed Lord Franklin.”
“Lord Franklin?” George blinks.
“You knew him?” 
“We did.” George looks at John, then at Edward. “We have done work for him in the past.” Edward never cared overmuch for the man. Sanctimonious was the word that best described him, but his gold was as good as anybody's.
“Lady Jane Franklin controls his lands, for the moment,” Thomas says. “With the support of Franklin's favourite, Sir James. But it is not a stable position. Our lands abut theirs, thus any instability in the region affects us as much as them. We cannot properly defend our lands while the beast is at large.”
“Well, you certainly make a very interesting proposition.” George smiles kindly. “I think my brother knights and I...”
“You say 'our lands',” Edward breaks in.
A flush comes to Thomas' face. “In, in, in the sense that we are all devoted to our lord...”
“You are Crozier's heir.” Edward is not as sure of it as he sounds, but when Thomas' blush deepens, he knows he's right. He heard rumours of it, that the childless Crozier took a beloved servant as an adopted son. Obviously, this man is he.
“Crozier sent his own heir out unaccompanied?” John frowns. “When the roads are fraught with far more dangers than a large bear?”
“I left my guards in the village,” Thomas says. “I thought if I approached you humbly, you might be more inclined to offer your assistance. Please. We will be deeply grateful if you can help us. I will be deeply grateful.” Again, Thomas' gaze catches Edward's and holds it. Am I so obvious? Edward wonders. He looks away.
“Why don't you go back to the village, my lord?” George suggests.
“Thomas,” Thomas interrupts.
“Thomas,” George repeats. “The inn is reputable. We will find you there when we've got an answer for you. We shan't keep you waiting long, sir.”
“If that is your wish.” Thomas pushes his hair back from his face. “Thank you for your consideration, gentlemen.” Edward determinedly does not watch as Thomas returns to his horse. It takes him a couple of tries before he can hoist himself into the saddle, and another minute of pulling at the reins before the mare heeds him and leaves the patch of grass she had been happily munching.
“It's madness,” John says, the moment Thomas is gone. “The man is mad. We're not hunters.”
“That's exactly what we are,” Edward points out.
John huffs. “You take my meaning. We do not chase bears, no matter their size or strength.”
“What if it isn't just a bear?” George asks. “Thomas said there was a warlock involved.”
“No,” is John’s immediate reply. “God does not grant us warlocks. Or witches, or demon bears, or anything else.”
“God does grant us lovely men, though, doesn't he, Edward?” George beams at him. “I tell you, if I hadn't pledged my heart to my lady, I might even look twice at that one myself.”
“Stop it!” John stands up abruptly, nearly knocking over the pot. George reaches out to steady it with a hand. “Stop it at once. Both of you. We're not entertaining this idea a moment longer.”
“All right, all right.” George holds up his hands in surrender. “But let me ask you this, John. How long has it been since we were last paid?” Too long. “And how much might we charge Crozier to dispatch something that has been harassing him so badly?” A good deal.
“I'm not too proud to go after a bear instead of a horde of armed men for once,” Edward decides. It might even make for a nice change of pace.
“There we have it, then. Two against one, John.” George shrugs. “Nothing you can say to that.”
From John's pursed lips and creased forehead, it seems like there is a great deal he could say, but he keeps his mouth shut.
“I'll deliver the news.” Edward ignores the resultant smirk from George. There's nothing to smirk about. It's simply his duty, as the de facto leader of the group. “You two break camp and join us in town.”
“Yes, sir,” George grins, heading for the tents even as John scowls on.  
The village inn might be reputable enough, but it isn't what one would call luxurious. Thomas and two men, in bright red coats that would be visible a mile away to any highway bandit seeking wealthy quarry, sit in a dark corner of the musty room, mugs of ale before them. Thomas looks up when Edward approaches.
“We will leave at once,” Edward says, by way of greeting. He tried out several on the way over; that was the best he could come up with. “If we ride hard, we should make it to Beechey Island before we have to stop for the night.”
A bright smile lights Thomas' face. Lovely, George had called him. Edward thinks stunning might be more apt. “Why not ride through?” Thomas says. “The sooner we get back, the better.”
“Not even we travel the woods in the dark if we can help it.”
“We did it on the way here.”
“Then you were fools.” Edward stares at the two guards. They conspicuously don't look back. “And damned fortunate you weren't murdered. We stop at Beechey.” His voice is firm. Thomas seems of a mind to argue further, but he apparently thinks better of it.
“Thank you very much. Sir...John?”
“Sir Edward. I can't tell you how grateful I am.” The fractiousness in Thomas' expression changes into something else. His gaze dips down, then raises back up to Edward's face. Edward can feel himself flushing, glad that the room is dark enough to hide it.
“You don't need to be grateful, just pay us on time,” Edward snaps, more roughly than he intended. Whatever Thomas’ expression belied, it disappears, and Thomas goes briskly to his feet.
“Of course. You needn't worry about that. Get the horses ready, men. We leave as soon as Sir Edward gives us the word.” Thomas' guards go. Thomas hangs back. Edward should say something to him, he knows, but his mind is distressingly blank.
“Thank you,” Thomas repeats. Then, he too is gone, headed for the lone sliver of sunlight that marks the front door.
I'm going to regret this, Edward thinks, but even as the words form in his mind, he knows he wouldn't retract his decision for anything.
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theangelofvengeance · 6 years ago
Fox McCloud Injustice 2 Intros
If Fox McCloud was a special guest fighter for Injustice 2, this is what his intros to each fighter would look like:
Aquaman: Not smart challenging an Atlantean. Fox McCloud: What can I say? I dig a challenge. Aquaman: Let's see if you're ready. Aquaman: You're in a fight you don't understand. Fox McCloud: I'm always ready no matter what the risk is. Aquaman: Allow me to welcome you properly! Fox McCloud: Why did you side with Superman? Aquaman: I won't be judged for defending Atlantis! Fox McCloud: Either way, you'll answer for your crimes. Fox McCloud: So this is Aquaman. Aquaman: At your service. Fox McCloud: Been kissing Superman's butt lately?
(Atrocitus) Atrocitus: Unleash your anger! Fox McCloud: I will if you keep ticking me off. Atrocitus: I was hoping you'd say that. Atrocitus: The pain of loss burns you. Fox McCloud: At least my father's death gave me purpose. Atrocitus: Like so many children... ungrateful! Fox McCloud: Well, somebody's a bit moody. Atrocitus: Be silent, boy! Fox McCloud: Let's see if I can cheer you up. Fox McCloud: Can't you talk about something besides rage? Atrocitus: You don't command me, rodent! Fox McCloud: A simple "No" would've been fine, Atrocitus!
(Atom) Atom: An anthropomorphic fox? Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, Leader of StarFox. Atom: I can tell this will be mighty interesting. Atom: What could be more fun than studying physics? Fox McCloud: Don't really get your question, Atom. Atom: Let me show you what I mean. Fox McCloud: Whoa, how did you do that? Atom: Just a Ph.D with a quantum biobelt! Fox McCloud: Slippy would kill for gadgets like yours. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn't wise to fight me. Atom: Are you saying this is going to hurt? Fox McCloud: Only if you want me to, Atom.
(Batman) Batman: It's not too late to walk away. Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Batman: We'll see. Batman: I'll give you something to fear. Fox McCloud: What is left to fear for me, Batman? Batman: You're about to find out. Fox McCloud: The legendary Dark Knight. Batman: I need to know what you can do. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do. Fox McCloud: Ever seen the way I can fight? Batman: I doubt it can surprise me. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do.
(Bane) Bane: The Leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: Ah, and you must be a janitor. Bane: Fine. Joke before you die. Bane: Do not trifle with me. Fox McCloud: I will if you keep ticking me off. Bane: You will make a mighty fine rug, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Shouldn't you be in a wrestling ring? Bane: You are very funny. Fox McCloud: You're going down 1-2-3, Bane. Fox McCloud: Can't understand the tubes around you. Bane: My venom will be the least of your worries. Fox McCloud: Just don't get it around me.
(Black Adam) Black Adam: Leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: And you must be a discount Superman. Black Adam: On his behalf, I will kill you. Black Adam: I'll lead the new Regime. Fox McCloud: Get this straight: We don't want you! Black Adam: Then dethrone me if you can. Fox McCloud: Your tyranny is unforgivable! Black Adam: My rule is strict but fair. Fox McCloud: Your wife wouldn't think so. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Black Adam: They brought it out on themselves! Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is!
(Black Canary) Black Canary: It's a look, I'll give you that. Fox McCloud: A pilot like me is always suited for battle. Black Canary: You don't say. Black Canary: Anything you wanna discuss? Fox McCloud: You sure it's wise to fight in ladies' shoes? Black Canary: Now you're really gonna get hurt. Fox McCloud: May I have this dance, malady? Black Canary: Ladies first. How polite. Fox McCloud: Yeah, Krystal seems to think so. Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Black Canary: I can't take breathing in space. Fox McCloud: Not too late to try, Miss Canary.
(Black Lightning) Black Lightning: Space pilot, huh? Fox McCloud: I'm one of the best, Black Lightning. Black Lightning: Think you can handle a few volts? Black Lightning: So you're a fellow Social Justice Warrior? Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Black Lightning: Class is now in session. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn't wise fighting me. Black Lightning: Black Lightning's not one to back down. Fox McCloud: Nor will I, Black Lightning. Fox McCloud: Wait, you draw Lightning too? Black Lightning: I've seen you met Black Adam. Fox McCloud: Like I haven't suffered enough sparks...
(Black Manta) Black Manta: I'll gut you like a fish. Fox McCloud: That blade ain't touching me. EVER. Black Manta: You'll take that pride to the grave. Black Manta: Catching you was easy. Fox McCloud: Too bad killing me won't be possible, Manta. Black Manta: That's about to be confirmed. Fox McCloud: You have quite a weird shaped head. Black Manta: This helmet is my life's work. Fox McCloud: Let's see how far I can throw it. Fox McCloud: You're lucky my crew ain't here. Black Manta: Why the hell should I know, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Because they might have to hold you down, Manta.
(Blue Beetle) Blue Beetle: Is this necessary? Fox McCloud: Batman did send me here, so... Blue Beetle: Guess that means I gotta win. Blue Beetle: Wow. Meeting you is so cool. Fox McCloud: Nice to see you're a fan of me. Blue Beetle: Mind if we get a picture after? Fox McCloud: Interesting outfit you got. Blue Beetle: With a war machine on my spine. Fox McCloud: You mean that big bug on your back? Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Blue Beetle: You really think so? Fox McCloud: Let's see if you can fly with the best.
(Brainiac) Brainiac: It is better to be collected than killed. Fox McCloud: Corneria will never be yours, Brainiac! Brainiac: That's soon to be true, McCloud. Brainiac: Facing me is a fatal error. Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Brainiac: Your defeat will be painful. Fox McCloud: Keep your tentacles away from me. Brainiac: Then surrender planet Corneria now. Fox McCloud: I won't let you have it, Brain-dead. Fox McCloud: You're sending me back home. Brainiac: Who are you to command me? Fox McCloud: Don't make me say it louder, Brainiac!
(Captain Cold) Captain Cold: You would've made a badass Rogue. Fox McCloud: Like I'll be a criminal with the likes of you. Captain Cold: Then get ready to be hibernated. Captain Cold: Frost warning. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Captain Cold: Well that changes everything. Fox McCloud: You brought a weapon to a fist fight? Captain Cold: This gun can stop the Flash. Fox McCloud: I doubt that can hurt me, Frosty. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Captain Cold: I take what's mine and I don't apologize. Fox McCloud: Then I won't feel sorry kicking your butt.
(Catwoman) Catwoman: Think you can handle a few scars? Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Catwoman: Let me give you a dose of reality. Catwoman: Cats beat foxes every time. Fox McCloud: Won't be true until you beat me, Catwoman. Catwoman: Well, if that's how you wanna play this... Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. Catwoman: Everyone deserves a second chance. Fox McCloud: Sure, I'll believe it when I see it. Fox McCloud: This must be Selina Kyle. Catwoman: Fancy meeting you here, darling. Fox McCloud: Let's see you give Katt a run for her money.
(Cheetah) Cheetah: The most dangerous game of all. Fox McCloud: One that you aint never gonna win. Cheetah: I need only my claws. Cheetah: Mmmmm, I love your fur. Fox McCloud: I'm harder to skin than to kill, Minerva. Cheetah: Let me welcome you, properly. Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Cheetah: I will not weep for humanity. Fox McCloud: You're gonna cry regardless, Cheetah. Fox McCloud: You're giving me cat scratch fever already. Cheetah: You won't joke once I have your tongue. Fox McCloud: It'll be just twice as funny.
(Cyborg) Cyborg: Superman wants you gone. Fox McCloud: Why? You kiss Superman's butt with that mouth? Cyborg: That was your last chance! Cyborg: Why have you come here, McCloud? Fox McCloud: I'm stopping your boss one way or another! Cyborg: Not after I bust the hell out of you! Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Cyborg: Because I know we did the right thing. Fox McCloud: Having him murder a kid wasn't! Fox McCloud: I feel sorry for your father. Cyborg: It's because of him I'm like this! Fox McCloud: Maybe because what he did was an accident!
Darkseid: Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: I don't fear you one bit, Darkseid. Darkseid: Your lack of fear displays ignorance, not bravado. Darkseid: Surrender to Darkseid or face death. Fox McCloud: I won't do neither of the kind. Darkseid: I think you're gonna reconsider, fool! Fox McCloud: How can you hurt so many people? Darkseid: I hate all creatures, great and small. Fox McCloud: Either way, you'll answer for your crimes! Fox McCloud: Should've turned back sooner. Darkseid: And why should that worry me? Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is!
(Deadshot) Deadshot: Found me a nice fox-skinned rug. Fox McCloud: I doubt those bullets will touch me. Deadshot: Ehhh... I'll try anything once. Deadshot: The hero's gig not for amateurs. Fox McCloud: I'm a full-fledged space pilot, Deadshot. Deadshot: Too bad your brain's going out of orbit. Fox McCloud: I'm guessing you're some kind of mercenary. Deadshot: That sounds about right. Fox McCloud: And here I thought Wolf was the worst. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Deadshot: I got nothing to live for. Fox McCloud: You can't solve problems with bullets.
(Doctor Fate) Doctor Fate: Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: You gonna send me back to my universe? Doctor Fate: You are too late. Doctor Fate: The lords know your fate. Fox McCloud: Do I get married to Krystal or what? Doctor Fate: You will fail. Fox McCloud: Never met a fortune teller before. Doctor Fate: I gaze beyond the horizon of time. Fox McCloud: Does it involve me getting a way out of here? Fox McCloud: Batman told me you're Kent Nelson. Doctor Fate: You will speak with Nabu. Fox McCloud: So... you changed your name?
(Enchantress) June Moone: She can smell death on you. Fox McCloud: Obviously you haven't met Andross yet. Enchantress: I'll end you on his behalf, McCloud. June Moone: Please, Fox... get her away from me. Fox McCloud: I'll save you even if I can, June. Enchantress: Try me, Mr. High and Mighty. Fox McCloud: You're lucky my crew ain't here. Enchantress: Are they too scared to face the torment? Fox McCloud: More like they can overcome it, Enchantress. Fox McCloud: The wicked witch of lamedom. Enchantress: Watch your tongue, mortal! Fox McCloud: Like heck I'm gonna do that.
(The Flash) The Flash: You really think you're fast enough? Fox McCloud: Won't know until you fight me, man. The Flash: Allow me to prove you wrong. The Flash: I'm the fastest man alive. Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. The Flash: Allow me to prove you wrong. Fox McCloud: You must be the scarlet speedster. The Flash: Yeah, it's kinda my thing. Fox McCloud: Think you can beat the speed of my Arwing? Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. The Flash: Yeah, I got a lot to regret. Fox McCloud: Let's see if you can be trusted, Flash.
(Bizarro) Bizarro: Bizarro hug pet fox! Fox McCloud: Yeah... not gonna happen. Bizarro: Bizarro not like big words. Bizarro: Am you Bizarro's friend? Fox McCloud: I got no idea how to respond to that one. Bizarro: Me love friends. Fox McCloud: You Lex Luthor's kid? Bizarro: Me father's only child. Fox McCloud: Summed that up to a T, Bizarro. Fox McCloud: I can't understand what's with you. Bizarro: Me fight for lies, injustice, a-merry-can way! Fox McCloud: Yep. Definitely landed in the wrong Earth.
(Firestorm) Firestorm: Where you from again? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Firestorm: Wanna know where I'm kicking your ass to. Firestorm: No way you can handle these flames, Fox. Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Firestorm: Prepare to get burned. Fox McCloud: Not really a big fan of fire. Firestorm: Afraid you'll get burned? Fox McCloud: I don't like my tail getting singed. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn't wise fighting me. Firestorm: I'm ready to fight with fire. Fox McCloud: Don't cry when you get burned.
(Gorilla Grodd) Gorilla Grodd: Your talents could be useful. Fox McCloud: I rather be sucked through a black hole than join you. Gorilla Grodd: If you're not with me, you're dead. Gorilla Grodd: There's a place for you in the Society. Fox McCloud: Says pretty much a second-rate Andross. Gorilla Grodd: I'll roast you through an open flame, McCloud. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Gorilla Grodd: Ending humanity is a kindness! Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: You're lucky my crew ain't here. Gorilla Grodd: Why does that matter, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Otherwise you're getting flinged like number 2.
(Green Arrow) Green Arrow: What earth they snatch you from? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Green Arrow: Never exactly heard of it. Green Arrow: Well, this is gonna be good. Fox McCloud: Yep, only for me that is. Green Arrow: Geez, spoiler alert... Fox McCloud: How good are you with those arrows? Green Arrow: I know where to place my shots. Fox McCloud: Then be prepared to miss, Arrow. Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Green Arrow: I'm not stepping in the middle of that. Fox McCloud: You're right. You wouldn't handle motion sickness.
(Green Lantern) Green Lantern: Always nice to meet a fellow pilot. Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Green Lantern: Okay, now it's a contest. Green Lantern: I'll say it... this is awkward. Fox McCloud: Scared I'm gonna kick your butt, Lantern? Green Lantern: Like I'm gonna be frightened by some fox! Fox McCloud: Nice glow-in-the-dark wedding ring. Green Lantern: That's none of your damn business. Fox McCloud: I definitely know what I'm getting Krystal now. Fox McCloud: I heard you were with the Regime. Green Lantern: We've all made mistakes. Fox McCloud: Sure, I'll believe it when I see it.
(Grid) Grid: I can sense your hostility towards me. Fox McCloud: You're a threat to this entire world itself. Grid: The last threat you'll ever see, Fox McCloud. Grid: Why assume you fight me, McCloud? Fox McCloud: Because I've got you on my trail, Grid. Grid: No matter. The trail ends here. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Grid: In destroying you, perhaps I will gain emotion. Fox McCloud: Honestly, you're depressing me now. Fox McCloud: You Cyborg's brother? Grid: I am Grid. The last being you will ever see. Fox McCloud: Ah, so it's a 'maybe' then.
(Harley Quinn) Harley Quinn: Aw, aren't you cute. Fox McCloud: Let me guess, was it the way that I look? Harley Quinn: That's the idea, doll. Harley Quinn: You and me? We're going. Fox McCloud: Well, yeah. That's the point, Miss Quinn. Harley Quinn: I'll show you the ropes! Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn't wise fighting me. Harley Quinn: How about slaps and tickles at ten paces? Fox McCloud: Hate to see which one hurts the worse. Fox McCloud: I can't understand what's with you. Harley Quinn: I collect toenail clippings! Fox McCloud: Ugh, didn't need to know that.
(Fox McCloud) Fox McCloud (1): Haha, very funny costume, Falco. Fox McCloud (2): I'm the real Fox McCloud. Not a faker. Fox McCloud (1): Sure, I'll believe it when I see it. Fox McCloud (1): How in the heck are we the same? Fox McCloud (2): Maybe we're cloned and didn't know about it. Fox McCloud (1): No way you're replacing me. Fox McCloud (1): Is this me from this world? Fox McCloud (2): Yeah, except Superman's more evil than Andross. Fox McCloud (1): Yep. Definitely landed in the wrong Earth.
(Donatello) Donatello: I've already figured this fight out. Fox McCloud: Me standing over you in victory? Donatello: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Donatello: Name's Donatello. Who are you? Fox McCloud: The Name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Donatello: Totally need to know who that is. Fox McCloud: This'll be over before it begins. Donatello: Good luck proving that theory. Fox McCloud: Proving people wrong is what I do. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Donatello: And I see you're from this Star Fox group. Fox McCloud: Yep, you'll see why I am, Donatello.
(Hellboy) Hellboy: So where in the hell are you from? Fox McCloud: From Planet Corneria. Why you ask? Hellboy: That some sort of theme park or somethin'? Hellboy: Not used to fighting woodland critters. Fox McCloud: Except one that'll kick your butt? Hellboy: Well, in that case, let's do this. Fox McCloud: I don't think I've seen you before. Hellboy: The name's Hellboy, dumbass. Fox McCloud: Quite the friendly one you are. Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Hellboy: I don't think my fist can fit in the arwing. Fox McCloud: Can't hurt to try, Hellboy.
(Jay Garrick) Jay Garrick: I don't see how you plan to win. Fox McCloud: Pure speed and reflexes as always. Jay Garrick: Let me show you what the JSA can do! Jay Garrick: Can't say I never met a fox like you. Fox McCloud: I'm way more than an fox than you'll ever see. Jay Garrick: Let me show you what the JSA can do! Fox McCloud: What's with all the speedfreaks I keep meeting? Jay Garrick: This 'speedfreak' is an original, chum. Fox McCloud: Think you can beat the speed of my arwing? Fox McCloud: Should've turned back sooner. Jay Garrick: Not while I have breath on these lungs. Fox McCloud: Now that's the Star Fox spirit there!
(John Stewart) John Stewart: Think you can beat a Lantern? Fox McCloud: Both in the ground and air, Lantern. John Stewart: We'll see about that, McCloud. John Stewart: This must be the Fox McCloud I've been hearing. Fox McCloud: Hal told me you're some kind of marine. John Stewart: Today I'm your drill instructor. Fox McCloud: You're green like that other guy? John Stewart: We're part of the Green Lantern Corps, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Weird looking club you got. Fox McCloud: I bet it wasn't wise fighting me. John Stewart: A soldier does what it takes. Fox McCloud: Now that's the Star Fox spirit there!
(The Joker) The Joker: Here's a news flash: Life is a meaningless joke. Fox McCloud: Too bad you don't give them enough, Joker. The Joker: Like it matters... The Joker: You're such a cute little fox. Fox McCloud: You're looking to skin me or something? The Joker: My knife's plenty sharp enough! Fox McCloud: Is killing Metropolis what you did "fun"? The Joker: Gotta do something to amuse me, you know? Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: Batman's told me all about you, Joker. The Joker: They call me an influencer, an icon! Fox McCloud: How about criminally sick instead?
(Leonardo) Leonardo: You got cajones taking me on, McCloud. Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Leonardo: Ready for a lesson in turtle power? Leonardo: You got nothing on a Ninja Turtle. Fox McCloud: And you ain't got nothing on Star Fox. Leonardo: I admit, you got me there. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo: And you must be Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Let's see if you can fly with the best. Fox McCloud: This'll be over before it begins. Leonardo: It's nothing a Ninja Turtle can't handle! Fox McCloud: Now that's the Star Fox spirit there!
(Michelangelo) Michelangelo: This is gonna be totally wicked. Fox McCloud: I doubt you can beat me with that shell. Michelangelo: Only if you got cheat codes, dude. Michelangelo: Let's skip this, I'm starving. Fox McCloud: Only when the fight's over, Michelangelo. Michelangelo: Almost got away with that one. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Michelangelo: I'll show you why I am, Fox. Fox McCloud: Now that's the Star Fox spirit there! Fox McCloud: Should've turned back sooner. Michelangelo: Seems like a really bad idea, bro. Fox McCloud: Then I won't feel sorry kicking your butt.
(Mr. Freeze) Mr. Freeze: You are a rare specimen. Fox McCloud: Why on earth would you ask me that, Freeze? Mr. Freeze: I would gladly trade your life for Nora's. Mr. Freeze: My gun will freeze you in your tracks. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Mr. Freeze: That assumption is flawed. Fox McCloud: You're coming with me, Mr. Freeze. Mr. Freeze: Hell would freeze over first. Fox McCloud: Sounds like a good idea, cueball. Fox McCloud: How could you hurt so many people? Mr. Freeze: I'm a scientist, not a psychopath! Fox McCloud: Either way, you'll answer for your crimes!
(Poison Ivy) Poison Ivy: You're an abomination. Fox McCloud: You're a threat to this entire world itself. Poison Ivy: That's not what the plants tell me. Poison Ivy: One kiss for luck? Fox McCloud: Sorry, that's Krystal's job, Ivy. Poison Ivy: She won't notice. Fox McCloud: You're a disgrace to mother nature. Poison Ivy: I would die for the green. Fox McCloud: Please, even THEY don't want you. Fox McCloud: You really are that beautiful. Poison Ivy: Really? And what do you see? Fox McCloud: Back at Arkham where you belong.
(Power Girl) Power Girl: I don't believe we've met. Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Power Girl: Let me show you what I'm made of. Power Girl: I'm not comfortable fighting pets. Fox McCloud: I'll show you I'm no 'pet', Power Girl. Power Girl: Sure, that's one way of putting it. Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Power Girl: I'm perfectly fine flying without a plane. Fox McCloud: Hope you can handle the pressure. Fox McCloud: I'll bet it wasn't wise fighting me. Power Girl: You can't handle this much woman! Fox McCloud: Trust me, you should meet Krystal.
(Raiden) Raiden: Will you aid in this realm's protection? Fox McCloud: I'm always ready, no matter what the risk is. Raiden: Then show me your skills, Fox McCloud. Raiden: I am Raiden, God of Thunder. Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Raiden: We must prepare ourselves in Kombat. Fox McCloud: Whoa. Who must this be? Raiden: You speak with Raiden, protector of Earthrealm. Fox McCloud: That's one heck of a catchy title. Fox McCloud: Why are we meeting here, Raiden? Raiden: You would need allies in the coming war. Fox McCloud: Good thing I got Star Fox with me then.
(Raphael) Raphael: Ever tried a smackdown by Raphael? Fox McCloud: Please, even Falco would beat ya. Raphael: Prove it, fool. Raphael: You're going to Beatdown City. Fox McCloud: Heh, good luck taking me there. Raphael: Only because you wanted to, Fox. Fox McCloud: I can't understand what's with you. Raphael: I run a delivery service... for pain! Fox McCloud: Can't imagine what that feels like. Fox McCloud: This must be one of the Ninja Turtles. Raphael: I'm the toughest one of the bunch. Fox McCloud: Now that's the Star Fox spirit there!
(Red Hood) Red Hood: I'm not with the Regime. Fox McCloud: Well, if you say so then... Red Hood: Please, you act like I'm lying, McCloud! Red Hood: Call me the Red Hood. Fox McCloud: You sure you're the one with a sock on his head? Red Hood: You know what? Just call me Jason. Fox McCloud: I can't understand what's with you. Red Hood: I'm the cure for a sick, sad world. Fox McCloud: You can't solve problems with bullets. Fox McCloud: Like the beanie mask you got there. Red Hood: Glad to know you approve, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Too bad your kind of justice says otherwise.
(Reverse Flash) Reverse Flash: Exactly what is your plan here? Fox McCloud: I'm here to end this nightmare you caused! Reverse Flash: Which is why you're dead fox meat! Reverse Flash: Who the hell are you supposed to be? Fox McCloud: The name's Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox. Reverse Flash: To me, you're another victim! Fox McCloud: You're lucky my crew ain't here. Reverse Flash: They still won't catch me, McCloud. Fox McCloud: Care to reconsider that, Mr. Thawne? Fox McCloud: Reverse Flash, huh? Reverse Flash: Finally, someone with backbone. Fox McCloud: It's too bad you don't have one.
(Robin) Robin: You could've been part of the solution. Fox McCloud: Why? You still kiss Superman's butt with that mouth? Robin: You're headed for the cemetery! Robin: Got a problem? Fox McCloud: Listening to butthurt crybabies like you. Robin: You have poor taste in heroes. Fox McCloud: I feel sorry for your father. Robin: Because he was spectacularly wrong! Fox McCloud: So was killing Batman's adopted son. Fox McCloud: You remind me a bit like Falco. Robin: Huh... what would that be? Fox McCloud: He's less arrogant unlike you.
(Scarecrow) Scarecrow: Do you fear death? Fox McCloud: Not now. Not ever. Scarecrow: Too bad your father did. Scarecrow: Your precious Krystal looks lovely... Fox McCloud: You better not lay a hand on her or else! Scarecrow: Heh... what if I did? Fox McCloud: You'll pay for insulting my father. Scarecrow: Oooh, I'm shaking in my boots. Fox McCloud: Oh, you'll shake. But you won't like it. Fox McCloud: I'm not sure if I wanna be here. Scarecrow: Welcome to your nightmare. Fox McCloud: I think I'm not gonna like it.
(Starfire) Starfire: Every battle is an adventure. Fox McCloud: Good thing I live for the adventure. Starfire: I'll honor you with my skills, McCloud. Starfire: How do you cope with darkness? Fox McCloud: A pilot like me doesn't fear nothing. Starfire: Grayson would have liked you. Fox McCloud: This'll be over before it begins. Starfire: How do I know you're a worthy warrior? Fox McCloud: You should've saw me beat Andross. Fox McCloud: You really are that beautiful. Starfire: I'm glad you appreciate my beauty. Fox McCloud: I'll try not to mess you up too bad.
(Sub-Zero) Sub-Zero: You may retreat with no dishonor. Fox McCloud: If I can handle the cold, I can handle you. Sub-Zero: I respect your bravery. Sub-Zero: A grandmaster's respect must be earned. Fox McCloud: Good thing our crew fights for respect. Sub-Zero: Then show me why, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Why in the heck are we here? Sub-Zero: Only bloodshed will save this realm. Fox McCloud: Can't imagine what that feels like. Fox McCloud: Whoa. Who must this be? Sub-Zero: I am Sub-Zero, grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Fox McCloud: For once, I thought someone turned on the AC.
(Supergirl) Supergirl: I mean you no harm. Fox McCloud: Than how come your cousin harms innocents? Supergirl: Kal didn't set the best example. Supergirl: Don't ask me to go easy on you. Fox McCloud: Good thing I didn't ask, Supergirl. Supergirl: Don't say I warned you, Fox. Fox McCloud: Superman's not who you think. Supergirl: There's still good in him. Fox McCloud: Is being a dictator considered good? Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Supergirl: Kal can still change his ways, McCloud. Fox McCloud: That's no excuse for what he's done.
(Superman) Superman: You're leaving Earth. Now! Fox McCloud: I'll leave after you're locked up for good, Superman. Superman: You can try. Superman: Why are you on my Earth? Fox McCloud: I'm here to end this nightmare you caused! Superman: Paranoid as ever, Fox. Fox McCloud: You are no hero. Superman: And what do you think I am? Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: You poisoned this world long enough. Superman: Without me, they'd be dead, McCloud! Fox McCloud: Maybe because they were dead by your rule!
(Swamp Thing) Swamp Thing: Why have you come here? Fox McCloud: Brainiac sucked me up to this universe. Swamp Thing: Of course you would say that. Swamp Thing: Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: You must be the guy in the vegetable bags, right? Swamp Thing: I doubt that to be true. Fox McCloud: You some sort of human tree? Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk. Fox McCloud: Didn't know that would offend you. Fox McCloud: I'll be fun chopping you down. Swamp Thing: Don't mock the green, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Send them my regards then.
(Vixen) Vixen: This must be the leader of Star Fox. Fox McCloud: And I assume you must be Vixen. Vixen: Intro's complete. Let's go. Vixen: Are you ready for your turn on the runway? Fox McCloud: Not sure I fit the "model" type. Vixen: There's a first time for everything, Fox. Fox McCloud: Did Batman send you here to train me? Vixen: I was gonna ask you the same question. Fox McCloud: Then let's see who's faster, Vixen. Fox McCloud: You'd be a great member of Star Fox. Vixen: Air's not really my strong suit, Fox. Fox McCloud: You're right, you wouldn't handle motion sickness.
(Wonder Woman) Wonder Woman: Drop the gun or I'll take your hand. Fox McCloud: Drop your sword and shield and I might consider it! Wonder Woman: That's not an option. Wonder Woman: You're standing down, Fox McCloud. Fox McCloud: Sorry, I don't take orders from murderers. Wonder Woman: You'll learn to see it our way. Fox McCloud: You must be proud of your little dictator. Wonder Woman: Which is why I'll restore the Regime! Fox McCloud: You're as heartless as Andross is! Fox McCloud: It's a shame you ended up this way. Wonder Woman: Just why is that, Fox? Fox McCloud: Because nobody trusts murderers like you.
So what does everybody think? Which one was your favorite quote? Let me know. Until then, peace!
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virginiacreepervine · 6 years ago
From the Journal of Rhaghema of Sherfield
The last few days have been taxing on my team.  A simple enough trip at first, a simple enough request from the guild; Go to this temple, restore a seal, deal with any Beast Cultist presence.  We’re Nu’un, its the job.  But then, it wasn’t. I guess I should be getting used to that, but mercenary work was always simpler. “Go here, kill this. Protect this merchant. Stand there and look tough so no one gets any funny ideas.” Anyway, trip goes smoothly enough, until we get to some cabin with a fucking extra-planar being lurking around. Outsiders aren’t totally unheard of, obviously I know enough to call one when I see it, but if the situation is this dire,the veil between worlds this thin, who knows what might be lurking around in other parts of the world? I’d be more worried for home, were it not a shithole and were my mother not as competent as she is. The fight was rough, the thing spat acid at us, when it scratched us it caused our flesh to blacken and decay. Aendir managed to distract it while I flanked, which ended the beast. He went high and smashed its face with a maul, while i went low and severed its leg at the knee. As it lay bleeding, choking on its own bile, I jammed the discarded limb down its throat. A painful end, as it deserved.
The abandoned house yielded no bones, no remains of whoever lived there before. Hopefully they fled before that thing arrived, but the rotten food scattered about discourages that thought. Dead or no, their home is safe now. Assuming they can deal with bedbugs, at least. Then there was the actual business at the temple; a massive chapel standing in the middle of a more massive graveyard. Fitting, for a temple devoted to the Raven Queen. When we arrived, it seemed someone had placed a barrier around the temple, and Beast Cultists were trying their damnedest to break it down, burning scroll after scroll. I trampled two with the cart. Probably should have warned the others first, but then again we had better positioning so I guess I made the right call again, genius that I am. Tried to make the third Cultist talk, but she spat in my face and cut her own throat. A shadow lept from her body and began to reanimate the corpses in the graveyard. Had I known then that it would be every corpse in this necropolis, I might have tried to get through the barrier sooner and saved us time, blood, and stress, but I can’t learn if I don’t fuck up every now and then, I suppose. We barely make it out alive. Well, Vel and Aendir barely made it out alive, everyone else was fine. Much as I love Vel, her tactics leave much to be desired. Her animal instincts make her a great ambusher, a great guerrilla fighter, but she’s useless when outnumbered. Especially when her people are stubborn and won’t stop fighting a losing battle. A closer inspection of the barrier revealed that it was to defend against evil, meaning we could freely pass without issue. Aendir, being a paladin of the Raven Queen, would have rather died fighting an unending horde of undead instead of getting inside to finish the job. After Pip and Nehalennia got behind the barrier, Vel, Aendir and I stayed in front to push back the horde, with Vel and I trying to convince Aendir to run. The fool just wouldn’t stop, regardless of the ever growing number of undead around him. I got Vel to give up on him when I started moving towards the barrier, which is fortunate because I really don’t think she could’ve survived another attack. Nehalennia cast some spell that took out a few of them, as well as cracking the tombstones at the undead’s feet. This is our first mission with her, and I have to say that she’s a remarkable woman; beautiful, can hold her wine, powerful enough to stand with the rest of us in battle...maybe I just have a thing for spell casters. Or Water Genasi. Anyway, the battle. Pip managed to use some of her bard magic to charm Aendir into finally fucking moving, which I’m certain saved his life. Vel, ever oblivious to magic, punched him in the face (can’t blame her, really) and I had to pick her up and drag Aendir into the temple. He’s only 16, but damn if that boy isn’t heavy, I’m surprised I could even do it. The rest is business as usual; Aendir said a prayer, restored the seal, we had dinner with the temple acolytes, job done. No alcohol though. decided I’d take them to Norfolk for a day off to unwind and let off steam. Then comes the- [The rest of this page has been torn, and the text lost to time] I may have made a mistake. Well, I definitely made a mistake, but I may have made multiple mistakes. We get to Norfolk, stop off at the Lord and Sheep Tavern. Wish I had some way of reproducing the sign, but I’m no artist; It was a Man, pants around his ankles, a sheep right in front of him. Clearly, this was the place we want. I let Vel have Dwarven Fire Water. The first mistake; she can not hold her liquor, and this was some strong stuff. Two drinks, and she was bouncing around the bar, talking to everyone. Not really a bad thing, until she remembered what I like to do for stress relief. I’m fairly certain she was trying to talk two Eladrin into sleeping with me, but she was speaking Sylvan the whole time and I have no idea what anyone actually said. A Vampire showed up, who I suppose was the night shift bartender. Tried talking to this Halfling woman about him, but she didn’t have much to say. Nehalennia didn’t look like she was enjoying herself, so I tried talking to her; “This just isn’t my idea of fun” she says. “What would you rather do?” I ask. She says “Wouldn’t you like to know?” and then she goes to bed. Wasn’t about to force her to unwind, so I let her go. Not about to force a teammate to say or do anything they don’t want to. This leads to my next mistake; had a few more glasses of the fine Dwarven Fire Water, and talked to the Halfling Woman some more. Her family runs some merchant caravan, and they’re on their way down south for business. Quadruplets! She said her mother wasn’t super happy when they all popped out at once. I say to her “Well, at least you know you’ve got a large...capacity.” That was probably one of the worst things I’ve ever said to a woman, but then she asked if I had some plans on seeing how much of it I could fill, so I suppose we were of a similar mind. So I took her upstairs and showed her. Second mistake of the night, probably. Don’t think she woke up before I left, so I suppose I did right by her in that respect, but I fully expect to be attacked by three midgets trying to avenge their sister’s honor sooner or later. After she fell asleep, my stomach growled to remind me that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and it was already past midnight. Nehalennia was downstairs, drinking with the Vampire. Things seemed tense between them, but she left after I got another drink. No food after hours, apparently. Had a brief conversation with the Vampire where I told him I knew what he was. He must be a good enough sort, no one was up in arms after him, they let him work there. And who am I to judge? People have been calling me devil-spawn since I could crawl. Tieflings don’t deal with as much outright persecution, but being cursed doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, and I know that more than most. Disappointed and hungry, I headed back to bed. I could scarcely believe it when I found Nehalannia waiting for me in the stairwell. I slept in her room that night. Not much, I admit...probably my third mistake. Sleeping with random women in a tavern doesn’t typically complicate things. Sleeping with a teammate does, regardless of interest. I hope this doesn’t hurt her. I can’t bear to harm another friend...Glacis won’t accept missions from the guild anymore after that incident with the scroll, which was also my fault. Nehalennia said she wouldn’t mind doing it again though. Maybe it wasn’t a mistake. Vel knows it happened, of course. Of course she knows. Nothing escapes the snakes unblinking eyes. She seemed upset. We’ve been close since we started working together, I would hate if she thought I was going to abandon her for someone else. I would never, of course; we share no blood, but she’s still my daughter. No one will get in our way.  Anyway, back on the road to Liberis. Hope we get payed well for this, I spent almost half my gold on Dwarven liquor.
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gothamcatman · 7 years ago
The Catman Chronicles: Episode II
They took the Carnivore pizzas to the docks and boarded a fancy-looking speedboat. Kit was inwardly consumed with starting an intimate relationship with Tomcat and extremely flustered. If she came right out and said it, not only was she petrified of saying something stupid, but she had more than an inkling he would say she was too young, it’s just a crush, yadda-yadda-yadda.
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But she knew better. That wasn’t her, by any stretch of the imagination. She wasn’t a people person; could take ‘em or leave 'em any day but, for the first time, she was ready to believe that soulmate junk people talked about. She’d always thought it was a racket to sell flowers, candy, and rom-com movie tickets. Now she wasn’t so sure…
“You can grab a hat out of the compartment, there, if you don’t want your hair to get windblown.” Blake offered. “Doc has one in there that should fit you. Next stop: my private island.”
“This is a nice boat.” Kit said; putting on the black fishing hat from said compartment. “What kind is it?”
“A CATamaran, of course.” Blake grinned.
“Of course,” she smirked. “You always made puns like that as Catman, didn’t ya?”
“I guess so.” He almost regretted divulging his criminal career, though he doubted a member of the Falcone family would be judgemental about it, it hadn’t been the most successful of undertakings and he was glad most had forgotten it.
“So, uh, what do you do for money nowadays, if ya don’t mind me askin’? You still in the life?”
“Not in the same way.” He replied. “The island is designated a wildlife sanctuary and is funded by Doc’s global non-profit. I get a director’s salary and sometimes I do suit up for jobs that need done but they are almost exclusively overseas. Afghanistan, China, Africa, places like that.”
“Sounds dangerous.” Kit observed. “Mercenary? Terrorist stuff?”
“Eco-terrorist, maybe. Snow leopards threatened by the Afghan War. Chinese tiger farms. Lions in Africa caught up in man’s fighting and exploitation of the continent. When Doc’s outfit: Meogeocentric, can’t get results, Catman often can.”
The island, as they approached, looked abandoned and in ruins. “Are those smokestacks?” she asked as they drew up to what looked to have been a bridge to Gotham at one point; now collapsed.
“There was once a coal-fire power plant here, as well as a hospital and medical research facility. My Grandma set it up. Between her family’s Pinkston fortune and my Grandfather’s holding as a Scottish lord, the tried to set up a sort of utopian community in the sixties and early seventies. Didn’t work out, though and the place kind of went to rot. The old manor house held up the best and I’ve refurbished the pool cottage there. Plenty of room for me and Drooper while we’re just starting out.”
The weather was unseasonably warm, which Kit noticed immediately when they docked and the wind of their passage from the city was not blowing on her skin. She replaced the black hat more from the fact it was making her sweat than simple courtesy. “Hot. The island, I mean. Er, the weather…”
“I understand.” Blake assured her. “Drooper’s favorite place is the pool and I’m sure one of Doc’s suits will fit you. You can cool off with a dip while we feed Drooper.”
So, 'Doc’ was a woman, she realized. The hat should have been a tip-off. Maybe more than a friend if she was sponsoring his island. Wasn’t that fraterization or something? But Kit figured if she put on a bikini for him, it would go a long way towards stopping him from thinking of her as a little girl. “Sounds awesome.” she agreed.
They walked from the wharf to a rugged-looking jeep parked beside a dirt track into the forest. “The island was designated a wildlife refuge in the mid-eighties for migratory waterfowl that nest on the shoreline. They aren’t around this time of year. We can’t develop the shoreline but we can make the interior a wildlife sanctuary for big cats. It’s good anyway because when we get more tigers, they could swim to the mainland if they had access to the water. But, like I said, we’re just getting started.”
“Cats hate water, don’t they?” She asked, showing interest in what was obviously his passion as they piled into the jeep.
“Tigers don’t.” He informed her. “They will swim miles out to sea. Oh, hey, buddy!”
A forlorn looking lion gazed at them through the jeep’s windshield. She’d never been this close to a lion before and, although Tomcat had told her he was old and toothless, the sheer size of the animal was intimidating. “Heh…must be Drooper.”
The big feline climbed into the back of the jeep. The suspension creaked as he settled in and he began sniffing Kitrina while the insulated bag of pizzas sat in the floorboard in front of her. “Right now, he just thinks it’s you that smells like pizza.” Tomcat said. “Good association for a first impression.”
“Yeah, nice Drooper.” She said over the snuffling. “I’m the pizza girl, just not a pizza, okay?” She ruffled his mane and added: “Pizza woman.”
They drove to the old mansion, which probably looked creepy at night, then adjourned to the pool cottage out back. “Go on in and make yourself at home.” Blake told her. “Swimsuits should be in the guestroom, second room from the top of the stairs.”
“See ya in a minute.” She answered. So, this Doc didn’t share his room, which was good, and she also must not be here; even better. She found the sort of bikini she was hoping for, almost, in the drawer. There weren’t any thongs.
Back at the pool, Tomcat was playing with Drooper. The lion did seem pretty slow and low-energy. “If you’re okay with it, I’ll go in and suit up, too. Go ahead and start feeding him. I promise you’ll be perfectly safe.”
I’m totally okay with seeing you in a bathing suit, Kit thought, but said; “I’m sure.”
She bent at the waist to give him a little view as she dived in the water, as nonchalantly as she could.
What am I doing? Blake thought to himself. That ass is exquisite but…
He found the baggiest pair of trunks he owned in case she continued to arouse him. He knew what was happening here but had zero will to stop it. How selfish was he, he wondered.
Feeding pizza to a lion was every bit as kick-butt as she thought it would be. The shaggy Drooper was a gentle, old snuggle bug that seemed to thrive on her attention and love her right off the bat. She could only hope his master felt the same.
“See? I told you.” Tomcat boasted when her saw the pair together. Unlike her, he descended the concrete steps to enter the pool.
'Fit’ was an understatement for Thomas Blake’s body, she saw. 'Ripped’ or 'chisiled’ was more like it. He had three deep scars like clawmarks on his chest and some barely detectable stretch-mark as if he had once been obese. Not today, though. “Yep.” she smiled, “I’m part of the family already.”
“Yeah…” Blake said, at a loss for words. “…right out of the gate.”
He waded over. The next thing either of them knew, their lips met and it would be a subject of future debate who had kissed who; both claiming the initiator’s status.
They kissed each other, Drooper knew, but who cares? Pizza!
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mechagalaxy · 5 years ago
John T. Mainer: No such thing as a Free Drink
No such thing as a Free Drink
(How I came to the Multiverse)
Faction War raged in Mecha Galaxy, or at least the raid after the war. I was tired. The staff work weaving together two Factions from a dozen clans, then the work of intelligence gathering and briefings for three tough campaigns against opponents some of whom I either hadn’t faced, or was seriously out of date on their current strength really takes it out of you. I decided to blow off steam in the nearest bar.
Valkjosandi was the name of the bar, which means “Chooser of the slain” in the old tongue. I was feeling half dead, tired of the wars, and didn’t feel like another night spent giving advice on lineups, builds, solutions to the problem of Gary Muenzel中臣氏, problem being he was somewhat tougher than a Battlecruiser and way more portable. This was a wannabe bar. A bar for those who wanted to pretend to be mecha jocks, not the real thing like us.
I bellied up to the bar and ordered a tray of shots and pitcher of beer. I sat down at a table, and a pretty blonde waitress, built similar to an Arclight in frontal armament swayed over and whispered that I could win all my drinks free if I could beat their mecha game.
I could afford my own booze, but honestly, having had to take three levels in the war, I was a little pinched for resources, so my inner skinflint came out, and I looked at the game. It was an neuro halo rig, for those without implants. Most of the bandwidth for low tonnage mecha. The game was simple, fire up a Warhorse and stop some pirates, single mecha and advanced mode with a single wingman. You have got to be joking. I piloted a machine almost a hundred tons heavier, and commanded thousands of tons in my personal platoon, forces sufficient to take whole planets with my Faction.
Six shots and four beers in I picked up the rig. Twelve shots and an empty pitcher later, I was calling for another tray and pitcher, and for the house as well, all free as I could keep beating this game all night long.
I woke up in my cockpit. I was drooling into my beard. Ok not unusual. I shifted in my seat and the cold metal pinched my ass uncomfortably. Wait, WHAT!”
I felt a cold shot of adrenaline spike through me and I ran a system check on my pilot implant, calling out to Paladin automatically (my Redeemer) and got a shock of fear. My mecha was a Warhorse, the simple minded cretin of a machine had the single stupidest AI in existence, a shadow mirror of my consciousness imprinted on a puppy like AI that was supposed to be a personal assistant, and just really wanted you to be safe and happy. New pilots had to teach it aggression. Not a problem, I think I was going to set a record on aggression, I had been shanghaied, impressed, kidnapped, dragooned, drafted, swindled and dropped down a frigging dimensional vortex into some poor virginal universe where war was unknown to teach it mankinds only recurring evil older than telemarketing and the Nigerian prince scam. War.
I accessed my database, I was on the Pirate Moon, the only world my mecha could reach, having been manufactured here, and never having accessed a niode powered interplanetary gate. I accessed my weapon configuration. A Force Ion Cannon and Proto Beam. You have got to be kidding me. The Force Ion Cannon was worth one niode, it was a joke of a weapon, doing so little damage we literally used them to clean our mecha after the war, because our autorepair fixed faster than they damaged. On the other hand it was twice as powerful as the Proto beam, and even more powerful than the most powerful thing I could buy. Oh, and I was poor. Dirt poor. Like save up to buy dirt poor.
I was about ready to cry into my hatoraid when I realized I didn’t have any. No instant upgrades, no crystal save a little plot I had to tend by hand, no energy stims either. I was about ready to give up when I saw my message queue was overfilling. I had incoming gifts. I can’t send them for another eight levels, but it turns out I am not the only poor bastard pilot from Mecha Galaxy that got sandbagged in Valkjosandi’s bar and drafted to bring war to this poor peaceful world.,
I accepted and returned the gifts, turns out I can return even when I can’t initiate a sending. I was trying to determine what to do about getting home when the news reports came in. There were pirates attacking the agro combines. I watched Red Ants, and skull faced Anzu mutants burning and killing the settlers with impunity. I wondered which clan had the contract to defend them, but there was no contract billboard in my computer menu. Holy crap, this place was just starting to organize clans, the national armies are and always have been a neutered joke, kept helpless before the private mercenaries employed by the megacorporations, nobles, churches, and other cold bastard power brokers.
Those people had no one!
I heard swearing from a pilot beside me in a Police Red Ant. I turned to him and said.
“Hey, you want to watch it go down and cry, or you want to guard my back while I stop these pirate mother frackers?”
He was tight, scared. Never been in a real fight before. I had a crappy level one implant, a crappy little warhorse, the skills no better than his, but the memories of clawing my way from obscurity to legendary pilot. I had done this before, I could do it again. I had taught others before, I could teach him.
I turned to him and whispered the truth of the other universe.
“Mecha jockies must ride when war is on the wind. The blood winds blow brother, would you ride them, or die old, safe, and unremembered?”
We mounted up.
We won the first fight by dumb luck and complete refusal to give up. The second and third because we looted and I showed my wingman how to level up his machine and grow stronger. We picked up a victim of the pirate assault who wasn’t quite dead, and she wasn’t willing to let it go, so I patched together a pirate Red Ant for her to run. Now we were three. We battled other newcomers, fighting for coffee brands over logo rights, cola brands over who had the freshest taste, three battles in a row for sex toy companies fighting over the right to call their product most lifelike, it was a sheep, so I don’t want to know if its true.
We picked up a starry eyed recruit from our tech crew who I caught piloting my machine just for kicks. I told him if he could salvage an Ant from our scrap it was his. The whole tech crew pulled an all nightery to get him ready for his maiden battle. He got shot to scrap, but got a kill first.
I got us a promotional deal with a local mecha dealership, they offered us Anzu for signing with them, and I could afford to expand my base and now it was time to look for some sort of Clan to shelter us while I taught these kids the ropes.
We fought the pirates again, this time I knew who it was, so we were able to track down Kilgore and his minions. My boys and girls wanted to strike, but I knew it was suicide. I had us taking every crap contract we could find. We fought until our teeth turned green from Hatoraide. We levelled and levelled. Shocklites replaced Red Ants and we hit King of the Mountain. We won, now a golden Nephillax led our formation.
We hit Pirate Moon, for real. This time we began the struggle heavier than my pilots could dream of being, they thought we were invincible, tougher than any of the other pilots we faced. Then we hit Kilgores own guards.
“He took the hit and just ate it!” Jackson screamed, the Luison he fired at towered over the Imech Jackson was so proud to have just mastered, and it also had niode powered shields that drank the Fury Laser like a sip of tepid tea, leaving no mark of their passage at all.
“Why won’t he just die” sobbed Mary as the Kerradon she had been hitting and hitting began to repair itself faster than she could hit it.
I snapped the orders. “Pull back and regroup. We hit the Mountain then come back”
I pushed us through King of the Mountain a second time, got us our second gold. We levelled twice more, chipping away at Kilgore with stronger weapons, better equipment, alternating hits on the pirate and contract work against other pilots. We grew rich, for our level, strong, for our level, and got noticed.
Raging Vengeance offered us a slot in their clan. My pilots thought we were doing fine alone. I laughed. No one is doing well alone. The Warrior Clans will save this galaxy, will make your fortune, build your fame. You are just an amateur until you put that clan patch on, until you go to war side by side with those who will sweat or bleed to guard your back. This was what made us different from the pirates. What made us lords of war.
We are stronger together. It is a new universe, but an old truth. Bare is the back without brother to guard. I have found a clan, I have a banner to rally to, troops to lead, and an enemy to face. Let the pirates beware.
John T Mainer 28840
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veleth95 · 8 years ago
Veleth’s Mending
Clutching the strap of her leather medical bag, Caeliri came clickty-clacking through the vast entrace to the infirmary, her appearance predate by harsh heel of her boot meeting the stone floor below. It was a severe sound from the sunshine-laden mender, but the twist of her brows betrayed a mood less bright and bubbling than her usual; the sourness was quickly stowed away in favor of a polite smile, though, as she approached the cot and her waiting patient.
"Duskward Ashcaster~" she lilted, her voice strained just slightly as she reached for the medical chart clipped to the edge of his cot, flicking briefly through to see what had been done, thus far, by the lesser known Emberwards to keep the man stable. "Seems you got some nasty boo-boos. Can you tell me how they were received?"
Ashcaster groans and looks up at Caeliri, trying to move as little as possible in the process. "In short, I exploded. A lucky shot from one of the mercenaries' crossbowmen struck a volatile part of my armor and it released fire into the closed system."
Caeliri took a sidestep to the nearby supply cart, dipping her hands into a bowl of water that sat there - magic coalesced in the air, a buzzing blend of light and arcane that made the echanted water cleanse away the grime of the day from her hands, and Caeliri shook them off to dry them. "Sounds more like an unlucky shot," she tittered as politely as possible, moving close to him again. "I'll need to pull off shirt, at least, to examine the skin. First, though, I'll give you something that should take the edge off the pain."
Pulling her bag free from her shoulder, she thumped it heavily against the cart, it's collision causing a jingle and jangle of supplies, and she flipped open the flap to dig around within. "Well, I shouldn't say first - that's a bit misleading. There's no consumable agent that is fast acting enough to use - I'll be peeling your shirt off first and -then- applying a numbing agent for my examination. We clear?"
“Of course. You have my thanks for your honesty.”
“Such is my duty.”
Ashcaster braces himself, murmuring a chant beneath his breath to brace against the coming pain.
Caeliri fished about in the depths of her bag, at last pulling free a vial full of milky-white liquid. Pulling the cork with her teeth, she set it carefully on the edge of the cart, easily within reach, and leaned over the man to grip the collar of his shirt. His chanting made her lips purse, drawing back the memory of his callous words towards her mother, and for a moment her fingers trembled - but she seized his shirt and peeled it away from his ruined flesh, neither exactly gentle or cruel, neither too quick or too slow. It was a concentrated effort to try and save the skin beneath as much as possible while keeping his pain... minimal, at best.
Ashcaster bites down, his jaw tight as the fabric moved over what were clearly severe burns. They started around his shoulder, snaking across his torso on both sides from his neck to his waist. “I'll likely have to get the armor repaired before we have to deal with the rebels. A Blood Knight might get them back in order without killing more of our people.”
Caeliri tugged his shirt down until she could see all of the wound - it meant moving parts of him that clearly gave him some severe shocks of pain, but by the way her brow furrowed, she yielded no joy in needing to hurt him to heal him. Taking the vial in hand, she poured the liquid liberally across his chest; akin to a blast of arctic air, the mixture washed across his chest in a frigid tide, dulling the sharpest pains in a wintery blast. Her lips pursed at his statement, ears flicking. "A friendly face would do better to find the source of their grievances. People don't just rebel for no good reason."
Ashcaster tenses as the medicine touches his burns before slowly relaxing. "I'm sure you would be welcome then," he says, smiling weakly. "You're a noble now right? Lands and all?"
Caeliri blinked at his question, setting the vial aside, waiting for the medication to seep as deeply as it would go before continuing her examination. Sight alone was enough to tell the burns were severe, and there were few hasty treatments that she knew of for this level of severity. "A dame," she admitted, clearly thinking it lesser. "I govern a province called Summerglen, in service to Lord Truefeather." Caeliri laid her fingers verly light against his chest. "Prior to the medication, were you feeling any numbness or tingling across your torso?"
Ashcaster nods to the best of his ability. "Tingling, though I'm not so fortunate to be numb. The Archon's lands are clearly worthy of you. The Ashen Groves, the lands of my family, have been in ruin for far too long to be considered livable.”
"You have some nerve damage going on, then," she murmured, more to herself than him; her knees bent enough to bring her closer to his level, as the Light began to flow through her hands. It came in a warm wash, rolling from the depth of her chest through the length of her arm, glowing just below the surface of her skin. Fingertips alight with holy energies, she pressed them to his flesh, a little harder, and drove the Light down into him. Where it passed from her skin to his, it was warm, soothing, calming, not unlike a holy hymn stripped of wound and sound and left with soul-raising sensation alone.
Well, almost stripped of sound; beneath her breath, Caeliri hummed in between the words she spoke, a wordless melody apart from their conversation, "I believe it's the other way around - I am worthy of them, if only just. Summerglen is fully populated, if not smaller than much of the Dawnspire. I could, feasibly, learn the names and faces of everyone who resides there - still working on remembering them, at this point. I'm sorry, though, to hear about your lands. You're not alone in that, from my understanding."
Ashcaster closes his eyes, breathing slowly as if to savor the warmth of the Light for as long as he could hold it. "It's something to fight for, the glory we once held and may still again if we claim it."
"Glory is nothing to fight for - life is. A good, peaceful, wholesome life, free of threat and aches - as much as the universe will allow." The Light sought out the places ruined most by the blazing heat of his armor's explosion, coaxing nerve-endings to string together and reform, hastening their replacement where what existed could not be fixed, forming new things entirely. It came at a cost - rebirth nerve endings brought a new wash of pain, but Caeliri was relentless in her care, and kept the steady flow of holy magic dipping and dartind beneath his flesh, threading fireflies pulling him back together. On the exterior, his skin remained the same; that's where her eyes lay now, wandering from shoulder to hip, taking in the sight of sullied skin and oozing wound. "I can close the external wounds, but they will scar still. Even then, not all of it will close - there are... limits. You'll need to be in bed for several days, and on medication for longer."
The chords in Veleth's neck strain as the new endings begin to form across his body, though he manages to hold his tongue. "I understand, thank you for what you have managed thusfar."
He was not the only one holding his tongue; there was some childish desire in her to make him offer apology for the callous words he'd cast in her mother's direction, but sympathy and duty made her swallow down any pithy commentary she could make. "Of course. Such is my duty, and my delight." With much of his nerve endings on their way to wholeness, her attentions turned to his skin. The Light rose up from beneath his flesh like a breech whale, and lines of glimmering energy caught on the edges where his skin had been wrenched away and set them aglow. Hissing slightly, the sundered edges called to their pairs, and began to reach, flesh pulling back together as if time was turning back; where they met made more imperfect, organic edges, and the healing was not slow. Despite the effort expended, the Dawnward seemed hardly phased - this was her area of expertise, and the Light that sung through her body was strong as it was sympathetic.
At last, though, she could not hold back her words any longer, and after a long, long moment of pressing silence she offered, "Insulting my mother will not undo the damage the undead did to Quel'thalas. That time has come and gone, and no one can heal when they hold on to anger like that; it's a poison.”
“Your mother deserves rest, like that of her countrymen. What was risen was perverted to be a pawn of the Scourge that merely wears her face.”
“That may be what was intended for her, but that is not who she is; she can not rest, nor does she wish to. She serves her country as best she can, to assure the safety of all our fellows in her undeath. For all that her second life may be one wrenched away from the grace and glory of the Light, she has chosen to make something of the time afforded to her.” Caeliri turned her nose up just slightly, shoulder stiffening.
“Then I hope her vigil is short, she deserves that much. As did the Archon before her.”
Caeliri's nose scrunched so violently it nearly disappeared into her face. In some way, she could not argue the sentiment that her mother deserved rest; a sleepless life could not be simple, or easy, for all that most nobles might wish for that limitless energy without the defects associated with death. But -- this was her mother, whom she had not known her whole life over. Even if their relationship was... strained, odd, posessive and at time violent, she loved her still. Ah, but wasn't it selfish to want to keep her, for her own comfort? "...She can make that choice on her own. You needn't disrespect her, while she stands beside our brothers and sisters in arms to assure -you- can return home as safe as possible. Her presence allows -you- the chance to return again to your lands and see them born anew."
“Is my distrust so abstract a concept? Look at her kinsmen among "freed" Scourge. The Forsaken wish to wipe us all from the face of the planet and the Ebon Blade attacked the one beacon of unabashed good will in the Plaguelands. She has shown her worth to fight at our side with the oath, but what walks in her skin is not your mother.”
“When plied against those uninvolved, it is a foolish, ill-placed concept. You can not punish someone for crimes they did not commit - you can not hold above her head things that she repents for and seeks to absolve herself from. She does her penance every day with her service; a man of faith should understand—“
“A man of faith would pity and mourn.”
Caeliri's face twisted sourly, and she wrenched her hand away. There were gaps, still, in his skin - places where flesh did not close perfectly, where the wounds had been too wide to close with ease - and she curled her fingers into her palm. The words cut deep; because they were true. She'd not seen it in her mother - she had nothing to compare the spectre she knew to - but in the Highlord... the man who once was her tender lover returned to 'life' with little care for her, with intention only to feed his hungers and enjoy himself more than in life-- "There is nothing to mourn," she stated stubbornly. "My mother yet lives, and she loves me. Here," she planted a hand on his shoulder, the other on his upper thigh. "You need to sit up; I need to wrap what's left."
Ashcaster twists, grunting as he pushes himself up on the couch. "It is good that you were not forced into the Scourge's service. You yet retain some innocence in spite of the world as it is."
Nose still scrunched, Caeliri stepped away to root through the medical supplies nearby, looking for salve and bandages. "Was that why you were so desperate to force yourself into my recovery, when I was laid up in Shallowbrook? The Spectre and Oracle both showed me your letters."
“I intended to avenge you, and the Highlord. Take a ship to Northrend and fight through the Scourge remnants until I either laid him to rest or, more likely, was forced to retreat. Knowing that you lived allowed me to redirect what little fervor I had left after being denied leave to do so.”
Caeliri turned back to him in a whirl of cinder-touched hair, her face wracked with storms and anger. "So you would have killed us both, without ever asking? What if I wanted to live? What if -he- wanted to live?"
“I don't think any being of right mind would want to continue like that. I'm still not convinced that he was the one to surrender himself at the final battle at the necropolis.”
“Being alive, in any form, is better than being dead for good.”
“Having touched death myself, I would respectfully disagree. It is not the end, Lady Dawnsworn, of anything but the pain we live with.”
Caeliri returned to him in a harsh click of heeled boots, hand diving harshly into the container of salve. Despite her anger, when her hand met his skin it was gentle still, smearing antibacterial ointment that would help keep the wounds from worsening and promote their closure over the remaining tears in his flesh. "Then your experience of death and the world between was very, very different from mine. Because there was no peace in the place that I went to.” Caeliri clamped her mouth shut, attending her work with haste now, smearing salve and moving on to the bandages, wrapping them loosely about his torso, letting layers of gauze hide away what remained of the burns - and the wicked scars left behind by her healing.
“I doubt there will be peace waiting for me when I return either.”
"Well," she remarked hastily, shaken now by the memories flooding in, "then. I --" all her pretty words fluttered from her tongue and left her with nothing to say; no innocent wisdom, no comfort, no... anything. Spurred on by the growing sickness in her stomach, Caeliri wrapped and tucked and stepped away, flicking her eyes over her work. "...The pain will return shortly, I'm sure. The salve will help to soothe it, and make both the burns and the tightened skin more manageable. If I'm unable to tend you, an Emberward will be in every day to apply new salve to keep your skin hydrated and promote-- promote -- stop it from splitting open again. Once you're released, I would reccomend continuing that habit for a solid month, at the least, on your own. You'll need to stay for observation through the week. And when I say stay, I mean in bed."
Ashcaster nods, then responds coldly yet calm, "I understand, Lady Dawnsworn. I apologize for any unpleasantness I may have caused you, and I sincerely hope that you are graced by the Sun's light."
Caeliri wiped her hands on her pants, stepping away. "Dame," she corrected quietly, "I'm not -- not a Lady. Just a dame." Pressing her lips into a firm line, she nodded her head. "And always Dawnward, here. If you require me, I'm but a call away. I -- ah. Your. Medication." Again, she went into her bag, rooting about, pulling free another few small vials. "One of these a day - -no more-. They're likely to knock you out shortly after taking them, but they'll keep the pain to a minimum lest you try to... you know. Get up and do stretches."
“Thank you, I shall keep that in mind. Go in peace, Dawnward Dawnsworn.”
“You as well, Duskward Ashcaster. May the Light guide you and give you strength.” Caeliri turned on her heel, grabbing her bag from where it lay and heading for the door at haste.
Ashcaster bows to the best his body will allow, then takes a sleeping draught.
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