#A Lonely Place Of Dying + Rite Of Passage:
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phoenixglacier · 2 years ago
Full disclosure I haven't read this particular arc just yet (it's on my list!) plus tumblr deleted like three paragrahs and I'm grumpy, but I love love love how this is another example of Bruce trying so hard and succeeding in his relationship with Tim. There's a reason why Tim is probably the Robin who believes in Bruce the most (and highkey the only Robin who actually wants to keep Robinning) and it's because of moments like this. Bruce's getting-it-right-moments ratio manages a net positive when it comes to Tim where it questionably doesn't with everyone else.
Because unlike his adopted ones, Tim still saw Robin as a "job" that he could be "fired" from. He can/will/has quit Robin of more-or-less his own volition before. Everyday that he clocks in for his Robin shift is a reassurance to Bruce that he's choosing this, something that Bruce can't easily take for granted if his Robin is someone that depends on him for their entire livelihood.
In return, Bruce tries really hard with Tim and improves upon what relationship skills he had with Dick and Jason. Because Jason showed him what happens if he messes up. Because Dick kept reviewing where he went wrong. Because Tim wasn't the kind of kid to just roll over and take unjust treatment but also was the most starry-eyed and reasonable Robin to ever Robin. Bruce puts down his walls to apologise to Tim, Bruce praises Tim for his work frequently, Bruce hears out his troubles and tries to improve on them — all of these still scarce because Bruce is like that but also very much present throughout their relationship.
And Tim makes it so easy, you know? I'm thinking about Tim negotiating with Bruce doing Young Justice (1998) about telling his friends his secret identity. He communicates with him really well and doesn't let up on how unfair it is, all the while never giving Bruce a hint of a threat that he'll simply disobey him. Bruce bends the rules, and Tim is elated. He respects Bruce to hold the reins, but then he demands a level of respect in return. Because yeah, if Robin is a "job", then Batman is his boss, and he answers to the viligante union and HR department in Tim's head that allows Tim to walk out of this job anytime he wants.
Tim makes it so easy. He walked into the Robin position going quite clearly "You're not telling anyone what you feel but I'm quite certain I can tell. You have relationships in your life that are valuable but are quite clearly fucking up on and that's just a shame and needs to be rectified posthaste. I recognise that you're in charge here but here's my powerpoint presentation on what I think is the best course of action—" and then Tim is in there with his absolute zero mouth filter and his urge to emotionally contextualise absolutely everything that happens. He goes into fits of anger and then immediately follows it up with "I'm sorry for lashing out, I know you're only trying to help and it's just a lot for me." (hnnngh I'm in awe of this boy's emotional awareness) and he'll have a good time and then follow it up with "That was great! I particularly enjoyed ____ and ____!" like some field trip assignment. He does this to Bruce, he does this to Dick, he does this to freaking Alfred. His constant communication and general obedience puts everyone at ease and makes them more willing to hear him out, and also if the tiny kid is calling you out on your emotions and not stopping for the last twelve blocks then maybe it's time to address those supposedly obvious feelings.
I'm inclined to think that Dick and Jason could've achieved this if it wasn't for the fact that A) they were stuck to Bruce and had virtually no choice but to seek his approval for everything and B) Bruce wasn't being receptive. By the time Tim came along, Bruce had seen how a lack of trust breaks down the relationship and ultimately leads to major field consequences. He'd figured out that those pesky little emotions that he'd always shunted away was something that could put his Robin in actual danger, that he should actually prioritise them to the extent he could. He'd raised one Robin that he thought probably hated him (Dick) and another that had died trying to find parental love in his absence (Jason) and now here came a third Robin who would throw his hands up in the air exactly like his first two and Bruce knows what comes next if he plays his cards wrong.
It's fascinating for me to watch Dick and Bruce struggle through their own strange relationship in the early days of Tim because they (plus Alfred) constantly have Tim as their bottom line of the Ultimate Child To Protect. And like I said, Tim makes it easy. Anything Bruce fails at in the parental department isn't his first-line responsibility because Tim's dad is alive and he loves him (parental failures on Jack's part are considered more important because Jack's his real actual active dad! Tim doesn't want or expect Bruce to be his dad, therefore rendering all parental affections from Bruce net positive no matter what!), anytime Tim is dissatisfied with the adult support he's getting from Bruce, he stalks Dick or Alfred for Better Adult Advice.
The foundation of their relationship makes it work for Tim to be effectively and eventually officially an emancipated minor. Tim is well-equipped enough to handle the pesky adult parts. As for the mentoring parts, this child is basically famous for procuring his own family. But he and Bruce are extremely similar on their paranoid need for control, and this takes them in opposite directions in this scenario — Bruce wanting to adopt Tim, and Tim wanting to be independant. What I love so much about this conclusion is that Bruce gives in, accepts that he can't have total control, settles for involving himself in Tim's life in any way he can. And Tim receives this as trust, validation, security. It has the unfortunate side effect of encouraging his paranoia-fueled shenanigans (*cough*hit list*cough) as basically everyone in the batfamily does to each other, but it reinforces the support Tim needed at this difficult time. Bruce managed to reassure him that he would still be there for him even if he didn't choose to lock them into the father-son role Bruce wanted. Is it any surprise that Tim is the Robin he can depend on to always come home when called on?
(Of course, the net positive still means Bruce messed up 999 times but sooomehow they did manage a net positive)
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This is one of my favourite Bruce/Tim moments. All you will ever need to know about Bruce's method of parenting his kids is in these three panels.
#dc#batfam#tim drake#batman & robin#phoenixglacier's words#Also!! I do have specific moments that are jumping to mind as I write these!!!#A Lonely Place Of Dying + Rite Of Passage:#for where Tim shows up with all his zero mouth filter and then for his emotional turmoil when his parents are kidnapped#Young Justice (1998):#Bruce is like the the adult mentor that actually believes in Robin constantly and genuinely argues for him#naturally this is all behind the scenes and only mentioend because Tim deduced it without Batman having to tell him#this is what I mean by Tim making it easy because he'll notice Bruce's actions without always having to be told#Between aLPoD & RoP are a bunch of Batman issues that show Tim's training#and during that there's this scene where Tim calls Alfred and asks to go train at the cave on the weekend because he get needs to get away#so Alfred's able to be like Oh okay I will be prepared for a teenager who might be emotional instead of purely focused#he also does a ton of this stuff with Dick and probably modeled healthy behaviour for them in the most Disney Junior way possible#Batman Knightfall:#Bruce in his distress tells Tim that he was counting on him to handle gotham#and Tim just plainly explains that it was asking too much of him but that he tried anyway but almost got killed ya know?#It's the fact that Tim absolutely shouldn't be blamed but like Tim could actually articulate such without them all imploding#Nightwing (1996) Issue uhhh 6:#also Prodigal:#Tim does the dissecting of feelings with Dick just as much as he does Bruce but I love reading this arc just for showcasing Tim's life MO#his field trip debrief assignments. his nosy little habits. his ability to trade shifts instead of working excessively#(to the result of adorable scenes)#He stands up for himself whenever Dick gets too bossy and it shows how Dick is different too (so much more willing to admit he's wrong)#I feel like I don't have to mention this but#A Death In The Family:#has Jason so happy with the littlest things Bruce does that seem to reach out to him#this boy was willing to take whatever love he could get
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years ago
Shoutout to Marv Wolfman in 2011 saying he thought giving Tim Drake his own family and desire to be Robin instead of Batman would mean he’d avoid getting riddled with angst.
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Batman: A Death in the Family Deluxe Edition
Relevant post is here. LOL. (Hey, at least Tim still maintains his passion for “Batman needs a Robin” and “Dick Grayson is the best”! However, the “free from angst” thing may have run into some problems.)
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umbrellajam · 13 days ago
Tim Drake Reading List - before his Robin (1993) solo
I'm sure this has been done many times before, but I'd been meaning for a while now to put together my own reading list for Tim prior to his 1993 solo, as I so often see that recommended as the starting point for him, but. Well. There's a lot of key material for Tim before that and Robin 1993 also starts very weirdly in medias res smack dab in the middle of the Knightfall event, which throws people off all the time, lol.
So anyway, a list! Not 100% comprehensive, but hopefully a helpful overview to somebody, somewhere :)
A Death in the Family (Batman #426-429) – Jason is murdered by the Joker. We all know this one, hopefully.
New Titans #55 – Dick finds out about Jason’s death, and comes to Gotham aiming to both console and confront Bruce about it. They have a fight; Bruce backhands Dick and tells him to leave.
Batman: Year Three (Batman #436-439) – despite the above, Dick returns to Gotham soon afterward due to Tony Zucco’s parole hearings, and we see him continue to worry and reach out to Bruce as the man fails miserably at dealing with Jason’s death; we also have the first appearance of Tim in the flashback to Dick’s origin at the circus.
A Lonely Place of Dying (alternating Batman #440-442 and New Titans #60-61) – Tim’s proper intro arc, tracking Dick down at the circus to try and convince him to become Robin again, as Batman continues to go off the rails and “Batman needs Robin”. He ultimately gets accepted for a trial/training period before he can become Robin.
Batman #443-445 – cute training-period issues where Bruce awkwardly starts to teach Tim and Tim is an eager beaver.
New Titans #65 – Tim shows up on an exasperated Dick’s doorstep in New York, and we get a really great Dick & Tim training issue.
The Penguin Affair (Batman #448, Detective Comics #615, Batman #449) – a fun early Bruce & Tim arc that includes the introduction of Harold Allnut as the Bat team's mute engineering genius, Bruce angsting and second-guessing himself about having a new Robin but still wanting to encourage Tim (“Remember to thank him later. The boy needs reassurance.”) and also civilian!Tim taking part in the operation with adorable pre-Robin code names (“Little bat to big bat. Target in cross-hairs.”)
Batman #450, Detective Comics #617, Batman #451 – a short arc about the Joker resurfacing for the first time since being presumed dead at the end of A Death in the Family. Tim appears minimally because Bruce panics and sends him out of the country immediately (along with his entire school class lol), but there’s lots of angst and introspection from Bruce on Jason's death and Robin in general.
Rite of Passage (Detective Comics #618-621) – includes Tim’s parents being kidnapped, his mother’s death, and his father ending up paralyzed and in a coma.
Identity Crisis (Batman #455-457) – includes Tim’s devastation and struggle in the wake of what happened to his parents, wrestling with the legacy and meaning of Batman & Robin in a way he hadn’t understood before, and whether he’s prepared for it. Also Janet Drake’s funeral, and ultimately Tim’s official graduation to the Robin mantle.
Robin I: A Hero Reborn #1-5 – Tim’s first solo mini-series as Robin; his first of many trips to Paris as part of his training, where he first encounters Lady Shiva and King Snake. This is also where Tim picks up his iconic bo staff for the first time, with training from Shiva.
Batman #465-469 – Tim’s first actual patrols with Bruce, and the return of King Snake.
Detective Comics #635-637 – the “Bruce & Tim have to fight video games come to life” arc, lol. I would call these fun but optional.
Robin II: The Joker’s Wild! #1-4 – Tim’s second solo mini; the Joker returns to Gotham while Bruce is out of the country and unreachable, and Tim as a barely fledged Robin has to thwart the clown’s plans with only Alfred to aid him.
“To the Father I Never Knew…” (Batman #480) – An important issue on Tim’s relationship with his father, especially now that he’s woken up from his coma and is suddenly interested in Tim, when he barely had been before. Lots of Tim angst and struggle, framed through a bitter letter he’s writing to his dad. Alfred also slyly nudges Tim to look into the estate next door to Wayne Manor, when he’s trying to figure out how or even if he’ll be able to continue as Robin now that his Dad is awake.
Electric City (Detective Comics #644-646) – includes Batman’s heart getting stopped due to electrocution, and Tim viciously threatening the villain to get him to defibrillate Bruce back to life. (“You’re going to shock Batman’s heart back online or I’m going to tear you apart.”)
Batman #481 – the notable bit here is Tim and Jack check out the estate next door to Wayne Manor and basically decide to take it.
Detective Comics #647-649 – the introduction of Stephanie Brown as Spoiler, including her thwarting/attempting to off her dad and also the infamous scene where she clobbers Robin in the face with a brick, lol.
Robin Annual #1 – Tim’s first team-up with Lonnie Machin/Anarky.
Batman #486 – Tim driving Jack to his medical appointments with Dr. Shondra Kinsolving, and worrying with Alfred over Bruce’s growing self-destructiveness in the prelude to Knightfall.
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1-6 – Tim’s third solo mini, and his first team-up with Helena Bertinelli as the Huntress. Also, Tim’s first meeting with Ariana Dzerchenko, who will be his first girlfriend, and friction/fights between Jack and Tim as Tim skips out on school and tries to cover up his Robin work. Includes a blow-up fight over Jack threatening to send Tim back to boarding school for his misbehavior. ("Who is the son you know, Dad? You don't know me. You never bothered. You shipped me from one boarding school to another and nobody paid any attention as long as my grades stayed high. You and mom were too involved running around the world.")
Batman #488-490 – the Bats start working with Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael, including Robin recruiting him to fill in temporarily as Batman when Bruce is ill. Bane’s plans to exhaust and break the Bat ramp up in the lead-in to Knightfall.
Showcase ‘93 #2-6 – Tim’s first time teaming up with Catwoman as they take on the crimelord Bracuda. This storyline will later cross over with one of Dick’s in the Bracuda & Chulo arc for Dick & Tim's first real team-up.
I won’t go over this whole period in detail as it’s quite a long storyline (link to the fandom wiki for all the info and issues), but some highlights for Tim are:
Detective Comics #660 – Tim tracks Bane down to his hideout but then gets captured and caught in the middle of a fight between Bane and Croc in the sewers.
Batman #494 – Tim drags himself home and presses Bruce to accept help in the wake of the mass Arkham break-out organized by Bane.
Detective Comics #661-662 – Batman sidelining Robin again while fighting Firefly and Tim again repeatedly badgering Bruce to accept help; Tim later takes down Firefly largely alone.
Batman #497-498 – Bane breaks Batman’s back; Bruce appoints JPV to succeed him as Batman despite Tim asking about Dick. JPV as AzBats goes increasingly off the rails during his time as Batman.
Batman #500 – Tim refuses to be party to the new Batman’s brutal methods, but is blown off by an increasingly unstable JPV. Dick finally shows up in the storyline while Tim is brooding outside the Manor. Dick is angry that he had to hear about Bruce’s devastating injury secondhand and that Bruce chose someone else to take up the mantle of Batman.
The Flash #81-83 – optional context, but this is Dick’s side of the build-up to the Bracuda & Chulo crossover with Tim. Dick and Kory visit Wally after their disastrous interrupted wedding (which Tim attended) and Dick’s ouster as leader of the Titans in New Titans #100-101. Dick ends up embroiled in an investigation of the criminal Chulo.
Showcase ‘93 #11-12 – Dick and Tim’s first proper team-up as Nightwing and Robin! Extremely fun and character revealing interactions as they navigate working together while barely knowing each other. My notes on these quote practically everything in both issues – they're fantastic.
Detective Comics #667-668 – Tim finds out that JPV has walled off the secret tunnel from Drake Manor to the Batcave. He also gets his driver’s license early (at 14) as a special dispensation due to his father’s handicap. This issue leads directly into the first issue of Tim’s solo, ending as he's caught sneaking back into the Cave. AzBats grabs and lifts Robin by his neck, choking him, which is how Robin (1993) #1 opens.
Finally, alongside the early issues of Tim’s solo, be sure not to miss the full Batman: Prodigal arc (https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:_Prodigal), which covers Dick’s first stint wearing the Cowl of the Bat with Tim as his Robin. This is the period where they first really spent time together and bonded, and includes Robin (1993) #11-13. The whole thing is a banger, and essential reading.
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aliteralchicken · 7 months ago
accidentally deleted a message about where to start with Tim without reading everything so I’d go with:
• a lonely place of dying (Tim’s origin)
• rite of passage (Tim’s first case)
• batman 455-457 (Tim becoming Robin)
• robin 1991 (Tim’s first solo)
it’s also very important to me that you know that despite Red Robin being an absolutely amazing comic under no circumstances should you ever start with it, if anyone ever tells you to that’s the devil talking
it’s a love letter to all of Tim’s history and requires the knowledge of what had happened to Tim and those close to him recently and what was happening currently at that time, Tim acts very differently than he does normally and he has a very good reason to, if you read Red Robin without reading Robin 1993 you will be shooting yourself in the foot
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aceissomunster · 7 months ago
Clearing up misconceptions and such about Tim Drake for all you non-comic reading fic-writers and people that just don’t know. Mostly chronologically
Under the cut, cause this is gonna get long ,,
While Tim isn’t my favorite batfamily member, or even robin in particular, he is the one whose comics i’ve read the most of and know the most about.
If i’m wrong about any of this, please let me know!
- Tim’s parents weren’t especially abusive. they were neglectful, as in leaving him with the nannies and sending him off to boarding schools when they were out of the country, which was frequently. also, they did love him. i don’t even know where people got the idea that they didn’t.
- Tim did not stalk the bats, until he noticed Batman’s grief-driven violence and decided to follow, photograph, and gather evidence
- he also didn’t just go up to Bruce and ask to be Robin, he actually tracked down Dick Grayson to the circus and tried to convince him to come back to being Robin. Dick drove him to the manor, and then found out Tim’s whole story.
then Alfred let him down into the cave, Batman and Nightwing got captured by Two-Face, and Alfred practically threw the Robin costume at him and they went to save Batman and Nightwing. THEN Tim told Bruce that he was Robin. (— A Lonely Place of Dying, Tim’s 13)
- Before even becoming Robin fully, Tim’s parents were kidnapped and held for ransom in Haiti by a man called the “Obeah Man” (“Obeah” translates roughly to black magic, I’m pretty sure). Batman finds them by following the people that were going to pay the ransom, and they were being kept in some underground place? I’m not sure, but it was really really hot. There’s a pitcher of water, and Janet drinks it, and Jack starts drinking it, and Janet dies near-instantly, and Batman smacks the water out of Jack’s hands but Jack still ends up completely paralyzed and put into a coma. (— Rite of Passage)
- Fun fact: Janet’s funeral was Christmas eve
- it’s only after his mother’s death and father’s hospitalization that he goes to Paris (keep in mind, Batman did not force him to go, Tim wanted to!) to train under Rahul Lama, and then with Lady Shiva. (Robin mini 1)
- he doesn’t actually get trained by Shiva in the run, but it’s vaguely implied
- Fun fact: Tim actually kills Lady Shiva once (i forget what the storyline’s called, but it’s somewhere in Robin 52-55 ish)
- OH YEAH, Jason Todd was NOT Tim’s Robin. Tim Drake has been Dick Grayson’s #1 fanboy since the circus. He could not care less about Jason
- Fun fact: early in his Robin career, he hallucinated Dick and Jason as Robin (even though Dick was very alive) giving him advice
- He had friends outside of YJ. Like his best friend Sebastian Ives, his friend Callie, his (ex) girlfriend Ariana Dzerchenko, and a good bit more.
- he started dating Steph as Robin while dating Ariana as Tim, but Ari and Tim broke up like the day after Steph and Tim got together (not because of Steph, Ari didn’t know Tim was Robin, but because of other stuff that happened. go read Robin.)
- fun fact: Tim actually didn’t have contingency plans for Young Justice/the Titans, because he actually trusts them, unlike his mentor. (this is mentioned sometime in Young Justice 1998, but I don’t remember the issue)
- Tim’s 16 (not 14 or whatever THOSE tim stans try to say) and on the Teen Titans, when the fabled and constantly over-exaggerated “Titan’s Tower incident” occurs. Tim is fully suited up in the Robin suit, he puts up a good fight with Jason (who is in an adult-sized Robin costume, by the way) until he gets knocked out. This fight leaves no lasting injuries on Tim. (Teen Titans (2003) #29)
- the whole Jason slitting his throat thing happens in a different comic. (Batman: Hush, i’m pretty sure, correct me if i’m wrong)
- Tim also kicks Jason in the nuts the next time he sees him, so there’s not really any hard feelings there.
- Tim’s dad finds out he’s Robin and makes him quit, and Steph becomes Robin. Then Steph dies and Tim’s school gets shot up and he becomes Robin again.
- Tim leaves Jack alone at their home to go find the man sent to kill him. While he’s gone, the man (Captain Boomerang) kills Jack. (— Identity Crisis #5)
- after Jack dies, Bruce offers to adopt Tim and Tim turns him down and creates a fake uncle. Batman finds out the uncle is fake, commends him on his good job of making a fake uncle, and helps him make it better. Bruce later offers again to adopt Tim and he accepts. Damian literally shows up like the very issue after this in Batman
- Kon dies, then Bart dies a bit after. And, not to hate on yall TimKon shippers out there, but he also planned to clone Bart, and also in TT03 like 50-53ish, when him and the other Titans run into their future evil selves again, their Superman (Kon) and Flash (Bart) are clones.
- All those deaths happen relatively close together and in that order, I think, when Tim’s 16-17. But comic timelines are weird, like how Tim was 15 when the Quake hit and for the year-long duration of No Man’s Land (from New Year’s to New Year’s), he stays 15.
- When Bruce “dies” and Dick (Batman) makes Damian Robin. Damian needs guidance, and Dick wants him and Tim to be equals. Dick had good intentions and did the right thing! He just didn’t have the best execution.
- When Tim finds the painting and tells Dick about it, Dick DOES NOT THREATEN TO SEND HIM TO ARKHAM. He, reasonably (considering all the losses Tim has just faced) assumes Tim needs mental help and grief counseling, and recommends him a therapist in Metropolis.
- Tim decides to just go find evidence that Bruce isn’t dead by himself, and steals the Red Robin suit and runs off without even telling Alfred (Red Robin)
- Ra’s al Ghul sends people to kill Tim at first, but Tim obviously doesn’t die and breaks Pru’s nose twice. Eventually and reluctantly, Tim accepts the League’s help and resources.
- Tim finds his best piece of evidence in a cave in the desert with Pru, Z, and Owens. right after leaving the cave, an assassin attacks them, killing Z and Owens, slitting Pru’s throat, and stabbing Tim. Tim, ACTIVELY BLEEDING OUT, brings himself and Pru to the car they used to get there, drives to a hotel, CLIMBS UP THE BUILDING TO ONE OF THE TOP FLOORS WITH PRU WHILE THEY ARE BOTH BLEEDING OUT, and passes out on the bed, where Tam Fox (sent by Lucius to go find Tim) finds them. and so do a bunch of ninjas.
- Tim had to have his spleen removed because it was kebabed with a sword and was going to rupture. Ra’s also does NOT keep it in a jar.
- during the whole LOA part of RR, Ra’s is NOT preying on Tim. there is NO ROMANCE THERE. (no offense if you see it or think it’s implied, but to me it’s just really not?) its just RESPECT.
- with the whole bases exploding thing, its because the Council of Spiders was there and also he just doesn’t like the LOA. he gave them like 15 seconds to get out, obviously all the assassins managed to get out of the massive, complex bases in 15 seconds. (comic logic: if it’s not specified that it did kill them, then it didn’t.)
- the whole “Damian cutting Tim’s line” is also very exaggerated. Damian did it because of Tim’s “Hit List” and because Damian was on it. and Tim fell a few feet, caught himself, then fought Damian (neither won because Dick broke it up because they were literally right in front of THE alley.)
- not really a timeline thing, but in general, tim is VERY against murder. Part of the reason for this is Batman’s morals, which he built his own around, sure. But I think an even BIGGER part of his moral code is just to not become evil future gun Batman. And evil future gun Batman has no qualms against murder, he even killed Damian.
that’s pretty much the main stuff i wanted to touch on. LMK if i should add anything else or if i got anything wrong, thanks!!
No hate if u use the fanon stuff btw, i just know that a lot of people don’t read the comics and don’t know the actual information.
If you want pictures of some of these events from the comics, just lmk and I’ll provide
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rosaemoux · 3 months ago
part two of my magic batman magical au, here's part one:
Ok so we last left off with Bruce grieving Jason Todd, swearing he'll never take in another apprentice and isolating himself from his clan, substantially weakening Gotham's defences against malicious mages while Barbara desperately tries to get a hold of the city. Dick is currently in between getting his life together in the sister city Bludhaven after helping his friends during multiple travels around the world when suddenly Haley's Circus comes into town.
That's where Tim Drake decides to do something. The only heir to a new money family, Tim's parents weren't mages, his dad had a basic understanding of time magic while his mom was relatively good with ilusory magic but they never pursuit it over the passion of their life, archeology. Tim, however, always loved magic, loved the way mages would make miracles out of the ordinary and loved the way it tested the impossible. Tim loved the Clan of The Bats. He always did, ever since he was a child and first saw the beauty of Haley's Circus, when he saw The Flying Graysons for the first time.
A Lonely Place of Dying goes about the same way, the same with Rite Of Passage, except when Bruce screamed that the water was poisonous, Jack managed to reverse time around him for a few seconds in a powerful fit of desperation to save Janet's life, not caring about actually reversing time for himself though. So, both of Tim's parents end up in coma, Tim, now accepted as Bruce's newest apprentices, moves into the manor and formally starts training.
Unfortunately, Tim doesn't have the early training of Dick, nor the raw talent of Jason, so he struggles finding an affinity. Bruce decides to send him on a three week trip to Paris to train with his old teachers, The Rahul Lama, hopefully to get a new perspective and find what he's comfortable with. He does spend two weeks trying his best but ultimately failing before he gets pulled into a full blown conspiracy.
Lady Shiva decides to train him while they're at it, and for some reason, something just clicks. Her methods and way of seeing magic just works really well with Tim. When their manhunt against Edmund Dorrance is done, Shiva finally gets a lead on something she's been searching for a while, and Tim tags along with her mission while she teaches the path of ilusory magic, of perceiving into someone's mind and changing it to your will. It just turns out that the something was actually someone...
Flash forward, we have exact the point in which the story starts, with Tim arriving into Gotham Harbor, two months late with a girl, apparently Lady Shiva's daughter who currently doesn't have a name. Bruce almost has a heart attack, both extremely relieved that Tim is safe but also it's been two months who is this-
Cassandra – as Barbara would go on to name her – was a mage prodigy, being trained since the moment she was born to be a perfect weapon by her father. She had a very good understanding of all attributes of magic, with amazing spatial awareness and downright telepathic intuitive perception, at the cost of no understanding of language. Shiva mentioned something about a League of Shadows, but Tim isn't really sure what it is exactly, just that they wanted Cass to join them, but after killing someone for the first time and accidentally stealing their soul, she started to run away from them, mostly living in the streets before a friend of Shiva's found her in Hong Kong. Her and Tim are mostly attached at the hip to each other, inseparable.
Bruce and Barbara decided it would be safer and less stressful for Cass if she lived in the Clocktower instead of having to live in the manor. Time mostly passes without many events after that, with most of their focus being to make sure Cass adjusts well to Gotham and find ways to communicate with her. That is, until Tim stalked one of Bruce's missions despite being benched and met – promptly being hit in the face by a brick – Stephanie Brown.
She was a self taught prodigy of time magic, daughter of a lesser death mage, she was hellbent on spoiling all of her father's plans. Bruce didn't really like her motivation to practice magic, and did his best to try to get her to give up.
Tim and Steph quickly became close to each other, and as weeks passed it became clear that she wasn't going to leave the streets of Gotham no matter what. Bruce was peer pressured by everyone in his life to also accept Steph as an apprentice and actually train her before she got really hurt.
And so, The House of The Bat got three new mage students from very different backgrounds. (I like to think the vibes of the story sometimes are very much like Witch's Hat Atelier) Considering that Barbara has a litteral wizard's tower, she's usually the one who's trying to make sure each one of them goes though their mage's journey safely. She's helping them get a understanding of magic and of their affinity, her classes are very challenging, but not impossible.
Tim leans into Ilusory magic – I think him and Bruce should get pretty similar magic, but while Bruce leans into deceiving, Tim likes to perceive and understand other's mind – Steph gets better and better in Time magic, and to complement the two, Cass starts to study Physical magic.
Just thinking of three mage apprentices running away from rogues, getting into trouble and taking down magical mobsters during the night and having to study grueling hours of torture with Barbara. Thinking of Dick abducting them to a impromptu practical class (Babs is going to murder him). Thinking of Bruce having to deal with three children and messing up so much.
Thinking of Stephanie's death and how hard it would affect Tim and Cass. Thinking of Tim finding a mysterious book in his birthday presents, one that's written in some parts in a cypher that uses a combination of mandarin and arabic he spends months trying to solve. It is a necromancy guide, gifted out of indulging the question of what the little bats would do with it. After all, you only need a basic ritual and a death mage with a soul under their name.
A soul for a soul, an equal exchange.
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havendance · 2 months ago
Have you ever tried to make a timeline of Tim’s age? Because I just noticed that he’s apparently 15 from Knight’s End to just before his dad finds out he’s Robin which makes 0 sense lmao.
Ah, comics timelines. I have banged my head against this wall many a time. I’m not sure if it really can be made to make since without some eliding over things and compressing time, but we do have some specific dates for Tim’s timeline as Robin.
(Note: This time-line is focused on Tim specifically and biased towards his comics as a result. Contradictory indications of time passing in other comics are as such ignored.)
Tim is introduced in A Lonely Place of Dying as a 13 year old boy.
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(Batman #441) Dick: I couldn’t let a twelve year old kid wander around alone… Tim: I’m not twelve— I’m thirteen.
A lonely place of dying takes place during the school year—Tim says specifically that he is on break, so sometime in the fall most likely. In Robin #116, Tim’s birthday is revealed to be July 19th, which obviously wasn’t established at the time this comic was published, but it is consistent with it. 
Tim spends the next period of time training, but not going out as robin until his parents die in “Rites of Passage”. His mother’s funeral is on Christmas Eve and he officially becomes Robin later that night (or early Christmas Morning but that’s small potatoes). He is still 13.
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(Batman #456) Alfred: Brooding on what cannot be is no way for a boy to spend Christmas Eve, Master Tim! Tim: Christmas…! I’d completely forgotten what with my mother’s— with the funeral…
Tim leaps from “Identity Crisis” directly in Robin I-III with various other adventures interspersed. Robin II and III explicitly take place during the winter. Though, they may supposed to be two different winters seeing as they were published 2 irl years apart.
The next major event is Knightfall during which is also set during winter! During the Knightquest era, Tim is explicitly stated to be on Christmas Break:
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(Robin (1993) #3)  Tim: I’m off from school for the Christmas Holiday.
This is where things start to get complicated. I don’t remember any other major timeline markers in the intervening stories, but it would make sense given time passing in universe that this takes place a year after Tim becomes Robin—making him 14. This WILL add wrinkles later though.
The next major events are the paired events of Contagion and Legacy—for which school IS still in session for (In The Batman Chronciles #4—a Contagion tie-in, Helena Bertinelli searches for a missing student of her), though not in Winter any more. Tim also has plotlines in school in Robin comics following both of the events. (Robin #34, #36, etc)
He is definitely on Summer break by the time Cataclysm hits though, having storylines where he travels internationally in Robin #47-52. Additional, the quake takes place in late June/Early July, in close proximity to July 4th.
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(The Batman Chronicles #14) Narration: But all find something heartening in the observance of the fourth… even if it is a day early.
So as of the earthquake, Tim is still 14. Now Cataclysm leads into No Man’s Land which is when things get tricky. As I outline in my No Man’s Land Timeline, No Man’s Land begins on January 1st and ends a year later on the new year. Unfortunately, this means that Tim must turn 15 prior to No Man’s Land being declared and 16 during No Man’s Land itself. The problem with this is that Tim explicitly turns 16 AFTER No Man’s Land in Robin #116.
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(Robin #116) Jack: I always thought for your 16th Birthday I’d be giving you a car.
Something has to give here. Now, as a fan of No Man’s Land, I’m inclined to give it it’s full narrative weight, but it is an awful lot of narrative weight, telling about a year and a half of comics in real time. You could resolve this by compressing the amount of time that No Man’s Land takes up. I think I’m more inclined to resolve this by compressing Tim’s earlier years instead—putting Knightfall earlier in Tim’s career, either during late spring or setting it during  the summer, so that he’s turning 14 before the quake and 15 during No Man’s Land, but that is compressing his early years and awful lot and honestly by that point, I’d probably age him down a year at a lonely place of dying so that it can hold a little more. Squishing No Man’s Land probably is the more practical solution but, uh, see my blog title. 
Anyway: Assuming Tim is 15 at the end of No Man’s Land (however you wrangle that), he remains 15  for enrolling at Brentwood, Officer Down (an event everyone cares deeply about I know), Our Worlds at War (where young justice goes to fight in the space war), Joker: Last Laugh, and Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive. It’s a busy seven months.
Following that, Tim is 16 for joining Young Justice/Titans: Graduation Day, War Games, and Infinite Crisis (And also Under the Red Hood). The DC universe now hits One Year Later, a universe wide one-year timeskip. This also complicates things. By necessity, Tim is 17 following the time skip. He is also 17 at the end of Post-Crisis because events in Red Robin rely on him still being a minor. We can probably argue for Infinite Crisis being in the early fall (school has definitely started prior), meaning that at the end of the times skip we have like, 9 months to fit everything in. We can also compress One Year Later which I think can take it.
Anyway, post One Year Later, Tim is 17 for  his adoption by Bruce, Damina showing up (and disappearing again), The Resurrection of Ras Al Guhl, Batman: RIP, Battle for the Cowl, and all the events of Red Robin.
And then Flashpoint happens and everything gets crazy but I’m not even trying to work out a new52 timeline at this point. This should be more than enough to answer your question though!
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lemonlimestar · 4 months ago
do you have recommendations for Tim focused comics for a newbie like myself
his introduction is a lonely place of dying, i would start there. it’s very essential to understanding him and how/why he became robin. then, rite of passage (detective comics (1937) issues 618-621), identity crisis (batman (1940) issues 455-57), and robin (1991). from there i’d go to robin (1993) <3 which is his main and longest running solo comic & is tied into a lot of major 90’s bats events that are fun (e.g. contagion, knightfall, no man’s land). after that is red robin (2009) which closes out his post-crisis run.
extras i’d recommend: JLA: world without grown-ups (1998) & young justice (1998), robin ii: joker’s wild, robin iii: cry of the huntress, psyba-rats (1995), robin plus, superboy/robin: world’s finest, & his portion in detention comics :)
& here is a link to a very cool reading guide that i referenced <3
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lacrimosathedark · 1 year ago
PSA for Tim Drake Fanfic Writers
There's this thing I see in a lot of Tim fics that always has me immediately closing the fic. And I think it may be that people just aren't as obsessive about info as me and don't know, so I thought I'd make a little informational post.
Tim's mother was dead before he was officially accepted as Robin.
I see so many fics with Tim being around people like Conner and Stephanie and his mom is alive, when he wouldn't have been anywhere near meeting them. It drives me insane. So let me give you the rundown on Tim's start.
So, we all know A Lonely Place of Dying, right? Where Tim tracks Dick down to Haly's Circus, attempts to demand he return as Robin, gets taken to Wayne Manor, and when Batman and Nightwing get tangled up with Two-Face he becomes Robin to save them.
You may also know that Bruce refused to have another child in the field with him without intensive training over the course of several months.
During this training, an arc known as Rite of Passage, Jack and Janet Drake are kidnapped in Haiti by a...probably problematic villain called Obeah Man. He nearly kills them both, but Batman does get there to save them...only for Janet to accidentally drink poison and die and Jack to suffer severe nerve damage and drop into a coma.
This is why Tim could get away with a whole overseas training arc after that. His dad was comatose and his mom was dead. Bruce became his temporary legal guardian.
He also meets and ends up teaming up with Lady Shiva during this overseas training adventure. She's also the one who gave him his collapsible bo staff. And just for the record, she continually goaded Tim into killing her, as she is wont to do. Tim clearly didn't kill her, but he did defeat her in combat. So give my boy some respect for his skills please.
Hell, he knew Jean-Paul Valley before he knew Stephanie. Knightfall, when Bane famously broke Bruce's back, came before the introduction of Spoiler and Cluemaster.
And then Jack Drake is awake from his coma by the time Tim has met Bart, which was also before he met Kon.
Just...if Tim's Robin, his mom is dead, okay? Totally fair to make an AU because canon is wackadoo already but please label it cuz AUs are cool so long as I know that's what it is and if it's not labelled my brain decides the writer doesn't know what they're talking about and I can't read it even if it's one of the highest rated fics in my search and it causes me great pain because I NEED CONTENT 😭
Thank you for coming to my Tim Talk.
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timdrakeinorder · 8 months ago
Welcome to the Tim Drake Archive!
I'm Fawn, my main blog is @beeceit
I have another blog with the same setup over on @jasontoddinorder
The tagging system here will be an evolving thing, if you have any suggestions please let me know!
I currently tag by issue number, major characters, and story line when applicable
My personal analysis and thoughts are posted under #deerector's commentary
All of my information for order of publishing, credits, and synopsis when available come from dcuguide.com (Early comics I've covered may have inaccurate credits and publishing dates as I used to use dcu infinite for this information before realizing it isn't reliable)
Most Recent comic currently posted: Batman #457: Identity Crisis, Part Three: Master Of Fear
A Lonely Place Of Dying
The Penguin Affair
Rite Of Passage
Identity Crisis
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iconuk01 · 2 months ago
Well, not really, from the first proper arc he appears in "A Lonely Place of Dying", it's very clear that Tim's parents are absent from his life for much of the time because they travel for Jack's work and Janet goes with him because she enjoys it. (
So Tim ends up in a boarding school.
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But even during a holiday week, and him being only 13 years old, he's free to travel from Gotham (stalking Batman) to New York (trying to find Dick) to wherever the heck Haley's Circus was (Where Dick working), without any adult in his life noticing or seeming to care.
(The next big arc he's in is NOT Wolfman penned, it's Alan Grant, but since it's only a couple of months later, it's working off of what we've seen set up as establishing his background)
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It's actually pretty sad that he get's so excited about something as simple as postcard from his parents. (Detective 618)
And even then it's telling him they're taking more time away from him for business.
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We barely know what that business are, mind you. Jack is a fairly successful, if generic, businessman with his own vague by successful company, and Janet seems to tag along with him, possibly to play hostess for jack's business dealings, but presumably so they can both take advantage of their trips to explore their passion for archaelogy as a hobby.
To be honest, we barely ever meet Janet, who dies in this, the first proper story arc she's appeared in. ("Rite of Passage"), and even then it's clear from the above that the Drake's marriage is... not the most romantic anymore, or even that happy.
I don't think for a moment they were deliberately abusive to Tim, but they do seem to have been consistently distracted by other things in their lives, to the extent they can definitely be seen as loving, but neglectful, of their only child.
They make sure he has nice clothes and a good school, and somewhere to stay during vacations with a housekeeper to keep an eye on him, though she seems to have ben incredibly easy for Tim to circumvent (See his cross country trek above)
And they don't think to ask Tim to join THEM on their travels during his vacation, but are happy to swan off around the world leaving him at home... repeatedly.
fanon Tim Drake: Dick... the first time I was hugged was when you hugged me at the circus
canon: *literally being held by his father when he meets dick*
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ectonurites · 3 years ago
Im confused when did the mindset that robins are batmans ""soldiers"" become so popular?? and like...why is it so popular ?
As far as I can tell it’s Frank Miller’s fault
The earliest i’m aware of the ‘good soldier’ phrasing in reference to a Robin is in TDKR, both in reference to Jason who is dead (keep in mind- Jason hadn’t died yet in-continuity! this was an alternate future story written in ‘86! Jason died in ‘88)
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(Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #2)
and in reference to Carrie
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(Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #3)
then when Jason actually died in main continuity a little bit later, that same ‘A Good Solider’ phrasing went on the plaque.
(While the memorial first shows up during Lonely Place of Dying i’m like 95% sure this first page from Rite of Passage is the first place we actually get a detailed shot that shows words on a plaque as being part of the memorial)
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(Detective Comics #618)
But yeah. So unless i’m missing something, it was Frank Miller’s edgy book’s fault and unfortunately lots of people just kinda… let his stuff like that shape a lot of Batman mythos, and it led to this idea.
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forestlingincorporated · 4 years ago
“A Good Soldier”
I wanna think about Jason’s memorial.
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First of all, Jason’s memorial first appears in Frank Miller’s 1986 Dark Knight #2 - The Dark Knight Triumphant. So, it’s actually one of those instances where apocrypha retroactively enters canon - Jason’s memorial predates Jason’s death in 1988. 
This memorial, interestingly, is shown not to have an epitaph at all, and we’ll off and on see versions of the memorial that continue not to have a plaque. 
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However, the phrase “a good soldier” still comes from The Dark Knight Returns series. 
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I think this is important to consider, because this Bruce Wayne and New Earth’s Bruce Wayne were not the same people. Miller’s 1986 series doesn’t just predate Jason’s death, it predates Jason’s life - Jason Todd as we know him today was not revamped until 1987. Miller’s Dark Knight’s Jason Todd is an alternate universe version of pre-crisis Jason Todd. 
So I went looking for the first instance of Jason’s memorial in New Earth. 
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(Side bar, this panel from Batman 432 of Bruce looking at Jason’s photo in his pocket, I’m gonna cry) 
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There’s no sign of Jason’s memorial in Batman 436 when Dick goes to visit the cave. What we do see is that Bruce has removed every memento of the last two years with Jason. 
I find it interesting that Dick goes to Bruce’s room, but not Jason’s. We don’t get to see what Bruce has done with Jason’s bedroom during this stage in his grief. If I were to assume, I would guess it was locked, but I find it a weird choice not to demonstrate that.  Now, there is a case in A Lonely Place of Dying...
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But this is pretty clearly Dick’s uniform, so there’s still no indication that there’s a memorial in the Batcave. 
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Then we suddenly see this case in the background during the Penguin Affair, Batman 449. 
Now, we don’t know for sure this is Jason’s memorial. It seems really odd that we wouldn’t get a scene of Bruce putting the suit up, or even the other characters reacting to it. This could very well be Dick’s suit in the regular suit lineup, there is no plaque and we can’t tell for sure if it’s a stand-alone case or one of many without seeing its left side, but it could also be the first depiction of the memorial. 
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The monument is for sure installed by Batman 451 in May of 1990. It is a stand alone case and it’s obvious from the dialog that it’s Jason’s. This is, to my knowledge, the OFFICIAL first depiction of Jason’s memorial in New Earth. 
But there’s still no plaque. 
So where’s the first appearance of the plaque? 
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Rite of Passage immediately opens on it, a nice big close up of In Memory of Jason Todd - Robin - A Good Soldier. 
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The memorial plays a big part in Tim’s arc. It’s a heavy reminder why he’s there, what he has to live up to, and what he has to surpass. Jason wasn’t Tim’s brother at this point, he’s a stranger, an idol, a hero... a good soldier in Batman’s crusade, fallen in battle. 
I - oh? 
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It’s gone. Oh - ?
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It’s back. 
It’s weird? Because the epitaph is almost entirely for Tim’s benefit. It’s a symbol for Tim, almost what Tim would have imagined it would say, rather than what Bruce would write. 
And the comics Do Not show us Bruce putting up the monument - which you would think they would have at some point, given the number of times the thing’s been smashed. 
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We, the audience, are left wondering when exactly Bruce set up the memorial, why he set up the memorial, why he wrote the plaque the way he did, because none of this is shown to us. It’s this weird set piece that just got stuck in there one day and created this strange void in the narrative - how we got from Bruce unable to bear the sight of Jason’s trophies to erecting an extremely morbid monument to him.
I can think of three potential triggers: 
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Lady Clayface taking Jason’s form
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Bruce accidentally injuring Lonnie Machin
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And Bruce failing to save this random civilian child. 
But that’s just me trying to retroactively make sense of it. I don’t even know what to do with “a good soldier.” Because this IS NOT Miller’s Bruce, and NOT Miller’s Jason. 
Jason isn’t a good soldier. He’s a terrible soldier. He was a good son. Bruce’s youngest child. His baby.
I can maybe twist it into Bruce trying to distance himself emotionally from the whole thing, but... it just doesn’t... work. What headspace was Bruce in when he chose that? Was he punishing himself? Was he trying to honor Jason? Was he trying to make peace with it? How does “a good soldier” fit into his mental narrative of events almost a year after Jason died? Jason died in APRIL. We see the memorial for the first time not long before Tim’s mother dies, and her funeral is on CHRISTMAS EVE. 
I am out of thoughts on the matter. But I felt like sharing. 
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hahanoiwont · 4 years ago
I am awaiting the inevitable shock and existentialism Fell will feel when he realises that Frisk is no longer in stripes. Patiently. Cheerfully. >:D
okay so imagine. imagine ur fell. imagine with me. let's stand in his shoes.
You are Papyrus. You are also known as Fell.
Your childhood was rough and isolating. You were alone often, and when you did see other people it was overshadowed by resentment or just a violent experience overall. You killed someone before you could reasonably be called an adult, and your brother, whose visits were already few and far between, nearly vanished from your life. You didn't know where he went, but you can only assume he had some other life where he pretended you'd never even existed, and he'd left you to dust alone. The only sign that he still remembered you at all was the food in the pantry, and you started wondering if maybe he wouldn't always be there to bring it. Then one day he came home half dead, and suddenly you're the one putting food in the pantry, having to navigate a world you've only seen glimpses of. Things are rocky. You know intellectually that your family dynamic is fairly gentle, and you could consider yourself lucky...but you remember when he loved you. And he doesn't act the same anymore. You think that maybe he loved you as well as he was able, but once he realized what you are he couldn't care for you anymore. Maybe there is something so terrible in you, so cold and ruthless, that even your gentle, patient older brother couldn't stand to be around you. Maybe you did this to him.
No, you decide. You know better. Perhaps this is partially because of you, but it is also because of the things Sans can see that no one else can--a tally of pain inflicted by every person he meets. You watch him come back to life just for something to break inside of him, seeing all of those numbers tick up. Something in him drives him and he mutters that every single monster deserves to die. But that gentler Sans is still there, staying his hand. He never could stand to hurt anyone. Neither could you, once.
You should probably take this as an indication that things only ever get worse and you will never have anything better. You do not. You're going to change this world. Some small corner of it will be safe, and maybe then Sans will find it in himself to forgive you--for what, you don't know. For existing, or for being a monster, or some sin of your personality. You tell yourself that you'll be satisfied even if Sans never loves you like he used to again, as long as he's not in pain anymore. He's dying. You need to save him. You don't have the luxury of being a softer person.
A softer person comes along.
With a human soul, you could break the Barrier. You could give it to Sans and let him leave this place. You could surrender it to Asgore and the reward would see you and your brother safe for a long time, maybe even safe enough to go far away on the Surface and never see another monster again. There are people you would miss, but it would be worth it to rest in safety.
The time comes to kill them.
They are a child.
You don't ask Sans whether he has even bothered trying to kill them--their budding adoration tells you that he hasn't. They whisper to you that he offered them mercy. You try not to be glad for that stupid mistake. Still, there are more important things--Sans is likely to hate you for killing a defenseless child, but Sans has hated you for greater and lesser crimes, and this is for him. This is for both of you; your ticket out. This is a golden chance. You just have to kill them.
They are a very flattering child. Sans has never cared to notice your fearsome armor or malignant traps. They are a creature of superior taste.
You have to kill them. Things will be so much better if you just kill them.
Your attacks become more dramatic. You switch out the swift and lethal attacks for the showier, cooler attacks. The human is impressed. You think that they are having fun--to your surprise, you find that you are, too. You regret that you have to kill them.
They are surprisingly difficult to kill. It reminds you of practicing your bone attacks when you were a child, waiting for Sans to finally come home so you could show him, waiting for him to be so proud of your progress that he would stay with you this time. You find that it's more fun with a partner. You bring out some sequences that you've discarded for being all flash and no substance. The human loves them.
You don't want to lose this, you realize. You don't want them to die.
You find that you are sorry for hurting them. They have seemed fearless, but they have sustained great deals of damage to their tiny HP count. You can't see the numbers like your brother can, but it can't be greater than 40 total. You have harmed them.
This tiny, innocent creature...you have harmed them. You did not have to. They were not forcing you to fight. But you harmed them.
You apologize. The human seems surprised, but pleased. They offer you a big grin and instant forgiveness, because they are a child. Living in your world, this is likely the best anyone has treated them.
Not anymore.
You bring them home. Sans is there, watching the doorway for your return with hopeless eyes. Perhaps he thinks you will not notice how they brighten and his whole face softens when he sees your LOVE, unchanged, and the child, alive. The child does not seem to recognize the difference, but greets him like a dear friend. He fakes ambivalence and disappears to one of his sentry stations.
You have a child, now.
This is a Concern.
You were hardly a child, yourself--how can you possibly provide the things that a child may need? Most especially a human child, who may need all sorts of things that you have no way of knowing about. You have seen them eat, so you can assume that they need to be fed; they are wearing clothes, so you can assume they need to be clothed; but what of entertainment? Affection? Training? What sorts of guidance will they need?
You have doubts. One of the only things that you are confident of is that the child does not need doubts. You must choose to be bold. If you are denying the very murderous nature of monsters by taking in a child, then so be it: you will not do this in half measures.
You set about creating the optimal environment for child-rearing. Plenty of doors and windows that lock only from the inside. Enrichment in the form of attack training. Weapons for self-protection. You make it clear that you will always have time for them, no matter what else may be at hand. You will interrupt even the most important of work days to tend to their childhood accidents--a stray stab wound here, or a timely rescue there. You prepare to put the changing of your world on hold for as long as it takes to see this human into adulthood.
You wonder what kind of adult they will be. Bold and strong like you, or wry and clever like Sans, or as passionate as Undyne--or none of the above, perhaps. If you raise them right, maybe they will be different from all of you. Maybe they will stay small and loving forever.
You do not look forward to seeing their heart break, seeing their first kill, seeing them turn to LOVE. These rites of passage seem suddenly gruesome. But you want to be there, all the same--you want to take them home afterwards, and see them find their feet again every time they stagger. There is a whole tiny person in your home, and you can ensure that they are never alone.
Then, the world changes.
Perhaps you will not need to guard them so fiercely. Perhaps you will be able to devote your efforts instead into becoming something softer and kinder. You will finally find the words to say when they are lonely, or frightened, or when you have been too harsh and their eyes fill with tears. You will no longer be too harsh. You cannot ever be human, but perhaps you can raise one nearly as well as another human would. For the first time, you feel as if there is love in you--in all of monsterkind.
Then, the child dies.
Sans said he would bring them home. He left to go retrieve them. And they disappear forever. His guilt is plain to see, but you allow him to fool you--he says that he has killed a child, and you sympathize with him. You provide comfort. You do not realize.
Several people take you aside, one by one by one, to gently break the news to you. Sans encountered the human, they say. The two of them had a disagreement. Sans took them somewhere and he came back alone. The evidence is clear--you have Sans's confession, even.
He would not have snuffed that tiny life out. He loves them. You have seen him come back to life by inches, resurrecting the brother you thought you'd lost. This cannot be.
You wait for Sans to tell you that.
He does not.
Your brother has stolen your child's life. Your tiny sibling, who you have sworn to protect--who each of you have promised to raise gently, to treat well, to absolutely spoil with safety and affection, as much as you can. You finally had a warmth in your heart and in your home, and so did Sans. But he smothered it. He killed them. You cannot believe it. But, you think of the creeping insanity that you thought had been defeated in him, and you don't know. You don't know what he is capable of anymore.
Sans used to stand for mercy--if not for its own sake, then because killing is not a virtue. He was the only person who believed LOVE was not a good thing, and now, he is the only person who is not changing his mind.
You're furious. You're betrayed. You're heartbroken. You want to confront Sans. You never want to see him again. You want your sibling back, to protect them better this time, to do things differently so that somehow it goes right. Sans would not do this. You must have caused it somehow. You identify your failings after a week: you were too slow.
The world was changing, but not fast enough. Sans took his own action first.
You leave. You intend to come back, when you have changed the world into something Sans can stand, when your fury has calmed--you leave. That is what matters.
You do come back, once. Sans's pantry is empty. You fill it. You do not think that there are any grocers willing to do business with him, not with the worries about food shortages. Not with what everyone knows he's done.
In his basement, you discover something odd: hope. A skeleton with your face who claims to have seen your sibling, calls them "Frisk." They never shared their name with you. You had hoped they would, in time; but they did not, and now they cannot.
But perhaps they will.
Perhaps you have not lost that child, that place of warmth in your home and heart. If grief is love with no one to direct it to, then you no longer need to grieve. They are alive. Your brother has done an awful thing, but not what you feared. You can get them back. You will not miss the landmarks that were not to be. You would give anything to scoop them up and hold them again.
You find them. Finally, you find them again--or they find you. They approach you, and you approach them, and at first you are puzzled by this human: a grown, adult human, standing half in front of a skeleton who is almost your brother but not entirely, and watching you with caution that turns to unbridled delight when they realize who it is they have been brought to meet. Your phone begins ringing. You ignore it. The skeleton who is not your brother is watching your stats with a sort of horror. You ignore that, as well. This human looks at you with warmth and trust that you have only seen from...
It's your sibling. It's your sibling, and you have them back, they are just in front of you, and you have missed them. You have missed so much of their life. The child you were raising is gone, with no hint of them in this human's scarred HP and protective stance. They do not have your boldness or Sans's wit or Undyne's passion or even the sheltered softness you had secretly hoped they would keep...you weren't there to shelter them.
You have the human back, but not the child. They don't need you anymore.
In this moment, you have the realization: searching for them, you have met people who are gentler than you, cleverer, kinder, less awkward and violent...all of them who counted your sibling as part of their own family. They have had such a life beyond you that you cannot grasp the whole of it. With so many better selves, so many better brothers...
They don't need you any more. Why on earth would they want you?
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sevlgi · 4 years ago
requested: no
group: blackpink
pairing: jisoo x fem!reader
genre: fluff
contents: guardian angel!jisoo, near death instances, unlucky reader. [22/33].
warnings: none
synopsis: You’ve never believed in guardian angels, but that just might change when you’re saved from certain death 3 times in one week.
a/n: idk if I’ve ever seen anyone do a similar au... tell me if you have! also i’m actually hella proud of this one lmao
word count: 1.8k
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Do guardian angels exist?
Well, that’s a subjective question, and there really isn’t a yes or no answer... But if yours does, they’re doing the shittiest job of the century.
The amount of times you’ve been hurt in the past, both physically and emotionally, is stupidly high. You’ve always had an aptitude for getting injured, stories of broken bones and gashes making up basically half of your entire life. Your friends and family pride themselves on having a fully loaded arsenal of embarrassing tales, practically making it a rite of passage to visit the hospital with you. And don’t even mention the heartbreaks- those just seem to follow you wherever you go.
When you move to a different city for what must be the 10th time, you vow that it’s going to be different, no matter how obvious it is that it won’t. You vow that there aren’t going to be any incidents that land you in the hospital, nor any relationships that just end in chaos.
Suffice to say, all of that goes haywire on your first day in town.
Without a car to drive you to work or any friends to hitchhike off of, you take the subway, line #224 to Solace Building. There just so happens to be a new girl group song you’re obsessed with, blasting on the highest possible volume in your earbuds, when you’re shoved from the back right into the subway tracks. “Fu-”
Time slows down as you start to fall, the dusty railways coming too close to your face for comfort before a warm hand wraps around yours, the socket of your arm straining to carry your entire weight as you’re jerked back sharply.
You collide with a warm body, soft curves lessening the impact and delicate, impossibly strong hands steadying you on either side of your waist. By all logic, you should’ve knocked your savior over, should be sprawled on the ground right now with dirty palms and a heat-flushed face. “Are you okay?”
When you step back sharply, you’re met with the sight of the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. Her heart-shaped smile and delicate features are framed with cascading brown hair, and she has ethereally flawless porcelain skin. She’s the kind of beautiful that makes the plainest outfit look designer, that could make you believe sea glass to be pure diamond. “Uh. Y-yeah. I’m good.”
“I’m glad,” she chuckles, smiling even wider and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Maybe she doesn’t realize the effect she has on you, humming as she dusts something invisible off your bag. “You should be more careful, Y/N, wouldn’t want someone as pretty as you being killed by a train.”
If it was anyone else, the words would sound creepy, especially with the added factor of the girl knowing your name. “How-- how do you know who I am?”
She juts her lips at the card hanging off your bag, your name written in big, bold letters. “Nametag. Y/N Y/L/N, employee in Solace Building?”
To hide the heat in your cheeks, you look to the floor and stutter out, “Well. Since you know my name, uh, isn’t it fitting that I know yours?”
It’s not nearly as smooth as you’d like it to be-- usually, the natural flirt in you would’ve made an appearance-- but the petite brunette extends a hand, tipped with gentle pink nails. “Jisoo. Kim Jisoo, if that’s helpful at all.”
Your next words are interrupted by your train arriving; when Jisoo doesn’t follow you on, you turn to look at her with your eyebrow quirked. “Are you...?”
“Not my train,” she smiles, shaking her head, even though it’s the only one arriving for hours where she stands. “Good to meet you, Y/N. Stay out of trouble!”
It’s an odd way to end a first meeting, but you don’t think much of it as you grab the nearest seat and pull out your phone to search her up. K-I-M J-I-S-O-O, you type, eyes scanning the screen fervently as the train starts.
Plenty of people show up-- after all, Kim Jisoo is not a rare name-- but none of the dozens of profiles you click through are the beautiful girl who saved your life. It’s too late when you look back out the window towards the station, the only thing you see becoming brick wall.
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The next time you almost die, you’re just walking to the coffee shop across from your apartment.
The activity should be safe, considering that not many people in the area own cars. At first, you think you are safe, crossing the silent street with no problem and receiving your usual order just fine; you’re on your way back to your lonely little apartment when you hear the screeching of car tires on the road.
“Watch out!” someone screams, but you’re frozen in the middle of the crosswalk. You forget how there wasn’t a single car in the street when you were crossing as you stare at the grill coming close. The car doesn’t stop or slow down, and you scrunch your eyes shut with your arms raised up, just waiting for the impact.
It never comes. When you hesitantly open your eyes again, you find a familiar figure standing in front of you, the force of her hand having knocked your coffee onto your blouse. The car bumper is pressing into her bare leg, which is miraculously clean of a scratch or bruise, but she doesn’t seem to notice as she turns to grin at you.
“Sorry, I ruined your coffee,” Jisoo frowns, her hand coming up to almost touch the steaming stain on your chest. You stare at her mutely, following obediently when she grabs your wrist and pulls you back to the coffee shop. “Can I buy you another one?” she offers, plucking a napkin off a street-side table.
“Kim Jisoo?” you say disbelievingly, not even feeling it as she dabs the coffee away. “You again?”
“Me again,” she confirms, pulling some more napkins out of her purse with a smile on her face. “I hope you’re not disappointed; after all, I just saved you from dying. Again.”
“No, that’s not...” Taking a deep breath, you smile too, wrapping your fingers around her hand to gently brush her off. “It’s okay. I’m glad to see you, actually-- I searched for your profile to thank you, but I couldn’t find anything.”
Jisoo shrugs, opening the door to the coffee shop for you. “Oh, I’m not really on social media. If you wanted my number, you could’ve just asked.”
You laugh lightly, tossing the crushed cup in your hand into the trash. Of course it’s odd that she isn’t on social media in the 21st century-- with her face, you’d expect Jisoo to be a major influencer. “Then I’ll ask for it. Later.”
“Of course. Order what you want, I owe you one after all that,” she offers, plucking a couple loose 20 dollar bills out of her purse.
Once again, you’re faced with another weird habit of hers, but you order anyway and thank her after she pays. Before you can say anything else, though, she gets a text and frowns at her phone. “Oh, sorry, I have to go. Catch you next time?”
“Sure,” you answer, forgetting to tell her that she still forgot to give you her number. You stand dumbly on the sidewalk and watch her go, taking a deep breath and looking both ways before you set off towards your apartment for the second time that day.
Maybe next time?
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The third, and hopefully last time, is the absolute weirdest of all. 
You seem to have a thing for being knocked into ditches-- this time, a group of teenagers barrels into you while you’re walking by the side of the only river in your entire city. You open your mouth to tell them off, but before you can, an especially hard shove from an stocky little boy pushes you right into the water.
Luckily, the fall isn’t high, so you don’t hit the water with much force, but the boats cruising along and the recently terrible weather stir the current strong enough to pull you right under. In the icy water, you feel your fingers let go of the phone in your hand, your lungs slowly being crushed by the pressure of your surroundings.
It’s hard to tell how much time passes while you’re in the water. From what your doctors have told you, trauma is difficult to remember clearly for a while, but you vaguely feel hands linking in front of your chest and forearms bracing under your armpits to drag you out of the water.
The heat of the summer sun warms the stone under your back and you can hear whispers sounding around you as you flop onto the floor. Hands push hard on your breastbone, once, twice-
After maybe 30 pushes, fingers pinch your nose, and soft lips meet yours. It feels more like a kiss than CPR, no air really being blown into your mouth, but nonetheless, you feel water leaving your lungs, and you open your eyes in shock, coughing out loud.
To your (somewhat) shock, it’s the same girl hovering over you. Jisoo’s skirt is wet at her knees where she kneels beside you, her hands still hovering over your chest. She must’ve been the one giving CPR, then. Sitting up, you hack violently until most of the water’s out of your lungs, the other girl waving away all of the spectators. “How’re you feeling?” she asks, once you’re alone on the sidewalk.
Your hands move faster than your brain, pulling her forward by the nape of her neck until you kiss again, something about her tasting familiar in a way you can’t quite place. “Who are you?” you breathe once you’ve pulled away, searching her warm eyes for an answer.
She smiles again, handing you your miraculously dry phone instead of answering. It should be waterlogged and dead, but nothing seems to make sense when concered with Kim Jisoo. “How about you take me for dinner or something before asking the serious questions? Soup should be good to warm you up.”
Hand clasping in hers, you’re pulled to your feet with strength that doesn’t match her petite stature. You barely remember that you look like an almost-drowned rat, your lips purple with cold and your hair stringy with icy water. “Sure. Soup. But you need to answer me first.”
She exhales, hitching her bag higher up on her arm. “I’d say I’m your guardian angel, but you wouldn’t believe that, would you?”
“I wouldn’t,” you answer, eyes narrowing as you follow her down the street. “But maybe you can convince me. Over soup.”
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jemch · 4 years ago
The Twilight Zone
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The Twilight Zone 阴阳魔界是我非常喜欢的一部系列剧集, 每集一个故事,每个蕴含深刻哲理,值得人们细细品味。
TV Series 1959-1964
TV Series 2019-2020
Season 1(1959-10-02~1960-07-01)
Episode 1   Where Is Everybody?
Episode 2   One for the Angels
Episode 3   Mr. Denton on Doomsday
Episode 4   The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine
Episode 5   Walking Distance
Episode 6   Escape Clause
Episode 7   The Lonely
Episode 8   Time Enough at Last
Episode 9   Perchance to Dream
Episode 10   Judgment Night
Episode 11   And When the Sky Was Opened
Episode 12   What You Need
Episode 13   The Four of Us Are Dying
Episode 14   Third from the Sun
Episode 15   I Shot an Arrow into the Air
Episode 16   The Hitch-Hiker
Episode 17   The Fever
Episode 18   The Last Flight
Episode 19   The Purple Testament
Episode 20   Elegy
Episode 21   Mirror Image
Episode 22   The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
Episode 23   A World of Difference
Episode 24   Long Live Walter Jameson
Episode 25   People Are Alike All Over
Episode 26   Execution
Episode 27   The Big Tall Wish
Episode 28   A Nice Place to Visit
Episode 29   Nightmare as a Child
Episode 30   A Stop at Willoughby
Episode 31   The Chaser
Episode 32   A Passage for Trumpet
Episode 33   Mr. Bevis
Episode 34   The After Hours
Episode 35   The Mighty Casey
Episode 36   A World of His Own
Season 2(1960-09-30~1961-06-02)
Episode 1   King Nine Will Not Return
Episode 2   The Man in the Bottle
Episode 3   Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room
Episode 4   A Thing About Machines
Episode 5   The Howling Man
Episode 6   The Eye of the Beholder
Episode 7   Nick of Time
Episode 8   The Lateness of the Hour
Episode 9   The Trouble with Templeton
Episode 10   A Most Unusual Camera
Episode 11   The Night of the Meek
Episode 12   Dust
Episode 13   Back There
Episode 14   The Whole Truth
Episode 15   The Invaders
Episode 16   A Penny for Your Thoughts
Episode 17   Twenty Two
Episode 18   The Odyssey of Flight 33
Episode 19   Mr. Dingle, the Strong
Episode 20   Static
Episode 21   The Prime Mover
Episode 22   Long Distance Call
Episode 23   A Hundred Yards Over the Rim
Episode 24   The Rip Van Winkle Caper
Episode 25   The Silence
Episode 26   Shadow Play
Episode 27   The Mind and the Matter
Episode 28   Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?
Episode 29   The Obsolete Man
Season 3(1961-09-15~1962-06-01)
Episode 1   Two
Episode 2   The Arrival
Episode 3   The Shelter
Episode 4   The Passersby
Episode 5   A Game of Pool
Episode 6   The Mirror
Episode 7   The Grave
Episode 8   It's a Good Life
Episode 9   Deaths-Head Revisited
Episode 10   The Midnight Sun
Episode 11   Still Valley
Episode 12   The Jungle
Episode 13   Once Upon a Time
Episode 14   Five Characters in Search of an Exit
Episode 15   A Quality of Mercy
Episode 16   Nothing in the Dark
Episode 17   One More Pallbearer
Episode 18   Dead Man's Shoes
Episode 19   The Hunt
Episode 20   Showdown with Rance McGrew
Episode 21   Kick the Can
Episode 22   A Piano in the House
Episode 23   The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
Episode 24   To Serve Man
Episode 25   The Fugitive
Episode 26   Little Girl Lost
Episode 27   Person or Persons Unknown
Episode 28   The Little People
Episode 29   Four O'Clock
Episode 30   Hocus Pocus and Frisby
Episode 31   The Trade-Ins
Episode 32   The Gift
Episode 33   The Dummy
Episode 34   Young Man's Fancy
Episode 35   I Sing the Body Electric
Episode 36   Cavender is Coming
Episode 37   The Changing of the Guard
Season 4(1963-01-03~1963-05-23)
Episode 1   In His Image
Episode 2   The Thirty-Fathom Grave
Episode 3   Valley of the Shadow
Episode 4   He's Alive
Episode 5   Mute
Episode 6   Death Ship
Episode 7   Jess-Belle
Episode 8   Miniature
Episode 9   Printer's Devil
Episode 10   No Time Like the Past
Episode 11   The Parallel
Episode 12   I Dream of Genie
Episode 13   The New Exhibit
Episode 14   Of Late I Think of Cliffordville
Episode 15   The Incredible World of Horace Ford
Episode 16   On Thursday We Leave For Home
Episode 17   Passage on the Lady Anne
Episode 18   The Bard
Season 5(1963-09-27~1964-06-19)
Episode 1   In Praise of Pip
Episode 2   Steel
Episode 3   Nightmare at 20,000 Feet
Episode 4   A Kind of a Stopwatch
Episode 5   The Last Night of a Jockey
Episode 6   Living Doll
Episode 7   The Old Man in the Cave
Episode 8   Uncle Simon
Episode 9   Probe 7, Over and Out
Episode 10   The 7th is Made Up of Phantoms
Episode 11   A Short Drink from a Certain Fountain
Episode 12   Ninety Years Without Slumbering
Episode 13   Ring-A-Ding Girl
Episode 14   You Drive
Episode 15   The Long Morrow
Episode 16   The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross
Episode 17   Number 12 Looks Just Like You
Episode 18   Black Leather Jackets
Episode 19   Night Call
Episode 20   From Agnes - with Love
Episode 21   Spur of the Moment
Episode 22   An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Episode 23   Queen of the Nile
Episode 24   What's in the Box
Episode 25   The Masks
Episode 26   I Am the Night - Color Me Black
Episode 27   Sounds and Silences
Episode 28   Caesar and Me
Episode 29   The Jeopardy Room
Episode 30   Stopover in a Quiet Town
Episode 31   The Encounter
Episode 32   Mr. Garrity and the Graves
Episode 33   The Brain Center at Whipple's
Episode 34   Come Wander with Me
Episode 35   The Fear
Episode 36   The Bewitchin' Pool
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Season 1(2019-04-01~2019-05-30)
Episode 1   The Comedian
Episode 2   Nightmare at 30,000 Feet
Episode 3   Replay
Episode 4   A Traveler
Episode 5   The Wunderkind
Episode 6   Six Degrees of Freedom
Episode 7   Not All Men
Episode 8   Point of Origin
Episode 9   The Blue Scorpion
Episode 10   Blurryman
Season 2(2020-06-25)
Episode 1   Meet in the Middle
Episode 2   Downtime
Episode 3   The Who of You
Episode 4   Ovation
Episode 5   Among the Untrodden
Episode 6   8
Episode 7   A Human Face
Episode 8   A Small Town
Episode 9   Try, Try
Episode 10   You Might Also Like
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