#A Freak and A Basket Case
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A Freak and a Basket Case— The “Seven Inches of Satanic Panic” Edition

An Eddie Munson x OC Fanfic
The good lord (me) intended this to be an OC x Eddie fanfic, and by god, that’s what y’all are getting from here on. The original reader insert series will be discontinued for now, unless I really get the urge to go back and revisit it.
For now, just enjoy what I originally wanted. Which was over 3,000 words of self indulgent OC fanfic to help me get past these dark times. Life is too short to worry about being cringy.
Warnings: period typical racism, swearing, mentions of suicide, mentions of abuse (more tags to be added as the story progresses).
Divider by: @strangergraphics-archive
Pairings: Eddie Munson x OC
Word Count: 4,088 words
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Chapter One - Don’t Talk to Strangers
“I'm danger, I'm the stranger.
And I, I'm darkness, I'm anger, I'm pain…”
Hawkins, Indiana was going to be hell on earth. Of that, Alejandra Perea was certain.
She didn’t want to move here in the first place. This whole situation was horseshit. Spur of the moment pendejadas from the family matriarch in command of a newly formed triad where there had once been a quartet. Leaving everything behind, even if it meant new and exciting things on the horizon, it wasn’t necessary. The family did not need a fresh start over in a new state.
No, what everyone needed to do was to start looking harder. She could still remember the advice given to her nearly a year ago, as it was the only solid and reliable advice she had received at the time. Expand the search area, but make sure at least one person stays at the home base. Keep the name in the media as much as possible, even if it meant taking out another loan to buy airtime on the radio stations locally. Question everything. Look for abnormalities, and above all: report, report, report!
Doing something was better than doing nothing, and if Alejandra’s family was any kind of concerned, they would be more aware of the rampant corruption and blatant conspiracy afoot throughout this whole situation. She could see the truth laid out in front of her, especially when there was a way to physically connect the dots. Soon she’d need another Big Chief Tablet to jot down her notes, and since the one sad little general store in town didn’t even have what she needed, the lack of consistency and the unfamiliar stationery was already making her panic.
So instead of playing pretend— telling herself that she would bide her time until she could find a way back home— Alejandra decided she was going to do what she did best when she wasn’t listened to: shut out the entire world, and focus her attention inward as her plan formulated.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer…
“Sit up right, huevona! You’re going to mark my seats.”
Reluctantly, Alejandra slid her feet off the tan leather bucket seat, hoping that the battered treads of her Chucks left marks. Instead of facing her mother’s lecture, Alejandra spent the morning commute looking out the window with a scowl. She wanted to be anywhere but here. This podunk midwestern vibe was horrible. Unfamiliar. A hostile environment of mostly blue collar workers that could sniff out even the most light skinned Latina in a crowded room. Like a petulant child, she kept her thick framed glasses smudged with the oil from her cheeks. Just so she wouldn’t have to actually see Hawkins.
Her mother – Carla Perea– obviously noticed the scowl, and she sighed deeply before trying to speak again.
“I know you’re not happy, but this is a new start for us. Try to make the best of it, huh?”
Alejandra kicked at her blue Jansport backpack.
“And why couldn’t we just have moved somewhere else in New Mexico?! Chingao, you didn’t even think about it, you just put your finger on the map and ya!”
“Watch your mouth, Alejandra.” mom snapped, “And stop with that mocho talk! You know it wasn’t just putting a finger and ya. We needed a fresh start, and Hawkins was the best choice we could make. It wasn’t as impulsive as you make it out to be, it’s what’s best for all three of us.”
“And what the hell about dad?!” Alejandra demanded. “Huh?! How the shit are you honoring your marriage vows by just abandoning him like that?! Better or for worse my fucking asshole!”
Her mother's eyes narrowed as she drove. Obviously her daughter’s backtalk had hit a raw nerve. One of Alejandra’s new found talents was shit talking, the same venomous spitting that only cobras in certain parts of Africa and Asia had mastered. It had only been a year and some change since she’d honed the skill, but this kind of irate wit was too well honed for it to be new.
This talent had been latent. As if waiting for the perfect opportunity…
“What’s done is done.” Carla hissed, knuckles going from tawny brown to white grip, tightening her hold on the steering wheel.
“It’s been over a year, it’s time to accept he’s not coming back. Basta!”
“Bullshit…” Alejandra hissed.
And she would have kept going, if not for Carla deciding that morning to wear her leather belt around the waistline of her denim dress. And not just any belt. Oh no… It was the thick one with the sterling silver Gary Reeves buckle.
The thing about Gary Reeves: his silver work conchos with the fine needlepoint lines hurt like a motherfucker. Especially if there weren't any soft turquoise chunks on the front to cushion your ass from a chingazo. Alejandra wasn’t wearing the right kind of clothes for a fight, anyway. Months of trial and error taught her that her Wrangler culottes – along with a paperback copy of Heretics of Dune tucked in the back pocket– were the only acceptable armor if she wanted to talk shit back to her mother.
So instead of pushing her luck, Alejandra quietly resigned herself to her repetition. Unwilling and unmotivated to start a battle, when her mother was armed and willing to pull off into a Hawkins public parking lot to humiliate them both.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
The Dodge Aspen continued down the unfamiliar streets at a snail’s crawl. Cars boxed them into the single lane going down Cherry Street towards the cluster of schools. Even though the realtor had boasted about the house’s proximity to the finest education in Roane County, the motorists of Hawkins, Indiana managed to turn a ten-minute drive into almost forty-five minutes. Luckily, Carla had anticipated this.
By five thirty that morning, mom was already blasting a mixtape of los classicos, banging on Alejandra’s bedroom door and setting off the barking of the family’s two dogs. Tiffany had almost tripped Alejandra in the bathroom, both dog and girl yelping as Alejandra stumbled and nearly smacked her head on the counter. Scruffy had refused to go outside into the dog run, so everyone stopped what they were doing and aided in chasing him out the back door into the yard with Tiffany at his heels.
And then that darned cat…
Unruly and orange Ripley had puked all over Jaime’s work pants, while he screamed at Alejandra to help him find another pair in his mess of a room. Useless from years of mi hito syndrome, he complained when his sister refused vehemently to take time from blow drying her curls to iron his creases. They’d gotten into a screaming match, until Carla finally conceded to do it for her son to “keep the peace”.
It had been a shitshow of a morning, an omen of things to come.
Carla blasted the horn at a green Gaucho with a white stripe that nearly sideswiped her, the dented vehicle trying to cut in front of their sedan into the lane and nearly taking out a couple of other cars with it.
“Pinches babosos!” Carla growled under her breath.
Alejandra was too pissed off to laugh.
The two women stayed in silence for some time, until at last Alejandra spoke up.
“You couldn’t have picked somewhere with raza at least? Like California?” she muttered, watching the faces of a group of younger teens crossing on bikes at the light.
“I’m light skinned, and I bet I’m the darkest one at school… A la chingada mujer.”
“What does it matter if there’s no raza here?!” Carla demanded, pounding her fist on the tan leather of the middle console, “Get over it. There’s no way we could have managed in California. I’m not going to kill myself working three jobs with your tios in Lynwood!”
“Enserio, mom?! You waited until right at the start of senior year, you didn’t want to wait?” Alejandra whined.
“Wait for what? Wait for you to fail another year in Pojoaque?!” Carla hissed, clearly fed up with her daughter’s bullshit, “I’m not waiting on you to pull your head out from your ass. So shut your mouth, and quit complaining or I will pull this car over. I swear to God.”
Alejandra shut her mouth. She tucked herself into the side of the passenger door with arms crossed, laying her head on the cool glass of the window and curtaining her teary brown eyes with her dark hair.
What could she say back to that?
Her mother was right. A reminder that she was a failure wasn’t necessary. The reminders of lost scholarships and a tanked GPA would follow her the rest of her life. And sometimes, if Alejandra pressed hard enough on the backs of her thighs, she could still feel the sting from the welts she’d gotten for failing senior year back at Pojoaque High School.
This change was stupid. A lot had changed in the past year. Too many things.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
The reasonably happy, vibrant teenage girl that her mother knew was gone. Instead she was replaced by a bitter, angry young adult at eighteen years of age that had her innocence ripped away too young. Alejandra was now compulsive in her actions. Self-soothing in the oddest ways as old, pre-established habits became worse or new symptoms developed.
Pacing up and down the hallway listening to music on full blast was not anything new, chewing on the cuffs of her clothes or on the floss of her friendship bracelets was. As was the rebellion of dyeing all of her clothes some shade of black or gray. Carla had lost her mind when she saw all of the blouses, skirts, and Gunne Sax dresses had been dyed one weekend. It had taken hours to get the stains out of the washer and out of the bathtub at the old apartment back in New Mexico. Chalk that up to another lesson from the Gary Reeves belt.
And then she started failing all of her classes…
Much like any child, Alejandra had always been a bit of a space case. Living half in her imagination and reading weird books, or bothering her parents with second hand anecdotes of aliens and weird monsters. Like any other student, she wanted to spend her afternoons at play rather than at the family dinner table doing homework. Yet that had all been innocent fun. Science fiction books and fairy movies did not a troubled teen make, but lately that vivid imagination was shrouded in grimdark. She read gory novels of true crime and abductions, of both the supernatural and natural genre, rather than bothering with anything like cracking open a chemistry book or meeting her tutor at the library for help with remedial math.
Obsessive thoughts, spiteful biting comments, obsessions with dark media, lashing out and isolating away from everyone… This was not normal. This was not Alejandra Perea’s normal. To everyone else, it wasn’t like her not to care about things.
But she did care. Just not about the things everyone else thought was important.
She currently cared only about two things: the death of Frank Herbert, and Hector Filemón Perea.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration…
“Mija, I know this isn’t ideal. But you’re strong. You’re going to do fine. Just please… Please try to make the best of this situation. Do it for me, huh?”
The scenery of green trees scattered among the brick-and-mortar buildings of Hawkins held no interest for Alejandra as she ignored her mother. Normally, she would have been captivated by all the greenery. Save for a few day trips to the Jemez Mountains, Alejandra had spent the majority of her life staring at the same desert scrub brush, sand wastes, clay mountains, and adobe houses. Along the road, there were trees and quaint little homes painted daisy yellow, gray white, or the occasional brick and mortar Georgian style home if the occupants were wealthy.
Not one person had the familiar mud brick walls or coyote fencing made of latillas and bailing wire.
Hawkins had boasted four seasons, farmlands with adorable animals, and that unique charm only available in a majority blue collar midwestern town. New Mexico had maybe three seasons and pissed off raza, but she would have given up four seasons and Midwestern charm for the sand and red clay mountains any day. New Mexico was closer to what was important.
New Mexico was closer to dad…
It only got worse as the car approached the high school. Carla pulled into the drop lane; the car still idle as she stared her daughter down with a hard gaze.
Absolutely no move was made to exit the vehicle despite the impatience of the cars behind them. Alejandra stared at the collective student body of Hawkins High with disdain, downright disgust even. As if she would rather swallow glass than get out of the Dodge. She began chewing on the sleeve of her large jacket, already beads of sweat were forming on her forehead from the balmy morning with high humidity.
“Stop chewing on it, you mensa, you’re going to ruin the sleeve!” Carla barked, swatting her daughter’s hand.
Alejandra moved the cuff away from her mouth but said nothing. Instead, she focused on fishing in the pocket of her oversized jacket for her one escape that didn’t have wheels. She produced a battered Walkman with a scratch and sniff sticker on the back. After opening the tape deck, she rooted through the various jewel cases of cassettes in her Igloo Playmate, yanking out a well loved tape from the depths and popping it in.
She pressed play. The volume was turned up so high that her mother scowled when she heard what was blasting from the orange foam speakers of the headphones.
“Come on mija, you couldn’t pick something happier for your first day?”
“Nope.” Alejandra growled, pushing the Walkman into her jacket pocket, “I’m not picking shit else. I’m going to play this fucking tape so loud, that everyone is going to stay far the fuck away from me. Fuck these people, and fuck you too.”
Despite her mother’s sputtering protests and grabbing hands she unbuckled herself, threw open the car door, slung the backpack over her shoulder, and slammed the car door on the way out as she ran towards the double doors.
Not even a whole minute had passed, and already Alejandra was making enemies out of the preppy crowd of Hawkins High. Stomping her way through throngs of students to the front office, she bumped the shoulders of anyone who got in her way, nearly sending some lanky string bean of a freshman flying into his little group of friends.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going, frigid bitch!”
She barely heard him over the music, but she did catch the insult.
Who cares? Kick rocks. Kiss my ass. Fuck yourself with a bent tire iron, you little fucking twerp.
I will face my fear… I will permit it to pass over me and through me…
She hoped the coordination of the day would repel everyone too, not just her shitty attitude. Unlike everyone else who had set up their first day back ensembles with care the night before, Alejandra threw whatever she had on hand on. That morning she came to school in a black cardigan layered over top a gray linen dress, black tights layered with dirty socks, beat up Chuck Taylors that had been everywhere from White Sands to TRC, and her dark brown curls straightened with her trusty Gillette Supermax, sprayed in place with a liberal amount of Aquanet. The piece de resistance was the jacket. Even though it was the end of August, she wore a large Carhartt jacket covered in kitschy buttons and patches. Even in the hottest months of the year, that damn thing never came off.
“What are you wearing that jacket for?” asked the school admin assistant, in lieu of a good morning.
Alejandra shrugged noncommittally as she removed her headphones. She stood awkwardly in the front office, and was about to say some smart ass remark when the admin’s hard stare stopped her sharp tongue short.
“... you’re going to boil alive before lunch…” muttered the admin, fanning her neck with a manilla folder, “Heavens to Betsy, I’m sweating just looking at you!”
“... I’m a new student. May I have my school schedule, please…?” Alejandra grunted.
“Ah.” nodded the admin, pulling open one of the drawers on her filing cabinet, “Name?”
“Alejandra Perea…”
“There’s no one here by that name. I only see an Alexandra Pera here.”
Alejandra winced.
Are you fucking kidding me, bitch? Where on my fucking birth certificate did it ever say fucking “Alexandra”?! And how in the hell is “Perea” too difficult for you to say?!
“Yeah… That’s me.” she admitted, then couldn’t help herself, “Alexandra Perea.”
The admin stared down from her imposing cherry wood desk, eyes laser focused at Alejandra from over the top of her large bifocals. Evidently, she did not appreciate being corrected.
“Young lady…” snapped the admin, tapping her eggplant colored nails against a file folder, “We do not tolerate troublemakers at this school. I suggest you quit playing your little games, and say your name correctly when asked. Is that clear?”
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you-...
“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am…” Alejandra muttered, looking at her shoes as she took the class schedule and locker assignment from the admin.
The headphones went back on as soon as the admin was done talking. That poor Walkman was blasting so loud, everyone else in the hallway was forced to listen in on James Hetfield’s vocals. That fucking bitch of an admin pissed Alejandra off so much, she could not help but lunge at and startle a few innocent girls in pastel color culottes as they passed by. It was her one line of defense; to deter the general populace of Hawkins High, she had decided to be a goddamned menace to anyone who could not give her a detention.
It was unfortunate really, because no matter how hard Alejandra tried to deter everyone away, it took her ten minutes to realize that Hawkins High– home of the Tigers– had fangs that could snap even the most ironclad of wills in half.
She was drastically underprepared for the high schooler’s reception to her take no shit attitude. One big dude in a letterman that she shoulder checked did not hesitate. He checked her right back, right into the tan lockers lining the halls. The resounding crash of her body colliding with metal was loud and embarrassing, causing a few passing members of the pep squad to point and laugh. As they passed they said hateful, evil, ignorant shit, screaming it into Alejandra’s ear while yanking her headphones off. They wanted her to hear everything. One even yelled out a slur.
All the hate caught her off guard, and she almost checked someone else by accident.
“Watch where you’re going, fucking gap tooth bitch!”
A foot flashed out from some wastoid and sent Alejandra toppling. She would have hit the floor and broken her glasses, had not her oversized jacket caught on the door handle to the girl’s bathroom. She hung there for a few seconds, and felt everyone’s eyes on her. Ugly peals of laughter followed. Her face turned crimson.
I will permit my fear… no… I will allow… No! I… I will permit my fear to pass over me and… and through me…?
It was fucking humiliating. She wanted everyone to go away and leave her alone. Yet in her hubris and rebellion, the attempts at being a badass only ended up attracting every kind of attention she did not want.
Pulling herself off the handle, she immediately threw open the door and hid in the girl’s bathroom. Pushing past a girl in a blue gingham sundress and a strawberry blonde side ponytail, she ran for the nearest empty stall to lock herself in. The tears could not wait until she was sure the bathroom was empty. Loud and uncontrolled sobs began to emit from her throat, the noises so awkward she did not hear the whispers of the other girls as they exited the facilities.
Fuck this day. Fuck this town. Her arm was hurting from where she hit the lockers, her pride was wounded, and Alejandra wanted out. If she could just run away now and hitchhike with the first car she saw, she would do it.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
This was not how the second senior year was supposed to go. Senior year was supposed to be the last hoorah. A happy time to start preparing for reality. For college plans. Not a time to be stuck in a small Midwestern town that felt like a foreign country. And certainly not a time to be dealing with racist, shit attitudes.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration…
Dainty footsteps approached the stall as Alejandra bawled like a baby, a soft knock on the door making her freeze.
“Go away!” she cried, voice small and hoarse from the sobbing.
I will face my fear…
“… Hey it’s… It’s going to be okay…”
A soft, delicate voice answered. Not one familiar tone in that voice, the only hint to the identity of the one speaking was a pair of powder blue pumps at the opening of the bottom of the stall. Alejandra did not know the girl, nor did she want to.
“Go away…” she begged, face burning with embarrassment as she groveled like a prisoner for her freedom.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me…
“Please… Please just go away and leave me alone!”
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see that you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, cabrona… Quien te tiene?
The blue pumps hesitated, but eventually walked away. Leaving Alejandra to her sobbing.
She sat there on the toilet crying until the late bell rang, and everyone had cleared out of the bathroom to their first period class. With her glasses all smudged up from tears and snot, she took a moment to wipe them off with the hem of her dress, and eventually exited the stall with her tail between her legs.
Stopping at the sink, she began cleaning up. Alejandra took off her glasses and began washing her face with cold water. Blotting with a paper towel, she took a deep, cleansing breath and exhaled, before making up her mind.
She would not be going to class today, or ever again for that matter.
Every part of her mind was made up. Now it would only be a matter of time to find an out.
The gears were turning as she put her headphones on, fast forwarding the cassette to her favorite song before sliding the orange headphones over her ears. Maybe she could walk home, steal Jaime’s ranfla to make her escape. No, probably she should walk down the road to the elementary school and steal the Aspen. Mom’s sedan was inconspicuous, and it would blend into the sea of cars on the freeway better than Jaime’s well loved blue 1972 Chevy Monte Carlo.
Besides, the Chevy was out of the question until Jaime got back from work at the Hawkins Water Utility, and she was not going to wait that long for him to come home. The elementary school was a closer walk, and as she walked out of the girls bathroom without checking if the coast was clear, she began to formulate how she was going to break into and hotwire her mom’s car (she knew how to do neither of these things, but she thought a good old college try couldn’t hurt).
As Alejandra power walked to the front entrance double doors, she heard nothing. Saw only the sweet promise of freedom. Walking quickly, unaware of the noise she was making, and drastically underprepared for the biggest shock of her life.
She felt herself being snagged by the backpack straps, her heart dropping into her ass as she was pulled to a chest.
The headphones were yanked from her ears, and a low voice with hot breath began muttering in her ear.
“You’ve got bitchin’ taste in music there, princess.”
Alejandra jumped ten feet, and screamed.
“ Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken. ” - Frank Herbert
#stranger things#eddie munson#eddie munson x original character#eddie munson x oc#stranger things original character#stranger things oc#original character#original character fanfiction#A Freak and A Basket Case
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Watching yona of the dawn and I like hak bc he's weird and mean and basically being forced to act as the adult of the group even tho he's barely a legal adult by modern standards, it's great, put that man in a situation
#im having a great time#cant wait to keep collecting freaks as the series goes on#the best way to get me to lock in to a series is to tell me theres gonna be some freaks ill get to meet if i keep watching#in this case its the dragon warriors#in fruits basket it was hatori and ayame#im also not immune to broody fuckers with glaives which is hak#and z speaks#yona
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#Wait why is this so accurate though#One moment in particular comes to mind where i had to do something pretty traumatizing/gross and i was calm about it because--#I knew it needed to be done and I knew my older brother couldn't do it. & while I did it he freaked out & I had to comfort him tht it was o#If NEVER seen him break down like tht before. Meanwhile in everyday life he's stoic and doesn't care. & im the basket case of the family.#I don't remember my dad really being like that though. He's been gone so long its hard to remember how he was vs how I'd wished he was
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I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna screenshot all the tags but yes! Just, the two have so many "It's not a lot but I'd have two nickles" moments that let them each look at two different perspectives.
Okay I am just gonna throw something out because I got to thinking about and what is this blog for if not to yell into the void?
Danny gets hired as a janitor at the Daily Planet. It's just a job, something to make money and not clash schedules with his Metopolis Community College classes. But while working there he meets this reporter who is definitely also not fully human.
Does danny care? Nah. Not causing problems. None of his business. Not his circus not his monkeys.
But imagine the hijinks.
Clark? Initially confused but also glad at meeting someone so chill? One story about the ecto-weenies later and he has to know more. Let these two goobers bond over "what is my life" and "ya got a little not normal right there." This Danny guy is just a chill civilian friend he doesn't have to hide from.
And Danny? Staying-in-his-lane and sleep-deprived-college-studenting so hard he doesn't even realize his fellow not-baseline-human friend is Superman. Clark is just his friend who is also trying to be Normal.
#theres also Supes being understandably freaked out helping Danny not just brush off what happened to him with the cloning debacle#theres being a fruit loop and being a fruit basket#theres a line and Vlad scored a touchdown across it#they can both work through that and also help each other blame the right party#even or especially in cases where the danny and dani stay 'cousins' and dont get a close sibling relationship#like theres too much of everything muching that relationship up#danny doesnt blame dani but neither of them really adeessed that vlad messed them both up#double clone and clonee bonding time shenanigans
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Just In Case
(nsfw 18+) Caleb touches himself with your panties wrapped around him.
1.5k words.
stalking, obsessive behavior.
It was a hot summer and Caleb was on vacation from the DAA. He had returned home for a few weeks and it was nice to spend a few days in peace, without thinking about exams or physical tests. Of course, it was also nice to be close to you, as always. During this break, he had noticed how much you had changed - you trained every day, without fail, for the Hunters' Association exam, and ended up spending a few hours a day away from home, out of his reach. It was a little frustrating not being able to keep an eye on you every minute, but Caleb tried to keep a low profile and not interfere with your efforts to achieve your goal. Still, everything was fine; after all, you were happy, so was he. One night that summer, however, he was restless and troubled. Everyone was asleep, but for some reason he couldn't sleep at all.
Maybe it was the hot weather that made him uncomfortable in his sheets, or maybe it was the distant sound of a party in the neighborhood... Never mind. The world could end and it wouldn't disturb him in his deep sleep. He knew you were the reason. You and those tiny shorts, clinging to your body, with a sweat stain near the waistband, caused by intense night training with other aspiring hunters. The shorts were thick, but the fabric still outlined your panties. He could see that one side was slightly tucked over the right side of your hip. Caleb wanted to slowly pull the shorts down, run his finger under the fabric and - fuck, fuck, fuck, he kicked off the sheet and sat on the bed. Fucking panties.
He closed his eyes and tried to think of something else. He remembered you coming in earlier and saying something as you walked in quick steps towards the water filter in the kitchen. You talked and talked and talked, but Caleb didn't hear you. All he could see was the sweaty flesh of your thighs spilling over the tight edge of your shorts. And, of course, your panties.
"I'm dead. I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep." You said and went into the bathroom - wait. Bathroom? That means you got undressed. You must have slipped your panties down your damp thighs, pulled them over your feet, bent down and picked them up off the floor and tossed them in the laundry basket.
Caleb looked down. His pants were up, forming a tent that hid his cock, hard at the thought of the panties lying there, still wet, discarded as if they were nothing. He chuckled. He was a fucking freak and he knew it.
The next minute he was carefully closing the bathroom door behind him. It was four in the morning, and every sound in this house sounded like a loud scream, and the last thing he needed was for his grandmother, or worse, you, to find him in there.
Just the anticipation of thinking about searching for your panties made him hard. His dick throbbed, hot and restless, uncomfortable and heavy between his legs. Caleb opened the basket and there they were. White cotton, with a barely noticeable ribbon in the middle of the waistband. It was all twisted up, thrown over other clothes. He picked it up with a shaking hand, feeling how it was still damp around the edges from all the sweat. His cock twitched painfully as he noticed the damp spot over the part that was supposed to protect your pussy. He could smell it from a distance, a little sweet, a little salty, a little sour.
He took a deep breath and looked at the door again to make sure it was locked and no one could get in. He returned his gaze to the precious piece of cloth and brought it to his face to take a long whiff. Its scent filled his nostrils and made him take a deep breath. It felt so good. So moist. It was like home, and by home he meant his face between your legs, licking into your wet flesh. Caleb's lips trembled against the fabric, desperate in an open kiss, but he stopped, afraid his saliva would wipe away the traces of your divine scent.
There he was, twenty-something, a respectable cadet, locked in a bathroom, sniffing his almost-sister's panties. Pathetic, he grinned. But that didn't stop him from pulling the waistband of his pants down to the middle of his thighs with one hand, so he could start stroking his hard cock. The head was glistening, red and slick with excitement. He was about to explode, panting, mouth salivating, eyes blurred with pleasure. His other hand held the white panties to his nose, inhaling their scent as if it were the most precious thing in the world, and in a way it was.
Caleb didn't know how, but he ended up sitting on the toilet, his legs shaking. He continued to slowly touch himself, pumping his length. His left hand carefully brought down your panties, and his right hand held his member, positioning it against the white ribbon on the waistband. He gasped, trying not to burst on the spot. His heart was racing like crazy and he could feel his ears ringing as his cock throbbed pathetically against the fabric. Sliding in slowly and painfully, Caleb began to rub against the panties like a dog. The same panties that had cupped the lips of your pussy. What if he rubbed the head of his cock against your hard clit, would you moan loudly? Or would you hold it in, biting your lips as he was doing now, sitting on the vase?
Caleb paused for a moment, then brought your panties back up to his nose, smelling the mixed scents. He rolled his eyes, wondering if that would be the smell of your pussy if you let him thrust and thrust and thrust nonstop, spreading all his pre-cum all over your own fluid.
The only part of the underwear that still smelled of you was the part stained with your fluids, the gusset. Caleb brought the fabric up to the top of his cock and rubbed it. Holy shit. He covered his length with the fluid stained cloth and continued to masturbate viciously, hard and fast.
He was so desperate to rub your scent against his. He wanted to get all over you, inside you, eat you, become one. The sound of his skin against the fabric of your panties filled the silent bathroom. His purple eyes watered with pleasure and before he could let out a moaning cry, he quickly put the edge of his shirt in his mouth to muffle any sounds that threatened to come out.
He brought both hands to his cock, stretching it, gripping the fabric, and fucked into it like an animal in search of relief. The orgasm was so close, so close, that the base of his abdomen began to contract in short spasms. Caleb couldn't take his eyes off the stained fabric, and when it started to get darker, he knew that his cum was mixing in and staining the poor piece of cloth even more. And you, would you close your eyes as tightly as he was closing them when you felt his cum filling your entire space, hot, thick and pleasant, filling you all over, leaving you so full that it would spill out of you? Would you moan his name? Would you dig your nails into the flesh of his back? Would you open your eyes and let the tears of ecstasy fall as he used his thumb violently against your over-stimulated clit?
The shirt in Caleb's mouth was soaked with saliva, holding back his last gasps as his cum soaked through the panties, making it so wet that the part pressed against his cock head was translucent, outlining the throbbing head of his hard dick. His legs were shaking and his panting was as loud as if he had run a marathon. He stood there staring at his mess, his body relaxed and warm against the cold porcelain of the toilet. But reality set in and made him feel like a perverted lunatic.
He stood up quickly and grabbed a piece of paper to wipe your panties. Pulling himself together, he opened the laundry basket and threw it back in. Then he washed his hands and got ready to leave, but something popped into his head. Caleb turned around, picked up the panties again, and stuffed them in his pocket. He couldn't just come in all your panties... That wasn't very nice of him... It was better to have one with him, just in case.
#love and deepspace#lads caleb#caleb x mc#caleb x you#caleb x reader#caleb xia#love and deepspace smut
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You're the only person I know on Tumblr who I feel like I can send this ask so I hope this is ok.
I'm absolutely sick to my stomach terrified. People keep talking about not acquiescing early and to keep fighting and that's good but... I'm a trans person married to a trans person and we have a kid. We are so, so scared that we are going to lose our parental rights and have him taken away, even if he's biologically my partners. We are pretty fucking sure that the only way we could even possibly stay in the US and even possibly keep our family together is to detransition. But then we would still be queer, and I remember the 90s and how it was pretty recent that gay couples were considered unfit parents.
And this isn't us blowing things out of proportion, we have an education in politics so we've got a pretty good freaking idea about how bad things can and will get, but also we don't feel like we can afford to NOT take things extremely seriously. The worst case scenario is pretty horrific for us, so we've talked at lengthe about leaving the country. Which is it's own basket of heartbreaks because then there's a real chance we will never be able to come back. And I don't really feel like I can talk about it because a) the Internet doesn't feel safe to be trans on and b) there's been SO much chatter about how we need to stay and fight and people who can leave are privileged etc etc
I just... I'm scared and heartbroken and angry and I feel extremely hopeless. I guess I don't really have a question after all. I just needed to talk about it because it feels like not enough people are seeing this kind of true tragedy that could come from all this.
I wish there was actual help we could get. But there doesn't seem like there's anyone who can.
You're right, Anon - you're not blowing things out of proportion.
I want to say that I'm relieved in a sense that you are talking about where your lines in the sand are are and what you plan to do if they are crossed. There is hope and comfort to be found in a plan, even if it is a plan for the next generation's survival, instead of our own.
Every trans person needs to start thinking about real answers to the following questions:
What will I do if I'm fired tomorrow?
What will I do if I'm denied a loan? Housing?
What will I do if I lose my HRT?
What will I do if information about trans people is considered illegal to circulate?
What will I do if I I'm declared an unfit parent?
What will I do if my marriage is annulled?
What will I do if I'm declared unfit to own my own property or make my own legal decisions?
What will I do if I'm about to be arrested?
There are answers to all of these questions that aren't just "give up and die." But there's no one-size-fits all solution. People will have varying priorities based on how they see their role in fighting fascism and what resources they have access to.
Community is going to become incredibly important. Trans people have always existed. Sympathetic cis people have always existed. Trans people have always found ways to survive and even flourish, even though it often meant not being able to pursue their original dreams.
If you don't know where to begin with strengthening our community, the Trans Literature Preservation Project is a good place to get ideas. The virtual book burnings have already begun on .gov websites, so maybe doing a little preservation work will give you more hope that you're working to make a difference.
Because the work is important, even if the progress won't happen until after our time.
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Suppose to be You Part.2
Summary: You’re Shane’s girlfriend but when the apocalypse hits you find him changing and find yourself leaning more towards the only person who gives you the time of day, also you’re Rick’s younger sister
Pairing: Shane x f!reader, Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Warning: Shane’s a cheater obvi, harsh words, Merle

It’s been a week since I moved into a tent at Daryl’s small camp site, he’d usually keep me company when he was hunting and just in case Shane came around, but when he had to go hunting I always got so nervous, Shane wasn’t the same anymore and without Daryl around I don’t know what he’ll try to pull with me
Daryl left me with one of his hunting knives this morning before he left hoping for a deer, some of the others had already left for a scavenging trip into the city so only a few of us were left to deal with the camps duties, I decided to head down to the quarry and clean some of mine and Daryl’s clothes, even though he groaned about it not being a big deal I know he needs these sleeveless shirts clean
Peacefully I got to work when I heard the rocks behind me crunch under heavy footsteps
“Now a pretty lil lady like you shouldn’t be out here all alone” I turned around quickly recognizing the voice is that sick man, Ed
“Do you need something Ed” I spat out with malice
“Just here for the show” I sighed with disgust as I gathered mine and Daryl’s clean clothes and threw them in a basket, hoping to avoid a scene and head back to the camp, I try to walk past him when he grabs my arm
I’m really sick of men thinking they can just grab me, shook out of his grip and pushed him back
“You think you’re better than me bitch” he yelled before smacking me hard across the cheek
I fall to the ground holding my sore cheek, breaking my fall on the basket
“You better watch yourself” he flicked his cigarette to the ground and walked off
How safe was this camp really? I feel like I’d be safer out alone against the walkers than the men here, atleast I know what I’m getting with the walkers
I try to get myself together again, I suck in a deep breath as I feel the burning in my face, I pick up the basket and head back up to the camp with my head hung low, even though no one saw I’m completely embarrassed, did I have a sign hanging over me or something that put a target on me?
I quickly went back to my tent and stayed in there for the rest of the day, folding the laundry and reading a book I had packed, just praying Daryl was making it back early today
The sun was getting lower in the sky when I hear a car siren broke me out of my thoughts, I left my tent seeing a red sports car pull up and everyone is freaking out
“The hell is going on around here?” I hear from beside me, that southern accent that always made me feel safe, I turn throwing my arms around him
“Oh thank god you’re back”
“Did somethin happen?” He asks his brows furrowed as he pulls me back to check me over, his eyes landing on the blooming bruise that’s forming on the left side of my face
“Who did this to ya?” He growls gentle tracing his thumb over my cheek
I don’t know what it was about him but I felt so safe and vulnerable with him, feeling my bottom lip tremble I look down before he leads me to look back up at him, his eyes asking me again
“It was…..” I was cut of when everyone was making a ruckus again
“Come on out helicopter boy” I took Daryl’s hand and ran over to see the commotion
My heart stops seeing who I never thought I’d see again, I drop Daryl hand and run as fast as my feet can take me crashing into Rick, my brother, his arms tight around me as we both cry
“How is this possible, Shane said you were dead” that bastard lied
“I found you” he sighed before Carl came running over screaming for his dead, I stepped aside letting them have their moment, looking over at Shane seeing him in shook, just seeing him makes my blood boil, I stomp my way over pushing his chest
“YOU LIED, WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME” I scream seeing the shook fade into that rage he’s had lately
“This ain’t the time” he groaned as I felt two arms wrap around me and lead me away from the group
“He lied” I whisper as we sit down on the logs around our camp fire
“Ya wait here, relax a bit, this is a lot ta take in, even though Shane’s an ass”
After everything settled and the group that came back from the city started talking it caught our attention
“Wait a damn minute where the hell is Merle” Daryl groaned as he started looking around, with me not far behind
“Your brother was a danger to us all, we had to do what he had to do” Rick stepped up always trying to take the blame
“He alive?” I can hear the emotion in his voice
“I locked the door to the roof, no walkers should get through it” t dog said
“Just tell me where he is, I’m gonna get him my self”
“Wait you can’t go by yourself Daryl” I stop him with a hand to his chest
“Rick will go won’t you Rick” Lori glared, she really drives me insane, acting like Rick trying to help would be a crime as if she isn’t hooking up with her husbands best friend
“Yes I will, we’ll get a group I won’t let a man die” they all started getting ready to go back to the city, Daryl at our tents getting together his cross bow and arrows
“Daryl please don’t leave me again, I’m not safe here alone, maybe I can come with you” he stops in his tracks and looks at me with this expression that was torn between staying and going
“I ain’t risking ya out there, I’ll come back ta ya”
I step closer
“But what if Ed or Shane come after me again”
“So it was Ed……listen I’ll deal with them when I come back, maybe stay with ol grandpa in the trailer…..I’ll come back ta ya peach, I promise” I take a deep breath nodding knowing he wouldn’t lie to me
“Please be safe” he nodded before he left to the van, starting to get everyone to go, I like how he was a redneck hot head with everyone else but how he was so gentle with me
The little group including my brother I just got back we’re gone driving off down the dirt road
I sit next to some of the other ladies that were gathering around a fire that just got started, just needing girl talk or something to get my mind off of everything, Ed hitting me, Shane just being Shane, and now my brother is back and my feelings for Daryl are growing everyday, it’s just a lot
“Honey what happened to your face looks like you fell and landed right on a rock” Jackie asks as she hands me a bottle of water
“Oh umm…it’s nothing just ran into a tree” the lie bothered me, why am I lying, it’s definitely not to protect that son of a bitch Ed
“Was it that Dixon, they’ve been nothing but trouble since day one” Lori intervened with a scowl
“NO…….daryl would never touch me, do you know how screwed you’d all be for food if he wasn’t always out hunting for this group that only sees him as a low life?” Nobody spoke after that until the others still left around the group came and circled the fire as the sun dissapeared under the horizon, Shane came and sat down next to Lori as usual and I just couldn’t handle it so I got up and left back to my own camp site and lighting my own fire
It was a nice distraction just to watch the fire and just not to think about anything that’s been going on, I can’t think about the two men that are important to me right now are out there risking their lives
As I hear the distant chatter of the group I hear a blood curdling scream followed by another until all I can hear anymore is panic and mayhem
I run back over seeing people down being ripped apart by walkers, others sticking close together, and the few left trying to protect to group, I go to grab my knife when a weight is pushed down on me and I know by the snapping of the jaws it’s a walker, I manage to turn quickly and try and hold it back, it’s rotting flesh invading my senses, my hand slips and it tackles me to the ground, I can’t help but cry out and beg for someone to help me
It’s jaws mere inches from me, so close to biting my skin until it goes limp and I see an arrow through its head before it’s pulled and thrown away from me, Daryl standing over me like a knight in shining armour, he leans down and pulls me up into his comforting arms, holding me close
“I told ya I’d come back” he whispered as he held my waist tighter
“Please don’t leave me again” I cried into his shoulder
“I ain’t going no where peach, seein ya like that…..I never wanna see again”
#twd fanfiction#twd daryl#twd x reader#daryl dixion imagine#daryl dixon#twd fluff#daryl dixon x reader#twd negan#twd rick#daryl dixon twd#daryl dixion smut#daryl x reader#daryl imagines#daryl fanfiction#daryl dixon smut#the walking dead daryl#daryl x female reader#twd#shane walsh x reader#shane walsh#rick grimes x reader#daryl dixon x y/n#daryl dixon x female reader#daryl dixon age gap
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movie date
fem!reader x choi yeonjun x huening kai
synopsis: you're too scared to go to bed after you watch a scary movie with your boyfriends.
warnings: 🔞!!! established relationship, throuple/poly, no mxm, threesome, praise, slight nipple play, fingering, oral (m!rec), multiple orgasms (f!rec), overstim (m&f!rec), breeding kink, size kink if you squint, unprotected sex, one bite, creampie, use of the names baby, pretty girl, she/her, aftercare, prob forgot some sorry
wc: 3.7k kinda got carried away oops
an: hope i did this anon justice <33 I currently have a fever of 101 so this was quite literally a fever dream lmao someone take the laptop away from me. not proofread sorry! feedback appreciated :)) [m.list] check out all my other yeonkai fics! busy signal, fit check, wake up call
you really did think you could make it through the movie without jumping once. It was only ten minutes in and your fingers were practically glued to your eyes, only half the screen visible.
When kai had asked you if you would be scared later you told him no so confidently. yeonjuns chin on your shoulder, one hand wrapped around your waist, and the other reaching out past you for the movie you held. “I don’t know…” huening hummed picking up another dvd from the family-friendly section. “maybe we need to buy this one so you fall asleep to something comforting,”
“I promise I won’t be scared,” you say, taking the horror movie from Yeonjun. “it doesn’t even look that bad, right jjunie?”
“I’ll be awake either way you know I can’t take the jump scares,” he gives you a light kiss on your jaw before pulling away to reach out for the movie Kai held. “we should take it just in case,”
“We won’t need it,” you say, placing the horror movie into the basket Kai held. “I’m sure I’ll sleep like a rock even before the movie is over,”
but even with Kai’s little grin turned on for you he knew to be skeptical when you and yeonjun thought it a good idea to put on anything scary. He never said no to the movies because by the end of the night, you would be curled up next to him holding onto his shirt with a death grip. You would bury your face into his arm, wedging yourself behind his shoulder on the couch, asking when the scene was over so you could look.
It was cute to watch you, Kai spent most of the time giggling at your reactions, kissing away your fear. Yeonjun liked to jump the gun on being scared flinching before the scary part happened making you extra jumpy and sensitive to the feel of anything brushing against you. It would make you tighten your hold on Kai lightly kicking Yeonjun to tell him to stop, “you make it so much scarier when you do that! I never know when to close my eyes,”
“I can’t help it! The door creaking freaked me out,” both of you let out a scream when the killer jumped up on the screen.
Kai knew this was exactly how the night would go and for a few days, you would be clinging to him in bed and following him around the apartment when it started to get dark.
“So we don’t need a fun movie?”
“The scary movie is fun enough,” you shrug as Kai leans down to plant a kiss on your nose.
“Okay I warned you,” Kai says as you both move to catch up with Yeonjun.
The three of you are trying to decide what popcorn to pick. You and Yeonjun always need Kai to come in to make the final decision on anything. Kai never knew who to say yes to, wanting to please his hyung and his girlfriend he always suggested to pick both. “butter or kettle? pick kai,”
“umm,” you and Yeonjun giving pointed looks to pick the ‘right’ answer.
“Huening,” yeonjun warns, holding out his option in front of him.
You drop your shoulder giving a fake pout, “Yeah I guess yeonjuns is better,” and the act is already working, the basket in Kai’s hand already leaning towards you.
Yeonjun hooks his arm around your shoulders pulling you into him, “don’t fall for it, stay strong kai,”
“No really I’ll put mine back,” you say with no intention to follow through, your puppy dog eyes in full use on Kai. “it’s okay hyuka you don’t have to pick,”
“Let's get both, sweet and salty,” he caves, your smile his favorite treat.
“she’s a little devil you know that,” Yeonjun says pressing a kiss to your temple, “and you always give in,”
Kai shrugs, “She is so cute, how do you not give her everything she wants?”
“easy, just think about how hot she is begging,” you roll your eyes pulling yourself out of his hold.
“I’ll remember that one when you want anything,”
“Baby,” he whines as the three of you make your way to check out.
When in public Yeonjun was always more touchy, if you weren’t by his side he was looking for you to lean on or kiss. It was never more than a few light brushes of his lips. Most of the time people assumed the two of you to be the couple with Kai being a third wheel. Only Kai wasn’t into pda besides holding your hand and the rare kiss. And when riding in the car Yeonjun always drives with you in the passenger seat. Kai napping in the back or laughing at the two of you arguing in the front over directions. Kai holding the door open for you when getting out.
It was your favorite type of night with the three of you in the kitchen. It was a little chaotic with the space being so packed and Yeonjun is usually moved to cleaning duty or playlist handling because of how clumsy he is. huening always being given the ‘kiss the cook’ apron you bought on a whim, the fit making his shoulders look so broad.
The three of you wedged on the couch with your popcorn after dinner. The one bowl mixed with the two flavors sitting in your lap both the boys reaching over whenever they wanted some. Only now the bowl has been totally forgotten in front of you and you’re hiding your face from the screen.
“Are you scared?” Kai asks, his laugh caught on the end of the question.
“no,” you say, shaking your head but you’re not even trying to move your hand from your face.
“I am,” Yeonjun mumbles, face pressed into your shoulder. the loud slash of a knife comes from the screen and while Kai is as still as stone Yeonjun and you are jumping out of your skin. “no no no no!” Yeonjun says to the screen before he jerks back and hides against your shoulder again.
“Tell me when I can look huening. I don't know if I can take anymore,” you say, wrapping your arm around his to hold against your chest.
“it only just started,” he laughs his hand between your thighs, rubbing soothing circles on your skin.
“it’s morning in the movie i think you can look now,” yeonjun says picking up the popcorn bucket from the coffee table. But for the rest of the movie you spend only seeing parts of the screen. When it’s over and the lights are on you’re fully regretting having put the comfort movie back on the shelf.
“who’s idea was it to watch something so scary?” you ask knowing damn well it was your idea.
“Is someone regretting their decision?” yeonjun asks, picking up bits of popcorn from the couch, at one point the bowl tipped sideways after a particularly scary bit.
“You were complicit in that decision, it's not only my fault, right hyuka?” you’re still holding Kai in place not wanting to get up from a safe spot.
“Nothing is ever your fault,” Kai smiles, peppering kisses on your cheek.
“don’t lie to her huening, as I recall it was with her suggestion that we went out on Sunday and none of us made it to our Monday classes on time,”
“yeah that was kinda a bad idea,” Kai agrees, “my perfect attendance record is all messed up now,”
“you still showed up and we had a good night, win-win,”
“come on let's get to bed or we might ruin huenings perfect attendance more than it already is,”
but when you look down the dark hallway it is the last thing you want to trek down after what you just watched. “I mean one more movie won't hurt,”
“So we should have listened to me when I said to get the extra happy movie,” Kai moves his arm from your hold only to throw it behind you on the couch. Yeonjun lays back down next to you leaning against the armrest, the grey sweatpants he wears low on his hips.
“just one more I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep,”
“You know I do know something I could watch right about now,” Yeonjun tucks his arms behind his head. You’re hyper aware of your surroundings, still coiled from the movie so when Kai leans down to kiss your neck you feel it spread throughout your spine.
“Now that’s a good idea,” Kai mumbles against your skin, “and I’m sure you will be worn out enough after to fall asleep without any problem,”
“Are you using my fear as a way to get off?”
“well…” Kai starts but Yeonjun nods stating, “Kinda,”
“I think it just might work,” you say, moving around so that you straddle Kai, your arms slinking around his shoulders. He cups your waist in both hands with an easy grin on his lips.
Kissing Kai was always your favorite thing to do, he always started off so gently. Testing the waters as he gave you soft pecks, building up momentum as he found his footing before he was all over you. Kissing down your jaw, hands sliding up under the back of your shirt trying to pull you closer to him. and he was always hard after a few kisses, grinding on him making him vocal. Eyes closed and his brows creased, whining about you breaking away to pull your shirt off.
“Do you remember your first kiss?” Yeonjun asks getting comfortable, you turn to look at him, Kai sucking hickeys down your neck while you grind on him.
Every once in a while Yeonjun loved to bring up how the three of you got together. When everything was new and you three had no idea what you were doing. How he had been the one to suggest you get together after years of friendship, how one simple kiss ended with the three of you living together in the best relationship.
“not so easy to forget,” Kai kisses down your chest before sucking your nipple into his mouth, your back arching into him.
It hadn't been much different than this night when you asked if either of them had ever kissed someone before. Shyly wondering if you were falling behind, Yeonjun confessed that he had in fact kissed someone shrugging like it was nothing and saying it wasn't too exciting. ‘have you?’
‘no,'' you admitted even if it felt like with anyone else in the room they would make fun of you. ‘neither have I,’ Kai piped up blushing from ear to ear.
‘Maybe you two should just get it over with now. Be each other’s first,’ and you had listened to the suggestion. Kai and you leaning in and giving the softest kiss imaginable. ‘no not like that, like this,” and without much thought, you were making out with Yeonjun before he pulled away and pushed you back to huening, ‘your turn,’ the make out with Kai leading to the three of you finding any excuse to repeat the night.
“Now look at you, our needy girl putting on my favorite show,” you loved having his eyes on you, watching every little reaction you had to kai, eating up every sound, craving the sight of you falling apart. And it wasn't only Yeonjun who looked at you like that, Kai's hands slipped back to your waist guiding your hips to rock back and forth on him, your hands twisted in his hair as he looked at you like he belonged to you, like you set the stars in the sky.
Kai slipped off his shirt and you still had your shorts on and needed to take them off before they drove you insane. But Kai wasn't letting you up anytime soon, he pushed one hand into your waistband slipping right past your underwear to rub circles on your clit, moaning at the feel of you. “You're already so wet,” he whispers, exploring your folds. You rock your hips into his hand, his smile spreading as he slips two fingers into your entrance letting you fuck his hand, clit pressed onto the heel of his palm. His fingers are so long that they brush your g-spot with no problem and every time he does you stutter in your grinding. Arm wrapping around his shoulders pressing his face into your chest, “I'm gonna cum,” you whine feeling your orgasm build.
“Maybe you should stop huening,” Yeonjun shrugs, knowing it's the last thing Kai would do when he had you this close. He just loved the way you responded, that drawn out, “noo jjunie please,” your hips picking their pace, your hold on kai tightening before you were trembling over the edge, cumming on the edge of a cry. huening gave a few slow pumps of his fingers before completely removing them to place in his mouth, moaning at the taste of you.
You were already getting tired and standing up on shaking legs it was evident. But Kai tugged down your shorts and underwear for you before pulling you back to the couch. On your knees leaning over Yeonjun, he adjusted himself to sit up more, the bulge in his sweatpants clearly evident. “hi pretty,” he placed a kiss on your temple as Kai kneeled behind you.
Kai was wasting no time, the head of his cock brushing over your entrance making you shudder. when he pushed in the tip the both of you moaned, his slow entrance making you push back against him to try and get any more that he had to offer but he kept you back with his hand on your hip, “Wait baby I don't want to hurt you,”
one hand holding yourself up and the other holding yeonjuns you squeeze his fingers to try and keep yourself still. “I can take it hyuka,” you whine and Kai gives you small pecks on your back, edging in, “I know you can, you always take me so well,”
you can feel the stretch in taking Kai but it doesn't stop you from trying to push back again, kai’s throaty moan is loud when your ass is pressed flush with his pelvis.
Yeonjun gives a soft chuckle brushing your cheek with his thumb, “So impatient,”
Kai wraps one arm around your waist leaning over you and wraps the other around your chest using his hold to slowly pull back out before sinking back in. He barely pulls out again, “god you're sucking me right back in,” he moans trying to pick up his pace. You can feel his tip kissing your womb, every achingly slow drag of his cock brushing right where you need him. “How did I get so lucky, hum? My perfect girl taking me so good, so warm and wet for me,” you preen at the praise arching your back and feeling him slip deeper if it were even possible with how close the two of you are.
You're a whimpering mess when Yeonjun says, “Why don't you suck me off and get me all prepped and ready before I fuck you, okay?” his free hand pushes down his sweatpants to pull out his straining cock. Your mouth waters at the sight, face already close enough to kiss the tip. The warmth of your mouth makes yeonjuns hips jerk, hand wrapped around the base to keep himself in place. Every thrust from Kai makes your head bob forward sending Yeonjun deeper into your mouth. Your moans around him send chills up his spine as you lick up his pre-cum. An extra hard trust sends Yeonjun to the back of your throat and he has to pull out before he cums, not wanting to waste a single drop when he could pump you full of it.
“hyuka,” you cry knowing you're close but needing some kind of stimulation to push you over again.
“Tell me you want my cum,” Kai can hardly get the words out, “tell me,” he begs, punishing his cock into you.
“I want it, please, please,” and Kai pulls you up to sit you fully on his cock, stilling before you feel him twitching, hand pressed to your pelvis as he fills you with his cum. Your head falls back to rest against his shoulder before you jerk forward at the feel of fingers rubbing at your clit.
You give a shout as Yeonjun works your clit, leaning over to help you. Kais still throbbing inside you as you cum, pussy fluttering and overstimulating him, you would have fallen forward if Kai hadn't been holding you in place on him, his tip pressed onto your gummy spot making you cry out.
“Thank you,” you say trying to catch your breath when Yeonjun moves his hand away from you, but you don't know if you're thanking him for starting or stopping.
Kai slowly lays you down on the now empty couch, your hands cupping your breast so that your sensitive nipples don't rub against the fabric, cheek presses into the seat as you feel the gush of cum leave your heat, your thighs slick with it. If this was supposed to wear you out they had succeeded but Yeonjun hadn't had his turn and he wouldn't stop until he came at least once.
Yeonjun climbs up behind you leaning down to bite the side of your ass before he pulls away rubbing his thumb over the spot, admiring your body laid out before him. So easily compliant to his needs after Kai had his way with you, it was why he never cared if he had you first or not, watching was just as fun as fucking, and watching you twitch with overstimulation was his favorite. So he slipped his hand down between your folds spreading all the fluids through your folds brushing over your clit watching the way you trembled for him. He pushed your knees apart, angling your hips slightly up so that he could have access to you.
He was painfully hard as he slipped his tip along your swollen lips, no time for teasing anymore as he sank in. Yeonjun leaned his weight on you, wrapping his arms under you to grab your wrists, lips pressed to your temple as he gave slow, shallow thrusts. So warm and slick to slide in and out of he was a mess, every moan rumbling against your back and into your ear. “my pretty girl is always doing so good for us, hum? When I cum will you be good and keep it all in?”
You're at a loss for words, nodding along to everything he says, his body keeping your shakes to a minimum as he hits your g-spot, whimpering on a loop. “if you don't ill have to fuck you all over again. How many orgasms until you're so overstimulated I only have to blow on your clit to make you cum?” just the thought has you squeezing him, your gummy walls begging to be coated. “my pretty girl likes that idea huh? oh fuck I'm gonna-“ his fingers intertwining with yours, hips jerking his thrusts slowing until he completely stills inside you, moaning into your hair. The warmth of his cum is enough to make you climax right after him, wanting to pull away from the overstimulation but trapped under Yeonjun and left to feel it all. You're completely shaking under him as he gives you soft kisses on your cheek, making sure not to move so that you can have some time to whine down.
You are finding it hard to keep your eyes open when Kai leans down in front of you two, pushing stray strands of hair from your brow. “I got the bed all ready for you when you’re up for it,” he had already put on his pjs, a few damp cloths in his hands ready for clean up. “I even made sure all the lights are on so you won't get scared,”
“thank you hyuka,” you smile, Yeonjun finally pulling away, a soft whimper leaving your lips when he pulls out. Yeonjun takes one of the cloths from Kai, cleaning you up as gently as possible before you roll over so that he can get everything. You're not sure your legs are ready to walk just yet but Kai hands off the rest of the cloths to Yeonjun to finish cleaning himself and putting his sweats back on before grabbing his discarded shirt off the back of the couch to pull on over your head. Kai had gotten you a clean pair of panties to slide on, helping you before giving your knee a kiss.
Yeonjun leans over to plant a kiss on the top of your head, “Let's go finish up in the bathroom and head off to bed before all three of us are late again tomorrow morning,”
your knees feel a little weak as you stand but not too bad, both boys watching to make sure you're okay. “I'm fine,” you stand on your toes to give each of them a kiss on the cheek but your thighs are trembling, “neither of you fucked me hard enough to do much,” you playfully joke.
Yeonjun rolls his eyes raising his hand, “A challenge or a dis?” you move away from him giggling as you hide behind huening knowing if you got anywhere near Yeonjun he would slap you on the ass.
“oh okay so now you're playing with fire,” Yeonjun lunges forward ready to follow you all around the apartment if need be.
“Kai please protect me,” you say moving him in the way but he just wraps his arms around you holding you in place, you squirm as he kisses down the trail of hickeys he left behind earlier. “oh no you're not getting away with that one,” he passes you to Yeonjun who holds you in his arms giving you a playful scowl.
“I'm going to make you regret saying that,” he dips his nose down to yours before kissing you, you should have expected the slap on the ass as soon as you were distracted but you yelp anyways.
“I love you,” you say, pulling away from him before reaching back out for Kai, “and I love you. but I'd like to see either of you try,” and you take off down the hall to the bedroom, both of them following after you, laughing the whole way there.
#kpop smut#huening kai x reader#txt huening kai#huening kai#txt huening kai smut#hueningkai#yeonjun smut#yeonjun x reader#txt yeonjun#choi yeonjun#yeonjun#txt fanfic#txt smut#txt#beomgyu#soobin#taehyun#yeonkai x reader
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A Wonderland Of Yanderes
Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 here
There is no safe place here.
No home to return to, and the path back is just so far out of reach, that it's practically nonexistent.
Ramshackle is nice enough. It's a roof over your head. Walls to protect you from the chill and weather. A bed for you to sleep in at night. But it's not safe.
Rusty old hinges hang on my tiny threads of metal.
Locks on doors and windows are old and can't close properly.
Windows with cracks and holes the hands can fit through and open them with ease.
You chose your bedroom because it had the least holes in the walls and windows, had a bathroom you could use without accidentally bumping into the ghosts, and door that wasn't splintering at the touch of a hand.
But besides that, in the case of an obsessed stalker ready to take you home and away from your life for good, you might as well be sleeping outside.
Your door doesn't lock properly, and the locks on the windows are so weak they might as well not exist. A warm welcome to someone creeping on you in the night, wanting to come in and do whatever creepy or sick things they please.
You covered the holes in the walls and windows with old sheets and furniture, but what's stopping someone from peering through to watch you sleep at night.
It's no sanctuary or safe hiding spot, but where else is there to go?
Asking to room with Ace and Deuce could be a disaster if they decide to cross some very important boundaries as you sleep.
The old dorm is all Crowley could have offered, and after you're meeting today, you doubt he'd be very helpful. Or even concerned.
"Hey Grim, do you wanna stay in my bed tonight?" You don't want to sleep alone tonight, with what you discovered today still fresh in your mind.
"The Great Grim deserves his own bed, Why would he share one with his Henchman!" This coming from someone who sleeps in a basket with an old comforter pilled into it, if the day had been kinder you would've laughed. Would have.
You sigh, "I'll give you your own pillow and half the bed. I just don't want to sleep alone tonight."
Grim grumbles wordlessly for a few seconds before answering with a reluctant "....ok."
You smile, hugging him, "You're the best, Grim."
Grim squirms against your embrace, trying to escape, "Of course I'm the best Henchman! Now lemme go!"
Grimm jumps onto the bed to find your most comfortable pillow as you prop one of the old chairs against the door handle. A makeshift lock, just until you can get some thaumarks together to get a new lock for the door.
Your library escapade had yielded some fruit. You found a book about all the nations laws, so you at least knew were to run if you're being chased. Not helpful for now, but possibly in future, for emergencies.
More importantly, you saw a list of the different types of crazy, separated by dorm. With that it mind, and some helpful books about darling manipulation, capture and possession, you can plan around whatever you face.
From what you researched each of the seven the dorms were dedicated to were yanderes, whose treatment of their respective darlings matched that of the students.
Ace and Deuce's dorm was your first priority, with their growing fondness for you. Heartslaybul had a reputation for housing the most controlling of yanderes. All obsessed with keeping their darlings under their control and rule. Based on the strictness of the Queen of Hearts, it makes sense that controlling behaviour was the thing that separated them from the rest. You pitied the poor King of Hearts, her darling, a man too afraid of his wife's rules out of fear of being beheaded. It was so hard to believe that Ace and Deuce in the few days you'd known them, and the near death experience you shared together, were anywhere close to that level of a relationship control freak but from what you saw in the hall this afternoon, over a slightly too tight grip or what you wanted to do that afternoon, made you wonder what you hadn't seen before. Who else was like that? What was the extent of their control? How much freedom would they take from you to make themselves happy?
Next was Savanaclaw, a dorm nearly packed to the brim with beastmen, was a dorm full of possessive yanderes. All more than willing to fight their rivals to the death to get their darlings all to themselves. Based on the persistence of the King of Beasts, they will stop at nothing to get their darlings. No crime, not even murder is off the table. King of Beasts' sister-in-law was his darling, whom he killed her husband, his brother, for. If the rest of the dorm is like him, that means they'd willingly kill their own families to get you for themselves. And if that other book was right, they'd get away with it too. You made a mental note to carry a knife if you ever have to go to that dorm.
Octavinelle, similarly is also full of possessive yanderes, though they tend to come from the sea rather than the land. Even if they're similar to the yanderes in Savanaclaw, they're more sneaky than outright violent. The Sea Witch's benevolence mirrors the other students' preferred traps, as she tricked her darling into a deal that ended them in her garden, a mollusk until they stayed 'willingly'. Their preference is catch them, break their spirit and then, obviously, 'profit'. You made a silent promise to yourself then, never ever make a deal, or an arrangement with anyone in that dorm. No matter the offer or the cost.
Scarabia's next. A dorm based on the Sorcerer of the Sands and his mindfulness. In this case, mindfulness is another word for him being manipulative. Mind control was that man's specialty, and the woman who would have been his darling just barely escaped it, if it wasn't for her quick thinking. If the students in that dorm are anything like that, then you need to never speak with them. You might not be able to think that fast on your feet.
Pomefiore, a dorm about tenacity, determination, meant to match that of the Fairest Queen's. The poison that rots within its students are of the obsessive variety, as all of them have one thing in common, and that's their practically worship-level devotion to something about their darlings, that boils over into everything else. That dorm scares you especially, as the book had told you many horrible things. The Pomefiore Dorm Head has a spell book holding all the spells a yandere would ever need. Love potions, lethal poisons, even a spell to lock a darling inside a mirror, just as the Fairest Queen did with her lover, where they'll be forced only to look at whoever trapped them there forever until that person lets them out.
Ignihyde, a dorm of technology has enough history to date back centuries, founded based on the diligence of the King of the Underworld. The story about his darling is eerily familiar to a myth from your world. His wife was stalked for months to years, before being kidnapped and trapped in the dark and lonely underworld till she was tricked into staying forever. It makes perfect sense that dorm is full of stalkers. Devoting all their efforts into learning everything about their lives, before abducting them, and trapping them into the darkness to never see the sunshine again. A rumor recorded in the book said something about the Shroud family, said to have descended straight from the King, who have a very special fruit that has been used from the beginning to bind their darlings to them for the rest of their lives, and the afterlife that follows. That note makes you want to check every nook and cranny in Ramshackle for any cameras hidden from view.
And finally there's Diasomnia, the enigma. Based of the nobility of the Thorn Fae's spirit. That chapter was practically empty. Not one source could be found that had any information about her darling. They could have been the king who stole her wings, the princess she'd cursed or saved, the raven she taught to be human, or someone not mentioned in her tale. They could have been the prize jewel of the dragon's hoard but there was no evidence on how the Fae caught them, what happened to them after the Fae's death. The yanderes in Diasomnia were just as enigmatic. Some were devoted, sadistic, obsessive, but there was never a pattern to follow. No trick consistently used. Nothing. It's probably safest to avoid them at all costs. You don't know what they're capable of, after all.
But now, you can only prepare for the present. And you weren't really prepared, all you had was the sturdiest wooden chair from the dining room and a freshly sharpened knife from the kitchen, for emergencies.
Still, you promised Ace and Deuce you would hang out with them tomorrow, might as well, get some rest before you make yourself sick with worry.
You toss on one of your few pyjamas, the longest ones you own to prevent anyone from peeping in and seeing you in a compromising state of undress while you slept. Crawling into bed, Grim firmly cements his sleeping spot of choice to be right in the middle of where you curled up in bed. You laugh, but it ends in yawn. Exhaustion fills you and your eyes start to fall heavy.
It's only just before you drift off, that the mirror you have on the wall starts to glow.
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sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's older brother fic
previous part linked here
(^^make sure you check since this was a double upload and I posted the last one very recently :D)
dear head of the cullen clan, keep evening plans open – im getting off work early and we’re going on a picnic. coldest regards, the head of the volturi (ps. am expecting a very wholehearted appreciation for the fact that it’s coldest regards and not warmest regards, because they are, in fact, vampires and therefore cold. because they don’t have a heart and such.) (extra ps. this is a link to a shared spotify playlist. i’ll add a song and then you add one. we’ll keep it going.)
you snort.
dear aro of the volturi (does he have a last name???), so much to unpack in one email, yet again. you really know how to keep a girl on her toes. first and foremost, you are SOOOO ran through. so offended that i wasn’t the person who got to put you on to twilight and whoever it was, I HOEP SHE DIES! if you’re team jacob, you’re a freak. second, SO VERY FLATTERED that you think i would be carlisle. a little haunting that you think YOU would be aro…but it’s ok cuz former companions to enemies back to lovers in our case would be kind of crazy??? third. done and done. i just added a song so hurry up bc i have like ten other songs i want to add and i am #impatient see u after work pookie :D, carlisle cullen (very appreciative of the cold regards. you are a king among men.)
his response back is very prompt.
Never call me pookie again. (very offended that you think i’d be stupid enough to be team jacob. and direct your murderous rage towards yuuji and my mom, who forced me to watch it in theaters with them.)
you wait for sukuna at the park two blocks down the apartment complex. the sun is hours away from dipping into the horizon, the chilly wind rustling through the trees. you realize now that the red skirt and white sweater might betray you in a few hours but decide that you’ll simply have to steal his jacket when he gets here.
and you would have already but he’s twenty minutes late.
and while this part of the city is extremely safe, sukuna’s ever constant fear of people attacking you on subway trains and stabbing you in alleyways has instilled an acute fear of strangers in you, which is why you’re gripping the sparkly pink pepper spray he bought you very harshly in your palm right now.
you think it’s sweet that he bought you a pink one.
but of course it’s severely ironic that you almost used it on him.
because he scares the living daylights out of you, by placing his hand around your shoulder from behind.
“hey. i’m sorry i-”
“jesus fuck-”
you instinctively hold the pepper spray up to his face, your hands shaking in front of you.
“i’ll use it, you pervert!”
sukuna leans his head to the side, which is when you’re finally able to log that it’s actually him standing in front of you and not a stranger, and you drop your hands in embarrassment.
“i mean, i’d really appreciate it if you wouldn’t doll face but–”
“oh my god, sukuna. i thought you were trying to rob me!”
“i’m smarter than that. the only thing inside your purse is lip gloss, which has very little value to me.” sukuna responds, dropping the little basket at his feet and taking the little stalk of flowers out of the top handle.
“i’ll have you know that it’s actually sold out in every store right now. so you could make bank if you sold it.”
“don’t tempt me. and for your sake, i’ll accept the apology you didn’t give me for just trying to rob me of my eyesight and for calling me a pervert? i’m getting really tired of the age gap jokes, y/n.” sukuna responds, as he lifts your hands at your sides and places the stalk of flowers in your hand.
you give him a big smile as you press your nose to the flowers, the scent fresh in your nose. and sukuna props down, setting a billowing white blanket on the ground before he taps the spot next to him and signals for you to sit next to him.
“who needs eyes?” you joke, as you squeeze his hands and set the flowers down next to the little basket.
“me, dipshit. how else am i supposed to look at you?”
you cover your hands with your cheeks as you watch him place all of the little things inside the basket next to you, laying them out perfectly. it’s albeit a weird assortment – two wine glasses, perfectly wrapped sandwiches, a mini-cake, and strawberry lemonade.
“well, stop perceiving me. this is so weird!” you murmur.
it’s enough to catch his attention and stop him in his tracks.
the question makes you pause. and a little embarrassed. it was a little harsh to say while you were joking.
“oh, i mean…i didn’t mean it like that! i was making a joke about perceiving because eyes…vision…and i almost took your vision away! and you perceive with your eyes, because how else would you see…”
sukuna smiles, before shaking his head, and continuing spilling out the last of the contents – a set of gouache paints and two little small canvases. and he drops to his feet, yanking his shoes off, before sitting flat on the blanket and gesturing for you to join him.
“there’s no way in hell that was what you meant. but we’ll ignore that for the time being.” sukuna responds, hiking his legs to his chest and gesturing towards the spread he just put out.
you tilt your head to the side in confusion.
“you look very pretty today.” sukuna responds.
“thanks! you too!”
he narrows his eyes.
“uh huh. well, pick what we do first. the paint, the sandwiches, or the weird wine glass cake.”
“the wine glass cake? like from tiktok?” you ask.
“correct. i’m really bad at…cute dates. so…i did some research.”
sukuna refuses to look at you. because after admitting it, he’s suddenly busied himself with reading the back of the box of paints, like it’s the most riveting, intriguing thing he’s ever read in his life.
but the pink flush that’s creeping down his neck betrays him entirely, as you reach forward and push the little box down. and sukuna’s already glaring at you.
you place your chin on the top of his knees, reaching for one of his hands and smiling.
“you did research for a date?”
“you can choke on your spit.”
you grin.
“you really know how to turn a girl on.”
“you’re filthy.”
you grin.
“and you’re actually so precious, i–”
“don’t call me precious, y/n.” he whines, as he reaches forward to flick on your forehead.
you smile as you sit by his side, tucking the folds of your skirt under your leg as you reach for both of the wine glasses and hand him one.
“so how humbling was it to have satoru explain all this to you?” you ask.
he sneers.
“don’t even ask. he’s like the biggest nuisance i’ve ever met in my life. top ten worst moments of my life.” sukuna responds.
“i’m flattered you humbled yourself to him for me.”
“i actually asked suguru. they’re like…two peas in a pod, they can’t do shit without each other. the paints and stuff they gave me and the nice basket too.”
“that’s sweet of them. remind me to send them something later to thank them.”
sukuna scoffs.
“no need. they were more than happy to give it up for you.”
“ah yes. i hear they’re big fans of this camping bag story. the scouts honor and the fake story we had to tell them makes a lot more sense now.” you respond.
sukuna rolls his eyes.
“okay, you know what? sue me. i was like sixteen sleeping next to a girl for the first time. god forbid i enjoyed myself. and i don’t know why they’re all so hyperfixated on that story because it was a very normal thing to assume when you’re asked that question.”
you snort.
“and you say you’re not a pervert…”
sukuna leans forward, his eyes flitting down to his lips before he looks back up at you. and he can tell that you’re in a mood, that you’re trying to push his buttons by annoying him.
“you know i despise you right?” he whispers.
you grin, leaning in.
“is that right?” you whisper back.
“oh yeah. you irritate me.”
there isn’t even a shred of earnestness in the words he’s uttering. you know he doesn’t mean them.
“keep going.” you respond, as he presses a warm kiss to the side of your cheek.
“you’re a nuisance.” – a kiss to your forehead.
“an irritation.” – a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“like a fucking thorn in my side.” – and a kiss to the sweet spot right in your neck and his hand snaking up your thigh, which makes you nearly keel your head back from the sensation.
you place your hands on his cheek and pull him back, face flushed and his eyes nearly glazed over.
“are you crazy?” you whisper.
“what?” he asks.
“we’re in public, dumbass. you can’t just start trying to rile me up.”
sukuna leans back, obliging.
“so you admit it? i was riling you up?”
“oh, shut up.”
you reach for the sandwiches and unpeel one for sukuna. before he takes it, he places a tiny white box in your lap.
you frown. first the fancy date but the jewelry too?
“sukuna. you didn’t–”
“just open it. i’m impatient and i’ve been waiting all day. and i actually think you’ll like it. otherwise, you’re ungrateful and rude and you hate me.” sukuna responds.
you give him a tight lipped smile before you open the little box and actually smile.
it’s a dainty silver chain – the exact same as sukuna’s from the chain-links, but the build is a little thinner. and right at the center, a little charm of a star.
you reach forward for his chain, dangling around his collarbone. and surely enough, in addition to the original charm he had of an interlocked circle, there’s a star charm added right next to it.
“you always reach for it. when you’re talking or when we’re kissing. figured i’d get you your own since you’re such a big fan.”
“you are so…”
“perfect? sexy? the father of your children?”
“i was thinking adorable. can i answer d for all of the above?” you respond.
sukuna grins.
“survey says yes, princess.” he responds.
you yank the chain from the little box and hand it to him, before turning around for him to secure it on you. his fingers tickle against the nape of your neck, accompanied by a warm kiss, before he taps your shoulders to signify that he’s done.
“you know. you really are perceiving me right now.” you respond.
“and how’s that?”
“i know you’re obsessed with me and pay attention to every word i say.”
sukuna smiles.
you jab at his side.
“i mean, i know you’re doing this because i mentioned picnics yesterday and always feeling left out. sure you could put two and two together that he never really bought me any nice gifts or anything when i said he ruined my birthday.”
“okay, captain obvious. and?”
you shove him once more, before leaning your head against his shoulder.
“well, i appreciate it. i know the whole…cutesy painting date isn’t your thing. we won’t have to do it again. and that you…you’re trying to make this whole thing special for me.”
sukuna scoffs.
“i’m offended. first and foremost, i always like to eat with you. every time i think that there’s no way you can amaze me more, you find another way to spill food on your clothes.”
“hey! that’s not true.”
“you already spilled on the blanket. second, this is a very violent way to eat cake. you literally mess up all the layers by doing that and destroy the piping on the cake which i can admit, i am a fan of. and third, i’m going to paint us as worms, which seems enjoyable to me.”
you curl your nose.
“yeah. what were you going to paint?”
“i don’t know. but it certainly wasn’t going to be worms. like the park or flowers or something.”
“boring. i’m going to paint us as slimy worms. and because we made it on this date, you’ll have to agree to put it up in the apartment, even if it’s ugly.”
“sukuna.” you whine.
“especially if it’s ugly. it’s a testament to our love.” he responds, dramatically placing his hands on his chest.
“you know, you’re so right. worms have been a really defining feature of your relationship.”
sukuna leans forward and presses a quick kiss to your lips and an additional one on your cheek.
“you just get me, princess!”
and he breaks the little joke by lifting one of your hands to his lips, and pressing a kiss on all four of your knuckles before pressing your hand to his cheek.
“and i have to do special things for a special person.”
you return the gesture, lifting his tattooed fingers to your lips and doing the same.
“you know…you’re really good at this type of thing.” you murmur.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, being a boyfriend. and…and being supportive about everything. sometimes i feel like i’m trying really hard to be the best but…just comes naturally to you.” you respond.
sukuna shrugs.
“don’t know if i’m perfect but…loving you has always come really easy to me. i don’t really have to think twice about it because these are actually just things i want to do for you.”
you groan.
“see! that’s what i’m saying! you always just…say sweet things, do sweet things. sometimes i’m convinced i’m not even half deserving of it, just because sometimes i don’t reciprocate that back.” you respond.
sukuna leans forward.
“you know, you actually do though.”
“as if.” you groan.
sukuna pauses, before leaning his cheek against the tops of his knees and looking out at the expanse of grass in front of you. you follow his line of vision – to the dog running in the distance, the wide, billowing trees, and the little flower truck on the side – which you now realize is where sukuna copped the flowers from earlier.
“i mean, this type of thing. that we have, or…or the way i act around you. it means a lot to you because, you…you’ve never had this before. right?”
“well, i haven’t had you before. i know you see me as perfect, but…but when you say that i can tell that you don’t mean it the way my mom or…or yuuji think that i’m perfect. in the untouchable way.”
you lean forward, cupping the side of his face.
“sukuna. you’re so touchable.” you joke.
“you’re disgusting.”
“you love it.”
sukuna smiles.
“yeah, i really do. it does actually mean the world to me that you think i’m perfect how i am and don’t think i’m larger than life.”
“if anything, your ego could be smaller.”
sukuna leans forward and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“and…and even the other day. i know you were acting squirrely and weird when yuuji was near us and heard us bickering, but i was half convinced that you were going to take his side at the end, when he started saying that stuff about me. because it is true and i have acted a certain way in the past…and, you would have every right to agree with him if you wanted to.”
you frown.
“no, i wouldn’t. you’ve never treated me like that and i know you’re being earnest when you say these things to me. this would be a very elaborate way to get into my pants if that was what you were trying to do. and i know it’s not.”
sukuna smiles.
“that’s what i’m saying. every other person for me has never given me that benefit of the doubt, but you always do. you were the person who thought to tell me that my grandpa died when you all came to get me and you were the one who wasn’t mad at me. the things you do for me are the same, in equal magnitude, as what i do for you. if this makes you feel good, or…or on top of the world, you have to know that’s how you make me feel too. i’m half convinced that you’re basically made for me at this point the way you get everything right on point.”
you lean forward and press a lingering kiss to his lips.
“i really think you’re made for me too, ryomen.”
sukuna groans, dramatically leaning his head back, before nearly pushing you over and peppering kisses to almost every surface on your face.
“quit fucking saying my name. you have no idea what that does to me.”
“i mean, i think i have an idea.”
sukuna clamps his fingers over your mouth, before pressing a few more lingering kisses to your face and pushing off. and subsequently, picks all of the grass out of your hair as you roll your eyes.
and after that sukuna, admittedly, very aggressively uses the wine glasses to portion off little slices of the cake and makes it a point to finish off yours when you can’t stomach the sweetness. and true to his promise – sukuna paints the two of you as worms, but at the park, stargazing.
it’s a little silly, the way he paints it. you were expecting it to be more gory or gross, but it’s so corny that it makes you smile. because he draws the two little worms, but distinguishes between the two of you, by swiping some of your pink paint and adding a little ribbon to the one that’s supposed to be you.
sukuna explains the stars. because before sukuna had dragged you out of that shitty bathroom bar, it’s what megumi and yuuji said in his drunken mess – he had pointed at two little stars and likened them to him and megumi.
and you’re almost positive that at the time, sukuna found it utterly ridiculous. but now, he understood it – the sentiment. that you and sukuna were two little worms, and two stars, and two little flowers too.
and to his promise, the two of you decide to place the little canvases you drew at the end of the kitchen counter.
it’s only then that you realize that you have to go the whole ten miles for sukuna the way he had done for you – countless times again. and that if you were going in blind in trying to make something special, you’d have to take a page out of his book and do some research.
and there was only one person who could really help you, who you’d rather die than humble yourself to than ask for help.
regardless of that, you still call sammy the next morning.
next part linked here
an: they're about to do it. anyways....there is a very real playlist to match the one that they talk about in the fic -- and it matches the way it described in the fic! so it's interleaved, the first song is a song that sukuna would have added, the second one that y/n added, the third sukuna, so on and so forth. it's linked here! happy listening babies
second an: thank you for the love on the last chapter. it makes my heart really warm bc all of that was actually based on a REAL MAN and real things that I have felt/have said to me and just having people comment that they felt seen by it or it made them feel a certain type of way actually made me really happy and so warm. this blog was one of the first things I did after I stopped being really, really sad and i'm glad that i'm able to share a little joy here and there, if that's what this fic is for you. anyways this is long and sappy and gross and actually I just love you all for enduring the ouchies and the sillies with me a little bit 💌
third an: double upload bc yall were so patient with me :D
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @wishmemel @gyros-cum-sock @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani79 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
#seeingivywrites!#bsfs older brother sukuna!#sukuna#sukuna x you#sukuna x reader#sukuna x y/n#sukuna fluff#ryomen sukuna#ryomen sukuna x you#ryomen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x y/n#ryomen sukuna fluff#ryomen#ryomen x you#ryomen x reader#ryomen x y/n#ryomen fluff#sukuna ryomen#sukuna ryomen x you#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna ryomen x fluff#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk x y/n#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x y/n
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Written for @steddie-spooktober.
Gravity Always Wins
Day #3 Prompt: Apples | Word Count: 6464 | Rating: M | POV: Eddie | CW: Language, Sex | Tags: Modern AU, Meet Cute, Apple Picking, Bakery Owner Steve, Sports Guy Steve, Smitten Eddie Munson, Platonic Stobin, Gareth, Good Uncle Wayne Munson
Also right here on ao3.
"Oh shit, oh fuck," Eddie says as the apple tumbles out of his grasp. He looks down in horror as it falls, like a slow-motion car wreck happening right before his very eyes, as it lands directly on the guy's head that was picking below him.
To add insult to injury, it hits with a very audible thunk.
Shit, he shouldn't even be allowed on a ladder. That's like the first rule of the universe or some shit. Who signed off on this? Honestly.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Eddie asks, coming down the ladder, watching as the guy, the very pretty guy, rubs at the top of his head, only slightly worried he's about to get his ass kicked in a goddamn apple orchard.
But the guy is laughing.
He's laughing, and gorgeous, and Eddie can't help but smile.
"Goddamn you, Newton!" Eddie shouts, dramatically shaking his fist in the air, eyes trained on the sky, as if he had nothing at all to do with this, and that gravity alone was solely to blame.
"Gravity always wins," the guy says, then adds, "I'm good, honest, you just startled me. I never thought concussion number four would be at the hands of an apple. But here we are."
Eddie feels his face fall.
"Oh, oh no, I'm kidding. I was just teasing you. I'm fine. Look? It was just a little apple," he says, leaning over to pick up the offending piece of fruit.
Eddie eyes it in his palm, "That's definitely gonna have a bruise."
"Like my head," he teases, and Eddie reaches out and pops him on the shoulder, making him pull back, giggling. His sweater is soft under Eddie's hand, and Eddie wants to reach out and stroke it again, but stops himself. Content to just stare a second.
He's truly something to look at. Goddamn.
Eddie just smiles at him, and when he straightens back up, he hands the apple back.
It is a little apple, and Eddie probably shouldn't have picked it in the first place, but he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. He saw an apple, and picked it.
Looking at the bushel this guy has selected, though, gives him pause. They are evenly sized, and brightly colored. No blemishes at all. Perfect apples, for the perfect guy.
Eddie's are a little misshapen and odd. The freaks, if you will, but he thinks that's pretty damn fitting.
"Guess you'll have to make applesauce–" the guy starts, and then stops, clearly searching for Eddie's name.
"Eddie," Eddie offers.
"Eddie," he repeats. "I'm Steve."
"Well, Steve, I would make some applesauce if I knew how," Eddie laughs.
"You could always come by my bakery slash coffee shop," Steve offers, sort of shaking the basket slung over his arm, "That's why I'm picking apples today. So I can make some seasonal items with local apples. Customers eat that shit up."
Eddie thinks he's being picked up. Maybe. Or not. He's never very good at getting those signals right. Gareth says he's hopeless, and sometimes that feels more accurate than he'd like to admit.
Like, right now. Is Steve hitting on him, or trying to drum up business?
Eddie decides he honestly doesn't exactly care which it is, "Sure, I'd love to be the guinea pig for your apple pie."
"Well," Steve says, lowering his voice in a way that makes Eddie feel funny in a good way, "I never said pie."
"Oh, well, in that case…" Eddie teases, trailing off, acting as if he's going to walk away.
But, Steve just laughs at him, and digs in his wallet, producing a little business card: Harrington's. Since 1955.
"My, you look awfully good for your age," Eddie says.
Steve laughs, "My grandma and grandpa ran it before me. And they didn't think they'd have anyone to take over the family business when they retired. And then I turned up, with nothing better to do."
Eddie nods. He's definitely going to stop by Steve's family business, not even for the not-pie, but just so he can see more of this guy, "Well, in that case. When should I show up?"
"Tomorrow, anytime after three?" Steve suggests, and Eddie is nodding along. Tomorrow after three sounds perfect to him.
Eddie pulls up in the alley behind the back of the bakery, as directed, and can't really believe he's here. Like, what does he know about baking? He can't even bake a box of brownies without messing them up somehow.
But, Steve is gorgeous, and this isn't an invite he's about to turn down. He's a fool, but he's no dummy. Eddie pushes on the back door, and it's heavy, but slowly glides open.
"Knock, knock," Eddie says, and then hears a commotion. Lots of yelling. Like a fight is happening.
His fight or flight starts to kick in, and flight will always win for him, but…he pauses.
He knows that kind of yelling from Uncle Wayne, and as far as a fight goes, it's surely a one-sided one, because Steve's staring up at the mounted television over on the wall, screaming at the refs of a football game, as he stands inside an industrial kitchen, at a stainless steel prep table, peeling apples.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Steve the Baker is also Steve the Sports Guy? That wasn't advertised on the label at all.
Eddie's been hoodwinked. The wool pulled straight over his eyes. Was bamboozled by a pretty face in a warm-looking sweater, right there in a goddamn apple orchard.
He's starting to plan his escape, when Steve turns to look at him, and smiles, waving his paring knife in the air, "Hey! You made it!"
"Hey," Eddie says back, shucking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack by the door. Steve sounds excited to see him, and maybe the game is almost over. He could deal with it for a few minutes. Steve was very pretty in that sweater.
He squints at the screen, and the score is 0-0 and it's still the first quarter. He doesn't know a lot about sports, but he grew up with Wayne. He at least understands that this means the damn thing has just started.
"You care if I leave the game on?" Steve asks, flashing him those warm eyes, and Eddie finds himself nodding along with that idea, like a damn idiot. No, he doesn't want to watch sports, but…that face.
That face will make him break his most solemn of vows: no sports. He just won't tell Wayne or Gareth. He'll gloss right over that part, and nobody will ever have to know that he spent the whole afternoon with football blaring in the background of his maybe date.
Because, as good looking as this guy is, and as much as Eddie would like to eat this guy, and his baked goods, alive, he's sure this isn't going to go any further than this afternoon. It can't. What would they talk about? Baking and football? Eddie doesn't know anything about either of those topics. But he can surely bumble through one afternoon. That'll be fine. Eddie can do anything for one afternoon. All the odd jobs he's ever held has proven that.
Hell, if he plays his cards right, maybe he can get one night out of it, too.
But long-term? He can already see the writing on the wall, and it bums him out, just a little bit. He hadn't been this excited about a guy in a while.
Steve hands Eddie a peeler, and Eddie goes to work, peeling the whole bushel of apples that Steve has washed and laid out on a towel. He does know how to work a peeler, at least. That was his job for potatoes at Wayne's, when he was far too little to do anything else.
"So, tell me about yourself. Do you always assault men with apples?" Steve asks, and Eddie looks over at him and smiles.
"Only the cute ones," Eddie flirts, and loves the blush that stains Steve's cheeks as he looks back down at the apples he's evenly slicing.
"No offense, but you don't seem like the apple picking type," Steve says, and Eddie laughs. He's not wrong. "What brought you out there, especially all by yourself?"
"It's part of my contract. Free apples from the orchard and free pumpkins from the patch," Eddie says, then realizes that doesn't explain anything at all, adding, "I work nights at the haunted hayride. As a scare actor," Eddie says, then holds his hands up like a zombie.
Steve's eyes are big, and it's awfully cute as he laughs.
"So, free apples. I mean, how many apples or pumpkins can one man eat? But free is free."
"Maybe I'll teach you how to bake something using them," Steve suggests and Eddie nods. He'd like that. A lot, he thinks. Even if that's all he gets out of the day.
"Deal. So, what's on the menu for today?"
Steve grins, "Apple fritters. Cupcakes. There's this apple maple upside down cake I want to try. A cobbler. Someone suggested an apple pie."
"They sound smart," Eddie banters, and Steve just keeps smiling.
"Have you ever made a dessert pizza?" Eddie asks, meeting Steve's eyes.
"Like from Pizza Hut?" Steve questions, and Eddie nods.
"No, but we totally can. I've never thought to try to make it myself."
Eddie smiles at the thought. He imagines homemade would be even better than what used to be on the buffet at Pizza Hut when he was younger.
Steve moves from slicing apples to dicing them very small and fine. In perfect little squares that are very impressive to Eddie's eyes. He can barely cut anything evenly, so that seems like quite the feat.
Eddie watches as Steve goes between watching the knife in his hands so he doesn't cut his fingers off, and the ballgame.
"You should come to the hayride," Eddie blurts out.
Steve smiles, "I don't really do scary things, or anything that risks a head injury these days."
It's just a trailer pulled around the grounds, nobody touches anybody. Couldn't if they wanted to, but if he doesn't like scary, he doesn't like scary. Then he remembers something Steve had joked about in the orchard after Eddie had beaned him with that apple.
"Have you really already had three concussions?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah," Steve answers, "at least three that I know about. But not from falling apples. I'm fine. I promise."
"How'd you get them?" Eddie asks, because he isn't sure how one gets that many concussions unless they've been abused, and his stomach drops. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that. Maybe it's none of his goddamn business. Maybe-
"I got one from a dickhead in high school that blindsided me during a stupid fight, and then the other two from football plays in college, a couple weeks apart. One was a dirty, on purpose, helmet-to-helmet late hit, the last one was during a quarterback sneak that went wrong."
Eddie has no idea what that means.
"What's that mean?" Eddie asks.
Steve looks at him, "Not a football guy?"
Eddie shakes his head adamantly, "Not an any sports guy. Sorry."
"That's okay," Steve says, "A quarterback sneak is when you only need to move a yard or two down the field to, say, get across the goal line to score, or get a first down, and the linemen in front of you, the big guys, push forward and the quarterback tries to carry it over himself. No hand-off. No throw."
"And you were the quarterback?"
"I was. I was a little too exposed, and one of the defensive players came in and hit me helmet to helmet in the dogpile. Snapped my neck backwards."
"I'm sorry," Eddie says.
"It happens. Most of the time you go into concussion protocol, and clear it. Mine wasn't even caught immediately after it happened. Not even by me. I hopped right back up, and it wasn't until I'd thrown a few uncharacteristic picks later, that they decided something must be wrong with me and pulled me out of the game and straight into the tent. Once the migraines started a few days later, and never really stopped after all the other symptoms went away, that was the end of the line. No more football. No NFL draft."
Eddie swallows, that's fucking rough.
"They forced you to stop?" Eddie asks.
"Yes," Steve says, then must change his mind, "No. Not really. The specialists suggested it. I don't think they could have forced me to comply. Hell, they'll play you into the ground. But it would have been a risk to draft a known concussion magnet. So, it was a choice I had to make for myself, and I chose to stop, to preserve what I had left. Stop it at the occasional migraine. Of course Robin, my best friend, would have flayed me alive if I'd done anything else. She was the first to call it, and she was right."
"But you were good enough to go pro? If you hadn't taken those hits?" Eddie asks, quietly.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?" Steve answers with a shrug, like he doesn't really care one way or the other, but he must care. He'd have to. Eddie knows he'd care if he couldn't play the guitar anymore, and he's never been anywhere near going professional.
"But you still watch it? Football? Even after losing the chance to play?" Eddie asks.
Steve smiles, "Hell yeah. I still love the game. Even if I can't play."
Then he points at the screen, "I'm friends with #52. In the white. We went to college together. It all worked out better for him than it did me, but I couldn't be prouder of him. A little jealous, sure. But really proud, too."
"Do you ever get to go to games in person, or is that impossible with the bakery?"
"I try to hit one a season, as that's about all the favors I can call in with my friends. Coming in at three a.m. to get shit ready is a hard sell, let me tell you," Steve laughs, "That and they don't know what they're doing. So, it's just easier to just stay here. Watch on television. Scream at the refs from home instead of the stands."
"I know all about the screaming. I live with my uncle, and he has a sport for every season, I swear it. Getting him to move to Indy with me was no small feat, let me tell you," Eddie laughs, "But he needed to retire from the plant. He still works, because he's a stubborn old man, but now he's at a local hardware store instead, bossing clueless jackasses around. His words, not mine."
Steve laughs, "He sounds great."
"He is, and of course you'd think so, you sports guys always stick together."
Steve laughs, nodding like it's true, and then they go back to work. Baking, watching the game, and cheering on Steve's friend to a close game win.
And that evening, Eddie goes home with a still warm pie, and a phone number for Steve burning a hole in his pocket.
They spend the next two weeks texting back and forth, with a few short phone calls sprinkled in for good measure, but it hasn't gone beyond that. Eddie isn't sure if Steve's just busy or uninterested in setting up a second date. He wishes he'd just tell him. They could just be friends, but Eddie would rather know that now, instead of later once he's already gotten swept away by the idea of dating him, for real.
Eddie looks at his phone as Chrissy does his makeup, "Eyes up, Munson."
Steve hasn't responded, but he's probably asleep. Eddie puts his phone on the table, "Yes, ma'am."
She laughs, and gets him ready for another night of a constant loop of visitors to the maze. They've done this for a few years now, and they're all good at it, and it's not bad seasonal work. It helps pay the bills for the band to keep trying, stay plugging along.
Eddie knows they aren't gonna make it big, not now, that window has closed. But they still make music together, good music he thinks, so taking on odd jobs to still do that has been worth it.
Maybe after thirty he'll have to settle down, but for right now? He's just having fun.
"Tell me about the boy," she sing-songs, then changes her mind, "No, keep your mouth shut until I'm done with your face."
Eddie laughs, and keeps his mouth shut, as directed.
"But tell me later, though."
And he nods. He definitely will. Gareth's sick of hearing about Steve, so if he has a fresh pair of ears to listen to him yap, he's definitely all-in on that.
It's actually gotten chilly tonight, but when the second-to-last trailer full of guests pulls around the corner at quarter to two, Eddie sees Steve sitting next to a woman that has to be Robin. She just looks exactly like what Eddie imagined every time Steve's told a story about her. And she looks very grumpy about being awake in the middle of the night.
Eddie is stoked, and rushes around from Gareth to Jeff to Goodie to Chrissy, pointing out Steve, and then hurrying back to his spot for the last trailer. They don't really care all that much. He's sure they're happy for him, but they definitely just want to finish doing their jobs and get the fuck out of here for the night.
Steve's lingering by the employees only sign when Eddie exits backstage.
"You came," Eddie says, makeup hastily scrubbed off his face. It's a big no-no to interact with the guests in character, even if it's the guy you've been playing phone tag with for the last two weeks. He wasn't sure Steve would stay, but he did, and Eddie's fucking thrilled to see him.
"This is Robin," Steve says, slinging his arm over her shoulders.
Eddie starts to say hi, when the door bangs closed behind him, and he turns to see Chrissy on her way out.
"Night, Eddie," Chrissy says, as she passes by them, her dirty dead cheerleader costume slung over her arm.
"Was she the cheerleader?" Robin hisses, and Eddie nods.
"Hey, Chris, wait!" he hollers, and drags her closer, making introductions. He's no dummy, he knows what that question entailed, and he has no problem playing a hint of matchmaker. And if they're talking, that'll give Eddie some time alone with Steve.
The fact that Steve showed up at all, late at night, was a sacrifice of sleeping time. Eddie knows it, and appreciates it. So, he won't keep him. He'll send him back home to bed, or straight to the bakery, wherever he needs to be next, so he can get ready to make the donuts as Steve likes to say.
"I'm glad you came," Eddie says, running his hand up Steve's arm.
"Of course, I couldn't resist the opportunity to see you as the evil undead."
Eddie grins at him. He really likes this guy.
"The bats were really believable."
Eddie grins, and tells him all about how he helped design them with his friends. They built the pulley system in Gareth's garage on the cheap, but it works, and well.
Steve nods along, then pulls Eddie into the darkness, where the floodlights don't reach. Eddie goes, willingly, sliding his hands along Steve's waist.
And then they're kissing, and Eddie couldn't be more fucking thrilled.
Steve is interested. And Eddie is definitely interested.
Steve's tongue slides along his, and Eddie squeezes him tighter, pulling Steve into his body, wanting to be closer. As close as they can get here in this dark alleyway.
When Steve pulls back, he presses his forehead to Eddie's, and Eddie tries to look into his eyes this close-up.
"I've wanted to do that since the orchard," Steve says.
"Fuck, me too," Eddie admits. He'd like to do more, too, but Robin is yelling that her alarm is going off, meaning Steve's got to get to the bakery.
Steve's day is just beginning, and Eddie's is just ending. Their schedules couldn't be more out of sync if they tried.
But Eddie reluctantly lets him go, they say their goodbyes, but Eddie is already scheming how he'll get to see Steve next.
The next morning, Eddie forces himself out of bed at a normal hour so he can go to the bakery. Gareth follows him to the van, tagging along without an invite, but Eddie doesn't care, as long as he can see Steve, it's all good.
Steve's behind the counter, and he grins when he sees Eddie come through the front door, "Hey!"
"Hey, yourself," Eddie says back, looking at the handwritten menu board. "Suggestions are welcome."
And Steve just laughs, and then produces a piece of cobbler that looks sticky and delicious.
"Sold," Eddie replies, taking the plate from him, and then nodding towards Gareth, "and whatever he wants. This is Gareth."
Gareth is looking in the glass case, paying no attention to either of them.
"So, this is the famous Eddie?" a girl who is not Robin asks, sidling up beside Steve at the counter.
"That's Eddie," Steve says with a smile, then introduces her, "This is Di."
She makes a shooing motion with her hands, "Go. Sit with him for a minute. I'll watch the counter," Di offers, pushing Steve from behind the register, and Eddie's grateful.
"Thanks, Di," Steve answers, pulling his apron off over his head, showing a strip of bare skin as it goes. His stomach is hairy and Eddie gulps, probably audibly, like he's in a cartoon.
He wants, he wants, he wants.
Steve picks up his coffee mug, and grabs a piece of cobbler for himself.
"Hey kid, head's up," Eddie says, and Gareth looks just in time to catch Eddie's wallet as Eddie tosses it to him. "Pick something and pay the nice lady."
"Yeah, yeah," Gareth says, and goes right back to looking at all his options.
Steve leads Eddie over to a table in the corner, and they sit and get to talk face-to-face, for the first time since their first afternoon here. Yeah, sure, he saw Steve last night, that was just a brief hi and bye.
It's nice to sit across from him again, and even nicer when Steve slides his hand forward, lacing their fingers together. Miraculously Gareth doesn't come over and cockblock him like the little shit that he is, instead lingering by the counter.
Eddie looks back at Steve.
"You know, I don't really date," Steve admits, "I mean, the bakery hours keep my nightlife non-existent. And I've gotten used to that. But I really like you."
Eddie feels his cheeks heat up. Is he blushing? That's absurd, but he thinks it's probably true. He likes Steve. A lot. And he can deal with weird hours for Steve, he's damn certain. Dates at three in the afternoon? Awesome. He'll have just rolled out of bed a couple hours before that half the time anyway.
"But, I'd like to try. If you want to," Steve says, and Eddie nods.
"Yeah, I want to. I really like you, too."
Then the phone rings, and it's something Steve has to take, and Eddie glances at him one more time before he holds open the door with the jangly bell for Gareth to exit.
Steve's still looking at him, watching him go, so Eddie winks, and it makes Steve smile.
There's no plan, but Eddie knows he's gonna date the shit out of Steve Harrington.
Turns out, the whole dating with opposite schedules idea was way easier said than done. Eddie works every weekend night, all fall long, because that's the busy time. He works some weeknights, too, but those are easier to trade around for with his friends. So, weekends are definitely out, and he needs date ideas that don't mess with Steve's sleep schedule.
He's reading the paper that Wayne left on the coffee table as he sits on the couch and eats his cereal, when he sees that the local high school football team is playing next week, but that's on Friday. Duh. Friday Night Lights. Even he understands enough about football to get that that's a reference to the night they play. He may have needed three senior years to graduate, but he's not that dense. He keeps reading, and sees that the JV football team plays on Tuesday and the junior high team on Thursday. That's an idea. He doesn't really know what that means, but he knows who would.
"Hey, Wayne!" he yells, and when Wayne rounds the corner Eddie asks, "Tell me. Which is a better game to attend: JV or Junior High?"
"Game of what? Tiddlywinks? Dragons and Dragons?" Wayne prods, teasing him. Eddie damn well knows Wayne remembers what DnD is. He bought enough of those books for him in high school, it has to be seared into his old man brain.
But Wayne glances over at him from his recliner he's just sat down in, waiting for Eddie to spill it.
Eddie lowers his voice and mumbles, "Football."
"What'd you say, I didn't hear you?" Wayne drawls, but he's grinning like he heard exactly what Eddie said.
"Shut up, old man," Eddie teases, "I'm sort of dating a guy. He likes football. Used to play. I thought it might be nice to take him to a game, and I obviously can't do a Friday night game this year because of work. But I thought Steve might like to go to one of these other games?"
"Steve, huh? This Steve have a last name?" Wayne asks, and Eddie rolls his eyes. Wayne doesn't need to try to vet this guy like he did every single person Eddie dated in high school. He's a grown man now, almost thirty. He picks better these days.
At least, he hopes he does.
"Harrington," Eddie answers, "and you're ignoring the question. JV? Junior High?" Then points his finger at the newspaper, crinkling it, "Or the local flag football team plays on Sundays. Help a guy out. Jeez."
But Wayne is just staring at him, mouth slightly open. Eddie's never seen him this shocked in his life. And Eddie did some wild shit in high school that Wayne swears made him go gray and bald.
"Yes, yes, I'm willing to go to a game. We're all shocked. Make fun. I have it coming. But close your mouth before you catch flies."
"No. Just. Steve Harrington, Ed? You, my nephew, who hates all sports sight unseen, is dating Steve Harrington? Heisman Trophy winner as a sophomore, that Steve Harrington?"
Eddie just shrugs, "I don't know about all that. He runs a bakery."
Wayne lets out a breathy laugh, "Right. He runs a bakery."
"He does," Eddie confirms.
Wayne picks up his phone, puts on his reading glasses so Eddie knows he's serious, and finally turns the screen towards Eddie, "This your boy?"
Eddie smiles. He's younger, but yeah, that's definitely Steve, "Yep, that's Steve."
"I'll be damned, I knew he was from Indiana, but I didn't expect him to come back to our neck of the woods to run a bakery."
"You know my boyfriend, Wayne?" Eddie teases, lilting his voice, and batting his eyes.
"Anybody that followed football in the last decade knows of your boyfriend, Ed. He was gonna be a star, a franchise quarterback, for any team lucky enough to draft him."
Steve had said he wasn't sure if he was good enough to go pro, and now Eddie is doubting the validity of that, "He said he wasn't sure if he was good enough to make it pro."
Wayne laughs, "That boy would've been a first round pick. He's just being humble."
"Oh," Eddie says, "that's pretty cool. It's too bad he got hurt, then."
"It is," Wayne agrees.
"If he was as good as you say, why didn't he just go pro right out of high school?" Eddie asks, thinking this over. He's really not sure why you'd take the risk playing college football before you could make the big bucks.
"That's not how the NFL draft works. You have to be three years past graduation from high school before you're eligible. And what else are you gonna do for those three years, if not play ball at college?"
"Oh," Eddie says, then adds, "Good thing I wasn't good at football. I'd have been an old man trying to enter the draft."
Wayne laughs. It wasn't so funny when Eddie was bearing down on twenty-one and still trying to get that damn diploma, but they can laugh about it now. Water under the bridge.
Eddie then asks, "So, about the game…"
Wayne steered him towards the JV game, but told him over and over that all of the options were beneath the level of football that Steve Harrington was used to watching, or playing.
Eddie decides to take him anyway.
Eddie buys the four dollar tickets at the gate from a mom sitting at a card table with a metal cash box in front of her, a button with her son's face pinned to her coat. He gives her a ten, and tells her to keep the change when she holds it in her hand, unmoving.
But that's just because she's staring at Steve, kind of starry-eyed. He is attractive, that's undeniable, and Eddie puffs up a little that he's the one getting to date him tonight.
Then Steve is accosted for pictures no less than seven times on the way to the stands, and Eddie wonders if he's made a mistake here. He didn't think it through, didn't understand that Steve would be known here.
Eddie escapes to the concessions stand, and when he comes back, arms full, there's a group of kids surrounding Steve. And Steve's engaged, and giving them what they want, clearly, but this isn't a good date. This seems more like he's trotted Steve out for the wolves.
Everyone else finally clears out as kickoff happens, leaving them alone, and Eddie takes his seat next to Steve on the bleachers.
"Uh, did I fuck this up?" Eddie whispers, handing Steve a tray of nachos.
"No. No way, this is great," Steve reassures, a big smile on his face.
"I truly didn't understand that you'd be recognized here," Eddie says, "I don't know anything about sports. I'm in over my head. I just thought, well, maybe you'd like to see a game. Even if it's just kids."
"This is great, Eddie. You did great, honest," Steve says. "I'm not recognized outside of football. Don't worry. This isn't an everyday occurrence. This is a very isolated incident, because of where we are. Some of these kids probably watched me play. I'm not that old."
Eddie laughs, some of the tension draining out of his shoulders. He definitely didn't want to make Steve uncomfortable.
And if he is, he never lets on. Instead, Steve explains the game to him as it goes, and it's a slow enough pace that Eddie thinks maybe he's understanding it. The football Steve had been watching on TV in the bakery had moved so fucking fast he had no hopes of following, not even when there was an instant replay to slow it down.
Steve's never seen these kids play before, but he can read them all like open books, calling plays, calling probable results before they happen. And he's right. Nine times out of ten, he's right.
He should probably coach football. But maybe that's too painful? Eddie's definitely not gonna bring it up.
They leave at halftime, and Eddie's sure it's only partly because Steve has to be up in less than eight hours.
He still thinks it went well, because Steve leans over in the van and kisses him.
Eddie suddenly feels like he can't feel his face, even as he kisses back, hand cupping Steve's face, just wanting to touch him.
Eddie likes him so goddamn much, and as Steve pulls away, Eddie feels like they are no longer struggling to make a connection. They've done it. They're getting there.
Over the next few weeks, they have half-dozen more half-dates. Eddie catches the first quarter of a college football game, Steve's alma mater, on the television at the bakery with him before having to head to the maze for the night.
A few days later they grab fast food in Steve's car, and Eddie's definitely trying hard not to make a mess. Steve's car is nice, and Eddie's only used to his shitty van.
They carve out an hour to just lay in Steve's bed, kissing and touching, and eventually fucking before they need to part ways again.
Eddie wonders if they'll ever get to actually sleep in the same bed with shifts this ass-backwards from each other.
Spooky season comes and goes, and Eddie's back looking for some kind of other temporary work. He's complaining to Steve that nobody is hiring, even when they say they're hiring.
"Come work at the bakery," Steve says, "then maybe we'll finally get to see each other for longer than an hour at a time."
Eddie starts to say no, starts to deflect in a knee-jerk way, but then decides he'd really like to do that, "Really?"
"Really," Steve confirms.
"I don't know how to bake, you know that," Eddie teases.
"You're not coming there to bake. Please, no. But you could run the register. Right?"
And Eddie thinks he'd like to do just that, so he nods and nods.
So, they work together, and sometimes go home with each other after. Both of them dozing on the couch while Wayne watches football, or cuddling up at Steve's place while Robin whines about it being her turn to cook dinner.
And Eddie ends up loving Robin, because working with her at the bakery might be almost as fun as it is working with Steve. She's not there all the time, but when she is, they run the front together, while Steve and Di have the back, and it's the least work feeling work he's ever done.
She's funny, and snarky, and loves Steve so much Eddie can feel it rolling off of her in waves. She kept him from getting hurt further. She made sure he'd be okay, even if Eddie's sure Steve felt anything but at the time.
He talks up Steve's baked goods, upselling easily, turning a half-dozen box into a full dozen more often than not. Eventually he sneaks around while Steve isn't looking, and hangs his own picture on the wall, labeled underneath as Employee of the Month, as a joke.
When Steve finally notices it, it stays. Eddie's part of the place, now. And he couldn't be happier about that. Harrington's is fun, and relaxed, and he's honestly never gotten this invested in a job before. He wants it to succeed, because he wants Steve, and the rest of his friends, to succeed. And yeah, he's sure Steve has a lot to do with that, but still, the fact that he's enjoying it is a bonus he hadn't foreseen coming.
He helps clean up every afternoon, so they can get out of there faster, together. Today, with the cold winter air blowing, snow flurries are blustering around, stinging his face as they hit. So, he hugs Steve from behind as he locks the back door in the alley where they park, hiding his face in Steve's coat.
"Hello to you, too," Steve flirts, and Eddie smirks as soon as he realizes this is gonna be a short afternoon, because when they get home, they are definitely going straight to bed.
And they do just that. It's cold outside, but the warm winter sunlight is pouring through the windows, made brighter by the snow on the ground, and Eddie's in love.
Steve looks fucking gorgeous, the light hitting him that way, letting that glow he always has about him shine through from the inside out.
Eddie runs his fingers over his body, his athletic frame that sees no playing time, anymore. He runs to keep in shape, but Eddie thinks he'd run too if he had that kind of albatross slung around his neck. If he'd lost the thing he loved most, the thing he'd hung his whole hat on.
If he'd lost possible rings and millions of dollars.
Steve's almost twenty-nine. He'd be hitting his peak, his best years of play.
But Steve's happy. He's not a bitter guy. He loves his bakery, and he loves his friends and-
"What's," Steve breathes out, easing up on his pace, "what's with the face?"
"I love you," Eddie blurts out.
Steve smiles, so fucking wide it feels like it cracks open Eddie's chest, "Well, don't look so sad about it then."
And Eddie laughs, reaching up to grasp Steve's hips, helping him regain his momentum. The spiral he was headed down on Steve's behalf, broken.
Steve doesn't want Eddie dwelling on the past. Especially if he doesn't do it himself. There are no pity parties happening in Steve Harrington's orbit.
"I love you, too. Now fuck me like you're not gonna cry about it."
Eddie huffs out a laugh, so fucking charmed and delighted by this man that he loves. He'll fuck him all right.
"Hold on then, big boy," Eddie teases, and thrusts upwards, carrying the weight of Steve with him off the bed.
Maybe instead, they'll just hit their primes together.
Eddie starts to become a morning person against his will as the months wear on, and Steve will have to pay for that, eventually. But not today.
No, today he's more than fine with going to bed at eight-thirty, dicking down his boyfriend, then afterwards both of them will be sound asleep by nine.
Gareth is hanging around the bakery more and more, and before Eddie realizes it, Steve and Di have taught Gareth how to bake. And he's somehow good at it. Gareth eventually weasels his way into a full-time job, too. Which gets Eddie's wheels turning. Maybe by next fall, Eddie can surprise Steve with tickets to an NFL game to watch his friend play, because together they are slowly building up enough of a staff to run the store in their absence.
It doesn't have to just be Steve anymore. It can be all of them.
Next fall, Eddie thinks.
And he smiles.
He's planning ahead, now. Planning for a future, one that he intends to share with Steve.
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-spooktober to follow along with the fun! 🍎
#steddiespooktober#prompt: apples#steddie fic#steddie#stranger things#steve x eddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie fanfiction#stranger things fic#thisapplepielife: short fic#thisapplepielife: spooktober#wayne munson#platonic stobin#gareth stranger things
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What do you think each of the boys would like to receive as Christmas gifts?? Love your writing so much!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: My candy love (all routes), eldarya (all routes), ml (all routes), small and individual headcanons. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: First post of 2025! Happy New Year everyone. I didn’t really know which fandom you meant with this request, but I will include all of them!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
Castiel: He insists in not needing anything (because whatever he needs he immediately buys it), but he might be very excited to get anything related with his guitar. The thing he’d be the most grateful about would be earplugs to protect his ears from the loud volumes of his concerts. He’ll be happy with cheaper things such as cozy blankets, new pajamas or even new slippers or shoes.
Nathaniel: Whatever cat-related makes him as happy as a kid, even a gift for Snowy makes him feel excited. He doesn’t want you to spend much money on him and tiny things are enough. Even handmade things make his heart melt!
Lysander: He might like any gift that makes reference to some inner joke in between you. Handmade gifts are his favorite honestly, he loves ceramic mugs made by you!
Armin: Steam gift cards… any character figurine for his collection, any sweater related to a fandom he is in. He’s a freak, he is easier to gift.
Kentin: On the opposite to Nathaniel, something dog-related. A scarf or a coat might be good for his van trips to some colder places. Something more expensive he could get to enjoy is a smartbox to live a new experience with you, but he doesn’t want you to spend much money. Handmade chocolate cookies are also a great gift for him!!
Rayan: He adores being gifted books and even more if it’s a classic. He will never say no to reading Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen, Stephen King or George Orwell. He is opened to other authors and other genres. He might also appreciate new formal clothes for his job or a handmade painting.
Hyun: Cute plushies are his thing, also cool jackets or coats. Warm and cozy socks to be home. Any vanilla scented candle for his bedroom might also work as a great gift. Skincare products are also a great option. He loves to get gifted stuff in boxes, everything together, so it is more exciting to see the amount of gifts he is going to open.
Priya: Candles! She doesn’t have a preference for any scent, as long as it can give a certain smell to her bedroom. She’d also be grateful to receive a new, medium lengthen notebook where she can write her thoughts.
Devon: Massage card, man is stressed. He is such a romantic man and definitely would love to receive a handmade letter from you. Devon likes any tiny detail that comes from you, he doesn’t mind whether you invested money or not, which of course he prefers that you do not invest much.
Jason: There isn’t much this man needs other than genuine affection. Whatever he needs he also buys it almost immediately as he has got the sources to get them. Yet new ties for his uniform are a thing he forgets most of the time. He prefers to get gifted unique things that no one else can have such as handmade stuff or experiences. But really, even something that doesn’t cost much money is good for him since it comes from you. Even if he finds something useless at first, he will find the way to make it useful.
Roy: He’s very easy to gift to because he likes absolutely everything. Something that involves an adventure, food, clothes, skincare, a fitness mat, products to take care of his hair… whatever is enough to make him excited.
Thomas: He makes you a list of gifts in case you need it. He might appreciate a new jacket to wear in his motorcycle, a gift card for one of the local yarn shops, motorcycle gloves, a steam gift card, a warm blanket for naps.
Amanda: A basket of candles, bath bombs and chocolates is perfect for her. She will be grateful with a basket of random teas as well.
Ezarel: Sweets. Literally anything that is sweet af such as bonbons, cookies, honey, candies. He’d really like to receive ear warmers and a scarf.
Nevra: Your kisses and hugs are the best gifts for him! But if you wish to gift something material, probably a matching necklace (something elegant and not too colorful), the experience of having a romantic dinner with you is also a great gift for him.
Valkyon: A fancy cup for beer nights. A handmade letter, or simply your presence. He doesn’t want you to spend anything for him, and if you do, he hopes it is something for Floppy (a gift for her equals to a gift for him)
Leiftan: He’s gonna cry at any of your gifts, no matter if you bought it or you did it by yourself. He is going to drown in tears. Books, drawings, poems, crotchet figurines… he loves them.
Lance: Gloves for his freezing hands (so you don't freeze when he touches you), a good perfume, pajamas and a kiss :).
Mathieu: He is good with silly little stuff such as plushies, bracelets, necklaces or the dumbest shirts ever (he’s gonna go out with them without any shame). Cute cups, cute plates, anything to decorate his prosthetic leg.
Aaron: No matter if he loves his brown shirt too much, he lowkey needs a new one… so a brown sweater, shirt or jacket, it might be pretty useful.
Beliath: Skincare products, a headband, haircare products because bro wants it to glow and be fancy. A bottle of red wine. Affection. Any sex-related stuff, even if it is in a joke, it might be a good gift as well.
Raphael: Books in braille! He knows how hard it is to find them, so it’s a great surprise for him to receive more. And even more if they are from your era, and he can get to know what kind of literature is made nowadays.
Vladimir: A bucket of candles and tea. Books, a bucket of flowers, a new cane that can be elegant or neutral. A letter made by hand, or even a poem.
Ethan: Probably noise-cancelling earbuds for those times when there’s a storm. He’d be pretty glad to receive citrus soaps, a cool leather jacket. Or gift cards for clothing shops.
Ivan: A gift card for Netflix, silly socks!! Or a silly blanket. Gift him food and he will be happy. Or bring him a nice cuddle session! That’s more than good for him.
Neil: He doesn’t follow the tradition of Christmas and won’t understand why is he receiving a gift. Still, he can never say no to some genuine and spontaneous thing coming from you, like you giving him some jewelry, some sweets or even gifting him a book you’d think he’d like. He appreciates handmade stuff but no need to be Christmas to give those gifts.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it! Happy new year to everyone!
#: ̗̀➛ alex's eldarya hcs!#: ̗̀➛ alex’s mcl hcs!#: ̗̀➛ alex's ml hcs!#eldarya headcanons#moonlight lovers headcanons#my candy love headcanons#my candy love newgen headcanons#mcl hcs#my candy love#mcl newgen#eldarya#moonlight lovers#beemoov
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More Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley and Taskforce Moments With Little Ghost
+ Featuring Los Vaqueros Uncles, Meemaw Laswell (and her wife?), Peepaw Nikolai, Aunty Farah and Uncle Alex
Did I use the same pictures as I did with the last posts? Yes, because these pictures are so Ghostie coded. Also there's like a slight ✨sprinkle✨ of Angst in there, good luck <3
Tag list: @puff0o0 @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui HAS THE BEST FREAKING COMMENTARY AND IS SO SWEET, SHE MAKES ME SOUND LIKE I'M SOME AUTHOR WHO WROTE A FAMOUS BOOK, ILY CONNORSUI <3 (ngl, I go back to read her commentary over and over again because if how nice they make me feel 😭)
Pairings: Ghost x Wife!Reader
This is my personal AU, I don't think anyone has written on little Ghostie before I did. Not to say that there aren't any works on Dad!Ghost and his kids however Ghostie is a character of mine who holds such a special place in my heart, especially after I started writing more about her and how she acts around everyone.
Possible ships: Farah x Alex (Faralex)?? Alejandro x Rudy (Alerudy)?? Price x Nikolai (Nikprice)??
I know Halloween season is over but y'all can't do anything about this, it's been cooking in my brain for a while now. (Some of these are just regular scenarios though) Ghostie is back y'all!!!
❥ Ghostie who simultaneously made her way into convincing the Taskforce to go with her trick or treating, having her little army uniform that was commissioned for her, a bit visible underneath her pink puffy jacket. Yeah I don't think she's going to stop wearing it unless she's outgrown it, in which case, that would just break her big heart :((
❥ Simon holding little Ghostie's hand while she toddles, she would NOT go anywhere without either her dad's, her mum's or her uncle Gaz's hand. Having her tiny chubby fingers gripping onto two of her dad's fingers as he guides her up big steps. Catching her when she accidentally slips on the slippery steps.
❥ The rest of the Taskforce being behind her like a bunch of guard dogs, ain't nobody is gonna try and scare her because of the big burly men next to her. Photo was provided by my favorite artist last Halloween, @puff0o0:
❥ Ghostie having the sweetest voice ever, she so polite, so much so that she makes the her dad and uncles chuckle at her. (This is how I imagined her voice to sound like)
"Say trick or treat.." Gaz whispers, coaching her from behind as someone from the house opens the door. Two women in costumes, holding a big candy bowl.
"trwick or trweat.." Little Ghostie mumbles, far too shy and almost hiding behind her uncle.
"What a cute costume you have there, here, take these ones" one of the women said, adding the candy to Ghostie's little basket.
"Thank you!" Ghostie exclaims, making the two girls awe at her politeness and eagerness.
❥ Yeah Ghostie definitely pronounces Halloween as "Ha-Hoween".
❥ I can't help but think that they came across that one house with a sign that said "leave your single dad's number if he's attractive" and as a joke, uncle Gaz threw in a piece of paper with peepaw Price's number on it, only to have peepaw Nikolai fish it out of the candy bowl when he thought no one could see him.. but Ghostie did.
Not Halloween related:
❥ Safe to say that when uncle Gaz doesn't like someone, neither does Ghostie, if you all can recall that cutscene from mw3, Gaz did NOT even bother to acknowledge Philip's existence. That being said, Ghostie gives the nastiest side-eyes to him the moment he even opens his mouth. (Yeah she got from her dad)
❥ Ghostie absolutely loves getting head pats and giving them, to her, it's one of the best forms of praise. Anyone gives her head pats gets to witness her absolutely adorable reaction, the way her eyes light up, those little lips curling into a smile causing her chubby cheeks to be prominent and her eyes squinting. Mostly loves doing it to uncle Soap, because the mohawk is fluffy.
❥ Maybe at some point, when Philip decides to behave then he can earn the head pats from Ghostie.
❥ Meals with the Taskforce and Ghostie are a certified hit, she has quite the appetite and she shows it. Simon takes it upon himself to always does what his wife does at home when he's out with Ghostie, bringing her silicone bib and baby utensils. (Even the bulky ass highchair attachment that he keeps in that back of his car/truck)
"More please..." Ghostie says, making grabby hands, in the middle of chewing after observing that her plate is yet again empty.
Price chuckles, looking at Simon who was now careful about the amount of food to add on Ghostie's plate because the toddler is on her third round of food.
❥ Ghostie enjoys clapping her hands and anything as well, especially after eating and being satisfied.
❥ Ghostie is into tea, her dad got her hooked on it.
"Aye, what about you Ghostie? What'd you like?" Soap asks the little one who's currently keeping herself busy with her custom coloring book.
"Tea!" She says, looking up for a bit to Soap before focusing back on her coloring.
"You heard her Johnny, make that two.." Simon says with a pretty firm pat on the back for Soap.
"Fuckin' Brits..."
❥ Auntie Farah and uncle Alex are the babysitters when uncle Gaz, uncle Soap and peepaw Price ain't around. Farah loves that kid to death, if she was being honest, she saw a lot of resemblance between Simon and Ghostie. Of course there are looks were, she's basically a carbon copy of him but also mannerisms;
❥ Ghostie who copies her dad, being adamant about being cleanly and tidy, oftentimes catching people surprised that she tidies up after herself immediately after playing before moving onto another set of toys, coloring books and coloring materials. She notices and mirrors how Simon is consistent in keeping things tidy and out the way.
❥ Whenever Ghostie is at home with her momma (you) and Simon had to run errands, she always wakes up first, seeing how her dad gets up early too.
Ghostie rises up with a soft yawn, rubbing her tiny eyes with her hands, she looked around at the still dimly lit room. She turned her head from side to side looking for her dad.
She was met by him standing and dressing himself up in a black hoodie to go out and buy something. She gives him that cheek to cheek smile before leaning her cheek and closing her eyes, mandatory kiss from dad before he left.
"Alright pumpkin, dada's leaving now. I'll be back later, be good and don't give momma a hard time.." Simon reminded her after giving her cheek a kiss.
"Okay dada- promise.." Ghostie yawns mid sentence.
❥ Ghostie who, ever since she way younger, loved to cup her dad's face and nuzzle her nose into his. A tradition that Simon doesn't know if he's ready to see it go when she grows up. Neither is he ready for her to start correcting the words she's been pronouncing wrong;
❥ Dad!Simon whose heart broke once he realizes that the "I love you"s will slowly start to be less and less when she becomes a teen, he's silently wishing to himself that it won't be reduced to not being said at all. You had to reassure him that it won't happen, not when Ghostie's the sweetest little girl anyone could ask for and Simon is the best dad anyone could as for.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Rudy being the seasoned uncles who happened to be absolutely adored by Ghostie, not as much as uncle Gaz but let's be real here, no one is on uncle Gaz's level.
❥ Uncle Alejandro and uncle Soap having bets and arguments on who gets to reach their language to Ghostie while she just sits there on uncle Rudy's lap, sipping on her apple juice, quite entertained.
❥ YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT RUDY ISN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING HER TO SLEEP OR NAP, that man is a walking heater. I can just see him standing there while holding her in his arms while she's trying her hardest not to fall asleep, yawning "Uncle Rudy.." before immediately snoring, snuggling her face into his soft blue hoodie shirt. (@icarustypicalfall is living for this, I just know it)
❥ Alejandro who gets smacked in the back of the head by (his husband) Rudy for being too loud and almost waking Ghostie up. (Alerudy when? This is a joke to y'all Alerudy haters, I like the ship, it's cute. Not sure if it's canon here in my AU, up to you guys to decide)
❥ Laswell and her wife absolutely fucking adore Ghostie, shit she makes them want to have kids, she has almost the same effect on almost everyone. Silently making her uncle Gaz wish that he isn't single.
❥ Let's be real here, peepaw Nikolai was the one who Ghostie jammed with while listening to heavy metal. He also got her this mini leather jacket that matched his, with her nationality country/countries flag/s embroidered patch on the side. I can just imagine her little head bangs that peepaw nik taught her 🥺😭.
❥ Also Ghostie has access to almost everyone's prized stuff, uncle Gaz's and peepaw Price's hats, uncle Soap's medals and even peepaw Nik's jacket which looks like she's swimming in it when she's wearing it.
❥ This pic is so Dad!Simon and Ghostie coded:

❥ Something tells me that Simon would send you this pic and you'd probably have a heart attack, your husband isn't the best driver after all but you trust him since he won't put your daughter in imminent danger.
❥ I think most of the time, Ghostie is in her uncle Gaz's arms and/or lap while he sits on the passenger seat, doesn't really matter who's driving.
My past works on Ghostie, in case you haven't seen the posts before this one on my most favorite mini Ghost:
Little Ghost (Drabble)
TF141 Interacting with Little Ghost Hcs
This was far longer than I expected, I just love Ghostie so much and I just have a lot to say regarding her.
A/n: This is now an official taglist for most of my generic CoD works, none of these people asked to be tagged on my mediocre content and I understand that, if y'all wanna be removed from the taglist then y'all could tell me privately or on the replies if you guys prefer it :))
Sidenote: Is it normal to be so excited over something you bought? I literally bought my first ever concealer today, a mascara that I've been looking for and lip oil. I was so excited that I squealed when I got home and immediately used them. Any makeup tips that you guys have? Sort of a beginner at this stuff.. Also does anyone whose had viral posts ever feel like their popular strike is over because none of their works get as much attention? Looking at all my recent posts and hyperventilating because the numbers are lower by so much.
#cod x reader#aethelwyne lia writes#ghost x reader#simon riley x reader#cod headcanons#simon ghost riley x reader#simon riley#simon ghost x reader#simon ghost riley#simon riley x you#ghost x plus size reader#ghost x female reader#ghost x you#ghost cod#task force 141#kyle gaz garrick#john soap mactavish#john price#cod mwf2#cod mw3#cod mwii#alerudy#alejandro x rodolfo#farah x alex#faralex#price x nikolai#nikprice#kate laswell#nikolai belinski#husband!ghost
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Dates with NCT
summary: fluff, nct ot20, cute little dates that the members of nct would take you on.
Taeyong: Strawberry Picking Date

Taeyong would take you strawberry picking at a local strawberry field! He came up with the idea during the winter time, so you both had to wait until May for it to be strawberry picking season. The wait almost made it more fun though, because you both were ten times more excited. “These are the biggest strawberries I’ve ever seen!” Taeyong says, his boba eyes wide in amazement. You nod your head in agreement, admiring the most juiciest and perfect looking strawberries. “We need to make a strawberry shortcake when we get home.” “And strawberry milk!!” He says, as he picks some more and puts them into his wicker basket. As much as you loved the strawberries, you found yourself watching Taeyong during the majority of the date. He’s just such a cutie whenever he tries new things. You always adored how he seemed to experience things like a child would, in pure amazement and wonder. You catch him off guard a little, when you crouch down next to him and plant a kiss on his cheek. He makes a cute face at you in response and you both go back to picking out the best strawberries.
Taeil: Cooking at Home Date

Taeil would want to mix things up from your usual dates, and cook for you! Taeil is a really good cook, so you were very excited for what he was going to make you. He chooses to make you pizza from scratch which he has never done before. “Just sit back and relax honey, I'll make everything.” Taeil says after you ask him if he needs any help. You’re sitting at the kitchen table, he’s already made the dough, so you're watching him try and toss it up in the air. The first few times was a total fail, but it puts on a good show for you, at least. Once he’s done, the kitchen is such a mess. You never knew cooking could be this messy. When you actually do try the pizza though, it’s genuinely one of the best pizzas you’ve ever had. Taeil sits back, with a proud look on his face, once he sees that you love it. “You didn’t even follow the directions, I don’t know how this turned out so good.” You tell him in amazement. “I’m glad you like it, baby.” He says, as he stands up and gives you a sweet kiss.
Johnny: Concert Date

Johnny knows that you’ve been wanting to see your favorite artist for the longest time, but their shows always end up getting completely sold out. So, when he saw that they were going to be on tour, he made sure to get you tickets. He didn’t tell you about his plans, just in case he couldn’t end up getting them, but luckily he got them and planned to surprise you. “Johnnyy, I’m so sad I couldn’t get tickets. They went on sale when I was in a meeting.” You say, hiding your face into Johnny’s chest. He pats your back to console you, but when you look up at him, you see a smile on his face. “Why are you smiling? It’s not funny.” You pout. He crouches down so that you’re face to face. “It’s funny because I’m the most amazing boyfriend in the world, and I got my sweet baby tickets to go see her favorite artist.” To say that you freaked out would be an understatement. You’ve been waiting to go see them for so long and that the fact that you finally were, didn’t seem like real life. ⸻ If you had to describe the concert, you would say it was a dream come true. Not only did Johnny get you amazing seats, but he surprised you again by learning some of their songs so that he could sing along with you. Although Johnny did enjoy the concert, his attention was mainly on you the whole date. He watched you, like a proud boyfriend. Seeing you so happy filled his heart with so much joy. During the slower songs, he made sure to put his arm around you and give you sweet kisses on your temple, as you both swayed to the music.
Yuta: Nail Salon Date

Yuta would take you out to go get both of your nails done! Ever since he went with Johnny to go get his nails painted, he’s loved to get them done. So what better way to spend time with you, than going to get them done together! He would get his usual black gel nails, and he would help you choose which ones you want to get. “Ohh, this one would look really pretty on you!” Yuta says, pointing at a set you had saved on your pinterest board. “I’ve always liked those a lot, but is it doing too much?” “No! Absolutely not, if you don’t get them, I will.” Yuta assures you, earning a big smile from you. You both enjoy every second that you're at the nail salon together. Getting your nails done always made you feel more ‘put together’ which you loved. Plus every time you got a new set, Yuta always held your hand to analyze every detail of them, which you always thought was so cute.
Kun: Movie Theater Date

When Kun told you that he was going to take you out today to go see a movie, he didn’t tell you what movie you two were going to go see. You even tried to guess what movie he was taking you to see, but all of your guesses were wrong, which left you confused but excited. You two walked into the movie theater and you turned to Kun to see what seats he had bought. “Sit anywhere you like.” Kun says, with the cutest smile on his face. “We can’t, we have to sit where you bought the ticket.” “I didn’t buy a ticket. I rented out the whole room.” You turn to take a look around and he was right, the theater was completely empty which would have been impossible for the weekend. You pick out your seat, which takes a few tries, but you eventually get your perfect seat. You try to question Kun some more about what movie is about to play, but you don’t get an answer until it starts. When you finally do figure it out, you couldn’t be more surprised. He had gotten the theater to play your favorite movie from childhood. “Kun!! I can’t believe we’re watching this right now.” You say, grabbing his hand. “You always talk about how you wish you could see it in the theater like you did when you were a kid, so of course, I had to.”
Doyoung: Cooking Together Date

Doyoung had cooked for you numerous times, both before and after you started dating. You loved when he cooked for you so much, so when he suggested a date where you both cooked something together, you couldn’t have been more excited. When you walked into his apartment, you saw that he had lit some candles and was playing soft music in the background. The ambiance made you even more ecstatic. “What are we making today?” You say, as Doyoung takes your coat off and hangs it up. “White wine butter bucatini.” Your mouth waters as he says this. He’s made this dish for you once before and it was amazing. Doyoung starts by boiling the pasta, while you mince the garlic. Every once in a while Doyoung made sure to come over to you and give his girl a sweet kiss. As you start to combine all the ingredients, his whole apartment is filled with the aroma. The slight pop of Doyoung opening the wine makes you jump, because of the serene environment. Once the pasta is done, you two enjoy what you created together, getting lost in conversation. Before you know it, all the pasta is gone. “We need to make this again!” “Yes, and there’s a million other recipes I want to teach you how to make.” “I would love that, Doyoung.”
Ten: Painting Date

A few weeks ago while you two were getting ice cream, Ten saw a couple painting together at the park. He thought that it was such a cute idea, so he went out and got all the supplies the next day. At first you were unsure about painting, because you were worried about it not turning out good, but Ten assured you that it was going to look amazing to him because you were the one making it. He took you to the park that had the prettiest view of a pond. He brought a picnic blanket, some snacks, and all the painting supplies. You two set everything up, and you had to take a picture afterwards because it looked so cute. “I have an idea.” Ten says. “I was thinking we could both paint something for each other!” You loved that idea so you both got started painting right away. You both decided not to let each other see the painting until you were done, so that you could see each others reactions at the finished product. “I can’t believe I forgot how much fun this is! It kind of makes me feel like a kid again.” You say, as you do the finishing touches. You end up finishing first and you see that the sun is starting to set. You look over at Ten and he’s glowing under the pink sky. He’s too lost in his own painting to notice you taking pictures of him, and the sky. “Done!” Ten announces to you. “We should reveal our paintings to each other at the same time.” You both hold your paintings as Ten counts down from five. You turn you paintings around at the same time, and to say that you loved Ten’s painting would be an understatement. He had painted the teddy bear that he won for you from the claw machines on your first date together. “Ten! This is the cutest painting ever, I love it so much.” You say, as he hands it to you. You had also chosen something a bit sentimental to paint for your boyfriend. You had painted a close up shot of his hands playing the piano. When you two first started dating, he had been kinda shy about his piano playing, so when he finally did play something for you, it signified a new level of trust in your relationship. You knew he loved it by the way he kept smiling at it. “I’m definitely hanging this up. I love it so much, baby.”
Jaehyun: Yacht Date

When Jaehyun told you he was going to take you out on a yacht tonight you thought that he was joking, but of course, he wasn’t. “Wait, what do I even wear on a yacht?” You ask, searching for an outfit in your closet. “ Wear that little black dress, you know how much I love it.” You knew it was going to be a good date if he told you to wear his favorite dress of yours. You felt your excitement grow as you got ready. You know that he’s a sucker for a red lip too, so you made sure to put some on. You had been on boats before, but nothing like this one. It had multiple decks with a kitchen, bedroom, reading room, and a giant hot tub. “This is the boat?” You asked Jaehyun, surprised. “Yacht.” He replied, as he held your hand to help you onto the yacht. The captain came to greet you both to tell you how long the ride will be and to enjoy your evening together. There were other people on the boat, which you assumed to be other passengers, but were actually the rest of the staff. “Did you rent the whole thing just for the two of us?” “Of course I did, baby.” He says, as he gives you a wink. You had very few weaknesses in life, but Jaehyun treating you like a princess was one of them. You melted at his sweet gesture, and took a moment to process that your boyfriend would do all this for you. The first thing you did was have dinner on the lower deck. There was a piano and violin player that set the tone for a romantic evening. The whole night Jaehyun was looking at you like you’re the most gorgeous person on earth, which of course, to him that’s exactly what you are. After dessert, Jaehyun took you to the upper deck where you heard music playing. “Jae! It’s our song.” “Is it?” He says, with a knowing smile because he planned this whole thing out. Outside on the upper deck had the best view of the water, that looked so pretty under the setting sun. As you’re looking out at the waves, you feel Jaehyun's arms wrap around you from behind. He places sweet kisses on your cheek and down to your neck. “Will you dance with me, baby?” He whispers in your ear. You nod your head in agreement, as you take his hand. You two sway to the song, the same song that you danced to together hundreds of times throughout your relationship. “I hope we’re still dancing to this song when we grow old together.” Jaehyun says, as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
Winwin: Fancy Dinner Date

You loved being treated by your boyfriend every once in a while, so every time Winwin took you out on a fancy dinner date, you were always so excited. This time, it’s a new restaurant that neither of you have been to, but looks amazing. You both get dressed up in your best outfits. Whenever Winwin gets dressed up, you can never stop yourself from looking at how handsome he is. This always makes him a bit shy, but you knew he loved it when you couldn’t take your eye off him. Once you got to the restaurant, there was a small line in the lobby, but Winwin made a reservation,so you two were seated right away. As you two look over the menu, Winwin grabs your hand to hold. He always does this at every restaurant, and your heart melts at the gesture every time. He rubs his thumb up and down on the back of your hand, while he concentrates on the menu. He looks up at you with an innocent smile once he decides on what to eat, like he doesn’t know the effect even the smallest touch from him has on you. The food comes soon after you both order it and you are not disappointed. Everything tastes just as amazing as it looks. You are in the middle of eating when you notice Winwin is looking at you. “What?” You ask him. “I love you y/n. I always feel like the luckiest guy in the world whenever I’m with you.”
Jungwoo: Flower Picking Date

Wanting to go to a flower field one day was something you mentioned in passing to Jungwoo. Ever since then, he had made it his mission to find the prettiest flower field so that he can take you. The flower fields nearest to you were pretty, but the one a little farther away was gorgeous. So, Jungwoo thought to make a day out of going and have it be a date! Jungwoo decided that it would be a nice surprise date, so he didn’t tell you where you were going. You really had no clue as to what he was up to, because he had never indicated that he wanted to take you to a flower field. When you finally got there, it took your brain a minute to register that Jungwoo had really taken you here. “Jungwoo, this is even prettier than the pictures I’ve seen!” You say, giving him a hug before he’s even gotten the chance to park the car yet. The flower field was filled with all different types of wildflowers. It went on farther than you could see and you just had to take a moment to really soak in the beauty of it all. Jungwoo walks you down a little bit where there's a pathway that goes down the middle of the field. At first, you walk hand in hand together down the path. Then, you start to pick out the flowers you really like to make a little bouquet for. It’s hard to pick because they’re all so beautiful, but you end up picking out some yellow, pink, and purple wildflowers. Jungwoo seems to be busy picking out some flowers too, but when you look closer, he’s only picking out one flower. When he seems to find the perfect one, he plucks it out of the ground but then hides it behind his back so you don’t see. He walks up to you with that pretty smile of his. “I got something for you.” He says, as he shows you a cute little orange wildflower. He twirls it in between his fingers before he pushes back your hair and lets it sit behind your ear. “So pretty.” He makes a gesture like he also wants a flower behind his ear, so you pick out your prettiest one and do the same for him.
Mark: Watching the Sunset Date
You couldn’t count the amount of times you and Mark had dates where you watched the sunset together. It was one of his favorite times of day and he loved spending that time with his girl. Mark had access to the roof from his apartment, which was the perfect place to watch the sun go down. Even before the sun sets, the clouds in the blue sky are always so pretty to look at. “I just love how every sunset is different, but each and every one is so unbelievably beautiful.” Mark says, as you both are laying down on a blanket, shoulder to shoulder. You look over at him with a smile on your face. You loved his love for the sky so much. You loved that he could find such beauty in the everyday things that most people take for granted. The sun sets gradually over time, turning the whole sky pink. You start to take some pictures of it, a habit that you had gotten from Mark. You feel Mark press a sweet kiss on your cheek and when you look over at him, he gives you another kiss. “I love you, y/n.” He whispers to you. “I love you too, Mark.” You whisper back to him.
Xiaojun: Ice Cream Date
Late night ice cream runs with Xioajun were your favorite. It’s always very spontaneous, you and Xiaojun usually have a night together at his apartment, when one of you gets a craving for the sweet dessert. There’s a Ben and Jerry’s not too far away, so you always end up going there. Xiaojun always orders for the both of you, after you’ve told him what you want. You stand behind him, as you watch the worker scoop out the ice cream and into a cup. You always go back to his car to eat because you love the cozy atmosphere of the night sky and the soft music playing from the car radio. You two switch back and forth between each other's ice creams, ‘arguing’ about which one is better. Usually yours ends up being the better one which leads to Xiaojun saying that he’ll let you pick his flavor next time, even though he never does. “Next time I really will let you pick mine, yours is always better.” You roll your eyes at him because you know it’s not the truth. “Don’t roll your eyes, I’m serious!” He tries to convince you. “I’ll believe when I see it, baby.” “Fine, we are going on another ice cream date tomorrow.” (He did not get the flavor you suggested the next day.)
Hendery: Home Movie Night Date
When Hendery told you that he had planned for a movie date at his apartment with you, you thought it was going to be like every other movie date you’ve had together. Which is why you were shocked when you got to his place and he had completely decorated his living room! He put out blankets, snacks, and lit some candles making everything look so cozy and perfect for a movie night. “Do you like it?” He asks, with a proud smile on his face. “Of course I do baby, this is so sweet!” You say as you wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him. “You’re so cute, Hendery.” He gives you a kiss before he walks over to five pieces of folded up paper that you hadn’t noticed was sitting on the coffee table. “What’s that for?” You ask him. “I wrote down five movies that we’ve both been wanting to watch and then you’re going to choose one at random and we’ll watch it!” He says, clearly very excited by his plan. “Just pick the one that’s calling to you.” You take a moment to consider your options before you settle on the third piece of paper as the ‘right’ one. You unfold the paper and immediately you’re so much more excited. “Kiki’s Delivery Service! I love that movie, I can’t believe you even put it in here.” Hendry gives you a big smile. “You always talk about it so I wanted to watch it with you.” He walks over to the blankets and picks one up. “Where do you want to sit?” You decide to sit down on the floor with your back against the sofa. Hendery sits next to you and covers you both with the blanket. He starts the movie as you both snack on all the food he bought. About halfway through the movie, you stop eating and get more comfortable on the couch together. Hendery lays on his back while you lay on top of him with your head resting on his chest. You both know it’s a dangerous position to be in because it’s so cozy and it always ends up with you both falling asleep. Surprisingly though, neither of you did fall asleep until the end of the movie. Hendery seemed to be really enjoying Kiki’s Delivery Service a lot which made your heart swell because of your love for the movie.
Renjun: Grocery Store Date
With Renjun, everything was a date, as long as you two were hanging out together. One of his favorite dates to go on with you was to the grocery store. Most of the time neither of you really needed anything, but just wanted to go roam the aisles, picking up whatever looks good so that you could try it when you got back to his place. He always took you to the same grocery store. A local one, that hasn’t changed since you both were children, causing you to get hit with a wave of nostalgia every time you come. As much as you enjoyed doing this with Renjun, you have always wondered why he gets so excited for your grocery store dates. You two are walking down aisle four, when you decide to ask him about it. You slightly bump your shoulder against his to make him look at you. “Why do you like taking me here so much?” He takes a moment to consider your question. “It just makes me happy. Doing the everyday things with you. Knowing that, even when we’re old, we’ll still be making trips like this to the grocery store together.” He explains, as he links his fingers into yours. “Renjun, that’s so sweet. And you’d be such a cute grandpa.” You say, giving his hand a squeeze. He nods in agreement, causing you to laugh. He lets go of your hand when he sees a brand new flavor of chips he hasn’t tried yet. “We have to get these.” He says, giving you puppy dog eyes as if you would dare tell him no.
Jeno: Picnic Date
Jeno got the idea to plan out a picnic date a week ago. You were laying in between his legs on the couch, when he caught a glimpse of your phone out of the corner of his eye. You were scrolling through Pinterest when you stopped on a picture of a couple having a picnic. Jeno thought that a picnic sounded like such a cute idea, so he started to plan everything out right then and there. He even made himself a pinterest account so that he could get more ideas. He decided that the park would be the perfect place. He bought a blanket, a cute little basket to put all the food in, and some flowers for you. He wanted it to be a little bit of a surprise, so he told you about it the day of when you two went to go get food for the picnic. Once you got to the park, Jeno already had the perfect spot in mind. It was only a short walk until you got to said spot. It was right under a big tree so it had the perfect amount of shade. You two set up the blanket and got out all of the food. “The weather is literally perfect for a picnic.” You say as you pop a green grape into your mouth. You feel Jeno plant a kiss on your cheek. “You’re perfect.” You scrunch your nose at him for being cheesy which causes him to give you more kisses. While you two were distracting one another, you almost didn’t notice a little kid sneaking up to your picnic. She was stealing a strawberry when you noticed her. You made eye contact with her and she ran off with the fruit. You and Jeno burst out laughing. You would have let her have more if she didn’t run away. “No more distracting me angel, I’ve got to protect our food.” “You were the one all over me!” You say, giving him a soft punch on his arm.
Haechan: Selfcare Night Date
All week long, Haechan has been asking you about your self-care routine. So far, you’ve told him about your favorite sheet masks, tea, and the recipe for your favorite cookies. You had just assumed that he was going to have his own self-care day, and willfully answered all his questions. You were surprised when he told you that you two were going to have a selfcare night date. As soon as you came over you, noticed the sheet masks on display, all the ingredients out to make cookies, and some candles that were lit. The amount of thought and effort he put into this date, melted your heart. As instructed, you came wearing your pajamas. Haechan, of course, did the same. “What do you want to do first?” Haechan asks you. “I usually start off my selfcare nights with skincare.” “Perfect, I’ve bought all the types of sheet masks you told me you liked so which one should we do?” “Hmm, this one.” You say pointing to your favorite. You two go into his bathroom and Haechan helps you put your hair up into a bun. He has to re-do it at least three times, but he’s so gentle with your hair and it feels so nice. Once he also puts his hair up, you both put on the mask. “I think we should make some tea now.” Haechan was already one step ahead of you, he had already put the kettle to boil right before you got to his place. So once you were both in the kitchen, it wasn’t long until it was ready to be poured over your tea bags. “What should we do now?” Haechan asks you as you finish pouring his drink. “We relax.” You respond. You and Haechan both head over to his room where you decide that the most comfiest spot would be in his bed. You two stay there for a while, on your phones and drinking your tea, until you decided that it was probably time to take off the masks. “Do you feel refreshed?” Haechan asks you, giving you a little kiss. “Absolutely and now, we need to make those cookies.” You say, kissing him back.
Jaemin: Game Night Date
Game night dates with Jaemin were a regular thing between you two. You loved these nights with him even though he always messed with you. Jaemin would either cheat to win every single game, or he would let you win. You didn’t know which was worse, but your reactions were the only reason why he continued to play like this. He just can’t get enough of you when you’re semi-frustrated. “Jaemin, there is physically no way you're not cheating right now. How have you won four games in a row?” You say, throwing down the uno cards. Jaemin looks at you with his hand on his heart, appalled that you would even suggest something like that during game night. “Is this really what you think of me, angel?” “Don’t call me sweet names to make me forget what you’re doing.” “Sweetheart.” He says, as he fake pouts. “I’m not playing with you anymore.” You say, knowing that this is exactly what he wants you to do. He smiles at you as he comes to sit next to you. He stares at you, until you're both smiling goofily at each other. “You’re so annoying.” “You love when I’m annoying.” He says, as he apologizes by giving you a million little kisses.
Yangyang: Cooking Class Date
When Yangyang first mentioned that he wanted to go to a couples cooking class with you, you were hesitant at first. He kept on insisting though, so that’s exactly what you found yourself doing today. The class was teaching you how to make pasta from scratch, which you were honestly really excited to learn how to do. The instructor was the cutest old lady, who seemed to have the strongest passion for cooking. “...and then mix the flour into the eggs gently.” She says, as she walks along the room watching everyone's progress. She immediately stopped Yangyang because he wasn’t doing it softly enough, and showed him how to do it. “This is so much fun.” He whispers to you, and you can see it in his face that he means it. You two don't make any mistakes until you get to the sauce making portion. Yangyang forgot to add oil to the pan, so the sauce started to burn. “What do we do?” He says, in a bit of a panic. “I don’t know, it’s burning.” The instructor comes over and sees the predicament. She took the pan away and gave you guys a new one, along with some more ingredients to restart on your sauce. This time, you both make sure to do everything correctly. When the pasta was all done, all the couples in the class fed each other a bite. You and Yangyang both laughed as you did this, but it was actually really cute. You weren’t sure where he heard about this couple's cooking class but you were glad he did. You give him a quick kiss on the cheek, which he wasn't expecting and you saw a faint hint of blush appear.
Chenle: Bookstore Date
Chenle knew your love for reading, so he thought that it would be fun to take you out on a bookstore date. You couldn’t hold in your excitement when he told you this. Going to the bookstore just held such a special place in your heart, and you can’t help but feel a little giddy every time you get the chance to go. You both bring your favorite tote bags so that you can carry all the books you buy. Like always, you immediately get overwhelmed by all the books so you decide to take it section by section. You and Chenle walk down the book aisles hand in hand, taking your time and just enjoying being with each other. When you settled on all the books you wanted to get, and even helped Chenle pick out some books, you both went to go sit at the cafe inside the bookstore. You both orders some coffee and pastries, which were amazing. You were reading the first chapter of one of your new books when you noticed Chenle staring at you. “What?” you say, smiling at him. “You’re so pretty.” He says, and then takes another sip of his coffee. You bring your book up to your face to hide your smile. Chenle always knew how to make you feel special, and you loved that so much about him.
Jisung: Aquarium Date
You had mentioned to Jisung that you hadn’t been to the aquarium since you were a kid, which prompted him to immediately take you out on a date to the aquarium. You didn’t think that you were going to be as impressed with the aquarium as you were when you were a kid, but you were so wrong. The whole place was amazing and so breathtaking. You caught a glimpse of Jisung and his proud smile because it was a rare sight to see you in awe. Everything was just so pretty. You and Jisung walked hand and hand through the aquarium, making sure to take pictures of everything so you had the memory of this date forever. “Aw! Look Jisung, that fish looks just like you.” He just stares at it and then at you. “That one looks just like me?” You nod your head yes while trying to get him next to the fish to take a picture of the both of them. “I look nothing like it, it’s ugly.” “It’s cutee I don’t know why you’re calling it ugly. That’s very rude.” He rolls his eyes at you and starts to walk ahead of you but stops and holds his hand out for you to take. You gladly take it and give him a quick kiss to apologize for calling him an ugly fish, even though you thought it was adorable.
#nct#nct 127#nct dream#wayv#x reader#fanfiction#x y/n#haechan#mark lee#fluff#nct scenarios#imagine#taeyong#johnny suh#yuta#ten#jaehyun#jaemin#jeno#jisung#winwin#jungwoo#xiaojun#hendery#renjun#yangyang#chenle#taeil#kun#doyoung
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Meant to be 🕷️
⋆˙⟡♡✧˖° love island au x miguel o’hara ⋆˙⟡♡✧˖°



★‧°𖦹。⋆ miguel o’hara x mexicana!bombshell!reader ⋆。𖦹°‧★
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ W/C: 268
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ CONTENT: small intro, reader having some inside scoop, miguel not being happy nor honest in his couple
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ SUMMARY: when you come in as the first girl bombshell of the season will you turn heads and cause absolute chaos? or maybe just turn one head and lay all your eggs on his basket? keep reading to find out!
series masterlist — next part
imagine getting the chance to be on love island and coming in as the first girl bombshell of the season. Not really having an eye on someone specifically, instead being open to talking to all the guys because they were all fine as hell.
And given you weren’t even allowed to choose for this date because it was up to the public to choose but you’d seen everything up to about 12 hours ago, you knew all the islanders and their current couples. You knew Miguel was definitely a top contender out of all the guys and found him very attractive.
Now on the opposite side of the spectrum was Miguel O’Hara, who was one of the og guys and right away didn’t feel sparks with the girl he chose to couple up with on day one. And after two new guys came in the next night, this girl realized she didn’t want anybody else except for him which freaked him the fuck out because she was moving so fast.
And unfortunately for him, neither of the two guys were interested in her and he was still in a couple with her and made it known to everyone in the villa she was practically tied down already.
All the og girls would call them the mom and dad of the villa which only made Miguel internally cringe but he’d laugh it off as if it was nothing.
And all the guys knew how he felt but because of bro code none of them would give her a heads up in case his head turns.
Which it soon might.
next part
#miguel ohara#miguel ohara imagine#across the spiderverse#miguel o hara#miguel ohara x reader#atsv miguel#miguel ohara smut#miguel ohara x y/n#miguel o'hara#miguel o’hara smut#spiderman 2099#miguel o’hara x reader#miguel o’hara
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How about Argenti with a GN reader that gets sick easily?
(ex: crying can cause them to get sick the next day, etc.)
✭ pairing(s): argenti x gn reader
✧ a/n: this one is really cute!! im a freak for writing my favorite goobers taking care of reader no matter the circumstances. if we couldnt tell. (GOD REACHED DOWN AND GRABBED ME BY THE THROAT AND MADE ME SICK WHICH SPURRED ME ON TO FINISH THIS FIC ((i am also fighting MAD burnout so. i apologize in advance just incase.))
✦ taglist: @fffrost, @shinysora
🗒 cw: gn reader, just fluff :3, not proofread
✎ wc: 1.7k
ꜰᴇᴀʀ ɴᴏᴛ
Argenti is used to this. Coming home to you, cuddled up in bed voice raspy and body too warm yet too cold at the same time. Even waking up to you simply feeling miserable, tugging at his arm to get you some water. He doesn’t mind it, not one bit. He has always enjoyed taking care of you, even when you didn’t need it. He doesn’t mean to coddle you, but sometimes the honor of taking care of you overwhelms him.
However, you’ve been getting sick easier lately, and it has him worried. Rather than the usual offenders (cold weather, idiots who didn’t understand what a mask was, and many such cases), all you had been doing was… working. So, why were you so miserable when Argenti came home?
You were practically trapped in bed, every time you stood up your head started spinning. Your throat felt like hell, all scratched up and painful, making your voice deeper and gravelly. It was a constant battle between you and your blankets, one minute you’re way too hot for them, the next, you couldn’t bear to be without the blanket. Ultimately, you chose to stay wrapped up in the blanket, seeing as the shivers never stopped.
When Argenti came home, he found you, quite obviously, stuck in bed, watching some cheesy romance movie you didn’t even put on. You were in and out of consciousness, letting the streaming service auto-play movies and shows. Somewhere along your little horror marathon, the algorithm lost track of the original memo and now you were stuck with some sparkly male protagonist pining after his love interest in the silliest of ways. He kinda reminded you of Argenti. Or perhaps that’s because Argenti was standing in front of the TV, in the perfect position where he was covering the MC entirely, yet the character’s aura of sparkles framed your knight perfectly. Or maybe it was Argenti himself. It was hard to tell with your fizzled out mind.
“My love! Oh, it’s happened again,” He sighs, yet his voice sounds almost ecstatic. “Have you eaten well? Drank water? Maybe some apple juice or orange juice will help?”
He prattles on about ways to make you feel better, or at least soothe the discomfort you're in, while immediately starting on chores. He doesn’t even take off his armor before he’s throwing clothes into a laundry basket. Even then, he doesn’t take long to come back to your side after throwing the clothes in the washer. He’s got a big, loveable smile on his face as he does so, resting the back of his hand on your forehead, then drifting to your cheek.
“Would you like me to draw a bath, dear? Would that help?” His voice is oh-so-gentle. You don’t have the heart to say no, even if you took one earlier. Regardless, you don’t even get to answer before he’s off once more. You cozy up in the bed for another minute as you listen to the sounds of water running in the other room, and Argenti’s muffled humming.
As much as you hated being sick, and how often you got sick, you can’t deny that Argenti’s enthusiasm helps you a little. At least mentally. The fact that he’s always been so ready to take care of you without a word of protest has been comforting. Even with all he’s been tasked with, he never seems more proud of his work than he does with you.
He comes back in all too happy, scooping you up in his arms without another word. It’s like clockwork for him, treating you like royalty in general. He does the same even if you aren’t sick, taking his time to take care of you and pamper you in any way possible, even in the domestic ways. He would do this even before dressing his wounds if he were to come back with any. Nothing stops him.
The bathroom smells of lavender, an opened bag of epsom salt on the counter. Argenti sets you on the counter with a humble smile. He leans over the bathtub, finally taking off one of his gauntlets and dipping his hand in the water to make sure it isn't too hot. He pulls his hand out and shakes off the water, before turning back to you, holding out his hand to help you off the counter.
He begins to take off your clothes, gently and reverently. There are no lingering touches, no traces of embarrassment as he does so. Once you are naked, he presses a kiss to your forehead and ushers you into the bath. You settle in nicely, the warm water a balm against your skin. Though you were sweaty and so damn hot, it felt infinitely better. You don't know what made this bath feel so much better than the one that you took, but you simply chalked it up to Argenti’s making.
You sink deeper into the bath, til the water is up to your chin. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, the steam helping to clear your nostrils. For once it feels like you can breathe, and lord, is it heavenly. Sure, the scratch in your throat is still there, but it doesn’t feel as significantly damning as it did before. You feel yourself relax, the fuzziness in your head lessening. You can’t help but let out a groan of satisfaction as you allow the water to wash away your woes, or what it could, at least.
It was so comfy that you could practically fall asleep in the bath, running your fingers over the texture of the bottom of the bath just to keep yourself awake as you fight your own consciousness.
“May I come in?” Argenti’s voice breaks you out of your drowsiness, and you catch a glimpse of his hair through a very small crack in the door. You give him a groggy ‘yes’, and he walks back in with a clean pair of clothes for you. He sets them on the counter, before kneeling down next to you in the tub. “I changed the sheets on the bed for you, and the blanket is in the dryer…”
“Mh, thank you,” You mutter, closing your eyes as he places his hand on the top of your head.
“Can I ask what you’ve been doing lately?” His voice holds concern, head tilting to the side.
“Not much,” You shake your head, opening your eyes and looking up at him. You notice now that he has finally shed his armor, wearing nothing but a simple black t-shirt (that fits his body too well), and some sweats. “Just working…”
“I’ve noticed you were working more hours than you’re usually scheduled recently,” He hums, leaning back and taking his hand away from your head. You can’t help but chase after it for a second, sitting back up in the tub. “Perhaps you are working too hard, my dear.”
It is a possibility. Not that you’d mention it. Yes, it’s been a stressful couple of weeks at work, and you swore you had gotten through with it. You did feel like you were working a lot more, but c’mon, you got sick from anything. It couldn’t have been stress, could it? Perhaps you just ran into someone who was sick while working one of your shifts…
Argenti chuckles at your reluctance to admit it, and shakes his head. “It’s alright. I assume it can stay a mystery,” He then stands up, leaning over you once more. “Come on. I don’t want you to prune up in there.”
You groan, yet reach out for his hands, standing up and out of the tub. You’ve never felt so much grief for leaving a bath, though the water was starting to cool down. And while your throat, head, and nose feel better, you can feel the sickness fighting back. You let out an ‘ugh’, unprompted, and Argenti gives you another concerned look, before grabbing a towel and drying you down. He’s a lot quicker this time, though doesn’t neglect to show you the same amount of love as he always has done. Once you are dry, he hastily dresses you, turns around to drain the tub, then picks you up once more.
You groan, yet reach out for his hands, standing up and out of the tub. You’ve never felt so much grief for leaving a bath, though the water was starting to cool down. And while your throat, head, and nose feel better, you can feel the sickness fighting back. You let out an ‘ugh’, unprompted, and Argenti gives you another concerned look, before grabbing a towel and drying you down. He’s a lot quicker this time, though doesn’t neglect to show you the same amount of love as he always has done. Once you are dry, he hastily dresses you, turns around to drain the tub, then picks you up once more.
The bed dips next to you as Argenti climbs in, shuffling closer to you. Then, even closer, throwing his arm around you and pressing a kiss to your forehead, then, after a pause, to your nose, your cheek, then your mouth.
“Stoopppp…” You grumble, pulling your head away weakly. “You’re gonna get siiick…”
“A sacrifice I’m willing to make,” Argenti jokes, placing his hand on the back of your head and tucking it into his chest.
You two stay like that for a while, his fingers fidgeting with your hair as you fall in and out of consciousness once more, languidly stretching an arm over him like he was your teddy bear. Then your leg, to get more comfortable. He stays trapped beneath you, simply watching as you finally end up falling asleep for the upteenth time today. He himself cannot find sleep, too enraptured by the sleeping beauty in his arms, though disheveled and snotty.
© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | discord server | star header by roseschoices DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN, REPOST ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM, OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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