#prompt: apples
thisapplepielife · 2 days
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Written for @steddie-spooktober.
Gravity Always Wins
Day #3 Prompt: Apples | Word Count: 6464 | Rating: M | POV: Eddie | CW: Language, Sex | Tags: Modern AU, Meet Cute, Apple Picking, Bakery Owner Steve, Sports Guy Steve, Smitten Eddie Munson, Platonic Stobin, Gareth, Good Uncle Wayne Munson
Also right here on ao3.
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"Oh shit, oh fuck," Eddie says as the apple tumbles out of his grasp. He looks down in horror as it falls, like a slow-motion car wreck happening right before his very eyes, as it lands directly on the guy's head that was picking below him.
To add insult to injury, it hits with a very audible thunk. 
Shit, he shouldn't even be allowed on a ladder. That's like the first rule of the universe or some shit. Who signed off on this? Honestly.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Eddie asks, coming down the ladder, watching as the guy, the very pretty guy, rubs at the top of his head, only slightly worried he's about to get his ass kicked in a goddamn apple orchard.
But the guy is laughing.
He's laughing, and gorgeous, and Eddie can't help but smile. 
"Goddamn you, Newton!" Eddie shouts, dramatically shaking his fist in the air, eyes trained on the sky, as if he had nothing at all to do with this, and that gravity alone was solely to blame.
"Gravity always wins," the guy says, then adds, "I'm good, honest, you just startled me. I never thought concussion number four would be at the hands of an apple. But here we are."
Eddie feels his face fall.
"Oh, oh no, I'm kidding. I was just teasing you. I'm fine. Look? It was just a little apple," he says, leaning over to pick up the offending piece of fruit. 
Eddie eyes it in his palm, "That's definitely gonna have a bruise."
"Like my head," he teases, and Eddie reaches out and pops him on the shoulder, making him pull back, giggling. His sweater is soft under Eddie's hand, and Eddie wants to reach out and stroke it again, but stops himself. Content to just stare a second.
He's truly something to look at. Goddamn.
Eddie just smiles at him, and when he straightens back up, he hands the apple back.
It is a little apple, and Eddie probably shouldn't have picked it in the first place, but he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. He saw an apple, and picked it.
Looking at the bushel this guy has selected, though, gives him pause. They are evenly sized, and brightly colored. No blemishes at all. Perfect apples, for the perfect guy.
Eddie's are a little misshapen and odd. The freaks, if you will, but he thinks that's pretty damn fitting.
"Guess you'll have to make applesauce–" the guy starts, and then stops, clearly searching for Eddie's name.
"Eddie," Eddie offers.
"Eddie," he repeats. "I'm Steve."
"Well, Steve, I would make some applesauce if I knew how," Eddie laughs.
"You could always come by my bakery slash coffee shop," Steve offers, sort of shaking the basket slung over his arm, "That's why I'm picking apples today. So I can make some seasonal items with local apples. Customers eat that shit up."
Eddie thinks he's being picked up. Maybe. Or not. He's never very good at getting those signals right. Gareth says he's hopeless, and sometimes that feels more accurate than he'd like to admit.
Like, right now. Is Steve hitting on him, or trying to drum up business? 
Eddie decides he honestly doesn't exactly care which it is, "Sure, I'd love to be the guinea pig for your apple pie."
"Well," Steve says, lowering his voice in a way that makes Eddie feel funny in a good way, "I never said pie."
"Oh, well, in that case…" Eddie teases, trailing off, acting as if he's going to walk away.
But, Steve just laughs at him, and digs in his wallet, producing a little business card: Harrington's. Since 1955.
"My, you look awfully good for your age," Eddie says.
Steve laughs, "My grandma and grandpa ran it before me. And they didn't think they'd have anyone to take over the family business when they retired. And then I turned up, with nothing better to do."
Eddie nods. He's definitely going to stop by Steve's family business, not even for the not-pie, but just so he can see more of this guy, "Well, in that case. When should I show up?"
"Tomorrow, anytime after three?" Steve suggests, and Eddie is nodding along. Tomorrow after three sounds perfect to him. 
Eddie pulls up in the alley behind the back of the bakery, as directed, and can't really believe he's here. Like, what does he know about baking? He can't even bake a box of brownies without messing them up somehow.
But, Steve is gorgeous, and this isn't an invite he's about to turn down. He's a fool, but he's no dummy. Eddie pushes on the back door, and it's heavy, but slowly glides open. 
"Knock, knock," Eddie says, and then hears a commotion. Lots of yelling. Like a fight is happening. 
His fight or flight starts to kick in, and flight will always win for him, but…he pauses.
He knows that kind of yelling from Uncle Wayne, and as far as a fight goes, it's surely a one-sided one, because Steve's staring up at the mounted television over on the wall, screaming at the refs of a football game, as he stands inside an industrial kitchen, at a stainless steel prep table, peeling apples.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Steve the Baker is also Steve the Sports Guy? That wasn't advertised on the label at all. 
Eddie's been hoodwinked. The wool pulled straight over his eyes. Was bamboozled by a pretty face in a warm-looking sweater, right there in a goddamn apple orchard.
He's starting to plan his escape, when Steve turns to look at him, and smiles, waving his paring knife in the air, "Hey! You made it!"
"Hey," Eddie says back, shucking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack by the door. Steve sounds excited to see him, and maybe the game is almost over. He could deal with it for a few minutes. Steve was very pretty in that sweater.
He squints at the screen, and the score is 0-0 and it's still the first quarter. He doesn't know a lot about sports, but he grew up with Wayne. He at least understands that this means the damn thing has just started. 
"You care if I leave the game on?" Steve asks, flashing him those warm eyes, and Eddie finds himself nodding along with that idea, like a damn idiot. No, he doesn't want to watch sports, but…that face.
That face will make him break his most solemn of vows: no sports. He just won't tell Wayne or Gareth. He'll gloss right over that part, and nobody will ever have to know that he spent the whole afternoon with football blaring in the background of his maybe date.
Because, as good looking as this guy is, and as much as Eddie would like to eat this guy, and his baked goods, alive, he's sure this isn't going to go any further than this afternoon. It can't. What would they talk about? Baking and football? Eddie doesn't know anything about either of those topics. But he can surely bumble through one afternoon. That'll be fine. Eddie can do anything for one afternoon. All the odd jobs he's ever held has proven that.
Hell, if he plays his cards right, maybe he can get one night out of it, too.
But long-term? He can already see the writing on the wall, and it bums him out, just a little bit. He hadn't been this excited about a guy in a while.
Steve hands Eddie a peeler, and Eddie goes to work, peeling the whole bushel of apples that Steve has washed and laid out on a towel. He does know how to work a peeler, at least. That was his job for potatoes at Wayne's, when he was far too little to do anything else.
"So, tell me about yourself. Do you always assault men with apples?" Steve asks, and Eddie looks over at him and smiles.
"Only the cute ones," Eddie flirts, and loves the blush that stains Steve's cheeks as he looks back down at the apples he's evenly slicing. 
"No offense, but you don't seem like the apple picking type," Steve says, and Eddie laughs. He's not wrong. "What brought you out there, especially all by yourself?"
"It's part of my contract. Free apples from the orchard and free pumpkins from the patch," Eddie says, then realizes that doesn't explain anything at all, adding, "I work nights at the haunted hayride. As a scare actor," Eddie says, then holds his hands up like a zombie.
Steve's eyes are big, and it's awfully cute as he laughs.
"So, free apples. I mean, how many apples or pumpkins can one man eat? But free is free."
"Maybe I'll teach you how to bake something using them," Steve suggests and Eddie nods. He'd like that. A lot, he thinks. Even if that's all he gets out of the day.
"Deal. So, what's on the menu for today?"
Steve grins, "Apple fritters. Cupcakes. There's this apple maple upside down cake I want to try. A cobbler. Someone suggested an apple pie."
"They sound smart," Eddie banters, and Steve just keeps smiling.
"Have you ever made a dessert pizza?" Eddie asks, meeting Steve's eyes.
"Like from Pizza Hut?" Steve questions, and Eddie nods.
"No, but we totally can. I've never thought to try to make it myself."
Eddie smiles at the thought. He imagines homemade would be even better than what used to be on the buffet at Pizza Hut when he was younger.
Steve moves from slicing apples to dicing them very small and fine. In perfect little squares that are very impressive to Eddie's eyes. He can barely cut anything evenly, so that seems like quite the feat.
Eddie watches as Steve goes between watching the knife in his hands so he doesn't cut his fingers off, and the ballgame. 
"You should come to the hayride," Eddie blurts out.
Steve smiles, "I don't really do scary things, or anything that risks a head injury these days."
It's just a trailer pulled around the grounds, nobody touches anybody. Couldn't if they wanted to, but if he doesn't like scary, he doesn't like scary. Then he remembers something Steve had joked about in the orchard after Eddie had beaned him with that apple.
"Have you really already had three concussions?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah," Steve answers, "at least three that I know about. But not from falling apples. I'm fine. I promise."
"How'd you get them?" Eddie asks, because he isn't sure how one gets that many concussions unless they've been abused, and his stomach drops. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that. Maybe it's none of his goddamn business. Maybe-
"I got one from a dickhead in high school that blindsided me during a stupid fight, and then the other two from football plays in college, a couple weeks apart. One was a dirty, on purpose, helmet-to-helmet late hit, the last one was during a quarterback sneak that went wrong."
Eddie has no idea what that means.
"What's that mean?" Eddie asks.
Steve looks at him, "Not a football guy?"
Eddie shakes his head adamantly, "Not an any sports guy. Sorry."
"That's okay," Steve says, "A quarterback sneak is when you only need to move a yard or two down the field to, say, get across the goal line to score, or get a first down, and the linemen in front of you, the big guys, push forward and the quarterback tries to carry it over himself. No hand-off. No throw."
"And you were the quarterback?"
"I was. I was a little too exposed, and one of the defensive players came in and hit me helmet to helmet in the dogpile. Snapped my neck backwards."
"I'm sorry," Eddie says.
"It happens. Most of the time you go into concussion protocol, and clear it. Mine wasn't even caught immediately after it happened. Not even by me. I hopped right back up, and it wasn't until I'd thrown a few uncharacteristic picks later, that they decided something must be wrong with me and pulled me out of the game and straight into the tent. Once the migraines started a few days later, and never really stopped after all the other symptoms went away, that was the end of the line. No more football. No NFL draft."
Eddie swallows, that's fucking rough.
"They forced you to stop?" Eddie asks. 
"Yes," Steve says, then must change his mind, "No. Not really. The specialists suggested it. I don't think they could have forced me to comply. Hell, they'll play you into the ground. But it would have been a risk to draft a known concussion magnet. So, it was a choice I had to make for myself, and I chose to stop, to preserve what I had left. Stop it at the occasional migraine. Of course Robin, my best friend, would have flayed me alive if I'd done anything else. She was the first to call it, and she was right."
"But you were good enough to go pro? If you hadn't taken those hits?" Eddie asks, quietly.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?" Steve answers with a shrug, like he doesn't really care one way or the other, but he must care. He'd have to. Eddie knows he'd care if he couldn't play the guitar anymore, and he's never been anywhere near going professional.
"But you still watch it? Football? Even after losing the chance to play?" Eddie asks.
Steve smiles, "Hell yeah. I still love the game. Even if I can't play."
Then he points at the screen, "I'm friends with #52. In the white. We went to college together. It all worked out better for him than it did me, but I couldn't be prouder of him. A little jealous, sure. But really proud, too."
"Do you ever get to go to games in person, or is that impossible with the bakery?"
"I try to hit one a season, as that's about all the favors I can call in with my friends. Coming in at three a.m. to get shit ready is a hard sell, let me tell you," Steve laughs, "That and they don't know what they're doing. So, it's just easier to just stay here. Watch on television. Scream at the refs from home instead of the stands."
"I know all about the screaming. I live with my uncle, and he has a sport for every season, I swear it. Getting him to move to Indy with me was no small feat, let me tell you," Eddie laughs, "But he needed to retire from the plant. He still works, because he's a stubborn old man, but now he's at a local hardware store instead, bossing clueless jackasses around. His words, not mine."
Steve laughs, "He sounds great."
"He is, and of course you'd think so, you sports guys always stick together."
Steve laughs, nodding like it's true, and then they go back to work. Baking, watching the game, and cheering on Steve's friend to a close game win.
And that evening, Eddie goes home with a still warm pie, and a phone number for Steve burning a hole in his pocket.
They spend the next two weeks texting back and forth, with a few short phone calls sprinkled in for good measure, but it hasn't gone beyond that. Eddie isn't sure if Steve's just busy or uninterested in setting up a second date. He wishes he'd just tell him. They could just be friends, but Eddie would rather know that now, instead of later once he's already gotten swept away by the idea of dating him, for real.
Eddie looks at his phone as Chrissy does his makeup, "Eyes up, Munson."
Steve hasn't responded, but he's probably asleep. Eddie puts his phone on the table, "Yes, ma'am."
She laughs, and gets him ready for another night of a constant loop of visitors to the maze. They've done this for a few years now, and they're all good at it, and it's not bad seasonal work. It helps pay the bills for the band to keep trying, stay plugging along. 
Eddie knows they aren't gonna make it big, not now, that window has closed. But they still make music together, good music he thinks, so taking on odd jobs to still do that has been worth it. 
Maybe after thirty he'll have to settle down, but for right now? He's just having fun.
"Tell me about the boy," she sing-songs, then changes her mind, "No, keep your mouth shut until I'm done with your face."
Eddie laughs, and keeps his mouth shut, as directed.
"But tell me later, though."
And he nods. He definitely will. Gareth's sick of hearing about Steve, so if he has a fresh pair of ears to listen to him yap, he's definitely all-in on that.
It's actually gotten chilly tonight, but when the second-to-last trailer full of guests pulls around the corner at quarter to two, Eddie sees Steve sitting next to a woman that has to be Robin. She just looks exactly like what Eddie imagined every time Steve's told a story about her. And she looks very grumpy about being awake in the middle of the night.
Eddie is stoked, and rushes around from Gareth to Jeff to Goodie to Chrissy, pointing out Steve, and then hurrying back to his spot for the last trailer. They don't really care all that much. He's sure they're happy for him, but they definitely just want to finish doing their jobs and get the fuck out of here for the night.
Steve's lingering by the employees only sign when Eddie exits backstage.
"You came," Eddie says, makeup hastily scrubbed off his face. It's a big no-no to interact with the guests in character, even if it's the guy you've been playing phone tag with for the last two weeks. He wasn't sure Steve would stay, but he did, and Eddie's fucking thrilled to see him.
"This is Robin," Steve says, slinging his arm over her shoulders.
Eddie starts to say hi, when the door bangs closed behind him, and he turns to see Chrissy on her way out.
"Night, Eddie," Chrissy says, as she passes by them, her dirty dead cheerleader costume slung over her arm.
"Was she the cheerleader?" Robin hisses, and Eddie nods. 
"Hey, Chris, wait!" he hollers, and drags her closer, making introductions. He's no dummy, he knows what that question entailed, and he has no problem playing a hint of matchmaker. And if they're talking, that'll give Eddie some time alone with Steve. 
The fact that Steve showed up at all, late at night, was a sacrifice of sleeping time. Eddie knows it, and appreciates it. So, he won't keep him. He'll send him back home to bed, or straight to the bakery, wherever he needs to be next, so he can get ready to make the donuts as Steve likes to say. 
"I'm glad you came," Eddie says, running his hand up Steve's arm. 
"Of course, I couldn't resist the opportunity to see you as the evil undead."
Eddie grins at him. He really likes this guy. 
"The bats were really believable."
Eddie grins, and tells him all about how he helped design them with his friends. They built the pulley system in Gareth's garage on the cheap, but it works, and well.
Steve nods along, then pulls Eddie into the darkness, where the floodlights don't reach. Eddie goes, willingly, sliding his hands along Steve's waist. 
And then they're kissing, and Eddie couldn't be more fucking thrilled. 
Steve is interested. And Eddie is definitely interested.
Steve's tongue slides along his, and Eddie squeezes him tighter, pulling Steve into his body, wanting to be closer. As close as they can get here in this dark alleyway. 
When Steve pulls back, he presses his forehead to Eddie's, and Eddie tries to look into his eyes this close-up.
"I've wanted to do that since the orchard," Steve says.
"Fuck, me too," Eddie admits. He'd like to do more, too, but Robin is yelling that her alarm is going off, meaning Steve's got to get to the bakery. 
Steve's day is just beginning, and Eddie's is just ending. Their schedules couldn't be more out of sync if they tried.
But Eddie reluctantly lets him go, they say their goodbyes, but Eddie is already scheming how he'll get to see Steve next.
The next morning, Eddie forces himself out of bed at a normal hour so he can go to the bakery. Gareth follows him to the van, tagging along without an invite, but Eddie doesn't care, as long as he can see Steve, it's all good.
Steve's behind the counter, and he grins when he sees Eddie come through the front door, "Hey!"
"Hey, yourself," Eddie says back, looking at the handwritten menu board. "Suggestions are welcome."
And Steve just laughs, and then produces a piece of cobbler that looks sticky and delicious.
"Sold," Eddie replies, taking the plate from him, and then nodding towards Gareth, "and whatever he wants. This is Gareth."
Gareth is looking in the glass case, paying no attention to either of them.
"So, this is the famous Eddie?" a girl who is not Robin asks, sidling up beside Steve at the counter.
"That's Eddie," Steve says with a smile, then introduces her, "This is Di."
She makes a shooing motion with her hands, "Go. Sit with him for a minute. I'll watch the counter," Di offers, pushing Steve from behind the register, and Eddie's grateful.
"Thanks, Di," Steve answers, pulling his apron off over his head, showing a strip of bare skin as it goes. His stomach is hairy and Eddie gulps, probably audibly, like he's in a cartoon.
He wants, he wants, he wants.
Steve picks up his coffee mug, and grabs a piece of cobbler for himself.
"Hey kid, head's up," Eddie says, and Gareth looks just in time to catch Eddie's wallet as Eddie tosses it to him. "Pick something and pay the nice lady."
"Yeah, yeah," Gareth says, and goes right back to looking at all his options.
Steve leads Eddie over to a table in the corner, and they sit and get to talk face-to-face, for the first time since their first afternoon here. Yeah, sure, he saw Steve last night, that was just a brief hi and bye.
It's nice to sit across from him again, and even nicer when Steve slides his hand forward, lacing their fingers together. Miraculously Gareth doesn't come over and cockblock him like the little shit that he is, instead lingering by the counter. 
Eddie looks back at Steve.
"You know, I don't really date," Steve admits, "I mean, the bakery hours keep my nightlife non-existent. And I've gotten used to that. But I really like you."
Eddie feels his cheeks heat up. Is he blushing? That's absurd, but he thinks it's probably true. He likes Steve. A lot. And he can deal with weird hours for Steve, he's damn certain. Dates at three in the afternoon? Awesome. He'll have just rolled out of bed a couple hours before that half the time anyway.
"But, I'd like to try. If you want to," Steve says, and Eddie nods.
"Yeah, I want to. I really like you, too."
Then the phone rings, and it's something Steve has to take, and Eddie glances at him one more time before he holds open the door with the jangly bell for Gareth to exit.
Steve's still looking at him, watching him go, so Eddie winks, and it makes Steve smile.
There's no plan, but Eddie knows he's gonna date the shit out of Steve Harrington.
Turns out, the whole dating with opposite schedules idea was way easier said than done. Eddie works every weekend night, all fall long, because that's the busy time. He works some weeknights, too, but those are easier to trade around for with his friends. So, weekends are definitely out, and he needs date ideas that don't mess with Steve's sleep schedule.
He's reading the paper that Wayne left on the coffee table as he sits on the couch and eats his cereal, when he sees that the local high school football team is playing next week, but that's on Friday. Duh. Friday Night Lights. Even he understands enough about football to get that that's a reference to the night they play. He may have needed three senior years to graduate, but he's not that dense. He keeps reading, and sees that the JV football team plays on Tuesday and the junior high team on Thursday. That's an idea. He doesn't really know what that means, but he knows who would.
"Hey, Wayne!" he yells, and when Wayne rounds the corner Eddie asks, "Tell me. Which is a better game to attend: JV or Junior High?"
"Game of what? Tiddlywinks? Dragons and Dragons?" Wayne prods, teasing him. Eddie damn well knows Wayne remembers what DnD is. He bought enough of those books for him in high school, it has to be seared into his old man brain. 
But Wayne glances over at him from his recliner he's just sat down in, waiting for Eddie to spill it.
Eddie lowers his voice and mumbles, "Football."
"What'd you say, I didn't hear you?" Wayne drawls, but he's grinning like he heard exactly what Eddie said.
"Shut up, old man," Eddie teases, "I'm sort of dating a guy. He likes football. Used to play. I thought it might be nice to take him to a game, and I obviously can't do a Friday night game this year because of work. But I thought Steve might like to go to one of these other games?"
"Steve, huh? This Steve have a last name?" Wayne asks, and Eddie rolls his eyes. Wayne doesn't need to try to vet this guy like he did every single person Eddie dated in high school. He's a grown man now, almost thirty. He picks better these days.
At least, he hopes he does.
"Harrington," Eddie answers, "and you're ignoring the question. JV? Junior High?" Then points his finger at the newspaper, crinkling it, "Or the local flag football team plays on Sundays. Help a guy out. Jeez."
But Wayne is just staring at him, mouth slightly open. Eddie's never seen him this shocked in his life. And Eddie did some wild shit in high school that Wayne swears made him go gray and bald.
"Yes, yes, I'm willing to go to a game. We're all shocked. Make fun. I have it coming. But close your mouth before you catch flies."
"No. Just. Steve Harrington, Ed? You, my nephew, who hates all sports sight unseen, is dating Steve Harrington? Heisman Trophy winner as a sophomore, that Steve Harrington?"
Eddie just shrugs, "I don't know about all that. He runs a bakery."
Wayne lets out a breathy laugh, "Right. He runs a bakery."
"He does," Eddie confirms. 
Wayne picks up his phone, puts on his reading glasses so Eddie knows he's serious, and finally turns the screen towards Eddie, "This your boy?"
Eddie smiles. He's younger, but yeah, that's definitely Steve, "Yep, that's Steve."
"I'll be damned, I knew he was from Indiana, but I didn't expect him to come back to our neck of the woods to run a bakery."
"You know my boyfriend, Wayne?" Eddie teases, lilting his voice, and batting his eyes.
"Anybody that followed football in the last decade knows of your boyfriend, Ed. He was gonna be a star, a franchise quarterback, for any team lucky enough to draft him."
Steve had said he wasn't sure if he was good enough to go pro, and now Eddie is doubting the validity of that, "He said he wasn't sure if he was good enough to make it pro."
Wayne laughs, "That boy would've been a first round pick. He's just being humble."
"Oh," Eddie says, "that's pretty cool. It's too bad he got hurt, then."
"It is," Wayne agrees.
"If he was as good as you say, why didn't he just go pro right out of high school?" Eddie asks, thinking this over. He's really not sure why you'd take the risk playing college football before you could make the big bucks.
"That's not how the NFL draft works. You have to be three years past graduation from high school before you're eligible. And what else are you gonna do for those three years, if not play ball at college?"
"Oh," Eddie says, then adds, "Good thing I wasn't good at football. I'd have been an old man trying to enter the draft."
Wayne laughs. It wasn't so funny when Eddie was bearing down on twenty-one and still trying to get that damn diploma, but they can laugh about it now. Water under the bridge.
Eddie then asks, "So, about the game…"
Wayne steered him towards the JV game, but told him over and over that all of the options were beneath the level of football that Steve Harrington was used to watching, or playing. 
Eddie decides to take him anyway.
Eddie buys the four dollar tickets at the gate from a mom sitting at a card table with a metal cash box in front of her, a button with her son's face pinned to her coat. He gives her a ten, and tells her to keep the change when she holds it in her hand, unmoving.
But that's just because she's staring at Steve, kind of starry-eyed. He is attractive, that's undeniable, and Eddie puffs up a little that he's the one getting to date him tonight.
Then Steve is accosted for pictures no less than seven times on the way to the stands, and Eddie wonders if he's made a mistake here. He didn't think it through, didn't understand that Steve would be known here.
Eddie escapes to the concessions stand, and when he comes back, arms full, there's a group of kids surrounding Steve. And Steve's engaged, and giving them what they want, clearly, but this isn't a good date. This seems more like he's trotted Steve out for the wolves. 
Everyone else finally clears out as kickoff happens, leaving them alone, and Eddie takes his seat next to Steve on the bleachers.
"Uh, did I fuck this up?" Eddie whispers, handing Steve a tray of nachos.
"No. No way, this is great," Steve reassures, a big smile on his face.
"I truly didn't understand that you'd be recognized here," Eddie says, "I don't know anything about sports. I'm in over my head. I just thought, well, maybe you'd like to see a game. Even if it's just kids."
"This is great, Eddie. You did great, honest," Steve says. "I'm not recognized outside of football. Don't worry. This isn't an everyday occurrence. This is a very isolated incident, because of where we are. Some of these kids probably watched me play. I'm not that old."
Eddie laughs, some of the tension draining out of his shoulders. He definitely didn't want to make Steve uncomfortable.
And if he is, he never lets on. Instead, Steve explains the game to him as it goes, and it's a slow enough pace that Eddie thinks maybe he's understanding it. The football Steve had been watching on TV in the bakery had moved so fucking fast he had no hopes of following, not even when there was an instant replay to slow it down.
Steve's never seen these kids play before, but he can read them all like open books, calling plays, calling probable results before they happen. And he's right. Nine times out of ten, he's right. 
He should probably coach football. But maybe that's too painful? Eddie's definitely not gonna bring it up. 
They leave at halftime, and Eddie's sure it's only partly because Steve has to be up in less than eight hours. 
He still thinks it went well, because Steve leans over in the van and kisses him.
Eddie suddenly feels like he can't feel his face, even as he kisses back, hand cupping Steve's face, just wanting to touch him.
Eddie likes him so goddamn much, and as Steve pulls away, Eddie feels like they are no longer struggling to make a connection. They've done it. They're getting there.
Over the next few weeks, they have half-dozen more half-dates. Eddie catches the first quarter of a college football game, Steve's alma mater, on the television at the bakery with him before having to head to the maze for the night.
A few days later they grab fast food in Steve's car, and Eddie's definitely trying hard not to make a mess. Steve's car is nice, and Eddie's only used to his shitty van.
They carve out an hour to just lay in Steve's bed, kissing and touching, and eventually fucking before they need to part ways again.
Eddie wonders if they'll ever get to actually sleep in the same bed with shifts this ass-backwards from each other.
Spooky season comes and goes, and Eddie's back looking for some kind of other temporary work. He's complaining to Steve that nobody is hiring, even when they say they're hiring.
"Come work at the bakery," Steve says, "then maybe we'll finally get to see each other for longer than an hour at a time."
Eddie starts to say no, starts to deflect in a knee-jerk way, but then decides he'd really like to do that, "Really?"
"Really," Steve confirms. 
"I don't know how to bake, you know that," Eddie teases.
"You're not coming there to bake. Please, no. But you could run the register. Right?"
And Eddie thinks he'd like to do just that, so he nods and nods.
So, they work together, and sometimes go home with each other after. Both of them dozing on the couch while Wayne watches football, or cuddling up at Steve's place while Robin whines about it being her turn to cook dinner.
And Eddie ends up loving Robin, because working with her at the bakery might be almost as fun as it is working with Steve. She's not there all the time, but when she is, they run the front together, while Steve and Di have the back, and it's the least work feeling work he's ever done.
She's funny, and snarky, and loves Steve so much Eddie can feel it rolling off of her in waves. She kept him from getting hurt further. She made sure he'd be okay, even if Eddie's sure Steve felt anything but at the time.
He talks up Steve's baked goods, upselling easily, turning a half-dozen box into a full dozen more often than not. Eventually he sneaks around while Steve isn't looking, and hangs his own picture on the wall, labeled underneath as Employee of the Month, as a joke.
When Steve finally notices it, it stays. Eddie's part of the place, now. And he couldn't be happier about that. Harrington's is fun, and relaxed, and he's honestly never gotten this invested in a job before. He wants it to succeed, because he wants Steve, and the rest of his friends, to succeed. And yeah, he's sure Steve has a lot to do with that, but still, the fact that he's enjoying it is a bonus he hadn't foreseen coming.
He helps clean up every afternoon, so they can get out of there faster, together. Today, with the cold winter air blowing, snow flurries are blustering around, stinging his face as they hit. So, he hugs Steve from behind as he locks the back door in the alley where they park, hiding his face in Steve's coat.
"Hello to you, too," Steve flirts, and Eddie smirks as soon as he realizes this is gonna be a short afternoon, because when they get home, they are definitely going straight to bed. 
And they do just that. It's cold outside, but the warm winter sunlight is pouring through the windows, made brighter by the snow on the ground, and Eddie's in love.
Steve looks fucking gorgeous, the light hitting him that way, letting that glow he always has about him shine through from the inside out.
Eddie runs his fingers over his body, his athletic frame that sees no playing time, anymore. He runs to keep in shape, but Eddie thinks he'd run too if he had that kind of albatross slung around his neck. If he'd lost the thing he loved most, the thing he'd hung his whole hat on.
If he'd lost possible rings and millions of dollars.
Steve's almost twenty-nine. He'd be hitting his peak, his best years of play.
But Steve's happy. He's not a bitter guy. He loves his bakery, and he loves his friends and-
"What's," Steve breathes out, easing up on his pace, "what's with the face?"
"I love you," Eddie blurts out.
Steve smiles, so fucking wide it feels like it cracks open Eddie's chest, "Well, don't look so sad about it then."
And Eddie laughs, reaching up to grasp Steve's hips, helping him regain his momentum. The spiral he was headed down on Steve's behalf, broken.
Steve doesn't want Eddie dwelling on the past. Especially if he doesn't do it himself. There are no pity parties happening in Steve Harrington's orbit.
"I love you, too. Now fuck me like you're not gonna cry about it."
Eddie huffs out a laugh, so fucking charmed and delighted by this man that he loves. He'll fuck him all right. 
"Hold on then, big boy," Eddie teases, and thrusts upwards, carrying the weight of Steve with him off the bed.
Maybe instead, they'll just hit their primes together.
Eddie starts to become a morning person against his will as the months wear on, and Steve will have to pay for that, eventually. But not today.
No, today he's more than fine with going to bed at eight-thirty, dicking down his boyfriend, then afterwards both of them will be sound asleep by nine. 
Gareth is hanging around the bakery more and more, and before Eddie realizes it, Steve and Di have taught Gareth how to bake. And he's somehow good at it. Gareth eventually weasels his way into a full-time job, too. Which gets Eddie's wheels turning. Maybe by next fall, Eddie can surprise Steve with tickets to an NFL game to watch his friend play, because together they are slowly building up enough of a staff to run the store in their absence.
It doesn't have to just be Steve anymore. It can be all of them.
Next fall, Eddie thinks.
And he smiles.
He's planning ahead, now. Planning for a future, one that he intends to share with Steve.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-spooktober to follow along with the fun! 🍎
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solifelessblog · 3 months
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Dadrius Week Day 7: Relax
Taking some time together to relax @sergeantsporks
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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peach-sea · 23 hours
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Cringetober Day 1. Screenshot Redraw
inspired by this early eah scene where raven "lets her bad side out" playing guitar and my cousin and I go "apple's probably losing it" and then they cut to her and she's making this face ↓
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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ORV is about enduring the horrors in real time.
(for @everyonesfavoritebastard)
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grimalkinscribbles · 5 months
Hi hope your having a wonderful day! I absolutely love your art
If you have the time I humbly request a Mhin doodle of them eating sweets like a little chipmunk 🐿.
Thats all, Byeeeeeeeeee
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izharmilgram · 1 year
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sssnake tommy for jenny's birthday :p
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makenna-made-this · 2 days
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BAWKtober Day 3 - Cider Press
Can't wait for a sippy sippy~
If you'd like to support my BAWKtobering by buying a commission or a treat for my spoiled, spoiled chickens, all my links are in my pinned- *i am immediately mobbed by a flock of chickens and dragged off stage in a cloud of feathers*
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thekittyburger · 1 year
One of my favorite tropes has got to be a sick villain waking up on the hero's couch, initially calm with the knowledge they're comfortable and being looked after, until they try and move and find their hands cuffed above them
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tangledinink · 1 year
gemini au draxum, talking to mikey: MY PSIONIC WARRIOR,
mikey: yeah? :D
draxum: it is time ... for breakfast
(idk why but when i woke up today this image popped into my brain so i thought i'd share :3)
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rnmyn · 11 months
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OCTOBER 31st | Wei Wuxian
support me on ko-fi ☆
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inubaki · 3 months
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prompt 8: Roleswap
based off @taradiddled’s story. I love Adam’s journey of taking hold of their circumstances and coming into their own. And in doing so begins to actually affect those around them on a positive light. Comparing the sides of both Adam and Lucifer from their first meeting, to the start of the show, to this story, I think is fascinating. Roles change but dispute the change, it’s still you.
Oh! And this is what Lucifer made for Ada. They are so yummy!!
And Muriel for best everything!
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lulublack90 · 5 days
Prompt 30 - Rely
@rosekillermicrofic September 30, word count 739
Final part, everyone. Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has read this little series over the last few months, I enjoyed writing it so much. I will be putting it up on Ao3 all together if anyone wants to read it all through again. Thank you all again for reading. Love you. Lulu xxx
Previous part First Jegulus part
Evan didn’t even give him a chance to get his shoes off before he was slamming him against the closed door and devouring his mouth.
“You. Bed. Now!” Evan growled at him between kisses. Barty obeyed entirely. 
The leather cuffs were already attached to the bed. He wondered when Evan had done that because those were the special ones. Normally, they had the soft ones attached all the time. It must have been right before they left because they definitely hadn’t been there when he’d got changed. 
He quickly stripped out of his clothes, tossed them in the corner out of the way and got onto the bed. Evan straddled him, reaching above him and quickly securing the hard leather cuffs around Barty’s wrists. He tugged at the cuffs, a bolt of pleasure shot right to Barty’s cock, making him tug again. Evan moved down Barty’s body, biting marks into his skin as he went, all the way down to his ankles, where he looped the matching ankle cuffs up from under the bed. Barty gasped, Evan wasn’t messing around; he’d come to play, and Barty couldn’t be more ready. 
Finished restraining Barty, Evan went over to the bottom drawer of their dresser and pulled it open. He took out the toys he wanted and returned to the bed, laying them out neatly between Barty’s stretched legs. 
His cock was fully erect at this point, just seeing Evan’s blown pupils had him nearly cuming. Evan noticed and teasingly slowly pushed the cock ring down Barty’s engorged cock. Barty flung his head back and moaned as the ring bit into his skin, the near orgasm fading away. Evan must want him to last awhile if he’d put that on. Barty tried to calm his racing heart, but then Evan opened the bottle of lube, and he was yanking at his bonds, needing to be touched immediately. “Tut, tut, darling. You know the rules. Patience or nothing happens,” Evan chided. Barty huffed like a spoilt brat but spent a moment collecting himself. “Good boy,” Evan crooned and slipped a lube-covered finger inside him. 
Barty let his thoughts wander, trying to take his mind off the insanely good feeling of Evan’s fingers deep inside him. He thought of Regulus and how happy that spiky little git was with his sunshine boyfriend. He still found it insane that he and Sirius were now almost friends, and that boyfriend of his, damn, he was something else. Barty’s cock twitched, and he quickly turned his thoughts to James’s parents and how, after barely meeting them for five minutes, they’d dragged them into their patchwork family, and Barty absolutely loved it. Plus, he got that shiny van out of it, not that it was a dealbreaker or anything. He couldn’t wait to go out in it again. And to think none of this would have happened, including Regulus finally getting out of that damn house, if Regulus hadn't thrown his apple core at James before falling out of a tree—
“Barty!” Evan snapped. 
“Huh? Oh, sorry, I was miles away,” Barty admitted sheepishly. 
“Am I boring you?” Evan asked, a brow arching upwards.
“No, no, the opposite, actually, I was trying not to cum, sorry,” Evan snorted. 
“Alright, I’ll forgive you,” He said, leaning forward and kissing Barty, nipping his bottom lip hard. The second Barty gasped, Evan removed his fingers and pushed himself inside. Barty let out a truly dirty moan. He and Evan just fit together so well. He looked up at the man he loved with all his heart as he began to move in and out of him and felt his chest bursting with adoration. 
“Marry me,” He blurted out as Evan thrust back into him. Evan stilled. 
“What?!” He asked, shock covering his face. 
“Evan, will you marry me?” Barty repeated, lifting himself off the bed as much as his restraints would let him. Evan’s eyes widened as his breath hitched. 
“Yes. Yes, Barty Crouch, I will marry you,” Evan sobbed as tears fell from his eyes. He reached up and released the cuffs around Barty’s wrists, and Barty wrapped his arms around him. Holding him against his chest. The one person he could always rely on. His Evan. 
“I love you,” He murmured. 
“I love you too,” Evan said, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
The sex turned into something softer, unhurried as they made love long into the night.   
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mammalsofaction · 26 days
Lying in bed with my hands on my tummy. I mean, if you guys really think about it. Heinz is the one good thing Perry ever lets himself have.
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Danny would like to say he didn’t see the signs.
The canceled dates, the odd times coming back to the apartment in ruffled clothes, the way they would always avoid certain topics like nightlife.
The bruises.
God, Danny knew something was up for a long time.
It kept him up more times than he could count wondering how he could bring up such a topic.
Here he had it, right in his hands.
The final nail in the form of a leather jacket and a red helmet.
Danny glanced back at the duffle bag he had pulled from under their bed.
He couldn’t keep dancing around this topic, not when the truth was looking him back with soulless white lenses.
He had to talk to Jason.
His Jason,
His sweet, dorky book loving Jason.
The man he literally fell for during their first meeting.
The man who looked at him like he was made of poetry, the man he has supported for years.
He had to confront the man he loves… about the affair he’s having with his boss, the Red Hood.
Psst there’s a part two to this prompt
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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*heart constantly gushing over their sensitivity towards animals*
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makenna-made-this · 3 days
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BAWKtober Day 2 - Orchard
Pick a peck
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