vaguely-existing · 1 hour
“Psychologists often find that parents treat baby girls and boys differently, despite an absence of any discernible differences in the babies’ behaviour or abilities. One study, for example, found that mothers conversed and interacted more with girl babies and young toddlers, even when they were as young as six months old. This was despite the fact that boys were no less responsive to their mother’s speech and were no more likely to leave their mother’s side. As the authors suggest, this may help girls learn the higher level of social interaction expected of them, and boys the greater independence. Mothers are also more sensitive to changes in facial expressions of happiness when an unfamiliar six-month-old baby is labelled as a girl rather than a boy, suggesting that their gendered expectations affect their perception of babies’ emotions. Gendered expectations also seem to bias mothers’ perception of their infants’ physical abilities. Mothers were shown an adjustable sloping walkway, and asked to estimate the steepness of slope their crawling eleven-month-old child could manage and would attempt. Girls and boys differed in neither crawling ability nor risk taking when it came to testing them on the walkway. But mothers underestimated girls and over-estimated boys – both in crawling ability and crawling attempts – meaning that in the real world they might often wrongly think their daughters incapable of performing or attempting some motor feats, and equally erroneously think their sons capable of others. As infants reach the toddler and preschool years, researchers find that mothers talk more to girls than to boys, and that they talk about emotions differently to the two sexes – and in a way that’s consistent with (and sometimes helps to create the truth of) the stereotyped belief that females are the emotion experts.”
— Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine
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vaguely-existing · 4 hours
god fucked up making komodo dragons super venomous aggressive and all around unsuitable for domestication. those beafts should be in our homes
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vaguely-existing · 4 hours
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Not my usual content, but I made something I wanted to share...
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
it should be illegal to take a nap and still have a headache when you wake up. like no i shut it off and back on again why are you still here
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
no fucking way it’s friday
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
I do not think people are understanding that for people in the Carolinas there was no naive and stupid choice to stay in the hurricane instead of evacuating, the Carolinas are regularly hit by hurricanes after they've tanked in severity, no one communicated to them that it was going to get this bad. This isn't "rich people from florida" beach house antics, these are overwhelmingly rural and poor areas full of people with no flood infrastructure, no warning, and nowhere to go. It is impossible to truly toll the death this has caused, hundreds of people are missing, emergency services are having to leave corpses behind because there are so many more living people to deal with. And this is the people who had homes, who had the physical ability to try to escape! Nobody told them this would happen. This is what it looks like to have no emergency weather preparedness, no warning, in terrain that will trap you where you are. This is the mountains we're talking about- All water flows straight into the river valleys where most people live, and seeking higher ground risks you mudslides and rock slides, the ground will fall out from underneath you. This is going to keep happening, and nobody is going to care until it's their problem- And then they're gonna ask why no one is helping.
A lot of places to donate are evangelical groups that will keep more of your money than distribute aid (all while using the disaster to recruit), if you are looking into an org to donate to PLEASE AVOID THESE, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE HELPFUL IN A DISASTER SCENARIO, ANY OTHER CHARITY IS PREFERABLE, they're rarely helpful to their community under normal circumstances. Seek out individual people in need to send aid directly if you can, I'm positive a lot of gofundmes will be popping up in the near future as cities begin to regain power, otherwise the Red Cross is always taking donations and has historically provided the most relief for natural disaster survivors, you can also donate to United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, an org run by officials in Asheville, which is one of the most immediately endangered areas of western NC and greatly in need of drinkable water.
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
low level stoner zigzagoon girl whos hiding in the tall grass and instead of sand attacking you over and over just takes hits off her weed pen and blows the smoke in your face. which still lowers your accuracy and makes you too high to battle. she's never lost a fight
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vaguely-existing · 5 hours
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vaguely-existing · 7 hours
really cannot stand 'well thats just the way the world is' mentality. okay until it isnt. until it changes. you and me are part of 'the world' and im not accepting it sucks. ill keep trying to make it better and in that way the 'world' i was part of is better. dummy
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vaguely-existing · 10 hours
I just found out one of my favorite AO3 authors of all time is a fucking neurosurgeon which was surprising initially just because I often forget AO3 writers are real people and not smut angels sent down from the heavens to make us feel alive, but in hindsight it makes perfect sense.
they are a fucking genius so. they just apply that genius to multiple fields.
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vaguely-existing · 17 hours
The intimacy of unliking and reliking a post for your mutuals tags
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vaguely-existing · 20 hours
mutuals can walk with me around a park while we hold hands and enjoy an afternoon together
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vaguely-existing · 20 hours
i’m so glad earth only has one moon, if there were more i’d have to pick a favorite and that sounds too emotionally taxing to even fathom
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vaguely-existing · 20 hours
reminder to tell your friends, partners, and loved ones that you appreciate the things they do for you - even the little things
you never know when somebody close to you is struggling with their self-worth
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vaguely-existing · 20 hours
Germany's government is now disqualifying citizenship applications of anyone who interacts with social media posts that say "from the river to the sea" ???
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vaguely-existing · 20 hours
Said this to a dear and much-loved friend today, but I think maybe we all might need to see it:
Long-fic is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
Fic, full-stop, is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
Art is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
Constantly creating is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
Fandom is a community, not a corporation, your productivity is not a payment you have to make to be here.
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