#9h- 9kay?
[Text] cronus listen I just had an idea, have you ever tried giving kankri a makeover
i mean... perfect time of year to try an do so~
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prosaicpedagogy · 10 months
9h 9h 9 9h n9. Ah N9. Ah. Well. 9kay. I'm fine.
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unskilledpoint · 1 year
9h 9kay
Thanks anyways.
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
oh yeah 100% everyone thought he was "overthinking it" when he brought it up so he was just like "9h 9kay" *stews on it* -KPA
And like. He’s very much prone to overthinking so it’s not like it’s out of the question
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I miss my friends.
I miss them and wh9 they used t9 6e 6ef9re we all grew up.
It feels as th9ugh I am the 9nly 9ne wh9 w9und up g9ing d9wn the right path.
I miss when they w9ldn't pass me up f9r s9me server full 9f 6ullies, when they listened when I t9ld them "hey, this is harmful t9 this c9mmunity, perhaps rec9nsider? And remem6er, kinning is little m9re than FLARPing. Y9u d9 n9t c9ntain any 9f these mem9ries, we are just having fun, s9 it is 9kay t9 n9t discuss this 9ne with any69dy anym9re." (n9t t9 menti9n h9w harmful the resurgence 9f kinnies has 6een f9r systems anyway)
I miss menti9ning h9w c9mmentary channels/dramatu6ers perpetuated harmful stere9types inv9lving the gr9ups and t9pics they cover and 6eing listened t9 rather than ign9red 6ecause "9h, 6ut every9ne else is watching them and they seem different t9 the 9ther channels, f9r realsies this time."
I miss when they w9uld c9me t9 my aid when I was in tr9u6le, when they w9uld try t9 help instead 9f 6rushing me aside like a fucking pest.
I miss when we were a gr9up 9f six, intertwined with 9ne an9ther.
I miss when I didn't feel s9 replaceable t9 th9se I was 9nce cl9sest with.
I have this new 6uddy n9w, 6ut it's n9t quite the same.
At least the new 9ne d9esn't 6rush away my c9ncerns like I am in the wr9ng f9r ever w9rrying a69ut anything.
I like the new 9ne.
I wish the 9thers liked her t99.
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wormstuck · 2 years
Well the fact he even AGREED to working with you means something, right Dracma? Like- C'mon. You pulled some shit and he prolly saw how desperate you were. Or just ignored how bad you proposed it to him. Also I wouldn't call him a pervert when you accused him of having his Ancestor's porn stash in his library. That was YOUR words.
DRACMA: 9h f97 fucks sake
DRACMA: 9k fi7st thing fine i f97mally clea7 m7 ce7vin dickcha 9f the p97n stash allegati9ns the j9ke was getting 9ld anyway
DRACMA: and sec9ndly
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DRACMA: y9u7e hell bent 9n makin me l99k like a chump he7e a7ent y9u
DRACMA: 9kay i admit it im a fake fake fakeity fake fuckin c7ime l97d wh9 d9esnt kn9w SHIT a7e y9u happy n9w
DRACMA: yeah n9 fucking shit he just ag7eed because i was p79bably blabbe7ing 9n like an ign97amus and sweatin up a st97m in his fuckin b99khive
DRACMA: i may be bespectaclecled but i aint fuckin blind
DRACMA: n9w a7e y9u g9nna keep hasslin me 97 a7e y9u g9nna let me succeed at s9mething f97 9nce in my mise7able life
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the-insuffera6le · 2 years
H1 Kankr1! 1m t99 t1r3d t9 typ3 l1k3 a n9rmal p3rs9n, and 1v3 just r3l1z3d y9u n3v3r s33n my typ1ng qu1rk, y9'll s33 1t a l9t fr9m n9w 9n, and als9 1ve d3c1d3d t99 us3 my typ1ng qu1rk 9n t1kt9k t99, y9u can dm m3 and 1ll s3nd y9u my us3rnam3!!
9hh! That's an amazing typing quirk! I d9n't use tikt9k at all but i think the techn9 irl thing is a g99d idea!
Als9, y9u can say you 'l9ve me' plat9nically. G99dnight th9ugh. ILY /p
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hug-kankri · 4 years
I hope we can talk again..
Cronkri | Nerd/Dork Cronus | A very in love Kankri | Humanstuck | Familystuck | Sadstuck
*Note: In the beginning they are 7th graders.
『Pov Cronus Ampora』
You’re currently sitting in your local library, reading a book like the nerd you are. But someone is with you. A special someone that would make most people surprised that **you** a nerd has. That person is your delightful boyfriend, Kankri Vantas. He’s sitting next to you and holding your free hand that’s resting on the table while you continue to hold the book in your other hand. Keeping your head in the direction of the book you move your eyes to look at him. He’s just looking at his and your hand that are intertwined together and he looks so happy, blissful, and there’s a lot more adjectives that can explain how he looks right now. Oh gosh he’s so adorable you could kiss him. Wait no you can’t you’ll just screw it up again. Every time you try to kiss him you get all flustered and freeze up. One day, you’ll be able to kiss him without freezing up. Don’t lose hope me! You turn your focus on Kankri agai- wait what’s he doing!? You’re trying your best to not move your head to look at him then you hear a small kiss sound. He..he kissed your hand I- wait omg he’s looking at you! You quickly move your eyes in the direction of the book you’re “reading”. Oh god what do you do? Should I return the kiss? Wait I should it’s what a boyfriend would do in this type of situation..I think? You look at him and gently pulling your hand away from his so you can push up your glasses then kiss him, but while you do that he suddenly looks all sad and worried like he did something wrong. Now you feel bad. Better do this quick so he can stop looking so sad. You push up your glasses and turn to him. You quickly kiss him on the cheek and look back at your book. OMG YOU ACTUALLY KISSED HIM!!! Okay calm down and look cool. You move your eyes to look at him and ask “Yes? Do you need somefin?”. “I-I..uh...” he said. “Vwas that kiss to intimate for you? I’m sorry, I should have asked before hand.”. “N-n9! I mean..n9, n9t at all. Y9u just caught me 9ff guard.”. He’s blushing, it’s so cute. “That’s good to hear. I don’t vwant to make you uncomfortable.”. “W-well what are y9u reading?” he asks. “Vwell it’s about...actually I don’t know. I got distracted.”. “Cr9nus Amp9ra distracted? That’s certainly a first. What g9t y9u s9 distracted may I ask?”. You’ve watched rom coms, you can do this. “You”. I regret saying that. Why did I- wait he’s blushing again? “Cr9nus y9u’re s9 cute especially with that little flirty side.” he smiles and giggles. Never mind he found that cute! I bet I can say another one. “You know vwhat else is cute? You as vwell.” you smile at him. “I- thank y9u.” You nod and look at the time. “Oh vwe should get going.”. “It’s that late already? Time flys when y9u’re with s9me9ne y9u l9ve.” “Y-yeah.” you smile. Both of you get up from your seats and head for the exit while intertwining hands again.
『Timeskip to the front of Kankri’s house』
“I’ll see you on tomorrovw at school.”. “9f c9urse. See y9u t9m9rr9w.”. You turn to your right to start walking to your house, but then someone grabs your arm and pulls you down some then kisses your cheek. “I l♡ve y♡u! 6ye!!!” and he runs inside of his house and shuts the door. You hold your cheek and are blushing a lot. You start walking to your house with a smile on your face.
『Timeskip 2 years. It’s now we’re at their middle school graduation day(they graduate in 8th grade and they just had their graduation, so this happens after grad.)』
『Pov Kankri Vantas』
You just got home from getting ice cream with your father and little brother since you did just grade middle school. You go upstairs to your bedroom to take a shower. After that wonderful shower you sit on your bed and grab a pillow and hug it. You grab your phone and text your wonderful boyfriend.
♡Magic Enthusiast BF♡
You: Hi Cr9nus ^^
♡MEBF♡: Hey cutie pie! „;)
♡MEBF♡: Vwait ignore that emoticon. I’m sorry. That vwas wvery stupid of me.
You: It’s perfectly 9kay Cr9nus and y9u’re n9t stupid. I th9ught it was cute. c:
♡MEBF♡: Really..?
You: Yes! 9f c9urse I am. W9uld I lie?
♡MEBF♡: No, no you vwouldn’t.
♡MEBF♡: um..hey..
♡MEBF♡: Kan, I need to tell you something.
You: Mhm? There’s n9 need t9 6e scared/anxi9us a69ut. I’ll listen t9 whatever y9u have t9 say.
♡MEBF♡: Vwell for the vwhole summer me and my brother are going with our father for a business trip that is sadly happening ovwer the vwhole summer. I’m really sorry vwe aren’t going to able to hangout at all this summer.
9h. That’s rather very disapp9inting to hear, 6ut it’s alright. The 69th 9f y9u can always hang9ut next year since we are g9ing t9 the same high sch99l. We’ll get t9 see each 9ther everyday. Als9 this is a great 9pp9rtunity f9r y9u t9 hang 9ut with y9u’re little 6r9ther.
You: 9h it’s a6s9lutely alright Cr9nus. Y9u deserve t9 spend time with y9ur family. Plus we can hang9ut in and 9ut 9f sch99l t99 c:
♡MEBF♡: You’re right Kan. Still I’m sorry that vwe aren’t able to see each other this summer, but I promise the second I get back vwe’ll be together and for the next summer I’m staying vwith you no matter vwhat! ,,:D
You: Haha I can’t wait! c: and Cr9nus please d9 have fun. D9nt’t w9rry a69ut me. I’m alright with y9u g9ing. It’s n9t like y9u can c9ntr9l these types 9f things t9 happen.
♡MEBF♡: Oh god,,I lowve you so much Kanny. you hawve my heart. (“^▽^)っ♡
Thank you again for understanding and I can’t vwait until we get back from the trip. I just vwant you back in my arms. I hawve to go novw, vwe are about to leawve to go to the airport. Before you start asking wvhy im leaving at such an ungodly hour is because of my father. I’ll text you vwhen I get there! Here’s an until next time hug! (っ˘̩ᴗ˘̩)っ I lowve you tons, I’ll talk to you later my lowve.
You: ⊂(´∇`)⊂ Hug! Aha y9u’re s9 cute. I can’t wait either and I h9pe Y9u have a safe trip my dear! 9f c9urse have fun as well! Try t9 get s9me rest while 9n the plane. It’s pretty late in the night! I l9ve y9u a l9t t99 and I’ll be awaiting y9ur messages! ('∀'●)♡ G99dnight h9ney.
『Fast forward to the last week of summer』
You are very excited about this week! You remember why correct? Well if you don’t remember this week Cronus is coming back from his father’s business trip! Oh you’re so excited to see him you could just cry. But there’s something that has been going on since about the beginning of summer vacation. Cronus slowly stopped messaging you. In the first month or so he’d text you everyday then slowly stopped texting you only to message you when you texted, but then he suddenly stopped messaging you all together. You’d still sent him ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts. But hey! He was probably busy and was having fun with his family and you wouldn’t want to get in between that. Oh look at the time! You’re supposed to go to the store to pick up something’s for your father. You grab your phone, keys, and wallet. Now you are really to go to the store.
『At the store』
You finally make it to the store and grab a basket. You take out your phone to find the list of things you need and start getting the things you need. You’re nearly done when you spot a familiar looking little boy. Eridan? Is that him? No way it is him! That means Cronus..!!! Wait why hasn’t he texted me yet? Oh who cares he’s back! You walk over to Eridan who seems to be alone standing in the check out line. “Hell9 Eridan. It’s w9nderful t9 see y9u! c:
h9w have y9u’ve 6een?”. The little boy freaks out for second and turns around to look at you. He then sighs when he realizes it’s just you. “Kankriiiiiii howw dare you sneak up on me?!?! >:(“ he says. You apologize and you both start talking about how the summer for the both of you went. “Say Eridan when did y9u and y9ur family get 6ack?”. “Oh wwe got back just this wweek. You didn’t knoww? Didn’t Cronus tell you?”. Now you’re confused. On the day Cronus left he promised to tell you the second he’s back and he didn’t...wait Kankri, he’s probably tired and has to unpack everything. Poor guy, it’s better if I don’t question him. “I was n9t made aware 9f this, 6ut that’s alright! I sh9uld get g9ing n9w. 6ye6ye Eri! Say Hi t9 y9ur dad and Cr9nus f9r me please!”. After he responds you leave the store heading back to your house.
『Fast forward to after dinner and shower』
You just finished showered and changing into your nice pjs. You go over to your bed which has a cute cat plush on top of it that Cronus got for you. Cronus is so adorable and nice. You’re so lucky to have him. You go turn off the lights and use your phones light to see your bed. You get to you bed and you get into it. You hug and snuggle the plush and you go to text Cronus.
___♡Magic Enthusiast BF♡___
You: Hi h9ney. I saw Eridan at the st9re t9day and he said y9u’re 6ack fr9m the trip. I’m sure y9u’re tired s9 I’ll just say this real quick. I h9pe y9u had a g99d time. I missed y9u a l9t and I’m s9 glad y9u are 6ack! c: N9w I say g99dnight my dear.
You charge your phone and turn it off. You hug the plush once more and pull your blanket up more to cover more of you. You think about how excited you are to see him and that you’ll finally give him a kiss that he deserves. You’ve been per say shy about kissing on the lips, but you know what. You’re gonna try! You love him and he deserves it. After that thought you start to fall asleep.
♡Magic Enthusiast BF♡
♡MEBF♡ ᴿᴱᴬᴰ
『Fast forward half way into the school year』
He hasn’t texted or called you. You’ve seen him around school and he’s completely different. He has a new look, new friends, and new personality. He isn’t that same guy you knew before, but you’re absolutely sure he’s just busy. High school isn’t easy and plus he has all his new friends too! He’ll call or text soon you just know it! He wouldn’t lie to you. Especially he wouldn’t break a promise. He hates breaking promises. Gosh,,that’s another reason you love him. Oh shoot look at the time you must be going on to class!
『Fast forward (once again) to after school and it’s about 4:30』
You finish your homework even though you had the weekend to finish it all, but it’s not like you’re doing anything so let your weekend be free. Suddenly your phone starts ringing. You’re getting a call. You pick up your phone and look who’s calling..oh my god it’s him. You pick up immediately!
On call with ♡Magic Enthusiast BF♡
You: h-hi! Cr9nus I’ve missed y9u s9 s9 much!
♡MEBF♡: Hey chief. I’wve missed you too aha. Sorry for not texting ya or calling I’wve been busy.
You: 9h Cr9nus that’s 9kay! I c9mpletely understand. Besides that h9w have y9u’ve 6een? It’s 6een s9 l9ng since I’ve heard y9ur v9ice it seems surreal!
♡MEBF♡: aha yeah..I’wve been fine. I have some new pals and stuff...hey Kan I knovw vwe hawven’t been able to go on a date in a long time, but today is a day I’m free and I vwanted to ask if you vwanted to go on a date?
You: ......9h yes yes yes! :D I’d l9ve t9 g9 9n a date! 9h g9sh it’s 6e s9 l9ng,,
♡MEBF♡: haha yeah I knovw and thanks for expecting my date offer babe! I’ll pick you up at 7?
You: ,,,mhm!! 7 is perfect! I cant wait t9 see y9u then! I l♡ve y♡u!!!
♡MEBF♡: Okay, cool. I’ll see you then...love you too
You end the call and now you’re just freaking out, but in a good way of course. You’re going on a date with your boyfriend after so long! He also called you babe,,,switch makes your heart flutter. Now!!!! Time to get ready! You need to look your best! This is the first date after so so long! You head to your bathroom to shower.
『After Kankri finishes getting ready』
You look at yourself in the mirror. You think you look amazing. Your hair and outfit are nice. You look at your freckles the are all over your face. You wish you didn’t have them. People always make fun of you for them..wait Cronus loves them,,so maybe you should start loving them too. You leave your bathroom and go over to your nightstand to grab your phone. You look at the time and it’s 6:45. He should be here soon! You’re getting even more excited! You look out of the window to hopefully see if he came early, but then you got a phone a call. It’s Cronus. You pick up.
On call with ♡Magic Enthusiast BF♡
You: Hi Cr9. Are y9u alm9st here? c:
♡MEBF♡: Hey Kan. I’m not exactly there yet..or even on the vway..I’m so sorry but something important came up and I can’t get out it. I’m really sorry.
You: ........
♡MEBF♡: Kan..?....You there?
ᴬ ᵛᴼᴵᶜᴱ ᶜᴼᴹᴵᴺᴳ ᶠᴿᴼᴹ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴮᴬᶜᴷᴳᴿᴼᵁᴺᴰ: ᴴᴱᵞ! ᶜᴿᴼᴺᵁˢ! ᴳᴱᵀ ᴵᴺˢᴵᴰᴱ! ᴵᵀˢ ᴾᴬᴿᵀᵞ ᵀᴵᴹᴱ!
You: ....yes I am..it’s..9kay..! Y9u d9 what y9u need t9 d9!...y9u have stuff t9 d9 and that’s 9kay. I’ll see y9u later?...
♡MEBF♡: uh huh vwhat? uh yea sure vwhatewver. I gotta go bye!
He hangs up on you. You’re currently frozen in place. You know what you heard. He’s at some party. You start crying hysterically throwing your phone onto your bed. You lean against the wall and slide down it. You have your hands over your eyes still crying your eyes out and your hands are resting on your knees. You can’t believe he lied..he broke a promise. You start to think over everything. Did he really love you back in 7th grade? Was that a lie too..was everything a huge lie?.....
“yeah..it was...I fell into his trap. I fell in l♡ve with him..”
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allthesetrolls · 3 years
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dysfunctionaltrolls · 5 years
dannie what do you think of your other bandmates?
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9h, this’ll be fun.
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Y9u already kn9W h9W I feel ab9ut Seabee. Beautiful, breathtaking, simply a g9ddess am9ng tr9lls. Plays really g99d guitar. Did I say she’s pretty? She’s pretty. Funny, great t9 be ar9und, 9verall just fantastic and I l9ve her s9, s9 much.
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Jed is c99l! He’s fucking tall. Like h9ly shit. He’s generally really chill, Which I can appreciate. Jed is als9 kinda air headed? It’s 9kay, th9ugh, We stan a g99d himb9. We sm9ke t9gether a l9t. L9ve that guy.
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Stirling is... Stirling. He can be a l9t s9metimes? Definitely kinda dramatic. He kinda really fucking scares me! W9rd t9 the wise, d9n’t piss him 9ff.
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caeciitas · 4 years
@asktheseacowvboys 9h dear.. I h9pe they're 9kay. H9pefully it wasn't t99 terri6le and if y9u live in fear 9f the n9tif, it'll c9me. Pretend it d9esn't exist!
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ask-the-psiioniic · 5 years
9h, strangly, t9 me it seems y9u act al9t like Mituna… heheh… just… th9ught that was… kinda interesting- 9kay… n9w I feel like I’m g9ing t9 make this awkward… (haha… I… can’t talk t9 p9st-scratch versi9ns 9f my friends with9ut acting weird...) - @silencedkankri
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1 G3U455 Y0U CU0LD S4Y 7G47! W3 3W3R 807H P4NFR31D IBSIGK-8:#8;
4ND YU0 4R3N377 4WKW4RD SB8-£8IHSIH!!
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tired-wolfe · 6 years
CGs Comfy Place
Large Pesterlog below cut
CHW RIGHT NOW opened memo on board GGS COMFY PLACE. CURRENT carcinoGeneticist [CCG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCG: AYO IT'S KANKRI. CHW: Its alm9st danger9us h9w when I'm typing elsewhere and the mem9 69ard thing p9ps up, if I d9n't n9tice 6ecause im typing it'll just enter me int9 the mem9, haha, 6ut hell9, it is me. CURRENT gardenGnostic104 [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGG: oh, hi there! CCG: SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING THE OTHER DAY... I...GOT WOKEN UP. CURRENT gallowsCalibratorr [CGC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGC: Y3S H1 CURRENT ectoBiologists [CEB] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CEB: hi! CURRENT timaeusTestified [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTT: Hello, everyone. CGG: ok, i got a video, i don't know if you saw or heard it before CGG:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se9TyhKuXqE CHW: Y9u are fine Karkat, I understand. Th9ugh I did miss y9u when y9u were g9ne. There was s9 much left I had t9 sh9w y9u. S9 we'll have t9 d9 that again, may6e when y9u d9n't have t9 6ash y9ur head int9 a desk t9 d9 s9. H9w, is y9ur head 6y the way? CCG: WOW. CGC: H4H4 1V3 S33N TH4T  B3FOR3 CGC: FUNNY SH1T CCG: YOU JUST WHOLEASS TOLD AN ENTIRE MEMO ABOUT THE DESK INCIDENT. CCG: THAT WAS *CONFIDENTIAL*, KANKRI. CHW: 9h- CGC: H4H4HH4 CHW: s9rry CGC: BUST3D CGC: OOOH SN4P CHW: # I'm really 6ad at letting cats 9ut 9f 6ags CGC: 1T W4S WORTH 1T CEB: why are you bashing your head into desks?? CHW: # Y9u have t9 tell me 6ef9re hand that its c9nfidential 9therwise I assume its pu6lic kn9wledge CCG: TO FALL ASLEEP. CGC: DO YOU N33D 4 B4ND 41D FOR YOUR BOO BOO K4RK4T CCG: ):B CGC: H4H4H4 CHW: Karkey has sleeping pr96lems 6ut came t9 visit me in the 6u66le~ CCG: YOU'RE ALL ASSES. I'LL SMITE EVERYONE IN THIS MEMO. CCG: KANKRI SHUT UP. CCG: ANYWAYS. CEB: i mean, i guess that's one way to do it. have you tried laying in a troll slime bed thing and closing your eyes? CHW: # I'll shut up, s9rry CCG: NO, JOHN, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NEVER TRIED TO FALL ASLEEP BY NORMAL MEANS, NOT EVEN A SINGLE FUCKING TIME IN MY WHOLE LIFE. WHAT A RIDICULOUS CONCEPT! CHW: # sn9rt CEB: you should try it sometime. :B CHW: # y9ung me was the same CCG: I WANT TO THROTTLE YOU. CGC: C4LM 1T HOT HORNS CHW: Karkey d9n't use vi9lence CCG: YOU JUST CALLED ME KARKEY IN FRONT OF A GOOD NUMBER OF PEOPLE. CCG: I'M GOING TO TAKE YOUR FUCKING KNEECAPS. CHW: Yes? Is, that a pr96lem? I th9ught- 6ut, its just a cute nickname CHW: # sad CCG: I'M DYING INSIDE. CEB: rest in peace. </3 CGG: oh, gosh, i think we just derailed a bit CCG: I'M FORCING ERIDAN TO GET HIS ASS OUT OF BED SO HE CAN JOIN THIS MEMO. CGC: OH GOG CEB: i don't think there was ever any rails. CHW: 9h g9d CHW: Why 6ring the Amp9ra int9 this? CGC: 1M JUST SLOWLY F4D1BG 4W4Y CCG: HEY, ERIDAN IS PRETTY COOL, SHUT THE FUCK UP GUYS. CHW: # Please d9n't ask me t9 get Cr9nus 6ecause I'd s99ner d9u6le die CHW: /:6 CCG: NO ONE SAID SHIT ABOUT CRONUS. YOU'RE THE ONE WHOSE MIND ALWAYS GOES TO HIM. CEB: i don't know either of them. CCG: THERE HE IS. HEY ERIDAN. CHW: My mind isn't ALWAYS 9n him CCG: YOU SURE? CGG: hi, eridan! CHW: 9h g9d h9w c9uld say such gr9ss stuff CURRENT caligulasAquarium [CCA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCA: hey CCG: IT REALLY SEEMS LIKE IT IS. CHW: Hell9 9ther amp9ra. CCG: YOU ALWAYS FUCKING TALK ABOUT HIM DUDE. CHW: N-n9 n9 I am n9t! CCG: HIS NAME IS ERIDAN, NOT "OTHER AMPORA". CHW: I d9 n9t always 6ring up Cr9nus. # excuse me while I g9 thr9w up CCG: DUDE. CCA: lets not talk about that primitivve praisin lump a grease in my prescence the read a such comparisons alone makes me wwanna throww up CCG: JEEZ, OK. SOMEBODY'S IN DENIAL. CCA: lets just CHANGE the topic entirely howw about that CCG: FOR ONCE I AGREE WITH ERIDAN. CHW: I agree with y9u CHW: Lets, talk a69ut instead, s9mething much less upsetting f9r all CEB: cats. CCG: EVERY TIME KANKRI SAYS A WORD THAT HAS THE LETTERS "BO" IN IT I LAUGH. CCG: I HAVE THE MINDSET OF A WRIGGLER. CGC: BO CHW: Yeah, sure, lets d9 that. Cats are nice, s9ft. CCG: 69. CHW: 699 CGC: W41T 1 FORGOT 1M NOT K4NKR1 CHW: hahaha CGC: FUCKS S4K3 CCG: YOU GOOD TEREZI? CHW: Terezi, are y9u 9kay CGC: Y34H CEH ceased responding to memo. CGG: ok, here's a cat video CGG:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_S5cXbXe-4 CEB: ehehe. 69 CCA: its ignominious havvin to read evverythin you guys say to each other CCG: I WANT MY GAMZEE TO COME ONLINE SO HE CAN GET HIS ASS IN THIS MEMO BUT HE NEVER COMES ONLINE UNTIL LIKE. CCG: 3PM AT THE EARLIEST. CCG: AND CURRENTLY IT'S ONLY 1. CCG: UNFORTUNATE. CHW: 9h, its 4:13 here CTT ceased responding to memo. CHW: 9h, 6ake it, I supp9se CCG: WACK. CCG: SLAHOUDGIASUHKDHASDGEYRIUEJRFJDHSK CURRENT tidsopitmistTranquillity [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTT: Uh. CCG: WHO THE FUCK IS THAT. CTT: Me. CTT: Thats whom CCG: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. CGG: oh, hi there! CTT: Hey owo CGC: WHO CCA: you havve no idea the extent i gotta crain my neck to be able to see your dastardly lightened text colour CCG: OWO. CCG: UWU. CHW: Karkat has s9me 9f the 6est reacti9ns CGC: TH3 FUCK 1S YOU CEB: gotta put my glasses on to read that color. CTT: Okay CTT: Has my family seriously forgotten me CCG: YOUR TEXT COLOR IS THE SAME COLOR AS A LEMON CANDY CANE I JUST GOT DONE BREAKING MY FUCKING TEETH ON. CHW: Even I am struggling, may6e its 6ecause my eyes d9n't exactly have pupils th9ugh CCG: YOUR FAMILY? CTT: That's sad as shit. CCG: YOU HAVE A FAMILY? CCG: I FEEL BAD FOR THEM, HOLY SHIT. CGC: HUH CGC: 1M SO CONFUS3D CCA: maybe its cause your busy ogglin that tommyrotted shitwwit alternate a myself CCG: ME TOO. CCA: evver think about that CGC: SOM3ON3 F1LL M3 1N WH4T TH3 FUCK SORT OF BR41N C3LL 4M 1 M1SS1NG CTT: Wow. CCG: ERIDAN, DON'T START SHIT. CCG: TEREZI I KIN THAT STATEMENT. CEB: karkat and i share -3 braincells. CCA: im not startin shit kar i am being nothin but CIVVLIZIED and PROPER here just by the basic vvirtue a me talkin CCG: YEAH. CCA: oh fuck CCA: my browwnies CCA: bee ar be CGC: 4LSO SHUT TH3 FUCK YOU F1SH WHY DONT YOU GO SUCK YOURS3LF L1K3 YOU DO 3V3RY N1GHT CCG: DEAR GOD. CEB: wow! damn. CTT: God damn it CGC: Y34H CCG: TEREZI SNAPPED. CGC: 1M 1N 4 B1T OF 4 B4D MOOD TOD4Y SORRY 3V3RYON3 CTT: I looked away for a bit and I return to chaos. Good god. CCG: JAMES CHARLES VOICE. SISTER SNAPPED. CTT: DAMN IT CTT: Stop. CEB: karkat please no. CTT: Fighting CTT: H CGC: R1GH TOK CGC: FORGOT HOW TO FUNCT1ON CCA: ivve hardly said anythin deservvin a vvitriol and scorn rez wwhy dont you shovve your tongue wwhere your crimson eyesockets are you are such a pain in my ass connivvin blueberry CCA: i mean i wwasnt evven TALKIN to you CCG: OK, EITHER DIRK OR THE LEMON GUY IS GOING TO HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR TEXT COLOR. CCG: I CAN'T HANDLE THIS. CCA: mind your owwn business CTT ceased responding to memo. CCG: ONE OF YOU BITE THE BULLET AND CHANGE IT. CCG: OH. CCG: THAT WORKS TOO. CCG: BYE DIRK. CGG: :/ CEB: i thought dirk was the lemon guy damn. CGC: OK WH4T3V3R 3R1D4N CCG: NO, HE'S THE ORANGE GUY. CCA: hey kar CCG: HEY. CHW: W-wait ARE Y9U SAYING THAT I AM HAVING A HARD TIME SEEING 6ECAUSE IM F9CUSED 9N CR9NUS???? CGC: S4D S4CK CCG: WHAT. CCA: wwhy dont wwe ditch this popsickle stand CCG: FOR FUCK'S SAKE KANKRI, YOU'RE SLOW AS HELL. CCG: HUH? CTT: Son of a bitch CEB: at the bottom of the screen it looked the same okay? CGC: WH4T CCG: WE? AS A COLLECTIVE? CTT: What are you even fighting about CGC: OK4Y 1 G1V3 UP TRY1NG TO COMPR3H3ND CCG: ME TOO. CGG: i don't even know CHW: Im s9rry that p9rrim pestered me and this mem9 is flying CCA: im just sayin this display is nothin but a bloody mess a  recalictrant scorn wwe might as wwell hang out or somethin you and i CHW: Im s9 fucking pissed right n9w CCA: plus CCA: past you DID say hed be wwillin to do so CTT: Trigger warning CCG: I MEAN CHW: # Fr9thing Rage CCG: OK. CGC: K4NKR1 SW34R1NG 1S 4 W34R OCC4S1ON WH4TS UP CHW: # literal fire in my eyes CCA: really you arent bee essin me here CCG: I DON'T MIND HANGING OUT IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. CTT: EVERYONE BE TRIGGERED CCG: NO, I'M NOT. CGC: C4NT R3L4T3 CCG: KANKRI IS GOING OFF THE SHITS HELP. CGC: WHY CCA: my hivve or yours CTT: OH SHIT GUARD THE STAIRS CHW: Fucking I cant 6ELIEVE y9u w9uld say such gr9ss stuff CGC: WH4T CTT: They be FALLING DOWN THEM CHW: # Fucking flipping my literal shit CGC: W H 4 T CGC: HDU13F U1H RFR CGC: R3QFH1UCRH FRGHTVU 5G CGC: GTJ1 VRGT CTT: oh my God. CCA: wwoww that strawwberry shortcake is such a flippin drama machine it is truly pathetic CGC: V3GGU9TR CGC: GU9TRHY CTT: AUshdgdhd CTT: Jdhdbsnstshhdgd CGC: HTR9UHT3UH3 CTT: Dtthshshskwhe CTT: D CEB: what is CCA: shut the hell up CEB: stop CGC: 3UH9TRHUYR4U CHW: Eridan G9 FUCK Y9URSELF CTT: No CHW: Cause # N9 9ne else will CGC: BGT90YBH CCG: RIGHT NOW I FEEL LIKE THIS IS THE TEXTUAL EQUIVALENT OF SCREAMING TO MAKE MY VOICE HEARD OVER A LOUD CROWD TO COMMUNICATE WITH ERIDAN. CCG: HELP. CTT: Uncle John what the fuck is good going on CCA: this is exactly wwhy you and i ought to be messagin each other separately CGC: W3LL TH3N HOW 4BOUT TH1S CCA: glad youre agreein wwith me bro i can alwways count on you CGG: oh, gosh! CEB: i'm sorry what? CCG: OK, FUCK, DM ME ERIDAN. CCG: I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. CCA: wwhy dont you dee em me CCG: IT WAS YOUR IDEA! CCG: BUT FINE. I'LL BE THE MATURE ONE. CHW: Eridan said I c9uldn't see lem9n candy text 6ecause I was f9cused 9n Cr9nus. When we all had pr96lems with the c9l9r CGG: gamzee is here CGC: FOR FUCKS S4K3 CURRENT terminallyCapricious [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTC: HeY. CTT: Oh honkY CCA: ugh CGC: OH H3LL NO CCG: KANKRI, SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND COOL IT BEFORE I BAN YOU. CTT: HEY CCG: ERIDAN, DON'T PROVOKE HIM LIKE THAT. CTT: God damn it why are you so rude to each other CHW: H9w w9uld y9u feel if s9me9ne said such a thing a69ut y9u Karkat? CCG: NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION, LEMON MAN. CCA: wwhat do you mean provvoke wwho CCG: GO SUCK A CACTUS. CTT: Yeah. CCA: i havve no idea wwho the hell you are talkin about CEB: i really have no idea what's happening. CGC: M3 4ND G4MZ33 DONT H4V3 4 GOOD H1STORY TOG3TH3R CCA: i havvent been provvokin no one wwhat a slanderous thing to imply CHW: # g9es t9 sweater t9wn CCG: EVERYONE STOP TALKING. CHW: # huffs CCG: LET ME GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. CGC: 1 TH1NK TH4TS 4 V4L1D 3NOUGH R34SON CCA: ill havve you knoww that crimson soaked sack a lard has been provvokin ME if anythin CTT: Okay. CCG: ERIDAN. CCG: SHUT. CCG: UP. CCG: FOR ONCE. CCG: PLEASE. CHW: Fucking WHAT CCA: ok fine CTT: #shooshpap CCA: wwhat do i care any wway CCG: KANKRI. CCG: DON'T START. CGC: TH1S 1S 4 M3SS CCG: I'M TRYING TO MEDIATE HERE. CTT: #shooshpap CCG: LEMON GUY, FUCK OFF. CHW: I'm N9T starting it, HE DID CHW: # Excuse CURRENT turntechGodhead [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTG: "comfy place" my ass CTT: #SOOOooos- CCG: DAVE. CCG: HELP. CGC: YOU KNOW 1TS 4LL GON3 TO SH1T WH3N K4RK4T 1S TH3 ON3 TRY1NG TO M4K3 3V3RYON3 C4LM CCA: wwoah bro this is nothin if not flatterin but i dont think auspitizism is really the sorta establishment you should be sullyin yourself into at this moment no offense CTG: i wasn't even paying attention CTG: what's happening CCG: WAIT YOU'RE NOT THE DAVE I'M FAMILIAR WITH. I'M BLIND AND CAN'T READ HANDLES. CCG: ERIDAN I'LL KILL YOU. CTT: People being assholes CCA: uh CEB: it's, uh, chaotic. CHW: Please d9 CCA: wwoww CHW: WAIT CHW: D9NT CGG: the memo went crazy CCA: talk about straight forwward CHW: I d9nt want him in the 6u66les! CCG: I SWEAR I AM THIS CLOSE CCG: | | CCG: THAT CLOSE CCG: TO KICKING BOTH OF YOU. CCG: TEST ME. CHW: Karkat... CTT: I'm Dani terezi. Can ya use your like seer powers CCA: hmm CGC: H1T 1T F3RG13 CCA: wwell ok CCA: brb CHW: # p9uting CGC: D4N1 WHO CCG: CRY ABOUT IT, YOU LITTLE FUCK. CGC: WHO TH3 FUCK 1S YOU CTT: IM FROM EARTH C. CGC: 4H OK4Y CHW: I th9ught y9u cared a69ut me 9r s9mething.. I guess I was wr9ng. CGC: 1 KNOW SOM3ON3 C4LL3D D4N1 H4H4 CFL ceased responding to memo. CTT: Kankri. CCG: OH HERE WE FUCKING GO WITH THE GUILT TRIPPING. CEB: this is just what i needed to add a little spice to my afternoon. CCG: MARVELOUS. CTT: It's okay my boi CCG: THIS MEMO SINGLEHANDEDLY MANAGED TO KILL THE BRAIN CELLS I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE. CCA: hey im back CHW: # sulking CTT: Sometimes you gotta just go to sweater town CGG: :/ yeah, it's so crazy CEB: we just have -69 braincells now. CCG: KANKRI, I CARE MORE THAN ENOUGH ABOUT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS MEMO FOR THAT MATTER, WHICH IS PRECISELY WHY I WANT YOU KNOCK THE BULLSHIT OFF AND STOP FIGHTING! CCG: I DON'T WANT ANYONE UPSET. CTT: #papshhosj CTT: Neither do i CCG: WELCOME BACK ERIDAN. CCG: OH FUCK GAMZEE IS ONLINE. CGC: C4N W3 JUST S4Y OK K4NKR1 YOU W3R3NT FOCUS1NG ON CRONUS TH3 T3XT W4S TOO H4RD TO R34D BUT TH4TS NO ON3S F4ULT CCA: thanks CTT: Let's back this up. CTG ceased responding to memo. CGC: 4ND 3R1D4N DONT G3T WORK3D UP OV3R K4NKR1 CHW: Thank y9u Terezi CGC: GOOD CCG: MY PURRBEAST IS STEPPING ONY M KEYYBOARD CCG: '; CCG: HELP. CTC: WhAt ThE MoThErFuCk Is EvEn HaPpEnInG. CGC: H4H4 CGC: TO MUCH TO B3 HON3ST CCG: GAMZEE DO YOU CARE IF I ADD ANOTHER GAMZEE TO THIS MEMO? THE MORE THE MERRIER, RIGHT? CCG: DOUBLE THE CLOWNERY? CGC: TW1C3 TH3 HONKS OH FUCK CTC: I DoNt CaRe. CTT: Okay. Mom Jade, of you remember hug me before I have a panic attack CGG: oh, gosh CHW: # deep 6reathing CCA: wworked up CCA: pshhh thats a fuckin laugh CCA: as if id let some detestable sack a ruddy text get me wworked up that foul no good pleb is hardly wworth steppin near my shadoww and at this point im findin all his petty references to my alternate to be nothin more than a salaicious display a utright denial CGC: WHY H4S TH1S 4LL GON3 TO SH1T -- CURRENT tidsopitmistTranquillity [CTT]  seriously more confused then my session made me -- CTT ceased responding to memo. CHW: # Karkat he's starting it again CGC: 1 D1DNT KNOWHOW TO WORD 1T OK4Y SH33SH CURRENT tidsopitmistTranquillity [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTT: Son of a bitch CTT: Better CGC: 3R1D4N JUST STOP OK4Y C4N W3 4GR33 TH4T 1T W4S NO ON3S F4ULT CTT: Can you see me now CCA: sure wwhat evver CTT: Am I less lemonade CGC: GOOD CCA: its not like i actually care about wwhat happens in this line a convversation anywway CCA: hes the one wwho started it CTT: Gucci CHW: # Watching y9u CGC: 4LR1GHTY CGC: OK4Y CEB: are you guys chill now? is that done? CTT: I guess. CEB: fantastic. CTT: But this hype train. CCA: wwhered kar go CGC: HOP3 SO CGG: i hope so, too CCG: NOWHERE. CTT: Oh fuc CCG: WHY? MISS ME? CCA: hey CTT: Shi CCG: HEY. CTT: Hey CHW: 9h- I think I just realized s9mething. # Lips l9cked tight CCG: HUH? CGC: WH4T CGC: T1GHT 4SSHOL3 CGC: H4H4 CHW: N9 n9, I d9n't want t9 start any drama. CCA: wwhy dont you lock your fingers tighter methinks theyre the ones causin all this repartee any wway CHW: I'll just, privately tr9ll karkat and tell him CCG: TELL ME IN DMS KANKRI. I'M YOUR DANCESTOR. CCG: OH. CCG: GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE. FUCK YEAH. CGC: HUH CEB: well now i'm curious. CGC: M3 TOO CCG: HEY IT'S ANOTHER GAMZEE. CCG: ONE I ACTUALLY AM FAMILIAR WITH. CGC: OH OK CTC: WeLcOmE BrOtHeR. CHW: Its s9mething that y9u all pr96a6ly c9uld have figured 9ut 9n y9ur 9wn, when thinking hard 9n what Amp9ras are very kn9wn f9r. CGC: SORRY 1F 1 S33M 4 B1T OFF CCG: OH GOD. PAST taciturnlyCataclysmal [PTC] 420 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PTC: HeLl yEaH, hOw'S It gOiNg? :o) CCG: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN THE PAST CGG: hi there! CCG: WHAT THE FUCK CHW: I'm sure if y9ur g99d at paying attenti9n the pieces will f9rm the wh9le puzzle f9r y9u t99 CGG: ok, that's weird CCG: ALSO, KANKRI, THAT THING YOU JUST MESSAGED ME? WACK. CCA: soon enough ill be knowwn for slittin your detestable carcass ovver my owwn personal grubloaf bun if you dont keep my name from your ovverbitten mouth mutant CCG: I DON'T KNOW IF I BELIEVE IT. CHW: True th9ugh CCA: howw about that CCG: ERIDAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? CCG: WHO IS THAT DIRECTED AT? CCG: I'M SO LOST. CGC: STOOOOP CHW: Thats at me CHW: Karkat CCA: kankri a course wwho else CCG: GAMZEE. HELP ME. CCG: PLEASE. CHW: he is attacking me CHW: again CHW: 6ut # I started it CHW: # r9lls eyes CGG: this is already too much... CGG: :/ CHW: # have t9 tell y9u im r9lling my eyes 6ecause, N9 pupils 6ut whatever CCG: OK, YOU KNOW WHAT? CHW: # Amp9ra is a castest prick CTC: CaN I HaVe ThE HeAdS ErIdAn BrO? CCG banned CCA from responding to memo: [TIME OUT.]. CCG banned CHW from responding to memo: [TIME OUT.]. CHW RIGHT NOW opened memo on board GGS COMFY PLACE.
---- Was kicked for time out ----
CHW RIGHT NOW opened memo on board GGS COMFY PLACE. CURRENT carcinoGeneticist [CCG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCG: OH GOD. CURRENT gardenGnostic104 [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGG: oh, again? CHW: # Excuse y9u PAST taciturnlyCataclysmal [PTC] 420 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PTC: So wHaT ThE MoThErFuCk'S ThIs mEmO AlL AbOuT? CCG: I SWEAR IF YOU TWO GO BACK AT IT I'LL FUCKING BAN YOU BOTH PERMANENTLY. CURRENT gallowsCalibratorr [CGC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGC: NO 1D34 CCG: WE'RE UH CCG: BONDING. CHW: He was the 9ne wh9 threatened t9 slit my thr9at CURRENT caligulasAquarium [CCA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCA: no wworries CCG: GROUP BONDING TIME. CCA: i wwas just leavvin any wway CURRENT tidsopitmistTranquillity [CTT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTT: The other kids are coming CCG: KANKRI SHUT UP. STOP DRAGGING IT ON. CTT: Yeet CCG: I'LL SCOLD HIM LATER. CGG: sorry, i meant to make this for fun stuff, but it went crazy over time CHW: Y9ud 6etter CCG: YOU TWO ARE LIKE FUCKING WRIGGLERS I SWEAR. CCA ceased responding to memo. CCG: I'M LOSING MY MIND. PTC: WeLl i gUeSs tHaT'S AlL GoOd, sHiT TeNdS To uP AnD GeT AlL FuCkIn cRaZy sOmEtImEs. CTT ceased responding to memo. CURRENT terminallyCapricious [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTC: HoNk :O) PTC: HoNk CTC: HoNk PTC: HoNk CCG: HONK. CGC: OH NO CTC: HoNk CURRENT ectoBiologists [CEB] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CEB: oh jesus CCG: HONK. PTC: HoNk CGC: STOP CURRENT theJaceofspades [CTJ] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTJ: Haha I just broke into my sister's computer CTC: HoNk CGC: FUCK CCG: HONK. PTC: HoNk CHW: (( i didnt know it actually made the noise if you typed honk oh fuck that startled me xDD )) CTC: HoNk. CCG: HONK. CGC: HONK CTJ: Oh shit CCG: HONK. CHW: h9nk CHW: 9h CGC: 1T D1DNT WORK CTJ: ((shit man)) CEB: hehehe. CHW: quirks n9t all9wed CCG: THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS WHENEVER I GET IN A MEMO. CCG: EVERYONE STARTS HONKING. CGC: H4H4 CTJ: Oh CCG: IT HAPPENED IN FUCK BUCKETS TOO. I STILL FEEL BAD FOR JOHN. CCG: I ALSO FEEL BAD FOR EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY FUCK BUCKETS. PTC: EvErYoNe aLl kNoWs yOuR FuCkIn mEaNiNg bEhInD ThAt. CTJ: I'm going to get a worshipper of the dark carnival CCG: NO. CCG: GAMZEE. CTJ: Then honk everyday bro CCG: IT WAS THE NAME OF A MEMO WE HAD ONCE. CTJ: I will do it PTC: HoNk CCG: I'M GOING TO FUCKING SLAM MY FACE INTO MY KEYBOARD. CTC: ThAt WaS A GrEaT MeMo. CTJ: I'm going to get her CGC: 1M GO1NG TO L1ST3N TO 4 SONG CEB: i know i was there, but what happened to be in fuckbuckets? PTC: HaHaHaHa, dOn'T Be dOiNg tHaT BeSt fRiEnD. jUsT GeT YoUr cHiLlS GoInG StRoNg. CTC: UnTiLl YoU MoThErFuCkInG KiCkEd Me. CGC: WH3N 1 COM3 B4CK HOP3FULLY 4LL 1S B3TT3R CHW: If y9u d9, may6e, y9u can visit Karkat? CTJ: I know. CCG: I KICKED YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE ABOUT TO EXPOSE ME, GAMZEE. CTJ: Wait CCG: ALSO. CCG: YEAH KANKRI. CCG: ALSO. CTC: EvErY OnE KnOwS. CTJ: If kankri has a Chum handle now CCG: TO THE OTHER GAMZEE. CCG: YEAH OK. CTJ: Then that means. CTJ: O. CCG: OH MY GOD. CTJ: Fuc CHW: ? CCG: GAMZEE I SWEAR I'LL KICK YOU FROM THIS MEMO TOO. CHW: It means I d9wnl9aded the alternian tr9llian CCG: CURRENT GAMZEE. CTJ ceased responding to memo. CCG: I CAN'T FUCKING WRAP MY HEAD AROUND THERE BEING TWO GAMZEES. THIS WAS A MISTAKE. PTC: AwWw dOn'T Be fUcKiN ThReAtEnInG A BrO. CCG: ONE OF YOU HAS TO GO. ANY VOLUNTEERS? CCG: NOT YOU! CCG: I'M THREATENING TO KICK THE OTHER GAMZEE. PTC: I'M KnOwInG, kArBrO. CURRENT stitchedSilence [CSS] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CSS: :o€ CCG: AAAAA MY THINKPAN IS ACHING. CCG: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT EMOJI. CTC: NaH Im MoThErFuCkInG GoOd RiGhT HeRe. CCG: THEN. CCG: SHUT UP. CHW: C:6 CTC: HoNk BrO Is ChIlL. CCG: AND WE CAN ALL LIVE HAPPILY. CCG: WITH KARKAT'S SECRETS HIDDEN. CCG: OKAY? CHW: I mistyped CURRENT turntechDumbass [CTD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTD: jade was right this is whack CSS: WHAT THE FUCK. IS HONKING UP IN THIS BITCH CCG: HONK. CHW: I saw 'kurl9z' and meant t9 type D:6 CTC: HoNk. CCG: OH FUCK IT'S DAVE. CCG: HONK. CTD: oh fuck its karkat CGG: honk CCG: GET OUT. CTC: HoNk. CSS: HONK! CTD: what no i just got here CSS: :o) CTD: bitch CCG: BITCH. CSS: #signlanguage
---- My computer glitched so it closed ----
CHW RIGHT NOW opened memo on board GGS COMFY PLACE. CURRENT carcinoGeneticist [CCG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCG: UH. CURRENT terminallyCapricious [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTC: HoNk. CCG: LIKE WHO? CURRENT stitchedSilence [CSS] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CSS: :o) CSS: :o) CSS: ? CHW: My c9mputer decided that it wasn't happy, s9 it cl9sed. CURRENT gallowsCalibratorr [CGC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGC: OK GUYS 1M H4V1NG 4 P4N1C 4TT4CK TH1S 1S SO STR3SSFUL  BY3 CCG: OH SHIT. CSS: SO IS MY MOUTH CSS: Closed CSS: SHUT. CHW: D:6 CCG: IS THAT FUCKING KURLOZ I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION CCG: I'M SO LOST. PAST taciturnlyCataclysmal [PTC] 420 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PTC: SeE Ya, fUcKiN BlInD AsS BiTcH. CHW: yes, thats Kurl9z... CHW: # shivers CCG: EW. CSS: Yeah tell me about it. CCG: WHO INVITED HIM HERE? CHW: N9t me CURRENT turntechDumbass [CTD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CTD: god damn. CCG: NOT ME EITHER. CTD: trolls are whack CHW: I w9uld prefer t9 keep my distance fr9m any murder9us cl9wns CCG: YOU'RE WHACK. CCG: BAD WHACK. CCG: HEY. CSS: So are clowns :o) CHW: # After all, it feels t9 much like my culler... CTD: im the best whack CCG: GAMZEE IS RIGHT THERE. CCG: DON'T BE INSENSITIVE. CHW: I said murder9us CGC ceased responding to memo. CCG: YEAH? CHW: I think thats fair CCG: DID I STUTTER? CCG: ANYWAY. PTC: HaHaH. CURRENT gardenGnostic104 [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CGG:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL-AVkOgO-k CHW: I think its fair t9 n9t want t9 6e near murderers CSS: Hey. Chill bros CTC: :O) CCG: WHY IS THE FUCKING O CCG: A CAPITAL? CCG: I HATE THAT. CHW: If meenah were in here, I'd 6e nerv9us a69ut that t99 CCG: FIX YOUR FUCKING EMOJI. CTC: My QuIrK Is GeTtInG In ThE MtHeRfUcKiNg WaY. PTC: WiSh i cOuLd bE KnOwInG. CHW: # pr96a6ly nerv9us ar9und any 9f my 'friends' that aren't p9rrim 9r latula. PTC: :o) PTC: :o) CCG: JUST FUCKING CSS: :o) CTC:  :O) CCG: CONVERT :O TO :o PTC: HoNk CCG: PROBLEM SOLVED. CSS: Meulin is having otp cardiac arrest CCG: WHAT. CTD: the comfy place has turned into clown church CSS: I GOT TO GO HELP A BITCH CHW: 9ver which c9uple? CCG: FEAR. CSS: EH. CGG: oh, ss, you reminded me of something CCG: YEAH WHICH COUPLE? CSS: ERIDAN AND SOLLUX CCG: OH GOD. CTD: oh shit CSS: #SHIVERS CHW: # unc9mf9rta6le CSS: I got her into to much black shi CSS: Shit. CTC: :o) CGG:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ0HdydxuDo CHW: # 6etter them than s9me9ne else th9ugh CCG: MY PURRBEAST IS TICKLING MY NECK WITH HIS WHISKERHESHHSHDK CSS: It's personally my fault CCG: HHKJHGF CSS: Forgive me. CCG: I'M HAVING HEART FAILURE. CTD: tell your cat hes fucking cute as hell CSS: Ah. CCG: NO. CHW: Kurl9z, please, leave the 6lack stuff t9 y9u, she, already has s9 much 9n her plate with red r9m ships # l9l CSS: Hold on CTD: please he needs to know CSS: #l:ol CCG: HE'S A LITTLE BASTARD. CCG: KIND OF LIKE YOU. CSS: hold on. CTD: im only partially a bastard but still let him know CSS: What the ever loving motherfuck. CCG: EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS MEMO SUCKS EXCEPT FOR PAST GAMZEE. CSS: SHIT MY WRIGGLER IS HONKING MY HORN PILE CHW: # 9uch CSS: So proud CSS: #crie CURRENT ectoBiologists [CEB] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CEB: i have done nothing to deserve this! CCG: YOU EXISTED. CSS: #:o€ CSS: Neither have i CHW: # D9u6le 9uch CEB: damn, guess i'll stop existing. CGG: :( CCG: PLEASE DO. CSS: She grew up so fast CCG: KARKAT STOP BEING AN ASSHAT. CGG: please don't say that :( CSS: Karkat what be your problems CEB: :'B CSS: You need to chill before CHW: Karkat? Y9u just t9ld y9urself t9 st9p, are y9u 9kay? CCG: SORRY. CCG: YES. CCG: I'M FINE. CSS: #hedosomthing:o( CCG: I JUST REALIZED I WAS BEING A DICK. CHW: # C9ncerned Dancest9r CSS: Yeah. CCG: WAIT KANKRI CSS: #shooshpapthatfucker CCG: I HAVE TO ASK YOU SOMETHING. CHW: yes? CSS: Gamzee have you passed out CCG: GO TO DMS FOR A SEC. CSS: :o? CTC: No. CSS: God CSS: God. CSS: Meulin freaking son of- CSS ceased responding to memo. CCG: WHERE'D PAST GAMZEE GO? CTC: YoU MeAn ThE MeSsIaHs? PTC: :o) CCG: THERE HE IS. CTC: ThE ReAl MeSsIaHs. CCG: COMFORT ME. THIS MEMO IS GIVING ME CARDIAC ARREST. CTC: NoT ThE FaKe MeSsIaHs. PTC: YoU'Re fUcKiN SPECIAL YOU MOTHERFUCKIN mOtHeRfUcKeR. CURRENT cardiacOtps [CCO] RIGHT NOW responded to memo. CCO: 333333333333333!<3 PTC: YoU'Ve gOt tHe gReAtEsT Of fUcKiN SeLvEs iN YoU. :o) CCO: Inpuring! CTD: that wisdom CHW: I can certainly say that I am successfully triggered 6y t9days mem9 and events. CTD: i felt that shit PTC: Go fUcK YoUrSeLf, oThEr kArKaT. PTC: :o) PTC: HoNk hOnK CHW: Might even need t9 g9 talk t9 P9rrim CCO: Wow! CTC: :o) CHW: ...? w-why? CCO: Your just like kurlos CHW: # Fine. I'll leave CHW ceased responding to memo. PTC: GoOd sHiT. CCO: When he was a kid
---- I left because I didn’t want to start another fight ----
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askkrabbykankri · 5 years
*drops like a whole cookie sheet on his own feet in surprise* 9-9h - askkandyvantas
Ah shit, are y9ur feet 9kay? H9pe that wasn’t my fault. 
Y9u’ve.. aha, y9u’ve changed. 
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
BAHAHA YEAH 1 WEEK OF BEING GROUNDED AND HE'S LIKE "9kay, I'm 9ver it n9w. 3 m9re weeks t9 g9, I guess." (he is not over it, he has just accepted his fate) -KPA
first week was his dramatic "9h my g9g I actually g9t in a fight. What was I thinking 9h n9 my rec9rd and the respect 9f my peers- MY MATURITY!" and cut to the end of the week and he's just like "Alright 6ack t9 the grind."
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6l99dl9ss · 6 years
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@absylphe replied to your post: @absylphe replied to your post: 9h…9h n9… It...
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N9 it’s 9kay. I just. I wasn’t expecting it... I d9n’t want t9 cause any tr9u6le. Y9u’re alright.
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