iamthesignless · 2 months
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You like kissing nobody, don't you?
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iamthesignless · 2 months
((Go support my little sister’s art.
Someone has to, because I’m certainly not.
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Dot, fuck 'em up
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff
Why you trollin' like a bitch? Ain't you tired?
Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minoooor
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iamthesignless · 3 months
Hell9 Friends.
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iamthesignless · 3 months
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iamthesignless · 4 months
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iamthesignless · 4 months
S9metimes I See Pe9ple 6eing H9rny 9n Main And Am C9nfused.
Then I Recall That I D9 F9ll9w Ms. R9xy LaL9nde.
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iamthesignless · 4 months
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@coastalcosmopolitan I 96served This Disc9urse Last Night 6ef9re I Fell Asleep.
Simply C9mmenting 9n Th9se Things Which Intrigued Me.
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iamthesignless · 4 months
If 6uzzers Are N9t Real, The H9w Is A 6uzzer6eater Real In Human 6asket6all??
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iamthesignless · 5 months
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A Truth Sp9ken.
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iamthesignless · 5 months
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((I always feel like somebody’s watching me
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iamthesignless · 5 months
H9w G9es The Fine F9lk Here?
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iamthesignless · 6 months
Feel Free T9 St9p 6y Anytime, And I Think I May St9p 6y In Y9ur Time If P9ssi6le.
@iamthesignless, so, w)(at )(ave you been up to, lately?
Anyt)(ing fun or exciting?
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iamthesignless · 6 months
((I get off work and I see two different Redglares being called Feds
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iamthesignless · 6 months
6y My 9wn Reck9ning, The Afterlife Is Quite Interesting. Alth9ugh I Have 6een T9ld That My 9wn Is S9mewhat Unc9nventi9nal.
It Seems As Th9ugh Mine Is C9mprised 9f An Amalgam 9f The Things I Experienced In Life. Case In P9int, The M9untain Cave I Have Made My A69de.
C9me Visit S9metime And I Will Sh9w Y9u What I Mean.
@iamthesignless, so, w)(at )(ave you been up to, lately?
Anyt)(ing fun or exciting?
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iamthesignless · 6 months
N9t Much 9f N9t Recently.
Simply Having A Calm Afterlife, Y9u Kn9w?
@iamthesignless, so, w)(at )(ave you been up to, lately?
Anyt)(ing fun or exciting?
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iamthesignless · 6 months
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((Friendly reminder to add me on discord
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iamthesignless · 6 months
I Did N9t Think I W9uld See G9vernment Figures 6eing Hit 9n T9night.
Such Is Existence.
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