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azurelum1 · 1 year ago
Returning to my OTP and doodling them like a annual ritual :,) Have some Reed900 crumbles
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And some notes while I was doodling
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harrelltut · 1 year ago
michaelharrelljr.com of kingtutdna.com... just wanna get next 2 u
 2 Soulfully Experience ANU [SEA] GOLDEN 9 Ether SKY Continent Earth [Qi] of Our Ancient Lemuria urani-atlantis.tech CRYSTAL SKY KINGDOMS of SIRIUS Clandestine [C] Black [B] Urani-Atlantis5000.com GOLD RESERVES.... Naturally ILLUMINATING Bioluminescence Radiation from the Iridescent URANIUM [NIBIRU] METAL MINES of ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUD’s BLACKANUNNAQI.tech SKY SHIPS [LIGHT SHAMS = UFOS] of SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY]
 ILLUMINATING DEEP [I.D.] IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] ULTRA HIGH EXOSPHERE of Subatomic STAR Activation by the Thermonuclear UV Rays from NIBIRU's [SATURN's] ULTRA-MAGNETIC MAGNETOSPHERE of Constellation ORION's SUPERNATURAL BETELGEUSE CARBON [B.C.] Earth [Qi] Energies Emitting SIRIUS Radioactive BLACKANUNNAQI.tech Ions Animating Suspended 9 Ether Quantum [EQ] Sound Cloud Intel of quantumharrelltech.com’s ancient6-18gmilitary.tech
 Remotely Accessing [RA] michaelharrelljr.com's Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] PLUTONIUM mothershipnibiru.tech LIBRARY of Tri-Solar Black Sun Planet RIZQ’s... Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR GATEWAY Language Records of planetrizq.tech’s 8th Tri-Solar SUN Grid Systems of UTU + AFSU + SHAMASH’s Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] SKY PORTALS of Crystallized [PC] Airborne [PA] Cloud Particle Photons from Constellation [PC] ORION’s quantumharrell.tech GALAXY.gov of anugoldenblackwallstreet.com defense.gov
 Generationally Engineered[G.E.] by My [GEM] 1921steelecartel.tech Family Business [DYNASTY] of Interplanetary BLACKATLANTIS5000.compu_TAH [PTAH] STEELE [STEEL] MINE ECONOMIES [ME] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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i.b.monk [ibm] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantum harrell tech llc
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i.b. 1698 quintillionharrell.tech sky memory elite [me] 2wealthy4forbes.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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she psychically wanna get next 2 michaelharrelljr.com
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she love my esoteric [me] art [ma] of living on harrelltut.com @ quantumharrell.tech sky kingdom
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she said eye mystic [i'm] lemurian of mu from calafia in america [ca]
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we also from the eastern portion of our subterranean lemurian continent of mu in america [ma = atlantis]
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yup... eye remember my ancient psychic [map] lemurian continent powers
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we x-tra telepathic
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quantum harrell tech llc doing X-traterrestrial sky business OUTSIDE THE FIRMAMENT WATER DOME OVER Earth [Qi]?!?!?!
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we outgrew humanity long time ago...
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we 2 advanced 4 mankind
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shhh... we urani-atlantis.com's secret Êgiptian atlantean [sea] steele dynasty cartel [d.c.] of mu america [ma = atlantis] @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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1921steelecartel.tech military of quantumharrelltech.com
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mo ancient recorded secrets [mars]... mo ancient recorded secrets [mars]... mo ancient recorded secrets [mars]
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our old america = biblical eden?!?!?!
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#occultedatlanteans @ blackatlantis5000.com of blackatlantis5000.tech records
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we eclipsed [we] humanity in plain occulted sight
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we anu golden 9 ether urani-atlantis.com world
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blackatlantis5000.com still here
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we aghaarta.com
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eye mine [i'm] eridu gold
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eye found muur anunnagi [ma] gold!!!
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© 1698-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All LOST ANCIENT [L.A.] ATLANTEAN DNA [A.D.] DotCom [A.D.] + DotTech [A.D.] + Pre 1698quantumharrellgov.tech Domain Name Rights Reserved.
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pinamed · 1 year ago
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PINMIN 9G Multivitamin and Multiminerals Soft gel Capsules is an excellent product from house of PINAMED DRUGS. It is a nutritional supplement that restores the level of vitamins and minerals in your body and helps to improve your overall health. It helps in fighting fatigue and improving your wellbeing. Ginseng, Garlic, Grape Seed, Green Tea, Ginkgo Biloba, Guggul, Green Coffee Bean, Giloy & Glycyrrhiza Glabra are 9 (G) that Promotes Healthy Aging, Reduces Anxiety and Stress, Boosts Your Cardiovascular Health, Covers Your Nutritional Bases, Supports Your Immune System, Keeps Body in Good Working Order, Improves Your Eyesight, Keeps Your Bones & Joints Strong & Enhances energy levels and Eliminates Impurities and Toxins. One can take this supplement daily and experience overall health benefits with the advise of Health Expert.
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acts-of-paul-and-thecla · 4 months ago
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ghelgheli · 1 year ago
wish they'd make intermediate-gauge pinchers and not just plugs so that i wouldn't have to commit to letting my septum look naked for a month+ at a time while upsizing
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maseratus · 5 months ago
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funblaater · 8 months ago
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akulride · 1 year ago
Sedan Petrol 7 Airbags (Driver, Front Passenger, 2 Curtain, Driver Knee, Driver Side, Front Passenger Side) Obsidian black, Polar white, Graphite grey, High-tech silver, Selenite grey, Sodalite blue, Spectral blue, MANUFAKTUR Opalite white bright, MANUFAKTUR Patagonia red bright, MANUFAKTUR Graphite grey magno 5 Star (Euro NCAP)
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caddixhealthcare · 1 year ago
Caddix Healthcare - Best 9G Softgel Capsules Supplier in India
Caddix Healthcare is the Best 9G Softgel Capsules Supplier in India. With our exceptional quality and effectiveness, these capsules are the perfect solution for your healthcare needs. Trust us to provide you with the best products that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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thesketcherat · 1 year ago
How to draw a boy drawing using reference drawing Watch video on THE SKETCHER yt https://youtu.be/9G-_N2x42x4
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ket1207 · 29 days ago
Hábitos que me ajudaram a manter minha barriga chapada naturalmente, e que me ajudam a desinchar. 🙀
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- đŸœ A primeira etapa que vocĂȘ precisa seguir para perder a barriga em um curto perĂ­odo de tempo, Ă© ter em mente que a barriga que vocĂȘ tem Ă© a consequĂȘncia doque vocĂȘ consumiu. vocĂȘ Ă© a responsĂĄvel pelo seu corpo, entĂŁo Ă© a sua obrigação consertar o estrago que vocĂȘ causou a ele, independentemente se for um processo lento, ou doloroso.
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entĂŁo a primeira coisa que eu recomendo, Ă© o jejum prolongado. eu jĂĄ fiz um post com dicas e conselhos de como se acostumar com nfs, e isso tambĂ©m serve para o jejum. (aconselho que vocĂȘs dĂȘem uma olhada caso nĂŁo tenham o costume de aplicar o jejum / nf na rotina de vocĂȘs.) eu recomendo o jejum especificamente, pois apesar dele contribuir para perda de peso assim como o nf, como vocĂȘ passa um longo perĂ­odo de tempo consumindo apenas ÁGUA, sua barriga consequentemente seca mais rĂĄpido. mas eu nĂŁo estou falando de jejum intermitente, estou falando de jejum PROLONGADO ! (de 50 a 72 horas, ou +) confesso que nĂŁo Ă© fĂĄcil se acostumar com o jejum, mas quando vocĂȘs começarem a aplicarem ele na rotina de vocĂȘs (por cerca de 1 ou 2 meses se adaptando), prometo que vocĂȘs vĂŁo dominar essa tĂ©cnica.
O jejum prolongado alĂ©m de ser a chave que eu precisava para perder peso em um curto perĂ­odo de tempo, foi ele que secou COMPLETAMENTE minha barriga❕đŸ˜ș
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(imagem meramente ilustrativa)
-☕ a dĂșvida Ă©, agora que consegui perder o estoque de lixo que armazenava em mim, como manter a minha barriga livre de gordura, e inchaço novamente?
muitas acham que sĂł porque conseguiram chegar no objetivo, podem voltar a se alimentar feito đŸ·, porque nĂŁo haverĂĄ consequĂȘncias. errado. vocĂȘ terĂĄ que se esforçar para manter esse corpo, assim como se esforçou para conquistĂĄ-lo. e isso começa mudando sua alimentação. (todas essas dicas que eu vou passar tambĂ©m podem ser aplicadas durante a adaptação do jejum, e nĂŁo somente apĂłs. o objetivo Ă© que vocĂȘ se acostume com essa rotina. đŸ‘‡đŸ»â˜•đŸ’—)
Eu recomendo apenas 200 kcal por dia. (se for menos, melhor.) faça apenas 1 ou 2 refeiçÔes (no måximo) por dia, contanto que não ultrapasse o limite de kcal.
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-đŸ« nĂŁo se esqueça de que, nĂŁo Ă© sĂł porque um alimento Ă© "baixo" em kcal, que vocĂȘ deve consumir ! e um bom exemplo disso, sĂŁo doces. algumas pessoas se permitem comer pelo menos 1 doce por semana, como por exemplo uma unidade do chocolate batom(87 kcal) , ou uma unidade de tortuguita (92 kcal)... (exemplo), mas lembre-se, vocĂȘ nĂŁo Ă© cachorro para ser recompensada com petiscos. se contĂ­nuar com esses hĂĄbitos, nunca terĂĄ autocontrole❕
2.Fermentação intestinal: O açĂșcar nĂŁo digerido Ă© fermentado por bactĂ©rias, produzindo gĂĄs.
alĂ©m de que temos que levar em consideração, as consequĂȘncias que isso pode te trazer...
1. AlteraçÔes hormonais: Desregulação do metabolismo, insulina e hormÎnios relacionados ao apetite.
3. Retenção de lĂ­quidos: O açĂșcar pode causar retenção de lĂ­quidos no corpo.
4.Inflamação intestinal: Doces podem desequilibrar a flora intestinal, levando a inflamação.
ou seja, evite açĂșcar ao MÁXIMO!
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-🍉 dĂȘ preferĂȘncia para alimentos como frutas, e gelatinas diet. principalmente frutas como, morangos, melĂŁo, e melancia. essas sĂŁo as melhores frutas para se consumir em uma dieta, pois sĂŁo frutas que vocĂȘ pode comer em alta quantidade, e mesmo assim Ă© baixa em kcal.
-🍭 Desde que eu cortei alimentos ricos em açĂșcar (como doces) da minha rotina, nunca mais passei raiva por conta de inchaço. (e minha pele melhorou MUITO 🙀!)
- Carboidratos: 7-8g
Valores por 100g
1. Morango: 32-35 kcal
- Fibra: 2g
- ProteĂ­nas: 0,7g
- Gorduras: 0,5g
1. MelĂŁo: 34-40 kcal
- Carboidratos: 8-9g
- Fibra: 1,5g
- ProteĂ­nas: 1g
- Gorduras: 0,2g
1. Melancia: 30-40 kcal
- Carboidratos: 7-8g
- Fibra: 0,5g
- ProteĂ­nas: 1g
- Gorduras: 0,2g
Essas frutas são ricas em vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes. 🍓
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Uma refeiçao que eu faço bastante, Ă© comer uma dessas frutas junto de aveia, ou canela. đŸ˜œ
BenefĂ­cios da Aveia
1. Emagrecimento: A aveia Ă© rica em fibras, o que ajuda a reduzir a fome e aumentar a saciedade, contribuindo para perda de peso.
2. Sistema Digestivo: A aveia ajuda a regular o trĂąnsito intestinal, graças Ă s fibras solĂșveis e insolĂșveis.
3. Metabolismo: A aveia Ă© rica em beta-glucanos, que ajudam a regular os nĂ­veis de glicose no sangue e melhorar a sensibilidade Ă  insulina.
4. Controle de Glicemia: A aveia ajuda a regular os nĂ­veis de glicose no sangue, prevenindo picos de insulina.
BenefĂ­cios da Canela em PĂł
1. Regulação da Glicemia: A canela em pó ajuda a reduzir os níveis de glicose no sangue e melhorar a sensibilidade à insulina.
2. Aumento do Metabolismo: A canela em pĂł aumenta a queima de gordura e melhora o metabolismo.
3. Redução da Inflamação: A canela em pó possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação no corpo.
4. Melhoria da DigestĂŁo: A canela em pĂł tambĂ©m ajuda a melhorar a digestĂŁo. đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ˜Œ
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-đŸ‹â€đŸŸ© antes, e depois de qualquer refeição que eu faça, eu bebo um copo de ĂĄgua gelada com limĂŁo❕
BenefĂ­cios para o Metabolismo
1. Aumento da queima de gordura: O limão contém åcido cítrico, que ajuda a estimular o metabolismo e queimar gordura.
2. Melhoria da função hepåtica: O limão ajuda a limpar o fígado, melhorando a função hepåtica e o metabolismo.
3. Regulação dos níveis de glicose: O limão ajuda a regular os níveis de glicose no sangue, prevenindo picos de insulina.
BenefĂ­cios para o Emagrecimento
1. Redução da retenção de líquidos: O limão ajuda a reduzir a retenção de líquidos, contribuindo para perda de peso.
2. Aumento da saciedade: A ĂĄgua com limĂŁo ajuda a reduzir a fome e aumentar a saciedade.
3. Melhoria da digestão: O limão ajuda a melhorar a digestão, reduzindo a inflamação intestinal.
BenefĂ­cios para a Saciedade
1. Redução da fome: A ågua com limão ajuda a reduzir a fome e aumentar a saciedade.
2. Melhoria da absorção de nutrientes: O limão ajuda a melhorar a absorção de nutrientes, reduzindo a necessidade de comer mais.
3. Redução da ansiedade alimentar: A ågua com limão ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade alimentar e melhorar o controle sobre a alimentação.
desde que eu comecei com esse håbito, minha barriga sempre permanece seca após qualquer refeição que eu faça. e mesmo que as vezes aconteça de haver inchaço, ele some em cerca de 10 minutos.
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-🍞 e falando em inchaço, uma das melhores coisas que eu fiz, foi evitar o carboidrato ao mĂĄximo. đŸ˜Ÿ
BenefĂ­cios para Perca de Peso:
1. Redução da insulina: Menos carboidratos significa menos insulina produzida, o que ajuda a queimar gordura.
2. Aumento da queima de gordura: O corpo passa a usar gordura como fonte de energia.
3. Redução da retenção de líquidos: Menos carboidratos reduzem a retenção de líquidos.
4. Aumento da saciedade: Alimentos ricos em proteĂ­nas e gorduras saudĂĄveis podem aumentar a saciedade.
Por que o Carboidrato Causa Inchaço?
1. Retenção de líquidos: O corpo retém líquidos para processar carboidratos.
2. Aumento da insulina: A insulina promove a retenção de sódio e líquidos.
3. Fermentação intestinal: Carboidratos não digeridos são fermentados por bactérias, produzindo gås.
4. Inflamação intestinal: Alguns carboidratos podem causar inflamação intestinal.
Quais principais Carboidratos Cortar?
1. PĂŁes e massas refinadas
2. Doces e bolos
3. Bebidas açucaradas
4. Cereais processados
5. Batata e mandioca (em excesso)
2. Legumes
Quais Carboidratos Manter?
1. Frutas
3. Vegetais
quando vocĂȘ se acostuma com o jejum prolongado, vocĂȘ consequentemente se acostuma com a sensação de estĂŽmago vazio. por isso que durante o dia, vocĂȘ provavelmente nĂŁo vai sentir falta de consumir mais do que 200 kcal, e isso Ă© Ăłtimo ! pois o corpo humano queima + de mil kcal por dia, e consumindo menos que isso vocĂȘ vai obrigar seu corpo a entrar em um dĂ©ficit calĂłrico severo❕
Cortar os carboidratos durante as refeiçÔes, Ă© um dos principais motivos pelo qual nunca fico inchada. como jĂĄ virou um costume evitar esses alimentos, hoje em dia nĂŁo sinto nenhuma falta. e em compensação minha barriga permanece seca e fina. 😾
-đŸ” desde que eu comecei a fazer chĂĄ para dormir, percebi uma grande diferença da minha barriga de um dia pro outro. apesar de eu nĂŁo ser fĂŁ, o chĂĄ foi um grande aliado para manter minha barriga em forma. đŸ˜ș
BenefĂ­cios para o Metabolismo
1. Aumento da queima de gordura.
2. Melhoria da função hepåtica.
3. Regulação dos níveis de glicose.
4. Estimulação do metabolismo.
BenefĂ­cios para Emagrecimento
1. Redução da retenção de líquidos.
2. Aumento da saciedade.
3. Melhoria da digestĂŁo.
4. Redução do apetite.
BenefĂ­cios para Saciedade
1. Redução da fome.
2. Melhoria da absorção de nutrientes.
3. Aumento da sensação de saciedade.
4. Redução da ansiedade alimentar.
BenefĂ­cios para Qualidade do Sono
1. Redução do estresse.
2. Melhoria da relaxação.
3. Aumento da qualidade do sono.
4. Redução da insÎnia.
Os principais chĂĄs que eu recomendo:
ChĂĄ de HortelĂŁ.
ChĂĄ de Gengibre.
ChĂĄ de Erva-cidreira.
Chá de Hibisco. 🎋
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Bem, isso foi tudo. Espero que pelo menos um dos meus conselhos ou informaçÔes sejam Ășteis pra vocĂȘs gatinhas. Caso queiram anotar as principais dicas, separado por tĂłpico Ă© basicamente isso:
Se adaptar ao jejum / nf.
Começar uma dieta 200 kcal.
Cortar açĂșcar.
Evitar carboidrato.
Consumir frutas.
Consumir + aveia e canela.
Consumir ĂĄgua com limĂŁo.
Consumir + chĂĄs.
E apesar de eu nĂŁo ter me aprofundado nesse tĂłpico, tambĂ©m recomendo massagens abdominais apĂłs banho. đŸ§Œ (isso Ă© muito bom para cintura principalmente.)
obrigada quem permaneceu atĂ© aqui.đŸ©·
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harrelltut · 2 years ago
 as Eye TELEPORT [E.T.] on MURDUK's GOLDEN Intergalactic 9 [i9] Ether... Triple 6G Quantum Interdimensional [Qi]... 18G Quantum Interplanetary [Qi] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERSHIP [PM = PTOLEMY] PLANET NIBIRU @ Ægiptian QHT IBM [Qi] Apple in Downtown [A.D.] 2023 [VII] San Diego CA [D.C.]
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loveerica · 2 years ago
ftr i have tried playing shining nikki but it just takes up too much space on my phone and the scoring system is super simple so anyway i’m going to be making content about my two years of obsessing over love nikki and my systems for love nikki :) guides and outfits to acquire and i'm sure nobody cares but that's ok i'm making this bc i want to
and when i get a new phone i'll participate in the shining nikki content i guess
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vladlen4i · 1 year ago
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Artwork I made for Synthetic Touch, a ReverseAu 9G Zine on Twitter(X) Make sure to check them out!! Also massive thanks to all the amazing modes and supportive team!! Special thanks to @cptjh-arts 💙
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typewritingyip · 1 month ago
The Arcturus Missions
Part Sixteen - Explosive Consequences
Part Fifteen
Humans can withstand so much force, whether its g-force in which trained pilots can withstand 9g’s for a handful of seconds without passing out, or the potential six thousand pounds of compressive force that parts of the body can withstand.
Yet, they are organic in nature. They don’t particularly crush or break in the same manner as mechanicals.
There are dozens of ways to kill an organics, lack of force or excessive force. One in which can freeze the body, turning things that are liquid into solid, and other turning solid into liquid or hardly anything at all. It’s gruesome but true. Organics pop under excessive force and freeze under too little. Being in a properly pressurized space is hardly convenient but necessary. Such as a space shuttle, airplane, or mech suit.
All the gunfire was concussive, Breakdown’s shoulder cannon was super heated and made his cockpit unbearably hot, but they almost had the ship disabled. If Prowl’s predictions were correct, it would crash on the far side of base camp. Hound was to his right, kneeling now with the end of his converted long gun propped up and blasting off shots with ease, his gun fire joining two others in the field. With a bit of struggle, Breakdown grabs hold of a water pouch and drinks it down to the best of his ability, trying to keep the cannon from being disabled. The ship was on fire and descending fast.
Hound was still kneeling when it happened, at first, he thought that the ship had exploded or crashed but it was still taking fire from the others. He was disorientated and his ears were ringing, his gun crushed under the weight of the suit. For the moment his comms were out and static was filling his already ringing ears, so he turned on his external speakers, “Breakdown, you alright?” Hound turned and almost froze but instead got to his feet. Breakdown’s arm was a few yards away, along with what remained of the cannon and his shoulder components, it was leaking oil and coolant. It took Hound several long seconds and a strangled yell to remember that the suit wasn’t Breakdown’s actual body, that the suit was equipped with a equipment rejection feature, and that the suit wasn’t Breakdown’s body.
The inside of his cockpit was hot and his visual feed was exploding with error codes, Breakdown was hanging from his piloting apparatus and struggled to remove his helmet, “Damnit.” His head was pounding but he quickly got the front of the suit to open and let in cool air, it was a bit of a miracle that this would happen on a planet where they could breath the atmosphere. Hound was there, leaning over him, “Breakdown, you alive?” Very typical pilot, he struggled but flipped his external speakers back on, which screamed lightly for a second before turning on, “Yeah, mostly.” Hound sighed with relief and was quick to start spraying down the heated metal, bringing down the temperature of the suit so it would function again, “What happened?” “Cannon overheated, the repairs we did did not last. Melted in my last shot and my suit rejected the arm, very abruptly.” Struggling some, he pulled his helmet back on and went about the basic reboots for his suit, recalibrating it to register the lost appendiage.
Hound was shaking as he was able to bring the temperature of Breakdown’s suit back down, watching uneasily as Breakdown sealed himself back up in the cockpit, just as several others came running over. The chaos of the enemy ship now in the distance and the snipers nearby could no longer assist, “What happened?” Bluestreak was there first, staring with wide eyes as Hound helped Breakdown up, pulling his only arm across his shoulder, Mirage was right behind him though and stared, “How is he not unconscious?” Bluestreak almost opened his mouth but spared a look to Hound first before moving over to grab the lost arm, “We need to get him to Knockout.” Breakdown shook his head, “No, this will just worry the medic.” Both cybertronians stopped and stared like the mech had grown another head or sprouted winds, “Breakdown, I mean this with the utmost sincerity, but you are missing an arm. This is no longer a repair your team can handle.” Hound stopped and nodded, “Mirage is right, we have to ask Knockout for help.” Then he switched to comms, “At least to get the suit to stop leaking, once that’s handled we can get the arm properly reattached back in Iacon when you’ll have space to work, but I also can see it in your face Oleksknder, that concussion is going to have you on base duty.” Breakdown swore.
The ship crashed in the distance, shaking the ground and almost making all four of them lose balance.
It took them a while to get back to camp, Bluestreak was uncharacteristically quiet while carrying Breakdown’s severed arm and Mirage was speaking over comms to Prowl. Hound was walking with Breakdown and trying to keep the suit upright, they were talking quietly over a private comm channel, Hound mostly trying to keep Breakdown awake, “Once we get to camp and into the medical tent, I’ll say that I’m going to put you under for the maintenance and request Knockout leave for privacy. We’ll load you into my control bay, you can rest up on the cot.” He wasn’t sure if it was the best idea to remove Breakdown from his suit but it was better than him falling asleep without someone watching him, “I think it would still be the better move for me to just engage all my internal camera so that you and Jazz can monitor me from there,” Hound swears, “Damnit Breakdown, if you pass out or anything goes wrong,” he squeezed Hound’s shoulder, “Even if I was in your bay, there wouldn’t be anything you or the others could do. If my tech fails or my body does, then that’s it. We knew this when we signed up for this mission and I’m comfortable with my choice.” Hound fell silent, still holding Breakdown up as they limped into camp.
With the ship crashed, most of the others had moved in to attempt to handle the situation, only a few mechs were around and they all seemed to have minor injuries. Knockout was working on one with a nasty cut down part of his chest, “If you just came to the medical tent, it would go by a lot faster.” The mech shrugged a bit, “It’s fine.” He was clearly bored and glanced over, his jaw falling open, “Uh, I think you’ve got bigger things to worry about than my nanites doc.” Knockout, still grumbling, looks up then makes a strangled noise.
Bluestreak almost dropped Breakdown’s arm as the medic ran at them, “What happened?” Knockout gestured towards the medical tent, so Hound followed, “His cannon overheated, by design it’s supposed to disconnect but uh, it didn’t.” Breakdown chuckled slightly, leaning against Hound heavily, “It exploded and my programs thought my arm was the problem.” The look almost made both grown, military men, freeze, “Your programming? What kind of backward planet did you come from?” He was shrieking, then pulled out a medical bed and paused, “If I activate the field on this will that disturb your systems?” Hound glanced at it and nodded, “Yes.” He had to bite his tongue to not go into detail how it would crash the systems and potentially the reactor’s cooling system which would just be all bad. Bluestreak sets the arm down then glances over his shoulder, “I’m going to go help the others with Mirage, um, I’ll be back later to check on you Breakdown, okay?” Nodding a bit, Breakdown is eased into the deactivated slab, “Thanks.” Blue ran out of there as fast as he could, he looked ready to throw up. Hound shifted to stand slightly in front of the door as Knockout picked up the detached arm, “Are you in pain?” His voice was far softer than either of them expected from a medic. When compared to the medical team back on Earth who carried around very heavy tools for when they were annoyed.
Breakdown cleared his throat a bit and shook his head again, “Uh, no, sir. My head hurts but that’s all.” As if saying it reminded him, he activated his internal camera for Hound. He looked like shit, and Hound’s stomach turned over. Knockout stares, then looks down at the arm before looking to Breakdown again, “You’re bleeding and in shock.” He moved up to Breakdown and started to seal the few leaking lines at his shoulder, looking more and more horrified, even whispering, “What do you all run on?” Glancing up, Knockout glared at Hound, “If you’re just going to stand there, leave. If you want to be useful, get him a cover for the shock.” Hound blinked once then twice before he went over to a cabinet and pulled out what looked like an oversized tarp, there were several of these around Jazz’s apartment in Iacon. Supposedly Prowl’s door-wings got cold easily.
Snatching it from Hound, Knockout covered the parts of Breakdown he wasn’t working on, “Now get out.” Opening his mouth, Hound had every intention to protest before a chunk of Sharpel was thrown for his visor. Ducking quickly, he left, switching to the private comm, “Breakdown, keep me updated on this and keep your damn camera on.” In the corner of his visual feed, Breakdown chuckled and nodded some, switching to the private comm, “I have had my fair share of concussions, it will be alright.” Hound grit his teeth, “Once we ship back to Cybertron you’re going on rest. Our mission is too far from being over for you to be out for the rest of it.” Then he cut the line, it was reckless and stupid. Now a medic was working on their technology as if he were treating a patient and not fixing a suit. Sitting down heavily near the familiar heater, Hound put his head in his hands. Taking several deep breaths before the sounds of gunfire drew closer again. Sighing slowly, he looked up and walked over to one of the injured mechs, “Mind if I borrow your gun?” Since his was laying destroyed in the battle field of twenty minutes ago, the mech nodded and offered it, “It’s got a pit of a kick.” Hound took it and turned it on, it hummed deeply, “That’s fine. Better ours than theirs.” Before he ran towards where he could see familiar red and yellow cutting through a group of Quintessons, the gun coming up and firing as he ran.
Splattered with energon, Quintesson guts, and what he could only describe as muck, Hound’s suit was slow. Maybe it was more so he was exhausted and slow, but the layer of grime on the suit was not helping. Though to be fair all the frontliners looked like that right now, the ship was half sunk in the marsh behind them and far enough away from the energy farms they won't disturb the planet's production.
This feeling honestly reminded him of the last time he’d fought in the ocean, the sand clutching at the feet of his suit, slow and drained. Clearly the others felt very similarly as even Sunstreaker couldn’t be bothered with dragging himself to the wash racks, instead sitting down heavily in their usual spot. Sideswipe sat next to him, as close as he possibly could get before resting his elbows on his knees and face in his hands, “Ugh, if this was bad how are we going to take on their whole planet?” Hound bit his lip before sitting down, stretching his back the best he could, “Hopefully not on our own, maybe with help.” It wasn’t something to think about now.
Jazz sank to the ground, missing the seat entirely and leaning his head back against it, “Breakdown’s vitals seem to be normal, he’s resting now, took some Tylenol from his med-kit so it’ll probably need restock eventually.” Sideswipe looks up, “What happened with the old man?” Hound and Jazz shared a brief look before Hound signed, “His cannon overheated, his suit thought it was the arm malfunctioning,” “His arm came off?” Sunstreaker no longer seemed so tired, sitting up quickly, yelling through the comm causing the other three to wince, “Yes, but Knockout has it reattached, he’s just in medical getting some rest. Turned off most of his systems so he can rest in the dark.” Nodding slowly, Sunstreaker shoved off the ground, “Alright, well I’m going to rinse this crap off then check on him.” Everyone waved slightly and settled down, too tired to join him. Jazz and Hound kept an eye on Breakdown in the corner of their visual feeds, his cockpit dark and he was just visible on his makeshift cot.
All the others wanted to do was eat and try to get some sleep, Prowl had already agreed to monitor Breakdown through the night.
This time around, it was Hound who woke up in the middle of the night, jolting upright and coughing violently. He felt sick, hitting the lights for the cockpit. He tried to catch his breath, of course after what happened to Breakdown today he’d dream about that. Swearing, he got out of bed and started to pull on the assistance suit, there was no point in trying to go back to bed. Grabbing his water pouch, Hound poured some onto his hand and dragged it down his face before pulling on his helmet. Adjusting the visor just a bit. Taking several more breaths, it took all the power he had to climb into his piloting chair and turn his systems back on.
It was dark and it was cold, but the heater was turned on and softly glowing in front of him.
Turning up the brightness of his visor some, Hound took a second to take in the surroundings he was starting to familiarize himself with. Most of the mechs were hanging around their own heaters, talking and laughing together, most probably would need to sleep for another few hours. It took him a second to push off the ground and start towards command, not wanting to disturb the others' sleep. His footsteps were surprisingly quiet in the late hour, stepping over one of the benches before going towards command. Waving to those who waved and nodding at those who shouted, Cybertronian’s were fairly friendly and seemed to just get friendlier. There were only a few mechs in command, talking casually, one laughed.
Knocking lightly on the makeshift frame, Hound leaned around into the space, “I’m sorry to disturb,” “Hound, you’re not disturbing us. Come on in.” Mirage smiles, holding a cube that was much more vibrant than typical energon, something called high grade. Nodding a bit, Hound moves into the room and takes up the empty chair, “Thank you.” Megatron hums, sipping his own cube, “We’d off you a drink, but your systems don’t take energon?” It was phrased more as a question and Hound cleared his throat a bit, “Uh, yes, sir. It’s toxic according to our systems, uh, sorry. Thank you for the offer though.” He nodded a bit and sat back, Megatron returned the nod and went back to sipping his drink. Red Alert shifted uncomfortably in his chair, “Hound, I’m afraid I have a question for you that you might not like.” Hound waved a hand, “No Red, it’s fine. Go ahead.” The mech nodded for a second before shifting in his seat, “What happened between Sideswipe and Bluestreak? They don’t appear to be speaking to one another and several mecha stated seeing a fight last night.” Hound sighed, “They got into an altercation about Sunstreaker.” Mirage laughed, “See, I told you! You owe me ten shanix.” Hound opened his mouth when Red Alert nodded and handed over the credits, “A deal is a deal, I had just assumed it was for more than flirting.” Hound shut his mouth.
Megatron chuckled slightly, finishing off his drink, then pouring another cube for himself, “I doubt Hound wants to hear about your bets, besides, the mech is normally in recharge at this hour. What brought you to us?” Hound swore sometimes it was like the mech knew what he was thinking, clearing his throat again Hound shifted slightly, “The lighting to be perfectly honest. The heaters only provide so much light and it’s significantly easier to stay awake in a bright space.” It also kept the memories at bay, even if just for a little while, Megatron hummed deeply, “Then what awoke you?” Hound’s mouth went dry and he wished he hadn’t left the water pouch on his bed, worrying his lip for a moment he sighed, “Old memories from home.” He didn’t expect the response though.
Mirage nodded heavily, staring at the floor, Red Alert glanced up at the makeshift roof, smiling sadly, and Megatron downed the second drink, “Good memories or the bad?” “Can’t it be both?” Hound smiled painfully even though they could see it, somehow they all always knew, Mirage reached over and brushed a hand over his shoulder, “It can, it truly can.” Looking at him, Hound tilted his head though not in question, simply in response before looking down, “The bad is what woke me up, the good is why I needed to get away.” They were all understanding, humming softly and letting him sit in silence for a moment more, “Your people, they are very different from us.” Megatron’s voice was almost casual, but the typical edge was still there, “But you are also different from them, the so-called compatibility testing I hear so much about.” Hound chuckled lightly, nodding, “Yes, the test to see if you’re capable of fighting Quintessons.” That was certainly one way of phrasing it.
“Why did you get tested, if you don’t mind me asking? I understand you and Breakdown were military, the twins were facing the stockade and Jazz was, well he was Jazz.” Red Alert effectively snorted, covering his face, Hound glanced over but shrugged lightly, “The pay was good. I told you about the whole cost of living thing on Earth.” Megatron nodded, but shifted, his fingers flexing angrily, “Yes, I recall that conversation but was there a more specific reason?” Hound took a moment to think, sighing, “I was military and they needed us, it was my duty.” Megatron scowled, “I hate that word.” Chuckling lightly, Hound shook his head, “Why?” “Because in all of your cases, it was less of a moral obligation than a mandated one.” All Hound could do was shrug a bit, “It happens and I know you don’t like that, but it’s true.” Mirage almost sank in his seat, and Red Alert scooted his chair back some, “Did the others in your unit feel the same sense of this false duty?” Hound suppressed a wince, “Well, yeah, otherwise we wouldn’t be all the way out here. Would we?” That brought Megatron some pause and Mirage sighed a bit.
He was clearly thinking, even Hound could see it on the mech's face, “Do you truly intend to die for your planet?” Mirage had a rather abrupt reaction, choking and coughing on his drink and Red Alert stared widely, “Well, our lives aren’t as long as yours, so in a way yes. Either way, I’ll have died. If I can save the people I care about back home, then I’d do so happily.” Setting down his own glass now, Mirage leans forward, “What do you mean, aren’t as long as ours?” Hound sighed and sat back, “Well, I’ve been a pilot for just shy of ten years and that’s ten years of program updates, compatibility tests, and the war. It takes a toll.” His hand came up and brushed over the numbers on his chest, “There were 1,123 pilots before me. I think Jazz and a few others are the only ones still in commission.” The cybertronians were quiet and Hound shifts on the seat, “Just cause we’re designed to fight the Quintessons doesn’t mean we always survive the fight. Like Breakdown today, had his cannon exploded while it was still attached to him that would have been fatal.” He lets out a slow sigh, checking Breakdown’s feed for a moment before glancing back around the room.
They all were staring at him and he shifts uneasily, clearing his throat a bit, “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to bring down the mood.” Mirage took his hand quickly, “Don’t apologize, your planet is horrific and all humans deserve better.” Red Alert and Megatron nod, and Hound swears for a moment that they also swap shanix, “My planet, Earth, is not perfect, but we don’t expect it to be because we aren’t.” Slowly, he pulls his hand away from Mirage and sits back, “Tell me, how did your war with the Quintessons start?” The reaction was not one he expected, Megatron groaned, Red Alert perked up, and Mirage sank in his seat again, taking his glass. Megatron nodded lightly, “Forgive me, my conjunx tells the story better than I.” He clears his throat a bit, “This is our second or third war with the Quintessons, it started a vorn or so after the Decepticons and Autobots agreed to a peace treaty.” Hound sat forward, his foot shifting slightly to almost be touching Mirage’s as he tried to get comfortable in his piloting seat. Raptured with Megatron’s history lesson.
It had to happen, I have been wanting to get Megatron and Hound to talk for a minute.
So much more is coming down the line for this story for me, it’s been so fun.
@lunarlei68 @whirlywhirlygig @loop-hole-319 @pixillandjester @alek-the-witch @not-a-moose-in-disguise @goddessofwind8water @neurologicalglitch @dersereblogger @pixel-transformers @mrcrayonofdoom @wireplaces @twilightfreefaller @original-blog-name-2 @devilangel657 @robbin-u @childofprimus @miniartistme @starwold @tea-enthusiasm @valeexpris606 @celticdoggo @bird599 @agentsquirrelsgotrobots @aquaioart @dimencreasatlas @thatwandercat @artdagz @seisha974 @starscreamloverfr @halenhusky309 @leethepiper @cat-cassette
And once again thank you to @keferon for this amazing AU
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aaurora-ballerina · 3 months ago
Primeiro almoço morando sozinha na casa nova! ✹
Eu amo comer em casa pq eu consigo pesar cada ingrediente e não fico só chutando o valor igual quando almoço no trabalho
Aqui tinha: 12g de alface, 7g de tomate, 10g de cenoura ralada, 9g de ovo de codorna, 24g de beterraba, 15g de milho, 50g de abobrinha cozida, 51g de ovo cozido (inteiro), 35g de clara cozida e 100ml de suco de laranja
Total: 211 calorias!
Terminei me sentindo bem cheia, vai dar pra reduzir as quantidades na prĂłxima.
A princĂ­pio esse vai ser meu OMAD de hoje.
O que acharam? Podem dar opiniÔes, sugestÔes..
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