#911 original female character
rebelangelwings · 1 year
Allie Diaz
Chapter 11: Coming Home
Get ready for BUDDIE!
"That's it, I have officially handed in my application to the social work placements on offer! Finally!" Allie exclaimed, handing Eddie a coffee she had picked up on her way over to his place.
"That's great, Allie, well done." Eddie said sincerely.
"So," She started, "how are things with Buck?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I just thought, because of Christmas…" Allie hinted heavily but Eddie didn't seem to be picking up on her vibes.
"I don't get you."
Allie threw her hands in the air, "you kissed Buck!" She stage shouted, aware that Chris was in the living room next door.
Eddie seemed to find this amusing, "that was barely a kiss. I planted one on his forehead because you were holding mistletoe and I was in the Christmas spirit. There's nothing too it. I kiss Abuela on the forehead."
"But Buck isn't Abuela, Eddie."
"Very well deduced, Sherlock," Eddie replied sarcastically and busying himself with tidying the kitchen. "You still okay to pick Chris up from school tomorrow?"
"Of course. I better head home, Erica is cooking something special apparently," Allie grabbed her coat and chucked her coffee cup into the bin. She grabbed Eddie in a one-armed hug telling him, "be safe on shift, love you."
"Always am. Love you too kiddo," then, Eddie grabbed her head and planted an over exaggerated kiss to her forehead, arrogant smirk on his face, "see! Nothing to it!
"You keep telling yourself that, Edmundo!" Allie called behind her as she left the house laughing.
Some time between the evening and night, Allie was lounging in bed, doing some noncommittal research for an assignment when her phone lit up with Buck's face, vibrating.
A pit formed in her stomach.
Surely Buck wouldn't be calling at this hour whilst on shift to discuss the latest Marvel announcement.
"Buck?" She answered.
"Allie. Hey," Buck replied but didn't elaborate any. She could tell it was bad by the not so subtle crack in his voice.
"What's happened?
She heard Buck clear his throat and began explaining, "urm, its Eddie. He, uh…there was this kid in a well and he went to get him and…and we uh, he's safe, the boy, Chim got him but uh-"
This was all too much for Allie and as brash as it sounded, she needed answers now. The wait was killing her.
"Buck. Are you telling me my brother is dead?" Allie was shocked at the solidity of her own voice. Later she would realise that she had almost detached from the situation, from the pain stabbing at her heart.
"No," Buck was quick to answer, allowing short breaths to re-enter her lungs, "but we lost him. He was underground and he..he cut his line, Allie. The fucking idiot. Fucking hero idiot. We lost radio contact and then the well collapsed and I tried, I really tried Allie but Cap has a cooler head about it and he's given us orders and - fuck I just, I thought you should know but I also…I also needed to talk to someone who lo-who knows Eddie as well as I do." She was certain by this point Buck was actively crying. She was joining him.
"You can say it to me, you know? That you love him? I know. And it's okay. I get it, Buck and I'm glad you called and that we have each other. All I can say, is that I've been through this before, when he was injured in the military. He's a fighter, Buck and he will fight to get back to his family. Always. That includes you, obviously."
"I don't know how obvious it is, Allie." Buck responded, defeated.
"Maybe not to you boys, but everyone else can see. And I know my brother better than anyone." Allie paused to discuss the current issue, "I'm going to come to where you are okay? Abuela has Chris for now and I don't think he needs to know until we have a better idea of what's going on."
"Allie, I'm really sorry but I don't think it's a great idea for you to come out here. The site is really unsafe right now, I don't even know if you would get across the safety barrier," Buck reasoned.
"I don't care," was Allie’s print reply. "He's my brother, Buck. I'm going to be there so that when you guys do get him out safe, and I know you will, I'll be right there with him. He was alone out in Afghanistan and I don't want him to be alone and hurt ever again." Allie was resolute in her decision, already putting on extra layers and gathering her coat and boots.
"Hey, Allie? Thank you. I'll see you soon." Buck ended the call as she rushed out of the front door.
Buck was largely right, in that Allie was not allowed past the security tape and those who manned it. That was until she spotted the familiar power stance of Athena Grant.
"Athena! Sergeant Grant! Please, Athena!" Allie called across gaining the attention of the police sergeant. Recognition immediately lit up her face.
"Let her through," she called with authority. Allie was allowed to pass, rushing towards Athena who looked at her with sympathetic eyes.
"Thank you, Sergeant."
"Call me Athena. How are you holding up?"
"I don't know. Just keeping the faith I guess. He'll fight for us, I know it and I have to believe it." Allie answered, strong at first but increasingly teary.
Athena placed a sturdy hand to her shoulder in place of words that they both knew would offer no comfort.
Allie was then lead towards the small building where it seemed the 118 were devising a plan to rescue Eddie. She immediately found Buck, rushing to her friend.
"Buck!" He turned just in time for the small Diaz sibling to collide with his torso. He wrapped his arms around her immediately and placed a hand on the back of her head, resting his chin much like he would do with Maddie.
"Hey, how are you doing?" He asked, ducking his head down to look into her watery and red eyes.
At this point, all Allie could do was nod. Buck understood.
"We have a plan in place, we were just heading up now to start. You are welcome to stay here, but please, for your safety, you cannot come to the site with us, okay? It was Bobby that took charge and addressed her.
She nodded and watched the 118 head out the door, each giving her a kind smile or a pat on the shoulder.
Allie only had to endure half an hour of wearing a hole into the sleeve of her jumper and gnawing the skin around her fingernails before she heard her name being called. Athena soon barged into the room.
"They've got him," Athena broke the news with a smile.
Allie launched herself to her feet, following Athena outside. She didn't allow herself to rejoice yet. No. Not until she saw her brother with her own eyes.
She didn't have to wait long. Eddie was already on a stretcher, being loaded into the back of the 118 ambulance. She didn't fail to notice Buck resting his hand on Eddie's arm like a lifeline.
"Eddie!" She called to her brother who looked at her sleepily. She rushed to his side, climbing into the Ambo without seeking permission. Noone stopped her.
"Hey, Chiquita. I'm okay. It's okay." Why was Eddie comforting her? He was the one that went missing and nearly died and is in the back of an ambulance getting stuck with needles!
Oh, Allie realised it was because she was the one hyperventilating and sobbing in relief. Oops. She made a conscious effort to take a slow deep breath.
Chimney hopped into the driver's seat, meaning there was room for Buck to climb into the back with Allie and Hen who was administering treatment.
Allie grasped Eddie's free hand like she was unsure he was actually real, whilst Buck stared at Eddie with a similar look in his eye. One hand however, rested on Allie’s back, slyly monitoring her breathing as she tried to calm herself from a full panic attack. Eddie noticed this and appreciated Buck immensely for comforting his sister while he couldn't.
Once they had pulled up to the hospital, Hen and Chim cheeled Eddie away to the waiting doctors and nurses and Allie and Buck had to part with him. Seeing him disappear through the doors hit Allie like a freight train and all the feelings both from tonight and the resurfacing ones from years before began to fall upon her, crushing her.
Hen tried to assure her that her and Chim did not find anything immediately worrying, just that Eddie was exhausted, dehydrated and possibly suffering the beginning of hypothermia. He was not dying.
Regardless, Allie had to excise herself, walking randomly through hospital corridors until she found a quiet corner and sat herself in it. The cool and hard floor grounding her, the walls at a right angle pressed against her shoulder almost like a stone hug. She tucked her head to her knees, allowing the emotions to hit her.
One those floodgates opened, she was in trouble and with no other options but to let the flood wash over her.
Buck had been watching since a minute after she had sat down. He wanted to give her space of course, and he knew that these attacks were not unusual, but it still pained him to see his friend in such anguish. Thus, when her sobs went from heart-wrenching to silent, but her shoulders continued to heave, Buck moved to her side and placed a large hand to her shoulder.
Allie didn't even notice. She was too focused on her breaths halting their journey in her throat.
She did notice when she received a firm pinch to the forearm, whipping her head up to be face to face with a concerned Buck.
"Hey, you're okay, Allie. Eddie is going to be fine, you'll be able to see him real soon," Allie was nodding, trying to convey that she understood rationally but that convincing her body of that was a whole other story. The stress of the day and the reminder of her past experience had the steering wheel right now.
"Take some deep breaths with me, yeah? Everything is okay. You're safe, Eddie is safe, Chris is safe. I'm here for you." She vaguely noticed his fingers wrapping around her thin wrist as his concern grew.
"Can you focus on your toes for me, Allie? Can you wiggle your toes?" He received a jerky nod. "That's great! Can you feel your socks on your feet? The shoes over them? Are your shoes tight, or is there wiggle room?" He knew she couldn't answer but he watched as she looked at her feet and was following his instructions.
"What about your legs? What are your trousers made out of? Can you really concentrate and feel all the muscles from your ankles to your knees, to your thighs, and to your hips?" Her breathing can stuttering back slowly. By the time Buck was talking about her fingers and hands, she had launched herself into his arms, tears flowing freely into his LAFD t-shirt.
Buck shushed her and stroked her hair, rocking her slightly while she composed herself. He was grateful to feel useful in a situation he would otherwise feel powerless in.
"How?" Was all Allie could utter to begin with but Buck understood.
"After your drunken escapades when I saw you have an attack, I did some research. I already saw Eddie do the 5 4 3 2 1 technique, but I wanted to know some other grounding options just in case. Glad I did," he finished cheekily.
"Thank you. For everything today. I think you're my best friend, Buckley."
"I'd say the same back but there's a smaller, cuter Diaz that holds that title I'm afraid," Buck replied.
"I'd be honored to be second place to Christopher."
"There you two are," Chim exclaimed, rounding the corner to their hiding spot. "Eddie's asking for you both."
Attempting to de-puff her eyes, Allie arrived at the door to Eddie's hospital room, Buck beside her. He gestured for her to go first.
"Hey big brother. What did I tell you this morning, huh? Cutting your line is not being flipping safe!" She started at him, only half joking.
Around ten minutes later, Allie didn't want to hold up the reunion any more, so sent Buck in and gave them a moment of privacy whilst she got the team coffees and updated them.
"Buck, hey," Eddie started.
"You're a fucking idiot. A stupid, heroic, fucking idiot. You know that Diaz?" Buck went straight in with no pleasantries.
"Okay, okay, Buckley, I've already been berated by my sister, you can let up a little." Buck took pity on the man who looked exhausted laid up in the white hospital bed.
"You scared me." Buck said simply.
"I'm sorry." Eddie replied.
They sat in silence.
"Buck?" He turned his attention to Eddie who looked into his eyes with such intensity. "When I was in that well, all I could think about was getting back for Christopher, because he can't lose another parent. I couldn't put him through that. But, then I also started thinking about what I want for myself…and of course I want to watch Chris grow up, graduate, be there for his first love and his first heartbreak. But what do I really want for myself? So, I fought to get out. To get back to my family. I will always fight to come home to my family, Buck." Eddie reached his hand out to take Buck's, "I'll always fight to come home to you."
Buck hoped with all soul that Eddie was saying what he thought he was saying, and that he wasn't about to ruin the greatest thing to ever happen to him. Slowly, gently, he leaned in close to Eddie, and pressed the most gentle of kisses to his lips.
It wasn't earth-shattering or revolutionary like Buck had imagined, but something different. Something better. It felt like coming home.
As they pulled apart, footsteps sounded at the door and the men turned to see a Cheshire cat grin spread across the face of Allie Diaz.
"Fucking, finally!"
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scuttling · 4 months
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairings: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Original Female Character Word Count: 800 Tags: 18+ NSFW, I'm new here Summary: I'm back on my bullshit.
I'm writing a story about Buck and my original female character, who comes to work as a lieutenant at the 118. It's currently at 30k, and it was just going to be for me, but this blurb made me laugh and I wanted to post it. I hope someone else enjoys my Buck as much as I do :) Buck wakes with a start. It’s the kind of waking up that is so sudden, he can’t place the reason why right away, so he sits up and just kind of stares for a moment. In darkness, and silence. Until he gets it. 
“Blackout,” he breathes, noting the absence of the hum of the ceiling fan neither of them can sleep without, the lack of light from the kitchen overhead, because if he has to pee in the middle of the night he will fall down the stairs without it. She stirs beside him, reaches out a blind hand and pats at him until she makes firm contact with his arm. 
“What?” she mumbles, half asleep, and she rubs his bicep like she’s trying to comfort him, though she doesn’t yet know why. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” he assures her, sliding back down under the covers, turning toward her. “Power just went out, woke me up.” 
She hums softly, like she’s content with his response, then reaches out for him, wraps an arm around his back and a leg around his hip. She’s sleep-warm, clearly comfortable, as she nestles her head beneath his chin, and he wants to sink back into sleep with her, but the silence is deafening. And he’s getting hard in his pajama bottoms. Both are difficult to ignore.
She opens her eyes a few moments later, though the cause is unknown to him; he can feel her eyelashes flutter against his skin. Buck clears his throat, pulls her closer—he’s not one to interrupt someone’s precious sleep, not even for sex—and rubs her back, trying to ignore the ache… until she slides a hand slowly down his stomach and, eventually, over his dick. 
“Mmmm,” she murmurs, and she’s pressed so close to him he can feel the vibration of it. He reciprocates with a low noise of his own, runs his hand up and down her body beneath the oversized t-shirt she wears, and when she moves her arm to his back again and guides him down against her, he goes willingly. Oh, so willingly.
All sex is good sex with his girl, but this dark-of-night, half-asleep thing really does it for him: the slow, unhurried pace, the soft moans, the heat of her body in their bed. They kiss lazily, her hands in his hair gentle and undemanding as he curls forward and thrusts deep inside her. 
“Baby,” he sighs against her cheek as she clings to him, hooking her ankles together at the small of his back; it’s not just the sappy, sleepy sex hormones, she is everything to him, and holding her close like this is his favorite thing, will always be among the best moments of his new life. 
“Eddie,” she says, and Buck furrows his eyebrows but doesn’t stop moving. 
“Eddie?” he says, and then he thinks, well yeah, of course she’d prefer Eddie, and then she laughs so hard she snorts and he pulls back to look at her face, at the oddity of her sudden change of mood.
“The phone, Buck—Eddie’s calling. It’s late, you should take it. Christopher could be sick,” she clarifies, and after a few slow blinks he makes sense of what she’s saying and he leans over to grab his phone off the nightstand, to swipe his finger over the screen. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, and he sounds calm, not frantic like he would be if something were wrong with himself or Christopher. “What are you doing?” 
Buck looks down at her, still beneath him, still holding him inside of her, and somehow avoids the obvious joke. She rolls her eyes like she can see him debating whether or not to make it. 
“Eddie, is everything okay?” he asks instead, and Eddie hums positively on the other end of the line. Buck can hear dishes clinking in the background, like he’s cleaning up the kitchen. 
He’s so confused. 
“Yeah man, it’s just… the power went out, and Christopher already went to bed, so I was bored. Figured I’d call and see what you guys were up to.” She covers her mouth to keep silent—she must be able to hear him on her end too, and though the three of them are close, they aren’t ‘share this type of information’ close. “Is it out over there too?” 
“Yeah, yeah… hey listen, Eddie, I was just finishing something up. Can I call you back in five?” he asks, and Eddie tells him no problem and they hang up the phone. Buck lets it fall onto the bed beside them. 
She runs her hands over his outstretched arms. 
“You’re going to finish me up in five?” she asks, her voice low, sexy, and he grins and leans in for a long, hot kiss. 
He finishes her up in four.
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Fuck-it Friday
Tagged by the amazing @thewolvesof1998
This is truly the most random snippet, which makes it perfect for fuck-it friday. Enjoy!
“I do not enjoy taking life and I do not wish to take yours.” She opened her eyes, glowing bright, almost neon. A shudder went through Eddie.  He could almost taste the magic she was drawing on. Her head ticked to the other side, “No heart yet so much love.” She murmured.  The witch studied him, her glowing eyes boring into his and Eddie laid frozen, completely captivated. After the longest minute of Eddie’s life, the witch spoke again, “I will free you, Edmundo Diaz. And you will return to your pack, to those who will continue to want what you will never be.  But someday, someday you will be brave for the one who is your heart to escape.  And then, will you find them.” She chuckled mirthfully, “You are in for such a surprise, but I won’t ruin it, no fun in doing so. But a hint will insure your never forget this night and the lesson I know you have truly learned. Ready to hear?” Eddie didn’t want to hear another word, but he had no choice. He snorted in response. A crazed smile graced the witch’s cracked lips, “Blue eyes in the sunshine, born for another only to fail, and no heart yet so much love.” She took a deep breath and her eyes shuddered closed, “Oh Edmundo, you will face such hardships, such loss, but-but the greatest paths are never easy. Remember my words, hold them close and when the time comes, don’t be startled by the silence.  You’ll only make it that much harder to fill.” A thick fog began to gather around them, and Eddie could feel his body begin to lax, his eyes drooping with fatigue. ‘She’s doing this.’ He thought. The witch giggled and the young wolf blinked slowly, noticing that her eyes were open and no longer glowed, “Yes, yes, I am, but its okay. Just a short nap. Just sleep Edmundo. Sleep…” Darkness. Glowing blue eyes. The soft scent of sea salt and warmth. Sunshine. A beating heart that sits outside an empty chest. Its beats for him. Its beats for his own heart. A tinkling laugh followed by a baritone chuckle. Home...love.
Tagging: @prince-buck-diaz @bekkachaos @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @shortsighted-owl @911onabc @lizzybizzyzzz @thekristen999
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eddieheart · 2 years
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Fandom: 911
Pairings: NONE
Words: 579
Description: someone else saved Christopher at the pier that day.
Water was rushing around her, how had it come to this? It was invading her lungs, swallowing her whole. All she wanted was to go for a walk.
Andy had been swept up by the strong current and wisked away by the waves. Flipped around and tossed like a dog with a play toy. She’d been thrown onto a garbage heap, the waves trying to pull her off.
But she fought, grabbing wildly at the stray objects in front of her. She felt the harsh sun beaming down on her. Something sliced into her hand but she payed it no mind, gripping tightly onto what she assumed was an oar.
Blood dripping down her arm as she finally pulled herself up. She took a deep breath, sighing in relief. Andy didn’t recognize any of the scenery, she was only new here.
Something caught her eye, a flash of yellow, a voice screamed out coming from the direction of the blob.
“Buck! Help!”
Andy gripped onto the blood slick oar and pushed it to the side freeing the top section of her raft. She paddled with all her might, getting closer and closer to the yellow clad boy.
“Hey! Just hold on! I’m coming for you!” The small boy was holding tightly onto a lamppost.
Andy stuck out her hand, the little boy shakily reached out his in return. She pulled on the boy hoisting him up and out of the water, pulling him to her chest.
Pulling back just enough to see his face she checked the small boy over for any injuries, he whimpered as he was pulled away from the embrace.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay buddy. Are you hurt anywhere? Can you tell me if you’re hurt?” She asked sincerely, peering down at the boy.
“I lost my glasses when I lost my Buck.” Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as the lutte boy began to sob into her chest.
“Hey baby, it’s okay. Can you tell me you’re name? I’m Andy.” The little boy mumbled into her chest.
“Hmm?” She let out a sound, telling the boy she couldn’t understand.
“Christopher.” Smiling down at the boy she responded.
“That’s a nice name, Christopher.” Andy firmly held the small boy as she sniffled into her shirt.
“Hey Chris, can I call you Chris, it looks like we’re gonna be a while, why don’t we play a game huh?” Softly, she brush a hand through his hair as she spoke.
“I like Chris. What kinda game?” He finally removed himself from the front of her shirt.
“How about I spy?”
“That’s what I was playing with Buck when I got lost.”
���Okay then, how about twenty questions?”
It went on like that for a while, Christopher asking her some questions, her asking some in return. Though it soon strayed from identifying objects to personal questions.
Andy learned that Buck was a friend from his dads work, his dad was named Eddie and he was a firefighter. She also learned that Chris had CP, cerebral palsy.
By the time they stopped the sky was a frothy grey, how long had they been drifting around? Damp hair stuck to her face, the water had gone down a few feet by now and she was able to get off her make shift raft and begin walking.
She could see crowds of people in the distance. Grabbing onto Christopher she hoisted him up and into her arms. She walked towards the group.
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vintagetvstars · 4 months
Diana Rigg Vs. Nichelle Nichols
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Diana Rigg - (The Avengers, Diana) - Honestly? Just check her out as Emma Peel in any episode of The Avengers. The character herself was a legend - an exceptional spy, wonderful fighter, certified genius, a true feminist role model - not to mention a renowned sex symbol (that leather catsuit... heavens help me...) and fashion icon. As for Diana personally, she was once described by Michael Parkinson as "the most desirable woman he ever met, who radiated a lustrous beauty". She could pivot from funny quips and endearing jokes to stone-cold badassery like it was nothing, and she looked stunning either way. Whenever I look at a pic of her, I have this feeling she's planning some fun mischief and I get the strongest urge to ask her to take me along. Need anything more? Here, have some pics: (pics below the cut)
Nichelle Nichols - (Star Trek) - She speaks for herself. Legendary, iconic, at the forefront of feminism and civil rights in the 60s, she is a triple threat who did so much more. She volunteered from 1977 to promote recruitment diversity within NASA, including some of the first female and ethnic minority astronauts. Martin Luther King Jr. compared her work on Star Trek as a 'vital role model' to the civil rights marches. She refused to be dismissed, fought for visibility and shone whilst doing so. As a woman in stem, and simply a woman she means the world and stars above to me.
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Diana Rigg:
When people think of The Avengers, they think Steed and Peel (or they think the marvel property but that’s neither here nor there). I know people who thought Mrs. Peel was the ONLY woman Steed worked with, Diana Rigg was Just That Good (she was only on two seasons!). She was one of those actors that could so perfectly play comedy in any form, her dry, sardonic wit was marvelous, but so was her physical and slapstick comedy, and she could do drama too! If you’ve seen her in interviews you’d also know how fabulously humble and kind she was. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more attracted to a TV woman than I’ve been to Diana Rigg. Some photos of her:
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the SMILE!!!!
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I like a woman that could kill me in one shot
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tell me she's not endearing I DARE you
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Gorgeous, sexy, competent, superior, so much leather. Diana Rigg as Emma Peel in the Avengers was foundational to my sexuality and personality. She's classy, she's cute, she's cocky, in one episode she whips a bunch of guys while wearing a corset and a spiked collar...
excuse me I'm overcome with sinful thoughts
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 hello 911 I think I'm having a heart attack
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Here's an interview I fell for her in:
Diana Rigg | Interview | The Avengers | Good Afternoon | 1974 | Part one
Her first appearance in The Avengers (In series 4, if you can believe it):
The Avengers: Emma Peel First Appearance HD
Nichelle Nichols:
She is the original badass babe. She was a black woman in a leading role on TV in the 60s, a trailblazer for black actresses for years to come. She is so beautiful and so awesome.
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she's fantastic. have you seen her? paved the way for black actresses on TV even while her lines and scenes were being cut and improvised the most iconic uhura line in the series. (sulu: "I'll save you, fair maiden!" uhura, pushing him away: "sorry, neither!") she's incredibly talented and it's a crime the show didn't give her more screen time (or make her sing more often because she also has a beautiful voice!)
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“Sorry, neither” in response to “fair maiden” was ad libbed by her. There’s a lot more I could say but what else do you need??
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A sci-fi icon!
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She was such a trailblazer, and Uhura was such an important character for so many people to be able to see on TV. Apparently Mae Jemison (the first African American woman to go into space) cited her as a reason she wanted to become an astronaut. She was just an absolute legend!
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The story of Martin Luther King telling her not to quit Star Trek gives me chills. Representation matters. “Thank you so much, Dr. King. I’m really going to miss my co-stars.” Dr. King's smile, Nichols recalled, vanished from his face. "He said, 'What are you talking about?'" the actress explained. "I told him. He said, 'You cannot,' and so help me, this man practically repeated verbatim what Gene said. He said, 'Don’t you see what this man is doing, who has written this? This is the future. He has established us as we should be seen. 300 years from now, we are here. We are marching. And this is the first step. When we see you, we see ourselves, and we see ourselves as intelligent and beautiful and proud.' He goes on and I’m looking at him and my knees are buckling. I said, 'I…, I…' And he said, 'You turn on your television and the news comes on and you see us marching and peaceful, you see the peaceful civil disobedience, and you see the dogs and see the fire hoses, and we all know they cannot destroy us because we are there in the 23rd Century.'"
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She shared the first interracial kiss on Star Trek, helped propel real life African American women into space-related careers, and looks divine in a mini skirt.
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dotthings · 6 months
Congrats to the fans of the wee woo show. I don’t go here but it makes me happy to witness how this arc for Evan Buckley got to bloom and I’m happy because I hope this reflects another shift in the TV industry.
For some media commentary context for you: ABC network is owned by Disney. Fox network was owned by Rupert Murdoch. So I can see how the network change for 911 can easily be a factor on how this got greenlit, after years of creator Tim Minear’s intention to work in hints, on the off chance he could take it there. (I don’t go here, but I did my reading). Oliver Stark who plays Buck also revealed he's been for it and couldn't say anything, until he was sure they could do it, until it aired and was out there. (*steeples fingers*)
For further context, Bob Iger—with George Lucas’ vocal support—just fended off a right wing coup on the Disney board from the kinds of people (like Peltz) who complain “why do we need so many female leads” “why do we need movies with all Black leads.” While it doesn’t mean Disney is no longer an evil megacorp, I’m pointing out that its CEO defended inclusive Disney brand content to the shareholders and the board, as well as dismantling the idea that it can’t be entertainment while being diverse.
The ripple of this goes outside of the wee woo show fandom. I’m seeing the joy on my dash from people who don’t watch the show or don’t watch it regularly, as well as from people who have been watching a long time and noticed things and realized there was a progression and it was there all along, and I know how much this must mean to a lot of people. With the world being how it is, with what people are facing inside the US from the far right, in their real lives.
It’s very hopeful in general for inclusion levels on a major network TV show, owned by a big evil megacorp. Representation matters.
Also I'm aware the wee woo show already had a queer couple, plus it's already an intersectional inclusive series, that’s great.
There shouldn't be limits placed on inclusion though. “But you already have X” shouldn't be weaponized to tell people to shut up. There is no “enough” or “too much” when it comes to inclusion. While I'm not for undermining the inclusion that's there, I've seen that weaponization used with a series that hasn't been great on inclusion, and I've seen that weaponization used for 911, which is. It's a sus argument.
Indirect and unintentional as it is, also bi Buck shut down every concern troll, every gaslight, every denial, every rationale I've ever seen people deploy against bi Dean. Everything from people who don’t understand what bi actual means—“but he likes girls so he can’t be bi”—to “but he wasn’t declared bi from the start of the show so he can’t”—yes he can and the wee woo show just did. On one of the original big three networks. Or people who say it would "ruin the character." Really? “But he’s an action hero”—so what? Evan Buckley is a hero, Dean is a hero, both badass action heroes. “People who see this as canon are delusional”—Evan Buckley went O RLY? Not so delusional now, is it.
Evan Buckley avenged bi Dean.
It’s self-evident. It’s right there. Different show, different network, but the concepts are familiar, the situation has a certain familiarity. This turn of events on an ABC show didn't just make bi Dean fans valid. bi Dean fans were always valid, the bi Dean reading was always valid. But I appreciate how much what happened on the wee woo show bonked people with a truth stick, about self discovery, character arcing, queer readings, queer coding, and the validity of merely noticing things.
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kinardsevan · 4 months
I figured it out. Why hearing that Tommy is a plot device/temporary is so infuriating. It’s the equivalent of being told “it’s just a phase”. As in, Buck just needs a phase to “figure out” being bisexual so then he can guide Eddie through it??? That logic is fucked on so many levels.
Evan Buckley is a grown ass man. He may be figuring out what he likes coming from another man vs a female in a committed relationship, but it’s not like he’s NEVER kissed or had sex with someone before.
Also, I’ve put off saying this, but I think (one of) the things that bothers me most about the possibility of Buddie on any level is that you have to trust in the whole “I fall for my best friend and they fall back at the same time” trope. That shit is not only rare, it’s painful. And given that 911 tends to go for realism (on some level) versus the fantasy when it comes to building relationships, you can’t tell me that Buddie would get it easy. But there’s an entire class of people who think this is the hard part, and one day Eddie is just gonna wake up and realize now that Buck is canonically bisexual. But like… that’s not very realistic? Also, the point Ryan keeps making about Eddie being heterosexual. And also, I genuinely believe that given the original plans for Tommy’s arc, that when Ryan said no, that was their chance.
Hear me out:
Buck would’ve been far easier to flip on a whim of “I’m into my best friend” after Eddie having a moment with Tommy. The ground work is already there, with previous situations (TK, etc). Eddie on the other hand, has so many other issues to contend with (Shannon, Christopher, his faith) that without someone basically shoving him in that direction, it really doesn’t fit.
To which brings my point: I feel like there was probably a conversation (at the very least, if not more than one) had at some point before the season started, and knowing the ideas Tim had on the table, there was an engagement of “this is the direction we want to move in, how do you feel about it?” Because truth be told, you can’t force someone six years into their contract to suddenly make changes they’re not cool with. and again, I feel like when that possibility was broached, and Ryan said no but Oliver said yes, this was the result.
Ryan does not want to play a queer character. Oliver doesn’t have a problem with doing so, nor does Lou. (And all of that is OKAY). But to that end, Ryan literally cannot be forced to do so if he does not want to. (I imagine there are probably bylaws via SAG/AFTRA that ensure this under some level of sexual harrassment, etc). And again, it’s one thing for an actor to read fanfiction about their character, even send it to their scene partner and be like “hey look at this”. But that doesn’t equate to them being like “okay yeah, the fans want it so we should do it”. Case in point? Go look at the entire Marvey fandom in Suits. I personally have a retweeted twt from Aaron Korsh like 6/7/8 years ago which I commented on the two of them kissing. Guess what? It never happened. And AK and Co were well aware of the side of the fandom that wanted those two together.
I don’t know what happens with Lou and Tommy from here on out obvs. They’re certainly teeing up some options, though we don’t have any clear answers due to just entering hiatus last week. But even if he’s gone in s8, that will never ensure that Buddie happens, and I’m not even trying to be mean about that. It’s just fact.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
22 | Backfired
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: Accident that could have been death
Word Count: 2.2k
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"What's up everybody the prank wars are still continuing. I've finally decided to get Penelope. She's been up in her room all day because she had a long shoot yesterday. So today I have a rodent glue with me and I'm going to put on the two steps on our staircase. I'm hoping when I call her down she's come running and get stuck on one then the second one." Elton sets up cameras to film her getting stuck.
"I'm gonna call her real quick." He FaceTimes her.
"You never call me what?" She asks confused.
"I need you downstairs it's Circa and something is wrong and she's not letting me near her. Help me please." He panics.
"Okay, okay." She hangs up rushing out of her room and as soon as she takes one step down, her foot gets stuck but since she was running full speed she takes a tumble down the stairs.
"Shit! Penelope!" Elton rushes over as she lays on the floor. "Penelope." He tapped her but she was knocked out and could see her head was bleeding a bit. "Guys! Help!" Elton calls out for the rest of the house.
"What?" Corey sticks his head out of his room.
"It's Penelope, she fell down the stairs. My prank backfired!" He shouts panicking.
"This isn't funny Elton." Aaron comes out as well.
"I'm not joking! Help me. Watch where you step!" He tells them know as a tiny pool of blood starts. "Fuck!" He stares at her as everyone comes downstairs.
"What the hell?" Sam rushes to her side, "This isn't a prank?"
"Penelope, come on. Wake up." Colby carefully touches her. "Someone call 911!" He panics not wanting to move her.
"I'm on it." Corey runs upstairs carefully to get his phone.
"What was the original fucking prank?" Colby looks over at Elton.
"Human glue trap. She was just supposed to get stuck not tumble down the stairs. That's what the cameras are set up at certain angles." Elton explains.
"Turn them off now!" Sam shouts going to do it himself.
When the ambulance arrives taking Penelope to the hospital, Colby goes with her while everyone changes to go to the hospital as well.
In the ambulance, Penelope opens her eyes finally looking at Colby, "You're gonna be okay. I'm not leaving your side. I promise." He tells her before her eyes shut again.
At the hospital, they ask Colby questions about what happened and if she had any family they could contact but he tells them that they still live in Kansas, so he'll call them but she lives with him and their other roommates. So at the moment if any choices would need to be made Colby had a say.
"Is she okay?" Sam finds Colby in the waiting room.
"They rushed her into surgery. Something about internal bleeding as well. As soon as we got here her heart rate dropped. I said all call her family but I want to wait till after surgery." Colby lets him know things.
The others show up and wait as well after Colby keeps them up to date. Colby sees the doctor finally walk towards him so he gets up and walks to him.
"Is she okay? Did everything go well?" Colby tries to stay calm.
"The surgery went well..."
"But?" Colby could tell that's what he was going to say.
"She still hasn't woke up yet. We gave her some time after the surgery but she still hasn't woke up like normally. We gave her, her own room to stay in. For this situation, I advise max of three guests in the room with her but when family comes it's okay if they are all in there."
"What room is she? I'm staying with her till her family can get a flight here. We grow up together so I'm not leaving her side." Colby tells the doctor so the doctor tells him the floor, room, and hall.
"Is she okay?" Devyn asks as Colby walks back to them.
"Surgery went fine but she's not waking up yet. They have her a room. Max guests in the room is three right now. I plan on staying here with her." He tells the group.
"I'll go home and pack you a bag for a few days." Sam sighs trying not to cry.
"I'll help you." Katrina takes Sam's hand into hers.
"I have to call her mom or Harper to let them know. So who wants to wait in the room for a bit?" Colby asks.
"I want to." Devyn raises her hand quickly.
"Okay, so you three stay here. Aaron, Sam, Kat, and I will go home. Just keep us updated." Elton messes with his hands.
"I will." Colby leaves with Corey and Devyn following him to Penelope's room.
Getting to the room the two let Colby go in by himself first to see her. Her IVs were in her arm, she had oxygen on her, and a broken arm as well. The sight just caused Colby to break down in tears. He tries his best to get himself together before letting Devyn and Corey in.
"I'm gonna call her mom." Colby goes out into the hall.
"Colby? It's odd hearing from you sweetheart, what's going on?" Victoria asks him.
"A prank at the house failed and Penelope's in the hospital. Her surgery went fine but she still hasn't woken up. Sam is packing me a bag to stay here with her till you guys can get here." He lets her know.
"Colby... Me and the guys are in Canada at the moment for Turner's competition but Harper is in Vegas with some friends so she can get there before me. I'll call her for you. I know you'll be with Penelope in the meantime. Thank you for letting me know." She ends the call so he goes back to the room.
"Her mom is in Canada and her sister is in Vegas so Vic is gonna call Harper to let her know." Colby tells the two.
"I need to go home. I can't see her like that." Devyn leaves the room crying.
"You gonna be okay?" Corey eyes Colby.
"I'll be fine, Corey. Like I said, I'll keep you guys updated." He tells him so he leaves while Colby sits on the sofa looking at Penelope.
When Sam brings Colby his bag he stays for a bit with Colby before heading home alone. Since there wasn't much to do Colby just made himself comfortable on the sofa watching TV, while keeping an eye on Penelope.
"Just in here to get her vitals." A nurse comes in.
"You guys probably have no idea but do you know when she'll wake up?" Colby asks her.
"Sadly we don't. We hope for not too long." She tells him then leaves the room.
"Please wake up soon, Penelope. I can't see you like this. I don't want to see you like this. I need you to wake up." Colby goes to hold her hand kissing the top of her head.
A few days passed and Penelope still wasn't awake yet. Harper hadn't been able to leave Vegas yet before she broke her leg and her girlfriend was in jail. Victoria was still stuck in Canada for Turner so Colby was still by himself with Penelope.
"Normally when you're in a not-so-good mood you listen to One Direction." Colby takes to Penelope putting on her playlist since Sam brought her phone as well.
Colby plays the music next to her and dances around the room singing along as Penelope just laid there.
There is no other place that I would rather be
Than right here with you tonight
As we lay on the ground I put my arms around you
And we can stay here tonight
'Cause there's so much that I wanna say, I wanna say
Colby gives up taking a seat in the chair he put next to her bed, "You know even when your family shows up I'm not leaving. Remember you're stuck with me so you actually have to wake up." He pokes her arm tearing up.
A knock at the door makes Colby wipe his eyes before Sam comes in alone, "Still nothing?"
"Nothing." Colby holds Penelope's hand.
"She's going to be okay, Colby. I believe in her." Sam takes a seat.
"I need her here Sam." Colby snaps.
"I know, we all do." Sam tries to calm him down.
"You don't get it! I think I love her... And you get what type I mean." Colby leans back in his chair.
"You think you love her?"
A few days turned into two weeks till Penelope's mom finally made it with Turner and her husband Richard.
"She's still not woken up?" Victoria enters the room.
"I would have let you known if she woke up." Colby tells her.
"Since we're here now you can go home. Het some good rest in your bed." Richard tells Colby.
"Thanks but no thank you. I'm not leaving her." Colby tells him.
Richard was Harper and Penelope's stepdad while he was Turner's bio dad. Colby and the girls didn't care for him much since he talked shit about Matthew, the girl's dad, who passed away when they were 14 and 12 years old.
"Her family is here now and you're just her friend, Colby." He adds.
"Richard, Colby is fine staying here." Victoria gives him a look. "But Colby, please actually eat some good food. Go to the nearest McDonald's or whatever."
"Can I go with him?" Turner asks his mother.
"That's fine, honey."
Both boys leave quietly going to Colby's car that Sam brought and having Kat pick him up. "Is Penny going to wake up soon?" Turner asks Colby.
"I don't know. I'm hoping that she does, Turner."
"Has she shown any signs of waking up?" He asks making Colby hit his steering wheel.
"I'm sorry... No, she hasn't. I just don't wanna talk about it, Turner. I've just been in that room since she got here and every day I beg her to wake up." Colby apologizes to the sixteen-year-old.
Turner looks at Colby as they drive off, "Are you just worried as her best friend or? You can tell me. I can tell when a guy has feelings."
"Yes, I do but she doesn't know that." They go to eat.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Richard and Victoria were slightly fighting about Colby being at the hospital when he could go home.
"Mom!" Harper shows up coming into the room with her crutches.
"Babe." They hug each other, "Colby went out for food with your brother."
"Colby actually left the room?" Harper takes a seat, "He said he refuses to leave her."
Richard went out for a walk around the hospital while Vic and Harper stayed in the room watching TV. Slowly Penelope's eyes start to flutter open looking around the room, "Da-daddy?" She sees her dad sitting in the chair next to her holding her hand.
The sound of Penelope's voice causes the two to look over at her, "Babygirl!" Victoria rushes over to her side, "You're awake." She smiles before rushing to get a nurse while Harper goes to her sister.
"Colby... Where's Colby?" She starts to tear up remembering what he said in the ambulance.
"He went out to eat with Turner. He'll be back." She said as the doctor came in to check her out and run tests.
Once the door opens Penelope looks over to see Colby with her brother, Colby puts the food on the counter before rushing over to her.
"You weren't here when I woke up." She cries to him.
"I'm sorry." He hugs her, "I know I promised you." He kisses her forehead before letting her go.
"Glad you woke up." Turner smiles so Penelope motions for him to hug her.
For the night, Colby stays with her while her family gets a hotel room to stay in for a while. Both watch TV while eating McDonald's since Harper brought them some.
"So you've been sleeping there for two weeks?" Penelope looks at Colby's setup.
"Yes, I have. Sam, Devyn, and Corey volunteered to stay a night each but I said no. As I promised, I stayed by your side. I talked to you every day. We had a little One Direction concert. I finally watched Titanic from beginning to end." He makes her laugh as they finish eating.
"Colby, can you lay with me for a few minutes, please?" She asks as he gets ready for bed.
Colby smiles walking over and gets in the bed with her since they gave her a big bed. She cuddles into him carefully tearing up, "What's wrong?"
"I thought... I thought I was dead for a minute when I woke up. I saw my dad sitting next to me holding my hand. I could feel him holding my hand, Colby." She cries.
Colby didn't know exactly what to say so he just held her close to him, "Maybe he just wanted to make sure you were okay." He holds her tighter.
"Thank you for staying with me, Colby. It really means a lot to me. When I woke up I asked where you were." She whispers to him.
"Ah, you wanted me?" He chuckles.
"I always want you." She giggles talking about when she's scared, nervous, or in any serious situation.
Colby's heart starts to beat super fast as he makes the decision that was going to change their relationship from that moment on. She could hear he was having trouble saying something so she leaned back to look at him just for him to lean in ever so slightly till she felt the soft brush of his lips before he gently pressed his lips to hers.
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deluweil · 7 months
Based on the last speculations (bi-Buck and probably him having something with a man), how optimistic are you for Buddie going canon? Do you think we’ll get some Eddie reaction/jealousy? I want to be optimistic but I’m scared they’ll do the same shit from last season…
Look, I said it before, Bi-Buck will probably be only with Eddie,
Buck is not who he was, Buck 1.0 AND 2.0 would have experimented his way through the greater male population of LA .
But this one? He will want the man who makes him feel like everything, who sees him, we know that's what his looking for, he said it in 6x15.
No one has ever seen him better than Eddie - Buck, imo, assuming he actually was just straight up until now, is probably more Eddie-sexual than anything else.
Now if you have asked me about Eddie, I could definitely see him, going through several failed male encounters, where the sex is great but it's not quite it, with Buck jealous as hell in the background not really understanding why - until he does.
You see, if the whole saying yes year (which was the dumbest idea ever and got executed so badly we hardly knew it existed) was this year where he says yes, and not to reproducing for others, I'd say maybe, but now, I don't think so.
My money is more on Eddie figuring it out first and him dating other men will kick Buck into motion.
Especially with Ryan taking a bigger role this season, this is right in his wheelhouse, and out of the two of them Ryan actually portrayed a gay character before.
I gotta say though, that while ABC have already done the Bi (both male and female) character arcs - it is still dependent on 911 creators to make that decision and I stopped trusting the showrunners a long time ago.
There's a part of me that is sure that the only reason buddie was not made canon yet is because KR was stuck along with FOX in the heteronormative narrative they kept shoving down our throats.
I want to believe that the move to ABC will allow buddie to become canon, but I am not getting my hopes up, and by the things I'm seeing so far, I don't feel very optimistic about it.
I do believe we'll get gay Eddie though, because that suit was screaming out and proud, the last groom I saw in this kind of suit, was divorced and out of the closet 6 months later, just saying. (by the way me and my gay best friend won that wager, but the original wedding was fun lol).
So, you know, glass half full and all that.
We'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for a fun ride.
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 6 months
Of course I'm so honestly grateful and shocked that 911 made Bi Buck canon but seeing the influx of fans come into the show ONLY for him sucks. Oliver himself pointed this out: 911 isn't the fruity firefighter show because Buck went canon queer in s7. It's the fruity firefighter show because from the first season, from the first episode, there were queer characters. There was a queer firefighter. Hen is what originally made this the fruity firefighting show.
Like, I love Buck and Buddie as much as the next person, I've loved them for a long time, but it is very frustrating seeing people start watching this show only for Buck. Because of Buck? Great, totally valid, I hope you enjoy your time with these characters.
But for Buck? ... I saw someone ask what the best episodes were to get to know him. (BTW the answer is: the whole show.) I see people complaining about no Eddie in s1. I don't know how to tell these people that this is an ensemble show, and Buck is not the main character.
I don't want to say there's a wrong way to interact with this show or these characters but it just feels really bad to see some of the main themes of friendship, community, care, growth, etc get ignored by new fans who only want to have another white gay boy for their collection. Not to mention the representation shown through healthy male/female and adult/child friendships, black women being allowed to have friendly and caring relationships, found family, complicated family dynamics, all the delight and angst of the other ships, the other queer journeys…
Just. I don't know. What's the point of watching this show if you only care about one single character (or two at best, or three if we count Christopher) out of an ensemble cast? Might as well just go read the fic or watch a Buddie moments compilation video on youtube, you'll have a much better time and the rest of us won't have to see all these annoying posts
And anyway, we all know Buck solo stans don't have a great track record honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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rebelangelwings · 1 year
Diaz Sister
Chapter 15: Waiting Game
Athena investigates the shooting whilst Allie waits for Eddie.
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Reading List
to be updated constantly
"Why Women Online Can’t Stop Reading Fairy Porn" by C.T. Jones for Rolling Stone
"They Called 911 for Help. Police and Prosecutors Used a New Junk Science to Decide They Were Liars." by Brett Murphy for ProPublica
"‘I Think My Husband Is Trashing My Novel on Goodreads!’" by Emily Gould for The Cut
"Woman in Retrograde" by Isabel Cristo for The Cut
"The unwanted Spanish soccer kiss is textbook male chauvinism. Don’t excuse it" by Moira Donegan for the Guardian
"I Started the Media Men List" by Moira Donegan for The Cut
"What Moira Donegan Did for Young Women Writers" by Jordana Rosenfeld for The Nation
"The Key Detail Missing From the Narrative About O.J. and Race" by Joel Anderson for Slate
"The Coiled Ferocity of Zendaya" by Matt Zoller Seitz for Vulture
"OJ Simpson died the comfortable death in old age that Nicole Brown should have had" by Moira Donegan for The Guardian
"Norm Macdonald Was the Hater O.J. Simpson Could Never Outrun" by Miles Klee for Rolling Stone
"Trans Stylists and Makeup Artists Are Reshaping Red Carpet Looks. Will They Get the Credit They’re Due?" by James Factora
"The ‘perfect Aryan’ child used in Nazi propaganda was actually Jewish" by Terrence McCoy for The Washington Post
"There Are Too Many Books; Or, Publishing Shouldn’t Be All About Quantity" by Maris Kreizman for Literary Hub
"An O.J. Juror on What The People v. O.J. Simpson Got Right and Wrong" by Ashley Reese for Vulture
"Super Cute Please Like" by Nicole Lipman for N + 1 Magazine
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture edited by Roxanne Gay
Creep: Accusations and Confessions by Myriam Gurba
"On Chappell Roan and Gen Z Pop" by Miranda Reinert
"In Memory of Nicole Brown Simpson" by Andrea Dworkin
"My Gender Is Dyke" by Alexandria Juarez for Autostraddle
"Columnists and Their Lives of Quiet Desperation" by Hamilton Nolan
Belabored: A Vindication of the Rights of Pregnant Women by Lyz Lenz
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
This American Ex-Wife: How I Ended My Marriage and Started My Life by Lyz Lenz
The Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination by Sarah Schulman
Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession by Rachel Monroe
The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory by Carol J. Adams
Eros the Bittersweet by Anne Carson
Who Owns This Sentence? A History of Copyrights and Wrongs by David Bellos & Alexandre Montagu
The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women's Roles in Society by Eleanor Janega
Moby Dyke: An Obsessive Quest to Track Down the Last Remaining Lesbian Bars in America by Krista Burton
University of Nike: How Corporate Cash Bought American Higher Education by Joshua Hunt
What it Feels Like for a Girl by Paris Lees
Female Masculinity by J. Jack Halberstam
The Theory of Everything Else: A Voyage Into the World of the Weird by Dan Schreiber
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
Better Living Through Birding: Notes from a Black Man in the Natural World by Christian Cooper
Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration by Alejandra Oliva
Unlikeable Female Characters: The Women Pop Culture Wants You to Hate by Anna Bogutskaya
Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick by Mallory O'Meara
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Eyeliner: A Cultural History by Zahra Hankir
Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement by Ashley Shew
The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe
Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami
Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Just as You Are by Camille Kellogg
Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia
The Misadventures of an Amateur Naturalist by Ceinwen Langley
Family Meal by Bryan Washington
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark
My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
Blackouts by Justin Torres
We Do What We Do in the Dark by Michelle Hart
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Less Is Lost by Andrew Sean Greer
The Faithless by C.L. Clark
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Bliss Montage by Ling Ma
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
The Institute by Stephen King
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection by Junji Ito
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado
Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart
The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
Snuff by Terry Pratchett
Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by Aminah Mae Safi
Only a Monster by Vanessa Len
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talia-rumlow · 6 months
Home Sweet Home (AU Brock Rumlow/Original Female Character) 18+ Chapter One
TRIGGERS: Age Gap, 911 Call, Police
The blistering Texas sun beamed down on the pavement, smothering downtown Mansfield in an oppressive heat wave. The cloudless sky stretched on in an expanse of clear blue, offering no respite from the sweltering 93°F temperature. The only escapes from the relentless rays were the shady trees in the parks or the cool relief of air conditioning indoors.
As Calleigh locks the office door, she feels the heat radiating in from outside. Having worked in her dad's delivery business for a little over three months now, she easily navigates the building, double-checking that everything is secured for the weekend. Approaching the exit, the intense heat worsens. Calleigh lifts her shirt, revealing a cute pink butterfly piercing on her belly button - a small act of rebellion she got after her first visit with her dad following her mom's move to New York with a new boyfriend. Pushing aside thoughts of New York and the boyfriend she detests, Calleigh fans her exposed stomach with her shirt in a futile attempt to withstand the heat on her way out, silently thanking the universe for Fridays and weekends.
Brock backs his day-old black Chevrolet Silverado 1500 as close to the garage door as possible. Searching for the key to turn off the engine, he suddenly remembers this truck has a keyless start/stop system—all he has to do is push a button. Brock chuckles a bit of his lack of knowledge about his new car, before he makes a mental note to get used to the new feature.
Though the car met all his needs, Brock struggled to adjust to its high-tech features. While he wanted to embrace the smart house, smart phone, smart car lifestyle, at heart he was old-fashioned. To Brock, a car should just be a car, and a phone just a phone. These days, cars were becoming more like living spaces, packed with extra gadgets and gizmos; and those new phones were multipurpose devices that served not only as phones, but also as calendars, alarm clocks, cameras, journals, and computers. He almost felt that he was too old to keep up, with his 46 years, Brock started to feel that his youth had passed him by long ago.
Placing his toned muscular forearm on the center console; Brock looks over the dashboard. The car's built-in entertainment system was bigger than his nephew's tablet. The right side of the screen informed him that the temperature was a scorching 94°F and climbing; moving over to the left side, where he could decide on what radio station to listen to, operate the car's cameras, use the built-in GPS system, connect his phone via Bluetooth and a bunch of other stuff he'd probably never use.
A quick glance at the clock told him that he had to get to work. He had promised Jack ages ago that he would fix the Oil leak, change the filter, the camshaft belt and do an overall service on the car. But the parts he needed weren't always easy to come by. So here he was, grabbing his mechanic's creeper off his truck, to finally do the job; four months behind schedule.
Brock swings open the garage door, revealing the stunning 1967 Chevy Impala. The sleek black exterior gleams in the sunlight, resembling a rare diamond. Despite its age and need for repairs, the Impala exudes charm, blending masculinity and nostalgic charm. Like Brock, Jack shares a fondness for vintage cars, true American muscle cars such as this. The old cassette player still hums within, and Jack hasn't altered a single detail on the car. There's a palpable sense of trust between them as Brock cherishes the responsibility and level of trust Jack has placed in his hands.
Calleigh frowned at her license photo. At only 20 years old, she had not yet grown comfortable with her appearance. She felt her nasal bone was too thick, making her eyes seem too far apart. Makeup helped camouflage this to some extent, but no amount of makeup could alter her height. At 5'10", she was taller than average, which made finding flattering clothes a challenge. She often wished she had her mother's petite 5'3" frame, having clearly inherited her stature from the Rollins side of the family. While she could live with her blonde hair, she wished it had more volume. Her lips were too pale and thin for her liking, though makeup could fix that as well. Unlike her mother's ocean blue eyes, Calleigh had green eyes, another Rollins family trait. Glancing in the rearview mirror, Calleigh took stock of herself - blonde hair, blonder in summer; green eyes; lightly pinked lips with distinctive dips cupping her nose; a high forehead. She was a harmonious blend of both parents.
Calleigh connects her phone to the car's entertainment system, the little screen in the middle of the dashboard makes it easy to navigate through spotify to find her song, Coldplay and The Chainsmokers with Something Just Like This. It’s a song that seems fitting for her life right now.
Ever since she moved back to Texas, and Mansfield, she felt like her whole life was already planned for her.
She would get a seat at the board of directors alongside her dad and her grandfather in the delivery business on her 21st birthday in December. It would give her a comfortable and financially steady life, but very few choices.
With an exasperated sigh, Calleigh places her purse in the passenger seat. The black leather seat had small stitched details, a lighter shade of burnt orange in color, along the sides, giving it a more luxurious look.
When her dad had offered to buy her a new car, Calleigh had opted for the Mini Cooper, a car she felt was more suitable for her needs. But Jack had his mind made up on a 2020 Chevrolet Impala, black of course, to have it blend in with the other cars in the garage. After a bit of discussing back and forth, Calleigh had just given up. A car was a car, and she needed one. Although she would have given almost anything to have a convertible right now.
She was thankful for the car, it was nice and spacious with its four doors and five seats, it had room enough for both Calleigh and her friends.
The trunk suited all of her needs with enough room for both grocery shopping and a shopping spree at the local mall. The black leather seats with the burnt orange stitching offered comfort with their user friendly adjustment mechanism. The center console, designed with faux wood, held a spacious storage compartment and a double cup holder, one of which now held the almost empty Venti iced caramel latte that Calleigh got from Starbucks this morning.
The comfortable, highly equipped steering wheel made it easy to answer the phone, change songs, adjust the volume, as well as the heat in the winter. The 2020 Chevy Impala did indeed deliver a luxurious and comfortable driving experience.
She grew up in a well off family, both of her parents came from money. Both the Rollins Delivery Service and the Lewis Jewelry line had been around for generations, earning themselves a good reputation and money to live a more than comfortable life. Despite all of this, Calleigh had never seen herself as spoiled. She knew nothing came for free, that she had to work hard in school, and she had to earn her allowance. Her parents, even if they were never together, had made sure of that.
The drive from downtown Mansfield to South Pointe was roughly 10 to 15 minutes long, depending on traffic. But in this heat, Calleigh feels that it took two hours. Her shirt is sticking to her back, and her throat screams for water to the point where she's about to chug the last of the latte that had been sitting in her car all day. All she wanted was to change into a bikini and spend the rest of the weekend relaxing by the pool in the backyard.
Despite having to spend the weekend alone; without her two best friends. Jessica was preparing for her undergraduate degree, and Molly had been assigned to take a HR Masterclass in Seattle. Her dad was away as well, having a tiny legal crisis in Chicago, he had decided to fly over there himself, to oversee the negotiations. Calleigh looked forward to a weekend by the pool.
As Calleigh approaches the house, she notices the black Pickup truck that's backed all the way into the now open garage door. Not a truck she recognizes, and they rarely had any other unannounced visitors other than her grandparents or Brock from time to time. But Brock was on a work spree these days. Calleigh hadn’t even seen him since she moved back home; which was strange, because in summertime he practically lived in the garage. Fixing her dad’s various vehicles, as well as his own; whilst sharing some beers with her dad. It was almost so that she thought that they had fallen out. But the legal crisis in Chicago had occupied her dad for quite some time, so that might be it. The two men simply didn't have time for social get-togethers these days. Even Friday Night BBQ was put on hold for the time being.
The Friday Night BBQ was one of Calleigh's most cherished traditions. Her dad and Brock manned the grill while she and her friends frolicked in the pool or yard. As they aged, they took on more duties. Molly routinely brought her signature focaccia and salad— a recipe Calleigh unsuccessfully tried recreating time and time again. Jess handled dessert; her Texas-style peach cobbler was unrivaled, the moist and buttery delight created a sweet symphony on her pallads, and topped with a scoop of peach ice cream, it became unresistable no matter how much anyone had for dinner. Occasionally Molly's mom and Jess's parents joined, packing the expansious backyard with joy, nostalgia, and hearty laughter.
With the memories of time well spent, playing like a movie in her head, Calleigh drives past the house at 2 mph as she examines the truck that's parked in front of the garage. A black Silverado, newer model. Having grown up with a father like Jack, with his fondness for cars, she's picked up a thing or ten. Of course it also helped that she spent numerous afternoons at the Rumlow garage in her early teens, when her dad worked late, or her mom spent time with that new boyfriend.
Calleigh's body goes cold when she remembers the 67 Impala in the garage. Jack's favorite car. He spent years finding the perfect one. If someone is trying to steal it, or parts from it; Jack would go ballistic. And given his military background, it'll not be pretty. For a second Calleigh feels like a six-year old, not knowing what to tell her parents when she broke a glass or spilled water on her bed.
Though South Pointe was a gated community, there were no guards on site. To enter, you needed either a code from a resident or a chip that automatically opened the gate. With the recent expansions and the constant flow of workers going in and out, it was easy for anyone to get in, whether they belonged there or not. And with a truck like the new Silverado, you could easily drive in, fill the spacious bed with whatever you were stealing; and then drive back out, without anyone raising a brow.
Calleigh takes a deep breath, weighing her options. Should she call the police or confront the person in the garage herself? Having spent four years in New York, she knows how to handle situations and always keeps pepper spray in her purse, even in Mansfield, where crime rates are lower. Despite the safer environment, she's aware that appearances can be deceiving, and anyone could pose a threat.
Turning her car at the end of the street, Calleigh retrieves her phone from her purse, its cute pink cover with butterflies and faux diamonds contrasting with the ominous atmosphere she envisions in the garage. Without overthinking, she dials 9-1-1.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” a calm female voice responds after a few rings.
“I'm.…I think someone is breaking into my house,” Calleigh says, suddenly unsure if 9-1-1 was the right choice.
“Are you in the house, ma’am?” The voice persists. Calleigh hesitates, considering whether to hang up and face the intruder alone. “Ma’am, are you inside the house?” the voice repeats.
“N..no. I.. I'm outside.. In my car. I don't know what to do. I… I..” Calleigh is desperate, on the verge of crying. She can't remember the last time she didn't want to be home alone. But this is one of those times.
“What's your name ma'am?” The voice continues, still in that calm tone.
Calleigh takes a breath “Calleigh Lewis Rollins.” She replies, with a shaky breath. Trying to calm down her beating heart.
“Do you know if they're armed?” The woman on the phone continues. Calleigh feels that ice cold feeling in her stomach. Armed? She didn't think about that at all. What if they're armed, what does she do then?
“I don't know. I don't know!” She shakily replies. Her voice on the verge of breaking. Without realizing that she does, she reaches for her pepper spray. The little 3 inch pink container designed as a keychain was easy to carry around, easy to use and it had a neutral design, which made it perfect to carry around for self defense.
“Calleigh, calm down. You're going to be fine. I'll dispatch a unit to your location. What's your address?” The voice continues in a calm soothing manner, which helps to calm Calleigh down.
“2837 Chandler Court” Calleigh replies, happy that she remembered the address. She hasn't lived here too long, and in this particular situation it's things like that that usually slips.
“Do you have any firearms in the house?” Another question about guns. It's not that Calleigh wasn't used to them, it was just that in this situation, guns didn't feel like a safe topic. And this is Texas, everyone has firearms.
“Y..Yeah, we have some. Seven or ten maybe.” Calleigh replies as she does a mental runthrough of the house, trying to remember where Jack keeps all his guns. The gun cabinet in the living room, the hide away cabinet in his bedroom, and the safe in the….. garage. Calleigh takes another shaky breath as she imagines some bad ass crocks breaking into that safe.
“I've dispatched a unit to your location. They'll be there in about ten minutes. And Calleigh, please lock the doors, and stay in the car until the unit arrives.” The voice on the phone informs her, still calm and collected. Calleigh can't believe how they manage to be this calm with people in shock, pain, rage, people who're scared out of their minds. But now, today, she's extremely thankful for it.
Clenching the container with pepper spray in her hand, Calleigh almost whispers into the phone “Yes. Thank you.”
“Calleigh, please stay in the car.” The lady on the phone says again. But Calleigh can hardly hear it. She flips the top of the container in her hand, as she hangs up the phone, and slowly exits the car.
With half an eye on the wrench around the unwilling screw, and half an eye on the bucket for the oil, Brock tries to get the screw to give. His left foot firmly planted on the concrete garage floor to steady himself, as he struggles to get the screw loose. His biceps flexing, the veins on his arm popping. His teeth clenched in concentration, and the sweat dripped from his forehead.
Brock applies just a bit more muscle power, determined to get the screw to give. The sweat on his hands makes him lose his grip around the wrench. His hand flies up, hitting the car, as the wrench falls to the floor, creating an echo around the oversized garage. “Aaaa, fuck,” he almost screams, as he shakes his hand to try to ease the pain.
The sound of metal hitting concrete, the echo that follows and the screaming make Calleigh jump. Her heart is beating out of her chest, and that ice cold feeling in her stomach comes back. Yes, the 9-1-1 dispatcher told her to lock the doors and stay in the car. But ten minutes? They should know how much damage that can be done within ten minutes. She had to leave the car. But with the screaming and the noise. Maybe she should've stayed put. Anyway, it's too late for that now.
Calleigh places her thumb on the top of the pepper spray container. “Stop what you're doing I have a weapon!” She yells, surprised by how firm her voice is, she lifts the container, ready to attack.
Brock jumps under the car from the voice yelling, something about a weapon. Startled, he tries to sit up, but since he's under the car, sitting up only serves for him to bang his head against the car. “Fuck! Shit! Don't shoot, I'm unarmed!” He yells back in a haste. Quickly moving the creeper, so he can stand up.
Getting up faster than he's ever done before, raising his arms to show whoever it is that he is indeed unarmed. “Don't shoot! I'm un-,” when he sees Calleigh he stops for a second “armed….” He breathes out in surprise at the woman standing before him. Beautiful. That's the only thing he can say about her; Silently in his mind of course.
Calleigh carefully drinks in the man in front of her. His well-worn jeans sit comfortably on his hips, a cloth tucked into the right side. His V-shaped lower abdomen is unlike anything she's seen before, leading up to a six-pack and impressive pecs that could be straight out of a commercial. The oil stains and sweat on his upper body add a sexy touch. Moving upward, she notices strong pecs lightly dusted with chest hair. As she lifts her face, broad-toned shoulders barely register in her mind compared to the veiny upper arms that make her knees feel weak. Before fully revealing the rest, she takes a breath and discovers a strong jawline, dark facial hair, followed by soft, playful, and kissable lips, a broad nose perfectly placed on his flawless face. As her gaze reaches further, she encounters two soft hazel brown eyes adorned with dark lashes and brows. Calleigh's heart skips a beat, and in surprise, she breathes out, "Brock?”
Brock had never seen such beauty and grace. Calleigh had blossomed into a stunning woman, with shoulder-length blonde locks with a few curls framing her face. Her soft pink lips were slightly parted in surprise, complementing her petite nose and accentuating the delicate curves of her upper lip. Her emerald eyes shone like gemstones, undoubtedly a Rollins family trait.
Brock swallows, his heart does a jump in his chest. “Calleigh?” His voice carried a bit of surprise. He remembered Calleigh as a rebellious 16-year old, getting belly-button piercings without permission. He did not expect this God sent beauty. And he's not sure how he should react. This is Jack's daughter. He shouldn't feel his heart jump like this because of her.
Jesus Christ, Calleigh thinks for herself. Did she just think about Brock's lips as kissable? Brock Rumlow? Her dad's best friend. Naha, no way. Take it back, take it back, take it back; she repeats the three words again and again in her head, like a mantra. It's all in vain, when Brock's lips slowly curl up into a half smile. His upper lip on the left side curls up, revealing his teeth. Calleigh feels drawn to it. It's like magnetism, an invisible force that's dragging her towards him. She swallows in a desperate attempt to keep her heart out of her throat. It's Brock, Calleigh! He's over 40 years old, and your dad's best friend; the voice in her head screams to her at this point.
"What errr..." Brock takes the cloth from his jeans and wipes his hands on it before continuing. "What are you doing here?" he questions, his eyes traveling over her. Her short-sleeved white shirt reveals the small dips by her collarbone, and Brock's fingers twitch as his mind imagines gliding his fingertips over them. He knows he shouldn't feel this way. Why does he feel this way? Further down the shirt lays tight over her breasts, Brock swallows from the sight of them. Jesus, get it together, Brock; he silently curses at himself.
“I live here.” Calleigh replies, before he can take in the rest of her. She rubs her hand on her neck. The garage offers shade and a living temperature, but she can still feel the heat from outside. And looking at Brock all sweaty and sexy isn't helping at all. “What are you doing here?” She continues, she knows that's a stupid question. He was on his creeper, under the car when she came in, and the oil stains are also a big giveaway.
“I'm fixing your Dad’s car,” Brock answers her question with a little smile, and a tap on the hood of the Impala. “How's that neighborhood watch thing going for ya?” He adds with a little chuckle.
“Huh?” Calleigh feels like she just fell out of the sky. And she imagines that it must look that way too.
Brock gestures with his head to the container in her right hand, and Calleigh looks down to see her thumb still firmly placed on the top of it. Quickly putting the cap back on, she puts her hand behind her back. “It's nothing. It's just…” she tries, but the damage is already done. The only thing she can hope for now, is that Brock won't tell Jack about it.
“For protection?” Brock asks, as he wipes his abs with the cloth. When Calleigh doesn't answer, he continues. “New York taught you a few things huh?” He delivers the question with an understanding head tilt.
Calleigh takes a breath “Yeah I guess you could say—“ she’s interrupted by sirens approaching.
Brock lets out a little laugh “You called the cops on me.” It's more of a statement than a question. Calleigh feels a rush of embarrassment, as Brock lets out another friendly laugh.
“Not so much on you.. I..” Calleigh starts, moving her legs nervously. “I.. I thought you were someone else,” she tries, but without any kind of words to complete that sentence.
“Well, guess I can only hope that they won't arrest me,” Brock continues to chuckle, as he swings the cloth over his left shoulder, and walks outside to face the police.
Calleigh stays behind for a second or two before she shakes her head and lets out an exasperating breath. This is too embarrassing. Did she really call the cops on Brock? Jesus, she's never going to hear the end of this. This'll be one of those stories that'll be mentioned in a speech at her wedding. She can just hear it in her head ‘And you can feel totally safe, Calleigh will protect her terf whatever the cost. I remember…’ Shaking her head again, she walks outside as well.
Not one, not two, but three units showed up. Thank you so much brain, for mentioning all the firearms in the house. Calleigh thinks to herself. Thankfully the misunderstanding was easy to clear up. Two of the officers knew Brock, which was understandable since Brock owned the only garage around that was certified to work on the police vehicles. And of course it helped that both the Lewis and the Rollins name was well known around these parts.
Just as the officers are leaving, Calleigh spots Mrs. Callahan across the street, coming out of her house with her walker. Mrs. Callahan was this tiny 4’9" little old lady, with long gray frizzy hair, she always wore white compression socks, a skirt with flower patterns on, a white shirt, a home knitted cardigan and brown slippers, she had lived across the street since forever. She was a really nice old lady, but she put her nose into absolutely everything.
“Miss Calleigh.” She yells across the street, with what little voice she has left. “Miss Calleigh, is everything alright?” She continues, as she walks across the street towards them.
“Yeah, Mrs. Callahan, everything is fine. Don’t worry.” Calleigh smiles at the old lady.
“I saw the police. Are you sure everything is alright? How's your father? Jack is such a sweetheart, don't you think?” Mrs. Callahan continues to talk. The thing with Mrs. Callahan was that after her husband passed away a few years ago, she had become very chatty. And if she started, there was almost no way of stopping her.
“Everything is perfectly fine Mrs. Callahan. It was just a misunderstanding” Brock shoots in, sending Calleigh an amused look when he says misunderstanding. “I can assure you that you can sleep safely.” He continues, giving the old lady a protective smile.
“O..Okay” Mrs. Callahan nods to Brock. Then she stops. “Would you be so kind as to walk an old lady back home, Brock?” She continues with her distinct old lady voice.
Brock sends Calleigh a small smile, before he offers his arm to Mrs. Callahan. When they start the short walk over the street, Calleigh can hear her say ‘Such a sweetheart, such a sweetheart’ over and over again. Calleigh can't help but smile. Both from the old lady calling Brock a sweetheart, and from the fact that Brock seriously makes her heart jump, and her stomach swoop. Both of which are feelings she's never had before.
Calleigh has just finished maneuvering her car into the garage when Brock returns. Still wearing nothing but his well worn work jeans, with oil stains and rips on them. And then that body. Calleigh swallows hard to not let out any type of sound that can give away how she reacts to this man.
“You want Apple pie?” Brock asks, holding up two Apple pies, one in each hand. “Because I have two of them,” he continues, looking from Calleigh to the pies, and then back to Calleigh again.
Mrs. Callahan might be nosy to the point where Calleigh almost felt uneasy about it. But the old lady did make the most delicious Apple pies. Sweet, zesty and sugary. With the most amazing Granny Smith apples, cooked until perfection, with that sweet taste of cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and sugar. Calleigh remembers them from the block parties when she was a little girl. Finishing up her dinner as fast as possible, to make sure she could grab a slice before they were all gone. Her mouth still goes watery when she thinks about it.
“She gave you two?” Calleigh laughs. Smiling wide. Partly for the thought of eating Mrs. Callahan's Apple pies again and partly from the thought that she might sit down with Brock and eat them. Why is that thought so prominent? It's not like Brock hasn't had dinner or food in general in this house before. She practically grew up with him around.
“Two isn't enough?” Brock questions, placing the two pies on the roof of Calleigh's car, before he starts to turn around. “Because I'm pretty sure I can get like five more,” he continues as he starts to leave the garage. Brock chides himself. What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he suddenly acting like a fuckin' teenager? Playing stupid flirting games, so that Calleigh will try to stop him, touch him. Jesus, Brock. He thinks for himself. Calleigh must think he's insane.
“No, no, no,” Calleigh hastily replies, grabbing Brock's wrist. “Two is –,” she involuntarily stops mid sentence from the sensation of Brock's skin against her palm. “Two is fine.. it's –” she continues, meeting his eyes as she lets go of his wrist. One of Brock's fingertips brushes over her palm, sending waves of shivers up her arm “perfect” she breathes out.
“Alrighty then,” Brock smiles, as he once again takes the pies. “Just heat them on 350, for 15 to 20 minutes, and we'll have ourselves a treat,” he continues as he opens the door that leads from the garage into the house.
Calleigh examines his broad and perfectly toned backside. His jeans fit perfectly over his behind. Calleigh swallows again. Stop it, she once again tells herself. “Maybe have a shower first?” She suggests, before she follows Brock. A shower? Really, Calleigh? She thinks to herself, the thought of naked Brock in the shower makes her want to slap herself. Cold shower it is. A really cold shower.
Calleigh locks the door to the downstairs bathroom, before leaning her forehead against the door. Oh,God. Is she stupid? It's frickin Brock for God's sake. What is she thinking? Turning around, she leans her back against the door, as she glances over the bathroom.
The bathroom had undergone a luxurious renovation. The once white walls were now covered in sleek black and gold marble tiles that gave the space a rich feel. The wood-look flooring stretched out, making the room seem spacious. Acoustic panels in complementary black and wood tones lined the ceiling. Gone was the indoor jacuzzi that Calleigh loved as a child, replaced by a double waterfall shower. Concrete shelves anchored the masculine vanity area. Perched atop were two oval basins crafted from natural river stone, marrying masculinity with luxury. A sauna for four to six sat in one corner, unused but admittedly stylish. Though unfamiliar, Calleigh had to concede the new bathroom was rather nice looking.
Stepping away from the door, Calleigh removes her work clothes, tossing them in the laundry basket by the door. Before she steps into the shower, she once again takes a look at herself in the mirror. She looks… What's the word? Young and inexperienced. Small breasts, though still firm and pointing the ‘right’ way, they're still small. Narrow hips. Damnit! Why does she care so much about this all of a sudden? Brock.. Like he would ever want someone like her. “Why do you care, Calleigh?” She says to the mirror, before she enters the shower.
The guest bathroom upstairs offers every accommodation a guest might need, whether it was a short or a longer stay. The modern design, such as the subway tiles in the shower, the floating shelves for towels and toiletries, the bathtub, with it's spa-like bath pillow, and the shower curtain, resting on a black shower rod, that stretched from one wall to another, mixed with the intricate black and white pattern on the floor tiles it gave the room a contemporary yet nostalgic charm.
Brock leans forward in the shower, leaning his arms against the wall as he lets the water wash over his neck, dripping down over his eyes and nose. He takes a deep breath. He'd almost forgotten that feeling. Aside from the fact that he'd promised himself to never go down that path again, he had to admit that it did feel good. That warm feeling, that was pumped out in his entire body with every heartbeat. That childish need for physical contact. But no. He couldn't do this. Not with her. Not with Calleigh. He's 26 years older than her, old compared to her. Though he was in good physical shape, he was still older than her. A lot older. After he took his therapist's advice to work out more to clear his head, his workout routine had become his safe place. A place where he didn’t have to think about Iraq or Afghanistan or Taylor. Just thinking about her name makes him feel cold. Calleigh, he thinks for himself. Calleigh with the gemstone eyes and perfect lips. Calleigh with the soft skin he felt when his fingers brushed over her palm. Calleigh… Yeah, Calleigh’s better. Calleigh’s definitely better. Fuck, what is he doing?
Calleigh looks between the knee-length tights and the white cotton shorts, weighing her options. The tights that cover more of her body or the comfortable shorts that's more suitable for this weather. God, this is just stupid. And why would Brock care anyway? Why does she care? Since when did what she wore around Brock become an issue? Opting for the shorts, she rolls her eyes at herself and her teenage-like thinking. The shorts fit better with the top anyway, and for some reason it feels important to look good right now.
After meticulously applying her make-up, Calleigh takes a good long look in the mirror. Her white shirt, with the blue and white butterfly pattern on the front sits perfectly on her body, hugging what's supposed to be hugged. Well, more like what's there to actually be hugged. Pouting a bit to her reflection and shaking her head at herself, she turns around checking if everything is in its right place. The straps on her bra are visible due to the shirts open back. After a few unsuccessful attempts trying to fix that issue, Calleigh gives up. Visible straps are better than a bikini anyway. No poolside relaxing today, there's no way she'll be strolling around in a tiny bikini with Brock around.
The red light that indicates that the oven has reached its wanted temperature turns off, and Calleigh places the two pies into the oven. Thankful that Brock wasn't done upstairs yet. Those feelings she gets when he's around. They're… Calleigh doesn't even have the words to describe them. Sure she's been in love before, or at least smittened. She even had boyfriends, not too many or to long lasting, but still. But the feeling never lasted. And it was never like this. That feeling of her stomach doing gymnastics inside of her. What is that? Looking at the pies warming in the oven. Calleigh tries to make some sense out of all these emotions.
“Wouldn't it be funnier to… I don't know, watch a movie or something?” The voice suddenly talking over Calleigh's head startles her to the point where she hastily stands up. Banging her head into Brock's chin. “Ouch” Brock breathes out as he lets his hand glide over his chin.
“Oh, God,” Calleigh replies. Her expression is a mix of embarrassment and guilt. “I'm so sorry. Are you okay?” She continues, and without realizing that she does she lifts her arm to touch him where they collided. His rugged facial hair tickles her fingers as she carefully let them glide over his chin.
“I gotta say that your self-defense technique is a little unorthodox,” Brock smiles. “But it works, it definitely works,” he continues. The feeling he gets from Calleigh's touch is unlike anything he's ever felt before. A mix of excitement, guilt and that warm feeling spreading throughout his body.
Calleigh can't help but laugh. Brock always used to be funny, kinda like the cool uncle she never had since both her parents were an only child. She can remember millions of times when she was younger. Brock taking her to amusement parks, Brock dressing up as various animals or superheroes for her birthday parties, Brock letting her ride shotgun with him, even though Jack had told him not to. But for some reason the funny he shows her now, that funny feels different.
Suddenly realizing she's still touching him, Calleigh reatracts her hand, covering it with the other hand as she gives Brock an apologetic smile. What's gotten into her? Why does she feel like this around him all of a sudden?
“Is your head alright?” Brock asks, almost instantly regretting his poor choice of words. “From the… err.. bump,” he adds, when he sees the confusion on Calleigh's face. He lifts his hand, and carefully lets it glide over her head.
“Yeah”, Calleigh breathes out as she once again meets Brock's eyes. “I'm…” she continues, as Brock's hand glides down to her neck before stopping on her shoulder. “Good..” Whispering the last word so low that she's not sure Brock even hears it. It's definitely a connection between them. Or is it? Is she fooling herself? And if that's the case, then why?
The evening goes on. With Apple pies, ice cream, a movie on TV and a phone call from a worried Jack.
Mrs. Callahan had called him, and told him about the police being at the house. No surprise there. After about 14 failed attempts to call Calleigh, Jack had resolved to call Brock. Overprotective as he was, he was worried out of his mind. Before Brock explained how everything really went down, Jack was like two seconds away from jumping on the first flight back home. But after some discussion back and forth Brock had told him that he'd stay with Calleigh for the duration of Jack's stay in Chicago. For Calleigh, Jack's overprotectiveness in this situation was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing since this meant that she could spend some more time with Brock, and a curse for that exact same reason.
After getting ready for bed, and before she turns off the lights, Calleigh sends a message in the group chat she shares with Molly and Jess.
‘Call me ASAP. I need to talk.’
No matter if there's a connection there or not, Calleigh needs to talk to someone about this. It's way too heavy to carry by herself. And what better people to talk to, than her two best friends.
Next Chapter ------->
@nekoannie-chan @rip1009 @late-to-the-party-81 @ladysif8
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eddieheart · 2 years
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Fandom: 911 (fox)
Pairings: eventual Buck x OC
Words: 773
Description: The 118 gets sent on an unusual call
"911, what's your emergency."
"It's my fucking neighbours again! There doing some satanic ritual in their yard! There's a huge fire which I know they don't have a permit for and they’re trespassing and they're naked! Come now!"
When the 118 drove up to the farmhouse they knew this would be a crazy call. People dancing around a fire naked, doing a satanic ritual? It was bound to turn out weirder than normal.
Buck was the first to hop out of the truck, he may be changed, but he was more than exited to see what was going on. The ambulance was called as a precaution in case they really were sacrificing somebody.
The group could see a pale light coming from beyond the trees and smoke rising above, they followed the light into the woods and behind the house, all the way out into a field shrouded by brush.
Buck peaked his head through the trees and couldn't believe his eyes. About 10, maybe more, women dressed in white gowns dancing around a bonfire. His eyes widened in wonder.
They all watched as a woman approached from afar, walking up to the women. Buck was amazed, she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.
Fair skin, dark hair and even darker eyes. An effigy of sorts was held in her hands, a doll made of straw and decorated with bits of fabric. Their eyes never left her or the woman as she through the doll into the fire.
"C'mon guys, let's break this up. LAFD! We got a call about a fire!" Bobby yelled out.
The group of women broke out into whispers as the group trampled through the bush to get to the girls. The one who's thrown the doll was the first to step away and address the firefighters.
"There's a path to your right, you could've used that instead of trampling our trees to death." The women started to move away from the fire, whispering to each other and crowding around the fierce woman.
"I got this," Buck said as he gave Bobby a pat on the back and stepped in front of him. "We got a call about a group of naked women doing a satanic ritual around a huge fire with no permit on private property." He smirked at the brunet as he spoke.
A red headed girl behind her scoffed and pushed her way forward.
"Satanic! Really! Screw you bro! That is so-!" The brunet interrupted her and held a hand up in surrender to stop her from charging forward.
Buck flinched back, obviously he'd said the wrong thing. Bobby rubbed the bridge if his nose and rolled his eyes.
"Lilly! Let me." She spoke confidently before turning back to the offending party. "First of all, we aren’t satanists, we're pagan. Secondly, we are not and never will be naked, that's an accident waiting to happen. Thirdly, this fire has a permit and finally this is private property, our private property, we're allowed to be here."
"We're gonna need to see that permit." Bobby said sternly. The girl looked him up and down with her eyes, sizing him up.
"Fine, follow me, on the path this time." She said sharply. The whispering group of women waited for the other group to go first before all but two followed, staying to watch the fire.
The large group was ushered into a small farmhouse. The brunet girl was the first inside, quickly scampering into the kitchen, grabbing the permit off the kitchen table.
Buck just now noticed she had no shoes on, glancing around at the other women he notice they too were barefoot.
"Here you go sir, perfectly valid permit. Would you all like some tea?" She asked kindly, finally getting a chance to look at the group of intruders.
"No that alright we should be go-."
"I would love a cup of tea." Buck replied with a smile.
"Alright one cup of tea for..." she trailed off, waiting for his name.
"Buck, and you are?" He stepped forward, shaking her hand softly while smiling.
"Everyone calls me Magpie." The work seemed to stop and Buck gazed into her eyes, still holding her soft hand in his calloused one, they stared deeply into each other's eyes.
Their moment was interrupted by a yawl coming from behind them. Buck laughed nervously and took his hand back as a small grey and white cat entered the room.
"This is Pluto." She chuckled before turning away to the kitchen.
Hen and Chimney stared back at Buck judgementally, did he really have to flirt while they were on the job?
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Tag Game: Fandom Edition
I was tagged by both @mistmarauder and @princessfbi, presumably to expose me.
Current Hyperfixation: 911 (it's appalling how fast that came back) and my original blorbos
Previous Hyperfixation: Uh... probably Timeless? That show held me strong in its grip for two solid years but I don't think there was anything super strong before or - OH YEAH. REDDIE. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN FALL OF 2019. A DIFFERENT TIME.
Top 5 Ships of All Time: Buddie (911), Phrack (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries), Spirk (Star Trek), Garcy/Garcyatt (Timeless), and Kastle (The Punisher - look I'm still mad, okay? I'm always gonna be mad. the scars run deep!!!)
Top 5 Ships at the Moment: Buddie (911), Xedgin (DND:HAT), House/Wilson/Cuddy (House M.D.), Dom/Brian (DO NOT JUDGE ME. LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE, BITCHES), and Jisbon from The Mentalist
Top 5 Fandoms of All Time: I'm terrible at being "in" fandoms so this is a mix of fandoms I was active in and fandoms whose fic I devoured the most - 911, The Man From UNCLE, Star Trek, Timeless, IT
(Honorary mention to Castle - since I really was SO into that show - but it hasn't stood the test of time with me the way other fandoms such as Star Trek have.)
Favorite Female Character of All Time: Phryne Fisher
Favorite Minor Character of All Time: Xenk Yendar (he is, sadly, only in the film for about 15 minutes)
A Rarepair that you love: As the official captain of both Garcyatt and Jamy, I have to go with them
Favorite Movie: The Man from UNCLE (the people who joined me post-Timeless and 911 have NO idea the insanity that movie inspired in me. NONE WHATSOEVER. @captainofthefallen KNOWS!!! SHE WAS THERE, GANDALF!!!)
Favorite TV Series: 9-1-1 and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Favorite Book: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
First Site you Ever Read Fanfiction on: I don't even remember the name. Um. Uh. It was a LotR site.
Where You Find Most of your Fanfiction Today: Ao3
Favorite Social Media Site for Fandom: Tumblr
Tagging: @captainofthefallen @givemeunicorns @lisbonsteresa @devilsbrokerank
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ryder-weston · 2 months
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[ michael evans behling, cis man, he/him ] — whoa! RYDER WESTON just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 4 YEARS, working as a FIREFIGHTER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 30 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit DISOBEDIENT and SHORT-SIGHTED , but i know them to be FAITHFUL and NINBLE-FOOTED. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN! —
full name: ryder james weston
nickname(s): ry, rj
pronouns & gender: he/him & cis man
sexuality: pansexual
age: thirty
relationship status: single
birth date: december 31, 1993
birth place: savannah, georgia
hometown; savannah, georgia
time in town: since february 2020
occupation: firefighter
parents: selina & marianna weston
siblings: hudson weston, jayden weston, & finley weston
personality: disobedient, short-sighted, faithful, and nibble footed
pet: none
children: none
celebrity doppelgänger: darren barnet
height: 5'10"
hair color: black
eye color: brown
color: hunter green
non-alcoholic beverage: vanilla milkshake
alcoholic beverage: any kind of beer
season: winter
candle scent: fresh bsalm
book: n/a
video game: gta 5
tv show: 911
animated tv show: big mouth
movie: mystic pizza
holiday movie: the polar express
disney movie: hercules
pixar movie: zootopia
disney original movie: the thirteenth year
candy: sweedish fish
chocolate candy: sno-caps
Fruit: orange's
Vegetable: celery
cuisine to eat: anything mexican
cuisine to make: anything frozen
genre of music: punk-pop
artist: charlotte sands
band: all time low & falling in reverse
song: getaway green by all time low
tw; death
Even though Ryder could be seen blasting All Time Low or Falling In Reverse, he was a southern boy at heart. He still enjoyed the classics of Luke Bryan, Luke Combs, Travis Scott, and other country artists, you just wouldn’t know it from looking at him. He grew up with two beautiful moms who loved him dearly. They were both his biological parents as Ryder was conceived before one of his parents went through hormone treatment and transitioned from male to female. Of course his other mother was completely supportive and would love her life partner through anything. 
Since his one mom had transitioned, they weren’t able to have kids that were both biologically theirs so instead of getting a donor, they decided to adopt because there were so many kids out there in the world who needed a home. When Ryder was four years old, they brought home a set of twins, a boy and a girl. Ryder loved being the older brother and was constantly protecting them like they were his own children. Then when Ryder was six and the twins were two, they decided to adopt one more child. 
Even through his school years, he was protective of them and would always have their best interest at heart. Their parents both worked in the medical field and they wanted their kids to follow suit but knew that it was unrealistic as it was not something that everybody was good at. Ryder on one hand was exceptional when it came to numbers and calculations. Teachers would think that he was cheating on his tests because he wouldn’t have to show his work for his math problems, but he was able to solve a lot of problems in his head. 
It was no surprise that when it came to graduate high school and go to college, Ryder has chosen accounting. He chose a school right near home so that he could still help his moms out with the other kids and be close to them because that’s how they all were. Of course he excelled in all of the accounting classes and he graduated at the top of his class. He had a beautiful girlfriend at the end of his college career and it seemed like the two of them were going to spend the rest of their lives together. He seemed like the superstar of them family. 
Ryder got a job in an accounting firm where he was producing work of people who were there for fifteen years. They were really surprised and he moved up the corporate ladder quite fast. Ryder had moved out of his home and moved in with his girlfriend turned fiance and they were planning the wedding of their lives. 
One night, Ryder was hanging out with his friend and there was a fire in their apartment complex. He freaked out and he unfortunately had to choose between saving his fiance or his best friend and he saved his fiance and his best friend passed away in the fire. Ryder fell into a dark pit to the point where he had to go to therapy. He did that for a few months before he dropped everything and decided he needed a fresh start. Of course he didn’t think that he could do it but he had to do it. He packed up his things and didn’t tell anyone where he was going but he moved to Brooklyn where he became a firefighter because he didn’t want something like this to ever happen to him again. He needed a complete change and he hates that he hurt and left the people behind but he didn’t tell anyone where he was going. 
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