#90s media
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greenwoodsister · 2 years ago
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radiohead by pat pope, 1996
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learningfromlosing · 10 months ago
Malcolm in the Middle is such an amazing show. The acting was seriously saturated in pure talent. The writing was so funny. The characters had such depth to them. You watch it today and get so much nostalgia for the late 90s early 2000s without feeling like it's a cheesy representation. With my family life, I used to relate so much to the horrible mother troupe and id hate Lois and I would sympathize with the kids and feel seen; and now that I'm an adult and I can process things so much better and I can see there're huge differences between my own mother and Lois and I can appreciate Lois more as a mother and character now; while actually seeing someone I can relate to now as well. With that I love seeing how much Hal genuinely loves Lois with all of himself. He's just obsessed with her and I genuinely believe it. It's the exact opposite of the shows at the time where husbands hate their wives and gawk at other women. There's an entire episode where Lois is literally angry because she cannot fathom that Hal, after all the years of marriage has never thought or looked at another woman when she's looked at other men; it was just agreed upon, brought up by him, that he loves her more and it genuinely wouldn't work as well if she did. I love being able to love this show so much as a kid and take as much as I did then, and be able to rewatch it again as an adult, see it through a different perspective and get even more out of it now. I can see how beautiful Lois is as a woman and I never could when I was young. I can still sympathize with the kids as I did when I was one, but I can also see the grown up version of how things are handled and can understand all the sides. It's truly an amazing piece of media.
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alphachromeyayo · 1 year ago
Cyberpunk 2077 got me making heavy music for smashing ice and installing daemons 🤘💾🌐❄️
(with some help from a ludicrously '90s Shadowrun commercial)
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sofia-arabella · 4 months ago
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Vogue US October 1990
obsessed with this Christian Lacroix little black dress
Christy Turlington photographed by Irving Penn
fashion editor :Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele
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anacondabxllpit · 1 year ago
Not only do I want to dedicate this account to jackass but to 80s,90s and 2000s media/physical media and fashion and my collections surrounding those. Primarily everything is gonna be jackass (DUHHH) but autism is a disease and I just can’t help but talk about my physical media collections
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1997thebracket · 2 years ago
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The year is 1997: You have a teal starter jacket, the internet is entering its awkward adolescence, and pop culture is everything.
Do you enjoy brackets, but feel they just make a little too much sense? Are you burdened by clearly-themed logical categorization? Does your sense of humor make the concept of pitting basketball-playing aliens against a political rebrand funny? You’re in good company, friend.
Here’s the recipe: I made a list of albums, movies, television shows, games, pop culture moments, newsworthy events, and new products from the year 1997. Then I whacked ‘em all in a randomizer, and invited a lovely bunch of dinner guests to eliminate choices until a champion is found. Bon appétit!
Official starting date of bracket 9/06 at 12pm EST!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
Watching X-Files 30 years late
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I started last year to watch X-Files as it was released on German Disney+. For once, because my bestie adores the show. But also... I mean, this show was so important for the development of early internet fandoms. So I had to check out what was up with it. I have been watching it on and off over the last year and am right now in season 4.
And oh boy, I tell you: On one hand I kinda get it. The characters are really engaging and fun. The actors are really good in this show, too. And while a lot of the scares are fairly cheap, some episodes really make for good horror.
But... there is a reason why I am watching it on and off. Because at the same time this show has me eyerolling so hard.
Really, my two biggest issues with the show is really how it deals with Scully. On two fronts. On the one front it is just how often Scully ends up to be the damsel in distress. Sometimes there are like five episodes in a row in which Scully needs to be rescued by Mulder. And while there are episodes in which Mulder needs rescuing, those are very rare. And it is just... No, fuck this. Scully is such a good character, let her save herself.
The other issue is Scully's immunity against accepting the paranormal. Like, I am almost at the end of season 4 and by now there have been almost a hundred episodes in which again and again Scully was face to face with the paranormal. Yet, every time again and again when they have a new X File and Mulder is like: "Oh, yes, this is probably this paranormal phenomenon." She will go like: "DOUBT!"
I get that the "believer vs sceptic" dynamic is the core of the show and the dynamic is really fun. But the fact is that Mulder is right like 90% of the time, which makes this not really work for me. Like... have them be right 50/50. Sometimes it is paranormal, sometimes it has a rational explanation.
I know, this is basically senseless to complain about 30 years later. But... man, I roll my eyes so hard.
Other than that, of course, there is a lot of stuff that is just typical for the age. Like, the shows handling of disabilities - especially mental disabilities - is abysmal. The way they handle other cultures is often not much better. Like, there are a couple episodes that do surprisingly good, but also some that really go deep into racist stereotypes.
Still, weirdly enough the show is often quite comforting to watch. It is weird.
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arcanegifs · 4 months ago
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: 2x08 - “Killing is a Cycle”
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greenwoodsister · 2 years ago
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radiohead for musician #227, september 1997
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theinternetarchive · 3 months ago
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ad for a video finding business in filmfax magazine, 1990.
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alphachromeyayo · 1 year ago
This 1992 doujin game is something else. Run away from a massive man trying to punch you to bits
It's called Oshioki Kirai 2 and it's on PC-98
Apparently in later levels he attacks you with chopsticks, napkins and other household items
I'll, uh, share footage if I ever get past the first level
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honeygleam · 9 months ago
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cheryl dunye and guinevere turner as cheryl and diana in the watermelon woman (1996) dir. cheryl dunye
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rin-the-cat · 9 months ago
I saw someone complain about Al being hophobic in "Running For Honor. " But man, you gotta keep in mind when it was written. In 1992 homophobia was the default. Even those people who were generally accepting were still "live and let live as long as I don't have to see it."
Homophobia in the military was especially common, and Al's reaction was period appropriate (and by that, I mean it was typical of the period, not that it was appropriate because he was still wrong.) As someone who lived through the 90s it would have been shocking to me if Al as a man who identified as straight in the military was comfortable serving alongside a gay man. Is it uncomfortable to watch today? Yes, and it should be. It's a mark of how far we've come. But it is a disservice to anyone who lived through this era as a member of the LGBTQ community if we forget or ignore the prejudices and struggles that they faced.
It was a groundbreaking episode and still holds up today.
can you imagine how hard my jaw was on the floor when i was rewatching quantum leap and sam frantically said "that's why i'm here al i'm here to stop the LA Riots!" and al snapped back IMMEDIATELY with "YOU CAN'T STOP THE LA RIOTS, THIS HAS BEEN BREWING SINCE THE FIRST INJUSTICES AGAINST KIDNAPPED AFRICANS, SINCE SLAVERY, SINCE JIM CROW BEAT DOWN EVERY BLACK AMERICAN, THE RIOTS MUST HAPPEN AS A CRY FOR JUSTICE" (paraphrased from memory)
like DUDE? early 90s???
they aired a don't ask don't tell episode in '95 FULL WELL KNOWING they'd lose $100,000 and pulled off the air for good. Like they still held out that they'd make more QL, but they didn't regret doing a full GAYS IN THE MILITARY episode at a time where that just DID not happen. Matthew Shepard was still alive for chrissakes.
fucking. quantum leap, man.
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fr0gst0mpp · 10 months ago
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a picture i took
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witchrealms · 1 month ago
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silphwave · 1 year ago
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