doctorsiren · 7 months
i’m here to spread the gospel about my personal favorite au that i cooked up: the young trucy au. basically everything is the same but trucy, by the time apollo justice happens, is actually 8. nick got her as basically a baby, i’m still working out the before times (like the trial where nick got disbarred) but. the important things to know is that in turnabout corner, mr. hat (a white rabbit plushie) got stolen, trucy joins the investigation and she’s wearing a goose onesie. she almost immediately wins the heart of apollo by dubbing him polly.
basically it’s very sweet, imagine her 8year old sprite but her cape, hat, and bag are blue, and she is always holding on to something and someone. two hands occupied babey.
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softieekayy · 3 months
Guys, I just had a shower thought. Leave a comment if you’re interested in reading an alicent lovers to enemies (older or younger.) and a Criston Cole preist au where he falls in lover with a younger (7-8years) woman and is conflicted between his faith and his heart.
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swampcatzx · 5 months
Can you tell me about your creepypasta oc? Like their lore or smth :D
OMG HII THANKS YOU SM you dont know how happy this question made me!!
okay so Nevada's Lore!
They were Born into a pretty wealthy family;their father was a Scientist/Nuclear chemistry profesor who also happend to serve Slenderman.
Their mom on the other hand was a opera Singer!They had a rough relationship but as the story goes on it gets better.
When Nevada was around 9/8years old their father went missing and was never seen again which was shocking to everyone since he either worked at the local university teaching or reaserched/worked something in his lab he wasnt really like most proxies since he was under the rank of a reasercher proxy(BASICALLY a scientist rank in my au)which ment he wasnt really put in Direct danger most of the time.
After his disapearence Nevada gets taken away and is forced to stay on their cousins farm which was runned by "Billy"/Christa, the whole farm is also working for operator.
Before their father went missing he left a long note for Christa BASICALLY saying he wants her to take Nevada on the farm and teach them/train them so they would take his place and continue his reaserch.
however Billy's approach to that was....pretty hardcore you could say since she basically put a scalpel in 9 yo Nevada's hands making them cut up pigs etc.Christa was down right abusive towards young Nevada until they hit 15 and leave to study under Nurses Ann care.(in my au Ann Has like a little lab/clinic on the outskirts of the town she also trains future reaserchers and medics!:3)After the training was finished Nev was sent to work in the local funeral parlor with a secret lab in the basement.
that's basically their whole backstory!!i will be posting more details etc!!if someone Has some more questions ill be more happy to answear them.
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closetgremlin · 6 years
Tell me something you've never said out loud before.
He paused, thinking. His eyes slid towards the mirror he knew was double-sided, towards the one behind the glass - he couldn't see them, but he knew. Even without his magic, he knew. He stared at where he thought their eyes were for a moment, then his gaze shifted down to the table in front of him.
He was silent awhile. He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, brought one up subconsciously and started biting on a small button on the cuff. His gaze grew deep and far, reaching into himself. Something he'd never told anyone…
"When I was younger," he started finally, voice soft and quiet, "my best friend was afraid of thunderstorms. Terrified, even. I would always try to distract them from it when one came along - singing, music, movies, whatever." He paused, eyes moving to a spot on the demon's torso above the table. "I used to love thunderstorms because of that. Because it felt like… like I was the only one who could, I suppose. The only one who could ever calm him down, or comfort him, or…" He trailed off, lost in thought.
There was a long stretch of silence.
"'Used to'?" the demon asked.
He looked up, meeting the demon's eyes this time. His eyes were dark, mostly in a place inside himself still, and it took him a moment to process what the demon said. He stared blankly.
"'Used to'," the demon repeated. "You said you 'used to' love thunderstorms. What happened?"
He blinked slowly.
"I don't have to answer that," he said slowly, stiffly, eyes distant, but… guarded, now.
"No," the demon said simply, honestly. "You don't. Curiosity, is all."
He stared a moment longer, then gave a simple shrug.
"Bittersweet, is all," he said simply, honestly.
He said nothing more.
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aobawilliams · 4 years
I wish you would write about Shrunk! Nakamori-keibu AND Shrunk! KID. Like they both had got poisoned by Apotoxin4869 during a confrontation with Snake (Nakamori-keibu was just the unlucky dude who reached the rooftop after KID first this time in this scenario and saw something he shouldn't be). Kaito got turned into a kid just like how Shinichi did, but Nakamori ended up becoming a teenager after that the two are forced to work together
I wish you would write a fic where...
(What is it with all the shrunk AU, is this the vibe I keep giving)
I think, instead of getting them poisoned at the same time, it would be on different instances.
So let’s go with Snake having links to the BO, enough to be given their accidental poison, or maybe he stole it from them at some instance, whatever.
Snake managed to corner KID, except there is too much police presence around to just shoot him and be done with it. Luckily, he got that horribly painful indetectable poison, and feed it to KID. KID was hurt beforehand, and that’s why he cannot avoid getting poisoned. Sadly, income noise/presence means Snake cannot stay to make sure the fucker stay dead this time, but he’s been told there’s 100% mortality rate and so he leaves.
KID manage to put himself out of the way before anyone can stumble across him. Once the coast is clear, he calls Jii to come and get him. And after a little breakdown, Kaito starts planning (even though Jii is asking him to rest a bit, Kaito can’t stop now, he has to do something to salvage this situation.) So after a call to his mother, “Kaito Kuroba” suddenly has to leave Japan to go live with his mother in the US.
He also refuses to let Kaito KID disappear, even though both Jii and Chikage are begging him to stop, he coulda, should have died, it was only luck that saved him. But he refused to let them win. So at first it was mostly Jii taking his place whenever he have to appear, or carefully crafted optical illusion (like using shadows and stuff so he can still look taller, etc.), and so KID stay in the game, which pisses off Snake a great deal because how did he survive death twice? But there is also a change in modus operandi, that the KID task force (and Conan and Hakuba) notices.
Hakuba investigate Kaito’s disappearance (especially once he learns he didn’t say anything beforehand to the Nakamori, and that it seems to be a decision that came from nowhere to just leave) and KID change of modus operandi. Main opinion is that Kaito died and someone else took his place as a third KID.
Nakamori investigate what could have made KID change his modus operandi, but refuses Hakuba’s theory that it’s linked to Kaito leaving. He dig through what happened on the last heist before The Change, and slowly starts finding information that was “lost”, about gunshot and blood and screams.
He get too close at some point, and got fed the APTX. Maybe Snake says something about having given some to KID, even though the thief somehow survived, the inspector shouldn’t have his luck.
(Except he does, and he survives, only younger.)
Now Kaito has gone to ground when he got shrunk, but he still keeps an eye on the Nakamoris (and generally on anyone investigating KID) which lead him to finding shrunk Nakamori.
Something interesting to explore would be Nakamori’s reaction, and how he would deal with stumbling on this investigation, considering he’s a police officer who has no knowledge of the BO beforehand. Who would he seek for help? He most likely would try to avoid his daughter, but I can imagine him seeking help from the police because (to some extent) he trusts them (and he doesn’t know the BO got their hands everywhere, even though he got some doubts considering all the information that wasn’t reported on in the KID investigation).
So I guess he would go look for some trusted officer, except they don’t believe him. Because, really, who would? This is surreal and sounds like a joke. Luckily, Kaito hear about it soon enough (or he sees him exit the police station), and friendly kidnap Nakamori, and then they plan.
I guess Conan would hear about Nakamori’s disappearance, and maybe some rumor about a teenager who came to the police station saying he’s Nakamori and got poisoned and shrunk, and from this point he would get involved in finding him and in that way find out about KID.
They team up, they take down the BO, they find an antidote, happy end.
Ginzo kicked a rock as he exited the station. He thought his men would be better than that, that they would at least give him the benefit of the doubt, but they only ignored him. He kicked it harder. What could he do now? Who would believe an apparent teenager with such concerns?
With all the teen detectives running around, you would think they’ll listen more to a teenager’s concern, he thought darkly.
He kicked the rock a third time, passing in front of an alleyway, when he felt an arm snake around his waist, a hand on his mouth before he even got the thought to scream. He tried kicking around, but his smaller stature made his training ineffective, and he got dragged to the alleyway without anyone noticing.
“Please calm down, Inspector Nakamori,” an old man’s voice said to his ear. It sounded familiar but he couldn’t place it. He still tried kicking around a bit more, but it proved ineffectual.
Still, how does that man knew he was Nakamori? No one believed him at the station, and he knew this wasn’t one of the officer.
He had no time to ponder as he was dragged into a car. The door locked, and he turned toward his kidnappers.
The front door opened to let the old man in, and no wonder he was familiar.
“Jii, is that you?” he hadn’t expected to see Toichi’s old assistant anytime soon. 
And sitting at the front passenger sit, a kid. He looked familiar as well, and as he turned toward Ginzo and smiled, this led no doubt.
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I think bryke deprived us of a career woman with kids, so baby linumi HC’s ?
Yes, my dear anon, you are very very right. Bryke did deprive us of a badass career-orientated woman with even more badass babies. I'm going to go full AU, where there's no Linzin- just Bumi and Lin getting together at some point in their 20s. They'd have the same 7-8year age difference, but I see them connecting perfectly despite that. So here are some of my headcanons for the same:
- I like to think that Lin and Bumi didn't plan on having kids. I believe that they went into their marriage/relationship with the idea that neither of them needed the "fulfillment" of children. So, baby number one has got to be an accident. A very happy and welcome accident.
- Baby number two is probably planned. They realize that while one itself is quite a handful, given their careers and such, they do make extremely cute babies, that there has to be more of where that came from and baby number one needs a friend. Besides, baby-making is quite a fun pastime.
- For some reason, I love the idea of Bumi with two little girls that he is super protective over. They're both total daddy's little girls and get away with absolutely anything.
- The older one is an Earthbender (as they'd predicted- the Beifong gene really loves to shine), but she's shy, timid, soft-spoken with Aang's sense of humor. She has Lin's black hair, Bumi's skin color, and Katara's piercing blue eyes. She's very fond of Grandpa Aang and a little scared (even though she loves her) of Grandma Toph. She's extremely creative and loves indulging in various hobbies in her free time.
- So that makes the younger one an Airbender. She is highly opinionated, sharp-tongued, and witty. A true prodigal Beifong who is also adept in meditating and all things spiritual. She is light-skinned like Lin, with brown hair and deep green eyes. She is capable of a lot of mischief, courtesy of Grandma Toph.
- Like any siblings, both of them tend to clash having totally polar personalities, but they have a very strong sense of family values. Of course, they learned this from their parents' examples.
- Since there's no Linzin drama in this AU, with Lin and Tenzin being so close in age, they're the best of friends. They'd often train together- the sweet little Earthbender with a relentless Lin and the Airbender with giving Tenzin a run for his money.
- However, it does create some insecurities for Bumi, as a non-bender, that Tenzin may have been a better match for Lin. But Lin is extremely reassuring when she says stuff like "I didn't push out two of those because it was fun. I did that because I love you, and I don't see myself producing fireflakes stealing hooligan clones of myself with anyone else."
- While Lin is blatantly protective of her family, Bumi's more happy-go-lucky demeanor makes a full 180 when anything threatens his family. Boy trouble at school? Bumi is ready to break some teeth. A criminal speaking/acting disrespectfully towards Lin? He totally breaks some teeth.
- Do the girls totally cheer when their badass parents are kicking villain ass on the daily? They absolutely have a secret anthem for it.
Okay this is turning into a whole- I can't even call this a plotbunny- It's a freaking plotwhale.
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
Gods and DemiGods:
Gods are born as really sturdy human babies to children (0-8years old)
They grow into their domains and some domains are predetermined others are just how you are raised
Gods have many domains (3+)
 Demigods are a thing and they have 1 or 2 domains 
Gods can die until they are 25 years old then they cannot.. kinda
(How Foolish died is because he is the God of sea, rebirth, death, and storms. He didn't truly die in this au because he gets reborn)
Gods can have children (duh cause demigods). They can have godly children.
They bleed gold which is kinda dumb as lots of people will kill baby gods.
Gods can have bio siblings even if they just popped into existence
While technically Gods so many share domains so they live away from each other to do their domains. At Least most common domains
There is only 1 God of Death (which is Kristin). Like cares for the dead. Foolish causes death and she gathers undead souls.
To be a rarer domain you have to be born with it predetermined.
Demigods are long living but not immortal
Gods are immortal unless another god kills them
Baby Gods are reliant on Bio Godparents raising them if they have them or the kindness of mortals
All for Now in this Section
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marcsund · 3 years
2005 vs 2020
In 2005, I already been painting commissions for about 8years and made good money with it. Let’s say I could have stayed there and with a little bit more effort I would have made enough to live a pleasant lifestyle. But even back then I already knew that making money by painting commission art only was not going to be my way of art personally. Painting commissions only felt like I was only learning how to paint the images out of the client mind rather than learning to paint the images from my own mind. For that reason I stop painting commissions in 2010. That has been a phase where I felt quite tired artistically and didn't painted much new stuff. Like this visual comparison between my 2005 and my 2020 piece that experience showed me that there is always potential for development despite how far you might think you are with your skills.
In 2005 war ich bereit 8 Jahre aktiv am Malen und verdiente durch Auftragsarbeiten relativ gutes Geld. Sagen wir mal ich hätte mir aktiver Aufträge suchen können und für einen angenehmen Lebensunterhalt wäre gesorgt gewesen. Jedoch wusste ich damals schon instinktiv, dass ich das für mich persönlich nie wollte. Diese Art zu Malen behinderte meine mir gewünschte Entwicklung, da es mich nur lehrte die Bilder aus den Köpfen der Auftraggeber zu malen und nicht die Bilder aus meinem Kopf. Daher hörte ich bis spätestens 2010 endgültig auf mit Auftragsarbeiten. In dieser Phase fühlte ich mich künstlerisch ziemlich müde und malte wenig Neues bis 2012-13. Aber wie dieser bildliche Vergleich zwischen 2005 und 2020 zeigte auch diese Erfahrung mir das egal wie gut man meint zu seien es gibt immer noch Entwicklungspotential.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
WIP List
**This is just to show you guys what pops up into my head and what I plan on working on. I’ve got all of the requests up until today. I’m excited for all of these just need to get cracking on my keyboard!**
Fallin’ All In You Side Pieces: So many planned!
Stiles x Reader Series: In Love With Someone Else 7 parts. Angsty Romance. In Progress!!
Blue Jones x Innocent!Reader Series: He’s a club owner and she shows up at his club for one of her friend’s bachelorette parties. She is enchanted by the dancers at his club and when Blue sees her he knows he has to have her as his own. Smut insues.
Poe Dameron x Prisoner!Reader Series: Poe is captured by the First Order and is thrown in a cell. While he’s there he befriends a fellow prisoner that he can’t see but they talk all the time to distract themselves from being captured. When Finn and Rey come to save him Poe sees the Reader and is unable to save her as the First Order is coming but she tells him it’s okay. She’ll see him again.
Whiskey x Readers Series: Whiskey and Reader have a relationship like Roz and Mike Wazoski from Monster’s Inc. Reader is constantly hounding him for his reports that he keeps turning in late which puts her in a bind with her surperiors. Whiskey keeps dodging her and she finally gets fed up and slams him against the wall in the hallway and threatens him. Whiskey is shook and suddenly he’s like a puppy dog tailing her trying to get on her good side. Reader is confused now and is exasperated with the underfoot agent.
Stiles x Reader Series: Operation Open Their Eyes. 9 parts. The pack can see that Stiles and Reader are head over heels for each other but they can’t see it. So the pack decides that they’re going to help them see it.
Whiskey x British!Reader Series: Sex around the globe. Whiskey and Reader have been working on taking down an international terrorist group that has multiple locations and along the way things get a little heated between the two. Places they hit UK (England), Wales, Ireland, Australia, Hawaii, Kentucky/New York.
Whiskey x Reader Series: Inspired by The Mummy. Whiskey is O’Connell and Tequila is Jonathan.
Whiskey x Reader Series: Tangled inspired. Whiskey is sent on a mission to retrieve “something precious” from a secluded island. Only to come find out that this “something precious” is actually a woman who has never been off the island since she was captured by the baddie. Whiskey has to get her back home and it’s a long trek and he slowly falls in love with her during it.
Whiskey x Reader AU Series: Whiskey is a single dad who lives in your neighborhood. You're kinda like a community leader and are always looking for everyone, i.e. always doing grocery runs for the elderly neighbors, cooking freezer meals for the tired work moms, mowing your neighbors lawn while they're away on vacation. So when Whiskey puts out an ad for a babysitter for his 8year old daughter you answer it and offer to babysit while he goes away on business trips. His daughter slowly warms up to you and Whiskey easily becomes smitten because his daughter likes you. He tries to get close to you but you only let him so far because you're worried he'll be like your ex husband and only want you bc you take care of his kid.
Tequila x Reader Series: Tequila starts a relationship with a woman and when it gets serious he makes the decision to tell her about his career choice. Only problem being is that she doesn’t believe him! Just a cute little series of the times that Tequila tries to get her to believe him and the time she finally does believe him.
Raymond Smith x Reader Series:  Reader is American and begins working for Rosalyn at the garage. Rosalyn likes her so much that she promotes the reader fairly quickly to become her admin assistant. When she finds out from the reader that she's being harassed on her way home she tells Mickey and Mickey sends Ray. Ray comes across the reader yelling at the toddlers as Ernie is on the ground in pain bc she maced him. Ray is shocked and impressed and the reader almost maces him too but she stops when he tells her he knows her boss.
Rewrite of Golden Circle: Using Wip’s as chapters. Do it like a choose your own path series. Reader is a medic.
Catfish x Reader: Song fic “Love me like you” – Little Mix. Reader is babysitting Rosalita for Frankie while he runs errands. When he comes homes he finds you dancing and singing with Rosalita in your arms and he just stands there watching before coming to join you two.
Catfish x Reader: Song fic “Bullet in a gun” –Imagine Dragons. Catfish thinks of you when he’s out on a camping trip with the boys. He thinks about you watching Rosalita back at his place. He thinks about how easy it is with you in his life now. Pope looks over and sees him deep in thought and pulls him back asking if he’s ok. Catfish says yeah and that he’s just thinking about his girls. Ben teases him by making kissing noises and they all chuckle after Will hits Ben.
Stiles x Reader: Song fic “Invisible” –Taylor Swift. Reader POV as she watches Stiles fawn over Lydia. Scott holds her as it gets too much one day and is just close to make sure she’s ok. Stiles notices and asks what’s wrong but the Reader refuses to tell him and Scott won’t say anything either. Then Lydia walks by and Stiles is back to fawning over her making the reader cry.
Marcus Pike x Reader: Song Fic “Lightning” – Little Mix. The reader watches Marcus flirt with Lisbon. Super sad.
Isaac Lahey x Reader: “Lightning” –Little Mix. Scott’s POV. Reader is Isaac’s best friend (even before he was bitten) and Scott hears her heartbeat whenever she’s around Isaac, whenever she sees Isaac with Allison, whenever Stiles teases/messes with Isaac. Scott talks to the reader about it and she confesses that she’s in love with Isaac and that she’s coming to terms with not being as important to Isaac. Isaac overhears and is devastated because he saw Scott comfort the reader.
Fic Request: Choose your own adventure type fic. Tequila x Reader/Whiskey x Reader. The boys are crushing on the reader and decide they are both going to take reader out on dates to see who she chooses.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Whiskey has a crush on reader who is into pop culture which he knows nothing about or very little. So he asks Tequila for help and he teaches Whiskey all about Pop culture.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Whiskey is crushing on reader and tries to flirt with her but she brushes him off and he’s thrown for a loop. He asks Tequila about her. So when he’s got more info on her he tries again.
Song Fic: “I found you” Andy Grammer. Stiles x Reader.
Stiles x Reader Song Fic: “Story of us” Taylor Swift Stiles and the Reader’s relationship broke down because he kept trying to hide the supernatural from her and when Theo came he told her everything to hopefully get her on his side. The two of them are at a party after being broken up for a little bit and he’s standing there with Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Mason, Peyton and Kira. The reader is standing with some of her friends when she spots Stiles and he’s staring at her as Lydia tries to talk to him. The reader gets upset and walks out of the party to get some fresh air. Stiles follows her and asks her how she is and she scoffs angrily at him asking if he’s asking cuz he feels guilty or because he actually cares. They argue and the two of them burst out saying that they’re still in love with each other. When they both stare at each other with wide eyes they lunge at each other and begin kissing. Stiles apologizes through kisses and the reader reassures him telling him to shut up and that she loves hi
Fic Request: Statesman x Reader. Agent has to go undercover for a big baking competition as a pro pastry chef. For research she starts baking and researching recipes. Tequila gets all up in this by declaring weekly baking nights for research! He helps research recipes and helps with the baking part. Whiskey and Ginger hear about this and everyone gets roped in somehow either with ideas for recipes and how to stand out, taste testings, etc.
Fic Request: Whiskey x British!Reader. She transfers to Statesman and needs a place to stay. Ginger is helping her with house hunting but when Whiskey hears that she needs a place ASAP he offers for her to stay with him since he’s got a large ranch. They become roommates and she just never leaves. Whiskey has NO problem with this.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Treasure hunt where Whiskey’s the treasure! Reader is big into puzzles and is a bit like Riley from National Treasure. She gets stumped a little bit on one clue but when she finally figures it out and gets to Whiskey she’s sarcastic and a little frazzled. In her state she doesn’t think and just grabs him and plants one on him. Could possibly be a training exercise??
Fic Request: Whiskey x Genius!Reader. “Sucker” – Jonas Bros. Whiskey is assigned to protect the reader. In the briefing there’s no picture to protect her identity and Whiskey immediately assumes that she’s just a nerd with coke bottle glasses. When he sees her she’s nothing like how he pictured, she’s got glasses but that’s all that’s shared from his assumption. Whiskey is weak.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Kingsman!Reader. After being on assignment with Reader as a married couple Whiskey caves into the attraction he has with the reader and they blow each other’s minds. This happens just as the assignment is ending. She’s on a plane back to England and when Whiskey tries to stop it he’s too late! A month later Kingsman throw a celebratory black tie event to celebrate their work and when Whiskey sees her again he’s over come with need and desire. She’s working the room easily and he’s brooding until she comes over to him with a sweet soft smile. Whiskey takes no time in telling her that he’s thought of nothing but her since she’s left and that he tried to stop her. She confesses that she’s done the same and that she’s put in a transfer for the NY office to try and reconnect with him. Whiskey sneaks her away from the party before their commemorative speech happens (Eggsy has to give their regrets for not being there while Tequila laughs.). SMUT
Fic Request: Whiskey x Medic!Reader. Whiskey’s heard the rumors about the new Head of Medical Department and how she’s as competent as she is gorgeous but he’s not prepared for her at all. He meets her and is instantly taken with how proficient she is with her job and her looks are just a bonus. But as he gets to know her he finds feelings are taken hold. When he winds up in her Department due to a stray bullet that grazes to close he wakes up knowing that he has to say something since he almost DIED. She teases that she saved his life and he owes her and he’s quick with a response that just sets the mood for the two of them.
Tequila x Sad!Reader: “a little too much” - shawn Mendes. Tequila and reader are together as a couple and she mellows him out while he uplifts her. She has depression that comes and goes. On a rainy day she is cuddled up in Tequila’s arms as he softly lets her hair and kisses her temples until she turns and buries herself in his hold. She then softly makes out with him.
Stiles x Reader: Song Fic “I Found” - Amber Run
Fic Request: Do you think you could write something Whiskey-centric (I’m obsessed and the girls will thank you for it😊), along the lines of an agent exchange where Whiskey stays with reader at her home.  That’s a really good idea and for some reason I’m getting Love Actually vibes with the Colin Firth couple part when he goes after his woman in her city and he’s clueless. Oooo good idea!
Fic Request: Fight Club with different weapons for different agents. Reader kicks all of their asses. Ok, so my husband made me watch fight club with him last night and it got me thinking... we all know that each statesman agent had a particular style of fighting (tequila with his guns and presumably his fists, whiskey with his lasso and whip etc). What if there was a challenge issued whereby all the agents could fight each other in a controlled environment - possibly a simulation to provide different scenes (non lethal, point scoring style) and awesome sexy reader kicks all their asses!
Mitch Rapp x Reader: Prompt "Those who can’t do teach" The reader is a trainer and Mitch gets cocky by saying the prompt. She lays him flat on his ass and he's instantly interested. Harley snips in the background for Mitch to get his head out of his ass. Reader teases Mitch and he asks her out she refuses saying until he can beat her she won’t go out with him.
Stiles x Reader:  study session. Stiles is studying with the reader and scott and hes growing distracted by his crush on her. Scott teases and the reader is oblivious.
Isaac x Reader: Best friends who are exploring each other. They are making out and Isaac goes a little over board and leaves one lone hickey that she can’t cover. Lydia and Allison see it. They vow to find out who left it.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “Best of You” - Andy Grammer
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “West Coast” - Imagine Dragons “Oh my love please don’t give up” lyrics inspiration. Isaac and Reader are dating before his bite. When he gets bit he starts to distance himself and then he gets arrested. The reader is heart broken and tries to be there for him. When she’s at the station with Stile she sees Isaac as  werewolf. Isaac comes to find her and confess all and confesses that he loves her and can’t be without her. She tells she’s always gonna be by his side no matter what.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “Fight For My Survival” - Phantoms. The reader helps Isaac through the abuse from his dad. When he gets bit he tells her while he feels more powerful now what she did for him will always be greater.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “On My Way” - Sheppard. Peter holds the reader hostage to get at Isaac. She manages to break free and runs straight for Isaac. When she finds him fighting Peter at Derek’s she crashes into him while he finishes. He holds her close and confesses to her as he kisses her. 
Stiles x Reader: Song fic “My Own Hero” - Andy Grammer. The reader is fed up that Stiles has been more focused on protecting Lydia lately. When Stiles and Lydia are in trouble it’s the Reader who comes to their rescue. Stiles starts to see her differently and when he tries to tell her that she tells him she’s able to protect herself and doesn’t need him to and he can go back to protecting Lydia. Stiles is gutted and regretful.
Kingsman vs Statesman: Pick up line competition. Eggsy runs his mouth while out at the bar with the Statesman crew saying that Brits have the better chat up lines. Tequila takes that bet while reader, Whiskey, Harry and Merlin all roll their eyes. They all participate though. Reader takes the win when she uses her line on Whiskey in front of all of ‘em. Making him tongue tied.
Whiskey x Reader: Whiskey’s a sweetheart with the manners of a saint. He’ll open doors, stand until you sit at the table, say yes ma’am. Super soft and sweet date. He even walks you to your door at the end of the night. Summer love inspiration.
Thanksgiving w/ Kingsman and Statesman
TeaCup Chronicles: Each character gets their own fic. These revolve around a cafe.
Strangers on the Street: Each guy gets a fic of seeing the same woman walking along the street for a good amount of time. Do they approach her? Do they just watch? Do they fantasize about her? Or is she just another face in the crowd?
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[Muse Active] Hope Estheim
This muse is now active for roleplay on this blog!
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Name: Hope Estheim
Species, World, Nationality: Human, Cocoon, Bodhum
Date of Birth: Unknown
Roleplaying Age: 14 (default), any other age if specified.
Headcanons: Click here.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)
Fandom Genre: JRPG
Open for AU / “What If”s: Yes.
Wiki Link: Here.
Covered Sources: Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns, Dissidia (series)
Available for ships: Verse dependant (must be age-appropriate).
With Canon Characters (CC);
With Original Characters (OC);
With Cross-over Characters;
With Same-Muse Characters.
Canon Verses:
pre-XIII: (Age 14-) Hope is a normal boy from a normal family whose childhood on Cocoon can best be described as uneventful. Inexperienced in the ways of the world, and wont to turn to his mother for protection, he is completely unprepared for the turmoil into which his life is thrown when he is unexpectedly caught up in the Sanctum's brutal Purge.
In Final Fantasy XIII: (age 14) Hope and his mother are caught up in the Purge as victims of circumstance with Vanille in tow, becoming involved in an elaborate conspiracy that threatens Cocoon. He chooses to journey with Lightning to become stronger and learn to survive as they fight to save the world.
Writing Sample:
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The page on his screen was still empty, a blank slate of white. The portrait of his mind.
Well, that wasn’t true. But it had been a dramatic thought that for just a moment had made him feel better, like he had it all figured out somehow. And he knew he didn’t, and he hated it.
Everyone else around him seemed to know exactly what to write. An assignment regarding the future and personal ambitions. If he boiled it down, it was the same at that ‘what do you want to do when you’re grown up?’ exercise he had been presented with when he was 8 years old. Time passes, and a child’s mind is fickle and unrealistic. No wonder then, that they’d be asked again, and again.
Only, compared to now, Hope felt he had absolutely no ideas. Nothing compared to the bright-eyed, fantastic plans of his 8years-old self.
What did he want to do with his life? When faced with reality and just how ordinary people’s lives ended up being, he felt utterly depressed. Any drive to type his answer trickling somewhere below his feet, like rain down a manhole.
Great things didn’t happen to ordinary kids like him. ‘Nothing special’, the only two words that made it on the assignment paper.
Find my rules on my blog HERE.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Andrew Bogut, Dogs, and Energy: Waiting on love MANHATTAN ACC 8years old, 33 1bs D 25185 Pearl Pretty little senior girl. Found al on her own underweight and neglected. "Pearl* is lovely and very sociable, she LOVES treats and is friendly and relaxed with other pups in playgroup. AverageHome The only thing average about this pup is her SAFER! Meet Pearl today @MACC! <3 A little thin Mama, found all on her own, is so sweet and petite and she’s looking for a nice retirement home where she can be loved and cared for. Pearl came into the shelter quite neglected and she deserves way better. This pretty senior girl loves treats (of course) and even jumps for them. She is friendly and calm around her male and female peers in play group, and she did very well on her behavior assessment by earning a great Average Rating. All that is missing now is an open heart and home, someone who is willing and able to provide all the care and attention she needs. Are you that person? Can you see to it that she spends her Golden Years feeling safe and loved? Please share her for a soft place to land with a soft pillow to lay her head. VIDEO: Pearl loves treats <3 https://youtu.be/kuydOYIXqaE Pearl ID# 25185 MANHATTAN ACC ~ 8 years old, 33 lbs BROWN / WHITE FEMALE MEDIUM MIXED BREED FOUND STRAY INTAKE DATE: 4/13/18 ** SHELTER ASSESSMENT: AVERAGE HOME ** BEHAVIOR NOTES Date of intake: 13-Apr-2018 Spay/Neuter status: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Stray SAFER SCORES: Date of assessment: 15-Apr-2018 Look: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends (may need coaxing to approach). Dog is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Paw squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Pearl was interested in sniffing around the assessment room. She approached the assessor after some coaxing with a soft body. She was aloof during the assessment, focusing on sniffing around the room, but allowed all handling and displayed no concerning behaviors. Summary (1): 4/14: When introduced off leash to male and female dogs, Pearl greets all politely and wander the pen. Summary (2): 4/15: Pearl keeps mostly to self, sniffs nearby dogs. Date of intake: 13-Apr-2018 Summary: Pearl had a relaxed body and was social. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Pearl so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. In the care center, she displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: AVERAGE (suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience) MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 15-Apr-2018 Spay-Neuter Waiver Documentation SURGERY IS PERMANENTLY WAIVED FROM ACC DUE TO AGE 15-Apr-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Estimated 6-12 years old based on dentition, cataracts and overall appearance Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative on intake - MC placed during exam History : Stray, no health hx available Subjective: Alert, walks into room on leash, snorting and sneezing Observed Behavior - Allows all handling. Muzzle was placed and pt was very distracted by the muzzle, shaking her head and trying to get it off. It was removed and pt allowed all handling and blood draw with minimal restraint. Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - None Objective BAR, BCS 2/9, MMs pink and moist EENT: Immature cataracts OU, no ocular discharge. Mild-mod flaky discharge OU. Wet nose, no overt discharge. Oral Exam: Severe dental tartar and gingival recession PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Soft, not distended, non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Female, no SS noted. No vulvar discharge. Firm nodules associated with 5th left and right mammary glands. Left 5th MG also has a pedunculated fleshy soft mass hanging off of it. MSI: Shedding heavily. Skin is erythematous with some scabs on the dorsum. Multiple alopecic, pink, round, raised, smooth bumps over the joints on the front feet - some have central scabs. Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Normal externally Assessment: 1. Emaciated 2. Dental disease 3. Mammary masses 4. Dermatitis 5. Bumps on feet - R/O calluses 6. Cataracts Prognosis: Fair Plan: 1. CBC/chemistry 2. Bathe in Malaseb and then clean ears, instill Claro AU. Repeat bathing 2x weekly x2-4 weeks 3. Recommend dental cleaning and daily tooth brushing 4. Follow up with permanent veterinarian to discuss tx for mammary gland tumors and dermatitis SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age PLEASE MESSAGE US FOR INQUIRIES AND FOR ASSISTANCE. PEOPLE WHO WANT TO FOSTER A DOG, PLEASE PM US SO WE CAN PRE-SCREEN YOU IF YOU QUALIFY AS A FOSTER. ADOPTERS WHO CAN GO TO THE ACC IN PERSON, CAN CONTACT THE ACC DIRECTLY., THOSE WHO NEED HELP WITH TRANSPORT, OR CANNOT GO TO THE ACC IN PERSON, PLEASE PM US FOR ASSISTANCE. KEEP IN MIND THAT NEW HOPE RESCUES WILL ADOPT DOGS ONLY TO NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME, AND NORTHERN VA. BEYOND THESE STATES, YOU MUST GO TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON TO ADOPT. We are not the ACC, and we did not make these rules. We only help these dogs get seen and help people to save them. If you would like to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you cannot get to the shelter in person, but you live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA, please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 (automated only) Email [email protected] Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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My Characters’ Life Changes in the AU
Michael never existed so he never forcibly changed the wolves, so they all remained friends through the years
His memory never went away, so he remembers everything from when he was younger
He never met Brian. Brian lived in another country, so he lived on his own in the woods and had to learn everything he ever knew about growing up from Dana
This made him and Dana even closer than they were in the original universe
He never left Jarred alone, never abandoned him
So perhaps Max and him get long in this universe? At least better than they did in the original universe
Kate is very close to her mother
She learns that bipolar runs in her family at an early age
She therefore gets diagnosed a lot younger
Kate isn’t stubbornly against going to therapy
Kate is emotionally stable and healthy
Kate notices the little things with her children
Never falls in love with Tomo
Never divorces JD
Never commits suicide
Has a good relationship with her kids
Is a more... observant mother - she pays more attention to her children
Moves to the Netherlands to be close to Travis
Meets Travis later, through Marc’s girlfriend
She is not the “school slut” at school, though she is still very popular with the boys
She is a lot more cautious about who she lets into her inner circle
She does not have sexual feelings for her father
She is never a cam girl
She writes on the side for her work
Takes her time falling in love with Travis
Doesn’t start dating him for over 8years after meeting him
Has a lot more feminine taste
He was a very happy kid
He does not marry Elise
They do, however, end up really close friends
He never has his infatuation with Elise in the first place
He is not as good of an athlete
He does not cut and is never suicidal
He becomes a werewolf instead of a vampire
He gets very close with Jarred when he is a teenager because of his friendship with Elise
He basically grows up with Kyle and Jarred
Falls in love with Claire at first sight
Moves to California to be close to her
She never marries Marcus
She doesn’t have quints
Name is Aria instead of Jasmine
She ends up being infertile, like Jasmine is in the ou
She never really gets over Sam
She only really has flings with guys after Sam rejects her.
She never finds it in her to actually date
She never gets married
She adopts a little girl on her own
She never disappears on Kyle and Jarred
She asks Kyle to turn her into a hybrid
She’s a lot more outgoing and less inhibited
Her style is a lot different. More... free and flowy - she wears a lot of skirts
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cielospeaks · 6 years
masterlist so far of fate/allegrofaces au
basically everyones a waver or mashu-esque demiservant sorta thing
allegro- caster? mozart lily (~8years)
virelai- caster? demodokos
andante- assassin count walsegg
raedna- avenger sweeney todd
anthousa- ??? polytropos class odysseus
zhuan- caster virgilio
scherzo- caster? schubert lily (or rider bc wer reitet so spat)
andressa- caster? conan doyle?
leith- caster or rider or maaaybe saber or archer de blondel
flirty diso allegro- maybe archer or rider icarus?
andie- either ruler? kaguya hime or like a combination of the queen of the night and kaguya hime like the shinjuku phantoms
scordy- ruler? class johnny (from dwdtg) or perhaps some other class of faust since thats a faustian story?
idk about the others. maybe caster poe for andrea? i have no idea
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Andrew Bogut, Children, and Christmas: TRAUMATIZED BY HIS PARENT'S ARREST, A S WEET, SCARED YOUNG BOY JUST WANTS TO GO HOME Id 32426, @ 1 Yrs., 4 Mos. 58 lbs of Love, Waiting w/Hope Manhâttan ACC レ TO BE KILLED – 12/13/2018 JAX went through a traumatic experience. The cops came to his home where he was resting comfortably by his parent’s side, when all of a sudden the knock on the door came, the loud voices screaming on top of one another “Police, OPEN UP,” and the charging through the door. His parent was wrestled to the ground and handcuffed and in his fear and terror, poor JAX fled out the door, trying to get away from the scene. A police officer followed him, but Jax was so scared that he growled at him. So then he was darted in, tranquilized, and dumped at the Manhattan Center where he awoke to many strangers, people he didn’t know, scents and smells that had become a long ago nightmare to him, and absolutely NO sign of the person he loved most in the world. What a nice present for Christmas right? You cannot explain to these poor dogs what is happening to them or why. And this is not JAX’s first rodeo, he was here before when he was just a baby, and back then he had an optimistic spirit, hope, happiness, and only cuddles for everyone he met. In fact, the shelter staff mention that back during his first stay he was playful with all the pups in playgroup. They remember him, they remember his sweetness. How can we possibly judge JAX over a year later, especially now after what he has been through. Behind his confusion is the innocent heart of that young puppy, not yet beaten down by the reality of his situation. Won’t you help him find a new home so he will not be executed tomorrow for the sins of his father? Share, crosspost, tag and pledge for this poor boy who only dreamed – ever – of having a long and happy life with a loving family. Prove to him his dream can still come true. If you are an experienced foster or adopter in an adult only home (kids over age 13 ok) hurry and MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] to foster or adopt him now. JAX, ID 32426, @ 1 Yr. 4 Mos. Old, 58 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown Brindle / White, Neutered Male Surrender Reason, 12/4/2018: Owner Arrested, Jax tried to escape from the house, was darted by police and brought to the shelter. ☹ Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Intake Behavior Rating: 4. Orange AT RISK MEMO: Jax shows fearful and distance increasing behaviors at the care center. Although he may warm up after some time, we recommend placement with a new hope partner that can provide slow, reward based training in a low stress environment to help him adjust. Medically, Jax has Ottis Externa, a condition of the ear which may require some follow up vet care. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 12/4/2018: Poor Jax was darted (tranquilized) so the intake staff could not comment on his behavior. BASIC INFORMATION: Max is a large mixed breed neutered male dog whose owner was arrested. During the arrest, Max attempted to flee from the house. A police officer who went to get him. Jax was scared, terrified. He growled at the police officer. The police darted him (tranquilized) Max and took him to the shelter. Needless to say, Jax is traumatized by the entire experience. SHELTER ASSESSMENT – DATE OF ASSESSMENT, 12/10/2018. Summary:: When the assessor approached Jax, he began to hard bark, so a handling assessment was not preformed. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Summary (1):: 12/5: A gate greeting is conducted for Jax due to growling when handlers approach or attempt to handle. He briefly sniffs the helper dog through the gate with a bit of a tense body. He softens slightly upon second sniff. During a previous stay (2016) Jax was observed to engage playfully with a female helper dog. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Jax so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to the potential for defensive aggression Jax has displayed at the care center, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the potential for defensive aggression Jax has displayed at the care center, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: While Jax has warmed up to and displayed social behavior with some handlers, he growls and barks at new people upon approach. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Jax to new and unfamiliar situations. MEDICAL NOTES: 5/12/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~5-8years based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? MCpositive 981020017007761 History : O arrested; P tried to escape from home and was tranquilized and brought in. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR; hard barking and lunging during exam. muzzled. growling throughout exam, stiff body, tail tucked. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears have heavy black exudate, AU; no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not examine due to behavior. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: neutered male. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal. Assessment otitis externa overweight Prognosis: excellent Plan: recommend follow-up with primary DVM for ear cytology, cleaning and medication SURGERY: neutered *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** JAX IS RESCUE ONLY. You must fill out applications with New Hope Rescues to foster or adopt him. He cannot be reserved online at the ACC ARL, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE HURRY AND MESSAGE OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE! HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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closetgremlin · 6 years
He laughed in his face, high and bitter.
"Sorry?" he echoed. "You're sorry? Eight years of nothing - nothing - and all you can say is you're sorry? Bull. Fucking. Shit," he hissed.
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closetgremlin · 6 years
He stood stone still, arms crossed, body close together, spine straighter than he was - but they knew him, could read him better than anyone. He was upset.
The word upset… can mean a lot of different emotions. He was angry, sad, bitter - hurt. Overall, overwhelmingly, he was hurt. And it was their fault, his best friend.
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