#ff04 || just block out everything else. [ic: hope estheim]
@poeticphoenix liked for a stupidkid starter! || Hope to Genesis
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"...What's the point of girls?"
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@galaxywrought || Closed Starter for Vanille~
References: Final Fantasy XIII - Chapter 11
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It still felt all so surreal. Like he could blink and wake up in his room.
Except, he would not. Like it or not, this was reality. His mom was gone; he was a fugitive finding shelter on Gran Pulse, and a L’Cie to boot. Now he walked among massive titans and rode Fal’Cie through tunnels deep beneath the earth. His new reality was things like this. The kind of stuff he couldn’t have made up in his best piece of creative writing in class.
Right, school. He wondered if he’d ever go back to a life like that anymore.
If he gave his feelings just a superficial thought, Hope would consider himself completely different from that kid now. Mixing with his classmates seemed an image so outlandish compared to the kind of company he had now. And still, at times that kid returned. It was subtle; the instinctive flinching when a flying creature of Gran Pulse darkened the sky with its shadow. That jump in his heart when it took him a bit too long to keep track of where everybody else was. Those emotions were still there.
Even if he tried. But trying was what mattered now, right? Maybe that’s what Sazh would say. Lightning perhaps would say something better. And Snow would...
Right, Snow. He’d caught him in the distance, talking with Vanille a bit further ahead. Or perhaps it was Vanille who was talking to Snow. From where he stood, Hope couldn’t really tell what it was about; but both of his friends looked serious. Almost too serious. Snow wasn’t even smiling. In his hand, the boy noticed the faint glint of that teardrop crystal he cherished so deeply.
Were they talking about Serah?
His concern took shape in a knot at the bottom of his stomach when he noticed the man had turned his back to Vanille, and now walked away. Hadn’t Lightning and Fang already gone ahead to scout and make sure they were safe to rest a little? Surely there was no need for more of them to leave.
But leave Snow did; even for a fourteen years old it was easy to guess that the guy needed time alone right now. Rather than pursue, he caught up just to stop beside the girl in red pelt. She was still giving him her back, and he couldn’t see her expression. So, Hope at least tried to sound casual, even if that annoying voice telling him everybody could read through him like an open book was still there at the back of his head.
“... Everything all right? You guys looked so serious.”
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"You doin' okay, there?" Snow reaches to ruffle Hope's hair.
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"Hey..." The protest came out weak, not quite as biting as Hope wanted when he felt the heavy hand of the man intrude his hair. "I'm all right. It's just..."
He sighed out bitterly. Looks like he was not all right. It was annoying that others could pick up on it before even he could. Shaking his head, he then gave a shrug.
"I just wonder how we're supposed to go back to normal once all this is over... if it'll ever be really over, I mean."
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Champion!Genesis would like to give Hope one (1) headpat.
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The weight of a gentle hand on the top of his pale hairline caused Hope to look up in light startle. A confused and reluctant knit of brows framed pale green eyes; he blinked, and finally looked up.
"... What was that for?"
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I'm gonna eat Hope's hair.
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"What... what is wrong with you!? Back off!"
This anon smells like burnt trash!
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Tag Dump 9 (Final Fantasy)
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[Muse Active] Hope Estheim
This muse is now active for roleplay on this blog!
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Name: Hope Estheim
Species, World, Nationality: Human, Cocoon, Bodhum
Date of Birth: Unknown
Roleplaying Age: 14 (default), any other age if specified.
Headcanons: Click here.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix)
Fandom Genre: JRPG
Open for AU / “What If”s: Yes.
Wiki Link: Here.
Covered Sources: Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns, Dissidia (series)
Available for ships: Verse dependant (must be age-appropriate).
With Canon Characters (CC);
With Original Characters (OC);
With Cross-over Characters;
With Same-Muse Characters.
Canon Verses:
pre-XIII: (Age 14-) Hope is a normal boy from a normal family whose childhood on Cocoon can best be described as uneventful. Inexperienced in the ways of the world, and wont to turn to his mother for protection, he is completely unprepared for the turmoil into which his life is thrown when he is unexpectedly caught up in the Sanctum's brutal Purge.
In Final Fantasy XIII: (age 14) Hope and his mother are caught up in the Purge as victims of circumstance with Vanille in tow, becoming involved in an elaborate conspiracy that threatens Cocoon. He chooses to journey with Lightning to become stronger and learn to survive as they fight to save the world.
Writing Sample:
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The page on his screen was still empty, a blank slate of white. The portrait of his mind.
Well, that wasn’t true. But it had been a dramatic thought that for just a moment had made him feel better, like he had it all figured out somehow. And he knew he didn’t, and he hated it.
Everyone else around him seemed to know exactly what to write. An assignment regarding the future and personal ambitions. If he boiled it down, it was the same at that ‘what do you want to do when you’re grown up?’ exercise he had been presented with when he was 8 years old. Time passes, and a child’s mind is fickle and unrealistic. No wonder then, that they’d be asked again, and again.
Only, compared to now, Hope felt he had absolutely no ideas. Nothing compared to the bright-eyed, fantastic plans of his 8years-old self.
What did he want to do with his life? When faced with reality and just how ordinary people’s lives ended up being, he felt utterly depressed. Any drive to type his answer trickling somewhere below his feet, like rain down a manhole.
Great things didn’t happen to ordinary kids like him. ‘Nothing special’, the only two words that made it on the assignment paper.
Find my rules on my blog HERE.
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