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katharinableinis · 6 years ago
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The word ‘spiritual’ is a funny one. It urks people off because of its air-fairy, matcha drinking, aura reading, culty-like fanatics. However spirituality is really nothing like this. Spirituality is living awareness; it’s to be aware of who you are as a human.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A spiritual practice can be:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
❁ practicing yoga
❁ practicing meditation
❁ practicing kindness, gratitude, or forgiveness
❁ living a balanced life
❁ practicing patience
❁ becoming a better listener
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spiritualearthmama · 6 years ago
Starting my mornings with yoga 🌹
Todays focus was on the sixth & seventh limbs of yoga. Dharana & Dhyana
When youre able to take just 20 to 30 minutes out of your day to relax & quiet your mind. You will find yourself more at peace & happier.
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jpkrillustration · 6 years ago
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Continuing the fight theme 🥊 just want to wish @bradleyheason a good fight at the weekend 👊 #muaythai #motivation #fightart #martialartprints #illustration #doodlesketch #fightclub #8limbs #workedoutnotworkedup #meditate #ukfighters (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzs2xyogOGS/?igshid=wcdnue59x8m5
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ultraplume · 6 years ago
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Satya est un des cinq yamas (restrictions ou observations morales) que la philosophie yogi nous invite à intégrer dans notre vie : il s’agit de se retenir de la fausseté, du mensonge dans nos actions, dans nos paroles et dans nos pensées et sentiments.
Hormis le fait de ne pas être dans l’imposture, satya nous impose aussi l’honnêteté, l’absence de jugement et la nécessité d’être vrai et juste envers les autres et envers soi-même.
Ceci demande donc du courage et de l’authenticité, afin de nous montrer tel que nous sommes et non pas tel que nous souhaitons que les autres nous voient.
Satya est un exercice d’humilité qui nous impose d’abandonner notre orgueil.
En effet, notre pratique du yoga est là pour servir notre corps et notre esprit, et non pour nuire à nos articulations et à nos ligaments. Il ne s’agit pas de réussir à faire un lotus, un poirier ou autre posture. Il est donc important, à chaque fois que nous sommes sur notre tapis, d’être parfaitement honnête avec ce dont nous avons réellement besoin.
L’humilité c’est accepter de ne pas aller plus loin que nos limites, sans rester dans notre zone de confort non plus. C’est ainsi que nous pourrons vivre notre vérité (qui n’est pas forcément la même que celle du voisin).
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ayogikitchen · 2 years ago
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Our new schedule is out and with it a new word. This session we’re focusing on a big concept, Ahimsa. Ahimsa is one of the yamas of the 8 limbs of yoga and is often described as compassion for all beings. Part of being compassionate is being non-judgmental. You cannot judge, yourself or others m, and be compassionate at the same time. So, part of the work of ahimsa is non-judgment. This week I’m asking you to notice how you talk to yourself. Are you able to be kind and gentle with yourself when you make a mistake? We’re going to focus on many aspects of Ahimsa over the next few weeks. We’ll take baby steps. This is life-long work and we’re taking tiny bites. Join us in yoga class, on the podcast, in the blog and in the newsletter to learn more about Ahimsa and become a practitioner of more than the physical aspects of yoga. You can join us from anywhere in world. We’re on Zoom for most of our classes. You can always request a class by texting 785-760-5412. All other links are in the bio. I often use the hashtag yogalife, cause that’s what yoga is to me. It’s being mindful of all the aspects of my life, not just the practice in the mat. Join us for more than just exercise. Join us to be open, aware and grounded mind/body/spirit #yoga #yogalife #nonjudgment #ahimsa #8limbs 8limbsofyoga #ayogikitchen #zoom #zoomyoga #mindfulness #mindful #yogapractice (at Lawrence, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpN71z0O804/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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detroityoga · 6 years ago
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If you haven’t read this book yet, get on it. Its a quick read and very helpful/powerful. #svadhyaya #thefouragreements #sortyourselfout #selfstudy #yamas #niyamas #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #eightlimbs #eightlimbsofyoga #8limbs #8limbsofyoga #detroityoga #tostillthemindisyoga #payattention #bethechangeyouwanttosee (at Detroit Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2S7f9gbsI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iviegw42nsgk
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8-limbs · 7 years ago
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Small Business is the backbone of America. We create communities, contribute, and set an example for the future. #15yearsinbusiness #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #8limbssewingschool #8limbs #justdoit #yougotthis #sinkorswim #soar #fullpower #yourbestself #independent #likeaboss #echoparklife #itonlyjustbegun #erikaikeler #ilovemystudents (at 8-Limbs)
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yogahollis · 4 years ago
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#yogahollis . . Forget about all the reason why it won’t work; just focus on the one that WILL work! . . . . . . #believeinyourself #staypositive #positivevibes #positivethoughts #healthychoices #mentalhealth #inspiration #yoga #8limbs #8limbsofyoga #healthylifestyle #ahimsa #yogi #yogisofinstagram #beach #beachvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBnuZzs3O1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amandarileyyoga · 4 years ago
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I N F O R M A T I O N O V E R L O A D... Fear. Hate. Worry. Because of COVID-19 rules basic human desires and rituals that are necessary for mental health are being restricted or taken away. In a way that creates fear, stress, anxiety and inflammation. We are being told to stay away from friends and family. Suppressing the need for contact with people who support and love us and fill us with happiness. To keep 2m distance from them. No hugs allowed. A hug, the simple touch of a hand with love can release powerful hormones of oxytocin and serotonin that improve wellbeing and mental health. Wearing a mask that covers our expressions. That hide our smiles and our feelings which contribute 80 percent to our communication. The news and conversation is negative with counts of death tolls and stories of the devastating economic and social impact of the decisions being made to control the virus. P R A T Y A H A R A means sense withdrawal. It means to make space. To focus wholly on one thing. To be involved in a task fully and mindfully. To give the mind and body a chance to withdraw from the chaos that surrounds us and give them a chance to rest and reset. By slowing down and paying attention to ‘one thing’ we can reduce the mental chat, stress and inflammation that arises in our body. The practice of asana and pranayama is exceptionally helpful to achieve this. We tend to practice in a space which is clean and clear of visual distraction. Incense is used to clear and purify the air. In a space that is quiet to create calm, or becomes this way as you withdraw from your surroundings. You can create quiet in the the noisiest of places. The your practice of movement and breath, non judgementally, with pure acceptance for the now brings us to peace. So we feel better. Mentally and physically. Breathe. Come to your mat. It will help you. While we need to ‘withdraw’ from the world right now for the greater good. Your mat space is always there for you. For a guided practice I am on Zoom tonight 6-7:30pm. Booking via eventbrite. Aum Namaste 🕉 #pratyahara #8limbs #yogaphilosophy #asana #pranamaya #yoga #yogamanchester #yogauk #yogaeverywhere #senses https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4e_ihjxOd/?igshid=1s6oguxzilqah
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rashidatowe · 7 years ago
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This beautiful Gypsy Yoga Lady🧞‍♀️💓 named Karla with @gypsy.yoga thought I was cool enough to be featured on her website and guest appear at her February's day retreat. Thank you Karla 😘 Read how I practice the 8 Limbs of Yoga by clicking the link in my highlights. . . . #yoga #feature #yogini #8limbs #ashtangayoga #collaboration (at Chicago, Illinois)
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natty373 · 5 years ago
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Yoga is NOT always standing on ur mat in asana ... YOGA is a lifestyle .... YOGA is with you in everything you do, say, feel, smell, taste, listen, give & receive. YOGA is where we notice more & love from our honesty hearts 💕 connecting with all because we feel the union ⚛️ that no thing is isolated ☯️ living through philosophy, through self reflection to develop & evolve our minds continually through our open hearted ‘ness’ 🔆 yes some days it may be more challenging to come from a space of yoga 🧘‍♀️ yet the more regularly we practise this in our lives the greater changes we can make to the whole - creating wholesome awesome connections to existence - this is physics - this is YOGA .... how do you live your life in yoga ? What could we as individuals evolve to develop humanity as a whole ? 💗 May we all radiate from the space of love 💓 open hearted connection through listening more 🔍 may we all see the value in self & developing our awesome 🌱 . . . #livingphilosophy #sisterhood #naturephotography #connection #union #livingyoga #morethanasana #8limbs #easternphilosophy #wuwei #tao #floweroflife #sensetraining #liferefinementtherapies #joyjunkie #livinglovingliberating #rockclimb (at Mount Keira, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE8c-F0Af60/?igshid=1dvsjuqhwsj1f
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detroityoga · 6 years ago
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Svadhyaya. #sortyourselfout #selfstudy #studyhistory #svadhyaya #niyama4 #yamas #niyamas #8limbs #8limbsofyoga #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #detroityoga #yoga #tostillthemindisyoga (at Detroit Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BonK8XYgTRA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d4i67yxvuxgv
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hannahjanebracken · 5 years ago
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'What is yoga?' You'll be surprised to know that it's not just about the moves and postures...read today's article to find out more! 🕉 And, if you haven't already, find time to sit quietly with no distractions and start meditation. Especially now whilst things are so crazy in the world, it will help to calm your mind and bring you into the present moment 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️ More about that in the article too! . . . #yogavibes #yogaathome #peacewithin #meditatedaily #meditativemind #calmyourmind #whatisyoga #healthybodyhealthymind #clearhead #clearmind #asanapractice #pranayama #8limbsofyoga #8limbs #lotusposition #omshantiom https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjCnuOJwUK/?igshid=1jyfvm50dpamo
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wayback · 5 years ago
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The yoga don’t stop. Keep joining me in the @yogapod zoom room every Monday thru Wednesday. #pregnantyogi #25weeks #babygirlseptember2020 #atxyoga #atxyogateacher #vinyasa #vinyin #yinyoga #zoomyoga #yogainthetimeofcorona #8limbs #morethanasana #pregnantinthepandemic #socialdistancing #liveyouryoga #trustthepractice (at Yoga Pod Austin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqft4sllH5/?igshid=13fui5dtn4cg7
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kungfufrogmma1 · 7 years ago
Brutal elbow causes skull 💀 fracture . . . ☠️ #muaythai #elbow #mma #fightvideos #thaiboxing #boxing #8limbs
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amandarileyyoga · 5 years ago
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Asana Posture (meditation) The third limb of yoga. The one many of us practice with intention in the first place. How we arrive at our mat. And become addicted to it! The practice of asana is considered the tip of the iceberg and only one of the 8 limbs, but I also believe it to be the training space for ALL aspects of ‘Yoga’. How it all comes together. How we practice on the mat is how we cope with life. Ideally. Eventually. With grace and ease. “The idea is to be able to sit in comfort so we’re not ‘pulled’ by aches and pains of the body, or restlessness due to an uncomfortable position.” Your practice on the mat is not just about your asana/posture. It’s is not about how advanced you can make it. It is not about nailing a posture. It’s about the journey to it. Experiencing. It is about practicing with kindness to your body. About using your breath. About holding uncomfortable postures for time with ease. It’s is about training the breath. Being with it. Experiencing it. It is about calming the mind. Withdrawing the senses. Dedication and discipline. The asana practice is your practice space for all the aspects of yoga. It is a mindful, moving meditation. This practice opens our mind. Improves the efficiency of our body. Don’t underestimate the power of your asana practice. Each time you come to your mat. Your sparking the magic of yoga. And you can take this off the mat and carry it with you everywhere you go. #asana #8limbsofyoga #8limbs #yoga #yogaphilosophy #patanjali #hathayogapradipika #spirituality #sthriasukhamasanam #wellbeing #attitude #discipline #movement #yogaeverydamnday #yogauk #yogamanchester #yogaaltrincham (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-lEIDDJLh/?igshid=1304ndm2rfxbh
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