#88 fryer
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eatofit1 · 1 year ago
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Air Fryer Beignets Only Have 88 Calories !! | Desserts
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meandmybigmouth · 4 months ago
In the fiscal year 2023, the US Department of Labor found that nearly 5,800 children were employed in violation of child labor laws, which is an 88% increase from 2019. This was the highest level of child labor violations in almost two decades. 
Some factors that may contribute to the increase in child labor violations include: A tight labor market, Increased enforcement efforts, and Legislation to weaken child labor laws. 
Some examples of child labor violations include:
Minors working too many hours at a grocery store 
Minors operating a fryer 
Minors staying too late at a fast-food chain 
Unaccompanied minors working in harsh conditions in plants and factories 
Both federal and state laws govern the employment of young workers. When both are applicable, the law with the stricter standard must be obeyed
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mycookwarereviews · 8 months ago
Ultimate Kitchen Combo: Hamilton Beach 6-in-1 Air Fryer & Grill Oven - https://tinyurl.com/258xqhp7
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raqsreceitinhas · 2 years ago
Pãozinho/bolinho de tapioca
1 xícara de tapioca granulada;
1 xícara de água;
2 colheres de sopa de óleo vegetal;
1/2 xícara de polvilho doce;
1 colher de sopa de levedura nutricional (opcional)
Temperos a gosto (usei orégano e cúrcuma)
Sal a gosto
Em uma panela, coloque a água e o óleo e leve ao fogo até ferver;
Em outro recipiente, misture a tapioca granulada junto com o sal e os outros temperos, você pode colocar os temperos que preferir, orégano, cúrcuma, alho em pó, levedura nutricional…
Misture a água e o óleo quentes na tapioca e deixe descansar por 10 minutos;
Após esse tempo, a massa vai estar mais firme, adicione o polvilho doce e misture bem com as mãos;
Faça bolinhas e distribua em uma forma untada com óleo vegetal;
Leve ao forno pré aquecido 180° por aproximadamente 30 minutos ou até a massa dourar e ficar crocante por fora;
A tapioca utilizada na receita é a granulada, os grãos são mais durinhos. Você pode encontrar em lojas de produtos a granel ou em supermercados. Não utilize a goma de tapioca, a receita não funciona com ela!!
Além da água, a receita também funciona com leite vegetal :)
Se quiser, pode congelar as bolinhas e quando quiser comer, é só assar;
Pode finalizar na air fryer também, na mesma temperatura por uns 15-20 minutos, o único porém é que a massa tem mais chances de estourar, fica gostoso, mas não fica redondinho como o feito no forno.
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istatistikbeyin · 2 years ago
Nisan Ayı En Popüler Trend Konular (2023)
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Bu listedeki veriler , tescilli algoritmamız ve Trend iyileştirme sürecimiz kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur . Bu listedeki konuların gelip geçici olmadığını unutmayın (yeni filmler veya video oyunları gibi). Bunun yerine, bunlar 2023 boyunca yukarı doğru büyüme göstermesi muhtemel uzun vadeli trendlerdir.
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Şu Anda ABD'de En Popüler Trend Olan Konular # Konu Arama Hacmi 1 Tiktok ads 9,700% 2 ChatGPT 9,200% 3 Prime gaming 7,200% 4 Bokksu 490% 5 Padel racket 1,042% 6 Brightwheel 334% 7 Discoloration serum 1,328% 8 Drunk elephant 235% 9 Frontend mentor 99x+ 10 Gumroad 416% 11 Air fryer 680% 12 Psychological safety 352% 13 Digital twin 279% 14 Cash app 315% 15 Side hustle 508% 16 Booktok 9,500% 17 Fasting tea 89% 18 Preply 1,450% 19 Gacha game 1,800% 20 Edtech 150% 21 ESG data 2,025% 22 Postbiotics 1,100% 23 Zero trust 1,150% 24 Tofu Cat Litter 3,000% 25 Sezane 80% 26 Cat toothpaste 28% 27 Vitamin C serum 354% 28 Homelab 257% 29 Regenerative agriculture 646% 30 Gitops 1,316% 31 Freeze dried dog food 92% 32 Gaslighting 389% 33 Evtol 1,825% 34 Depstech 104% 35 Clmbr 1,600% 36 Avelo 4,700% 37 Gaming earbuds 650% 38 Portable power station 1,100% 39 Japandi 4,300% 40 Creator marketplace 3,233% 41 Artgrid 7,400% 42 THC-P 7,600% 43 Vital proteins 141% 44 Ninja foodie 2,900% 45 Cybersecurity bootcamp 2,050% 46 Banana ketchup 39% 47 Microlearning 132% 48 Ceramic coating 48% 49 Mushroom lamp 730% 50 Socially responsible investing 92% 51 Shopify developer 192% 52 Massage gun 3,700% 53 Blinkit 99x+ 54 Niacinamide moisturizer 3,100% 55 Owlet dream 3,200% 56 Wordtune 9,600% 57 Surfer SEO 6,700% 58 Fluted panels 5,700% 59 Rytr 8,500% 60 Talkiatry 6,300% 61 Whatnot 1,566% 62 Momcozy 9,100% 63 Buzzcast 8,300% 64 HHC edibles 1,000% 65 Quillbot 99x+ 66 Web3 social 1,700% 67 HHC vape 9,700% 68 Zoroto 99x+ 69 Bamboo pajamas 1,283% 70 AG1 1,157% 71 Brightline 177% 72 Wordhippo 569% 73 Vevor 4,300% 74 Moss agate 277% 75 Splashlearn 9,100% 76 Pair eyewear 99x+ 77 Carbon credits 371% 78 Golo diet 7,600% 79 Hosthub 75% 80 THCO gummies 1,400% 81 Padel 233% 82 sssTik 99x+ 83 OTT movies 8,500% 84 Permanent jewelery 300% 85 Web3 Social 1,700% 86 Lofi music 1,328% 87 Summarizing tool 3,233% 88 Crochet plushies 1,500% 89 Tinted serum 1,566% 90 Clipboard health 6,200% 91 Psychological safety 352% 92 Maelys cosmetics 2,800% 93 FinOps 3,233% 94 Tajikistani somoni 400% 95 Freshservice 212% 96 Scent beads 1,166% 97 Heatless curler 7,300% 98 Swoop 500% 99 Airport sleeping pods 285% 100 Mushroom chocolate 400% Bununla birlikte, göz atmaya değer trend konuların bir koleksiyonunu burada bulabilirsiniz:
Tiktok Reklamları
5 yıllık arama büyümesi: %9.700 Arama büyüme durumu: Hızla yükseliyor Tanım: TikTok reklamları, bir kullanıcının Sizin İçin sayfasında görünür (şu anda arama tabanlı reklamları test etmelerine rağmen). Görüntüler, kıvılcım, pangle ve carousel dahil olmak üzere çeşitli TikTok reklam formatları olsa da en yaygın biçim videodur. Video reklamlar 5 ila 60 saniye sürer ve genellikle bir görüntü, marka veya uygulama adı ve tanıtılan ürün veya hizmetle ilgili metin içerir.
Digital Twin
5 yıllık arama büyümesi: 9 Arama büyüme durumu: Hızla yükseliyor Açıklama: Dijital Twin, gerçek dünya varlıklarının yazılım aracılığıyla izlenebilen ve manipüle edilebilen sanal, 3B kopyalarıdır. Dijital ikizlere olan ilgi, temelde birkaç farklı endüstride (üretim, inşaat, tedarik zinciri, vb.) yeni uygulamalar gördükleri için artıyor.
Side Hustle
5 yıllık arama artışı: 0 Arama büyüme durumu: Hızla yükseliyor Açıklama: Side Hustle, birisinin "ek olarak" yaptığı (diğer bir deyişle tam zamanlı olmayan) küçük bir işletmedir. Ek işler genellikle, büyük bir işletmeye dönüşmeye karşı bir bireyin yaşam tarzını destekleyen nispeten küçük işletmeler olacak şekilde tasarlanır. Bununla birlikte, birçok insan yan işlerini önemli işlere dönüştürdü.
Prime Gaming
5-year search growth: %7,000 Search growth status: Hızla Yükseliyor Açıklama: Prime Gaming, Amazon Prime ve Prime Video üyeliklerine dahil olan ve Twitch üzerinden yürütülen bir Amazon programıdır. Prime Gaming, ücretsiz indirilebilir oyunlar, eklenen özel oyun içi içerik ve ücretsiz aylık Twitch kanal aboneliği içerir.
Cat Toothpaste
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trend konular 2023 5 yıllık arama büyümesi:  Arama büyüme durumu: Düzenli Açıklama: Kedi diş macunu, kediler için tasarlanmış bir diş hijyen ürünüdür. Kedilerin dişleri için benzersiz formülasyonlara ek olarak, kedilerin dişlerinin fırçalanmasına daha az direnmelerini sağlayan tatlara (tavuk gibi) sahip olma eğilimindedirler.
5 yıllık arama büyümesi: 4 Arama büyüme durumu: Patlıyor Açıklama: Brightwheel, okulları ve öğretmenleri ailelere bağlamak için oluşturulmuş bir çevrimiçi iletişim platformudur. Brightwheel, öğretmenlerle iletişim kanalları sağlayarak ve o yıl için öğrenci müfredatını görüntüleyerek ebeveynlerin çocuklarının ilerlemesini takip etmelerine olanak tanır. İdari açıdan Brightwheel, öğretmenler için idari işlemleri otomatik hale getirir ve gözetmenlerin sınıfları daha verimli bir şekilde yönetmesini sağlar.
Vitamin C Serum
5 yıllık arama büyümesi: 4 Arama büyüme durumu: Patlıyor Tanım: C Vitamini serumu, kızarıklığı azaltmak, cildi nemlendirmek ve UV ışınlarının neden olduğu hasarı hafifletmek için tasarlanmış bir cilt bakım ürünüdür. Diğer trend olan cilt serumu ürünleri müsin serumu ve retinol serumu içerir .
Drunk Elephant
5 yıllık arama büyümesi: 3 Arama büyüme durumu: Patlıyor Açıklama: Drunk Elephant, doğal içerikler kullandığı bilinen bir cilt bakım ürünü üreticisidir. Şirket, bileşenlerinin pH seviyelerini analiz eder ve yalnızca cilt tarafından kolayca emilenleri içerir. Drunk Elephant, yeni ürünler geliştirmek için genellikle farklı serumları ve kremleri karıştırarak deneysel doğası nedeniyle son zamanlarda popülerlik kazanmıştır.
Regenerative Agriculture
5 yıllık arama büyümesi:  6 Arama büyüme durumu: Patlıyor Açıklama: Rejeneratif tarım, yalnızca tarımdan kaynaklanan zararı sınırlamayı değil, bunu çevreyi iyileştirmek için kullanmayı amaçlayan bir yaklaşımdır. 190.000 dönümlük tarım arazisinde rejeneratif tarım uygulamak, yılda yaklaşık 173.000 metrik ton karbondioksiti ortadan kaldırabilir (37.000'den fazla arabanın yıllık emisyonuna eşdeğer). Artı, ilk veriler, rejeneratif tarımın uzun vadede karlı olabileceğini gösteriyor.
Banana Ketchup
5 yıllık arama büyümesi:  Arama büyüme durumu: Düzenli Açıklama: Geleneksel ketçapta tatlı bir dokunuş. Filipinler'de popüler olan muz ketçapı, normal ketçapla aynı temel malzemeleri (domates, sirke vb.) kullanır, ancak aynı zamanda püre haline getirilmiş muz da içerir.
Bu makale, göz kulak olmaya değer güncel trend konular listelememizi sağladı. Bu listede birkaç "büyük resim" modeli var. Örneğin, trendlerin çoğu (oruç çayı, vegan kemik suyu vb.) doğal sağlıkla ilgilidir. Ve diğerleri (web3 ve görüntülü kapı zilleri) teknoloji odaklıdır. Bu listeyi düzenli olarak güncel tutmayı planlıyoruz. Bu nedenle, güncellenmiş veriler ve eğilimler için yakında tekrar kontrol edin. Kaynak: https://explodingtopics.com/   Read the full article
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bobthebobking · 2 years ago
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piermanwalter · 2 years ago
Jul Tambor’s single-minded goal of killing Darth Vader seems to be another of his many spoiled failgrandson delusions, but upon closer inspection, Jul has gotten himself into a situation where trying to kill Darth Vader is legitimately the best way forward. Jul has inherited Grandpa Wat’s ability to assess a situation and choose the most deranged self-destructive course of action, and it’s fascinating to see him try to apply this utterly atrocious ability to good.
From the perspective of the rest of the galaxy, Jul Tambor has spent the last 6 years yelling at gangsters: “I’m Jul Tambor! Grandson of Wat Tambor! I’m RICH AS FUCK and INCREDIBLY STUPID. My obsession with buying giant piles of garbage is frankly concerning! Find me in the Skako system.”
I think most people’s reaction to that would be along the lines of, “How far the Tambors have fallen. Jul has gone insane. I hope roleplaying commerce makes him feel better. At least I have someone I can unload tons of useless trash on.”
Those too smart for their own good would think, “Wait. He’s a Tambor. He’s Techno Union. There’s got to be something he knows that we don’t. I’ll buy the same garbage he buys in case it’s secretly valuable.” But inevitably the massive speculation bubbles that arise whenever Jul buys 50 thousand recalled air fryers burst when it’s revealed he is in fact buying literal garbage. Not to mention everyone who suddenly finds themselves priced out whenever Jul Tambor rolls through like the Mansa Musa of trash.
But imagine you and your supporters got exiled to a death world and everyone is just waiting for you all to suffocate and go extinct. It’s illegal to buy breathing equipment. So you buy tons of completely unrelated scrap instead and process it into breathing equipment.
You need to defend them, but if you buy weapons, the Empire will immediately notice and wipe you out. So instead you buy more garbage and scavenge battlefields for old droids and straight up steal new droids.
Jul managed to piss off so many criminal organisations that the Empire had mistaken them for an intentional blockade when they all gathered in the Skako system to kick his ass. Not only are they all trying to kill him, they discovered and are attacking his supporters. 
No wonder the Droid Crush Pirates have it out for him in particular. They have been fighting Darth Vader, Jul has been scavenging droids specifically killed by Darth Vader, so from their perspective, Jul has been kidnapping and brainwashing them.
Sabé’s belief that Jul must be stopped because if he attacks Vader, he will die and Vader will massacre his supporters in retaliation, is rooted in her own past experiences where she and her supporters had the privilege of walking away alive. Let’s examine Jul’s options:
As long as the Empire is in power, they will back the current ruling council of Skako. As long as the council remains in power, we are stranded on Brentaal IV. As long as we are stranded on Brentaal IV, we need to buy garbage to survive. A long as I buy garbage, pirates will try to kill me. Also Darth Vader is here.
Option 1: Retake Skako
If we win, the Empire will return to kill us again. X
If we lose, we die on the council’s orders. X
Everyone dies no matter what
Option 2: Do nothing
Pirates kill us. X
Everyone dies no matter what
Option 3: Lasting peace with pirates
If I succeed, I can’t buy scrap anymore so everyone will suffocate. X
If I fail, pirates kill us. X
Everyone dies no matter what
Option 4: Escape the system
If we succeed, we will have the same problems somewhere else. X
If we fail, pirates kill us. X
Everyone dies no matter what
Option 5: Kill Darth Vader
If I succeed, Imperial control of Skako will be weak enough for us to defy the council and go home.
If I fail, Darth Vader kills us. X
Fuck it we ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Judging by past trends, (Effortless destruction of the Amidalans, effortless destruction of Droid Crush, Ochi’s there, mild annoyance from IG-88, temporary distraction by Palpatine’s aides, severe emotional damage from Padme’s handmaidens, being obliterated and nearly dying from Governor Tauntaza who escapes unharmed), Vader is taking greater and greater Ls for each new enemy he faces.  Additionally, he has gone from at least cursorily supporting the Empire to killing officers on a whim and completely ignoring his official missions to continue his midlife crisis. I don’t think he’s killed a single formal member of the Rebellion in this entire comic series. At the very least, good job everyone for wasting his time, even if none of you could kill him ! Here’s what I think is going to happen:
Because he inherited Grandpa Wat’s self-preservation instincts, Jul will die horribly, but in such a way that achieves all of his other objectives. Like before he dies, he calls all the pirates and says,
“Hey guys. I got raided by the Empire and all of my
are being held in the Skako Minor Imperial garrison. You can stop trying to kill me now. The Empire’s sending in some ships to retrieve
soon. Even if you catch me, I got nothing left for you. Peace!”
Whether Jul is incompetent enough to get robbed by the Empire or he’s a genius for lying is irrelevant, because this spurs the pirates into attacking the Imperial garrison. Killing Jul does nothing to stop them. He was never their commander. The pirates and the Empire annihilate each other over vast fortunes that may or may not exist.
In the resulting chaos, the Skakoans on Brentaal IV escape and the council gets overthrown. Vader’s like, “Man fuck this place. Maybe Tarkin was right about the Death Star.” and then leaves because he entirely stopped caring about the Empire’s interests.
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bingyirasta · 4 years ago
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- At 5 his father died.
- At 16 he quit studying.
- By age 17 he already lost more than 4 jobs.
- At 18 he got married.
- Between ages 18 and 22, he worked as a driver and failed.
- He joined the army and was rejected.
- He tried to enter judicial school and was rejected as well.
- Became a failure as an insurance salesman.
- At 25 his wife left him and took his only daughter.
- Turned dishes into a small coffee shop.
- Failed to attempt to get his daughter back.
- At 65 he retired.
- On the first day of his retirement the government gave him $ 105 Realizing that he couldn't keep himself thinking about killing himself because he had a life full of failures. He sat under a tree to write his Testament but realized there was something he hadn't done yet, and that was, Cooking! With the dollars the government gave him, he bought himself a fryer, made fried chicken using a recipe his grandmother taught him, and sold it door to door in his village.
At the age of 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC was a billionaire.
And you, with a single failure, already want to quit?
Life will test you as many times as necessary, even when you're ready to receive everything it has for you. So don't complain and move forward! Keep believing 😊
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joyfulfryer · 4 years ago
Toastmaster Air Fryer 2.5L Reviews from EXPERTS
There ain’t no such thing about too much research whenever it comes to healthy and delicious food, that’s why we give away extensive and honest Toastmaster Air Fryer Articles.
Firstly, you have to know what you’re currently looking for, what kinda modes are you interested in. One more essential factor is maintenance as you really do not want to spend all your day cleaning the kitchen.
Before purchasing an air fryer, you must have a clear photo of what this apparatus is and what outcome you can get using it.
You must realize that with the use of this appliance, you will not get the exact fried meal you used to purchase from the KFC or McDonalds.
Yes, it’ll be delicious and crispy, but its texture will also differ a bit from those of normal fried food. You will get a nice dish that is identical to those cooked inside the conventional oven, thus it’s much more baked than fried. You know, Why?
This is just because of the cooking without or with a bit of oil.
So, is the Toastmaster Air Fryer 2.5L model going to do well? We tested this model against Elite platinum air fryer, NutriChef air fryer, and Ultrean Air Fryer. what are the results?
Let’s see:
Score of Toastmaster Air Fryer
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Score of Elite Gourmet EAF-0201BG
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Best features
The Toastmaster 2.5L is a healthier and fantastic way to fry without even oil. The rapid air tech circulates the heat so you can lightly cook fries and also many more snacks.
The air fryer functions an integrated safety mechanism so it can automatically switch off if the basket holder is detached from the fryer. The configurable temperature control permits a variety of tasty foods to get prepared in a portion of a time.
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Without the oil use, cleaning the air fryer is quite simpler than cleaning any traditional fryer which uses oil.
AMAZING FEATURES Feature Importance of the feature
Large Capacity Fry Basket The two and half liter capacity fry basket is ideal for any family-sized meals.
Rapid Heat Convection Convection tech circulates a consistent heat to give you crispy and perfectly browned foods, each time.
Adjustable Temperature Controls Permits you to set the ideal temperature to fry a many variety of foods, from shrimp and vegetables to chicken and fries.
Built-In Timer Never over cook any food again!
Removable Non-Stick Pan A non-stick pan of the air fryer is easily removable to make clean-up a breeze.
Fry Basket (Cool-Touch Handle) Cool-touch handle for easy handling and safety lock for safety.
EXPERT ADVICE: NEGATIVE Toastmaster Air Fryer review: What does the expert say? There are several air fryers out there, and comparison undoubtedly becomes very tough sometimes. However, it wasn’t a case with Toastmaster Air Fryer 2.5L model. Harsh to say, this 2.5L model didn’t prove to be good value for the money (decision made after a 46 hours research).At it’s price, better air fryers are available, and at joyfulairfryer.com we believe in recommending only the best. What if we say that we’ve got a better recommendation, which dominates in almost all departments over this model, and also, costs around $30 less!Yeah, keep reading, as that model is reviewed explained down there.
A better choice: Elite Gourmet EAF-0201BG 2.1 Qt Air Fryer
The Elite platinum 2.1Qt. Air Fryer has a collection of functions to control a wide array of cooking jobs. With its smooth to use temp/time controls, you could cook, fry, or even bake your favorite foods and snacks with ease!
Not only could you cook foods without any mess of oil but you could cook faster that saves you energy and time. Unlike the most conventional deep fryers, the fryer’s unique vapor technology blended with circulating hot air would automatically make foods crispier and surely healthier without oil.
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Amazing features
Feature Importance of the feature
Compact size The PTFE/PFOA free non-stick pan and the rack hold 2.1Qt or up to 1.5Lb of meal perfect for private use or when making food for guests. Cook faster and much safely than in oil, deducting splatter burns and also reducing electricity use.
Healthy food By cooking with 85% less oil for the fat-free delicious meals. Same crispy and flavor finish without the included calories! Normally add food to the drawer pan, add a tablespoon of oil if you desired, set time/temp, and begin cooking!
Controllable TIME/TEMP It provides you the ultimate in cooking versatility and control permitting you to bake, fry, grill and roast all in one device! A high-power convection fan does envelope food in temperatures from 395 to 180F degrees and a thirty minutes timer automatically shutting off the Elite Platinum Air Fryer at the end of your cooking operation.
Guilt-free frying It will let you enjoy crispy veggie chips, chicken tenders, fish fillets and more without using fatty oils. Includes healthy and delicious recipes to get you began.
Cool-touch handle It will let you safely remove your fried foods from the air fryer without even burning your hands. The exterior touch of the Elite Platinum Air Fryer retains its good pristine condition with just a little damp cloth.We tested it in a drop-down test. Tristar air fryer and Avalon bay air fryer passed, and so did this one.
ETL Approved 120V/1000-watt air fryer with 2.1 quart capacity is best for house kitchen use. Dishwasher can be safely removable PTFE/PFOA Free non-stick coated 2.1 quart drawer pan adding removable frying rack for fast, smooth clean-up.
A 1-YEAR Warranty Warranty and USA Based Customer Support Team will let you purchase with confidence. The Elite Platinum 2.1Qt. Air Fryer comes with the Air Fryer Base, Removable Rack, Removable Drawer Pan and Instruction Manual.
FINAL WORD Concluding Toastmaster Air Fryer 2.5L Reviews: Elite Gourmet EAF-0201BG is a better choice The decision is fully clear now, isn’t it?
Elite Gourmet EAF-0201BG 2.1 Qt model is clearly a better choice, and why would you buy the second best choice even after paying around $30?Not just the features, but there was a significant difference in the outcome. We included 9 kids in our testing, and all of them chose the french fries prepared in Elite Gourmet’s model. Not just that, but in the case of chili chicken also, 8 votes fell in favor of this model only.So, the decision is clear. The overall score of
Elite Gourmet 2.1 Qt Air Fryer was much heavier than Toastmaster Air Fryer 2.5L model. Yes, there’s huge difference, and choosing Toastmaster’s model seems to be pretty foolish choice (Amazon customer reviews reflect the same!)If you feel your requirement is a bit bigger, then go with Elite air fryer having 3.5 qt. capacity,a nd if you’re singel, then we’d recommend Bella 1.6 qt air fryer.
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lancelot-f-blog · 4 years ago
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-At the age of 5 his father died. -At 16 he stopped studying. -At 17 he had already lost more than 4 jobs. -At 18 he got married. -Between the ages of 18 and 22 he worked as a driver and failed. -He joined the army and was rejected. -He tried to enter judicial school and was rejected too. -Became a failure as an insurance salesman. -At 25 his wife left him and took his only daughter. -The dishwasher became a small cafeteria. -He failed to get his daughter back. -At 65 he retired. -On the first day of his retirement the government gave him $105. Realizing that he couldn't support himself, he even thought about committing suicide for having a life full of failures. He sat under a tree to write his Testament, but realised there was something he hadn't done yet, and that was cook! With the dollars that the government gave him, he bought a deep fryer, made fried chicken using a recipe his grandmother taught him and sold it door to door in his town. At the age of 88, Colonel Sanders the founder of KFC, was a billionaire. And you, with single failure, do you want to quit? Life will test you as many times as necessary, until you are ready to receive everything it has for you . PS: NEVER QUIT ON YOURSELF!!🙌🙌 (at Hukuntsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM6SOausy_nDEsoGBpSnnqYZxK-gRrtuoAa4MU0/?igshid=19sbolumzjhhp
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aaknopf · 5 years ago
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The poet Quan Barry is also a fiction writer, whose mischievous We Ride Upon Sticks has just been published. In the fall of 1989, the seniors on the losing Danvers Falcons field hockey team avail themselves of some locally-sourced Salem witchery, in the hope of concocting a winning season. They make a pact, signing their names in a spiral notebook with Emilio Estevez on the cover, and rip and tie strips of Falcons-blue tube sock around all their arms, sealing their dark bond. In the scene below (which includes a special guest appearance by the poet Philip Larkin), the team mingles with members of the football team at their favorite pizza joint. We meet one of the more mysterious players, Girl Cory, so-called because there’s also a Boy Cory on the squad; Boy Cory’s story, like that of Girl Cory, their teammates Jen Fiorenza (whose awesome, high-teased bangs are known to all as “the Claw”), Abby Putnam (ancestor of an original Salem accuser), and others in the mix here, is a journey of identity, community, and the magic of high school friendships.
from We Ride Upon Sticks
“Our butts are going to States this year,” said Jen. “Where are your butts going?” Just then Girl Cory walked in. For a moment the air in Rocco’s filled with the scent of aquamarine waters and palm trees, the harmonies of steel drums, then just as quickly it was back to cheese pizza and the crackling of the deep fryer. “ ’Sup?” Log called out. Most guys at Danvers High didn’t talk to Girl Cory. From what we could glean of teen-boy-dom it seemed most teen boys only have a finite amount of confidence, and they couldn’t afford to go blowing it willy-nilly on a hopeless case like Girl Cory. It was plain to see she was out of everyone’s league. Most people accepted this. It was pure science, like the apple falling from the tree. Girls like Girl Cory didn’t date regular human boys. Historically, since the invention of written records in the girls’ third-floor bathroom concerning who was banging whom, Girl Cory had never dated anyone at Danvers High. Mostly she left in her wake a trail of names from the local private-school universe, places like the Prep, Pingree, even some faraway boy at Deerfield. Log’s “ ’Sup?” was still hanging in the air. Only he among his brethren had confidence to burn. Little did he know but “ ’Sup?” was an excellent question, one we’d been secretly wondering all our lives. Yeah, Girl Cory, what’s up? As she stood at the counter, Girl Cory nodded at Log but didn’t say a word or even take off her Ray-Bans. “And what does your soon-to-be captain have to say about you hosers going to States?” whispered Brian Robinson in a small voice, only looking at Girl Cory indirectly via a shiny plaque mounted on the wall, as if she were a Medusa with the power to transform flesh to stone. “Which is it?” he said. “You guys going to States, or 2-8 again?” “For your information, we haven’t voted for captain yet,” said Jen. Her Claw gave him the stink eye. Rocco’s adult son Vinny slammed her order down on the counter. Ceremoniously, she rose to retrieve her Diet Coke and two slices of Hawaiian. She noticed Log Winters was still staring at Girl Cory. “Take a picture, my friend,” she said, bending over and whispering in Log’s ear. “It’ll last longer.” Then she raised her voice so that all of Rocco’s could partake in the annunciation. “Besides, Cory already has a boyfriend.” “Who’s that?” said Log. “Nobody you’d know,” Jen projected. “He sent her flowers today. Isn’t that right, Cory?” Girl Cory turned and flashed Jen a look that simultaneously said both shut up and keep talking. She was an enigma like that. Honestly, none of us really knew her. Even now that we were all part of the sisterhood of the blue sweat sock, it was like she had constructed a wall to keep us out, a sunroom off the kitchen where she could sit and drink her Earl Grey in peace while the rest of us crowded around a plate of stale bagels in the breakfast nook. Girl Cory pulled a wad of napkins from the dispenser and went over to where Little Smitty was sitting with Mel. What’s up, Girl Cory? All season long, the rest of us standing around wondering, Girl Cory. What. Is. Up? And then one day we’d take a big juicy bite of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and to our everlasting sorrow, we’d find out. “Philip” made his first appearance during the ’88 season shortly after Girl Cory passed her driver’s test. It was late October, one of those autumn days when the afternoon sky prematurely takes on a hazy shade of winter. We were just off the school bus after returning from a massacre in Gloucester, 4-0. Truthfully, the score didn’t accurately reflect the gutting we’d endured at the hands of the Gloucester Fishermen. The two senior co-captains, Gina Packer and Mary Ellen Sommers, had gotten into a fight during the coin toss over whether to pick heads or tails. At one point, Gina reached over and ran her finger through the blue face paint where Mary Ellen had spackled the letters DHS on her cheek. We winced. It was like watching someone ruin a beautifully frosted cake. When we finally arrived back at Danvers High, Julie Kaling stopped reciting that part of the Nicene Creed about God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, her crucifix glinting in the dark of the bus. To be honest, after the kind of outing it had been, some of us found her religious yammering weirdly comforting. We’d grabbed our stuff from the locker room and headed out to wait for our moms to come get us or to bum rides with the seniors who lived in our neighborhoods. Girl Cory had hit the two-fecta, having recently passed her driver’s test and been given her own wheels to boot. Her brand-new white Fiero was parked in the student lot. The Fiero had been purchased weeks before her driving test and was just sitting around in her multi-car garage collecting dust. Driving was still a novelty to her, the monogrammed fingerless gloves still fun to slip on. That day she was giving Abby Putnam a ride home. It was Abby who pointed out the mint-green envelope stuck under the windshield wipers. Girl Cory peeled the envelope off the wet glass and held it between her fingers like a dead roach. “This is a wicked bummer,” she said. “Can you get ticketed here?” Abby shook her head. She watched as her friend tore open the soggy envelope. Girl Cory’s face betrayed nothing. If anything, she looked a little more bloodless. “Lemme see,” said Abby. She took the slip of paper in her hands and stared for a long time at the blurred writing, the washed-out words as if painted in watercolor. Roses are Red— Your Fiero—it’s White— With seating for two. Don’t! Put up a fight—take me with you! The next day before practice we showed the letter around. Heather Houston performed a close reading on it worthy of a 5 on the AP English test. She commented on the juvenile use of the Dickinsonian em dash, the strange imperatives, the elisions, the contradictory tone of both fight and flight. “Whoever wrote this is not playing with a full deck,” she concluded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “It doesn’t even make sense. Like this part. ‘Don’t!’ Don’t what? Use your words, people!” She was practically spitting she was so worked up about it. Poor Heather Houston took weak syntactical choices as a personal affront. Julie Kaling patted her comfortingly on the back. “I dunno, I think it’s sweet,” said Little Smitty softly. This was back in the days before Emilio and the blue tube sock, back when Little Smitty ate all the spinach on her plate happily with a big smile as though it were cotton candy. “What I will say,” said Heather, offering a second conclusion about the note, “is Philip Larkin he is not.” Becca Bjelica looked at AJ Johnson and silently mouthed, Philip who? We were all thinking the same thing. Nobody rolled their eyes at her. How were we supposed to know some curmudgeonly British poet, even one who’d written: They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. And thus “Philip” was born. That first year “Philip” mostly left little things lying around in plain sight, like a cat who brings its owner dead robins. A tube of Chanel lipstick without the actual lipstick in it. A box of chocolates, but instead of sweets slotted in each compartment, there were rocks. Girl Cory took it all in stride. We didn’t tell anyone in the adult world because what was there to say? Some poor slob had the hots for a girl so beautiful she should have been in a music video, and he left her crazy presents? Back then the word “stalker” wasn’t really part of anyone’s vocabulary. Fatal Attraction had come out the year before, but that was just stuff that happened to sexy creeps like Michael Douglas, who banged complete strangers and mostly had it coming. And so Girl Cory learned to live with it. And so we learned to live vicariously through her. In time, we began to look forward to “Philip’s” offerings. They made us feel like maybe somewhere down the road, somebody, anybody, might possibly want us. Even the time he dropped a note in her schoolbag that said, “I hate you, you stupid peckerhead,” and signed it “Much l♥ve.” We were a bunch of mostly inexperienced teen girls. We thought that’s what true romance was supposed to look like. A boy telling a girl she was a stupid peckerhead, but she was his stupid peckerhead. Lord, make us worthy, we prayed. God from God, Light from Light, Boyfriend from Boy Who Considers Us a Peckerhead. It seemed like the thing to ask for. None of us ever thought to pray for a better caliber of boy.
More on this book and author:
Learn more about We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry
Browse other books by Quan Barry including her four poetry collections published in the Pitt Poetry Series
Read the full text of Philip Larkin's "This Be the Verse" at the Poetry Foundation
Peruse other poems, audio recordings, and broadsides in the Knopf poem-a-day series 
To share the poem-a-day experience with friends, pass along this link.
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skiasurveys · 5 years ago
1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. Have a party, exercise more, eat healthy, get a good job, do well in class
2. What color are your pants? not wearing any
3. Favorite motivational quote. it is what it is.
4. When was the last time you drank coffee? a long ass time ago? i don’t drink
5. What was the last thing you ate?  apple
6. Favorite animal. wolf
7. Favorite song. bad karma by gabbie hanna
8. Last movie you watched? i don’t remember i don’t watch movies
9. Any turn ons? these vary
10. Any turn offs? lanky, trump supporter to the extreme.. drugs
11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. lol idk
12. What are some meaningful movies?  theres too many
13. 2 most important people in your life right now? connor and jen
14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends? make art , go to the gym if it’s open and buy an ipad
15. When was the last time you read a good book? like 5 years ago
16. How long do you study for usually, if you study? - it depends on the subject honestly. if i need to study longer it will
17. Do you have any nicknames? skia
18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) i don’t care for one i just wear what i find smell good lol
19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state? - yup a lot!
20. What is something unique that you do every single day? - i do nothing unique
21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? - series of unfortunate events
22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? - xmas
23. Are you a shopaholic? - no but i can get into moods where i wanna shop
24. What are some songs that always make you feel better?- don’t stop me now by queen
25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. gaming, cooking and working out
26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in? - idk?
27. How do you like being roused in the morning? - slowly and quiet
28. How was your day? What did you do? - it was good i bought some make up that i needed and made dinner
29. What did your last text message say? -too lazy to look
30. Do you respond to texts quickly?- i try to but sometimes i don’t see it right away or i am busy
31. Who was the last person you called? mom
32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. - ipad pro, air pods, air fryer thing for my instant pot lol , drafting board, VR
33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? youtube or art
34. Winter or summer? summer
35. What is a quality that all people should have? sympathy
36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? uhhhh i’m not sure
37. What have you been thinking about lately? school
38. What is the secret to a happy life? not caring
39. What are some phrases you say often? like
40. Favorite food? meatballs and rice
41. List 3 wishes. i wish to have a great job, i wish to have confidence and i wish to have love
42. What are some of your greatest fears? dying
43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? video of mine
44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? canada’s scenery
45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? dislike lol i’m white af
46. Scary movies:Like or dislike? dislike usually
47. Do you like to travel? yes i do i wish i could do more if i had the money
48. Any regrets? ofc
49. Do you like rain? yessss
50. What do you spend most of your money on? bills or food
51. Would you rather visit the past or the future? past right now
52. Favorite clothing store? american eagle but my clothing tastes change for different stuff
53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down? it will be okay and if not it will be funny
54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you? yeah i am always worried
55. What angers you the most? thinking about how people have wronged me or thinking of injustice
56. When was the last time you got majorly angry? a while ago
57. When was the last time you got really sad? yesterday
58. Are you good at lying? sometimes
59. What foreign language would you like to learn? spanish would be cool but i wanna learn icelandic
60. How many languages can you speak and what are they? 1
61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead? hardly never and i chill with myself and friends
62. What books do you plan to read this year? none lol
63. Do you have breakfast every morning? no
64. Tell us a secret. no
65. How many concerts have you been to? 1
66. Last hug? connor
67. Who knows you better than anyone else? mom
68. Baths or showers? showers but i love baths
69. Do you think you’re ambitious? hmmm nah
70. What song is stuck in your head? none right now
71. Countries you’ve visited? usa
72. What do you most value in your friends? good listener
73. What helps you to sleep better? sex lol
74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand? a few hundred
75. What makes you nervous? e v e r y t h i n g
76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? idk
77. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forget
78. First mobile phone? LG slide and touch or something like that
79. Strangest dream? there’s a lot...
80. Best dream? idk
81. Who is the smartest person you know? janelle
82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr? idc
83. Do you miss anyone right now? ya
84. Who do you love? Why? connor
85. Do you like sharing? depends
86. What was the last picture you took with your phone? a pic of my painting
87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens? no
88. Favorite genre of music? rock
89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? anxious
90. Describe your life in 5 words. tragedy (one word i don’t care )
91. Describe the world in 4 words. injustice, selfish, rotten, dark
92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done? shrooms
93. First three songs in your favorite playlist? let me live, rororo, bad karma
94. Are you more creative or logical? creative
95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? hurt
96. What are you most proud of? my mental health
97. What personality trait do you admire in other people? empathy
98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? vibing
99. How do you usually start a conversation? hey or a conversation start
100. What is the best news you could hear right now? that i have money for life
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zulubunsen · 5 years ago
multiples of 8!
*aggressively counts on fingers*
8: Movies or TV shows?
I’m definitely a TV show kinda guy. My attention span is short!
16: Most comfortable position to sit in?
Probably cross-legged, until they fall asleep.
24: Favorite crystal?
I’m not super into crystals but desert glass is neat.
32: Top five favorite Vines?
Wow, this question didn’t age well.
40: Weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Well, I go to a community college currently and the whole thing is falling apart. Apparently someone embezzled a couple million from the school (allegedly), so they’re cancelling a lot of the programs and pulling the rug out under from students, as my girlfriend can mainly attest to.
48: If you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A banana, because I’m plain, boring, but dependable!
56: Favorite tradition?
My grandfather started a family tradition of cooking this Italian dessert every Christmas morning called frittas (basically bite-sized fried dough covered in powdered sugar). I have a deep fryer (a gift from my mom) so I carry on the family tradition as best I can.
64: Favorite website from your childhood?
God I spent SO much time on Webkinz and Poptropica.
72: Worst subject?
Math, by far. I enjoy math as an abstract concept, but I’m a slow learner, so classes just move far too fast for me.
80: Earth tones of jewel tones?
88: Your greatest wish?
I wish to actually be successful and happy in life.
96: Desktop background?
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The Voyager golden record!
Thanks so much for the asks :D
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cristianecoach · 2 years ago
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tajkalaa · 3 years ago
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محصول سرخ كن فیلیپس  9270
Philips HD9270 Fryer
سرخ کن مدل 9270 یکی از کاربردی ترین محصولات شرکت فیلیپس هست که با توان مصرفی ۲۰۰۰ وات و ظرفیت ۶ لیتر تولید و به بازار عرضه شده است.
لطفا جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر به سایت زیر مراجعه فرمایید
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joyfulfryer · 4 years ago
Gourmia Air Fryer 6 qt Reviews in 2021: Good choice?
Today we bring you the Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews!
There are tons of air fryers with different functionalities and performance capabilities in the market today. We really like this one made up of the sleek stainless steel (it has been staying out on a counter, so looks do matter), and because of its size – we do get a decent size of French-fries out of this.
It is actually easy to use, like so smooth. And all of the things get ready really fast. Apparently, you could cook so many things in this (comes with a great recipe book!) We have been busy with the French-fries, breaded veggies and egg rolls, and egg rolls, and super glad about our tasty, healthy results!
Making crispy dishes is a breeze utilizing little to no oil with unique combinations of time and temperature is easy. This device comes with an easy to use LED screen, which we really admire and super easy to use – you cannot go wrong.
This makes a meal that is not only easy and quick to make. However, it tastes really delicious as well as much healthier.
Here Comes the Expert Review
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This medium-sized air fryer is a classic appliance that functions as it must with tiny to no issues. It has a fabulous looking LCD screen and a basket that is dishwasher safe.
It’s relatively expensive for what you are getting in return, as the GAF265 model has only a tiny amount of functions and a modest cooking capacity.
Specifications & Pros/cons
SPECIFICATIONS Appliance Weight 3.99lbs Capacity 4-Quarts Dimensions H13.31″ x W10.16″ x D12.36″ Min/Max Temperature 100°F/400°F Dishwasher Safe Yes Available Colors Black Wattage 1200W – –
PROS Attractive Appliance Impressive LCD Display Dishwasher Safe Highly durable 8 Presets Among the most versatile air fryers at its price
CONS Cylindrical Design isn’t appreciated by all.
Appearance is not the be-all and end-all, but it is great to have a good-looking appliance in the kitchen, and this air fryer doesn’t disappoint. The cylindrical body is not the most efficient design (we will circle back to that later). However, the black plastic exterior and the silver trim provides the appliance a glamorous look.
The touchscreen LCD display adds a hint of class to the front, and all the lights are resplendent in a royal blue.
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While the overall appearance of the GAF265 is quite appealing, the real design is somewhat inefficient. The whole body of the appliance is cylindrical; after all, compared to a square-shaped air fryer with identical measurements (width, height, and depth), it’ll have a tinier capacity despite having an identical exterior footprint.
That being said, the four-quart capacity is a modesty device that can cook for around two to three people with no issue.
Focal Features of Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews
Recipe Presets: Gourmia’s four-quart air fryer includes 8 presets programmed into the machine. With the touch of a key, you will have the right temperatures and times for your desired meal. Those preset are; Cake, Fish, Poultry, Bacon, Steak, Shellfish, French Fries, Bread.
Auto Pause: Just like GAF228, this particular model also has the auto-pause function to make sure that your cooking time is not compromised at all when detaching the basket to check the meal or provide the contents a shake.
Dishwasher Safe: Unlike any cheaper model, the basket for this device can be put in the dishwasher, which makes it easier to clean.
Performance & Cleaning
There is one little question that Gourmia mainly focuses more on the performance of air fryers over features, functions, and extras. There are relatively many complaints from users regarding model problems or failure with their appliances. Simultaneously, most users are delighted with how the machine cooks their meals consistently and reliably.
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Cleaning the model is made basic with the ‘Dishwasher safe’ basket. For those that do not own a dishwasher, basically use soft, warm, and sponge soapy water to get the task done. There are no complaints from users about it being tough to clean.
Should you buy this 6 qt. reviews?
While marginally ideal than the GAF228 model, with a bigger cooking capacity, a more pleasing look, and 8 presets, it’s double the cost of its tinier sibling.
It is not a bad kitchen appliance, were you to be given one, you will be delighted with this awesome air fryer, but there are far better examples of these tiny kitchen appliances on the current market for an identical price point.
Other considerable models besides Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model
There’s no ultimately perfect air fryer out there to buy. all come with definite benefits, and we’d say the same with the 6 qt model that we finished discussing. thankfully, the same brands offers a few more superb air fryer models. Here, we’re describing the most appealing ones, which cleared our testing.
Gourmia GAF718 7-Quart Air Fryer
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Simplicity is the biggest sophistication” – If Leonardo Da Vinci’s quote is pretty accurate, the Gourmia GAF 2.2-quart air fryer should be one of the sophisticated appliances available today.
It is not; however, it’s an entry-level air fryer that is very basic to use and comes with a low budget price tag. It comes with relatively some features, but it will perform the way it must.
SPECIFICATIONS Appliance Weight: 6.64lbs Capacity: 2.2-Quarts Dimensions: W8.36″ x H11.14″ x D10.23″ Min/Max Temperature: 175°F/399°F Dishwasher Safe: No Available Colors: Black Wattage: 1000W – –
PROS Easy to use Highly durable Low cost Compact overall size Great customer reviews Highly versatile
CONS Not Dishwasher Safe Small Capacity
The GAF228 is one of the great entry-level air fryers, and it’s one of the cheapest kitchen appliances on the market today. Because it’s so inexpensive, some allowances should be made, and customers should accept that this isn’t a high-quality product.
This air fryer’s look has been kept as simple as possible, presumably to keep the value of this machine down. It has a basic black-plastic body with silver trim and handles, while the LCD screen is unobtrusive and small.
This 2.2-Quart model is one of the tiniest air fryers on the current market in terms of cooking capacity. That isn’t necessarily bad if you are new to air frying, live on your own, or are looking for a kitchen appliance to supplement your oven.
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Just you should be aware that you’ll not be capable of cooking full meals for 4 with the Gourmia GAF228.
Features Auto Pause
When you are cooking particular meals, the recipe might require the need to shake the ingredient of the basket halfway through.
The GAF228 model auto-pause function will send the LCD screen into sleep mode when the basket is removed, pausing the timer, then resuming the operation upon inserting the basket.
While it does sound like a commonsense function that should be present on all types of models, there are some kitchen appliances on the market that do not feature an identical function.
Performance & Cleaning
To keep the price of the GAF228 low, Gourmia has majorly focused on air fryer performance, resulting in ninety percent of consumers rating this kitchen appliance from 4 – 5 stars. It air fries meat, French fries, fish, pizza, and bread as it should.
As there are not any presets for the LCD screen, this kitchen appliance is straightforward to utilize, which many customers find appealing.
The cleaning operation is a little bit more complicated than any other models since the basket isn’t dishwasher safe. It will require to be cleaned by hand manually using warm soapy water and a soft sponge.
Should you purchase the GAF228?
While there is virtually nothing bad with this air fryer, it is tough to recommend a kitchen appliance that provides little in return for the rate tag. It is not overly expensive at all.
It does adequately operate the task it sets out to do. But for a similar outlay, there are tons of other kitchen appliances on the market nowadays that do the same task but will have a few more whistles and bells.
Let’s conclude Gourmia air fryer 6 qt reviews
FINAL WORD Now, when we get filled with the desire to get healthy and improve eating habits, efforts shouldn’t matter much, and a time comes when you start hearing to your taste buds rather than your heart, isn’t it?Yes, tasty food most of the time gets you off the track of getting fit, and an air fryer is something that fulfills the desire without letting you get off the track.Buying the Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model is a superb decision, and you can feel every penny that you pay for it getting returned to you in the form of performance! You may not believe it, but one of our testers was going to buy a microwave, but this little air fryer changed his mood!Gourmia air fryer 6 qt model is cool for a 4-member family, and the food prepare inside this magic pot is truly magnificent! Oh yes, there’s absolutely nothing stopping us from recommending this 6Qt. model to you!
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