#jul tambor
apparentlyautistick · 5 months
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piermanwalter · 5 months
The same way Wat Tambor knew Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious were the same people as Hego Damask and Sheev Palpatine, but didn't see this as important or bother to tell anyone because it doesn't affect his personal goals, I think it would be really funny if Jul Tambor knew Darth Vader was the same person as Anakin Skywalker, but also didn't see this as important or bother to tell anyone because it doesn't affect his personal goals.
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Star Wars: Darth Vader #032, “Handmaiden No More?”
Art by Ibraim Roberson and Federico Blee
Written by Greg Pak
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 4): Handmaiden battle
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Saché | Identity: wlw | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Saché, born Sashah Adova, was the youngest of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens, recruited at only 12 years old. Her official role was that of page, where she could observe the happenings of the palace. Saché was often overlooked, and even as she became an adult she was often quiet and bottled up her feelings. When Padmé and her handmaidens escaped Naboo, Saché and Yané were left behind. They were put into internment camps with the rest of Naboo’s government. This forced confinement caused Saché and Yané to realize that their awkward feelings were mutual attraction. Caught transporting messages amongst the Naboo Royal Guard, she was tortured by the Trade Federation, giving her scars she would carry for the rest of her life.
After Pamdé’s term as queen, she joined Naboo’s legislative assembly. She also married Yané, and they lived in a large house with the children Yané would foster. When Sio Bibble retired as governor at the end of the Clone Wars, Saché was expected to succeed her. However, the new Emperor Palpatine appointed Quash Penaka as Moff, replacing most of the existing Naboo government. Unlike her wife, Saché joined the Amidalans, a group of Naboo led by Sabé who sought to avenge Padmé’s death. With the rest of the handmaidens, she held her own for a time in combat against Darth Vader. Despite the decimation of the group, Saché managed to survive, and when Sabé became an operative for Vader (long story), she joined her handmaidens once more to save Sabé. When Sabé was captured by Jul Tambor, the handmaidens allied themselves with Vader. When Vader and Sly Moore tried to turn them to the side of the Empire, they were unmoved. They managed to free Sabé, but she refused to leave with them and returned to Vader’s side. Crushed, Saché returned to her wife and tried to continue to live.
Sabé | Identity: bisexual | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Sabé, born Tsabin, was a member of a family of musicians who set their daughter on the same path. However, she was only skilled enough to ever have a supporting role and instead volunteered to be one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. She became Padmé’s most trusted operative, pretending to be the Queen during the Invasion of Naboo. After Padmé’s term as queen ended, she remained her operative and worked with Tonra, a member of Naboo’s security force, to attempt to free slaves on Tatooine. They eventually made contact with the White Suns, a Tatioone slave liberation movement. When the Clone Wars began, Sabé once again acted as Padmé’s decoy when Padmé was away from Coruscant conducting an investigation. There she learned Anakin and Padmé were married. However, to make sure Padmé didn’t have her closest confidant, Palpatine blasted Sabé’s brain with the Dark Side until she didn’t want to work closely with Padmé anymore. Sabé spent the rest of the war helping the White Suns.
After Padmé died, Sabé founded an organization known as the Amidalans- a rebel cell consisting of Naboo (including some of the other handmaidens), who sought to avenge Padmé. They attempted to assassinate Vader (who they deemed responsible) on multiple occasions. Sabé focused on deception, pretending to work with Vader to find Padmé’s killer and infiltrating Crimson Dawn. Until she figured out that Vader was Anakin. Remembering how Padmé’s last words (which had been recorded) was “There’s still good in [Anakin]”, she decided to actually become Vader’s operative. Her given reason was that the Empire and Vader did bring order to the galaxy, but it is just as likely she is following her queen’s last order to attempt to bring the man she loved back to the light. She remained by Vader’s side even when her fellow handmaidens came to “rescue” her. Her last appearance in the comics was Vader abandoning her on a beach until she could decide to fully commit to the Dark Side (emotionally speaking).
Sabé had crushes on a handful of people and even a romantic relationship with Tonra, but her most important was her romantic love for Padmé. These feelings were requited, with Queen’s Hope creating a love triangle where Sabé represented ideology and duty and Anakin was selfish love. As we know, Padmé chose Anakin, but a deciding factor was Sabé’s self esteem being temporarily shattered by Palpatine. Her wider moral view seems to have degraded after spending over two decades focusing on avenging Padmé instead of joining the wider Rebellion. However, even working for the Empire, she hasn’t gone completely evil yet- doing things like pretending to kill a bunch of refugees to gain their loyalty instead of actually killing them.
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dispatchdcu · 2 years
Star Wars: Darth Vader #31 Review
Star Wars: Darth Vader #31 Review #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #NCBD #comicbooknews #amazon #previews #reviews #starwars #darthvader #vader #starwarscomics
Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Ibraim Roberson Colorist: Federico Blee Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna Publisher: Marvel Price: 3.99 Release Date: February 8. 2023 Reviewer: David Dunham Dormé, Rabé, Saché, and Eirtaé once served Queen Padme on Naboo. Now they help Darth Vader rescue Sabé from rebel leader Jul Tambor. Can these former royal handmaidens free their friend without falling under Vader’s…
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Preview: Star Wars: Darth Vader #29
Star Wars: Darth Vader #29 preview. Who is the pirate JUL TAMBOR, what is he planning on Skako Minor, and what will the Handmaiden, who now stands at Vader's side, do when it's her job to choose if Jul lives or dies? #comics #comicbooks #starwars
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mousedroid-hoojib · 7 months
Jul Tambor
As grandson of Techno Union foreman Wat Tambor, Jul Tambor believed that leading Skako Minor was his birthright.
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3D print of a character designed in MakeHuman and articulated to 18 POA in Tinkercad
modelling clay
3mm foam
Citadel "Burnished Gold", "Waaagh Flesh", "Mephiston Red", "Chaos Black" paints
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fanthatracks · 1 year
Darth Vader (2020) #34 UNBOUND FORCE PART II After Darth Vader convinced Sabé to fully commit to the battle against the insurgent Jul Tambor, Sabé's fellow handmaidens tried to free her from the Dark Lord's control. But she returned to Vader, whom only she knows was once Anakin Skywalker. Having joined the Imperials fully, Sabé tricked Jul Tambor into revealing his plan to take over Skako Minor, causing his followers to revolt. But as Vader contends with a Force Wave that has caused him to lose control of his powers, Sabé must look deep inside herself to see whether she'll return to the light or fall further toward the darkness…. Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Adam Gorham Letterer: Joe Caramagna Colorist: Federico Blee Cover artist: Leinil Francis Yu Editor: Mark Paniccia Release Date: May 10, 2023 As issue 33 ended we were left with Sabé about to make a dark choice, and as issue 34 opens we return to the moment, Darth Vader giving us the flip side of an oft-repeated Jedi phrase. "Hate leads to suffering....or power." That certainly wasn't part of the teachings of Master Yoda, and as Sabé refuses the choice, blaming it all on Vader's loss of control, he pulls her close as her visions rage, and we see Naboo, her fellow Handmaidens congregating around a statue of Queen Amidala as they remember her, and acknowledge the one who 'made' them agree - Sabé. We see her in an open-faced Stormtrooper helmet and watch as she made the most of her power, subjugating the people of the galaxy in the name of the Empire. Sabé rails against the visions, calling for Anakin as Padmé appears and vanishes, followed by Luke. Sabé realises he is Vaders son - he must be, here's right there in Anakin's mind - and then a memorable moment. Padmé reappears, and while she recognises her son, he has no memory of his mother. 'There is still good in him' she says, as Vader suddenly appears, slashing at the ghost memories with his lightsaber, angrily telling her it's her visions, not his. We're back in the now, the real world as Vader tells her to forget the past, but his powers swell once again and she is hurled into the air, crashing on the ground meters away. She stands as Vader once again tells her to make a choice, that his powers are out of control and if she choses not to join him, he may well kill her. Her reply is potent - 'How can I choose if I refuse to hate?' [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="144358,144360,144359"] Sabé turns to walk away, but Vader is as good as his word and his powers erupt, hurling her into the air once more as a tidal wave swells, Sabé falling under the waves. His powers are so raw, his metal arms almost shredding with the strain, and using the Force through those arms he lifts the crashed Imperial Shuttle from the waters, dropping it onto the sand. Screaming in comes another ship, with five soldiers aboard eager to end Vader and as they approach Vader once again uses the Force to lift the salvaged shuttle to take the brunt of their blasts, his arms shredding even more as they circle for another attack. Using an energy shield on his wrist he deflects their blasts and as they swing back in he unleashes a fierce blast that cleaves their ship in half, crashing down as their bewildered leader, certain Vader was at his most vulnerable, lies in the wreckage. 'No matter what, I am Vader and all I need is hate'. An ineteresting issue that seems to bring the current Handmaidens arc to a close, for now at least, and while it cements the determination of Vader to fuel his service to the Empire and his master, it does feel like it's missing....something. Of course, we need to get everything in the right place for the events of Return of the Jedi, and the Padmé / Luke exchange which we assume Vader sees could well play into that, although it feels like Luke needs to see this as much as his father. If Sabé is dead, then it's a grim ending for a character who has been nothing but fascinating to follow for the
past few issues (although let's hope she survives; Natalie Portman has to come back to play someone) and as the return of Doctor Aphra is teased in issue 35, we have to wonder just how far from Jedi we are. An interesting issue, but a dip on the sky-high levels of the past handful of issues, as transitional issues between arcs like this often are. [amazon box="B0C11JKP83"]
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Star Wars Just Changed Darth Vader Canon in One Brilliant Way Has Darth Vader finally met his match? A new Star Wars comic reveals a loose thread that's come back to haunt the Sith warrior. https://www.inverse.com/culture/star-wars-vader-comic-jul-tambor
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boredandanxious · 3 years
Assim que cheguei em casa coloquei nosso moletom na cama com o cuidado da parte do capuz (a que conhece o cheiro do seu pescoço melhor do que eu) estar para dentro da dobra porque assim o cheiro não sai tão fácil. Prometi a mim mesma, de um jeito organizado e cético, "um cheiro por dia é o suficiente". Penso que assim as moléculas com seu perfume estão por perto até você voltar. Estava arrumando quarto e o moletom estava no canto. Lembro quando comprei ele, estava nos Estados Unidos, ele era o único moletom camuflado bem no cantinho, em volta vários outros moletons comuns, ele é 3 tamanhos maiores do que costumo usar e eu decidi trazer mesmo assim sem entender o motivo de querer. Mas é ver você usando ele que entendo o impulso da compra que provam que os verdes combinam com seu tom de pele alaranjado e olho de mel nada maçônico, percebo que as mangas largas caem tão bem em seus braços desengonçados com dedos compridos e unhas curtas.
Bem, o vale do dia acabou de acabar e o que posso dizer é que sentir seu cheiro de perto é mais fácil. Sentir ele hoje me lembrou de um passado distante do qual você não fez parte; da época criança que fazia inglês naquele calçadão que te apresentei esses dias numa madrugada em Três Rios. Não tem uma história por trás do cheiro, nem uma lembrança mirabolante. Só lembrei que ia de manhã com uma pastinha estudar, saia de lá e entrar em uma loja de brinquedos que a vitrine me encantava por longos minutos também no calçadão era parada obrigatória. Uma lembrança simples que traz consigo um gosto de nostalgia com um sorriso no canto da boca e estômago gelado por perceber que passa tão rápido. Meu amor por você é assim… simples, manso, sereno. Mas ao mesmo tempo vem o nervosismo e a vontade de te amar da sua maneira infinita que não entendo muito bem que cai perfeitamente bem na minha vontade de te devorar rápido. Sei que você prefere o uso de muitas vírgulas igual sua escrita mas quando o assunto é nosso amor a vontade de tragar não deixa tempo para respiros. E mais uma vez você vem com sua mansura, olhar brilhante calmo e ouvidos atentos que vai diminuindo meu ritmo até ele ser confundido com o seu quando nossos olhos se fixam, os corações se encontram para um tambor, a boca se abre com o dedo na língua e o olho se fecha d e v a g a r. E aqui estou eu com seu cheiro grudado no nosso moletom. Isso era para ser apenas uma mensagem banal para contar dos efeitos nostálgicos, mas olha eu aqui reescrevendo o óbvio de te amar mais uma vez.
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apparentlyautistick · 5 months
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möre science guys hehe
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piermanwalter · 11 months
Skakoans as watches
Given that Skakoans and watches are both fragile parts in heavy cases, it's surprisingly easy to find watches that look like them.
Wat Tambor: Tissot Titanium T-Touch Solar Expert ($1300)
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Withstanding 100 meters of water pressure while somehow having a touch screen and solar power at the same time, this watch is seriously well-engineered while being comparatively affordable. Perhaps even over-engineered. With calendars, timers, alarms, compass, altimeter, and barometer, AND iOS, Android, and HarmonyOS compatibility, who could you possibly be trying to impress? For all our sakes, please take a break.
Jul Tambor: Rolex Gold Daytona ($80,000)
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With a name linked to wealth and prestige and to pointless death and destruction, how long can you keep coasting off brand recognition? Is your successful micromanagement admirable, or proof that you have nothing better to do? Withstanding 100 meters of water pressure is the only thing you have in common with your predecessor. Even the most outrageously frivolous things are valuable investments when your survival depends on flexing on gangsters as hard as you can.
Kul Teska: Casio Resin G-Shock GA700UC-3A ($100)
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Every timekeeping feature expected from a watch, withstanding 200 meters of water pressure, as well as a blindingly powerful LED flashlight, looking like a grotesque tacticool monstrosity and being pretty cheap prevent this watch from being worn in prestigious company.
Clongor: Hublot Carbon Fiber MP-09 Tourbillon Bi-Axis ($200,000)
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Purposefully unreadable, ergonomically terrible, withstanding 30 meters of water pressure, exposed screw heads that look one hard hit away from falling out, five times more expensive than the second most expensive watch on this list, the few timekeeping features this watch has beyond the absolute bare minimum make it even worse. If you thought all luxury watches are tastelessly impractical displays of wealth, take a look at this fucking thing and be grateful at least they aren't all this bad.
Hallio Bas: Skmei Plastic 1698 Digital ($5)
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You tried.
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2 #029, “Techno (Re)Union”
Art by Luke Ross and Federico Blee
Written by Greg Pak
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): General Bracket Match 22
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Chase Wilsorr | Identity: mlm | Media: ESB/”A Good Kiss”
Chase Wilsorr was the rebel soldier who walked between an arguing Han and Leia, and he was not having a good time when that happened. Overeager and clumsy, after failing Alliance basic training multiple times and being rejected from every other branch of the Alliance, he was a kitchen worker and runner on Echo Base. He didn’t appreciate how essential such support staff was, and he yearned to be a rebel hero. He believed in the self help novel Be Your Best Self, which was basically about self confidence and manifestation. He was an extremely skilled runner, and was familiar with all parts of Echo Base, including tunnels that were created during the construction process but were no longer used. 
He had a crush on the tauntaun handler Jordan Smythe and arranged his schedule to ensure that he would be the one delivering him caf. Despite Jordan flirting with him, he was too anxious to show reciprocation. During the evacuation of Echo Base, Chase used his knowledge of the base’s layout to save medical staff from a cave in. Then, he found Jordan who refused to leave his favorite tauntaun, Sunshine, behind. Together, they rode through the tunnels of Echo Base to reach the last evacuation transport. Upon boarding the transport, Jordan kissed Chase.
Bonus, he also had a crush on Han Solo which only stoked his anger about all the cool hero stuff Han got to do and how annoying his will-they-won’t-they thing with Leia was.
Saché | Identity: wlw | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Saché, born Sashah Adova, was the youngest of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens, recruited at only 12 years old. Her official role was that of page, where she could observe the happenings of the palace. Saché was often overlooked, and even as she became an adult she was often quiet and bottled up her feelings. When Padmé and her handmaidens escaped Naboo, Saché and Yané were left behind. They were put into internment camps with the rest of Naboo’s government. This forced confinement caused Saché and Yané to realize that their awkward feelings were mutual attraction. Caught transporting messages amongst the Naboo Royal Guard, she was tortured by the Trade Federation, giving her scars she would carry for the rest of her life.
After Pamdé’s term as queen, she joined Naboo’s legislative assembly. She also married Yané, and they lived in a large house with the children Yané would foster. When Sio Bibble retired as governor at the end of the Clone Wars, Saché was expected to succeed her. However, the new Emperor Palpatine appointed Quash Penaka as Moff, replacing most of the existing Naboo government. Unlike her wife, Saché joined the Amidalans, a group of Naboo led by Sabé who sought to avenge Padmé’s death. With the rest of the handmaidens, she held her own for a time in combat against Darth Vader. Despite the decimation of the group, Saché managed to survive, and when Sabé became an operative for Vader (long story), she joined her handmaidens once more to save Sabé. When Sabé was captured by Jul Tambor, the handmaidens allied themselves with Vader. When Vader and Sly Moore tried to turn them to the side of the Empire, they were unmoved. They managed to free Sabé, but she refused to leave with them and returned to Vader’s side. Crushed, Saché returned to her wife and tried to continue to live.
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dispatchdcu · 2 years
Star Wars: Darth Vader #29 Preview
Star Wars: Darth Vader #29 Preview #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #NCBD #comicbooknews #amazon #previews #reviews #starwars #darthvader #vader #starwarscomics
Star Wars: Darth Vader #29 Preview: TECHNO (RE)UNION! Three decades ago, Anakin Skywalker slaughtered Wat Tambor, leader of the Techno Union, along with the rest of the Separatist leaders by the command of the Emperor. So who is the pirate JUL TAMBOR, what is he planning on Skako Minor, and what will the Handmaiden, who now stands at Vader’s side, do when it’s her job to choose if Jul lives or…
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Preview: Star Wars: Darth Vader #31
Star Wars: Darth Vader #31 preview. The Dark Lord finally comes face-to-face with Skakoan revolutionary Jul Tambor - and Sabé finally must pick sides! #comics #comicbooks #starwars
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