#82% Lifetime Off
hostpoco · 2 years
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ansloww · 4 months
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💊┆ ╰┈➤ 𝜗𝜚 ┈ I should have know to not trust VALENTINO 。—
💊┆ ╰┈➤ ┈ warning: val, angst, abuse, non-con, no happy ending, gender neutral reader. 。—
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• your life was shit, you can’t even make you own fucking decision because of a certain overlords.
•Sometimes you wondered why did you accept to signed the contract.
• when you arrived hell, someone extended his hands to you, you thought he’ll help you with this chaos in hell, but he didn’t. He just ruined you even more.
• Valentino, the overlord who extended his hands to you, make your mental even worse than before, after you agreed signed the paper.
• Val let all his anger, stresses at you by fucking you dumb, he didn’t cared with you aren’t okay with it he just do it.
• you were always next to him, by his side. He didn’t want to let you go, he was obsessed with you and your body. All your begging was ignored, what could you said ? He owned you after all.
• The day when he founded out Angel dust was with Lucifer’s daughter was the worst day for you. He literally screamed out his anger at you and almost shot you but at the end of the day he apologized.
• you hated being by his side
• you were here before Angel Dust, you tried to make him don’t sign the paper, but he didn’t saw the signals.
• Angel dust was only owned in the studio and you, he just owned your soul and you aren’t free anymore.
Dog in a leash, that’s what you were. You never asked to be a fucktoy to Valentino. You just wanted a goddamn job, thinking it’ll be great, maybe not as bad as your life. But you were all wrong, after signing that paper.
One day, Valentino founded out Angel Dust with the ‘bimbo’ daughter of Lucifer. He was enraged, he wanted to throw his anger at someone, this someone was you. Since you were next to you, he slapped you across the face making your eyes widened, wondering what did you do wrong this time. "Valentino- what did" you were cut off by his hands gripping your wrist and throw you away, hitting the walls. You’re definitely going to have a bruise. "This fucking Angel Dust ?!" He exclaimed himself, letting his anger on you. "How dare him to be with that bimbo !" he yelled at you, until Vox appeared in the room.
• you knew nobody is going to help you from this, but at least you tried to help Angel Dust to not sign the contract. You’re also the one who helped Anthony getting away from Val
A/N : Women and Girls Experience Sexual Violence at High Rates . Hi, I just wanted to say that rape isn’t some kind of joke. 1 out of every 6 women american women has been victims of attempted rape or rape completely. 82% of all juvenile are women 90% of adult rape victims are female. Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
Men and Boys Are Also Affected by Sexual Violence. 2.78 million men in the U.S. had been victims of attempted or completed rape. About 3% of American men or 1 in 33 have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. 1 out of every 10 rape victims are male. This is only in US, but if you have to say people in the word, it’ll be worst.
Abuse : Over 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the US have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
If you have been abused,raped, talk to the person you’re more close, comfortable to talk with or just confess in my dm 🫶
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hongluboobs · 4 days
what's the debt of tears and what's this about cutting bao-yu open ?? also how does this relate to hong lu? i don't have the context to ask anything more specific but i need to know this.. . please
(ask in reference to this post )
Hi Anon! Apologies this took a bit, i got distracted with some projects and didn't have the energy to answer this right away, hopefully you're still here to see this :)
First off, Bao-yu is Hong Lu's book equivalent. I don't know if you already knew this, but I made the diagram with the assumption people knew this and it kind of blew up way bigger than intended on both here and twitter 😅
The debt of tears is a really big concept in Red Chamber surrounding the fates of Bao-yu and Dai-yu. Bao-yu was originally a piece of jade that the goddess was using to create the sky, but he ended up unused and cast onto the earth. From there, he ended up finding the Crimson Pearl Flower, which he watered every day. Eventually, the flower ended up transforming into a fairy (Dai-yu) due to the care with which he watered her. Dai-yu thinks on how she could repay him for this and settles on “The only way in which I could perhaps repay him would be with the tears shed during the whole of a mortal lifetime if he and I were ever to be reborn as humans in the world below.”
And wouldn't you believe it! They do end up reincarnated as humans in the world below. Bao-yu and Dai-yu are very close throughout their mortal lives, but the debt of tears comes back into the picture during Bao-yu's wedding. He believes he is getting married to Dai-yu as his family told him (because he wouldn't agree to marriage otherwise), but it isn't until the wedding starts he discovers this isn't the case and the family chose for him to marry someone else with a higher social standing. Dai-yu thinks Bao-yu was willingly deceiving her with this and is so distraught about it that she cries until she dies (she is very sickly pretty much constantly and this book is written like a soap opera) which fulfills the Debt of Tears.
As you can imagine, this really messes up Bao-yu. His mental state degrades throughout the book, but that's the nail in the coffin for it all. The debt of tears and the wedding is the emotional climax of the book, and I cannot imagine limbus's adaptation of the story not doing something with it.
The thing about cutting Bao-yu open happens in a dream, and is also related to the debt of tears/ Bao-yu and Dai-yu's relationship actually!
It happens in a dream Dai-yu has in chapter 82 where she's chosen as a second wife for a man and has to leave the Jias. She does Not Want this at all and is unable to do anything in order to stop it. Eventually, she finds Bao-yu and this scene plays out (this next section is words taken directly from the book. because im really normal about it. theres a tldr at the bottom if you aren't reading all that) :
Suddenly she thought: ‘Why haven’t I seen Bao-yu today? He might still know of a way out.’ And as the thought entered her mind, she looked up and sure enough, there, standing right in front of her, all laughter and smiles, was Bao-yu himself. ‘My warmest congratulations, coz!’ This was too much for Dai-yu. Her last vestige of maidenly reserve vanished. She clutched hold of him and cried out: ‘Now I know how heartless and cruel you really are, Bao-yu!’ ‘No, you are wrong,’ he replied. ‘But if you have a husband to go to, then we must go our separate ways.’ Dai-yu listened in despair as this, her very last hope, was taken from her. Clinging to him helplessly, she gave a feverish cry: ‘Oh Bao! I’ve no separate way to go! How could you say such a thing!’ ‘If you don’t want to go, then stay here,’ he replied calmly. ‘You were originally engaged to me. That’s why you came to live here. Has it never occurred to you how specially I’ve always treated you? Haven’t you noticed?’ Suddenly it all seemed clear. She really was engaged to Bao-yu after all. Of course she was! In an instant her despair changed to joy. ‘My mind is made up once and for ever! But you must give me the word. Am I to go? Or am I to stay?’ ‘I’ve told you, stay here with me. If you still don’t trust me, look at my heart.’ With these words he took out a small knife and brought it down across his chest. Blood came spurting out. Terrified out of her wits, Dai-yu tried to staunch the flow with her hand, crying out: ‘How could you? You should have killed me first!’ ‘Don’t worry,’ said Bao-yu. ‘I’m going to show you my heart.’ He fumbled about inside the gaping flesh, while Dai-yu, shaking convulsively, afraid someone might burst in on them at any moment, pressed him to her tightly and wept bitterly. ‘Oh no!’ said Bao-yu. ‘It’s not there any more! My time has come!’ His eyes flickered and he fell with a dull thud to the floor.
tl;dr Bao-yu reassures Dai-yu that there's a way out of her new engagement because she was originally brought to the jia house to be engaged to Bao-yu. Dai-yu is unsure of this and Bao-yu decides to show her his heart to convince her he's telling the truth. he does this by physically cutting his chest open to pull out his heart, but he lacks a heart within his chest to find.
Red Chamber isn't free of violence by any means, but this scene always fucking Got me. its so shocking out of nowhere and its such a potent image, i've drawn something akin to it before because it Got Me so much.
I brought it up in the diagram because his lack of heart reminded me of how the gloom peccatuli contain organs within them, but do not appear to be living organisms, or play part in biological activities. We know Hong Lu has his jade eye, which is probably either prosthetic or a Secret Third (non-normal human eye) Thing, so what's to say he doesn't have other inhuman oddities to him.
It also connects "truth" to physical exposure, in this case exposure not stopping at the skin and going deeper to the organ level. The intertwining of truth and fiction is a HUGE thing in red chamber and this would be really cool if the hypothetical Hong Lu distortion had elements from the gloom peccatulum for this as well (false organs exposed through transparent skin would be both true and false. Really cool)
There's also the concept of "seeing with the eyes" versus "seeing with the heart" which would go crazy when combining all of this. I don't think i can go into that there but tldr is this quote from the little prince
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
And with Hong Lu's eye connection... do you see what im putting down
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
I’m fascinated by the previous ask’s mention of anime “or the Vulcan equivalent” since anime is literally just Japanese animation would Vulcan animation have a distinctive enough style to warrant a distinct name? What is the Vulcan cultures’ views on animation as an art form (in your opinion).
I don't know enough about animation or art as like an evolving discipline as it relates to society/culture to say much about it in an intelligent way but the newest Dungeon Meshi Extra makes me think about it in a purely 'what would be fun' way
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Vulcans also have an incredibly long lifespan so it'd be funny if Vulcans were used to listening to stories that are much longer than other species. [See: Tuvok singing his children a 348 verse story as a lullaby and his children loving it]
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You know those soap operas that go on for like decades? Vulcan soap operas are going on for CENTURIES.
I think a lot of the most popular stories on Vulcan center around enlightment or war. In fact I think a lot of Vulcan is probably dedicated to those topics - I headcanon that there are multiple museums and monuments about the many wars Vulcan fought with a heavy emphasis on the great toll it took on their people and how awful these actions were. They almost blew up everything with nukes! But then logic saved them...I believe this is also a common thread in stories that aren't about war - being saved by logic. A woman almost falls for charlatan...but logic saves her. A man almost kills his brother...but logic stills his hand. Etc Etc. A Vulcan author could probably write thousands of books in their lifetime, depending on the age they started. I think having an author with hundreds of books is fairly common and Vulcans are often a bit anxious about reading very good authors of other species...what if they die before they finish writing?? Television shows having like 40 seasons isn't that rare and I think their method of storytelling would probably have to differ from ours in order to facilitate that. That's interesting, isn't it?? I wonder about Vulcan media that isn't Surak's teachings. Like, Tuvok says he likes to read - what's he read about? In 'Riddles' Neelix mentions a "Proto-Vulcan Drama" called 'Clash on the Fire Plains' which has 23 parts. Tuvok apparently has this in book form in his quarters but he's often reading things off his PADD which I assume are also Vulcan literature. It seems that a lot of Vulcan stories we hear about are meant to teach some sort of lesson even if they are also entertaining. When it comes to ongoing media (EX: Television show) I think they'd probably follow a series of arcs and situations with the same characters learning and growing. If you start watching season 82 of a Vulcan program then go back to season 7 it's like a whole new set of characters but they just changed because of their experiences. (As your Vulcan friend will rant to you). It gets a bit ridiculous but it's a bit fun too~ I headcanon that Vulcans in Starfleet will often get together to watch popular Vulcan tv shows' new episodes...alleviates some missing home. Others join in and soon we're seeing tv shows from all over the universe! Surprisingly, Vulcan and Klingon programs are fairly similar in the aspect of 'a lot of battle focused shows which teach lessons' but the exact lessons differ, of course. Oh I bet Vulcan tv shows would also have so much intrigue and drama about clans and marriage and propriety etc which Klingons would love. Klingon: So T'Eyanra is going off with Sarun? Even though she was made aware that Sertik is ill and might be plagued with fever? Vulcan: Yes. And do not forget - Sarun's clan changed the water rights of her own, though she does not know this yet. Klingon: -settling in- Sarun's clan is without honor! That knave... -gasp- and the Ektinslahrah ritual is tonight! Vulcan: -also settling in- Indeed. Oh god this was about anime wasn't it? Well just apply all that stuff I said to anime somehow...Vulcan anime is like one piece's length and death note's complexity but with a shocking amount of painstaking slice of life. I think animation would be taken as seriously on Vulcan as it is on Earth - I can't think of anything that'd make them take it more or less seriously? I picture Betazoid animation would have a heavy emphasis on showing feeling though - like visibly as an ever present cloud behind the characters' heads and you have to know what all the colors mean.
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mensfactory · 10 months
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1928 Rolls-Royce Piccadilly-P 1 Roadster
The 1928 Rolls-Royce Piccadilly P1 Roadster is a car that Allen Swift received as a graduation gift from his father in 1928.  Mr Swift drove the car for 82 years and is credited with owning a Rolls-Royce longer than anyone else in the world.  He died in 2005 at the age of 102 and ensured that the car would be preserved after his death. 
The 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I has a 7,668cc engine that some say has 113 brake horsepower. The Piccadilly Roadster style body is believed to have come from a Packard.
So by 1988, when Allen’s Rolls needed restoration, not only were we Connecticut based, but we already established 10 years of restoration experience. His pride and joy would soon enjoy a complete body off restoration, as well as engine rebuild in collaboration with one of the greatest Rolls Royce experts of that time, Frank Cooke. Over the course of M. Allen Swift’s lifetime, he made a great impression on the local AACA meets and car scene. Allen was notorious for being spotted in his Rolls in rain, fog, and sometimes snow. Over the years of his 77 year ownership, Mr. Swift accumulated over 170,000 documented miles. When we completed the restoration of Mr. Swift’s car, he was already at the age of 88. Asking whether he would like us to deliver the car for him, or have him transport the car, he had clarified that neither of which would work, as he intended on driving his freshly restored Rolls immediately. Sure as it would be, Mr. Swift hopped in his Rolls as if it were new once again, and immediately got on the highway and headed home.
Mr. Swift is known for owning a Rolls Royce longer than anyone else in the world- Rolls Royce presented him with a Spirit of Ecstasy award in 1994 for his length of ownership. Reportedly, it still presents incredibly well, and runs like a top.
The Rolls Royce was donated to the Lyman & Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History, along with $1 million dollars to care for and preserve the vehicle. You can still see Allen’s car there today, in their transportation gallery.
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not-poignant · 4 months
82/? - Underline the Black (omegaverse) - Efnisien/Gary
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Title: Underline the Black Rating: Explicit Pairing: Efnisien ap Wledig/Dr Gary Konowalous Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Darkfic, Disturbing themes, Age Gap, Omegaverse, Alpha/Alpha, no Mpreg, Medical experimentation, Medical trauma, Dominance/Submission, Dystopian universe, Forced bonding, Forced relationship, Imprisonment, Nonconsensual medical procedures, PTSD, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Chronic illness, Mating cycles/Heats, Knotting, Miscommunication, Trauma recovery, Mind control, Child Abuse, Hope, Hopeful ending.
Summary: Efnisien ap Wledig is an omega born into an all-alpha family. Abandoned by his birth mother and raised by his aunt, he is subjected to a lifetime of medical experimentation and brainwashing and believes himself to be an alpha. But the experiments begin to fail, and he is abandoned yet again to an Omega Rehabilitation Facility, where the family expects he will be retrained into the ‘perfect omega’ and placed in an arranged marriage, or be eliminated if this is no longer possible.
The Facility don’t know about the experiments, and Efnisien doesn’t even know why he’s in there in the first place, since he’s an alpha…isn’t he? One thing’s for certain, he definitely doesn’t need an alpha companion, no matter what the staff at the facility seem to think.
Underline the Black - Chapter 82 - Selfies @ AO3
In which Gary takes Efnisien walking along the trail again, and they have a conversation about different things. Gary sparks off Efnisien's interest in photography and encourages him, and breaks his heart in the process thinking about all the normal experiences Efnisien never got to have growing up.
– Thanks to all the Patreon and Ream supporters for making this story possible!
The following early access extras are also currently available on the Augus & Gwyn, and Efnisien & Gary tiers at Patreon and Ream:
Underline the Red - 05 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Red - 06 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Gold - 07 - Flitmouse/Anton The Nascent Diplomat - 42 - Augus/Gwyn Constellations - 05 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 06 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 07 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Underline the Blue - 13 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 14 - Nate/Janusz
Want another way to support my writing? // I have a Patreon account! // Come check out REAM! (Patreon mirror) // Buy a Ko-Fi!
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beachyserasims · 5 months
♡ Winning Couple Ceremony | GENEVA ISLAND
Part 3 of 3
The final three couples have expressed their feelings and soon it will be time to announce the winning couple.
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But first, to announce the second runner up couple...
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Jasmine and Justin! With a friendship level of 100, they definitely made an impact on each other that will last a lifetime. And even if they don’t continue their romantic relationship that currently sits at 36, they surely will be friends forever.
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That leaves us with the final two couples, Judi with Rowan, and Autumn with Darion!
The couple that is winning pulled through with a friendship score of 82 and a love score of 71. Up until episode 21, this couple was actually in second place, but during the final dates, they committed to each other in ways that no other couple did, bumping up their love 17 points higher than the couple who was forecasted to win. 
And so the winners are… Autumn and Darion!
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Judi and Rowan finished off with a friendship score of 88 and a love score of 54. They worked really slowly on their relationship and stayed true to each other, but in the end, neither of them were willing to commit, and Rowan even decided that this experience showed him he doesn’t mind being single. While the same is true for Autumn, she was receptive to the idea of marriage with Darion, which is a loooong ways off for Judi and Rowans relationship.
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And with that, the end of Geneva Island has come! We saw a lot of beautiful sims, all with their own uniquely amazing personalities, that showed us a glimpse into their personal lives in a way that no other love island show has. By revealing the true intentions of everyone involved, and allowing them the freedom to be who they really are, which is just the same as they would be behind closed doors, they were able to find love. Autumn and Darion will be moving in together into a beautiful penthouse suite, accompanied by Rowan and Judi!
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Thank you to everyone who tuned in! I am looking forward to continuing onto my next series, Geneva legacy, where the story of Autumn, Darion, Judi, and Rowan continues.
Part 1 | Part 2
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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The story of the SR-71 Blackbird crew that ‘gave the birdie’ to a French Air Force Mirage III pilot, lit the afterburners and outran him
‘I looked out the left window and saw a French Mirage III sitting ten feet off my left wing. He came up on our frequency and asked us for our Diplomatic Clearance Number. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him to stand by…,’ Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr., former SR-71 pilot.
The SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft was the world’s fastest jet-propelled aircraft and the most advanced member of the Blackbird family developed by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation’s clandestine “Skunk Works” division. Throughout its nearly 24-year career, the SR-71 remained the world’s highest-flying operational aircraft. From 80,000 feet, it could survey 100,000 square miles of Earth’s surface per hour. The aircraft was designed to fly deep into hostile territory, avoiding interception with its tremendous speed and high altitude.
During its operational lifetime, the SR-71 provided intelligence about the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the US raid on Libya in 1986 and the revelation of Iranian Silkworm missile batteries in 1987. The USAF ceased SR-71 operations in January 1990.
That time an SR-71 Blackbird crew ‘gave the birdie’ to a French Air Force Mirage III pilot before lighting the afterburners and leaving the fighter jet behind
This model is available in multiple sizes from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
One of the most entertaining stories about flying the Blackbird comes from Lt. Colonel William Burk Jr., who shares about a particular mission he flew [according to SR-71 pilot Stormy Boudreaux, Tom Henichek was Burk’s RSO for that mission] over Lebanon back in 1982 in the book Skunk Works by Ben Rich.
‘In the fall of ’82, I flew from Mildenhall on a mission over Lebanon in response to the Marine barracks bombing. President Reagan ordered photo coverage of all the terrorist basis in the region. The French refused to allow us overfly, so our mission profile was to refuel off the south coast of England, a Mach 3 cruise leg down the coast of Portugal and Spain, left turn through the Straits of Gibraltar, refuel in the Western Mediterranean, right turn into Lebanon and fly right down main street Beirut, exit along the southern Mediterranean with another refueling over Malta, supersonic back out the straits, and return to England.
‘Because Syria had a Soviet SA-5 missile system just west of Damascus that we would be penetrating (we were unsure of Syria’s intentions in this conflict), we programmed to fly above 80,000 feet and at Mach 3 plus to be on the safe side, knowing that this advanced missile had the range and speed to nail us.
That time an SR-71 Blackbird crew ‘gave the birdie’ to a French Air Force Mirage III pilot before lighting the afterburners and leaving the fighter jet behind
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‘As we entered Lebanon’s airspace my Recon Systems Officer in the rear cockpit informed me that our defensive systems display showed we were being tracked by that SA-5. About 15 seconds later we got a warning of active guidance signals from the SA-5 site. We couldn’t tell whether there was an actual launch or the missile was still on the rails, but they were actively tracking us. We didn’t waste any time wondering, but climbed and pushed that throttle, and said a couple of “Hail Kellys.”
‘We completed our pass over Beirut and turned toward Malta, when I got a warning low-oil-pressure light on my right engine. Even though the engine was running fine I slowed down and lowered our altitude and made a direct line for England. We decided to cross France without clearance instead of going the roundabout way.
‘We made it almost across, when I looked out the left window and saw a French Mirage III sitting ten feet off my left wing. He came up on our frequency and asked us for our Diplomatic Clearance Number. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him to stand by. I ask my backseater, who said, “Don’t worry about it. I just gave it to him.” What he had given him was “the bird” with his middle finger: I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel.’
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SR-71 Print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force and French Air Force Via FAST Museum Twitter Account
Thanks to Linda Sheffield Miller from Habubrats Facebook Page for helping with this article
@Habubrats71 via X
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Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the longest-serving national independent in American history, will seek a fourth term in the US Senate later this year.
The 82-year-old progressive made the announcement in an 8 ½ minute video on X, touting his record while listing off several legislative priorities he hopes to accomplish in the years ahead.
"These are very difficult times for our country and the world," said Sanders. "And, in many ways, this 2024 election is the most consequential election in our lifetimes."
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Sanders — the second-oldest member of the Senate, behind 90-year-old Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa — had been coy about his plans for months. He is the last US senator whose term ends in 2024 to announce whether he'd seek reelection.
Sanders is immensely popular in Vermont and is all but guaranteed to be reelected in November. Though he is a registered independent, he is likely to have the support of the state Democratic Party.
His long-shot 2016 presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton helped ignite the modern-day progressive movement, paving the way for figures like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the "The Squad" while helping to steer the Democratic Party in a more leftward direction.
Sanders ran for president again in 2020 but ultimately came up short to Joe Biden and dropped out of the race weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sanders was long considered a fringe player, but in recent years he's become something of a kingmaker in progressive politics and an important institutional player in the Senate. In his announcement video, he said he's "in a strong position to provide the kind of help that Vermonters need in these difficult times."
Under Biden's presidency, Sanders has served as the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and later of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
That's allowed him to make his mark on major party-line legislation while pushing for transformative progressive policies, including a 32-hour workweek and a $17 federal minimum wage.
In recent months, Sanders — the Jewish son of a Polish immigrant — has become the Senate's lead critic of Israel's handling of the war in Gaza, where he's pushed to place conditions on US aid to Israel.
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xaeyrnofnbe · 2 years
thinking so hard right now about the parallels in riptide, and just the new episode in general. i’m going insane a little bit
thinking about chip and jay setting off for the first time on the big chipper, reluctantly working together and soon to meet a certain new fishy fellow in the water
thinking about episode 82 when they departed from the albatross on a tiny little rowboat, barely big enough for the two of them, straight into certain mortal peril, in order to reunite with their best friend
thinking about gillions prophecy and how it lines up with this episode, all factors seemingly perfect for recreating the conditions of his birth, being reborn under the same prophesied conditions
thinking about chip sailing straight into a vicious storm, no doubt reminded of the one that took away his last family
thinking about jay making the deal with niklaus, singlehandedly putting the final nail in the coffin that was niklaus’ puppet strings around the captains, all to get gillion back
thinking about how strange it must have been for gillion to first climb aboard the big chipper all that time ago, confused, freshly exiled, and full of a lifetime of orders to kill humans, and how he didn’t hurt them, instead hesitantly settling in amongst strangers
thinking about how as soon as the three of them were together again, despite the violent turmoil of the waves, the lashing of the rain and the wind, the devastating red lightning, they held each other, risking their lives just for a group hug.
thinking about how chip and jay will react to nearly losing their best friend again
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wouldduskwood · 4 months
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 82
"You're a smart guy, you work it out," Alan smirked, obviously still irked at my deliberate manipulation. "Or, I could always find a way to bring your little lass back in, if that would loosen your tongue."
"I think you know as well as I do that would be a big mistake on your behalf. I simply meant, where do you want me to start my story." I glared, my mind drifting back to her. Did she know? Was she safe and warm? How would all of this end for her? As if unbidden, thoughts began to creep into my mind. Her future, unencumbered by my presence, free to have a future. Maybe she would find someone else, marry and have a family.
My throat ached and I swallowed hard. She was free, but only to an extent. I still had not been able to free her from the troubles that she had before she met me. She would be no better off. Maybe worse. I had failed her. I shook my head a couple of times, then clenched my fists. No, calling off Alan's pitbulls would not be the last act I would do for her. I would find a way for them to investigate whatever was chasing her and, just like that, I had a hunch that I knew exactly how to do just that.
"What I am about to tell you is a long and complex and large scale situation. I know it sounds cliché, believe me, I do. But, this whole time, throughout it all, I have done nothing more than try and do the morally right thing. Legally right, maybe not. You will get to be the judge. But, along the way, as I tell you my story, I want you to find out some information for me. Information on another type of crime." I paused, breathing slowly.
Alan eyed me sceptically. "It is her, isn't it?" He asked with a knowing look. I wondered if he was trying to upset me, but he had no idea of the complexity and depth of my feeling for her. His mockery did nothing more than settle my resolve further. "Yes. What can I say," I shrugged, "Her situation mirrored mine in many ways, maybe not to the extent, but it did. She has something following her too, from doing the right thing. Maybe that is why we are so well suited." My voice had taken on an almost dream like quality. Partially sleep deprived and partially because I was forcing myself to focus only on her, not the situation I currently faced and the lifetime I still faced without her.
Alan, for his part, widened his eyes briefly but then sat back in his chair and watched me with steepled fingers. "So, you are the hero in your version of the story. I wonder if you still will be in my version." He mused, leaning back slightly further.
I lifted my head and met his eyes, properly for the first time since this situation began. "That," I announced, "is a very good question." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes as I let my mind drift back to that fateful day. The day I had been forced to disappear. A day that had for so long been a burden to my existence, until she came along. Now, in a weird sort of way, the day that was now one of the best things that had ever happened to me. It was a day that led me closer to her.
"It all began when I was working as a programmer and bug fixer for a large corporation. We were hired out to different companies, performing security updates, virus checks, that sort of thing. A lot of the time it was mundane, for someone of my skill level anyway," I gave a wry grin and shook my head slightly. "I had no idea then the type of situation I would find myself in when I was asked to perform a network check of a computer network that had experienced an attempted breach earlier that day." I considered my words carefully, trying to give enough information to keep him interested but not enough that I wouldn't be able to barter for better treatment for her.
"As I was doing the routine checkup, I stumbled upon something. Something I knew I shouldn't access...which is how this whole tale begins..."
Part 83
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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this year, the shocktober scare co. has set its sights on roswell, n.m. !! parked in the sprawling esplanade on the fringes of frazier woods, tents, sets and grub trucks have been dotted about to offer you the spookiest of halloween interactive experiences— with a twist !! 
shocktober scare is offering you the chance of a lifetime: join in with the shrieks ‘n’ thrills; interact with visitors as one of the many scare actors from available attractions, or work the various dining spots for a bit of extra cash !! ever wanted to scare the socks off of your boss ?? now’s the time to do it ( and get paid for it ) * !!
* if you would like for your character to participate as shocktober staff, please refer to the list of attractions below and message the main with which role you would like to snag.
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・  。  ◟   ⟨  ☆  ⟩   SHOCKTOBER FEST ┊  *    ──   GUIDE :
starting from OCTOBER 24TH 00:00 - NOVEMBER 6TH @ 00:00, you can post threads for the event !
please make sure to reach out to other players to broaden your horizons and make some fun, meaningful plots for the week. make an effort to break out of your bubble and start speaking to new characters.
make sure you have replied to at least two open event starters before posting your own , unless yours is one of the first to be posted.
tag any content for the event with #roswellhalloween2022
you are free to continue any regular threads during the event , and to continue any event threads past the end date as long as these are tagged accordingly and you do make an effort to be involved in the festivities .
please don’t feel confined to the activities listed above. we want you to use your imagination !
fig 1. the lab
[ “ 𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻' 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲. 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 “ ]
ever since the incident of ‘82, the lab’s been shut down, seemingly vacant. but something’s stirring in the shadows; you and your group have been sent in to investigate. don’t worry: all of doctor carter’s spliced up subjects must have long since withered, right ? nothing could have survived that crazed scientist’s brutal experiments . . .
mad scientist (1/1) — nao chiba
test subjects (0/4) 
ticket sellers (0/2)
food vendors (0/3)
fig 2. circus of screams
[ “ 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝘂𝘀, 𝗴𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗲 ? “ ]
a white-and-red striped tent filled with mirrors of every size and shape, disorientating  your character and leading them further and further into the maze. if the bulging reflections weren’t terrifying enough, just wait until giggles fill the corridors and the squeak, squeak, squeak of rubber shoes trace your every move !
clowns (1/4) — asha moss
ticket sellers (1/2) — jaden lapointe
food vendors (0/2)
fig 3. witch’s hovel
[ “ 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗹𝘆 ? “ ]
this haunted maze hosts ghosts of a different kind. be careful which way you go, somewhere from deep within the mist comes a cackling reckoning: you might not have been the one to burn them at the stake, but these spectral witches won’t spot friend from foe when they’re blinded by the very flames that engulfed them an age ago. 
witches (1/4) — suraj das
ticket sellers (0/2)
food vendors (1/2) — sparrow moore
fig 4. knock knock
[ “ 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗽 ? “ ]
every small town must pay the price for its quintessential charm; roswell’s no different: number 17 is the bloodiest building around. after the previous owners left in a frenzied dash of cold sweat, this cadaverous husk of brick and bare bones has been rotting in its spot at the end of an otherwise totally safe street. the locals know not to pass it after midnight— especially not when the clock strikes 3am. is that movement in the upstairs window ? that’s just the pipes groaning, the house settling . . . right ? care to find out ? 
demons (2/4) — rollo moore, kaya braxton
ticket sellers (0/2)
food vendors (0/3)
fig 5. black lagoon boat ride 
[ “ 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆. 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲. 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. “ ]
all aboard the SS. spectre. this is a boat tour like no other; join the captain as you traverse through treacherous waters, with the scaly creatures of your nightmares leaping from behind rocks and the ghosts of the drowned crawling from roswell’s waterways. i hope you’re not scared of taking a little dip . . . 
lagoon creatures (0/2)
grotesque sirens (0/3)
drowned ghosts (0/2)
boat captain (1/1) — simba gano
ticket sellers (0/2)
food vendors (0/2)
fig 6. haunted hayride
[ “ 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 ? “ ]
pile into the tractor-towed wagon and roll along through barren fields of wilting corn. make sure to wave hello to the scarecrows !! they might just wave right back. venture deep into frazier woods, along a winding path leading past creeping branches that rustle and creak in the cool october breeze. what’s that roaring from the darkness ?? you might want to duck, there’s chainsaw-wielding hillbillies on the loose, and they’re out for your head.
scarecrows (0/2)
farmers (0/3) 
chainsaw wielders (2/2) — jude dempsey, birdie cannon
tractor operator (1/1) — striker cannon
ticket sellers (0/2)
food vendors (1/3) — massoud taheri
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nameless-brand · 1 year
Will probably be a two part post.
Lan. She's the "retired" gang lady who broke the robber's arm when he pulled out a gun. The civil case for "excessive force" has been thrown out, but the DA is pushing for the criminal case for the robber. I'd imagine it's an open and shut case given video footage.
I visited her in the new employee residential area. She's 82, doesn't look a day over 60. Speaks English okay - occasionally drops an article or two - but we both speak Chinese anyway.
I'm met by two kids at the door. I recognize one of them - Eve. She's the 5-year old girl that the Nameless Church brought back a lifetime ago - the one with the BC named Taxes followed a lot.
The other is Stacy, an 8-year old girl. Later I found out, she'd underwent brain surgery a month ago for an aggressive pituitary cancer that was pushing on her brain stem - I was told that was very bad, and it was good that it was removed before really bad things happened.
They're Lan's great-grand-kids, and she's taking care of them because her granddaughter's husband revealed himself to be an abusive pig. Their mom is still in physical therapy, but apparently the man struck Stacy in the hospital after the surgery. And her surgeon took extreme offense to that - like stabbing the man in the gut with a scalpel and pulling down. Not quite sure how he survived that, but Lan says the damage was actually very superficial.
She's moving in to the employee housing because her granddaughter lent her her co-op'd apartment - and if anyone complains about it, she'll flip their tables. Given this old lady was casually lifting a bookcase taller than me, I'd say that's a pretty substantial threat.
Chi tagged along with me, given the choice between staying in the Inn or coming with me on semi-official business, and now she's hanging out with the kids in the living area as we talk. She said she's never played a video game before - and now the two younger kids are showing off their games and asking her to try it.
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sashimi-time · 2 years
Completed Romance Manga/Manhwa/Manhua Recommendations (2)
I had more to recommend, and I couldn't add anymore pictures to the other post, so here's part 2! Let me know what you think! And your suggestions, if you have 'em!
Ghost Wife (135 chapters; Webtoon)
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Plot (AL): He’s a dark, uber-powerful god-level demon…who’s also really helpful around the house. Welcome to the unique world of Ghost Wife, where an average high school girl can go to sleep with normal teenage problems, only to wake up and find herself married to an over-protective demon with a creepy smile and an appetite for live cats.
Notes: I actually read this a long time ago now, but I do remember enjoying it a lot. I would wait for the next chapter very eagerly. It's cute, and I think it has a good balance between romance and horror, you know? Though, it's not really horror horror, if you get what I mean. I guess it's more creepy than scary?
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Miss Abbott and the Doctor (173 chapters; Webtoon)
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Plot (AP): Doctor Andreas Marino loves his quiet life, filled with work and simple amusements, and when the strange Miss Abbott arrives in his town he decides he doesn't like her at all. Unfortunately she's funny and quirky, has an uncommon past, and seems to enjoy getting him in trouble.
Notes: Holy shiz, this one is absolutely. freaking. adorable. I highly recommend. All the characters are interesting and entertaining. Plus, I think the art is really cute. I loved reading about Andreas and Cati and all the shenanigans they get caught up in. If you're looking for something light and sweet and funny, then I swear, this is for you!
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Light and Shadow (103 chapters; Lezhin and Tappytoon)
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Plot (AP): It’s a rude insult when lowly and headstrong servant Edna comes to marry Duke Eli, instead of the noble daughter he expected. But the ambitious maid hides an even bigger secret behind her obvious ruse – one that could change the kingdom’s very history. Can the two find freedom, redemption – and love – without drawing their swords on each other? Based on the hit novels.
Notes: It's really good! I think the story is amazing and the art is great. Definitely something you should read at least once if you haven't yet!
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Daytime Star (Webtoon; 72 + 5 Side Stories)
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Plot: A struggling, no-name actress of seven years, Yura Hwang. She barely lands a minor role in a movie that’s bound to be a success. A celebrity’s celebrity, Seunghyeon Kang, keeps running into Yura, who always seems to be shedding tears every time he comes across her. As these two reunite in the new movie, “Time,” will Yura finally seize the moment to make her name known? And will Seunghyeon figure out why he can’t get Yura out of his mind? Only time will tell.
Notes: So, ohmygosh. To be honest, the first thing that caught my attention with this manhwa is the art. I MEAN, HAVE YOU TAKEN A LOOK AT IT? IT'S PERFECTION.
And then I started reading it. And let me tell, I fell in love. I was hooked from the beginning until the very end. Yura is such an amazing female lead! I loved every bit about her. Also, raise all the ramance flags for our boi Seunghyeon, who made me swoon so much it was insane. Yura and Seunghyeon forver, my friends! Three cheers for this couple with their very healthy relationship!
Other than that, all the other characters are super adorable and lovable as well! You can't hate anyone in this! Except, of course, for the shitty ex. Of course, I also have to give my praise to both Jingyeong and Gwangsu, the managers of our two superstars. I loved the relationship each had with Yura and Seunghyeon. It was very fun to read about!
So if you want to read something light, heartwarming, and swoon-worthy with 101% amazing art, this one is for you~
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Three Lifetimes (Tapas; 82 Chapters)
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Plot: Juju fell in love with Jin Lei, the God of War, at first glance. The problem is, he doesn't seem to know she exists.
Determined to sweep him off his feet, she accompanies him down to the mortal realm as he takes on three trials to attain greater divinity. However, in those three lifetimes that are given to them, will she be able to make him love her back?
Notes: To be honest, I don't know. Lols. HOWEVER, I'm sure I loved it. The drawing of some of the sceneries is pure art, and the characters are absolutely adorable! Story wise…hmm. It was a really short read (for me, I binged it in a day lol). Some parts (for me) felt a bit rushed? But in a way that's okay? Like, it works? I do love the story between Jin Lei and Juju tho. They're really adorable in all three lifetimes, even if the third one made me cry so many tears at 1 AM. HAHAHA. I guess I would have loved it if there were more scenes of the two of them as deities, ya know? It's based on a novel, so I think I'll try reading that! But overall, if you want a cute, romantic read, you can try this one out! The romance is pretty straight forward, so there aren't any love triangle issues and misunderstandings to get annoyed about. Hehe. If you've read this before, please let me know your thoughts!
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Marry My Husband (58 Chapters + 10 Side Stories; LINE Webtoon)
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Plot: When Jiwon, a 37-year-old cancer patient, walks in on her husband and best friend, she realizes her whole life has been a lie. What’s worse, she dies a tragic death at the hands of her husband. Would things have been different if she had made different choices? Fortunately for Jiwon, she is given the chance to rewrite her fate when she is reincarnated as her younger self. This time, she vows to live a happy life. But first comes revenge. Her plan? To marry off her now former best friend to her lying, cheating husband.
Note: You know, I never get tired of reincarnation or regression stories. Plus points if there is face slapping involved and revenge! Things this manhwa provides! I absolutely loved reading this. I got hooked straight away! I remember eagerly awaiting each newly translated chapter in Webtoon and staying up late just to binge it lol. If it's not obvious yet, I loved the story. Jiwon is a total queen once she regresses, and I absolutely enjoyed reading her plan for her revenge on her so-called best friend. You got to hand it to the author though, for creating such an interesting antagonist with Sumin! Like, damn. Her mind works in interesting ways, and as much as she pissed the hell out of me, it was very fun to read her thought process and reactions. Minhwan is just an asshole. There's not much to say… I liked Ji-Hyuk. Maybe I'm just a sucker for male leads like him. Lol. But he's a total green flag! I enjoyed reading about him and how he did his best to help and support Jiwon. It was also very entertaining to see him try to win her over. And then the twists! Like, damn. To be honest, the twist surprised the hell out of me. It was new, and damn, it made me cry a lot of tears??? HAHAHA I enjoyed reading until the end. Though I have to say that some of the side stories bored me haha. Anyway, I loved the story and the characters, and I am most definitely excited to watch the drama adaptation once it's complete! Highly recommend that you try reading this!
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hazelhearts · 2 years
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I posted 1,314 times in 2022
141 posts created (11%)
1,173 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 491 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things - 82 posts
#eddie munson - 80 posts
#steve harrington - 54 posts
#eddie munson x reader - 47 posts
#steve harrington x reader - 38 posts
#stranger things x reader - 37 posts
#eddie loml munson - 28 posts
#criminal minds - 23 posts
#stranger things fanfiction - 23 posts
#emily prentiss - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#eddie munson is alive and if i don't believe that's canon and ignore 4x09 then i'm gonna cry again and delete my life subscription
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dating Eddie Munson (hc)
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
a/n: just my bf being the perfect guy
summary: what it would be like to date eddie munson (from my 100% professional and accurate POV)
content: angst, fluff
masterlist <3
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- you and eddie had been friends since you were little. that was probably one of the main reasons you two even started dating in the first place. he had a lifetime of trust that he had been developing with you
- when hellfire needed a stand-in, you were happy to help your best friend and maybe you wanted to see his forearms in that hellfire shirt just a little bit longer
- he would be slow to pick up on your hints. he's not used to being wanted in that way. but when he does catch on totally not because dustin clued him in on your obvious crush, he is quick to ask you out.
- eddie would always be trying to find a way to show you off aka show everyone your his
- his hands are always on you in some way. his arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding your hand, hand on your thigh, even you sitting in his lap because pda is nonexistent to this man
- i feel like eddie's the type to be super insecure in a relationship. he tries not to make it too obvious, but he's always comparing himself to steve "the hair" harrington and billy "milf hunter" hargrove
- because of those insecurities, he would need a LOT of reassurance. you're always happy to oblige. telling him how much you love him at any given point in time makes you just as happy as it makes him
- in return, he is just as happy to remind you how happy he is with you regardless of any insecurities you may have. after all, you're his favorite person
- eddie is pretty quick to say that he loves you, scared that you could slip through his fingers at any moment with what happens in Hawkins
- he makes you a d&d character as soon as you start dating
- he would also beg you to make your own, inisiting that you'll love it
"Cmon baby, it's gonna be SO MUCH FUN! We can play together and everything!"
- he makes you a hellfire shirt
- you insist that it needs a final touch and add Munson to the back in all caps
"Baby, that is SO hot."
- eddie would never object, always happy you show everyone you're his
- you love watching his band practice
- you beg him to teach you to play guitar and he just can't say no to you
"Fine, but if you're better than me i'm gonna be pissed."
- in no time, you're better than him and teaching him new songs you learned
- SUPER protective. like, scraped knee? he cleans the wound, puts on a bandaid, gives you an ice pack, won't let you get up, and insists on waiting on you hand and foot
- he LOVES having his hair played with and loves playing with yours
- he loves cuddles! you being his little spoon and fitting so well into the curves of his body makes him melt
- he would be happy to let you help him study for a test or exam because, not only does he want to pass, he also wants to spend more time with you
See the full post
318 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Wasted Time 2
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: moving on is hard, but moving on with the right person makes it a hell of a lot easier
content/warnings: fluff, cheating, slight steve harrington x reader and steve harrington x nancy wheeler
note/request: ahh it's here! be prepared for the insanely cute fluff that is this fic
word count: 1.2k
masterlist <3 | part 1
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You and Eddie had gotten much closer over the past year. He had been the one by your side over the 6 months you spent getting over Steve. You rarely got out of bed, opting to avoid all of your problems by never leaving the comfort of your bedroom. Eddie was not about to let that happen.
It's been a year since everything happened with Steve. You hadn't seen much of him since then. Honestly, you hadn't seen much of anyone but Robin and Eddie.
Eddie brought you out to get slushies, to hang out with Robin, pretty much anything he could to keep you from drowning in self pity. It worked out pretty well for the both of you. You got to stop thinking about Steve for a while, and Eddie got to spend time with you. He loved every second of it.
Robin had been just as much of a comfort. She brought you new movies to watch at least twice a week and insisted on watching them with you. She never let you spend a single moment alone, even if that meant sitting in your bedroom in silence.
Over the past few months, you and Eddie have started a relationship. You hadn't really told anyone apart from Robin, yet you weren't very secretive about it.
You and Eddie were at the arcade, one of the many places you frequented together. You spent your days playing every game as Y/N & Eddie, intent on being the highest scoring players of every game they had to offer. After your time at the arcade ended, you were going out to eat with Robin then you were all going to a drive-in movie. The day was perfect, and it was only expected to get better.
You stayed at the arcade for a couple hours. Between yourself and Eddie, you were now the highest scorers on almost all of the games.
Before you left, Eddie began approaching the claw machine. There was a stuffed cow in the machine that you had attempted to retrieve a couple months ago, a cow you had claimed as your own and named Pablo. Eddie was dead-set on winning it for you.
"Eds, that claw machine is a scam. The claw doesn't even close all the way. It's a waste of money." You tried your best to convince him, not wanting him to spend too much money on you. Especially if it was just going to be a waste at the end of the day.
"It's not a waste if it makes my girl happy." He shot you one of his goofy grins, convincing you to let him try at least once.
He inserted the coins and started to move the claw. He walked to the left of the machine, angling the claw over the stuffed animal. He then took one more look at in the front in order to confirm the placement. He hit the button and the claw dropped.
You and Eddie walked into the diner, Pablo riding on Eddie's shoulders. He had become somewhat of a child to you both and was cared for in the same way since the claw had grabbed him out of the machine barely twenty minutes ago.
Robin took one look at the two of you, lovesick grins on your faces and the stuffed cow you had wanted forever on Eddie's back, similar to the placement of a child getting a piggyback ride. Her own grin followed, happy to see you happy.
Her grin disappeared as she saw Steve walk in the diner behind you. He noticed the pair of you with your cow, automatically putting two and two together in his mind. He began following you both to the table while Robin attempted to gesture towards him, hoping to warn you of his presence before you sat down.
The warnings fell on deaf ears as you and Eddie sat down across from Robin, affectionate as ever. Your leg draped over Eddie's, his hand resting on your other leg. The position you were in was all the confirmation Steve needed.
"What the hell Y/N?!" Your head jerked towards Steve, leg still draped across Eddie.
"Steve. Nice to see you too." You situated closer to Eddie, head now laying on his shoulder.
"Munson? Really?! It couldn't have been anyone else?" Your face turned down slightly, your expression now showing how bored you already were with this conversation.
"Yeah, Eddie. Why does it matter to you?" You really didn't care about his response to your question. Any care you had for Steve and his feelings disappeared the day he cheated on you.
"Why does it matter... are you kidding?! Why does it matter that you're dating the ONE guy I worried about?!" Just what you expected. Steve hasn't changed. Same double standards, same two-faced shit.
"Yeah, and Nancy suddenly means nothing?" Steve had the nerve to look hurt. Honestly, you still couldn't care less about his feelings. He ruined what you had, not you.
"Can you just leave please? I'm trying to have a nice night with my best friend and my boyfriend. Just go hang out with Nancy or something." Steve glared at you, intent on continuing the conversation.
See the full post
350 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Emily: *is carrying all the groceries*
JJ: *holds out hand to help*
Emily: *aggressively moves all groceries to one hand to hold JJ's hand*
383 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
I Can't
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
summary: you're off limits. that's what he tells himself. but, does his heart understand that as well as he wants it to?
content/warnings: slow burn, angst, fluff, the upside down, age gap
word count: 6.5k
note / request: requested by anon "Hii I was wondering if you could write a Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader where she’s like 2 or 3 years younger than him and she’s in love with him and he knows about it but he pushes her away because of the age gap but when they’re in the upside down she gets hurt and he freaks out and they have an argument and he realizes his feelings for her."
of course! i love this concept so much! thank you for the request and i hope it's everything you wanted it to be!
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February 1985
You were at yet another stupid high school party. You don't even really remember how your friends convinced you to come. Parties aren't really your scene. You'd rather just hang out at one of your friends houses and watch a movie or something.
All of your friends were drunk. A few of them had already started puking. They would all feel like hell in the morning. That was your only comfort as you waded your way through the drunk, sweaty bodies to find a corner to wait it out in.
When you finally found your hiding place, you relaxed for the first time that night. You saw someone lean against the wall next to you, but you didn't pay much attention to them. Wall flowers prefer it if you ignore them completely, so that's exactly what you did. You didn't even spare your companion a glance.
Steve had seen you walk into the room, automatically locking his eyes onto your figure. He hadn't seen you around here before. You must be one of the quiet ones, the ones you don't even notice in classes. He knew you had to be a senior, or maybe he just hoped you were.
One of Steve's most absolute rules was he didn't date younger. He didn't really date in general, so it would probably be more accurate to say he didn't fuck younger girls. So, if you were anything other than a senior, you were off limits.
He decided to take a swing at it, approaching you as you leaned against one of the walls in the corner of the room. You didn't even look up as he leaned back against the wall, barely a foot away from you. His face automatically turned up into the signature Steve Harrington smirk.
"Hey." You didn't even blink.
"Helloooo??" He waved his hand in front of your face, your attention finally directing itself towards him.
"Hi?" You seemed confused. He assumed it was because he was the Steve Harrington. You should feel honored he chose to talk to you.
"Hey there. I'm Steve, but your probably already knew that." You raised your eyebrow at him, seeming uninterested in his most efficient line.
"Umm... no? I have no idea who you are, apart from the fact that your name is Steve Harrington." Steve was shocked to say the least. Everyone knew him. No matter how old you were, you should know who he is.
"Well, now you know. It's seems pretty unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours." You rolled your eyes. Wait. You rolled your eyes?? What the fuck was happening here?
"I'm Y/N. That's all you need to know right at this minute. Oh, and that I'm not interested." Shock settled even deeper into Steve's features as you redirected your attention back to your phone. Who did this girl think she was?
"I can make you interested." At this point, he was desperate. He's never had to try this hard. His pride had never taken this hard of a hit.
"You won't, I promise. I'm leaving now. If you follow me, I won't hesitate to kick you in the balls." With that, you walked away. Steve's eyes didn't move from your previous spot. He sat there for nearly five minutes, gaining his composure before dragging himself back to the dance floor.
"Y/N, did I hear something about you hanging out with Steve Harrington at the party last night??" Robin Buckley, your best friend, asked as soon as you walked through the doors.
You and Robin had become best friends as soon as you started at Hawkins High, her having become your own personal tour guide and people analyzer. Since she was a sophomore at the time, she already knew the ins and outs of the school, along with the people in it.
"Oh, the douchebag? Yeah, sadly. He randomly walked up to me and tried to get in my pants. It's not big deal. I pretty much told him to fuck off and went on my way." Robin's pupils nearly double in size, jaw dropping to the floor.
"Uh, yes it is a big deal! Steve Harrington is like the schools fuck boy king. He's probably slept with every girl in this place." You rolled your eyes at robin, unimpressed by the boys 'accomplishments'.
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402 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wasted Time
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: giving up doesn't always have to be a bad thing
content/warnings: angst, fluff if you squint, cheating, allusions to sex, slight eddie munson x fem!reader and steve harrington x nancy wheeler. if i missed anything please let me know!
note/request: steve harrington is one of the many fictional loves of my life and it hurt so bad to write this but the inspo was there and I don't have nearly enough steve fics. i also have such mized feelings about this and barely proofread it but it has been a wip for about a month now and it's time to clear out some space for new wips
word count: 2.6k
masterlist <3 | part 2
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Steve was standing at your door. Again. He wasn't sure how it all happened, but he knew he had to be here. He hoped that an apology would be good enough, just like all the times before.
apology #1
You and Steve had been together barely a month when it came time for the first apology.
Your parents had caught Steve sneaking into your window one night and had grounded you. School, work, and home. Nothing in between.
One night during that week, they couldn't pick you up. You asked Steve and he said he would be happy to.
So, there you were, sitting outside Scoops Ahoy an hour after Steve had said he would be there. You had called him at least ten times and still, no answer. The phone didn't even ring for longer that a second each time. He was ignoring you.
You gave up about thirty minutes later, opting to call Eddie to come pick you up. You ended up getting home about two hours after you got off.
Steve had been out at a party. He checked the time at some point and noticed it was eleven. Three hours after he had promised to pick you up. He quickly said goodbye to all of his friends and rushed to your house, assuming you found a ride and didn't sit at Scoops Ahoy for three hours. He couldn't cope with the thought of you sitting there for hours waiting up for him.
Steve rushed to your window, knocking as quietly as possible in order to not wake your parents. When you saw him, you debated turning over and leaving him out there in the cold. But you just couldn't do it. You walked over to the window, unlocked it, and then laid back down on your bed.
"Baby, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I was out at a party with a few friends and I lost track of time..." He slowly walked towards your bed as he was speaking, finally sitting on the edge as he finished his sentence.
"I needed you Steve. I needed you and you didn't show. How am I supposed to know this won't happen again? How am I supposed to ever trust you?" A part of you knew this was a seemingly minor inconvenience. But if he couldn't keep this promise, what other promises was he capable of breaking?
"I know, baby. I know. I am so so sorry. I want you to trust me. I want you to believe me. What can I do to make it up to you?" When you finally convinced yourself to look at him, you could see the regret in his eyes. The desperation.
"Well, helping me get cleaned up and changed out of these dirty clothes would be a good start." He laughed, happy you seemed to be opening up a little bit more. He did have one question still remaining though.
"Hey, how did you end up getting home by the way?"
"Oh I called Eddie for a ride." Steve snapped his head towards you, annoyance written all across his face.
"Eddie? Really? The guy who's so obviously obsessed with you? The one that's practically drooling every time you're in a room with him?" You really didn't feel like fighting about this right now. You were so physically and mentally exhausted that even the thought of it pained you.
"Can we just talk about this later? I really just want to clean off all this gunk and cuddle with my boyfriend right now." Steve smiled at you, happy that you were giving him a chance to really gain your trust. You're the first girl he's ever seen a future with. He would get to the bottom of this Eddie thing. He would make sure he wasn't in the way. You and him had to work. You just had to.
apology #2
You and Steve have now been dating for three months. Steve has really been working on his reliability and you have been working on trusting him. You haven't really had any other problems. Until now.
"Y/N, I have to go. The kids need me in Lenora Hills." Steve had just told you that we was planning to move to Lenora Hills with the Byers' just in case something happens there. You were completely against the idea.
"Steve, Joyce will be there. Jonathan will be there. God, El will be there. She can kill people with her thoughts for God's sake! They don't need you there!" Steve was fuming. You could never understand. They were like his own kids. He had to be the one to protect them.
"I don't understand why it's bothering you so much! Honestly, it's not your decision to make! I'm a grown man, Y/N! I can make my own damn decisions." Steve knew he messed up as soon as the words came out of his mouth. Of course your opinion meant everything to him. If you didn't want him to go, he could try to figure something out. He just felt like he had to be there. He had a responsibility to those kids.
"I need you here Steve! I need you here, okay?! Can I ever come first? Can you ever try to consider what I need? What I want? Does it even matter at all to you that this affects me too?!" You couldn't even look at him. He kept trying to catch your eyes, to get even a glimpse into what's going on behind the harsh words, but you wouldn't give him the chance.
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770 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
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I posted 1,536 times in 2022
453 posts created (29%)
1,083 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,533 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 274 posts
#just writer things - 201 posts
#yoongs is bae - 146 posts
#sweet readers 💗💗 - 128 posts
#namjoon is daddy - 103 posts
#my bb jay hoesuck 💦💦 - 93 posts
#writer problems - 93 posts
#i don’t have a jk tag so here is jk look at him and suffer - 82 posts
#everybody’s bias kim taehyung - 55 posts
#now that i have followers i can rec all the amazing writers and fics that i luv - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i don’t know if i can handle this level of self reflection rn tbh 😅😅 but i got through all of his songs once and love them so much 💙💙
My Top Posts in 2022:
Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 9
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You snag exclusive fan meet tickets, but as you shake hands with your favorite idols, something strange happens…
Soulmate AU / OT7 x reader
Hey lovelies, miss me? :’D It’s been hard to sit down and just write without any distractions. Also, writing this chapter made me realize I have effectively 15 main characters FML. It was A STRUGGLE, but I finally finished this chapter, hope you like it and can see each version of y/n peeking through at times <3
Word count: 11.6k
Warnings: ANGST, talk about death, but lots of cuddles, but also smut, sleepy sex, edging, quickies, t e n s i o n, more cuddles, morning sex, dom!hoseok because he is and you can't convince me otherwise
Against your better judgment you open the link. A radio station had taped some behind the scenes footage. When you track the video to the time...you saw it, your face, going over your notes while the members joke and laugh in the foreground.
Another Facebook alert from your ex pulls down from the top of your screen.
‘Let’s talk?’
The van door opens at that moment, and the members look at your wide eyes full of fear.
--- ---
“Are you sure?”
The question rattles you and brings you back into the present, sitting in a cushioned office chair, in front of a dark oak table, papers stacked in neat piles.
You were lost in your thoughts again, remembering a kind eye smile and a firm grip around your waist. A deep voice in the darkness asking you if you were ready.
Had you been ready then? Are you ready now? Are you sure of anything? You have to answer those questions, you have to find your voice. Answer now, y/n!
“Y-Yes, he doesn’t know anything. I didn’t tell him anything,” you repeat. “He knew I was leaving the country for a new job, that’s it.” Saying it out loud made you feel horrible, but what he did just confirms you had been right not to give your ex any details.
“Do you have any reason to believe he will try to start a rumor, go to the media, or do anything to try to hurt you, BTS, or the BTS brand?” The PR woman looks up from her tablet expectantly.
Ugh, this is not what you signed up for. Or maybe you did, when you signed off on all those NDAs. ‘Stupid stupid, what are you about to do?’ “I don’t know,” you grimace, muttering, looking over to Namjoon, the leader seated next to you. “We weren’t even that serious, I don’t know what more he wants.”
Namjoon places his fingers over your fidgety ones, thumb running along your knuckles. “Everything will be fine, the company handles things like this all the time.”
The PR woman looks between you, “Is there anything either of you would like to share so we can get ahead of it?” You pull your hands away from underneath Namjoon’s, feeling sick under her scrutinizing gaze. He strums his fingers on the table, an apologetic look on his face. Determined now more than ever to fix things. You were, however, determined not to be sick all over the patient PR woman’s papers.
This is your worst nightmare coming to life right before your eyes. This is why it took so long to even entertain the idea of reaching out to Namjoon. The thought of your name linked to theirs in headlines, netizens scouring every corner of your digital past to ruin you makes your stomach turn. You turn your head, searching for the answers to your problems in Namjoon’s determined eyes.
Namjoon takes a deep breath, ready to recite the information the group all agreed on...
--- ---
‘Let’s talk?’ had started it, then your ex became more aggressive when you didn’t answer. The car ride back to Hybe remained tense and quiet. You felt at fault, unloading the troubling information upon the group after such a long day. You had mentioned to Jimin briefly of your ex before, but you hadn’t prepared for an audience when explaining the details of your failed relationship. The group’s leader and his manager were quietly going over the video and your phone messages, while Jimin held your shaking hand in his.
The van travels over a bump in the road and it jolts you out of your thoughts. Was it still your own inner dialogue that now tries to calm you, or was that voice of reason a remnant of your past selves? Or more worrying, was that voice of reason, the last remnant of who you used to be before your life changed? Who are you now?
This time, Yoongi’s calm voice replayed in your ears, to count and focus before you really lose your mind. You glanced in his direction, he kept his head down, and you wondered what he thought of the whole situation. You wondered what everyone was thinking of you now.
As buildings blurred past, you felt like running, you imagined yourself running, escaping, falling through sand, falling through water, always running…
But you were stuck, in a car, amongst the souls you ran with. You didn’t want to run away from them. You couldn’t, even if your toes and fingers felt jittery with fear and anxiousness.
“Hey,” he whispers, “Look at me.” You lift your head away from the window to look Jimin in the eyes. “It will be okay, y/n.”
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441 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
BTS (as kisses)
Because I'm feeling sentimental xoxo
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Namjoon is a running leap. Checking your watch five minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve. You find out he's just finished work, so you run. You leave the party, you leave the comfort of knowing you had a guarantee, and take a chance on him instead. You find each other on the street, because he’s running too, two minutes before midnight, and you leap into his strong arms. And as midnight comes, as the fireworks start, he lifts you off your feet, he hugs you in his arms. You don't part lips even after the cheers die down. Two smiles, two noses touching, two promises of I love you.
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662 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
The Woman with the Black Cat on Her Shoulder | MYG
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Fearful, they buried them, stomped them into the dirt. Underneath their boot, scared men were unaware the seeds of hope had planted by their own volition. From the dirt and grime, grew flowers, blooms so tall, eclipsing their hatred. You were strong and unwilling to be cut down any more. 
Dystopian Fantasy AU. Shapeshiftercat!yoongi x reader
Warning: 18+ adult themes, dystopian futuristic society (IS IT THO?), graphic violence against women, animal cruelty, attempted SA, mention of suicide, police brutality, angst, sex so soft and sweet and full of consent
Word Count: 9.1k
“It’s her,” they said. Whispers in the crowd, repeating the phrase to one another, like a wave of hope rippling over their bodies, energizing their fight.
It was true. She was there, and the crowd could feel her power, her anger, forged from pain. Because it was their anger too. It was familiar, it was a friend reaching over their shoulder and telling them, ‘It will be okay. I’m here now. You don’t have to fight alone. You won’t lose this time, because you have me now.’ 
The rumors spread far, even the law-forcers knew of her. They knew of her as a myth, a story the people would tell to ease the pain of their subjugation. An empty promise shouted at the law-forcers, that one day they’ll be sorry, that one day victory won’t be theirs to take. She was the woman with the black cat on her shoulder. One look into those feline eyes and judgment is swift. 
Some believed the cat is a creature from the underworld. The beast heard the people’s cries and clawed its way up into this world, collecting souls of abusers and assaulters, dragging them back down to its dark home. Some people believe the cat is part of her, she wields and controls the beast like a limb, that she isn’t human, but an angel, the savior of the people.
But she is neither and the cat is neither. She is like them. Born without wealth, without love, abandoned and alone, she grew up too quickly. A sad story told a million different ways by a million different girls. She lived her life as they all did, she worked and worked and worked and worked, and lived. She didn’t want anything more but to live...
You didn’t want anything more but to live, and perhaps it was by some divine intervention, you don’t know, that you crossed paths with a lonely black cat, so small and broken, so desperate to survive like you. You freed him and in ways you could not imagine, he freed you.
From the crowd of bodies, the woman with the black cat on her shoulder stepped to the front. Her clothes were black, pants torn and patched, sewn back stronger. A tight shirt so they made no mistake, it was a woman under that mask. Black cloth covering her face and hair, the amount of her hair hidden under her hood. But they could still see her eyes, accentuated by black eyeliner and hatred. And on her shoulder, a large black cat, long wild hair to match its wild eyes. 
The law-forcers stood in a line, guns and shields ready. The angry crowd had nothing but hope now. 
The law-forcers didn’t really believe it was her, looking down at her still. Any woman could find a black cat and pretend. They saw her as a martyr, a faker, their trigger fingers itching to make an example of her.
The cat hissed, mouth stretched wide open and long fangs displayed. The hiss was loud and piercing and the law-forcers flinched, embarrassingly reacting. The crowd jeered and laughed and the law-forcers pointed their guns at the black cat, growing in anger for being made fools. 
You whisper to your companion to wait. Let them attack first. Show the world the true aggressor before them. 
You waited because you knew the beast on your shoulder was a magical being. And the thing about living magic in a world filled with human creation, is that magic and technology reacted like oil and water, coexisting but unable to intermix, and magic was by far the stronger force. 
Red lasers land on you and your companion, but you stubbornly stand tall and the crowd mirrors your actions. The cat growls low and menacing and hisses again. It only took one scared threatened man, one trigger happy finger, and then it was all over...for them.
A gun shot rang out, and smoke appears where the black cat on the woman’s shoulder stood, weaving and twisting in the air like black rivers, dispersing and covering the empty zone between the crowd and the law-forcers. Bullets entered the smoke and the magical force created a barrier, stopping them in midair. That is when they all knew, they knew she was not just a myth.
As quickly as the magic appeared, electricity disappeared. The energy sent a shockwave across devices. Cameras and lights, the law-forcers military grade machinery, and all that expensive technology the law-forcers depended on broke and malfunctioned. Precious moments without their weapons that give a perfect window of attack. 
The crowd stands transfixed and the woman screams, loud and deep within her gut…
A roar. 
The black cat appears and reappears, so quickly it’s impossible to follow the cat’s path. Fangs piercing through skin and muscle of the men paid to silence the people’s cries, now crying for help, crying in pain as sharp claws rip through kevlar and tear the flesh from their bones. She runs towards them without fear. That's what the crowd sees, they don't witness her fear of losing what she loves most that carries her feet forward. And then the crowd begins to run forward too, headed straight towards men with bullets ready to fire. 
It’s chaos. 
“Dinner’s ready.”
His voice was soft and calming but you startle awake. You don’t mean to, you’re just always on alert and so anxious these days. 
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711 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Campfire Burning | JJK
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A steamy fic inspired by a certain vlive.
I originally wrote a couple lines of this when his vlive first came out and now it keeps raining and I keep getting reminded of JK camping so I finished this! :D enjoy!
Warnings: smut, mostly fluff, spanking u.u, fingering, pwp tbh, soft warm sexy time and a campfire and that’s about it :D
Word count: 1k
The fire crackles softly, embers burn slow, wood sizzles and snaps in a chaotic melody of warmth.
It also rains, the droplets patter in a steady rhythm. It makes you sleepy, content, the hushed sounds of nature, a song of fire and water.
But the person next to you, he has an even stronger effect on you than stormy weather or warm bonfires, being around Jungkook makes you feel calm and relaxed and safe.
You nod off in his arms, listening to him tell you about his day, softly singing when he can’t think of anything else to say.
“Are you ready to sleep?” he yawns.
“No, I like it by the fire, it’s warm.” You lean back into the warmth of his arms instead as he laughs, hugging you tighter.
Jungkook relaxes into you too, smells your hair, kisses the top of your forehead softly, wanting more of your attention.
It’s just you and Jungkook camping tonight, in the middle of a storm like two fools. It’s okay, the fire is still going.
Jungkook hums a sweet melody and lays lazy kisses across your cheek, down your jaw, on your neck, purposefully moving against you in ways he knows will rile you up.
But you don’t take the bait, not yet. You close your eyes and sigh softly, smiling. “This is nice.”
“Just nice?” He teases, wrapping himself tighter around you, hands searching for your ticklish spots until you squirm laughing.
“Yah! Well it was perfect.”
“Perfect?” He smiles, taking the opportunity to kiss you, one long embrace, lips pressed tightly against yours. Kiss sweet and strong and exactly like Jungkook.
He didn’t ask you if you wanted to sleep this time, just lifted you into his arms, throwing you over his shoulder.
“YAH! Oof.”
Jungkook snickers, entering the camper with you in tow. You wish you could say it was romantic being carried over the threshold, but as he had you, Jungkook took his time drumming the beat to Psy’s new song, ‘That That,’ onto your bum, laughing wickedly.
So you took your own revenge, in perfect view of his backside, you landed a sneak attack, not holding back. Jungkook cursed and you laughed, which was quite the painful act, your ribs jamming into his shoulder, but you were too giddy to stop.
You probably should have known better than to test Jungkook’s competitiveness, but you both had been drinking, feeling the effects of the alcohol and the exhilaration of being alone together.
So when he throws you onto the tiny makeshift bed, falling next to you, you know what’s coming, his hands already groping your ass, and then…smack!
You look over you shoulder unphased, and he does it again. See, Jungkook likes smacking your ass hard. You’re used to it; the burning imprint of his large hand. It stings, so hot. He does it again.
“You’re supposed to say, ‘ow’,”
“Ow,” you say smirking.
So Jungkook lands a final, hardest, loud smack against your ass, finally making you wince. He cuddles against you, too pleased with himself, so you roll over him. You’re competitive too, that’s why Jungkook loves you.
Your eyes focus on his face in the darkness of the trailer, his sharp jawline, long hair. You run your hands over his toned chest until you find what you’re looking for, your thumbs caressing his nipples. Jungkook moans a soft throaty sigh, biting his lip, pulling his lip piercing into his mouth, teeth biting on the metal. “Mmm.” You smile, bite your lip too, enjoying the effect you have on him.
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1,008 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Fantasy | JJK
You and your boyfriend try out a new form of role play, but it just keeps going wrong…
You realized how underappreciated you’ve become in your long term relationship and you can’t take it anymore, you want romance, you want excitement, you want to be wanted! So what happens? You find the courage to find someone better. You just hadn’t expected it to be Jeon Jungkook, who never took anything seriously, especially relationships. But that’s okay, because you don’t want a relationship, you want to be fucked. And that, Jungkook is very good at… ANYWAYS this is a lot of backstory for a shameless fic about getting railed a bunch of times. 
Warning: sadist!jungkook, yandere!jungkook, masochist!reader, CONSENSUAL-NON-CONSENSUAL, if you don’t like that kink at all, then stop right now, because it is literally what the title of the story is about :’), predator/prey, bdsm, I am not an expert, don’t take this as a healthy portrayal of anything :), drunk sex, dubcon, rough sex, safe word use, gaslighting, breakup, really really bad sex that I truly find more triggering than the CNC :’), over-jealousy, toxic behavior, body shaming, reader calls herself overweight (I never use the other word), fingering, knife play, slapping, oral sex, anal, multiple orgasms, overstimulation 
Word count: 10.6k
“Any fantasies?” 
You hesitate.
Your relationship with Jungkook was going well, perfect, actually. It’s probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in, you realize. Definitely the best sex.
It’s funny how what you thought would be a one night stand has turned into this: cohabiting with – cooking each other dinner, dancing in your kitchen to music, fucking in your kitchen to music, fucking on every surface of your shared apartment – and enjoying each other’s company even when you weren’t in each other’s company, when he was on his computer mixing beats and you were on your laptop writing, sharing each other’s lives and becoming the couple all your friends groan about because you can’t keep your hands off each other. Because Jungkook, like you, had a Guinness World Record breaking high sex drive. And almost Immediately, the very night you decided to hook up with your long time friend, you discovered how compatible you were in the bedroom as well. 
But this, was a bit different.
You finish chopping vegetables for dinner, cleaning the cutting board under tap water. Your boyfriend comes up behind you covering your mouth first, pressing his body close to yours next, so forcefully the counter’s edge digs in your abdomen. You grunt against his palm as he pulls your head back, hand squeezing your breast harshly.
“Shhhh,” he calms you down, lips pressed to your ear, picking up a knife from the sink. You stay as still as possible when he runs the knife flat side against the front of your body, up your stomach, between your breasts, tantalizingly slow. And then lets the knife’s tip go under your shirt, turning it, slicing the fabric.
You gasp in surprise against his palm, your noises muffled. He tightens his hold on your body, voice deep, angrier, “Don’t make any fucking noise.”
Jungkook flips you around, pressing you into the wall between the fridge and pantry. Hands wrapping around your throat, straightening your body, he kisses you hard, pushing his tongue inside your mouth. You moan, opening your mouth wider, letting him have his way.
“You’re not supposed to let me kiss you,” he breathes in. Hands pulling at the torn fabric.
“Oh? Oh, sorry.” You moan, “I’m sorry, you’re just so sexy, and I want you so badly,” you speak between kisses, “I can’t help it.” 
He smiles and sighs, carrying you to the bed instead. “We’ll try again,” you giggle. “I’ll be better, I promise.”
You look yourself over in your bedroom mirror, there’s so many straps and lace and ties across your body. You turn to the side and pull in your stomach, wishing you were twenty pounds lighter, so your rolls didn’t stick so noticeably through the tight straps of your lingerie. 
You turn again, twirling around to look at yourself from all angles, admiring the expensive intricate lace. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but overall you felt good, sexy even. It’s been so long since you did up your hair and makeup and tried to be sexy. You didn’t know if you even could be sexy anymore, but looking at the reflection in your mirror, you almost saw the old fun version of yourself again, attempting to break free. This was it, your final attempt. You were going to save your relationship! And show the love of your life that you were just as in love with him as the day you first met. Because you really were, and you missed him. You missed what you had. Somewhere along the way, you had stopped giving each other the attention you both deserved, Somehow it just all went wrong...
Before leaving the bedroom, you pulled on a silk robe, hiding your surprise. You felt self-conscious and unsure, but excited! You haven’t had sex with your boyfriend in weeks. And the last time you did have sex with him, you couldn’t even come. You had fallen into a rut.
“H-Hey-” you hug your boyfriend from behind, kissing his cheek.
“Hey, give me a minute.” Your boyfriend doesn’t even look at you, too busy concentrating on his video game. Ugh. You hated video games. You hated his gamer friends who preoccupied all his time, with their inside jokes, begging him to stay one more hour, two more hours. And you fucking hated that phrase most of all. ‘Just a minute.’ A game minute was not a minute, a game minute was half an hour if you were lucky. You didn’t always hate video games, but now, all you felt was disdain every time you heard the repetitive fighting noises, the ‘cheerful’ music constantly on loop in your house that made you want to rip out your own ear drums. You hated it.
You stand in the center of your apartment, watching bright blue light flood the empty living room. Your boyfriend is laughing with his friends, smashing the keys of his controller, his undivided attention given solely to the gaming monitor in front of him. 
You call out his name, pull the ends of your robe down lower. Just a tease of what’s to come. A preview of what you were offering if he just reached out and took it. He turns to look at you quickly, smiling, “Five minutes! We’re in a raid, I’m sorry!” Just like that, laughing again with his friends, yelling into his mic. 
As the seconds tick by you felt more and more conscious of how ridiculous you looked. How ridiculous you were being. How unwanted and unloved you felt. You pull the ends of your robe tight around your body, your eyes beginning to sting with surfacing tears, your throat painfully dry. Why couldn’t he just look at you, see you? Why couldn’t he just want to be with you?
You quietly turn around and walk back into your bedroom, sit down on your bed and look at your reflection again. You hear faint cheering, the game play restarting again, your boyfriend calling his friends for more backup. And you continue to stare, unable to move, weighted down by all your hatred and pain and heartache.
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1,829 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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