#80s male indian descent
beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Ferdinand Kingsley
February 13, 1988
English actor
He is of Indian descent
Hob [The Sandman: 2022]
Angus [A Portrait of the Artist Angus Fairhurst: 2018]
Mr. Francatelli [Victoria: 2016-2019]
Aldo [Still Star-Crossed: 2017]
Hamza [Dracula Untold: 2014]
Young Druid [The Last Legion: 2007]
black hair
brown eyes
playable: young adult, adult
Icons: Dracula Untold
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paleogenetica · 3 years
Cap 147 : Culturas de Rusia : Ancestros de Paleoindios : Mal'ta–Buret
El Niño de Mal'ta del Capítulo anterior fue enterrado con Respeto y Amor y se le dió un hermoso Ajuar Funerario, costoso para su Epoca, hace 24000 Años. Ver en la segunda Imagen los Objetos acompañantes para el Viaje en el Otro Mundo.
Primera Imagen : 
La Flecha Verde son los Ancestros de los Europeos, la Flecha lleva a muchos Pueblos incluídos los Yamnayas o Kurgans sobre el Mar Negro y Ancestros de los Pueblos Indo Europeos que incluyen a casi toda Europa.
La Flecha Verde pasa por una Bola Negra . En ese Círculo Negro se cruzan con la Flecha Roja que son los Asiáticos como los Chinos y Japoneses y se casan y fertilizan cruzando sexualmente sus Genes Europeos y Orientales.
Es demasiado Aventurado decir que ese fue el Sitio donde se cruzaron las dos Culturas y Etnias distintas. Me parece que eligieron un Sitio cercano a la Aldea de Mal'ta y el Lago Baikal por Facilismo, pero no deja de ser Especulación. No había Periodistas con Video Cámaras, ni Notarios cuando ocurrieron estos Coitos entres los Proto-Europeos y los Proto-Asiáticos ( o mejor Proto-Siberianos actuales ? ). Dejemos todo en la Duda Científica !.
El Cruce produce una Flecha Morada y Círculo Morado que va a Beringia a producir los Paleoindios o sea la primera Ola que llega a América desde Asia pasando por Beringia ( en color Verde ).
El Niño de Anzick en Montana USA de 12,600 Años de Antiguedad es otro Descubrimiento Genético sensacional gigantesco en la PaleoGenética y ArqueoGenética, y muestra que la Hipótesis Solutrean de Europeos llegando por el Atlántico va perdiendo Piso Día a Día.
Para ver la Imagen mucho mas grande ábrala en una Pestaña nueva de Windows con el Mouse Botón derecho y la ve muy aumentada.
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El estudio de los restos de un joven de la aldea siberiana de Mal'ta, de 24.000 años de antigüedad, ha añadido una nueva raíz al árbol genealógico de los indígenas americanos. Mientras que algunos vienen claramente del este de Asia, el genoma del chico de Mal'ta (el humano moderno más antiguo) muestra que hasta un tercio de esa ascendencia es europea.
Los resultados muestran que las personas relacionadas con eurasiáticos occidentales se habían extendido más al este de lo que nadie había sospechado y vivieron en Siberia durante las partes más frías de la última Edad de Hielo.
"En algún momento en el pasado, una rama de los asiáticos orientales y una sucursal de eurasiáticos occidentales se conocieron y tuvieron relaciones sexuales", señala el paleontólogo Eske Willerslev. "Esta mezcla creó a los nativos americanos, en el sentido de que fueron los predecesores de las poblaciones que posteriormente llegaron a América, tanto al norte como al sur".
Cultura, Identidad y PatrimonioLos indígenas americanos tienen raíces europeas. Por Prensa ICL   21/11/13
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Scientists have mapped the genome of a four-year-old boy who died in south-central Siberia 24,000 years ago.
They suggest about a third of Native American ancestry came from an ancient population related to Europeans.
The burial of an Upper Palaeolithic Siberian boy was discovered along with numerous artefacts in the 1920s by Russian archaeologists near the village of Mal'ta, along the Belaya river.
"With these remains of a young kid were all sorts of cultural items, one of which was a Venus figurine,".
"When we sequenced this genome, something strange appeared," he explained. "Parts of the genome you find today in western Eurasians, other parts of the genome you find today in Native Americans - and are unique today to Native Americans."
DNA from the boy's Y chromosome and from the mitochondria (the cell's batteries) were of types found today in a region encompassing Europe, West and South Asia and North Africa, but rare or absent in Central Asia, East Asia and the Americas.
The researchers estimate that 14-38% of the ancestry of Native Americans traces to a population like the one living at Mal'ta 24,000 years ago.
But the most puzzling part of this finding was that the boy showed no clear affinities with East Asian populations such as the Chinese, Koreans or Japanese.
Ancient DNA from Siberian boy links Europe and AmericaPublished20 November 2013
Of the 24,000 year-old skeleton that was Exhibit A, Willerslev was quoted in THE SIBERIAN TIMES, as saying, “His DNA shows close ties to those of today’s Native Americans. Yet he apparently descended not from East Asians, but from people who had lived in Europe or western Asia.” He added, “The finding suggests that about a third of the ancestry of today’s Native Americans can be traced to ‘western Eurasia.‘”
The 4-year-old boy, who died 24,000 years ago in a homeland previously assumed to account for all the Indians who crossed a theoretical Bering land-bridge and founded the First Americans, had a male Y-chromosomal haplogroup of R1b, the most common lineage in modern Europe, and a female mitochondrial lineage of U, the dominant prototype in pre-historic Europe. As it happens, I am the same combination, R1b for male and U for female, as are innumerable others in our in-house study on CHEROKEE DNA, published, lo, some five years ago.
Whereas previous “peopling of the Americas” stuff has clung to and recycled haplogroup studies (sex-lines), the new shock research relies on autosomal DNA, total genomic contributions from all ancestral lines, not just male-only, not just female-only descent. The title of a blog from Eurogenes rightly emphasizes this:  “Surprising aDNA [autosomal] results from Paleolithic Siberia (including Y DNA R).”
When we introduced the 18-MARKER ETHNIC PANEL as an enhancement for our main autosomal product, DNA Fingerprint Plus, lo, again, these five years now and counting, we presented a map of prehistoric human migrations showing without any equivocation that “Native Americans,” even as Cavalli-Sforza demonstrated two decades ago, were closer in genetic distance to Europeans than Asians. In fact, we claimed, on the basis of autosomal DNA, that having Native American I or Native American II was a result discrete and separate from East Asian, since Native Americans obtained frequencies of its occurrence as high as 80% and Asians were on the polar opposite of the scale, at the bottom for carrying it. Other methods frequently confused Native American and East Asian to the point of invalidity, particularly those products claiming to arrive at racial or ethnic percentages.
The moral is that autosomal DNA trumps Y chromosome and mitochondrial evidence, and only ancient autosomal DNA can truly explain modern DNA.
Fuente : NATIVE AMERICANS HAVE DEEP ANCESTRY IN EUROPE - Shocking, Long Overdue Revision to American Indian Genetics
By Donald N. Yates -  October 2013
Pintura de Frank Weir
Un Enterramiento de un miembro de la Tribu Paleoindia hace Miles de Años.  Un Shamán hace sonar Instrumentos de Ruido.  Puedes abrir la Imagen en una Pestaña nueva de Windows para verla mas en Detalle.
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Detalle de la Pintura Anterior : Un Miembro de la Tribu deposita con Amor y Respeto el Ajuar Funerario que acompaña al Muerto en el Otro Mundo.
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Some 11,000 years ago, the bodies of a man and a child were laid together in a shallow pit beneath the broad overhang of Horn Shelter.
Horn Shelter - A Paleoindian Grave
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Después de sufrir mucho Frío, mucha Nieve y Hielo, los Paleoindios van hacia el Sur dentro de Norte América y llegan a un Sitio primaveral donde hay mucha Vegetación y Animales para cazar.
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southeastasianists · 7 years
Female activists are battling the system and rampant misogyny in the fight to have their voices heard. Southeast Asia Globe explores the challenges facing some of Malaysia’s most prominent female civil society leaders
Maria Chin Abdullah turns to an empty page in her notebook and begins to sketch an outline of her cell. She knows it was in Kuala Lumpur, but, blindfolded every time she was taken out of it, has no sense of its exact location.
The 62-year-old draws the four walls, the concrete bench where she slept, the two strip lights along the ceiling, the door with its one-way hatch and, in the corner, the shower with the air-conditioning – sometimes hot, sometimes cold – blowing directly above it.
This cell – she thinks it was probably in a basement – is where Chin was held in solitary confinement after being detained by Malaysian police on the eve of last November’s Bersih 5 protests, which called for electoral reform and an end to corruption.
In all, the Bersih leader was held for 11 days, nearly all of it under SOSMA, a law introduced to deal with terrorists. Accused of “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy”, Chin was eventually released without charge.
“It is really unjust,” she says. “You detain me under SOSMA, put me in solitary confinement, interrogate me on a daily basis over many, many hours, and yet you can’t even come up with charges. This is all part of the intimidation.”
The mother of three is perhaps contemporary Malaysia’s best-known civil rights activist, capable of convincing tens of thousands of Malaysians to take to the streets to demand free and fair elections and an end to corruption.
But Chin is not the only woman making a mark in the country’s small, but vocal, civil society. The government might be keen to talk about its initiatives to propel more women into decision-making roles in business and the public sector, but women are already at the forefront of issues from refugee and migrant rights to religion, heritage conservation and the environment.
In their work, they battle a patriarchal society where men still dominate politics – the country has been under the same central government since independence in 1957 and has never had a prime minister who wasn’t male or Malay, the majority ethnic group – as well as preconceived notions about what women should and shouldn’t do.
“I don’t really look my age, so sometimes they feel they don’t have to take me seriously,” says Yasmin Rasyid, 42, a US-trained biologist who founded the non-profit EcoKnights 12 years ago. The group spends about 80% of its time on environmental advocacy. “I’m kind of cursed in a few ways. Female is one, being not a typical image of a Muslim woman is another… In this field, I feel that I always have to prove myself.”
Cynthia Gabriel, a Malaysian of Sri Lankan ancestry who made her name in the human rights group Suaram and helped found the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) three years ago, has also felt the pressure to conform to stereotypes in her work as an activist and a councillor. Gabriel spent eight years on the Petaling Jaya council after being appointed in 2008 (there are no local elections in Malaysia).
“It’s not just being a woman,” the 44-year-old says. “In this country I’m also a minority and I’m also small [Gabriel is about 1.57m tall]. When I was on the council and had to do a lot of public engagement work, I could tell immediately when the public sees me coming they would think: ‘Oh my God, she’s a woman and she’s so tiny!’ The first impression is: how can we take her seriously? It’s daunting, but it has never stopped me from speaking my mind.”
Out of 222 seats in Malaysia’s federal parliament, women hold just 23; in the cabinet, only three of the 35 ministers are female. Few women hold seats at the state level either.
“It’s nothing to do with the individual’s ability to take up leadership roles,” says Maznah Mohamad, associate professor in the Department of Malay Studies at the National University of Singapore, who is attempting to convince parties at the state level to adopt a policy of women-only additional seats to kickstart gender representation. “It’s the other things: the networks, the money, the patronage, your links with the party. There is no shortage of capable women to run for political office, but the conditions are still not there.”
Sexism and discrimination is so common in public life that the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality, a collective of seven women’s NGOs, holds an annual awards event to highlight the worst offenders and raise awareness about the extent of the problem.
In April, one MP claimed that nine-year-old girls were “physically and spiritually” ready for marriage and that there was nothing wrong with a rapist marrying his victim. The law under debate when he made his comments – to outlaw child marriage – failed to pass.
A few months later, during discussions on domestic abuse laws, one MP claimed men suffered “abuse” when their wives criticised them, refused to have sex or didn’t let them take a second wife. Male MPs have also ridiculed women for having periods, to chortles from some of the other men in the House.
It is the kind of environment in which threats and intimidation against women thrive, and those who are most visible – the campaigners and the few politicians – are easy targets.
In the weeks leading up to Bersih 5, Chin received a death threat showing her and her sons beheaded in an Isis-style execution. C4’s Gabriel has endured numerous threats to her safety in her campaign to uncover the truth about Malaysia’s $1.2 billion purchase of two submarines from France in 2002, a deal tarnished by allegations of kickbacks and the murder of a mistress of one of the key players.
“You cannot back off in pursuit of the truth,” the 42-year-old tells Southeast Asia Globe during an interview at her office.
In July, a French judge investigating the alleged kickbacks indicted Abdul Razak Baginda, who negotiated the deal and was an advisor to Najib Razak, then the minister of defence and now Malaysia’s prime minister. Two top French executives have also been indicted. “That’s what makes you strong and resilient. You must do as much as you can, while you can,” Gabriel adds.
Earlier this month, as the sun began to set over the centre of Kuala Lumpur, about 1,000 women took to the streets in protest at what they called the country’s “toxic” politics.
“Long live women! Long live Malaysia!” they shouted as they congregated outside a shopping mall, hemmed in by elevated walkways and a small number of police separating the crowd from the traffic. Carrying bunches of purple balloons and holding hand-drawn banners aloft they walked to a cacophony of drums, stopping behind a pick-up truck transformed into a makeshift stage.
Chin was among the organisers of the event, which was in some ways a ‘who’s who’ of the most well-known women in Malaysia’s public life. C4’s Gabriel was in the crowd. Marina Mahathir, renowned for her work on HIV/Aids, stood on a truck at the front of the procession with her mother. Alongside them was Faridah Ariffin, a former ambassador and outspoken member of G25, the influential group of former civil servants calling for a more moderate Malaysia. Chin’s predecessor at Bersih, lawyer Ambiga Sreenevasan, was there too. As was Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the current head of the opposition.
“We have so little power everywhere else, and this [rally] was a space to assert some kind of voice. To see a lot of women coming together like that, it renews a sense of hope”
On the street, as successive women clambered aboard the truck to rally the crowd, Maryam Lee and her friends beat their drums. The 25-year-old founding member of Projek Dialog, a group set up to encourage Malaysians to talk about issues such as religion and sexuality, which are usually batted away as ‘too sensitive’ to discuss, is one of a growing number of younger women seeking to make their mark in civil society.
“It just felt powerful,” she says of the rally. “We have so little power everywhere else, and this was a space to assert some kind of voice. To see a lot of women coming together like that, it renews a sense of hope.”
Lee, who’s been the target of vicious social media attacks, particularly around her decision to stop wearing a headscarf, says it was her time as a student that awakened her to the injustices around her and fuelled her activism. She was an undergraduate at Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia’s biggest university, which is open only to bumiputera – the official term used to describe the country’s ethnic Malay majority and other indigenous people.
“My first question was: why are there no Chinese and Indians?” she recalls during an interview at her home in an eastern suburb of Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia has significant populations of people of Chinese and Indian descent, and increasing numbers of mixed marriages.
These days Lee calls herself an “intellectual activist”, which she defines as someone who aims to shape public opinion, and is pursuing a master’s degree in development studies at the University of Malaya.
Universities, whether at home or overseas, have proved a fertile training ground for the Malaysian women now shaping civil society. Analytical chemistry may seem an unlikely degree for someone who now fights corruption, but it was the subject that introduced Gabriel to campaigning after she helped an NGO investigating suspected nuclear contamination at a village in northern Malaysia. Later, she studied for a master’s in law.
For Chin, her studies in England coincided with the Vietnam War and a political awakening across campuses in Europe and the US. Back home, too, it was a time of tension. Race riots had stunned Malaysia in 1969, leading to affirmative action in favour of the bumiputera – a policy that remains in force today – while industrialisation was creating new challenges for workers, and women.
When Chin returned to Malaysia she took up the fight for women’s causes using the skills she’d learned as a student to cajole and persuade. Gradually, her interests expanded.
While Chin has endured intimidation and harassment, she has no intention of caving in.
In detention, she was questioned every day, but stood her ground. “The same questions over and over and over, but asked differently,” she recalls. “I was asked to give names. It was like pushing me to confess to something I didn’t do.”
Bersih 5 continued without Chin and the 14 other activists who had been arrested the night before. Despite the intimidation, at least 40,000 people still filled the streets and the group’s leaders immediately announced they would hold a vigil every night until Chin was released. The Kuala Lumpur authorities soon closed off Merdeka Square in the centre of the city where they planned to hold their vigil, but people came anyway, while hundreds of women marched to parliament to show their support for the jailed civil society leader.
On 28 November, Chin was freed. She is convinced it was those public campaigns that helped secure her release.
“They don’t realise that the strength of the people who support us has always been constant, and that gives us the courage to speak out,” she says. “The fear is always there: the fear of arrest. But you know that you won’t be alone, even if you’re in solitary confinement.”
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ladystylestores · 4 years
People from ethnic minorities are up to 50% more likely to die from coronavirus than white people, UK report finds
The analysis, conducted by government agency Public Health England (PHE), found that people of Bangladeshi heritage who tested positive for the virus were around twice as likely to die as their white British peers.
People from other minority communities, including those of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Caribbean descent, also had a 10% to 50% higher risk of death when compared to white Britons, the report found.
Those from black ethnic groups were also more likely to be diagnosed with Covid-19. The diagnosis rate per 100,000 of the population was 486 for black females and 649 for black males, compared to 220 for white females and 224 for white males.
The document was published Tuesday — after the UK government denied British media reports that its release had been delayed due to protests in the US over the killing of George Floyd.
Commissioned by England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty in April, amid fears the coronavirus pandemic was “disproportionately” affecting black and ethnic minority communities, the analysis was due to be published at the end of May, according to PHE.
In response to questions from CNN on Tuesday morning about why the report had been delayed, a government health department spokesperson said: “Ministers received initial findings yesterday [Monday]. They are being rapidly considered and a report will be published this week.”
“It is not true to say this has been delayed due to global events,” the spokesperson added.
In an address to parliament later Tuesday, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “Being black or from a minority ethnic background is a major [Covid-19] risk factor.”
Hancock admitted that there was “much more work to do to understand the key drivers of these disparities, the relationships between the different risk factors and what we can do to close the gap.”
The health secretary said he was “determined that we continue to develop our understanding and shape our response.”
Hancock also stressed that the report did not just look at ethnicity but also found that age was the biggest Covid-19 risk factor, with older patients more likely to die than younger ones.
Among those who tested positive for the virus, those over 80 years old were deemed 70 times more likely to die than those under 40.
Combination of factors
The PHE analysis found that the link between ethnicity and health was “complex and likely to be the result of a combination of factors.”
“Firstly, people of BAME [Black and minority ethnic] communities are likely to be at increased risk of acquiring the infection,” it states.
“This is because BAME people are more likely to live in urban areas, in overcrowded households, in deprived areas, and have jobs that expose them to higher risk.”
“People of BAME groups are also more likely than people of white British ethnicity to be born abroad, which means they may face additional barriers in accessing services that are created by, for example, cultural and language differences,” it added.
The groups are “also likely to be at increased risk of poorer outcomes once they acquire the infection,” the agency’s report found.
“For example, some co-morbidities [the simultaneous presence of two diseases or conditions in a patient] which increase the risk of poorer outcomes from Covid-19 are more common among certain ethnic groups.”
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“People of Bangladeshi and Pakistani background have higher rates of cardiovascular disease than people from white British ethnicity, and people of black Caribbean and black African ethnicity have higher rates of hypertension compared with other ethnic groups,” the report said.
The PHE analysis looked at the effect of sex, age, deprivation and region on survival among confirmed Covid-19 cases, but did not account for the effect of occupation, obesity or co-morbidities.
Its publication came as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet warned that Covid-19 had exposed inequalities within society and was having a major disproportionate impact on racial and ethnic minorities, including people of African descent.
“The data tells us of a devastating impact from Covid-19 on people of African descent, as well as ethnic minorities in some countries, including Brazil, France, the United Kingdom and the United States,” Bachelet said.
“In many other places, we expect similar patterns are occurring, but we are unable to say for sure given that data by race and ethnicity is simply not being collected or reported,” she added.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2yWV8Hs
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bhuwank · 4 years
Rising Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in India
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The number of heart patients in India was roughly estimated as 1.5 crores in 1992 by the World Health Organization that increased to 5 crores by the year 2001. The same is expected to touch 10 crores by the year 2010. Although accurate figures may not be available due to a variety of reasons like non-reporting of deaths., lack of diagnosis in many who suddenly die or do government mechanism (who can collect data from the cardiologists) to count them and so on, the fact remains that the numbers are racing up.
Few sample studies of small groups in Rajasthan, Delhi and Kerala show that number of coronary heart patients have doubled (2% to 4%) in villages whereas in cities there has been a three-fold increase (3.45% to 9.45%) from 1960-90. In Kerala the number of heart patient are even higher (13% in the cities and 7% in the villages). This is mostly due to high consumption of coconut oil. It is estimated that about 25-30 lacs of people die from heart attacks in India every year.
The epidemiologists (those who study the trends of diseases and their causes in detail) have shown that Indians, more broadly South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans) settled in countries like USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, South Africa and Mauritus suffer much more from heart disease (coronary heart disease) compared to the local population.
One naturally wonders why the Indians are more prone to heart disease than others? The kind of research study or experiments that can be done to know the reasons is still not becoming clear to the epidemiologist. They cannot subject humans to artificial experiments also. The best method is to take a whole city, follow the entire population for 30-40 years and see what was going wrong. Such a study was done in USA (Framingham Study) in the last 45 years. This study brought out clues, which helped to cut down heart disease in that country. The same also applied to the rest of the world.
However, based on the past research (some in India and some Indians settled abroad few reasons are very clearly evident in Indians that make them vulnerable to coronary heart disease. Some of these reasons are already well established, like high cholesterol in blood, whereas some reasons have been newly implicated as the cause of heart disease in Indians. The table mentions all these reasons,
The aim of this issue is to highlight these reasons to the readers, make them take actions and ultimately spread the awareness to the population who may develop heart disease in future.
Indians and Heart Disease
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The increased incidence of Coronary Artery Disease in Indians is due to a combination of Nature (genetic predisposition) and Nurture (environmental factors). Because of the genetic predisposition the harmful effects of environmental factors are greatly magnified. Adverse lifestyle factors include those associated with affluence, urbanization and mechanism. When people move from the rural to the urban environment they tend to become sedentary.
Decreased physical activity and increased consumption of calories and saturated fatty acids, insulin resistance and atherogenic dyslipidemia all add and have synergistic effect on the development of heart disease.
1.       Indians around the globe have highest rate of heart disease, usually 2 to 3 times higher than Americans, Europeans, Chinese and Japanese. Indo-Americans are at a higher risk of heart disease in spite of the fact that half of them are vegetarians and lack many of the traditional risk factors related to the heart disease.
2.       About 25% of the heart attacks among the Indian descent occur when they are younger than 40, unheard of in other populations.
3.       Among those younger than 30 years of age, the coronary artery disease mortality is three fold higher than whites in UK and 10 fold higher than Chinese in Singapore.
4.       Delhi based study in late 90s revealed 9.5 percent prevalence of CAD, 10.2 percent among Indian immigrants in the US as compared to only 2.5 percent prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease in western based “Framingham study”.
5.       Coronary artery disease epidemic in India has entered into an epidemiological transition phase. At present 25 percent death among Indians are attributable to it.
6.       Coronary Artery Disease will increase by 103 percent in male and 90 percent in female from 1985 to 2015. By 2015, this disease will account for 34 percent all male death and 32 percent all female deaths in India.
7.       British Heart Foundation statistics show that the death rate from coronary heart disease is 46% higher in South Asian men than the UK population as a whole, for women it is 51% higher.
8.       India has not 4-times higher no. of heart patients than in United States, although the numbers were similar in 1968.
Heart disease is Multi Factorial
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High Cholesterol  
High Cholesterol is one of the most important causes of coronary heart disease. With more and more research data coming in, it has become evident that the blockages are formed in the heart arteries by deposition of cholesterol. Cholesterol, besides being produced in our liver is additionally obtained in our food from animal sources like ghee, buttermilk, cheese, meat etc. The normal level of cholesterol is 130-200mg/dl. Obviously higher cholesterol intake can only add to the blockages!
High Triglyceride
It is a fat derived from the plant sources. All cooking oils are triglycerides irrespective of being saturated or unsaturated. All of them lead to blockages. The normal level of triglyceride  is 60mg/dl – 150mg/dl. Saaol recommends less than 130 mg/dl.
Low HDL                                
HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. Since it has a very high affinity to bind cholesterol. It removes cholesterol from the blockages. Saaol recommends a HDL cholesterol of above 40mg/dl.
People who smoke are four times more prone to develop heart disease as compared to the non smokers. Tobacco that is inhaled while smoking is the major cause of erosion of inner lining of the coronary arteries. Nicotine, tar, alkaloids etc. causes this damage and make the layer more susceptible to cholesterol and sticks it on the wall.
High BP
High blood pressure puts an extra strain on the heart and the arteries supplying blood to the other organs of the body. Many diseases are caused due to high blood pressure such as heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke (damage to the brain) etc. Higher the blood pressure greater are the chances of getting the above disease. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.
Diabetic Mellitus
Normal level of fasting blood sugar is 80-120mg/dl. If the fasting level is more than 110 mg/dl and after meal is more than 160mg/dl, it is called diabetes or high blood sugar. Diabetes patients have a higher chance of developing coronary blockages. They are also prone to several other disease like kidney damages, as well as damages of nerves and eyes.
Lack of Physical Activity
Lack of physical activity in our daily life has become the most important reason of heart disease in modern life. Regular exercise can break fats, decrease cholesterol, reduce blood sugar, control blood pressure, reduce overweight by consuming stored fat in the body and make the heart more healthy and stronger.
New Risk factors
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Lipoprotein (a)
The high rates of heart disease, despite lesser risk factors, suggests the possible risk of a genetic risk factor, which is uninfluenced by even maximum modification of lifestyle.
LP (a) is such a risk factor, since it’s levels are genetically determined and not influenced by diet or exercise. It is 10 times atherogenic as low-density lipoprotein(LDL) and has significant thrombogenic (clot forming) and antifibrinolytic (anti clot dissolving) properties due to its structural similarity with plasminogen.
There is increasing interest in thrombotic (clot forming) factors in the etiology of coronary artery disease. Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) levels are high in Indians. Indians have lower fibrinolytic (clot dissolving) activity with an increased likelihood of clot formation.
Obesity  is a risk factor for heart disease as it can lead to hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. Overweight persons have 15 times greater chance to have a heart attack.
Low Fibre Intake
Fibres have a net like structure (like a dry leaf). Fats in our food get stuck in this mesh work. Since fibres, don’t get absorbed, these fats are excreted along with them. So low intake of fibre is another cause of heart disease. Vegetable, fruits and whole cereals are good sources.
Prolonged Cooking
Prolonged cooking   of vegetables is common in India which can destroy up to 90% of the folate content. It leads to the deficiency of folate in the body. This leads to increased levels of a protein called homocysteine which is an important cause of heart disease.
Stress can lead to hypertension, diabetes and low HDL cholesterol . Stress increases the secretion of adrenaline in the body which raises the heart rate and work load of the heart. This in turn can lead to heart attack.
Most of the hereditary effects in people come through excessive production of Cholesterol and Triglyceride in the body. These people even if they restrict their diet, may still have high cholesterol/triglyceride. Thus their chances of having a heart disease will multiply.
Low Birth Weight
Low birth weight, where babies weigh lower than 2-5 kg and of short body length at birth are at higher risk of coronary artery disease in adult life.
Hope you liked this article!
This article is written by Dr. Bimal Chajjer (India’s best cardiologist)
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ericvick · 4 years
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Commentary: What to make of all these dying notices?
Those people who read through as a result of final Sunday’s Boston World print edition probably took see of what definitely was a document, and by a wide margin, in the paper’s almost 150 decades of publishing: 22 webpages in a row focused to 245 dying notices, and 179 pictures of deceased customers of the Larger Boston neighborhood.
At very first look, readers probably assumed that this necrology was a reflection of the fatal effects of the pandemic that, specialists say, has been peaking in Massachusetts above the last 7 days. And whilst that is likely the situation, a close appear at the attributions in the texts of the notices in this one journal permits only for that presumption, not a dedication.
Historically – right until the online and social media kidnapped their advertisers – newspapers experienced been the main company of nearby information about the useless. Established in modest sort – compared with the staff-written obituaries that usually function a headline and a photograph or two – a dying see, which a family or a buddy or an business composes, relays to the community the when, exactly where, and why of a person’s passing, probably his or her age, and maybe a small account of what he or she did all through their lives that premiums a mention.
Couple benchmarks of journalism apply to these notices that family members shell out to have printed. Reality-examining is a rarity. Some give a result in of dying, some do not, some give an age, some don’t, some mention a person’s accomplishments and good deeds, and some do not. This kind of was the situation in the Sunday Globe’s impactful 245 family snapshots of mainly nearby fatalities in a time of pandemic. They confirmed:
• Result in of dying attributed to Covid-19 in 26 notices. Some of them outlined ages, some did not.
• 4 deaths of people 100 a long time of age and in excess of 60 of people today aged 90-99 51 of individuals aged 80-89 20 of persons aged 70-79 and 10 of folks less than age 65.
• There had been 91 notices from inhabitants of Boston and its neighborhoods. There ended up 33 from the metropolis of Newton
• Of the 179 images that ran with notices, 174 were of white men and women, 3 were being of black individuals, which include the Rev. Russell Winston, former pastor of St. John’s-St. Hugh’s parish in Grove Corridor, one was of a guy of Indian descent, and a person was a male of Filipino ancestry.
There is tons to extrapolate from all that. To every single visitors his have.
With respect to that previous notation, The World doesn’t pursue dying notices they appear in from funeral directors and other outlets at the route of families. Around the decades, minority communities, commencing with the Irish in the late 19th century and continuing to right now with the diversity that defines Boston, have created a lot significantly less use of the Globe’s death notices than white households. Marketing research have instructed which is partly a make any difference of society and inclination and pricing, which numerous households find is too high-priced for them to even look at telling stories about their departed relations and mates.
For all that, the times of the Globe’s domination of the regional fatalities report have been over for years. Its print circulation has fallen dramatically over the final 20 decades, diminishing the affect of its protection. Indeed, the notices are posted on the net, and are very available, but the capability of mourners to interact with the grieving family and connect with other mates and relatives on funeral home web-sites – messages of condolence, remembrance donations, bouquets, has adjusted the dynamic permanently, or so it seems.
Tom Mulvoy, a indigenous of Dorchester, is a former taking care of editor of The Boston World.
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((So hopefully this profile will make it through. I had to rewrite it and hopefully I left nothing out. I did as much chopping as I could for him. This was a character that was one of my original “villains”. I made him in 2004, and I’ve never fleshed out his story until now. Because he’s still “new” to me, I’m worried that his background, character, and overall personality are a bit too confusing.
This is Mod D here! Review and profile are under the cut!
World: He is a Character in the AU Earth that my cousin and I have created, but It takes place in the sea during the year 2036.
Quick Facts: The merpeople are rather insular and they tend to associate with people who come from their own kingdoms. They treat their children in ways that humans would see as rough, but this is part of their culture, making sure that their children can survive in the harsh ocean. Foreigners are welcome, but are watched carefully.
In terms of the kingdoms, Zibitza is very hostile to humans while Argiak works with the humans to make their community better.
Merpeople can travel on land and if they “dry out” they can live on land for a few days. ))
Name: Makorios Tamesis
Aliases: “Mako”, “Irappū’s Son”.
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age: He’s actually 80 years old, but he looks 35.
Race: Merperson
Birthdate: Not recorded, but he thinks June 6.
Birthplace: Zibitza in the Pacific Ocean, near Madagascar.
Occupation: He is a Sorcerer or Demon Slayer of some sorts.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Group/Organizational Affiliations: None at the moment. He’s an independent person.
Family Jaron: He loves his son with all of his heart. He knows that he made some mistakes with him, and he wishes that he could go back in time to fix it, but he knows that he can’t. Despite that, he is always there for his son when he needs him. When asked, Jaron explains that he does love his father, and that he believes that there is a good person in him. He thinks that he’s been hurt too much and he puts up this wall. He’s told him before that although he loves him, he is afraid of him at the same time because he can never know what he is going to do.
Irappū: Irappū was his mother. She was an infamous Sorceress who terrorized the Sea. They had a harsh relationship because she abused his brother. She loved him the most, and he hated how she treated his brother because he was born without magic. He was glad to learn a bit of magic from her, but not everything. Although she is dead, and he is glad because she won’t harm his brother anymore, he misses her because there are a lot of things that he would like to learn about these demons that she summoned.
Andirias: He and Andi are mirror twins. Growing up, he was his only friend and he spent most of his life protecting him from their mother. They always have each others backs and they stick up for one another.
Danyel Tamesis: She was the mother of his child. He liked her because she was intelligent and she spoke her mind. In the time that he knew her, he realized that she could have made a life with her, but she left for an important trip. Merpeople don’t have surnames, but he uses hers out of respect.
Best Friends: He doesn’t really have any friends because he purposefully isolates himself. If he had a best friend, it would be his brother, Andi.
Relationship Status: Widowed and Single.
Significant Other: Danyel was the mother of his son, who is half human, but he has never told him about her because of what happened to her.
Other Relationships: In the past he had a relationship with someone named Rococo. They parted on really bad terms, and he still hates him for leaving. Rococo had a son named Trent. He just doesn’t like him.
He also works with a man named Emory Kensington, but in his opinion he leaves him alone because there is something off about him. He’s good on promises, but his demeanor is extremely sketchy and troublesome.
Height: 6’ 6" when he’s on land, but he’s around 17 feet long when he’s underwater.
Weight: 400lbs on land, and 430lbs when underwater.
Build: Athletic and muscular and like a swimmer.
Skin Tone: He has dark skin with mahogany undertones.
Hair: Very long and Jet black. When closely inspected, he has natural purple highlights in it. He usually has hair jewelry somewhere on himself.
Eyes: He has haunting eyes. In both forms, they are bright green, with light green sclera.
Identifying Marks: One of his most identifying marks is the fact that the lower half of him is an octopus.
Appearance: Mako looks just like his mother; so much so that if he wore her jewelry then they would look just alike. He may be of Indian or Bengali descent. He has dark skin with mahogany undertones, and towards his hands his skin gets darker. He has dark eyebrows that always seem to be in a smug setting, full lips that are dark, and if he smiles he has sharp, straight teeth. His hair is black, long and thick and it always appears to be damp if he is on land. It goes down past his waist and when closely examined, it is very fine gills that look like hair. He has some hair jewelry that consist of some silver cuffs that he found. He has intricate markings or tattoos that are on his arms and back. He’s an octopus, so his lower half resembles a black octopus with a purpleish-black underside and bioluminescent spots on his skin. He has an inside joke where he talks about his twin brother. He tells people that if they want to see what he looks like with blonde hair, then they just have to look for his brother. He looks just like him, but his hair is blonde, and his octopus body is more reddish than black. Although it is not part of his appearance, he, Andi, Irappū, and Jaron all have a really particular way of talking. Their accents have been described as French-Indian sounding ones and they enunciate each word.
Personality: At first he comes off as just a bitter person. He is a self made loner and he’s hard to trust. He is cunning and he does spend much of his time plotting, so although he does get talkative, he’s very silent most of the time. He is secretly someone who feels that he will never live up to the standards that someone gives him. Growing up with Irrapū was difficult because she believed that Fear was power, and she forced him to be hostile and rather cold. She told him to never trust others, and that if he was going to survive, he had to learn how to manipulate others. After his breakup with Rococo, his heart was broken and he was lost for a while. He did date a human woman, and although he loved her, he loved Rococco even more. When dealing with his brother, he very kind to him. He listens to him, and if his brother makes a request, then he honors it. He truly loves Jaron, and when interacting with him he’s a different person. He’s one of those parents who is afraid to say “no” to their child. He can’t spend a lot of time with him, but when he does, he gives into anything that his son asks.
Motivations: Revenge
Current Goal: He is currently fighting a Netherworld Necromancer that has decided to take some things from him.
Life Goal: To be a good father to Jaron
Motto: “Im like the ocean, you can never trust me”.
Best Quality: If you can trust him, he’s a good ally. He will protect those that he deems worthy, and if he feels like it, he would throw his life on the line to keep someone safe.
Worst Quality: He is a vengeful guy. He is sometimes so focused on getting someone back, that he doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. If he wants someone dead, then he will do anything in his power to carry that out.
Fears: Losing his brother or his son.
Hobbies: Destroying ships, reading spell books, and writing. He writes horror stories when he’s bored.
Talents: Part of it is learned from his mother, but he has a natural affinity towards magic. He can also read very fast and he is learning spells from the Netherworld.
Abilities: Like all merpeople he is telepathic, immune to the cold, and he can live on land. He’s much stronger, more durable than a normal human, and he is faster than one as well. His senses are 10 times stronger than those of a human, and they are stronger when he is in water. He is an octopus, and like all octupus based merpeople, he actually has the ability to shapeshift for a limited time. He can swim as deep as 50,000 miles under the sea as well. He is a Necromancer, so he can easily summon dead sea creatures to aid him if he needs them to.
Skills: Potion making, creating curses, summoning things, and sneaking.
Secret: He purposely wanted his son to be half-human, but he’s never explained why.
Influential Memory: Protecting his brother from his mother. He’s always been really protective of him.
Role Model: Unfortunately, his role model was his mother. As evil as she was, she has taught him many important life lessons.
Crush: His crush has always been Rococo.
Source of Embarrassment: He’s embarrassed by the fact that he may not be enough. He’s not as strong as his mother, and he feels that Rococo left him because he couldn’t be something that he was not.
Source of Pride: He’s proud of the fact that he’s infamous. People leave him alone because of this, and he likes it.
Makorios was the son of a sea witch named Irappū, who was infamous for causing trouble in the sea. She was also a greedy and every year, she would have a child and sacrifice it so that she could keep her Magic. She gave birth to two children, naming her twin boys Makorios and Andirias. They were pre-teens when Mako started to demonstrate magical abilities. When she learned of this, she started to treat Mako better than his brother, feeding him instead of Andi and beating his brother whenever she was upset. The brothers; much against their mothers wishes, visited a Shaman who told them of how their mother gained and kept her powers. Mako pretended that his magic had gone away so that they both could be safe. It took everything in him, but she was convinced. One day, Mako used his magic to protect Andi from some hunters, and his mother saw. He knew that he was in trouble, but Andi was in danger. She took him and she was going to preform her ritual when she felt that he needed more training. She abandoned Andi and she took Mako under her wing. He was devastated, but he knew that this was the only way to keep him safe. Irappū pulled her most drastic stunt yet where she seduced the King and she caused him to kill the prince. The kingdom was distraught with the loss and the two of them went into hiding. That night, he found the amulet of the King and he went back to the kingdom to give it to them. He was arrested, but he gave them an ultimatum. He told them that he would give them the location of Irappū only if the guards took Andi on as an official guard. They agreed and Andi was taken. Irappū was formally charged with treason, summoning demons, and using Magic for illicit means, and her punishment was that her arms were removed. Mako chose to stay with her and she trained him. As his skills grew he perfected his shapeshifting and he would occasionally visit his brother in disguise. Unlike his mother, Mako never went on land much. As days passed he started to feel sick for no reason, and when she returned a few days later she handed him an interesting necklace. She then told him that he now had a new powers that he could use at his disposal. Remembering how she got most of her powers, he was horrified at what she possibly had done. As Irappū slept, Mako was going to kill her, but he knew that Andi would never forgive him for doing something so drastic. He was going to leave when she attacked him out of nowhere. She knew what he was going to do and she was tired of waiting for him to get stronger. Using her tentacles, she choked him, but in self-defense, he grabbed a knife and stabbed her. He reported it to the guards, where they came to collect her and he escaped. He escaped to the Atlantic Ocean where he found the kingdom of Argiak. He hated to do it, but he came out of his shell and he offered to help the villagers with some things. They were amazed by his magic, and he sort of worked as an impromptu Shaman healer for them. He was enjoying himself for a while until he started to worry about Andi. He knew that he couldn’t go back to meet with him, and although he had acquaintances, he was really lonely. He was hunting one day when he met someone interesting. It was a Merman with blue skin and red eyes. He looked like he was foreign, but he couldn’t be sure. They fought at first, but then they stopped when the Blue guy recognized a necklace that Mako had on. They spoke to one another for a while and he earned that his name was Rococco. Apparently Rococco was a bit of a wild card and they let him do whatever in the village because his former parents were Antiquarians. He loved collecting human artifacts and Mako liked his attitude. They became engaged and Rococco became a guard. Mako asked him if it would be possible for him to get his brother transferred over to the Argiak guards. Within a few weeks, Andi was there and Mako was so happy to see his brother. As he and Rococco got closer, things were getting a bit tumultuous. Mako was not good at explaining himself to Rococco and he kept a lot of things from him, while Rococco was extroverted, and he always expressed his feelings. After an argument, Rococco left and Mako had no idea where he was. This went on for days and even months before Andi told him that he had seen Rococco swimming somewhere. Mako followed him one day to where he was going. He used his magic to disguise himself and he followed him to the coast of England. He watched as he got out of the water and he met a girl on the beach. They spoke for a while and disappeared up the shore. One day when Rococco was on guard duty, Mako swam to England and he went to the shore. He saw the woman, changed his appearance and he spoke with her. She assumed that he was a displaced merperson and she helped him out by giving him food and a blanket. Her name was Elisa and they spoke for a while. She told Mako that she was a few months pregnant and she was worried that she couldn’t carry her child to term because she was pretty sure that it wasn’t human. He abruptly left and returned to where Rococco was stationed. He confronted him, asking him about Elisa and who she was. Rococco told him that she was a Duchess of some sorts, and they slept together one day. He didn’t know that she was pregnant and he was really worried. He figured that it was his responsibility to take care of her because something like this has never happened before. Rococco then explained that he was going to stay in England. Mako was enraged and he asked Rococco why would he do that if they were going to be together. Rococco explained that if she died carrying the child, then the humans could turn on them and attack their people. He also said that they needed some time apart because they both had issues to work out. He then left. Mako was infuriated with what had happened, but instead of explaining everything to his brother, he escaped to another, more isolated part of the sea. Like his mother, he started to take his anger out on innocent ships that passed by and he started to use his powers again conjuring creatures that attacked swimmers and attacking people himself. Years passed before he returned to the surface again. As he was on the beach, he was approached by an odd child. The kid had the exact same eyes and arm stripes as Rococco himself. He spoke to the kid, who told him that his name was Trent and he asked him about where his father was. Trent didn’t tell him much, but as he spoke, Mako noticed that the kid had his mothers razor blade necklace on. He attacked Trent, giving him a scratch on his arm and he took his necklace back. Within an hour, Rococco found him and he threatened him for harming his child, to which Mako commented on how he could tell that his child was weak like his mother. Mako that night he learned to take on a human form and he was enjoying his solitude on the beach when a woman approached him. She was a marine biologist named Danyel and she was interested in learning more about the merpeople. They spoke for a while and Mako liked her because she was extremely intelligent and matter-of-fact. They started to love one another and she didn’t care that he was a merperson. She soon had to go on a trip to another state and she left him. Mako returned to the sea for a while, and he was approached by Andi, who told him that someone was looking for him. He followed his brother to the village and he saw that it was a merperson. The man had the same odd tattoos that his mother had, and this man told him that Irappū had unsettled debts to her name. Mako had figured that this man was a demon, and he agreed to pay and they left. Mako had no idea how to deal with a demon, so he decided to kill it on the spot, telling Andi that he was attacked first. Mako decided to make a trip to the land, but he noticed that something was off because Danyel was missing. He asked around town and many people said that they saw that she never went shopping that week. They told him where she lived and when he went to her house, it was horrible. Danyel was killed and someone carved something into her arm. He heard something strange coming from upstairs and when he looked around, he saw that there was a baby in a crib. He saw that his eyes were green like his. He took the baby and when he brought it into the water, it was a merperson like him. He found Andi and he explained everything to him. He showed him the child as well and Andi was happy, but confused. Mako asked if he could watch this child for him. He needed to keep the baby safe. Before he left, he gave the baby his necklace, and told Andi to call the child, Jaron. Mako was gone for years. When he returned he bought the house that Danyel had lived in and he made it his home for his son. He was on his way to visit Andi when he was greeted by the young adult himself. Mako was shocked at how much Jaron looked like him and Danyel. Jaron hugged him and he said that Uncle Andi told him about him. He felt that he did a good job raising him, but he wanted to meet Mako now. Mako, who was a bit shocked, agreed and he went to thank his brother. From Andi, Mako learned that Jaron was a good kid and he would occasionally catch him sneaking onto land, but he was dead set on being something called a Cellist because he red about it in a book one time. Mako agreed and he thanked his brother again for taking care of his son. Mako enrolled his son in school where he became a band kid and he learned how to play the Cello. Mako started to understand his son and he saw many aspects of Danyel and himself in him. He discovered that when he raided a demon coven, this caused many of them to escape, so he spends his time hunting them down. He never did reconcile with Rococco because he was so upset, but he was approached by Rococco’s son, Trent. Trent was a good kid and he saw a lot of aspects of his mother in him, but he was impulsive like his father, which was something that Mako hated. They spoke for a while before Mako attacked him out of annoyance. Trent wants to know him better, but Mako wants nothing to do with him.
Hello again!
Before we get into the review proper, I’d like to address your prefacing comments. Specifically in-regards to having ‘hopefully left nothing out’ of Mako’s profile. There’s actually plenty that can be left out from a character’s profile! Profiles aren’t meant to be exhaustive encyclopedias that cover every single detail of a character’s life (and the lives of other characters around them). Profiles are meant to focus on explaining the important aspects and context necessary to understanding a character’s identity. Focusing on including everything just ends up leaving the key stuff buried and hard to find.
With that in mind, to start the review I’d like to address the biggest issue of Mako’s profile – the History section. It makes up for a full half of the information and word count present in the profile itself, which is an awful lot of information to read through. While there is important context here regarding Mako’s character (his upbringing, how he learned magic, etc.) all of the key details about him are bogged down with overly exacting explanations involving other characters. Especially regarding comparing Mako to his mother/establishing her character – it feels like a good third of the backstory section ends up describing her instead of the profile’s actual main character. If you want to keep some of the information on other characters, put it into a Relationships section instead.
As far as rewriting the History section goes, think of it like the aftermath of a road trip. Instead of giving an verbatim itinerary that follows every street and intersection and details everything that Mako and the other characters did every day, present it more like a page from a photo album. Capture the few key moments that make Mako who he is and keep the focus on his perspective of those moments. Other characters can and should be mentioned, but the History section should focus on important instances from Mako’s point of view rather than presenting an objective account that tries to cover everything. While there’s no uniform length that a character’s History section ought to be, I’d suggest attempting to keep things in between a page and a page and a half at the most as an experiment to see what details absolutely must be included/explained and what can be cut out.
On the same token, the first half of Mako’s profile isn’t immune to this issue either. Some of the sections seem to drift in focus, moving tangentially away from whatever the topic at hand was to detail information either better included elsewhere or saved for the actual story. For example, take a look at the ‘Significant Other’ blurb – 'Danyel was the mother of his son, who is half human, but he has never told him about her because of what happened to her.’ This section should be solely focused on identifying Mako’s Significant Other (Danyel) and his status to her (Separated). Instead, the focus immediately shifts to Mako’s son and the relationship he has with his father. While that isn’t bad information, it’s not relevant to the topic at-hand and should be relocated elsewhere. Keeping the focus tight and trimming up extraneous details would help make the profile easier to follow.
Beyond that, I don’t really have much to offer regarding Mako’s capabilities or powers. His magic is explained and the effects of his merman physiology are as well. I would suggest to punch up some of the aspects of his Description and Personality sections though. For example, Mako’s Identifying Marks section just mentions his octopus-like lower half. While it is true that is a distinct identifier, it’s also the only one listed and is incredibly blatant. What about additional details? Specific scars? The tattoo-like markings on his arms? Those are mention before in the Appearance section, but should probably be covered more in-depth here. Regarding the Personality aspect, as an example lets look at Mako’s Motivation. As is, all that’s listed is 'Revenge.’ Revenge against who, and for what? Is it against that nameless Necromancer that Mako is apparently fighting? What 'things’ did said nameless Necromancer take from Mako? All these questions are examples of important information/context that Mako’s profile should showcase, even if they’re just brief one sentence explanations (which are perfectly acceptable provided they present the relevant details).
All in all, I feel as though I know more about what’s happened to him rather than Mako himself. Trimming down the extraneous information and tightening up the focus to be on Mako himself (except when the focus is supposed to drift to other characters, like in a Relationships section) would go a long way to explaining his character better.
I hope this helps!
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conoscenze · 7 years
lore // as a witch...
I’ve always been extremely fascinated with the “modern witch” concept, and, with that curiosity and interest in mind, I decided that I wanted to create my own take on it.
The witches I have developed during the years have different traits from common pop culture witches, not enough to call them a species, but enough to let myself feel like they’re a little more... mine. All of the following listed traits apply to both Adona and Salice, as they are witches created with these specific standards.
You can either become a witch, or be born as one. Though the first case is the most common, in my lore becoming a “black magic entity” (this is the formal term magic-practicing beings gave themselves) is easier than being one since the very birth. When a witch undergoes pregnancy, there’s only a 20/80 chance that their toddler be like them, but it is not an impossible case. Most witches, including wizards and male witches, can become such through learning their first full spell, simply as that---it is the easier way. An initiation ritual is however advised, even if not obligatory. An human who has learned a few spells is not an human anymore; to this day, no hybrid between a human and a witch has yet appeared on this earth.
Life longevity. By initiating their existence as a witch, these beings are doomed to live a little longer than humans. They are not immortal, but killing them requires particular effort and skill, as they can enhance their lifespan thanks to spells. Regarding physical appearance, they still age, albeit much slower than a normal human: e.g., Salice is about 32, but most people mistake her for a prodigy and assume she’s in her early twenties. With little to no care, their appearance is kept young and healthy for the longest time possible, in order to ensure a stable physical state, so that the body can sustain both old and new spells. Witches can age over 150 years, and some even pass the 200 mark. They can make use of magic to elongate further their longevity as well.
Familiars. They are optional. Taming an animal, and especially teaching it to become an assistant, is an especially difficult task, and usually only carried out by elder witches with more experience on their hands. Reasonably because, with old age, they too do start becoming slower and more fatigued; cue the need for a young companion to help them out accomplish their tasks. Could be any preferred animal of choice. Training and creating an human embodiment for a familiar requires great skill and ability in handing spells and magic altogether. When an animal becomes a familiar, its longevity doubles as a witch’s does, becoming older more slowly and through a larger span of decades. If the witch dies before the familiar does, which is a common case, it is no longer bound to their passed away master; it can use transform into its human and animal forms at its own will, but cannot practice actual magic.
Boosted health system & tissue regeneration. As life lasts longer, so does physique. Witches are not impossible to break, but they’re very hard to get through, as they posses a boosted, flawless immune system which is rarely affected by any illness, and the ability to heal up as soon as they get a wound of any kind (the time of regeneration depends on the severity of it). These feats come with the transition from human to witch---which means that with no enhancements, a witch is already “indestructible”. By applying further spells that they can cast upon themselves, they can become walking “diamonds supported by a skeleton made of steel”.
Markings (not marks). These are particularly important, as they expose, in my lore, who is a witch and who is not. Markings that testify the learning of a new spell, the design of it loosely basing itself on what the spell entails. Said design is also based on the witch’s current geographic position, ergo the location in which they found this new knowledge. This means that if a witch learns a spell in Russia, they will earn a marking based on a traditional Russian tattoo: if they step in India, they will acquire the mark will resemble a traditional Indian tattoo, and so on. However, it is possible for witches to limit this casualty with specific additional scriptures, as some markings are necessary to amplify the quality of their skill (e.g.: Salice followed this process, as all her tattoos are strictly related to necromancy only). It’s rare to see a witch without markings: if they appear to have none, a concealing spell is not out of the question (as, in fact, a lot of jobs do require lack of tattoos). For those who do not bother to hide them it is easy to go unnoticed in either case---tattoos have become more and more of a frequent trait among humans, so they exploit this “trend” to their own benefit. Markings are not made of the same material as traditional ink tattoos. They do not appear as inked, and they do not fade with time, retaining color and vivacity through the years. They appear on the skin as if they are a part of it, rather than an addition. It is nigh impossible to predict where a marking will appear, unless you follow, as previously stated, an extra “addendum” that grants you control over its appearance (there is a criteria that prevents excessive tattoos to appear on overly small surfaces). Some witches have tattoos they didn’t ask for on their faces, for example.
Death. Death can be either because of old age, or because someone aimed right at the heart. Witches are no less mortal than humans---they just live more. There is no such thing as a spell that grants immortality, in fact. They can easily survive minor injuries, and even ones that hit less vital organs / body parts, but as they still retain humans’ anatomy, striking the arteries, lungs, brain, or heart will be their inevitable doom.
Descendants. As I said, there’s a scarce chance to be born as a witch, but if there’s been one or more individuals involved with magic and / or witchcraft in the family tree, there’s a big chance a child might be born with abilities; these can be improved and shaped into proper spellcasting, as well as they are a sign that they will live through their life with an attraction towards black magic (this sensation is stronger if they do not pursue it). Witch children can use slight telekinesis, and are able to change the material status of things with ease; ice into water, water into air, etc. They can also float a few centimeters off the ground. Much like human babies who grow fins in the placenta to then lose them in further development, as soon as these children learn serious magic, these skills are no longer instinctive. They have to study to be able to master them properly. To make specific examples, Salice was born with propensity towards necromancy because her great-grandmother was a necromancer herself; Annaliese, who instead is completely unaware of her witch descent, feels constantly antsy exactly because she did not follow her grandmother’s path as a blood witch; Adona, differently from the other two, has no type of descent whatsoever. She was born as a normal human child. She became a witch thanks to her adoptive mother, by learning from her her first ever spell.
I’ll add more details (possibily historical ones) as soon as I have the chance~
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popofventi · 7 years
The best Sundays are languid, slow motion, sprawling, stretching cats in sunshine kind of days with a good long something to read and a good long silence in which to do it.
"KEVIN SYSTROM, THE CEO of Instagram, was at Disneyland last June when he decided the internet was a cesspool that he had to clean up. His company was hosting a private event at the park as part of VidCon 2016, an annual gathering that attracts social media virtuosos, and Systrom was meeting with some Instagram stars. They were chatting and joking and posing for one another’s phone cameras. But the influencers were also upset. Insta­gram is supposed to be a place for self-expression and joy. Who wants to express themselves, though, if they’re going to be mocked, harassed, and shamed in the comments below a post? Instagram is a bit like Disneyland—if every now and then the seven dwarfs hollered at Snow White for looking fat.
AFTER THE CHAT, Systrom, who is 33, posted a Boomerang video of himself crouched among the celebrities. It’s an ebullient shot of about 20 young people swaying, waving, bobbing, and smiling. In the lower right corner, a young woman bangs her knees together and waves her hand like she’s beating eggs for a soufflé.
The comments on that post started out with a heart emoji, a “Hoooooo,” and “So fun!” Soon, though, the thread, as so often happens online, turned rancid, with particular attention focused on the young woman in the lower right. “Don’t close  wait  just  wait  OPEN them leg  baby,” “cuck,” “succ,” “cuck,” “Gimme ze suc.” “Succ4succ.” “Succme.” “Go to the window and take a big L E A P out of it.” A number of comments included watermelon emoji, which, depending on context, can be racist, sexist, or part of picnic planning. The newly resurgent alt-right proclaimed over and over again that “#memelivesmatter.” There was a link in Arabic to a text page about economic opportunities in Dubai. Another user asked Systrom to follow him—“Follback @kevin.” And a few brave people piped up to offer feedback on Insta­gram’s recent shift to ordering posts by relevancy rather than recency: “BRING BACK THE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!”
Systrom is a tall, lean man with a modest bearing. His handshake is friendly, his demeanor calm. He’s now a billionaire, but he doesn’t seem to play the alpha male games of his peers. There is no yacht; there are no visits to the early primary states; there is no estranged former partner with an NDA. Systrom’s personal Instagram feed is basically dogs, coffee, bikes, and grinning celebrities. A few years ago, Valleywag described his voice as “the stilted monotone of a man reading his own obituary,” but he’s become much smoother of late. If he has a failing, his critics say, it’s that he’s a sucker: He and his cofounder, Mike Krieger, sold Instagram to Facebook too soon. They’d launched it a few years after graduating from Stanford, and it went into orbit immediately. They got $1 billion for it. Snap, which spurned an offer from Facebook, is now worth roughly $17 billion.
Systrom takes pride in this reputation for kindness and considers it a key part of Instagram’s DNA. When the service launched in 2010, he and Krieger deleted hateful comments themselves. They even personally banned users in an effort Systrom called “pruning the trolls.” He notes that Krieger “is always smiling and always kind,” and he says he tries to model his behavior after that of his wife, “one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.” Kevin Systrom really does want to be the sunny person on display in @kevin’s feed.
So when Systrom returned from VidCon to Instagram’s headquarters, in Menlo Park, he told his colleagues that they had a new mission. Instagram was going to become a kind of social media utopia: the nicest darn place online." - Read Full Story
In the future, your body won’t be buried... you’ll dissolve (Wired)
"The Resomator stands monolithic in the corner of a room in the bowels of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). It's as sterile as a hospital here, but every patient is already dead. This is the penultimate stage of their time under the care of Dean Fisher, director of the Donated Body Program at the David Geffen School of Medicine. Bodies are wheeled in under crisp sheets for disposal in Fisher's alkaline hydrolysis machine, which turns them into liquid and pure white bone. Their bones will be pulverised and scattered off the coast by nearby Camp Pendleton, the Marine Corps Base, where they will float and then disperse, because pure calcium phosphate will not sink. From the coastguard's helicopter it looks like drug lords flushing their stash.
The machine emits a low hum, like a lawnmower several gardens away. The cadavers awaiting grinding sit in blue plastic containers at the back of the room, identities anonymised by numbers and dog tags. The chalky bones are soft enough to destroy by hand: touch a femur and it falls apart." - Read Full Story
The untold story of QF72: What happens when 'psycho' automation leaves pilots powerless? (The Sydney Morning Herald)
"Booooom. A crashing sound tears through the cabin. In a split second, the galley floor disappears beneath Maiava's feet, momentarily giving him a sense of floating in space. Blood rushes to his head as he, the off-duty captain and his wife are propelled into the ceiling, knocking them out.
Flight attendant Fuzzy Maiava was slammed into the aircraft's ceiling during the nosedives. He relies on visits to the gym to cope with his physical and psychological injuries.  Photo: Chris Skelton
In the cockpit, Sullivan instinctively grabs the control stick the moment he feels the plane's nose pitch down violently at 12.42pm (Western Australia time). The former US Navy fighter pilot pulls back on the stick to thwart the jet's rapid descent, bracing himself against an instrument panel shade. Nothing happens. So he lets go. Pulling back on the stick does not halt the plunge. If the plane suddenly returns control, pulling back might worsen their situation by pitching the nose up and causing a dangerous stall.
Within two seconds, the plane dives 150 feet. In a gut-wrenching moment, all the two pilots can see through the cockpit window is the blue of the Indian Ocean. "Is my life going to end here today?" Sullivan asks himself. His heart is thumping. Those on board QF72 are in dire trouble. There are no ejection seats like the combat jets Sullivan flew in the US Navy. He has no control over this plane." - Read Full Story
The Last American Baseball-Glove Maker Refuses to Die (Bloomberg)
"The town of Nocona, located some 100 miles northwest of Dallas and named after a Comanche chief (hence the Native American-in-headdress logo on Nokona gloves), developed a reputation as a leather-goods hub.
The company’s name is spelled with a “k” because it was told in the 1930s that the town’s name couldn’t be trademarked. Today, Nocona is home to about 3,000 people and a few stoplights. “God Bless America” banners line the street, and locals wish you a “blessed day.”
Founded in 1926, the company originally made wallets and purses. It was a former Rice University baseball player named Roberts Storey who steered Nokona into ballgloves.
In the early days of baseball, it was considered unmanly to use a glove. Broken bones were common. The first mass-produced gloves had little padding and no fingers. In the 1920s and ’30s, companies started producing gloves with a web between the thumb and forefinger, to create a pocket.
The shift to Asia in the 1960s nearly put Nokona out of business. Storey wouldn’t budge. “It hit him all wrong that we would have to go to Japan,” said his grandson Rob Storey, now the company’s executive vice president. “One of his favorite sayings was: ‘If I have to tell my employees we’re closing up and they don’t have jobs any more, I may as well get a bucket of worms and go fishing’." - Read Full Story
A 2:15 Alarm, 2 Trains and a Bus Get Her to Work by 7 A.M. (The New York Times)
"Sheila James starts her Monday, and the workweek, at 2:15 a.m. This might be normal for a baker or a morning radio host, but Ms. James is a standard American office worker.
She is 62 and makes $81,000 a year as a public health adviser for the United States Department of Health and Human Services in San Francisco. Her early start comes because San Francisco is one of the country’s most expensive metropolitan areas. Ms. James lives about 80 miles away in Stockton, which has cheaper homes but requires her to commute on two trains and a bus, leaving at 4 a.m.
Plenty of office workers get up at 5 a.m. or a bit before, but 2:15 is highly unusual.
“Two-fifteen is early enough that some people are still having their evening,” she said on a (very) early morning. But she likes to take her time and have coffee. She keeps the lights low and the house quiet and Zen-like. “I just can’t rush like that,” she said.
When the second alarm goes off at 3:45 — a reminder to leave for the train in 15 minutes — her morning shifts from leisure to precision." - Read Full Story
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dramallamadingdang · 8 years
Oh, God! Question meme! A really long one! Run! Hide!
Tagged by @ajaysims. *points* It's his fault! His! Not mine! ;)
This is really long, since it's a synthesis of two of these questions memes and I have verbal diarrhea. So, I cut.
Name: Katrina
Nicknames: Most RL people other than my kids and grandkids call me Kat because one syllable is less than three. :) Simmers call me iCad because that's what I chose to call myself when I started participating in the community. Hubby calls me Kitten. Kids call me Ma, usually in exasperated/long-suffering tones. Grandkids call me Mimi because I hate the usual things that grandmothers are called because they're associated with old people. I may be old, but I'm not old, y'know? :)
Zodiac sign: Taurus, but astrology is still bullshit.
Height: A hair less than 6'0/about 182cm. And very underweight due to digestive/metabolic issues mostly because of a malfunctioning liver. (No, not from alcohol. From having had asymptomatic Hepatits C that I most likely got from a blood transfusion in the early 80s, before they screened donated blood for that. It sucks, y'all. Cherish your liver. Baby it. Seriously. Stop with the alcohol. Just stop. Do weed instead.)
Orientation: In experience/practice: A Kinsey 2. In terms of the kind of person who attracts me: People with IQs over 130. I really, truly don't care what you look like, what gender you identify as, or what sex organs you have or don't have. Smart is seriously sexy. So, I'm sapiosexual. :)
Ethnicity: Whitey-white-white, yay! :| Glow-in-the-dark white. I-start-burning-in-the-sun-in-30-seconds white. Damn-near-albino white. Also, mostly of Welsh descent. Only sort of half-second-generation American on one side; my paternal grandma was one of those horrible immigrants who took a job away from a Real American(TM). She was even a somewhat illegal one, for a few months. But she was white and British so I guess that's OK.
(Sorry, as a person married to a man whose mum -- who is awesome -- was born in Mexico and who came here legally with her family when she was 7 and is a citizen but she still gets shit these days because she’s “a Mexican,” I've sorta come to really hate the kind of people who tend to call themselves Real Americans(TM).)
Favorite fruit: Okra, especially when part of aloo bhindi masala, an Indian dish. Okra IS a fruit. Really. Look it up. Also, tomatoes.
Favorite season: Autumn, when everything is dying. MWAHAHAHAHAH!
Favorite book series: Still Sharon Kay Penman's "Welsh trilogy." Also, though not really a series, per se: The Star Trek novels that were published in the 80s. They got mostly stupid after that, but there were some gems that were published in the mid-80s, before The Next Generation was a thing.
Favorite flower: Calla lilies. Usually used in funeral arrangements, along with Easter lilies, yay. Flowers of death! MWAHAHAH!
Favorite scent: Lilacs. Lavender. Honeysuckle. And this "rain" scent scented candle. It's so clean and fresh and not-perfumey, yet it manages to drown out the brine smell that eventually permeates everything when you live close to the shore...
Favorite color: Greens. All shades, although I prefer the yellower shades, especially the darker ones like army green. Also, orange.
Favorite animal: The spotted hyena, but I already extolled their many virtues the last time I did this list, so I'll refrain. Also, elephants.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Hell no, maybe, and yes please (if it's vegan), respectively.
Average sleep hours: Sleep? What is this word? *just came off a 38-hour work "day" a few hours ago, and I'm too wired to sleep.* YAY SHOWBIZ! :| But generally, when life isn't crazy, usually about 6 hours per 24 hour period. And I'm nocturnal, so those six hours are usually between about 0900 and about 1500. :)
Cat or dog person: Both person. And llama person. And alpaca person. And horse person. And snake person. And spider person.
Favorite fictional characters: Spock. (Well, actually, pretty much the entire original Star Trek crew except, well, Kirk. Whom I hate. With a passion. I really like Abrams-Kirk, though. Oddly enough. So it might just be that I can't stand Shatner...) The Cardassian characters from Star Trek: DS9, but especially Garak. Also, Julian Bashir and Miles O'Brien from DS9. Jack O'Neill and Rodney McKay from the Stargate franchise. KITT from the original Knight Rider. And Jayne Cobb from Firefly. (Hi, @eulaliasims!)
Number of blankets you sleep with: I'm in SoCal at the moment. No blankets because I tend to sleep in the warm part of the day. And when I do sleep at night, there's a furnace-like husband and a large, furnace-like dog in the bed with me. Blankets would be overkill.
Dream trip: Still Antarctica. Or space. But Antarctica is more likely at this point. ;)
Blog created: I think it was December of 2013. Maybe November. Ahhhh, those halcyon pre-2016 years...
Number of followers: Right now? 1443. It might change in an hour or so.
Time right now: About 0220 Pacific Time, Wednesday, March 22. One month and one day until my birthday. I expect presents, people! (Nah, I kid. Birthdays after 50 don't mean much. Hell, birthdays after 18 -- or 21, nowadays, I guess -- don't mean much. :) )
Last thing you googled: I was looking for some textures to use for some recolors I'm working on during downtimes at work.
Fave music artist: In terms of non-classical stuff: Queen, always and forever. But I also really like the Barenaked Ladies and other such alternative groups from the 90s as well as 80s New Wave stuff. Also, Metallica. In terms of "classical" stuff: Beethoven, always and forever.
Song stuck in my head: Beethoven's 8th piano sonata, 3rd movement. I was playing it at work today...on my cello. I'm working on arranging the entire sonata for solo cello...starting with the 3rd movement because I do better working on things backward. (Since I'd be willing to bet most people don't know the tune off the top of their head, here's Dubravka Tomsic playing it on youtube, if you're curious.
Last movie I watched: Star Trek Beyond. I liked it better than Into Darkness but not as well as the first Abrams-verse one...
Last TV show I watched: I have Stargate Atlantis paused on my computer screen at the moment. I plan to work on furnishing/decorating the house I put up for download tonight when I'm done with this, and I usually have a TV show playing while I build/decorate stuff in my game. :)
What I’m wearing right now: A pair of black sweatpants and a Telluride Daily Planet T-shirt. (That's the local newspaper at home. :) ) Boring white underwear. My fleece-lined moccasins because my feet are always cold.
The kind of stuff I post: Sims stuff, duh! At least on this blog. :) The other blog has the ranty/political stuff.
Why did I choose my url: Because I like to point and laugh at silly internet drama and because I own llamas, and I added dingdang because dramallama was taken and because of this song.
Gender: According to every one of those silly "What Gender Are You?" online quizzes, I am male, mainly because I'm a self-confident, argumentative, assertive, non-empathetic asshole who doesn't do "feelings." Yet, I have girl plumbing. Go figure. Meh, it's all just social conditioning and expectations, anyway, so...I rebel. I reject gender labeling and their associated roles.
Hogwarts house: I took a quiz once and it said Gryffindor. I've never read Harry Potter or seen any of the movies except one of them during an airplane flight...and I fell asleep during it, so...Yeah, I don't know what it means to be Gryffindor. Don't much care, either.
Pokémon team: Don't know anything about Pokemon, either.
Lucky number: 13 because I am anti-superstition. (Well, except when it comes to white pianos, of course, but I have hard evidence that they are evil, so it’s not superstition. ;) ) Or 42. Take your pick.
Dream job: I once said "Not having one" but then followed it up with "but that's boring." So, I decided to take on some work through June. And you know what? I'm gonna go back to "Not having one." I just need to find some volunteer work to keep me occupied for a few hours a day. Not for 38-hour "days," though. :p
Relationship status: I is married to my second husband. He's cute. And a lot younger than me, woooooooo! First marriage wasn't nearly so fun, though. The only good thing that came of it was my kids.
Pets: Oh, God. Most of them are back home in Colorado (where I have a 39-acre ranch) while I'm here in California, but:
A herd of llamas and alpacas, about 50 total at the moment, but "unpacking" season is approaching, so that number will be going up to about 65 soon. 5 horses 2 nanny goats...which actually belong to a neighbor but they're currently housed on my property, so...they count! 8 dogs 5 cats...although sadly that will probably be going down to four soon because the 18-year-old whose had health problems all her life is currently quite sick and likely won't be getting better. :( Also, there are a ton of barn cats, but they don't really count as pets. A flock of chickens. 1 rooster, the rest hens. 1 California kingsnake 5 tarantulas, various species 8 dragonfly nymphs. I think 2 will become dragonflies this year because I've had them for a few years now...
Last song you listened to: Beethoven's 5th piano concerto, for somewhat sentimental reasons.
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I love the original series a lot, too, but DS9 surpassed it in my book.
First Fandom: Star Trek, of course. I remember declaring that I would marry Spock when I grew up. I was 3 at the time, in 1967, watching the episode "Amok Time" (in which Spock almost gets married) in its original run. We'd only just gotten a color TV a few months before, so it was REALLY COOL. I also wrote a crapton of fanfic in the 70s/80s and a bit in the 90s. Even published a 'zine in the 80s. It was expensive as hell back then but SO MUCH FUN!
Randomly Tagging People I Don’t Think I’ve Tagged For This Thing Before: @randommindtime (It's what you get for following me!), @yandereplumsim, @elfpuddle, @halousims, @nuttydazesublime, and @kayleigh-83. As always, feel free to ignore for whatever reason. :)
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biofunmy · 5 years
Modernism Reboots at the Museums
This autumn the excavation, reconstitution and globalization of 20th-century modernism continues apace. And that’s not just because the new, improved Museum of Modern Art is reopening next month, although let’s not minimize the significance of the main birthplace of modernist linearity seriously rearranging its brain cells. Nearly all the shows here contribute in some way, from a show about New York’s first female gallerist at the Jewish Museum, to a “second-tier” French painter at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the redeployment of the Modern’s famed “Americans” exhibitions, which originated at an upstart museum in Florida.
The Museum of Modern Art Returns
The Oct. 21 unveiling of the Modern’s increased galleries and expanded historical purview is the biggest bump on the art horizon this fall, and its reopening is only the beginning. Sorting it out architecturally as well as artistically will take some time and it promises to be an object of fierce debate for months, if not years.
All the opening shows are drawn from the revered permanent collection. But know this: That collection is going to be a lot less permanent. It will be in a state of relatively constant flux, with about one-third of the collection rehung, or at least shifted about, every six months. This means that there will be, essentially, a completely new hang every 18 months — rather like the human body renews all its cells every seven years or so.
The narrow march of great white male genius is out; chronology will be followed, but not strictly; galleries will be devoted to individual artists, but not exclusively; and mediums will be decidedly mixed. Expect new acquisitions, like Leonora Carrington’s “And Then We Saw the Minotaur’s Daughter,” purchased this summer; rarely seen works liberated from storage and old standbys dramatically refreshed through conservation. Visitors expecting the wall-to-wall masterpieces will be disappointed. Many others, especially in the art world, may find it necessary to drop by more regularly to see what’s going on. Here’s hoping that the new design will make it easier to do so.
Museum of Modern Art, New York, Oct. 21
‘Edith Halpert and the Rise of American Art’
In 1926, Edith Gregor Halpert (1900-1970), an émigré from Ukraine, opened the Downtown Gallery on West 13th Street. It was the first gallery in Greenwich Village and she was the city’s first female gallerist. She was known for her ecumenical taste and progressive politics, which drew her to other émigré artists, as well as artists of color, and she gave Jacob Lawrence his first show — the famed “Migration” series snapped up by MoMA and the Phillips Collection. Horace Pippin, Stuart Davis, Charles Sheeler and Georgia O’Keeffe were among the many others she showed. Intent on reaching everyday people and selling them art — on the installment plan if needed — Halpert was looked down on by male dealers. This show, which promises remarkable photographs and ephemera, is long overdue.
The Jewish Museum, New York, Oct. 18-Feb. 9
‘Designs for Different Futures’
The future is always just beyond the present. This ambitious show, organized with the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and the Art Institute of Chicago, looks ahead with 80 designs, almost none of which are in production. (An exception is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located in a mountain near the Arctic Circle, a model of which is seen here. Also included are the “Cricket Shelter,” in which to raise insects for protein; various aids for people with mobility challenges, including a lightweight exoskeleton; and shoes grown from sweat that look, fittingly, like ballet slippers.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Oct. 21-March 8
‘In a Cloud, in a Wall, in a Chair: Six Modernists in Mexico at Midcentury’
Five of the female artists and designers here were influenced in some way by the sixth: Clara Porset (1895-1981), the exiled Cuban whose fusion of modernist and Mexican lifestyles made her one of Latin America’s most prominent furniture and interior designers. The other women include the Mexican photographer Lola Álvarez Bravo, the German American weaver Anni Albers; the American fiber artist Sheila Hicks; the also American textile designer Cynthia Sargent and the Japanese-American Ruth Asawa, who discovered the looped-wire basket technique — basic to all her sculpture — while studying with Porset in Mexico.
Art Institute of Chicago, Sept. 6-Jan. 12
‘French Fashion, Women and the First World War’
Haute couture was the only industry that the French government did not curtail during World War I. Change came organically. Male designers were called to the front (Paul Poiret among them), enabling more women to emerge, joining Jeanne Lanvin and Coco Chanel. As men left factories to fight, their places were taken by women who needed standardized, mass-produced work uniforms. These intersecting, transformative forces are among many traced in this encompassing exhibition, a feat of scrupulous, imaginative research.
Bard Graduate Center, New York, Sept. 5-Jan. 5
‘Memory Palaces: Inside the Collection of Audrey B. Heckler’
This exhibition celebrates the collection assembled over nearly three decades by Audrey B. Heckler, a trustee of the American Folk Art Museum and seasoned patron of self-taught art, whose creators are increasingly seen as intrinsic to modernism. The works range from European Art Brut to the American folk canon that emerged in the last century and the amazing African-American artists of the South. It promises more than 160 objects by around 80 artists, with some displays in “cabinet of curiosities” concentrations like those Ms. Heckler has arranged in her New York apartment.
American Folk Art Museum, New York, Sept. 17-Jan. 26
Untrained in either art or art history, Abby Weed Grey (1902-1983) was a globalist ahead of her time. Around 1960, this well-off Midwestern widow decided to collect non-Western contemporary art and began acquiring postwar modernist works in Iran, Turkey and India, as well as Japan. After the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, her hometown, turned it down, Grey eventually gave her 700-object collection to New York University and endowed the Grey Art Gallery on Washington Square East. The collection’s Middle Eastern holdings have never been shown together; the Turkish material has never been displayed at all. This show, subtitled “Iranian, Turkish and Indian highlights from N.Y.U.’s Abby Weed Grey Collection,” should be instructive.
Grey Art Gallery, New York University, Sept. 10-Dec. 7
‘Félix Vallotton: Painter of Disquiet’
The Swiss artist Félix Vallotton (1865-1925), who moved to Paris when he was 16, usually lurks in the background in shows or books about late 19th-century French art. His sharply black and white prints are his best known works, for their striking compositions and rich, sometimes sinister narratives: domestic interiors occupied by uneasy couples; acerbic depictions of the haute bourgeois and scenes of police brutality. Vallotton’s less known paintings oscillate between a rigorous realism and a flattened style in keeping with the prints. Giving equal space to the paintings, the first Vallotton retrospective in this country since 1991 promises to give his work the stature it is due.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Oct. 29-Jan. 26
‘Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’
A retrospective of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, the best and most versatile of the German Expressionists, is always welcome. Like many 20th-century German painters, Kirchner was twice broken, by World I, which resulted in his nervous breakdown, and the rise of Hitler, which ultimately drove him to suicide in 1938. This show will emphasize Kirchner’s joltingly innovative color, which like his exuberantly jagged line, helped acidify his images of modern life.
Neue Galerie, New York, Oct. 3-Jan. 13
Modeling its title on the Modern’s “Americans” shows of the 1950s, this prescient exhibition of 30 American artists of African descent originated 10 years ago in Miami at the upstart Rubell Family Collection (soon to be the Rubell Museum). Since then it has toured to 16 museums nationwide accruing near-legendary status. The Barnes Foundation stop this fall brings it closest to New York. The artists range across three generations, from Robert Colescott (1925-2009) to the biting work of Nina Chanel Abney, and includes Mickalene Thomas, David Hammons, Xaviera Simmons, Kerry James Marshall and Henry Taylor. In the years since “30 Americans” opened, it has become undeniable that African-American artists are making much of the best American art today. It’s also clear that this show could be redone with an entirely different, mostly new group and be just as good — if not better.
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, Oct 27-Jan 12; barnesfoundation.org.
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
Tumblr media
Rahul Kohli
November 13, 1985
English actor
He is of Indian descent
Owen [The Haunting of Bly Manor: 2020]
Ravi [iZombie: 2015-2019]
Ed [Happy Anniversary: 2018]
Cal [Holby City: 2012]
Tom [The Vacancy: 2007]
Black hair
Brown eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
Icons: The Haunting of Bly Manor
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uncreatednight-blog · 7 years
Codebook for Assignment 1
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-5 IDNUM UNIQUE ID NUMBER WITH NO ALPHABETICS ------------------------------------ 43093 1-43093. Unique Identification number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-10 PSU PSU --- 43093 1001-56017. Psu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11-14 STRATUM STRATUM ------- 43093 101-5605. Stratum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15-32 WEIGHT FINAL WEIGHT [Format: XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX] ---------------------------- 43093 398.03738221-57902.204788. Weighting factor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33-34 CDAY DATE OF INTERVIEW: DAY ---------------------- 43093 1-31. Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35-36 CMON DATE OF INTERVIEW: MONTH ------------------------ 43093 1-12. Month ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37-40 CYEAR DATE OF INTERVIEW: YEAR ----------------------- 36992 2001. 2001 6101 2002. 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41-41 REGION CENSUS REGION ------------- 8209 1. Northeast 8991 2. Midwest 16156 3. South 9737 4. West 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42-42 CENDIV CENSUS DIVISION --------------- 2018 1. New England 6191 2. Middle Atlantic 6430 3. East North Central 2561 4. West North Central 8665 5. South Atlantic 2658 6. East South Central 4832 7. West South Central 3046 8. Mountain 6692 9. Pacific ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43-43 CCS MSA TYPE -------- 15002 1. In MSA - in central city 20295 2. In MSA - not in central city 7796 3. Not in MSA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44-45 FIPSTATE STATE FIPS (FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARD) CODE --------------------------------------------------------- 43093 01-56. FIPS state code (see Appendix table ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46-47 BUILDTYP TYPE OF BUILDING FOR HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------ 2615 1. Mobile home 25506 2. Detached one-family house 2484 3. Attached one-family house 1915 4. Building with 2 apartments 2131 5. Building with 3 to 4 apartments 2133 6. Building with 5 to 9 apartments 1775 7. Building with 10 to 19 apartments 1418 8. Building with 20 to 49 apartments 1977 9. Building with 50+ apartments 15 10. "Other (boat, RV, etc.)" 6 11. One-family house (unspecified 2 or 3) 153 12. Apartment (unspecified 4-9) 965 99. Unknown building type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48-49 NUMPERS NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------ 43093 1-17. Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50-51 NUMPER18 NUMBER OF PERSONS 18 YEARS AND OLDER IN HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------------------------- 43093 1-10. Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52-53 NUMREL NUMBER OF RELATED PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD, INCLUDING SAMPLE PERSON --------------------------------------------------------------- 43093 1-17. Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54-54 NUMREL18 NUMBER OF RELATED PERSONS 18 YEARS AND OLDER IN HOUSEHOLD, INCLUDING SAMPLE PERSON ---------------------------------------------------------- 43093 1-9. Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55-55 CHLD0 NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 1 IN HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------------------- 42380 0. None 713 1-6. Number of children 56-56 CHLD1_4 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 1 THROUGH 4 IN HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------------------------ 37127 0. None 5966 1-5. Number of children 57-57 CHLD5_12 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 5 THROUGH 12 IN HOUSEHOLD ------------------------------------------------- 33424 0. None 9669 1-8. Number of children 58-58 CHLD13_15 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 13 THROUGH 15 IN HOUSEHOLD -------------------------------------------------- 38535 0. None 4558 1-4. Number of children 59-59 CHLD16_17 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 16 OR 17 IN HOUSEHOLD --------------------------------------------- 39949 0. None 3144 1-3. Number of children 60-61 CHLD0_17 NUMBER OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 18 IN HOUSEHOLD -------------------------------------------- 26940 0. None 16153 1-15. Number of children 62-62 SPOUSE SPOUSE OF RESPONDENT (HUSBAND/WIFE, DOMESTIC PARTNER, BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND) IN HOUSEHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19810 1. Yes 23283 2. No 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63-63 FATHERIH FATHER OF RESPONDENT IN HOUSEHOLD --------------------------------- 2018 1. Yes 41075 2. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66-66 OTHREL OTHER ADULT (18+ YEARS) RELATIVE (SON-IN-LAW/DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, GRANDPARENT, GRANDCHILD) OF RESPONDENT IN HOUSEHOLD -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 529 1. Yes 42564 2. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 67-67 NONREL NUMBER OF UNRELATED PERSONS IN HOUSEHOLD ---------------------------------------- 43093 0-9. Persons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68-69 AGE AGE --- 43079 18-97. Age in years 14 98. 98 years or older ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70-70 FAGE IMPUTATION FLAG FOR AGE/YEAR OF BIRTH ------------------------------------- 42499 0. No 481 1. Assigned based on other reported ages 113 2. Imputed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71-72 DOBD DATE OF BIRTH: DAY ------------------ 42009 1-31. Day 1084 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73-74 DOBM DATE OF BIRTH: MONTH -------------------- 42039 1-12. Month 1054 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64-64 MOTHERIH MOTHER OF RESPONDENT IN HOUSEHOLD --------------------------------- 3270 1. Yes 39823 2. No 65-65 ADULTCH ADULT (18+ YEARS) CHILD (NATURAL OR BLOOD CHILD, ADOPTED CHILD, STEPCHILD/ FOSTER CHILD) OF RESPONDENT IN HOUSEHOLD -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2756 1. Yes 40337 2. No 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75-78 DOBY DATE OF BIRTH: YEAR ------------------- 43093 1895-1984. Year ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79-79 SEX SEX --- 18518 1. Male 24575 2. Female ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80-80 FSEX IMPUTATION FLAG FOR SEX ----------------------- 43031 0. No 62 1. Yes 81-81 S1Q1C HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN ------------------------- 8308 1. Yes 34785 2. No 82-82 S1F1C IMPUTATION FLAG FOR HISPANIC ORIGIN ----------------------------------- 42949 0. No 144 1. Yes 83-83 S1Q1D1 "AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE" CHECKED IN MULTIRACE CODE ------------------------------------------------------------ 1304 1. Yes 41789 2. No 84-84 S1Q1D2 "ASIAN" CHECKED IN MULTIRACE CODE --------------------------------- 1334 1. Yes 41759 2. No 85-85 S1Q1D3 "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN" CHECKED IN MULTIRACE CODE ----------------------------------------------------- 8600 1. Yes 34493 2. No 86-86 S1Q1D4 "NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER" CHECKED IN MULTIRACE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 363 1. Yes 42730 2. No 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87-87 S1Q1D5 "WHITE" CHECKED IN MULTIRACE CODE --------------------------------- 32789 1. Yes 10304 2. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 88-88 S1F1D IMPUTATION FLAG FOR RACE ------------------------ 42476 0. No 617 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89-90 S1Q1E ORIGIN OR DESCENT ----------------- 7684 1. African American (Black, Negro, or Afro-American) 272 2. African (e.g., Egyptian, Nigerian, Algerian) 975 3. American Indian (Native American) 38 4. Australian, New Zealander 128 5. Austrian 56 6. Belgian 256 7. Canadian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 543 8. Central American (e.g., Nicaraguan, Guatemalan) 222 9. Chicano 306 10. Chinese 450 11. Cuban 299 12. Czechoslovakian 178 13. Danish 603 14. Dutch 4455 15. English 223 16. Filipino 110 17. Finnish 1048 18. French 5345 19. German 136 20. Greek 19 21. Guamanian 186 22. Hungarian 251 23. Indian, Afghanistani, Pakistani 29 24. Indonesian 47 25. Iranian 20 26. Iraqi 3066 27. Irish 47 28. Israeli 1555 29. Italian 175 30. Japanese 11 31. Jordanian 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89-90 S1Q1E ORIGIN OR DESCENT (continued) ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 131 32. Korean 38 33. Lebanese 11 34. Malaysian 2578 35. Mexican 1758 36. Mexican-American 456 37. Norwegian 792 38. Polish 997 39. Puerto Rican 418 40. Russian 758 41. Scottish 10 42. Samoan 495 43. South American (e.g., Brazilian, Chilean, Columbian) 508 44. Spanish (Spain) , Portugese 431 45. Swedish 83 46. Swiss 36 47. Taiwanese 19 48. Turkish 101 49. Vietnamese 145 50. Welsh 92 51. Yugoslavian 82 52. Other Asian (Thai, Laotian, Cambodian, Burmese) 168 53. Other Caribbean or West Indian (Spanish Speaking) 202 54. Other Caribbean or West Indian (Non-Spanish Speaking) 114 55. Other Eastern European (Romanian, Bulgarian, Albanian) 28 56. Other Middle Eastern (Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti, Qatari, Syrian, Omani) 39 57. Other Pacific Islander (e.g., Okinawan) 276 58. Other Spanish 1739 98. Other 1855 99. Unknown 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 91-91 S1Q1F BORN IN UNITED STATES --------------------- 35622 1. Yes 7320 2. No 151 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 92-93 S1Q1G NUMBER OF YEARS LIVED IN UNITED STATES -------------------------------------- 7255 1-91. Years 216 99. Unknown 35622 BL. NA, born in United States ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94-94 S1Q2A LIVED WITH AT LEAST 1 BIOLOGICAL PARENT BEFORE AGE 18 ----------------------------------------------------- 41679 1. Yes 1198 2. No 216 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 95-95 S1Q2B BIOLOGICAL FATHER EVER LIVE IN HOUSEHOLD BEFORE RESPONDENT WAS 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 36862 1. Yes 4750 2. No 67 9. Unknown 1414 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96-96 S1Q2C1 RAISED BY ADOPTIVE PARENTS BEFORE AGE 18 ---------------------------------------- 378 1. Yes 824 2. No 212 9. Unknown 41679 BL. NA, lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 97-97 S1Q2C2 RAISED BY RELATIVES BEFORE AGE 18 --------------------------------- 649 1. Yes 553 2. No 212 9. Unknown 41679 BL. NA, lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 98-98 S1Q2C3 RAISED BY FOSTER PARENTS BEFORE AGE 18 -------------------------------------- 71 1. Yes 1131 2. No 212 9. Unknown 41679 BL. NA, lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100-100 S1Q2C5 RAISED IN SOME OTHER SITUATION BEFORE AGE 18 -------------------------------------------- 136 1. Yes 1066 2. No 212 9. Unknown 41679 BL. NA, lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101-101 S1Q2D DID BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE PARENTS GET DIVORCED OR PERMANENTLY STOP LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE RESPONDENT WAS 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6914 1. Yes 30261 2. No 65 9. Unknown 5853 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with biological or adoptive mother and father before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 102-103 S1Q2E AGE WHEN BIOLOGICAL/ADOPTIVE PARENTS STOPPED LIVING TOGETHER ------------------------------------------------------------ 6709 0-17. Age 205 99. Unknown 36179 BL. NA, did not experience or unknown if experienced divorce of biological/ adoptive parents before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104-104 S1Q2F PARENT LIVED WITH AFTER BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE PARENTS STOPPED LIVING TOGETHER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5219 1. Mother 1232 2. Father 231 3. Both equally 226 4. Neither parent 6 9. Unknown 36179 BL. NA, did not experience or unknown if experienced divorce of biological/ adoptive parents before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 105-105 S1Q2G EVER LIVED WITH STEPPARENT BEFORE AGE 18 ---------------------------------------- 5306 1. Yes 36671 2. No 80 9. Unknown 1036 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with biological or adoptive parent(s) before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-99 S1Q2C4 RAISED IN AN INSTITUTION BEFORE AGE 18 -------------------------------------- 33 1. Yes 1169 2. No 212 9. Unknown 41679 BL. NA, lived with biological parent(s) before age 18 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106-107 S1Q2H AGE WHEN STARTED LIVING WITH STEPPARENT --------------------------------------- 5181 0-17. Age 125 99. Unknown 37787 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with stepparent before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108-108 S1Q2I DID STEPPARENT DIE BEFORE RESPONDENT WAS 18 ------------------------------------------- 216 1. Yes 5061 2. No 29 9. Unknown 37787 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with stepparent before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 109-110 S1Q2J AGE AT DEATH OF STEPPARENT -------------------------- 203 0-17. Age 13 99. Unknown 42877 BL. NA, did not experience or unknown if experienced death of stepparent before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 111-111 S1Q2K DID BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE PARENT DIE BEFORE RESPONDENT WAS 18 -------------------------------------------------------------- 4515 1. Yes 37358 2. No 184 9. Unknown 1036 BL. NA, did not live or unknown if lived with biological or adoptive parent(s) before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 112-113 S1Q2L AGE AT DEATH OF BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE PARENT --------------------------------------------- 4434 0-17. Age 81 99. Unknown 38578 BL. NA, did not experience or unknown if experienced death of biological/ adoptive parent before age 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114-114 MARITAL CURRENT MARITAL STATUS ---------------------- 20769 1. Married 1312 2. Living with someone as if married (not currently married or separated from another person) 4271 3. Widowed 5401 4. Divorced 1445 5. Separated 9895 6. Never Married ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115-115 FMARITAL IMPUTATION FLAG FOR MARITAL STATUS ---------------------------------- 43038 0. No 55 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116-117 S1Q3B NUMBER OF MARRIAGES (NOT COUNTING LIVING TOGETHER AS IF MARRIED) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 42941 0-14. Number of Marriages 152 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 118-119 S1Q4A AGE AT FIRST MARRIAGE --------------------- 31794 14-94. Age 543 99. Unknown 10756 BL. NA, never married ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120-120 S1Q4B HOW FIRST MARRIAGE ENDED ------------------------ 4025 1. Widowed 10803 2. Divorced 201 3. Other 98 9. Unknown 27966 BL. NA, never married; still married to 1st spouse (including legally separated) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 121-122 S1Q4C AGE WHEN STOPPED LIVING WITH FIRST SPOUSE/FIRST SPOUSE DIED ----------------------------------------------------------- 15498 14-96. Age 733 99. Unknown 26862 BL. NA, never married; still married to and living with 1st spouse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 123-124 S1Q4D AGE WHEN MARRIED CURRENT SPOUSE ------------------------------- 20493 14-85. Age 276 99. Unknown 22324 BL. NA, not currently married ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 125-126 S1Q5A NUMBER OF CHILDREN EVER HAD, INCLUDING ADOPTIVE, STEP AND FOSTER CHILDREN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42632 0-14. Number of Children 53 15. 15 or more 408 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127-128 S1Q5B AGE WHEN FIRST CHILD BORN/STARTED LIVING WITH RESPONDENT -------------------------------------------------------- 30695 14-90. Age 827 99. Unknown 11571 BL. NA, did not have or unknown if ever had any children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 129-130 S1Q5C AGE WHEN LAST CHILD BORN/STARTED LIVING WITH RESPONDENT ------------------------------------------------------- 30558 14-90. Age 964 99. Unknown 11571 BL. NA, did not have or unknown if ever had any children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133-133 S1F6A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR HIGHEST GRADE OR YEAR OF SCHOOL COMPLETED ------------------------------------------------------------- 42624 0. No 469 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134-135 S1Q6B AGE WHEN COMPLETED HIGHEST GRADE OR YEAR OF SCHOOL -------------------------------------------------- 41523 5-89. Age 1352 99. Unknown 218 BL. NA, no formal schooling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 131-132 S1Q6A HIGHEST GRADE OR YEAR OF SCHOOL COMPLETED ----------------------------------------- 218 1. No formal schooling 137 2. Completed grade K, 1 or 2 421 3. Completed grade 3 or 4 931 4. Completed grade 5 or 6 414 5. Completed grade 7 1210 6. Completed grade 8 4518 7. Some high school (grades 9-11) 10935 8. Completed high school 1612 9. Graduate equivalency degree (GED) 8891 10. Some college (no degree) 3772 11. Completed associate or other technical 2-year degree 5251 12. Completed college (bachelor's degree) 1526 13. Some graduate or professional studies (completed bachelor's degree but not graduate degree) 3257 14. Completed graduate or professional degree (master's degree or higher) 136-136 S1Q7A1 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES WORKING FULL TIME (35+ HOURS A WEEK) --------------------------------------------------------------- 22267 1. Yes 20826 2. No 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137-137 S1Q7A2 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES WORKING PART TIME (<35 HOURS A WEEK) --------------------------------------------------------------- 4431 1. Yes 38662 2. No 138-138 S1Q7A3 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES EMPLOYED BUT NOT AT WORK BECAUSE OF TEMPORARY ILLNESS OR INJURY -------------------------------------------------------------- 323 1. Yes 42770 2. No 139-139 S1Q7A4 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES EMPLOYED BUT ON PAID VACATION -------------------------------------------------------- 67 1. Yes 43026 2. No 140-140 S1Q7A5 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES EMPLOYED BUT ABSENT FROM WORK WITHOUT PAY -------------------------------------------------------------------- 149 1. Yes 42944 2. No 141-141 S1Q7A6 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES UNEMPLOYED OR LAID OFF AND LOOKING FOR WORK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1542 1. Yes 41551 2. No 142-142 S1Q7A7 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES UNEMPLOYED OR LAID OFF AND NOT LOOKING FOR WORK -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 503 1. Yes 42590 2. No 143-143 S1Q7A8 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES UNEMPLOYED AND PERMANENTLY DISABLED -------------------------------------------------------------- 1668 1. Yes 41425 2. No 144-144 S1Q7A9 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES RETIRED ---------------------------------- 8399 1. Yes 34694 2. No 145-145 S1Q7A10 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES IN SCHOOL FULL TIME ---------------------------------------------- 1814 1. Yes 41279 2. No 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 146-146 S1Q7A11 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES IN SCHOOL PART TIME ---------------------------------------------- 954 1. Yes 42139 2. No 147-147 S1Q7A12 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES ON SUMMER BREAK/HOLIDAY FROM SCHOOL -------------------------------------------------------------- 83 1. Yes 43010 2. No 148-148 S1Q7A13 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES FULL TIME HOMEMAKER ---------------------------------------------- 4083 1. Yes 39010 2. No 149-149 S1Q7A14 PRESENT SITUATION INCLUDES SOME OTHER ACTIVITY ---------------------------------------------- 1018 1. Yes 42075 2. No 150-150 S1F7A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR PRESENT SITUATION ------------------------------------- 42890 0. No 203 1. Yes 151-151 S1Q7B FULL TIME OR PART TIME STUDENT IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------ 3291 1. Yes, full-time 2945 2. Yes, part-time 36857 3. No 152-152 S1F7B IMPUTATION FLAG FOR FULL TIME OR PART TIME STUDENT IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 42876 0. No 217 1. Yes 153-153 S1Q7C1 LIVED IN PARENT'S OR RELATIVE'S HOME WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1900 1. Yes 4336 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 154-154 S1Q7C2 LIVED IN DORMITORY OR RESIDENCE HALL WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 384 1. Yes 5852 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 159-159 S1F7C IMPUTATION FLAG FOR WHERE LIVED WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5971 0. No 265 1. Yes 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 160-161 S1Q7D GRADE LEVEL DURING 2000-2001 SCHOOL YEAR ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 155-155 S1Q7C3 LIVED IN HOUSE OR APARTMENT ON CAMPUS WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 378 1. Yes 5858 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 156-156 S1Q7C4 LIVED IN FRATERNITY OR SORORITY HOUSE WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 1. Yes 6220 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 157-157 S1Q7C5 LIVED IN HOUSE, APARTMENT OR ROOM OFF CAMPUS WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3288 1. Yes 2948 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 158-158 S1Q7C6 LIVED IN OTHER PLACE OF RESIDENCE WHEN GOING TO SCHOOL IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 463 1. Yes 5773 2. No 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 1000 1. High school - any grade level 155 2. Enrolled in graduate equivalency degree (GED) program 691 3. 1st year undergraduate - never attended college before 501 4. 1st year undergraduate - attended college before 805 5. 2nd year undergraduate/sophomore 581 6. 3rd year undergraduate/junior 416 7. 4th year undergraduate/senior 103 8. 5th year/ other undergraduate 347 9. 1st year graduate/professional 240 10. 2nd year graduate/professional 245 11. 3rd year graduate/professional 1152 12. Other 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166-166 S1F8B IMPUTATION FLAG FOR EVER WORKED FOR PAY OR AS UNPAID WORKER IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM --------------------------------------------------------------------- 43051 0. No 42 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 167-168 S1Q8C AGE WHEN LAST WORKED FOR PAY OR AS UNPAID WORKER IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3100 5-91. Age 258 99. Unknown 39735 BL. NA, never worked in family business or farm; worked at job or business in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162-162 S1F7D IMPUTATION FLAG FOR GRADE LEVEL DURING 2000-2001 SCHOOL YEAR ------------------------------------------------------------ 5949 0. No 287 1. Yes 36857 BL. NA, not a student in last 12 months 163-163 S1Q8A WORK AT JOB OR BUSINESS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------- 30702 1. Yes 12391 2. No 164-164 S1F8A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR WORK AT JOB OR BUSINESS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------- 43031 0. No 62 1. Yes 165-165 S1Q8B EVER WORKED FOR PAY OR AS UNPAID WORKER IN FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM ------------------------------------------------------------------ 34060 1. Yes 9033 2. No 169-170 S1Q8D AGE WHEN FIRST WORKED FULL TIME (30+ HOURS A WEEK) -------------------------------------------------- 790 0. Never worked 30 hours per week 32489 5-71. Age 781 99. Unknown 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171-172 S1Q9A BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 173-173 S1F9A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB -------------------------------------------------------------------- 33503 0. No 557 1. Yes 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 174-175 S1Q9B OCCUPATION: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1143 1. Agriculture 147 2. Mining 2124 3. Construction 3909 4. Manufacturing 2404 5. Transportation, Communications and Other Public Utilities 724 6. Wholesale Trade 4701 7. Retail Trade 1945 8. Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 1248 9. Business and Repair Service 4186 10. Personal Services 992 11. Entertainment and Recreation Services 8181 12. Professional and Related Services 1925 13. Public Administration 431 14. Armed Services 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm 4800 1. Executive, Administrative, and Managerial 6037 2. Professional Speciality 2970 3. Technical and Related Support 3384 4. Sales 3299 5. Administrative Support, including Clerical 446 6. Private Household 561 7. Protective Services 5222 8. Other Services 698 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing 1272 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair 2841 11. Operators, Fabricators and Laborers 999 12. Transportation and Material Moving 1211 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners and Laborers 320 14. Military 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm 176-176 S1F9B IMPUTATION FLAG FOR OCCUPATION: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB ---------------------------------------------------------- 33542 0. No 518 1. Yes 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178-178 S1F9C IMPUTATION FLAG FOR TYPE OF EMPLOYER: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33602 0. No 458 1. Yes 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 179-185 S1Q10A TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------- 43093 0-3000000. Income in dollars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186-187 S1Q10B 2462 TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY ------------------------------------------------- 0. $0 (No personal income) 3571 1. $1 to $4,999 3823 2. $5,000 to $7,999 2002 3. $8,000 to $9,999 3669 4. $10,000 to $12,999 1634 5. $13,000 to $14,999 3940 6. $15,000 to $19,999 3887 7. $20,000 to $24,999 3085 8. $25,000 to $29,999 3003 9. $30,000 to $34,999 2351 10. $35,000 to $39,999 3291 11. $40,000 to $49,999 2059 12. $50,000 to $59,999 1328 13. $60,000 to $69,999 857 14. $70,000 to $79,999 521 15. $80,000 to $89,999 290 16. $90,000 to $99,999 1320 17. $100,000 or more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 177-177 S1Q9C TYPE OF EMPLOYER: CURRENT OR MOST RECENT JOB -------------------------------------------- 23160 1. A private for-profit company, business, or individual 2662 2. A private not-for-profit, tax exempt, or charitable organization 1018 3. Federal government (excluding Armed Forces) 1983 4. State government 2385 5. Local government 318 6. Armed Forces 179 7. Unpaid in family business or farm 2355 8. Self employed in own business, professional practice, or farm 9033 BL. NA, never worked for pay or in family business or farm 188-188 S1F10A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------- 38306 0. No 4787 1. Yes 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 189-195 S1Q11A TOTAL FAMILY INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------- 43093 24-3000000. Family income in dollars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196-197 S1Q11B 1718 TOTAL FAMILY INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY ----------------------------------------------- 1. Less than $5,000 2338 2. $5,000 to $7,999 1373 3. $8,000 to $9,999 2559 4. $10,000 to $12,999 1343 5. $13,000 to $14,999 3317 6. $15,000 to $19,999 3368 7. $20,000 to $24,999 2941 8. $25,000 to $29,999 3052 9. $30,000 to $34,999 2565 10. $35,000 to $39,999 4301 11. $40,000 to $49,999 3428 12. $50,000 to $59,999 2644 13. $60,000 to $69,999 2008 14. $70,000 to $79,999 1363 15. $80,000 to $89,999 977 16. $90,000 to $99,999 1130 17. $100,000 to $109,999 428 18. $110,000 to $119,999 914 19. $120,000 to $149,999 725 20. $150,000 to 199,999 601 21. $200,000 or more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 198-198 S1F11A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR TOTAL FAMILY INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------- 36879 0. No 6214 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 199-205 S1Q12A TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------- 43093 24-3000000. Household income in dollars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 206-207 S1Q12B 1531 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY -------------------------------------------------- 1. Less than $5,000 2212 2. $5,000 to $7,999 1304 3. $8,000 to $9,999 2437 4. $10,000 to $12,999 1288 5. $13,000 to $14,999 3232 6. $15,000 to $19,999 3326 7. $20,000 to $24,999 2961 8. $25,000 to $29,999 3050 9. $30,000 to $34,999 2605 10. $35,000 to $39,999 4407 11. $40,000 to $49,999 3552 12. $50,000 to $59,999 2729 13. $60,000 to $69,999 2084 14. $70,000 to $79,999 1430 15. $80,000 to $89,999 1011 16. $90,000 to $99,999 1171 17. $100,000 to $109,999 451 18. $110,000 to $119,999 939 19. $120,000 to $149,999 745 20. $150,000 to 199,999 628 21. $200,000 or more ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 208-208 S1F12A IMPUTATION FLAG FOR TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------ 37527 0. No 5566 1. Yes 209-209 S1Q131 PERSONALLY RECEIVED INCOME FROM SOCIAL SECURITY IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9868 1. Yes 33225 2. No 210-210 S1F131 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR RECEIPT OF SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42714 0. No 379 1. Yes 211-211 S1Q132 PERSONALLY RECEIVED SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1823 1. Yes 41270 2. No 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 212-212 S1F132 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR RECEIPT OF SSI IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------- 42719 0. No 374 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 217-217 S1Q14A PERSONALLY RECEIVED FOOD STAMPS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------- 2684 1. Yes 40409 2. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 218-222 S1Q14B INCOME FROM FOOD STAMPS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------- 2684 1-12000. Dollars 40409 BL. NA, did not receive food stamps in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 213-213 S1Q133 PERSONALLY RECEIVED INCOME FROM TRADITIONAL AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN (TAFDC), EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROGRAM (ESP) OR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 716 1. Yes 42377 2. No 214-214 S1F133 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR RECEIPT OF TAFDC/ESP/EAP INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 42754 0. No 339 1. Yes 215-215 S1Q134 PERSONALLY RECEIVED WOMEN, INFANTS & CHILDREN (WIC) PROGRAM BENEFITS IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1584 1. Yes 41509 2. No 216-216 S1F134 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR RECEIPT OF WIC BENEFITS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------- 42792 0. No 301 1. Yes 223-223 S1F14AB IMPUTATION FLAG FOR PERSONALLY RECEIVE FOOD STAMPS IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 42593 0. No 500 1. Yes 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 224-224 S1Q14C1 CURRENTLY COVERED BY MEDICARE ----------------------------- 9255 1. Yes 33838 2. No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 225-225 S1F14C1 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR CURRENTLY COVERED BY MEDICARE ------------------------------------------------- 42765 0. No 328 1. Yes 226-226 S1Q14C2 CURRENTLY COVERED BY MEDICAID ----------------------------- 3421 1. Yes 39672 2. No 227-227 S1F14C2 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR CURRENTLY COVERED BY MEDICAID ------------------------------------------------- 42719 0. No 374 1. Yes 228-228 S1Q14C3 CURRENTLY COVERED BY CHAMPUS, CHAMPVA, VA OR OTHER MILITARY HEALTH CARE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1540 1. Yes 41553 2. No 229-229 S1F14C3 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR CURRENTLY COVERED BY MILITARY HEALTH CARE ------------------------------------------------------------- 42776 0. No 317 1. Yes 230-230 S1Q14C4 CURRENTLY COVERED BY PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE --------------------------------------------- 27670 1. Yes 15423 2. No 231-231 S1F14C4 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR CURRENTLY COVERED BY PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------- 42725 0. No 368 1. Yes 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 232-232 S1Q16 SELF-PERCEIVED CURRENT HEALTH ----------------------------- 12316 1. Excellent 12424 2. Very good 10649 3. Good 5219 4. Fair 2219 5. Poor 266 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 233-233 S1Q171 EXTENT TO WHICH HEALTH LIMITS MODERATE ACTIVITY (MOVING TABLE, PUSHING VACUUM CLEANER, BOWLING, PLAYING GOLF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4022 1. Yes, limited a lot 5521 2. Yes, limited a little 33276 3. No, not limited at all 274 9. Unknown 234-234 S1Q172 EXTENT TO WHICH HEALTH LIMITS ABILITY TO CLIMB SEVERAL FLIGHTS OF STAIRS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4650 1. Yes, limited a lot 5667 2. Yes, limited a little 32469 3. No, not limited at all 307 9. Unknown 235-235 S1Q181 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN ACCOMPLISHED LESS THAN WOULD LIKE AS RESULT OF PHYSICAL HEALTH ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2497 1. All of the time 2763 2. Most of the time 5216 3. Some of the time 4183 4. A little of the time 28090 5. None of the time 344 9. Unknown 236-236 S1Q182 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN LIMITED IN KIND OF WORK OR OTHER ACTIVITIES AS RESULT OF PHYSICAL HEALTH -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2443 1. All of the time 2249 2. Most of the time 4391 3. Some of the time 3552 4. A little of the time 30127 5. None of the time 331 9. Unknown 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 237-237 S1Q191 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN ACCOMPLISHED LESS THAN WOULD LIKE AS RESULT OF EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1395 1. All of the time 1676 2. Most of the time 4122 3. Some of the time 4356 4. A little of the time 31179 5. None of the time 365 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 238-238 S1Q192 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN DID WORK OR OTHER ACTIVITIES LESS CAREFULLY THAN USUAL AS RESULT OF EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1344 1. All of the time 1492 2. Most of the time 3441 3. Some of the time 3779 4. A little of the time 32654 5. None of the time 383 9. Unknown 239-239 S1Q20 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, EXTENT TO WHICH PAIN INTERFERED WITH NORMAL WORK --------------------------------------------------------------------- 27403 1. Not at all 6461 2. A little bit 3273 3. Moderately 3009 4. Quite a bit 2604 5. Extremely 343 9. Unknown 240-240 S1Q211 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN FELT CALM AND PEACEFUL ----------------------------------------------------- 10232 1. All of the time 18272 2. Most of the time 8356 3. Some of the time 3206 4. A little of the time 2584 5. None of the time 443 9. Unknown 241-241 S1Q212 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN HAD A LOT OF ENERGY -------------------------------------------------- 8663 1. All of the time 17173 2. Most of the time 10287 3. Some of the time 3796 4. A little of the time 2756 5. None of the time 418 9. Unknown 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 242-242 S1Q213 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN FELT DOWNHEARTED AND DEPRESSED ------------------------------------------------------------- 907 1. All of the time 2051 2. Most of the time 6286 3. Some of the time 11305 4. A little of the time 22127 5. None of the time 417 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 243-243 S1Q22 DURING PAST 4 WEEKS, HOW OFTEN PHYSICAL HEALTH OR EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS INTERFERED WITH SOCIAL ACTIVITIES -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1312 1. All of the time 1893 2. Most of the time 3729 3. Some of the time 4143 4. A little of the time 31608 5. None of the time 408 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 244-247 NBPCS NORM-BASED PHYSICAL DISABILITY SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ----------------------------------------------- 42743 4.6-75.5. Value 350 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 248-248 FNBPCS IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBPCS ------------------------- 42692 0. No 401 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 249-252 NBMCS NORM-BASED MENTAL DISABILITY SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] --------------------------------------------- 42743 0-77.7. Value 350 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 253-253 FNBMCS IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBMCS ------------------------- 42692 0. No 401 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 254-257 NBS1 NORM-BASED PHYSICAN FUNCTIONING SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ------------------------------------------------ 42818 22.1-56.5. Value 275 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 258-258 FNBS1 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS1 ------------------------ 43054 0. No 39 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 259-262 NBS2 NORM-BASED ROLE PHYSICAL SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ----------------------------------------- 42779 20.3-57.2. Value 314 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 263-263 FNBS2 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS2 ------------------------ 43039 0. No 54 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 264-267 NBS3 NORM-BASED BODILY PAIN SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] --------------------------------------- 42774 16.7-57.4. Value 319 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 268-268 FNBS3 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS3 ------------------------ 43069 0. No 24 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 269-272 NBS4 NORM-BASED GENERAL HEALTH SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ------------------------------------------ 42845 18.9-62.0. Value 248 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 273-273 FNBS4 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS4 ------------------------ 43075 0. No 18 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 274-277 NBS5 NORM-BASED VITALITY SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ------------------------------------ 42763 27.6-67.9. Value 330 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 278-278 FNBS5 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS5 ------------------------ 43005 0. No 88 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 279-282 NBS6 NORM-BASED SOCIAL FUNCTIONING SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ---------------------------------------------- 42766 16.2-56.6. Value 327 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 283-283 FNBS6 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS6 ------------------------ 43012 0. No 81 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 284-287 NBS7 NORM-BASED ROLE EMOTIONAL SCALE (SF12-V2R) [Format: XX.X] ------------------------------------------ 42770 11.3-56.1. Value 323 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 288-288 FNBS7 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS7 ------------------------ 43001 0. No 92 1. Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289-292 NBS8 NORM-BASED MENTAL HEALTH SCALE (SR-V2R) --------------------------------------- 42754 15.8-64.5. Value 339 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 293-293 FNBS8 IMPUTATION FLAG FOR NBS8 ------------------------ 42937 0. No 156 1. Yes 294-294 S1Q231 ANY FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE FRIENDS DIED IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------- 13779 1. Yes 28875 2. No 439 9. Unknown 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 295-295 S1Q232 ANY FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE FRIENDS HAD SERIOUS ILLNESS OR INJURY IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14981 1. Yes 27640 2. No 472 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 296-296 S1Q233 MOVED/ANYONE NEW CAME TO LIVE WITH YOU IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------- 6287 1. Yes 36464 2. No 342 9. Unknown 297-297 S1Q234 FIRED OR LAID OFF FROM JOB IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------- 2691 1. Yes 40066 2. No 336 9. Unknown 298-298 S1Q235 UNEMPLOYED AND LOOKING FOR WORK FOR >1 MONTH IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------------- 3865 1. Yes 38894 2. No 334 9. Unknown 299-299 S1Q236 HAD TROUBLE WITH BOSS OR COWORKER IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------- 3414 1. Yes 39327 2. No 352 9. Unknown 300-300 S1Q237 CHANGED JOBS, JOB RESPONSIBILITIES OR WORK HOURS IN LAST 12 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8979 1. Yes 33769 2. No 345 9. Unknown 301-301 S1Q238 GOT SEPARATED OR DIVORCED OR BROKE OFF STEADY RELATIONSHIP IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2790 1. Yes 39956 2. No 347 9. Unknown 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 302-302 S1Q239 HAD PROBLEMS WITH NEIGHBOR, FRIEND OR RELATIVE IN LAST 12 MONTHS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2420 1. Yes 40307 2. No 366 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 305-305 S1Q2312 YOU OR FAMILY MEMBER BEEN VICTIM OF CRIME IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------- 2765 1. Yes 39955 2. No 373 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 306-307 S1Q24FT HEIGHT: FEET ------------ 42363 4-7. Feet 730 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 308-309 S1Q24IN HEIGHT: INCHES -------------- 3572 0. None 38760 1-11. Inches 761 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310-312 S1Q24LB WEIGHT: POUNDS -------------- 41717 62-500. Pounds 1376 999. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 303-303 S1Q2310 EXPERIENCED MAJOR FINANCIAL CRISIS, BANKRUPTCY OR BEEN UNABLE TO PAY BILLS ON TIME IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5037 1. Yes 37679 2. No 377 9. Unknown 304-304 S1Q2311 YOU OR FAMILY MEMBER HAD TROUBLE WITH POLICE, GOT ARRESTED OR SENT TO JAIL IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2381 1. Yes 40335 2. No 377 9. Unknown 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION 4A: MAJOR DEPRESSION (LOW MOOD I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2459-2459 S4AQ1 EVER HAD 2-WEEK PERIOD WHEN FELT SAD, BLUE, DEPRESSED, OR DOWN MOST OF TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12785 1. Yes 29416 2. No 892 9. Unknown 2460-2460 S4AQ2 EVER HAD 2-WEEK PERIOD WHEN DIDN'T CARE ABOUT THINGS USUALLY CARED ABOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10533 1. Yes 31618 2. No 942 9. Unknown 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2461-2461 S4AQ4A1 LOST 2+ POUNDS/WEEK FOR SEVERAL WEEKS OR 10+ POUNDS IN MONTH, WHEN NOT SICK OR DIETING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4650 1. Yes 8712 2. No 391 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2462-2462 S4AQ4A2 LOST APPETITE NEARLY EVERY DAY FOR 2+ WEEKS ------------------------------------------- 5854 1. Yes 7672 2. No 227 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2463-2463 S4AQ4A3 GAINED 2+ POUNDS/WEEK FOR SEVERAL WEEKS OR 10+ POUNDS IN MONTH, WHEN NOT PREGNANT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2746 1. Yes 10757 2. No 250 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2464-2464 S4AQ4A4 WANTED TO EAT MORE THAN USUAL MOST DAYS FOR 2+ WEEKS ---------------------------------------------------- 3108 1. Yes 10463 2. No 182 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2465-2465 S4AQ4A5 HAD TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP NEARLY EVERY DAY FOR 2+ WEEKS -------------------------------------------------------- 7422 1. Yes 6146 2. No 185 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2466-2466 S4AQ4A6 WOKE UP TOO EARLY NEARLY EVERY DAY FOR 2+ WEEKS ----------------------------------------------- 5783 1. Yes 7675 2. No 295 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2467-2467 S4AQ4A7 SLEPT MORE THAN USUAL NEARLY EVERY DAY FOR 2+ WEEKS --------------------------------------------------- 4619 1. Yes 8934 2. No 200 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2468-2468 S4AQ4A8 FELT TIRED/EASILY TIRED NEARLY EVERY DAY FOR 2+ WEEKS, WHEN NOT DOING MORE THAN USUAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8501 1. Yes 5003 2. No 249 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2469-2469 S4AQ4A9 MOVED/TALKED MUCH MORE SLOWLY THAN USUAL MOST DAYS FOR 2+ WEEKS --------------------------------------------------------------- 3752 1. Yes 9390 2. No 611 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2470-2470 S4AQ4A10 FIDGETED/PACED MOST OF THE TIME FOR 2+ WEEKS -------------------------------------------- 3629 1. Yes 9840 2. No 284 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2471-2471 S4AQ4A11 BECAME SO RESTLESS THAT FELT UNCOMFORTABLE FOR 2+ WEEKS ------------------------------------------------------- 4579 1. Yes 8917 2. No 257 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2472-2472 S4AQ4A12 FELT WORTHLESS MOST OF THE TIME FOR 2+ WEEKS -------------------------------------------- 5798 1. Yes 7782 2. No 173 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2473-2473 S4AQ4A13 FELT GUILTY ABOUT THINGS WOULDN'T NORMALLY FEEL GUILTY ABOUT 2+ WEEKS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5592 1. Yes 7928 2. No 233 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2475-2475 S4AQ4A15 FOUND IT HARDER TO MAKE DECISIONS MOST OF THE TIME FOR 2+ WEEKS --------------------------------------------------------------- 7530 1. Yes 6009 2. No 214 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2476-2476 S4AQ4A16 ATTEMPTED SUICIDE ----------------- 1074 1. Yes 12596 2. No 83 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2474-2474 S4AQ4A14 HAD TROUBLE CONCENTRATING/KEEPING MIND ON THINGS MOST DAYS FOR 2+ WEEKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8755 1. Yes 4820 2. No 178 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2477-2477 S4AQ4A17 THOUGHT ABOUT COMMITTING SUICIDE -------------------------------- 3566 1. Yes 10098 2. No 89 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 2478-2478 S4AQ4A18 FELT LIKE WANTED TO DIE ----------------------- 4468 1. Yes 9163 2. No 122 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2479-2479 S4AQ4A19 THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT OWN DEATH ----------------------------- 3487 1. Yes 10147 2. No 119 9. Unknown 29340 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had period of low mood/when didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2480-2480 S4AQ51 FELT UNCOMFORTABLE OR UPSET BY LOW MOOD OR THESE OTHER EXPERIENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6768 1. Yes 1956 2. No 93 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2481-2481 S4AQ52 HAD ARGUMENTS/FRICTION WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS, PEOPLE AT WORK, OR ANYONE ELSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4194 1. Yes 4597 2. No 26 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2482-2482 S4AQ53 FELT TROUBLED BECAUSE OF WAY YOU FELT/OFTEN WISHED COULD GET BETTER ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7096 1. Yes 1632 2. No 89 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2483-2483 S4AQ54 HAD TROUBLE DOING THINGS SUPPOSED TO DO--LIKE WORKING, DOING SCHOOLWORK, OR TAKING CARE OF HOME/FAMILY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5683 1. Yes 3104 2. No 30 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2484-2484 S4AQ55 SPENT MORE TIME THAN USUAL ALONE BECAUSE DIDN'T WANT TO BE AROUND PEOPLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6378 1. Yes 2399 2. No 40 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2485-2485 S4AQ56 COULDN'T DO THINGS USUALLY DID/WANTED TO DO ------------------------------------------- 5838 1. Yes 2920 2. No 59 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2487-2487 S4AQ58 DEPENDED LOT MORE ON PEOPLE TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYDAY THINGS/GIVE YOU ATTENTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3075 1. Yes 5688 2. No 54 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2488-2489 S4AQ6A AGE AT ONSET OF FIRST EPISODE ----------------------------- 8707 5-97. Age 110 99. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2490-2490 S4AQ6B WAS ONSET OF FIRST EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS -------------------------------------------- 876 1. Yes 7919 2. No 22 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2491-2492 S4AQ7 NUMBER OF EPISODES ------------------ 8283 1-98. Separate times lasting at least 2 weeks 534 99. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2493-2494 S4AQ8AR AGE WHEN ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE BEGAN (BASED ON S4AQ6A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8688 5-98. Age 129 99. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2486-2486 S4AQ57 DID A LOT LESS THAN USUAL OR WERE LESS ACTIVE --------------------------------------------- 7079 1. Yes 1682 2. No 56 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2495-2495 S4AQ8BR DID ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE BEGIN IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ6B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2510 1. Yes 6274 2. No 33 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2496-2499 S4AQ9AR DURATION (WEEKS) OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8598 2-3653. Weeks 11 9997. Unknown, but less than 2 months 35 9998. Unknown, but 2 months or longer 173 9999. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2501-2501 S4AQ9CR WAS REMISSION OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ9G IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2437 1. Yes 6300 2. No 80 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2502-2505 S4AQ9DR DURATION (WEEKS) OF ONLY/LONGEST EPISODE (BASED ON S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8565 2-3653. Weeks 51 9997. Unknown, but less than 2 months 152 9998. Unknown, but 2 months or longer 49 9999. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2500-2500 S4AQ9BR WAS THERE 2+ MONTH PERIOD OF REMISSION OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4AQ9F IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7359 1. Yes 1385 2. No 73 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2506-2506 S4AQ10BR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) LASTED FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5008 1. Yes 3636 2. No 173 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2507-2507 S4AQ10CR ONLY/ANY EPISODE OF <2 MONTHS IN LAST 12 MONTHS HAPPENED AFTER SOMEONE CLOSE DIED (BASED ON S4AQ10A & S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 0. No episode lasting less than 2 months in the past 12 months 534 1. Yes 1118 2. No 22 9. Unknown 41376 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; no episode in last 12 months; only/all episode(s) lasted at least 2 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2508-2508 S4AQ10DR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) OF <2 MONTHS IN LAST 12 MONTHS HAPPENED AFTER SOMEONE CLOSE DIED (BASED ON S4AQ10A & S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 0. No episode lasting less than 2 months in the past 12 months 292 1. Yes 1360 2. No 22 9. Unknown 41376 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; no episode in last 12 months; only/all episode(s) lasted at least 2 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2509-2509 S4AQ10ER ONLY/ANY EPISODE OF <2 MONTHS PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS HAPPENED AFTER SOMEONE CLOSE DIED (BASED ON S4AQ10A & S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 0. No episode lasting less than 2 months prior to the past 12 months 1262 1. Yes 2033 2. No 49 9. Unknown 39698 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; no episode prior to last 12 months; only/all episode(s) lasted at least 2 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2510-2510 S4AQ10FR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) OF <2 MONTHS PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS HAPPENED AFTER SOMEONE CLOSE DIED (BASED ON S4AQ10A & S4AQ9E IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 0. No episode lasting less than 2 months prior to the past 12 months 733 1. Yes 2560 2. No 51 9. Unknown 39698 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; no episode prior to last 12 months; only/all episode(s) lasted at least 2 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2514-2514 S4AQ14 ANY EPISODE BEGAN WHEN EXPERIENCING BAD AFTEREFFECTS OF MEDICINE OR DRUG ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 1. Yes 8348 2. No 59 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2515-2515 S4AQ15CR ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4AQ11-S4AQ14 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 264 1. Yes 3550 2. No 22 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2511-2511 S4AQ11 ANY EPISODE BEGAN AFTER DRINKING HEAVILY/MORE THAN USUAL -------------------------------------------------------- 585 1. Yes 8190 2. No 42 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2512-2512 S4AQ12 ANY EPISODE BEGAN WHEN EXPERIENCING BAD AFTEREFFECTS OF DRINKING ---------------------------------------------------------------- 383 1. Yes 8386 2. No 48 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2513-2513 S4AQ13 ANY EPISODE BEGAN AFTER USING MEDICINE OR DRUG ---------------------------------------------- 530 1. Yes 8236 2. No 51 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 311 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2516-2516 S4AQ15DR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LAST 12 MONTHS BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4AQ11-S4AQ14 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 1. Yes 3623 2. No 23 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2517-2517 S4AQ15ER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146 1. Yes 3666 2. No 24 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2518-2518 S4AQ15FR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124 1. Yes 3688 2. No 24 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2519-2519 S4AQ15GR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 1. Yes 3733 2. No 26 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2520-2520 S4AQ15HR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 1. Yes 3739 2. No 28 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2521-2521 S4AQ15IR ONLY/ANY EPISODE PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4AQ11-S4AQ14 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 626 1. Yes 7247 2. No 68 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2522-2522 S4AQ15JR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4AQ11-S4AQ14 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 448 1. Yes 7423 2. No 70 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2523-2523 S4AQ15KR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 340 1. Yes 7525 2. No 76 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2524-2524 S4AQ15LR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 270 1. Yes 7595 2. No 76 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2525-2525 S4AQ15MR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 198 1. Yes 7663 2. No 80 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2526-2526 S4AQ15NR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4AQ15B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 1. Yes 7703 2. No 82 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2530-2530 S4AQ18 DOCTOR PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUG TO IMPROVE MOOD/MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3847 1. Yes 4939 2. No 31 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2531-2532 S4AQ19A AGE AT FIRST TIME SOUGHT HELP ----------------------------- 5104 5-89. Age 69 99. Unknown 37920 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; did not seek or unknown if sought help for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2527-2527 S4AQ16 WENT TO COUNSELOR/THERAPIST/DOCTOR/OTHER PERSON FOR HELP TO IMPROVE MOOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4551 1. Yes 4243 2. No 23 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2528-2528 S4AQ17A STAYED OVERNIGHT IN HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF DEPRESSION -------------------------------------------------- 1097 1. Yes 7695 2. No 25 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2529-2529 S4AQ17B WENT TO EMERGENCY ROOM FOR HELP BECAUSE OF DEPRESSION ----------------------------------------------------- 906 1. Yes 7883 2. No 28 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 314 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2533-2534 S4AQ19B AGE AT ONLY/MOST RECENT TIME SOUGHT HELP ---------------------------------------- 5108 5-90. Age 65 99. Unknown 37920 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; did not seek or unknown if sought help for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2535-2535 S4AQ20A EVER DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE LOW MOOD/MAKE SELF FEEL BETTER ------------------------------------------------------------ 1697 1. Yes 7094 2. No 26 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2536-2536 S4AQ20B DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE MOOD IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------- 608 1. Yes 8183 2. No 26 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2537-2537 S4AQ20C DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE MOOD PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------- 1557 1. Yes 7234 2. No 26 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2538-2538 S4AQ21A EVER USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE LOW MOOD/MAKE SELF FEEL BETTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 583 1. Yes 8222 2. No 12 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 2539-2539 S4AQ21B USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE LOW MOOD IN LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------- 122 1. Yes 8568 2. No 127 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression 315 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2540-2540 S4AQ21C USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE LOW MOOD PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 437 1. Yes 8253 2. No 127 9. Unknown 34276 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2541-2541 S4AQ22CR ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------- 882 1. Yes 2932 2. No 22 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2542-2542 S4AQ22DR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) -------------------------------------------------------- 537 1. Yes 3276 2. No 23 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2543-2543 S4AQ22ER DOCTOR SAID ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 351 1. Yes 3460 2. No 25 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2544-2544 S4AQ22FR DOCTOR SAID ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 540 1. Yes 3269 2. No 27 9. Unknown 39257 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode in last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 316 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2545-2545 S4AQ22GR ONLY/ANY EPISODE PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------------- 1376 1. Yes 6492 2. No 73 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2546-2546 S4AQ22HR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) -------------------------------------------------------------- 843 1. Yes 7024 2. No 74 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2547-2547 S4AQ22IR DOCTOR SAID ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 563 1. Yes 7301 2. No 77 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2548-2548 S4AQ22JR DOCTOR SAID ONLY/ANY EPISODE PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4AQ22B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 866 1. Yes 6996 2. No 79 9. Unknown 35152 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for major depression; had no episode prior to last 12 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION 4B: FAMILY HISTORY (III) OF MAJOR DEPRESSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2549-2549 S4BQ1 BLOOD/NATURAL FATHER EVER DEPRESSED ----------------------------------- 4126 1. Yes 32192 2. No 6775 9. Unknown 317 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2550-2550 S4BQ2 BLOOD/NATURAL MOTHER EVER DEPRESSED ----------------------------------- 7134 1. Yes 31448 2. No 4511 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2551-2552 S4BQ3B NUMBER OF FULL BROTHERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED ----------------------------------------------- 39146 0-9. Full brother(s) 3947 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2553-2553 S4BQ3C ANY FULL BROTHERS EVER DEPRESSED -------------------------------- 3903 1. Yes 35778 2. No 3412 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2554-2555 S4BQ4B NUMBER OF FULL SISTERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------- 39607 0-12. Full sister(s) 3486 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2556-2556 S4BQ4C ANY FULL SISTERS EVER DEPRESSED ------------------------------- 4751 1. Yes 35266 2. No 3076 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2557-2558 S4BQ5B NUMBER OF NATURAL SONS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------- 41324 0-5. Natural son(s) 1769 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2559-2559 S4BQ5C ANY NATURAL SONS EVER DEPRESSED ------------------------------- 1873 1. Yes 39702 2. No 1518 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2560-2561 S4BQ6B NUMBER OF NATURAL DAUGHTERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED --------------------------------------------------- 41412 0-8. Natural daughter(s) 1681 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 318 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2562-2562 S4BQ6C ANY NATURAL DAUGHTERS EVER DEPRESSED ------------------------------------ 2141 1. Yes 39488 2. No 1464 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2563-2564 S4BQ7B NUMBER OF NATURAL FATHER'S FULL BROTHERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30806 0-15. Father's full brother(s) 12287 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2565-2565 S4BQ7C ANY OF NATURAL FATHER'S FULL BROTHERS EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------------- 1771 1. Yes 31737 2. No 9585 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2566-2567 S4BQ8B NUMBER OF NATURAL FATHER'S FULL SISTERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED --------------------------------------------------------------- 31894 0-11. Father's full sister(s) 11199 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2568-2568 S4BQ8C ANY OF NATURAL FATHER'S FULL SISTERS EVER DEPRESSED --------------------------------------------------- 1975 1. Yes 32152 2. No 8966 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2569-2570 S4BQ9B NUMBER OF NATURAL MOTHER'S FULL BROTHERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33736 0-13. Mother's full brother(s) 9357 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2571-2571 S4BQ9C ANY OF NATURAL MOTHER'S FULL BROTHERS EVER DEPRESSED ---------------------------------------------------- 2352 1. Yes 33091 2. No 7650 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2572-2573 S4BQ10B NUMBER OF NATURAL MOTHER'S FULL SISTERS WHO WERE EVER DEPRESSED --------------------------------------------------------------- 34692 0-12. Mother's full sister(s) 8401 99. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 319 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2574-2574 S4BQ10C ANY OF NATURAL MOTHER'S FULL SISTERS EVER DEPRESSED --------------------------------------------------- 3113 1. Yes 33008 2. No 6972 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2578-2578 S4BQ14 NATURAL GRANDMOTHER ON YOUR MOTHER'S SIDE EVER DEPRESSED -------------------------------------------------------- 1893 1. Yes 30004 2. No 11196 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECTION 4C: DYSTHYMIA (LOW MOOD II) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2579-2579 S4CQ1 HAD 2+ YEARS PERIOD WHEN MOOD WAS LOW, SAD OR DEPRESSED MOST OF DAY, MORE THAN HALF THE TIME ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2339 1. Yes 39510 2. No 1244 9. Unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2580-2580 S4CQ3A1 OFTEN LOST APPETITE ------------------- 1292 1. Yes 1013 2. No 34 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2575-2575 S4BQ11 NATURAL GRANDFATHER ON YOUR FATHER'S SIDE EVER DEPRESSED -------------------------------------------------------- 883 1. Yes 28421 2. No 13789 9. Unknown 2576-2576 S4BQ12 NATURAL GRANDMOTHER ON YOUR FATHER'S SIDE EVER DEPRESSED -------------------------------------------------------- 1222 1. Yes 28891 2. No 12980 9. Unknown 2577-2577 S4BQ13 NATURAL GRANDFATHER ON YOUR MOTHER'S SIDE EVER DEPRESSED -------------------------------------------------------- 1072 1. Yes 29873 2. No 12148 9. Unknown 320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2581-2581 S4CQ3A2 OFTEN FOUND WANTED TO EAT LOT MORE THAN USUAL FOR NO SPECIAL REASON ------------------------------------------------------------------- 805 1. Yes 1505 2. No 29 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2582-2582 S4CQ3A3 OFTEN HAD TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP, STAYING ASLEEP, OR WAKING UP TOO EARLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1613 1. Yes 701 2. No 25 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 2583-2583 S4CQ3A4 OFTEN SLEPT MORE THAN USUAL --------------------------- 1177 1. Yes 1134 2. No 28 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 2584-2584 S4CQ3A5 OFTEN FELT TIRED/FELT DIDN'T HAVE MUCH ENERGY --------------------------------------------- 1947 1. Yes 363 2. No 29 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 2585-2585 S4CQ3A6 OFTEN HAD TROUBLE CONCENTRATING/KEEPING MIND ON THINGS ------------------------------------------------------ 1832 1. Yes 486 2. No 21 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 2586-2586 S4CQ3A7 OFTEN FOUND IT HARDER TO MAKE DECISIONS --------------------------------------- 1720 1. Yes 594 2. No 25 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 321 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2587-2587 S4CQ3A8 OFTEN FELT THAT YOU WEREN'T AS GOOD AS OTHER PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------- 1522 1. Yes 790 2. No 27 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2589-2589 S4CQ3A10 OFTEN FELT THAT THINGS WERE BAD AND WOULD NEVER GET BETTER ---------------------------------------------------------- 1738 1. Yes 580 2. No 21 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2590-2590 S4CQ3A11 OFTEN FELT HOPELESS ------------------- 1739 1. Yes 582 2. No 18 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2588-2588 S4CQ3A9 OFTEN FELT DOWN ON SELF ----------------------- 1826 1. Yes 490 2. No 23 9. Unknown 40754 BL. NA, never or unknown if ever had 2+ years period of low mood 2591-2591 S4CQ41 FELT UNCOMFORTABLE OR UPSET BY LOW MOOD OR THESE OTHER EXPERIENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1866 1. Yes 329 2. No 10 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2592-2592 S4CQ42 WISHED YOU COULD GET BETTER --------------------------- 2083 1. Yes 108 2. No 14 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2593-2593 S4CQ43 HAD ARGUMENTS/FRICTION WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS, PEOPLE AT WORK, OR ANYONE ELSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1307 1. Yes 891 2. No 7 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2594-2594 S4CQ44 HAD TROUBLE DOING THINGS SUPPOSED TO DO-LIKE WORKING, DOING SCHOOLWORK, OR TAKING CARE OF HOME/FAMILY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1526 1. Yes 673 2. No 6 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2595-2595 S4CQ45 DWELLED ON THE PAST/BROODED ABOUT PAST -------------------------------------- 1580 1. Yes 605 2. No 20 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2596-2596 S4CQ46 FOUND SELF DOING LOT LESS THAN USUAL/BEING LESS ACTIVE ------------------------------------------------------ 1700 1. Yes 486 2. No 19 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2597-2597 S4CQ47 SPENT MORE TIME BY SELF BECAUSE DIDN'T WANT TO BE AROUND OTHER PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1678 1. Yes 512 2. No 15 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2598-2598 S4CQ48 ASKED PEOPLE FOR HELP SO MUCH THAT IT CAUSED PROBLEMS GETTING ALONG WITH THEM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 383 1. Yes 1811 2. No 11 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 323 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2599-2600 S4CQ5 AGE AT ONSET OF FIRST EPISODE ----------------------------- 2136 5-84. Age 69 99. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2601-2602 S4CQ6A NUMBER OF EPISODES ------------------ 2004 1-29. Separate times lasting at least 2 years 201 99. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2603-2604 S4CQ7AR AGE WHEN ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE BEGAN (BASED ON S4CQ5 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2107 5-96. Age 98 99. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2605-2606 S4CQ7BR DURATION (YEARS) OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ8B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2121 2-66. Years 84 99. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2608-2608 S4CQ7DR WAS REMISSION OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE IN LAST 12 MONTHS (BASED ON S4CQ8D IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 431 1. Yes 1721 2. No 53 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2609-2610 S4CQ8AR DURATION (YEARS) OF ONLY/LONGEST EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ8B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2125 2-66. Years 80 99. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2607-2607 S4CQ7CR WAS THERE 2+ MONTHS PERIOD OF REMISSION OF ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ8C IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1592 1. Yes 563 2. No 50 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2611-2611 S4CQ9 ANY EPISODE BEGAN AFTER DRINKING HEAVILY/MORE THAN USUAL -------------------------------------------------------- 153 1. Yes 2020 2. No 32 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2612-2612 S4CQ10 ANY EPISODE BEGAN WHEN EXPERIENCING BAD AFTEREFFECTS OF DRINKING ---------------------------------------------------------------- 118 1. Yes 2054 2. No 33 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2613-2613 S4CQ11 ANY EPISODE BEGAN AFTER USING MEDICINE OR DRUG ---------------------------------------------- 174 1. Yes 1997 2. No 34 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2614-2614 S4CQ12 ANY EPISODE BEGAN WHEN EXPERIENCING BAD AFTEREFFECTS OF MEDICINE OR DRUG ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132 1. Yes 2037 2. No 36 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2615-2615 S4CQ13CR ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE OR WHEN EXPERIENCING AFTEREFFECTS (BASED ON S4CQ9-S4CQ12 IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------ 198 1. Yes 1966 2. No 41 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2616-2616 S4CQ13DR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUGS 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ13A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------- 111 1. Yes 2050 2. No 44 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2617-2617 S4CQ13ER CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ13B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 1. Yes 2076 2. No 45 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2618-2618 S4CQ13IR ONLY/ANY EPISODE IN LIFE BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4CQ13CR IF ONLY ONE EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13CR & S4CQ13F IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 215 1. Yes 1947 2. No 43 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2619-2619 S4CQ13JR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) IN LIFE BEGAN AFTER DRINKING/DRUG USE (BASED ON S4CQ13CR IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13CR & S4CQ13F IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 1. Yes 1992 2. No 42 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2620-2620 S4CQ13KR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUGS 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ13DR IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13DR & S4CQ13G IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 1. Yes 2034 2. No 45 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2621-2621 S4CQ13LR STOPPED DRINKING/DRUGS 1+ MONTHS AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) (BASED ON S4CQ13DR IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13DR & S4CQ13G IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 1. Yes 2071 2. No 45 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 326 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2622-2622 S4CQ13MR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ANY EPISODE (BASED ON S4CQ13ER IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13ER & S4CQ13H IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 1. Yes 2060 2. No 46 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2623-2623 S4CQ13NR CONTINUED TO FEEL SAD FOR 1+ MONTHS AFTER STOPPED DRINKING/DRUG USE AFTER ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) (BASED ON S4CQ13ER IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ13ER & S4CQ13H IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 1. Yes 2086 2. No 45 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2624-2624 S4CQ14 WENT TO COUNSELOR/THERAPIST/DOCTOR/OTHER PERSON FOR HELP TO IMPROVE MOOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1395 1. Yes 789 2. No 21 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2625-2625 S4CQ15A STAYED OVERNIGHT IN HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF DYSTHYMIA ------------------------------------------------- 446 1. Yes 1735 2. No 24 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2626-2626 S4CQ15B WENT TO EMERGENCY ROOM FOR HELP BECAUSE OF DYSTHYMIA ---------------------------------------------------- 368 1. Yes 1813 2. No 24 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2627-2627 S4CQ16 DOCTOR PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUG TO IMPROVE MOOD/MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1244 1. Yes 942 2. No 19 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 327 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2628-2629 S4CQ17A AGE AT FIRST TIME SOUGHT HELP ----------------------------- 1480 5-86. Age 43 99. Unknown 41570 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia; did not seek or unknown if sought help for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2630-2631 S4CQ17B AGE AT MOST RECENT TIME SOUGHT HELP ----------------------------------- 1480 5-86. Age 43 99. Unknown 41570 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia; did not seek or unknown if sought help for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2632-2632 S4CQ18A OFTEN DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE MOOD/MAKE SELF FEEL BETTER --------------------------------------------------------- 383 1. Yes 1797 2. No 25 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2633-2633 S4CQ18B DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE MOOD IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------- 110 1. Yes 2069 2. No 26 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2634-2634 S4CQ18C DRANK ALCOHOL TO IMPROVE MOOD PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------- 376 1. Yes 1804 2. No 25 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2635-2635 S4CQ19A EVER USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE MOOD/MAKE SELF FEEL BETTER -------------------------------------------------------------------- 213 1. Yes 1987 2. No 5 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 328 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2636-2636 S4CQ19B USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE MOOD IN LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------- 40 1. Yes 2116 2. No 49 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2637-2637 S4CQ19C USED MEDICINE/DRUG ON OWN TO IMPROVE MOOD PRIOR TO LAST 12 MONTHS ----------------------------------------------------------------- 167 1. Yes 1989 2. No 49 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2638-2638 S4CQ20CR ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 440 1. Yes 1735 2. No 30 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2639-2639 S4CQ20DR DOCTOR SAID ONLY/MOST RECENT EPISODE RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303 1. Yes 1865 2. No 37 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2640-2640 S4CQ20GR ONLY/ANY EPISODE RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ20E & S4CQ20CR IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 464 1. Yes 1708 2. No 33 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 2641-2641 S4CQ20HR ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20A IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ20E & S4CQ20CR IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 347 1. Yes 1827 2. No 31 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia 329 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tape Location Source Code Frequency Item value and description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2642-2642 S4CQ20IR DOCTOR SAID THAT ONLY/ALL EPISODE(S) RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20B IF IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ20F & S4CQ20DR IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 239 1. Yes 1931 2. No 35 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2643-2643 S4CQ20JR DOCTOR SAID THAT ONLY/ANY EPISODE RELATED TO ILLNESS (BASED ON S4CQ20B IF ONLY 1 EPISODE, BASED ON S4CQ20F & S4CQ20DR IF ONLY 2 EPISODES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 324 1. Yes 1841 2. No 40 9. Unknown 40888 BL. NA, worst period did not meet symptom criteria for dysthymia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Utkarsh Ambudkar
December 8, 1983
American actor
He is of Indian heritage
Jay [Ghosts: 2021-2022]
Rakesh [The Dropout: 2022]
Manish [Never Have i Ever: 2021]
Raj [Brockmire: 2018]
Parminder [Freaks of Nature: 2015]
Nikash [Last Call: 2008]
black hair
brown eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
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Elyes Gabel
May 8, 1983
English actor
He is of Algerian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Anglo-Indian, Irish, and Portuguese descent
Walter [Scorpion: 2014-2018]
Andrew [World War Z: 2013]
Adam [Body of Proof: 2013]
Rakharo [Game of Thrones: 2011-2012]
Rob [Waterloo Road: 2009]
Nuff [I Love Mummy: 2002]
Black hair
Brown eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
Icons: Scorpion
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beautifulfaaces · 7 years
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Alexander Vlahos
30 July 1988
Welsh actor
she is of Greek descent
Philippe [Versaille: 2015-2018]
Mordred [Merlin: 2012]
Tom [The Indian Doctor: 2010]
Lewis [Doctors: 2010]
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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