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Episode 806: The Greatest Bronze-Age Superman Stories, Part 3
Today’s episode is the third of three looking at the best Superman stories of the Seventies to the mid-Eighties with the DC3Cast’s very own Vince Ostrowski! Vince & Greg dive into what makes the Superman of this era different than his more modern incarnation and give you gem after gem of Super-Tales of the post-Silver Age / pre-Crisis Man of Steel. Crises! Birthday presents! Planets exploding! Planets not exploding! Team-ups great and small! All that plus one last imaginary tale on today’s episode!
Comics referred to in this episode are:
Action Comics #544-546, 554, 583
Superman #385-386, 400, 412-414, 423
Superman Annual #11
DC Comics Presents #61, 82, 85, 87
Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, 11-12 (of 12)
All comics are available as individual issues on DC Universe Infinite except for Superman #385-386 and 400, and Action Comics #544-546.
Action Comics #544-546 and 400 are collected, either in full or excerpts, in the Adventures of Superman: Gil Kane or Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years collections.
Robots From Tomorrow is a comix podcast recorded deep beneath the Earth’s surface. You can subscribe to it via iTunes or through the RSS feed at RobotsFromTomorrow.com. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel at this link. Follow Greg and the show on Bluesky. Stay safe and enjoy your funny books.
Check out this episode!
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State of the My first channel Yolanda Kikou Cammywhite and other things (Quick Reminder Video)
Hello my legendary wolves this is just an Quick reminder video to tell you'll state of the channel
Even though the first Youtube channel is very slow at times the channel will continue to be an amazing like it has been doing so far and going forward,
And as i said before I understand that you guys like my old video game uploaded from the ps2 era and many other game era's on my ps4 pro
But while those games are on a very somewhat hiatus from my channel please give the other games as well as the New games that are shown some love, respect and support
And I'll get back to doing uploads of the old video games when I feel like it please be patient patience is the key please and thank you 🐺❤️.
And this is an 18+ Youtube channel with variety of Content please respect and support as well guys I do more than just video games on here I do other stuff too.
But anyway now that is out of the way I decided to that I'm bringing Back Youtube livestreams and online battles to youtube
yes I know you'll who have been on my first youtube channel for 9 years miss this so much so it's coming back you're welcome 😊
While I have changed my youtube livestreams to me live Streaming them only on holidays and my birthday nowadays I'm gonna start doing them alot more
So you'll get to see them more to go with the regular gameplay uploads I do as usual that are not live Streams okay 😁.
Also speaking of the Yolanda Kikou Cammywhite Youtube channel it has 806 subscribers we're getting closer and closer to the 1,000 subscriber goal can we do it!! Yes we can!!
Also thank you you'll for supporting my starmaker page and listening to my starmaker covers I'm glad you'll loved my singing on there and I can't wait to get Verified singer on starmaker 🎶.
And thank you for supporting my second Youtube channel Video game Music 0.2 as well it has Reached 143 subscribers
And I'm glad you'll loved the music theme videos I did of Awesomeness video game called Evil Zone it's an really amazing game.
And for the 1,000 subscriber special I was thinking about doing a Q and A but I decided ya know and since I'm bringing back online battles screw it we'll doing online battles
where you guys get to battle me online sounds good show of hands in the comments down below 🖐.
Also happy 5th anniversary REALITY 🎉 I will be live Streaming as my virtual wolf with a fox tail anime avatar on Reality to celebrate the 5th anniversary just as soon as i'm finished with some of my Reality missions on there okay 🐺❤️.
Also for those who haven't seen it yet I'm an Female Xehanort now on Kick I have a Kick channel called Lady Terrornort so if you want feel free to follow me on Kick
So just call me Lady Terrornort on Kick don't call me Terrinort if you do I will turn you'll into Xehanorts and send you to the realm of darkness hahahahaha okay so be careful :-)👍
But anyway that's it for this Quick Reminder video if you enjoyed this video than please be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to my two Youtube channels Yolanda Kikou Cammywhite and Video game Music 0.2
And follow all of my social medias and share them around with other amazing adult content creators and adult viewers Adults only.
Have an amazing Legendary day today my legendary wolves 🐺❤️ and Sailor Jupiter that like button and subscribe button Yolanda out bye bye peace ✌️.
Thanks for Watching 💪👧.
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I’ve been reading mandos intergalactic taxi service and UGH✨💕 the pining and fluff with the intimacy smut is just chefs kiss your writing style is amazing🤌🏽✨ I’ve been in such a Din mood lately, could your write like a confession drabble where the reader and din are pining for each other and din is dropping hints but the reader is like really not a hint taker lol pretty please with a cherry on top 😭💕 smut or fluff your choice I know you’d write it so well!!
BLESS YOUR HEART @liltangerineart and thank you! Next chapter of Taxi Service should be up tomorrow I hope!
In the meantime I hope you like this? Not a confession as such and more, uh, top!Mando than I intended, but he is bad at dropping hints. I like to think he would be very...straightforward 😎
Din Djarin/F!Reader - E - 1624 words - Oblivious!Reader, Infatuated!Din, frustrated yearning, angst and, of course, smut.
It's getting ridiculous.
He is a Mandalorian, one of the most fabled, the most feared warriors in the galaxy. Rumour and danger follow him as he charts a path through the galaxy that blazes bright, leaving behind myth and legend - people whispering things like 'I heard he killed a whole troop with his hands tied' and 'I heard he was eight feet tall, made of steel'.
He is a Mandalorian, who has never had to rely on anybody but himself - and yet here he is, sweating beneath his cowl whenever you brush too close, trying too hard to inhale the scent of you through his helmet's filters, memorizing the sound of your laugh.
It's like he's a foundling again - uncertain, insecure, nervous. And they’re not butterflies in the pit of his stomach - they’re bullets from an ancient slugthrower weapon, and he can taste metal at the back of his tongue whenever he tries to talk to you.
“Do you have someone, back home?” A clumsy overture, as obvious as it is stupid; Din winces beneath the helm but you don’t seem to notice - you just shake your head and shrug.
“No. Just me. I wouldn’t have left otherwise.” Loyal, he thinks, and the bullets in his stomach sting just that little bit harder.
He tries asking you more about yourself. How you became a bounty hunter. How many weapons you’ve handled. The different kinds of ships you’ve flown. Places you’ve been. But you never give up anything truly personal about yourself - you’re a cypher.
Maybe that’s why the Mandalorian finds himself strangely drawn to you.
He doesn’t know how to navigate this - not really. He has no experience with this kind of thing. It’s always been about the next quarry, the next job, and then it was about the kid, and now…
And now he’s stuck.
He wants to hit something, break something, feel the impact of his fists against flesh and bone. He settles for balling them up whenever you’re around, biting his tongue, and waiting til later to jerk himself off in pathetic, clench-jawed silence in the refresher.
“You slept late,” you point out the next morning as he emerges, stiff in more than one way, from his bunk.
“Couldn’t sleep last night,” he says, and he’s so tired, so frustrated that he adds, gruffly: “Bed was too empty.”
“Probably need more pillows,” you muse as you wander off to the kitchenette. “Cup of caf?”
“Extra strong,” he grunts as he leans a shoulder to the wall, and you’re oblivious to his glower.
“Coming right up.” A minute later, you press a mug into his hand. “I’ll leave you to it. No need to go hide, I’ll go find a bulkhead to look at while you take your helmet off.”
You grin at him, and he stares at you. You’re just about to turn away when he reaches up, and you go still, your smile slackening in shock as he thumbs the release latch under his chin.
The helm’s pneumatic seal hisses as it lifts, just enough so he can get the rim of his mug up and to his lips. He takes a long, slow pull, and while his vision is eclipsed by the rim of the helmet at the moment, he knows you haven’t left.
As he expects, you’re still there - staring at him as he lowers his helm back into place. Your mouth is even slightly open - lips parted - and he watches the dart of your tongue as you wet them before swallowing hard.
“I’m just...I’m just gonna,” you say, abortingly, and start to back away. You jump as your shoulder hits the hatchway. Din watches as you turn, hesitate, then hurry away, your shoulders squared defensively as if you can feel the force of his gaze on your back.
Alone, the taste of caf hot and bitter on his tongue, Din Djarin grins.
After that, he starts to notice. He starts to notice how tense you are when he’s close.
At first he’s not sure - but then, once, he deliberately brushes your waist as he moves past you in the cockpit to take the pilot’s seat, and you’re still standing there, frozen, when he glances back at you. You brush it off, but it happens again when you bump into him coming out of the fresher. When he reaches over your head in the kitchenette to fetch a ration bar from a compartment. When you lean over his shoulder to point out the coordinates to a refueling station. When he catches you yawning, falling asleep in the passenger’s seat.
“I’m going to hit my bunk,” you say, rising to your feet, your arms stretched above your head. Din turns slowly, and he catches the glimpse of a sliver of flesh as your shirt rides up. The words escape him before he’s even conscious of their existence.
“Want some company?”
Dank farrik, he’s been dropping hints and touches for ages - and he knows you’re affected by his presence, he’s sure of it now. They might be closer to butterflies for you, but his bullets are bouncing around in his gut right now.
“What?” you ask, half-laughing - as if it’s all some grand joke. “You gotta stop with the innuendo, Mando. I might get the wrong idea.”
“And if it’s not innuendo?” He’s flicked the ship to auto-pilot - on his feet - looming towards you. You’re caught in the hatchway, unable to step backwards to fall down the ladder, unwilling to turn your back. "If you've got the right idea?"
“What?” you repeat - licking your lips again. Your eyes are flicking back and forth from his visor to his hands. It’s almost like you're expecting a fight.
“I want to fuck you.”
The words are matter-of-fact but delivered in a low baritone, a gravelly rasp that lifts the hairs on the back of your neck. You stop breathing for a second - he can see it - and your leg twitches, just half a step backward - but then you swing it forward again, swaying towards him. Like he has you in his gravitational pull.
It’s all Din needs. He closes the distance between you, his gloved hands closing around your biceps, the leather worn and warm through your shirt.
He says your name, once, in a digital growl that curls your toes in your boots. And then it’s like an explosion - it all happens so quickly; there are hands and clothes everywhere and then on the deck, and in the aftermath you are in the Mandalorian’s arms, naked, your legs around his waist as he presses you up against the bulkhead.
His chestplate hits the deck - his flak jacket lifted above his head when you let him stop touching you long enough. You barely have time to appreciate the feel of his naked hands on your skin, cupping your breasts in his broad, smooth palms, thumbing your nipples all-too-briefly before he’s sliding down the zipper of his flight suit and baring a V of muscled flesh all the way to his groin.
“Mando,” you gasp as he frees his cock, as he maneuvers the throbbing, purpled head to drag through your slit. He finds you open and wet, lips parted for him, and he groans as he nudges against your fluttering hole. He doesn't hesitate.
He pushes in slow, for he’s a lot to take, thick and hard and the stretch is almost too much. You whine, your voice high and tight in your throat, and he soothes you with soft little noises and praise that makes you feel light-headed.
“Shhh, that’s it,” “You’re so fucking tight-” “Made to take my cock, mesh’la" and other words you don’t recognize. Eventually, he’s all the way inside you, his pelvis flush to yours, the scratch of hair at his pubic bone pressing into your mound.
You pant in his arms, eyes squeezed shut, a thin resin of sweat risen on your brow. “Move,” you order through clenched teeth, and finally you open your eyes to meet his visor and demand, “Fuck me, Mando.”
And he does - withdrawing his hips from the welcoming cradle of yours, his cock dragging back through you, and you can feel every ridge and vein before he’s spearing back in, jarring your back against the bulkhead. It’s a shock right through your system, and you can feel adrenaline flooding your veins, your blood pumping faster like you’re fighting for your life. You might as well be, for he does it again, and again, and soon he’s setting a punishing pace that hits against something soft and devastating deep inside you.
Your orgasm hits you like a blow you fail to dodge - winding you, knocking the air from your lungs - and for a moment all that matters is the blinding flash of pleasure through your nerves, the rolling wave that makes your cunt flutter in rippling spasms around the pulsing rod of his cock. He pins your hips with another vicious rut of his hips and then he’s coming, too, releasing into the impossible grip of your body, groaning with every spurt of spend he fills you with.
“Fuck,” Din summarizes, once you both can catch your breath - once your legs start to loosen, jelly-weak as he pulls out gently, lowering your feet back to the ground. He’s suddenly nervous - worried he’s fucked this up, done the wrong thing, lost patience and paid for it with your scorn.
But your smile is brilliant as you beam up at him - your face radiant - flushed and sweaty. You are beautiful.
“Next time, don't waste time dropping hints,” you tell him, and then you reassure him with a laugh, and the wonderful feeling of your arms around his neck.
For a while, he just holds you close. And for a while, the bullets in his stomach are gone.
#806 followers celebration#din djarin/f!reader#din djarin/you#din djarin smut#mandalorian smut#the mandalorian fanfic#mando/you#mando/reader#din djarin x reader#din djarin x female reader#din djarin x you#mando x you#mando x reader#mando smut
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Birthday Surprise
Viktor x GN!Reader
A/N: wrote this little drabble for my friend @thedreamlessnights for their birthday today!! Can be read as GN!reader though :)
Word Count: 806
Warnings: None! Just fluffy goodness 🥰
The walk back to your dorm feels like both the longest walk ever and all too short at the same time.
Usually you’re excited to go back home after a long day of work as a professor at the Academy. Today, however, you find yourself just slightly disappointed.
It’s your birthday.
Typically a day to be celebrated, but it’s just become another day on the calendar, adult life getting in the way more often than not.
A smile creeps onto your lips as you remember this morning, just after you slipped out of bed.
You had barely made it into the kitchen before a plate of your favorite breakfast was placed in your hand and Viktor was steering you back towards the small kitchen table.
A gentle kiss pressed to your temple as you settled in and amber eyes looking down at you as a smile of his own tugged at his lips.
“Happy birthday, miláček.”
The gesture had been sweet, and he had joined you as you ate breakfast. But, soon after, he had given the news that he wouldn’t be home until late tonight - him and Jayce having to work on a bigger project in the lab.
You could see the regret in his eyes as he spoke, and didn’t want him to feel even worse, so you smiled anyways, leaning over to give a quick peck to his cheek to assure him it was okay and you could celebrate when the weekend came.
Both of you left for work after that, and now you were here.
The keys in your pocket jingle as you pull them out, sifting though they ring to find the correct key and slide it into the lock.
The door opens with a quiet click, and you immediately find it odd that the lights are already on.
And…it smells like a bakery in here.
You don’t have much time to dwell on the oddities, because as soon as the door is open wide enough, your questions are answered.
Viktor is standing in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning on his cane with both hands as he smiles at you.
“Welcome home.” he says simply.
Closing the door behind you, you walk over to him, wrapping him in a tight hug, overjoyed to see him here unexpectedly.
“What are you doing here? I thought you had to work late?”
You pull away just enough to see a sheepish grin on his face, one of his hands rubbing at the back of his neck nervously.
“I eh…wanted to surprise you.”
Stepping away from you, he reveals the aforementioned surprise and your heart practically melts.
The kitchen table is covered in a white tablecloth and decorated with a couple candles. Two plates with your favorite meal already prepared and freshly cooked, steam still rising from the food.
And a small birthday cake in the middle to tie it all together.
Walking closer, you hear Viktor follow behind you as you take in the spread.
The icing on the cake is even your favorite colors. A simple ‘Happy Birthday’ message scrawled on top in shaky piping - clearly homemade and written by Viktor.
It’s perfect.
You turn to face him, heart fluttering in your chest as you reach out for him.
The scientist doesn’t let you finish, instead responding with a quick kiss before ushering you into your seat for the second time today.
“You deserve the world, miláček.”
Viktor takes his seat across from you at the table and pulls a box of matches from his pocket, striking one to light the few candles on the cake before focusing back on you.
“Happy birthday.”
The grin on your face is almost painful from how big it is, and your chest swells with adoration for your partner.
“I love you, Viktor.” Your voice is gentle as you reach out to take his hand across the table.
He nods before gesturing to the cake.
“I love you too. Now, I do believe it’s customary to blow out the candles, correct? Make a wish, and all that.”
You take a moment to think, staring at Viktor and then the cake, before quickly blowing out the small flames.
Taking his hand from yours Viktor claps softly, pulling a laugh from you.
“What did you wish for?” He asks, picking up his fork as you do the same.
You shrug. “I can’t tell you, or else it won’t come true.”
Giving a thoughtful hum, he doesn’t push the subject and starts to eat instead, moving onto topics of your day and his own.
Not that you’d tell Viktor, but you don’t really believe in the whole wish tradition.
Especially not when everything you could wish for is right here in front of you.
Happy Birthday Jams!! I hope your day is as amazing as you are!! <3
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Trying Something New
Masterlist | Domestic Oneshots Masterlist
Wordcount: 806
Summary: You introduce Nori to a new activity.
Part 2
Nori was at a complete loss for why you had brought him out to walk around the mountain. When he tried to get any insight into what was happening, you just shushed him and shuffled along, trying not to trip on the blanket that was wrapped around you.
“You look like an old woman.” He teased, “Would you care to impart some of your wisdom?”
You shot daggers at him with a glance, “Keep it up, just know that if you do, you won’t get a turn.”
“Doing what?” He asked, hoping he could get the answer out of you now.
“Perfect.” You declared, stopping at the top of the stairs. Out before you was a vast and empty hallway, followed by a bridge to a second set of stairs, “This will do just fine.”
You pulled the blanket off of your shoulders, laid it on the floor and looked up at your husband, “I need you to do something.”
Once you explained your plan, he did his best to comply, finding out that it actually looked pretty fun. He grabbed the top of the blanket, while you sat on the other end, and raced along the floor, dragging you along like a child, laughing the entire time.
After going back and forth a few times, he set down his edge and sat, “My turn?”
“Fine, I guess that’s fair.” You agreed, taking your turn to tug him along. Eventually, you both collapsed on the blanket, laughing at how ridiculous you probably looked to anyone else.
“I should probably tell you.” You spoke up, “Fili and Kili will be here to race us, I kind of cheated by getting you to practice.”
He perked up at the idea of a competition and once the boys arrived, you were ready to beat them.
“Alright, so, decide who’s pulling and we can get started.” You announced, watching Kili take a seat on the blanket, and you copied, “The only rule of blanket drag racing is to not fall, well, and be careful by the edges.”
“Ready to win, brother?” Fili asked, taunting Nori as you and Kili began the countdown.
As soon as they could, Fili and Nori took off, leaving you and Kili gripping the blanket to avoid falling off. When Fili got ahead of Nori for a moment, Kili threw both of his hands in the air to celebrate, and the blanket was pulled right out from underneath him. That disqualified the brothers, making you and Nori the champions of it all.
While the two of you celebrated, dancing and teasing the boys a bit, Dwalin cleared his throat down where you had all started.
“Just what is going on here?” He asked, arms crossed over his chest, “Is this how princes should act? Or for that matter, grown dwarrow?”
“So, she’s off the hook?” Nori asked, thrusting his thumb your way and throwing you under the bus, “It was all her idea.”
You slapped his arm, “Jerk.”
“I can see one way to rectify this whole situation.” Nori tried to recover, “You race us. You win, tell Thorin, do whatever it is you want. If we win, nobody gets in trouble.”
He accepted, going to pick up the edge of the blanket as Nori had been, but your husband had other ideas.
“Oh no, you’re the passenger.” He said, “Both the boys will drag you along.”
“They’ll lose on purpose.” Dwalin argued.
“Which is why, you only report us if we lose.” Nori said, “The boys are off the hook.”
“What?” You asked, “Nori, come on.”
“Trust me.” He whispered, “What do you say?”
He accepted, swapping places with Kili as everyone got ready to race.
After counting down, Nori raced the princes, going faster than he had either time before. The boys started lagging behind, and Dwalin barked out for them to go faster. Not only were they uncoordinated with one another, but with the added weight, they couldn’t keep up.
As you and Nori crossed the invisible finish line, you cheered at the victory, “Take that Dwalin!”
“You cheated.” He said to Nori, “I want a redo.”
“How in the world could I have cheated?” Nori asked, “Besides, no redos. No respectable grown dwarrow will go around behaving in such a manner. Good day Mister Dwalin.”
With that, the two of you headed down the stairs, the balled-up blanket in your husband’s arms. When you were nearly back home, you ran into the king. He looked at the out of breath, disheveled messes you both were, and the balled-up blanket and shook his head.
“I don’t want to know.” He said, letting you two pass without further argument. It was only later, when he saw his nephews and Dwalin just as disheveled that he put it together, “What did they do this time?”
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Um..... 5 and 12 with Din..? 🥺
Of course, anything for my #1 fan <3
Prompts by @starrynightdeancas:
#5 – “Are these flowers for me?”
#12 – “I um… got you this because it made me think of you.”
Din Djarin x gender neutral reader
Words: 806
Warnings: none
A/N: I put a little twist on these prompts and went a route that might be unexpected. Hope you don’t mind!
You smiled when you looked up at the horizon and saw the familiar Razor Crest make its descent towards the hangar of your shop. It had been a while since you had seen your newfound friends – the imposing Mandalorian and his adorable green child. You owned a small repair shop in the Outer Rim, and it had been frequented by Mando and his child for the past few months. At first, it seemed like he chose your shop purely because it was convenient. But over time, you gained his trust, and each visit became more than just a business transaction. You had come to know the Mandalorian as someone who had a kind heart, and you admired his loyalty to his people and to the child he had taken into his care. Truth be told, you formed a special attachment to both Mando and the child, but you knew you’d just have to settle for seeing them the few times they needed ship repairs or a place to lay low.
Wiping some ship grease off your hands, you walked out onto the small landing pad where Mando expertly set his ship down. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you watched the Crest’s ramp lower, but you were so excited to see that familiar glint of beskar as Mando exited the ship with the child in tow.
“Mando!” You greeted him with a bright smile before glancing down at the small child. He looked equally as excited as you, and your eyes widened when you saw him holding a tiny bouquet of flowers.
Mando chuckled at your expression, explaining, “The kid wanted to give you something.”
You knelt down in front of the child and gestured to the bouquet. “Are these flowers for me?” You asked in awe.
The child looked up at you with big eyes, extending his little hand towards you to give you the flowers. The adorable sight made your heart swell, and you desperately tried not to tear up at the sweet gesture.
“Thank you so much, kid,” you whispered as you brought the flowers to your nose. Glancing up at Mando, you added, “And thank you too. I’m sure he must have needed some help to pick such lovely flowers.”
Mando chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “It was all the kid’s idea,” he conceded, but you had a feeling he was just trying to play it off as something that didn’t take much effort. “There’s something else I did get you, though.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he sounded nervous. But you weren’t sure if someone like him could ever be nervous over something as simple as gift giving. You gasped as he pulled out a small tool – one of the latest and most popular hydrospanners on the market. Every mechanic in the Outer Rim had wanted one of these because of its more compact size compared to older versions, and you were shocked that Mando had taken the time to find one just for you.
Your fingers trembled as you slowly took the hydrospanner from him, staring at it in awe. “Wow, Mando,” you whispered as you turned it in your hands. “This is such a lovely gift! I’ve wanted one of these for a while, but you didn’t have to get me anything!” “I know,” he replied softly. “But I, um… I got it for you because it made me think of you.” Your eyes widened upon hearing his confession, and you tried not to show how much his words made your heart beat faster. “And,” he continued, “I thought you could use some travel-sized tools now.”
You looked at him quizzically before asking, “What do you mean?”
Mando fidgeted slightly, and you thought he looked so cute when he was nervous. “Well,” he replied hesitantly, “I was wondering if you’d like to join us.” Your heart skipped a beat, not expecting Mando to invite you to join him in his travels. The silence must have unnerved him because he quickly added, “I could use a mechanic on the ship. It would be a lot more convenient. And maybe you could help with the kid too.”
His words sounded rushed, and you could tell he was trying to convince you to say yes. But you had already made your decision before he even asked. It had been weeks since you started daydreaming of traveling with the Mandalorian and his child, so there was no way you would pass up this opportunity now that it finally arrived. You looked down at Mando’s gift in your hand, and your smile grew wider as you thought of all the adventures you would have with your two favorite people in the galaxy.
“Yes, of course,” you finally responded with a grin. “I’d love to join you.”
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the beautiful @sarahjkl82-blog requested this!! i hope u like it babe 💛💛
26. when it’s a slow burn, and the characters just look at each other like “fuck it i’m done with this” and kiss
word count: 806 // warnings: i might have missed a swear word or something, do we still need to tag season 2 finale spoilers??
main masterlist

It’s like the ground has been ripped out from underneath you, the way things have changed practically overnight.
Not that you aren’t used to being thrown in the deep end head first, it’s all that’s really happened since you agreed to accompany Mando after you and Kuill had helped put his ship back together. For a man so determined to keep his head down, he has a tendency to get himself into trouble. Trouble is a relatively tame way of phrasing it, ‘regularly endangering all of your lives but mostly his own’ might be more accurate.
Your heart hurts watching the scene in front of you, as Mando and Grogu say goodbye. You want nothing more than to be able to stand beside them, with how they’ve wormed their way into your heart and become like your family. It’s an odd mix, sure, but undeniable. Ahsoka had said you were like parents to the little one and you’re finding it more and more difficult to disagree.
Mando reaches up for his helmet, and it takes you a second to realise exactly what he’s doing, but thankfully your brain kicks in before you can get any kind of glimpse and you close your eyes. You can’t see his face, not now. Not like this. It’s not at all how you thought it would go and even though he knows he’s in a room full of people, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him if you tried.
There’s a tug on your leg and you open your eyes to find Grogu looking up at you, all big eyes and gappy smile. He wants to say goodbye to you. Your heart only cracks further as you crouch down to the ground, all too aware of the eyes on you, and kiss him on his wrinkly little head.
“Be good.” You grin, voice wavering with unshed tears. You won’t cry yet, this is something he has to do.
Your eyes stay on him, on your son, as he toddles back over to the Jedi to head off on a new adventure. It takes everything in you not to let yourself look at Mando. He only speaks when the doors of the elevator have closed, once again concealed by his helmet, to confirm a pick up for four to Fett.
Almost as quickly as it started, it’s over, and you find yourself back on Nevarro wondering what exactly it is you should do now. There’s nothing left for you on Arvala-7, not with Kuill gone. But, you’re not sure there’s anything for you here either. Greef Karga offered you employment in the town, something you told him you’d consider, but you’re not sure if you really want to settle in on another planet as desolate as the one you left behind so long ago. What you really want, is to keep travelling with Mando. But will he even keep you on now that the little one is gone?
You find him alone, down in the old forge of the Mandalorian covert, and it’s not exactly easy to see much of anything in the tunnels. Which is why you don’t notice he’s not wearing his helmet, or any of his armour, until you’re already in the room.
He’s staring right at you, with big brown eyes that make you think of the kid. They’re red rimmed, but you’re not surprised. You’ve done an awful lot of crying over the last day or so yourself. You’re not even sure what you’re supposed to say, he somehow looks nothing like you expected but everything you imagined at the same time. He looks kind. That’s how you know it’s him.
“Kind of sucks I have to go back to moisture farming in the middle of asscrack nowhere, after all that adventure.” Yeah, a lame joke. That’ll break the tension of seeing the face of the man you’re pretty sure you’re in love with for the first time. Nice going.
You’re ready to turn and leave when he crosses the space in two big steps and sweeps you up into a kiss that leaves you breathless. Your fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt as he winds his arms around you. And this is where you’re meant to be. It’s short, sweet, but somehow tells you everything he hasn’t been able to up until now. He loves you, you think. Or he could, someday.
“Please don’t go,” His voice shakes, and you hang onto his shirt a little tighter, “I can’t lose you.”
“Only if you keep kissing me like that, I waited too damn long for you to make a move.” You grin so wide it hurts your cheeks, but you don’t have it in you to care.
Mando chuckles, and pulls your face back to his. Yeah, this is where you belong.

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@bee-dameron @keeper0fthestars @thevoiceinyourheadx @firstofficerwiggles @1800-fight-me @ew-erin @chatterbean
#liz's follower celebration!!#the mandalorian#the mandalorian x reader#the mandalorian x you#din djarin#din djarin x reader#din djarin x you#star wars#liz does words#sfw
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someone offered me to draw a pickle to celebrate 700 followers
i forgot to do it
now there are 800(806) followers,you deserve it
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People say you learn something new every day, so what did you learn today? Welp, Descendants of the Sun got me curious about the mandatory military service in South Korea so I read all about that this morning. Apparently there’s a celebrity who tried getting out of his conscription by obtaining American citizenship shortly before he was due to be drafted, and the South Korean government wasn’t too pleased with what he did and banished him from the country permanently; to this day he lives in China, and he’s the only person in South Korean history to be given such a punishment. It’s both hilarious and sad. If you could get your own house with one friend, who would you pick? Gabie, duh. She’s my best friend so she counts too lol. Which is worse, too-tight clothes or much too-loose clothes? In terms of comfort? Too-tight clothing. But they look better on me than loose clothes, so I still prefer wearing tight ones. Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, pancakes, waffles, or cereal? Pancakes. Waffles are nice too, but I prefer them paired with something savory. I can live without the other three. Do you think you are more of a good or bad influence? Good. I follow the rules way too much and the things I do that would make me a bad influence, like smoking, I only do with people who already do them.
Yes or no: eyebrow piercings? Not for me, but I don’t mind it if others get them. Yes or no: thongs for men? They can wear whatever they want. What is something that you are willing to fight for? Ousting the current government. If you jump, can you touch the ceiling of the room you're in? Definitely not. Do you know how to dance a waltz? No. I don’t even know what that dance looks like. When I say The Beatles, what is the first song that comes to mind? Hey Jude. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you be able to teach best? History for sure. I’d have a lot of fun teaching it too. :) Which do you think is worse: ear aches or tooth aches? I’ve never had an ear ache so I can’t compare, but tooth aches suck ass. I had a series of them from October to December last year and there were plenty of times I’d wake up at 2 AM and cry just because it hurt a lot. How many different colors are you wearing right now? What are they? Brown and black. In your opinion, what is the very worst type of weather? Sunny and humid, which is – ever so conveniently – the usual weather where I live. It’s June now though thank goodness so I’m just waiting for the day the sun goes away for a while and for it to be replaced with thunderstorms. Do you look anything like your best friend(s)? I look nothing like either of them. You can only listen to one band for the rest of your life, who do you pick? Paramore. Are there any movies coming out that you're looking forward to? Which ones? I...don’t think anything will be coming out for a while, though I am excited for Happiest Season which has Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis, as well as for Ammonite which stars Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan. Do you like big or small cars better? Idk man, as long as it can take me places I’ll be alright with it lol. What is your favorite made up animal? I don’t have a favorite of one of these. Yes or no: Hawaiian pizza? Not for me, but you do you. I hate it when people shame me for not liking Hawaiian pizza though, or when they force me to try it. Yes or no: Coffee Ice cream? Yummmmmmm. Mad Mark’s has a particularly good coffee flavor. Who is your all time favorite cartoon character? Spongebob. What store do you get the majority of your shoes from? Nike. What place, in your mind, is heaven on earth? How about hell on earth? Heaven on earth is any coffee shop with strong aircon, large selection of drinks, and acceptable pastries/cakes. Hell on earth is any government agency that I’ve had to line up for, such as the LTO. Do you think there is anything scary about midnight? Not at all. I’m usually very awake by then and I find that time of the day comforting. Can you snap with both of your hands? Nope, I can’t do it with my left hand. In your opinion what is the absolute worst house chore? I haven’t had to do it myself yet but I suppose I’d hate cleaning the bathroom. How young do you think is too young to get married? I don’t really like answering questions like these because it’s typically a sensitive topic and everyone has their own preferences...personally though, I think getting married before 25 or 26 is a little early for me. Who do you think is the dumbest superhero? And the coolest? I don’t know much about superheroes. I know I like Wonder Woman though lol. Would you rather be a hair stylist or a clothes designer? Both require creativity, and I suck at that.
What is something that you had to learn the hard way? Loss. If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you paint it? Baby blue or baby pink; either would be fine. I’m still a kid at heart, haha. If I had the modern house of my dreams, I’d have my room painted gray. What is something you're proud of yourself for? Getting over my horrific depressive slump back in 2017. Which smiley face do you like better: =] or :) :) I haven’t used the equal sign for a smiley since like 2009. If you could go to any amusement park right now, which would you go to? Universal Studios in Singapore. What is something that always gets you mad? Paid government trolls. Would you rather be 3 inches taller or shorter than you are now? Taller. If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what would you pick? I would really prefer they stay in their natural habitat. Which do you prefer: M&M's, Skittles, Milk Duds, or Reese's Pieces? REESE’S. Feel free to have the rest of these, reader. Are there any foods that you think smell good, but taste bad? Longganisa. Without a goddamn doubt. Would you ever stay overnight at any of your neighbors houses? Not unless there’s an absolute emergency that leaves me no choice but to ask them if I can stay the night even though I’ve never talked to them. Do you think it would be funner to play a hero or the villain in a movie? Villain, haha. What was the last new food you tried? Did you like it? I’ve had the food before but my mom bought pork buns from a new place a few days ago. I didn’t really like it; I’ve had better pork buns in other restaurants. If you had the last name of your favorite actor, what would your name be? Winslet, heheh.
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Holy Apostles St Peter and Paul
The Fast and the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

By Bishop Thomas Joseph and Peter Schweitzer
Having celebrated the feast of feasts, the Lord’s Pascha, and Pentecost fifty days thereafter, we are about to embark upon the Apostles’ Fast, which this year begins on June 12, 2017, and ends with the commemoration of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul on June 29.
The Apostles’ Fast is a prescribed fasting period of the Church, lasting from the day after the Sunday of All Saints to the 29th of June, the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
It is a sad truth that many neglect this particular fast for a variety of reasons inconsistent with the apostolic and patristic tradition. Prior to reflecting upon the importance of the Apostles’ Fast, a review of the ancient history of this particular fast may help us to recognize its integral place in the life of each and every Orthodox Christian.
The fast of the holy Apostles is very ancient, dating back to the first centuries of Christianity. We have the testimony of St. Athanasius the Great, St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Leo the Great and Theodoret of Cyrrhus regarding it. The oldest testimony regarding the Apostles’ Fast is given to us by St. Athanasius the Great (†373).
In her Diary, the pilgrim Egeria (fourth century) records that on the day following the feast of Pentecost a period of fasting began. The Apostolic Constitutions, a work composed no later than the fourth century, prescribes: “After the feast of Pentecost, celebrate one week, then observe a fast, for justice demands rejoicing after the reception of the gifts of God and lasting after the body has been refreshed.”
From the testimonies of the fourth century we ascertain that in Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch the fast of the holy Apostles was connected with Pentecost and not with the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul on June 29. In the first centuries, after Pentecost there was one week of rejoicing, that is a fast-free week, followed by about one week of fasting.
The canons of Nicephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople (806-816), mention the Apostle's Fast. The Typicon of St. Theodore the Studite for the Monastery of Studios in Constantinople speaks of the Forty Days Fast of the holy Apostles. St. Symeon of Thessalonica (†1429) explains the purpose of this fast in this manner: “The Fast of the Apostles is justly established in their honor, for through them we have received numerous benefits and for us they are exemplars and teachers of the fast ... For one week after the descent of the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the Apostolic Constitution composed by Clement, we celebrate, and then during the following week, we fast in honor of the Apostles...” continue reading
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Congratulations!!!! You've brought escape and excitement to way more than 806 people though, I'm pretty sure ☺️
As for a request, here's maybe a potential one? I would love to know what happens after Would You. I think some nervous/excited soon to be daddy din would be a super sweet fluffy complement to the hotness that is Would You.
Again, big congrats, and thanks for all your work!
Thank you so much, that's always so wonderful to hear. Ilu all. <3
I uh don't know if this fits the bill. It's a lil smuttier than I intended but who doesn't want Din to tell them they're beautiful repeatedly amirite? I hope?
With You - Din Djarin/F!Reader - E - Words: 1.4k - Warnings: Pregnancy, Pregnancy kink? i guess? Horny Din on main, pregnancy hormones, mentions of body changes to do with pregnancy, Din being lovely, etc etc. Fingering and whatnot.
You sit scrunched-up in the passenger seat, the cockpit quiet around you save for the sound of your crunching teeth. You fish another block of ice from the cup balanced precariously on the edge of a control panel and pop it into your mouth, cracking it in two with your molars.
A low, annoyed, modulated grunt comes from the cabin’s other occupant - the pilot. The Mandalorian.
Your Mandalorian. Din Djarin.
“Do you have to do that?”
You chew the rest of the ice in your mouth, noisily. “Do what?”
“That. You’re...chewing very loudly.”
“I’m sorry,” you drawl sarcastically as you slide another block between your lips. “Am I distracting you?”
He turns as you suck slowly on the melting ice cube, a rivulet of moisture tracking its way over your chin, down your neck. He can’t look away, you can tell - you can feel his gaze, hot on you even through the smoked transparisteel of his visor.
You’ve been alternately insatiable and violently ill, in equal measure, with no apparent rhyme or reason or pattern. You’re oddly tearful, too - one time, when you’re camping out in the forest of some planet tracking a bounty, you cry after Din kills a local version of a deer for dinner. You, a woman who has stood indifferent over the dead and dying, responsible for their suffering.
He tells you that you will be a great mother. That you will be fierce and fearless and his praise soothes the not-so-distant anxiety weighing on your shoulders like bags of sand being slowly filled, growing heavier by the moment.
You feel like you’re hurtling towards something too unknown - something too new - a life, one you are responsible for bringing into the galaxy. This shitty, broken galaxy that is entirely indifferent to the happiness of even two people - let alone three.
And yet, here you are. With him.
Din loves you. He knows it with absolute certainty, without question. And he knows he will protect you, and his child, to his dying breath. He spends his days making sure you know it, and you can tell he doesn’t want you to come on hunts any more. He makes excuses - starts getting you to hang back to ‘guard the ship’. You let him, and he thinks he’s won, but sometimes you slip out secretly and follow him. It’s either that or go insane.
“Din,” you whine, petulant - stretching out, and he watches your shirt ride up and reveal a slice of slightly rounded belly. You’re only three months along but he can see the curve growing and it swells him with a distinctly male pride. “I’m bored.”
“Mm-hm.” Finished with the ice, you set the cup aside and stand, stretching your arms above your head. “We’ve been in hyperspace for ages.”
“We’re still a few hours out,” he says with an indifferent lift of his pauldron. “Why don’t you take a nap?”
“I don’t want to take another fucking nap,” you snap, then immediately feel guilty about it. “Oh - Din, I’m sorry. I’m just restless. I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin.”
“Your skin is beautiful,” he deadpans, as if he’s commenting on the weather - so matter-of-fact it makes you smile. He’s romantic in a different way, you think. “Come here.”
You step towards him without hesitation, although you still feel that twist in the pit of your stomach, that flutter behind your ribcage. The little catch of breath as you go to inhale, whenever you’re close to him. He fucking knocked you up and you still feel like a nervous teenager around him sometimes.
He reaches out, gloved fingers settling on your waist, and he rubs back and forth a moment before his hand wanders beneath your shirt. He caresses the softened hill of your stomach, and this close you can hear his breath through the vocoder - stirred, stuttering.
“You are so beautiful,” he tells you, and this time, his voice has dropped an octave - rumbling close and hot, reaching through you to a place that makes the hair on the back of your neck rise. “You’re getting more beautiful every day.”
“Fatter, you mean,” you pout. You’re just glad the sickness is not as bad now - you don’t miss the mornings spent crouched with your head over the vacc tube and Din holding your hair back.
“No,” he says at once, “You’re not fat. You’re carrying a new life.”
He instills in you the sanctity of the moment - an appreciation for the wriggling mass of dividing cells slowly growing into a baby in your womb. It still doesn’t quite feel real, somehow, thinking of it as a child - a baby you are going to bring into the world.
You have every confidence in Din as a father. It’s you you’re worried about.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” you confess on a whisper - not the first time you’ve said it to him. He always talks you down, talks you through - brings you back to yourself, and to him. Now is no exception.
“You can. You are. With me.” He’s taken off his gloves, put them aside somewhere - his hands are smooth and firm as they sweep over your stomach, your hips. He pulls you in and you part your legs, and you seat yourself automatically in his lap, the coolness of bare Beskar pressed into the backs of your thighs.
“With you,” you repeat, trailing your fingers along the side of his helm. You feel him smile - his fingers twitch against your hip and he draws you in closer, your knees spread around him. You suck in a breath as your crotch drags over his groin, and you realize he’s hard already, just from touching you.
“I knew you’d be fucking sexy,” he mutters, “full of my child -”
You hiss a breath, “Don’t talk like that, Din, you know it makes me want to-” You cut yourself off, biing the inside of your bottom lip. One of his hands is wandering around your front, threateningly close to your breast.
“What?” he coaxes, urging you on as he cups the full weight of it in his smooth, warm palm, “Makes you want to what?”
His thumb creeps tantalizingly close to your nipple, and you start to breathe a little quicker. “Please, Din-”
“Makes you want to what, mesh’la?” he repeats, pinching just lightly with thumb and forefinger, but in your current, hyper-sensitive state, it’s enough to make you whimper.
“It makes me want you. I want you to fuck me.”
Suddenly, Din is lifting you to your feet - peeling your pants and underwear down in one fist, not even bothering to get them past your knees before he’s got his hand back between your legs. He pulls your back against his chest, his arms around you, one molding you to him - the other in between your thighs, his fingers working through your already slick folds, probing at the entrance of your weeping cunt.
“Yeah?” he whispers in your ear, his voice tuned to a sinister, promising buzz by the vocoder, “You want me to make you come?”
“Yes,” you near-sob, the stretch of his fingers in your oversensitive channel almost too much already. He grinds the heel of his hand against your clit and you clinch your eyes shut and let your mouth fall open on a moan.
“That’s it,” he purrs, “Let me take care of you. Let me make you come.”
And, seconds later, you do - with a drawn out “Fuuu-uck,” and a groan that unfurls from the depths of your chest, your whole body shaking in Din’s grip as your pussy squeezes furiously at his fingers. He caresses you through it as the waves arch your spine and make you throw your head back against his shoulder to cry your pleasure to the stars.
When it’s over, when all that remains are phantom twitches and an otherworldly buzz in every nerve, he pulls his hand back. You shiver, and he wraps both arms around you - his hands cradling your stomach - pulling you back against him.
“You feel different when you come now,” he muses, and you wrinkle your nose - he doesn’t have to see your expression to intercept it with an explanation, though. “Stronger. Wetter. It’s...I bet you’re fucking delicious.”
Oh, you think. “Oh,” you say, dimly, the ghost of a shiver moving through you. Din feels it. Of course he feels it.
“I’m taking you to my bunk,” he suddenly declares, rising to his feet - you in his arms. You shriek in surprise and enjoyment, laughing as he maneuvers you feet-first through the narrow hatchway.
“Din Djarin, I’m going to make sure you can’t walk straight for a week.”
And you make good on your promise. More than once.
#806 followers celebration#mando smut#the mandalorian smut#din djarin/you#din djarin/reader#din djarin/f!reader#din djarin x you#din djarin x reader#din djarin x f!reader#din djarin smut#mando x you#mando/you#mando/reader
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Chapter 2
Word Count: 806
Warnings: Language
Author’s note: Here is the second chapter of The Creator! Also, I will be posting this series on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays will be dedicated to one-shots! I might also throw in some random drabble posts when I feel like it, so be on the lookout!
“We’re home!!” a bright cheery voice rang from the doorway. You turned your head that was resting on Tyler’s chest to see your daughter and son back from school.
“How was it?” Tyler asked and Connor shrugged while Autumn went on and on about how they watched the broadcast, and then created cookies in the shape of Nico for the anniversary of Dema.
“Can you ever shut up?” Connor spat at his sister which made Tyler furious.
“Connor Joseph. Up to your room. Now” Tyler closed his eyes and pointed up the stairs, and Connor sulked all the way to his bedroom. Autumn quickly came over and wanted to be picked up by you.
“Autumn, you’re getting a little heavy to be picked up!” You said out of breath as you placed her on your hip. She was small for her age, but she was still growing fast.
“I get my job assignment soon!” She squealed into your ear making you wince.
“Are you excited?” Tyler asked and she nodded her head aggressively. You and Tyler glance at each other to signal that it was a good time for the talk.
“Should we get Connor back down here?” You asked and Tyler nodded.
“CONNOR! Family meeting!” Tyler yelled up and Connor came back downstairs.
“What? I just was sent upstairs,” he asked and Tyler nodded to the couch. Everyone headed to the family room and sat on the couch. Tyler was feeding Westley while you started the conversation.
“So, Autumn has her job assignment this weekend and I want you to understand that ALL jobs are equally as important, even if you get chosen to do something you consider unimportant. It’s our duty to keep our beautiful country running!” You explained, watching Autumn to make sure she was following along.
“Exactly. Dema is a wonderful place to live, even if it is different than it was ten years ago, but that’s how history works.” Tyler added in. Autumn nodded.
“Connor, do you have anything to say?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I guess just understand that we have rules and job assignments so Dema doesn’t crumble,” he mumbled, not wanting to be at this family talk.
“Good. Now Autumn, do you understand why society is like this?” you asked. She gave you a puzzled look.
“Like what?”
“There wasn’t always a ban on music, and creators and listeners use to not exist,” you said slowly.
“You mean anyone could listen to music?” she asked, her eyes widening.
“I use to listen to music and paint, even though I don’t remember it,” Connor added in.
“But things have changed for the better. Nico has decided to choose listeners and creators because in the past when anyone could be them, bad stuff has happened,” you continued on.
“Like what bad stuff?”
“Like, celebrities would get into drugs, and there was a lot of abuse and assault in the celebrity industry. We need responsible role models.” Tyler explained. He looked at you raising an eyebrow, and you nodded.
“Autumn, your dad use to make music. He used to be a creator,” you exclaimed, and Tyler nodded.
“What?? Why aren’t you anymore?” she asked with a worried tone.
“Because my music did bad things,” he said but you interrupted him.
“Because Nico thinks it did bad things. Your father was talented, but people used his music in the wrong way and lost him and Josh’s ability to be a creator.”
“Uncle Josh was a creator too?” She seemed so bewildered by all the information she was gathering.
Tyler nodded, “Yep, he was my drummer. He was a damn good drummer too.”
“I want to hear you sing.” Autumn pouted and crossed her arms. You picked her up and placed her on your lap. You pushed her hair behind her ear as you explained how dangerous that is.
“Sweetie, I know, but if the Niner’s or the Bishop’s found out then our whole family would be in danger. There are rules for a reason, and we have to follow the rules no matter how unfair they seem.” You explained. You hated the rules too. You missed the nights that Tyler would play the piano and sing you to sleep. He had sold out shows and traveled all around the world, and country back when it was called the United States of America, before Nico became the leader and closed off its borders and named it Dema.
“I’m nervous for my job assignment,” Autumn whispered. Tyler grabbed her little hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Everything’s going to be okay, baby girl.” Tyler gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.
“Let’s go have dinner,” you suggested, picking up and taking Westley with you, even though you were starting to become nervous of what Autumn’s job assignment would be.
#tyler joseph x reader#tyler joseph fanfiction#tyler joseph#tyler joseph fanfic#twenty one pilots#twenty one pilots fanfiction#twenty one pilots fanfic#josh dun#josh dun fanfiction#the creator#beanfic
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Saint of the Day – 12 April – St Zeno of Verona (c 300 – 371) Bishop of Verona, Monk, Confessor, Reformer, possibly a Martyr the persecutions of Constantius II and Julian the Apostate – Born c 300 at Mauretania near Algiers, North Africa and died on 12 April 371. Patronages – anglers, children learning to speak, children learning to walk, fishermen, newborn babies, diocese of Verona, Italy, 41 cities.

St Zeno of Verona came from Mauretania (Algeria and Morocco) in North Africa, born in the year c 300. He may have been a follower of Athanasius of Alexandria who followed his master to Verona in about 340. The ancient Sermones texts on Old Testament exegesis have been attributed to St Zeno due to the style of the 90 or so Sermones attributed to Zeno has been considered evidence of his African origins. (Above - San Zeno Altarpiece. Zeno is on the far right.)

He entered monastic life and would be appointed a bishop, winning converts back from Arianism, setting up a convent for women, living a life of poverty, training priests to work in the diocese and reforming how the Agape feast was celebrated. (The term Agape or Love feast was used for certain religious meals among early Christians that seem to have been originally closely related to the Eucharist.) He would not allow loud groaning and wailing at funerals, supported adult baptism by complete immersion and established a practice of giving medals to the newly baptised.
He was the eighth bishops of Verona for a decade or so and is described as a ‘confessor of the faith’ in early martyrologies, may have suffered persecution under Constantius II and Julian the Apostate — a reference to his ‘happy death’ on 12 April, 371, indicates he may have been martyred. Saint Gregory the Great calls him a martyr in his Dialogues. A contemporary letter from St Ambrose of Milan refers to Zeno’s holiness. He is known to have lived in great poverty. (Above - Verona – Fresco of Holy Mary with st. John the Baptist and st. Zeno)

St Zeno is the patron saint of fishermen and anglers, of the city of Verona, of newborn babies as well as children learning to speak and walk. A saint for spiritual toddlers. At least 30 churches and chapels bear his name. He may have been fond of fishing in the River Adige but the depictions of him with a fishing rod are thought to refer to his success in ‘catching converts’ for the faith. A fisher of men and women for Christ.
In the year 589, at the same time that the Tiber overflowed a considerable quarter of Rome, and the flood over-topped the walls, the waters of the Adige, which fails from the mountains with excessive rapidity, threatened to drown or submerge a great part of the city of Verona. The people flocked in crowds to the church of their holy patron Zeno: the waters seemed to respect its doors, they gradually swelled as high as the windows, yet the flood never broke into the church but stood like a firm wall, as when the Israelites passed the Jordan; and the people remained there twenty-foul hours in prayer, till the water subsided within the banks of the channel. This miracle had as many witnesses as there were inhabitants of Verona. The devotion of the people to St Zeno was much increased by this and other miracles.

The Adige flowing through Verona
St Zeno’s liturgical feast day is celebrated today, 12 April but in the diocese of Verona, it is also celebrated on 21 May, in honor of the translation of his relics on 21 May 807.
Tradition states that Zeno built the first basilica in Verona, situated in the area probably occupied by the present-day cathedral. His eponymous church in its present location dates to the early ninth century, when it was endowed by Charlemagne and his son Pepin, King of Italy. It was consecrated on 8 December 806; two local hermits, Benignus and Carus, were assigned the task of translating Zeno’s relics to a new marble crypt. King Pepin was present at the ceremony, as were the Bishops of Cremona and Salzburg, as well as an immense crowd of townspeople. The church was damaged at the beginning of the tenth century by Hungarians, though the relics of Zeno remained safe. The basilica was rebuilt again, and made much larger and stronger. Financial support was provided by Otto I, and it was re-consecrated in 967, at a ceremony presided over by the Bishop Ratherius of Verona.
The present church of San Zeno in Verona is a work of the twelfth, thirteenth and early fifteenth centuries for the most part. It is well known for its bronze doors (c 1100 – c 1200) which depict, besides stories from the Bible, the miracles of Saint Zeno, images drawn from stories, including those recorded by the notary Coronato, the facade sculpture signed by Nicholaus and an associate Guglielmus and the rose window (c 1200), which is the work of Brioloto.




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Amarillo entertainment in brief
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/entertainment/amarillo-entertainment-in-brief/
Amarillo entertainment in brief

Cinemark Hollywood hosting anniversary showing of ‘The Birdcage’
Cinemark Hollywood 16 & XD, 9100 Canyon Drive, is hosting a TCM Big Screen Classics Presents showing of “The Birdcage 25th Anniversary.”
Screenings are scheduled for 3 and 7 p.m. Sunday; and 7 p.m. Monday and Wednesday.
In this hysterical comedy, Armand (Robin Williams) and Albert (Nathan Lane) have built the perfect life for themselves tending to their gaudy Miami nightclub. But their pastel tranquility is shaken when Armand’s son announces that he’s getting married to the daughter of ultra-conservative Senator Keeley (Gene Hackman)…and they’re all getting together for dinner.
Tickets for this special screening are $12.45 and available for purchase in advance online at www.fathomevents.com
Music at Wellington Square Courtyard series scheduled
The Music at Wellington Square Courtyard series is held each Saturday at 1619 S. Kentucky St. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the music starts at 7 p.m.
The series will continue every Saturday through the months of June, July and August, featuring artists from the Amarillo area. The schedule for the series is as follows:
• 7/3: Esquire Jazz Band
• 7/10: Polk Street Jazz
• 7/17: Band Directors’ Big Band
• 7/24: Geezers Gone Wild
• 7/31: Tennessee Tuckness and Friends
• 8/7: Martini’s
• 8/14: Jim Laughlin Quartet
• 8/21: Esquire Jazz Band
• 8/28: Polk Street Jazz
Tickets for each event are $12 on Eventbrite and $15 at the door, with kids 12 and younger admitted free. Attendees can bring their own food, drinks and chairs.
For more information about the series, visit https://www.facebook.com/musicatwellingtonsquarecourtyard/.
Botanical gardens kicks off summer concert series
The Amarillo Botanical Gardens, 1400 Streit Drive, is gearing up for its Music in the Gardens Summer Concert Series sponsored by Rick Looby Homes.
The event is scheduled for 7-9 p.m. every Thursday through Sept. 16. Gates open at 6 p.m.
Enjoy some of the best local bands, food trucks and scenery. Stop in early to enjoy free dance lessons on the patio provided by Footloose Amarillo.
This family-friendly event is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the summer.
Tickets are $10 at the gate or $5 for members.
For more information, contact Lauren Frazier, event coordinator at [email protected].
Lake Meredith hosting Movies at the Lake
Officials with the Lake Meredith National Recreation Area announced a schedule for three Movies at the Lake events this summer.
According to a news release, the movie showings will be free at the Fritch Fortress Amphitheater located in the area. The schedule for the series, which lasts through the end of July, is as follows:
• Saturday, July 3: “I Still Believe” at 9:30 p.m.
• Saturday, July 31: “Raya and the Last Dragon” at 9:30 p.m.
According to the release, attendees will be able to purchase concession items at the Snack Shack, the proceeds of which will go to offsetting the cost of purchasing the movie copyrights as well as the possibility of a fireworks show in 2022.
For more information, call the park’s headquarters at (806) 857-3151.
For more information about the Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, visit https://www.nps.gov/lamr/index.htm.

Texas country legend Keen headlines Fourth of July event
The Starlight Ranch Event Center kicks off the Fourth of July celebration on Saturday, July 3 with Texas Country Legend Robert Earl Keen headlining the festivities with Americana singer Kaitlin Butts.
Fireworks will be lighting up the sky after the concert. What once used to be a zipline tower, is now being converted into a platform to help light up the sky.
There will also be a variety of food trucks and vendors from around the Panhandle.
General admission tickets for children younger than 18 are $15 (plus fees); and for adults 18 and older, $30 (plus fees).
For more information or to purchase tickets, go to www.bigtexan.com/starlight-ranch-event-center/
Cinemark Hollywood hosts screening of documentary
Cinemark Hollywood 16 & XD, 9100 Canyon Drive, is hosting a special screening of the Metropolitan Opera’s “Yannick: An Artist’s Journey.”
The event is scheduled for 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 7.
The Metropolitan Opera presents this feature-length documentary that profiles the Met’s Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Following the maestro’s inspiring journey from ten-year-old budding conductor to the pinnacle of the opera world, the film captures the alchemy of the creative process and explores what it means to refine the soul of an artist.
Tickets for this special screening are $15.16 and are available for purchase online in advance at www.fathomevents.com.
Van Halen tribute to perform at Starlight Ranch
VHX, a Tribute to Van Halen, is scheduled to perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 9 at Starlight Ranch.
This is the final concert in a six-concert series dubbed Foodstock ‘21. The goal for this outdoor summer concert series is to raise funds and awareness for the food bank’s mission, alleviating hunger in the Texas Panhandle.
Star Light Ranch Event Center has underwritten the cost of the concert, so all gate and admission proceeds are a direct donation to the High Plains Food Bank. Money raised will go directly to food and feeding programs to alleviate hunger in the Texas Panhandle.
Admission to each show throughout the series is a suggested donation of $10 per person, and $50 per person for tickets to all six shows. All the money raised through the tickets sold for the shows will go back to the High Plains Food Bank.
Tickets may be purchased online at www.bigtexan.com/starlight-ranch-event-center/

Fowler returns to hometown
Kevin Fowler makes his hometown return to Amarillo on Saturday, July 10, at the Starlight Ranch, 1415 Sunrise Drive. This will be an outdoor show.
Doors open at 7 p.m. and the concert starts at 8 p.m.
Raised in Amarillo, the guitarist began his musical career on both drums and piano. He left Texas at age 20 for the bright lights of Los Angeles, where he studied music at the Guitar Institute of Technology.
Fowler returned to Texas soon after and settled in Austin, where he joined the hard rock band Dangerous Toys. Following this eye-opening stint, Fowler started his own Southern hard rock band, Thunderfoot. He soon came to the realization, however, that he couldn’t shake his West Texas roots and gave up hard rock for country, the style of music he grew up with.
General admission tickets are $15 (plus fees); VIP tickets are $50 (plus fees).
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.bigtexan.com/starlight-ranch-event-center/
Cinemark Hollywood to show special screening of ‘Porgy and Bess’
Cinemark Hollywood 16 & XD, 9100 Canyon Drive, is hosting a special screening of The Met Summer Encore performance of the Gershwins’ “Porgy and Bess.”
Show times are 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 14.
Recorded live from the Met in 2020, the acclaimed staging transports audiences to Catfish Row, a setting vibrant with the music, dancing, emotion, and heartbreak of its inhabitants — and���includes several numbers that have become American standards, including the classic “Summertime.”
Tickets for this special screening are $15.16 and are available for purchase in advance online at www.fathomevents.com.
Yellow Rose Jazz set for July 15
The Amarillo Symphony presents “Yellow Rose Jazz,” hosted monthly on the outdoor patio at Six Car Pub & Brewery, at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 15. July’s event features The Bevan Manson Trio.
Jazz enthusiasts and the casual passerby will be able to purchase single tickets for general outdoor seating at the gate of the Six Car patio for $15, which includes one drink voucher for beer or wine.
There are also premium tables for four that may be purchased in advance at $100/table, which includes four drink vouchers for beer and wine. VIP tables may be acquired directly from the Amarillo Symphony office (806-376-8782; [email protected]) or, depending on availability, at the gate on the evening of the performance. All attendees will be able to order from Six Car’s full dinner and drinks menu.
Ryan returns to Starlight Ranch
Mike Ryan makes his way back to Amarillo on July 16 at Starlight Ranch, 1415 Sunrise Drive. This will be an outdoor show with limited capacity.
Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m.
Ryan is a San Antonio born singer/songwriter who has accumulated fans across the US and throughout the world with powerful, whiskey smooth vocals and well-crafted lyrics. His thoughtful writing style evokes emotion and plants the audience inside his songs.
Ryan’s brand of country music, infused with southern rock and soulful rhythms, has generated over 105 million streams to date. Skillful with a writer’s pen, and pure entertainment with a guitar, Mike has secured a notable reputation among country music fans.
General admission tickets are $15 (plus fees); VIP tickets are $35 (plus fees). There are also deck table and preferred table seating available ranging from $30 to $85 per ticket.
For more information or to purchase tickets, go to www.bigtexan.com/starlight-ranch-event-center/
Cinemark Hollywood hosts 70th anniversary showing of ‘The African Queen’
Cinemark Hollywood 16 & XD, 9100 Canyon Drive, is hosting a special screening of a TCM Big Screen Classics “The African Queen 70th Anniversary.”
Show times are 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday, July 18; and 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 21.
Starring Academy Award® winners Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn, “The African Queen” tells the timeless tale of two mismatched strangers joining forces in a common cause – and finding love along the way.
The story chronicles the burgeoning romance between Bogie’s river rat Charlie Allnut and Hepburn’s missionary Rose Sayer, as they reluctantly join forces to torpedo a German gunboat in war-torn East Africa.
Tickets for this show are $12.45 and are available for purchase in advance online at www.fathomevents.com
ALT presents ‘Always …. Patsy Cline
Amarillo Little Theatre, 2019 Civic Circle Amarillo, presents “Always …. Patsy Cline,” July 29-Aug. 8
It has been almost 30 years since ALT first produced this show that is unequivocally the most successful show in ALT history. The production will feature the original cast of Cindi Bulla and Tammy Hysmith.
This heartfelt revue tells the true story of the country music legend’s unlikely friendship with a fan, Louise Seger, cemented by years of letter-writing. It features a wealth of Cline’s beloved hits such as “Walkin’ After Midnight,” “I Fall To Pieces,” and “Crazy.”
ALT Season ticket holders will get the first chance to reserve tickets for this production.
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit amarillolittletheatre.org
MercyMe to perform Aug. 12 at civic center
MercyMe Live with Austin French is scheduled to perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 12 at the Amarillo Civic Center Complex Coliseum, entrances 5, 7, 8 and 10.
It continues to be a landmark time for the multi-platinum selling, GRAMMY® nominated, multiple American Music Award, Billboard Music Award and Dove Award winners. They were recently named Billboard’s Top Christian Artist of the 2010 decade, and in 2020 received their eighth American Music Award nomination.
Since their debut in 2001, the band has sold more than 9 million units in CD, single and DVD sales, garnered more than 48 No. 1 multi-format radio singles, and had four consecutive mainstream radio hits.
The group’s 10th album, “inhale(exhale),” featuring the hit single “Say I Wont,” is available now.
Ticket information was not yet available as of this writing, but tickets may be purchased online at panhandletickets.com
Harlem Globetrotters announce Reimagined Spread Game Tour
The world-famous Harlem Globetrotters are bringing their newly reimagined Spread Game tour to the Amarillo Civic Center Complex at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 24. Tickets went on sale to the public on Friday, June 25.
The Globetrotters’ newly reimagined Spread Game tour will visit more than 150 cities in 2021 starting on July 21, according to a news release. The Spread Game Tour is a basketball event like no other.
The Spread Game Tour introduces new premium fan experiences, including celebrity court passes, meet and greets with players, and in select markets, the #SQUADZONE, where fans have the opportunity to feel like part of the show.
For tickets, call (806) 378-3096, visit HarlemGlobetrotters.com or panhandletickets.com, or buy them in person at Amarillo Civic Center Complex box office and at area United Supermarkets.
For more information about the Harlem Globetrotters, visit the website listed above, or follow them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
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Be Nobody’s Valentine
Each year on February 14th countless millions of people celebrate a day known as “St. Valentine’s Day.” Millions of heart-shaped cards and boxes of chocolates are given as gifts, and even churches have Valentine parties on this so-called “Day of Love.” In schools, from pre-school and kindergarten on up, children draw names from a box and exchange heart-shapes notes which “pair off” the children and is said to be “all in fun.” People of all ages get into the act, and the words that are heard everywhere on that day are, “Be My Valentine.”
The sad fact is that most people never question the origin of the customs that they involve themselves with. Most people do not ask questions but do what everybody else does, never stopping to consider how the Almighty God of Heaven feels about their activities. When we consider that Valentine’s Day is a day of preoccupation with the heart, it is essential that we listen to the following words spoken by the Almighty, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his wages, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:9-10
Christians should be known by their discernment and should be asking questions regarding Valentine’s Day. What is the origin of this unusual day? Why is there a preoccupation with the color red? Where did the heart shape come from, and what does it mean? These and other questions will now be answered, as we examine the roots and pagan origin of this popular day.
In the days of the Roman Empire, the month of February was the last and shortest month of the year. February originally had 30 days, but when Julius Caesar named the month of July after himself, he decided to make that month longer and shortened February to 29 days while making July a month of 31 days. Later when Octavius Caesar, also known as Augustus, came to power, he named the month of August after himself, and not be outdone he also subtracted a day from February and gave the month of August 31 days. To this very day it remains that way. The ancient Romans believed that every month had a spirit that gained in strength and reached its peak or apex of power in the middle or ides of the month. This was usually the 15th day, and it was a day when witches and augurs, or soothsayers worked their magic. An augur was a person filled with a spirit of divination, and from the word augur we get the word “inaugurate”, which means to “take omens”. Since February had been robbed by Caesars and had only 28 days, the ides of February became the 14th day of that month. Since the Ides of a month was celebrated on the preceding eve, the month of February was unique, because it was the 13th day that became the eve of the Ides that month, and it became a very important pagan holiday in the Empire of Rome.
The sacred day of February 14th was called “Lupercalia” or “day of the wolf.” This was a day that was sacred to the sexual frenzy of the goddess Juno. This day also honored the Roman gods, Lupercus and Faunus, as well as the legendary twin brothers, who supposedly founded Rome, Remus and Romulus. These two are said to have been suckled by wolves in a cave on Palatine Hill in Rome. The cave was called Lupercal and was the center of the celebrating on the eve of Lupercalia or February 14th. On this day, Lupercalia, which was later named Valentine’s Day, the Luperci or priests of Lupercus dressed in goatskins for a bloody ceremony. The priests of Lupercus, the wolf god, would sacrifice goats and a dog and then smear themselves with blood. These priests, made red with sacrificial blood, would run around Palatine Hill in a wild frenzy while carving a goatskin thong called a “februa.” Women would sit all around the hill, as the bloody priests would strike them with the goatskin thongs to make them fertile. The young women would then gather in the city and their names were put in boxes. These “love notes” were called “billets.” The men of Rome would draw a billet, and the woman whose name was on it became his sexual lust partner with whom he would fornicate until the next Lupercalia or February 14th.
Thus, February 14th became a day of unbridled sexual lust. The color “red” was sacred to that day because of the blood and the “heart shape” that is popular to this day. The heart-shape was not a representation of the human heart, which looks nothing like it. This shape represents the human female matrix or opening to the chamber of sacred copulation.
When the Gnostic Catholic Church began to get a foothold in Rome around the 3rd century A.D., they became known as Valentinians. The Catholic Valentinians retained the sexual license of the festival in what they called “angels in a nuptial chamber”, which was also called the “sacrament of copulation.” This was said to be an reenactment of the marriage of “Sophia and the Redeemer.” As the participants of the February 14th ritual began their sexual sacrament, presided over and watched by the priests known as Valentinians, the following literary was spoken: “Let the seed of light descend into thy bridal chamber, receive the bridegroom… open thine arms to embrace him. Behold, grace has descended upon thee.”
As time went on, the Orthodox Church suppressed the Gnostic Catholics and manufactured “St. Valentine”, whose day continues to be celebrated in these modern times.
It should be without saying that the Christians should avoid Valentine’s Day like a plague. In God’s eyes, it is still “Lupercalia”, the “Day Of The Wolf.” Men become wolves, as they carry on the Satanic rituals of fornication, which means sexual intercourse without marriage. We have heard of the “wolf whistle”, and we all know that wolves do not whistle. It is lustful men and women, who carry on Satan’s blasphemy to this very day.
In conclusion, we must ask ourselves, “Should a true Christian be associated in any way with this celebration of evil roots? Should we be doing what the heathen have done for so many years and try to justify it as love?” Romans 12:2 answers this very well, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
The shocking information in this tract can be easily verified at any public library. If you want more information, please contact us at:
Last Trumpet Ministries International PO Box 806 Beaver Dam, WI 53916
These tracts have been prayed over, and you will never be the same after reading this message. May our Lord Jesus Christ grant unto you a desire to walk in His truth.
Pastor David J. Meyer
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TGIWednesday ... are you caught up in destination addiction?
TGIWednesday News
We’ve all been caught up in this at one point... the thought or belief that your next car, next romance, next job, next place, next trip, next purchase or program will somehow “finally make me happy”. It’s referred to as 'destination addiction'. Make every effort to be happy right where you are in the here and now and it will allow happy to find YOU. Every day is a process where we’re thinking and overthinking about 90 percent of the same thoughts as we did the day before. As much as I can, I simply stop “thinking” and move in a flow/cadence/rhythm to the next movement as if I was in a song. As much as you can - just for today - STOP thinking about the past, be fully present in this moment and lean towards your future. I know this can help/contribute to you and your life!!! We're putting the final touches on our newest audio mp3 release MyBeliefWorks™ for Inspiring and Igniting Your Creative Spark, aka 'The Creatives'. This is for those of you who are artists, musicians, performers, writers, intuitive healers and empaths and it can assist you in getting unstuck, releasing brain fog and getting your creative juices flowing again! This audio WILL raise your vibration and attract new opportunities that could open up that next BIG opportunity for you! Look for this to be released the first week of August! Here's what a few of the early listeners have said: "After listening to the recording, I felt all anxiety around my book melt away and was able to approach the page with neutrality and then curiosity and then positive excitement. Pretty quickly I was actually being compulsive about writing---which is something I've always dreamed off. Thanks Jimmy!" - Ann Pope "Just when it does not seem possible, Jimmy produces yet another stellar offering. I had some sales calls to make and thought what needs to be more creative than a sales call? The meditation was literally out of this world. My body started vibrating shortly after the start of the program. Jimmy has such a soothing voice that just instantly puts you into a calm hypnotic trance. I just loved how I felt it was my higher self/soul being guided. Tears rolled down my face at the end of the meditation...not crying..it was a knowing. I received a profound idea for my sales calls immediately after the meditation which will truly be another great service to offer these potential clients. Thank you!" - Kathryn M.
TGIWednesday Download
I believe, think, know and feel that I am free of struggle now. I am ready, willing and able to be more positive in the here and now. I know, when, where, how and why to continually strive towards improvements and it is safe and comfortable for me to respond to opportunities. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!
Monthly MySwitchWorks Event
Next Live Call is Wed. July 29th at 7:30pm EDT
We’re celebrating Independence Day all month long by FREEING you up from what’s holding you back!!!
Freedom from pain, stuckness, overwhelm, excess weight, uncertainty, procrastination, negative self-talk & beliefs, bad habits, past failures, your boss, a bad relationship, parents, siblings, abuse by others?
What are you ready to give up & become independent from? What’s been haunting you that you're ready to be done with? for good! Join us LIVE & submit your 3 issues by 3pm on day of event, July 29th.
Register Now - $22
(June) Restoring Inner Peace During Outer Chaos (May) Reinvigorating Your Work Life Switches (April) Moving Forward Switches (March) Luck Switches (Feb) Love & Romance Switches (Jan) Supercharge Abundance Switches (Dec) Abundance Switches (Sept) Youth & Vitality Switches Visit the shop for all replays and to play this brief audio if you've never heard Jimmy explain about switches. As one person on Facebook wrote when recommending to a friend: "These Zoom calls are an absolute "yawn fest" (in the very best sense ;) He works fast and furious with releases."
Fish Food
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations

JULY 22nd "Today I will reach out and up into the ethers and access that which others felt were not possible. Instead of focusing on obstacles, I will focus on solutions, benefits and the many blessing and favor that is upon me now and always."
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing

Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir. Join Spiritual Masters FREE For Live & Interactive Sessions, Plus Receive Instant Bonuses. Register Here
Thursday Sept. 23rd - The Global Gathering with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism. Join Us and Watch Online!
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT CALL IN ☎️ (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions Please note as of August 1st all of the radio shows will be live video shows. You can watch on Facebook or YouTube links below: https://m.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.youtube.com/c/GoldylocksProductions
Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Jeremy Riden | Divine Spark Ministries https://www.facebook.com/JeremyRiden/
July 28th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
August 4th – Joanne Leo | Psychic https://psychicjoanneleo.com/
August 11th – Kevin Lee | Certified Spiritual Medium http://revkevinlee.com/about-kevin/
August 18th– Jeremy Riden | Divine Spark Ministries https://www.facebook.com/JeremyRiden/
August 25th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday's at 4pm EDT If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL ☎️ (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by # International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country. If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you. Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.

From the Fish Box
"Hey Jimmy! I started the prayer service again 9 days ago to help my dad, as I was telling you he had just returned home from the hospital after suffering from a 3rd recurrence of cellulitis in 4 years, plus congestive heart failure. But once he was back home, the cellulitis came back even worse with his legs breaking out in huge blisters which became very red and raw and continued to leak fluid. This was going on for days and it looked like he was heading right back to the hospital when I contacted you. No joke, the very next day after the prayer service started he began feeling better! Things improved VERY quickly (so much so that 4 days into the prayer service the nurse who does his therapy commented on how quickly things were turning around)! He continues to make more progress every day, too. Thanks so much Jimmy, I have no doubt at all that you and Spirit made all the difference here! Just like it did for my mom years ago when she broke her hip! Thanks, just thanks for everything buddy!" ~Kevin M.
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Tampa Office Sessions

Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10-4 on Friday August 14th.
NEW OFFICE LOCATION! 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.

Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library.

Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality


Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Transformational Healing of Body, Mind & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations! Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads and books to improve your life! Get Certified in My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for Supplements http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com
Stay connected!
Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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