#800 master doors
800masterdoors · 1 year
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toxicanonymity · 2 years
Pre-tlou Joel being part of a raiding group, coming across reader, and Joel claiming her for himself. Possessive non con 🥵
Raider (Original)
800 words, dark!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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RAIDER MASTER LIST | joel master
WARNINGS - NSFW I8+ Noncon (via implicit threat) unsafe PIV, pet names and praise, oral m, dark, posessive. Joel can pick reader up. Obviously do not condone these things irl.
"Drop her," he booms at the men who are dragging you kicking and screaming as they bicker about who goes first. "Now."
"Relax Miller, there's plenty to go around," one of the guys says and beckons him to join. "Ain't that right, sweetie?" The man adds, lifting your chin with the butt of his rifle.
Miller raises his gun. "I said drop her." They don't. Miller fires a warning shot and they finally do. "Tired of you rookies," Miller says. "Show some respect."
"Yes sir." The men compose themselves and disperse.
Relief washes over you. He's saving you. You're going to get out of this unscathed. You stand up and begin to hobble away, sore from being smacked around.
Miller trains his gun on you. "Don't you fuckin' dare."
You raise your hands in surrender.
"Good girl, now c'mere."
You hesitantly approach him and he throws you over his shoulder. He carries you back inside, into a bedroom, and throws you down on an old mattress. Another man approaches and stands in the doorway. He tells Miller "Oooh, nice find." The man starts unbuckling his own belt.
"Did I say I was sharin'? Go do your goddamn job." He aims his gun at the man. The man gulps, buckles his belt, and scurries away. Joel closes the door behind him and locks it.
"Alright now, sweet pea." Miller unbuckles his belt. The blood drains from your face.
"Be a good girl and this'll be over quick, okay?"
You nod. At least there's only one of him.
He palms himself over his tactical pants then takes out his raging erection. It's imposing. You're afraid.
His boots thud as he approaches the mattress. He looms over you. "Now, you're gonna suck this cock and you're gonna like it, understand?" He strokes himself and his brow furrows as he looks at you.
You nod.
"Cause you don't want me passin' you to those guys, trust me."
You nod as tears prickle your eyes. You get up on your knees and take him into your mouth - not all of him, it's impossible, but you try. He puts his hands on the back of your head and fucks your face.
This can’t be over soon enough, but you also can’t deny a feeling growing between your legs. Having his cock in your mouth makes you tingle. It’s so hard, and his precum tastes nice and salty.
“Look at me,” he demands. You don’t want to look him in the eye, so you focus on his messy brown hair. It’s nice.
“Doin' great, sweet pea. Now do me a favor and pull down your pants.”
You take him out of your mouth and wipe the slobber off your lips. He half-smiles with a twinkle in his eye and strokes himself as you pull down your pants.
“Where do you want it, sweet pea?” He squats down and fingers you. Your cheeks burn when he smiles at your wetness. “This one?” he asks and enters you with two fingers.
You nod. It’s preferable to the alternative.
“Alright, you want it like this or you wanna turn around?”
You still don’t want to look him in the eye, so you turn around on all fours. He yanks your pants off to make room for himself between your legs.
“Good girl,” he says. He kneels behind you, then you feel the smooth head of his cock at your entrance. He plunges into you about half way with a grunt, pulls back a little, then plunges forward again, bottoming out with a throaty sigh. Your eyes well up in tears, but your body welcomes the intrusion.
“Damn, you’re tight,” he says as he fucks you, hands on your hips, pulling you back with each thrust. “Good thing I kept ya all for myself. They would’ve ruined this pretty little hole.” The tip of his cock pushes a special button inside you with each thrust, and you begin to unravel.
He’s quiet for a minute, save for his grunts. His grunts turn into moans, then you feel him twitch inside you.
He pulses violently, his large hands jerking you back into him as he pumps you full of hot cum. His pulsations send you and you groan as your own climax is pulled from your depths, contracting on his cock.
“Well damn,” he says when you’re both finished. “It’s a good day for both of us.”
He pulls out and you collapse onto the mattress. He comes around and looks you in the face and you look up at him with watery eyes. He cups your cheek affectionately and reassures you he’ll guard the room for you until everyone’s loading up to leave.
6 month note: Thank you so much for reading! I know this is old by now, but I still really appreciate your reblogs and comments. 🥹🖤 when I start to recognize raider superfans I try to follow.
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oepionie · 2 years
— "HIS COMPLETE DEVOTION" malleus draconia
SYNOPSIS: "Don't touch me! I have a lover!" - After accidentally getting hit in the head with a powerful spell, Malleus is left delirious and confused. You try to help him but he doesn't seem to recognize you.
Character/s: Malleus Draconia x GN! Reader
Tags: Fluff, Established relationship, Malleus is a loyal dragon, Reader is part of the gargoyle appreciation club, Mentions of nausea, He keeps a locket of you aww
A/N: This prompt/idea was requested by a friend!
WordCount: 800+ | 💌Masterlist | PART II HERE
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Green lightning began to strike and forsake the grey sky. Every student on campus could hear the wind howling through the thick dripping rain, a sinking feeling of dread permanating through the atmosphere.
The aged concrete walls shook from a shrill scream, the anguished cry echoing out through the hundred chambers in the castle.
"YOUNG MASTER!" Sebek drove his fingers into his scalp, screaming as thick tears dribbled down his flushed face. From his reaction, you'd think he was the one who got hurt instead.
Lilia tutted and carefully inspected Malleus' head. The young prince was laying on the ground writhing in pain. Lillia pressed his thumb against the dragon's temple, examining the Fae's reaction.
Sebek and Silver surrounded the two, ensuring that no one could get past them. Malleus was in a vulnerable state right now, he had to be protected at all costs.
"The spell was quite powerful however it's not serious. Other than some temporary mental confusion, he should be fine." Lilia muttered, helping Malleus stand up. The young prince stumbled around for a bit, almost as if he was intoxicated.
"Malleus!" You threw the doors to the dorm open, running over to the group. It's only when you got closer did you notice your lover's spinning eyes, glazed over as he blinks at the blank concrete floors. Worried out of your mind, you rushed over to him.
"Tsunotarou! I heard what happened…are you okay?" The fae appeared a little puzzled. You stood before him and he fixed his gaze on you, confused and...disgusted?
With a hint of hesitance, you reached your hands up to cup his cheeks. Only to gasp when Malleus glowered and grasped onto your wrists, ripping your hands off of his face.
Silence fell over the room as he dropped his grip on your arms, allowing them to hang limply by your sides. Everyone gawked at Malleus as if he had just grown two heads.
Malleus? Malleus rejected your affection? The Malleus who waits outside your dorm an hour before classes just to walk you to school? The Malleus who once caused a week-long storm just because he couldn't sit next to you in class? Your Malleus?
You felt your heart sink. They say drunk words were sober thoughts. Did Malleus secretly despise you?
"Listen here-" Malleus snarled, his unfocused eyes flashing a luminous emerald green. The radiance and illumination hypnotizes you for a while. A kaleidoscope of green and blue swirling around the gems that were his eyes.
"No matter how alluring you look-you can't tempt me. I-" Malleus lurched forward, nearly falling over. You ran to catch him but he pushed you away, stepping back blindly. He raised a finger at you. "I-I already have a lover!"
"Yes-That's…me?" You blinked, confused out of your mind.
Malleus only scoffs at you, shakily taking a few steps towards the entrance. It was clear that his head still shook and ached from the spell's blow. Sebek was quick to stop him, holding Malleus steady. "Young Master! Where are you going?!"
"To my-my treasure. My darling prefect." Malleus slurred, leaning against Sebek for support. He continued his rambling. "It's Thursday- We have a club meeting."
"Tsuno-I mean-Malleus, today is Tuesday." You piped up, pressing a hand against his back. With shaky legs, he pushed Sebek off and turned to glare at you.
"Silence. It is not."
Lilia laughs hysterically, doubling over and grabbing onto his knees. Oh, this was comedy gold for him. Shaking his head at his father, Silver strode up to Malleus and placed his hand on the young prince's shoulder.
"Malleus, you're still delirious. Why don't you sit down."
Both Silver and Sebek started to guide the woozy fae onto the couch. You followed suit, taking a pillow and placing it under his head. He turned to face you, his head spinning, a loopy snarl and glare on his face.
"I...I already told you- I have a lover." He groans into his hands, nausea washing over him like waves.
The fae begins frantically rummaging through his pocket. He yanks out a little locket in the form of a heart, holding it up for you to look at. He hands it to you with an arrogant smirk on his face.
"O-Oh?"Gently taking it into your hands, you flipped the metal cover over to see a picture of you inside.
It was a photo from your very first anniversary. You were wearing a flower crown made with roses Malleus grew himself, it was one of the many gifts he gave you that day.
Though only your head and neck could be seen in the picture since his coat had almost completely engulfed you. It was a chilly day and Malleus graciously lent you his coat after you had forgotten to wear one.
You stared at the photo fondly, shutting it close before handing the necklace back to the fae.
"Your partner must be lovely." You whisper softly and Malleus sighs, lolling his head back to stare at the ceiling lovingly.
"Oh. They are much more than that."
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PART II | Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 7 months
𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬' 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 🂱
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synopsis: you meet an especially annoying gambler at your table and as the game master, it’s your job to shut him up.
tags: dom!reader, sub!aventurine, semi-public, bickering, explicit, vulgar
wrd cnt: 800+
art cred: yue_chan077 (insta)
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“Hey-! What are you doing?”
“Games over?” You reply to the blonde man.
“But I was gonna win….” He pouts.
You click the buzzing timer off and collect all the chips off the table, scooping up stacks of cards in the process.
“Everyone says they’ll win until they don’t” You taunt, yanking the cards out of his hand with a smile.
He scoffs, crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair as people come and go, some collecting their winnings and others digging an even deeper hole with their debts.
As the dealer, it was up to you when to kick people out, and it seemed like the man to your left should be heading out now.
“Excuse me-? I don’t think your judgment is exactly expert. I’ll be playing a few more rounds”
You look at him with furrowed brows. “Sir, I have-“
He cuts you off, “Aventurine.”
“I have a name darling. Use it.”
“You’re keeping up everyone waiting to play, Aventurine. I’d appreciate if you complied.”
You say with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an answer.
“You’re not my boss, darling. And I’ll play for as long as I want, understood?” He challenges, eyes locked in a heated stare. You narrow your eyes and stand your ground, not backing down. “Actually, I am the boss here. Now get out of here before I call security.”
He lets out a laugh, standing up from his chair and walking towards you. “I’d like to see you try.”
You stare at him, not backing down but not stepping away either. You can feel the tension between you both, but you refuse to back down.
You whisper to him quietly, everyone at the table now focusing on the quarrel between the two of you, “I’m not some toy for you to play with, Aventurine.
“Well of course not, you wouldn’t be able to handle it.” He says, trailing a hand down your back.
You try to push him away but he only grabs your arm. “Wanna bet?.”
Without hesitation, you lead him to a nearby storage closet, where you push him inside and lock the door. He raises an eyebrow in surprise, but the smirk on his face shows that he’s up for it.
You turn him around, and aggressively push him against the wall, pressing your body against his. “Do you know why I can handle it? Because I’m in control, and you’ll do whatever I say.”
He chuckles, “Is that so? How about we really make a bet then?”
You smirk back at him, “Sure, but you’re going to regret it.” Without another word, you grab his belt and start undoing it, watching as his expression changes to shock and excitement, mixed with a fuckton of arousal.
As you pull down his pants, his erection springs free, hard and ready for you.
“Oh- Well this isn’t exactly what I was-“
“Shut up. This is exactly what you were thinking about. I saw the way you kept staring at me during each game.”
“Well yeah but- Fuck…be a little gentle will you?…”
You began to stroke him, gripping his dick harder and slowly moving your hand up and down his shaft, watching his head falls back against the door in pleasure.
He lets out a low moan, and you can feel him getting closer and closer to his release.
“That’s it…you’re so close aren’t you? Cum in my hand.” You whisper in his ear, cupping his face and giving him one deep, tongue filled kiss.
But you stop, leaving him gasping for air and begging for more.
“Oh no, darling. You haven’t earned it yet.” He looks at you with pleading eyes, but you only smirk and continue to tease him. You stroke him again, this time faster and harder, making sure to give him just enough pleasure to make him desperate for release. He bites his lip, trying to hold back his moans, but it only makes you go faster.
“Don’t do that. Let me hear your pathetic little voice.”
You can feel him getting closer and closer, and you know he won’t be able to hold on much longer.
With one final stroke, he lets out a loud moan as he reaches his climax, his body shaking against yours.
“Fuck- Please! I’m sorry…I apologize for earlier- just please make me cum..”.
You smirk in satisfaction, knowing you’ve won the bet and made him truly submit to you.
He stands there, panting and trying to catch his breath, as you pull away and fix your clothes.
He slowly falls to the floor with his back still against the wall, sleeking down with legs still wide open and his cock still sprung up and spurting cum all over his thigh and stomach.
With a victorious smirk, you squate down to wipe away one side of his face covered in tears before you unlock the door and exit it, leaving him a mess in the closet and shutting the door behind you without a single word.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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sadesluvr · 10 months
Freak - Mike Schmidt x Reader (Songfic)
Mike dials a 1-800 number and gets more than what he asked for.
A/N: Reader is a secret sex guru, and an unlicensed therapist, 18+ only. I'm going to abuse the FUCK out of this GIF. Based on the song 'Freak' by Doja Cat!
Word count: 2.2K
Tags: SMUT / Sub! Mike, Dom! Reader / Fem!Reader / Handjobs / Edging / Unprotected sex / Creampies / Marijuana usage / Brief mention of contraceptives (the pill)
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‘Call 1-800-2323 for the answer to your troubles. Enlightenment is just a phone call away!’
Mike looked down at the card in his hands, given to him by Abby’s wellbeing officer out of concern for his personal troubles. He’d never read too much into spirituality, but considering psychoanalysis hadn’t gotten him much further than his usual dream it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
The dial rang, and he expected to hear a raspy elderly woman with a smoker's cough. What he didn’t expect was a lively, young voice at the other end of the line.
“…How may I be of assistance?”
“Uh — There’s something in my past — It’s been bothering me for practically my whole life…I need help finding the answers…”
“Hm,” the voice hummed. “Vague, but I sense you’re holding back…I like ‘em that way…Name?”
Freak like me You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak Freak like me
“Mike Schmidt,”
You'd heard of him from your mom’s friend.
“I’ll book you in for Friday at 8PM,”
“Okay…How much will I owe you? Money’s a little tight right now…”
“Don’t worry. It’s all free of charge,”
Tied him down to my queen bed Tease him just enough to hate me  Tied it tight enough, he can't break free  Keep him waiting 'til he try This can go one of two ways We could flip the coin, I'll be your slave  Call you daddy, give me a nickname I ain't afraid of a little pain (No, I ain't 'fraid of a little pain)
He showed up at the address listed on the card a little after 8PM and rang the doorbell, his hands in his pockets as he scanned his surroundings. You, the mysterious voice, answered the door, and you briefly took his breath away, dressed in a nude, flesh coloured spaghetti strap dress that stopped halfway on your thighs, paired with a sultry smile.
“You must be Mike,” you grin. “Come in,”
The interaction is brief, and he follows you to the couch, an armchair sat traditionally opposite like it would in a therapist office. You gesture for him to take a seat and he does, already feeling like he was under a spell. His eyes glance down briefly at your bare legs as you cross one over the other, letting out a soft moan as you got comfortable. Blood was slowly and suddenly draining from his face to his cock, and he moved his hands to cover the issue, which didn’t go unnoticed to you.
“So, Mike…What is it that’s haunting you?”
He wanted some'n else and he wanna be selfish He wanted them three rounds, DC had to come help him Look, I know your position Try to squeeze in the full nelson though Beat on it, beat, beat on it, mercy like a black belt give Daddy the grand master, daddy, I want it faster Them bitches you fuckin' with, I know they gon' need some practice So bring 'em along wit' ya, I'll teach 'em how to smash ya When I made a little mess on it, he told me to clean my act up
He told you everything; from his brother’s abduction to the breakdown of his family and his living situation with his sister. He was a tortured soul, and he just needed a bit of release. You were so, so glad he’d been referred to you.
“I empathise with you, Mike,” you sigh, leaning in. “It must be hard,”
Hard. Painfully hard.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you?” you say coyly, and he shakes his head. You notice he licks his lips as you get up, recognising how the dress is clinging to your body and beginning to bunch up your thighs. For a split second he gets a glimpse of your black lace panties, and his now fully hard cock twitches in his jeans. 
He wants you, and he’s almost certain you want him too, but a deeper part of him wants to let it play out. For once, he’s not in control of all of the decisions and he wants to keep it that way.
“What I’m hearing is that the route of your issue is frustration,” you say, eyes locked on his as you reach out to run your fingers through his messy locks. “When was the last time you ever thought about yourself?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t - I can’t — How is this going to help me find who took Garrett?”
“Because you’re thinking too hard, and it complicates things. It’s time to redirect your attention,” you purr, dragging your vowels so that it produces a tone that sends shivers down his spine. 
“…How?” he chokes, eyes wide and pupils dilated. You’re so fucking close to him now, and he thinks he might burst. You smell like weed and sex, and he can’t stop staring at the way your strap is sliding down your arms.
You slide off your dress in a quick motion, revealing your bare body. Mike is rabid now, unable to stop staring at your hardened nipples and the barely there material of your panties.
Freak like me (Tryna freak you down) You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak
“I’m gonna touch you, Mike,” you say simply, and it holds a thousand words. “And then you’re gonna fuck me,”
Hey, I could take a big bat, bet that he thinkin' this a game Hey, batter, batter swing, you could put it on a swing Freak like a triple XXX flick, put her on a chain This pussy off the chain, this kitty insane I could fuck him in the rain, I could fuck him in the Range (Uh) I could fuck him every day (Uh), I'ma fuck him 'til he sang (Uh) Milkshake bring the boys to the yard, I'ma need the whipped cream Ain't ever been vanilla, honey, just wait until you get a taste
He knows he can say no, but relaxes into your touch. One hand rubs his upper torso, massaging his tight muscles as the other is wrapped around his neck as you plant gentle kisses along his cheek and neck before you move to his lips. His kiss is eager, and he wastes no time in finding your tongue with his own. 
He needs this so fucking badly, and he doesn’t want to let go.
The kiss continues as you begin to claw at his body, and he briefly pulls away to tug off his jacket and shirt before resuming the make out session. His body tenses as your hands make their way down his chest, down towards the beginning of his happy trail. He desperately wants you to continue the skin-to-skin contact, but you slide your hands over his jeans instead, squeezing him through the material. 
He furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small whimper, earning a gasp from you. He was so pretty.
“That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back…”
Skirt off, fuck in the backseat Take that shirt off, baby, put it on me Got me like, "Yeehaw," ride it like a horsey Kinda like see-saw, up and down on the D, give it to him
You relieve his frustration by hastily pulling at his belt and unbuttoning his jeans, leaving him in his briefs. They were black and you could see a clear wad of precum that had been built up over the past hour. Wasting no time, Mike lets out a louder moan as you slide the material down, his cock springing up onto his pelvis. It’s average sized, but with a slightly thicker girth, and is bright pink with want.
“Kiss me,” you instruct, and he nods. His lips find the crevice of your neck and collarbone as you begin to grip his shaft, his tip between your thumb and index finger as you squeeze out some remaining precum, the liquid pooling around your fingers.
It’s pure pleasure for him as you take the entirety of his cock in your hands, slowly beginning to jerk him off, not forgetting to cup his balls as you do. He throws his head back as his hands clench, physical pressure dissipating as you take his hands in your own, guiding it to your breast.
“Fuck…” Mike groans, beginning to massage the skin as you coo in his ear, your grip tightening and fastening on his cock. Four of his senses are overstimulated, and the icing on the cake is your unrelenting sultry stare, making sure you were attending to his every need.
You were the goddess he never knew he could have.
Freak like me (Need a freak like me) You want a good girl that does bad things to you (You want a good girl) You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak Do, do-do, do-do, do-do (Now you need a freak)
You could feel him shudder underneath you and knew he was loosening up, edging closer to orgasm. His whimpers and groans were now louder, and he’d found the confidence to latch onto your nipples, pawing at the skin with his hand whilst his tongue swirled along the hardened bud.
Spreading your legs over his, you angled his face towards you as, taking in his hazel eyes. 
“Touch me, Mike,” you said, gaze flickering down to your pussy. “Touch me like I’m touching you…”
He moves away from your breasts to make his way between your legs, his fingers sliding into your wet cunt. He lets out a deep sigh at the sensation, feeling rather proud of himself as you begin to writhe against him.
“Is this good?” he asks, sliding a second finger into you. 
“So good,” you moan. “You’re so good for me, Mike,”
His heart and his cock swells, and your bodies begin to move in sync. He quickly finds your clit as your pace quickens on his cock, and you both begin to reach a point of ecstasy.
“Y/N…” he whimpers, lips wet and eyes glassy. “I’m gonna—“
“I know, baby,” you whisper on his lips. “But not yet,” you say abruptly, and draw away. He’s shocked, and stares at you open mouthed.
You respond with nothing but a smile.
“I’m only here to guide you to enlightenment, not give. You have to do the rest,”
He’s totally blank.
“Let go, Mike. I’m here,” you say sweetly, and it feels strangely romantic. “Take me…Do you want me on top, or bottom?”
“Top,” he responds without hesitation. “You’re beautiful,”
Mike can barely contain his euphoria. You, a literal sex goddess, are sat on his lap, body on full display as he fucks up into your tight, wet pussy. The pleasure is almost painful, and he’s almost worried that he’s hurting you by the way his hands are gripped on your hips and his thrusts are desperate and sloppy. All the anger and frustration from his past was slowly unravelling, and judging by the knot in his stomach, so was he.
Freak like me Freak like me (You never, you never, you never been) You want a good girl that does bad things to you You never been with no one as nasty as me Spice up your life, come get a freak (You need a freak) Do, do-do, do-do, do-do (You need a freak) Freak like me (Like me, papa)
“Oh fuck,” you whine. “You’re perfect, Mike. So perfect,”
You weren’t lying, he looked gorgeous; pussy drunk and sweating, his frayed bangs clinging to his forehead in an odd pattern. Your lips met once again as he pulled you into him by your waist, the kiss sloppy as he drew his cock deeper into your cunt, hitting all of the right areas. 
“I’m so close Mike,” you whined. “Cum for me…”
“Where…?” he whispered. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to see you covered in his cum, or see it seep out of you and down your thighs. 
“Wherever you feel best,” you said devilishly, before placing your lips to his ear. “I’m on the pill,”
The words sent him over the edge as he came, hot and heavy spurts of cum filling into your warmth as you finished along with him. Mike bit his lip as he held you close, almost on the verge of tears as you soothed him through the last of his orgasm. A weight had suddenly been lifted away, and he could feel his eyes grow heavy with tiredness.
After a few moments you pulled away from each other, your nude bodies dropping to either side of the couch. Still high from orgasm, you pulled your dress back on and leant over the armrest to open a drawer, not oblivious to the way Mike was staring at you fondly.
Babe, you never been with no one nastier than me Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh so tight Show me that you love me too
“Wanna blaze?” You asked, holding a joint to your lips. He paused in thought, not wanting to let go of the moment before answering.
“Can I use your phone?”
You nodded and gestured to the phone, watching as Mike dialled a number. 
“Hey, Max - Can you put Abby on the phone? Something’s come up and I can’t make it home tonight…”
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ataraxiaspainting · 9 months
Banquet of Massacre.
Yan Geto x F Reader.
Synopsis: The days are blending into each other, and you just want some sort of change. But soon, you realize you have to be far more careful about what you wish for.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, not SFW implications, takes place five or so years before JJK 0, and violence.
Continuation of Presentiment of Massacre.
Word Count: 800.
The green obi gently tightening with each passing second stops at your words, but after a chuckle resumes, the slight anger in Geto’s voice is smaller than the width of a hair.
He continues with the loose, wide red sodes. You focus so much on your anxiety, about what the rest of your life will be, that you don’t notice the small golden details of koi on the red sleeves. You don’t even pay attention to the silk that ties your wrists together, a consequence of you attempting to squirm your way out of dinner again. Not that dinner was anything special this evening.
“You know,” His voice rises and falls like the wind. “Perhaps there are some things you shouldn’t say to the only reason you are still alive.”
With that, he pulls, much harder than before, on the ends of the sash, causing you to gasp for air for a moment or two. 
“I could still feed you to one of my curses you know, or all of them at the same time, they would love to get a taste of you.”
At your desperate whines, as you attempt to claw at the ceiling with restrained hands, he lets go, and with his action, your vision blurs no longer.
He spins you around and he licks his lips.
“I-I’m sorry, Master Geto.” You might be uncertain if you mean your apology, but perhaps Geto has the answer.
Just as you are not sure if Geto forgives you, but he knows the answer for sure.
The woman sitting next to both of you on the floor holds a golden hairpin in her ragged, scarred hands. She holds the hairpin just like she held the underlayer, obi string, socks, obi, and sash. She held and currently holds them all so delicately because she did not want to lose her hands. She was your handmaiden, according to Geto, and although the two of you had never exchanged words, you knew her first name was Sookee, but her last name was of no relevance if it even existed. 
Even though she was around your age, Sookee looked much older than she was because of her premature wrinkles and little white hairs sticking out of her bangs, clear signs of all the stress Geto and the rest of the people here put her through. She was an indentured servant of sorts, from what you were told, and she, like you, is often tormented by the people who live here.
You feel bad for her, whenever you hear her screams and cries, whenever she trips and breaks a porcelain teapot and gets beaten for it, or when she is too late to dress you for supper, which always causes Geto to summon a curse that is so ugly and follows her for the rest of the day and makes crude comments toward her.
There was one time that it actually bit her, and after an hour’s worth of begging, Sookee earned the right to bandage herself up.
“Monkey,” The word is bitter on his tongue and lingers in the air for far longer than either Sookee or you would have liked. “Pin.”
Although you sympathize with Sookee, your instinct urges you to prioritize your well-being before her.
“Since you are so ungrateful for the life I have given you, maybe it would be better to make you like Sookee. Would you like that, princess? To be lesser than a pauper?”
You deeply repent for uttering a single word, which emerges from your lips with complete despair. Meanwhile, Geto wears a smile as he delicately places the luxurious golden hairpin, worth more than your two kidneys combined, into your hair. With a dismissive gesture and a piercing look, he sends Sookee away, and she quietly shuts the door behind her.
You don’t stop him from pushing you onto the bed, large enough for at least five people to rest on, because really is there anything you can do? “You’re so pretty. The loveliest one, the only one worthy of what I am about to do.”
You are trapped here, forever bound by him. The door is guarded by a terrifying curse that ensures your confinement, although Geto's power makes it unnecessary. You find yourself in this place, adorned in the kimono he compelled you to wear, lying in his bed, with the makeup Sookee was forced to apply on you. And here you are, hearing his whispered words of affection as he lies upon you.
“Since you are so ungrateful for what you already have, I will give you more and more, my love, until you regret ever wishing for a life outside of this one.”
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nordickies · 2 months
Nordictalia Fanfiction Masterpost
Hello, hello! I recently asked people to send me their Nordic 5-centric fanfiction recommendations, and I ended up getting so many good suggestions that I figured I'd compile them all into a single master post! Thank you so much to everyone who participated; this is exactly what I was looking for <3
All linked fanfictions are recommended by people in my inbox, I haven't read them all (yet). I'm willing to update this list if more recommendations come my way!
I decided to share this list because I have seen other people on the desperate lookout for new fics to read. Hopefully, this list will serve you well, too!
Oneshots (<10K)
Sticky notes by MilyV wc: 732 || rating: G || pairings: SuFin || completed Soulmates AU summary: AU. If you had the chance, would you communicate with your soulmate through sticky notes? Tino wasn't really sure about it but he decided to try it anyway. Fishermen & drowning sailors prompt by @saltcove wc: ~800 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: DenNor || completed Fantasy AU summary: pairing: denmark/norway / theme: fishermen & drowning sailors SuNor oneshot by @norgetalia wc: ~900 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: SuNor || completed Nationverse summary: Inspired by this post by nordickies! I love writing SuNor… mmmm stoic old men exes who are secretly in love >:) Linger by islande wc: 1,207 || rating: T || pairings: NorEst || completed Paranormal AU summary: Estonia sees ghosts from his past. They linger in the corner of his eyes, always watching. People who cared for him, people he cared for in return. Even strangers—men, women, and children whom he had never seen while they lived—appear before him. But Norway cares for him now, and Estonia is glad to care for him for as long as he will accept it. Beowulf by @balladofthewhitehorse wc: ~1,400 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: Eng & Swe || completed Nationverse summary: One of the earliest mentions of Sweden in old English literature comes in the form of the epic poem of Beowulf ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Coffee and Piano Keys by @scarlettlillies wc: 1,545 || rating: G || pairings: DenEst || completed Human AU summary: Christian is a busy construction worker who's a social butterfly, Eduard is a pianist who's tickets aren't selling. Everything started with just a cup of coffee. Knight's Ghost by RosieTheRo wc: 1,550 || rating: G || pairings: SuFin || completed Paranormal AU summary: Musician Tino Väinämöinen is interviewed for a television show, and has a strange story to tell. Inspired by the show "Celebrity Ghost Stories." Slight SuFin. First-person monologue. // cw: Major Character Death The Librarian Aide's Tale by Fintastica wc: 2,142 || rating: G || pairings: Ame & Liet, Den & Nor || completed Harry Potter AU summary: Lukas Bondevik, or, the struggles of dealing with people Kärringkånk - Or Not by Kono10 wc: 2,521 || rating: G || pairings: SuFin, DenNor || completed Nationverse summary: Finland and Estonia compete in the "Wife-Carrying" competition every year which makes Sweden very jealous. So, after a few drinks, he marches all the way across the Baltic to get his lover back, but he ends up going the wrong way to Denmark's front door instead. Will his friends comfort him in his time of emotional need? Highly unlikely.. Fireflies by @darcymariaphoster wc: 2,534 || rating: T || pairings: SuNor || completed Human AU summary: It started and ended on a summer night, before Berwald goes off to college. But apparently neither forgot, and a more or less chance meeting at a cafe some 20 years later reignites a spark they almost let disappear. [Late Night Vibes/High School prompts for SuNorWeek2022 on tumblr] the shore by phyripo wc: 3,000 || rating: G || pairings: Nyo!DenEst || completed Fantasy AU, Mermaid AU summary: Helle has always loved the sea, loves living this close to it, despite the dangers that come with the situation. The air is always sharper here than inland, carrying with it cold from the east, the smell of salt or faraway forests. The sea brings stories that no one would ever hear otherwise. And sometimes, the sea brings wandering mermaids. My Caoineag by @darcymariaphoster wc: 4,148 || rating: T || pairings: ScotNor || completed Fantasy AU summary: The waves should have taken him, but fate had other ideas. Sigurd instead found himself entangled with a creature who could not know kindness, and yet only showed kindness to him. [loosely ScotNor] ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Alternative Universes (AUs)
With Flowers by orphan_account wc: 2,170 || rating: G || pairings: DenNor, SuFin || completed Flower Shop AU summary: What was not normal was the blonde man shoving the door open, panting and red faced. Lukas stood up abruptly, before the man looked up, eyes locking on him. "How do you say 'screw you' with flowers?" Reverie Of The North by @eveistdiepommes wc: ~4,000 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: SuFin || work in progress Fantasy AU summary: ROTN: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince takes place in a medieval/fairytale/fantasy setting. Magic is ever present, beasts and creatures roam the forests, and while peace is happily maintained in the northern kingdoms, a new threat looms over the horizon. Word has spread of ferocious, terrifying armies of dark beings attacking kingdoms and leaving civilians fleeing their homes. The only kingdoms with enough time and resources to assemble a plan are the ones high up, the ones who haven’t been affected… yet. The Kingdoms of Frost, Shadows, Mystery, Isolation, and Life must band together and find the root of the issue. Good thing the princes from each kingdom are childhood best friends! Your Guardian Ghosts by @darcymariaphoster wc: 7,253 || rating: T || pairings: NorFin || completed Paranormal AU summary: Emil has always seen things -- ghosts and the like. The problem is, they're never nice things, and so he's refused to admit that he sees anything at all. But as his life changes, he may have to admit defeat. [A story of spooks and hauntings and healing for tumblr's 2022 Hetaween event.] // cw: major character death ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Espresso Kiss by @darcymariaphoster wc: 10,094 || rating: T || pairings: NorFin || completed Human AU summary: Lukas has run this cat cafe for the past three years and he's never had any problems. Until now -- two weeks before Christmas, his friends all show up for a big get-together and he's supposed to get an inspection right before the holiday hits. Maybe he'd be able to handle it, if his ex wasn't also going to be there, and if he hadn't just brought in a new batch of kittens, one of which seems absolutely hellbent on escaping. Or, maybe not so much escaping as pushing people together… Diamond Glints on Snow by Ludwiggle73 wc: 11,574 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor, SuFin || completed Fantasy AU summary: Mikkel sets off on a quest to save an old friend and ends up finding a new perspective as well. // cw: Major Character Death Not With Haste by @snark-sniper wc: 12,109 || rating: G || pairings: DenNor || completed Nobility AU summary: In a world where literacy is restricted to the upperclass, Mathias finds his soulmate's first words to him written on his forearm. Lukas doesn't. ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
folly of men by @brokskar wc: 15,689 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor || completed Human AU summary: Losing his job is not something that Mathias is particularly happy about. But it leads him back to Lukas, an old friend he lost touch with years ago. A lot has changed throughout the years, and as Mathias learns more about Lukas, he realizes there's more to learn about himself, too. The Best Bakery In The City by Peanutsfan1 wc: 33,439 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor, SUFin, HongIce || completed Human AU, Crime AU summary: Mathias Køhler was feeling quite confident. The week started with his Captain approaching him with the best case, an undercover mission to investigate the crime organisation run by the Bondevik family. Turns out this case isn't as simple as Mathias thought. As he keeps running into obstacles, he has to deal with the ever-present fear that he will be found out. Can he take down this criminal organisation without being discovered? And is Lukas Bondevik as terrifying as he let's on? Read My Lips by Terra Saltt wc: 36,782 || rating: T || pairings: SuFin || completed Superpower AU summary: Tino enjoys the comfort of a quiet library and dreaming minds when he picks up on the charming thoughts of a perfect stranger. Has Berwald found someone that can fully understand him, even when he is silent? MindReader!Tino x Deaf!Berwald AU ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Words and Broken Tables by Liradawn wc: 475 || rating: T || pairings: SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: "I thought I would love you forever. But forever is a long time to be wrong." SuFin angst, written for the kink meme. Reviews will always be much loved! The Birch tree by @caffinatedstory wc: ~800 II rating: Not Rated II pairings: none II completed Nationverse summary: It’s not a pretty sight that greets his eyes. His uniform is ripped and worn. Pale and washed out from far too much exposure to the outdoors. Scars are visible all over his chest. Deep grooves and soft lines of pink mar his pale skin. But scars are nothing new. Scars do not cause him pain. // cw: gore Two Oceans by @caffinatedstory wc: 934 || rating: G || pairings: Nor & Ice || completed Nationverse summary: "What's love?" Iceland enquires with a curious gaze up at his brother. The question seems to take Norway by surprise. The previous 30-50 questions Iceland had asked today had been more about why grass was green and the sky blue. Norway wasn't prepared for this sort of stuff. He'd gotten away with blaming the gods for a lot of stuff too, but he didn't think that would work now. Selfoss by @scarlettlillies wc: 1,346 || rating: G || pairings: Swe & Ice || completed Nationverse summary: During a trip to see the northern lights near the Icelandic town of Selfoss, Sweden couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was being watched. Yesterday by @scarlettlillies wc: 1,450 || rating: G || pairings: Nyo!DenEst || completed Nationverse summary: It was the final day of their brief holiday in Hiiumaa. Even though Estonia assures her that they will be back again soon, it's not enough. Denmark was tired of going home alone. Change by @ifindus wc: 2,515 || rating: G || pairings: SuNor || completed Nationverse summary: Norway is not happy with being traded around like a piece of property and he is certainly not happy with his new "boss" ; Sweden. Over the years, his opinion does not change, but their personal relationship just might. Brushstrokes by yuuago wc: ~3,100 || rating: G || pairings: SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: When Sweden had commissioned the portraits, he had meant it only as a token of affection; he hadn't thought there would be a time when he'd see Finland's portrait more often than Finland himself. ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Ástin mín by @i-am-a--lionheart wc: 3,941 II rating: M II pairing: SuNor II completed Nationverse summary: At the End of Kalmar, nothing keeps Sweden around but Norway. As he asks him to leave the union, the words between them stay soft and gentle, but hearts are torn apart anyways. // cw: Graphic Depictions Of Violence. Major Character Death Siblings and Quibblings by @95jezzica wc: 4,587 || rating: G (K) || pairings: none || completed Nationverse summary: Multiple fics dedicated to sibling idiocy. xD - [Ch1, Punchline: Norway goes to the market and leaves Sweden with the task of keeping Denmark out of trouble. In hindsight that was a stupid idea.] - [Ch5, Parenting is Warranting: There was no rush, and so Sweden could afford to let Sealand n Ladonia finish thinking what was on their minds. In hindsight, this had been a mistake.] xD Those Easy Days by kosame wc: 5,409 || rating: M || pairings: DenNor || completed Nationverse summary: He may not have his memories, but he has a good, simple life, until two strangers come to town and destroy his quiet equilibrium. The Butterfly I Keep in the Pocket of my Shirt by @randomw07 wc: 5,501 || rating: G || pairings: none || completed Nationverse summary: In Norway, he doesn't so much question his sexuality as realise it has a name. Snippets of Love by @95jezzica wc: 8,499 || rating: G (K+) || pairings: SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: Multiple snippets of various genres and SuFin's love for each other. [Ch1: Not Leaving. -Sweden has to be insane if he thinks Finland is about to leave him wounded and alone in the middle of a blizzard.] - [Ch10: Just Trust - Free Falling. - "Trust is a must in relationships, but sometimes Finland takes trust falls a little TOO literally for Sweden's and Estonia's liking."] xD ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Waiting for Sunshine in Tallinn by A_Virtuous_Pyromaniac wc: 10,207 || rating: T || pairings: SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: The year is 1974. From fraternal obligation, Finland takes a ferry across the Iron Curtain to pay Estonia a Christmas visit. Soviet Estonia might seem closed-off and static, but change is rippling beneath the surface. A mostly-serious historical fic about Estonian/Finnish relations during the Soviet occupation Five Loves for Berwald Oxenstierna by coeurgie wc: 17k+ || rating: M || pairings: DenSu, SuNor, SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: From Björn of the ætt Steirnung to Lord Berwald Oxenstierna to Papa, one thing has stayed the same: Sweden loves. / Sweden/OFC, Sweden/Denmark, Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Norway, Papa!Sweden Sealand. Historically accurate. Author's note inside with more. Why Iceland Can Speak Arabic by Klokkenspel wc: 23,429 || rating: T || pairings: none || completed Nationverse summary: He didn't think this visit would be different from the others, as his people were doing quite well, after all. He probably should have paid more attention to those ships on the horizon, but there was little room for regret when your hands are tied and you're taken aboard on a voyage to who-knows-where. Iceland is kidnapped by Barbary pirates. Norway comes to the rescue. Based off the Turkish Abductions of 1627. // cw: kidnapping Once a Family by Simana wc: 28,638 || rating: G || pairings: none || completed Nationverse summary: Once a family, always a family. Nordic story, Denmark-centric. Five times Denmark was there for his family, and one time his family was there for him. No slash. Originally posted on FF.net. Lif & Lifthrasir by @snark-sniper wc: 39,387 || rating: T || pairings: HongIce || completed Nationverse summary: On May 10, 1940, Iceland is occupied by England; per tradition, the personification of Iceland is brought to London to live in England's household. An Asian colony greets him at the door. (A story of coming of age in quarantine.) // cw: WW2 Healing by messe_jesse wc: 40,680 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: Dennor, SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: It's the end of World War II. The Nordics, after not being together for six years, are living together again under the same roof. It's tough, and all they want to do is go back to normal. But how do you go back to normal after seeing nothing but death, destruction and fear for six years? The chapters after the prologue are the same events but in different point of views so there's some repetition, but it's to show how everybody is processing events differently. The prologue is a bit heavy with the history and there's no dialogue, but the rest of the story has a lot more going on! Also, I apologize if any of my history is incorrect!! I did my best with research. // cw: WW2, PTSD ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Multichapters (+50K)
Apartment 43 by @lumassen wc: 56,867 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor || completed Human AU summary: Sigurd is a single parent to Emil, and they've just moved in to a new apartment complex for a fresh start. Mads, their neighbour below them in Apartment 33 becomes friends with them over time, and he realises that he can help Sigurd in more ways than one. While he figures out what he wants to do with his life, Mads not only forms a friendship with Sigurd, but with little Emil too. Under the North Star by Embrose wc: 66,327 || rating: T || pairings: SuFin, DenNor || completed Human AU summary: Tino Väinämöinen lives in the farthest reaches of Lapland, scraping together a living and keeping himself sane through painting. He ran away from his past, but cast himself into loneliness and darkness. But his quiet living is interrupted, when a Swedish giant Berwald Oxenstierna comes into his life and gradually pulls Tino back into the light. But eventually Tino's past catches up to him… Sendlingur og Sandlóa by @pyrrhocorax wc: 74,037 || rating: T || pairings: SuNor, EstFin, (queerplatonic) DenNor and SuFin (romantic) || completed Nationverse summary: During an average summer in modern day, the Nordics meet up in the countryside for a long vacation to relax together. However, with hundreds of years of history between them, old memories get dredged up, both bad and good. Sendlingur og Sandlóa is a story about perspective, of loss and longing, the temperamental nature of both life and human relationships, and family. (Aromantic asexual Iceland, queerplatonic SuNor and EstFin, romantic DenNor and SuFin. Centered around DenNorIce as a family unit but includes other relationships as well. And honestly, even though this is my intent, you can freely interpret the relationships however you see fit and I actively encourage you to do so if you'd like.) Top Secret by VyraFinn wc: 76,001 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor, SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: Iceland thought that his life would return to normal once he finished the studies in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, he wasn’t right about that, and a bet made with Norway gives him whole new set of problems. Can he survive the Norwegian military training and find the spy before it is too late? There is also something strange going on with Denmark and Norway, but Iceland is not even sure if he wants to know more about that. Sequel to Higher Education. Mise en Scène by @brokskar wc: 77,013 || rating: M || pairings: DenNor || completed Human AU summary: As a screenwriter, Lukas wants to tell the truth about the world; that it's messy, unkind, and complicated. He's also desperate for a way out of the home situation he's stuck in. As a director, Mathias is trying to take back control of the life he lost sight of two years ago. He's looking for an escape from the messy, unkind, and complicated world that Lukas is so adamant on recreating. As members of the same film group, they both have their own ideas and ambitions when it comes to making their new movie, and neither one of them are particularly interested in letting the other get in their way. Stories Through the Years by Ikikuka wc: 79,541 || rating: M || pairings: SuFin || work in progress Nationverse summary: Short, and sometimes a little bit longer, stories from the North. Finland's and Sweden's journey from the past to this day from their respective perspectives. Gutters by glassamilk wc: 98,149 || rating: M || pairings: Den & Sea || completed Apocalypse AU summary: 'The Calamity' has left the world stripped and dying. Alone in a civilian bunker in Munich, Sealand will be reunited with the last known living member of his surrogate family and together, they will set out across Europe to find those they have lost. // cw: Major Character Death ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Higher Education by VyraFinn wc: 99,845 || rating: T || pairings: DenNor, SuFin || completed Nationverse summary: After a brief argument with his boss Iceland finds himself to be enrolled in to a master program in University of Copenhagen. Not only he is a nation but now he should somehow survive the student life and keep it all secret from his family. Good thing Denmark never notices anything, right? A Kingdom to Fall by @darcymariaphoster wc: 150,275 || rating: M || pairings: Nordic polycule || work in progress Fantasy AU summary: The Väinämöinen family is dead. That's the news that sparks the building of a new and vast kingdom, one that promises to rival even the most powerful kingdoms in Europe. It's not the way Sigurd had imagined meeting any of his soul partners, under political terms and conditions. But here he is -- with three other men, conspiracy, and more personal challenges than he'd ever thought one could handle. All he'd wanted was to be King. // cw: Graphic Depictions Of Violence. Major Character Death Take a Chance on Me by Hetart wc: 183,443 || rating: Not Rated || pairings: DenNor || completed Human AU, High School AU summary: When Lukas moved in with his grandparents next door, Mathias immediately knew they would be the best of friends. For the most part, this prediction was correct. But as the years pass and the two grow older, Mathias learns that life is rarely as simple as it seems when you are six years old and with a heart full of stars. Or. A story of two boys who, against all odds, will find each other every time. Once in 19th century by VyraFinn wc: 203,195 II rating: M II pairings: DenNor, SuFin II work in progress Nationverse summary: Denmark has fallen, Norway has been taken away, and Iceland… Iceland is all alone. Thrown into a life of great changes and discoveries, he has to figure out what it really means to grow up. Independent, stand-alone part of the Icelandic Studies, and prequel of sort to Higher Education and Top Secret. ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
Explicit [18+]
Head Over Feet by Sara Generis (kanadka) wc: 2,128 || rating: E || pairings: NedDen || completed Nationverse summary: It all starts out perfectly innocent: well-travelled routes brought a Viking Dane through to Dorestad where he met a young Lowland enterpreneur selling wares. And when they grew up it was natural enough to consider each other for a spot of casual fun. Just innocent fun, filthy sex, but nothing so messy as romance. //cw: smut Stuffed by uncagingwardens wc: 3,275 || rating: E || pairings: DenNor || completed Nationverse summary: Aleksander makes a promise, and Mathias holds him to it. // cw: smut, OC Decades by wickedlupin wc: 3,477 || rating: E || pairings: DenNor || work in progress Nationverse summary: separation. n. 1. the action or state of being moved apart. 2. the division of something into constituent or distinct elements. independence. n. 1. free from outside control. 2. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. “Sve will be pissed if he finds out I have you like this.” “That’s all the more reason for you to do it, then, isn’t it?” // cw: smut Under Your Breath by Ludwiggle73 wc: 5,007 || rating: E || pairings: SuFin || completed Human AU summary: Berwald is a chiropractor. Tino gets his back blown out. // cw: smut, omega verse Rags To Dance In by bunnyfication wc: 9,690 || rating: E || pairings: NedDen || completed Nationverse summary: In which blood is thicker than water, but even that might not be enough, and Netherlands is a (mostly) neutral spectator helping bros with trouble with other bros. // cw: smut, medical trauma Dragon's Heart by Domina_Ecca wc: 10,359 || rating: E || pairing: DenSu || completed Fantasy AU summary: Hetalia Fantasy AU: A beast of legend has attacked a defenseless village at the base of a dark mountain. Only one warrior is brave enough to seek it out. But no creature is more determined at getting what it wants than a dragon… Rated for cursing, adult content, and some violence. [warrior!Sweden x dragonshifter!Denmark] // cw: smut ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
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esggs · 25 days
[ #2, Lord!Sukuna x knight!reader, heian-era trueform Sukuna, d/s relationship, graphic descriptions of torture and violence as a metaphor for love, misogyny, yandere!reader, jealousy, gnc reader, 800+ words ]
pt.1 (feast)
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No one wants to bring the news to you: Sukuna has taken another knight. 
One he found mid-battle, similar to you. Young Gojo-kun, a sprightly boy only a few years younger than you, possesses the Six Eyes and Limitless cursed technique. One who apparently professed his loyalty to Sukuna in exchange for training. One who sits pampered in his tent across the post-war encampment. 
That you raged back into your tent, fell down weeping, bashed your things at the walls, ripped your hair and tore your robes off screaming in anger… it was all heard by the worried guards posted in front of your chambers. Never had they seen their noble knight with veins of cold steel so. It did not calm them down when you emerged from your doors, kimono falling off your shoulders, eyes puffy red, hair dishevelled, and your hand grasped, with foreboding surety, around your sword. 
The All-Seeing Gojo-kun titters at your state. His tent is among the largest, his throng of admirers sitting around like so. His feet are slung over a makeshift throne, about 20 paces from your determined steps.
“What an honour! The Butcher, in flesh!” He mocks. “Make space, Benkei, find a seat for the mistress-in-chief’s royal ass!” He takes no notice of the audience gasping, the inconceivable disrespect for someone like you. 
10 paces. “Won’t you please us with a dance, dog? Like you do for your master? A little tail-wagging?” Gojo-kun has nothing to worry about. Not only is he blessed with God-like sorcery and the heirdom of the Gojo Clan, he has the protection of Sukuna himself. Nothing can wee old you do to him.  
5 paces. “Please, I only tease you as a friend, haha! Will you go tattle to Sukuna now?”
3 paces. “But he won’t care, will he? Not when he’s bored with his old toy. One with no cursed technique.”
2 paces. “Not when he has me, the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery.”
1 pace. You plant your footing in front of the smug Gojo-kun– “Keep crying for him like a virgin bride, you know that he’ll never return your pathe– ” and you cut his head off in one clean flash of your blade. 
Screams, a rushing crowd, weeping maidens, enraged men. Damn, you muse. That brat must’ve really gotten to me. My hand shook so much. Because why else would a few untorn threads of muscle still dare to patch his idiotic head onto his neck? The boy is still breathing. Good.  
You drag Gojo-kun’s body, his ornate robes collecting grass-dirt, by the hair. People stand by terrified lest they catch your eye. In his last moments, you correct his previous statement: you do have a cursed technique. Pain like rats are clawing through their chest, pain like they are being skinned and broiled alive, pain like their eyes, tongues, fingers and genitalia are being torn off…You can give one such pain at the time of their death. And the way his dead eyes are crying, you know that he’s penitent. 
His body flops to the ground as his neck-muscles finally snap apart. Tsk. Now you have to carry the head in one hand and rest in another. All the way up to the master tent, where Lord Sukuna must be holding court. 
No guard dares stop you. The courtiers part in haste. Sukuna himself sits up, eyes wide in shock. Like a wolfdog bringing a dead sparrow to present to its master, both parts of the corpse are dropped, as are your knees, to the ground at your Lord’s feet. 
“I caught this rat stealing from your granary, Sukuna-sama.” What a bold-faced lie, but which fool would correct you? “I protected you.” 
Sukuna knew that you were tamed in the sense that you did your best to be tame for him. He did anticipate some ill-feelings from you when he brought the boy along, not blunt murder. Should he punish you? You certainly deserved to be disciplined; he had grand plans for the Six-Eyes. But to look into the insanity carved in your stony eyes as you pointedly refuse to call him ‘my Lord’... No, I understand now. 
This was your way of saying, if the brat deserved to survive, he would have. Your cruel mouth says he wasn’t worthy of you. Your jealous heart says I am all that you require, my Lord. 
You dragged his corpse all the way here not to profess guilt but for something completely different: you want praise. Sukuna has never denied you anything. 
“Well done, knight.” Your Lord’s voice rumbles like rocks through the silence. “We are all grateful for your service.”
You offer him a deep prostration before you excuse yourself. The next time Sukuna spots you is at the dinner banquet, merry-making and loud-laughing with your comrades, sake and deer-meat aplenty, your knight uniform shining, long hair tied neat, sword pristine as a white lily. 
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a/n: Set in the Heian era (794-1185 AD), this Gojo isn't our Satoru Gojo, to clarify that. He also never got the chance to activate his Infinity before getting his head lopped off, poor guy ig.
knight!reader primarily fights with conventional weaponry, infuses cursed energy and uses New Shadow style techniques (which they discovered and founded), cuz their CT is pretty useless in actual battle. Most people, like Gojo-kun here, think that they don't have one. they're a horrifically savage fighter, tearing enemies into chunks, hence is also called 'The Butcher'.
While the biological sex of the knight is whatever the reader wants it to be, socially they play a male role. they dress in male military uniform, fight alongside men, were given a man's education, and get duties and respect that a man of that time would get. realistically, a woman would never get the high ranking of a knight.
knight!reader is not Sukuna's mistress or anything like that. it's just mean-spirited gossip. their relations are intensely close and kinda fucked up tho :)
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footnotesaregreat · 8 months
Hua Cheng's Simp Diaries 101
*a list of his simp moments bc you've never seen a man so deeply in love*
1. found and kept xie lian's earring from the first time they met when he was 10
2. plays with it a lot
3. kept the umbrella xie lian gave him when it was raining at his shrine
4. only ate from the offerings at the shrine when he was certain it was xie lian himself who told him to
5. was one of the few people who didn't kneel to pray to xie lian bc it was what he asked
6. he brought fresh flowers to the shrine everyday for xie lian's statue to hold
7. he tied the red string of fate on the finger xie lian had tied his own hair around to protect him in the cave
8. he turned his ashes into a ring which he gave to xie lian
9. told him it was nothing important
10. made him his reason to live because xie lian told him to
11. he built thousands of statues and shrines for xie lian
12. he challenged the 33 gods that ridiculed xie lian beat them in battle and burned down their temples *girlboss*
13. he's been drawing xie lian's picture from when he was a child from the first day that he saved him
14. made a big ass door for the shrine so it'd be better protected
15. when xie lian was blown away by the sandstorm at ban yue pass and accidentally grabbed onto him he only said: gege there you are don't fly away again
16. literally sucked venom out of xie lian's hand and then proceeded to explode the snake that stung him
17. made sure to give xie lian the ferns that did not grow with humans as fertiliser to heal his hand bc he knew he would feel bad about that
18. killed hundreds of ghosts at ban yue pass in seconds before xie lian came down there
19. protected him from the snakes leaving mu qing alone to fight them
20. taught xie lian how to play dice just to hold his hands bc the motherfucker definitely just changed the dice himself
21. he gave xie lian dice that would always bring him to xie lian as long as he wanted to see him
22. when he fought with qianqiu and accidently hurt xie lian he felt so bad
23. eming was crying actual tears
24. he came into the heavenly capital to take xie lian away immediately bc he rolled the dice he gave him and he wanted to see him
25. once he saw how much qianqiu didn’t know about the gilded banquet he took them to qi rong's lair and forced him to tell the whole story so there would be no misunderstandings
26. he built a literal temple in the ghost city for xie lian specifically for the mid autumn festival so he could "make things interesting" for xie lian's "amusement"
27. he lit up 3000 blessings lanterns for xie lian from the temple he made in the ghost city
28. spent billions in gold to get the lanterns
29. *twice*
30. he captured the fetus ghost before xie lian bc he couldn’t let him hurt himself and to do so kissed him in the pretence that they shouldn't have their mouths open
31. brought xie lian back to paradise manor and instantly made him feel so comfortable that he actually let his pain show while removing the needle he'd stepped on
32. he went to puqi village to bring xie lian’s hat back bc he mentioned it while rambling after their first kiss
33. he cleaned puqi shrine and took qi rong out of the house along with the rest of the trash
34. when he saw he xuan come in with qingxuan he threatened him bc he didn't want xie lian involved with the whole thing with he xuan and the wind and water masters
35. got his people to watch over qi rong and lowkey lang ying and guzi and also probably to look after the shrine while they would be away with qingxuan and he xuan
36. when xie lian FINALLY asked for his private communication array password his eyes legit twinkled
37. he purposefully set his password to sth very much embarrassing so that no one but xie lian would dare reach him
38. the only time xie lian actually used it himself was when he was legit imprisoned by jun wu
39. he actually found xie lian's password funny and the poor thing got the validation he wanted for his joke after 800 years of having this password
40. he constantly changed outfits to watch xie lian struggle to keep his eyes off him
41. while qingxuan was in xie lian’s body he wouldn’t hurt him so he punched he xuan into the ground to release his frustration
42. totally sailed across black water's domain with xie lian's dead body in a coffin
43. the worst suffering for him is watching his beloved get trampled and ridiculed which he experienced when xie lian descended and the people turned against him
44. also watched him get stabbed a hundred times
45. and saw him drunk in a graveyard crying and breaking down
46. he thought he hadn't won xie lian over yet but he had even though xie lian himself hadn't realised it yet
47. he made a new donation box for xie lian while shirtless and sweating even though he's a literal ghost and doesn't sweat
48. he pretended to be unconscious even though as mentioned he's a literal ghost just so he could have a laugh and totally freaked out when xie lian attempted to perform cpr *on a literal ghost*
49. proposed to xie lian and for some reason said he was kidding
50. he’d already given xie lian his ring and wore the string of fate (smooth bro)
51. built a coffin to safely cross the sea with xie lian and successfully caused him a boner (erectile dysfunction cured great success)
52. went along with xie lian to the east sea to protect him from black water but still didn't interfere with his choices
53. when xie lian did the soul switch he sucked his power from his body so that he could bring xie lian's soul back and again freaked out when xie lian kissed him to get the powers back
54. he only practices writing with a specific poem that specifically describes the specific feelings he has for xie lian
55. when he lost control of himself he *intensely* kissed xie lian and afterwards he was so worried that he had hurt him
56. he turned into lang ying even though xie lian told him to not be with eachother for now since they would both be busy
57. even though he was with him he sent the litter to carry them
58. had yin yu gather all the ghosts and the clothes while searching for the brocade immortal so that xie lian could work faster
59. he tattooed xie lian's name on his arm but his handwriting is so awful even xie lian himself couldn't tell what was written for the longest time
60. he ignored xie lian telling him to not do all the chores and did them for him while maintaining lang ying's form
61. he refused to change even when it was clear that xie lian had figured it out and was struggling to write whatever he’d asked him
62. he tried to make himself look good when xie lian asked him who is the prettiest, strongest etcetc
63. he was definitely crying tears of joy whenever xie lian picked him up and told him who cute he was
64. he shared his ✨feelings✨ about looking weaker than he is and feeling powerless
65. did not want xie lian to have to protect him but still listened to him and accepted the help
66. went with xie lian to mount tong'lu to protect him and make sure no one messed up with him
67. he told xie lian anything he wanted to know about whatever they encountered at mount tong'lu
68. he changed the bloody rain to red flower petals so he wouldn’t get xie lian wet
69. he brought him under his umbrella and shielded him from the boulders refusing to help anyone else
70. he tied THE FUCKING RED STRING OF FATE to xie lian's finger to make sure the two would always find their way back to each other
71. he quoted a line from the oldest known chinese novella literally meaning "not even death can do us part"
72. he showed xie lian what happened between yin yu and qi ying so he could better understand their situation
73. he was very ok to just hang around inside the mountain and told xie lian that if it was with him he wouldn't mind staying there
74. he heard and comforted xie lian's worries about his guoshi and told him exactly what he needed to hear
75. it later helped xie lian remain calmer when the identity of white no-face was about to be revealed
76. when the rest of their group where being loud he told them to shut the fuck up bc xie lian was sleeping
77. when pei ming was being a little shit and commented on the red string tied on their fingers he covered it with an illusion
78. then he showed it to xie lian who was worried that it was gone completely
79. he said to xie lian: "i know you can’t die, and you’re not afraid to die, but no matter how tough you are, don’t think yourself incapable of getting hurt.”
80. and: “not dying doesn’t mean not getting hurt, and it definitely doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. when you see something strange and dangerous, don’t just touch it. find me. let me take care of it.”
81. when xie lian replied with: “...you too. if there’s something dangerous, you don’t touch, i won’t touch either, alright?” he was downright giddy, giggling, eyes twinkling, hair twirling
82. he built tens of thousands of statues and painted all of his encounters with xie lian throughout the years
83. he also sculpted the two of them boning (my guy was so sexually deprived)
84. he was so so scared when they ended up in the cave bc he didn't want to make xie lian uncomfortable in any way
85. he never wanted to make any kind of move that would frighten xie lian
86. he healed xie lian's frostbite wounds that even xie lian himself hadn't noticed
87. honestly can't separate the moments at this point the man is a ball of affection
88. when xie lian hugged him and showed him that his feelings were reciprocated he said: "your highness, you really will be the death of me." BRO IS LEGIT LIVING IN A SAKUATSU FIC WHAT THE FUCK
89. his eyes would not stop twinkling the whole time xie lian held his hand
90. he was in such a good mood that he didn't even say anything *extremely* insulting to mu qing and feng xin
91. he is just a little bby
92. he loves xie lian so much
93. when xie lian asked him about his ashes he once again said that they were absolutely safe and if the place he kept them was destroyed he wouldn't want to continue existing anyway
94. he basically turned into a ghost for the sole purpose of protecting xie lian and being with him
95. he twirls his little braid and fidgets with the coral pearl from xie lian's earring
96. he KISSED xie lian before they jumped into the kiln and this time without any false pretence of "transferring powers” or performing cpr" *once again on a literal ghost*
97. his spirit stayed in the mortal realm after dying in battle for xie lian and when he saw him told him once again that he will never forget him
98. also referred to xie lian as his beloved
99. also said that he wanted to protect him
100. and that he is his most devoted believer
101. and if his beloved felt bad that he stayed to protect them he would just not tell them
102. very slay of him
103. he was still so young there i-
104. they are the death of me
105. in the form of a literal ball of ghost fire he followed xie lian and did his best to warm him up and protect him even though he couldn't do that in that form
106. when white no-face held him and forced him to stay still while people stabbed xie lian a hundred times he couldn't take it and transformed into a vengeful spirit
107. he found xie lian in yong’an and offered to fight for him again as wu ming
108. while in yong'an he protected xie lian multiple times
109. the best and most beautiful statue of xie lian he built was inside the kiln and ended up being the one that broke xie lian out thanks to the powers he’d transferred to him
110. he continues to give xie lian spiritual powers by sticking his tongue down his throat and xie lian is going for it ofc
111. sent out his people to find the humans xie lian needed for the spiritual array
112. immediately noticed someone extra joined the array and told xie lian to check it out
113. when xie lian had to go to the heavenly capital with jun wu and his guoshi he asked him for a kiss bc staying back to take care of the spirits and the people in the array was just so hard to do without
🎐🍒🔥✨gege✨🔥🍒🎐 at his side
114. when xie lian connected with him through the spiritual communication array he instantly knew sth was wrong bc xie lian would never say his password unless it was an emergency
115. he gave qingxuan spiritual powers to have a way to connect with xie lian and sent help immediately
116. came to the heavenly capital despite knowing that jun wu would find him
117. talked with xie lian's guoshi and even spoke respectfully to him *mostly*
118. he sent he xuan to the array to give qingxuan his fan and transfer powers maybe bc xie lian cares for him or maybe bc he tolerates qingxuan *guess we’ll never know*
119. let's be honest from this point on, even more than the rest, every moment should be added
120. the man is a ball of love
121. he quoted himself while he was evaporating into butterflies because he's just such a poet and a romantic
122. he dies 3 times for xie lian
123. three
124. separate
125. times
126. he came back on the same day they first met
127. he lit another 3000 blessing lanterns for xie lian
128. "they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. this time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace."
129. he turned puqi shrine into a gay monument to xie lian
130. he left an essence of evil inside xie lian *successfuly caused mu qing and feng xin strokes*
131. he asks xie lian to call him 🧧🥟🗡️✨san lang✨🗡️🥟🧧 bc it means husband so xie lian has been calling him his husband all along
132. he got spoiled by xie lian and tried to bone every chance he got *fair*
133. when someone goes to pray to either one of them, for the prayers to be successful they must pray to both of them *together*
134. treated xie lian to yuanxiao and he finally remembered how it tasted after 800 years
135. he was definitely shaking from happiness when the answers to the riddles from the ghosts wrote "my husband is hua cheng" *even though the ghosts didn't know grammar*
136. when xie lian temporarily lost his memories he followed him everywhere to keep an eye on him
137. it's implied that mu qing and feng xin found him to tell him the situation with xie lian and then he went to find him so maybe he trusts them more now
138. he immediately sent yin yu to capture the creature that ate xie lian's memories
139. he loved every second of making fun of him
140. he made xie lian call him 🧧🥟🗡️✨gege✨🗡️🥟🧧
141. you bet his eye was twinkling the whole time
142. eming is used to taking baths with xie lian but when he went to him while he didn't have his memories hua cheng slapped it *save eming*
143. when he got sick he didn't want xie lian to have to take care of him but they talked about it and agreed to let the other take care of them whenever they needed it
144. when the whole fiasco with xie lian’s statues happened they made statues of hua cheng to keep them company
145. he has given up on learning calligraphy since he can just turn xie lian on and he forgets about everything
146. no one is doing it like them
147. hua cheng is insane for all of this
148. and very valid bc xie lian is gorgeous
if anyone made it here here's some tgcf playlists i'm quite proud of
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gojo-enthusiast · 11 months
Jealous Ass Bitch ~ Toji Fushiguro One Shot
Master List <3
Word count: 800
Slight smut, 18+, MDI, Fluff, vulgar Toji bc when is he not, strong language.
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“Fuccckkk I am in the worst fucking mood EVER!” You huff out, slamming the front door, kicking your shoes off. “Wow doll, what’s up with the language?” The big broad, vulgar speaking boyfriend of yours asks, with a lifted brow. “Says the one with the most foul language known to man.” You roll your eyes, plopping on the couch. Usually when you come home, even after a long day, you give your boyfriend Toji a kiss, and instantly lay with him on the couch, before you both go and take a shower to wash off the day.
Your boyfriend was a gangster, of course he would never tell you that. But the wounds on his knuckles and the way he came home with stitches on his arm told you otherwise.
“Hey, whatcha sittin’ so far away for?” He says, standing up, to walk over to you. “I’m not in the mood today.” You sigh. “What’s wrong big baby?” He teases, sitting down on the ground, grabbing your feet. You instantly try to pull them away saying— “No Toji, I’m sure they smell. I’ve been working all day.” You pout. “I have fucked ya on ya period, I’m not worried about stinky feet.” He chuckles, grabbing your feet, and starts massaging them. “So what happened pretty princess.” He looks up with those forest green eyes. You finally begin to tell him. You told him how the girl who works under you was calling you a liar, saying that Toji wasn’t really your boyfriend, you had never brought him by the office, so everyone thought he was someone you just said was your boyfriend so people would be off your back about marriage and stuff. You go on, telling him how you showed a picture to the girl, and she said he was to good looking for you, that she doubts that’s even your boyfriend. It ended up with you calling her a bitch, and telling her to quit being a “jealous ass bitch.” Which ended up getting you written up. Of course your boss understood your POV, but he said, “you just can’t call people a jealous ass bitch. It simply is unprofessional and disrespectful.”
“Sounds like a bitch.” Toji says, agreeing with you. “Yeah! That’s what I’m saying! Ugh! I mean I know I’m not the hottest, but I do deserve you.” You sigh, “hey Doll, of course you do. it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. You’re the hottest girl I’ve seen, and with the tightest pussy I’ve had.” He winks— “Ahhh Toji you’re so gross!” You laugh, he starts tickling your feet, moving up your legs, to your face, kissing you. “My pretty little girl.” He smiles. “Should I come by your job and fuck you right in front of her?” He smirks, “Toji! You’re so vulgar!” You laugh.
Well 3 days later, your gorgeous raven haired boyfriend does show up to your job, your favorite flowers in his hand, a bouquet, and a paper bag in his other. “Hey doll.” He says, leaning in kissing you. “To- what are you doing here?” You say chuckling to yourself. “I can’t bring my princess flowers and a gift?” He questions, “of course you can.” You smile.
“Hello! I’m Marie, you must be Toji! I didn’t know y/n had such a lovely looking friend.” The jealous ass bitch says. “Friend? I wouldn’t say the woman I fuck daily is my friend. I’d probably say my wife though.” He says with a smirk. “Oh— I didn’t know you were married Miss. Y/N!” She chuckles. “I’m not yet-“ you start to say, “Will be soon, ready to put a baby in this fine ass woman.” He smirks, kissing your lips and gripping your ass. “Just came by to show you that I’m very much real.” He whispers to the young girl.
“Princess I put some of your favorite snacks in the bag, and a little something to change into before you walk in the door tonight. You better be ready.” He says low enough for you to hear, but loud enough for Marie to hear. “Oh—“ your breathe hitches,
“I’ll see ya later sweet cheeks.” He smooches your cheek, “I’ll see ya later jealous ass bitch.” He smirks at Marie. She had her mouth wide open, covering her mouth and face in embarrassment. She sits at her desk, and for the rest of her time there she doesn’t mutter a word to you.
“Y/n HR wants to speak with you.” Your boss says at the end of the day. “no they don’t, because I fucking quit.” You say, slipping out the chair, grabbing your stuff, and going home to the man who’s about to help you celebrate your departure from the dead end job he’s been telling you to quit for months.
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800masterdoors · 1 year
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
late night company
800 words, Corey Cunningham x f!Reader
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WARNINGS: I8+ mdni. unsafe p in v sex, creampie, CNC (consensual non-con), somnophilia, consent pre-established to have his way with you and contraceptive pre-established. See also: Corey CNC, Scrapyard, master list
Lately, Corey is being careful because Joan is losing it.  He keeps having to go home early after work, and you barely get any alone time. You have to come to the scrapyard to see him. He thinks this will just be temporary, but it’s driving him crazy. He might try not to show it, but it is. The last straw is when he doesn't get to see you on your birthday because when you go by the scrapyard he’s out on a tow job. He gets to spend such little time with you that for weeks there hasn’t been an opportunity to take you forcefully the way you want. 
Well tonight, he’s gonna give it to you, come what may from Joan if he gets caught.  He waits until the middle of the night, hours after Joan has gone to sleep.  He puts on jeans and a white t-shirt and sneaks out the back door. He walks over an hour to your apartment, and by the time he gets there, he’s sweaty. He catches his breath for a moment outside your door. He’s going to give you something really special. 
For the first time, he uses the key you gave him to your apartment.  He takes his shoes off before coming inside. Then he creeps into the bedroom where you’re sleeping like an angel on your stomach with just a light sheet covering you. You’re so patient with him. He doesn’t know why you put up with the way things are with him. In his mid twenties and his mom still has such a grip on him.  
It’s a warm night and the ceiling fan is on a high enough speed that it’s fluffing his curls.  He takes off his jeans and kneels by the side of your bed.  He slowly pulls down the sheet and you don’t wake up.  You’re wearing a silk nightgown with no underwear.  It’s ridden up, and your leg is hiked up, so he can see a peek of his warm, juicy prize
He gets hard watching you sleep. He takes off his briefs, realizing he should’ve brought lube. He gathers saliva in his mouth, lets it drop onto his fingers, then smears it on the tip of his fat dick and slowly strokes himself. He does this a couple more times, heart racing. Then he gets on the bed, slow and careful, straddling one of your legs.  He spits on his fingers and reaches down to find your clit.  You moan in your sleep, making his cock twitch.  He nudges your thighs apart and moves from straddling one leg to being in between them, his chest nearly resting against your back, bracing himself with one forearm.  He notches the fat head of his cock at your entrance and you begin to stir. 
You wake up when a massive hand covers your mouth.  You whimper in confusion, and he whispers, “Shhhh.”  Then his deep, gruff voice chides darkly, “Think I’d forget?” As you wake up, you recognize the smell of Corey’s cologne and sweat and feel the fullness of the tip of his cock nudging your entrance. His chest is against your back.  
“Corey,” his hand muffles your whimper. 
“Shhhh,” he repeats, then takes his hand away. Then he shoves his cock into you with a groan. 
You gasp, and he stays inside while you adjust, your body rapidly lubricating you. “Yeah,” he says all deep and gravelly as he retreats, then he slams into you and bottoms out with a moan. 
It’s been so long, you nearly forgot what it felt like having him take you. He feels so snug inside you. His hips settle into a moderate pace.  He breathes loudly and grunts as he buries himself inside you.  “Thought about—ugh–thought about this all day,” he rumbles.  You begin to push up to get in all fours and he forces you back down with his hand on your back. “Nah,” he says. “I got this.”  His thrusts become more powerful and you whimper, feeling tension swell deep inside you.  “Nnng,” he grunts and begins to rails into you at a punishing pace. You can only imagine how hot he looks, big thighs flexing, hair bouncing, probably biting his lip. 
“Fuck, ohh, fuck,” he sighs. “Ugghh, take it.” 
You moan on the cusp of your climax and he lowers his head. His plush lips brush the shell of your ear as he warns in a gravelly murmur, “You betta come right fuckin’ now baby.” 
His voice is enough to put you over the edge.  “Corey,” you  moan as the pleasure seizes you.  You moan unrestrained as wave after wave grips you.  You sigh “ohhh, Corey,” unrestrained. 
“Ah, fuck,” he sighs, then slams to the hilt and erupts with a groan. He slowly thrusts once more, “Mmmm,” as his release fills you, extending your waning orgasm. He moans as he finishes. 
Then collapses onto you.  He kisses your neck and whispers, “happy birthday, baby.” 
He settles in with you and kisses you, falling asleep with you.
Thank you for reading! 
Corey tag list: @wolvesandvampires @ethanhoewke, @slutforstabbings @rebelliousstories
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oepionie · 2 years
BELOVED BAT-WIFE. lilia vanrouge
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Characters: Lilia Vanrouge x Fem! Reader, Platonic! Sebek x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Lilia's wife makes an impromptu visit at NRC. Sebek is dragged into this mess and has to help her sneak into the campus.
A/N:: This is the first fic I've written in years!
Tags: Fluff, Established relationship, Maybe a bit OOC?, Reader is not Yuu and is said to be a mage
Word Count: 800+|💌Masterlist | Batwife masterlist
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"Lady Vanrouge! When you told me you planned to visit, this wasn't what I had in mind!" Sebek hissed, staring at you through the gate's frame. He responded to your SMS asking him to meet you at the school gates as soon as possible. Despite the fact that it was two in the morning, he ran to your position right away. How he arrived in under 10 minutes is remarkable.
"I did say it was a last-minute decision." Shaking your head, you pulled the hood to your robe up and slipped on a pair of leather gloves. Indeed, you did send Sebek a letter to inform him of your plans beforehand. Leaving out the fact that you planned to sneak in like some petty thief.
"Now hold this gate steady for me, ok?"
Sebek's eyes practically sprang out of his head when you started climbing the tall gate. He yelled at you to be careful as he grasped the gate with both hands, firmly grasping the metal bars. You easily climbed to the top and laughed as you tossed yourself to the opposite side. Shrieking, Sebek ran to catch you, nearly toppling over from the force.
"Nice catch, my boy!" You grinned, patting his shoulder and setting yourself down. Sebek heaved, kneeling over and pressing a palm over his chest to calm his racing heart from the stunt you just pulled.
"You-Lady Vanrouge-!" Sebek started. "You're a mage! Why would you do that!"
"Teleporting or flying would definitely be easier…but that's boring~" You drawled, a cheeky grin on your face.
"Now, which way is that mirror again? It's been ages since I last set foot on this campus-literally!"
You linked both your arms together and began to pull the boy towards the academy, ignoring any and all of his complaints.
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"I really think we shouldn't be doing this." Sebek muttered, begrudgingly pushing the doors to the mirror chamber open. You both slid inside, the door behind you closing with a snap.
It was already late at night, and the moon shone through the windows, its light reflecting off the mirrors. You took a step closer to Diasomnia's portal, tracing the engravings on its frame.
Had they changed parts of it? You noticed certain details that were not previously present.
"Well, too late to back off now. You're making me start to think you don't actually want me here." You pouted, shifting your gaze to Sebek's rigid body beside the doorway. He jumped and dashed over, his cheeks flushed pink.
"Of course I do, Lady Vanrouge! Your presence is always appreciated! I only wish you had chosen safer means to visit!" He yelled, his booming voice practically rattling the walls. Chuckling, you ran your fingers through his hair before patting his head.
"I jest. Now, let's not keep them waiting. Shall we?" You clasped Sebek's hand with your own and stepped into the mirror.
A blur of colours hit you for a moment before you found yourself whisked away to the dark brooding castle Diasomnia calls a dorm. Standing atop the cobblestone steps, you took a deep breath. The air was thick with smothering moisture, like a fog.
The dim light of a window in the distance drew your attention. Among the many windows in the castle, it was the only chamber that was lit up.
"O-Oh? Is someone still up at this late hour?" You wondered, still light-headed from the teleportation. Sebek placed a hand on your back to stabilise your wobbly form. "Ah yes. That's probably Master Lillia, he tends to hold gaming sessions at this hour."
"Is that so?" You huffed, brows furrowing as you glared at the window. "...That damn bat."
Of course, this wasn't news to you. Silver frequently wrote to you about his father's long gaming sessions, which sometimes lasted days or even weeks. Just as you were about to march up to the castle, an arm wrapped around your chest, pulling you back.
"No need to look so mad, dear." A deep voice lulled.
Behind you two, Lillia appeared with an impish smile on his face. Sebek flinched before greeting Lilia vigorously while maintaining a stiff posture of attention.
"Good evening, Sebek! Would you go and get Silver and Malleus for me? This is going to be a lovely reunion." Lillia spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. He was perched upon a nearby tree, hanging off one of the branches.
"Yes Sir!" With that, Sebek was off, dashing towards the castle.
With a frown etched onto your face, you turned your gaze back to the fae who was still upside down. Lillia hummed, leaning forward to press his lips against yours. "Hello there, beastie."
"Still pulling the same old trick, I see." You grumbled, grabbing his arm to pull him down. Lillia smushed his cheek against your shoulder, peering up at you through his lashes.
"It's a classic of mine, isn't it?"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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ali-annals · 6 months
Unexpected Visitors
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | WC: 800 | CW: - | A/N: This is one of my first fics so I'm not super proud of it but the lovely peeps on ao3 seem to like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought I'd cross-posted this already but apparently I haven't, oops :| | Ao3 |
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne…
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And enjoy this lovely fanart made by @tinybrie 🥰
A bright light flashed through the windows of the manor, the echo of thunder sounding overhead almost immediately. The knocking on the wooden door echoed down the dimly lit hallway, almost covered by the sound of rain and wind gusting outside.
The family butler swung open the door, taking in the visitors.
A young woman was standing there, holding a baby. She had her mother’s dark hair, but her eyes... 
He tore his gaze away from the baby when the pale, tired woman asked, “Is Damian Wayne here?”
“I’m afraid he is not ‘in’ at the moment, Miss. May I say who called?”
“He’s alive?”
The butler blinked, hearing the note of relief underneath the urgency in her voice. “Yes, Miss..?”
“Oh, thank goodness! His tracker stopped working and I was…I thought…can I see him, please? I can help heal him.”
“How did you know he was injured, Miss?”
She stepped further inside, brushing raindrops off the baby’s and her clothing. “Tracker. If it stops working and he doesn't reply, he’s either dead or severely injured. And since you say he’s alive-”
Alfred still didn’t know her name, but he knew she was trustworthy. Call it an old man’s intuition, call it experience from sizing up every type of person under this roof (of which there were many), he could tell his youngest Master would be safe with her. 
“I’ll show you to his room, Miss.”
“Thank you, Alfred.”
Damian groggily opened his eyes. Owww… His muscles protested after all that had happened in the last short while. 
The faint sound of rain hitting the window by his bed provided soothing white noise, mixed with the soft breaths from the dark head resting on the bed by his hand. 
Marinette was fast asleep, like the baby in her arms.
He stroked her hair gently. “ Habibti , I’m awake.”
She jolted upright, carefully cradling the baby so as not to disturb her rest. “Ma lune? You’re okay?”
“Just fine, mon coeur . I take it you healed me?” He scooched into a half-sitting position.
She nodded. “I thought…Your tracker stopped, so I came to see…”
“Shh, it’s alright, habibti .” Damian cupped her face in his hand. “It broke when I was fighting. I would have immediately contacted you but they forced me to stay and heal, and drugged me so I would sleep and recover without protest.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” She leaned over to kiss him. “I brought Zara.”
After Marinette had reassured herself that he was well-healed thanks to her handiwork, he brought up the question niggling at the back of his mind.
“How many people know?”
“Alfred, and whoever’s watching your monitors right now.”
“You’re okay with them knowing, now?”
Marinette nodded. “I’d prefer to be close by if anything like this happens again. So what if Bruce doesn’t like magic users or the fact that we hid this from him? He can get over it or not, but I will be by your side,” she stated firmly.
He smiled softly at her, seeing the feisty woman he fell in love with. “Let’s go settle their disturbed brains, then, shall we?”
He removed all the health monitors and stood, stretching and enjoying the slight discomfort.
She handed Zara to him, whom he carefully cradled in his arm and stroked his finger over her tiny cheek, and then they headed down to the dining room, where the rest of his extended family were gathered for a celebratory meal. 
The entire Bat clan was there, in various stages of recovery from an assortment of injuries.
Alfred brought in the plates of crepes and casually announced, “There was a young lady here to see Master Damian this afternoon, just after your last check. She’s up with him right now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” The ones who could, jumped up to check on their youngest.
“Hello, family. I am perfectly fine, so don’t scold me for getting up. Dinner looks delicious, Alfred.” Damian and the visitors strolled in.
“Why do you have a baby in your arms? How are you up?”
“This is Marinette Wayne, my wife, and our daughter, Zara. Marinette healed me; thus, I am awake and about.”
“Since when were you married? With a child? When did you get a girlfriend?” Questions echoed from all corners of the table.
“We met when I was in Paris to help Ladybug six years ago. We got married last year and Zara is nine months old now.”
“Jon helped Damian escape when he needed and covered for us. He’s quite good at illusions,” Marinette spoke up. “Hi, I’m Marinette Wayne; it’s nice to meet you all.”
Taglist (open): @jennifer-rose123 @questioning-blob-of-fog
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aluraveil · 1 year
no title because i dont have a name for this and i cant think of anything what
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TW: Yandere themes, implied kidnapping, captivity of reader, Arlecchino is really mean and aggressive, and yelling.
Word Count: 800
A/N: This is so bad because I rushed to get this out. Again this is incredibly rushed so don’t expect to much LOL
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There's always a way to tell if Arlecchino is in a good mood today.
Whenever she's happy, she always opens the door like how she normally does. She opens it, and then she'll close it with a soft click. She'll take off her shoes and hang up her coat and then she'll call out your name and that would be your cue to come greet her at the door.
You were laying on your bed wanting nothing more to sleep and do nothing the entire day. But suddenly the door slammed open and loud footsteps echoed through the house.
The second that the door slammed open, you could feel your heart drop.
She's back. And most importantly, she's not in a good mood today.
You could hear yelling and the voice of her screaming about who knows what. The second you heard her yelling, you instinctively hug your blanket tighter because you're scared. You're scared of her.
As if on instinct, you grabbed your blanket and kneeled down into the corner of the room. You sat there as if you could hide away from her.
You knew how angry Arlecchino gets whenever she's in a bad mood. 9 times out of 10 she always makes sure to take it out on you. She's scary and she yells a lot whenever she's mad at you. Flashbacks of when she would yell at you came across your mind and anxiety filled your veins.
You could hear loud footsteps making their way to your shared bedroom. Oh no. You don't know what to do. She's probably going to yell at you isn't she?..
Well you were right.
Arlecchino opened the room with a loud thud and despite knowing it was coming, it still scared you because of the loud noise.
She took a glance at you all curled in the corner with a blanket over you and how nervous you looked, she raised an eyebrow before saying, "why are you sitting in the dirty corner? Get up."
You didn't know what to do. You were paralyzed in fear. You took one look at her face and you could tell she was pretty heated.
She had to ask that didn't she? What a way to rub salt on the wound.
"Did you hear what I said? I told you to get up." Arlecchino said looking disgusted at the way you were on the ground. The anger in her face dissapeared a bit before she noticed how nervous you looked. "Why do you look so scared right now?"
"I- uh.. um" You stuttered. How the hell are you supposed to answer that?
"I'm scared of you because you're always yelling and whenever you get angry you become scary and I don't like it. I don't like how you brought me here against my will. I hate you. I hate you so much. You're a cruel person and I don't want to ever see you again."
Is what you wanted to say.
But alas you were a scared pet, too afraid to talk back to your master.
"How many times do I have to tell you?!?!" She begins shouting. "Get up from the floor right now."
You scrambled to get up when she started shouting at you. It was best not to anger her anymore.
"You can never do what you're told can you?" She yelled. "I had to tell you three times to get up from the floor."
Arlecchino began yelling at you for the next minute about how you can't follow simple directions. After that, she walked away to let off some steam leaving you in the room all dumbfounded. You sat on the bed and decided to lay there. You were tired of her and how angry she could be.
Later on in the night she came back to your room and she saw you laying there. She laid right next to you and her arms wrapped around you body holding you tightly. Your heart immediately dropped when she starting cuddling you.
"I love you darling.." She mumbled as she nuzzled her face into your neck. A few hours ago she was yelling at you and now she's acting like nothing happened?
You couldn't do anything about it though. Arlecchino is always like this. She never apologizes after she yells at you.
You were afraid that if you didn't give her any affection, she might start yelling at you again. So you said the four words that would make her happy.
"I love you Arlecchino.."
You could feel her lips turning into a smile as her icy touch makes you shiver. As long as you show her some sort of affection she will be happy. Maybe she'll stop taking her anger out on you next time..
Probably not.
But hey? You could at least have some hope right?
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bloodylullaby · 5 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 800
Master List
Authors Note: I'm having a rough time, so I wrote this to help. I hope this gives comfort to you as well ❤️
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Lately, life has been throwing you some serious curveballs. Whether it's your professional pursuits, academic pursuits, or personal life, it feels like you're constantly hitting roadblocks. Summer classes have kicked off, and you're already struggling to keep up with challenging quizzes. At work, you're feeling undervalued and left out of colleague activities far too often, leaving you feeling overlooked and disheartened. You've attempted to connect with friends, but they've also been caught up in the busyness of life, leaving you feeling somewhat isolated as a result.
Noah has noticed your struggles, and they have been weighing heavily on him. He is feeling helpless about how to offer support. He's made efforts to engage in conversations with you, hoping to provide a listening ear for you to vent, but you've consistently maintained a facade, insisting that you're okay and will manage on your own. He initially brushed off his concerns, assuming you were simply having a slight rough patch. However, as time has gone by and he's witnessed the toll it's taken on you, his worry has deepened. It pains Noah deeply when you withdraw and isolate yourself, especially from him. Seeing you in this state breaks his heart, and he's desperate to find a way to break through the barriers you've put up and offer the support and comfort you need.
Noah, determined as ever, decided to take a different approach. He planned a small get-together with both of your closest friends, hoping that being surrounded by those who love and appreciate you would help you feel valued and cared for. He hoped this would help you relax and open up to him. That evening, Noah drove you to his house. As a playful surprise, he blindfolded you before leading you inside and guiding you to the backyard.
When he finally removed the blindfold, you were greeted with a warm, inviting scene. Twinkling lights were strung up, and your friends were gathered, smiling and cheering your arrival. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and love, instantly lifting your spirits. Noah squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I just wanted you to know we're all here for you," he said softly. "You don't have to go through everything alone." With those words, tears welled up in your eyes. Overcome with emotion, you gave Noah a passionate kiss, eliciting a few playful whistles from the group. You enjoyed the party for a while, mingling and having fun, feeling the warmth of your friends' company.
But soon, that familiar feeling of anxiety started creeping back into your chest, making it hard to breathe. While everyone was occupied, you quietly slipped away and made your way to Noah’s bedroom, seeking a moment alone to regroup yourself. As you sat on the edge of the bed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm your racing thoughts, you heard a soft knock on the door. Before you could respond, Noah gently opened the door and stepped inside, his expression filled with concern.
“I noticed you were gone,” he said softly, closing the door behind him. “Are you okay?” You tried to muster a reassuring smile but felt the weight of everything pressing down on you. Noah sat beside you, taking your hand in his. “It’s okay not to be okay,” he reminded you. “You don’t have to pretend with me.” His words were exactly what you needed to hear, and with that, you broke down, letting everything out. The tears that had been dammed up now flowed freely as Noah sat with you, and you clung to him, hiding your face in his chest.
Noah held you tightly, offering silent support as you let out all the pent-up emotions. His presence was steady and comforting, creating a safe space to express your pain and frustration without fear of judgment. Minutes passed, and gradually, the intensity of your sobs began to lessen. You took deep, shaky breaths, feeling lighter with each one. Noah gently stroked your back, murmuring soothing words, letting you know it was okay to feel what you were feeling. When you finally pulled back, Noah gently held your face to look into your eyes. "Thank you for trusting me," he said softly. "You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you. We are all here for you. That is my promise for today, tomorrow, and days to come."
After a few minutes of basking in each other’s company with hugs and kisses, you eventually return to the party. Thanks to Noah's unwavering support, you feel a new sense of reassurance and strength within you. As you both return to the gathering, hand in hand, you feel more connected than ever. The night carries on with laughter and warmth, and for the first time in a while, you feel truly understood and supported.
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