#7th Maine Battery
thingsaday · 2 years
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Duck: “And that’s my name, there. I know because I can definitely read. Give it here, we’ve got to make it look nice for when the other one comes back.” 
Yellow: The other one? 
Red: Yes, the other you who gave us this book in the first place. 
Yellow: Oh, you mean like the lady who lives in our attic! :0)
Red, Duck: The wHaT?!?! 
Yellow: *Happily humming away* 
Thank you for sticking around for the 7th, and final part of the Charged Battery AU comic: 
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6
Honestly, the support you guys have given me throughout this project has been unbelievable - you guys are amazing! 
If you’ve enjoyed this story and want to see more stuff like it, please consider checking out my Kofi - for the price of a cup of coffee, you can help me keep making stuff like this! (And, get a personalized doodle from yours truly.) 
Last but not least, completing this does NOT mean I’m done making charged battery AU art - just the end of the main comic/ storyline. A lot of you have sent some really cool ideas/ requests, and I look forward to answering them and making some more stand-alone pieces in the coming weeks! 
Once again, thank you SO much for your support and inspiration! <33
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cheritzteam · 3 months
[The Ssum] Always Honest 💜Teo’s💜Birthday Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
The Forbidden Lab sends you news on events in celebration of Teo’s birthday.
July 7th is our sweet and Puppy-like Teo`s birthday!🎉
Teo, who always approaches lab participant honestly, without hiding his affection! It is said that he can’t hide his heart racing for his birthday with you, lab participant🤭
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Teo’s birthday 2024 will open in the City of Free Men.
With the other lab participants celebrate Teo’s birthday and
become the best lab participant or the lucky lab participant (5 each in each language) and win 200 Aurora batteries! *If you have won an in-game event within the past 3 months, you will be excluded from the raffle for this event.
Q&A Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe!
♥Bonus Event♥
Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_HappyBirthday_Teo on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or Tik and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: July 4th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ July 25th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: August 8th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Seasonal Content >
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Teo, who knows the joy of being together better than anyone else, is waiting for you!
Press the Happy Birthday🎂 button under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a memorable photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn an exclusive Trivial Feature for Teo’s birthday 2024 to add to your collection.
Seasonal Content open on:  July 7th, 2024 (Based on your time zone) Seasonal Content includes: Commemorative Call + Photo Memento + Trivial Feature *The Celebratory Calls and Photo Mementos for Teo and Harry are the same as last year’s. *Commemorative Calls and Photo Mementos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards that will be available throughout the birthday event period🎁
Game-Access Rewards available through: July 4th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ July 25th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Hearty Meal
< ③ What Teo Said >
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Archive of Sentences has all kinds of sentences in its collection📑
To celebrate Teo's birthday, look back on the loving conversations you had with him!
What were his words that gently stirred your heart during the time you shared with him?
Turn your Teo’s sweet sentiments into bookmarks🔖 in the Infinite Universe’s Archive of Sentences!
Event winners receive Aurora Batteries🎁
How to Participate 1. Tap the pencil button on the bottom-right corner on the Archive of Sentences 2. Tick “Unknown” as the source and tap “Enter” to change it to your Teo 3. Tick the event checkbox before auditing your sentence
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TIP! Tick the event checkbox on the top bar of Sentence Studio to view only event posts.
Event Period: July 4th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ July 25th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: August 8th, 2024 (Thu) KST *The general participation reward will be distributed on winner announcement day. 
Q&A Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe!
Q. Archive of Sentences is not in the Infinite Universe! A. Go to the Emotion Incubator and produce 20 Realizations to unlock the Root of Desire. If your Incubator is not accessible yet, go to the Infinite Universe and tap the Flask Button!  
♥Bonus Event♥
With the hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_What_Teo_Said please share a screenshot of your Registration Certificate on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram!
Through a raffle we will be giving out 50 Aurora Batteries to 10 people 🎁 *Please be sure to include your lab code in your post.♥
Event Period: July 4th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ July 25th, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: August 8th, 2024 (Thu) KST ※Disclaimer※ * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
Also, Teo sent a message asking you to wait for the coming winter! Don’t miss out on this special moment✨ with Teo!
Thank you.
61 notes · View notes
daisychains111 · 8 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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murumokirby360 · 2 years
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My Rechargeable Light Tube review (w/ my paper dolls) - Full [Nov 15th, 2022]
Hi! Here's my item review this November (2022), and for the first time, I decided to make a full review in one sitting post.🪑🙂
So, this is my full review of the Rechargeable Light Tube (featuring my Paper Dolls).💡⚡🙂
BTW: If you haven't watch my revealing parcel for this particular item, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s): ↑
• Here's the box itself. Now, I've already tackled some unnamed brands before, so I'm assuming that this is "Made in China". 🇨🇳 But hey, we can't live without an item that is made from it, right? My paper doll says "probably". 🙂
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3rd to 5th Image(s): ↑
• Out of the box, here's the main item along with other accessories, such as two adhesive magnetic patches that I can stick to a nonmetal wall, and a short (generic) micro USB cable. Here's a closer look at the 5th Image.
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6th to 10th Image(s): ↑
• Now, let's take close look at the main item.
• [6th & 10th Images] Here, there are two mini magnetic pieces on each side, which I can stick to any metal walls or beams, or even the aforementioned adhesive metal round stickers onto the wall or ceiling (depending on my choice).
• [7th & 8th Images] On the other side, there's a micro USB port where I can charge my tube via either a power bank (in case the electricity was blackout) or a USB wall charger. Plus, there's a hidden lock where I can hook at any place.
• [9th Image] And lastly, the power button. Where I can turn on the light, as well as 5 different modes 🖐 by pressing it 🔘. Which, I'll show you that in a bit.
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11th to 13th Image(s): ↑
• Comparison time! Here, I have my old functional Xiaomi LED Light Enhanced Edition & their heights differ from front to back. When it comes to the side, my Xiaomi LED light E.E. is very slim and bendable. In fact, my paper dolls say that they prefer my old Xiaomi LED light for true portability, although it requires a power bank. Whereas my tube light, it has a built-in battery of 2600 mAh (40W) capable of usage for up to 8 hours. Hmmm... That sounds promising, but is it true? I'll keep an updated, soon.
Recorded video 🎦📲 (edited using Wondershare Filmora): ↑ (Pls watch my video)
⚠️FAIR WARNING⚠️: Strobing lights may cause seizures!
• Alright, it's testing time! In my first part, I try to turn it but it won't work. So now, I'll charge it with my included short cable, my trusty genuine Romoss power bank 🔋⚡, and also my USB multitester to see the stats. Once that, my tube light started to charge, and as you can see from the stats from my multitester it has a low milliamp albeit upside down (0.064A). While it's charging, I'm testing the power button & here you can see I toggle the switch in 5 different modes albeit a low light. Hang on, let me turn off the living room light.
• Alright, on my second part, where the light turns off & here you finally see what I'm talking about. The first three modes are the light adjustments, from high, to medium, and then low. Whereas other two are strobing lights (once again, pls be warned ⚠️), and SOS morse code light, both of which are for emergency purposes 🚨. Here, you could see I'm doing another comparison with my Xiaomi LED Light E.E. & it seems my old Xiaomi Light has brighter than my tube light's low energy. Yeah, that doesn't seem right. Maybe I'll be charged with my wall charger this time. It won't take a while, so give me a minute.
• Alright, so now my light tube has half charged, and here's what it looks like in the dark. More brighter than before. Here, once again I'm doing a comparison for the third time, and it seems that my tube light had taken over (or something), well you know what I'm mean. Uh yeah, I forgot to mention that I can stick my tube light onto that metal bar beside my gaming keyboard thanks to their built-in magnetic pieces.
• As for the weight of the tube light (and built quality), it's quite light on the other side & on the other has little heft to it. And that's because there's a single battery inside. To be honest, this is quite okay. I wish the battery inside should go in the center to make it balance, but that's my preference. And if you're curious to see what it looks like, then there's a Youtube video about it → [CLICK ME!].
BTW: Uh yeah, I almost forgot. While the design itself doesn't match nor advertise as their pictures, at least their features are very identical.
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14th & 15th Image(s): ↑
• Finally, here's what it looks like when my tube light can hook up at any place while the light turns on. 🪝💡
Overall & Price:
• This is a solid simple tube light for emergency purposes 🚨 or going out for a night camping 🏕️. You may require a power bank, in case you need to charge though, otherwise, it has a 2600mAh (40W) built-in battery 🔋💡 which should be lasted. So take my word for it if you're friends/families want it to go a long way journey 🛣️🚐.
• As for the asking price, I bought it from Lazada PH 🛒🌐🇵🇭 for ₱106 (roughly $1.85) 🏷️ without a shipping fee, and that's the 40 Watt variant. Because there are three different sizes of tube light with their respective watts, the small one has 20 Watts, the medium one was 40 Watts that I have, and lastly the long one has 60 watts. You can choose either 3 or 5 modes depending on their price range, so I ended up with the 40 Watts with 5 modes for only ₱106, which is very cheap & a decent quality look. And this seller right here offers a Buy 1 Take 1 for double the cost → [CLICK ME!]. So, is it worth it? Well, they're not for everyone, but in case you want them for your own personal, then I have no problem buying that tube light. 😊
Well, that's the end of my topic!
And you haven’t seen my previous topic, then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones:
• Revealing parcel [Oct 1st, 2022]
• Part 1 (1st half) [Oct 8th, 2022]
• Part 2 (2nd half) [Oct 8th, 2022]
• Part 3 (Final) [Oct 26th, 2022]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @alexander1301, @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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gadgetrevive · 2 months
NEW iPad Mini 7 Release Date and Price – They FINALLY did it!!So for the next new iPad Mini, it looks like Apple is finally going to do it and give us a massive upgrade inside the iPad Mini. We could also be seeing OLED screens in the future, but before that, the iPad Mini could become the iPad Mini Pro. I want to share with you all the details about this, including the specs, release date, and price for this new iPad Mini 7th generation.Just reflecting on the last month or so, Apple has updated their most powerful iPads out there. We have the new iPad Air, which now has the M2 inside of it, and we have those brand-new OLED iPad Pros too, with the brand-new M4 chip inside of that. But what about the iPad 11th generation and what about the iPad Mini? Well, the 11th generation iPad I'll talk about in another video on another day, so if you want to find out more information about that, make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bell too because I'll be making a video soon about it. But today, we're going to focus on the iPad Mini 7, which is going to be coming out in 2024.First of all, let's talk about this leak then. We can see right here that Apple is looking to bring out an OLED display inside the iPad Mini. The only downside here is that it doesn't look like we're going to be getting the OLED display inside the iPad Mini until 2026, so this is probably going to be the next generation of the iPad Mini. So the current iPad Mini that exists right now, very similar to the one right next to me here, will probably be retained this time around, and the OLED display will only be coming to the iPad Mini in the next generation. So sadly, nothing new there; we're still probably going to get the same display type that we have right now.Another question that a lot of you guys have been asking is, why can't Apple put the likes of the M2 or even the M3 inside of the iPad Mini? Why don't Apple just do that? The main reason is due to its size. Being that it's only an 8.3-inch display and the body is not actually that big, putting an M2 or M4 inside of it would really drain down the battery really quickly. Some of you might say, why don't we just clock down the speeds of the M2 or M4? Well, funny enough, if you did that, you'd start going into the A17 Pro kind of territory, like what we have in the iPhone 15 Pro models that we have right now. But this is an interesting thing to mention: possibly with the next generation of the iPad Mini, we may actually get a pro chipset inside of it. This could be the A17 Pro inside of this iPad Mini, which would be really exciting to see. But the other possibility is it could actually be the brand-new A18 Pro coming inside of it. In fact, we've actually had a leak right here that Apple is looking into making an A18 Pro and an A18 at the same time inside the new iPhone 16s. So this would be the A18 in the iPhone 16s and then the A18 Pro inside the iPhone 16 Pro models that we're going to get. So Apple could bring out the A18 Pro inside the likes of the iPad Mini, and this would essentially make it into an iPad Mini Pro. But the other thing Apple could do is just put the normal A18, which comes out this year, inside this iPad instead.Now for everyone else who's saying, why don't Apple put the A16 inside of it? Well, this is probably unlikely to happen too because normally when Apple brings out an iPad Mini, it normally has the most current and up-to-date A chip inside of it. So just like last time it came out, the same time the A15 came out in the iPhones, we got an A15 in this iPad Mini. So this is why I'm saying it's unlikely that it would be an A16; it's more likely to be the A17 Pro they're going to use last year's chip, as it were, or it will be the normal A18 or the A18 Pro going inside of it. This will probably be the major big upgrade we will see inside of the iPad Mini.For any other big changes on this iPad Mini, we might get a ProMotion display if it becomes the iPad Mini Pro, but only expect it to be a normal LED kind of screen with ProMotion.
Don't expect OLED and don't even expect mini-LED potentially inside of this iPad. But only if we get a pro chip inside of it would it probably get ProMotion inside of it, going up to 120 Hz with that. If not, we'll be stuck with the standard sort of 60 Hz display. Also, one other change we've been told about is that they're actually going to manufacture the screen a little bit differently this time to stop that jelly scrolling effect. Also, probably the iPad Mini's actual camera, the selfie camera or the Center Stage camera, will be moved to the horizontal side now because this is the last iPad to actually get this change. So this will probably be happening as well later on this year.Next, let's talk about the release date for this iPad Mini and when we'll be able to get our hands on it. Most likely, Apple will be doing an event in the early to mid-teens of September. This will be the iPhone event, and Apple will probably bring out the iPad Mini at the same time as this event too. So we'll probably actually see it being launched here with that A18 or A18 Pro chip to go inside of it. So look towards that period, and you'll be able to get your hands on it probably about a week later or so. This will probably be around the end-teens of September or the early 20s of September in terms of dates, and that is when you'll be able to get your hands on this brand-new iPad Mini.Next, let's talk about the actual price for the iPad Mini and what we're going to get there. Most likely, the iPad Mini will probably start at the same price of $499 USD. But this time around, we may actually get a starting configuration of a 128 GB option and also the ability to get a 512 GB option too, because right now, it's 64 GB and also 256 GB. So it might be one tier higher, which is really good news to hear if Apple does this. But then again, if Apple decides to make this a Mini Pro model, expect the price to probably go up by about another $100. Again, this is if we do get ProMotion inside of it and also the A18 Pro inside of this Mac Mini too. It's probably going to cost about that much. It will be less than an iPad Air, but obviously, it will probably be more than what the current iPad Mini is available at right now.That is everything we know about the brand-new iPad Mini. What are your thoughts on it? Will you be getting yourself the iPad Mini 7 that's coming out in 2024, or will you be skipping and getting something different? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Also, guys, if you want to hear the latest Apple news, reviews, and comparisons, make sure you subscribe to this channel and also hit that notification bell as well. Until next time, guys, I'll see you really soon. Take care now. Bye-bye.Gadget Kings PRS – Your Go-To Phone Repair Shop in Murrumba DownsWhile we're on the topic of amazing gadgets, I want to give a special shoutout to Gadget Kings PRS, the phone repair shop I always recommend. Located in Murrumba Downs, Gadget Kings PRS offers top-notch repair services for all your tech devices.Whether you have a cracked screen, battery issues, or any other phone-related problem, Gadget Kings PRS has got you covered. Their skilled technicians use high-quality parts to ensure your device is as good as new. Plus, they offer quick turnaround times and excellent customer service.Don't let a broken phone disrupt your day. Visit Gadget Kings PRS for reliable and affordable repairs. You can trust them to get your device back in working order in no time.For more details, check out their website: https://gadgetkingsprs.com.au/. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with their services.
0 notes
govindhtech · 8 months
POCO X6 Pro The Best Budget Flagship Smartphone
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With the POCO X6 Pro, welcome to the world of innovative technology and stylish design. In-depth information on this amazing smartphone’s unpacking, specs, performance, and other features are covered in this post.
The device was made using the very efficient TSMC 4nm process. It has eight Armv9 CPUs that can boost to 3.35GHz, and the Arm Mali-G615 GPU can raytrace and accelerate performance by up to 248% compared to the previous generation 8000 series chip. Experience generative AI more quickly with MediaTek’s most recent 7th generation AI processor.
POCO pairs it with 512GB of UFS 4.0 storage, which is twice as quick as the previous generation UFS, and up to 12GB of ultra-fast LPDDR5X memory, which is 33% quicker than regular LPDDR5.
Opening and Initial Thoughts:
The POCO X6 Pro is like a treasure trove of technical marvels when you open the package. The brilliant display, svelte form, and well chosen accessories all combined to provide an amazing smartphone experience right away.
Important details:
A powerful set of specs powers the POCO X6 Pro. Every component, from a top-notch camera arrangement to a lightning-fast CPU, is painstakingly designed to provide unmatched performance.
Design and Construction Quality:
POCO X6 Pro’s aesthetics are evidence of contemporary design sensibility. The phone is made of high-quality materials and has durability without sacrificing design. It’s a pleasure to handle because to its ergonomic design, which guarantees a secure grip.
Features of the Display:
Experience a visual feast thanks to the POCO X6 Pro’s high-resolution display. Whether you’re navigating, playing games, or watching films, the crystal-clear screen brings every detail to life.
Efficiency and Velocity:
POCO X6 Pro’s cutting-edge technology allows it to run demanding apps and multitasking with ease. The smooth functioning of the system is evidence of its remarkable processing velocity and RAM size. Up to 12GB RAM and 512GB storage with UFS 4.0 and LPDDR5X memory for fast speeds and multitasking.
Camera Features:
Take amazing clear photos with the POCO X6 Pro’s outstanding camera features.
Rear Camera: Triple camera system with 64MP main (OIS), 8MP ultrawide, and 2MP macro.
Front Camera: 16MP with fixed focus and HDR support.
The camera system is designed to unleash your inner photographer, whether it’s for macro or low-light shooting.
Life of Battery:
With the POCO X6 Pro’s long-lasting battery life, 5000mAh battery with 67W fast charging. You can say goodbye to continuous charging. Regardless of your level of use, this smartphone guarantees continuous use all day long.
Applications and User Interface:
Thank to the POCO X6 Pro’s intuitive design and up-to-date software, you may easily navigate through its capabilities. Keep up with the latest improvements and breakthroughs.
Options for Connectivity:
Keep yourself linked in a variety of ways. The flexible connection choices provided by the POCO X6 Pro guarantee that you’re constantly connected to the digital world.
Playing Experience:
With the POCO X6 Pro, you can transform your gaming experiences into an immersive journey. It’s a gaming powerhouse with its strong CPU and sophisticated graphics capabilities.
Reviews and ratings from users:
Inquiring about experiences in the real world? Examine combined user evaluations and ratings to have a comprehensive understanding of the POCO X6 Pro’s performance in the hands of customers.
Comparing Yourself to the Competition:
Compare the POCO X6 Pro to its rivals to identify the advantages and special features of the product. Find out what makes it unique in the congested smartphone industry.
Advantages and disadvantages:
fair assessments of the benefits and limitations of the POCO X6 Pro. Based on a thorough assessment, make an educated choice.
Advice and Techniques:
Get the most out of your POCO X6 Pro experience by using these helpful hints. Discover undiscovered capabilities and maximize the potential of this remarkable smartphone.
Questions and Answers (FAQs):
What is the price of POCO X6 Pro 5G in India?
The POCO X6 Pro was priced at Rs 26,999 upon launch, according to the announcement. On the smartphone, you may now save up to Rs 4,000. This implies that the smartphone’s actual starting price would be Rs 22,999.
What is the camera’s performance like in low light?
The camera’s sophisticated imaging technology allows it to perform very well in low light, producing detailed and well-lit images.
Is wireless charging supported by the POCO X6 Pro?
The POCO X6 Pro does indeed offer wireless charging, which will make your charging routine more convenient.
How often does POCO update the X6 Pro’s software?
POCO is dedicated to providing timely software updates, so your POCO X6 Pro will always have the newest security fixes and features.
Is the POCO X6 Pro resistant to water?
Yes, the POCO X6 Pro has water-resistant features that protect it from mild rain and splashes.
In summary:
To sum up, the POCO X6 Pro is a monument to creativity, providing the ideal fusion of performance, elegance, and price. Experience the POCO X6 Pro, a smartphone that really redefines expectations, and dive into the realm of smartphone greatness.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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gadgetsboy · 1 year
Honor Announces UK Availability for the Honor 90
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Honor has recently announced that the Honor 90 5G is now available for buyers in the UK. Honor's recent midrangers have made a good impression so far, and it looks like the Honor 90 is set to continue that trend thanks to a nice set of features. Design and Cameras Upon handling the device, you're immediately greeted by a large 6.7-inch AMOLED display with a 2664x1200 pixel resolution, with a maximum brightness of 1600 nits. It is a curved display, a design which will be very subjective among different users. The screen also houses the 50MP front-facing camera, an in-display fingerprint sensor, and comes with a refresh rate of up to 120Hz. Honor adds that the screen uses strengthened glass to add a bit of protection. The rear panel houses the camera module, which arguably contains one of the biggest highlights of the device. The Honor 90 uses a large 200MP Main Camera with a 1/1.4-inch sensor, a 12 MP ultra-wide and macro camera with a 112° field of view, and a 2MP Depth Camera. Honor says that it has equipped the cameras with multi-frame fusion, a noise reduction algorithm and pixel binning to improve light capture in images. Honor adds that the phone's video capabilities have been fine-tuned for content creation, and features artificial intelligence (AI) for video denoising and video mode recommendations, and an AI "Vlog Assistant" that enables users to generate 15-second videos for use in social media. There's also "omnidirectional noise reduction" onboard, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 20dB for audio recording. Internals and Software The phone comes with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 chipset, and up to 512GB of internal storage and 12GB RAM for the super maxed-out version. For software, the phone ships with Android 13 onboard, although this is layered with Honor's MagicOS 7.1, its proprietary Android skin. This does mean that the phone will come with a slew of preinstalled Honor-exclusive apps - including some third-party apps - although you can uninstall some of them. For power, the Honor 90 runs on a fairly large 5000 mAh battery, which supports 66W fast-charging speeds - Honor says that a 15-minute top-up on a compatible fast-charger can replenish up to 45% of your battery, which is pretty useful especially if you're in a pinch. There's also a cooling system by way of a vapor chamber, that's responsible for heat dissipation inside the phone. Pricing and Availability The Honor 90 will be available in three different colour variants including Midnight Black, Emerald Green and an exclusive Diamond Silver which can be purchased online via HiHonor. For buyers in the UK, the HONOR 90 will be available in the UK starting £449.99 for 8GB+256GB and £499.99 for 12GB+512GB, respectively. Honor is also running a special promo for the 6th to 18th of July - buyers who use the code "AUKH905" while grabbing the Honor 90 via HiHonor before the end of July will also be able to purchase an Honor Pad X8 for just £9.99. The HONOR 90 will be available to pre-order Amazon, Very and Currys on July 7. Customers who pre-order via these retailers between the 7th-18th July will receive an honor Pad X8 free of charge. With Argos, the Honor 90 will also be available starting on the 19th of July, and customers will receive a free Pad X8 until 2nd August 2023. For Three customers, the HONOR 90 and HONOR 90 Lite will be available from the 26th July, and customers will be able to trade-in their old smartphone and receive £250 off, plus a free Honor Pad X8. Read the full article
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (387): Sat 8th Apr 2023
Today was an absolute write-off. I woke up at one am after only a few hours sleep, still feeling the effects of the jet lag and the sleeping tablet. I decided that since I was awake I might as well check out the Lakers game and was happy to see that they soundly defeated the Phoenix Suns. This victory was stunted somewhat due to me remembering that the teams that finish 7th - 10th place compete in a mini tournament to decide who gets the official 7th and 8th place which is bucking fullshit! So basically the Lakers could be in 7th place with 40 points and the next team down could have 30 points and yet the Lakers would still have to essentially put their number 7 slot on the line and could lose it due to having an off game?! Although needless to say if the Lakers were in 10th place I’d be happy for this rule and would welcome the Lakers beating the number 7 team if it meant getting their spot. Yes I’m a hypocrite. Every sports fan is! I planned to go to town at 9am to change my American dollars back over to pounds but fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 12…then fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until 6. Yeah it’s safe to say my sleeping pattern is well and truly fucked up. Hopefully once I get back to work and have to be up and awake at a certain amount of time this will fix it. Later on I typed “LA Metro” into YouTube to see if there really is an abnormal amount of violence and destitution in these stations and on the trains or if Dad and I were just unlucky. The first video that pops up is a story less than a day old about some poor fucker who got stabbed at the Metro Station right next door to the hotel we were staying at. So yeah…never going back to LA. Finally before bed I ordered another massage gun from Amazon. The one I got for Xmas sorted out my lower back but the battery broke before I had a chance to sort out my neck and shoulders. At least this time I’ll have proof of purchase if the cunt breaks down and I need a new one. Now that I know I’ll have work until at least January next year my main priority is to get back to Jiu Jitsu and in order to do this I need to get my neck in better shape. The last massage gun I had fixed my lower back but the piece of shit broke after one charge and now my n back hurts again. I’m not going to let my shitty neck get in the way of me doing the things I love. When I do Jiu Jitsu I have a sense of belonging, it feels like it’s what I was put on this Earth (as opposed to all the other Earths? Think Anthony!) to do. Unknown it sounds pretentious and I can’t properly explain it but I feel like it’s my destiny to get a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Later on I watched the main event from New Japan’s Sakura Genesis show where Sanada dethroned Okada and won the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. I’m happy for Sanada but I’m not fully convinced that he was in a position to receive this push. I agree that if he ever were to receive such a push he would have to break away from LIJ and reinvent himself but what he’s come up with isn’t that much of a reinvention. He’s joined a stable with a horrible name: Just Five Guys, adopted a new finisher which is an okay looking swinging reverse STO and has started wearing some silver trunks. I don’t think that this quite elevates him to main event status. At the very least the should have given him a cool new nickname like the World Boss or Crystal King or something to set him aside from his previous work. Either way we’ll see how New Japan books him as champion. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson from Shingo that putting the belt on someone doesn’t automatically get them over.
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eguanasolar · 2 years
Solar Systems Adelaide Prices - How to Get Rebates Based on the Size of Your Battery
You can save a lot of money on your power bill with a solar systems Adelaide prices. These energy-efficient panels are renewable, and can last up to 25 years. You can even receive rebates depending on the size of your battery. In addition to power savings, batteries can reduce your power bills by thousands of dollars.
Solar Panels are a Renewable Energy Technology
Solar panels are a renewable energy technology that can produce electricity in a variety of forms. They are typically installed on rooftops or in the attic of a building. The technology can produce clean electricity and help reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Using solar panels as a main energy source also involves installing energy storage systems and high-voltage direct current power lines. However, this technology is not without its disadvantages. It is also subject to adverse impacts, such as increased pollution and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
While there are some risks associated with solar energy, the technology is remarkably stable and can last for up to 25 years without deterioration in efficiency. Furthermore, solar panels can be made from increasingly recycled materials, making them a green alternative. Solar energy has been used by humans for thousands of years, as far back as the 7th century B.C. Humans used the sun's rays to light fires. The Greeks and Romans also harnessed solar power with mirrors in religious ceremonies.
Batteries Can Reduce Your Power Bills by as Much as $2,000
There are several ways to reduce your power bills. One of these is to sign up for incentive programs offered by utilities. Some will offer cash upfront, others will offer on-going payments. In some cases, utilities will even allow you to use your battery during times of peak demand, such as two hours a day between 6 pm and 8:30 pm.
You can even combine batteries with solar panels to lower your energy bill. By installing batteries together with solar panels, you can store excess power that will reduce your energy use. By tapping into stored power during off-peak hours, you can save a significant amount of money on your power bills. One recent project in Arizona is the installation of a 25 megawatt battery storage facility that is expected to power up to 5,600 homes. Other similar projects are under construction throughout the Phoenix area.
They Can Last up to 25 years
The lifespan of solar systems Adelaide can be as long as 25 years, and most come with a warranty. A small solar system can produce enough electricity to power a single home, and a larger system can generate enough electricity to power a whole building. Every household's energy needs differ, so solar systems Adelaide can be customized to suit your specific needs.
To get the best value for money, choose a solar system with high quality components. Also, choose a reputable installer. While cheap solar systems are tempting, make sure the installer you choose has experience installing these types of systems. A system should last for at least 25 years, and replacement of inverters should be every seven to 10 years. Having a system out of service can mean lost savings and additional costs.
They Can be Rebated Based on Size of Battery
It is possible to get a solar rebate based on the size of battery. You can get 16c per kWh exported and can be capped at 300 kWh per quarter. When you install a solar panel system, it converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). The electricity retailer measures the amount of AC flowing into the meter system and grid.
The South Australian government is subsidising battery storage in homes and businesses. As long as you have an on-grid system, you may be eligible for a rebate based on the size of battery. This subsidy is available for both residential and business systems, and can be up to $3,500 (ex-GST) for household batteries and $35,000 for business batteries. It is recommended that you contact a Next Gen retailer to find out the rebate amount. The retailer will automatically include it in the quote for you.
They are a Great Way to Reduce Your Power Bills
If you are considering installing a solar system for your home, you might be wondering how to go about doing this. While it might sound like a good idea, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you need to consider the cost. You should keep in mind that your power bill may include usage charges, which are based on how much electricity you use each day. Usually, usage charges range from 40 to 50 cents per kilowatt. An average Australian household uses around 18.8 kilowatts per day. A good solar system can cut your power bill to around 6c per kilowatt.
Energy costs take up a huge chunk of your monthly budget, and solar systems can dramatically reduce those costs. Not only will you be reducing your power bills, but you'll also be putting your home on a path to a cleaner, more environmentally friendly future. Solar systems Adelaide can also boost the value of your property.
At Eguana Solar, we assemble all our solar batteries in Adelaide & have 100% Aussie support! All our solar products are installed by our highly skilled, professional & licensed team directly!
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tonkisummer · 2 years
Juicebox v mount battery
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We are on a time crunch so I figure I will deal with it later and grabbed my other backup sony a7iii and this time I plug directly into the juicebox battery's usb 5.2v output. No flash of led light to indicate life, completely unresponsive. Find that odd, I disconnect my camera from the juicebox and put in the oem sony battery back in and camera won't turn on. Connect my Sony A7iii to the mount to the 5.2v output because that is the recommended for the sony.Later, my PA notifies me there is a weird flicker with the camera lcd screen even though the camera is turned off. Main film shoot begins, mounted juicebox battery on to my vmount, vmount is switched off. Never dropped, always kept in my Forspark dehumidifying dry cabinet with my other camera equipment.April 3rd 2020- brought it with me to a film shoot with my camera rig.Cameras were working perfectly fine while it was being used for handheld b-roll with sony NPFZ100 batteries before they were connected to this Juicebox battery. I've had this battery for a few months and only used it a total of 4 times. So they clearly stand 100% by their products as they had a bad batch prone to failures before expected EOL.I'm happy and would considering another unit as service like that is worth changing a review for. They promptly sent at their expense a brand new battery and it's working fine.
I was contacted by Juicebox directly and they offered without mentioned any quid pro quo to replace the battery (and charger if need be).
This series is a bust and I see it no longer appears to be for sale.UPDATE. Won't buy this brand again.UPDATE #2: Replacement battery died after only being used a once or twice during COVID shutdown. LED does not work, supplies no power, USB or DTAP (I have a 90W version of same battery and does the same the same on it's charger, so it's not the charger).I used it 1 or 2 a month for for light use and to have it fail like this is a real bummer. It acts like it's charged, display works when plugged into charger but it's completely non-functional when not plugged in. I was very happy with this unit until it malfunctioned. At first I was weary about jumping into such a small company for batteries but after seeing the way they care for their customers I'm sold. 7th my new batteries had arrived.I'm a fan of their customer support. The problem has since been corrected and we're trying to make this right with any customers who received faulty units."By Nov. Here's an excerpt from their email."We had a production batch about four months back that has this issue with the battery circuits. 12th*UPDATE*After leaving this Review I was contacted by JuiceBox customer support on Nov. 1stShoot Dates Used: 20Failure Dates: - 1st - Sept.
I'll update this if anything changes.Typical use:-Aputure 120d mk ii (last about ~54mins Full Power)-Wireless receiver + Monitor -1 Battery easily lasts for a 10+ hr dayStorage:All 4 batteries live inside Aputure 120d mk ii soft cases & stored inside a climate & humidity controlled office settingCharging:No overnight chargingonly charged via OEM Chargertypically removed from charger within 1hr of reaching full power - symbolized by green light on JuiceBox Charging bankPurchased: July 30thDelivered: Aug. At the end of the phone call I was told I'd receive a call back and still waiting for that. ) Both times I instructed to "press & hold" the battery level indicator button, attempt to charge it via different *included* charging cables, & finally using my AB LP4 battery bank. After They failed to charge via all included charging cables tried using my Anton Bauer LP4 & also failed there.Customer Service (amazon)- Contacted Amazon regarding my order twice ( &. All batteries have ALWAYS been charged via PTap even tho I own a V Mount Bank. 2 have failed & do not charge via PTap or via V Mount Bank nor do they output power. I Bought 4 of these to power a few V-Mount based systems. *THIS REVIEW HAS BEEN UPDATED*Here's my attempt at a non biased review. Hàng hóa được bảo hành theo chính sách bảo hành của hãng, trong trường hợp hãng không có trung tâm bảo hành tại Việt Nam, Zoday có thể hỗ trợ quý khách.Zoday chỉ chịu trách nhiệm đổi trả khi hàng về không đúng với mô tả trên website Trước khi mua hàng quý khách vui lòng xem kỹ hình ảnh, mô tả sản phẩm, lựa chọn kỹ các thông số sản phẩm như size, màu.trong trường hợp này rất mong quý khách thông cảm chờ đợi thêm. Nhà cung cấp tại Mỹ giao hàng chậm, thiên tai, chiến tranh. Sau khi nhận được đơn đặt hàng và tiền thanh toán của quý khách, hàng hóa sẽ được Amazon gửi từ Mỹ về Việt Nam, Zoday sẽ thực hiện giao hàng miễn phí tới tận nhà quý khách sớm nhất có thể.ġ5 đến 30 ngày, Zoday luôn cố gắng giao hàng sớm nhất có thể cho quý khách, tuy nhiên hàng có thể về chậm hơn vì nhiều lý do như chậm, lỡ chuyến bay,.Zoday là đơn vị trung gian hỗ trợ quý khách mua hàng. Sản phẩm được bán và đảm bảo chất lượng bởi Amazon tại Mỹ,.
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cheritzteam · 5 months
[The Ssum] A Spring Day When Love Blooms💐 Adding a Sweet Day💝 May Event Information
Hello, dear lab participant.
Spring, the best season for falling in love, has arrived. How about enjoying a leisurely walk with The Ssum today? You will be able to see flowers blooming in spring!
The Forbidden Lab is bringing you news of an event commemorating the blossoming spring of 2024.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
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For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating Blossoming Spring 2024 will open in the City of Free Men.
Share an exciting story from your life with other lab participants and
become the best lab participant or the lucky lab participant (3 each in each language) and win 200 Aurora batteries! *If you have won an in-game event within the past 3 months, you will be excluded from the raffle for this event.
Q&A Q. How can I go to the Infinite Universe? A. If you go to the Main Menu and check all the menu icons, the “Forbidden Lab” will open on the left. Tap the Spiral Galaxy Button at the bottom left to enter the Infinite Universe!
♥Bonus Event♥
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Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_MayBlossomingSpring on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or TikTok and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 50 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: May 7th, 2024 (Tue) 9 AM ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: May 30th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts.
※Disclaimer※ * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed.* Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Special illustration >
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Aren’t you curious about where your Ssumone went to hangout?
Participate in the Blossoming Spring Celebratory Study that opens on May 7, 2024 and receive cute illustrations!
Conversations with your Ssumone will feel more lovey-dovey.
♥Bonus Event♥
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Quote the special illustration from X (Twitter) and
please share on social media what you would like to say to your Ssumone!
Through a raffle we will pick 10 lab participants and gift them 50 Aurora Batteries🎁
How to Participate 1. Search Cheritz's official account (@Cheritz_DL) on X (Twitter) on Thursday, May 9, 2024. 2. Please quote your Ssumone's special illustration that was uploaded to the official Cheritz account and post what you wanted to say to your Ssumone, including your lab code. *Please be sure to include your lab code in your post.♥
Event Period: May 9, 2024 (Thu) ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) KST* Winner Announcement: May 30th, 2024 (Thu) KST
※Disclaimer※ * Posts should be set to public until the winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited. * Bonus event prizes will be sent to the Lab Code displayed on your screenshot.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards available throughout the event period for Blossoming Spring🎁.
Game-Access Rewards available through: May 7th, 2024 (Tue) 9 AM ~ May 22nd, 2024 (Wed) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Frequency Tolup
Have a sweet day with The Ssum💕
Thank you.
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pinerbrew · 2 years
Warbirds over the beach 2016
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(Courtesy photo)Ī Saturday ticket to the air show grants access to the control tower ceremony. Air show tickets are available online at $30 per adult single-day admission and $15 per youth single-day admission. Children under 6 get in free. The reconstructed control tower, with finishing touches still being made, at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach. MESSERSCHMITT BF109-G4, Schwartz-1, W-nr19257, Warbirds over the Beach, Fighter factory, 20160520, D8C9142 Messerschmitt BF109-G4, Schwartz-1, W-nr19257, N109GY, finished in the scheme of holder of the Knights cross of the Iron cross Klaus Quaet-Faslem of 1/JG3, restored from a Buchon C.4K-64 by Meier Motors for the Fighter Factory of Virginia Beach using an Daimler Benz DB605A inverted V12. Air Force, and the Civil Air Patrol on color guard. The event will help kick off the Warbirds Over the Beach air show, which will run from 9 a.m. and will feature a fly-over by Air Force training jets, formations by the Royal Air Force and U.S. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. The Military Aviation Museum used some of the bricks and other original material in the reconstructed tower. The tower was deconstructed at its location near Goxhill, England, and shipped to the United States. Army Air Force in August 1942, according to a release from the museum. 345) and was formally transferred to the U.S. The tower operated at the first American fighter base in England (USAAF Station No. VIRGINIA BEACH – The Military Aviation Museum will hold a dedication ceremony Saturday to celebrate the completion of a reconstructed World War II radio control tower that was transported from England. Last edited by n33d4sp33d85 on Mon 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. Pilot error.The World War II control tower near Goxhill, England before its deconstruction and move to the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach. Virginia’s largest all-warbird air show is back Join us October 2 & 3, 2021 to see rare WWII and WWI-era aircraft in flight Featuring. That approach normally wouldn’t have stalled but I had the heavier battery/ plane. All fixed except the clip I need to replace. Side loaded my gear losing an e clip and bending my main. In stalling I stalled and “slid” sideways in the rough. I had a pretty hard cross wind develop and was crabbing in but was getting blown off line and pondered a little too long deciding to land on the grass off the side of the geotex. I know you will say a good pilot does not need SAFE. This looks to be a complex program so maybe separating the gear and flap channels and keeping SAFE always on is the best way to get to know the P39 and separate gear and flaps.Īny one have a program they can explain or post here? You would only have 2 flap positions -100 and 0 but what about the gear? McMullen Booth Road - Clearwater, FL 33759. Friday: The Ultimate Abbott and Costello Tribute Show Italian American Club 200 S. So with C operating a 2 position gear and a 3 position flap which takes precedence? The digital switch values can be adjusted so either the gear and flaps can be extended or retracted. Thursday: Today, in 1951, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello make their television debut as guest hosts on 'The Colgate Comedy Hour'. Yes I know the NX6 has a hidden 7th channel.Ħ Aux 2 for SAFE Select On or Off on Aux 2 Here is option one for the DX6 with only 6 channels. Open Programming is even more non standard. The Hangardeck Podcast Team Traveled to Virginia Beach to participate in the Warbirds Over the Beach 2016 Airshow. There are all sorts of options and no standard in the Spektrum community. The B switch seems to be the standard at our 100 member club for turning SAFE Off for inflight aerobatics or ground maneuvering with tighter nose gear radius. The C switch is closer to the non flying hand and can be used as well for flaps or the larger toggle D switch. I know some put the gear channel and assign operation to A0 for up and A1 for down. As the name suggests, this event will satisfy any. Gear and flaps are mostly on separate switches like real aircraft but don’t have to. Every year, the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach hosts their Warbirds Over The Beach event. I’ll be Programming my iX12 and his DX6 for wireless checkout/fam flying. He’s got flap experience but no retract experience. My buddy's wife got him a surprise Christmas present.
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footballlascl · 2 years
Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed
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#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed how to#
#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed mod#
#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed update#
I just don't want to have to modify my device to get the functionality I want.
#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed mod#
Is it worth keeping the familiarity and integration with iPhones that I already have? Or change for the higher end displays, batteries, storage expansion, easy customization, and continued support of Androids? I do enjoy messing with devices and such (I hacked my Wii, mod my PC games, etc), but I don't want to have to worry about keeping the same experience next upgrade or not updating iOS/apps, and some of the features of Androids are really alluring, whereas I hardly use some of iPhone's best features (iCloud, Apple Pay, Siri). My main things are Reddit and media player app options, customizability (focused on dark themes and 1-handed use), emulators with physical controllers, and web browsing with adblockers, Flash and webm enabled, and desktop webpage support. What are the advantages of a jailbroken iPhone versus an Android phone? I know of the advantages of stock Androids already, I just want to know if the functionality of a jailbroken iPhone meets an Android. For more complete / visual instructions see the iOSjailbreakwriteup.pdf 'How to jailbreak your phone' section. my iphone se iOS 11.1.2 Electra JailbreakI use debugserver + lldb to debug the third-party test.app, listening to port 1234 for a connection from.
#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed how to#
If you dont have this exact version it wont work for you How to Install Load and run the XCode project or sideload the IPA using Cydia Impactor. I don't even know if I can refund it or RMA it at this point, I've had it since launch and haven't had the chance or funds to do anything about it, but in any case I want to know what to do. Target This jailbreak is for iOS 11.1.2 (15B202). Step 3 Drag the FilzaJailed IPA file onto Cydia Impactor’s window. Step 2 Download the IPA file from the link above to the desktop. Tried to use 3utools and it said 'Failed to SHSH' if you are on ios 11.1. If you don’t have it on your computer, you can download its latest version from this link. News iOS 11.1.2 no longer signed : jailbreak 269 Posted by iPod touch 7th gen, 14.1 4 years ago News iOS 11.1.2 no longer signed News I got error when trying to use iTunes to do a fresh restore. I have a choice between RMA'ing/replacing it, or taking the hit and going with an Android instead. How to install Filzajailed file explorer on iOS 11. This exploit alone is capable of doing this.
#Ios 11.1.2 jailbreak failed update#
We’re going to show you how to do it here. iOS 11 / 11.1.2 Jailbreak Now Allows Some Cydia Tweaks To Be Installed Thanks To New To.Panga Update Set Custom Boot Logo On iOS 11 / 11.1.2 iPhone Without Jailbreak, Here’s How Download: LiberiOS 11.0.1 IPA For iOS 11.1. I've tried every fix under the sun, short of completely wiping and reflashing the OS, to no avail. Thanks to the release of the asyncawake exploits by Ian Beer of Google Project Zero, which is applicable on iOS 11.1.2 and below, users now have the ability to change the resolution on any iPhone or iPad running a compatible and exploitable firmware. I have a defective iPhone 8 suffering from the automatic restart issue, which is apparently common in early/first gen 8s.
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mobiletechnix · 2 years
Moto E32 Launch Date
Moto E32 Launching on 7th October’22 in India Specs – 6.5″ HD+ 90Hz IPS LCD Display – MediaTek Helio G37 SoC – 8MP Front Camera – 50MP Main + 2MP depth Rear Camera – 4GB LPDDR4x RAM – 64GB eMMC 5.1 Storage – up to 1TB Storage expansion – 5000mAh battery – 10W Charging – Side Mounted Fingerprint Scanner – Android 12 – 8.49mm Thick – 185 grams in weight Updates – 1 OS Upgrade – 2…
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creative-time · 2 years
DHMIS Update For September 7th 2022
WARNING: the following post may have the details of the plot of the episodes so proceed with caution if you do not want to get spoiled!!!
Thanks to @dannythesecond1 for bringing this to my attention and for sending me some of these photos after I lost access
(While I was writing this, they whipped the episodes of the site so unfortunately could not get all the new photos nor can I confirm that these episode summaries are true)
You can still access the episode list with this link here but if you click on an episode it kicks you off it
The British Comedy Guide has updated their listing for DHMIS.
These include all new photos (these photos vary in quality) and episode summaries!
We will go through them in the order they are listed!
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What is a job? Who are a family? And what is that horrible noise? Join three friends Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck as they learn about everything there is to know with the help of some friendly talking objects!
But wait, maybe something's not quite right here. Every teacher they meet on their journey seems a bit out of their depth. What lessons are they actually learning? Don't Hug Me I'm Scared is a deeply unsettling comedy puppet show; think The Muppet Show relocated to Twin Peaks.
It started life as a YouTube phenomenon. Eleven years and a quarter of a billion views later, main characters Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck are now inside your television trying to get out.
Episode 1- Jobs
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Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck have an important day of 'nothing at all' booked in. Red and Yellow are both very excited but Duck is outraged. He demands to have something to do! And that something turns out to be something called a job.
Episode 2- Death
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What do you think happens when we die? Do we come back as our favourite animal or object? In today's lesson Duck learns that he is in fact dead because he forgot to drink water. The other two seem a little confused by this, there are usually three of them. Who's going to sit in Duck's chair?
Episode 3- family
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What does family mean to you and your family and their family? Well in today's lesson we will find out. Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck meet two adorable twins who point out that they should not be living with each other as they are not related like a family. The guys begin to question their relationship and get very upset. Luckily the twins invite them over to see a real family in action and have their blood tested!
Episode 4- Friendship
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What is real friendship? In today's lesson the gang are excited to get online using their computer but, oh no! Yellow Guy has lost the password. Red Guy and Duck berate him but luckily a confident worm called Warren steps in to stop the bullying getting too out of hand. Warren decides to show the guys the true meaning of friendship by climbing inside Yellow Guy's head.
Episode 5- Transportation
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Where do things go when they are not where they should be? It's time for Red Guy, Yellow Guy and Duck to be taught about transport by a very old leaking train. Red Guy is excited by the idea of going on a journey and finally getting away from the house but unfortunately it's not that simple, he will need a personalised number plate.
Episode 6- Electricity
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Did you know that everything that has wires is part of the electric family? The guys meet Electracey the meter and look at all the objects and animals in their house to see which ones have wires! It turns out loads do! But what happens when you replace old batteries with new ones? Yellow Guy goes on a journey to find out
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murumokirby360 · 2 years
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My USB Rechargeable Batteries NH-AA review (w/ my Paper Dolls) - Part 1 [Jul 13, 2022]
Hello! Here it is! This is Part 1 of my USB Rechargeable Batteries NH-AA review, featuring my paper dolls.🔋⚡ A concept device for charging AA batteries via the USB port without needing a battery station port.🙂
BTW: If you haven't watched my recorded video, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st to 3rd Image(s) ↑:
• [1st Image]: Let's kick off with the packaging itself. 📦 Now, the name of the brand is unknown ❓ much like my old NI-CD AA batteries before. I don't know who made this, but, I promise you, these USB AA batteries won't disappoint the buck. 👌 The packaging indicates that these USB AA batteries are now upgraded to improve their battery capacity, and they are delivered 500 times to charge per AA cell.
• [2nd Image]: On the back of the packaging is more info about the USB AA Batteries, including charging it will estimate 2.5 to 3 hours before it's fully charged.⏱️🔋⚡
• [3rd Image]: My paper dolls say that they look like gummy batteries. Hey, hey! They are not designed to eat nor digest, you know. So, don't even try!☝️😉
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4th to 6th Image(s) ↑:
• [4th Image]: Alright, remove the packaging & here are the main items. Hmmm, from the looks of these batteries, they look quite cheap, but adding a USB from the removable battery cap is something new for us.😮
• [5th Image]: Speaking off, underneath the battery cap is a silver metal conductor, which when its cap is on it now reacts as a normal AA battery before you use it for any device that involves the aforementioned cell.
• [6th Image]: Isn't a cool feature, you two. My paper dolls completely agree, and they promised that they won't eat it. Even though they're made in the paper... Hehe.😁
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7th to 10th Image(s) ↑:
• [7th Image]: Finally, we're now onto the comparison. I won't include my useless unbranded NI-CD AA batteries for this part, but I always have my trusty genuine Panasonic Eneloop AA batteries 🔋✅. And as you can see, they're different in their different ways, but the AA formats are literally the same. Also, I noticed that the left USB AA battery had a bit gap when I cap on. It doesn't sit well, and I assume the mini rubber band is the culprit.🤔
• Another thing is their amount mAh or Milliampere/hour. The unbranded USB AA batteries deliver 1450 mAh per cell, whereas the genuine Eneloop AA batteries deliver almost 2000 mAh, capable enough to energize my daily electronic device(s) than my unbranded ones. If my USB AA batteries could add a little more than just 1450 mAh. ⬆️🔋
• [8th & 9th Images]: On their polarities, the Eneloop's positive is bigger than the USB AA Battery, even the negative polarity had a huge round space for the Eneloop. But hey, size doesn't matter, at least it'll work functionally on our daily devices.
• [10th Image]: My paper dolls say that these batteries surely look different. But, they want to see a test if these USB AA Batteries are working. Don't worry, I'll get to that in my next part, okay?🙂
• These USB AA batteries are really cool to own. Even if it's an unknown brand, sometimes it could be worth the price, even if it's a cheap knock-off it is still useful. 😊💵 Speaking off, I'll save the asking price for my final part.😉
Well, that’s all for now. If you haven’t seen my previous topic, then I’ll provide some links down below:↓
My N-Power LED RGBW Bulb w/ RC:
• Opening parcel [Jun 17, 2022]
• Part 1 [Jun 21, 2022]
• Part 2 (Final) [Jun 24, 2022]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @leapant, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @alexander1301
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