every-tome · 11 months
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techmaniachd · 9 months
😵 Laptop był usmażony już raz, teraz mało brakowało i byłaby druga płyta z CPU i GPU do wymiany... 💀🤦‍♂️ Pełny materiał już dostępny - https://youtu.be/kLpsfm1cZF8 ▶️
#Lenovo #Serwis #Legion5 #15IAH7H #Naprawa #Przegrzewasię #Temperatury #serwis #gwarancja #honeywellptm7950 #pasta #termopady
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bluenpinkcastle · 3 months
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20240630: the History of LEGO Castle day 182. 7950 Knight's Showdown (2010, 61 pieces, 26 different parts) Knight's Showdown is a small reddish brown and dark brown catapult on four sets of two 2x2 reddish brown circle plates. There is also a small dark green, black, and reddish brown weapon stand with a black 4L flag pole flying a pearl gold flag. This set has two minifigures. -A lion knight has a metallic silver knight helmet with front grill and red plume, a yellow smiley minifigure head with brown rounded beard and mustache, a red dual-sided torso with a gold lion head on a white and red checker pattern with light bluish gray arms and yellow hands, and light bluish gray legs with a black belt. Accessories include a flat silver sword. -A dragon knight with a dark green plume in a pearl titanium eye-slit knight helmet, a yellow minifigure head with brown eyebrows, beard, and mustache stubble and bared teeth, a black dual-printed torso with pearl titanium scale mail and copper cross-chains with black arms and hands, and black legs with pearl titanium scale mail and knee pads. Accessories include a pearl titanium small halberd. This set doesn't really have much that's rare or unique. Parts inventory for this set can be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable and a free download of the instructions is available under the "instructions" tab on Rebrickable.
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
Palestinian/Sudanese gfm updates p15
I' m currently following different campaings both from Gaza and Sudan. These are their updates. DONATE AND REPOST/ SHARE even 5$ counts. They need to get out
1: Aalaa and her family from Sudan
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We reached 7601 usd! Thanks to everyone who donated/shared so far. Our next mini goal is 7700
link to the gfm
2: Asjad and her family from Sudan
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We reached 10.880 usd. Thanks to everyone who donated/ shared so far. Our next mini goal is 11.000 usd.
link to the gfm
3: Shawkat's father's health
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No donations in two days. This campaing is moving very slow and we have no time to waste. Please donate, our next mini goal is 11.150 usd.
link to the gfm
4: Yasmeen and her children from Gaza
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Guys the last donation to this gfm is two days ago. Please donate.
Our next mini goal is 7950 usd.
link to the gfm
5: Amani and her children from Gaza
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We reached 15.986!! Thanks you very much to everyone who donated/ shared so far. Our next mini goal is 16.500 usd.
link to the gfm
6: Mahmood and his family from Gaza
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The last donation was yesterday! Please donate and share. Our next mini goal is 15.300 usd.
link to the gfm
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Going Down?
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Capt. John Price x Fem Reader
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Summary: You live down the hall in 14-C. Captain John Price lives in 14-G. A friendly relationship has developed over the course of a year, though the attraction you both feel for one another is becoming very hard to ignore. Then late one night the two of you get stuck in your building’s faulty lift, and your friendship takes a turn into filthy uncharted territory. 
Tags/Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral - F receiving, PiV, light Dom/sub tones, maybe competency kink(?), no use of Y/N 
(N/A: I ain’t gonna lie. This was supposed to be about the same length as my other smutty one-shots, but it’s Captain Price, and I adore him, and he deserves a sweet, smutty love story, dammit! It is what it is.
Think of this fic as a good, sappy, smutty weekend fic - the ones you want to read when ya ain’t got nothing else to do but clean, and you’re procrastinating. It’s that kind of fic.  I would apologize for the lengthy smut scene, but what’s the point? I needed the purge and you guys get... lots of Captain Price smut! Win-win.
Oh, and suspend your knowledge about elevator dimensions and basic elevator safety protocols. This is fanfic. We stan bullshit here as long as it serves the smutty narrative.
Word Count: 7950
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You were standing at your postbox, your back to the main lobby while sorting through your mail, when a deep voice spoke at your ear.
“Any of that mine?”
You jumped, startled, and snapped your head around. Your frown morphed into a flustered grin when you saw who was standing at your shoulder. “Oh, my God, John. You startled me,” you fussed, giving the captain a playful smack on the arm.
Captain Price beamed one of his warm smiles at you, blue eyes crinkling at the corners. His ruddy cheeks bunched up over the whiskers of his beard, giving him a boyish look. He clasped his hands behind his back and nodded to you in proper greeting. “How’ve you been, love? The little nippers not done ya in yet?”
The ‘little nippers’ he referred to were your year two primary students. Smirking at him, you turned and whipped open your trench coat like a pervy flasher, showing off your leggings and sweatshirt. They were currently covered in food stains and finger paint, with a light dusting of glitter. “Does this answer your question, Captain?”
His eyebrows shot up in surprise, an amused expression on his face. “Quite the ensemble, Miss. Put that together yourself or did the kids help?”
You scoffed, dropping the sides of your coat. You looked him up and down, relieved to see him back in one piece. “It’s about time you came home. I get terribly bored without you around. I’ve missed you.”
His amused expression softened as he peered down at you. “It’s good to be back.” He then leaned forward and whispered, “I missed you, too, by the way. Was bored out of my mind the whole time.” He puffed up with smug pride when you blushed, giving him a flustered smile. Tilting his chin down, he slanted a glance at you. “Are you already in for the evening?”
You gave him a curious look. “That was the plan. Why?”
“I was about to nick out for a drink. Thought you might like to come with.”
A smile brightened your tired features. “That sounds perfect. After the day I’ve had, I could use a drink. Give me a few minutes to change?” you asked.
He gave a quick bob of the head. “Of course. I can wait here for―”
You sniffed at his attempt at propriety. “Don’t be silly. Come up to the flat with me. You can at least sit in a comfortable chair and watch some telly while you wait.” You leaned back and arched a brow at him. “Or are you hanging out down here hoping to run into Mrs. Kelsey?” you asked, your tone teasing.
Mrs. Kelsey was seventy-two and fawned over the captain like he was her one true love. It would have been endearing if not for the fact that she’d gotten a bit handsy with him a few times. It amused you to no end, especially when you got to watch John try to extricate himself from the old woman’s amorous attentions.
“Very funny, love, but no,” he said, then cast a wary look around. “I’m not prepared to see the old dear just yet.” He pressed his hand to the small of your back and guided you towards the lift, whispering at your ear. “I’ll need you to distract her if she corners me again.”
You gave a soft laugh, shaking your head. “And get in the way of true love? No way!”
He poked your side as the two of you entered the lift, making you giggle. “You know, I’ve never had a woman come onto me like she does. It’s a bit flustering,” he joked, pressing the button for your floor.
You snickered behind your hand. “So, does that make her your cougar?” When he rolled his eyes, you gave him a sly grin. “Guess that would make you her ‘boy toy’, wouldn’t it?”
Price dipped his chin to give you a heated look, sorely tempted to tell you what you could do with his boy toy. Your playful teasing always got him worked up in the worst way. “Watch it, love. You’re going to get yourself into trouble.”
The husk in his voice made your belly swoop, made you want to cause all sorts of trouble for the captain. Feeling more than a little aroused and giddy, you smirked at him, ready to snark back, when the lift suddenly began to emit a terrible grinding noise and the carriage noticeably slowed.
You both stared up at the ceiling, alarmed. Price’s arm instinctively went around your waist as the two of you listened to the grinding sound grow higher in pitch until it finally whined itself out. The lift then gradually began to pick up speed again until it was moving at its normal pace, as if nothing had happened.
“What in the bloody hell was that?” Price uttered, shifting his eyes down to you.
You stared back at him, unsettled. “It started doing that about a week ago, but it wasn’t this bad before.” You peered back up at the ceiling. “I got an email from the building manager this morning. He sent out a mass notification to all the tenants, informing us that the lift is supposed to be down for repairs next Monday. We’ll be allowed to use the staff elevator until it’s fixed.”
Price frowned. “We should be bloody usin’ it now.”
You made it to your floor without further incident, both of you relieved to finally be off the faulty lift. “What d’you say to us using the staff elevator when we go for drinks?” you suggested.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Price agreed with a grim expression.
He followed you into your flat, closing the door and locking it behind him before taking a seat on your sofa to wait for you. You trailed off into your bedroom, chattering on about the building’s latest gossip, leaving the door ajar. He didn’t bother with the telly, content to just listen to your voice. He really had missed you terribly this last deployment.
You came padding out of the bedroom a few minutes later wearing a svelte looking knit dress with a turtleneck collar, It hugged every curve on your body to perfection, stunning Price into open-mouthed silence for a moment. You were oblivious to his reaction, however, too busy gabbing on about the newlywed couple who had moved into 14-J.
“They seem like a nice enough couple, but that twat, Mr. Graham, has been complaining about them nonstop, so now there’s this whole big to-do going on between them and some of the other tenants...” You turned your back to him, pointing over your shoulder. “Mind zipping me up, love?” you paused to ask, then continued on with your story. “Anyway, like I was saying...”
Price swallowed as he stood up behind you. You smelled amazing, like flowers and soft musk, and you’d pinned your hair up in a style that flattered your face and exposed the lovely curve of your neck. He inhaled your scent as he brought his hands up to slide over the soft weave of the dress, pinching the small zipper between finger and thumb. His eyes fixated on the soft skin at the nape of your neck, wishing he could press his lips into the little hollow at the base of your skull. He brought the zipper up slowly, then skimmed his hands over your shoulders before he turned you around. You had a ridiculous, goofy grin on your face, amused at something you’d just said, eyes bright and sparkling as you looked up at him.
“...and then Mr. Graham had the nerve to tell the building supervisor he couldn’t get a decent night’s sleep with all the moaning and groaning going on next door, but Mrs. Graham told Jessica in 14-B that her husband probably wasn’t sleeping well because he spent most of his time wanking it off in the loo. I almost died laughing when Jess told me that!” you giggled.
Price gazed down at you with an unreadable expression in his eyes. He reached up and tucked a stray curl behind your ear and smiled at you. “You’re beautiful, ya know that, love?”
You don’t know what got to you more, the expression on his face or the low, raspy register of his voice. but combined they had you thinking some very inappropriate thoughts as you gaped at the captain. You blinked up at him, completely caught off-guard, not sure what to do or say. You could feel your cheeks growing warmer as you opened and closed your mouth, trying and failing to form a coherent response.
Price, sensing you were floundering, gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze and stepped back. “You look lovely in that dress, Miss.”
Flustered beyond reason, you dropped your gaze to stare down at your fidgeting fingers. “Oh. Th-Thank you.” You cleared your throat and gestured back towards your bedroom. “I just― um, I n-need to get my shoes, and I’ll be ready to go.”
Price slipped his hands into his pockets, the picture of smug confidence, and gave you an indulgent smile. “Take your time, love. No rush.”
You gave him an awkward smile as you hurried out of the room. You were obviously flustered, but there was no mistaking the heat he had seen in your eyes before you could look away. He hummed, his expression thoughtful.
That brief interaction had brought everything into sharp focus for the captain. He’d been tiptoeing around his feelings for you for months now, but there was denying it anymore. He wanted more than friendship from you. Yes, he adored you and considered you a dear friend, but his attraction to you wasn’t waning, like he thought it would. Instead, it was only growing stronger with the passage of time, and he was fairly certain you felt the same way.
Now, he just needed to figure out what to do about it.
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Your evening out with the captain lasted far longer than you expected. Drinks ended up segueing into having dinner at the pub, and then a shared dessert followed by a nightcap. Not wanting the night to end just yet, you had suggested walking off dessert in a nearby park before returning home, which John eagerly agreed to. You probably talked the poor man’s ear off, but his warmth and charm had you fawning over him almost as bad as old Mrs. Kelsey. You couldn’t help but wonder if he could see the adoration on your face every time you looked at him. It was embarrassing how infatuated you were with this man.
It was edging close to midnight by the time the two of you made it back to your building, both of you surprised to discover how late it was. Whispering and giggling as you passed through the lobby, you both were too distracted by the other to remember to use the staff lift and boarded the one in the lobby without another thought.
John hit the floor button then went back to telling you about his first kiss with an older girl named Veronica when he was only ten years old. Apparently, the girl had bullied him into to giving her the smooch.
“I’m tellin’ ya, love. She was a head taller than me, almost twice my size, plus two years older. I was terrified of her. When she told me to pucker up, I puckered up.”
You were wheezing with laughter, holding onto his arm as you dabbed at your watering eyes with the back of your hand. “Oh, my God, you poor thing!” You sniffled, grinning at him. “There must be something about you that attracts older women. First, Veronica and now Mrs. Kelsey. It has to be that boyish charm of yours.” You giggled again when he tilted his head and shot you a warning look.
Then that grinding sound started above your heads, again.
You startled at the noise, and both of you looked up, your fingers gripping John’s arm tighter. The lift slowed to a crawl, the noise almost ear-splitting, before it finally came to a complete stop. You both stood in shocked silence for a moment, staring at each other.
You blinked at him and then peered up at the flickering light above your head. “Oh, God. Are we...” You leaned over and tapped the button for your floor, but nothing happened. “Are we stuck?”
John tried pushing more buttons, but when nothing happened, he hit the emergency button, instead. Still, nothing happened.
You looked between him and the control panel, a confused look on your face. “Um... shouldn’t there be like an alarm or something?”
John nodded, pressing the emergency button again. “Yeah, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Bloody hell,” he muttered, jabbing the button again before finally giving it up for a lost cause. He blew out a sigh as he pulled his cell from his pocket, but then grunted in frustration. “Of all the bloody luck... I forgot to charge the damn thing. It’s dead.” He looked up at you. “Can you call the building manager, love? Let ‘em know we’re stuck in here.”
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded. You opened the small clutch purse you’d brought with you, an anxious expression coming over your face as you pawed through the few contents, and then you grimaced. “Oh, my God, John. I— I left my cell in my other bag. I’m so sorry.”  
John blinked his eyes shut for a moment, but then simply nodded, taking the news in stride. “It’s alright, love. We’ll figure something else out. Don’t worry,” he said, unflappable as ever.
You twisted your fingers together, worried. “But what can we do?” you asked, feeling a little panicked, though you tried your best to remain calm.
He noticed your fidgeting hands and wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulders. “Don’t fret, love,” he murmured, rubbing your arm. “I’ll figure something out.”
You gave him a hesitant smile and nodded. “I know you will.” You tried to put on a brave face, but you were lowkey freaking out on the inside.
John gave you a reassuring hug, then stepped away to properly assess the situation. There were two ways out of the lift: through the doors or through the emergency hatch in the ceiling. He considered his options and then decided to pry open the doors, first. Having you stand opposite him, he traced his blunt fingers down the seam where the doors met, finding enough of a hold to pry them apart, then the two of your worked together to open a gap. He huffed a frustrated breath at what was revealed.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, dreading his answer.
He planted his hands on his hips, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “We came to a stop between floors. I was hoping we were close enough to one of the levels to pry open the doors and climb out, but that’s not going to happen.” He then peered up at the ceiling. “Guess there’s nowhere to go but up.”
You glanced up at the hatch several feet above your heads, then shot him a dubious look. “How are you going to reach it? You’re tall but not that tall,” you said, peering back up at the ceiling and shaking your head. “They must have designed this lift with pro basketball players in mind.”
John chuckled, relieved to hear you joking. “The lift is this big because it’s actually a freight lift. This building used to be a factory before it was renovated into flats. Instead of installing a new lift, they kept the old one and gave it a facelift.”
You gave him a quizzical look, slightly impressed by his little historical lesson. “Huh. I didn’t know that.”
John looked at you as if sizing you up and then stared up at the hatch again. ”You’re right about one thing, though. I’ll never reach that hatch on my own, so you’ll have to open it for me.”
You snapped your eyes back to him. “What?!”
He made a calming gesture with his hands before taking yours. “Listen to me, love. I can’t reach the hatch to open it on my own, but if you can get it open for me, I should be able to jump and hopefully catch the edge. I can then boost myself up and climb through.” He pointed to the hatch. “I want to lift you up so you can open the hatch for me, alright?”
“Lift me up?” you repeated, incredulous. “You’ll break your back!”
He smirked, a rather smug expression settling on his features. “Believe me, love. It won’t be a problem.”
You shook your head, unconvinced. “I’m heavier than you think. I’ve been in a toxic relationship with the Cheesecake Factory down the block for the past two months. Let’s just say I’ve put on a few pounds,” you confessed.
John couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ll never do, love.” He gripped your shoulders and looked you in the eye. “I promise, everything will be alright. I’m going to lift you up on my shoulders so you can reach the hatch, but I’ll be holding onto you the whole time.”
You frowned, nowhere near as confident as he was, but there didn’t seem to any other option. You glanced up at the hatch, then back at him. Steeling your nerves, you took a deep breath and nodded. “Alright. Fine. I’ll do it.”
John lifted his brows, surprised you were so quick to agree. “Are ya sure, love?”
You gave him a determined look and nodded again. “Yeah. I can do this.”
A bubble of pride swelled up in his chest. He gave your shoulders another squeeze. “That’s my girl.” He held you out at arms’ length and looked you up and down. “Alright, first order of business is to get those heels off.”
You nodded, kicking the pumps off your feet and flexing your toes. “Okay. Now what?”
John opened his mouth, but then snapped it shut, his cheeks coloring slightly. Clearing his throat, he dropped his gaze down to the skirt of your dress. “You’ll have to, ah— hitch your skirt up, so you can sit on my shoulders properly.”
You weren’t sure whose blush was worse once he told you that. He gave you a chagrined little smile and rubbed at the back of his neck, embarrassed by his own request.
And you... 
Well, you were trying to reconcile yourself to the situation. It wasn’t that big of a deal, not if it meant getting the two of you out of there. It wasn’t like you didn’t have underwear on— well, thongs were technically considered underwear. It was just the thought of his head being trapped between your bare thighs. Sure, you’d fantasized about having your legs wrapped around his head plenty of times, but never like this. Just the mere thought of it made a heavy feeling settle deep in your pelvis. God, what if your body— responded to him being in such a position? Considering his voice alone got you wet, it was a genuine concern.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, you can say no, love. I can try to find some other way to reach the hatch.”
Your heart melted a little at his words. There was such a look of sincerity and remorse on his face that you knew that he meant what he said. If you said no, he would just accept it and try to figure something else out.
You blew out a breath. You were being ridiculous. John was doing everything in his power to get you two out of this situation, and here you were acting like some shy, teenaged virgin. He needed you, and you’d be damned if you were going to let him down over your own silly little insecurities. Shaking off your worries, you stiffened your spine and your will. 
“No, it’s fine. I can do it.”
John tipped his chin forward to peer into your eyes. “Love, truly, if you don’t want to do this— “
You blew out an exasperated breath. It was sweet of him to be so considerate, but it wasn’t helping anything. If anything, it was only undermining your confidence. “For fuck’s sake, John. Just shut up and get on your knees, please.”
Well, that definitely shut him up. His eyes went a little wide to hear his sweet little schoolteacher speak so boldly and with such confidence. Oh, he liked this side of you very much.
He drew back to look at you with a rather seductive smirk on his face. “Whatever you desire, Miss. Your wish is my command,” he teased, eyebrow quirked.
You huffed and rolled your eyes, spinning your finger at him to get him to turn around. With a cheeky grin, he turned around and knelt on one knee, bracing his hands on the floor as he lowered his head. “Just stand over my neck, and I’ll do the rest, love.”
“Right,” you muttered, gulping past the lump that had formed in your throat. God, were you really about to do this? You inhaled a deep breath and blew it out.
Grabbing the stretchy material of your skirt, you pulled it up high on your thighs, feeling the cool air on your bare behind. Taking a fortifying breath, you stepped over his bowed head, planting your bare feet on either side of it. When his hands came up and gripped your shins, you inhaled sharply, but managed not to startle at the contact. He lifted his head, sliding his hands up to take a firm grip just above your knees, and—  
Wow! His hands were so warm. Were his hands always that warm? And big? And so strong? 
Your heart skipped a beat and your lower belly fluttered with arousal. God, this is so not the time for this, you chided yourself.
John’s fingers flexed on your legs and then gripped them tighter. “Ready, love?” he husked out.
“Oh— y-yeah. Yeah. I’m ready.” 
Oh shit oh shit oh shit...!
The captain rose in one fluid motion, standing up with a little grunt. It was so fast, you yelped and grabbed onto the sides of his head, knees locking down around his neck in a vice grip. He chuckled, though it was a little breathless, and squeezed your legs to reassure you. “Easy, love! I’ve got you. You’re not going anywhere.”
“Omigod, I’m so sorry!” you said in a breathless rush, easing the tension in your legs so the poor man could breathe again. “Are you okay?”
He patted your leg, his hand landing a little higher on your thigh when it came to rest again. Your skin prickled with goosebumps. “No worries, love,” he murmured lowly. “Didn’t mind it at all.”
Did his voice just get deeper? Because it definitely sounded like it did. It was almost a fucking purr, it rumbled out so smooth. He turned his head slightly, and his beard scratched over the sensitive skin on the inside of your knee.
You shivered.
You shivered and felt a trickle of arousal slowly ooze down your fluttering channel. Shit! No-no-no, please don’t do this right now...
“Ya alright, love?”
Get your shit together, Miss! 
“Give me just a second,” you replied, trying to calm yourself down. You inhaled a deep breath, closing your eyes, and held it for a count of four, then slowly blew it out. “Okay,” you sighed. “I’m good.”
“’Atta girl,” John praised you, squeezing your leg again. “Alright, love. I’m goin’ to get you under the hatch. You just say when to stop or move, yeah?”
“Got it.”
John grinned at the determination in your voice. He knew this had to be incredibly uncomfortable for you, but you were soldiering through, regardless. He had the sudden urge to turn and kiss the inside of your knee but bit the inside of his cheek, instead. Later, he promised himself. Shifting your weight forward a little more, he moved towards the center of the lift. 
“Alright, Miss,” he said, all business now. “You tell me which way to move, so you can reach it, but don’t over-extend yourself. I don’t want you to get unbalanced.”
You looked up to see you were directly beneath the hatch, but when you reached up for the metal latch holding it in place, you felt your sense of balance shift and panicked. Locking your legs around poor Price’s head, again, you dropped your arms and grabbed onto his head for support. Luckily, you recovered quickly and released him before he passed out.
“I’m sorry, John,” you apologized, petting the top of his head like he was one of your students. You caught yourself and stopped. You seriously needed to hang out with people your own age more.
“It’s fine, love,” he chuckled, sliding his hands up higher on your thighs. “Just tell me which way I need to move.”
You looked up at the hatch, keeping your hands on his head to keep you steady. “Um, take a couple steps back.”
John backed up a couple of steps, but you ended up a little further away than you would have liked. You felt him shift beneath you and readjust his grip. His neck and shoulders were probably killing him. You glanced back up at the hatch. 
Just get the hatch open and get off this poor man’s back, Miss. 
You sighed.
Fuck it. You could reach it from here, it would just be a little bit of a stretch.
You settled yourself more firmly on his shoulders and clamped your calves onto Price’s sides. Looking up at the hatch, you stretched your arms up, your fingers just shy of reaching the handle. “Shit,” you muttered. You glanced down at the top of his head. “I’m going to have to lean up just a little to reach this. Is that okay?”
Price adjusted his grip. “I’ve got ya. Go ahead.”
You stretched your torso up, leaning slightly forward. You could feel your lower belly rubbing over the back of Price’s head and then something else rubbed against it. You pressed your lips into a thin line, determined to ignore it, but holy shit! His head was right there! For fuck’s sake...
Your fingers caught at the latch, but slipped off, and you huffed in frustration. You tried again, this time hanging on long enough to pull the latch about a quarter of the way down. “Shit!” you hissed, and Price chuckled again. Someone seemed to be having a grand old time.
“Patience, love.”
You rolled your eyes, then refocused on the task at hand. You leaned up again, this time a little higher and more forward, extremely aware of your crotch rubbing against the back of Price’s head again. You huffed out a breath and grabbed a hold of the latch, then attempted to give it a little yank, but it barely moved. “I think the latch is rusted or something. It’s moving, but it’s really stiff.”
“Do you think you can get it open?”
You peered back up at it. “Yeah, I think so.” When he nodded for you to try again, you stretched yourself up, leaning more forward, and wrapped your fingers around the latch. Price tilted his head back to look up, notching it perfectly into your crotch. You startled at the contact, hand jerking the latch as you instinctively rocked your hips away, unbalancing you both.
You heard Price grunt and clamp his hands down hard on your thighs as he staggered back a step. Your hand was yanked off the handle by the momentum, the hatch popping open with a scattering of dirt and rust. You shrieked as you felt your balance tip back, and once more locked down on Price’s head. 
Bless him.
Somehow, the captain managed to stay upright, going with the backwards momentum, and let it carry the two of into the wall. Your head connected first, and then your shoulders, your lower half shifting back and forth as Price regained his balance, steadying beneath you.
“Are ya alright, love?” he asked in a shaky voice, easing himself down to his knees, hands like vice grips on your thighs. “Just hang on, almost got ya down.”
Even after he knelt, it took you a few seconds to release the death grip your thighs had on his head. You were panting, heart pounding out of your chest. Your eyes rolled up to the ceiling and you snorted. “Hatch is open.”
Price huffed out a labored breath. “That’s good, love.”
You eased yourself off his back. When you had both feet firmly planted on the ground, Price lowered his head in relief and fell back on his bum with a sigh.
“Bloody hell...” he breathed out, rubbing the back of his neck. “Scared the bloody shite outta me, love.” He scrubbed his hand over his head, and then drew it down over his face. “If you’d been hurt, I—”
You shushed him, petting his head, again. “Hush. I’m fine.” You closed your eyes, trying to calm your breathing and settle your nerves. You were shaking like a leaf from the leftover adrenaline rush, knees trembling. You locked them so you wouldn’t slide to the floor and leaned hard against the wall, letting your head thunk back.
Price turned to look up at you, mouth open to apologize, then froze. The hem of your skirt had worked itself up until it was almost around hips, the crotch of your panties peeking out from below. His eyes drifted over the black satin material, unconsciously leaning closer. He slowly lifted his eyes to see that you were staring down at him, eyes at half-mast and lips parted. 
Bloody hell, the way you were looking at him. You looked both flustered and wanton at the same time, so needy for attention, but too afraid to ask. His sweet, sexy, oblivious girl. He would give you everything you needed, if you would allow it.
Flustered, you reached to pull down your skirt, but he caught your hand, his blue eyes glinting as they locked with yours. Head tilting, his gaze trailed back down to your panties again before sliding back up to meet yours. A little smirk played around his mouth.
“Don’t be shy now, love. You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.”
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John’s words had your breath catching in your throat. You watched as he shifted to his knees and sat back on his heels in front of you. He brought his hands up to grasp the back of your calves, looking up at you with open lust in his eyes.
“I want to touch ya, love,” he told you plainly, his voice a gruff rasp. “Wil ya let me?”
God, what a question. This will change everything, your logical mind intoned, but your emotional self was screaming, He’s right fucking there! Do it! Say yes! 
You inhaled a shaking breath and nodded.
“You need to say it for me, love,” he chided you softly, tipping down his chin. “If you want me to touch you, tell me.”
Your dry throat clicked as you tried to swallow. Your lips parted, heart ticking up a beat. “Y-Yes... I want you to touch me. P-Please.” you whispered, an urgent note in your tone.
A different expression settled on his face at your words, something sinfully dark yet endearingly affectionate. Leaning forward, he pressed his nose into your clothed pussy as he slid his hands up to grip your hips. He raised his head to look up at you, his eyes darkened to a deeper shade of blue, his pupils large and glassy black. His expression left no doubt to what his intentions were with you, but he was silently giving you an out, if you wanted it.
Since he didn’t speak, neither did you. Instead, you sighed out a shuddering breath and rolled your hips, pushing your covered sex right into his face. His grip clamped onto your hips as his eyes rolled shut, and he groaned into your crotch.
The vibration made your clit hum with energy, the sensation buzzing all the way up to your brain and tightening your scalp. Goosebumps rose over the entirety of your body and your gut dropped in a devastating fell swoop. A positively filthy moan oozed past your lips as you raked your fingers over the top of his head, crooking them to hold him in place. Your eyes rolled up and slid shut, your mouth falling open as you slumped back against the wall.
John nuzzled his face into your crotch, grazing his teeth over your mound, then hooked his thumbs under the narrow, satin strings at your hips. He peered up at you, pressing a kiss above your mons before sliding the panties down your legs to expose your sex. He moaned at the sight, his posture going slack.
“Bloody hell, love,” he sighed, his expression almost wistful. He stroked over your damp folds with the backs of his fingers. “Such a pretty little thing.” The corner of his mouth tugged up when you whimpered. “Prettier than I ever imagined, and I thought about it. A lot.”
He slowly smeared your slick over your swollen lips with his thumb, teasingly soft, never once slipping in between the delicate folds. “I thought about how pretty it would be,” he murmured, tracing a feather-light finger over the slit. “Thought about how sweet it would smell.” He grazed his nose right above your clit. “An’ bloody hell, it made my mouth water to think about how fuckin’ good you’d taste.” A rumbling hum poured out of his throat as he mouthed at your wet folds, running a flat tongue up its seam.
He had been holding you in place this whole time, not letting your hips move, keeping you from grinding into his face. He had yet to breach your folds, and you were trembling in his grasp. He slanted a glance up at you. “Tell me, love. Would you like me to make ya cum on my tongue?” he asked, mild and teasing. He brushed a knuckle against your clit, smirking when your hips bucked, and you gasped out a little cry. “Be a good girl and tell me what ya want. sweetheart. Hmm?” 
The gentle authority in his voice worked like a balm for your brain, even as it set your core on fire. There was so much confidence and competence in his tone. That tone told you that this was a man who knew what he was doing and how to do it well, a man who would always deliver and leave you satisfied. There was no doubt in his mind that he could take care of you and give you just what you needed.
And all you had to do was be a good girl and ask.
You felt a warm rush of arousal coat your walls as you tried to roll your hips in a futile attempt to reach his mouth. “Please, John...” you begged in a plaintive whisper.
He planted soft kisses on the inside of your thighs, pausing before he pressed a kiss over your clit to rasp out, “Tell me what you want, sweetheart, an’ I promise you’ll have it.”
You whimpered and gripped his head. “Your tongue... Please, John. Make me cum.”
The expression on his face was wrecked. “Fuckin’ hell, love,” he moaned, swiping his tongue up your slit. “Any bloody thing ya want.”
And then, without further ado, he buried his face in your cunt.
You choked on your breath, eyes going wide as his tongue ran up through your folds in a fast, hot streak before his lips latched onto your clit. “Ha-ahh— fuck!” you cried out, back curling over his head.
John chuckled into your pussy, and, damn, if your knees didn’t buckle. If not for his hands holding you against the wall, you would have dropped like a stone. You darted your eyes down as you tried to brace your knees again, only to find him already looking up at you, a smug, amused light in his eyes. He swirled his tongue around your clit and wobbled your knees again, smirking into your folds when you had to grab his shoulders for support. You huffed out a surprised breath, panting out a little mewl. He then did it again, rolling his tongue over the nub like a piece of hard candy. And then winked at you.
Bloody winked at you...
With his face still buried in your pussy.
You groaned as you felt a hard pulse of arousal flow down your channel, knowing the instant John became aware of it, too. He hummed a growl and slid his lips off your clit to mouth at your soaked entrance, dipping his tongue in for more.
“Ah, John...!” you gasped out, your hands seizing his head, hips canting up to meet his mouth.
You felt like you were going to pass out. Or explode. Explosion seemed more likely as you felt his fingers slide up the inside of your thigh to graze over your soft lower lips. His tongue slithered back up to your clit as he slipped two fingers through your folds, stroking your entrance before sinking the thick digits into your pulsing channel.
Your head banged back against the wall as you felt your core quiver and tighten. This was not going to be one of those slow and easy orgasms, like the ones you were used to giving yourself. No, this felt like he was going to drag this climax out of you kicking and screaming. You were clenching down so hard around his fingers, and he was still attacking your clit, winding you up to the point of breaking. You felt your thighs begin to tremble and then shake as the pressure in your core red-lined.
John slid his hand back, felt the first spasms in your channel and crooked his fingers, stroking them inside you until he hit that little spongy spot that sent a shudder through your entire body. You cried out and clutched at his head, which only made him redouble his efforts. Hand working between your thighs, he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked.
Your vision went watery, and a high-pitched ringing filled your ears. Your orgasm really was like an explosion, like a bomb set off in the ocean, sending ripples of near-brutal pleasure ripping through your core. You drenched his face in your release, unaware of the filthy groan he breathed into your folds, already too far gone. 
John leaned back, chest heaving, a vicious smile on his face. “That’s my girl!” he growled and lunged back in.
Everything blurred.
How he dragged an orgasm out that long, you will never know, but by the time he finished with you, you were only upright by the grace of John. He eased you gently down the wall, pulling your legs around his hips to settle you over his spread thighs. He held you to his chest as he rubbed his hands over your back in soothing circles, letting you come down at your own pace. You were heaving for breath, panting against his neck, little aftershocks making your muscles spasm every now and then.
You felt dazed— hell, maybe even a little traumatized. Your reality had just been turned up on its head in the span of a few enlightening minutes, and you were having a hard time catching up. You had known this man for over a year, thought you knew his true nature. This sweet, warm, teddy bear of a man had just made you cum hard enough to make your ears ring. This mild-mannered gentleman had just rocked you to your very foundations. My god, if that’s how he eats pussy, imagine how he must fuck...
You lifted your head slowly from his chest, leaning back to stare at John. His eyes met yours, just as kind and soft as they ever were, but still blown wide and smoldering with lust. You could smell your arousal on his skin, on his breath, and damn, that did it for you. You slid your hands up to cup his face. 
“Love, what’s—?”
You darted your head forward and kissed him, catching him by surprise, but the captain quickly adapted to the situation. Arms tightening around you, he pulled you closer with a pleased growl, tilting his head to lean into the kiss. It shouldn’t have surprised you at all that he was good at kissing, too, not after what he had just shown you he could do with his tongue, but the man had you floating. You were panting for him again in no time, moaning and gasping into his mouth as he held onto your rolling hips.
“Bloody hell, love,” John gasped against your mouth, eyes pinched shut. “If ya don’t want this to go any further— ah, shite...” he choked out when you rolled your hips down and began to grind against him. “Love, listen to me. I— “
“John, you back out on me right now, I might just have to hurt you.” You said this to him with the utmost sincerity.
His brows ticked up, surprised, then he huffed a laugh, a pleased smile spreading across his face. “Copy that, love. Read ya loud an’ clear,” he drawled, capturing your mouth in another heart-stopping kiss.
He took your arms and wrapped them around his neck, then moved his hands from your back to the front of his trousers. You heard the muffled jingle of his belt and the hiss of his zipper, and your heart ticked up another beat. You were trembling with anticipation, huffing out a short breath when you heard him rumble out a sigh, relieved. You glanced down between your bodies to see his length bobbing between you, the swollen tip dark red and leaking. Moaning, you closed your eyes and raised your head until your lips were on his again.
“Want you inside me,” you breathed into his mouth, and you felt his breath hitch in his chest. Your pussy literally quivered when he slid his cock against your folds the first time. “Oh, my god... John, that...” 
“Shh. I know, love. That’s it. That’s a good girl,” he cooed into your ear. “Just hang on to me, yeah? I’ve got you.”
You felt his hands under your ass, gripping it tight. He lifted you up enough to notch his cock at your entrance, and then captured your lips with his before he sheathed himself to the hilt inside your walls with one fluid thrust of his hips.
He swallowed your small cry of surprise, drinking down the subsequent whimpers and gasps as he began to rock inside you. You clung to his shoulders, rolling your hips to meet him, letting your head fall back and closing your eyes to simply feel him.
John couldn’t resist the temptation and latched his lips onto the column of your throat, his beard scratching the sensitive skin and sending shivers racing down your back as he sucked his mark into your neck. He bit the edge of your turtleneck and pulled it down to leave another mark, making you gasp and clutch at his head.
He groaned into your skin and moved his hands to your back, shifting his weight to his knees to lay you back on the floor of the lift without missing a stroke. His warm hand wrapped around your ankle and pulled your leg up onto his shoulder. deepening his strokes as he leaned over you. You stared up at him, eyes gone lazy and dazed with arousal, your red, swollen lips parted, and cheeks flushed.
“Fuck, yer so beautiful,” he husked out, breaths heaving as his thrusts began to stutter. “Wanted ya for so long, love. Always on my bloody mind.” He gave a hard thrust, making you cry out. His eyes were darting over your face, drinking you in as you fell apart. “An’ ya feel so bloody good,” he grunted, with another hard thrust.
Your cry wavered as your walls began to squeeze and pulse around his cock. He dropped his head and growled, then pinned your other thigh to the floor, holding you open as he pistoned his hips between your thighs. “Fuck, right there,” he hissed to himself, hitting a spot deep inside you that made you convulse around him. His head snapped up to watch your face as you began to spasm around him. “Yesss, love, that’s it. Be a good girl an’ come for me,” he coaxed, making sure to hit that spot again and again until you finally shattered.
Everything seemed to tense up at once, your body locking into place as your climax rolled through you. It stunned you when it hit and then dragged you under, like a wave crashing against the shore and receding, pulling you far out to sea.
John hissed a curse, the way you felt around him as you came more than he could bear. With a frustrated growl, he pulled himself out, his release decorating your folds and quivering inner thighs. He watched your cunt flutter and spasm for him, a sense of deep satisfaction and pride swelling in his chest, even as he gathered you up in his arms.
He peered down at you, your eyes dazed, a blissed-out expression on your face, and knew he was done for, that he had been all along. He couldn’t deny it, even if he tried. You were it for him, and that’s just all there was to it.
“Hey, love,” he murmured, stroking his thumb over your chin. “Are ya with me?”
You blinked, sleepy and slow, then breathed out a sigh. A lazy smile spread across your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Mm-hm. No place I’d rather be.”
John huffed a laugh. “Under the circumstances, that’s quite the compliment, love.”
You hummed, lifting your head to place a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. “Just stating facts, Captain.”
His eyes softened. “Good. ‘Cause that’s where I want you to be. With me.”
Your smile was sublime. “Then that’s where I’ll be.” You then gave him a teasing little smile. “Even after we get out of here.”
John chuckled as he pressed his lips to yours. “You’ve made me a very happy man, Miss,” he murmured against your lips, then smirked, “But Mrs. Kelsey is never goin’ to forgive ya for this.”
And the captain was right. 
That mean old bird still won’t talk to you.
It’s been two years.
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(Notes: @mirthlxss you asked for it lol. Hope you like. (((hugs))) )
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/7950/ last modified 2008-02-07 15:32:23
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Elvis Presley Fics Masterlist
Promise Me? Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2622 Rating: Explicit
The Way I Loved You Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader, Austin Butler x Reader Word Count: 4348 Rating: Mature
Treat Me Like A Fool Pairing: Elvis Presley x  Female Reader Word Count: 7950 [2 Parts] Rating: Teen
He’ll Have To Go Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2555 Rating: Mature
Better Man Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2717 Rating: Teen & Up
Trading One Heartbreak For Another Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3192 Rating: Teen & Up
Trying To Get To You Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2464 Rating: Explicit
Lonely In a Crowded Room Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 11279 [3 Parts] Rating: Mature
Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3208 Rating: Mature
Wrapped Around My Finger Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3492 Rating: Teen
Made For Each Other Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2982 Rating: Explicit
Late Birthday Present Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3197 Rating: Explicit
Last Past The Post Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader x Memphis Mafia Word Count: 3951   Rating: Explicit
Hide and Seek [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 3170 Rating: Explicit
The Needs of a Man [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x  Female Reader Word Count: 1776 Rating: Mature
Details [Requested] Pairing:  Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1466 Rating: Gen
A Girl Like That [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1986 Rating: Explicit
Every Step of the Way [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3227 Rating: Mature
It’ll All Come Out in the Wash [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1765 Rating: Mature
The Best Place To Be [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2660 Rating: Mature
Ever Since Germany [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 4029 Rating: Explicit
A Few Good Men Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 10735 [3 Parts] Rating: Mature
Elvis Fuckin’ Presley Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3509 Rating: Explicit
Does He Love You? [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Ann Margaret Word Count: 3225 Rating: Explicit
Helping [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2435 Rating: Gen
In Your Arms [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1024 Rating: Explicit
The Art of Gift Giving [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2110 Rating: Mature
The Price of Loving Elvis Presley [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2256 Rating: Mature
Shut Up and Kiss Me [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 3400 Rating: Teen
Made For The Mafia [Series of Fics] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader x Memphis Mafia Word Count: 34,000 [In 8 Parts] Rating: Explicit
His Bird With The Broken Wing Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Teen Word Count: 5128
Tennessee Orange Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2407 Rating: Teen
Die From A Broken Heart Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1837 Rating: Teen
You Ain’t Woman Enough [To Take My Man] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 4107 Rating: Mature
It Hurts Me Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader, Reader x Jerry Schilling Word Count: 7849 Rating: Teen
I’m Not Going Anywhere Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 6734 Rating: Mature
Don’t Ask Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 4483 Rating: Teen
Birthday Boy Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1248 Rating: Teen
Love In Trouble Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character, Austin Butler x OFC Word Count: Ongoing Rating: Mature
Elvis & Addison
The Girl He Left Behind Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Word Count: 126,532 Rating: Mature/Explicit
Here You Come Again [Sequel To The Girl He Left Behind] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Word Count: 127699 Rating: Mature/Explicit
Untethered  Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 4319
Little Bird Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 4553
Fractured  Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 15430 [In 2 Parts]
Our Little Secret Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Teen Word Count: 5012
Closure Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 7145
Top of the List Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 9639
Meant To Be Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 3120
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sexylonestar · 2 months
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Nylon # 7950
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whywishesarehorses · 2 years
BLM Mustangs for Auction - Oregon Girls
These girls are mostly South Steens HMA! They are in the January 2023 auction. All should be presumed covered.
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5 YEAR OLD APPALOOSA FEMALE HORSE (7924) 14.3hh (pregante)
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10 YEAR OLD BUCKSKIN FEMALE HORSE (7943) 14.2hh (gregnate!!!!)
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8 YEAR OLD CHESTNUT FEMALE HORSE (7946) 15.1hh (pragent!!!)
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12 YEAR OLD PINTO FEMALE HORSE (7954) 14.3hh (pragnent)
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8 YEAR OLD PINTO FEMALE HORSE (8031) 15.1hh (one blue eye)
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4 YEAR OLD PINTO FEMALE HORSE (8039) 15hh (one blue eye)
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15hh 9 Y EAR OLD PINTO FEMALE HORSE (8121) (pargant!)
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lekkotakworld · 1 year
Wtorek, 22.08.23
Zjedzone: 1500 kcal
Spalone: 280 kcal (7950 kroków)
Woda: 2,0 l
Waga rano: 68,00 kg ⬆️
Można rzec, że waga stoi. Wahania o 200 g to prawie tyle co nic. Nie panikuje, ale to 67 wczoraj trochę mnie pokusiło i chce już to widzieć codziennie 😅
W pracy dostałam nowy temat, przearanżowuje aptekę. Luźne zadanie, akurat na czas czekania na odzew inwestora z szeregówek.
Dziś popołudnie i wieczór spędziłam z chłopakiem. Było mega miło. Choć ja byłam dziś trochę roztrzęsiona, ale nie chce o tym tutaj pisać, wygadałam się trochę chłopakowi, muszę jeszcze porozmawiać z tatą, sprawy rodzinne, że tak to ujmę. Przez ten cały stres i nerwy jestem w dziwnym nastroju, mało co czuje. W pewnym momencie nawet zaczęłam czuć kłucie w klatce, wiem że to nerwowe. To jest jeden z moich dłuższych epizodów, dawno tak długo nie byłam taka smutna i przygnębiona. Wiecie, nawet ciężko mi okazywać komuś uczucia.. Jesteśmy razem z chłopakiem, a ja nie potrafię być tu i teraz bo przytłacza mnie ten cholerny smutek..
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 2 months
Desperate Pleasures (7950 words) by TBHImNotEasyOnMyself Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang & Nie Mingjue, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao & Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin & Jin Ling | Jin Rulan Characters: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Nie Huaisang Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Attempts at comfort, Light Angst, Comfort/Angst, Conversations, Late Night Conversations, Relationship Discussions, Arguing, Death Threats, Emotional Baggage, Emotional Constipation, Emotional Outbursts, Emotional Roller Coaster, Crying, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Forgiveness, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Complicated Relationships, Smut, Shameless Smut, Sex, Gay Sex, Switching, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch Nie Huaisang, Anal, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dick riding, Oral Sex, Comfort Sex, Drunk Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Hate Sex, Emotional Sex, Crying During Sex, Aftercare, Literal Sleeping Together, Kissing, Gentle Kissing, Rough Kissing, Neck Kissing, Drunken Kissing, Surprise Kissing, Shut Up Kiss, Scheming, Scheming Nie Huaisang, Lies, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Fratricide, Mentions of Patricide, Mentions of filicide, Implied/Referenced Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Not Beta Read, POV Third Person Summary: They don't really mean for it to start happening when it does. Yet what are one’s drunken actions if not the desires one did not have the courage to give into sober? It is better not to think about it, though. They are what they are and they do what they do. And that's good enough. No need for labels or reasonings or long conversations about indefinable concepts, no… None of that. Just them. As they are. Just them is good enough. OR How Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang find solace in each other through the years in ways that are probably too complex and nuanced to put into words outside people would understand but that make sense to them, nonetheless.
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aelkurai-art · 4 months
Like a shadow, chapter 2 : Cigarettes
Like a shadow (7950 words) by Aelkurai Chapters: 2/15 Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997), Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth (Video Games 2020-2024) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine Characters: Cid Highwind, Tifa Lockhart, Cait Sith (Compilation of FFVII), Vincent Valentine, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Barret Wallace, Marlene Wallace, Jenova (Compilation of FFVII), Chaos (Compilation of FFVII), Galian Beast (Compilation of FFVII), Hojo (Compilation of FFVII), Lucrecia Crescent, Yuffie Kisaragi Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Smoking, Mutual Pining, Gay Sex, Implied/Referenced Torture, Injury, Sexual Tension, Blood and Gore Summary: Many times, Cid had asked himself why he had gotten into this mess. Helping a group of terrorists save the world had always seemed too big for him. And then there was Vincent. An enigma. His enigma. Unless he's just crazy. The signs are there but none of them want to see them. Flirting is one thing, going beyond another. If Cid became his light, his star, then Vincent would be his shadow on the lookout, vigilant. But the end of the world is approaching, the ticking of its clock resonates. There is so little time left, and so much to do.
Comme une ombre (8066 words) by Aelkurai Chapters: 2/15 Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997), Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth (Video Games 2020-2024) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine Characters: Cid Highwind, Vincent Valentine, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Red XIII | Nanaki (Compilation of FFVII), Barret Wallace, Marlene Wallace, Aerith Gainsborough, Chaos (Compilation of FFVII), Galian Beast (Compilation of FFVII), Hojo (Compilation of FFVII), Lucrecia Crescent, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Jenova (Compilation of FFVII), Cait Sith (Compilation of FFVII) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Smoking, Mutual Pining, Gay Sex, Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Gore, Injury, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Sexual Tension Summary: A de nombreuses reprises, Cid s'était demandé pourquoi il avait embarqué dans cette galère. Aider un groupe de terroriste à sauver le monde lui avait toujours paru trop grand pour lui. Et puis il y avait Vincent. Une énigme. Son énigme. A moins qu'il soit juste fou. Les signes sont là mais aucun d'eux ne veulent les voir. Flirter est une chose, aller au delà une autre. Si Cid devenait sa lumière, son étoile, alors Vincent serait son ombre à l'affut, vigilante. Mais la fin du monde approche, le tic tac de son horloge résonne. Il reste si peu de temps, et tant à faire.
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snuh · 5 months
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John Harris: Death Wave - Tor Books #7950, November 2015
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 months
20240714: the History of LEGO Castle day 196. Kingdoms minifigures
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Kingdoms had a bit of mix-and-match with the yellow minifigure heads and torsos, but not much for unique legs. (This break down will ONLY include instances of these minifigure parts from LEGO Castle sets, not other LEGO themes). -The royal king torso was found in 7946 and 7952. -The royal king legs were found in 7946, 7952, and 10223. -The dark bluish gray scale mail with red arms was found in 5929, 7187, 7946, 7947, 7948, 7949, 7952, 852921, and 853373. -The red and white checker pattern with the lion head was found in 7187, 7188, 7946, 7948, 7950, 7952, 9349, 10223, 30062, 852921, 853373, 5002147, and LILLE. -The dragon knight torso and legs were both found in 6918, 7187, 7946, 7950, 7952, 10223, 852922, and 853373. -The dark green chain mail torso was found in 7187, 7188, 7189, 7946, 7947, 852922, and 853373. -The medium and dark green checker pattern with black arms was found in 7188, 7189, 7946, 7947, 7948, 7949, 30061, 852922, and 853373. -The light bluish gray lion knight was found in 7947, 7949, 10223, and 852921. -The light bluish gray lion knight legs were found in 7947, 7949, 10223, 852921, HOUSTON-3, SUNRISE-1, and WAUWATA-1.
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scavenger-treasury · 7 months
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ID 7950 - i thought he was silly! faintly blue head :)
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slimeylee · 7 months
3.14159 this is pi followed by 2653589 circumference over diameter 39 then 323 omg ! cant you see 8462643 and now we're on a spree 38 then 32 now we're blue oh who knew 7950 and then a 2 88 then 31 so much fun now we'll run 971693993751 half way donee 058 now dont be late 209 wheres the wine 74 its on the floor then 94459 230 we gotta go 78 we cant wait 1640628 we're almost near the end keep going 62 we're getting through 089 9 on time 8628034 theres only a few more 82 then 53 421170 and 67 we're done was that fun learning random digits so that you can brag to your friends
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