perplecta · 2 months
Just got a blorbo and there's no fanfiction about them. How can I deal with such obsession without fandom material? Just kill me already I can't handle this torture
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Look I drew every vivziepop character ever fucking created!!
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ladyinfierno · 2 years
girl help, my endometrium is falling to pieces
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karvviie · 18 days
just finished making my grimmons queerbait powerpoint. will be presenting it next weekend. feeling like i need to listen to the entire trocadero discography for 72hours straight.
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harlowtales · 3 months
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Jack needs Y/N more than he realizes when jealousy gets the best of him
18+ ONLY - Adult Themes
***Use of all names is purely fictional
“Where the fuck are you going Y/N?” Jack said surprised to see you packing. He just got back from recording in LA and was going to take a few weeks off.
“I actually made some friends and I’m heading off for a weekend in the country!” You squealed with glee, but Jack did not have a smile on his face. “…and nice to see you too sheesh.” You said rolling your eyes and pushing past him to get to your closet. You were forgetting your crocks and hoping to find a spot for them in your open and overflowing suitcase on the bed.
“No the fuck you aint.” He said like a domineering father.
“Awwww Jackman you’ll be fine without me for 72hours.” You said cheerily finally getting your suitcase closed by sitting on it.
“72 fucking hours ain’t a weekend last I checked.” He said grumpily
“You’ll be fine.” You said ignoring his exasperation and checking the group chat for any updates on who was picking you up when. Jack was a tad dramatic anyway so you didn’t really take him seriously at the moment.
“Not very professional coming from my assistant” he mumbled now distinctly in a bad mood.
“I’m not your assistant. I’m a house guest remember?” You responded now getting irritated that Jack refused to give you any titles in his life whatsoever. Long story short, something happened one night that you both agreed should not have, and had not happened since.
You were renovicted from your apartment as the building was being turned into fancy condos so Jack offered you a place to stay until you found another place. While staying with him you started helping Kat with some work and his team realized how good you were at helping him stay organized. They offered you a job and Jack said no. He was developing feelings for you and didn’t want to mix business with anything more complicated personally. This caused major tension as you felt he was unfairly blocking you from an opportunity and you had a huge fight. He wound up confessing his feelings and makeup sex didn’t make up for anything as he still would not define your relationship.
You were still helping Kat as now an unpaid intern and Jack felt that one night was a mistake and he needed to focus on his career so nothing happened again. He would lay in his bed alone trying to shake the memory. So many nights he texted you to come to his room but deleted it. You both talked about when you would leave and you told Jack about your other plans but he put a stop to that and said he could find you other opportunities and for you to stay in Louisville.
To say you fell hard for him was an understatement. The whole situation was confusing and you didn’t realize how much it was draining you. You started writing a book but having to move short notice derailed the whole thing. You had a publisher waiting and were panicking. Jack suggested you stay until you finished it. He believed in you and didn’t want to be the cause of you loosing your focus either.
This limbo with him had become your new normal. Stolen glances across the breakfast table, incidental brushes passed in the hallway never amounting to little more than frustration but both of you were dedicated to your dreams so didn’t cross the line again. You had to avert your eyes when he would be rushing to get ready drinking tea and checking his phone while fresh out of the shower in a towel around his waist and wet curls.
He had to do the same seeing you prance around in a tank top and sleep shorts with a bonnet on and fuzzy slippers. The way he wanted to bend you over sometimes was too much. In a weird way though you two became happy roommates. There was only one thing Jack wanted and that was for you to be around when he was in town. He said this was for work purposes but it was because he missed you so much when he was away. To see you packing now when you knew he was back made him downright angry.
You hadn’t done it purposely but you had made a new group of friends in the writing community in Louisville and everyone was going on this retreat to work on projects in an idyllic Kentucky country setting. Jack didn’t like there were guys in this group. Sensitive types that were accomplished authors. Just the type that you could bond with intellectually and leave him forever. He knew conversation was your love language so even while he was away he called often but felt like he didn’t have what it took to really stimulate you mentally like those guys.
You felt like you were starting to slip away and maybe it was for the best because nothing was possible with Jack anyway. This one guy in the group Jason was so engaging and you were looking forward to his reading circles and getting to know him this weekend. Jack knew how much you liked Jason’s new novel. He felt so jealous every time he caught you curled up with pups reading it.
“You really like this Jason character huh?” Jack said one night as he had his feet up watching soccer and you were deeply immersed in Jason’s book. He felt like swatting it out of your hands.
“It’s such a moving story. I hope to be half as good as this” You said wistfully smiling showing your one dimple and pushing up your glasses which drove Jack crazy.
“I have no doubt you’re way better than that.” Jack said disdainfully of Jason.
“I’m honoured to even know him. Want some popcorn?” You said cheerily getting pups off you and heading to the kitchen. It was one of your more lazy days at home and you had no idea that Jack was in heaven there with you. He would occasionally glance at you and smile while you were reading wishing you could lay on him and he could hold you giving you kisses on the top of your head as he watched the game. He snapped out of his delusion with the Jason conversation.
“Hey missy did you write at all today?” He would often chide when things he didn’t want to think about crept in or uncomfortable feelings.
“Nope. I’m chilling today.” You said happily taking a huge handful of popcorn. Jack promptly ripped the bowl away from you.
“You want to be as good as some dork Jason? Get off the couch and go to your room and write” he said firmly.
“Fuck you.” You said defiantly grabbing another handful before heading for your room. You knew he was right but didn’t like his bossy tone.
He settled in with pups with a smile on his face knowing he had disrupted your time with Jason’s book and knocked it off the couch for extra enjoyment.
Fast forward back to now. He felt a tightness in his chest with anxiety creeping in. “Does Kat know you’re doing this?” He questioned
“Doing what?” You said distractedly with air quotes as you texted Emily you were almost ready.
“Y/N.” Jack said trying to get your attention “I need details. You live here, and I kinda feel responsible if anything happens to you.” He said concerned
“Jack it’s all good. Emily will be here in like 15mins don’t worry there’s going to be 20 people there. Jason is leading the whole thing for up and comers like me and I’m so excited to learn from him. I really need his advice.”
“You won’t be up and cumming at all at any point on this trip understand?” He said looking down on you every bit asserting his 6 foot 3 frame.
“Relax alpha male” You said touching his chest in a way that made him raise an eyebrow and tingle. Old Jack would have you on your back so fast it would make your head spin, but he had matured and just hoped one day when he had more time for a relationship he hadn’t permanently fucked it up with you.
“I’ll see you in a few days. Only call me in an EMERGENCY. Got it? And look after my puppy.” You said roughing up pup’s curly fur and kissing her while she panted joyfully in Jack’s arms. Emily texted she was downstairs. You gathered your things and stepped into the elevator that opened up directly into Jack’s penthouse.
“You’re upsetting pups but have fun.” Jack said cradling her as if protecting her from your cruelty.
You breathed a deep sigh of relief as the elevator doors closed. Jack was passed clingy now and totally dependent on you. “Well pups it’s just you and me here this weekend. Or does it have to be?” He said picking up his phone and scrolling to see what ex would answer and come over, but that didn’t feel right. He decided to order dinner since you weren’t there to cook a home cooked meal and write some new stuff. A song about a girl he couldn’t be with but couldn’t leave.
Jack was miserable the entire 3 days. Nobody could get him out of the house. He sank into a place where he just wrote songs in the dimly lit studio. He rejected offers to play soccer, to go to the Hub and DJ, to hang out with one of his exes who was just “checking in” that he easily could have had swing by and scratch his itch. The problem was he had nothing to scratch. You were on his mind heavy and he couldn’t shake it.
“Hunny Urban called me and said you’re in a funk. Want to talk to your old mom about it?” Jack’s mom said in her loving way when her son was in a low mood.
“Naw I’ll be fine I just…I need to just be more my own man.” He said reflectively
“Who is she this time?” His mom said completely unaware of the whole dynamic but had suspected Jack and you had something happen at some point. She just knew her son too well. You were completely what he was looking for and it bewildered her why you weren’t a couple already. “Did you and Y/N have another argument? Hunny you know she’s headstrong but she’s an intelligent girl. You’re a writer you get it.”
“We didn’t have a fight. She’s a good roommate.” Jack said dismissively
“Ok I’ll pretend that’s the truth.” His mom said
“She just…she doesn’t understand certain things, like it’s not important to her, she just flounces around foot loose and fancy free ya know? Like her book is due and she’s reading another book by some fucktard author she’s crushing on. Makes no sense. She lacks discipline ya know?” Jack said way more than he wanted to.
“Oh I see.” His mom replied pensively. “She’s a fly by the seat of her pants kinda gal but works for you for free tending to your business everyday but she’s not responsible. As I understand she cooks too with her busy schedule that revolves around you and looks after the dog? Is it maybe this little crush on someone else your issue?”
“You know what? I need to focus and she needs to focus. She could never be my girl because I need someone so opposite to her. I mean the other day I walked in on her feeding pups extra treats and singing and dancing with her like what?” Jack said critically but obviously in pain missing your sweet goofiness.
“Wow sounds like a real bad situation.” His mom said rolling her eyes on the other end but Jack could feel it.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me mom.” He said defensively. “It doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is. You know what? As soon as she gets back imma tell her she needs to find somewhere else to go because this ain’t working. I can’t even have girls in my crib anymore like a normal man.”
“So she’s away? And where’s all these girls in your crib as you say.” His mom asked. She had a way of talking to Jack that made him come to his own conclusions.
“Mom don’t start.” He said “She’s irresponsible. She knows she’s supposed to be here when I’m here. It’s unprofessional for her to just bounce and be out in god knows where countryside retreat or wherever the fuck she went with his Jason loser. So he’s written a few books. Does he have platinum records? Does anyone know who da fuck this guy is?” Jack fumed his anxiety on full display.
“Wait. Y/N is on a writing retreat with THE Jason Meyers??? Hunny this is great for her! He’s a 4 time New York Times bestselling author! This could be Y/N’s big break!” His mom said excitedly
“You know, why am I even talking to you? I gotta go pups is hungry and needs a walk.” Jack said using his dog as an excuse to get out of a conversation that was bringing up all his insecurities.
“Ok hunny I’m here if you need me I love you!” His mom said cheerfully
Jack was so frustrated nobody understood him. The walk with pups did him good and he went to the gym to work off some steam. He felt much better and was lying on the couch drifting off when he heard the elevator doors open and you rustling around. He jumped up and startled pups who ran to greet you. “Hello pupsy wupsy!” You said so happy to see her.
“Hey.” You said cooly to Jack
“Sup” He said ultra casually, not moving from the couch.
“It’s ok don’t move to help with my suitcase.” You said sarcastically as you struggled with it down the hallway to your room.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” He said after you lazily snuggled in a blanket.
You had a great time, but wasn’t going to tell Jack about the offer you had from Jason to read your manuscript and pitch it to his publisher to get you more money and way more exposure. Jack didn’t seem to like Jason and it would only put him in a pissier mood than he already was these days. You decided to stay in your room away from him and got comfortable in bed so tired from the long drive.
You heard a soft knock on your door. “Come in.” You called out as you changed channels on the TV.
“Does my breath stink or something? Why you didn’t come out of your room?” Jack asked sitting on the bed. He was waiting for you to tell him all about it.
“Jack. Leave me be please I’m exhausted, and no time for whatever mood you’ve been in.” You said honestly
“Y/N can we talk?” He asked softly. You immediately knew it was important by the scrunch in his brow.
“Of course are you ok? I’ve been concerned. You’re always so supportive and the minute I have this big opportunity to network you’re so down on me. Did I do something wrong?” You asked looking him directly in his warm blue eyes
“Y/N….this thing we’re doing… or not doing…I can’t do it anymore. While you were away I had a chance to think and talk to my mom and ummm, I hope we can still be friends but…” He hesitated
“Say no more. I’m as good as fucking gone. Lucky I haven’t even unpacked because I won’t. I’m out. If I can just sleep that would be great and then say no more. I’ll leave in the morning.” You said completely done at this point. “Get some other flunkie to watch your dog and make your breakfast, and schedule your life. I have things to do in MY LIFE!!!” You yelled and burst into tears. “…and fuck any deals. Fuck Jason fuck Kentucky!”
“Whoah whoah whoah what? Fuck Jason what happened? Did he…did you guys…”
“No. Jason is engaged to a ballet dancer he is very much spoken for. I just admired him and his work.” You said now a teary mess. “He offered to read my book and pitch to his publisher but fuck all that now. Every time I get something good I have to move again. I hate it here!!!! Kiss my ass bluegrass!!.” You said now full on bawling.
“Y/N that’s fantastic!!” Jack said but realized what he had done and how he had been making you feel for months. “I’m so sorry I’m a complete fool.”
“You’ve always got me on some rollercoaster. I’m the fool!” You said hitting him now in frustration “Get off my bed! Your bed…what the fuck ever! I don’t fucking care anymore!” You yelled but Jack interrupted you with a massive tight hug and you collapsed in his arms so weary from fighting him and this “arrangement”.
“I can do no right with you. You’re sooooo fucking bossy!” You said but it felt so good to be hugged by him, to feel his warmth.
“Y/N please I ain’t that bad, am I?” Jack asked kind of knowing the answer.
“So bossy.” You restated calming down now and blowing your nose.
“Ok damn. I get it I’m bossy.” He said partially offended but knowing he was hard on you because he didn’t want to wind up in bed and in love. You had the potential to hurt him more than he could handle. With both of you distracted with work it was his hope it would prevent anything from happening “Kiss my ass bluegrass is next level though that was too far.” He laughed.
“I was wrong.” He continued “I can learn from you and relax sometimes and I been an asshole pushing you. I thought you were hung up on Jason and I couldn’t take it. I was a shell of myself when you left. I barely left the condo.”
“Are you serious?” You said between sniffles. “I was literally only gone for 3 days. You’re kind of pathetic”
“Thanks.” He said sarcastically “I’m just so dependent on you now and that’s my fault. If you want to leave and find a real relationship I can’t hold you, but if you give me a do over I would really really love that and I would show you I love you because I do. I realized how much the last little while so I amped up being a hard ass to run from my feelings. Matter fact, I got you something months ago and been too scared to give it to you. One sec” He said and disappeared. He returned with a jewelry box and gestured for you to take it.
You froze. Was this happening? “One minute this man was ready to kick me out and now a damn near proposal?” You thought with your head pounding from all the crying and screaming. You waited for him to open the box.
Inside was a blinding diamond fountain pendant and chain. “Welcome to team Private Garden Y/N, my new Senior Assistant. I hope a salary of $150,000 a year is helpful and Kat now reports to you. I hope the title permanent live-in girlfriend suits you as well. No hiding, this our shit now and everyone will know. You cool with that?”
“Well…I don’t know I might be on a book tour but I’ll see if I can pencil your little job offer in.” You said lifting up your hair as Jack placed the stunning piece around your neck. The fans seeing that symbol of being team PG was going to send the internet into a frenzy but for now you were savouring this moment.
“Take it or leave it, but please never leave me and pups again. I had left over pizza all weekend.” Jack said tackling you and planting a deep kiss on your lips with pups barking excitedly.
“Wow. You are so sad.” You said teasing him and kissing him with his full weight on top of you, he started to rise and you knew it was the time you both had wanted for so long. You turned off your bedroom light “Oh Jack” you moaned.
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice @ride4harlow
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kay-i · 2 years
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This is my contribution to the SessRinEternity / 320生而爱铃72小时 72Hour Relay Race! ✨🌙Purple dreams🎐✨
Art © Me
Characters © Rumiko Takahashi
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This au is not a multi part series
This au contains: eye contact, body horror, vomiting, gun violence/imagery, mild gore, blood, disturbing imagery, ETC
Infection- 24Hours 48Hours 72Hours
General art- JoinUs Fusion Tails Oblivion Information Chemicals Dribble Magician Mind
Comics- Decay Saturation Salvation Damnation Feeling Police Interesting Trigger
Shitposts- Babysitter
Extra link- TBA
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gravidwithlore · 8 months
A king who wants to unite all the kingdoms under one banner, stopping wars and unifying the kingdoms to better serve the people and establishing trade.
Everyone laugh at at him until he offers them an heir, for them to raise under the express authority that they will unify when the current kings pass on the throne.
They all laugh and refuse an heir that is not of their lineage under he offers to birth their heirs.
The first one agrees and fucks the King for 72hours straights until he’s delirious in bliss and waddling from the weight of the cum and the pain in the ass.
He births a centaur baby 6 months later.
Then is the time of the orcs. 14 months pregnant with one huge baby that almost tears him apart during labour but he manages.
Next is a clutch of dragon eggs that leave his stomach hard and an odd shape for three months as they rub together and creak as he waddles.
Finally it in the turn of the fae. He doesn’t know how many he’s carrying because they don’t calm down enough for him to count. They’re constantly moving and pushing up against his taunt skin as he waddles around, though not very far in fear of being pulled off balance by a sharp movement of the babies inside.
Oooooooh it took me so long to think of a response for this one, I had to let it ruminate and rattle around in the ol noggin for a bit.
Of course even after the fae are eventually born, the kingdoms still resist unifying. After all an orc will only listen to an orc ruler, the dragons don't respect anybody who has no draconic blood in their veins, its the same for the fae and the centaurs as well.
So the king invites all of the kingdoms to one big party for all of their people. Its a huge gathering and the festivities last for days. During this time the king has invited the current leaders, all at the same time, to celebrate within his bed chambers, to celebrate their own 'festival ritual.' The orgy last several days, and by the time its done the king is too blissed out and sore to get out and enjoy the rest of the celebration, but he is satisfied that his plan worked.
Its not long before his belly begins to round out again. He carries high, his belly hard for the first half of the pregnancy, just like when he carried the dragons eggs. His belly so very round and heavy, as it was with his orcish child. And once he starts feeling movement in his womb, he knows he's having a fae-like litter, their strong kicks reminding him of when he carried the centaurs child.
He is pregnant for so long, so very long. Longer than the 14 months his orcish child grew, longer than the years the practically immortal fae and the dragons had taken. The entire time, the lands have tentative peace, the only fighting is merely joking arguments and bets placed between peoples on which peoples child he'll give birth to next. Eventually there are bets placed on whether he'll give birth at all, or even that its merely a trick to keep the 4 kingdoms at bay. By the time he begins to feel labor pains, his hair has just begun to turn gray at the temples.
He summons the leaders who had knocked him up, insistent they all the present for the birth of their heirs and future leaders of a united kingdom. The labor last days, the babes spreading him almost as wide as the orc and the centaur babies had, their journey through his birth canal as slow and maddening as the dragon eggs had been, his children's movement as unyielding and strong as when he birthed the fae litter. At the end, exhausted and sweaty, the king proudly presents the rulers of a new kingdom, to all of their assembled parents, bow before them in reverence and respect. Their feet hooved, their legs covered in what looked like fur; a draconic tail growing from the base of their spine and little horn nubs on their foreheads; the shape of the jaws, and of course their large size, promised they would grow into their orcish heritage; their pointed ears and disorienting cries promised the same for their fae heritage as well. Quadruplets. Destined to rule together, presiding over ages and ages of peace and prosperity, just as their father had always dreamed of.
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hiddencarpet · 1 year
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Art raffle!
The winner shall receive a single character illustration with background. The winner will be given a choice between a more detailed character focused halfbody piece with background or a fullbody illustration for which there is going to be less detail for character but more for background. The artwork will be accompanied by an image description.
Must follow this blog (HiddenCarpet)
reblog to enter (only 1 reblog will count as entry, though feel free to reblog more ofc)
if reblogging from a side blog, write down your main blog in the tags
no giveaway blogs
Leave your DMs open!
The winner will be selected randomly
when the raffle ends i will write to the winner in their DMs, and if they won't reply in 72hours (3 days) or their DMs will be closed, i will re-select the winner.
Please have at least 1 clear reference of your chosen character (you can even use dress up games to create one)
Things i can draw:
humans, furry, DnD or GW2 stuff like charrs, sylvari, dragons, asura tieflings, beards, armors, various bodytypes, ages, cute and dark art, blood, etc. Including some of your fave blorbo from the shows
Ps. i want to keep the raffle accessible so if the winner is going to have any needs of descriptions for like, an initial sketch or something then they can let me know.
My general ToS also applies and it can be found here:
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just finished rewatching killing Eve.
I will be unreachable for the next 24hours…make that 72hours…
(Why do I do this??)
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misbhving · 2 months
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72hours in DC🥂
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icymai · 3 months
I can't do 6day fasts ,I break down and binge hectically. Just sticking with 72hour fasts as my plan. I'm 216pounds
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Fuck fuck fuck. I just ate a plate of chicken breast and potatoes after fasting for 72hours bc my brother was starting to press me. I genuinely feel sick and in pain never tf again.
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aemondsbabygirl · 10 months
I would like to apologize in advance for the state of my blog, for the next 72hours.
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squibo · 11 months
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Now to let it sit for 72hours
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throwup-yourguts · 1 month
I'm feeling so guilty for breaking my fast at 63 hours. I had a small meal but idk I'm feeling guilty. I wanna 🌟ve until the end of time
This time I'll try to hold until 72hours minimum
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