trek-kit · 2 years
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To prepare for icy adventures, it's crucial to begin with the first layer. A high-quality first layer can enhance the effectiveness of your subsequent layers by providing breathability, moisture-wicking, and insulation without adding bulk. In cold weather, a lightweight and efficient next-to-skin layer is essential to ensure optimal functionality. Heavy thermals that fail to wick moisture can make extreme conditions unbearable for active individuals. Therefore, it's advisable to choose high-performance baselayers for your next cold weather expedition and stay safe in frigid temperatures. Get yours @ https://trekkit.in/collections/baselayers
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jaguarmen99 · 1 month
私の意見は、 船・探査機ともに老朽化が進んでいるが、有人無人問わず水深7000mまで海底観察・試料採取できる手段を維持したい しんかい6500は母船の老朽化の方がより深刻で、潜水船を2040年代まで維持できたとしても、それよりも(ずっと)前に母船が運航停止になってしまう可能性がある 第5回委員会の際、その時点での報告書案が潜水船・母船共に2040年まで延命できると解釈されかねない書き方だったので、母船の老朽化が潜水船の安全な運航に関わるような部分にまで及んでおり、「母船」を延命工事しても、あと十年年も使えるような状態ではない、それは現場の共通した意見ではないか、 と意見を述べました。議事録の私の発言だけを読むと、「しんかい6500」の老朽化は安全運航に関わるレベルで深刻、のように読めてしまうのかもしれませんが、その前のJAMSTEC理事の母船の深刻な老朽化についての発言について、調査航海から戻ってきたばかりの現場の人間として状況を補足したものです。 最初のポストの記事は、議事録の私の上記発言を切り取って全く異なる文脈で使われたと理解しています。 私は博物館職員、そして深海研究の現場にいる人間として、深海探査の魅力や有人潜水船しんかい6500で調査する感動や面白さを社会に少しでも還元したいと思っています。 私が日々伝えたいと思っていることと真逆の内容が(私の発言として)、報道されているのが大変悲しいです。せめて取材してほしかった。
朝日の中の人日本語の文章苦手説 | パチンコ屋の倒産を応援するブログ
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kennak · 2 months
世界で2番目に高い山「K2(ケーツー)」の山頂を目指していた2人の日本人登山家の救助活動が終了すると発表された。2人が滑落したK2の7500m付近は、どのような世界が広がっているのか。 「ピオレドール=黄金のピッケル賞」を受賞した世界的登山家 パキスタン北部にある、世界で2番目に高い山「K2」。 そのK2の山頂を目指し、滑落した登山家の平出和也(ひらいで・かずや)さん(45)と、中島健郎(なかじま・けんろう)さん(39)。 ヘリコプターの捜索で、2人の位置は確認されていたものの動きがなく、地上からも空からも救助が難しい場所のため、家族の同意のもと救助活動を終了すると、30日、所属会社が発表した。 登山界で最も権威のある「ピオレドール=黄金のピッケル賞」を受賞した、世界的登山家でもあった2人。2人が滑落したK2の7500m付近とは、どのような世界なのか。 2人が挑戦したのは前人未到のルート 写真家の石川直樹(いしかわ・なおき)さんが、K2に登った際の映像には、その様子が映し出されていた。 映像内のリポートには「標高7000m。カラコルムの山がたくさん見えています。」「いま、キャンプ1からキャンプ2に向かっている所です」とあり… 互いの体をロープでつなぎ、急斜面を登るも、所々むき出しとなった岩肌が見える。 後ろを振り返れば足がすくむ高さの中登っていく 後ろを振り返れば、足がすくむ高さだ。 3回目の挑戦でK2を登頂した石川さんは、平出さん・中島さんとも親交があったのだという。 石川さんによると、今回、2人が挑戦したのは、まさに前人未到ルートだったといい、「中島さんと平出さ��が到達した7000m強というあたりは、過去に誰も到達したことのない西壁の新ルート上の斜面になりますね」 「その先がどうなっているのかとか、そういった情報がほぼない状態で、手探りで登っていったので、大変難しい登山をされていたと思います」と語る。 平出さんは2018年の会見で「やはり、自然はみんなに平等ですから」と、自然とはどういうものかを語っていた。 (「イット!」 7月31日放送より)
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leaf4e · 10 months
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 10 months
Claire Bannwarth aime cavaler.
Plutôt beaucoup et passionnément. Plutôt des trucs très longs pour discuter avec son cœur. Claire court trop pour certains mais elle s’en cogne royalement. C’est bien simple : elle aligne les ultras comme toi tu sors faire pisser le chien. La routine.
Sa saison 2023 ressemble à un calendrier des épreuves d’ultra de l’année mais pas du tout, c’était bien son programme. Prenez votre respiration, c’est parti.
• Spine race : 420K, 14000M+
• Legends trail 250 : 275K, 10000M+
• Transgrancanaria : 126K, 7000M+
• TrailCat200 : 330K, 12000M+
• Backyard les terrils : 39 tours, 280K, 3500M+
• 24h vertical challenge : 108K, 14950M+
• Backyard Hossegor: 48 tours, 340K
• Cursa Di ciclopi: 500K, 22000M+
• Snowdonia : 165K, 9500M+
• Menorca cami de cavalls : 185K, 4000M+
• Suffolk Backyard ultra : 61 tours, 409K, 5000M+
• Montreux trail : 115K, 7500M+
• Raid de l'archange : 302K, 5000M+
• Hardrock 100 : 162K, 10000M+
• Tahoe 200 : 330K, 12000M+
• Colorado trail : 800K, 33000M+
• Course de quartier de Chamonix : 170K, 10000M+
• 24h de Brugg : 235K
• Ultra trail du Mont Ventoux : 170K, 7500M+
• Tihio race : 250K, 14500M+
• Kodiak ultra marathon : 160K, 5500M+
• Championnats du monde de Backyard : 60 tours, 402K, 7600M+
• 360 the challenge : 270K, 14500M+
À venir avant le 31 décembre :
• ALUT : 303K, 10000M+
• 24h de Barcelone
On ne dit pas que c’est génial. On ne dit pas que c’est n’importe quoi. On dit juste que nous on est très heureux quand on a enchaîné 4 jours de suite sans se blesser.
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Photo Ian Corless
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vamppvania · 11 months
How would you fill this but for Betty?
This is a long one so under da cut
Ok these center more on pre crown betty bc i imagine magic betty to be a drastically different character and i didnt want to cause confusion. Also sorry if these don't make sense I'm very tired, if anyone has any Thoughts on these hcs lmk!! :)
- What is the character’s go-to drink order?
Beer drinker fs. Orders bud light bottled not on tap
- What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
On good days, she'll shower, brush her hair & teeth, shapewear, mascara even. On bad days, long stretches of time goes by without a shower, brushed teeth, clean clothes ect
- What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
I don't think she has much disposable income, most of it goes into work because work Is her leisure time. Oh but her and simon are absolutely That kind of couple that go on yearly backpacking trips, which can be pricey
- Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Got a tattoo when she was 16 and thought it was so fucking cool and awesome. It was a crow on her back
Lots of scars though. A careless child that spent a lot of time outdoors and an impulsive adult with no self preservation; shes a collection of calluses, burns and scars with their own stories to tell
-What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
I think betty is an angry/overstimulated crier so it can be anytime from minor inconveniences adding onto stress to because a coworker insulted her intelligence.
- Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
Youngest child to one older sibling. Its why she's a biter
- Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
Boots boots boots. From the mountaineering boots made for like 7000M of expedition to tasteful suede ankle boots for events. Obsessed with those mid calf boots she wears post YFYF I know she's that kinda dyke
- Describe the place where they sleep.
Damn bitch you live like this? I think her personal space is always invaded by work, education, or whatever niche interest, so there's little space for Her. She still makes space for treasured belongings though (picture of simon she kept). But if work demands her full attention, she's inexorable. Cleanliness/hygiene is put to the wayside, allowing dust to pile up alongside dirty dishes and used laundry. Who needs sleep when you have coffee and cigarettes
Also she'd have a fern or two. It feels nice to be needed by something.
-What is their favorite holiday?
I dont think she celebrates any traditional american holidays, but shed happily dig into holidays not taught/acknowledged by christian american culture, especially if they connect to anything shes decoding or studying. Halloween still rules though
-What objects do they always carry around with them?
OK so I think she carries around a backpack everywhere she goes and there's a Lot in there that she thinks is essential like
Multi tool, utility knife, lock picks, travel sized codebook, journal, books, flashlight, marlboros, camera, adderall, cool rock she found, Walkman. All this and she still Always forgets her wallet
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Mardi Himal (5500m) and fishtail (7000m), Annapurna range, Nepal [3648x2736] [OC]
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99jualtanahrumah · 11 days
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Dijual tanah datar full pohon jati siap panen Sambirejo, Sragen
•Luas: 7000m²
•Harga: 700Jt
•Lebar depan: 25m
•Legalitas SHM
•Akses Jalan mobil sampai Lokasi
•Listrik & air mudah
•Dekat permukiman warga
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getrend · 2 months
【閲覧注意】 高さ7000mの山で、22年前に雪崩に巻き込まれ死亡した登山家が発見される。その姿が…
今日のピックアップ記事 【ガチ動画】 女子にイジメられるチー牛。罰ゲームで手コキ⇒数秒で身寸米青する様子が拡散www(オカズランド) 07/12今日のグラビア!今田美桜 田中美久 山田南実 他、全10名!(アイドルガール) グラドル風吹ケイ、濡れ場全裸セッ○スシーン!映画『愛のぬくもり』で絶頂wwwwwγ(動ナビブログ ネオ) 【LGBT】 温泉施設で女装して“女湯”に入る 37歳男を建造物侵入で現行犯逮捕「心は女性だけど体は男です」などと供述 名古屋(保守速報) 【衝撃】 37歳なんやが19歳の女の子と付き合った結果wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(稲妻速報) 【閲覧注意】 高さ7000mの山で、22年前に雪崩に巻き込まれ死亡した登山家が発見される。その姿が…(ポッカキット) 海外「日本人も認めてくれるはず!」…
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momijiyama1649 · 4 months
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expedition1 · 7 months
Baruntse Expedition: A Himalayan Adventure
The Baruntse Expedition offers a thrilling and challenging climb to one of the less technical 7000m peaks in the Himalayas, located in Nepal. Here is an overview of this exciting adventure based on the information gathered from various sources.
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Expedition Highlights
Peak Details: Baruntse stands at 7129 meters and offers a unique climbing experience.
Itinerary: The expedition typically spans 35 days and includes climbing Baruntse and Mera Peak (6476m).
Guide Ratio: The expedition maintains a 1:1 guide-to-climber ratio during the summit climb and a 1:2 ratio on Mera Peak.
Route: The South-East Ridge route is recommended for its accessibility, with two camps set up along the way.
Base Camp Comfort: The base camp at 5460m provides heated dining tents and single-person tents for comfort.
Return: After the expedition, participants often return via helicopter for convenience.
Climbing Details
Route Options: While the South-East Ridge is known for its steep ice sections, the South Ridge is more popular for its accessibility.
Camps: Camp 1 is situated at 6100m, followed by Camp 2 at 6420m on the South-East Ridge.
History: Baruntse was first climbed in 1954 via the south ridge by a New Zealand expedition led by Sir Edmund Hillary.
Environmental Responsibility
Impact Awareness: Acknowledging the environmental impact, efforts are made to minimize pollution and waste at the base camp.
Initiative: Starting from the 2023 expedition season, a $50 contribution from each booking will be allocated to address environmental concerns.
Logistics and Strategy
Best Time: The ideal time for the Baruntse Expedition is typically October to November (Autumn).
Climbing Strategy: Fixed rope lines are set up by a rope-fixing team along the standard route of the South-East Ridge.
The Baruntse Expedition promises not only an exhilarating climb but also a commitment to environmental sustainability. With its rich history, challenging routes, and stunning landscapes, this adventure beckons climbers seeking both thrill and responsibility in their Himalayan pursuits.
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s-dreamdiary · 9 months
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wildword · 9 months
Pensei que o pensar em morte me assombraria por muito tempo, até achei que não a desejaria tão cedo. Mas olha ela bem aqui batendo na minha porta por sei lá… décima vez no mês. Caminhar numa corda banda a 7000m de altura deve ser mais ou menos igual a sentir isso. Basta um deslize pra se perder no abismo
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afactaday · 9 months
#1081: the Kola Superdeep was started in 1970, using a normal oil rig that could only go 7000m deep. in 1974 they ambitiously installed a purpose-built "Uralmash-15000" (because it was supposed to mash 15,000m into the Urals...?) which carried on in the same hole. a second hole was started from 9,300m down the first hole in 1982. in 1983, it reached the milestone of 12km deep so they spent the year partying. this meant that when they started again in late 1984, the drill string broke off, so they needed to start again with a third hole. this reached 12,262m (the record) at which point another breakdown necessitated a fourth hole. it started in 1991 and only got 11,882m deep. the USSR might've been dead but the dream certainly wasn't... so they dug yet another hole from 8,278m down the third hole, which only got a further 300m and they ran out of money.
i can imagine Bob Hail (from Horrible Histories) doing a skit on this.
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giazhou1 · 10 months
Noise Reduction Treatment in Drilling Rig Diesel Engine Room
The power system of oil drilling rigs mainly comes from diesel engines. The power of diesel engines is relatively large, generally around 800KW. A set of 5000M drilling rig generally requires 3 diesel engines and a set of 7000M drilling rig generally requires 4 diesel engines. Diesel engines will produce noise when they are working, especially diesel engines used in drilling rigs. Due to their high power and mutual influence, the noise is particularly prominent. The sound of a diesel engine can be heard even in the wild and at great distances.
1. Analysis of noise sources of diesel generator sets
1.1 Aerodynamic noise
During the operation of the diesel unit, the disturbance to the air causes a sound source between the air and the diesel unit to form noise. This kind of noise directly radiates to the outside, specifically including: the noise of the exhaust system, the noise of the air intake system, and the rotation noise of the diesel engine cooling fan.
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(1) Exhaust system noise. The most direct noise source of diesel generator sets is the noise generated by the exhaust system. This noise is relatively high in intensity and is about 10~15dB (A) higher than normal engine noise. During the operation of the generator set, high-temperature and high-pressure exhaust gas must be continuously discharged. According to the operating status of the generator set, the exhaust system has two stages of exhaust, namely free exhaust of the generator set and forced exhaust of the generator set. When the exhaust gas from the generator set is discharged from the exhaust valve, it will flow from the exhaust pipe to the muffler, and finally be discharged into the air through the rear exhaust pipe. During the entire exhaust process, a large amount of exhaust noise will be generated, which is also the main source of noise from diesel generator sets. The noise generated during the exhaust process was analyzed and it was found that the composition of the noise source was relatively complex. There are noises caused by the frequency of exhaust operations in the exhaust system per unit time, noise caused by the resonance of exhaust gases in the exhaust pipe, and blowing noise caused by the airflow ejected from the exhaust pipe. The main factors that can affect the noise of the exhaust system of the generator set are: the internal pressure of the engine cylinder, the pipe diameter of the exhaust system, the rated exhaust volume of the generator set, the operating speed and workload of the generator set, etc. Increasing the working load of the generator set or increasing the engine speed will increase the gas flow, resulting in an increase in exhaust noise.
(2) Noise from the air intake system. The noise generated by the air intake system is one of the main noises of the diesel generator set. The main reason for the formation is that the air inlet is continuously opened and closed according to the air intake demand of the generator set, which causes the pressure of the air intake system to continuously change and cause noise. When the intake system is working, a certain pressure pulse is formed in the intake pipe, causing the intake system to produce periodic noise. The audio frequency range of this noise is generally around 200Hz. At the same time, when the air flow enters the inside of the system, it will flow through the air intake pipe, causing the air to be kicked out of the body. This situation will cause high-frequency noise in the engine air intake system. Usually the air flow in the intake pipe is constantly changing, so the frequency band of this noise is also relatively fixed, generally concentrated around 1000Hz. When the noise frequency of the intake cycle and the air column in the intake system reaches consistency, airflow resonance will occur, causing the noise of the intake system to increase. The noise generated by different superchargers in different generator sets is also different. The noise intensity of a turbocharged generator set is obviously different compared to a non-turbocharged generator set. This is due to the relatively high speed of the turbocharged generator set, which causes the engine's air intake system to produce relatively strong airflow due to air cutting, resulting in higher-frequency noise. The frequency distribution range of this noise is generally between 500 and 10000Hz.
1.2 Surface radiated noise
Strictly speaking, it is difficult to distinguish the surface radiation noise of diesel generator sets. Combustion noise is generally caused by the pressure vibration generated by diesel combustion inside the cylinder acting on the mechanical components of the overall cylinder, thereby radiating a certain amount of noise to the outside. During the operation of the generator set, various mechanical components will continue to collide mechanically, thus generating mechanical noise. Usually, when the generator set speed is low, the combustion noise generated is higher than the mechanical noise.
2. Specific construction measures for noise reduction in diesel generator rooms
Use high-efficiency shock-absorbing rubber pads to isolate the unit. This part of the technology is now very mature. After isolation treatment, the vibration on the surface of the unit is effectively isolated.
(2) Perform noise reduction processing on the propagation channel, and install soft damping connections on the exhaust pipe of the generator set to reduce the external radiation of the sound source. According to the principle of muffling, the muffler structure can use a resistive muffler. It uses porous sound-absorbing material - melamine foam, which is arranged in a certain way in the pipe. When the airflow passes through the resistive muffler, the sound waves cause vibrations in the air and small fibers in the pores of the melamine foam. Due to friction and viscous resistance, sound energy is converted into heat energy and absorbed, thus playing a silencing effect.
(3) Each wall of the room is made of multiple layers of noise-reducing materials, including rock wool, sound-absorbing mesh cloth and sound-absorbing mesh board. Adding a sound-absorbing wall to the wall of the generator room inside the machine room can not only reduce the reverberation sound in the machine room while improving the sound insulation effect, but also attenuate the direct transmission of strong noise when it is running to the top.
(4) When designing the air inlet and outlet, the minimum air inlet and outlet volume standards required for normal operation of the unit are fully considered. At the same time, in order to solve the heat dissipation problem in the machine room, the air inlet and the exhaust outlet of the generator set should be set on the same straight line. In addition, the air intake and exhaust openings should be equipped with resistive sheet sound absorbing grilles.
The noise from the diesel generator set of oil drilling rigs is the largest noise source at the entire drilling rig site. It has a great impact on environmental protection and does not meet the requirements of the safety and environmental management system (HSE), so it needs to be prevented. This article conducts research on the noise generated by diesel generator sets, and provides specific construction measures for noise reduction in the generator set room, which can provide reference for relevant personnel.
SINOYQX’s oil and gas generator set noise reduction solution
1) Medium and high frequency sound-absorbing module, sound-absorbing melamine foam board
2) Full-range sound-absorbing module, pyramid sound-absorbing melamine foam board
3) Sound absorption and shock absorption module, EPDM composite melamine board
4) Fully customized modules according to noise source
For more information about SINOYQX Melamine Foam, please reach us at [email protected] or voice to us: +86-28-8411-1861.
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newtechworld · 11 months
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