#7.22 Tomorrow
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Wow it really doesn’t matter how many times I watch it huh the finale is always going to make me cry
#the west wing#7.22 Tomorrow#the ending is SO good#and I am still SO sad#never going to get over John Spencer am I#also the fact that they had an Aaron Sorking cameo#ahhhhhhhh#crying
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DONNA MOSS ❈ 7.22 'Tomorrow'
#the west wing#tww#thewestwingedit#twwedit#tvfilmgifs#tvedit#cinematv#ambsedits#donna moss#i love herrr
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Abbey & Jed holding hands in the car
the west wing - 6.3 "Third-day Story" | 7.18 "Requiem" | 7.22 "Tomorrow"
#*#the west wing#series#jed bartlet#abbey bartlet#abbey x jed#otp#the hand#these are so sweet#it's interesting that for the first 5 season we didn't get any and then there were 3 in 2 seasons#the best married babes#stockard channing#martin sheen
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流しそうめん大会に“肝心なもの”を忘れて中止 キャンプ場管理人痛恨のミスが「企画が流れた」と笑い呼ぶ(1/2 ページ) - ねとらぼ https://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/2307/12/news158.html こういうの好き。最高(笑)(なぜ買わないのか)
萬来軒 - 薬師あいロード商店街 Yakusi Ai road Tokyo Nakano Good Old Shopping Street https://www.ai-road.com/%E9%A3%B2%E9%A3%9F%E5%BA%97/%E8%90%AC%E6%9D%A5%E8%BB%92/
ライブドアニュースさん「【罵詈雑言】ビッグモーター現役店長が明かす実態 “罵倒LINE”の削除開始か https://t.co/DXTnksybEw 幹部が各地の店長をグループLINEに招待した際、参加が遅い店長がいると「招待中で入らないボケは招待するな」といった言葉が投稿され、実際に参加しなかった店長の一部は降格したという。」 https://twitter.com/livedoornews/status/1682213588667334656
来週土曜日から JOYSOUNDにて超ド級カラオケ配信開始! ■2023/7/29配信開始 ≪DEATHRO≫ BE MYSELF《本人映像》 SLEEPLESS《本人映像》 RHAPSODY《本人映像》 恋愛EVOLUTION《本人映像》 ▼アーティスト検索 7/29から検索可能 https://twitter.com/deathro_com/status/1681856693309943811
B'zがAdoに楽曲提供、コラボ曲「DIGNITY」が『沈黙の艦隊』主題歌に | BARKS https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000237248
ROLLYのブチ切れ案件についてロックファンからの補助線(追記) - はてブの出来事 https://shin-fedor.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/07/19/110922?s=09
パール楽器【スタッフルーム】さん「📀SABIAN 18” AAX ROCKTAGON 【2023年7月21日(金)発売】 SABIANロクタゴンが限定復活! 遂に明日発売です! 🔎」 https://twitter.com/pearldrum_staff/status/1681891686102728704
青髪のテツ|野菜のプロさん「【再掲】 1度知れば一生使える野菜の豆知識。 復習にどうぞ!! https://t.co/szLBypFqss」 https://twitter.com/tetsublogorg/status/1679408439397875713
魚住 英里奈(official)さん「7/29(土)大久保・ひかりのうま 魚住 英里奈/KANABOON open 19:00 start 19:30 2800円+D 19:30-20:20 魚住 英里奈 20:30-21:20 KANABOON https://t.co/CWOuCaKsV2」https://twitter.com/uozumi_chas/status/1678961271423782912
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「余計なことしか言わない人生」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1682196282457358337
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『子猫は順応性あるから。。。』 #アメブロ #保護猫#猫好き https://t.co/XdD0uhoV4v」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1682200239128862720
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「腐るなよ」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1682204364843421696
Lem OFFICIALさん「「Quintet」企画 先日のトークイベントでも各メンバーの推し曲について少し話しましたが、ほぼバラけたのも印象的でした🎤 皆様の推し曲はありますか? 明日朝迄この2曲でアンケート👇」https://twitter.com/office_lem/status/1682205027316944896
清春さん「tomorrow & day after tomorrow. 7.22&23 沖縄 output #沖縄 #清春」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1682205312538017792
Karyu🫂😈さん「アルバムHELIOSの中で LOVE THAT NEVER ENDSがキテルらしい😌 https://t.co/yoW44LtJOC」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1682208029981417472
Lem OFFICIALさん「こちらも同時進行します!! よろしくお願いします 最後は決勝にしようかな😊」https://twitter.com/office_lem/status/1682208800533790720
yura 🌠Lem「Quintet」6/5 Release🌠さん「1票ずつでももちろんおっけいです😉 友人などでもすごく意見分かれるので楽しみです🙏🎶」https://twitter.com/yura_voxxx/status/1682210277897666560
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 本日HYDEPARK開催! 大好評のVRは名古屋公演1日目の映像になります。今日はどんな映像が見れるのか、、!?お楽しみに! チケットも絶賛販売中! 入場チケット:17:00まで レイトショーチケット:20:00まで https://t.co/ox7a07NZmY #HYDE #HYDEPARK2023 #ZeppNagoya #VR https://t.co/Qxg6CIG6du」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1682211927358078976
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「私が作ったネズミのぬいぐるみ🐀 お誕生日おめでとう」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1682212824171581440
Hydeさん「[STAFF] #VR ���使用方法を事前におさらい! 音は機械からも出ますがより高い没��感や臨場感をお楽しみいただくため有線イヤホン(3.5mmジャック)をお持ちいただくことをお勧めしています。 自分の世界に浸りたい方にはお勧めです! チケット販売中! https://t.co/ox7a07NZmY #HYDE #HYDEPARK2023 https://t.co/XjIsCwjCIX」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1682215010091831297
十三月 紅夜さん「なんか久々に聴いたら改めてグッと来てしまってついFOXPILL CULTのCDの話ばかりしてしまったのですが、ACM:::のCDも買ってください🛸 四肢なき肉塊に両手両足が襲いかかり融合する悪夢から始まるスペース・ロック! (なんかすごそうだね!) ACM:::『Wrsona』 https://t.co/FZvrnFv3jK #AConcreteMur https://t.co/oSa6E9hLpd」https://twitter.com/jusangatsukouya/status/1681963420126687234
メリーさん「【グッズ通販のご案内】 ・7/6 ガラBD公演 『第七回 自作自演』 ・4/2 結生BD公演 『実演配信FINAL』 OFFICIAL GOODSの他、 過去ライブグッズ通販開始!! 詳細・公式通販 https://t.co/dIuP7n7Znn #メリー #グッズ」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1682223879467708417
deadman_officialさん「7/28(金)deadman x MUCC O-EAST公演 電子チケットの公式トレードについて https://t.co/hukVFXI7Ql」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1682223880080068608
KING OFFICIALさん「【TODAY】 2023.7.21(金) 上野音横丁 『UNDER EDGE presents Live vol.3』 開場18:30 開演 19:00 ■入場 各バンド予約 ■配信 https://t.co/pLFAQ4nDzX ※お目当ての出演者のチケットをご購入ください [入場順] 開場30分前に上野音横丁入り口にて抽選 https://t.co/0GOmSQIxNe」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1682231659230535680
KING OFFICIALさん「【TOMORROW】 2023.7.22(土)渋谷REX SHIBUYA REX presents【 Get on summer ! 】 ACT:IKUO / 168 / KING 入場チケット ADV¥5,500 DOOR¥6,500 D代別 OPEN 16:00 / START 16:30 [入場チケット] ■A1~(e+プレオーダー) ■B1~(e+一般) https://t.co/vslJNoABW6 [入場順] A→B https://t.co/M8glNS6hIf」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1682231700766724096
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 ■チェキ 公演当日21:00まで https://t.co/O4cjT66UHp ※受付期間後は、フォームが開いてる間は、ご注文承ります。 ■KING NEW ALBUM 〝CRY OUT TO HEAVEN〟 https://t.co/epgpeQqgtO ■通常通販 https://t.co/ERDSYYIonH https://t.co/5khSX3UaKC」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1682231744408473601
池袋 手刀さん「※席数限定;プレミアムパイプ椅子シッティングおしゃべり公演です・・・。(全席自由) ※タコライスは別売りとなります(チケット代金には含まれていません)。 ※会場内、クーラーの風が直撃するお座席は寒冷地帯となりますので、念のため上着などをご持参ください。」https://twitter.com/ikebukuro_chop/status/1681978052182675461
オカダケイ@Theシーチキンズさん「振り込み済み 楽しみだな、この日めちゃ良かったから。」https://twitter.com/okapun/status/1682235548839342081
RYUICHI KAWAMURA INFOさん「【配信ライブ特典発送のお知らせ】 e+ Streaming+ Ryuichi Kawamura Live2023「Home」#32 “Complete Album VIII 深愛〜only one〜” プレゼント音源CD付チケットをご購入いただいた方への特典CDは、7月20日に発送いたしました。 https://t.co/ZkGmKkcKnh」https://twitter.com/RYUICHIinfo/status/1682237459172839425
luin officialさん「本日の公演は映像撮影が入ります📹 何卒ご了承くださいませ。」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1682248342846439426
Hydeさん「[STAFF] HYDEオフィシャルファンクラブ「HYDEIST」にて"HYDE LIVE 2023" Zepp Nagoya公演2日目のライヴ直前"TODAY'S STAGE-READY HYDE"を公開! 会員の皆様は是非チェックしてください! 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/tRFGZ2Hqr6 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #ZeppNagoya #レディハイ」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1682249454693515265
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「今日は全6組!持ち時間各30分。 ライブ終わってから謎のコーナー。格付けチェック。長丁場ですがみんなの音楽&人柄をお届けできるイベントになってます🍻みんなのライブ見ながらはやく飲みたい。そして柏パルーザ店長誕生日おめでとう🎉」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1682251699505995777
yuki.さん「一眠りしたのでだいぶ体力回復、シャワー浴びて町田へ。 今日の2現場目はluinの撮影です、かっこいい先輩達のかっこいい映像撮ります」https://twitter.com/yukix_x_/status/1682249313936896003
Hydeさん「名古屋2日目理想的な光景 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #声出し解禁 #ZeppNagoya https://t.co/yU2j1VxeTm」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1682255999590371329
NAOKIさん「168リハっした!✨🔥🐤 色々と確認含めアッチ〜〜〜���イブになるなぁ👍 明日の渋谷Rexイベント!そして明後日の168ワン��ン!滾って行こう👍🔥🐤 #168 #向日葵」https://twitter.com/official_NAOKI/status/1682258737531359232
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「現在の支援総額 1,278,777円 85%達成 あと9日 目標金額 1,500,000円 支援者数 45人」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682295207877021696
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「KISUIソロのクラウドファンディング Vo.KISUI G.源依織 Cho.DAI(S) 85%到達させていただきました。 本当にありがとうございました! 7月30日まで残り15% 引き続き宜しくお願い致します。 https://t.co/uZc2WBl56E https://t.co/HU7YB07elK」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1682292257028988928
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「KISUIソロのクラウドファンディング Vo.KISUI G.源依織 Cho.DAI(S) 81%到達させていただきました。 本当にありがとうございました! 7月30日まで残り19% 引き続き宜しくお願い致します。 https://t.co/uZc2WBl56E https://t.co/0esaGlgrqE」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1682290021741785088
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「現在の支援総額 1,228,777円 81%達成 あと9日 目標金額 1,500,000円 支援者数 44人」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682251071874547712
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「CAMPFIREで「Phobia/KISUIのミニアルバム & MusicVideo制作プロジェクト」の支援者になりました! https://t.co/gxi2iszCsc #クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE @campfirejpより」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682224442808872961
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「クラウドファンディングサイトよりKISUIさんの言葉を引用。 僕が今出来ることは皆様に音楽を届ける事、それを形に残す事だと思っています。 現在PhobiaでVo.を担当しております。それは凄く大切な存在で、これからも変えるつもりはありませんが、そこから一歩踏み出し新たな表現を具現化して皆さん」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682211462314606594
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「とPhobiaの延長線を楽しんでいけたらと思います。 是非皆様のご協力をお願い致します。」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682211467335188480
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「クラウドファンディングサイトよりKISUIさんの言葉を引用。 ヴィジュアル系バンドPhobiaのVo.KISUIです。 現状Phobiaで表現している世界観は僕にとって最高の音ではありますが、僕自身の表現の幅をもっと知っていただきたい気持ちもあります。しかしPhobiaで全てを表現するのにも現段階では限界があ」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682211333453021185
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「りました。 今回はPhobiaの延長線上をソロという形で表現する為に、新たにソロ活動としてCD、MVを製作させて頂きたいです。」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682211338389721088
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「現在の支援総額 1,125,777円 75%達成 あと10日 目標金額 1,500,000円 支援者数 43人」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682021795627667458
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「僕も泣ける」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1682018176408899590
kein-officialさん「【チケット情報】 TOUR 2023「破戒と想像」オフィシャル2次先行は7月23日(日)23:59まで! 待望の1st ALBUMを受けての全国ツアー! 会場限定Single『kranke』も数量限定生産としてリリース! 後悔する前にチケット確保を!! チケット申込はこちら https://t.co/cPCYTm8Dam https://t.co/85febpxVF3」https://twitter.com/kein_official_/status/1682329701136887808
kein-officialさん「【INFORMATION】 ◾️1st ALBUM 『破戒と想像』ジャケット写真公開! ◾️1st ALBUM 『破戒と想像』全曲試聴動画公開! 試聴はこちら https://t.co/x8H8BgEKN5 ◾️1st ALBUM 『破戒と想像』発売記念サイン会決定! 詳しくはオフィシャルサイトをチェック https://t.co/8CwI2Oldot https://t.co/550HxkWmg2」https://twitter.com/kein_official_/status/1682314486303305731
WARZY@HATE BEYONDさん「https://t.co/gwiJpOrXqd いいね!シェア&コメントなどなど、よろしくお願いします! https://t.co/wza6nMd3fX」https://twitter.com/warzydrive3/status/1682332022038200320
Kayaさん「Single『VILLAINS』発売中!🌹✨ https://t.co/w6oSgEbKlE https://t.co/YBIquQZq6V」https://twitter.com/Kaya_rose/status/1682050509002375168
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2023.6.17 ABIRU shoegazer fes.2023 ありがとうございました!
-setlist- 1. 肺が枯れる 2. tomorrow 3. No.9 4. ムスリカ 5. bird
次は苫小牧のフェス出演が続きます。 お待ちしております!
Dr.Vo. 阿部
【LIVE Information】 ■2023.7.22(sat)-23(sun) ※23日出演 『HOKKICURRY FESTIVAL 2023』 〔会場〕 苫小牧ELLCUBE(苫小牧市王子町1丁目6-12) 〔時間〕open 12:30 / start 13:00 / end 21:00予定 〔チケット〕1日券:前売¥2,000 / 当日¥2,500 (+1ドリンク) 2日通し券:¥3,500 (+2ドリンク/各入場時) ※1日券はバンド予約可、通し券のご予約はELLCUBEまで 〔出演〕 ・7.22(sat):田高健太郎 / FREE KICK / 明るい赤ちゃん / BACILLUS / PAYDAY / ポレポレブラザーズ / Badmind studio / MR.LADY / BLUE GARLIC / standard sky / Rottweiler / DIVERGING POINT
・7.23(sun):Tattletale / No.18 / sheersücker / Two layers of paint / LONG TIME NO SEE / 葉緑体クラブ / my bird warms are blanket for Colette / you any a me / Burst Blue / Oh!My ass!! / The Submarine / RASTER / nervouShapes
■2023.8.26(sat)-8.27(sun) 『活性の火’23』 〔会場〕 北海道苫小牧市 中心市街地2エリア ○中央公園(苫小牧市若草町2丁目3) ○アカシア公園・ELLCUBE(苫小牧市王子町1丁目6) 〔時間〕start 10:00 / end 18:00 〔チケット〕入場無料 〔出演〕Survive Said The Prohet / ガガガSP / ザ50回転ズ / EGG BRAIN / THE STARBEMS / 鶴 / KiNGONS / 山岡トモタケ(s o t t o/ex.WHITE ASH 山さん) / 桃色ドロシー / Ever Brighteller / THE BOYS&GIRLS / A surge / Arata / BACILLUS / Blue Jay Cloud / CHEMTRAIL / DEERMAN / for sibyl / goethe / GRAND MOTHER SAID / hakua. / Is Survived By / mel / MR.LADY / NOi / No.18 / OverDose / Pinky Donna / PUSH REG LEADs / SNAP PUNCH MOMENT / standard sky / SULLIVAN's FUN CLUB / Tattletale / The Hurry's / THE PHROCKS / trip trap / TWO-nothing / VOMIT OUT RESTRICTION / アルクリコール / クロロフィルム / さかさにアルク / ダルメシア / でかくてまるい。 / ランチブレイク / 明るい赤ちゃん / 右鉤拳撃(The Right Hook) / 1st crack / BarnOwl / CHARM / Calls Name Again / DUST BABY / FREE KICK / INViSBL / KanryO / LONG TIME NO SEE / my bird warms a blanket for Colette / ōu / THE FLEA MARKETS / THEE POISON / あまつぶドロップ / なづき / 舜将-shunsuke-
〔ご予約〕 お名前(フルネーム) / ライブの日付 / 希望枚数 を以下までご連絡下さい。 ・メール👉[email protected] ※確認の返信メールが受け取れる様に受信設定等をお願いします。 ・各種SNS👉バンドアカウントまたはメンバーアカウントまでどうぞ。
【my bird warms a blanket for Colette】
◆Twitter @mbwb_colette ◆Instagram @mybirdcolette ◆YouTube http://youtube.com/birdcolette ◆Web shop 鳥と毛布 https://mbwbfcolette.theshop.jp ◆各種配信サイト ・Apple Music https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/my-bird-warms-a-blanket-for-colette/1437503166 ・Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/6NlQZYdXnAK6zgAOkH45WE?si=Rl1a6yrySdivMiStwQNlbw ・Amazon Music https://music.amazon.co.jp/artists/B07HQS688Z/my-bird-warms-a-blanket-for-colette
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Debbie advising Ronna on how to be the best personal assistant to the President is the sweetest thing.
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 7.22 — “Chosen” (2003)
Tomorrow, Willow will use the essence of the scythe to change our destiny.
#*#by veronika#(500)#buffy summers#7x22#chosen#s7#btvs#buffy the vampire slayer#btvsedit#dailybtvs#00sedit#slayerdaily#buffysource#userladiesblr#dailytvwomen#userbbelcher#cinemapix#cinematv#userstream#userlola#usercande#userhella#omgari#userlix#usergiles#useraurore#tusershay
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THE WEST WING 7.22 – “Tomorrow”
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The West Wing - 7.22 “Tomorrow”
#LISTEN#i just wanted to gif this moment always#also alexa told me to make big gifs#so here we are#the west wing#*#twwedit
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Heyy I LOVE THESE CHATS BABE C-Can we have more Cap + Re? Maybe some Dumo too?🥺❤️👉👈 Either way they're so much fun to read! You have such a beautiful creative mind! Love it!
HI! Of course - I was writing up this little bowl of fluff. :)
@lumosinlove‘s Sweater Weather wolfstar fluff featuring several of her lovely OC’s.
This is for @siriuslyqueer - I can’t fix everything but here’s a dose of fluffy shenanigans to help a little bit <3.
Sweater weather chats #7.
Kris has a blinddate. Remus has an emergency. And he gets a sugar daddy. Sirius babysits. Dumo tries to be sneaky. Logan tattles. Leo shows graphic images. Ava is adorable.
Enjoy <3
Friday 3.43 pm
Kris: Hey Re, I’m sorry this is last minute, but I’ve sort of gotten dragged into this blind date thing with Olli and I’ve run out babysitting options. I’d bail on the date but I’m honestly scared what Nado will do as I lost a bet…
Remus: Of course Kris, when do you need me to look after Ava? 😌
Kris: well it’s tomorrow night… they set it up for 8, so will try and rush it…
Remus: no it’s alright! She can stay. It’s no problem at all or do you want me to go to your house?
Kris: well, if she’s going to sleep on her own, it’ll be best at ours. I’ll promise to get back and let you go out and live your best kid free life! Haha 😅
Remus: I’d love to! Sirius wants to come too, is that ok?
Kris: haha of course, Ava loves him… It’s unfair..
Remus: he’s got that effect on everyone. it’s impossible not to like him. I’m biased. But still! Everybody loves Cap!
Kris: Thanks Re… and yeah, haha he’s a good one our cap 😉
Saturday 4.22 pm
Mom: hi love, I’m so sorry to text this urgently but Jules crashed his bike and is in the hospital with a concussion. He’s inconsolable and asking for you. I know you’ve probably got plans but is there any chance you can fly out here? We’ll help pay for the ticket.
Remus: Of course!!! Is he okay? What happened? I’m looking at tickets now!!!
Mom: thanks love. Let me know ok? ❤️❤️❤️
Remus ❤️: Shit sorry!!! I have to get to home now!! Jules crashed on his bike and he’s got a concussion… I’m looking at tickets!! And I promised Kris we’d babysit… Fuck I feel so bad!!! 😫
Sirius <3: hey! What? Do you want me to come with you?
Remus ❤️: I’m sorry but I think it’s best if I go alone. Shit, I want you to come but. You’ve got that interview tomorrow and I don’t know how long I have to stay and there’s practice. I’ve cleared the next few days with the management team. You have practise!! Sorry 🥺❤️❤️
Sirius <3: that’s ok Re. No worries. I hope Jules will be alright. I know tickets are expensive and BEFORE you say no. Please let me pay ok? I just looked online and there’s only first class left. Just charge it to my card, it’s on the table in your kitchen I think.
Remus ❤️: absolutely not. I might call when he’s better so he can say hi. I bet that’ll help. I’m not charging it to your card.
Sirius <3: Re please. It’s not a problem and I want to help. How about it’s a loan?
Remus ❤️: I’m not going to owe you money. It’s fine. I’ve saved up some for emergencies.. I’m not taking charity
Sirius <3: awww. What if I was your sugar daddy? 😉 We could find a way for you to pay off your debts.
Remus ❤️:STOP! I’m not even going to think about this. But fine. I’ve charged your card. Better send a list of demands then. Daddy…
Sirius <3: 😛😛😛😛that’s hot. fuck.
Saturday 6.34 pm
Remus: Kris I’m so sorry but I’ve had a family emergency and have to fly home ASAP.
Kris: whoa are you alright? What happened, is everyone ok? It’s fine, I’ll cancel!
Remus: I’m so sorry!!!
Remus: Sirius says he’s happy to come over an babysit 😊
Kris: oh..
Kris: sorry yeah okay.. That’s fine.. Ava does love him!
Remus: You wound me krissy - you don’t think I can babysit your baby????🤨
Kris: what? Did you steal Re’s phone..
Remus: I’m driving him to the airport. Or he’s driving so I’m texting for him. I can babysit fine. I’ll come over once I’ve dropped off Re. We’re going to have fun!!!
Kris: thanks Sirius. It means a lot 😊
Remus: well you need to get some action. As your captain I command you to go out there and get some.
Kris: you sound like Nado.
Remus: normally that would scare me. But he’s not wrong. You deserve to be with someone okay? ☺️
Kris: thanks Cap! See you soon I guess :) Ava is excited to see you. She’s asking if you want to watch beauty and the beast with her.
Kris: see ya!
Saturday 7.21 pm
Kris: hey cap forgot a few things. 1) She can’t sleep with the purple bunny wearing a baby Kuny shirt. Yes I know. The jerk got it for her last time they baby sat and she’s screaming bloody murder when I try to replace with my shirt. 2) she can have the one pudding in the fridge, no more than one 3) she pretends not to know French when she’s shy but be careful, she’s fluent… tricked Nado last time and she knows some unsavoury words now..
Sirius: thanks buddy but I got this. Used to babysit for Dumo you know. She’s braiding my hair :))))
Saturday 7.22 pm
Dumo: Kris, you still need a babysitter? Adele can watch Ava tonight.
Kris: no it’s fine, thanks! Sirius is watching her at home 😊
Dumo: Cap is watching? Is Remus there?
Kris: no he had something come up. It’s just Sirius 😊
Saturday 7.25 pm
Logan: WHOA calm down old man. What’s up? We’re watching a film…
Dumo: I need you to drive to mine and pick up some cupcakes and then go check on Sirius and Ava.
Logan: what? Re is there right?
Dumo: no. just do as I say for once…
Logan: calm down. I’ll go. Leo is driving. Is Adele home?
Dumo: yes. And please also check she’s not got “secret” guests. She was very eager to get us to leave. I count on you and Marc to tattle on her.
Logan: hehe I’ll check. And I’ll scare any potential suiters away. 😏
Dumo: maybe let Leo scare them. Most of the class mates are taller than you. I also called Kasey. Him and nat are checking in too.
Logan: 😬🤨rude
Saturday 8.22 pm
Sirius <3: REMUS THEY’RE ALL CHECKING ON ME?!?!?!?!? NAt and Kase came by to “borrow” a shovel?! THEY LIVE IN A FLAT... That’s the lamest excuse since Leo claimed that hickey on his belly button was from his shaver. He’s got like three body hairs. 😳
Saturday 9.02 pm
Sirius <3: Re, you landed yet? Now Logan and the rest of the muppets are here. With cupcakes. And a cranky car full of Dumo babies. NO ONE TRUSTS ME WITH BABIES
Remus ❤️: I’m sure they’re just checking to see if you’re all okay 😌Be happy your team cares so much.
Sirius <3: it mean. We had fun. Look she braided my hair
*sirius with braids by 5-year old Ava*
Sirius <3: I want to keep her. Can we get one?
Remus ❤️: SIRIUS. Do you want me to get a heart attack? We’re barely out.
Sirius <3: so. I want to keep her. Hehe
Remus ❤️:I think you hit your head. But yes. Grab her and run. We can live here 🥰
Sirius <3: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Saturday 8.33 pm
DumoDad: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
CarbO’Hara: haha you’re not subtle Dumo. Also you’ve got your own problems. HAHA
DumoDad: WHAT DID SHE DO NOW? I swear to god that girl is worse than the lot of you combined. 😡
Newt-leo: she was just studying with a classmate calm down. IF it helps, I showed them pictured from Celeste’s pregnancy book. Adele vowed to never talk to me again. But rules are rules. 😏
LoganTremblayzzz: I warned her Dumo. Hehe don’t worry Leo chased him off with the book. It’s overly graphic. 🥴🥴🥴🥴
RussianGod: what I do? 😦
Siriusly: you probably did something else to warrant suicides buddy.
Sunday 10.22 am
Kris: Hey Sirius! I’m really sorry about yesterday. Ava is asking when she can next see you :) Thanks!
Sirius: no worries buddy. But this doesn’t get you out of suicides. ❤️
Kris: worth a shot
Sirius: 😉 you are cute but you’ve got nothing on tour daughter. She’s a menace when she turns the puppy eyes.
Kris: tell me about it. She’s currently decorating Nado’s arms with glitter cause his tattoos “are too dark Jackie” - apparently she can call him that…
Sirius: she’s adorable 😊 you’re lucky, both of you!
Kris: thanks cap!!
Sunday 4.56 pm
Remus ❤️: hey babe. Jules is doing ok. You wanna call him? He’s asking for you 😍
Sirius <3: just call! 🥰
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Naruhodo Fan Book Plus translation
[I got my hands on a rare out of print collection of character dialogue pieces that were printed after the Naruhodo Fan Book was published and were released as an insert with a 2012 edition of Gamaga magazine. I was a little disappointed that only three of them were ones I’d never seen before as the rest had been uploaded by the folks at Court-Records but oh well. I’m happy to have any new content! So here’s one of the new bits. Enjoy!]
Justice for All, On Sale Now!
What's going on at the Wright and Co. Law Offices?
Justice for All, On Sale Now! By Takumi Shu
With the release of Justice for All, Best Price Edition nearly upon them, Nick and friends might do a little reminiscing about the old days…?!
Maya: Hi there! It's me, Maya Fey.
Phoenix: Long time no see. I'm Phoenix Wright.
M: Tomorrow's the big day, isn't it? Justice for All comes out for the Nintendo DS… I can't wait!
P: I guess… It won't mean much for us, though.
M: Huh?! What's that supposed to mean, Nick? Don't tell me you're not gonna buy a copy!
P: W-well, I mean, I already played Justice for All several times. It was a long time ago, but still.
M: But I've forgotten most of what happens! I wanna play it again!
P: It's just… uh, actually things are a little tight this month. I don't have any spare money.
M: Nghhh… I guess that explains why we haven't had any snacks in the office in a while, huh…
P: Yeah, them's the breaks. We'll just have to make do with drinking a bunch of water.
M: What?! But I wanna play! Man, I was all excited about it, too…
P: Well then, can't you just replay the Gameboy Advance version?
M: Maybe, except the cartridge got lost somewhere!
P: Oh… I guess it's no wonder; the office is a little messy.
M: If the state of this room is what you call "a little messy," then I'd hate to see what you consider a real mess to be.
P: Anyway, if we dig around over there then I'm sure it'll turn up. Should we have a look?
M: Nghhh… Guess there's no other choice. I'll check the toy box.
P: Don't call it a toy box. It's an evidence storage box.
M: Huh?! What's a banana doing in here?! It's gonna rot!
P: No, wait. Isn't that a baseball glove?
M: hmm? A baseball glove?
P: Yeah, remember that case? The Lost Turnabout?
M: Oh yeah, now that you mention it… is this from that case...?
P: Hey, I found a ball in the drawer. Try catching it in that glove!
M: Eep! What the heck?! This was a bunch of bananas after all!
P: Oh, sorry… But on the bright side, at least you found something you can snack on now.
M: Nghhh… oh hey, this ball you tossed me is Pearly's.
P: Ah, you mean the one she had the first time I met her back in Reunion, and Turnabout?
M: This sure brings back memories… I worked like a dog saving my allowance to buy it for her.
P: Oh? Was it really that expensive?
M: I'll never forget it as long as I live! It was $7.22!
P: Okayyy...hmm?
M: Something wrong, Nick?
P: What's the story behind this shriveled up bunch of carrots?
M: Oh, those! Moe gave those to us.
P: "Moe"...? Oh, the clown from the Turnabout Big Top case.
M: Apparently if you puree those and drink the juice, you'll get some really remarkable results.
P: "Remarkable results"...?
M: Why don't we try it and see what happens? Hold on a minute, I'm gonna juice these.
Edgeworth: ...Wright!
P: Oh, Edgeworth. What’s up? You look stressed half to death, just like usual.
E: At least I don’t look starved half to death like you do.
M: Here you go, Mr. Edgeworth. Have some nice fresh carrot juice!
E: Hmm. Well, I don’t really have anything against carrot juice, I suppose…
P: ...How is it? You look even more stressed than you did just a minute ago.
E: I thought of a question just now that I simply must know the answer to.
M: A question…? What is it?
E: Do people who are naturally bad at spelling… all possess blood type-o?
P: ………….
M: ………….
P: I think you’d better throw those carrots away, Maya.
M: Personally, I thought it was kind of funny!
P: Anyway, what brings you here, Edgeworth?
E: Do you even need to ask? This, of course!
P: Oh! That’s the DS version of Justice for All, isn’t it?
E: Your assistant here asked me to reserve a copy for you two when I was reserving my own copy the other day.
M: Whoo hoo! Thanks for going to all that trouble! I guess today was the release day, huh!
P: Only you would dare to ask Edgeworth of all people to be your gofer, Maya…
E: Yes, so that’s the story… now pay up, Wright.
P: Huh?
M: Yeah, sorry about this, Nick, but I kinda told Mr. Edgeworth you’d reimburse him.
P: Did you not just hear me say that money was tight for me this month?!
M: Aw, c’mon. As the heroine of this game, I can’t just not play it!
P: We pretty much remembered all the cases in Justice for All just now in all the commotion, didn’t we?!
M: Well, I guess, but… hmm?
P: What’s that slip of paper there?
M: Oh, this brings back memories too, doesn’t it? It’s a receipt from the Gatewater Imperial Hotel.
E: Imperial… that name sounds familiar.
M: There was a murder there in Farewell, My Turnabout. Remember?
E: Ah, yes… It’s all coming back to me now.
M: After the trial, we all went and ate a huge full course dinner there together!
P: Yeah, I remember! That was a good memory.
E: I remember as well. It was indeed… an important memory.
P: As I recall, Detective Gumshoe sneakily wrote my name on the bill.
E: And I paid for it… under the condition that I’d be paid back.
P: Wh-- h-huh? I-is that right?
E: Look at the signature on that receipt.
P: M… Miles Edgeworth…
E: I’d completely forgotten. Thank you so much for reminding me, Maya.
M: You’re welcome!
E: Now then… It’s time to pay what you owe, both for the game and this additional $1,665.
M: Anyway, let’s start playing Justice for All! A little reminiscing once in a while is good for you!
P: ...In light of recent events, I couldn’t disagree more.
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well, it’s the end of the year. Time to post a list of all the books I read this year. A total of 73 novels and 11 short stories. I bolded my favorites, but my number one this year, and of all time so far, is 100 Years of Solitude. So here is the list, in order of completion. (month.day) Let me know if you have any questions about these books, but I absolutely recommend all of those bolded!
Rabbit Run 1.11
The Bluest Eye 1.17
Hero of Ages 1.24
Exodus 2.6
The Haunting of Hill House 2.10
Wide Sargasso Sea 2.13
The Woman in the Window 2.15
The Invisible Man (Wells) 2.21
The Razor’s Edge 3.2
Hunger 3.12
The Fellowship of the Ring 3.20
100 Years of Solitude 3.25
The Catcher in the Rye 3.29
Love (Morrison) 4.6
The Two Towers 4.12
Bless Me Ultima 4.16
As I Lay Dying 4.21
The Return of the King 4.28
Oliver Twist 5.2
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 5.6
Othello 5.8
Waiting for the Barbarians 5.12
I, robot screenplay (Ellison) 5.14
Murphy 5.19
Emma 5.20
The Perks of Being a Wallflower 5.21
Huckleberry Finn 5.24
Kaddish For An Unborn Child 5.31
Sapphira and the Slave Girl 6.5
Nightwood 6.11
The Eye of the World 6.23
The Reluctant Fundamentalist 6.24
Light in August 6.29
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon 7.1
Sepharad 7.7
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 7.11
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 7.12
The Great Hunt 7.22
The Moon and Six-Pence 7.25
The Fountainhead 8.1
The Little Prince 8.1
This Side of Paradise 8.7
The English Patient 8.19
Fatelessness 8.22
Mutiny on the Bounty 8.28
Austerlitz 9.1
Dragon Reborn 9.12
Through the Looking Glass 9.12
Your Face Tomorrow - Fever and Spear 9.20
The Black Cat 9.21
The Fall of the House of Usher 9.21
The Premature Burial 9.21
The Pit and the Pendulum 9.22
The Masque of the Red Death 9.22
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar 9.22
The Murders in Rue Morgue 9.22
The Tale of the Ragged Mountains 9.23
William Wilson 9.23
The Raven 9.23
The World According to Garp 9.29
The Hunger Artist 9.30
A Farewell to Arms 10.4
Escape from Camp 14 10.5
The Shadow Rising 10.23
Zen in the Art of Writing 10.26
King Lear 10.27
A Confederacy of Dunces 10.28
July, July 10.29
Fahrenheit 451 11.4
Alexander’s Bridge 11.3
Sophie’s Choice 11.9
Corydon 11.10
PRIDE (Ron Holt) 11.10
Desert Solitaire 11.21
Wisdom Tales from Around the World 11.22
Siddhartha 11.24
Tao Te Ching 12.8
Rhythm of War 12.10
Ransom 12.13
Tar Baby 12.24
The Waves 12.30
That’s the list of books this year! Let me know if you want the list of my favorite books I've ever read.
#books#tar baby#desert solitaire#zen in the art of writing#Sophie's choice#escape from camp 14#The world according to garp#Austerlitz#The English Patient#The little prince#The moon and six pence#the reluctant fundamentalist#kaddish for an unborn child#the unbearable lightness of being#as I lay dying#100 years of solitude#the razor's edge#wide sargasso sea#exodus#authors#classics
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7.22, There Will Be Blood.
It took the monsters to crack into Purgatory, so it takes a monster to shove the bad things back... But there's some interesting things that happen along the way that also call back to s6-- like the girl pretending to be an innocent who all along was working for the Alpha Vampire, like the little monster boy Eve created as a trap for Sam and Dean in 6.19.
But for me, the most interesting thing in this episode is the strengthening of the parallel between Bobby's ghost and Cas in his current state. And really, they've been paralleled through the entire season. They both... died, first off. But then came back as either literal (Bobby) or metaphorical (Cas as Emmanuel with no memories) ghosts of themselves. But here's where it gets interesting. They both wanted to help, but were unable to get over their own issues blocking them from actually being effective...
in 7.19, Bobby confronts this and overcomes his fear that "materializing" to actually help will speed his progression toward "Vengeful" status, that participating actively-- the reason he fought to come back as a ghost in the first place-- would lead to him causing more harm than good, destroying himself and those he wanted to help and failing to actually accomplish the mission he returned for.
But in 7.17, we had Cas first confront all of his memories, feeling the guilt of responsibility for what has happened, and afraid and hopeless about being able to make it right. He was afraid to fully engage for fear of failing yet again, and in taking Sam's damage on himself, he did the one thing he could, even if it actively took him out of the game and still left fixing everything else on Sam and Dean's shoulders. It was how he accomplished the same objective Bobby subconsciously did before he fully engaged (which did eventually in this episode drive Bobby over the edge into Vengeful territory, where he lost control of himself and became single-minded in his revenge, running off by himself, hurting an innocent (the maid he possessed) and nearly destroying himself in the process).
Meanwhile, I'm gonna loop in the next episode to this post, because it really does function like a two-parter here...
7.23, Survival of the Fittest:
Because Cas bore witness to Bobby's decompensation, his fear of losing himself entirely, or worse-- potentially hurting the very people he'd sacrificed his eternity for. Yet Cas is still refusing to engage himself:
CASTIEL: Now, you understand I don't participate in aggressive activity.
Despite his entire garrison having been killed (presumably by the Leviathans). It's just one more ton of guilt to heap onto Mt. Guiltmore. As long as he maintains his distance with "I don't fight anymore" and absolutely sticking to that, he doesn't have to accept the guilt.
DEAN: Hey! [He claps his hands.] Focus. Is Kevin alive? CASTIEL: I don't want to fight. DEAN: No, I'm not – [very calmly] we're worried. CASTIEL: They took him. He's alive. I felt such responsibility, but it's in your hands now. DEAN: Wait. Hold on a freakin' minute. CASTIEL: I feel much better.
Yeah, he feels much better, because he's able to absolve himself of responsibility for any of it without having to actually DO anything himself. But Sam and Dean quickly learn they have zero hope of getting Dick without Cas there to point out the "Real Dick" amongst all the copies. They DO find Bobby, gone completely vengeful and trying to break into Sucrocorp on his own... Cas is becoming more and more obvious about what his true issue is:
DEAN: Hey, shifty, what's your problem? CASTIEL: Do we need a cat? Doesn't this place feel one species short? DEAN: You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help. CASTIEL: I can't help. You understand? I can't. I destroyed... everything, and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that? DEAN: No. [He gets up.] No, we can't.
AVOID AVOID AVOID! And here's why. He refuses to help, has disconnected from reality and is hiding in the remnants of Sam's burned soul bits entirely out of FEAR that anything he does will result in more of the same...
Because Bobby couldn't fight it, going vengeful, because that's the inherent nature of ghosts. And poor Cas is at a point where he believes his "inherent nature" is cosmic-level failure.
SAM: Bobby. We didn't know if you’d, uh – BOBBY: Well, you should've. You got the flask. Dumb. You should've burned it right off. DEAN: Bobby – BOBBY: I'm still jonesing to go back... grab some poor bastard, kamikaze 'em going after Dick. It's bad.
But at least Dean knows one thing Cas can do to help without having to fight-- he can take Dean to where Baby has been hidden since the beginning of the season:
CASTIEL: If we attack Dick and fail, then you and Sam die heroically, correct? DEAN: I don't know. I guess. CASTIEL: And at best, I die trying to fix my own stupid mistake. Or... I don't die – I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment resurrection. It's worse every time. DEAN: I'm sorry. Uh, we're talking about God crap, right? CASTIEL: I'm not good luck, Dean. DEAN: Yeah, but you know what? Bottom of the ninth, and you're the only guy left on the bench... Sorry, but I'd rather have you, cursed or not. And anyway, nut up, all right? We're all cursed. I seem like good luck to you? [CASTIEL stares at DEAN.] What? CASTIEL: Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I detect a note of forgiveness. DEAN: Yeah, well, I'm probably gonna die tomorrow, so... CASTIEL: Well, I'll go with you. And I'll do my best.
So at the end of the day, Cas accepts they only have one chance to get Dick, and that regardless of if he helps or not, Sam and Dean will willingly face death to clean up the mess he feels responsible for in the first place. The least he can do is go with... but what truly convinces him it's worth risking isn't Dean's lil pep talk. It's what he'd been hoping for since he first tried to fix his mistake in 7.01 and what Dean himself told "Emmanuel" in 7.17 that he still couldn't muster for Cas... Dean's forgiveness. Without that, there was no point. This was step one to rebuilding their relationship, and the thing that pulled Cas back toward reality. He finally had something worth risking himself for. It was no longer a hopeless mission to believe that he might one day be able to make up for his betrayal.
The last few interesting things I want to mention here, since this is already a disasterpost, is the oddly redundant way Dean and Cas killed Dick:
DEAN: Oh, you don't think this'll work, do you? You trust that demon? DICK ROMAN: You sure I'm even me, Dean? DEAN: No. But he is. [DICK ROMAN looks at CASTIEL.] See, here's the thing when dealing with Crowley – he will always find a way to bone you. DICK ROMAN: This meeting's over. CASTIEL moves towards DICK ROMAN, but DICK ROMAN grabs him and flings him into a wall. DEAN plunges the bone into DICK ROMAN’s chest. DICK ROMAN gasps, but then pulls the bone out and snaps it in two. DICK ROMAN: Did you really think you could trump me? DEAN: Honestly? [He takes another bone out of his jacket.] No. CASTIEL pulls DICK ROMAN’s head back. DEAN plunges the bone sideways through DICK ROMAN’s neck. DICK ROMAN yells. SAM and KEVIN run into the room. DICK ROMAN continues to yell and gurgle. DEAN: Figured we'd have to catch you off guard. DICK ROMAN’s face transforms into the Leviathan enormous mouth with long pointed teeth and a protruding tongue. He roars briefly before his face returns to normal. He grunts and black goo starts to run from his nose. Waves of energy begin to pulsate from his body in time with a loud, accelerating heartbeat. The energy then appears to concentrate back in his body. SAM flings up an arm to cover his face and KEVIN as DICK ROMAN explodes into black goo.
Like... what even was the point of having two bones? First the "fake" and then the real bone? I mean, Dean didn't have a problem stabbing that first bone into Dick's chest, after all... did he really need the bluff? Was it just for the sake of Drama™? Eh, whatever, it gave us one of the best Cas Faces of all time, so it's worth it, whatever the reason.
CROWLEY: Not to worry. I have a small army of demons outside. Cut off the head, and the body will flounder, after all. Think if you'd had just one king since before the first sunrise. You'd be in a kerfuffle, too. SAM: Which is exactly what you wanted. CROWLEY: So did you. Without a master plan, the Levis are just another monster. Hard to stomp, sure, but you love a challenge. Your job is to keep them from organizing.
Spoiler alert: Sam's about to run away from this job just as fast as cas ran away from fighting...
CROWLEY: That bone... has a bit of a kick. God weapons often do. They should put a warning on the box.
Yeah, God weapons always suck... see the Hammurabi in 14.20 for proof.
But this all sets the stage for the issues that Cas will be dealing with up to the current point in canon after 14.20. It sets the stage for Sam and Dean’s respective struggles throughout Carver era that they finally begin to address in more healthy ways in Dabb era. But all of it is built on guilt, how they each choose to deal with it, and tearing down the barriers they put up to avoid facing themselves truly.
#spn 7.22#spn 7.23#s14 hellatus rewatch#it's spirals all the way down#spiders georg of the tnt loop#the scheherazade of supernatural#you learned it from the goats
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THE WEST WING 7.22 – “Tomorrow”
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“Lincopia, you’ve got mail” A Ghost Fanfiction
So: this is a very light kind of fanfiction. It is based on the daily life of the members of the church (ghouls, sisters, brothers, papas, clergy), and it is set at the beginning of era III (yeah I know, sounds nostalgic but I had a lot of this stuff on my mind for months). This is meant to be humorous (with some romance in the future).
Why “You’ve got mail”?
Because this is a fic about the members of the church talking to each other about their sheningans and daily life through messages, WhatsApp or something. There are also some pieces of actual writing here and there, but I have to add, English is not my mothertongue, so I apologize for any mistake, of any kind. I hope to entertain you.
First Chapter.
- 11.02 am
It wasn't his fault, and that was a concept well punctuated by the calmness of his stride, even if a little stompier than the usual, because, well, being in his actual position made him nervous after all. He already knew it: there was no one left in the chapel. He was late for sure, and the ceremony had gone without him, he, practically an ambassador for their image, and the new pope was around, and Sister Imperator too, probably left scolding at the air since, again, he had not been there.
Special sighed. There he was, hand on the big handle, heavy door ajar.
Just silence and emptiness.
"Uhh... This sucks".
- 1.17 pm
Message from Mist:
Special. Ceremony was great. You'd have loved that. The guy talks more than you do. You'll get along well. He won't skin you alive, don't worry. Probably just make you feel like he could though.
Message from Cat boy:
Very funny. I wasn't fooling around, I had stuff to do, a flight to take. The new Papa was informed. I'll go knock on his door later. But anyways, what did you mean by that? The skinned alive bit?
Message from Mist:
It's okay. He is ok. Well, I mean. He's not his brother.
Message from Cat boy:
Enlightening. Look, can we talk on WhatsApp? Who uses messages nowadays? Just install it. It's useful.
Message from Mist:
We have very different jobs kitty. I don't need WhatsApp. Also weren't you going to knock on a door? What, you need a push?
Message from Cat boy
Thank you very much Mist. On my way.
Message from Mist:
Love you. ♥
PS: bring the lube.
Message from Cat boy:
- 5.38 pm
When Special walked out the office, he stood still two steps away from the closed door, very quiet, very collected. Looking into space. He looked down at his hands, now full. There were his new robes. Very much practical indeed, and he had already seen them some weeks ago when he himself helped the sewing department, launching some ideas. The mask, that was Omega’s idea.
He looked away, sensing the calmness of the twilight, when people retired from the greenhouses and the fields, the various offices, the library, and showering or maybe simply taking a rest before dinner. He listened to that, the silence, recalling the previous minutes. The man was… he had no idea. Mist had been right. He was not his brother. He seemed cheerful, not so talkative as stated, very stern sometimes, but always with a light, imperceptible smirk at the corner of his lips. He had tried to make him uncomfortable, Special was sure of that. Didn’t even mentioned the fact that he had missed the ceremony for his election. The pope had stared at him, looking him in the eye, with that mix of unknown intentions behind his mismatched ones, and then went straight to business.
So he sighed. Alpha would keep doing interviews, of course. Maybe one, or two every century, by the sound of it. Omega was in charge of a lot of things, and always moving around departments because he was that charismatic. So sure, he would help Special.
But Special was now officially in charge of everything connected to the public. He would be the first in line at concerts, at promotional events, radio interviews, normal interviews, every interview. He would talk to companies, bands touring with them, some lesser members of the clergy (because the big pieces were for Papa, of course) and simply do everything that connected with the core of their engine. He started counting the number of plane he’d have to meet closely from that moment on.
He started walking towards the dormitory, very determined to just fall face deep in the mattress and woke up the next century.
- 7.22 pm
WhatsApp Chat Group: Feel Ya Sista
Lumia: Guuuuurls
Maery: what?
Lumia: Are you done with the dinner? WE HUNGRY HERE, you know.
Ambrosia: oi, let us work. you’re not the only ones that do things in here, YOU KNOW.
Lumia: I plow the soil from which your damn food comes from. Chop chop.
Lumia: ??
Ambrosia: do you grow cheese from that soil? ham? entire cows? last time I checked, those grew from the truck of the dairy we actually buy from.
Valeriana: Also, let us work. Cirice told us Papa himself is going to dine with us in the hall tonight. We are pretty under the gun rn.
Lumia: NO WAY.
Maery: eh
Lumia: Wtf is the world going to end, this is a first
Era: my life is going to end.
Lumia: You alright?
Era: No. This morning I noticed a mistake I made on Papa’s alb. Every time he flapped that sleeve a year of life left me. The moment he’s gonna notice he gonna suck my very soul out of me.
Mitra: overreacting
Lumia: What mistake? I saw none
Era: I sewed too tight in a place.
Maery: c’mon
Era: AND THE MITRE TOO. The patch is too much on the right. HE GONNA KILL ME.
Ambrosia: he’s nice, stop worrying
Valeriana: Girl, you talked to him for 30 seconds.
Era: Is there some wine left yes? Because I need it.
Maery: yeah
Ambrosia: i’m turning off my phone. work. see you all at 8.
Era: Don’t leave me…
Lumia: I’m still here
Lumia: Nope, nevermind, I actually have to go to the toilette
Era: Can’t you bring your phone in there?
Lumia: I use it for music
Maery: era stop, or i’ll send scary omega to your chamber
Era: …that isn’t exactly a threat. I fyou know what I mean…
Valeriana: Lmao.
Rita: uuhhhmmm
Rita: girls
Maery: yeah?
Rita: talking about subtext…
Maery: yeah?
Rita: …is it okay if I say I wanna bang him?
Valeriana: Bang WHO.
Lumia: Omega?
Rita: nope
Ambrosia: RITA NO
Lumia: Werent’ you turning off your phone?
Ambrosia: RITA NO
Ambrosia: NO
Ambrosia: wait AT LEAST a week. Ffs.
Maery: also ew
Rita: ok.
Maery: imam send you scary imperator to your chamber
Maery: yes ma’am
Lumia: Toilette
Era: dying
Rita: ok.
Rita: …
Rita: …a week is a lot
Ambrosia: RITA NO
- 8.29 pm
Alpha: Dude, where are you?
- 8.37 pm
Alpha: Seriously.
- 8.43 pm
Alpha: OMEGA the new Papa is here with us. Where the fuck are you?
- 0.31 am
Omega: Bro, I was busy. I am always busy. What’s the matter. Special missed his ceremony, I missed dinner, so the real loss here is that I’m hungry as fuck.
Alpha: What was so important?
Omega: Fucking haunted trees? You know, those who started slapping people with their branches last week? One of them lifted a root and was trying to actually take a step.
Alpha: Are you high?
Omega: I wish I was.
Omega: Look, this place is a mess. We are not just some campy satanists, we attract some attentions.
Alpha: So what, local flora is pissed off because we worship the big bad guy?
Omega: Most likely someone enchanted things. But it’s okay now. I had to work with that nerd of Brother Euthanasia, just because Imperator couldn’t make a bad impression on our CEO.
Alpha: That would explain why she was so edgy all dinner.
Omega: And when exactly she is not.
Alpha: Whatever.
Omega: Besides, was he pissed?
Alpha: He didn’t even notice.
Omega: So what.
Alpha: MAYBE he just looked not pissed.
Omega: Tomorrow I’m gonna buy him flowers and take a knee okay? Or maybe next time I’ll invite fucking trees at our table so we can go all Isengard with that.
Alpha: Dude, chill. Or eat. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.
Omega: FUNNY.
Alpha: Yeah. Take a rest, you big idiot. Tomorrow we have to do things.
Omega: And don’t I know that.
Alpha: Take a rest. Love you.
Omega: …gay.
Omega: …Love you too.
(All original characters belong to the band Ghost.
OCs are mine.
Feedback and critics [corrections too if needed] are always appreciated!)
#the band ghost#ghost band#papa emeritus iii#papa emeritus ii#nameless ghouls#fanfiction#sisters of sin#brothers of sin#clergy#ocs#humor#probably some romance in the future#and maybe some actual plot#but very light for now#but the format will be the same#papa emeritus i#and maybe some papa zero
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Wedding Timeline
6.22.19 - got engaged ! ❤
6.27 - Indian Ponds & Lakeview tours
6.29 - Tours w/ beebe
7.1 - Chose Indian Ponds ! 10/24/2020 😍
7.7 - dropped IP 😕 $$$$
7.8 - toured Ming's Seafood Restaurant . WHAT A GOOD DEAL ! costs half the price of IP , $50/case of beer per table, $20/bottle of wine per table, open bar, & 10/10/2020 !! 😍
7.12 - took a few days off from wedding planning cuz it was stressing beebe out 😥 poor beebe 💔 however !! he is on another vacation this weekend so hopefully that eases his mind a lil bit . miami baby !! ive also worked on my own bridal stuff like putting together bridesmaids proposal boxes ! 😍 theyre so cute but they barely fit all the stuff i bought 😶 haha . i got them wine mugs , bath bombs , kylie cosmetics , mac lipsticks , candles , soaps , ring pops , OPI nail polish , and godiva chocolate ! all with a cute calendar with our wedding date "hearted" on 😍❤ and this is only part 1 !! i still wanna gift them cute bags and robes for the wedding day , but that'll be done later .

of course they have no idea yet 🙊 im seeing my maid of honor tomorrow so she'll be the first to ask ! 😍
anyways .. ive been missing beebe a lot . feel like we barely get quality time together cuz we've been so busy with work , plans , weddings (ours & others') , etc . well .. im happy we both have each other 😊 through all the stress , i still love you at the end of the day and i wouldnt go through all this craziness without you . ❤

7.13 - Pauline's MOH gift given 😊 DJ/photobooth/lights/monogram ✔
7.14 - Liz & Julie's Bridesmaid gift given 😊 Meeting with Linh, the florist and designer.
7.27 - Aimee's gift given 😊
8.2 - the photographer if my dreams had to drop out :( i was so sad for a while .
8.7 - set up a meeting with my photographer friend phi . 😊
8.11 - meeting with Phi, our photographer/videographer
8.18 - tony met my family , while Tri came to visit
8.19 - deposit for Linh paid ✔
8.20 - deposit for Phi paid ✔
10.13 - engagement photoshoot
11.29 - booked my first bridal dress shopping appt 😍
12.8 - Alexandra's Boutique
12.11 - Precious Memories and Vows
12.14 - Babe FINALLY chooses his 6 groomsmen
12.18 - AB appt #2 to try on Dress #1 😍 AND I SAID YES TO THE DRESS !!!
1.2.20 - booked my bachelorette trip to Miami !!! 🌊🏖️🐚👙
1.17.20 - Finally received our engagement photos after 3 reminders! 😒 Website looking good!
1.18 - Mom showed me my ao dai 😍
2.4 - AO DAI CAME IN!! it's more beautiful in person !! 😍❤️
2.28 - Canvases came in 😍
3.1 - Invitations shopping begins!
3.11 - Wedding band ordered!!! 😱💍 (Etsy - $256)
3.15 - In laws met the parentals at the venue we are getting married at 😍❤️
3.18 - Wedding Invitations ordered! 😍❤️
3.22 - Guest book ordered! Liz took her veil out and decided to let me wear it for my wedding!! 😍❤️ We also worked hard on our wedding website today. It's coming together!! 🥰
3.26 - WEDDING BAND CAME IN!!! ❤️❤️❤️💍
3.30 - Invitations came in 😍❤️ Mom kept the first one 🥰
5.20 - bridesmaids dresses info sent out to the girls!! 😍♥️
5.28 - Bridesmaids dresses - orders done ! MY WEDDING DRESS CAME IN !!! 😍 Try On 6/10 @ 3 pm ❤️❤️❤️
6.10 - PICKED UP MY DRESS !!! 😍❤️ I wish time would slow down , I'm never going to have these moments ever again 💔
6.27 - Had to reschedule our reception.. #covidsucks but it was the best decision for family and friends . Looking forward to 5/15/2021!
6.30 - ALL of our vendors were available for the new date!! how are we so lucky?! 😍❤️
7.2 - 100 more days❤️ Also started looking for cake vendors!
7.3 -Dropped off dress to get it altered/hemmed @ Timmy the Tailor in Stoughton
7.15 - Tried Party Favors wedding cakes! Coconut is so good!
7.17 - Meeting #2 with Father Linh, wedding template given
7.22 - Picked up bridesmaids dresses!! They came so fast!!
7.29 - BABE TRIED ON HIS TUX !!! 😍❤️ sooooo handsome , I can't wait to marry this man 😍😍😍 ; also bought unity candles after 2 cancellations 😂
8.1 - Cake tasting @ Icing on the Cake, Tailor Appt #2 -- LOVED the experience at IOTC ! Just need Liz and Julie to come with me to learn how to bustle my dress .
8.7 - Paid deposit for IOTC - dream wedding cake in the works !! 😍
8.8 - EVENING GOWN ACQUIRED from Grandasia! 😍❤️ IM SO IN LOVE !! ❤️❤️
8.9 - Dropped off the last bridesmaids dress !! and showed demi my evening gown 😍 AND paid off the flowers to Linh!! 💐❤️
8.19 - GOT SO MUCH DONE ! sent program to my mom, bought the welcome sign, hand sanitizers and labels, baskets for them, re-signed contracts, got updates from phi, sent schedules for phi and linh, etc. Now that’s left are a few things! Almost there!! :D
9.5 - Finally the girls got their dresses done AND i brought home my dress from the tailor's ! showed it to my mom and left it in her room with the tail laid out so it doesn't wrinkle . idk if that was a good idea or not , I hope she's not crying every night knowing that her lil daughter ain't so lil no more 😂
9.7 - Jewelry Shopping w/ mom !! looove my earrings!!
9.9 - the rest of the jewelry came in 😍❤️ #swarovski
9.10 - 30 MORE DAYS!!! ❤️❤️❤️
9.24 - requested change in address 😱
9.25 - Apply for Marriage License at 3 pm!! 😍❤️
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