writingsonthewall404 · 2 months
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3amdistress · 6 months
12 horas fueron. 12 horas en las q t espere. solo un visto, solo un mensaje, solo una respuesta q lleva a otra, solo un dialogo claro por una vez… algo q nos lleve a algo, eso esperaba d ti. nada mas eso…
llevabamos semanas asi, meses… para no decir años. llevo un buen rato buscando tus palabras en algun rincon del vasto internet. pero nada. decepcion tras decepcion es lo unico q podria encontrar al final de todas maneras, vd?
si… ya no me digas nada. ya no abrire nuestro chat ni tu blog, no vere q t gusta ni comentaste, no t buscare mas.
tiempo? querias tiempo… cierto. me hablaras cuando t de la gana a ti, vd? pero no cuando me de la gana a mi. en q momento amar se volvio tan… asi… entre nosotros? siempre lo fue? si… siempre fuimos inconstantes. uno se va y el otro vuelve. nos apreciamos un ratico y luego la volvemos a cagar. una… y otra vez. y asi sin fin.
odio este impulso de revisar si no pusiste una nueva cancion en la playlist q me hiciste, con la esperanza de algun dia encontrarme con algun nuevo tema q me haga querer abrazarte y darte amor una vez mas.
no me espero nada de ti… no me debo esperar nada de ti. nunca debi esperarme cosas de ti. pero no fue un error. sigo optimista a pesar de sonar tan distante y dura. lo poquito q digo es lo q realmente pienso. pero alli sigue… el afecto q siento por ti, destruye en un segundo todo el dolor y sufrimiento q pase por ti.
no me duele tanto. me duele poquito. amarte asi resulta insoportable, pero se me pasa con un poco de tu cariño. solo requeria eso. siempre pedi solo eso… una nadita de tu atencion y algo de interes genuino. pero pq iba a pedirle eso a quien no me lo puede dar? pq me llevaste a desearte tan profundamente si no podias dar ni lo minimo?
me detesto. siento tanta ira contra mi misma, por excusarte en el fondo por cada lagrima q me hiciste derramar. me da tanta rabia no ser capaz de apartarte del todo. quiero ser mejor persona como tu, pero como serlo sin ti? como se supone siga adelante cuando quien me ama jamas me amo en realidad?
t molesta q meta en duda tu amor? y q deberia hacer? comprenderte? como voy a comprender tu falta de empatia hacia mi? pq me pides lo q no puedes dar? yo t pido lo q t doy an… solo eso joder… solo quiero lo mismo. nada mas. quiero lo mas basico del mundo cundo se trata de una relacion amorosa.
dijiste q seamos amigos. como? como? como? quieres ser mi amigo? no, puedes ser mi amigo? dices amarme y estas bien con una amistad? de eso se trataba? no querias perderme y finjiste amarme? lo fingiste? me mentiste? pq me has engañado asi? actuando celoso cuando tenia novio? enojandote caundo habian otros? pq? si estas bien siendo mi amigo, pq me hiciste esto?
eres un egoista. siempre lo supe. pero acepte eso tambien de ti. t quise como eras. t quiero tal cual eres. pero, aun asi, no fue suficiente para entrar en tu corazon?
algo no esta logico…
me has mentido y nunca me quisiste como algo mas q una amiga o… soy yo la q apresuro de nuevo las cosas? t presione? por eso t perdi?
ah… ya lo veo ahora…
fui yo, vd? fue mi culpa como era de esperarse… no t di tiempo e insisti e insisti e insisti. yo la he cagado de nuevo, cierto.
no t di tiempo. y de nuevo la cague.
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modern-alebrije · 9 months
i wanna get high and play video games but i have errands to run 😡
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glamgoddess1234you · 1 year
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kcjhutchins · 1 year
Weekly Stream Duo
The weekly stream with family is today. This time it will be just my cousin and I at 6 PM EDT. Hope you’ll drop by!
kcjhutchins - Twitch
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a-dude-named-mom · 2 years
LET'S FUCKING GOOOO idc that the chapters are posted in the middle of the night in my timezone I'm gonna be staying awake for it ✨✨ I'm soooo excited for it
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icyfox17 · 2 months
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hawberries · 4 months
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the GIRLS!!!
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aggressivedean · 3 months
oh no. the sun rises in 30 minutes
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ivysnow · 4 months
The Cursed Legacy Challenges
Created by Paulad52 EA USERNAME (IvySnow)
I created this challenge as I had this idea for a while and did know if anyone would be interest in trying this. so though I would just do it for myself.
Each Gen to complete a collection to pass down to the next Gen
Each gen to have a neg trait
Heir to have a birth mark or scar to curse is solved
Home lot to have the curse trait
The challenge is to get to the ten gen to solve the family mystery
Roll a dice to decide how many children to have or decide yourself
Roll a dice to decide if you play with short or normal life span or decide yourself
Each gen to start with 1500 Simoleans (from gen two)
Each gen to be a single parent after children are born, get created with how the accident happen to your partner, it’s a curse remember
Each gen to live on a different lot and world
If all your sims died in the household, you fail the challenge
Collect your family gravestones for and pass down to the next gen for gen 9
Story Background
The urban legend regarding the family is unknown as this goes back to there ancestors. The family are aware of the curse due to all the mysterious deaths, but you don’t know why? All each gen wants in life is love and happiness, but everything keeps going wrong with all these mysterious deaths.
Gen One – The alone teen
Start by living in Moonwood Mill in a cheap abandon home using free real estate (get abandon home of the gallery) The home is to have the very minimum items as you’re a teen and both your parents died in an accident. Have a cheap furniture and PC, you can upgrade the items using handiness skills You make money doing odd jobs and drop out of high school, you meet you partner as a young adult in a bar
Max Handiness and gardening skills
Complete Microscope Prints
Get High school diploma when you’re a young adult
Have children
Become a single parent
Create a garden
Going to the bar every Saturday
Gen Two – The Writer
As a child you never travel anywhere, the only way you saw the world was when you were in school or on your phone. As a young adult you started to visit your pen pal in Mt. Komorebi, after a few visit your pen pal invite you to be a roommate (to do this, keep a note of how much you have and deduct a week amount for rent). You start writing books of your travels and publishing them to make money.
Start funds 1500 simoleons
Max Writing and Wellness skills
Earn around 5 – 10k simoleons to move out to an empty lot to start building your home
Complete the postcards collections
Take family holidays every summer
Meet your partner on your advantages (love at first sight)
Have children and become a single parent
Gen Three – Overachieve
As a teen you did well at school which you end up grading early and attaching university as a teen in you freshman year. You spend all your time researching the family curse to try and resolve the mystery. You take trip every summer to selvadoradian and take the family with you and visits the ruins. You missed a lot of time with the family due to all the time you spent researching the curse.
Get a part time job while at university
Pick course to so with history and selvadoradian
Max research & Debate, Programme and selvadoradian culture skill
Take family trips to selvadoradian each summer
Keep a journal
Complete Ancient Omisean Artifact collection
Unlock workaholic lifestyle
Gen Four – The Loner
You find as a child your parent was more force on the family curse and didn’t have much time for you and you sibling. You were happy playing on your own outside and love singing and begin creative. Your best friend is a stray dog or cat. Because your parent spent all their time on the family curse, you decide that family would come first and that all your children would be adopted, you feel because you adopt your children you bet the curse. You love taking the family camping and being one with nature and collecting bugs.
Have the socially awkward trait
Max Herbalism and singing skill
Adopt all your children
Complete the Feather collection
Adopt a stray cat or dog
Gen Five – The Scientist
You were adopting as a child but there a hide secret you are yet to discover. You love being outside and discovering the world and want to know what is beyond the stars. You did ok in school and find you love science and got apprenticeship at the science laboratory in Oasis Spring. You meet the love of your life at work and as you were adopted you don’t worry about the family curse as it thought blood. You get Marry and have children; till one tragic day you lose the love of your life in an accident. You are so upset and start research your biologic family your discovery that your parent is really a distant relative of yours.
Max Logic and Rocket Science skill
Visit Sixam
Build a Rocket Ship
Complete alien collection
Live in Oasis Spring
Gen Six – The Risk Taker
You live life to the fullest as you know everyday count with the family curse. You’re into seeking advantage and taking risks. You meet your partner in your adult life and have children. You never home as you love being out and living life to the fullest. While your out on a family trip there is an accident and there is only one sole survivor (get created) make sure it a teen for the next gen. all family money goes to paying for funerial and bills, which only leaves 1500 Simoleans. (You have two options move teen into an empty lot or back in with gen 5 till you’re a young adult) You can decide to by roll a dice if you like.
Max Snowboarding or skiing and climbing skill
Unlock Adrenaline Seeker Lifestyle
Meet Partner as an Adult
Have the outdoor trait
Complete Simmie collection
Do the mountain event
Gen Seven – The Doctor
After losing your family at a young age you decide you want to help people. You decide to go to university to study to be a doctor but end up drop out halfway though and join the doctor career. You love helping people and eat healthy food and yoga. You love going out with Co worker every Friday to the bar or restaurant were your meet your future partner.
Have the Vegetarian Trait
Max charisma and logic skill
Complete City Poster Collection
Create a club with your co worker
Marry a sim you meet out in a bar or Restaurant
Unlock Healthy food Nut lifestyle
Go to a yoga class every Sunday at the gym
Have children for the next gen
Gen Eight - The Home wrecker
You love designing room and making them your owe, Have a job interior decorator. Each job you do, needs to have a personal handmade item by you in the room. When at the person house you also need to take an item from their home for your home from each job. Due to the family curse, you know you never have love, so you don’t like to see others have love. You have your children with marry couple and break up marriages.
Have the kleptomaniac trait
Have the villainous Valentine Aspiration
Max baking and Candle Making skill
Complete tassels collection
Have your children with marry couples
Leave a handmade item in every job you done
Take an item from every job you have done for your own home.
Gen Nine – The Investigate
You grow up with a parent who love doing up rooms and making things their own. You decide to move into an empty abandon home and find out it haunted, this make you research the supernatural in the local library and you decide to be a paranormal investigate. You love everything spooky and being round ghost, your best friend is a ghost. You have a graveyard in your back garden, full the graveyard with your family gravestones.
Download an empty abandon home from the gallery using free real estate
Max Medium, Photography and Gardening skill
Complete Magic Artifacts collection
Have children with a spooky character
Live in Forgotten Hallow
Build a family graveyard behind your house
Gen Ten – The Mystery Solve
You grow up hearing all about the family curse and from a young age all you did was read books and do research on the PC. When you become a young adult, you decide to join the military Career and hear about a town that no one talk about. You do some research about the town to discovery that your family ancestors are from this town. You decide to move to the town to find out more about your family and the mystery. You find out to cure the family curse you need to solve the town mystery.
Move to Strangerville
Max Fitness, Charisma, and pet training
Complete the Strangerville mystery
Join the Military Career
Complete the frog collection
Unlock the coffee lifestyle
Adopt a Dog The end
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sumarex · 7 months
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wcdonaldo · 9 months
*girl who wakes up at noon voice* how is it this late already
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gayclubsoap · 8 months
watching How to Beat [main obstacle] in [movie title] videos to pass the time until it's 6pm
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cristinabcn · 11 months
COLOMBIA: CLUB ROTARIO CARTAGENA de INDIAS te invita para recaudar fondos para poner fin a LA POLIO
Una vez más los Rotarios nos invitan a colaborar para poner fin a este flagelo que aún sigue azotando como es LA POLIO. Los Rotarios como personas comprometidas con la sociedad siempre estan de pie para apoyar con su tiempo y dinero en su beneficio, participando en proyectos que benefician no sólo a su comunidad local sino a comunidades vecinas, tanto de otros Distritos como países. Más info de…
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
waiting for the lady to send me today's kitten photos....
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