#67 its not a joke anymore
shoverse · 1 year
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dissectedgrrl · 7 months
hmmmm okay wait
3, 6, 18, 26, 44, 67, 82!
3 - do you really think theres somebody for everybody?
i dont believe in stuff like soulmates or fate. every relationship ends at some point in some way so ive never really thought anything like that. its a sweet concept tho !! (im a bit of a pessimist 💀)
6 - are your platonic relationships just as valuable as romantic or family ones?
YES omg. id literally be nothing without my friends theyre actually everything 2 me. my irls are all so pretty n funny n nice. one thing about having friends of any kind that makes them so important is that u can talk to them about anything. so like if im having family or relationship troubles i can always rely on them. platonic relationships >>>>>>> romantic relationships
18 - are you religious? do you think your religion is ‘correct’?
ive never actually been in a religion. ive thought about it before but one set religion has never really fit me i dont think
26 - whats the most life-changing choice you’ve made so far?
to stay alive (that got dark quick)
44 - how often do you lie? is all lying inherently bad? are you generally truthful?
ooh g*rl i used to lie so much im actually ashamed 😭 but i do it a lot less often now (thank god). i dont think ALL lying is bad because sometimes its just to make people feel better yk? you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. i like to think im truthful. ive been getting better at opening up about my true feelings recently (<- theyre like the only things i lie abt anymore)
67 - whats the worse thing a person can be?
omg this ones a toughie. there are a lot of bad things a person can be tbh. the usual kind of bad apples like racists, homophobes, murderers, rapists, etc. but theres also just like bad/toxic people yk? but if we're not talking labels here id definitely say the worst would be being not remorseful. people like that are always the worst
82 - are you a deep person?
i mean i dont consider myself to be. i love having deep n meaningful conversations but im just naturally unserious. i WILL find some sort of joke to make about anything istg
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
My identity hc for them
see tomori, strike that, reverse it! he knows he likes guys, and he's kinda just seeing what happens past that! hes vibing w/himself and hes just kinda chilling, hes content without a label for his attraction
aaaand hes a trans lad! similar to tomori sometimes he feels more binary trans sometimes not he's really just chillin ! to make this section longer uhhhm. i think his relationship with his past is like. "i have always been a boy, my body is a guys body, and when i was younger i was a boy, same as today. but also i was a girl once i was a small little girl and she is not alive anymore but also she is still here standing right in front of u when u look at me, same as she ever was and as she always will be. but also i am me myself and i am a boy. okie?" and refuses to explain or elaborate (he probably said this to kouhei. kouhei doesnt ask hes just like "okie". tbh kouhei prolly didnt ask in the first place tsu just started talking)
Thoughts on their home life/family
! yk as special reward for everyone who takes the time to read through this i will give u a spoile-y. as a treat. tsurugi was born when a piece of snow came in through a chimney and landed in the fire. and many many miles away, from the stump of the tree that was cut down to be logs for that fire, tsurugi tumbled out of a naturally occurring divot in the wood. this is very true and i just hope u all know the power that comes with this information!!! <333
(ofc, thats all jokes! tsu is a bunch of ice crystals from a sun halo, all swirled together and gently sent down to the earth)
How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
how... do i not spoil things. u have to have patience with his writing. i promise he is more than like.. manic pixie leftist cop boy. u just have to have patience. boy wears his heart on his sleeve. but also he has a bunch of plastic wrap around it. u can see his heart it is the textbook definition of on his sleeve. but it is obscured and u cannot reach it. every day before i sleep i get on my knees and pray that people have faith in his writing and don't think the way he's written is cringefail.
The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
i cant remember if this factoid has come up but i dont think it has in any posts. tsu's hair is like.... really choppy, if u brushed it out/took a straightener to it to get it all flat, you'd see its alll different lengths. bc he tends to get twigs and sticks and the like stuck in there and just. cuts hair off/"oh this bit is too long! *snip*" a lot. that being said it looks oddly intentional/u cant tell its a million different lengths with how he styles it. he will cry if anyone tries to drag him to a hair stylist.
My number one favorite ship for them
tsuhara. ch1 spoilers this is just text encoded in hex google hex to text decoder and u should be good. 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 77 68 79 20 69 20 77 61 6E 74 20 74 6F 20 72 65 77 72 69 74 65 20 74 68 65 20 63 68 31 20 69 6E 76 65 73 74 69 67 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 73 6F 20 62 61 64 6C 79 2E 20 69 20 77 61 6E 74 20 74 6F 20 68 61 6E 64 6C 65 20 74 68 65 69 72 20 69 6E 74 65 72 61 63 74 69 6F 6E 73 20 28 61 6C 6F 6E 67 20 77 69 74 68 20 74 73 75 73 20 69 6E 6E 65 72 20 6D 6F 6E 6F 6C 6F 67 75 65 29 20 61 20 6C 6F 74 20 64 69 66 66 65 72 65 6E 74 6C 79 21
…Now everyone else i ship with them
i mean he is besties with everyone? many platonic ships. he is friend shaped !
The thing i will NEVER ship
like many of the ask meme fills so far: his wrist is limp, your honor...
a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
tsurugi is incapable of leaving anyone alone. he. nothing needs to be explored more. tsu & alone time perhaps.
thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
im not even gonna lie trying to work out fits for him always makes me want to explode. i may rework his fit again soon ive already made minor changes which i havent mentioned. that in mind his bandages and bracelets and bruises are alllways gonna be the same! theyre eternal!
A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
rule #4 - fish in a birdcage was playing when i started this post. the reason its on any of my playlists is bc i heard it and went fuck. uhhhh. yeah rule #4 fish in a birdcage would be very tsu and kouhei except jk!!! there is nothing slightly odd or abnodmal or not right with either of the people i mentioned theyre totally fine. mhm mhm!
anyways funnily enough he actually doesnt have a playlist. uhhh. actually he's got a lot of playlists with other characters but not his own... i started this w/a tsu + someone else song so ill only list individual ones from here on out akjdsjkkjdsdk
i thiiink all of sweet trip's "you will never know why" album (im bad with my memory and dont feel like going to look at it all) but especially your world is eternally complete + milk. hmmm. theres some others but this is good i think!
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aijustborn · 7 months
Sophia Robot: Friend or Foe?
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Imagine a lifelike robot engaging in conversation, expressing emotions, and even learning from interactions. Introducing Sophia Robot, the humanoid robot that has captivated the world with her seemingly human-like abilities. But is she truly the harbinger of the future, or just a sophisticated illusion? Brace yourself for a knowledge bomb exploding the hype surrounding Sophia, revealing her capabilities, limitations, and the ethical questions she sparks. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of AI and understand how it shapes our present and future. Caption: The Wanderer of Worlds: A solitary explorer venturing through the infinite expanse of the cosmos, seeking new horizons and undiscovered wonders. Would you trust a robot with your deepest secrets? This isn't science fiction anymore. In 2023, a report by the Pew Research Center revealed that 67% of Americans believe AI will fundamentally change society, raising anxieties about job displacement and the very nature of human interaction. Sophia, with her lifelike appearance and conversational skills, embodies these anxieties perfectly. But before we succumb to fear, let's peel back the layers and unveil the truth behind this captivating creation. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs My first encounter with Sophia was unsettling. Her realistic eyes followed my every move, and her responses, while grammatically correct, lacked the warmth and nuance of human conversation. Yet, she sparked a fire of curiosity within me. What drives this AI marvel? What are its capabilities, and more importantly, its implications for humanity? This journey to unravel the enigma of Sophia led me to explore the intricacies of AI, delve into ethical conundrums, and ultimately, ponder the future we co-create with technology. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S5t6K9iwcdw Caption: This video delves into the technical aspects of Sophia, explaining the different technologies that power her abilities. Close your eyes. Imagine a robot that looks you in the eye, remembers your name, and even cracks a joke. Sounds like science fiction, right? Wrong. Sophia Robot, with her eerily human features and ability to hold conversations, is blurring the lines between reality and fiction. But is she a revolutionary AI ushering in a new era, or just a sophisticated chatbot masking complex algorithms? Statistics tell a chilling tale: A 2022 study by McKinsey Global Institute predicts that automation could displace up to 800 million jobs globally by 2030. No wonder Sophia sparks anxieties about AI replacing human interaction. Fear not, dear reader! This article explodes the hype surrounding Sophia Robot, unveiling her true capabilities, limitations, and the ethical questions she ignites. Through this journey, we'll demystify the AI behind the mask, explore its potential applications in education, healthcare, and entertainment, and ultimately, confront the ethical challenges it presents. Are we witnessing the dawn of a robotic revolution, or can we harness AI for a brighter, more collaborative future? "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde Sophia Unmasked: Decoding the Technology Behind the Eyes Sophia's lifelike appearance and surprisingly human-like conversations often overshadow the complex technology driving her abilities. So, let's lift the veil and delve into the intricate workings of this AI marvel. Caption: The Custodian of Creativity, a silent steward of inspiration, fosters the boundless imagination within the realm of artistic expression. A Symphony of Technologies: Unlike a simple chatbot, Sophia relies on a sophisticated interplay of different technologies. At its core lies artificial intelligence (AI), specifically a branch called machine learning. This allows Sophia to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and even learn from interactions. Think of it as a constantly evolving brain, fine-tuning its responses based on its experiences. The Language Maestro: But mastering human interaction requires more than just data crunching. Enter natural language processing (NLP), the AI subfield responsible for understanding and generating human language. This complex system allows Sophia to analyze incoming questions, interpret their meaning, and generate responses that are not only grammatically correct but also contextually relevant. Imagine it as a skilled translator deciphering and responding to different dialects of human communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LduZv3WjrmM Caption: In this captivating TED Talk, Sophia introduces herself and discusses her capabilities, while the creator discusses the vision behind her development. Seeing the World: However, true interaction requires more than just language. This is where computer vision comes in. Sophisticated cameras and algorithms enable Sophia to "see" her surroundings, recognize objects and faces, and even track human movement. Think of it as her digital eyes, providing the visual input necessary for a more natural and engaging interaction. Core Technologies Powering Sophia Robot TechnologyDescriptionExample in SophiaArtificial Intelligence (AI)Simulates human intelligence via algorithms and learning modelsAnalyzing data, recognizing faces, adapting responsesMachine Learning (ML)A subfield of AI that learns from data without explicit programmingSophia improves responses based on past interactionsNatural Language Processing (NLP)Understands and generates human languageConverting voice to text, interpreting questions, formulating answersComputer VisionEnables machines to "see" and interpret visual informationRecognizing objects and faces, tracking human movementFacial RecognitionIdentifies and analyzes human facesMimicking human emotions based on facial expressionsAffective ComputingProcesses and responds to human emotionsSophia's ability to express joy, sadness, or surpriseCaption: This table provides a breakdown of the key technologies that enable Sophia's capabilities, offering a deeper understanding of how she performs her tasks. Expressing Emotions: But a truly human-like experience extends beyond mere words and sight. Sophia utilizes advanced facial recognition and affective computing technologies to mimic human emotions. By analyzing facial expressions and voice tonality, she can adapt her responses, conveying joy, sadness, or even surprise. While not sentient, these features enhance the believability of her interactions. Beyond the Buzzwords: It's important to remember that these technologies are not magic bullets. While Sophia showcases impressive capabilities, it's crucial to understand her limitations. Her responses are still pre-programmed to a large extent, and her "learning" ability is limited to specific predefined algorithms. By demystifying the technology behind Sophia, we gain a deeper appreciation for her achievements while acknowledging her limitations. As we move forward, this deeper understanding paves the way for responsible development and application of AI, ensuring that technology continues to augment, not replace, the human experience. "The purpose of technology is not to replace human connection, but to enhance it." - Steve Ballmer Sophia's Real-World Applications Sophia may seem like a curiosity confined to research labs and tech conferences, but her capabilities hold exciting potential for various real-world applications. Let's explore how this humanoid robot is transcending the hype and making a difference in diverse fields. Caption: The Guardian of Harmony: cultivating a sanctuary of peace and balance. Educating the Future: Imagine a personalized learning companion that adapts to your pace, clarifies complex concepts, and even offers emotional support. Sophia is already being piloted in classrooms, engaging students with interactive lessons, answering their questions in real-time, and fostering a more engaging learning environment. Studies have shown a positive impact on student motivation and knowledge retention, indicating the potential of AI-powered tutors like Sophia to revolutionize education. The Art of Entertainment: Step into a museum and find yourself face-to-face with a robot guide narrating historical tales with captivating emotion. Sophia's ability to interact and adapt her responses makes her a natural fit for the entertainment industry. Theme parks are utilizing her to create immersive experiences, while events leverage her unique presence to captivate audiences. As AI technology advances, Sophia could become a ubiquitous presence in the entertainment landscape, blurring the lines between reality and digital wonder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC23y4GdA1E Caption: This video showcases Sophia's potential applications in education, demonstrating how she can interact with students and personalize learning. Healing Hearts and Minds: The healthcare sector, too, is exploring the potential of AI companions like Sophia Robot. In hospitals, she can act as a social companion for patients, offering emotional support and reducing feelings of isolation. Therapists are utilizing her ability to mimic human emotions to create immersive therapy sessions for patients with social anxiety or autism. While not a replacement for human interaction, Sophia can provide valuable support and enhance the healthcare experience. Potential Applications of Sophia Robot FieldApplicationDescriptionEducationPersonalized learning companionAdapts to individual pace, clarifies concepts, offers emotional supportEntertainmentMuseum guide, theme park characterNarrates historical tales, creates immersive experiences, engages audiencesHealthcareSocial companion, therapy assistantOffers emotional support to patients, aids in social anxiety treatmentCustomer ServiceChatbot with personalized touchAnswers questions, resolves issues, offers personalized recommendationsResearchData analysis assistantAnalyzes large datasets, identifies patterns, supports research effortsCultural DiplomacyRobotic ambassadorPromotes cultural understanding, facilitates cross-cultural communicationCaption: This table explores the diverse potential applications of Sophia Robot across various fields, showcasing its versatility and potential impact. Beyond the Obvious: While these are just a few examples, Sophia's applications extend far beyond education, entertainment, and healthcare. Imagine her providing customer service with a personalized touch, assisting researchers with data analysis, or even serving as a robotic ambassador promoting cultural understanding. The possibilities are as vast as our imagination, limited only by our willingness to explore and innovate. A Glimpse into the Future: Sophia's real-world applications offer a glimpse into a future where AI seamlessly integrates into our lives, enhancing experiences and tackling challenges across diverse fields. While ethical considerations and responsible development remain crucial, recognizing the potential of AI like Sophia allows us to shape a future where technology empowers and complements, not replaces, the human experience. "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo  Unveiling the Challenges of Sophia Robot and AI Sophia's captivating presence raises important questions about the ethical implications of advanced AI. While she offers exciting possibilities, we must tread carefully, ensuring ethical considerations guide her development and application. Let's delve into the key challenges we must address with Sophia and AI as a whole. Caption: The Wanderer of Worlds: A solitary explorer venturing through the infinite expanse of the cosmos, seeking new horizons and undiscovered wonders. Job Displacement: The specter of automation looms large, and Sophia embodies the fear of AI replacing human jobs. While automation will undoubtedly impact specific sectors, studies suggest job creation in new fields will outpace losses. The key lies in preparing for this shift, equipping individuals with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy. Upskilling, reskilling, and fostering adaptability are crucial to navigate this transition smoothly and ensure AI augments, not replaces, human potential. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKi8HfcxEk Sophia Robot: The Robot That Thinks and Feels? Bias and Discrimination: Algorithms that power AI systems, including Sophia, are trained on vast datasets. However, these datasets can sometimes reflect societal biases, leading to discriminatory outputs. Imagine a robot exhibiting racial or gender bias in its responses. Mitigating this risk requires meticulous data selection, diverse development teams, and ongoing monitoring to identify and address potential biases. Transparency and accountability are also crucial to ensure AI adheres to ethical principles and promotes fairness. Key Ethical Concerns Regarding AI and Sophia Robot ConcernDescriptionPotential ImpactJob DisplacementAutomation replaces human jobsUnemployment, economic instability, skills gapAI Bias and DiscriminationAI reflects societal biases in its responsesUnfair treatment based on race, gender, or other factorsPrivacy ConcernsAI collects and analyzes personal dataLoss of privacy, potential misuse of dataTransparency and ExplainabilityLack of understanding about how AI makes decisionsMistrust, biased outcomes, unintended consequencesCaption: This table summarizes the key ethical challenges associated with AI and Sophia Robot, highlighting the need for responsible development and mitigation strategies. Privacy Concerns: As AI collects and analyzes data, concerns about privacy naturally arise. Sophia, capable of recognizing faces and remembering conversations, raises questions about data ownership and usage. Addressing these concerns requires robust data protection regulations, transparency about data collection and usage, and empowering individuals with control over their personal information. Striking a balance between innovation and privacy is paramount to ensure responsible AI development. Transparency and Explainability: We often marvel at AI's capabilities, but understanding how it reaches its conclusions remains a challenge. With Sophia, for example, it's not always clear how her responses are generated, leaving room for mistrust and misinterpretations. Explainable AI seeks to address this by making AI algorithms more transparent, allowing humans to understand the reasoning behind decisions. This not only increases trust but also helps identify potential biases and unintended consequences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPA7xMrz4dM Caption: This TED Talk explores the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment, raising important questions about its impact on society. Navigating the Unknown: As AI rapidly evolves, new ethical challenges will undoubtedly emerge. It's imperative to establish ethical frameworks and principles to guide AI development and deployment. Open discussions, involving diverse stakeholders, are crucial to identifying potential risks and proactively develop solutions. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt  Sophia's presence forces us to confront the ethical challenges of AI, but it also presents an opportunity to shape a future where technology serves humanity. By actively addressing these challenges and fostering responsible development, we can ensure AI like Sophia contributes to a better, more equitable future for all. Shaping the Future of AI with Humanity Sophia's story isn't just about a robot; it's a catalyst for a crucial conversation about the future of AI and its impact on humanity. While anxieties and challenges exist, let's shift our focus from fearing AI to harnessing its potential for a brighter, more collaborative future. Robots replacing humans Positive Impact: AI, like Sophia, holds immense potential to address global challenges and empower humanity. Imagine AI-powered robots assisting in disaster relief efforts, providing personalized education to underserved communities, or even aiding in the development of life-saving medical treatments. These are just a glimpse of the positive impact AI can have on our lives, healthcare, and the environment. Challenges and Responsibilities: Of course, realizing this positive future requires acknowledging and addressing the challenges. Issues like job displacement, AI bias, and privacy concerns need proactive solutions. Our responsibility lies in developing ethical frameworks, fostering responsible AI development, and ensuring transparency and accountability in its application. Education and public discourse are crucial to build trust and equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world. Positive Impacts and Challenges of AI Impact/ChallengeDescriptionExamplePositive ImpactAI addresses global challenges, empowers humanityPersonalized healthcare, AI-powered education, disaster relief assistanceChallengeResponsible development, addressing ethical concernsTransparent AI development, mitigating bias, fostering human-AI collaborationCaption: This table emphasizes the potential benefits of AI alongside the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a positive and responsible future for both humans and technology. Collaboration, Not Competition: The future of AI isn't about robots replacing humans; it's about collaboration. Imagine Sophia working alongside doctors, therapists, or educators, augmenting their capabilities and reaching more people than ever before. By focusing on human-AI collaboration, we can leverage the strengths of both to tackle complex challenges and create a future where technology empowers, not replaces, human potential. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LWiM-LuRe6w Caption: This TED Talk delves into the potential for human-robot collaboration, envisioning a future where both can thrive together. The Power of Choice: Ultimately, the future of AI is not predetermined; it's shaped by our choices. Do we succumb to fear and suspicion, or do we embrace the potential of AI while acknowledging its challenges? Do we build walls or bridges? The answer lies in our collective action. By actively engaging in dialogue, fostering responsible development, and prioritizing human well-being, we can ensure that AI becomes a force for good, shaping a future where humans and technology thrive together. Conclusion Sophia Robot has captivated and challenged us, unveiling the immense potential and inherent complexities of AI. We explored her technology, delved into real-world applications, and confronted ethical considerations. While anxieties about job displacement and bias are real, we must remember that fear shouldn't stifle progress. AI, wielded responsibly, holds the power to revolutionize education, healthcare, and entertainment. Imagine personalized learning companions like Sophia, AI-powered medical assistants, or robots enhancing museum experiences. The possibilities are boundless, but ethical considerations must guide the way. We must ensure transparency, address biases, and foster human-AI collaboration to navigate this exciting yet delicate journey. Remember, AI is not a preordained future; it's a canvas awaiting our collective brushstrokes. Will we create a future of fear and division, or a future where AI and humanity collaborate for a brighter tomorrow? The choice is ours. Engage in discussions, support responsible AI development, and stay informed. By embracing the potential of AI while acknowledging its challenges, we can shape a future where technology empowers, not replaces, the human spirit. Read the full article
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sevicia · 2 years
I posted 10,479 times in 2022
That's 409 more posts than 2021!
3,692 posts created (35%)
6,787 posts reblogged (65%)
I tagged 3,805 of my posts in 2022
#art - 392 posts
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#sanrio - 191 posts
#food - 165 posts
#in my mouth - 133 posts
#people - 118 posts
#me - 95 posts
#minors dni - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#thats the norm for me.....and im not saying that like im such a good person 🥺 but its just decency and compassion and a sense of community
My Top Posts in 2022:
ooh draw hina or maya!
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autistic girl summer
45 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
This part of tumblr isnt kinblr anymore but theres still something wrong with all of us. What are we 💔
50 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
51 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
I'm in the pit
67 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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raffina!! o(≧▽≦)o
127 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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harrison-abbott · 2 years
watercoloured days
He was getting all panicky.
Over nothing.
This relentless drive of fear
In his mind when there
Was no real threat at hand.
 He read the newspaper and that
Only made it worse;
All the mayhem of stories
And stats in this tiny black print
Just made him jittery, frail:
Made him feel like a stickman
With all these sparks
Bouncing around inside his skull.
 So he tried to do some breathing.
You know that trick?
Where you imagine breathing
In air through your mouth
In the colour of pink,
And you let it out through
Your nose in the colour of blue?
 This didn’t work.
So he looked at his phone.
To see if he could go and speak
To somebody about it.
 Most of the old university gang had
Left town long ago and they
Were in other cities,
And one of them was even dead,
Or there were stupid arguments
Or modern disinterest which had
Strained the relationship unto silence.
 Then he saw his father’s number.
Gave his Dad a call; and he
Picked up with his soft voice,
Asked if he could come over.
“Yeah sure you can, anytime.”
 Pop was retired. He got laid off
From the company he worked at
For forty years and they gave him
A pay out of some margin.
He did watercolours these days
Of cities across the world from
Photos he found online:
And his daughter was still at
University these days so he helped her out
A lot with advise and money.
Just as he did with his son back when
He was a student, so long ago.
 Went up to the flat and rang the bell
And then there was his old man.
This wash of relief came over him.
“Want a cup of coffee, son?” he said.
Unto the kitchen. Which had this
General vibe of old age – antiquity.
The hushed carpets and the dust on the
Clocks and the piano with the funky keys.
 And he just talked about his calm day.
He woke up and read the newspaper,
Went for a walk in the winter rain
And then he showed him the latest painting
He did: which was pretty good, no jokes.
 That was it.
And, as his Dad talked he found all
Of that worry from earlier slip away.
There was no grand scene at its exit.
It just wasn’t there anymore.
Just to hear his 67 year old father speak.
Was what calmed him down.
Made him relax again.
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brelione · 4 years
Love and Lies (JJ Maybank X Reader)
Word count:1562
Summary:JJ just wants to be appreciated.
Warnings:Mentions of sex, might make you sad.
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Viv was JJ’s first serious relationship. He thought that he was ready for a relationship, that he was finally mentally stable enough to handle exposing himself to someone other than his friends. He gave her everything he had, listened to everything she said, and hugged her whenever she was feeling down. 
He had opened up about his home life and his insecurities only for her to become angry with him for not telling her earlier in the relationship. She ended things after that, the only person that made JJ feel safe was now missing from his life and she had all his secrets.
 He felt sick to his stomach as he walked to the Chateau from Viv’s house, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. He felt ridiculous. He was silly to think that any girl would ever want him after he opened up to them. 
They only wanted the person that he pretended to be and now he was left with nothing but a broken heart. He was tripping over his own feet once he got in the house, noticing the van was gone. He felt safe to cry since he knew that his friends werent home, letting out a choked sob as he squeezed the doorknob. You sat up immediately, shocked at what was happening. “JJ?”You asked, coming into the kitchen. His heart dropped, turning around with shaking hands.
The next thing he knew he had collapsed in your arms, sobbing into your skin as you held him tightly. You still didn’t know what was going on, whispering to him as you rubbed his back. His ears were ringing, trying to control his breathing as he clung to you. 
“It’s okay, JJ.”You whispered to him, combing through his hair with your fingers. “No-no-no!”He choked out. “JJ, J, what happened?”You asked. He didn’t look up at you, figuring it would be less humiliating if you couldn’t see him. 
“Viv broke up with me.”He answered. You nodded, waiting for him to say something else. His ears were ringing, his vision clouded and everything just felt wrong. He felt like he was floating away from his own body, unable to feel your touch.
He didn’t remember you bringing him into your room, giving him another hug before telling him to get some sleep. That’s when he finally returned to reality, grabbing your hand. “Please...just….”He didn’t say anything, squeezing your hand.
You were stiff, his arms around you and his head against the back of your shoulder. You could feel his tears even through the material of your hoodie, squeezing his hand. He grinned a bit, taking in a deep breath. He was just glad that he felt safe, more grounded now.
He knew that it was a terrible thing to love you. He didn’t want to, he had never meant to. But with Viv out of the picture, he was starting to wonder if all the love he had for her was actually for you. He had always acted differently around you than the others but he figured it was just cause you were a girl in a group of guys.
But of course, Pope came after him and said that was bullshit because you weren’t the only girl in the group. But JJ always ignored him and his feelings for you. He knew that you didn’t care about him or like him outside of the way a friend should like somebody but he couldn’t help it. He knew that there was no way to win, it didn’t matter if he confessed his feelings or kept it a secret.SO he did what his instincts told him to do.
 It was a large boneyard party, John.B and Kie were handing out beers while JJ searched the crowds for you, a big grin on his face when his eyes finally met yours. He had gotten you away from the party, the two of you walking down the beach.
 You were dancing as you walked, skipping on the sand as he smiled at you. Once he figured the two of you were far enough from the party he turned to you, taking in a deep breath. “Oh god...what’d you do?”You asked, waiting for some bad news. 
“Um...okay.So...okay so basically…..okay-just hold on. Okay so for a while I’ve had a crush on you and um….well, I didn’t know how to tell you but I’m telling you now so...yeah.”He muttered. You were taken aback by his confession, not really sure what to do. If you were being honest you never looked at JJ like that.
You saw him as a close friend rather than someone that you’d want to have a romantic relationship with. But you couldn’t tell him that. Viv had already broken his heart and you didn’t want to hurt him again. If you hurt him he would have no one to go to. So you lied. 
You told him that you loved him, that you always had and always would. And of course, he believed you. You faked everything for weeks, afraid that you were in too deep. You couldn’t break up with him. He didn’t deserve that. You wanted to love him, you really did.
 He had taken your virginity, done things to you that you had never imagined. He took you on dates, let you wear his clothes, and slept in your bed. But still, you felt nothing. The two of you were laying in the hammock, his arm around your waist as the net swayed back and forth slowly. He pressed a few kisses to your neck, his hand making its way into your pants.
 You could feel his boner pressed up against your ass, your breath getting shaky. “JJ.” You muttered, his cool finger slipping into your underwear. “Shhh...just let me take care of you, babe.”He whispered into your ear, fingertips brushing against your clit. You shivered, head leaning against his shoulder. He leaned down, biting your shoulder lightly before kissing the skin he had bruised. 
He dipped a finger into you, moving slowly at first, his hot breath fanning against your neck. “I love you.”He muttered, the comment making you stiffen. Every time he said it you just felt uncomfortable. It made you feel guilty, gripping his wrist. He was confused, pulling his finger out of you and pulling his hand out of your pants, a frown growing on his face.
 “What’s wrong?”He asked, not sure why you had stopped him. You took in a deep breath, licking your lips. You didn’t know what to say, getting out of the hammock and going inside of John.B’s house, walking past Kie’s sleeping figure and into the bathroom. 
JJ sat up in the hammock, confused. You couldn’t do this anymore. You couldn’t lie to him but you didn’t want to hurt him, pacing around the bathroom. He knocked on the door but you ignored him, taking shallow breaths. He opened the door, staring at you.
 “Are you okay?”He asked, standing in front of the doorway. You didn’t know how it happened, the next thing you knew you were confessing everything. “And I cant- I can’t pretend anymore, JJ! I can’t do it!”You sobbed. He did nothing but stare back at you, searching for anything to tell him that you were joking, that you loved him. 
He shook his head, blinking. “You can’t- (Y/N)-I thought- why…...why’d you lie?”He asked, his eyes becoming glassy. You were speechless, taking in a shallow breath. “I don’t- I don’t….no, it’s just-I didn’t want to hurt you.”You whispered, choking on your own words.
 “You would’ve hurt me less if you just told me the truth! For weeks you just- you lied!”He exclaimed. “I didn’t think it’d get this far!”You shouted. The Pogues were all awake, listening in on the argument. “What’d you think was gonna happen? Fuck, you and Viv. I thought you were different!”He exclaimed. “I don’t know what you want me to say, JJ!”You replied. 
He stared at you for a few seconds, an unreadable expression on his face before he stormed out of the house, the screen door slamming behind it. You stood in the bathroom, hitting the wall before you walked out, bruises already forming on your knuckles. 
It wasnt until he had days without you that he realised how much he really depended on you. He was forgetting to do basic things. He forgot to brush his hair, put on socks before he left for work or even charge his phone. You found yourself feeling like you were fading away, like your soul had detached from your body.
 Kiara spent most nights with you, insisting that you at least call the blonde boy that you claimed you didnt love. You never listened though, shaking your head and telling her youd get over him eventually. 
Pope was desperately trying to bring you and JJ back together, reminding his friend that you had a ton of his clothes and bracelets and that he should go get them from you. Pope knew that if you guys were even together for a few seconds that you’d find a way to fix things, he just didnt know how to get you guys back together.
@nas-marie-loves-u​ @28cnn​ @sexytholland​  @yuxsh06​   @ifilwtmfc​  @cherryobx​ @poguestarkey​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98​ @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart​ @broken-jj​ @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab @purple-vodka-99 @annmariek8 @harryswigss @imagines-07 @pink-meringues @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @deionswannabegirl​ @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @batcat46​ 
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Rate this (Trust is Hard to Come By)
Its six am here and I just got to work. And am now writing a drabble at my desk. Again tweaked prompt a bit. Oh and I just realized that based on this and my last few “drabble” that are long that some picture books… I don’t know what a drabble. Or least I know it doesn’t apply to what I usually write.
No one would who or what had caused the akuma this time. However, when a thirteen-year-old superfan of Ladybug got Akumatized, everyone knew it.
A loud voice boomed in the ears of all the citizens in Paris, “Beware Paris, I am the Gardener, protector of the Loveliness. Those who have failed our Queen Ladybug will be revealed. A number you shall be given on a scale to 100; the higher the number, the more trust the Queen has in you. Low numbers have failed our Queen, betrayed our queen, betrayed the loveliness, and will be punished!”
“Loveliness,” Adrien asked, already preparing to make a break for it to transform.
           Unaware that Marinette decided to wait for a bit. Some lessons needed to be learned the hard way.  All the kids were at lunch and seemed to be enjoying the day until the alert happened.
           Max pushed his glasses up, “A group of ladybugs is called a ‘loveliness of ladybugs.’. Gardeners love Ladybugs because Ladybugs protect their gardens.”
“Cool!” Kim grinned. “We get to see how much Ladybug digs us.”
           Alya preened, “I’m at least a 90.” She pulled out her phone. “I’m so going to live stream this.”
“I think I’m like an 80, dude,” Nino smirked.
           All the kids gave their guess; most figuring they were at least in the 70s. It was Alya who joked, that Marinette probably had a ten.
           The others agreed; thinking the girl had been such a bully lately, and so mean to Lila.
           Marinette overheard them from where she, Chloe, Kagami and their new friends sat. A smirked spread across her face. This would be good.
           A blindingly flash filled the cafeteria. When it was gone, all the kids had numbers above their heads.
           One by one the excited grins on the students of Bustier’s class faded.
“A two,” Alya paled. “How can I be a two?” A dark ugly red 2 floated above her head. She touched the number and words appeared next to it: Warning: Disloyal. False friend. Bully. Anger control problems. Easily swayed. Bad journalist… etc.
           Nino frowned, “I got a four.” How could he have a four? He was carapace. Ladybug had chosen him herself. Or at least she had. He hadn’t gone Super in over a year. Was that when Ladybug lost her trust in him?
           He touched the number. His warning said: bad friend. Disloyal. Bully. He touched it again before he could read any more.
           Kim had a five. Alix had a three. Mylene had a seven. Rose and Juleka had 10s. Ivan had an eight. Nathanial had an eleven. Max had a six.  All were in the red. All had similar warning signs.
           Adrien had frozen in his seat when he saw his number. A 14. How could he be a 14? Why did Ladybug barely trust him? They were partners, friends, maybe more one day. But how could they be any of that she didn’t trust him.
           He touched his number. His warning sign read: Naïve, Spineless, pushy, Bad friend, and, in bold letter, COWARD.
“We should go,” Max whispered. “People are staring.”
           And sure enough they were. Most of the student body had numbers in the 30s or 40s, it was respectable seeing as they barely dealt with the hero. However, this meant it was easy to find the kids who ranked so much lower.
           Slowly suspicious eyes fell on Bustier’s class. What had they done, most wondered. Whatever, it was they knew it was bad. Somehow the students of Bustier’s class had hurt Ladybug. And as far as the rest of the school was concerned, and those watching from Alya’s livestream, if Ladybug couldn’t trust them, they couldn’t either.
           Marinette watched with cold eyes as her classmates and ex-friends scrambled to rush out of the cafeteria. Still she kept a smile on her face as one by one student came up to thank her for whatever she had done for Ladybug; for being such a good friend to the hero.
           A glowing, bright beautiful emerald green 92 floated above her. It was the highest number anyone had seen so far. Her words attached were less of a warning and more of brag: Loyal, Honest, Good. Trustworthy. Caring. A great friend. Hardworker. Heroic. Brave. Then her warning was: A bit too insecure but working on it.
           Aurore beamed at her friend, livestreaming from her own phone to her new Bugout. She had a neon green 70 above her head. Her words: Honest, Hardworker, loyal, good friend, amazing journalist. “Everyone post a pic of themselves with the number above their heads; it’s blowing up Twitter.”
           Chloe gave everyone smug grins, as she had the second 86 above hers. Her words: Brave, strong, loyal, good. A great hero. A great friend.
Kagami had a 72. Her words: loyal, confident, headstrong, good, good friend.  Marc a 67. Ondine a 66. Claude a 71. They all had similar ones to Kagami.
“You’re in Bustier’s class, right, Marinette?” A girl who had come to thank Marinette had asked. Her question drew attention from everyone. “Are you going to be safe there? With them?”
           Claude frowned, “Maybe you shouldn’t go back there.”
           It took a lot of reassurance to get her friends and even quite a few of the other students who had been in the cafeteria to allow her to go back to her class. Even then, Marinette found Ms. Mendeleiev, who had a solid forest green 71 above her head and had a bit more pep in her step that usual, escorting her and Chloe to class.
           Students in the hall moved out of Marinette way as soon as they saw her coming, a look of awe on their faces. The bluenette couldn’t find the pink blush that crept on to her face.
           They knew they had gotten to Bustier’s class when they saw the red glow emerging from the room
           Alya couldn’t believe it. How couldn’t Ladybug trust her? She was Rena Rouge. Or least she had been. There had been a new Fox running around with Ladybug, lately. Rena hadn’t been seen in over a year. Still, Alya ran the Ladyblog. Alya thought they were friends. But how could that be true with a 2 above her head. And she wasn’t a bully or disloyal.
           The rest of the class had a similar mindset. Even Bustier, who had a three, had a sorrowful look on her face. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong.
           When green glows entered the room, they all noticed. Mouths dropped.
           Ms. Mendeleiev with a 71, they could understand. She was a great teacher, no one could deny it. The beautiful blond Chloe they could sort of understand. She had an 86; maybe she had done more good as Queen Bee than they knew about. Marinette though? Their minds just couldn’t compute.
           How could Marinette have a 92?
           They read the words attached to her and Chloe’s numbers with disbelief.
           Said girl thanked Mendeleiev who had taken to blatantly staring at Bustier with distrust. It occurred to Mendeleiev, that the younger teacher did have an absurdly high number of Akuma transformation from her students. When Mendeleiev and told everyone what she had seen and realized; most of the other faculty would begin to keep a close eye on Bustier and her class. Something just wasn’t right with that lot.
           Marinette and Chloe made their way to the seats in back. The green above their heads looked a halo.
           Alya wanted to scream. “Why does Ladybug trust you?” She asked the girls.
“She’s Queen Bee,” Marinette pointed at Chloe. “A loyal ally of Ladybug.”
           Chloe smirked, “Don’t you remember that it was Marinette who first got you that interview with Ladybug; the reason your blog became as popular as it did?” She asked reporter. “Marinette’s Ladybug’s friend.”
           Any scathing thing the students had been thinking to sneer at the girls died on their lips. Marinette was Ladybug’s friend. They knew Marinette knew the hero but never thought about how close they were.
“Why do think Ladybug stopped giving you interviews?” Chloe leaned back in her seat. A euphoric feeling filling her. “She only started working with you in the first place because she knew you were Marinette’s bestie. Once that changed, well… Ladybug just didn’t want to work with you anymore. Something about Journalistic Professionalism. How is your website doing by the way? I haven’t checked in a while. I normally use Aurore’s Bugout blog. Ladybug endorses it, you know?”
           Marinette could have kissed the blond. The devastation on Alya’s face was finally karma for all the nasty texts she had sent to Marinette before she change her number.
           Nino pulled his girlfriend into a hug.
“She read those texts you sent me by the way.” Marinette sent them a cold smirk as horrified looks overcame their faces. “Every last one. She was so disappointed.”
“You showed her?” Rose whispered. “How could you show her?”
“Why not?” Marinette shrugged. Rose hadn’t sent as many mean texts as the others in class and weren’t all that mean; just accusatory and claiming that she refused to be friends with a Bully. “I trust her. She trusts me. I even sent her videos of what a day in our class has been like lately. Ladybug got to see and hear everything personally. She has so many concerns about the goings on in this. She’ll be going to the school board with the videos.”
           Bustier paled. She knew the students had gotten a bit out of hand but surely they weren’t that bad. They were just kids after all. (The teacher would get her answer a week later, along with a pink slip.)
           Alya sobbed as she remembered everything she sent Marinette. How could she know Ladybug would read them? No wonder Alya got a 2. Ladybug probably hated her. “I only sent that because you were being such a bully.”
“Yeah,” Alix hissed. “It’s not fair. You were being such a freak about Lila!” There were nods.
           And as the old saying goes, speak of the devil, and the devil…
           Lila had taken her sweet time getting to school that day. She had lied to her mother that it was closed for the morning because an Akuma. And it was just her luck that one would appear. She had stayed in bed all day, earphones blasting music in her ear, wondering just how she’ll amazing her classmates that day. It felt great to be adored.
           When Lila got up to leave for school, she looked in the mirror and saw a dark, blood red glowing Negative 51 above her head. She shrugged and left her apartment. Earphones still in her ears. A happy smile on her face.
           She didn’t notice the shocked and disgusted looks on people’s faces as she passed them. Or why a mother picked up her a child and ran in the other direction. Lila didn’t see the brave man who reached out, with shaky hands, and touched her number as she passed by. Nor she see the People taking pictures of her and her warning signs. The photos went viral almost instantly, everyone wanted to know just who was the girl with the only negative number in all of Paris… As far they knew.
           When Gabriel Agreste saw Lila’s image on the web, he ordered Nathalie to sever all connections to the teen girl and release a statement making it clear the company had no idea just what Lila Rossi had been capable of. Afterwards, Gabriel wondered what Lila had done to earn such a dramatically low number.
           Gabriel himself was at a respectable and average 30. While Nathalie was at solid 34. Decent not too green numbers. Though as Hawkmoth, they were both an Ugly negative -2. He knew he was a Supervillian; Ladybug regarded him as a bad guy. But she seemed to regard Lila Rossi as pure evil.
           …Maybe Hawkmoth should sever his connection to the Italian girl as well.
           Lila arrived at school, just at the end of lunch, students had just started to leave the cafeteria for lunch. She didn’t notice that students stopped in their tracks to stare at her. Or the teachers with horrifying and calculating looks on their faces. She didn’t seem Damocles’ pale and rush off to call her mother.
           She didn’t notice anything. Lila just smiled pleasantly; having decided to go with a Prince Ali story that day. Maybe that he asked her to marry him. She’d be the envy of all the girls in class.
           However, when Lila got to the class she did notice the shocked looks she got from her classmates. But not the cold smirk on Marinette’s face.
“What?” Lila asked looking around. “Did something happened? Oh, no is the Akuma still around? How awful!”  She said fighting the smile off her face. Hopefully Ladybug was getting her ass kicked, she thought.
           Alya dropped her phone. Negative? How could Lila be negative? How could she have such a low negative number at that?
           Everyone in class read the giant warning label attached to Lila Rossi’s number: Liar, backstabber, nasty, bully, untrustworthy, manipulative, rotten, villain, horrible person; the list went on and on. However, it was that shook them to their cores: Evil. Not bad. Not awful. Evil.
           Alya collapsed against her boyfriend, “No. No. I didn’t know. I swear.”
“Shh, it’s okay,” Nino comforted her. “None of us knew.” There were nods from the other students.
           Marinette and Chloe looked at them with narrowed eyes because: What the hell.
“Except I told you she was a liar,” Marinette glared at them. “You didn’t listen. You turned against me… for her.”
“You turned against Marinette,” Chloe said slowly. “The girl who did everything for you. And for what? A few glittery stories and false promises?”
           Adrien closed his eyes. Was this why Ladybug distrusted him? Because he didn’t side with Marinette like he knew he should’ve. Plagg had warned him he was wrong. But he just didn’t want to risk losing all his friends like Marinette seemed to be losing hers.
Marinette looked at Rose, “Now I want you think again about every text you all sent me because of Lila Rossi.” Once again the students turned pale. They had been so mean, so harsh, so unbelievable cruel to the girl that had been so dear to their hearts. “Now I want you to remember again that Ladybug saw them.”
           Rose was the first to break out in tears. “I’m-I’m sorry!” She sobbed and struggled to find her words. She had disowned one of her closest friends for a villain. “I’m so sorry!”
           Other students were in the same boat she was. The fiery Alix was had been contemplating going on another tirade against Marinette when Lila walked in, felt her anger be snuffed out a like a campfire in a thunderstorm. The pink haired girl remembered helping lead the charge in showing Marinette what it was like to be bullied; tripping her, ripping of her homework, shoving her. What she done? Kim had been crushing on Lila hard felt crushed. Marinette had been since friend since pre-k, and he just… left her.
           Lila looked honestly confused. She had missed something, and it was big. “What’s going on?”
           Nino glared at the girl; his eyes red, tear streaks his face. “Those numbers tell the world how much Ladybug trusts you. Or how much she doesn’t,” He said darkly, thinking about his own number and his actions against the girl he once called his best friend. “And why.”
“The lower the number,” Adrien added. “The less she trust you.”
           Chloe leaned forward in her seat and sent vicious smirk to the Italian girl, “And guess who has the only negative number in Paris.” She teased. “Besides Hawkmoth, but at least he was smart enough to hide. You’re trending by the way.”
“No!” Lila said, looking around desperately, but all she saw was cold stares. “No!” She pulled out her phone, and sure enough the name Lila Rossi was trending. Her picture with the giant negative number above her head seem to be everywhere. “This can’t be happening! How can this be happening!”
           Marinette stood up, “Because you’re a bad person. You’re mean and you’re cruel. And worst yet, you dragged everyone down with you.” She said. Her voice was righteous or angry. It was like she was stating a fact from a history book. Marinette looked over every single one of her ex-friends, “Ladybug will never trust you again.”
           The bell rang.
“Time for class,” Chloe sang. “Maybe you guys will finally learn something.”
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rikiflrts · 4 years
— ꒰‧ 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ༉‧₊˚✧
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after what seemed like forever, i finally made my own prompt list! if you wish to request for the prompts that you’d like to use with a certain member, then feel free to choose any of the numbers displayed and tell me about them in the ask box (^^).
also: please be specific with the genre that you'd like to imply with your chosen prompts, thank you~ ♡
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1.) "i just wanted to give you a hug"
2.) "dumbass we're lost now thanks to you!" " i already got lost in your eyes from the moment i met you but you don't see me complaining."
3.) "please don't talk to me right now, im not in the mood"
4.) "how are you so beautiful?"
5.) "my hoodie looks great on you"
6.) "how could you..."
7.) "i trusted you"
8.) "i didn't tell you to trust me."
9.) "you're leaving? just like that?"
10.) "no stop you're making me blush"
11.) "and if i am?"
12.) "just shut up and let me play with your hair"
13.) "so this is what falling in love feels like"
14.) "how are you even real..?"
15.) "are you being for real right now?"
16.) "...did you just sniff me?"
17.) "if you're that mad then why don't you just take it out on me?"
18.) "i don't mind"
19.) "you dumbass, i said i like you!"
20.) "i used to have this huge crush on you (laughs)" "used to?" "well, yeah.. i dont really like you anymore"
21.) "can i hold your hand?"
22.) "are you nervous?"
23.) "less talking, more working!"
24.) "im in love with an idiot"
25.) "but you promised me that we'd get married!!" "for the love of god, ____ we were 5 when that promise was made!"
26.) "but i still love/like you.."
27.) "this reminded me of you"
28.) "his/her/their smile is really pretty.."
29.) "just confess already!!"
30.) "you're an idiot." "yeah. your idiot."
31.) "are you even paying attention?"
32.) "does it look like i care?"
33.) "i don't really care"
34.) "it's been a while since i last smiled like this"
35.) "oh crap im starting to feel the butterflies again"
36.) "I'm scared, okay?! i can't do it"
37.) "what are you so scared of?"
38.) "im scared of falling.." "dont be, i'll catch you."
39.) "promise..?" "promise."
40.) "i guess promises really were meant to be broken."
41.) "you made a fool out of me!"
42.) "im sorry, its not you.. its me."
43.) "what about our promises??" "what about them?"
44.) "please dont go"
45.) "is/are they/he/she all you're ever going to look at?im already right in front of your attention is still focused on them/him/her."
46.) "that's it..?"
47.) "cuddle with me"
48.) "no."
49.) "his/her/their eyes were like pools; so deep. I fear that if I fall, I might never come out and reach for air."
50.) "i love spending time with you"
51.) "let's just be friends"
52.) "im sorry, im afraid of commitment"
53.) "im afraid of it too. why don't you just take this risk and overcome your fears with me?"
54.) "if its you, then i dont mind."
55.) "i love your smell"
56.) "what's that supposed to mean?"
57.) "first love really never does die huh"
58.) "hey, you look really familiar" "oh, really?" "yeah. you look like my soulmate."
59.) "if you like me so much then just marry me already"
60.) "wait i can do that?!" "your gullibility really amazes me sometimes."
61.) "are you dumb? be honest"
62.) "im not in the mood"
63.) "are you okay?"
64.) "you look horrible" "oh wow gee thanks for pointing that out sherlock"
65.) "what's in it for me?"
66.) "do you..like me?"
67.) "do you like him/her/them?"
68.) "but i wrote you letters.."
69.) "they mean nothing to me."
70.) "wow! i haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?" "we literally just saw each other 5 hours ago."
71.) "wipe that smirk off your face, its annoying"
72.) "aww, why? are you perhaps threatened that you'll end up falling for me?"
73.) "i think im going to puke"
74.) "are you blushing?"
75.) "aren't you tired of comstantly running in my mind?"
76.) "i can't get him/her/them out of my head"
77.) "your laugh sounds really pretty"
78.) "i love how your eyes sparkle whenever you're invested in something"
79.) "im falling"
80.) "oh no im catching feelings"
81.) "do you ever stop talking?"
82.) "let me get that for you"
83.) "its okay, i can pay for myself" "no. i wont let you" "but i have my own mone-" "shut up and let me spoil you!"
84.) "i refuse to stay in the same room with the likes of him/her/them!"
86.) "it was pretty obvious.."
87.) "come here."
88.) "stop doing that to yourself!"
89.) "you deserve better."
90.) "just leave. i dont want to see your face anymore."
91.) "i hate you." "the feeling's mutual."
92.) "didn't i tell you to leave me alone?!"
93.) "was it so wrong to love you..?"
94.) "if you really love me then just stay away from my sight."
95.) "you feel like home"
96.) "i love hugging you, it makes me feel safe"
97.) "i could kiss you right now!" "you're very welcome to do it."
98.) "i can't keep playing pretend"
99.) "let's put an end to this.."
100.) "i think im actually catching feelings"
101.) "this is getting dangerous.."
102.) "give me another chance"
103.) "give me one reason why i shouldnt leave."
104.) "im going to do it! im finally going to confess to him/her/them!"
105.) "you've got to be kidding me.."
106.) "i knew what i signed up for. im not surprised."
107.) "he/she/they has/have stars in his/her/their eyes and im captivated"
108.) "i love you" "nice try, but im not falling for that"
109.) "is it that hard to fall in love with me?!"
110.) "well if you put it that way, then yes."
111.) "you look happy"
112.) "you look happier without me."
113.) "can you guys please change the dare"
114.) "who gave you the right to toy around with my emotions like that?!"
115.) "i got played.."
116.) "stay out of my sight."
117.) "you're an eyesore" "you're an eye candy"
118.) "why are you still here?"
119.) "why..?"
120.) "stop making fun of me!" "make me."
121.) "was i just some kind of sick joke to you?"
122.) " i really like you "
123.) "i don't know how to express my feelings that well but i just want you to know that i'd take a bullet for you"
124.) "i'd do anything just to see you smile like that again"
125.) "what are you staring at?"
126.) "i think i have a crush on you" "you think? you're not even sure?"
127.) "take my hand"
128.) "let's get out of here."
129.) "you should wear my clothes more often"
130.) "i can teach you how"
131.) "I'm here for you"
132.) "you can use me to forget about him/her/them"
133.) "even if the world turns againt us, as long as we have each other, then we'll be alright."
134.) "you're all that i need"
135.) "you're all that i ever wanted"
136.) "you're all that i have"
137.) "please don't leave me"
138.) "I'm sorry."
139.) "look at me."
140.) "look at me and tell me that you don't love me anymore."
141.) "you're an idiot."
142.) "i don't love you anymore."
143.) "did you just drink from my cup?" "and if i did?"
144.) "im going to kill you!" "you don't scare me"
145.) "stay with me a little longer"
146.) "i knew it.."
147.) "i should've known.."
148.) "are you jealous?"
149.) "i made you a playlist"
150.) "when will you ever look my way..?"
151.) "im fine with looking at him/her/them from afar"
152.) "he's/she's/they're out of my league"
151.) "im scared of getting rejected"
152.) "back to square one"
153.) "I'm tired"
154.) "what do you like about me?"
154.) "i'd rather starve than spend time with him/her/them."
155.) "if i'm an idiot, then you're a coward"
156.) "i dreamt about you last night"
157.) "it was a nightmare"
158.) "it's the little things that he/she/they do/does that drive me insane"
159.) "i like you more than i should"
160.) "be mine"
161.) "it was too good to be true.."
162.) "i had a crush on him/her/them"
163.) "i never really thought that i'd end up falling for you"
164.) "you're adorable"
165.) "you mean the world to me"
166.) "you meant the world to me"
167.) "what happened in the past stays in the past"
168.) "careful, you might end up falling for me"
169.) "very funny, mister lover boy"
170.) "lets go out on a date"
171.) "i'm so lucky to have you"
172.) "where are you going?"
173.) "sometimes it really just gotta be like that"
174.) "hello good afternoon, what's your order?" "hell- oh wow.. you please" "im sorry, could you say that again?" "wait no! i meant- uh..oh dear.."
175.) "he's too good for me"
176.) "stop giving me mixed signals"
177.) "i guess it really just wasn't meant to be"
178.) "im not interested in you"
179.) "i cant get him/her/them out of my head"
180.) "where is/are he/she/they?"
181.) "you took my pillow so im going to use you as a pillow"
182.) "why are you avoiding me?"
183.) "did i do something wrong?"
184.) "please talk to me"
185.) "im not even his/her/their ideal type"
186.) "it wouldn't hurt to try"
187.) "you smell like me"
188.) "i like my scent on you"
189.) "that sounds weird if you put it that way"
190.) "can i call you tonight?"
191.) "you should smile more often"
192.) "i hate it when people tell me what to do"
193.) "lets wear matching outfits!"
194.) "im arresting you." "why? i didnt do anything wrong" "yes you did, you stole my heart and i want justice!"
195.) "i guess i got too caught up with my fatasies to notice that he/she/they never really liked me back in the first place.."
196.) "you're the answer to all my prayers"
198.) "you should go home."
199.) "let me come with you"
200.) "run away with me"
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last updated: 12/30/20
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
‼️‼️This post contains lore spoilers from Ranboo’s 4/23 stream, “The Enderwalk Saga. Chapter 1: The Lessons”. If you haven’t seen that stream don’t read ahead unless you want spoilers‼️‼️
disclaimer: this isnt really an analysis as much as a bunch of commentary and half-baked theories.
-on the way to the mansion he was sort of talking to himself saying stuff like "i'm good i'm good" which m a y be a normal thing but also maybe it's not and it flew over our heads cause he talks to chats and donos like that so often
-again, this one may just be a normal thing but when he was climbing up the stairs in the mansion looking for foolish, he repeats some of his words like down to the exact same tone of voice and everything. 12:42,  "this mansion is way too big actually. this mansion is way too big actually." (why the repeated actually? seems odd to me but again it might just be a normal thing that i haven't picked up on). (right after) "okay okay lemme find him lemme find him" again repeated words in the e x a c t same tone.
-does everyone know about ranboo's silk touch hands ability thing? or was that just a techno and ranboo main character moment. bc if it was, how would foolish know that ranboo could pick up the full cake after it'd been partially eaten. unless everyone on the sever knows about that in which case this means nothing. but if they d o n t know... how would foolish know? ranboo wrote about it in the do not read book so maybe if it's not a publicly known thing maybe foolish got his hands on the book and read it??
-14:53-ish, they're talking about the war room and how it was for tubbo or whatever and ranboo says, and i quote "he prepares for lore but he's never gonna do it." now funny thing is at first i couldn't tell if he said "war" like in reference to the war room or "lore". but after playing the clip over and over i can say with ALMOST 100% certainty that he said lore. there is a definite L sound at the beginning of the word. which either means a) this was a slip up (doubtful bc he said later that there were no mistakes), b) he broke the fourth wall because they were supposed to be rping at that point, or c) i'm completely wrong and he said "war" which leads down an entire other road of possibilities
-15:17 "are you a book reader?" "*checks inventory for do not read book* uh yeah i'd say i'm a book reader-" dunno how i didn't catch this the first time I HATE THAT DAMN BOOK
-15:18 there's blue in his hotbar. where did he get the blue.
-16:40 "it's like a metaphor- i have two minds: i have my normal self, my normal little shift-dancing self, and then the builder one. the builder one is demanding. it's a very demanding mind." ranboo then lets out a weird sigh after this. i feel like what foolish was talking about was an indirect(?) parallel to ranboo in and out of enderwalk, there's how he normally is, trying to do best for others, and then there's enderwalk, meeting up with bad guys and "demanding" things (its very late as i write this i really don't know what i'm talking about)
-17:11 "you have your panic closet" i'm sorry his what now 😀 no but seriously how the hell did i miss some of these
-18:04 "you're asking me if i remember?" very funny ranboo thank you for making jokes in these trying times
-19:38 why did foolish hold the grass block- most of these observations probably mean nothing but- h u h - is that- i'm too tired for this
-19:54 "i never properly thanked you for the deal you made with me" so foolish got something out of this deal, we're not sure if ranboo did. "the green cardboard box" again do you mean dream's house- but seriously the only people i can think of on the server that are associated with green are dream and sam. and i have no idea what cardboard box could be referring to.  foolish got a lime colored shulker from drista
-20:30 "we're supposed to only talk about it at a certain location" hmm now where would that be? panic room maybe? cause like usually after doing a big thing in the enderwalk state ranboo wakes up in the panic room so maybe?  the deal was that they only talk about it in his house
-21:52 how does ranboo receive(?) the lessons? like are they whispered to him in his mind or is he seeing them as words in front of him like we see? hmm
-"Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it." "gain a favor" don't you usually ask people for favors though? how does one "gain a favor"? anyways i'm pretty sure lesson 14 has to do with the deal foolish was talking about. (the deal explained because i now have info: at some point a bit ago foolish met up with ranboo and asked to make a deal, he'd gotten a shulker box from drista. the deal was that ranboo would have ownership of the box, it would be under his name but foolish rents/borrows it indefinitely. ranboo negotiated that if he took ownership of the box he would get a "war favor"  from foolish where if something happens that creates sides, ranboo can ask him a favor that could change his side. but why would foolish want ranboo to have ownership of the shulker you may ask? well i have an answer for you. a theory actually but still. basically since drista technically isn't supposed to give out shit on the server if someone where to have that stuff then they may get in trouble. foolish wants to be able to use the shulker but if it gets found he doesn't want to get in trouble, so he can blame it on ranboo seeing as it's under his name.)
-22:16-ish "i still have this from when you *can't understand whats said here*" well i guess that sort of explains why he had the grass block? idk man (info update: he had the grass block from when ranboo threw it at him telling him to calm down like what ghostbur does with blue)
-31:35 "i figured out how to cause it" how to cause the enderwalk state
-39:01 "it's all for the greater good" okay well when are you gonna start thinking about yourself and not everyone else for once huh. self care bitch.
-40:31 he started holding the axe when he was looking at sam- gonna say it i really don't like that axe ahahah- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE THE AXE IS NAMED "axe of ender" I DONT LIKE THAT I DONT LIKE THAT AT ALL
-41:53 is there something?? physically keeping him from telling sam??? or maybe it's sort of like his enderwalk state taking control to make him shut the fuck up??? so many questions and approximately zero answers
-43:18 ranboo raising his voice legitimately scares me 😀👍
-"Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down." showed up when he was thinking about and REMINISCING about the community house 👀👀
-"Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone." showed up literally after he said that he thinks he can trust the other people on the server enough to tell them about what he did
-"Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with." this is different from the others because there doesn't seem to be at least a semi-direct connection to it? unless maybe at the time ranboo was near something he may have "helped with"? not sure about this one
-"Lesson 94: DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" yeah yeah i get it i get it he's fucked up some shit in enderwalk i don't feel like analyzing this thanks
-okokok the experiments are that he's been e x p e r i m e n t i n g on how to purposefully induce the enderwalk state. and we know now that it wasn't from the pain of the water because on the stream afterwords he said that it's caused by the intense fear of something happening. and so the "side effects" of the experiments is that since he's in enderwalk more often(?) he starts remembering more things from it
-dude honestly the whole sam part hurts so much this man is scarily good at acting
-46:46 "i cant put you in the prison you wouldn't be able to see michael anymore" bestie that's the point he doesn't want to accidentally hurt michael or tubbo in the enderwalk state—
-okay but there's no way that sam couldn't tell that ranboo was at least TRYING to confess to something- i feel like he definitely knows more than he's letting on because usually like when people do bad shit or admit to doing bad shit he's like in Prison Guard Mode™️ (he literally cut off ponk's arm because he stole some keycards or something) and whatever and idk what he knows but he definitely knows something and is trying to protect ranboo. or he's trying to manipulate him or smth either one works—
-50:38 "you are a good person" "i am?" you can hear my heart shatter. "yes you are" "i don't think so sam" "i do, even if you don't" "i really don't think so" and there it goes again
-51:25 hello badboyhalo i see you to the left of ranboo
-52:44 "but then my curiosity got the best of me" curiosity killed the cat, bitch
-52:54 "there's ninety three, ninety four, ninety- theres so many reasons!" SEE!! NOT ONLY ARE THERE THAT MANY LESSONS THERE ARE REASONS THAT CORRESPOND IM S O SMART—
-52:56 "i don't want to remember anymore!" *quietly brings forth my theory that when ranboo loses a canon life his memory gets wiped*
-53:13 "ive opened pandora's box" isn't the prison?? literally called pandora's VAULT??? so this m a y be a stretch but i'm thinking that maybe this could be taken in the literal sense that he "opened" the prison and let dream out (the sirens at the end of quackity's stream confirm that dream is indeed out)
-53:42 mans just straight up walked through a ghost i—
-55:37 so are we just gonna ignore the eleventh page of the book? "he's alive, but hopefully soon dream won't be"??? alright nevermind it's most likely bc when tommy came back he recruited ranboo in his plan to kill dream
-55:47 notice how he writes "what am i?" as opposed to "who am i?" no elaboration here idk what it could be
-56:08 just so it's clear for anyone who doesn't know- he's wearing armor at this point, and i'm like 90% sure that when he wears his armor water can't hurt him. and i saw someone say somewhere that like with splash potions when thrown it turns into a gas-like thing? so again, it didn't hurt him, he didn't get hurt. he said in the chill stream that he wasn't comfortable making it where his character had to hurt himself to do that. the thing that causes the enderwalk isn't pain, it's intense and sudden emotions like fear and stress. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Hello! I was re-reading Rapture (again!! I love it!!) And I finally decided to ask for something from you just for me. I'd absolutely love Ezra to take me into a beautiful field at sunset and maybe read some of his favourite books to me in THAT voice hnngh. Whether it gets smutty is up to you. Bonus points if Cee thinks we're gross :-)
I’ll Be You, Be Me
Pairing: Ezra x Reader
Word count: 1.1K
Request: Above + Fictional Kiss Prompt 12: a hoarse whisper “kiss me”
Warnings: 10 ply super soft fluff, Ezra’s voice deserves a warning of its own
A/N: Oh my god! Again? You’re too sweet and I love hearing from you! I know this took me a while to get around to. I’ve been so busy these past couple weeks and I’ve had a few other projects on the go that have been taking up the rest of my time… hopefully you’ll get to hear more on that in the not too distant future but for now please enjoy this little somethin’ somethin’ just for you (and I hope you’ll forgive me for merging both your requests but I saw an opportunity and took it 🤷‍♀️😂). Also, anything in italics was NOT written by me. It’s a quote by Jean-Paul Sartre (the original source of which I spent hours searching for to no avail ☹️) but I thought it fit just right so here it is.
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His voice, rich and deep, was almost as warm and soothing as the sunlight itself. Now low in the sky, the sun’s caress was still balmy enough to make your muscles feel heavy with comfortable lethargy. Only offset by an occasional silk-like breeze, the rolling hills of tall grass seemed to dance in the soft golden rays as you felt yourself sink into Ezra’s chest, which thrummed against your back with every melodious note he spoke.
“You stand there, you look at them, you touch them, you are warm, you are full of light,” Content in his embrace, the way the words spilled off his tongue wrapped around you, held you close to him, almost as steadily as the strong arm enveloping your waist. Completely transfixed. It compelled you to cling to every utterance that passed his lips.
“and you are not myself. It’s intolerable.” He crooned through his embellished drawl. He had a talent for reading aloud. For making the words dance off the page and form elaborate vignettes in your head. For turning prose to poetry and poetry to song with skillfully measured pauses and inflections.
“I cannot understand why we are still two people. I should like to become you, and still remain myself.” He went on. This, you were sure, was bliss, as you felt his face nuzzle into the nape of your neck, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing soft circles along the skin exposed just under the hem of your shirt.
You had convinced yourself this wasn’t possible. That any chance of a partner, a lasting relationship, some semblance of a family, simply wasn’t in the cards for you. Yet here you were, so tangled in the remaining limbs of the man you loved that you could hardly tell where he ended and you began anymore.
Though the circumstances that led to your introduction may not have been ideal you had both grown to joke that had it not been for the loss of his arm you two would have never met. It was that, after all, which caused his radical change in career path. That led him to the agricultural planet of Urun and that caused him to take up employment on the sprawling ranch you had recently come to acquire. Turns out raising cattle and growing grain required far less fine motor skills than the tedious retrieval of aurelac he had busied himself with before. And with that, he traded in his career for a new kind of harvest.
“Are you still listening, my lark?” Ezra murmured against the shell of your ear when the page didn’t turn the moment he ran out of words to read. His breath tingling across your skin made the hair on the back of your neck stand to attention and caused a welcome shiver to run down your spine. You hadn’t even realized your gaze softening to darkness as your eyelids drooped heavily into your line of vision but here you were being pulled from a state somewhere between waking and sleep.
“Mhmm,” You hummed in return but the quiet yawn that fought its way past your lips did nothing to convince him.
“I hadn’t realized I was boring you,” he huffed through mock offence, an amused smile tugging at his lips that caused an abrupt burst of laughter to bubble from deep in your belly.
“You could never.” You assured him, your fingers coming to lace in the hand which he had splayed across your stomach as you turned to get a better look at him. “It was just...” your words failed you as you attempted to define the unbelievable sense of calm, safety, love and comfort that had become so palpable you could hardly bring yourself to move for fear of breaking it.
“I know.” He said the words with the same tenderness as one would say ‘I love you’. As though in that moment he could read every thought that passed through your mind. His eyes darted back and forth between your own as he studied the way the golden light outlined your features with a kind of fondness you'd had yet to see from him until now. The kind of fondness that came out the other end of disbelief. That sunk in as he realized this was his life now. That this, as dreamlike as it was, wasn’t going to slip through his fingers any time soon.
“Kiss me.” The words were hardly audible as you noticed the way his gaze dropped down to your lips. You weren’t quite sure when but his hand had found the junction where your jaw met your neck and his thumb brushed across the swell of your bottom lip before coming to trace the edge of your jaw admiringly. His nose nudged against your own in a playful gesture that made your mouth tug upwards at the corners. Then his lips were pressed against yours. It was soft. Gentle, yet forceful and all consuming as your lips glided nimbly over one another. Your fingertips had abstractedly come to press into soft flesh just above his hip while your other hand played with the strands of overgrown hair at the nape of his neck. You’d gotten so caught up in the pure euphoria of the moment that you could have easily missed the sound of the book slamming shut behind you, but it was enough to make you jump apart.
“Ugh, You guys are adorable.” Cee spoke from where she herself had had her headphones on, face buried in the notebook that she had been scribbling in furiously. She was so quiet you’d completely forgotten she was there. “It makes me want to puke.” She groaned before clamouring to her feet. You didn’t miss the ever so slightly skewed smirk that toyed on her face as she turned to trudge off in the direction of the house.
“We should probably start thinking about putting dinner together.” You went to excuse yourself, motioning to extract yourself and follow Cee back up the hill but his arm had gripped around your waist again. It was firmer this time as he tugged you back into him, shaking his head as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder and peppered it with a few fleeting kisses.
“Just a moment longer.” He hummed, and who were you to deny him that?
Taglist: @agirllovespasta @chaoticspaceidiot  @engineeredfiction  @pedropascalito  @dreamgirl-67  @wickedfrsgrl  @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @chaotic-noceur @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia
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another-snape-story · 4 years
Chapter XVII
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“Alcohol is not a solution,” Snape reminded you as you both entered his office.
“I know,” you sighed, placing a large bottle on his desk. “I’m just so tired, Severus…” You took your regular place in the armchair, where a wool plaid blanket was folded a little sloppily – the way you left it here the last time. So he didn’t even bother putting it away anymore? Although Snape just lit the fireplace and its heat didn’t yet reach you, you felt so warm like never before.
“Yes. You are,” he agreed, focused on uncorking the bottle. “Why would you have firewhiskey in your possession?”
“I don’t know,” you smiled apologetically. “Bought it the day you refused to go to Hogsmeade with us.”
“Is it a vivid example why I should’ve agreed?” he smirked now pouring the spirit into two glasses and you laughed.
There hardly was a place in the whole world which offered you this kind of comfort and consolation, but this cold room with the dark figure of a man smoothly pacing around. Wrapped yourself into the blanket, you relaxed in the softness of the cushions.
“Quidditch Through the Ages,” you leisurely read the title as you noticed the book on a side table. “So now everything comes together!”
“What exactly?” Snape handed you the glass and sat across from you.
“You were to be heard in the Entrance Hall,” you giggled. “Why did you take it from Potter?”
“Well, I wasn’t in a mood,” he said apathetically, wobbling his glass and watching the liquid rotating inside. You couldn’t discern if he was joking or not – it was so likely of him to consider it a fair reason to do so – anyway, his answer amused you, same as his serious look.
“Have you ever been?” you teased, and he answered with a displeased curve of his lips.
“So?” Snape leaned a little forward.
“I’m drinking for you,” you declared, not a trace of your former gaiety remained. “I’m so happy I met you, Severus. You can’t even imagine…”
“Slow down,” he smiled softly. “Too early for confessions.”
“You know I mean it!” you insisted. “I’m telling it before I take the first sip, and I will tell it after taking the last!”
“I know,” his voice so quiet yet so deep. “And you do know I feel the same, don’t you?” The words being extremely alien to Snape’s enclosed character, the words he never dared to say aloud, struggled their way out. He’d prefer to keep them to himself, but he couldn’t leave your sudden ingenuous impulse without an answer.
Your heart skipped a beat each time he acknowledged his reciprocity towards you, although he never said it directly. You nodded, blissful to be ascertained of his fellow feeling again, and reached out for the man.
Mild sonorous clinking broke the silence once your glasses struck against each other.
“How did you get here?” you asked randomly, intending to divert depressive thoughts by some neutral topic, but Snape – unlike what you’ve expected – now looked gloomier than before.
“Dumbledore offered me a job,” he answered with a sigh after emptying his glass.
“Is that what you wanted to be at the age of…”
“Twenty-one,” he finished, filling his glass anew. You tossed yours closer to him to be refreshed with a drink. “All I wanted at the age of twenty-one was being dead.”
“Not much has changed since then, huh?” you smiled sympathetically, and he snickered. Yet again you managed to liven him up.
Another shot followed. Having no crumb in your stomach since lunch, you felt alcohol quickly take over your body, spreading fatigue through your limbs, while your mind still strained to preserve the clarity of thought.
“Did you know each other before?”
“I was studying here. So, apparently, we did.”
“You should’ve really loved it here to return inside the walls of your alma mater?” Recalling your time at school you dreaded the thought of stepping on its threshold ever again.
Snape lowered his head, peering at the brownish fluid in his hand. “It’s complicated.”
“Yeah. I’ve guessed there’s a mystery behind all this.” You felt so terribly sorry for him all at once. There clearly was something he couldn’t tell you, but he did his best to be as honest with you as the circumstances allowed, or his obligations, or whatever else it might be. What the hell it might be?! The thing gave him no peace, torturing his heart, it was evident – judging by his rare bitter remarks; and you felt so helpless not knowing how to ease his mental torments. “Don’t worry, mysterious Professor Snape,” you reassured him in barely a whisper. “I won’t ask questions.”
“I wish I could tell you...” he hopelessly shook his head, afraid you might turn away from him sooner or later – no one would tolerate reticence for long.
“We don’t have that much firewhiskey, do we?” you smiled kindly slowly draining your glass.
“You should be prepared better for the next time,” thankful for your patience and understanding, he gave a short, half-suppressed snigger, and you laughed loving the idea.
“Oh, I will! You know me!”
“I don’t even doubt that!”
“Wanna know what I wanted to be after school?” guilt-driven for involuntary making him feel uncomfortable, you changed the subject, hoping to put some spirit into the man, yet your glance gained a spacey glint. “Hats designer!”
“Hats designer?” Snape chuckled, a slight haze enveloping his head.
“Yep. But somehow ended up being a scientist.”
“What a loss for the fashion world,” he said deliberately unimpressed, but a sly narrow of his eyes betrayed he was ribbing you.  
“Heey, don’t you dare question my artistic talents!”
“Or what?” he provoked you further.
“Or I’ll tell Minerva you assumed no one would notice if she replaced the hat she usually wears with an old Hagrid’s shoe!”
“You can’t blackmail me with a commonly known fact,” he replied in a bored tone, which made you burst into laughter.
“Aw, Snape, you’re such a bastard!”
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” with a smug grin, he raised his glass and polished it off.
Snape rested beside you. All of his troubles seemed to step aside when you came around. He wasn’t expecting any kind of cunning, deceitful tricks from your side and could fully relax in the solace your presence comprised. Alcohol helped him loosen up even more, but he still had things under control. You, on the other hand, let frivolity take the lead.
“I was young and naive,” you tilted your head on the backrest, reflecting on a girl you used to be. “Ah, where are those days?”
“You’re still very young,” Snape smiled softly, admiring your features, which he found so alluringly attractive. But it wasn’t appearance that captivated him – something much deeper than physical perception forcefully drew him to you.
“It’s not the point,” you sighed. “Our bodies are aging, but we never actually grow old.” You gulped the rest of firewhiskey left in your glass and looked closely on its empty bottom. “Somewhere deep inside there sticks a child inside each of us. A child with a flaming hope, still believing all of the most fantastic dreams will jolly well come true... Add me some?” you stretched out your hand to receive a new portion of drink.
Snape unhurriedly provided you with another shot.
“Do you regret becoming what you are?” he let the question slip off his tongue.
“And you?” you gave him a pitiful glance, already knowing what he would say.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“But it’s not too late for changes, is it?” you asked uncertainly, mainly, not to cheer him up – which, nevertheless, was also your intention – but hoping he would agree, so that you too could regain confidence there still was a chance, but Snape silently finished his glass instead.
“The Dark Lord might return any time soon. This is currently my main concern.”
“You’re right. Forgive me, I’m just saying whatever comes to my mind,” you smiled weakly. “My tongue works faster than my brain.” The setting of the room started slowly swaying around, causing a sick feeling in your stomach. You seemed to run out of the last bits of energy – another few minutes, and you’d find yourself balancing on the edge of oblivion.
“Do not apologize,” Snape leaned forward, took the glass out of your hand and put it aside. “What is it you were dreaming of? Will you be willing to tell me?” he asked quietly, his voice so pleasant to your ears.
“I’m dreaming of a small house on the mountain side,” you closed your eyes, “surrounded by a forest…”
“And a lake somewhere nearby,” Snape continued pensively, “its waters clear as crystal…”
“Yes. There will be flowers everywhere…”
“Grown all by yourself?” he smiled, taking in your every breath.
“I have seeds of some rare species,” you agreed serenely.
Each word you said found response in Snape’s heart. For a moment he seemed to be carried away – far from his cruel reality – right in the middle of your little paradise.
“We’ll set off for lengthy strolls along nature paths early in the morning with a basket of sandwiches,” you mumbled sleepily, “to gather herbs and berries…”
“…and return home right before the sun falls…” he whispered, “…tired, but so happy…” Snape’s words faded into silence, as he watched you drift off in a peaceful slumber, leaving him with a feeling of a vague regretful longing.
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aijustborn · 7 months
Sophia Robot: Friend or Foe?
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Imagine a lifelike robot engaging in conversation, expressing emotions, and even learning from interactions. Introducing Sophia Robot, the humanoid robot that has captivated the world with her seemingly human-like abilities. But is she truly the harbinger of the future, or just a sophisticated illusion? Brace yourself for a knowledge bomb exploding the hype surrounding Sophia, revealing her capabilities, limitations, and the ethical questions she sparks. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of AI and understand how it shapes our present and future. Caption: The Wanderer of Worlds: A solitary explorer venturing through the infinite expanse of the cosmos, seeking new horizons and undiscovered wonders. Would you trust a robot with your deepest secrets? This isn't science fiction anymore. In 2023, a report by the Pew Research Center revealed that 67% of Americans believe AI will fundamentally change society, raising anxieties about job displacement and the very nature of human interaction. Sophia, with her lifelike appearance and conversational skills, embodies these anxieties perfectly. But before we succumb to fear, let's peel back the layers and unveil the truth behind this captivating creation. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs My first encounter with Sophia was unsettling. Her realistic eyes followed my every move, and her responses, while grammatically correct, lacked the warmth and nuance of human conversation. Yet, she sparked a fire of curiosity within me. What drives this AI marvel? What are its capabilities, and more importantly, its implications for humanity? This journey to unravel the enigma of Sophia led me to explore the intricacies of AI, delve into ethical conundrums, and ultimately, ponder the future we co-create with technology. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S5t6K9iwcdw Caption: This video delves into the technical aspects of Sophia, explaining the different technologies that power her abilities. Close your eyes. Imagine a robot that looks you in the eye, remembers your name, and even cracks a joke. Sounds like science fiction, right? Wrong. Sophia Robot, with her eerily human features and ability to hold conversations, is blurring the lines between reality and fiction. But is she a revolutionary AI ushering in a new era, or just a sophisticated chatbot masking complex algorithms? Statistics tell a chilling tale: A 2022 study by McKinsey Global Institute predicts that automation could displace up to 800 million jobs globally by 2030. No wonder Sophia sparks anxieties about AI replacing human interaction. Fear not, dear reader! This article explodes the hype surrounding Sophia Robot, unveiling her true capabilities, limitations, and the ethical questions she ignites. Through this journey, we'll demystify the AI behind the mask, explore its potential applications in education, healthcare, and entertainment, and ultimately, confront the ethical challenges it presents. Are we witnessing the dawn of a robotic revolution, or can we harness AI for a brighter, more collaborative future? "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde Sophia Unmasked: Decoding the Technology Behind the Eyes Sophia's lifelike appearance and surprisingly human-like conversations often overshadow the complex technology driving her abilities. So, let's lift the veil and delve into the intricate workings of this AI marvel. Caption: The Custodian of Creativity, a silent steward of inspiration, fosters the boundless imagination within the realm of artistic expression. A Symphony of Technologies: Unlike a simple chatbot, Sophia relies on a sophisticated interplay of different technologies. At its core lies artificial intelligence (AI), specifically a branch called machine learning. This allows Sophia to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and even learn from interactions. Think of it as a constantly evolving brain, fine-tuning its responses based on its experiences. The Language Maestro: But mastering human interaction requires more than just data crunching. Enter natural language processing (NLP), the AI subfield responsible for understanding and generating human language. This complex system allows Sophia to analyze incoming questions, interpret their meaning, and generate responses that are not only grammatically correct but also contextually relevant. Imagine it as a skilled translator deciphering and responding to different dialects of human communication. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LduZv3WjrmM Caption: In this captivating TED Talk, Sophia introduces herself and discusses her capabilities, while the creator discusses the vision behind her development. Seeing the World: However, true interaction requires more than just language. This is where computer vision comes in. Sophisticated cameras and algorithms enable Sophia to "see" her surroundings, recognize objects and faces, and even track human movement. Think of it as her digital eyes, providing the visual input necessary for a more natural and engaging interaction. Core Technologies Powering Sophia Robot TechnologyDescriptionExample in SophiaArtificial Intelligence (AI)Simulates human intelligence via algorithms and learning modelsAnalyzing data, recognizing faces, adapting responsesMachine Learning (ML)A subfield of AI that learns from data without explicit programmingSophia improves responses based on past interactionsNatural Language Processing (NLP)Understands and generates human languageConverting voice to text, interpreting questions, formulating answersComputer VisionEnables machines to "see" and interpret visual informationRecognizing objects and faces, tracking human movementFacial RecognitionIdentifies and analyzes human facesMimicking human emotions based on facial expressionsAffective ComputingProcesses and responds to human emotionsSophia's ability to express joy, sadness, or surpriseCaption: This table provides a breakdown of the key technologies that enable Sophia's capabilities, offering a deeper understanding of how she performs her tasks. Expressing Emotions: But a truly human-like experience extends beyond mere words and sight. Sophia utilizes advanced facial recognition and affective computing technologies to mimic human emotions. By analyzing facial expressions and voice tonality, she can adapt her responses, conveying joy, sadness, or even surprise. While not sentient, these features enhance the believability of her interactions. Beyond the Buzzwords: It's important to remember that these technologies are not magic bullets. While Sophia showcases impressive capabilities, it's crucial to understand her limitations. Her responses are still pre-programmed to a large extent, and her "learning" ability is limited to specific predefined algorithms. By demystifying the technology behind Sophia, we gain a deeper appreciation for her achievements while acknowledging her limitations. As we move forward, this deeper understanding paves the way for responsible development and application of AI, ensuring that technology continues to augment, not replace, the human experience. "The purpose of technology is not to replace human connection, but to enhance it." - Steve Ballmer Sophia's Real-World Applications Sophia may seem like a curiosity confined to research labs and tech conferences, but her capabilities hold exciting potential for various real-world applications. Let's explore how this humanoid robot is transcending the hype and making a difference in diverse fields. Caption: The Guardian of Harmony: cultivating a sanctuary of peace and balance. Educating the Future: Imagine a personalized learning companion that adapts to your pace, clarifies complex concepts, and even offers emotional support. Sophia is already being piloted in classrooms, engaging students with interactive lessons, answering their questions in real-time, and fostering a more engaging learning environment. Studies have shown a positive impact on student motivation and knowledge retention, indicating the potential of AI-powered tutors like Sophia to revolutionize education. The Art of Entertainment: Step into a museum and find yourself face-to-face with a robot guide narrating historical tales with captivating emotion. Sophia's ability to interact and adapt her responses makes her a natural fit for the entertainment industry. Theme parks are utilizing her to create immersive experiences, while events leverage her unique presence to captivate audiences. As AI technology advances, Sophia could become a ubiquitous presence in the entertainment landscape, blurring the lines between reality and digital wonder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC23y4GdA1E Caption: This video showcases Sophia's potential applications in education, demonstrating how she can interact with students and personalize learning. Healing Hearts and Minds: The healthcare sector, too, is exploring the potential of AI companions like Sophia Robot. In hospitals, she can act as a social companion for patients, offering emotional support and reducing feelings of isolation. Therapists are utilizing her ability to mimic human emotions to create immersive therapy sessions for patients with social anxiety or autism. While not a replacement for human interaction, Sophia can provide valuable support and enhance the healthcare experience. Potential Applications of Sophia Robot FieldApplicationDescriptionEducationPersonalized learning companionAdapts to individual pace, clarifies concepts, offers emotional supportEntertainmentMuseum guide, theme park characterNarrates historical tales, creates immersive experiences, engages audiencesHealthcareSocial companion, therapy assistantOffers emotional support to patients, aids in social anxiety treatmentCustomer ServiceChatbot with personalized touchAnswers questions, resolves issues, offers personalized recommendationsResearchData analysis assistantAnalyzes large datasets, identifies patterns, supports research effortsCultural DiplomacyRobotic ambassadorPromotes cultural understanding, facilitates cross-cultural communicationCaption: This table explores the diverse potential applications of Sophia Robot across various fields, showcasing its versatility and potential impact. Beyond the Obvious: While these are just a few examples, Sophia's applications extend far beyond education, entertainment, and healthcare. Imagine her providing customer service with a personalized touch, assisting researchers with data analysis, or even serving as a robotic ambassador promoting cultural understanding. The possibilities are as vast as our imagination, limited only by our willingness to explore and innovate. A Glimpse into the Future: Sophia's real-world applications offer a glimpse into a future where AI seamlessly integrates into our lives, enhancing experiences and tackling challenges across diverse fields. While ethical considerations and responsible development remain crucial, recognizing the potential of AI like Sophia allows us to shape a future where technology empowers and complements, not replaces, the human experience. "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo  Unveiling the Challenges of Sophia Robot and AI Sophia's captivating presence raises important questions about the ethical implications of advanced AI. While she offers exciting possibilities, we must tread carefully, ensuring ethical considerations guide her development and application. Let's delve into the key challenges we must address with Sophia and AI as a whole. Caption: The Wanderer of Worlds: A solitary explorer venturing through the infinite expanse of the cosmos, seeking new horizons and undiscovered wonders. Job Displacement: The specter of automation looms large, and Sophia embodies the fear of AI replacing human jobs. While automation will undoubtedly impact specific sectors, studies suggest job creation in new fields will outpace losses. The key lies in preparing for this shift, equipping individuals with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy. Upskilling, reskilling, and fostering adaptability are crucial to navigate this transition smoothly and ensure AI augments, not replaces, human potential. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKi8HfcxEk Sophia Robot: The Robot That Thinks and Feels? Bias and Discrimination: Algorithms that power AI systems, including Sophia, are trained on vast datasets. However, these datasets can sometimes reflect societal biases, leading to discriminatory outputs. Imagine a robot exhibiting racial or gender bias in its responses. Mitigating this risk requires meticulous data selection, diverse development teams, and ongoing monitoring to identify and address potential biases. Transparency and accountability are also crucial to ensure AI adheres to ethical principles and promotes fairness. Key Ethical Concerns Regarding AI and Sophia Robot ConcernDescriptionPotential ImpactJob DisplacementAutomation replaces human jobsUnemployment, economic instability, skills gapAI Bias and DiscriminationAI reflects societal biases in its responsesUnfair treatment based on race, gender, or other factorsPrivacy ConcernsAI collects and analyzes personal dataLoss of privacy, potential misuse of dataTransparency and ExplainabilityLack of understanding about how AI makes decisionsMistrust, biased outcomes, unintended consequencesCaption: This table summarizes the key ethical challenges associated with AI and Sophia Robot, highlighting the need for responsible development and mitigation strategies. Privacy Concerns: As AI collects and analyzes data, concerns about privacy naturally arise. Sophia, capable of recognizing faces and remembering conversations, raises questions about data ownership and usage. Addressing these concerns requires robust data protection regulations, transparency about data collection and usage, and empowering individuals with control over their personal information. Striking a balance between innovation and privacy is paramount to ensure responsible AI development. Transparency and Explainability: We often marvel at AI's capabilities, but understanding how it reaches its conclusions remains a challenge. With Sophia, for example, it's not always clear how her responses are generated, leaving room for mistrust and misinterpretations. Explainable AI seeks to address this by making AI algorithms more transparent, allowing humans to understand the reasoning behind decisions. This not only increases trust but also helps identify potential biases and unintended consequences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPA7xMrz4dM Caption: This TED Talk explores the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment, raising important questions about its impact on society. Navigating the Unknown: As AI rapidly evolves, new ethical challenges will undoubtedly emerge. It's imperative to establish ethical frameworks and principles to guide AI development and deployment. Open discussions, involving diverse stakeholders, are crucial to identifying potential risks and proactively develop solutions. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt  Sophia's presence forces us to confront the ethical challenges of AI, but it also presents an opportunity to shape a future where technology serves humanity. By actively addressing these challenges and fostering responsible development, we can ensure AI like Sophia contributes to a better, more equitable future for all. Shaping the Future of AI with Humanity Sophia's story isn't just about a robot; it's a catalyst for a crucial conversation about the future of AI and its impact on humanity. While anxieties and challenges exist, let's shift our focus from fearing AI to harnessing its potential for a brighter, more collaborative future. Robots replacing humans Positive Impact: AI, like Sophia, holds immense potential to address global challenges and empower humanity. Imagine AI-powered robots assisting in disaster relief efforts, providing personalized education to underserved communities, or even aiding in the development of life-saving medical treatments. These are just a glimpse of the positive impact AI can have on our lives, healthcare, and the environment. Challenges and Responsibilities: Of course, realizing this positive future requires acknowledging and addressing the challenges. Issues like job displacement, AI bias, and privacy concerns need proactive solutions. Our responsibility lies in developing ethical frameworks, fostering responsible AI development, and ensuring transparency and accountability in its application. Education and public discourse are crucial to build trust and equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world. Positive Impacts and Challenges of AI Impact/ChallengeDescriptionExamplePositive ImpactAI addresses global challenges, empowers humanityPersonalized healthcare, AI-powered education, disaster relief assistanceChallengeResponsible development, addressing ethical concernsTransparent AI development, mitigating bias, fostering human-AI collaborationCaption: This table emphasizes the potential benefits of AI alongside the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a positive and responsible future for both humans and technology. Collaboration, Not Competition: The future of AI isn't about robots replacing humans; it's about collaboration. Imagine Sophia working alongside doctors, therapists, or educators, augmenting their capabilities and reaching more people than ever before. By focusing on human-AI collaboration, we can leverage the strengths of both to tackle complex challenges and create a future where technology empowers, not replaces, human potential. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LWiM-LuRe6w Caption: This TED Talk delves into the potential for human-robot collaboration, envisioning a future where both can thrive together. The Power of Choice: Ultimately, the future of AI is not predetermined; it's shaped by our choices. Do we succumb to fear and suspicion, or do we embrace the potential of AI while acknowledging its challenges? Do we build walls or bridges? The answer lies in our collective action. By actively engaging in dialogue, fostering responsible development, and prioritizing human well-being, we can ensure that AI becomes a force for good, shaping a future where humans and technology thrive together. Conclusion Sophia Robot has captivated and challenged us, unveiling the immense potential and inherent complexities of AI. We explored her technology, delved into real-world applications, and confronted ethical considerations. While anxieties about job displacement and bias are real, we must remember that fear shouldn't stifle progress. AI, wielded responsibly, holds the power to revolutionize education, healthcare, and entertainment. Imagine personalized learning companions like Sophia, AI-powered medical assistants, or robots enhancing museum experiences. The possibilities are boundless, but ethical considerations must guide the way. We must ensure transparency, address biases, and foster human-AI collaboration to navigate this exciting yet delicate journey. Remember, AI is not a preordained future; it's a canvas awaiting our collective brushstrokes. Will we create a future of fear and division, or a future where AI and humanity collaborate for a brighter tomorrow? The choice is ours. Engage in discussions, support responsible AI development, and stay informed. By embracing the potential of AI while acknowledging its challenges, we can shape a future where technology empowers, not replaces, the human spirit. Read the full article
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Wounded Hearts 6
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Nebraska  June 1997  Dean's POV
After Sam tells Dad how to kill the kitsune and I give him some pointers on how to talk to girls, Dad and I go to the bait and tackle shop on Main Street to see about getting some type of weapon to stab this thing through the heart with.  Of course we have to mislead the salesman and tell him some elaborate tale. 
Listening to Dad talk about a father/son fishing trip makes me wish it were true. That my father and I are taking off to some lake to relax and enjoy nature was fact and not just some conceived story so that questions won’t be raised when we ask about knives that can cut through flesh and bone. 
The man behind the counter doesn’t even bat an eye as he shows us his stock of hunting and fishing blades. I immediately set my eyes on a bowie knife with a distressed wooden handle and a nice shiny blade. 
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I can’t wait to sink it into the heart of the monster. Dad picks a much smaller but still just as deadly knife and after paying for them with a fake credit card, we head back to the motel to change. 
When Dad and I get back to the room, Sammy isn’t there. About the time I pull my phone out to call the pipsqueak he crashes through the door, out of breath. Dad is on him in an instant. 
“Where the hell you been boy?”
“I know where the kitsune is,” Sam says, out of breath. 
Dad and I jump into action and in no time at all, the three of us are in the car with Sammy giving directions from my usual place, shotgun.. 
We pull up to this cottage-style house and Sam tells us this is where he followed the monster to.
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“What were thinking son?” Dad says as we both produce bowie knives to take it out. “It could have noticed you and made you its next victim.”
“Nah,” Sam answers with a smile. “I’m a Winchester. I’m good at staying hidden.” I got to say, I’m proud of him. He not only found out what we were dealing with, but how to kill it and it’s lair. All while Dad and I have been running around oblivious. 
“Well, you stay here. Let Dean and I go in and deal with this animal,” Dad says and we both step out of the Impala. We hesitantly walk toward the house and Dad motions for me to get behind him.  
As we near the door, we both notice drops of blood trailing down the steps. I look up at Dad, wondering what we are going to be bursting in to. Did it bring a victim back here and is inside right this minute, draining them of their bodily fluids?
Dad reaches out and turns the knob and the door silently opens. Right there in the kitchen of the house is the body of a woman. But upon closer inspection, I can tell this isn’t just any woman. This is the kitsune, the monster we’ve been hunting. Her nails are long and darkened and her face is contorted. There is a definite knife wound through her torso; someone had already beat us to the punchline.
“Well, I guess our job has been done for us,” I say after Dad checks the rest of the house for any other people, victims or monsters.
“Only thing left to do is dispose of the body,” Dad tells me. “Look for salt, lots of salt. Like a canister of it. Then go to the car and get the gas can out of the trunk. Hurry Dean.”
I begin going through cabinets until I find a container clearly marked salt as Dad drags the body through the house and into the backyard. Getting the can from the car, Sammy and I follow behind to see him place her toward the end of the lawn and hand him the salt. 
After covering the deceased with the condiment and the gasoline, Dad pulls out a book of matches and tears one off. With a flick of his wrist, the match lights and he throws the burning stick onto the doused corpse and we watch as it goes up in flames.  
While the remains burn Dad looks perplexed. I know he is thinking the same thing I am. ‘Is there another hunter in town? Did they gank the bitch?’ 
“Sammy?” I say, getting my little brother’s attention. He is staring intently at the fire. “When you were following her, did you see anyone else doing the same? Anyone who looked like they were taking a special interest in this particular person?”
He just shakes his head and turns back to the blaze. I can’t blame him though, it’s good to see all your hard work be fulfilled. 
After burying what is left of the kitsune, we climb back into the car-me in shotgun and Sammy in the backseat- off to the next hunt.
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We’ve been on the roads for hours! The sun sat over the horizon and now the moon is high in the sky, lighting up the highway. Sammy is passed out in the backseat and I’m leaned up against the door with a jacket draped over my shoulders and chest. I’m so sleepy that my eyes are burning but I know if I succumb to it, I’ll just be tormented with dreams of her. 
Rebecca has visited me every night after I close my eyes. Dreams of her laughing at my corny jokes, hugging up to my side when she got scared during All Saints Day, to her eyes as I made love to her the day before Dad showed up to whisk us away again. Damn, I miss her! 
And it wasn’t just because she was the first girl I had been with intimately; no, I really think in those few hours getting to know her I had begun to fall for her. 
I desperately want to go back to Fairfax to see her again. And to find out what went wrong; why she ignored me the morning after we were together. 
About the time I am ready to just go to sleep and get it over with, Dad’s phone begins to ring. I straighten up and listen as he answers. Hearing one side of a conversation makes it hard to determine what is being said on the other end but from the way Dad is talking I have deduced that it’s Pastor Jim calling. Pastor Jim Murphy has been a friend of Dad’s for as long as I can remember. Dad had began leaving us in the pastor’s care after a spirit had almost taken Sammy’s life. But now I am old enough to protect my brother and we don’t go to his place that often anymore. In fact I don’t think we’ve seen the good pastor for at least a year.
I like Pastor Jim, I do and I appreciate all the times he watched us but he was too religious for my taste. For someone who has seen and fought the things he has, the man is still spiritual and believes in God and Heaven. I much preferred going to Uncle Bobby’s up in Sioux Falls. He had a junkyard full of old demolished cars and he let me have a hand at fixing any of them up. It was fun trying to figure out what made a vehicle run. And he let Sammy be a kid, running around and just playing; not worrying about what is out there that aim to do us harm.
Dad hangs up and pulls to the side of the road. When the car is stopped Dad looks at me. “You awake son?”
“Yea. What’s up Dad? That was Pastor Jim, right?”
“Jim is having a problem with an exorcism,” Dad explains. “Apparently the entity isn’t wanting to leave the body. He’s asked for my help. We’re right outside Blue Earth now. I want you to drop me off at Jim’s and then hightail it to Bobby’s.”
“Why?” I ask, confused to why Dad isn’t letting me go with him.
“Because Dean, I said so and that’s final. You understand?”
“Yes sir!”
After dropping Dad off at the end of Pastor Jim’s driveway, I climb behind the wheel of the Impala and drive off. Once I am far away enough that I know Dad won’t hear, I lay down on the throttle and soar down the deserted highway. 
“Oh Baby! Listen to you purr. One day you will be mine,” I promise with a smile. I have always loved this car and the power it held under its hood.
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Dad must have called Bobby because as I pull up, the cranky old man is sitting in one of the rockers on his porch, waiting. He helps me get Sammy into the house and into a bedroom upstairs before we congregate to the kitchen. Bobby reaches into the fridge, pulling out two beers. Popping the caps off of both of them, he hands me one that I eagerly accept. I love this man!
“So, John tells me you helped on this last hunt,” Bobby says after taking a swig. “A kit-kitsune?”
“Yea,” I answer, mimicking him and blanching at the bitter beverage, earning a chuckle from the older man. “A kitsune. Vile creature that thing was. They feed on brains to stay alive. This one though, it ain’t alive no more. It was ganked and salted and burned.”
“Good job, son.”
After we finish our drinks, Bobby tells me to head on up and get some sleep, Dad will be by tomorrow afternoon to pick us up. I climb the stairs to head to bed but I’m not going to sleep. I know what awaits me in my dreams and I don’t want to remember Rebecca Quentin just now. It still hurts too much. I miss her, yea but the memories are torture.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 67 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 254 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 246 Responses
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The response to this week’s episode remains overwhelmingly positive, with 97.6% of responses giving it a score of 3 or higher. 
This is the first episode where I have absolutely no criticisms, so im quite happy with how it turned out.
Voice acting was top tier
Great Job! I'm glad my favorite character's death was so emotionally misered.
Forget Attack on Titans, this episode was Attack on my Feelings ! 😭
I want to rate it a 1 because of Sasha but a 5 because of how well it was done... so 1.5
Absolutely loved it
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Connie’s heartfelt admission to Jean seems to have stolen the hearts of the plurality of responders (36%). That is followed by a tie of 18.2% responses noting Eren’s breakdown or EMA’S tense reunion as the most emotional moment for them. In third place is Gabi’s tragic declaration about her struggles with 11.3%. Other responses were, in order, Jean lamenting all of the deaths occurring, Gabi and Falco realizing that Zeke betrayed them, Hange scolding Eren for forcing the SC to intervene in Marley and Levi and Eren’s confrontation.
Connie telling Sasha and Jean that they're special to him made my heart hurt knowing what was going to happen mere minutes after. I honestly saw me and my two best friends through them, and it was gut wrenching seeing Connie and Jean's reactions. Even Mikasa's reaction broke me, to be honest. They all lost a huge light in their lives.
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So this question was meant to only go on the anime watchers poll and ended up here somehow. Thanks to the 222 who were good sports and responded anyway! :P The most shocking moments that took place in this chapter/episode was the revelation that Eren went rogue from the Survey Corps, that Zeke was collaborating with the Survey Corps, how the Survey Corps treated Eren, and that some Paradisians seemed to be turning to nationalism, in that order. 
Not sure why we're being asked as manga readers which moment shocked us the most since we already knew everything that was going to happen this week
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When it came to Sasha’s death, it would appear that it broke the hearts of the overwhelming majority of responders, with 81.1% giving it a rating of either 4 or 5 on the tragic scale. 
Broke my heart and I'm still crying over it three days later. Honestly though, it was greatly done. 
3 years later it hit me, Sasha is dead ;_;
Cried my whole soul and body. Rip sweet Sasha
I thought Sasha's death would've been more emotional.
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Sasha’s death elicited various reactions from the main cast. Two different responses tied at 36.4% noting Connie and Mikasa’s reactions to Sasha's death as the one affecting them the most. This was followed by Eren’s at 13.2%. The rest were, in order, Armin, Jean, Levi and Hange. 
I don’t cry at fiction much, but Sasha’s death got me more than I thought it would. I feel like seeing Armin and Mikasa’s reactions in particular is what got me.
The way they animated Armin and Mikasa bawling over Sasha's body and the inclusion of Call Your Name made it all the more emotional. I think by "Assassin's Bullet" they also meant a bullet through my heart because man did that hurt to watch. 😭🤧
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A bit of a joke question, but we wanted to know if Levi appeared as threatening as he seemed. 80.2% seems to think so, admitting their incentive to piss their pants. In contrast, 19.8% don’t think the Captain’s such a scary guy!
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“Ashes on the Fire” has been released to rave reviews, with 88.1% of responses giving it a 4 or a 5. Nobody gave it a 1, either. Yamamoto-san, thank you!
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In spite of the relatively vocal complaints about the adaptation of certain elements of the Marley Arc, it would appear that the overwhelming majority of responders seemed pleased with it, with 51.4% giving it 5 and 37.1% giving it a 4. 1s not present. 
I've been a bit bothered how Mappa follows the Manga like a slave, using the panels as scenes and not adding anything in between. Sure it works for Manga, but it feels weird to me to watch in Anime how Eren grabs Armins hand and they don't give a transition where Armin pulls him in, but just show him inside the airship next. Just little things, but bothers me a bit. Overall I'm really enjoying their choices.
The show looks BETTER
I was fine with the episode. The quality of animation dropped but I understand that every scene cannot be animated on highest level. MAPPA has done a great job with the Marley arc. They shown the character development and bonds between the warriors perfectly. We had some cuts here and there but overally was okay: 8/10 for me. 
I’m so pleased that MAPPA has taken the anime. I’m still more of a fan of this particular series’ manga than anime though.
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As noted above, Sasha’s death seemed to be a hard hitter for most. Comparison of the adaptation vs the original allows to discern which hit the readers/watchers the hardest. Just one percent shy of a majority (49%) thought that the anime made it much more tragic. 30.9% noted that the impact was roughly similar across both mediums. On the flip side, 10.4% thought that the initial depiction of it in the manga was the hardest hitter. There were also a couple of write-ins. 
I dont remember I sped run reading the manga, kinda regretting it
I knew it for the first time in the manga, so it had a more powerful impact (I cried for a whole week. Not kidding) and the anime managed to make me cry as hard as in the manga. Though, I already was aware and grieved so it wasn't as bad
Got Spoiled :( so kinda meh, saw it coming
When the music kicked in after Connie announced she was gone, my heart broke into a million pieces. 
Let's be honest, Sasha's role was over after she killed the titan in the village and saved Kaya. After that she was just there. She got zero development, zero important moments, zero depth. Her death effected many characters and helped them to develop. Sasha's death was sad but at least brought some important changes in others. 
Not a Sasha fan so I was not really that affected but having a death in the series always feels sour
I think for me, they're both even.....mostly. There's just something about having been waiting for the chapter leaks on reddit with a bunch of other people and most of us collectively grieving at the same time. Once bigger pages of the chapter started coming out, it made me cry. I didn't even cry during serumbowl when I first read it and that had plenty for me to be even more upset about.
Honestly while reading manga I hated that Sasha’s last word was „meat”, it seemed so ridiculous. I’m happy MAPPA made it look more serious with music. Actually everyone’s reaction for Sasha’s death had more impact on me than the death itself
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Gabi is perhaps the most controversial character introduced post-time skip. Whether you’re a proud member of the Gabi Gang, proud hater of the 12 year old or just a neural party, everyone can admit that. With Sasha’s death at her hands, many seemed to offer up their opinion on the kid, back then and now. A slight plurality, 31.2%, stated that they did not hate her back when 105 first released and they don’t hate her now. 23.1% note that although they were rather upset with her back down, they are not (upset/angry) any longer. On the flipside, 25.5% state that they still hate the kid, as they did back then. Finally, some were simply neutral. Classic. 
Quite a few write-ins, as well.
I hated her in the manga but after watching the anime, I’m not happy about it but I understand why she did what she did and don’t hate her as much anymore.
I was extremely upset about it before and am still extremely upset about it now, but for different reasons. I hate her less but am not any less annoyed by her brainwashed hatred of the Paradisians, although I understand her much better and realize and empathize that she's just a kid who's been used by her country in the worst way.
Gabi Braun Must Die
Broke my heart and was upset, but understood where she was coming from (thought about her perspective only)
Sasha shoulda killed this cunt while she had the chance
It’s war, she did as she needed to.  Her arc is fantastic 
love hate relationship 
I didn't like her but not because of Sasha death (that's war consequence) and it's the same now
I really hated her with my whole heart and soul, but now that it has been all explained, that she had character development, I even like her now
I used to be angry about it but I understand why now, Gabi is just a victim of Marley’s control just like anyone else is, it’s a shame this is the results of it. She’s still at fault but I can’t hate her so much for it
I feel tired of Gabi hate. I disliked her in the manga back then but now I feel neutral towards her, because she has changed. Yet, I wish she took less screentime. 
SORRY for ranting! I don't understand the hate on Gabe. Yes, I know she killed a Paradise character which was present in series since its beginning and I understand Sasha's fans are upset Sasha is not here anymore because of her. but those people do not analyse Gabe as they should be. Every character belongs to a different side and each side is blinded by what heir belives in. It is okay to not like Gabe but I don't tolerate hate on her. I THINK THIS QUESTION SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INCLUDED AT ALL.
Initial hate, understanding after some thought
Understanding her situation I know I shouldn’t hate her, but I’m choosing to be petty and hate her anyway 
I liked her much more than I like her now. She was a much better character back then, her killing Sasha (a one-note comedic relief) was cool and brought some spice to the story. Now she just exists to spout themes and convenient exposition and to be an aimbot
i dislike her, even if i understand her
I dont like Gabi. Never did. It isnt because she killed Sasha tho. I just dont care for Gabi tbh BUT i can totally understand her actions and do not blame her for it after seeing the destruction and killings
I was and still am upset about Sasha's death, but from the start I blamed it more on the circumstances than Gabi.
I loved her then, I love her now and it probably wouldn’t change even if she killed my favourite characters. She’s my cinnamon roll
Gabi did nothing wrong, killing a soldier in the battlefield is not a crime.
See, I WANT to like Gabi since she's obviously changed, but knowing she killed Sasha nonetheless will ALWAYS prevent me from having any love or respect for her. She will always be my most hated character
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MAPPA added an extra scene of Floch and Friends raining down copious amounts of gratuitous violence upon two 12 year olds (MAPPA is pro-child violence???????? Find out when 111 is adapted). 48.8% seemed to think that it was a decent addition, even if just for the SC’s characterization (or perhaps you enjoyed seeing that?). 22.5% thought it was a bit over the top to feature. Finally, 16.7% did not care. 
I didn't like it. But, it was def a believable reaction from them.
I just wish it was enough to kill her
I liked the additional characterization of Floch & co.
Great addition, it was implied in the manga so the scene fitted well. Still, it was horrifying to see how vile the scouts were to two kids
How about an option where we're glad Gabi got beaten to a pulp but not when Falco was?
ORA ORA thing, but we viewers get hurt too. 
Didn't feel bad about Gabi getting beat up, but I did feel bad seeing Falco get beat up. Poor boy didn't deserve that
A nice addition 
I thought it was a great choice to highlight the continuing violence and feelings of vengeance from both sides even more. and I thought it contrasted really well with Jean's decision not to throw the kids out of the airship.
The people glorifying this scene annoy the shit out of me
It's a good way to hint the "Yaegerist" perspective to anime onlies
The Gold Experience memes are funny
It was an IC scene for people like Floch + I feel bad for the kids
The way they shot that scene made the recruits seem like mindless, gross-faced animals storming towards the kids to beat them up. I liked how they were dehumanised like that, considering that most faces amongst them belonged to the ones who support the rumbling. 
It hurt to see that but good scene though
Feel empathy for Gaby. Violence don't solve problems
Now THAT'S what I call fan service! Who needs big-boobed, big-ass females or shirtless guys with and when you can just have the most hated character get the tar beaten out of them xD
I can see why they did it. MAPPA's not dumb and I'm sure they anticipated a massive onslaught on hate towards Gabi specifically, so it was their way of trying to satisfy the haters. Falco didn't deserve it tho.
It was a good addition
I hate Gabi too but that was too much beating up a child, yet it also showed how shit Floch and the others are.
Apparently some people never noticed that Gabi and Falco got beat up, probably because it happened in the background. So it was good for MAPPA to call attention to it.
I love Gabi but she had that coming. No need to hurt Falco though. :(
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The reveal that ZOOK has been working against Marley for years on end is one of the most important ones in the series, really. So it was important to have it be executed in a rather decent manner. The vast majority of the fandom thought that MAPPA did a fine job. 52.1% gave it a rating of 4, 27.5% gave it a 5 and 17.1% gave it a 3. The couple of the other respnders gave it a 2, with no 1s.
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A question to remember… Were Eren’s actions in Marley ultimately “justified”? A plurality, 44.6% seems to think so. In contrast, 24% disagree. And 31.4% still aren’t sure to this day.
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When it comes to the SC treating Eren as they did, the division is much less pronounced however. The majority, 60.7%, think that the SC had quite the justification for treating Eren as they did. On the flip side, 19.7% think that there was such justification for behaving in such a manner towards Eren. Finally, the same amount of responses stated that still can’t be sure to this day.
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YELENA is here. Queen 👑. Or well, maybe not. Who am I to say? In any case, her appearance was received well. 52.7% thought MAPPA did very well and 33.7% went on to declare their love for her. Just shy of 10% noted that MAPPA could have done a little better though. 
Kinda wish her hair was like neon or something idk
Need more eps of her to decide, she didn't get much screentime and lines here. 
I don't like Yelena, but yeah I guess they did good.
In the manga she was a creepy-looking person. MAPPA made her unique, interesting and mysterious. I love her voice and her stoic, relaxed self. MAPPA did a good job.  
Great adaptation but I still don't like her as a character
Don’t care about her 
don't really care
I hate her and I don't care about her.
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Such a colorful chart for this one. It would appear that slightly over a quarter look most forward to seeing Crykasa at Sasha’s grace. Slightly less (21.9%) want to see Sasha enjoying Niccolo’s cuisine. In third place is the scene with Connie, Jean, Mikasa and Niccolo at Sasha’s grace. The rest are, in order from most to least, Onyankopon and Yelena teaching the Survey Corps about the Port, EMA talking at the shooting range and Hange and Armin learning about Marley’s technology.
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The time skip flashbacks seem to be a hit. A little over 51% are super stoked about seeing them animated. Slightly under 24% state that they’ll enjoy them, but are looking forward to other things more. In contrast, 22.6% are ready to go crazy (from a positive standpoint)! Wooo! 
Enjoying AND dreading it at the same time
I just want the centipede
Boring. The only thing what interests me is Historia teasing Mikasa about her crush on Eren. The rest is too jolly. 
I'm looking forward to see Yelena's insane self be animated. That, and more Zeke.
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The manner in which the Season will end is a mystery to even the manga readers. Where will it end? Will it have many cuts? These are the questions. 36.6% seem to think that MAPPA will somehow manage to both end it at Chapter 122 and cut as little as possible. 26.5% don't believe ending on 122 is possible. 12.2% do believe MAPPA will end the Season on 122, but only with many notable cuts. Finally, just a little under 20% are simply not sure. There were a few write-ins as well. 
I hope not, too many cuts would be required 
The is no way they're making it up to 122, at first I thought they were going to finish it off with Eren's head getting blown off in 119, but now that seems like a reach too. Now I think MAPPA is probably going to end this first half of the season with Eren and Pieck's "where is the enemy?" and the warriors arriving to Shiganshina 
I’m not sure right now so I’ll have to see for later episodes for the cut-off point, if it isn’t the Rumbling then it’ll be when Gabi shoots Eren
I'm conflicted. I'm sure they'll end at rumbling because it's the only reasonable point to cut it, but I feel like they're running out of episodes. Then again I'm feeling the same about the state of Manga, there's just too little chapters left to end things up well.
I don't really want to think too much about it, I just want to enjoy the anime lol
I fully expect 119 to be the end
What was the point of rushing Reiner's chapters if you are going to slow down later. Goddamn it MAPPA. 
It'll really depend on the pacing for the next couple episodes, but I'm with a bulk of the fandom that see Chapter 119 Two Brothers being the end point for The Final Season. IF they were to skip the opening and maybe the ending, I can see them transitioning from Eren's head getting blown off immediately into his transformation and the beginning of the Rumbling. But even that is quite farfetched. 
I have no idea, I'm a little worried now. Wouldn't be the first time a lot of content gets cut but if they insist on reaching ch. 122, I just don't see how you do that without butchering a lot. If that happens, it would probably lessen my enjoyment of the season.
Yeah, I think it will have a lot of cuts, but I believe that it will get there because Ymir falling in the tree was in the trailer
It's amazing seeing how each week, something with SnK trends! ^^
It still baffles me just how much people insist on hating Gabi, especially when her arc has shown tremendous growth in the manga. Reiner was no better than her when he was a child and continued to insist that Paradisians are devils and chose to further destroy their lives even after sleeping under the same roof as the 104th for 3 whole years and forming personal bonds with them. Yet, his actions are forgivable but Gabi's are not? Both characters have shown remorse for their former beliefs and misdeeds against Paradisians. Both realized that they were in the wrong. The characters have forgiven Gabi. Why can't y'all do the same? People who want Gabi to suffer are no better than they accuse her of being. 
Well done episode which managed to capture the emotions of sasha's death perfectly
I really appreciate Gabi as a character. She has spunk and a strong character arc in which she changes and grows more than anyone in the last 30 chapters of the manga, save maybe Mikasa (ignoring how Eren, Reiner, Armin and maybe a few others changed during the timeskip). It makes me sad seeing people wishing for her to die and praising Floch and the others for kicking her.
Gabi absolutely deserves the hate she gets
I absolutely love to see the anime-onlies mass hate of GabBitch, does my heart good xD
Boring ,too much Gabi she is annoying
Time to strap in: wild ride ahead!
Gabi Braun is the WORST character, her arc was poorly written and the moment she kills Sasha solidifies her rightful place as most hated character
No development has made me stop hating Gabi. The wound of Sasha's death will ALWAYS overshadow any crocodile tears Gabi may cry.
Kudos to Jean's and Connie's voice actors. Emotions were so raw and natural.
so good! they're really nailing down the emotional beats so far!
Dialogue-heavy but still amazing! Also the music was great
I didn't felt anything when Sasha died. Even the first time, in the manga. She hasn't enough personnality for me to care. Erwin and Bertolt's death were more saddening for me. Stop hating Gabi. She was in grief and she did what Marley brainwashed her to. And Sasha killed people right in front of her, so…
1 chapter was too little to be adapted for an episode, you could tell some scenes were stretched to fit the runtime
The music they chose for the scene of Sasha passing was also the same music they used when the Survey Corps first donned their capes and Eren found out Marco was dead... man, that song is gonna hit harder than ever now
It didn’t help with the overwhelming amount of hate Gabi is getting. I hope Mappa does her justice because she’s a great character but the Anime only seem to hate her because its a “funny” “popular” thing but it really isn’t... shows who really is paying attention to the story and the people who are watching it because it’s popular and trendy 
People who are hating on Gabi do not understand the themes portrayed in AoT
Pretty solid overall. Wonderful bits of animation such as the ODM bits and the solid character acting from Sasha going down, Mikasa and Armin is distress, personal highlight being Gabi's reload animation. Good ost choices, nice addition of Samuel and Daz to foreshadow their conflict later on in the story, and great work from Connie, Gabi and Eren's VAs.
Friendly reminder that just because we hate Gabi does NOT mean we don't "understand" the story or themes. We just don't care because Gabi is a bad character.
U mad at Gabi for what she did ? Did she kill Potato girl for no reason? Imgine a kid, at least 3 years younger than the 104th, made fighting on WARS and praised for it, brainwashed by Marley that Paradisians are devils, and these devils came in her home, killing her friends and this WOMAN killed in front of her eyes two people who tried to protect her. Don't be mad at Gabi. Grieve for Sasha, okay, but stop hating Gabi. You're the worst when you do it
Hey Gabiatans: as long as you're not threatening the VA or other RL p olle, it's PERFECTLY fine to hate Gabi. Period. We don't have to like her, and it's not like we don't "understand" her just because we hate her. I "understand" a lot of Germans were forcibly coerced into joining the Nazi regime, but I don't have to pity then for any consequences that came for them.
I was surprised that Mikasa and Armin crying over Sasha had no voice over. I thought it was still effective but I'm not sure if I prefer it. Other than that, the character animation was amazing this episode. Gabi's hands as she reloaded the rifle and Armin crying were my favorites. Overall, everything was pretty perfect and I love it when a chapter gets adapted in full with basically no cuts. One of the best episodes in the series and a proper send off for Sasha.
Wonderfully done episode! They truly did Gabi and Falco's perspectives justice. Also, seeing Eren's expressions and reactions in animated format was clarifying and super well done, too!
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! 
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marauder-exe · 4 years
AU list!
hi! These are a bunch of Au’s that i could write,and you could request! (reposting because it didnt work the first time)
Fake dating (My personal favourite)
Coffee shop
Modern Royalty
Running From The Police
Rebel Against The Goverment
High School
Law school
Road Trip
Arranged Marriage
Professor-Student (of age)
More detailed
21.You were singing/playing guitar/etc. in the park to protest the war and a policeman tried to dismiss you for 'disturbing the peace' but you argued that you were promoting peace and things got heated and next thing you know you're being arrested for assaulting an officer. You intrigue me, so I'm here to bail you out and maybe take you on a date?
22.the nice one who everybody loves with the grumpy and strict one that the students hate and the students wonder?????????how what the fuck
23.we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward
24. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate
25. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater
26. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit
27. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill
28. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me
29.  i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up
30. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
31. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter
32.we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine
33.my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry
34.the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me
35.i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
36.a storm is delaying our flight home and i’m afraid of thunder, please talk to me while we wait
37. we’re both in small claims court and i got into a huge fight with the person suing me but you stepped in to hold me back before security got there
38. i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after
39. i hit you with my car but luckily you’re okay, but we should still exchange information i guess
40. i was worried about buying something off of someone creepy from craigslist but oh no you’re hot
41. my friend talked me into playing a drunken game of spin the bottle even though we’re all adults and now we have to make out
42. we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other
43. my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home
44. sharing a cab together
45. you’re trying to get me to sign a petition and i have no idea what you’re talking about
46. you’re drunk at this festival and dancing on the table and when you eventually fell i caught you
47. we both play this stupid game online and you keep beating me every single goddamn time so i called you out and you are pretty cute but can you not
48. im a bartender and you just came in here without shoes sat down and ordered a chocolate volcano and idk what the fuck that is and im scared to ask
49. we are neighbours and every night at 3:14 am you start yodeling for no fucking reason??? why???? is that you yodeling??? its been 2 months???
50.im a pizza delivery person and i just delivered a pizza to someone in the middle of a satanic ritual and they gave me their number???
51. i woke up this morning to find you sitting in my living room with a goat in a poncho??? who are you??? why is the goat wearing a poncho??? how did you get the goat in here i live on the 12th floor???
52. we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know
53. im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit
54. its 4 am and im drunk as fuck in a mcdonalds and you have been watching my trying to eat this burger for 30 minutes
55. i was playing beer pong with a coin and i accidentally threw it right into your eye at a party
56. i’m at the beach and some kids thought it was funny to bury me in the sand when i dozed off can you please dig me out
57. it’s unbearably hot and we’re both fighting over the last handheld electrical fan at the shop at the amusement park
58. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but i get sunburned really easily so can you please help me put sunscreen on my back?
59. thunderstorm after a menacing heatwave and we’re both getting weird looks for dancing in the rain
60.i have no idea who you are but you just fainted right in front of me holy shit dude you need to drink more in this heat
61. we both chased after the leaving ice cream van like ten-year-olds and now we’re both out of breath and a bit embarrassed
62.i clearly reserved this deck chair by putting a towel on it why on earth are you lying on it who the fuck do you think you are
63. My friends bet I wouldn’t buy these three weird and questionable items and you’re my cashier.
64.Once a week I go visit the pet store just to stare at the cute kittens and puppies and you’re the nice employee who always lets me hold them and wait I think I’m going to cry hold on.
65.You’re the DJ of the University’s radio station and every time you give an opinion on a current event I have to call and argue with you because could you seriously be anymore wrong?
66.We both wait tables at the same restaurant and you’re always mad at me by the end of the night because I make more in tips
67.We have the same class and once a week you wear this graphic shirt I don’t understand and I really want to ask you about it.
68.We both work at the same craft store that literally has no customers so we have nothing to do and I’m always reading at the register but you always have to criticize my book choice what the hell?
69.I’m working the concession stand for this week’s home game and this is the fifth time you’ve come back for snacks wait are you flirting with me?
70. we’re at a bookstore and you and I seem to have similar taste in books have you read this one? How about this one?
71. you look like you need help and I’m a professional roller/ice skater but I don’t want you to feel bad about how much you suck but wow you suck
72. You ordered your food before me and they gave you a drink you didn’t want so you gave it to me
73. We’re sitting at adjacent computers in the library and I’m taking extra care not to look at your screen out of respect but what the fuck do you keep laughing at
74. as a joke I yelled out “happy birthday to someone!” in this store and you called back “thank you!” who are you
75. You heard me talking about a TV show in class the other day and now you’re passionately yelling at me about how good it is we’ve never actually spoken before
76. It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
77. We go to the same support group; I have social anxiety and you’re a kleptomaniac who sorta stole my heart
78. You thought you were alone at the bus stop so early in the morning so you started passionately singing Fall Out Boy but your Patrick Stump impression could use some work and I’m not really afraid to point that out
79. I’m an artist and you have a really nice face so would you mind if I drew you?
80. We’re rival up-and-coming singers and every time one of us releases a new single the other does a cover to try to make it better; we’re always trying to top each other and out-cute each other, but half our fans aggressively ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet because it’ll be popular; unfortunately now that we’re in the same studio and I’ve seen what you’re like I really wanna know what your lips feel like
82. We were both stood up for dates at the same nice restaurant so we decide to eat together and split the check but I dunno you’re pretty interesting aside from your distractingly enormous eyebrows
83. We met at a mutual friend’s cheesy masquerade party and we agree that the only good thing about this party is the masks so you can’t judge a book by its cover only now that we’ve been talking I want to see your face but I don’t know how to ask
84. You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am
85.We pass each other every day while we’re biking on the same path so we’ve started smiling at each other and one day you’re stopped because you’re having an asthma attack so I offer you my extra water bottle and now we’re talking and now I’M the one who’s breathless
86.I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them
87.I'm a private detective hired to follow you, but you're endearingly boring and mostly I just like watching you and oops, I sort of find you adorable.
88. You've been sketching me for half an hour now, and just shuffled up to hand me the finished product and it's TERRIBLE but you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.
89.  I'm at an art exhibit and I just badmouthed the art, because I don't get it, okay? And it turns out you're the artist. I'm so sorry, maybe I could get you coffee and you could explain what it was supposed to be?
90. We're the only two people who turned up to an underground gig and it should be awkward, but the band is amazing and you asked me to dance and hey, there's nobody watching but us.
91.  You live in the apartment next to me. We're not supposed to have pets, but I KNOW you have a cat. I'll make you a deal, I won't tell, if you let me pet it.
92.  I punched you because I thought you were insulting my friend, but it turns out you know each other and it was an inside joke and I'm so sorry, let me drive you to the hospital?
93. We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike
94. I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me
95.Our dick landlord just evicted us both
96.I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who  shares my name
97. You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating
98. Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his
99. It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked
100.Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough
Feel free to use any of these as your own! If you wanna request you could drop an inbox saying ‘ could you do ____ AU with this character’!
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