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rte-66 · 1 year ago
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The MOS Technology 6502 8-bit microprocessor, introduced in 1975. A workhorse of 1980s home computing, it and its variants powered the Apple I, Apple II, Apple II+, Apple IIe, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari 800, Atari Lynx hand-held, BBC Micro and Master, Commodore PET, Commodore VIC-20, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Famicom, Nintendo Entertainment System, and TurboGrafx-16, among others. Initially clocking in at 1.023 Mhz, some variants could reach up to 4 Mhz.
The 65xx series lives on through variants of the improved low-power WDC 65C02 CMOS version, first released in 1983. Hundreds of millions of units are still being produced annually; in particular, the W65C02S–14 variant can exceed a blistering 14 MHz, and continues to see use in a wide variety of embedded devices ranging from automotive and industrial applications to medical implants.
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genderoftoday · 7 months ago
today's gender is the WDC 65C02 microprocessor
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foone · 1 year ago
am i a robot girl if i have a 65c02 in my brain and nothing else
Absolutely. Personally I've got a 486SX in there but it doesn't really make me all that much smarter, cause all my RAM is glitched to shit.
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stevebattle · 2 years ago
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MAXX STEELE (1984) built by CBS Toys for IDEAL. While ‘just’ a toy, this robot is based on the 65C02 microprocessor with 2K RAM, and an expansion port on its chest. User programmable with up to 255 program steps, able to move, generate music and speak from a vocabulary of around 140 words and word particles. It can move around and use its working claw to pick up and carry objects. “He was the toy every kid wanted for Christmas in 1984 and was displayed like a God in a plexiglass barricade at Toys R' Us for his upcoming release, which only made you want him even more. He could do everything. He carried sodas, played games. You could even teach him to sing Hey Jude, if you had the time and a ton of patience. He was just awesome, and very easily broken. Criticized for being made of easily breakable plastic and faulty wiring which failed in almost every one, though awesome, poor MAXX met his demise after only 5000 units made. I'm not sure what happened to all of the MAXX robots that were ever sold. I think most kids played MAXX until he was broken and then he was thrown away or sold in garage sales and just kinda dissappeared off the map. Though production died, his spirit lived on and Maxx is now one of the most sought after toys of the 80's, and even though he had his problems (who doesn't?), he's still considered one of the top 10 robots of the 80's.”
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solstakao · 1 year ago
does anyone know the font used for the text on the 65c02 - or at least a font close to it
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ms-foobles · 11 months ago
current mood: pissed off 6502 doesn't have
JMP (abs,X)
addressing mode like 65c02 onwards do. Jump tables are slow and ass and I hate them. Brbebrbrbrbrbrb
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georgsyard · 6 years ago
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I think they missed a good joke opportunity on that cover.
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jstromakesthings · 7 years ago
What a beautiful sound. This went together faster than I thought it would! #65c02 #ay38910 #chiptune #geek #nerd #computer
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tomanovicsgergely · 4 years ago
Ez a legmenőbb dolog, amit mostanában a YouTube-on találtam.
A srác fogott egy, a Commodore 64-éhez hasonló CPU-t, majd tett mellé ROM-ot, RAM-ot meg egyebeket, összedrótozta őket, tett közéjük LED-eket (vagy épp egy Arduino-t) amik mutatják, hogy hogyan vándorolnak a bitek és byte-ok ezek között, az órajelgenerátort meg időnként nyomógombbal helyettesítette, hogy lépésről-lépésre megmutassa egymilliószoros lassításban a gép működését egy egyszerű “Hello World” program futása alatt, ezzel felfoghatóvá tette az egész kóceráj működését.
Kicsit bánom, hogy ezt így 10 éves koromban nem mutatta meg nekem valaki, ha rajtam múlna, én biztosan a nemzeti alaptanterv részévé tenném.
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hysbyswr · 7 years ago
Inside the Apple //c - Episode #03 for The Return of the Apple //c
In this video, I dismantle the Apple //c, and examine this parts that make it run.  I look at the main logic board, as well as the 65C02 Microprocessor and other components.
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commodorez · 6 years ago
I exhibited the Cactus at VCF West on August 4th & 5th in Mountain View California, at the Computer History Museum. A few weeks prior to the show, I discovered that the MOnSter 6502   would be in attendance, along with the good folks at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.   I reached out to its creator, Eric Schlaepfer, and asked if he would be willing to combine our two machines in an experiment. He was interested, letting me know that as long as I adhered to the NMOS specification and clocked down to 50KHz, the two should be able to work together.   Normally, the Cactus relies on the 65C02's Bus Enable pin to halt the CPU and allow the front panel logic to take over to provide the user with direct memory access. I built a new processor card with additional buffers to account for the lack of such a pin on the NMOS variant, and tested it with an original Commodore 6502 from 1983.   Once at VCF West, our first attempt on Saturday pointed out that I had neglected to buffer the Read/Write line, resulting in bus contention.   On Sunday, Eric brought me a breadboard, some additional jumper wires, and a few tristate buffers from his stockpile.   After splicing an additional 74LS245 into the NMOS card, and testing with an NMOS 6502, we decided to try again.   Lo and behold, the Cactus and the MOnSter 6502 successfully booted into BASIC, and ran at 50KHz for about half an hour, creating a spectacular fusion of blinkenlights.   That makes the Cactus the third machine to use the MOnSter 6502, and the first one that wasn't made by Eric. Needless to say, this was the highlight of my weekend.  
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catelyn-the-gayass-cat · 2 years ago
I integrated FAT32 file system drivers into my 65C02 based machine today
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solstakao · 1 year ago
so like are you a robot girl or something
nah i just have a 65c02 brainchip and recently a covid microchip that i hacked to run doom
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illuminarch · 4 years ago
Como instalar o Commander X16 Emulator, um emulador para o Commander X16, no Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian
Commander X16 Emulator é um emulador para o sistema de computador Commander X16. Depende apenas do SDL2 e deve ser compilado em todos os sistemas operacionais modernos. Neste tutorial, saiba como instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Linux.
Características do Commander X16 Emulator:
CPU: conjunto completo de instruções 65C02;
Principalmente emulação exata de ciclo;
Suporta quase todos os recursos:
duas camadas;
VSYNC, raster, sprite IRQ.
Relógio de tempo real;
Controlador de gerenciamento de sistema;
Cartão SD: leitura e gravação (arquivo de imagem);
Banco de ROM/RAM;
Instale o Commander X16 Emulator agora mesmo no seu Linux, usando o tutorial abaixo.
Instalando o Commander X16 Emulator no Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu e derivados!
Para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Ubuntu Linux. Inclusive você também pode instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Linux Mint sem nenhum problema execute o comando abaixo:
sudo snap install x16emu
Instalando o Commander X16 Emulator no Fedora e derivados!
Para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Fedora, execute os comandos abaixo. Lembrando que caso você já tenha o suporte ao Snap habilitado no Fedora, pule para o passo 3, o de instalação do pacote:
Passo 1 – Instalar o Snapd:
sudo dnf install snapd
Após executar o comando acima, lembre-se encerrar a sessão ou reiniciar o computador! Em seguida, vamos criar um link simbólico para ativar o suporte ao Snap clássico:
Passo 2 – Criar link simbólico:
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
E agora, vamos executar o comando para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Fedora ou derivados:
Passo 3 – Agora vamos executar o comando para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Fedora ou derivados:
sudo snap install x16emu
Instalando o Commander X16 Emulator no Debian e derivados!
Para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Debian, execute os comandos abaixo. Caso você já tenha  Snap ativado e habilitado no seu Debian, pule para o passo 2, que seria da instalação:
Passo 1 – Atualizar os repositório e instalar o Snapd:
apt update
apt install snapd
E agora, vamos executar o comando para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Debian ou derivados. Observe que o comando abaixo está com o sudo, caso você não o tenha habilitado, remova o sudo e instalar usando o ROOT mesmo:
Passo 2 – Agora vamos executar o comando para instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Debian e derivados:
sudo snap install x16emu
É isso, esperamos ter ajudado você a instalar o Commander X16 Emulator no Linux!
O post Como instalar o Commander X16 Emulator, um emulador para o Commander X16, no Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian apareceu primeiro em SempreUpdate.
source https://sempreupdate.com.br/como-instalar-o-commander-x16-emulator-um-emulador-para-o-commander-x16-no-ubuntu-linux-mint-fedora-debian/
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georgsyard · 6 years ago
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Are you worthy of being called MACHINE CODE MASTER?
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jstromakesthings · 7 years ago
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JCM-1 is looking schmexy... she now has an actual bus. #computer #hacker #maker #6502 #65c02 #8bit #retro #electronics
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