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pandulce135 · 2 years ago
It really is like the titanic!
Where the rich get all the attention and care and the poor die.
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anxi04 · 1 month ago
Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.
DC X Epic:TheMusical
Tim Drake who is the descent of the last line of Odysseus (so a descendent of Hermes) through Jack and a daughter of Athena (Janet)
Athena who misses her friend Odysseus and sees so much of him in Tim, who is technically her grandchild and she's so excited about it.
Hermes who also considered Odysseus his friend in a way also seeing so much of him in Tim and being more loudly giddy about it.
Athena and Hermes who absolutely adore Tim and are so proud of him because their kid is so smart and brave and strong and witty.
first of all tim’s hero costume 100% has attributes to both athena and hermes. tim is so insanely offended about the court of owls he decides to make his costume vaguely owl themed to spite them and pay tribute to athena. his shoes also have little feathers on them for hermes (hermes maybe possibly made them flying shoes but no one needs to know that. that is a secret between tim, hermes, athena, and young justice)
of course he doesn’t tell any of the batfam. wonder woman knows cause she can feel the divinity in tim and respects his decision not to tell the batfam so she says nothing outside of a causal “would you like a spar one day?” and that’s the end of that.
he does learn the greek style of sword fighting and also archery. he makes a collapsible bow in the style of odysseus’ bow and even if he doesn’t use it much he always has it on him, both as another tool just in case and a way to honor his long ago relative. and he sees the look in athena and hermes’ eyes when he uses it and wants them to know he’s keeping his legacy alive, even if he never explicitly states it.
his morals are probably a bit less strict. he doesn’t want to kill but he was raised by a demigod and two gods and they definitely have a different view on killing. he sees killing as more of a last resort, if he needs to kill he will but he’ll also do his best not to get there.
during his early stalking the bats days either athena or hermes was always with him. he was nine and while yes he was definitely well trained he was NINE.
bruce quest definitely goes differently. he’s still at like the lowest point of his life, his mom and dad are dead, steph is ‘dead’, bart is dead, kon is dead, cassie is in a cult, the hero community thinks he’s insane, he’s not robin anymore, and bruce is *gone*. but he has athena and hermes (who by the way is very proud of tim being such a good thief. he trained him for sure) and that helps his mental state so much.
the league of assassins and the council still happen, tim still loses his spleen but when he attacks the league he doesn’t worry much about the consequences of blowing the bases up. he doesn’t need to know the exact number of deaths, he hopes a couple of assassins got out but he knows there’s a substantial amount dead.
he’s nowhere near ra’s level, but he does fight him to a closer standstill which only endears him to ra’s more and tim is very much not cool with that. neither are either of the gods. he does Not need ra’s as a father figure thank you very much. hermes takes out any annoyance out on ra’s and really shows he’s the god of mischief
tim also somehow acquires a winion. no one but him knows how. hermes and athena looked away for ten seconds when he was 11 and suddenly he has a winion who is Very against leaving. none of the batfam are sure what it is just that it never leaves tim alone for more than 2 seconds. you know how some animatics just have a random winion with the crew? it’s that winion.
tim also definitely doesn’t just go with red robin as a name once he realizes he can actually choose his own and names himself something honoring both athena and hermes. at this point he also starts using his bow more much to the annoyance of bruce and that’s purely cause tim said he was inspired by oliver just to fuck with bruce.
oliver also sees how good of a shot tim is and is trying to get custody. little does he know bruce doesn’t even have custody athena and hermes got custody of him through a fake identity. bruce has no idea who his guardians are and it drives him crazy cause hes found out they’re not fake and very present in tim’s life BUT HE CANT FIND THEM
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chonideno · 2 years ago
literally where can the zelda franchise go after totk. this is it. we've reached it. the pinnacle of video game entertainment. the whole dev team should just pack their stuff and enjoy a long and comfortable retirement. whoever decides their team has to follow-up on that with the next zelda game should answer for their crimes at the hague. what the fuck. I haven't even beat the game yet but what the fuck.
and how are AAA video game devs everywhere not losing their minds. how the hell did nintendo do any of that? and on that console?? you mean to tell me I can stack 15 differently shaped objects on top of each other and they don't vibrate violently into the skybox?? you mean to tell me the physics engine gladly accepts whatever I throw at it and holds it all together without dropping a frame while running on a machine that was outclassed two generations ago??? this is not witchcraft it's a grandiose demonstration of mastery over every aspect of game development that casts an immense shadow over every other AAA studio. fuck. fuck!!!!
everything about this game is crazy to me. the visuals are crazy. the soudtrack is crazy. the complexity of all systems and how they interact is crazy. the sheer amount of non-repeating content, NPCs, quests, dialogue, puzzles, environment variety - all crazy to me. every time I boot up this game I am humbled by the monumental effort and obvious love that went into every facet of the resulting experience. no cut corners anywhere. mirror-perfect chrome polish.
it's so rare we get something like that, in any field. I'd understand if nintendo never made a zelda game ever again because how do you follow that. god I hope everyone who worked on this game got the fattest check and the sloppiest head. I'm so happy I get to live in shigeru miyamoto's world
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zu-is-here · 1 year ago
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<– • –>
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nanodelta · 8 months ago
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reached over 500 followers on twitter! yippee!! here's the art i made for it!
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australet789 · 3 months ago
mfs be like "Ares is not helping Odysseus, the music motif would be there" as if we didnt know already Ares watched the Little Wolf fight and his motif wasnt there but also the fact that we are all mostly deaf until Jorge points out there's a musical motif in a video
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khawla-gfm2 · 5 months ago
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 50📰
$8,206/$20,000 as of October 3rd [10pm CDT]
Currently $794 away from $9,000 as a short term goal
The next immediate target is $10,000 as the halfway point.
Even donating just $5, $10, or $20 can go a long way to helping the funraiser reach it's goal! And even if you can't, spreading the campaign can help reach the people who can donate.
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me if you have any questions.]
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monamoe · 4 months ago
For legal reasons these are a joke
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tmgmrk · 1 year ago
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Artwork I made for a contest. You can vote for me by liking the post on insta until Feb 17. I would really appreciate your help! 🩵🤍
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jynersso · 2 years ago
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Mads Mikkelsen Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters - Galen Erso
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lavndvrr · 24 days ago
dont mind me im just thinking about all the Penelope’s who will never reunite with their Odysseus
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fisheito · 7 months ago
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found a baby yaku amidst the Sketchbook-glitch-corruption wreckage..... wondering if he flipped skin tones between black and red and everything in between until he saw his to-be-grandparents (and started mimicking THEIR skin tone....... )
#thinking about yakumo having weird lil homunculus proportions or other such variations#what if he just always had massive hands compared to body size. yaoi hands from birth-transformation#he was so anti-snake that he looked at hands and said YES. THIS IS THE LEAST SNAKEY I CAN BE. I WILL GO 600% ON THIS FEATURE SPECIFICALLY#changing forms from entirely obsidian... or red in patches.... or striped... or other combinations...#because he only had murals to base his human form off of? at least at first?#were the murals in colour? shaded with gradients and lighting oh so conveniently?#then how was he to know what skin tone humans are supposed to have???#imagining the first few times he encountered his grandparents in his cave#maybe they only saw a shadow with eyes darting back into the darkness#just a really long black noodle with semisnake semihuman eyes (just a hint of sclera)#and every time they visited#yakumo observed more of their features#and took on something similar to their proportions...? or hair colour? or skin colour?#and maybe even when he's first adopted into the family and leaves the cave#he's still a vibrant pink and everyone thinks he somehow got sunburnt inside a cave or smth#but then he starts seeing all the other people in the village#including diff age groups and kids who are supposedly around his age#so he starts to slowly morph his body toward those characteristics#his skin gets beige-r. reshapes his eyes a bit.... grows a bit of nose.....lengthens his limbs a bit...#(the big humans seem to treat me the same as that speCIFIC group of smaller humans... so maybe i should use them as a Model)#like... how do you even age in a human body when you have no reference for how humans age?!??!#did yakumo stare at several children in the village and watch their growth year by year#and match his body to their changes just to fit in?#did nature just know what to do?? and he just naturally grew like a human without manual manipulation?#I DEMAND ANSWERS#nu carnival yakumo
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essektheylyss · 4 months ago
just had to give a gentle nudge about research ethics on discord. with an Essek profile pic. I'm still laughing.
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hey-every-one-im · 8 months ago
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 month ago
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Cutest bean ever - his giggles can heal any wounded soul (ok, mine)
Source as above
FirstKhaotung for GMMTV FanDay 16 Cambodia 2025 - 26/01/2025
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michaeljoncarter · 7 months ago
12 yr olds in 2010 after looking up the comics for the cool new character from their favorite x-men cartoon & being directed to joe quesada's r-rated dark, gritty comic about child prostitution and graphic self harm because for some reason THAT'S where they decided this character from a children's cartoon should make her debut into the comics universe
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