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LAPD Officer Mario C. David https://copblaster.com/blast/50828/lapd-officer-mario-c-david?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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If you’re brand-new to medical billing, this video offers a detailed guide to the procedure in Urdu/Hindi. We cover whatever from health care services and medical codes to claims submission and payment processing. We likewise go over essential compliance guidelines and finest practices for reliable medical billing. Whether you’re a medical billing expert or merely…
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4030000768 SEAL RING SDLG
4030000768 SEAL RING SDLG
29210000061 后车架附件 4190000536006 前车架 6430001014 标志与标识 26310007141 回油隔板 6410005397 串口服务器 有人USR-n540 28809014401 HOSE_CAC 29170183581 电瓶线A60*240 26150002791 差速锁开关JK931-01CSS 14402720 物料盒250*150*120mm(带斜口) 6410004119 FRAME_WA LH SIDE FRONT 26280002481 液压油吸油滤芯-经适件 29051003431 角钢 B077FY2234EA9E0 滚针轴承 FS017-120552 BUSHING 6900018111 直柄钻头GB6135.1-0.9 4110001061061 直接头LGB177-22216-70 5301000185 铸铁块 VZ33140-1068 11212922 破碎器管路 4110000166021 燃油管 2880902856040 夹装板5870 350 075 6303900512 履带450×40(换下模块) 14535937 螺栓GB5786-M10*1.25*30EpZn-10.9 6299000572 灯泡24V 4W(T4W) 8GP 002 067-241 29120032111 管夹 26290020601 蛟龙片(大) 26330031601 三通 E3805215GK608 REAR AXLE_01Y0160 26141013701 传感器 LJ8A3-2Z/BZ 26010006511 扫描仪 4110003617104 胶管JB8406-B10*2200 4013000368 双速电机MD 7.5KW 6233000385 操纵装置总成 26171013741 停用-左前支承D33-103-01+A 7200000114C 齿座 11219989 SDLG L978F GPE Wheel Loader 9200001390 气阀导管3925863 4190000905 螺栓01155-50840 14403474 WASHER PUMP_XD-104 28140000441 动臂油缸HSGL-80*45*695-1018 4110015901033 塞 14403479 轴承(NU209) 6399002552 按钮 26090004591 球轴承35999-17642 29420101883 浮子组件 29380010841 弯板 4110000561093 支架 4110015194295 壳体 11214800 螺钉GB79-M6*12-8.8 14658338 线密封海绵 6900017640 单腿链条索具LSJ1-8*800 29270012961 连杆总成 21909006711 PROTECTING PLATE 29220017241 直接头M22*1.5 4120001081 数控刀片CCMT120412-HR YBC251 14597617 垫片LGB303-120*240*1 6900019150 钢管 29141010861 离合器壳总成 21909016601 配重座 1690100214 垫片 14402848 LG953无机具轮式装载机 4180000202 O型圈22.4×2.652 GB/3452.1 LG312090026761 黄油管 6900020915 中节YJSW315-2E-00001 E6500F 6410006026 控制单元缸体151373 A3912473 4190001929 六角螺钉 26281003481 弹簧压座 4110000561066 方形磁铁50*27*8 29290045091 燃油管 4120002257 交流接触器LC1D38CC7C FE181-2013C1DF 消音器 4110000076099 L933玉柴大波距散热器模块(换上) 4110000375033 DIN普通型卡轨 普通标准型 4120006006107 叶片泵T6DCM-B35-B05 29220016681 水温表 4110003834007 发动机罩 26291007671 弹簧 6410004694 继电器固定板 29031012151 耐磨板 29340023311 左扶手组件187501 4110000507 可调向接头 4110016196082 弹簧垫圈90014350010 28430000381 排气管衬垫612630110942 29360012721 垫片2 26031002761 L953超低宣传册(5000) 29310011341 调整垫圈s=0.4 0730 001 597 LG2835000301101 装载机保养包 29360027281 三元催化过滤器模块 8298822 LG952油缸总成 7200002335 衬套 26010002971 多路阀M6-1591-30/3M6-22H-A 4110000179002 M12-M12隔板接头 28140013771 UBS螺栓1J090-91010 11215240 螺栓 01123-50828 7200000961 支架86601242 60110243 11223228 WELD PIN_LGB301-95*155*295-40CR 3214549596 L952线束总成 29340022611 发动机罩 7300000365 高压全丝螺栓 29220014801 活塞1004016-D074 1690100047 镶合金直柄麻花钻D7(上工) 29170163361 4000小时保养包 28430002491 停用-机械驱动振动压路机-816011100 F71M5-40071F 测压表CPG063-00025-01-S-B04 GB889.2-M20*2EpZn- FXKAQ-00117 发动机总成SC8D180G2B1(DB0796) 26241025531 门锁-试制 6410003969 CHANNEL STEEL LG9150000201 机油冷却器1001239119 29240008401 CHANNEL STEEL 29240014321 变矩器总成 6231000066 PLATE 6242000001 后车架线束 29010039101 锥柄平面锪钻(¢50mm 导向柱¢22mm) 4120010805002 车轮总成(后桥) 4120010062 转斗联大腔钢管 4110004063180 支架 29291006321 小型平地机中松土器总成 3190009173 6010 29030035761 底板 29130025631 前车架线束 6233000149 连杆机构 4190002815 钎杆销04500RP 29370017101 后地板垫皮 4110000186150 LG822零部件图册 29200010521 弯管 M086DWA93-2 机体顶板1W1410 4110001126019 电源模块 24V转24V 29170225651 死销(48大) 3030900097 O形圈 4110001002034 2929002370(ZP1) 4120010452003 车架线束 4110001005155 工作装置标识包 29290029221 内存条 4130001860 油底壳13054037 FLG953-JYG 缸体242000316 4110016564 凸轮轴包 11218036 套 4110003397 电瓶超威 6-DZM-20 4110004168005 COUNTER WEIGHT FXKAH-01281F 过渡板 29340045951 动臂联端盖2022000003 29050014812 喷射管 1G790-5373-0 4110000054267 2芯信号线LW5001-3 29050014522 (大排量)限位块HP3V75D-013001 6B080053AA200 驾驶篷线束 26141016801 空调LG918(CE) 11216407 摇臂 FHSX2 护网分总成Z06124.34.08 FKC4011000730 垫圈0730.162.307 29220011811 左上合页 4043001905 钢管 29380021691 停用-胶管F462CACA181510-540 29200013661 销轴LGB301-60*135*235-40Cr 29340038291 ZG30L16空调器 14401607 喷油泵13060636 29041003061 近光灯开关 6900003530 前壳总成00200FH-X2-AY LG2912002927A 制动蹄总成 29310024441 定位销121378 6410006784 先导油��块回油钢管 29290018871 电源线 4110000562016 夹套ER40-18 4120017194 日立电动扳手电机 RS-755VC-9013 29330068391 拉紧螺栓612600090681 28280006471 BEARING_WA RR BOOM 26010012101 显示器 14402497 4120000232 硬度计电池HT2000A用CR2330 17004341 左空调风道 29380019901 下脚踏 4110001922012 无压回油总成 4110001089323 板 A21-4110000998 行车制动总成 11212527 垫片0730.112.266 LGZJ27080103121 O型圈HD469-2402019 9100000424 滚轴轴承 29290046801 电容 47uF 50V F112110779 减震器下支架 4014000068 波型密封环D01183799 2629001871101 O型圈 65*3.55 NBR 4110000415028 LG936配杭齿双变替换模块 M0860WE00 PLATE 4190001806 左加固板 8R160041210900 海绵 26130010771 安装套 LG918 14599258 L946/L952/953/L953F/955F/955随机工具包 FXZMDPLP(LG150) 焊枪松下350A5m 11213437 PVC管6米/根 25mm 29010024361 气管GPU-13-I-680-SG 29330027771 管夹 28210012221 双头螺柱9000000345 26120003361 右护板 4110001557010 支架 L0200Y3214Q29A0 转向销 LG2914001017 1 螺塞M26*1.5 132922 6224000311 护板 29270016271 铲斗1.1 G9190 3070500076 EGR阀进气口密封垫1207011-1497 28290005951 固定板 26241009401 支座 4120010356 胶管 28280017031 主盖板焊接部件C04BB-04BB008+B 29170172891 板 29410002371 挡圈 29290017821 发电机线束 26260015051 ZL30F 4110000218121 散热器总成L968F-W3(旋转) 6290000441 胶管F481CFCA080804-1700-PG500 4110000168003 板轴MI-16 29160201781 胶管FQLG-180 4110003577055 螺母GB6173-M10*1EpZn-05 6410007258 气缸盖分总成612630040001 29010079781 壳体螺栓总成 26170011791 后视镜 29260013912 电池电缆 29070013571 steelQ345B(36*2.1*7.5) 28210014991 LG95X快换抓草叉(宽2966,最小夹持直径1340) 29370011181 铲斗总成BG150 6410007020 轮胎29.5R25-2STTL-L5(TL538S+) 28100005131 停用-空压机C3974548 4190000203 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓90011430072 29150022811 停用-密封环 29450100781 密封件包 29291002054 弯板 4110000084095 风扇930/12-12/40/PAG/7ZL/24.8/5/Cone1/5/A/ 4120006469010 CLAMP FZ0000266 喷嘴 29240024611 前骑马螺栓 6230000201 弹簧垫圈C3967108 4014015091 发动机罩标识包 11222799 垫圈GB96.1-5flZnyc-300HV-480 9300000147 标志与标识 6390900984 AP支架 AIR-ACC1530-PMK1 F2140900002 BLOCK 6900004415 LG920轮胎式装载机 4110015676 侧卸铲斗液压总成 11219931 V型环 29150025251 上滑轨86601256 14743548 28010013571 硬质合金刀头YT15-A320 14501055 软管 29430001071 消音器总成GR1104003 4110000011128 主泵盖板 4110000081279 BDU主负回路1-MCU1负1 11213587 动臂总成 4120015301YC 起动机(副厂) 2060900139 GUIDE_FRT LWR GLASS 26410003451 操作杆1J730-56032 26360101842 双头螺栓 29370014561 气缸QGB32*250 MF2 4041000754 驾驶室938E 16042473 斗齿 6215000391 海绵 26330006851 数控刀片 11211471 主阀进油钢管 4110000186324 销GB882-B30*90EpZn-35 4120006230144 变矩器4168.028.671 29120017731 Q/SC587.1-M20*1.5:六角头螺塞B00001729 916.11-4 58917113 吸音绵 3110500074 右灯架 2830000535005 后车架 MT86H 4130000931 保险杆 4120002279134 钢丝挡圈-孔用24C001150 D110.3*2t 11217515 密封件包JSP10500523 4120017456 红胶 4110001089199 透气帽 29220022801 散热器出水管 6410005236 喷油泵总成1003125121 28270006081 护网分总成LY-LG958-3-1301800 4110001100301 变速泵吸油钢管 26260010121 发动机右支撑 14608121 994804 HOOD_ASSY ENGINE 29170230651 2017年装载机商务政策 4110000678070 出口车拆装用搬运小坦克 4110002510131 下铰接上板 4130002257 前车架电气总成 6430000434 法兰13051323 29360010381 丝座 4110000129391 支架 29100001361 停车制动开关JK931-01ZD 4110001300041 方管50×50×4×280 4120009864 轴承 UC314 4110000727105 PLATE 26030002081 空滤器G138611 4110002126056 后车架线束 4190000616 PLUG_LH W/SHIELD 11037637 软管 M0760WEC0 胶管F481CACE151508-800-PG400 4110002287 活塞杆总成24A610350 4110000557035 胶管F481CACF151508-1000-PG1000 26260017341 螺钉 F31Q6-20023F 六角螺母0037011539 M095HWD15 停用-进气门座7N4448 29170064531 转向泵吸油胶管 29050014411 中冷进气胶管ⅠⅠ 3214612159 板 5111000826 软管LGB128-206115 4110001952046 多态开关3735075-736 11212424 破碎锤回油钢管D 29150201621 钎杆φ208*1800-尖头-经适件 29240027891 液压操纵总成 26240000091 PLATE_LH BTM FT 6264000040 连接电控单体泵燃油管装配总成1104090-56D 29310016401 中松土器油缸100*50*456-805 4120001822102 滚柱轴承-中间轴前端NJK309EV 26281007431 左网板 29160010111 电池(maxell er6c 3.6v 1800ma三菱plc用) 3050900089 连接���钢总成 4120017846 六角法兰面螺栓9000000155 26120002551 密封件包 29430004112 电瓶线P60*220 11213114 空气滤清器DK300-1109100 21909011101 调整套 6231000422 水散热器分总成LY-LG926-1(W)-1301000 14643517 GB/T5783-M8*16-10.9:六角头螺栓B00000628 29410002931 齿套LG162-1701109 4110000509329 右上门框 29130023941 G9190平地机4.2米铲刀选装模块(去除件) 16043605 定位销210000300935 4120002308001 LG955N油缸总成(超高动臂) 6900017497 密封圈GB13871.1-FB11514012 6410004053 前起吊板C04DL-8N8721 4110002168060 空滤器 1109010-1521M D02C-105-01+A 9150000498 右箱上盖 LG2929002388-1 驾驶室938L 26011000261 出气接头D7QG2-3509008A 4041015324 贴盘LGB315-40*70*8 4110002812003 手柄总成 4110000038197 阀体22010101210 01-HVY32.2-01 13.3.12 4120008543 锻打钎杆200A_ 6618000082 盘LGB301-60 26370010251 LGS818 SELL MACHINE 28330002001 行走泵43947050 28100008741 HOSE FZ0000619 主轴 200YW300-13 FZ0000940 接头 29140021431 堵板 26330016943 上盖板总成 28280007491 防风头(具备声学试验使用的防风功能,配套传感器1/2 4130003625 胶管F481CACA222212-2000-PG300 29270012401 海绵 Read the full article
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Type VII U-Boats :: Robert Cecil Stern
Type VII U-Boats :: Robert Cecil Stern
Type VII U-Boats :: Robert Cecil Stern soon to be presented for sale on the inspired BookLovers of Bath web site!
Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1997, Hardback in dust wrapper.
Contains: Black & white photographs; Tables; References; Frontispiece; Appendices [3]; Plans;
From the cover: After the narrow defeat of their U-boat fleet in the First World War, the German Navy analysed their…
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#1-557-50828-3#books written by robert cecil stern#german history#german ships#german submarine operations#german submarines#kriegsmarine#naval war operations#ships#war submarines
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Upon request, here is a rec list of fics featuring gentle Harry. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like this post and reblog it to spread the word. Happy reading!
1) I Wanna Hear Your Heart Every Single Beating Part | Mature | 2325 words
This is all Harry's fault for wearing that lavender sweater and me thinking Louis would look absolutely amazing in it with nothing else on.
2) This Here City Is For The Lonely Ones | Explicit | 2640 words
This is Harry’s favourite part. When Louis gets so blinded by the pleasure that he doesn’t think about what he should or should not be saying or doing, and just feels.
3) Some Anniversaries Are Messy | Mature | 6256 words
Prompt: Louis tries to cook Harry a romantic dinner for their 3rd anniversary...and it's an absolute disaster. Needless to say, it ends with tomato sauce on the ceiling, flour scattered everywhere, and a pleasantly sore arse hoisted onto the kitchen counter.
4) Act Out | Explicit | 6721 words
Harry leans forward so he's closer to Louis's ear, and murmurs, "If I was your husband, I'd never let you out of my sight."
It’s ridiculous. He is his husband. There’s hundreds of photos, and official papers, and rings, and two babies with the last name Tomlinson Styles that prove it. But it’s also possessive, and hot and Louis doesn’t know what he was expecting when Harry told him he wanted to try roleplaying a little, but so far he’s not complaining.
5) Enter The Rose Garden | General Audiences | 10387 words
Soft heats make omega Louis clingy. Enter alpha Harry.
6) As Deep As The Sky | Explicit | 12265 words
A passed-out omega on the bathroom floor isn't exactly what Harry had in mind when he thought about taking a cute boy home. The idea of leaving Louis there, vulnerable and unresponsive, weighs guiltily at Harry's conscience. Turns out it's the best decision he'll ever make.
7) (Quiet Like A Fight) Fingers Laced Together | Mature | 17479 words
The one where Harry is gifted a hybrid and it’s a whole new world for the both of them.
8) A Grocery List Pinned In Blue | Not Rated | 19839 words
AU. After eight years, Louis finally has everything he's wanted. Except for Harry.
9) If Anyone Knew | Mature | 50828 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry’s a young alpha who’s strangely gentle. Louis’ an omega who’s strangely protective. Being the only ones in the band who aren’t betas they automatically empathise with each other and decide that it’s their job to look after each other.
10) A Taste Of Freedom And Sweetened Passion | Mature | 74711 words
“Are you mad?” he explodes, throwing his hands up, groaning. “I was so, so close to reaching my goal, and your stupid, stalking ass had to creep up on me, hm?”
Harry is trying to keep his laughter in, walking closer to him, eyes soft. He doesn’t like the way those eyes make him feel, an odd, dangerous mix of nervous and flustered, so he bends down to pick up the books, raising an eyebrow when Harry growls in protest.
“I wanted to pick them up for you,” the alpha pouts, and Louis glares at him, getting into position and lowering the pile of yellowed pages over the top of his head.
“I’m a functional human being, thank you very much,” he grits out as he begins to walk and mentally count the amount of steps he takes. One, two, three, for heaven’s sake Harry fuck off!, four, five. He doesn’t let himself be distracted as the alpha walks along with him despite the slow pace, green eyes focused on him in a way that would, in any other cases, compelled him to throw a book in the alpha’s face.
He doesn’t know why he doesn’t do it and certainly doesn’t want to think about the reason, whatever it might be.
11) And Down the Long and Silent Street | Mature | 86090 words
Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis’ past finally catches up with him.
12) Cold Little Heart | Teen & Up | 194589 words
Louis is a soft omega with an abusive past and an alpha child. A few months after getting a divorce, Louis meets Harry, an ex-military alpha wolf that offers him something odd. In exchange for teaching him how to cook, Harry will babysit his son, Abraham. Louis really could use the help.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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#점심시간 #산책 #노마스크 #직장인스타그램
코인김프수익 30-60% 상세한건 여기로오세요
채팅링크 https://open.kakao.com/o/sFnRocqe
안정적이고 안전한 부업 함께해봐용⠀
#고요한사무실 #독감예방접종하고들어오는길
#아아아파요소리지름 #주사가아직무서울나이🤪
#연휴끝 #주말끝 #had_a_good_time
#목걸이는먹는건가요 #미모열일서지안
#다음주는출근이다 #야호🤗
잘 다녀왔습니다!👨👩👧
#강원도여행 #평창여행 #풀빌라 #🌳🏊♀️🐑🥩🍻
#역시한우🐄 #오붓하게 #디너타임
#맨발로마당휘젓고다니는 #자연인서지안
#역시고기는 #여보가구워주는게젤맛나😘
오늘도 #초록초록🍀 #파랑파랑🌈
#대관령 #하늘목장 #날씨도완벽❤
#산책 #초록초록🌱 #너무상쾌해💕
#나비따라꽃따라 #바쁜서지안
#출근길 #덕수궁돌담길 #늘싱그럽구나🍀
#순간포착전문 #포토그래퍼 #서여보❤
#금융권말고 #사진작가했어야하나 ㅋㅋ
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Shield Back Side Chair, 18th century, Brooklyn Museum: Decorative Arts
Size: 38 1/2 x 21 3/4 x 18 1/4 in. (97.8 x 55.2 x 46.4 cm) Medium: Damask
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Ratingmeter of The Best Movies of 2009
Compiled by “TellUsEpisode.net-Editor”
We have compiled the top movies of 2009. In our list of 106 films; The movie 3 Idiots, starring Aamir Khan, Madhavan, Mona Singh, Kareena Kapoor, Sharman Joshi, Boman Irani and Omi Vaidya is ranked # 1. There are “The Cove” and “Inglourious Basterds” in the 2nd and 3rd place in our list. Enjoy the list…
The Best Movies of 2009RatingmeterVoters Count1-3 Idiots (2009)8,4331.4722-The Cove (2009)8,446.7923-Inglourious Basterds (2009)8,31.227.6594-Up (2009)8,2909.9815-The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)8,2187.5206-Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009)8,1245.3757-Mary and Max (2009)8,1160.8518-About Elly (2009)843.4529-District 9 (2009)7,9629.75510-Star Trek (2009)7,9571.51811-Moon (2009)7,9329.43912-Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)7,9192.69213-A Prophet (2009)7,991.99014-Avatar (2009)7,81.100.16315-Mr. Nobody (2009)7,8211.47816-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)7,8205.91617-The White Ribbon (2009)7,867.25518-Mother (2009)7,848.70919-The Hangover (2009)7,7705.20820-500 Days of Summer (2009)7,7463.90121-Coraline (2009)7,7190.57822-Sherlock Holmes (2009)7,6573.54123-Zombieland (2009)7,6510.11424-Watchmen (2009)7,6490.33825-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)7,6457.22426-The Blind Side (2009)7,6285.60227-A Single Man (2009)7,6104.28128-Cell 211 (2009)7,662.82029-The Damned United (2009)7,540.67630-Up in the Air (2009)7,4314.00531-Law Abiding Citizen (2009)7,4266.40432-Pirate Radio (2009)7,4106.09633-My Sister’s Keeper (2009)7,488.14134-In the Loop (2009)7,453.66935-Black Dynamite (2009)7,445.03736-Invictus (2009)7,3147.42637-An Education (2009)7,3126.81938-Precious (2009)7,3104.06739-Dogtooth (2009)7,379.19840-Enter the Void (2009)7,368.53241-Fish Tank (2009)7,357.50742-The Young Victoria (2009)7,356.70143-The Road (2009)7,2219.49944-Crazy Heart (2009)7,282.82945-Agora (2009)7,264.95146-The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009)7,1138.43747-State of Play (2009)7,1132.47448-9 (2009)7,1130.86649-The Princess and the Frog (2009)7,1120.33350-Brothers (2009)7,1109.15851-Whatever Works (2009)7,169.97852-Everybody’s Fine (2009)7,158.08653-Thirst (2009)7,141.49854-Public Enemies (2009)7277.43655-I Love You, Man (2009)7191.62256-A Serious Man (2009)7130.56457-Julie & Julia (2009)7104.90558-Away We Go (2009)751.27059-Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)6,9218.46160-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009)6,9199.90261-Orphan (2009)6,9187.07562-Triangle (2009)6,999.55263-Whip It (2009)6,963.13964-Adventureland (2009)6,8150.76965-The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)6,8142.78466-Exam (2009)6,8102.87467-A Christmas Carol (2009)6,898.49668-The Proposal (2009)6,7289.08469-Angels & Demons (2009)6,7267.63170-The Lovely Bones (2009)6,7154.32571-Pandorum (2009)6,7141.82072-Where the Wild Things Are (2009)6,799.54173-Brooklyn’s Finest (2009)6,760.19774-The Soloist (2009)6,750.82875-Notorious (2009)6,740.27076-X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)6,6459.31677-Fast & Furious (2009)6,6257.62978-Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)6,6148.76079-Antichrist (2009)6,6114.03180-I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)6,690.48281-Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009)6,673.31582-Fanboys (2009)6,655.62183-Terminator Salvation (2009)6,5338.83084-Drag Me to Hell (2009)6,5184.97985-The International (2009)6,590.06186-It’s Complicated (2009)6,584.60187-The Last House on the Left (2009)6,583.99488-[Rec] 2 (2009)6,567.55189-A Perfect Getaway (2009)6,566.55290-The Ugly Truth (2009)6,4200.51791-The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)6,4183.01692-He’s Just Not That Into You (2009)6,4159.47893-Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)6,4144.06094-The Invention of Lying (2009)6,4121.60295-Daybreakers (2009)6,4120.84096-The Uninvited (2009)6,474.96397-Youth in Revolt (2009)6,471.86998-The Informant! (2009)6,462.29399-The Collector (2009)6,456.736100-The House of the Devil (2009)6,439.750101-17 Again (2009)6,3176.040102-Surrogates (2009)6,3167.301103-Funny People (2009)6,3112.998104-Chloe (2009)6,368.246105-Ninja Assassin (2009)6,367.212106-Dead Snow (2009)6,363.251
***24-August-2020 ‘s imdb scores. Movies with less than approximate 40.000 votes are not included in the list. _
1- 3 Idiots (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,4 – voters count: 331472 )
2- The Cove (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,4 – voters count: 46792 )
3- Inglourious Basterds (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,3 – voters count: 1227659 )
4- Up (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,2 – voters count: 909981 )
5- The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,2 – voters count: 187520 )
6- Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,1 – voters count: 245375 )
7- Mary and Max (2009) ( imdb rating: 8,1 – voters count: 160851 )
8- About Elly (2009) ( imdb rating: 8 – voters count: 43452 )
9- District 9 (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,9 – voters count: 629755 )
10- Star Trek (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,9 – voters count: 571518 )
11- Moon (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,9 – voters count: 329439 )
12- Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,9 – voters count: 192692 )
13- A Prophet (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,9 – voters count: 91990 )
14- Avatar (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,8 – voters count: 1100163 )
15- Mr. Nobody (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,8 – voters count: 211478 )
16- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,8 – voters count: 205916 )
17- The White Ribbon (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,8 – voters count: 67255 )
18- Mother (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,8 – voters count: 48709 )
19- The Hangover (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,7 – voters count: 705208 )
20- 500 Days of Summer (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,7 – voters count: 463901 )
21- Coraline (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,7 – voters count: 190578 )
22- Sherlock Holmes (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 573541 )
23- Zombieland (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 510114 )
24- Watchmen (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 490338 )
25- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 457224 )
26- The Blind Side (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 285602 )
27- A Single Man (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 104281 )
28- Cell 211 (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,6 – voters count: 62820 )
29- The Damned United (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,5 – voters count: 40676 )
30- Up in the Air (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 314005 )
31- Law Abiding Citizen (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 266404 )
32- Pirate Radio (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 106096 )
33- My Sister’s Keeper (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 88141 )
34- In the Loop (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 53669 )
35- Black Dynamite (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,4 – voters count: 45037 )
36- Invictus (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 147426 )
37- An Education (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 126819 )
38- Precious (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 104067 )
39- Dogtooth (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 79198 )
40- Enter the Void (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 68532 )
41- Fish Tank (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 57507 )
42- The Young Victoria (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,3 – voters count: 56701 )
43- The Road (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,2 – voters count: 219499 )
44- Crazy Heart (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,2 – voters count: 82829 )
45- Agora (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,2 – voters count: 64951 )
46- The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 138437 )
47- State of Play (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 132474 )
48- 9 (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 130866 )
49- The Princess and the Frog (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 120333 )
50- Brothers (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 109158 )
51- Whatever Works (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 69978 )
52- Everybody’s Fine (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 58086 )
53- Thirst (2009) ( imdb rating: 7,1 – voters count: 41498 )
54- Public Enemies (2009) ( imdb rating: 7 – voters count: 277436 )
55- I Love You, Man (2009) ( imdb rating: 7 – voters count: 191622 )
56- A Serious Man (2009) ( imdb rating: 7 – voters count: 130564 )
57- Julie & Julia (2009) ( imdb rating: 7 – voters count: 104905 )
58- Away We Go (2009) ( imdb rating: 7 – voters count: 51270 )
59- Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,9 – voters count: 218461 )
60- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,9 – voters count: 199902 )
61- Orphan (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,9 – voters count: 187075 )
62- Triangle (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,9 – voters count: 99552 )
63- Whip It (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,9 – voters count: 63139 )
64- Adventureland (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,8 – voters count: 150769 )
65- The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,8 – voters count: 142784 )
66- Exam (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,8 – voters count: 102874 )
67- A Christmas Carol (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,8 – voters count: 98496 )
68- The Proposal (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 289084 )
69- Angels & Demons (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 267631 )
70- The Lovely Bones (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 154325 )
71- Pandorum (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 141820 )
72- Where the Wild Things Are (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 99541 )
73- Brooklyn’s Finest (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 60197 )
74- The Soloist (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 50828 )
75- Notorious (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,7 – voters count: 40270 )
76- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 459316 )
77- Fast & Furious (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 257629 )
78- Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 148760 )
79- Antichrist (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 114031 )
80- I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 90482 )
81- Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 73315 )
82- Fanboys (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,6 – voters count: 55621 )
83- Terminator Salvation (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 338830 )
84- Drag Me to Hell (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 184979 )
85- The International (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 90061 )
86- It’s Complicated (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 84601 )
87- The Last House on the Left (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 83994 )
88- [Rec] 2 (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 67551 )
89- A Perfect Getaway (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,5 – voters count: 66552 )
90- The Ugly Truth (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 200517 )
91- The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 183016 )
92- He’s Just Not That Into You (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 159478 )
93- Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 144060 )
94- The Invention of Lying (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 121602 )
95- Daybreakers (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 120840 )
96- The Uninvited (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 74963 )
97- Youth in Revolt (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 71869 )
98- The Informant! (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 62293 )
99- The Collector (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 56736 )
100- The House of the Devil (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,4 – voters count: 39750 )
101- 17 Again (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 176040 )
102- Surrogates (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 167301 )
103- Funny People (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 112998 )
104- Chloe (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 68246 )
105- Ninja Assassin (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 67212 )
106- Dead Snow (2009) ( imdb rating: 6,3 – voters count: 63251 )
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Ratingmeter of The Best Movies of 2009 first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/ratingmeter-of-the-best-movies-of-2009.html
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MIT is 3D printing miniature pumps
MIT is 3D printing miniature pumps
Scientists at MIT’s Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) are hoping that custom printing their miniature 3D pumps on the spot instead of using mass production will lower the production costs.
What is it?
So what is it? It is a small diaphragm style pump about 1 cm in diameter. It costs approximately $3.72 each for the MiT team to print just one.
The Materials
The pumps made…
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Chapters: 20/20 Words: 50828 Summary:
Harry’s a young alpha who’s strangely gentle. Louis’ an omega who’s strangely protective. Being the only ones in the band who aren’t betas they automatically empathise with each other and decide that it’s their job to look after each other.
Or Harry and Louis through the early One Direction years in an a/b/o universe.
#attempted rape trigger warning but its not between louis and harry#50k#au#ao3#update#larry smut#aob#topharry
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“EM Carl H. Birk, USN watching Japanese planes overhead, from the east bank of the Yangtze River, after his ship USS Panay (PR-5) was sunk in the Japanese air attack on 12 December 1937, between Nanking and Wuhu, China.”
(NHHC: NH 50828)
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