#5 Sentence Fics
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 1 year ago
ok I've got a few good sentences that might inspire you, but this one feels very much Tav and Astarion:
"oh, that's a nice tavern. ...Where the fuck am I?!"
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It was taking every ounce of self restraint Astarion had to keep from laughing as you staggered forward, leading an equally staggering Karlach through the streets of Baldur’s Gate on a quest to get tattoos.
He didn’t know when exactly the scheme was sprung, but he suspected in was somewhere after the fourth and fifth round of drinks. He had quit after the third, deciding he had to keep a clear head if you weren’t. Besides, you’d earned at least one night of drunken revelry.
Gale and Wyll had expressed their objections, but being a few cups deep in themselves, weren’t in a position to stop a barbarian when she decided to leave anyway.
Astarion had opted to simply follow, just to make sure the pair of you didn’t get into too much trouble. And by the gods was he delighted he did.
“I think it’s this way,” your slurred, pointing down a side street.
“No!” Karlach bellowed, having lost control of her volume three drinks ago. “It’s ah…fuck, they changed fuckin’ everything. Should be ah—“
“Wait,” you objected. “If we’re…if we’re gonna do this. We’re gonna need another drink.”
“You’re so right,” Karlach said, leaning on you so heavily, Astarion was shocked she didn’t topple you over. “Elfsong is around here somewhere.”
“Oh that’s a nice tavern… Where the fuck am I?!”
Astarion did laugh then, muffling it behind his hand. He needn’t had bothered; both you and Karlach were too far gone to notice.
This was going to be a night to remember, for him if no one else.
(Astarion x AsexualBard!Tav Masterlist)
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Uhhhh.... I want so many of them with Frank! For now I have chosen ❛ you can kiss me, you know. ❜ and ofc with Frank Castle! <3
btw I loooove 'Sneaky' so much and I've read it so many times!!!
Oh I haven't written Frank in a loooong time. Thank you so much for reading "Sneaky" and sending in a prompt 💞
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Pairing: Frank Castle x gn. reader
Warnings: a kiss I guess
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"You can kiss me, you know," you heard him say, your eyes blinking a couple of times to get out of your daydreaming about what those lips...
"Wait, what?" you asked, your eyes finally focusing on more than just those lips that were now twitched into a small smile, his eyes mischievous.
"I said you can kiss me instead of just staring at my lips," Frank winked with a little smirk and your mouth fell open, your blood rushing to your cheeks, your hands getting sweaty.
"I... I wasn't staring... I was just.... thinking... about.... things...." you mumbled, trying to search for the perfect lie, your eyes widening as Frank got up from where he was sitting until his hands were resting on the armrests of your chair, his face so close to yours you could feel his breath on your skin.
"Things, huh?" he asked and you slowly nodded, gasping when you felt his fingers tilting your chin up, his eyes on you, his face coming slowly closer as if giving you a chance to back out before his lips pressed against yours.
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hold-him-down · 8 months ago
“Use the largest needle you have.”
“Use the largest needle you have,” the handler says, wrapping a hand around the back of the boy’s neck. The newest resident, whose name has not been made available to the team at Belleview, cringes away from the touch, and both the handler and the nurse laugh. “This little fucker bit me this morning,” the handler says through his teeth. His voice leans playful, but the words, and more specifically, the way he tightens his grip in warning, says otherwise.
The pale, too-skinny blonde boy who, three days into his residency here is already covered in bruises, tracks every movement in the room. He has the fear in his eyes that all the new ones have before they really understand what it means to wind up at Belleview. The nurse selects a syringe, fills it with a greenish yellow liquid, and returns. 
“Here we go,” she says to him, wiping the side of his neck carefully. “Don’t worry about the needle,” she continues as the worker flinches. “He's just blowin’ smoke up your ass. He doesn’t have the jurisdiction to make that kinda call.” She smiles at the handler and nods, then says to the boy, “Try to hold still.”
The handler’s iron-grip on his neck anchors him in place while the needle slices into his skin, and for just a moment before the pain hits, the boy seems to become acutely aware of the fact that the needle is massive, before the pain takes over, and his world implodes.
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years ago
hii for the 5 sentence ficlet could I please request sex on the spaceship/trying not to get caught for Adam? thank u here’s a Capybara!
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send me nsfw headcanons and I will write a 5 sentence fic
ahhh babybara so precious 😍😍 thank you for the request! mini fic will be under the cut 👇
"Oh, yes! Oh, that feels amazing!" Adam cried out, gripping the arms of the chair. In an attempt to muffle his moans, you pressed your lips against his as you rode him with Do It To Me by Lionel Richie playing through your shared cassette player.
"Gotta stay quiet for me otherwise we'll get caught,” You muttered while rutting your hips against his. “Can you do that for me, big boy?”
Adam nodded frantically, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Yes, just don’t stop please.”
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brawngp2009 · 4 months ago
Bono/James V + Glasses for the 5 word fic!!!
The first thing James noticed, when he entered the garage is Bono, running around, rummaging through things, looking under every piece of equipment and even checking people's mugs.
"What's going on?" he asked leaning against the engineering station as Bono continued his scavenger hunt.
"Lost my glasses," he squinted, looking up at James, "and of course on the weekend, when I didn't pack a spare pair."
James didn't mean to laugh, but Bono looked so comically disgruntled and lost, just standing in the middle of the garage.
"I might help you with that," he smiled and reached up, taking glasses off the top of Bono's head and putting them on his nose. "Problem solved."
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it. <- but be reasonable
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year ago
Ship: Makoami Prompt: Coffee 😳👉👈
"If you drink any more of that, you'll never get to sleep tonight," Makoto murmurs into Ami's hair.
Ami ignores her wife and takes another giant, noisy gulp of coffee.
Makoto sighs in affectionate defeat. "At least let me make you a new pot."
Ami smiles and lifts her face for her victor's kiss.
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Drabble List #8 How about: #9 "Oh well, nothing I can do about it now." #31 "We should talk about what happened."
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9 "Oh well, nothing I can do about it now."
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#31 "We should talk about what happened."
For @scottxlogan
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bacarasbabe · 2 years ago
Hiiiiiiii, so happy! Can I ask about Savage + 2 ☆ { putting } a hand over their mouth to be quiet, from the smut prompts? Only if it’s something you’d find interesting!
Ohmygod talk about another amazing request 😩 I had so many ideas for this one too. So you get two fics 💕 Idk what it is but I've really been in the mood for more Savage recently. Thank you for the request and I hope you like what I wrote!
5 Sentence Fic Requests
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The gasp you cry is punched from your gut, escaping before you’re able to gain control of your body once more.
It echoes down the hall, painting the smooth walls in the sounds of your staccatoed breaths while simultaneously giving away the topic of your private conversation, to anyone who overhears, with the man who’s currently pressed flush to your core.
Savage stills momentarily, pinning you to the same traitorous wall with his hips and kisses your swollen lips, a request to be quiet, before he thrusts resume.
Again, you’re unable to hold back the cry that erupts from your chest, so Savage resorts to replacing his mouth with the palm of his hand, gently yet firmly covering the lower half of your face.
“Come on my cock, little one, then I’ll take you back to my chambers where you can be as loud as you want.”
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From your knees, the height difference between the two of you is greatly pronounced.
Savage towers over you, caging you underneath and between his legs as you work his leaking cock with your kiss-swollen lips and spit slicked hands.
He looks desperate, golden eyes half lidded, knees bent as if he was about to collapse to the floor.
You suck the bead of precum from the head of his cock and Savage keens loudly.
He cuts his cry off, smothering his mouth with his own hand in an attempt to control himself.
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blorbocedes · 2 years ago
whatever george and lando are called + "do you ever shut the fuck up?"
"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" George's resolve finally cracks, snapping. Lando has been talking nonstop, trying to recall a YouTube video he watched and piecing together an incoherent plot, then giving up and talking about another video which he also forgot. Lando by himself is bad enough, but Lando on uppers is a whole other echelon of annoying.
"Chill, dude. You sure you don't want one of these? Loosen the stick up your ass?" Lando offers his adderall bottle, again, and it's George's last straw. Their friend group is supposed to all hang at George's dorm, except his roommate Charles got to get Pierre last second, and Alex sent a text he's running late. Which meant George is on babysitting duty, alone with the most infuriating simpleton. It's more irksome, the way Lando infiltrated their friend group simply because Max had taken a liking to him.
George tried to bring it up with Alex, who is the most judgmental person he knows and a strong foundation for their friendship. Instead, Alex had just said, "Lando? Yeah, he's annoying in a little brother way. Harmless, really."
What everyone saw a harmless bug was actually an invasive species parasiting it's way in their friendship group.
"Not all of us can go through uni high on accounts of our father's silver spoon." George snaps, derisively. He knows Lando doesn't have a prescription, and he'd rather not be caught with drugs in his dorm much less his system.
"Christ, you're so boring, George. What happened, you used to be fuuuun." Lando stretches the word, standing too close to George but not actually touching him. Something about the kid just fucking rankles at George, the way he's never had to try at anything and have the world handed to him -- the way George's friends probably find him more endearing than himself. Everyone coddles him like it's cute he thought Brexit meant England left Europe the continent. He can feel Lando's body heat, his breathing so close to his ears, buzzing around him like a fly.
George is not a violent guy.
But god does it feel good to to push Lando, watch him stumble and fall on the bed, crumpling like a soda can.
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livlepretre · 1 year ago
She sees a white wolf wandering close to her house, she's not sure if she should be frightened or fascinated. #klena, wolf!Klaus, he changes in front of her.
The wolf is back again.
She's seen it every night this past week.
Wolves no longer roam Virginia. Not for decades. She checked.
This is not a wolf.
She knows it's not a wolf because of the way it looks at her. No animal ever set its gaze so keenly upon a human in a window. Not every night for a week.
No wolf ever looked at a human with the kind of hunger she sees simmering in its endlessly black eyes.
The first time she had seen the wolf, the sight of it, unnaturally huge and still, its white fur gleaming blade bright in the moonlight, she had paused at her bedroom window and stared.
It was, she had thought, the most beautiful animal she had ever laid eyes upon.
That was until it locked eyes with her, and the fear had lanced through her so utterly that she had been unable to root herself from her spot by the window until the hazy pre-dawn mists made it impossible to pick out the wolf in the gloom.
When the sun had risen, it had been gone.
But it had come again the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that.
On the fifth night, Elena had not dared to twitch aside the curtains, too afraid of the suspicions taking shape inside her head, the arc of her thoughts like the rustle of bat wings in the dark of a cave, the moment before the horde takes flight.
She had felt the wolf there anyway. Had known he kept his vigil, staring up into her window, hungering for her.
She has her theories about what it is he must want with her.
And so it does not surprise her when tonight, beneath the heavy full moon, she sees the wolf stand and, between one step and the next, shift into a man.
Except, of course, she knows it is not a man.
No man had ever looked at any woman with the kind of hunger this man looks at her with now.
He lifts his hand to wave at her.
Helplessly, she waves back.
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Can we see Teddy get beaten with a belt
Teddy clawed at the walls in an attempt to get away, wrists corded together. He sobbed through the tape keeping him quiet as Bernard brought down the leather belt again. The force of it knocked his head into the wooden side of the coal shed.
"Stop lying," Bernard growled, unmoved by the boy's cries.
If being Adam made the man stop, he'd be Adam.
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 1 year ago
5 sentence for you if it sparks anything ^_^
Astarion *mumbles in elvish*
Tav, intrigued “wait what was that??”
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A/N: Okay, I did spark something, but slightly different from this set up. I hope that's okay!
Also, this is in keeping with the canon that Evie (Ace!Tav) can't read common. So, any Elvish they've learned is purely through what they've heard and conversational context.
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You should have known you'd find trouble the second you saw the look on Astarion's face.
It wasn't the first time he'd seen you perform. However, it was one of the few times you had decided to sing as opposed to simply play. The crowd seemed right for it, and after going through your standard set list you had decided to end to night on an old favorite. It also happened to be the only song you knew in Elvish.
He looked so...delighted. It made you suspicious, not helped by his overly enthusiastic applause as you finished.
“Bravo," he exclaimed as you took your seat beside him. "And here I thought you didn’t speak Elvish."
“Not fluently. Just enough to negotiate a meal really," you admitted.
He nodded, his expression turning just a little too smug. “Ah.”
You narrowed your eyes, your lips turning into an unamused line. “What does “ah” mean?”
“Nothing you need to concern yourself my love," he assured, innocently. "So I take it you learned that song by ear.”
“Yes…" you said, frowning. "Seemed to be a crowd favorite.”
“Indeed it is. And you do play it so beautifully.”
You bit back a frustrated growl. If he was going to play coy, so could you. “Oh I don’t know. Something tells me I would play it much better if I knew what it meant. Perhaps if somebody could translate it for me.”
Astarion shook his head, clutching a hand to his chest is dismay. “Perish the thought. I wouldn’t dare jeopardize your performance. No, I believe it would be much better if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing.”
You gave a slight huff, realizing your efforts were futile. You then turned your attention to Shadowheart.
"It's all a big metaphor for sex, isn't it?"
She shrugged. "Not much of a metaphor."
send me a sentence + pairing and i’ll write the next five sentences
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Since we both want all things Protective Joel Miller... How about another one with ❛ You’re lucky you got away with only a scratch. ❜ ... 🫠
if I could have I would order a 150k slowburn overprotective Joel fic 🥹
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Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader
Warnings: injuries, Joel being Joel
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"You’re lucky you got away with only a scratch," he continued to check your body for any further injuries, his face a mix of concern and supressed anger.
He had whirled into the Hospital like a hurricane while you wondered how he found out in the first place, demanding to see you, Tommy behind him giving you a sorry expression as he left you to deal with your man, missing the glare you gave his quickly retreating back.
"He didn't mean anything by it, he's just.... he wanted to help and just took my words literally," you shrugged, grabbing Joel's hands to squeeze them in hopes it would calm him down.
"He threw a hammer after you baby, a hammer," he stressed, "he could have..." he stopped himself, jaw twitching as he took a deep, calming breath and you fought against the smile that wanted to sneak to your face just before he sighed and hung his head, his forehead resting against yours.
"Gonna work on all construction with you from now on to make sure you won't get run over by a fucking wheelbarrow next," he grunted before he kissed you softly.
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hold-him-down · 8 months ago
"stop looking at me like that."
for the fighter :)
tw: briefly described noncon sex toy use
from this ask game
✥ ✥ ✥
“Stop looking at me like that,” Parker says, putting on a fake pout. With one hand on each side of Leo’s neck, he straightens the collar of his shirt first, then his tie, then runs his palms down his suit-jacket. “Two hours, baby. Three, max. Humor me?”
Leo closes his eyes, smiles, and nods. 
Parker’s events are usually hard, but tonight will be infinitely h–
Leo feels the toy that Parker’s friend selected come alive inside him and his body tenses, his hands turning to fists at his sides. It’s about power, Leo knows, and maybe, if he–
He gasps, then locks his jaw, his teeth aching from how hard he bites down.
Parker laughs as he puts the remote in his pocket, kissing Leo’s forehead. “You’re adorable,” he says. “But you need to work on your game face, okay? Don’t embarrass me tonight.”
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years ago
May I request first time having sex or body worship with Will for the 5 sentence ficlet thing? 🙈 ❤️ Thank you I love your writing!
send me nsfw headcanons and I will write a 5 sentence fic
I am a firm believer that Will lives for body worship and I will dedicate my life to converting everyone 😤😤
Will spent the last half hour licking and sucking your tits, pulling orgasm after orgasm. Your pussy throbbed and your head span as his lips trailed down your stomach to your thighs.
"How are you, baby girl?" He kissed the top of your thighs, causing you to sigh from overstimulation.
"Feel...so...good." You stammered. Will laughed, sliding your panties off your legs.
"Good." His gaze grew wicked with lust as his eyes fixated on your dripping hole. "Cause I'm gonna worship this pussy until you're begging me to stop." With that, his tongue lapped at your wetness before engulfing his lips around your clit.
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brawngp2009 · 4 months ago
Lewis & Bono with "bourgeoisie" please for the 5 sentence fics :)
Lewis hummed a song that's been stuck in his head for a couple of days but he couldn't identify it because he didn't remember any lyrics. "Hey, Bono," Lewis came up to his engineer, who was sitting at his usual place with his laptop, "I know it's a bit of a stretch, but maybe you know this song?" he asked and hummed the melody the best he could. Bono listened very intently, furrowing his eyebrows and pursing his lips. "That'd be the bourgeoisie song," he answered, when Lewis finished, "Conan White from tiktok sings it, I think, I'm not sure." "How do you even know that, man? Since when are you on tiktok?" Lewis laughed as Bono just shrugged and returned his attention to some data charts in his laptop.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it. <- but be reasonable
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