#43% Nigerian scam
"The alliterate one was yelling at a producer after the interview." 🤔
Well of course she did 🤪
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By the way, it is past time for Jane Pauley to retire. Jane couldn't see the difference between Sparry's hand & his thigh : "...and I see you touch your HUSBAND'S HAND in just the way I knew you would be looking after one another."
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Someone is Off Script 🤪😂
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HAPPY Meg: to speak about her fake unaliving & the tell tell: "I wasn't expecting that..." She had a SCRIPT on the ready, along w/yet another veiled threat to the BRF
ANGRY Meg: Pauley said, "the 2 of you, a modest beginning it's NOT an army (yet). What are your ambitions?" This was the 1 time Pauley went off script.
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Like vinegar in Meg's mouth: "you have to start somewhere..." BUSTED!
This "network" is a smokescreen, an illusion. The Meghans are tragedy vultures who grift off the pain of parents whose children are deceased. They intend to exploit these parents to pass legislation like KOSA, to criminalize online criticism and monitor social credit scores
Tragedy Vultures
Oh look, she's latched onto another mother of a deceased child. 🤔 ⚰
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Q-Where did these TRAGEDY VULTURES meet the bereaved parents?⚰
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A-They met these bereaved parents in October 2023 in NYC for the 2nd annual World Mental Health Day. archeFRAUD Partnered with Project Healthy Minds (Carson Daily) to target the potential activism of this niche group of bereaved parents who experienced the unthinkable----a child gone too soon.
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archeFRAUD plans to use their website and resources as an online hub of "connection" for the parent bereavement stories. The financial backers are: the radical left NAACP, Boston's radical left Fairplay, ParentsSOS, Center for Humane Technology, George Soros Open Societies Foundations, Omisyar Network, Craig Newmark Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Ford Foundation, Pritzker Family Foundation, Pritzker Innovation Fund, Parent's For Safe Online Spaces, David's Legacy Foundation, etc.
They intend to use untouchable stories of sorrow & death to bully Congress into criminalizing online criticism. This has been a longtime mission for elites like noprah, tyler perry, hollyweird stars, celebrity & political island visitors made up of wealthy elites who do illegal deeds in the shadows. These groups have been on a 20 year mission to go back to the comfort & secrecy of the pre-internet era. They are desperate for their wicked deeds to remain in the dark, but they need forward facing idiots like Meghan & Sparry to serve as their mouthpieces.
ME-gain & Sparry are tragedy vultures, grifting off the grief of bereaved families. Their mission to "raise awareness by sharing these parent stories" is to criminalize online online users for "hate speech" aka any criticism of ME-gain via the digital online town square. The NAACP is money laundering to meet the elites digital justice goals. Please contact Congress to Stop KOSA.
The October 2023 Comments under this Access Hollyweird video are GOLD!!
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trexalicious · 4 months
Ibble Dibble brings it! Rachel's failings and word salads of shame...
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
This is totally my opinion on Harry, Invictus and the Commonwealth. I think Harry’s greatest loss was the loss of their roles of President and VP of the Commonwealth Trust. If they lose Invictus a great deal of their “Plans” i.e. the Plans others have for using them. All of this is connected as I think Harry’s handlers have their ultimate goal of getting Harry back into a role with the Commonwealth which would allow a great deal of movement and economic and military activities within those countries populations, by his handlers, as Harry would be the face to put out any complaints by those who are fighting the multi national corporations and Tech companies that are trying to make inroads into those countries,  to get access to their resources, like oil, their land for development.  They have to have a face that is innocuous and who appears to be aligned with the Commonwealth countries. That face, the face of Invictus, gives them Carte Blanche to get into the country, to sell it as a Goodwill operation for Veterans etc. Without Invictus they lose that free pass to go right to the top of the countries hierarchy of ministers, presidents, meet a former prince routine of his and then integrate his own “connections” to the country with the blessing of the leaders as they trust Harry.  You know the Harry that keeps talking about “Africa, my true home, the place I am most comfortable” blah, blah. The desire of Invictus to get rid of Harry has proven to be very difficult as there are powerful corporations who want him there and it has nothing to do with athletes. With Harry as the face, and the beard for what is going on, he distracts from the real activities and puts out that she is 43% Nigerian (I am your sister, your mother, your wife blah, blah!). Don’t be fooled. This is all a charade, a scam…not by Harry, he is too stupid. Follow the money…this is all a distraction from issues like all the violence over there, i.e., African Parks. However, there is no question in my mind that H&M would do anything for money…greed is the touchstone here…and we already know that Harry would sell out his family for money. Can you imagine what he would do to an entity like the Commonwealth, that he does not care about at all?  Keep your eyes on these two, they are more dangerous than they look, because stupid people are very dangerous, because they will do anything for money.
Hi Nonny,
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. :)
A few points that I want to comment on:
The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust is a local, UK based charity that is supposed to support young people aged 18-35 across the Commonwealth, focusing on social entrepreneurs who have founded organisations to address problems in their communities. So far it has funded projects in the following countries:
 3 in the UK, 5 in Uganda, 3 in Kenya, 3 in Cameroon, 2 in Malawi, 2 in South Africa, 2 in Rwanda, 2 in Tanzania, 2 in Nigeria, 1 in Ghana, 1 in Barbados, 1 in Guyana, 1 in St Lucia, 1 in Trinidad and Tobago, 1 in the Maldives, 1 in India, and 1 in Pakistan. 
That is 32 projects across 17 countries (out of 56 Commonwealth Nations). This is a small charity. It does not have an international reputation and I doubt that most people outside the UK would know about it.
Harry’s job as President was to be president of a UK based charity. It had nothing to do with the organisation of the Commonwealth if Nations.
With respect to the Commonwealth of Nations, any prominent position within the organisation is either filled by a Head of State or voted on by all Heads of State. If Harry wants one of those positions, for which he is woefully unqualified, he would have to do a deal with enough of the 56 Heads of State to be voted into the position. I can’t see that happening, myself, especially as many of them want the position to go to another country’s Head of State after King Charles. 
In addition, the Head of the Commonwealth has no power in any nation that makes up the Commonwealth. They can not be the face of anything except the Commonwealth as an organisation because they have no power in any of the individual countries (except for what is granted to them as Head of State of one or more of those countries).
Invictus is another matter, as Harry does have role as its patron that could include going to different countries to raise awareness/funds etc. Using that role for other motives makes sense.
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skippyv20 · 4 months
Long read, apologies for any grammar errors
This hysteria is getting out of control and is making the anti Sussex look somewhat deranged to an outsider. I’m just what I’m seeing and trying to bring the volume down.
I’ve seen Nigerians being called all kinds of things as being backwards as a result of practicing an unfounded vicious rumor of bestiality on females, when gender surgeries on childfen are on high demand in the west.
They’re are called corrupt, the poorest country in the world, no running water, electricity, kidnappings when human trafficking is on a large scale in the west, less we forget Epstein, Andrew and the other elites and lower elites. Epstein allegedly viciously SAed over 300 young girls. There’s a huge list of missing kids and adults in West? Where did they all go?
Yes, Nigeria like every other country needs help and by God’s grace the lord’s riches will solve all this unnecessary poverty wherever it exits.
Now, Meg’s 43% Nig, and as a Nigerian, I don’t believe, though I’ve gone to Nairaland to get peoples opinions on this visit and her so called heritage. People are more pro her, though there are some detractors with somr sense, though they easily drown them.
Her alleged new heritage is not a battle that a Caucasian will win. It’s best for Nigerians to believe whatever, and it explains how amongst other reason, colonization was easily done. It’s sad that some of my people can be got. People see a black, African, biracial in power and think they’ll be good for black folks. It’s one of the biggest scams in the world and black folks haven’t learned.
I didn’t really articulate myself on why Caucasians should stay out of this. It’s sort of a complex issue. I understand the Caucasians pov, but it’s up to Nigerians to accept it. Has anyone really seen that so called DNA? I have never heard anyone ask? It’s very impossible for a biracial to be 43% N, unless she has a one parent from Nigeria.
It tells a lot: Sussex drops her, but Nigeria welcomes her. I’m embarrassed to be Of Nigerian descent to be honest. I love that we live in the world where we can claim anything. I am now 25 % Antartican.
Imho, the best thing, would have been for people to voice their concerns, but ignore her. That’d have been the biggest humiliation. Just like low ratings of TV shows get canceled.
Once meg, announced she was Nigerian, I knew it wouldn’t have been long for her to claim physical territory in Nigeria. The rf should’ve been waiting and anticipated this, and put those titles in abeyance, and held on to the titles of their children and just said they were sorting things out. My gut is telling that it’s too late for that. It’s like not treating an infection early to prevent amputation of the foot.
Charles on the other hand is serving what?. All I hear from thr rf is the silly nonsense about who invited whom to stay where, who couldn’t see whom, and some other nonsense. When did GB, become like this? When have they lost the courage in acting right? Where is Churchill, Baldwin?
Edward the 8th and wallis could do whatever, but then the difference was that they were no longer part of the firm, kicked out of England, and didn’t leave on their own accord and visit at anytime like harry. That was a reality check. The RF has left this rogue, evil, scheming son get this vicious, and the price to pay is very painful.
Thank you.  The rumours you hear about Nigeria don’t come from this blog or other blogs here on Tumblr.  We have one focus, and that is Harry’s wife.  I do agree that we have a difficult time understanding the love anyone has for her.  But let me be clear….the fact that she is claiming to be 43% Nigerian hits us hard. (Note an author named Georgina Lawton claimed to have her DNA done and announced she was 43% Nigerian, not saying she isn’t, but rather it explains where Harry’s wife arrived at this, as usual she steals from others, including their DNA results).  She has claimed to be part Maltese as well, because a great great grandmother lived on the island of Malta.  She has claimed to be Jewish and Catholic.  She has implied she was Canadian when in fact she is American…I could go on and on.  This is what we all take issue with.  She uses and abuses, people and places, countries, religions etc.  She has always gotten away with these lies because no one would call her out.  We have worked so hard for so many years to expose her.  Now we finally are seeing results, people see what we see.  I am in complete agreement the BRF should have stopped this long ago, I shake my head as to why they have not.  I do appreciate all you have said, and again I will ponder.❤️
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Did Meghan get the idea for her 43% Nigerian scam from a 2021 book by Georgina Lawton in which the author said she discovered she is 43% Nigerian? Lawton also wrote a ridiculous sugary 2017 article praising ILBW for changing race relations. by u/wontyield
Did Meghan get the idea for her 43% Nigerian scam from a 2021 book by Georgina Lawton, in which the author said she discovered she is 43% Nigerian? Lawton also wrote a ridiculous sugary 2017 article praising ILBW for changing 🇬🇧 race relations. 🙄😑 https://ift.tt/DEFXjGg post link: https://ift.tt/cgVzaDq author: wontyield submitted: May 26, 2024 at 08:55AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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valkerymillenia · 2 years
TUA S03E03 Reactions
That poor bunny...
So if Harlan is anything to go by, Viktor's powers are even more dangerous than we thought
I still think it's too much of a coincidence that Sissy died on October 1st of 1989... Unless.... Oh new theory!
What if Harlan accidentally caused the mothers' deaths when Sissy died? Out of grief? That's why it went from 43 to 16?
Could have been cool if Klaus immediately saw Jayme and Alphonso's ghosts
Allison trying to rumor herself was painful to watch but it answers some questions
Ben used to be number 1? That explains his bitterness
"where we used to huff paint" - WE? Really? Interesting 🤔
Luther telling Sloane his family is everything to him 😭
Is Klaus drinking mouthwash?
Oppositional defiant disorder? Sounds accurate
White buffalo suite? Like the white buffalo painting in Reggie's den? It's this Reggie's room?
Luther fell for the Nigerian prince scam? 😂
Diego and Allison bonding! :')
Bargain Batman 😂😂😂
I should have seen that coming, why didn't I see that coming?
Is he going to... Yep, Five skinned himself
Klaus immortality plotline??? PLEASE???
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dark-and-twisty-01 · 4 years
'Nice Guy' Glenn kept bodies in barrels
We can imagine the scene. Andrew Cherewka, 24, sat in front of his probation officer. It was was shortly before Christmas, 2015, in Waterloo, west of Toronto. The officer had marked the holiday with a bent six-inch plastic tree on her desk and a few scattered cards. Outside, it was snowing. The wan light of early winter crept through the cracks in the blind. 'Good to be outside?' Andrew smiled. He was free, free, free at least in the psychical sense. He'd served 30 months for a road traffic accident in which his friend, a passenger in his car, died - something he could never be free. He carried the chains of remorse with him wherever he went. 'Just some formalities,' the officer said. She ruffled the pages of a form.
'Next of kin?' 'My mother and sister, I guess.' 'Address?' 'I don't know' 'You don't know?' Andrew explained that he'd last seen his mother, Linda Daniel, 48, and sister Cheyanne, 13, in July 2011, when he called on the home they shared with Linda's boyfriend, Glenn Beauman, 37, a truck driver, in rural St. Clements. Bauman told him Linda and Cheyanne, a keen horse rider, had cleared out his savings and maxed his credit card, just like that. Andrew never heard from them again.
'You didn't report it?' The probation officer leaned in her chair. Andrew shrugged.
'Mom kept very much to herself. She had few friends and hardly liked anyone. I was surprised but wasn't, if you know what I mean. I thought mom took Cheyanne to start a new life somewhere.'
'You tried to contact them?' 'You bet, I sent texts and messages but they never replied.' The officer considered what he said. 'You should report it, in case.' 'In case?' 'This Bauman character, you know?' 'Glenn? God, no he's the nicest guy you could meet. I've never seen him raise his voice or lose his temper. He treated Cheyanne like his own daughter.' He so, keen to keep in with his probation officer, Andrew reported the pair missing - four years after they disappeared. And then all hell broke lose.
As a matter of routine, police searched Bauman's old home on Hessen Strasse in Wellesley Township. There they found two 45 gallon steel barrels in the backyard that contained ash - about two person's worth. Worse, one of the barrels contained human teeth and what was believed to be human bone fragments. Inside the home, blood was observed to have seeped through two layers of flooring in the master bedroom that was once shared by Linda Daniel and Glenn Bauman. In the meantime, Bauman had moved from Ontario to Alberta. Alerted to the concerns of their colleagues, the RCMP in Alberta sent two officers undercover to find out what they could. The first played the role of a private investigator looking into the disappearance of the mother and daughter, He approached Bauman full on and accused him of killing the pair: 'I don't know what to tell you, man, cause you're a killer.' 'I didn't do anything to them, other than provide a roof over their heads and a life,' Bauman replied. He climbed into his truck. The officer heard Bauman talking out loud to himself - weird. Bauman was rattled and turned to his new friend, not knowing the new friend was also an undercover cop. Their conversation was recorded. Bauman talked about killing the private detective and burning his body in a barrel. Was he serious? 'He gets cooked in a fucking barrel, and then you keep burning and burning and burning and burning and burning until there's nothing left,' Bauman said. That was pretty serious. 'Won't that leave bone behind?' the new friend asked. 'Naw,' Bauman replied with a strange confidence. 'The heat's strong enough to get rid of the bones. The only thing that won't burn is teeth.; The undercover officer drove around with Bauman in his truck as they looked for a place to purchase a suitable barrel. 'We can transport him somewhere else in that,' Bauman said. Yeah, he was serious.
It was enough for Bauman to be picked up on August 19th 2016, in Valleyview on Highway 43, north-west of Edmonton. There was a barrel in the back of his pickup truck. It was a shock to one of Glenn Bauman's old friends, Jonas Martin. He said Bauman was raised in an Old Order Mennonite farm family - no smoking, drinking or sex before marriage - a really nice guy. He met Linda through a dating site in 2003 and loved her daughter, Cheyanne. 'He loved her, absolutely loved her.' If it meant doing extra runs or working extra hours so that he could pay to do something for her, that wasn't even a question.' Like the Amish, Old Order Mennonites, of Swiss-German origin, follow a strict code that focuses on a traditional way of life although vary from group to group. Three thousand five hundred OOMs remain in Ontario. Membership is voluntary, and Bauman had left the order when he was 19. Bauman was brought before a seven-man, seven-woman jury in April 2019 for a four-month trial. Crown Prosecutor Ashley Warne told the court that for years Bauman 'gave explanations for the whereabouts of Linda and Cheyanne Daniel.' He was so plausible, no one questioned it. Bauman had told Andrew he'd reported the pair's absence to the police in Elmira but the police had said, 'Don't go looking for them.' This was untrue, although Bauman did approach police earlier to say his relationship was on the rocks. 'He was seeking help about how to get out of his domestic situation,' a police sergeant confirmed. It was unclear what he thought the police could do about it. Bank records from the period showed Bauman struggled with money. He was unemployed and under pressure at the time Linda and Cheyanne disappeared. Andrew repeated the tale of how his interview with his probation officer produced a 'light-bulb moment' in his head that led to him reporting the disappearance. 'She asked me if I had ever reported them to the police and I said 'no' and she was very surprised by that.I guess I was surprised at how surprised she was.' After he removed Linda and Cheyanne from his life, Crown Prosecutor Warne said, Bauman 'began making efforts to start a new life with a woman.' He met the woman, a Nigerian, on the internet. He wanted to send her $3,000 but Western Union stopped the international transfer to Nigeria as part of a clampdown on scams. Bauman complained to the police. 'I've sent her a plane ticket,' he said plaintively. Two days later after Linda and Cheyanne disappeared, Bauman cashed in Cheyanne's education savings plan. A few months later, he received the $3,100 that rested in the plan. When Bauman was arrested, his current partner asked him point-blank if Linda and Cheyanne were still alive. 'He gritted his teeth,' she told the court. 'With a tear in his eye, he shook his head and said, 'No, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.' A friend of Cheyanne's from Linwood Public School had posted a message on Cheyanne's social media page. 'Why were you not at the first day of school?' There was no reply. The defence argued that Bauman had no case to answer because Linda and Cheyanne were still alive, having started a new life somewhere else - abroad maybe.
Bauman didn't take the stand in his own defence but a witness was called - Roxanne Ratthe, another friend of Cheyanne. She claimed Cheyanne had called her after they left Bauman's home - something the prosecution claimed never happened because Bauman killed them at home and burned their remains in a barrel.
'She called me a while after and just said, 'Hey,' I was like, 'Hey, How's it going? Where are you?' She said, 'I can't tell you.' I was like, 'Well, seriously, where are you?' She just kept saying that she couldn't tell me. I asked her once more - 'Where are you?' - and she just hung up and I never heard from her ever again.'
Defence lawyer Terence Luscombe asked how Cheyanne sounded. 'She sounded normal. She always had kind of a bubbly personality. She sounded excited. She was happy, or it seemed that she was happy. Crown prosecutor Dominique Kennedy said she was confused.
'So your understanding is that your conversation with Cheyanne was not after she is alleged to have been killed?' 'Yeah. She did not call me after she had been allegedly killed. It was before all this happened..' 'Because if Cheyanne called you and you were the only person in the whole universe to hear from Cheyanne after the day that she is alleged to have been killed, that would be very bizarre, right?' 'Yeah.' 'Like unbelievable, right?' 'Yeah.'
In closing arguments, Dominique Kennedy rejected the notion that the pair were still alive elsewhere. 'They had no passports or other travel documents. They didn't change their name. They aren't in the witness protection program. They never crossed into the U.S. Linda and Cheyanne always lived in southern Ontario. It's not reasonable to suggest that Linda and Cheyanne stowed away to a foreign country unbeknownst to all.' After deliberating for a day, the jury found Glenn Beauman guilty of first-degree murder even though nobody could explain how or why he did it - was it really because of financial pressure? Don't all families suffer like that?
In August 2019, Bauman was sentenced to life with a minimum of 25 years for each murder. The sentences will run concurrently as the deaths occurred months before a change in Canadian law that allowed for consecutive sentences in multiple deaths. Asked if he had anything to say before he was taken away, Bauman politely replied. 'No, Sir.'
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newscultofficial · 7 years
Why the Discovery of $43 Million in a Nigerian Apartment Began Trending
More than $43 million U.S. dollars was found in a Nigerian apartment last Wednesday.
The country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission made the discovery after they received a tip that someone had been moving large bags in and out of the apartment.
According to the EFCC, in addition to the $43 million U.S. dollars, authorities discovered $75,000 worth of Nigerian currency and $35,000 in…
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years
August 30, 2009
These internet scams must make it difficult for legitimate Nigerian officials to share huge sums of money with strangers.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 87
I think there's still time for one more famous person to die and be buried before Michael Jackson.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 84
It's not child labor if they think they're playing a game.   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 83
Claiming a product promotes weight loss when combined with diet and exercise is like claiming it grants wishes when used with a leprechaun.   @luckyshirt (Unavailable) – 74
Just two dudes relaxing in their jammies, playing Lego Star Wars and eating apple jacks. Despite appearances, only one of us is six.   @CranberryPerson (N/A) – 68
Hello! I'm your new forehead zit. You may recognize me from shows like "You Slept In Your Makeup Again" or "Too Many Burritos Last Week".   @gordonshumway (Jelisa Castrodale) – 66
i try to use 'penis' as my password for everything online...but it just keeps telling me "sorry, it's not long enough."  hmpf. ...words out.   @theduty (duty) – 64
A Dickens novel walks into a bar—which, having procured a brief wedge of sunlight to reveal the scattered shadowy and hunched forms alrea   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 60
I sat on my couch for three months and I won atrophy! And you said I could only win those playing sports.   @baileygenine (Bailey Siewert) – 58
Just bought some breakfast at IKEA. It looks pretty good, but I just know it's going to fall apart in a month.   @luckyshirt (Unavailable) – 57
We really wish you could stay for dinner, but we didn't realize what an asshole you were when we invited you over, so you need to leave now.   @Zaius13 (Damn Dirty Ape) – 50
I asked him to describe me in three words, but made him stop after "gross" and "mean."   @CcSteff (Stephanie) – 47
Made myself an omelet so good I have to buy my wife flowers.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 46
Missing tweet #3635231951   @nonsequiturific (Unavailable) – 43
Theory: No one who owns a vagina has ever bought 1-ply toilet paper more than one time.   @EffingBoring (I. Ron Butterfly) – 43
Lord of the Flies situation going down in the bouncy castle. This is what happens when you legalize juice boxes.   @kellydeal (kellydeal) – 41
You know, lady, if this were ancient Greece, you'd be FLATTERED that an older man was making sex face at your teenage son.   @phyllisstein (Blight Christmas) – 41
In honor of Oasis & their contributions to music, I'll be sculpting my bikini area into a unibrow. Then I'll allow it to rip off the Beatles   @gordonshumway (Jelisa Castrodale) – 41
I can't even get it together enough to be a hot mess. I'm more like a warm clutter.   @shoesonwrong (Annie) – 40
No, store! Bad store! Put away those Halloween decorations! BAD STORE! [Smacks store on the nose with rolled-up newspaper.]   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 40
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toriexpress · 2 years
Nigerian couple arrested in Malaysia over N366M email fraud
Nigerian couple arrested in Malaysia over N366M email fraud
A 43-year-old Nigerian man and his 41-year-old Malaysian wife have been arrested in Kuala Lumpur in connection with an email scam involving RM3.9mil in losses. Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Comm Datuk Mohd Kamarudin Md Din said police believed the suspects were responsible for the scam, better known as business email compromise (BEC). “We received a report on June…
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
Nigerian Man And His Wife Arrested in Malaysia Over N366m Email Scam (Photos)
Nigerian Man And His Wife Arrested in Malaysia Over N366m Email Scam (Photos)
The suspects were responsible for the scam, better known as business email compromise (BEC). Security operatives in Malaysia have arrested a Nigerian man, 43 and his wife, 41 after accusing them of scam. The couple were arrested in Kuala Lumpur in connection with an email scam involving RM3.9mil in losses. Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Comm Datuk Mohd Kamarudin Md…
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Written and Distributed by their mistress. How do we know?
Stepping BACK "not down"
Award Winning Podcast
Netflix deal, no mention of Spotify
Lifestyle Brand (10 pots of scam jam)
Investments: 1-mushrooms is not coffee 2-Ethic 🤑
Bestselling author🤡
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Edited to add text to the @meganarcissist1 meme
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latestupdates2022 · 2 years
Nigerian man and his wife arrested in Malaysia over N366m email scam
Nigerian man and his wife arrested in Malaysia over N366m email scam
Nigerian man and his wife arrested in Malaysia over N366m email scam A 43-year-old Nigerian man and his 41-year-old Malaysian wife have been arrested in Kuala Lumpur in connection with an email scam involving RM3.9mil in losses. Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Comm Datuk Mohd Kamarudin Md Din said police believed the suspects were responsible for the scam, better…
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onitshagra · 3 years
Dr. Aloy Chife’s Socketworks Accused Of Scamming Nigerians, Causing deaths 16 Job Seekers
Dr. Aloy Chife’s Socketworks Accused Of Scamming Nigerians, Causing deaths 16 Job Seekers
According to a trending report by Theophilus Abbah, published on zammagazine.com, the outspoken social commentator’s company scammed millions of Nigerian job seekers. The magazine wrote: “Working for NIS, in 2014, Socketworks (allegedly owned by Dr. Aloy Chife) charged six-and-a-half million applicants for vacant NIS positions one thousand Naira each (earning US$ 43 million for itself just for…
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skippyv20 · 4 months
I was just on Instagram and I came across the pictures Kylie Jenner uploaded with her kids for Mother's Day, she has two black kids. I know genetics can be crazy sometimes but how is it possible that Meghan is supposedly 43% Nigerian and none of her "kids" have inherited any black features? If she's going to make up imaginary children she shouldn't have chosen children whiter than milk and even more redheaded than Harry himself when he was that age. by the way, I want to say that Kylie's children are beautiful and you can tell that they’re two very happy and very loved children, you can like her or dislike her but you can see that she’s a great mother, and she adores her children. Thank god neither Archie nor Lily really exist, imagine all the traumas that a mother like Meghan can cause you.
Thank you! Yes the little Kardashian children are all so cute! I think Harry’s wife decided the “children” should be Caucasian without the 43% Nigerian, Maltese, Jamaican DNA because SHE needs to be the ONE, no competition. All eyes on her when she speaks….this is the ultimate scam! It’s just another gaslighting trick she does, she knows she won’t be called out….❤️
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Nigeria’s Role in Invictus Games
Time to review some facts as Harold & M book another private jet to another continent. Hopefully some publications will engage in some research on this.
So how many African nations have attended the Invictus Games (IGs) prior to 2023? ZERO.
In 2022 Meghan Markle unexpectedly announced to the world that she was 43% Nigerian. Ibble Dibble does an excellent job debunking this btw here https://youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&si=AJ5IF8qLod4KGyda
Setting aside that Meghan’s claim was false, Meghan still announced this on her Archetype podcast episode on “Angry Black Women” featuring Ziwe Fumudoh who is the daughter of two Nigerian immigrants. The highly profane comedienne also attended Northwestern, although it’s unlikely she was in Meghan’s white sorority. Ziwe was, predictably giddy, and the two instantly bonded. Not sure where her jelly post is.
Nigeria “mysteriously” applied to join the Invictus Games also in 2022, but wasn’t eligible to participate until last year’s IGs in Dusseldorf. They brought ten participants. The question is, which is the chicken vs egg? Based on her family’s ancestry records we know she can’t be 43% Nigerian, so did Harry tell M about Nigeria wanting to join the IGs and M thought “great!” I can be Nigerian, realizing no other African countries participate? Or did M make up the Nigerian DNA story and Nigeria latched on to gain more legitimacy and access some stale royal stardust? Or are we supposed to believe her fake story about being Nigerian in 2022 was purely coincidental to Nigeria applying to the IGs in 2022, when zero other African countries have shown any interest?
In January 2024 Harry & Meghan flew to Whistler, BC to attend some IG ski vacation boondoggle that cost IG tens of thousands of dollars for just H&M’s private jets and very luxurious accommodations, to say nothing of the staggering funds spent on this mini vacation holiday for the entire IG staff, Archewell staff & a very small group of competitors, which included a high society dinner with Michael Bublé serenading a large banquet hall of VIPs, including the Nigerian Chief of Staff who invited H&M to swan about Nigeria. Apparently the vets weren’t invited to that dinner, but they enjoyed all the other perks. That Chief of Staff brought some Nigerian participants with him, none of whom seemingly had any experience competing in winter sports, so it seems shockingly wasteful to squander so much money for a “pre-IG trip just so the Chief of Staff can say he met Michael Bublé.
Harry describes this May 2024 Nigerian trip thusly:
”His visit to Nigeria will include cultural activities and will “consolidate Nigeria’s stronghold at the games and the possibility of hosting the event in later years,” Gusau said.
Nigeria has NO stronghold at the games. They only fielded ten participants and have only attended ONE IG. One. That is not a stronghold. So what is the real purpose of this trip? To bribe Harry for a future hosting gig for the IGs? Bribery involving government officials is the most common form of corruption in Nigeria, according to Nigeria. And we all know how big their scam and bots industry is. That means bribery, although technically illegal in Nigeria, is also very commonplace. Wasting money seems like no big deal for them either.
However, the thought of Nigeria hosting the IGs is laughable. Nigeria has travel warnings throughout Nigeria due to widespread terrorism, kidnappings, armed gangs and general crime. The participating countries are advising against travel to Nigeria https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.html
Aside from putting other nations in extreme danger, it would cost Nigeria over $40M to host this week long party. Nigeria’s entire military budget of $3.1B is .003 of our (US’s) military budget. Basically a rounding error. Yet spending over $40M on a week long party for 500 vets from 22 non-US countries is still hefty enough that it merits a lot of lobbying here, since basic vet needs are not fully met. Yet Nigeria wants to cough this much money up so that 98% of the non-Nigerian prticipants can party in Nigeria? Why? Are all there other veteran needs being fully met? What else is in it for them? This can’t be what this trip is really all about
For Harry & Meghan this is all a win-win. They get to have another faux royal International trip where they cosplay still being royals with royal authority & privileges, which they no longer possess. They will be treated as VIPs, staying at the finest Nigerian hotels and riding in armed motorcades, which is apparently the thing Harry misses most about his former life as an actual senior royal. Meghan gets to rub more heavy bronzer on her race card while working to cement her presence as. co-host for all the future Invictus Games with Harry, who is only a patron, btw, and has zero official corporate authority for the IGs. She will be their Lolo waving her Nigerian flag. Harry seeks to throw his weight around proving that he can bring in nations that will pony up the giant hosting fees
There are rumors that the IG Foundation is considering replacing Harry as their patron. Harry believed his big Netflix Heart of Invictus series would stave that off, but that series didn‘t do that well. Perhaps he believes he can bring in all of Africa. I doubt that will work out well. I think this stunt smells like overwhelming desperation.
The Invictus Games Foundation needs to stop this out of control train wreck. Harry & Meghan going rogue on these projects only brings on more intense scrutiny. Will this charity survive if the amount of money spent on H&M is ever made public? If the US hosts the 2026 IGs I can assure you FOIAs will go out to the DOD. If Birmingham gets it I assume the UK will also FOIA the snot out of the records. The truly big waste isn’t in the IGF’s paltry budget it’s in the $30M to $40M plus sponsorships that goes completely unreported on. MSM, please do your duty!
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author: AM_Rike
submitted: April 29, 2024 at 03:32PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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