leomacgivena · 10 months
Twitter / yuzutz (via valvallow)
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orcelito · 2 years
Who's gonna need a techie with management experience & a background in statistics & communication hahaha
[Living in fear of exactly the type of job that fits that description. No thanks.]
0 notes
Brilliant Minds | Yandere Idia Shroud
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Idia couldn’t help rolling his eyes as he watched the frantic news reporter report the hacking of the Intergalactic Federation of Force and Intelligence.
“Behind me is the I.F.F.!’s home base on Feluschia, where the council members are meeting to begin the investigation on who is the culprit. Now I.F.F.I has many that would jump at the opportunity: the Jupiter Faction of Control, the Galaxy’s Safeguard, space pirates–”
It was not the easiest to break past the thousands of firewalls to get into the system but it still could be done in less than a week. But to him it was needed. If it inconvenienced those pencil-pushers in any way shape or form it’d be worth it. Idia remembered being plagued with the mandatory ejecting of adolescents who spent a set amount of time within their rooms. Too many times could Idia think back to the days he was dragged out of his room to meet said requirements. 
“Consider it payback for all the 24 hour events you made me miss!”
“Hold on what–”
Ship’s main power is being diverted to the bridge. 
Lockdown procedures in process and will only be released with authorized code.
Pepare for boarding by the Intergalactic Federation of Force and Intelligence. 
“Oh come on!”
Nice to meet you Idia Shroud, please do not resist your arrest. We’d like not to use force. 
The blue light from his monitors reflected the rectangular shape of a red lazor slicing through his door. Turning from his spot he jumped when the door slammed to the ground and his space was lit up with various flashlights and the sounds of soldiers routinely fanning about the room.
“Don’t move! Hands in the air!”
“Fine fine just don’t touch those figurines those are worth more than your life.”
The masked soldier that grabbed him was harsh, latching on a frigid metallic cuffs engulfing his hands. The force meant to keep him down, nearly put his hair out keeping his head uncomfortably to the side. Perfectly in view of the head officer he’d seen in press reports.
“Glad to see we can finally make your acquaintance, Shroud. We’ve been looking for you for a long time.”
“Nice to meet you too Captain Flamme. Surprised to see the likes of you reinstated so soon.”
The captain with gray hair glared at him removing a handkerchief from the inside of his coat to hold over his mouth. Which barely hid the sneer he was directing at the arrested Idia.
“Muzzle him as well. I’d hate to subject the council to this worm’s snark.”
“Yes Captain!”
Idia groaned behind the metal clasp being roughly forced on his mouth. He’s certain if it ever came off again he’d have marks. 
But knowing the I.F.F.I he doubt they’d even allow that courtesy with what they had planned for them.
“I suggest to the council an  execution for punishment. Or the archaic symbol of severing the offenders hands.”
Chatter among the crowd seemed to be in agreement, nods filtering through the crowd. The heads of the council looked convinced as well, hands raised and about to cast their votes with a press of a button. They hesitated when the crowd began to gasp and whisper. 
All their attention was no longer on the cuffed and muzzled hacker or the Captain who’s gaze barely softened at the individual requesting a platform to speak. A council member resembling the Earth-bird: Crow raised his hand to silence the speculating gathering. Letting the platform they stood on glow with recognition, humming as it floated past the prisoner and closer to the Captain. Standing closer to the council and bridging the gap between them and the prisoner they finally spoke. 
“Mechanic (Y/n) (L/n) of the WonderRide Star code: 42395 reporting.”
The praised star salute and the name of the ship they hailed from had the crowd erupting in another round of gasps. This time containing the excited squeals and chattering of avid fans of the ship. The council member called order once again, struggling a bit more this time. 
Idia was no stranger to the tales and rumors surrounding the ‘WonderRide.’ Online forums stated they had a vile and violent streak, up until recently with the beast-savvy human mechanic. Their exploits often involved in galaxy saving adventures that inspired many a game he indulged in. That didn’t mean he was a fan by any means and was even more prepared for whatever creative punishment the star fleet were to come with.
“Speak mechanic.”
“Aye. I implore the council not to execute or cripple the prisoner in anyway,” they paused already expecting the uproar that the crowd would have. Even Captain Flamme seemed to be taken aback tucking his hand into his coat, no doubt to squeeze the handkerchief he seemed so fond of. 
“Explain yourself mechanic.”
“Gladly.” The mechanic turned for the council, letting the platform split breaking into smaller pieces to accommodate the widesteps forward they were making. “Never before have we had anyone break down the barriers of our system so efficiently. I feel as though chopping his head off now would be a waste.”
The council members allowed the crowd to stir with the same increduality they were feeling. 
“Are you suggesting we employ this criminal?”
The mechanic let a cute smile spread across their face.
“I am.”
More shouts from the crowd. The Captain Flamme took control this time.
“Why would we allow this fiend deeper access to us if he’s already shown to be a threat?”
“The only way a human’s immune system adapts to be better is by being introduced to viruses enough to make antibodies.”
“The I.F.F.I isn’t an immune system. Why take the risk of being infected in the first place?”
The mechanic grew stern, holding the Captain’s gaze while gesturing to the evidence in a hover cage. 
“How many people have you seen demonstrate such a wide knowledge of all kinds of technology?” 
They turned to council addressing them specifically,”Wouldn’t you regret not taking advantage of a mind as great as his?”
Murmurs engulfed the crowds once again and the council members conversed during that time, showing a clear divide among them. After a moment a verdict was reached and the button was pressed with their decree.
“Mechanic and Captain, you both will be in charge of the prisoner’s rehabilitation during the recovery mission. Should he step out of line Rollo Flamme we grant you permission to do as you please.”
“Thank you.”
“Mechanic (L/n)?”
“This prisoner’s life is spared on your recommendation alone, thus it will be at your expense if he does end up causing damage to I.F.F.I. Do you accept this responsibility?”
Well look at that, turns out Idia didn’t need to hack the security fields before his execution. He figures he’ll still plant a bug for some later sabotage though. 
“From now on you will be under our jurisdiction. Thus you are expected to listen to whatever we order.”
“You shouldn’t have to worry too much, you’ll just be providing support with maintaining wiring and if I do need any help doing anything that’d be faster together.---”
“I doubt we’ll  need you for something like that anyway, (Y/n) is perfectly efficient on their own.”
Hearing the Captain and the mechanic speak to him directly just accentuated the differences he perceived at his trial. The Captain was stiff, borderline rude always quirking his lip in disgust and reaching inside his coat pocket. Whereas the mechanic was incredibly too smiley for working with a man with such a stick up the thorax. It’d be easier to get past the second one.
“So happy to work with you Idia! I was a big fan of that double helix power system you had your gaming system work with. It’s just so much more efficient!”
He figured it’d ultimately worked out that the mechanic was a fan. It’d make developing his latest bug much easier. He kept his answers short as the mechanic show him around the station, finally giving him privacy in his bunk that didn’t last long on courtesy of the Captain. 
“(Y/n) might be eager to give you a chance but I do not. One step out of line and I’ll chop that flaming head of yours myself.”
“Gee you almost sound desperate enough to frame me yourself.”
The insinuation only made the Captain hum, pulling the handkerchief out fully to fervently glare at him from behind it. 
“I will not show any mercy if you hurt them.”
He must be talking about the mechanic. Clearly a case of unrequited feelings for the trigger-happy Captain. Now that he thought about it the handkerchief didn’t come out around them. He’d have to be careful with that. 
“Got it, captain.”
“Tch, fix your uniform you look like a reckless bum.”
The Captain turned to leave, perfectly timed with the door sliding open revealing that stupidly smiling mechanic with a case full of tools. 
“Hey Rollo, heading to the brig?”
The handkerchief was tucked away again and the tired-looking Captain was smiling as though he didn’t just threaten him. 
“I am. Just giving some final warnings to our…guest.”
“Crewmember,” the mechanic corrected, giving a pat on the back to the Captain,”I’ll see you on the deck, shortly.” 
With that the door hissed closed making the mechanic shake their head at the closed door. 
“Sorry about him, he’s just a little uptight with new comers. Trust me he’s definitely going to get nicer as he get’s to know you.”
Idia stifled a snarky ‘doubt it’ with a nod, coming closer to look at the tools he’s been given.
“So for your final instruction we’ll just go over these tools and then I’ll let you get to work. I really hope we can get along Idia!”
Yeah he’s sure he will.
Just as he had expected, life on this ship was torturous. Beside the Captain that looked for any opportunity to slight him, the crew was filled with violent and bossy extroverts that wasted no time pushing him around. It was perfect fuel for the late nights he would spend crafting the perfect virus for the WonderRide’s system and ultimately I.F.F.I. He was slaving these nights to give it a much more powerful kick this time, considering the only access he was given was such minor programming. The only thing that seemed to get in his way, bringing an uncomfortable heat under his too high collar was—
“Hey Idia, what are you doing up so late?”
That stupid mechanic.
He made up some vague excuse about understanding the innerworkings of the ship. At one point he did need to take some time to understand how it worked but that was in the span of hours since he got here. But it seemed to convince them. 
“W-what are you doing up so late?”
The question came out of nervousness; he didn’t care but the less they spoke about himself the better. They sighed, pulling a hover chair over to his own, twirling about like he would while something was loading.
“I have to reinforce our system’s software, it recently has been a bit more fragile with that pirate group upping the ante.”
“Oh…hows it going?”
“It’s alright, it’s just a matter of being careful. One slip up at this point in the game would mean some of the members on the ship in critical care might lose their specified nursebots. But no pressure.”
He felt his face and hair heat up in guilt embarrassment. He startled when he felt a warm hand rub soothingly at his back.
“Hey don’t feel too bad, you didn’t know. Besides I’m here to fix it so they’ll be okay.”
“I-if you like I could reverse some of the damage I’ve done. Specifically the more heavy hitting viruses.”
“Really? Thanks Idy that’d help me a lot!”
He thought he couldn’t get any warmer but he was wrong. 
“Oh it’s my new nickname for you! Do you like it? I can pick something else if you like!”
“No! I-it’s okay! I like it.”
Maybe this little bug could wait for another night, afterall it’s only fair he aid his superior. No other reason. 
Red alerts in space games couldn’t compare the distress of the real thing. The unnatural shaking of the ship, the blaring lights, the yelling, the screaming. It had the hacker shaking more than he expected. 
“Move it hacker! (Y/n) needs help handling those pirates. I’ll kill you if you let them down!”
Idia felt wrong blowing off his concern as the Captain shoved him into the mechanic’s cockpit. It sounded as frantic as the flashing lights above. When he entered the room full of monitors and buttons, he expected the beaming mechanic to be seriously locking in like the rest of the crew. Straight-faced and typing frantically as they demanded they get started.
“Hiya Idy, glad you could join the party!”
They were chewing on a straw and casually inviting him to take on different lines of quickly evolving codes all meant to shut down all functions in the WonderRide. It was a constant barrage of violent changing code to sift through and negate with each others code. 
“This is bad (Y/n). We won’t be able to make it!”
“We will. It’ll be close but we can do this.”
“W-what if I throw in my ace in the hole?” 
He vaguely flashed a look at their face illuminated by red light, seeing their eyebrow quirk in confusion. 
“I’ve got another bug, if we can send it to their system it might give us the break we need to get on top of it.”
“Idy that’s crazy,” they paused looking around. Idia was prepared for this, for the betrayal that’d spread across their face as they connected the dots. He let his hands work on their own watching their expression as they turned back to him, holding something in their hand.
“I was thinking the same thing!”
Idia once again felt that the room needed more air circulation, with how hot he was under his collar. Both of them coordinating the release of their viruses to send to the attacking software. Naturally the assault worked perfectly, allowing more than an enough time for the both of them to defend against the slowing barrage of malicious code. Sharing a high-five as the red alarm stopped blaring and coms with the Captain rang through, “Hey we’re regulating our flight patterns and getting out of their range. Splendid work.”
The mechanic cheered while Idia silently celebrated. He’d usually mourn the loss of such a cultivated virus but for whatever reason the Mechanic’s praise seemed to fill the space. 
Idia felt like he could get used to this.
“If you want, I’ll sign your release forms from the WonderRide.”
The words coming from the Captain was startling. A month ago he’d jump at the chance to accept but his sight drifted to look at the empty chair of the mechanic. It was a longer day, the night cycle fully in swing and a good chunk of the crew had retired. 
For a change Idia was on the quarter deck, shadowing the mechanic as the Captain continued to monitor the state of the ship. He seemed more focused than usual despite the peaceful cruise. 
“I realize you may not be dedicated to risking your life when it comes to stopping fellow criminals that threaten to take the I.F.F.I down.” Rollo continued not waiting for Idia’s answer, “I can have you sent to another department, one on the ground and more covert.”
“Y-you would do that?”
The Captain sent a scathing look to him, activating minor shields still continuing to monitor the autopilot. 
“It was an option given after your trial. The members of the WonderRide take an oath both under the council and among each other. Where we’ve promised to protect one another with our lives on the pursuit of peace.”
Idia smugly shook his head,”It still surprises me that the rumored creator of the fireseed, suddenly cares for justice and peace.”
The hacker dryly laughed as the Captain refused to look at him. 
“My closed incident aside. I’ve commited to giving my life protecting members on this ship under the influence of one person.”
That caught Idia’s attention.
Rollo hummed,”I’ve ultimately dedicated all my energy to eradicate the threats that endanger their life…along with the other members of the WonderRide. But I don’t expect someone like you to want to give your life for that.”
Idia opened his mouth to speak, stopping at a gloved hand stopping him.
“Don’t give me whatever drivel you’ve come up with to maintain your innocence. I can tell you enjoy their attention but I advise you leave before you get too attached.”
Grayish, green-blue eyes stared into Idia’s golden eyes. 
Goading him. 
Testing him.
“Otherwise you’ll surely end up dying, protecting them.”
Idia wanted to say something but a blaring bleeping on his screen stopped him. Sitting up properly to blow the graphic up on the large screen.
“There’s a ship directed towards us. It’s moving way too fast to be a cruiser….I think?”
Rollo took control turning off autopilot with a push of a button.
“You’re right. I suspected they’d come for us like this.” 
He flicked on a button that flashed an orange warning along the halls and walls—instructing everyone to strap in and secure themselves. Idia hurriedly was going to do the same until Rollo yelled.
“Not you. I’m going to engage in some evasive maneveurs but I need you to secure (Y/n).”
“What? But can’t they see the warning.”
“They should but I know (Y/n). They’ll have their nose stuck in whatever their doing, far too distracted to actually secure themself.”
For whatever reason that comment was painful.
“But I don’t know wh–”
Rollo clicked his tongue, as he tapped the floating keyboard. Letting it shift and fold to resemble a pilot’s handles and buttons. Putting his hand on the handle and lightly moving it, Idia could feel the ship sway in sync.
“You’ll have to decide if you want to quit later but for now you need to secure them. Now!”
After managing to get a decent foothold the hacker ran off, mind racing as he tried to recall what they ran off to do. Vaguely remembering that they mentioned wires he took off to the wire room only to find it empty. 
“Where else could they have gone when they said–”
Immediately he took off further down the hall closer to the kitchen. Recalling how they occasionally brought the topic of snacks back up and then checking the digital storage copies. He ran occasionally bumping into the walls as the jerking of the ship got more intense.
He yelled when he arrived at the closed door to engineering room. Banging his fists on the door in frustration before finally looking at the keypad. Realizing this room took a specific code, Idia pulled out a master keycard. One he’d replicated and kept for himself.
Finally hearing the hissing of the door it opened to the dark engineering room filled with electric storage bins that displayed a secured locked signal. Everything seemed in place except for the mechanic on the floor motionless. 
Sliding to the ground he worked to sit them up, leaning the mechanic on his chest while he brought his face close feeling the light push of air against his cheek. He immediately backed away reeling with relief and bashfullness. He adjusted them to lean on him between his legs, trapping them against on of the organizational beams in the room. Holding tight to the bar and to (Y/n) themself he thought about what Rollo had said. 
He had the option to return to the life he knew. 
Stars, if he wanted to he could even recraft the bug that nearly brought the entire federation down. Return to the virtual space he ruled over, constantly aiming for the top spot in the galaxies. 
Or he could stay here…with you. His smiling mechanic, that shared in his love for technology. That spoke to him like he didn’t dismantle years of your hard work in a week. That was still cracking jokes while their ship was under siege. Staring down at your sleeping face he clutched the mechanic even tighter, letting his head rest against your own. 
Was it crazy that he sympathized with Rollo now? Outright threatening any newcomers on the ship. Hoping to squash the pirate regime not because they’re a threat to the federation but because they’ve caused you pain. 
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. Unlike Rollo–who was better suited for a leading role–Idia was immediately placed in your department. Demanded special attention by the council because everyone was so cautious about him. Being his solemotivator and friend was more mandatory then he could have hoped. It’s a given what his answer would be.
“The real crime would be to give you up.”
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nanoha-eclipse · 7 months
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Мобилизованных уравняют в мерах поддержки от регионов Готовится документ. В России разрабатывают документ, который определит региональные меры поддержки мобилизованным. Об этом сообщил депутат Госдумы Максим Иванов. "В России должен быть единый подход к вопросу, какие льготы, выплаты могут быть в каждом регионе", – написал народный избранник в своем telegram-канале. Также депутат со ссылкой на министра финансов РФ Антона Силуанова назвал минимальный размер заработной платы призванных в ходе частичной мобилизации россиян. "195 000 рублей – такой будет минимальная заработная плата мобилизованных после отправки к месту несения службы. Плюс могут быть надбавки за опасность, если мобилизованный окажется, например, на передовой", – рассказал Максим Иванов. Подробнее: https://asbest-gid.ru/news/mobilizovannykh_uravnjajut_v_merakh_podderzhki_ot_regionov/2022-10-18-42395
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(Morning glories), Ōishi Matora, c. 1830, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
Size: 7 1/8 x 9 1/2 in. (18.1 x 24.1 cm) (image, sheet) Medium: Woodblock print (surimono); ink and color on paper
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asbestgid · 2 years
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Мобилизованных уравняют в мерах поддержки от регионов Готовится документ. В России разрабатывают документ, который определит региональные меры поддержки мобилизованным. Об этом сообщил депутат Госдумы Максим Иванов. "В России должен быть единый подход к вопросу, какие льготы, выплаты могут быть в каждом регионе", – написал народный избранник в своем telegram-канале. Также депутат со ссылкой на министра финансов РФ Антона Силуанова назвал минимальный размер заработной платы призванных в ходе частичной мобилизации россиян. "195 000 рублей – такой будет минимальная заработная плата мобилизованных после отправки к месту несения службы. Плюс могут быть надбавки за опасность, если мобилизованный окажется, например, на передовой", – рассказал Максим Иванов. Подробнее: https://asbest-gid.ru/news/mobilizovannykh_uravnjajut_v_merakh_podderzhki_ot_regionov/2022-10-18-42395
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Technician- Boston, MA (42395) 9/13
Technician- Boston, MA (42395) 9/13
Job title: Technician- Boston, MA (42395) 9/13 Company: MasTec Job description: Sign on Bonus $1,000* *Eligibility may vary.�Please discuss eligibility requirements with your recruiter� � At MasTec Advanced Technologies, your smile and technical expertise is in demand. Here you won�t just provide and insta… Expected salary: Location: Boston, MA Job date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 07:59:37…
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ijtsrd · 3 years
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Impact of Job Stress of Employees on Job Satisfaction in Telecom Industry
by Pratya Mishra | Dr. Rajesh Singh "Impact of Job Stress of Employees on Job Satisfaction in Telecom Industry"
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd42395.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.commanagement/hrm-and-retail-business/42395/impact-of-job-stress-of-employees-on-job-satisfaction-in-telecom-industry/pratya-mishra
callforpapereconomics, economicsjournal
Human resource plays a vital role in development and increasing the productivity of any organization. It is defining that human uses it maximum possible extent for achieving the goal of organization or individual’s career growth. It is the individual performance that define the attainment of goals and employee performance is somehow influenced by the job satisfaction and motivation of employee. Job satisfaction somehow define the involvement towards the work. Job satisfaction is the mental state of employee that define the satisfaction as well involvement of employees towards their work. In organization many employees work for sake of money and profitability but if employee do not satisfy with their work, then it cause job stress, then employee do not work in good way and this show negative impact on goodwill of the company. 
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aghanilyrics · 3 years
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aghaniarabia-3 · 3 years
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