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LR.080150 860142222 Crankshaft Front Seal LW188KV YTO XCMG PARTS
LR.080150 860142222 Crankshaft Front Seal LW188KV YTO XCMG PARTS
14500709 联接板 29031007711 配重7200 29090009651 胶管LGB339-10*2000*60 4120006701 管夹 29110010201 高压过滤器PLFA-E160X10P-F 4015000167 胶管JB8406-B32*175 7200003038 G63链条卸扣 HDH20/ 26341016131 胶管F7316A19/4N161616-870 2SOY-G14L 00970559 上盖板总成 ZL50G.11-8 4110001061173 机油滤芯3T 4110000006Z pc300山重斗齿 WZ25.12.10-1 26260008431 驻车制动壳体 4041001638 右后档泥瓦 11220260 燃油传感器YT305C 32937331 F953HD L968F线束总成 11216709 前支腿垫片 11214690 焊条 金桥D256 4041002192 海绵 9313-10350 29330030661 点烟器 29170042871 上叉 1661000006 LG936轮式装载机 8230-11750 4120008862045 上盖板 6410004374 电视挂架 海信65寸 4110001742002 LG953N线束总成(井下) E400FV3484S09A3R 垫板 14531086 26310002331 六角螺栓 9530O1 后雨刮弹簧线 F11N8-43110F 右箱总成 14536027 11223317 PY型圈GB10708.1-50*65*12.5 960254 4110001923100 遮阳帘 14505473 29210010491 普通重负荷工业齿轮油 CKD220 14620984 28420000284 玻璃直筒杯 29370023251 发动机总成TAD1381VE-285KW-GB4 811217740 一档油缸 9200000818 软管LGB128-010060 29190016411 952前挡玻璃 9566-10300 4110000145037 前机架 29090011421 PLATE 14620986 4110000367057 PLATE 14882297 4041003516 轴卡{46} 14403320 29040013631 上盖板 14405384 4110000081197 8号组合垫片 14405390 26290020021 螺母GB6173-M30*2-05 LG2190900585-1 变速箱总成 14657791 4130000415002 灯固定板 14505228 26320002261 矩形板LGB310-50*10*6 14505862 4014000319 冷凝器至储液器胶管GKL33-5.0H9-20 14614127 14548747 先导过渡线束 4120000558029 接头 14505474 6900005950 变速阀17202337 9411-93480 4110000509001 支承板 1142-06410 4110002196031 135破碎器内套 14548197 A103-6210 发动机总成 YC6J125-T300(J8L0L2) 14880066 11215991 连杆瓦C3950661 14537470 29420007961 螺纹接头 JRCVD-02 29010070261 组合接头LGB143-63624*105 14880078 FZ0000147 驾驶室总成 978951 29030026221 前挡风框 992570 16051216 上盖板 14557302 FE211-2117 子弹头 1040-64940 4110000166042 燃油粗滤器1000424921 983375 29021003911 螺栓GB5783-M20*40EpZn-10.9 993018 29190012401 动臂后销85-320 993013 6220000032 螺栓GB5782-M12*55flZnyc-8.8-480 14405398 4043001299 各种辅件N/S N56903/248A GB10542-8-3B*500 6212001028 中冷器C3924731 29170075001 SCREW PLATE 29031012101 加强角钢 11215259 100*112销套 14684403 LGM0800WA50 螺母 14514175 4110000509075 停用-LG956无机具轮式装载机-05603114A2908 14511525 0E205FL3484A06A3 液压油箱 14552331 29010033381 steelQ345B(60*2.5*8.58) 14608130 FKC86CL6395F0 PLATE_WA MTG 14596235 29390004081 动臂总成 14592315 14405738 漏电断路器DZ47LE-50 40A/3P 14597217 29010011811 软管20411-16-06WZ/20491-18-06TZ*FC686-06*2 4110000186003 右前围板 6217000061 弹簧 14615325 4120002278026 BLOCK_COUNTERWEIGHT MOUNT 29320012711 PLATE 14517557 4110003445174 销PP-h7-6×14 R4105G54 17004351 停用-塞 4110001026024 后法兰 4190003625039 缸筒总成 24A141530 26331010693 发动机罩 4110001089026 液压油散管右 29150026891 铲斗总成 14535425 L8286034 专用斗0.8(倾斜、桔瓣式、5爪) 4190000915004 多路阀回油胶管 26260009771 打孔文件夹 4120001952 Keypad JK331 4110000076191 左车门总成 4110000727073 上推力杆支架HD90149526007 6.126E+11 11225475 调整螺套G5800-1111028 4110004330001 连杆总成 11212425 润滑油进油管总成 612600081470 6410003914 驾驶室956 4030000541 调整垫片 29430000921 E7150FL标识合件码 2810000682101 非公路自卸车 29130016431 手刹盒焊合件LGS9530000c-001 28210014421 轴卡15 29020001161 CAB_ASSY WITH ELECTRIC_SDLG 6220000383 内六角扳手84323 29190008931 驾驶室 G2200L2244106E3R O形圈 NA0074A PLATE 26141014201 驱动单元安装板 6303005043 滤清器盖 F62600113223 圆钢45#-φ90 6390300255 温控仪PxR7TAY1-8w000-C 28360005551 气缸套1002091-D704/A 4120008718004 法兰螺栓 26180020231 管夹 4090000072 平衡轴衬套0425 2834(1005226-65D) 4090000301 密封件维修包24A106700S 26290016381 底板垫皮 4120004297 燃烧点火火花塞 号: 13047-1 4120007103 停用-支板 4041001162 销轴LGB301-60*90N*165-1200G 29370004051 密封件包-经适件 MT86H 空气滤清器AF-22 84110001874 管夹总成13053434 14570591 29030048491 936降噪款右后侧围板 14608135 29010023111 驾驶室总成 14608138 29050016251 前车架线束 29260046841 三通接头-T 6 14601496 4110000555124 水泵皮带轮13032790 5900000048 攻丝夹头 4043001901 下垫板 4110002278009 防寒服 14405551 6264000357 左支板 6373500021 吊绳 4110001060162 塞9034-1010 4110001199 快换装置 29400000171 P-螺钉GB80-M10*20-45H 14597139 4120000867122 停用-弹簧垫圈0630307005 F68DLG 右后扶手 14651275 4120016098 HOSE_REAR 29070026231 PLATE 29290022991 动臂小腔钢管 26170020861 L956H装载机 14880079 28070004882 配重6900 L0180N3215A36E2 前车架线束 29120036851 垫圈4620303247 F4110000970025Y 活塞杆24A011840 9100001538 软管LGB334-L8*120*30E 29210001131 操纵软轴 6399002429 空滤器总成 29240028381 后车架线束 29330062861 增压器总成1108010-A002/B 21906005652 驾驶室936L 29030048271 密封垫YJ315X-00009Z 4120002581058 支架 29120026921 法兰螺钉 5303000235 短锯(世达93404) 6900014411 连杆 4110002776 驾驶室线束 4110000042140 小臂油封 4110015609010 橡胶塞-10 29240012111 E6650FP液压挖掘机(打桩机) 29260036581 LG956V基本型铭牌 4110000555058 滑入式-蓄电池组9.6V1.5Ah博世GSR9.6-2配件91 29120011541 后车架线束 GB276-31310 29210009751 钢管 4022000018 螺纹接头 4041002291 水阀对丝 27130003661 发动机罩总成 4190004412020 G9190平地机驾驶室装配总成 29071000981 停用-盘 26290030571 伞齿轮T611 2842 7241-00421 29120023761 P-圆螺母 29010006551 散热器(铝)313630-01 29340056771 前桥主传动ZL15F-A-ZCD 4110015182033 倒一二三档滑套7DS180-1701109 9200000727 机体装配部件C02AB-02AB601+A ZFAP-409/DK 4120002370020 停用-LG959装载机-E5903223KA6 4041003061 钎杆φ195*1700-一字头-经适件 ZL50F.9-4 28080002531 L956F-HST装载机 11383532 停用-空调开关 6900021794 DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 29170022181 板 4120008911007 LG平地机装箱清单 29050015461 盘 29350012601 支架 FKC2712010381005 散热器出水管 29240022821 万向轮 向荣 B05-01-125-512 D01181404 14530721 呼吸器座支架 21909008701 摇臂轴部件 GB5782-M20*160EpZn 29120016781 压盘总成BZ1560161090G4 26340003551 密封件包 1690200004 轴 29270016331 右回转缸大腔油管 LG2926002629 2 黄油管 4017000064 螺丝刀 14405612 管路:蒸发器-压缩机2100 FLWCL STEM Q adjust-2953801700-4 Q150B0816 6392900147 盖板 14509944 后底封板 29010030071 雨刮器盖板 26070001343 活塞4474307082 B631000029 加长套筒 天赋849546 14573776 FLG660-QXBL 熄火电磁阀 12749499 双联泵CBGj2040/1010G-XF 1104100-66D 14552835 O型圈G120(内径119.4 ,线径3.1 ) 14402896 销轴129530 4120016840 956铲斗4.2 29280012211 板 5301000234 钢片 ZL50F.1.3-4 LG29430002261B Φ8卡套SRL-08 13024455 14403178 仪表盘总成 29050010731 内六角螺栓SBM277012 YJ315LG 11220702 钎杆φ140*1300-圆锥开槽-经适件 5222114A29 P-软管LGB162-012090 29330086261 电动润滑泵VERSA III(南京贝奇尔带油杯) 29020011501 提手 Read the full article
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Mietminderung wegen Großbaustelle
BGB § 536 Abs. 1, § 906 Abs. 1, 2; ZPO § 540 Abs. 1 Nr. 1
1. Eine – fiktive – Mietminderung wegen Baulärms kann bei nachbarrechtlichen Gebrauchsbeeinträchtigungen einen Entschädigungsanspruch nach § 906 Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB auslösen.
2. Eine – vorübergehende – Großbaustelle eines Nachbarn an einer direkt angrenzenden Hauswand zum bewohnten Mietshaus über mehrere Monate führt zu einer…
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#316 S 71/18#40a C 45/18#Baulärm#baurechtliche Vorschriften#Baustellenlärm#BGB § 536#BGB § 906#Entschädigungsanspruch#Großbaustelle#Mietminderung#Mietshaus#nachbarrechtliche Gebrauchsbeeinträchtigung#ZPO § 540
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Blessed, Children, and Ether: loi an me the Revelation sel in t Go our eter Prologue The revelation of Jesus Christ says the Lord God, "who is, and who which God gave him to show his am the Alpha and the Omega," servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because was, and who is to come, the Almighty One Like a Son of Man John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trum pet, 11which said:"Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum. Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea." 12 turned round to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man", dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash round his chest. 14HIS head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp doubled-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance the time is near churches Greetings and Doxolor 4John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who i, and who was, and who is to come, and om the seven spirits before his throne, ind from Jesus Christ, who is the faith- witness, the firstborn from the dead, id the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us m our sins by his blood, and has made to be a kingdom and priests to serve his d and Father-to him be glory and ver for ever and ever! Amen. od oro b spbu o iob miffy ologe almg nwo hd eovlmos d od o ovbs awo d eotto 1ook, he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him: and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. 17When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 181 am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am o b bns So shall it be! Amen. 4 NEPHI 1:38-49 Christ, (among whom were the "three disciples of Jesus who should tarry) were called Nephites, and Jacobites, and Josephites, and Zoramites. 38 And it came to pass that they who rejected the gospel were called Lamanites, and Lemuelites, and Ishmaelites; and they did not dwindle in "unbelief, but they did wilfully rebel against the gospel of Christ; and they did teach their children that they should not believe, even as their fathers, from the beginning, did dwindle. 39 And it was because of the wickedness and abomination of their fathers, even as it was in the begin- ning. And they were taught to hate the children of God, even as the Lamanites were taught to "hate the children of Nephi from the beginning. 40 And it came to pass that *two hundred and forty and four years had passed away, and thus were the affairs of the people. And the "more wicked part of the people did wax strong, and became exceedingly more numerous than were the people of God. 41 And they did still continue to build up churches unto themselves and adorn them with all manner of precious things. And thus did two hundred and fifty years pass away, and also two hundred and sixty years. 42 And it came to pass that the their exceeding riche avain like unto their Lamanites. 44 And from this tim began to sorrow for world. 45 And it came to p three hundred years away, both the people the Lamanites had be ingly wicked one like 46 And it came to robbers of Gadian over all the face of t there were none that save it were the disci And gold and silver di instore in abundancead in all manner of traffic 47 And it came to pas tthree hundred and fe passed away, (and the still remain in wicked died; and his brother did keep the record in 48 And it came to pas tthree hundred and t had passed away, 'Amm constrained by the Holy hide up the 'records dsacred-yea, even ll records which had bee down from generation to g which were sacred-even three hundred and twet from the coming of Christ 49 And he did hide then the Lord, that they mi THE BOOK OF MORMON my father into the land southward, even to the land of Zarahemi 7 The whole fae hec naron instructs Mormon con- Nohhitoe and L CHAPTER 1 the sacred records-War com wicked part of the people began again unto the remnant oft again to build up the secret oaths of Jacob, accordingtothe and the promises of the L thus is the end of the Ammaron. and "combinations of Gadianton. 43 And also the people who were called the people of Nephi began to be proud in their hearts, because of 48a Morm. 1:2 b Morm. 2:7 C TG Scripture Preservation d Hel. 3:1503 49a Enos 1:13 Morm. 5:9 Combinations. 37a 3 Ne. 28:7: Morm. 8:10 (10-12). 38a TC Unbelief, Unbelievers. 43a Hel. 16:22 44a Eccl. 3: 16 (16-17); 3 Ne. 28:9; Morm. 8: 10 (9-10). 46a Morm. 2: 8 Ether 8: 20. b Mosiah 24: 7; Ether 10:22. b Josh. 22: 18; Morm. 1: 16 39a Mosiah 10: 17. b TG Hate; Malice. 40a Hel. 5: 2 42a TG Secret PAD 245 47a 4 Ne. 1: 21. Leaving some gifts for the next bible reader staying in my room
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April 14, 2019 - “The Agony in Gethsemane” Matthew 26:36-46
Click READ MORE to read the full sermon.
If we could have a glimpse on the agony of Jesus in Gethsemane, we only make fools of ourselves when we turn our ears deaf to his pleadings and harden our hearts to his tears. Ours is a generation who observes the season of Lent in vacation and recreation. We have lost the moral sensitivity to cherish the suffering of Christ and become careless to give ourselves a spiritual retreat to care for our souls. And God forbids for us to go through all the motions in observance of the Lent as a religious ritual without an intimate communion with the Lord.
Let us examine our calendar and search our hearts. Where is Jesus Christ in all our activities during the Lent? And where is our heart into all our personal reflections about the pain of God? The unspeakable sorrow of our Lord Jesus Christ in Gethsemane should lead us down on our knees and pour our hearts to God in tears.
The apostles thought their night with Jesus in Gethsemane, as usual, would simply be a time of rest. Their previous days were loaded. It was on a Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a young donkey with a great crowd who hailed him as their king. Every day he taught in the temple courts. As people flocked to him the Sanhedrin made up their mind to kill him. On Thursday night in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, he joined supper with his apostles and gave his farewell address to them. They proceeded to Gethsemane where Jesus pleaded to his Father in heaven three times to spare him from death (26:36-39, 40-42, 43-46). The apostles had no idea that would be their last night with Jesus.
A. The First Petition (26:36-39)
Jesus knew the hour of his death had come. In few hours he would be crucified on a cross. The dread of crucifixion terrified him. He faced the greatest temptation of his life. At Gethsemane he pleaded with God his Father if he could be spared from the horrible death on the cross. The apostles were clueless of the inconceivable pain of Jesus.
1. Jesus in Gethsemane
Jesus closed the night with his apostles in the Upper Room in Jerusalem with a solemn prayer (Jn. 17:1-26). John wrote in his gospel narrative.
“When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it.” (Jn. 18:1)
Luke wrote in his gospel: “Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, ‘Pray that you will not fall into temptation.’” (Lk. 23:39-40)
And Matthew gave this parallel account: “Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’” (Mt. 26:36)
Gethsemane was the retreat place for Jesus and his apostles. That night, Jesus knew that the power of darkness under Satan worked at its peak to unravel the disciples and to pin down Jesus. Amidst the unsuspected fierce spiritual battle, Jesus focused on the primacy of prayer. Jesus exhorted his apostles, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.”
2. The Sorrow of Jesus
Jesus faced the fiercest warfare and the greatest temptation of his life under the scheming influence of Satan who orchestrated for his death. Jesus himself was unsettled to the core that compelled him to wrestle in earnest prayer. Matthew narrated the inner struggle of Jesus.
“He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’” (Mt. 19:37-38)
Mark wrote a parallel gospel account.
“He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,’ he said to them. ‘Stay here and keep watch.’” (Mk. 14:33-34)
The gospel writers recorded the indescribable anguish of Christ. The Greek word used for sorrow which Jesus described of his anguish literally means “very sad,” “deeply grieved” and “exceeding sorrowful.” Jesus confessed to his core disciples, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” And he requested for James, Peter and John to keep watch and pray with him.
3. The Prayer of Jesus
Jesus gave room for himself in prayer. Matthew wrote in his gospel.
“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” (Mt. 19:39)
Luke narrated, “He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed” (Lk. 23:41). And Mark gave this record.
“Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “Take this cup from me. Yet not I will, but what you will.” (Mk. 14:35-36)
Jesus sought privacy for himself. He went a little farther enough for him to pour out his bewildered soul without disturbing his disciples. Alone he knelt down and prayed in the dark. And he earnestly pleaded to his Father in heaven if it was possible for him to be spared from death.
B. The Second Petition (26:40-42)
Jesus rested awhile in pouring out his soul to God. He went to his disciples and see how they were. He knew their pain when he bid them farewell. He was in great sorrow yet he took time to watch over them.
1. The Disciples Asleep
Jesus kept in touch with his close disciples. “Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping” (Mt. 26:40a; Mk. 14:37a). They were indeed physically tired and emotionally drained.
2. The Request of Jesus
Jesus sought for prayer support. Matthew wrote in his gospel account.
“Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (Mt. 26:40b-41)
Mark gave a parallel record.
“Simon,” he said to Peter, “are you asleep?” Could you not keep watch for one hour?” Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” (Mk. 14:37b-38)
An hour of prayer is all what Jesus asked. And he particularly addressed it to Simon Peter. True, Jesus asked his disciples to intercede for him. Yet, he was more concerned for them. The apostles, especially Peter, have to watch and pray so that they will not fall into temptation. Jesus saw their will to pray but he understood they were dead tired.
3. The Pleading of Jesus
Again, Jesus was left alone. Mark recorded, “Once more he went away and prayed the same thing” (Mk. 14:39). Matthew wrote in his gospel:
“He went away a second time and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.’” (Mt. 26:42)
That night the conspiracy for his death was already sealed between the Sanhedrin and Judas Iscariot under the influence of Satan who worked behind the scenes. Jesus knew the dread of crucifixion as a slow torture of inconceivable and unbearable pain. Yet, he knew the ultimate reason for his horrible death on the cross. Through his death on the cross he would become a sin offering bearing upon himself all the sins of humankind and for him to bear the fullness of the wrath of his Father on behalf of sinners for the redemption of the world and the reconciliation of sinners to God. This was the reason why the Father sent him on earth. Ah! Jesus pleaded if there would be other way. Overwhelmed in sorrow, Jesus had no one to pour out his embattled soul but his Father in heaven.
C. The Third Petition (26:43-46)
In the bewilderment of his soul, Jesus wrestled with his heavenly Father in intimate prayer. His time of rest was to see his disciples. And for the second time he came to watch over them.
1. The Disciples Asleep
Jesus found them in deep sleep. “When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy” (Mt. 26:43). This time Jesus did not bother them and respected their much needed rest.
2. The Yielding of Jesus
What more could Jesus do? “So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing” (Mt. 26:44). And he poured out his soul to the point of death. Luke gave this graphic record.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Lk. 23:42-44)
When Jesus pleaded three times, he did not question the decree of God concerning his death for that could not be changed. Rather, he expressed the inconceivable anguish of his soul to face his horrible death on the cross. He groaned in much prayer as if his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. The Father knew the pain of his Son but turned deaf to his pleading. He sent his angel to encourage him. Jesus yielded in full submission. Finally he prayed, “Father, your will be done not mine.”
3. The Hour Has Come
Jesus rested his case. And he went back to his disciples. The gospel narratives according to Matthew and Mark, gave a touching account.
“Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer!" (Mt. 26:45-46)
“When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to him. Returning the third time, he said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!” (Mk. 14:40-42)
The night when Jesus was arrested at Gethsemane, the eleven apostles were more devastated to have found out that the unsuspected traitor who betrayed Jesus their Lord was one among them—Judas Iscariot.
Indeed, the hour has come. Jesus knew his time of death arrived. The thought of his dreadful crucifixion terrified him. Anguished gripped his soul to the point of death. Where could he find solace for his bewildered soul? At Gethsemane he spent his final night. He asked his eleven apostles to watch and pray with him. They all slept for their much needed rest. Jesus was left alone restless. In solitude he poured out his soul to God with just one plea. Three times he pleaded if he could be spared from horrible death on the cross. The silence of his Father crushed his heart. In earnest pleadings his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. An angel of the Lord encouraged him. At last he yielded, “Father, Thy will be done, not mine.” Now, let us be still before God.
Do we embrace the pain of Christ? Jesus confessed, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” Jesus is the author of life. And he trembled on the curse of death. It crushed him to face the hour of his death on the cross. The dread of crucifixion shattered his soul. It terrified him with inconceivable grief to bear the despicable sinfulness of humankind. And he was horrified to suffer the fullness of the wrath of God on behalf of sinners. At Gethsemane he poured out his bewildered soul and groaned in unbearable pain. And all his pain was meant for you and me. See his overflowing tears. Hear his despairing cries. Feel his trembling heart. Sense his gasping breath. Unless our conscience is dumb and seared to the agony of Jesus.
Do we nurture the care for our souls? Jesus entreated his disciples, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” And Jesus requested to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour?” In the hour when darkness reigned, Jesus coveted the much needed company to wrestle with him in prayer so that they would altogether withstand the temptation of the Evil One. The apostles failed to see the coming danger. Dead tired they rested and slept. When Judas Iscariot arrived to betray the Lord, they were caught off guard and fled Jesus. We are embattled, oppressed and tempted. Let us be still before God—watch and pray—and he will sustain us with grace and courage.
Do we yield to the will of God? Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Jesus faced the greatest temptation of his life. Three times he pleaded with his Father in heaven for him to be spared from death. In deep anguish of his soul, his sweat fell to the ground as drops of blood. An angel appeared to strengthen him. In the end, Jesus obeyed his Father. And he offered his life for all of us. We embrace the cross and yield our all to Jesus Christ.
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IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
We purchase goods from public auctions for resale that may have emanated from parcel companies.
Sometimes, during our product research we find the sender, the sender usually wants their goods back as our tracing back to sender demonstrates that the respective parcel companies did not take reasonable efforts to do so.
IMServ have been informed and thus far not expressed interest in having these returned.
This is full itemised list of all the items:
1. October 2012 Certified Z45/M12. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Property of: ScottishPower. L312J23185. Landis+Gyr. Type 5235A. 20-100A 50Hz. 1PH 2W 230V Cl 2 2012. 5235A022006-110912X2H. P/N: 238-97510-06
2. PRI Limited 0379651. Skyline -120. WAN. PRI29469. Part No.: PMR000-156. Mfd: 2010.
3. Siemens. 1000 imp/kWh. S2AM. Cl2. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. EN 61036 (1996). Property of S + S. 2002. S2AM-100. F02C 53609. Certified S 09/02.
4. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. 0.04 varh / Imp. PB2CVVRCT-G 2002. SUPPLIED BY :- IMServ 02080128 invensys. Multi Utility Compatible. Certified T 10 02. Site:- Royal Surrey Hospital Guildford. MSID / MPAN:- 1900060413216. Serial No:- 02080128. Outstation No:- 002. Tariff:- E7-lmp. 1/2hr Data Y/N. CT Ratio:- 100/5. VT Ratio:- 11,000/110. Output Pulse Value:- MP71. kWh/kV Arh
5. EDMI ATLAS Mk10D. E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12. Reconnect. Display Select. Pulse 1. Pulse 2. CE M12 0120. UK/0120/SGS0009. 0,5-10(100)A. 10 imp/kWh. SN: 212433633. 1D11-1B-151-17-F11-200031-2. E12BG10083. 10D-031. Made in Singapore.
6. ELSTER A1700 PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. Property of :- Western Power Distribution K1440 K07D00450. Multi Utility Compatible. IMServ MPAN 2199989672011. Cen Day Swansea Road, Exchange. 07824463420.
7. Entity PRI. AACOP5 800/5. PRI Premier Manufactured in UK. Serial No : P99A21674. Type No: P3TA23. Part No: P3TA23/11B43EN5. Property of: London Electricity plc. 3 phase 4 wire. 3 x 230/400V. 3 x 5-6 A. 50 Hz. Lithium Battery.
8. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. PB2CBBRCT-G 2002. Supplied by: IMServ 02080129 invensys.
9. save energy. PRI. EDF Energy. PRI Sprint XP Secure Serial No : P09A11370. Type No : S3DXP210. Part No : S3DXP210/05060004/AB. Property of : EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. Entity.
10. Elster A1700 CTs 1000/5. Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. K07FB00683. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. Siemens Energy Services, C & I Meter Operations, Woodyard Lane, Off Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1GB (LAB50). Registered Office: Siemens House, Oldbury, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8FZ. For Information 0115 906 6589. www.siemens.com
11. Elster A1100 LB3AACBS-A 2014. Property of:- SSE Metering Ltd. K14C06551. CE M14 0120. FW 2-01166-M. IrDA Tx. kWh Cl. A EN 50470. 0120/SGS0054. 4kV. 010446000559. LK0043111S.
12. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. K12TB00395. Property of:- Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 006677000002
13. 1PHS 1RT SSC0393. May 2007 Certified Z35/M07. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Installed by: OnStream. A07X121954. Type 5235A. IMServ MPAN 2199999695771. Venturin Farm, Narberth. Exchange. 5235A0707-140507
14. elster A1700. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. Property of:- Enterprise Metering K12M00275. 007610000039.
15. Elster Made in UK A1140. IMServ MPAN 2199995580349. HSS Hire, 5 Lovver High St, Merthyr, Faulty Exchange. Metering System Operated by IMServ Helpline: 01908 257779. www.imserv.invensys.com. LK0056467
16. GEC Meters Pocket Stradcom Modem V21/ V.22
17. Liberty 3P P10W696694 Yr. 2010. Type: E3PD14-041/M. 3Ph, 4W, 50Hz, Cl 1.0. 3X230(400)V, 20-100A. 800 imp/kWh. entity PRI. e.on… dedicated Pay As You Go business team… 0845 302 4272.
18. Swalec. Type: YL11D. Landis & Gyr. 3 Phase 4 Wire. Watt-Hour Meter. 3×240. 3×100. 50Hz. 20 REVS per kWh. The Property of:- The South Wales Electrical Board. 1711638. Made in Gt. Britain.
19. IMServ MPAN 2199998996978. First Floor, TSB Bank, Blue St, Carmarthen, Exchange.
20. ABB Made in UK. Type: E43B3B-H. 3PH 4W 50Hz. 30 rev/kWh. KG00J0… Property of Manweb plc.
21. EDMI Mk7C. CE M11 0120. UK/0120/SGS0001. 220-240V. 0.5-10(100)A. 50Hz. Class B. 3K7. IMServ MPAN 2199999765257. Communal Supply, Croft Court, Pembrokeshire Upgrade to 3PH. G4S Installation/Removal Details. Old Meter: 2109427. New Meter: 011253386. G4S Utility Services Limited, Sutton Park House, 15 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4LD. EDMI LIMITED Energy Meter Calibration Date: 30.04.2012
22. Pocket GEM II V.22 C.22bis. Dataflex CE. Made under Licence from DATAFLEX.
23. ASL Holding LTD. www.aslholdings.co.uk. ASLH306TE. The Oaks, Spring Hill Office Park, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton NN6 9AA 01604 883 880. 306000049560. 07545 366623.
24. GSM/GPRS with TCP/IP ASL Delta Plus Mobile II. Communicating by Design. ASL.
25. X 55 M 11 Mar 11. ACE1000 SM0. Itron. EDF Energy S11B007364. Store code 61902E. Made in UK. 2011. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. Meter quality checked. Mtr No. EDF Energy. BBBB00503442
26. Polyphase Energy Meter. Western Power Distribution D0350 D05D07003. Ampy Automation Peterborough PE6 8SE England. IMServ MPAN 2199999638009. Unit 56-57 Honeyborough Ind Est, Neyland, Milford Haven, Exchange. 5219A05601-220605.
27. APR8 540135020013827001. Mark Twaits. 25 Aintree Crescent. Southport. Merseyside. PR8 5NY. SWAP OUT – Do not deliver if nothing to collect. IMSERV EUROPE LTD (PACKAGE AC). Cons Number: 40135020013827. Weight 20. Parcel: 001. Telephone: 07917374646. Cust Ref: Twaits. 17/0/2016. NEXT DAY 65 PRESTON S040147/DE74 2HP
28. Actaris MC310H-R1-Z cl. 2. 3×230/400V. 20(100)A. No. 49018836. 2004. Property of Scottish and Southern Energy. S04R 36281. Certified G 07 2004.
29. AMPY Polyphase Energy Meter. Property of: South Wales Electricity PLC. 2768716. Type 5165F. 2-120A 50Hz. 230 / 400V. Cl2 2000. Made in UK. Reporter. Ampy Automation. IMServ MPAN 2199998996987. TSB Blue Street Carmarthen Exchange.
30. X 55 M05. Feb 05. ACE1000 SM0 Actaris. Property of Manweb plc. SW05J01329. Made in UK. 2005. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. EN 61036: 1996. SW05J01329.
31. Elster EN62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of :- MANWEB plc. N406J29573. SJ1LACB-A 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2006. Pseudo MJ1796.
32. Type CL 27.1 Landis & Gyr. 1 Phase 2 Wire A.C. Wh Meter Class 2.0 The Property of:- The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. L71J07846. Made in GT. BRITAIN. Pseudo *MH4026*
33. 240V. 20-80A. 50 Hz. S 200.31. A.C. WATTHOUR METER. 1PH 2W. CLASS 2.0. FLOTON. Magnetic Bearing. This meter is the property of Southern Electricity Board. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S71C 11082.
34. entity PRI Sprint SEMS. IMServ MPAN 2199994799893. Church of Jesus, Woodland Terrace, Pontypridd, Exchange. 1 RATE.
35. Radio Telemeter Series K. 1Ph 2W 50Hz 230V CL.2. BS EN61036. Made in England. Property of. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. H08C 11823. Type. K122F03. 20-100A. IC(D)100A. IC(C)25A. 2008. Horstmann. Single Element Radio Telemeter H08C 11823. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. Group Code 19. 341059. Q4. Night/Evening&Weekend
36. elster CE EN 62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. SJ1LACB-C. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2007. 4607P41826. LB0041121. 70501202.
37. 240V. 40A Max. 50 c/s. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S 200.16 WATTHOUR METER. 250 revs/kWh. 1PH 2W. FLOTON Magnetic Bearing. S66J 00594. Property of the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board.
38. ISKRA Made in Slovenia. AC – 3 Ph 4 Wire. Type MT300-D2A51-F. No. 29 405 126. 3×230/400 V. 40(100) A. 50Hz. Property of S+S V02C12394. 27.734.314 BP
39. elster A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. 4607P27910. SJ1LACB-C. LB0041121. 70501202.
40. Type C11B2A-H. 20-80 A. 240V 50Hz. 1PH 2W. GEC Meters. Made in UK. BS5685. K94C44879.
41. entity PRI. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P07C 04826. Type No : P3TA23. Property of: SSE. Lithium Battery. 2007. M1 100/5. Ratio: 300/5/ 230 Volts. Tariff: M1. IMP Value: 0.5. Register Value: As Display.
42. Landis + Gyr Dialog. Certified 05/03. WATT-HOUR METER. ZMD120ASdr53. No. 77 122 932. 50 Hz. IMServ MPAN 2199990460100. St. Mary RC Primary School, Exchange.
43. English Electric. Type C31B/M. Volts 240. AMPS 40MAX. K69J 10878. R/kWh 300. Property fo The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. Made in Great Britain by The English Electric Co. Ltd London
44. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P09A22466. Type No : P3TA23. Part No : P3TA23/11B43EN5/M. Property of: EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. entity. IMServ MPAN 2000054530089 Unit L917-20 St Davids Centre Cardiff Exchange.
45. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZG 2011. K11TB00018. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 004539000057.
0 notes
Mietminderung wegen Großbaustelle
BGB § 536 Abs. 1, § 906 Abs. 1, 2; ZPO § 540 Abs. 1 Nr. 1
1. Eine – fiktive – Mietminderung wegen Baulärms kann bei nachbarrechtlichen Gebrauchsbeeinträchtigungen einen Entschädigungsanspruch nach § 906 Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB auslösen.
2. Eine – vorübergehende – Großbaustelle eines Nachbarn an einer direkt angrenzenden Hauswand zum bewohnten Mietshaus über mehrere Monate führt zu einer…
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#316 S 71/18#40a C 45/18#Baulärm#baurechtliche Vorschriften#Baustellenlärm#BGB § 536#BGB § 906#Entschädigungsanspruch#Großbaustelle#Mietminderung#Mietshaus#nachbarrechtliche Gebrauchsbeeinträchtigung#ZPO § 540
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