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cruisenippon · 20 days ago
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HONDACB 400SFボルドール入荷しました。
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aviaposter · 5 months ago
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Boeing 737-400SF ASL Airlines Hungary operated for DHL Aviation
Registration: HA-FAW Type: 737-476SF Engines: 2 × CFMI CFM56-3C1 Serial Number: 24435 First flight: Nov 16, 1990
ASL Airlines Hungary Kft, previously known as Farnair Hungary, was an airline headquartered at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport in Budapest, Hungary. It provided scheduled express cargo services, ad hoc charter flights, and relief missions. The airline operated a fleet of Boeing B737-400SF aircraft. Established in 1990 as NAWA Air Transport, it was acquired by Farner Air Transport in 1993 and renamed Farnair Hungary in 1997. In 2014, the Farnair Group was bought by ASL Aviation Group, based in Ireland, and in 2015, Farnair Hungary was rebranded as ASL Airlines Hungary. In 2021 the Hungarian brand of the airline was abolished, and its fleet was integrated into ASL Airlines Ireland.
Poster for Aviators aviaposter.com
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oc-aita · 1 year ago
AITA for not killing a child abuser on the spot?
So I (31 M) recently became a vampire on accident, which has been very confusing for me. The local underground vampires union (4 sad 300+ yr old men in a basement cavern) reached out to me because I was being kind of obvious with my kills and helped me get my shit sort of in order. I've been trying to maintain the few human connections and relationships I have left, and in their own way, those 4 weirdos have helped me to do that.
Recently, however, one of them, Laurynas (1500+? M), who is a bit cryptic anyway and almost never shows up to regular meetings, told us he was going to leave the continent for a while and dropped in with his "wards". I knew he had a longer history with another member, Mavius (400sM) and Mavius's "sister" Hélène (400sF) but I had never known exactly what that history was. I'd never met Hélène and had been told she wasn't fond of any of our members. However, shortly after I got to Laurynas's emergency meeting, she showed up and tried to kill him? Which I didn't fully understand at first. Laurynas knocked her out and then Mavius came down with the "wards".
The wards are human children. He has two of them. They looked miserable. At first I was super confused as to why he had them in his custody at all, I just knew it was nothing good, and I suddenly understood why Hélène had tried to attack him. Before I could fully recover from the shock of the information, Laurynas bid his farewells and left. They're probably halfway to Europe by now.
It was only after they left that I got the full story. Laurynas kidnaps vulnerable children and raises them into their mid-thirties before turning them into vampires. He did the same to Mavius and Hélène, who were raised side by side but have very different opinions on it. I tend to share Hélène's alarm and disgust, whereas Mavius is complacent and thinks it was better he was housed and fed than left to die. One of the other two members of the union, Bonefey, is of the same mind as Hélène and I. But now those girls are across the ocean with him, and there's nothing I can do.
I can't stop feeling guilty. As soon as I saw them, as soon as I felt something off, I should have tried to stop him. It's eating away at me. I NEED to help them, but I just don't know how, and Mavius is feeling all insulted that Bonefey and I are so enraged by his and his "siblings'" upbringing.
AITA for not doing something then? How can I make it right?
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aggravateddurian · 25 days ago
Queen of the Sky Worldbuilding: Atlantean Airways
Y'all like planes? I love planes. I have an unhealthy fixation on commercial airliners.
If you choose, you can now expose yourself to me obsessing about Atlantean Airways, an airline featured in the Airfleet Universe.
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Boeing 767-400ER (reg: AL-LTM) of Atlantean Airways, featuring the current airline livery, known as the 'Bluetail' livery, adopted in 2001.
Atlantean Airways, formally Atlantean Airways System (AAS) Ltd. is the flag carrier of the Federal Republic of North Atlantia, Cascadia and Vinland (Atlantia), and the largest airline in Atlantia by size and number of destinations. It is fully owned and operated by the Atlantean federal state.
Atlantean Airways System was founded in Marion, Atlantia state in 1924. Originally delivering air mail and light cargo, Atlantean became a passenger airline in 1928. In 1930, Atlantean began to fly commercial routes across the Atlantic to Yuros, and across the Pacific to the Atlantean island state of Lemuria, located in the North Pacific.
In 1954, Atlantean Airways was divided into Atlantean Airways System, which was primarily an international airline, and Atlantean Trans-Continental Airways (ATCA), which was primarily domestic. Both remained state-owned by the Atlantean federal state.
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A Boeing 707-320B (reg. AL-LEE) of Atlantean Airways System
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A Boeing 720B (reg: AL-TEM) of Atlantean Trans-Continental Airways
In 1984, Atlantean Airways and Atlantean Trans-Continental were merged into a single airline once again, with Atlantean Airways taking on more domestic trunk routes, and ATCA taking on more regional routes. In 1987, Atlantean Trans-Continental became Atlantean Airways Regional Airlink, and became fully integrated into the branding of the parent airline.
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A Boeing 737-400 Classic (reg: AL-TCS) of Atlantean Trans-Continental, as it appeared in 1986
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AL-TCS in its Atlantean Airlink 'Goldline' livery. This livery was adopted by Atlantean Airways in 1984, but was fully adopted by all arms of the airline in 1987
Today, Atlantean Airways has approximately 358 destinations within Atlantia and abroad, not including routes serviced by Atlantean Airlink and has 661 aircraft as of 2025. The airline displays an affinity for Boeing aircraft, but recent controversy involving the nominal successor to the Boeing 737 NG, the Boeing 737 MAX, has caused Atlantean to consider Atlantean's traditional rival Airbus for renewal of the fleet.
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History of Atlantean Airways Jet Age liveries
Current Atlantean Airways Fleet
Passenger Aircraft
Boeing 737-700(SFP) - 140 Boeing 737-800(HGW) - 189 Boeing 737-800(SFP) - 29 Boeing 737-900ER - 148 Boeing 767-200 (Domestic Configuration) - 40 Boeing 767-300 - 12 Boeing 767-300ER - 37 Boeing 767-400ER - 20
Atlantean Airways Freight
Boeing 747-200BCF - 24 Boeing 767-300F - 22 Boeing 737-400SF - 40 Bombardier DHC-8-402PF - 48
Atlantean Airways Regional Airlink
Bombardier Q400 - 142 Embraer E175 - 48 Embraer E190 - 56 Embraer E190AR - 10
PS: Yes, the current Atlantean Airways livery is based on Qantas.
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turisiancom · 5 months ago
TURISIAN.com - BBN Airlines Indonesia resmi mengudara pada 27 September 2024, menandai kehadiran pemain baru di industri penerbangan nasional. Maskapai yang berbasis di Jakarta ini didirikan pada Agustus 2022 dan merupakan bagian dari Avia Solutions Group. Perusagaan raksasa penyedia layanan penerbangan global berbasis di Dublin, Irlandia. Avia Solutions Group dikenal mengelola 199 pesawat yang beroperasi di berbagai belahan dunia, dengan fokus pada layanan ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance). BACA JUGA: Maskapai Super Air Jet Kembali Buka Rute Ke Bandara Hanandjoedin Belitung Di luar itu, grup ini juga menawarkan berbagai layanan pendukung seperti perawatan pesawat (MRO), pelatihan awak, hingga layanan ground handling. Swedangkan, pada Desember 2023, BBN Airlines mendapat suntikan modal sebesar US$ 6,2 juta dari induk perusahaannya, sehingga nilai total maskapai mencapai US$ 14 juta. Setahun sebelumnya, pada Agustus 2023, maskapai ini resmi mengantongi Air Operator Certificate (AOC). Diikuti dengan penambahan armada berupa satu Boeing 737-400SF dan tiga Boeing 737-800NG pada November. Sementara itu, Chairman BBN Airlines Indonesia, Martynas Grigas, optimistis terhadap masa depan maskapainya. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Scoot Tambah Rute ke Kertajati dan Melaka, Pesawat Baru Siap Meluncur “Dengan dukungan dari Avia Solutions Group, kami menargetkan dapat mengoperasikan 40 pesawat pada akhir 2027,” ujarnya. Grigas berharap langkah strategis ini akan memperkuat industri penerbangan di Indonesia, baik untuk pasar domestik maupun internasional. Saat ini, BBN Airlines melayani rute Cengkareng-Surabaya dengan frekuensi tujuh kali seminggu. Sementara itu, rute Cengkareng-Balikpapan mulai beroperasi 30 September 2024, juga dengan jadwal yang sama. Tak ketinggalan, maskapai ini akan membuka penerbangan harian ke Denpasar mulai 2 Oktober mendatang. ***
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mehmetkali · 2 years ago
Astral Aviation ve Etihad Cargo işbirliği
Astral Aviation ve Etihad Cargo işbirliği
Astral Aviation ve Etihad Cargo, mevcut ortaklıklarını genişletmek ve Abu Dabi ile Nairobi arasındaki işbirliğini güçlendirmek için bir Anlayış Memorandumu (MoU) imzalayan iki kargo havayolu şirketidir. Bu anlaşma ile Etihad Cargo, Afrika pazarına daha da ulaşarak Nairobi üzerinden Abu Dabi’ye ek hizmetler sunacak ve müşterilerine ek kargo kapasitesi sağlayacaktır. Anlaşma, Astral Aviation ve Etihad Cargo arasında mevcut kapasitenin %50’sini paylaşacak ve Etihad Cargo’nun küresel ağının dünya genelindeki destinasyonlara bağlantısını güçlendirecektir.
Bu işbirliği, Etihad Cargo’nun Afrika ağına olan erişimini genişletecek ve Nairobi’den hem içeri hem de dışarı daha fazla kargo kapasitesi sunacak, böylece iki şehir arasındaki bağlantıyı güçlendirecek ve kritik bir Afrika geçidi oluşturacaktır. Bu ortaklık, her iki havayolunun müşterileri için yeni fırsatlar yaratacak ve kazan-kazan bir işbirliği olacaktır.
Etihad Cargo ve Astral Aviation arasındaki ortaklığın genişletilmesi, Etihad Cargo’nun Afrika pazarındaki yeteneklerini daha da artıracaktır. 2021 yılında, Etihad Cargo, kıtada ilaç taşımacılığı için güvenilir ve maliyet etkin hava kargo çözümleri sağlamak için Astral Aviation ile bir Hizmet Seviyesi Anlaşması (SLA) imzalamıştı. Bu anlaşma, Etihad Cargo’nun ilaç ve GDP yönetmeliklerine uygunluğunu sağlamak için taşıyıcıların tam uyumunu garanti etti.
Astral Aviation, Afrika’da planlı ve charter uçuşları yapan bir kargo havayolu şirketidir ve Avrupa, Asya ve Orta Doğu’ya da uçuşlar gerçekleştirir. Filosunda Boeing 747-400F, Boeing 767-200F, Boeing 727-200F, McDonnell Douglas DC-9-34F, Fokker F27-500F ve Cessna Caravan C208B uçakları bulunmaktadır. Astral Aviation, The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), African Airlines Association (AFRAA) ve Neutral Air Partner (NAP) üyelerindendir.
Etihad Cargo, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nin ulusal havayolu olan Etihad Airways’in kargo ve lojistik koludur. Filosunda Boeing 777-200F, Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner, Airbus A330-200F, Airbus A321P2F ve Boeing 737-400SF uçakları bulunmaktadır. Etihad Cargo, dünya genelinde 90’dan fazla destinasyona genç ve çevre dostu Boeing ve Airbus uçaklarıyla hizmet vermektedir. Etihad Cargo, IATA’nın İlaç Lojistiği için Bağımsız Doğrulayıcılar (CEIV) Mükemmellik Merkezi üyesidir.
The post Astral Aviation ve Etihad Cargo işbirliği first appeared on 0 554 1730000 I [email��protected] / Güncel Havacılık Haberleri.
source https://www.aeroportist.com/astral-aviation-ve-etihad-cargo-isbirligi/
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dekoration-und-lebensstil · 6 years ago
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Luxuriöse & moderne 400sf Tiny Home in Wisconsin von utopischen Villen
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remash · 7 years ago
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coastal cabin ~ upoko architects | photos by david straight
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ncdweller · 5 years ago
Waiting on the shipping quote for two 500 gallon water tanks.
I was weighing the merits of well water vs rain water.
Yes, I have a nicely insulated well house now, but still no power to it, and once we rewire the house to get power out there, does the well pump even work?
Two tanks run $800 plus shipping, I'll need a pump, but have the expansion tank and related plumbing and switches.
This pump will run on 120VAC (or 12VDC?), and we are woefully short of 220VAC circuits, so that's a good thing.
The whole house filter system remains the same.
We have about 3300sf of roofing, and I'm running calculations for 400sf with rainfall data going back to 1937. With those numbers, we would never have run out of water (visiting only on weekends as we do now.)
We can add another tank later once we are there full time.
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ryuichi0219 · 5 years ago
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gotinybefree · 8 years ago
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Getting all the walls up, in place and connected before putting on the double top plates, bracing and finally ridge beam and rafters... (swipe right to see the progression) #tinyhousebuild #diy #diytinyhouse #gotinybefree #goosenecktinyhouse #TaHOWtinyhouse #thow #tinyhouseonwheels #tinyhouse #400sf #framing #wallraising #gopro #goosenecktrailer #houseframing (at Huntsville, Alabama)
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sentinelchicken · 6 years ago
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Here’s a rare bird in the skies, not because of the type or the airline but the combination. As of January 2019, UPS has 13 Boeing 747-400 freighters in its fleet, but two of them are not 747-400Fs but started out as 747-400 Combi aircraft with EVA Air- N579UP (this aircraft) and N578UP are what are designated 747-400BCFs for “Boeing Converted Freighter”. Originally called the 747-400SF for “Special Freighter”, the program was launched in 2004 with conversions by Boeing-approved contractors like HAECO, KAL Aerospae and SIA Engineering. The 747-400BCF has no nose cargo door- freight can only be loaded on the main deck through the side cargo door. N579UP and N578UP being originally built as Combis surely made them an attractive proposition for cargo conversion. The first 747-400BCF went to Cathay Pacific Cargo (who has since retired them). UPS got their two 747-400BCFs in 2008. #Avgeek #aviation #aircraft #planeporn #KDFW #DFW #airport #igTexas #planespotting #airlines #Boeing #747 #UPS #N579UP #DFWavgeek #instagramaviation #splendid_transport #instaaviation #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #flight #Avgeekery #AvgeekSchoolofKnowledge (at Founders Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7EjcQlQH-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w2egx3z7wjgp
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aviaposter · 2 years ago
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Boeing 737-400SF Swiftair operated for DHL Aviation
Registration: EC-MEY Type: 737-476SF Engines: 2 × CFMI CFM56-3C1 Serial Number: 24438 First flight: Nov 12, 1991
Swiftair S.A. is an airline headquartered in Madrid, Spain. It operates scheduled and charter, passenger and cargo flights in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Its main base is Madrid–Barajas Airport. The airline was founded in 1986. Swiftair currently has a fleet of 47 aircraft with varying sizes & payloads including Boeing 737, 757, ATR and Embraer 120. On 1 March 2018 DHL awarded a charter contract to Swiftair. DHL Aviation is a division of DHL responsible for providing air transport capacity. It is not a single airline but a group of airlines that are either owned, co-owned or chartered by DHL Express.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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Home with nice curb appeal in an established neighborhood! This home has approx 2000+ SQ and is Centrally located in Titusville. Interior floor plan design features 4bdrms, 2baths, spacious living & dining area & has been well maintained and is CLEAN! AC is brand new in 2019 and the roof is approx 10-12yrs old! Nice open floor plan offers lots of room for all your family & guests. Kitchen features white cabinets, appliances and a bright sunny kitchen window allowing for all that good sunshine! The bonus room is a fantastic room that has approx 400sf(w/Heat&Air) of extra space for the large family/gatherings on those special holidays and fun! Backyard is an ample size and has a wooden fence for your pets.This home has been neatly maintained and will not disappoint! See it before it's gone! $199,900 1627 Littler Drive Titusville Fl 32780 For more information go to www.MutterRealEstateGroup.com. #reallivingmutterrealestategroup #mutterrealestategroup #launchingyourdreams #forsale #homeforsale #royaloak #royaloakgolfclub #titusville #titusvillefl #titusvilleflorida #northbrevard #brevardcounty #spacecoast #sellingthespacecoast #realtor #reallivingrealestate #realtorlife (at Royal Oak Resort & Golf Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPRMIvJed8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k0703wtu4db3
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turisiancom · 1 year ago
TURISIAN.com - BBN Airlines Indonesia, yang baru-baru ini memperoleh izin komersial terus menambah armadanya, menyusul tingginya permintaan penerbangan. Sebagaimana diketahui, BBN Airlines Indonesia pada akhir Agustus--saat izin diberikan akan menerbangkan dua pesawat. Namun, kini perusahaan telah menambahkan empat pesawat Boeing baru pada bulan ini saja. Dengan penambahan ini, jumlah armada mereka telah melonjak tiga kali lipat dibandingkan saat pertama kali melangkah ke Indonesia. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Batik Air Buka Rute Baru Denpasar-Adelaide, Gaet Wisatawan Australia Pencapaian ini mendapatkan sambutan positif. Terutama setelah BBN Airlines Indonesia berhasil memperoleh Air Operator Certificate (AOC) untuk layanan kargo. Permintaan tak terhitung banyaknya mulai mengalir, termasuk dari Kementerian Luar Negeri Indonesia yang meminta pengiriman 20 ton material. Termasuk,  bahan baku untuk mendukung rehabilitasi Bandara Internasional Port Vila di Vanuatu. Sementara itu, Martynas Grigas, Chairman BBN Airlines Indonesia, menyatakan kedatangan empat pesawat baru ini adalah bagian dari rencana pihaknya. Yakni untuk membawa total 40 pesawat ke Indonesia hingga akhir tahun 2027. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Penerbangan AirAsia Luncurkan Promo Tiket Rp.45.000 "Kami berkomitmen memenuhi kebutuhan penerbangan di Indonesia," katanya dalam keterangan persnya, hari ini. Sedangkan, Boeing tipe B737-800 BCF menjadi andalan khusus dalam layanan kargo BBN Airlines Indonesia. Dalam sebulan ini, perusahaan berhasil mengakuisisi empat unit pesawat Boeing. Termasuk satu unit B737-400SF dan tiga unit B737-800NG untuk meningkatkan layanan penumpang. Keempat pesawat tersebut akan segera menjalani redelivery check di hanggar FL Technics Indonesia begitu tiba di Tanah Air. BACA JUGA: Maskapai Ini Pindah Tempat, Untuk Tujuan Bandung ke Denpasar Bali Hal ini, guna  memastikan mereka siap beroperasi dalam melayani berbagai rute domestik dan internasional. Maskapai ini juga  tidak hanya menawarkan layanan penerbangan reguler. Namun juga menyediakan layanan kargo dan penumpang charter, ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance). Ini, sekaligus menegaskan posisinya sebagai pemain utama dalam industri penerbangan Indonesia yang terus berkembang. ***
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myersflooring · 2 years ago
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A fellow contractor and I started setting this big floor yesterday - about 400sf in 5 hours...not too bad for 2 installers and no helpers! We'll be finishing it during this upcoming week, so cabinets can get set on it. The material is wood-plank 8x40 tile, set on 1/3 bond. If you'd like to see more of our current and past work, visit our Photo Gallery page at www.MyersFlooring.com (clickable link in bio) . . . #myersflooring #myers_flooring #tileinstallation #tilelove #tiledesign #tilestyle #tilework #tilelife #tilerspride #tilecontractor #tilefloor #homeremodel #homeremodeling #tiletips #remodelingideas #woodplanktile #porcelaintile #lookslikewood #largeformattiles #largeformattile #largeformatporcelain https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1MsuruyCH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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